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Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven

Chapter 2

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This guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the
game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for
each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[CharacterName] Relationship Points gained/lost per character.

[CharacterName] Love Points gained/lost per character.
[Light] Affects character affinity in a positive way.
[Dark] Affects character affinity in a negative way.
[Dom] Affects character dominance.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.
Other such misc point variables will also be listed in orange.

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

1. Disarm her.
 Shoot her. [GunShot]
 Throw the gun away.

2. Choose one:
A) Be direct. [Vici-1]
B) Comfort her. [Vici+1]

3. Choose one:
A) Insensitive joke.
B) Joke. [Nami+1]
C) Nothing.

4. Choose one:
A) Be rude. [Nami-1] [Maja-1]
B) Insensitive joke. [Maja-1]
C) Say nothing, just stare. [Nami+1]

5. Choose one:
A) Apologize.
B) Then stop it. [Nami-1]

Living Room
6. Choose one:
A) Be honest. [Nami+3] [NamiHonest]
B) Leave. [NamiMad]

7. Choose one:
A) Yes. [Trey-1]
B) No. [Trey+1]

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

8. Choose one:
A) Stare at them. [Dom+1]
B) Ask again.
C) Look away. [Dom-1]

9. Choose one:
A) Okay. [Jeff+1] [Trey+1]
B) We’ll see. [Jeff-1]

10. Choose one:
A) Sure. [Nami+1] [Light+1]
B) No. [Nami-1] [Dark+1]
C) Let’s see. [Nami-1]

Outside School
11. Choose one:
A) No. I won’t. [Mila-3] [Dark+1]
B) Why are you interested in me? [MilaTalk]
 Joke. [Mila+2] [Light+1]
 I don’t need your help. [Mila-1] [Dark+1]
 I will. [Mila+1]

12. Choose one:

A) I don’t want to. [Maja-2] [Dark+1]
B) Okay.

Note: [Vici] reset to =1 by default.

13. Choose one:

A) Yes, especially cooked. [Vici-1]
B) Yes, especially dolphins.
 Their flesh. [Vici-1]
 I just like them. [Vici+1]
 Brutal sarcasm. [Vici-1] [Dark+1]

14. Choose one:

A) They’re bitches.
B) I don’t know them.
C) Well, at least they’re hot. [ToldViciTheyHot]

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

15. Choose one:

A) Can you stop smiling at me? [Dark+1]
B) You’re creepy.
C) Goodbye.

Chapter 2

Note: [Vici] is reset to =2, [Mila] is reset to =1.

1. Choose one:
A) *sigh* Yes. [Maja+2] [Light+1] [Babysit]
B) For a favor in the future. [Maja+1] [MajaFavor] [Babysit]
C) No. [Maja-3] [Dark+1]

Note: #2 is only for those who obtained [Babysit], & did NOT obtain [MajaFavor].
2. Choose one:
A) That won’t be hard… You’re pretty hot. [Nami+1]
B) Good luck.

Note: #3 is only for those who obtained [Gunshot].

3. Choose one:
A) Sure. [Nami+1] [NGOP]
B) No. [Nami-1]

4. Choose one:
A) Let her in and leave.
B) Let her in the shower. [ShowerTog]
 I prefer girls with tits.
 I prefer Summer.
 I like Mila. [Wingnami]
Note: Only if [MilaTalk].

Note: If you obtained [Jeff] =1, then you will obtain [Fit+1]
If you obtained [ShowerTog], then you will obtain [NamiGrounded].

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Note: #5-8 are only for those who obtained [Jeff] =1. {No} {Go to #9}
5. Choose one:
A) Threaten her. [Dark+2] [BellaThreat] [Dom+1]
B) Train without Jeff. [BellaSafe]
C) Wait for Jeff.

Gym Shower
6. Choose one:
A) I don’t mind that. [Dom+1]
B) Good.

Note: #7 is only for those who obtained [MilaTalk].

7. Choose one:
A) I do. [Mila+3] [Light+1] [JeffComp]
B) I don’t’ know.
C) Not really. [Mila-2] [Dark+1]

8. Choose one:
A) I don’t think she is that bad. [Bella+2]
Note: A will only appear if you obtained [BellaSafe].
B) I’m not afraid of her.
Note: B will only appear if you obtained [BellaThreat].
C) I am careful.
D) I’m not afraid of her.
Note: D will only appear if you did NOT obtain [BellaThreat].

Note: #9 is only for those who obtained [MilaTalk].
9. Choose one:
A) Hug her back. [Mila+1]
B) Block it.
C) Hug her tight. [Mila+2]
Note: C will only appear if you obtained [Light] >=2.

10. Choose one:

A) Yes. [Mila+2]
B) No. [Mila-1]

Note: #11 is only for those who obtained [BellaThreat].

11. Choose one:
A) Stare back. [Dom+1]
B) Don’t look at her. [Dom-1] [Know+1]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [BellaThreat], then [Know+1].

