Activity 1 - My Self Through The Years

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Activity 1 My Self Through the Years

Paste a picture of you when you were in elementary, in high school,

and now that you are in college. Below the picture, list down your salient
characteristics that you remember.


After having examined your “self” in its different stages, fill out the table

Similarities in all Differences in my Possible reasons for

stages “self” across the three the differences in me
stages of my life

 Personality  Cognitive  Apprehensive in

 Well-mannered Behavior life
 Holistically  Increased  Traumas
developed aplomb in any  Failures
 Perfectionist circumstances  Influences
 Adaptive in life  Self- Validation  Lessons
 Level of  Self-Discoveries
 Focus in life
Answer the following questions cogently but honestly. Write your
answers in the space provided.

1. How would you describe yourself?

I presume the personality that rendered the basis of my social life was being a
person whose sorely desperate to delved for knowledge, a perfectionist, well-
mannered and the meticulous child of the family. This image has been
marked by my environment since the early stage of my adolescence.
Consequently, it is highly conspicuous when you meet me in person.

2. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual?

The influence of my family plays an indispensable role for my development as
an individual. My family were the first advisers that introduced the basic life
system of humanity and taught me how to adapt culture. Hence, their
parenting method has affected my personality as I grew up living with their
authority. Subsequently, I became more cognitive in life which implies
accepting moral dilemmas and having refined behavior in making decisions as
an individual.

3. Think of a time when you felt you were your true self. What made you
think you were truly who you are during this time of your life?
I assume it was that time when my parents argued and planned on having a
divorce. It was a blindside dilemma we’ve face in life which our world turns
upside down in an instant. Wherefor, I decided to abrupt their conversation
and said words that could wake them to reality. I was truly desperate at that
time which thinking of the consequences of having a separated parents is a
heartsore to the family.
4. When was/were the time/s you felt you were not your true self? Why
did you have to live a life like that? What did you do about it?
I presume I was not in my true self when I go around in gatherings. It started
since I was a in my mid-adolescence. I’ve often used the method as a
defense mechanism from toxic social communion. As a result, it gives me
more comfort and security from my zone to identify good people which I want
to be with in social gatherings or occasions.

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