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of Printed Pages : 4 IBO-03



Term-End Examination,
December 2019
Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 70%)

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe the salient features of India's balance of

payments and discuss the two policy measures that have
effected significant changes in India's balance of
payments position. 10+10

2. What are the various measures taken by the Government

of India to enhance agricultural exports? What strategies
would you suggest to boost exports of agricultural
products. 12+8

3. a) Explain the role of World Trade Organisation

(WTO) in World Trade. 10
b) State the position of India-CIS Trade. 10

IBO-03 P.T.O.

4. "Unlike merchandise trade where border measures

like tariffs and alternative restrictions become
important, international trade in services gets
affected by some specific non-border aspects".
Discuss. 10
b) Outline the avenues and prospects of India's
chemical exports. 10

5. Describe the recent economic developments in Japan and

its foreign trade. Also state the composition of its exports
and imports and their markets. 6+7+7

6. Explain the rationale of export promotion policies in

India and discuss the guidelines for effective export
promotion strategies being adopted. 10+10

7. Analyse the avenues and prospects of India's electronic

items for the global market. Also state weaknesses of
Indian electronic commodities. 15+5

8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :

a) India's competitive advantages and disadvantages
in leather exports
b) India-US Trade
c) Constraints Hampering Effective Export Promotion
d) Major problems of India's Export sector


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1. 11-R-ff*9r-d-TR ti"t -srgu traTrff TTRTI

1#1 14 - -q *PA-RI- 4 lirrd wrffr-4 Yea
- -4q A-6-- Ekul trfto-44
33-Rrr tl 10+10

2. TNf3ezIT41 ft4d -4 114 6,1-1117 .1*.h1( gRi 1*7.11

4;q-r t-RT- chl r44id- .41 qdj4 RIR am
a.)14-11('cf TO' N c ? 12+8

3. a) f474 oelp-m A fa7-4 oqp-IR H 4 11:54

4arrA- 1 10
b) #f.3111.7:1. 0e411-1R 3 ku *rr411 10

IB0-03 P.T.O.

4. a) "00-041fzchLud Er{
61 t., Mara
3-1-4-{t4 «41,41( Tufq*(=T
. s 41H1acif A 5P-Trraa

ti" fa-4-4471 10
b) 411-Tff 4 F-44f-d FMS 4H4 (Avenues)2TT 3-TRIT3T1
(Prospects) dTr c444Qi771 10

5. ,311414 W471 0411-1112fT .$-Fk> Irf aTak fawm TiT444

- tr-A-71 ft41-d-3l-Rrr4
- kik.-11 74 wr-ARI 3-A-4g
Q-F--A7I 6+7+7

6. 11441-4 1471k 444 trr-4-4i o'-IR9411

5[4-r-47ftF Tre4 W4
- snRT-4 f tTr7 sr4-4
- 'TRW
*f771 10+10

7. 17-41-4 FMS *cr•11:1 ,4.4 4t c 3T1 H14

(Avenues) 'ff2TT TiV1-4-4TA (Prospects) (=w)qul Q171
ITR-d2r4 413-11 1 1air4ft3 Qf-471

8. 144-4 ri tgd f-*-7-et t ITT co-41(9411cHeb du-I NI fR;11

a) '1TRT -ciHsi ftzti-d). ArdTqqfF-1 7F-441"
b) 4-r-{4- 4-54ff tl 31-4-1-rwr oqiw
c) 714-4t A-4k Na -SRER11 r 344-AtT (Constraints)
d) vra f-44ia. 1-ff-c*-14-111(


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