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(Enclosed to the Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BLDTBXH dated February 20, 2017 by Ministry
of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs)
1. Instructing, announcing plan, inspecting and expediting the plan implementation.
Pursuant to the official dispatch on organization of month of action of occupational safety
and sanitation for Long Son Project Committee.
2. The Launching Ceremony of the Occupational Safety and Health Action Month (if any).
3. The activities organized in the Action Month
- Communication: Enhancing the propaganda on the media, developing content and timely
providing news, articles and photos to the regions on the implementation of the Action Month
on OSH in Package; distribute materials, publications on occupational safety and sanitation
Officials-engineers, workers at the project.
- Continue organizing the inspection and examination of the work of labor safety and
- Organize a number of thematic safety and hygiene activities and community activities with
the participation of the main contractor and all employees:
+ Organizing consultancy activities, supporting the area to improve working conditions;
+ Continuing information and propaganda activities in response to the Month of Action on
OSH; organize activities at the project such as culture, arts and entertainment to promote
OSH month.
4. Funding for the Occupational Safety and Health Action Month
- Funding from state budget or funds of the business and production establishment
as expected by management
- Funds derived from state budget, contributions by enterprises and other legal sources of
funding (if any)
1. Achievements; experiences
- Propagating the OSH Action Month has been promoted with practical and specific content,
which has contributed to raising employees' awareness. Since then, activities of training,
inspecting and examining OSH have been concerned and organized by the departments,
contributing to timely detecting and preventing risks of occupational accidents. As a result,
during the month of Action, the inter-sectoral inspection team organized inspection of five
areas under the B / C package for implementation of OSH; training to improve OSH capacity
for more than 200 employees. Enterprises all organize cleaning on the spot; check, maintain
equipment and facilities.
2. Difficulties, shortcomings
- The legal system on occupational safety and health is still overlapping and dispersed; the
promulgation of guiding documents is still slow, making it difficult for the implementation of
OSH regulations
- The system of organizational structure of the project is in general lacking and weak,
inadequate between functions and tasks.
- Compliance with the OSH legislation of the majority of workers is currently not serious,
many workers implement regulations that are against the inspection of the Project
Management Unit.
3. Proposals
After more than half a year since the project started, the OSH at the project has been
increasingly completed, achieved many achievements and gradually met the goals of
occupational safety and health. It is very important to learn, recognize sufficiently and clearly
the causes leading to the shortcomings and limitations in OSH at the project. The official Law
on Labor Safety and Health came into effect on July 1, 2016 will be the premise for further
consolidating and furthering achievements as well as removing limitations with many
synchronous solutions, from construction, promulgating bylaws, organizing the
implementation and OSH enforcement activities of the project.
On the other hand, to contribute to the improvement of OSH, more than anyone, workers
need to: Know how to protect themselves, boldly express their opinions, set requirements for
employers; Fully aware of their rights and obligations in the work of OSH, which are
recognized and strictly implemented by law; Resolutely refuse to work if there is a direct
threat to life and health; Strict implementation of safe working procedures; Learning to
improve knowledge about OSH to self-identify hazards and know how to effectively control
and prevent;
In order to do that, the program of activities related to OSH training, propaganda in the
coming time needs to be renewed, removed formality, ensuring depth, paying more attention
to. methods and methods to suit the situation of the labor force at the project.
4. Figures about activities of the Action Month (using Form No. 1).
Form No. 1
(Enclosed with the Report on the Occupational Safety and Health Action Month)

No. Activities Unit Quantity Note

1 Training and drilling classes organized in class 7  

Quarter II of the year…….in response to
the Action Month

Total number of trainees. In which: person 102  

Training classes for managers in charge of person 2  

occupational safety and health duties (group

Training classes for individuals in charge of person 8  

performing occupational safety and health
duties (group 2)

Training classes for workers bound by strict person 92  

requirements for occupational safety and
health (group 3)

Training classes for group 4 - workers person 0  

Training classes for health staff (group 5) person 0  

Training classes for occupational safety and person 0  

health guides (group 6)
Training classes for non-contract workers (if person 0  

2 Organization of talks, reports, news, News/article/talk 0  

articles in newspapers or on television

3 Publications (books, newspapers, flyers, Book/piece 5  


4 Launching and developing occupational Campaign/movement 0  

safety and health campaigns and
emulation movements

Number of teams/individuals participating in Team/ individual 0  

such campaigns/movements

5 Organizing contests on knowledge about contest 0  

the law on occupational safety and health

Number of participants person 0  

6 Organizing “excellent occupational safety competition 0  

and health guide” competitions

Number of participants person 0  

7 Number of specialized and Inspection 0  

interdisciplinary occupational safety and
health inspections conducted in Quarter

Number of inspected Establishment 0  


Number of violations Violation 0  

8 Self-inspection of compliance with    

occupational safety and health
requirements; reviewing and discovering
risks, and supplementing rules and
procedures for safe work.

Discovered risks Risk Materials  

above ...

Formulated and supplemented rules and Rule/procedure 0  

procedures for safe work

9 Monitoring of working environment    

Number of production establishments Establishment 0  
carrying out the monitoring of working

Times of monitoring of working Time 0  

environment (for production establishments)

10 Organizing examination of health for the Time Not yet  

workers (in Quarter II of the year…….)

Total workers undergoing health person Not yet  


11 Number of production establishments ceremony 0  

organizing Launching Ceremony in
response to the Action Month

12 Visiting victims and their families Victim/family 0  

13 Organizing meetings/seminars Meeting/seminar 0  

14 Commending and rewarding   0  

teams/individuals having excellent
achievements in occupational safety and

Teams   0  

Individuals   0  

15 Number of occupational accidents in accident 0 Increase or

Quarter II decrease in
In which:
Total victims of occupational accidents person 0 compariso
n to
Number of deaths person 0 Quarter II
of previous
Number of people seriously injured in person 0 year
occupational accidents

16 Funding   0  

Funding from state budget/ or funds of the VND 350  

business and production establishment milion

Subsidies or funds mobilized from other VND 150  

legal sources (if any) milion

17 Other contents (if any)   0  

 [Heads of the reporting entity Prepared by

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