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Monday, April 4th, 2022

The Honorable Bryan Cutler

Speaker of the House
139 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202100
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2100
[email protected]


Dear Speaker Cutler,

We are writing to collectively demand that the Pennsylvania House of

Representatives initiate a formal investigation into Attorney General Josh Shapiro
and his Office for the manufacture and transfer of an un-serialized weapon for a
New York resident in violation of both state and federal laws. See 18 U.S.C
§ 922(a)(5), 18 Pa. C.S. § 6111(c).

The Attorney General is our Commonwealth's elected Chief Law Enforcement
Officer, and the Office of the Attorney General works under his authority and
direction to effectuate justice on behalf of Pennsylvania and our citizens. The
commission of any crime by the Attorney General or his agents is unacceptable.
There is no “law enforcement exception” to justice and Mr. Shapiro and his agents
must be held to the same standard that they hold our citizens to.

Earlier this year, NBC News Reporter Vaughn Hillyard, purchased two firearms
build kits at the Oaks Gun Show, as part of a “hidden camera” investigation
attempting to show the public how easy it was to manufacture a firearm from a kit.
Ironically, Mr. Hillyard was apparently unable to finish the kit, and reached out to
Attorney General Shapiro for assistance. Thereafter, Mr. Hillyard met up with
“special agents from the AG's office, who agreed to use the kit [he] purchased
from the show and build it into a ghost gun.” Once the kit was complete, the
agents of the Attorney General gave Mr. Hillyard, a resident of New York State, a
finished firearm. This investigation was broadcast on/about March 17th, 2022.

Mr. Shapiro and his office know this was illegal as he has prosecuted individuals
for exactly these actions. Under federal law, it is illegal “for any person ... to
transfer ... any firearm to any person ... who the transferor knows or has reasonable
cause to believe does not reside in ... the State in which the transferor resides[.]”
18 U.S.C § 922(a)(5). Under Pennsylvania law, it is illegal for any person to “sell
or transfer a firearm to another unlicensed person” without doing so through a
firearms licensee. 18 Pa. C.S. § 6111(c).

Our nation is founded on a system of justice. Our Founders worked hard to cast off
the tyranny of English nobility, and therefore created a system to ensure that equal
justice applies to all. The legislature is an important part of that system, acting as a
“check and balance” on the executive in our constitutional republic, particularly
when a member of the executive or his agents act as lawbreakers.
It is the duty and responsibility of the Pennsylvania General Assembly to therefore
investigate—and if necessary—hold our Attorney General accountable for any
violations of the law or his oath of office that may have occurred.

We respectfully call on the Speaker of the House or Representatives to duly
initiate a formal investigation into the actions of Attorney General Josh Shapiro
and the Office of the Attorney General regarding the above matter; and that such
investigation begin immediately; and be conducted with the full investigative
authority and powers of the House pursuant to Rule 51 of General Operating Rules
of the House of Representatives.


Alan M. Gottlieb Patrick Parsons

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President
Second Amendment Foundation American Firearms Association
[email protected] [email protected]

Erich M. Pratt Dudley Brown

Senior Vice President President
Gun Owners of America National Association for Gun Rights
[email protected] [email protected]

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Firearms Association
[email protected]

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