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Coffee Shop
Note: #12 is only for those who obtained [MilaTalk].
12. Choose one:
A) More like acquaintances. [Mila-2]
B) Yes, we are. [Mila+2]

13. Choose one:

A) Go on a date with Victoria. [VicDate]
B) I’m not interested, sorry.

14. Choose one:

A) Sometimes. [Vici+1]
B) Not really. [Vici-1]

15. Yes. (Your Choice)

16. Choose one:
A) Interfere. [Mila+2]
B) Leave with Mila.

Note: #17 is only for those who obtained [MilaTalk].

17. Choose one:
A) Want me to beat them up? [Mila+1] [Mila+2]
B) Ignoring them is the best you can do.

18. Choose one:
A) Give them a subtle smile. [Mila+1] [Vici+1]
B) Don’t.

19. Choose one:

A) Hug her. [Vici+1]
B) Leave. [Vici-1]

20. Choose one:
A) Because I’m going to fuck him up. [BellaKnowMario]
B) I’m just curious.

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Note: #21 is only for those who obtained [BellaKnowMario].
21. Choose one:
A) Yes. [Bella+2] [Dark+2] [BellaVsMario]
B) No.

Note: #22 is only for those who obtained [BellaVsMario].
22. Choose one:
A) Meet up with Bella. [Bella+1] [Nami-1] [BellaMeet]
 You could be worse. [Bella+1]
 Probably. [Bella-1]
 Say nothing.
B) Stay at home. [Bella-5] [Nami+5]
 You did? [Nami+1] [NamiSexTlk] [NamiSleep]
 Goodnight, Nami. [NamiSleep]

Note: If you did not obtain [BellaVsMario], then you will obtain [BellaMeet1].

Note: #23 is only for those who did NOT obtain [BellaVsMario].
23. Choose one:
A) You did? [Nami+1] [NamiSexTlk] [NamiSleep]
B) Goodnight, Nami. [NamiSleep]

24. Choose one:
A) Winning. [MrsHill+2] [MrsTahl+2]
B) Food. [MrsHill-1] [MrsTahl-1]
C) SpongeBob SquarePants. [MrsHill-2] [MrsTahl+2]
D) Crushing enemies. [MrsHill+1] [MrsTahl+3] [Dark+1]

Note: If you obtained [BellaMeet], then you will obtain [Nadia+2]

Else you will obtain [BellaKnee].

Note: #25 is only for those who did NOT obtain [BellaMeet].
25. Choose one:
A) Yes. [BNOP]
B) No.

Note: If you obtained [VicDate] & [ToldViciTheyHot], then you will obtain [Bella+2].
If you obtained [GunShot], then you will obtain [Bella+3].

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Note: #26 is only for those who obtained [BellaMeet].
26. Choose one:
A) Tell her the story about Summer. [Bella+2] [BellaSummer]
B) Don’ tell her.

Note: #27 is only for those who obtained [MilaTalk].

27. Choose one:
A) I trust Mila. [MilaTrust]
B) I don’t trust Mila.

28. Choose one:
A) Then why are you, you?
Note: If you did NOT obtain [BellaMeet] & [BNOP], then you will obtain [Bella+2].
B) We’ll see.

29. Choose one:
A) I promise you. [Vici+5] [VicPromise]
B) End it there.

Chapter 3

Note: You will obtain [NHL

Note: #1 is only for those who obtained [VicPromise].
1. Choose one:
A) Hold her hand. [Maja+1]
B) Remove her hand.

2. Choose one:
A) Tell her. [Maja+2]
B) Don’t tell her.

Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Note: #3 is only for those who did NOT obtained [BellaMeet].
3. Choose one:
A) Watch a porno with Nami. [NMP]
 Hardcore. [NP1H]
 Lesbian. [NP1L]
o Innie. [NPInnie]
o The one with bigger lips. [NPLips]
 Bukkake [NP1G]
o I think I would prefer being… [NPMCKS]
o I think I would prefer being in… [NPMCKD]
B) Don’t watch porn with her.

Note: #4-5 are only for those who obtained [BellaMeet].

4. Choose one:
A) Tell Nami what you and Bella did. [Nami+1] [NKAB]
B) Don’t tell her. [Nami-1]

5. Choose one:
A) Go to her room.
 Join her in bed. [NSIRH]
o I’d like that. [NSleep03]
▪ Stay still. [NLIH03]
▪ What the hell are you…
o It would be weird.
 Leave.
B) Go to bed.

6. Choose one:
A) Sit next to Sonya. [SonyaTalk]
B) Don’t sit with her.

7. Choose one:
A) Comfort her. [Mila+1] [Ayua+1] [Marla+1] [MilaComfort03]
B) Don’t comfort her.

8. Choose one:
A) Ask her out for dinner. [Mila+2] [MilaDate]
 Yes, I am.
Note: If [VicDate], then [MilaDateF], else [Mila+1] [MilaDate]
 Only as friends. [MilaDateF]
B) Don’t ask her out.

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Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

9. Choose one:
A) Fine with me. [AyuaSparring]
B) No thanks, I can handle myself just fine.

10. Choose one:

A) Objectively, she has a very attractive body. [Karen+3] [BJeal+1]
B) Some people like curves.
C) I have no type.

11. Choose one:

A) You should give Bella some slack. [BllAmb+1]
 Please apologize to her. [Amber+3] [BllAmb+2] [AmberAp]
 I don’t want to interfere.
B) She needs a firm hand. [BllAmb-1]

12. Choose one:

A) You were right… We aren’t so different. [Bella+1] [BTY]
B) Don’t say it.

Note: #13 is only for those who obtained [MilaDate].

13. Choose one:
A) Let’ keep it friendly at first. [MilaDateF]
B) I would call it a date yes.

Note: #14 is only for those who obtained [BYT].

14. Choose one:
A) Refuse to change while she’s present.
B) Change with her being present. [MCBL+1] [UMB]
 You do look… decent. [Bella+2]
 Don’t compliment her.

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Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

15. Choose one:
A) You’ll always play a significant role in my life.
 I’m starting to like her.
Note: Sub-choices will only appear if [MCBL] =1
o ..I- I think I am falling for her. [NB+1] [NEWB]
▪ No thanks.
▪ Okay… Weirdo. [NamiLessons]
o Just a normal amount, duh.
▪ No thanks.
▪ Okay… Weirdo. [NamiLessons]
 She doesn’t mean anything to me. [NB-1]
Note: If [BellaMeet], then [NWB].
 I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind…
B) It was a different situation back then. [Nami-2] [Namix+1]

IMPORTANT: For the next choice go to the proper label for your choice accept if you chose not
to go, then I will tell you what number to jump to.

16. Choose one:

A) Invite Nami to the gym. [Fit+1] [NamiGym]
Note: Will only appear if [Namix] =0.
B) Invite Bella to the gym. [Fit+1] [BellaGym]
Note: Will only appear if [BYT].
C) Invite Mila to the gym. [Fit+1] [MilaGym]
Note: Will only appear if [MilaTalk].
D) Go one your own. [Fit+1] [GymAlone]
E) Don’t go to the gym. [NoGymCh3] {Go to #23}

Gym Alone
Note: #17 is only for those who obtained [BYT].
17. Choose one:
A) Train with them. [Mobile+1]
B) Thanks I’d like to train on my own.

{Go to #23}

Nami Gym
18. Choose one:
A) I will spot you. [Nami+1] [Niap+1]
 Fine. [Nami+1] [NamiSymLvl+1]
 I think you will be fine.
B) I’m not experienced enough.

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Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Note: If [Fit] =2, then [NamiSx+1] & [NinaSx+1].

{Go to #23}

Bella Gym
Note: If [BellaSafe], then [Bella+1].

19. Choose one:

A) Yes. [Bella+1]
Note: If [BellaSummer], then [Bella+1]
B) I am not interfering with Nami’s business. [Bella-1]

Note: If [Bellameet], then [Brace].

20. Choose one:

A) Go say hi to her. [MilaTalk] [TalkWMilaGym]
Note: Sub-choice will only appear if [MilaDate]
 Change date into a friendly one. [MilaDateF1]
 Keep it a serious date.
B) Don’t.

Note: #21 is only for those who obtained [TalkwMilaGym].

21. Choose one:
A) Stop it.
B) Don’t tell her to stop. [MBFAC]

{Go to #23}

Mila Gym
22. Choose one:
A) Compliment her butt. [Mila+1] [MGP03]
 Yea, I do prefer butts. [MMCPB03]
 To be honest, I do prefer breasts. [MMCBB03]
 I like both equally. [MFAnal]
B) Ignore it and don’t say anything.

Note: If you did NOT obtain [BellaGym] & [Brace], then [BraceNadia].

Note: #23 is only for those who obtained [Maja] =1.

23. Choose one:
A) Sure. [MajaVicCinema]
B) I can’t sorry.

Note: If [Fit] =2, [Nadia+1].

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Official Summers Gone Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2

Miss Marla
24. Choose one:
A) Knock at her door.
B) Just go in. [MMC]
 What’s wrong? [Marla+1]
 I don’t care.

25. Choose one:

A) Thank him. [Jeff+1]
B) I could’ve handled it. [Jeff-1]
C) Don’t say anything.

Amber Therapy
Note: #26 is only for those who obtained [Bella] >=2 & [MCBL] >=1.
26. Choose one:
A) I’m starting to like her. [Bella+1] [Amber+2] [BYF]
B) Neutral.

Note: #27 is only for those who obtained [MMC].

27. Choose one:
A) Tell her about Miss Marla. [Amber+1] [Marla+3] [AMMC]
B) Don’t tell her about it.

28. Choose one:

A) Can I count on you to have an eye on Nami? [JNS]
B) Don’t ask him.

29. Choose one:

A) I actually like Bella. [Bella+1] [Ayua+2] [Nadia+2] [AYTNA]
B) It’s more of a business meeting. [Bella-2]

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