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Oracle® iReceivables

Implementation Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E48858-13

November 2021
Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E48858-13

Copyright © 2002, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Mathew Daniel

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1 Setting Up Oracle iReceivables

Setup Tasks in Oracle E-Business Suite for iReceivables........................................................ 1-2
Define iReceivables Internal Users.......................................................................................... 1-3
Index the Customer Database.............................................................................................. 1-4
Define iReceivables External Users and Customer Access...................................................... 1-6
Set Up for Self Registration................................................................................................ 1-10
Set Up Customer Verification Question...................................................................... 1-14
Set Up Site Verification Question................................................................................ 1-15
Set Up for Self Service Portal....................................................................................... 1-17
Self Service Portal with Single Sign On Enabled................................................... 1-18
Self Service Portal with Single Sign On Disabled.................................................. 1-18
Group Accounts................................................................................................................. 1-19
Define Currencies for Customers and Customer Bill-To Sites.............................................. 1-19
Set Up Receipt Class and Receipt Method............................................................................. 1-20
Assign iReceivables Receipt Methods................................................................................ 1-25
Define Payment Method in System Options for External Users.................................. 1-26
Set Up Document Sequencing for iReceivables Receipts................................................... 1-27
Define Service Charges........................................................................................................... 1-28
Set the Grace Period for Discounts......................................................................................... 1-31
Set Up for ACH Bank Account Transfer Payments................................................................ 1-32
Upload ACH Bank and Branch Details.................................................................................. 1-35
Define Function Security........................................................................................................ 1-35
Set Up Profiles, Rules, and System Parameters...................................................................... 1-36

History Details......................................................................................................................... 1-38
Set Up for Anonymous User Login......................................................................................... 1-40
Review and Update Receivables Lookups..............................................................................1-43
Set the Aging Information...................................................................................................... 1-45
Set Up for Bill Presentment Architecture............................................................................... 1-46
Print Invoices Using AR Print Program............................................................................. 1-47
Modify the Display of Account Information..........................................................................1-47
Custom Hooks for Payment, Dispute, and Print.................................................................... 1-49
Integrate iReceivables into Your Business Processes............................................................. 1-51

2 Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup

Receivables Command Center Configuration.......................................................................... 2-2
Setting Up Receivables Command Center........................................................................... 2-2
Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables Command Center...................................... 2-2
Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Search..................................................................... 2-2
Loading Receivables Command Center Data...................................................................... 2-3
Setting Profile Options for Receivables Command Center.................................................. 2-5

3 Setting Up for Credit Memo Request Workflow

Setting Up Oracle Receivables for Credit Memo Request Workflow..................................... 3-1
Define Credit Memo Approval Limits for Approvers............................................................. 3-2
Update Transaction Types........................................................................................................ 3-3
Define a Credit Memo Transaction Batch Source.................................................................... 3-3
Set Up Credit Memo Request Workflow.................................................................................. 3-4

4 Configuring Oracle iReceivables

Configuring iReceivables.......................................................................................................... 4-1
Modifying the Account Summary Page Information Section..................................................4-2
Modifying the Account Summary Page Discount Alerts and Dispute Statuses Section........ 4-3
Viewing Attachments in the Account Summary Page............................................................. 4-3
Customizing the Dispute Pages................................................................................................ 4-4
Configuring the Contact Us Global Button Email Address..................................................... 4-5
Extending the iReceivables Search........................................................................................... 4-6
Editing iReceivables Messages................................................................................................. 4-6
Custom Templates for Statement Downloads.......................................................................... 4-7
Purge Process........................................................................................................................... 4-12
Installment Number................................................................................................................ 4-13
Diagnostics Reports................................................................................................................. 4-13

A Features of Oracle iReceivables
Overview of Oracle iReceivables............................................................................................. A-1
Major Features........................................................................................................................... A-1

B Profile Options
Profile Options for Oracle iReceivables................................................................................... B-1

Send Us Your Comments

Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E48858-13

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Computer desktop application usage and terminology.

If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Setting Up Oracle iReceivables
2 Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup

3 Setting Up for Credit Memo Request Workflow
4 Configuring Oracle iReceivables
A Features of Oracle iReceivables
B Profile Options

Related Information Sources

This book is included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12.2 Media Pack. If this guide refers you to other Oracle E-
Business Suite documentation, use only the latest Release 12.2 versions of those guides.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• PDF Documentation - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for
current PDF documentation for your product with each release.

• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical

Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide:
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Alert User's Guide:
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle E-Business Suite data.
Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide:
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite

development staff to produce applications built with Oracle Application Framework.
This guide is available in PDF format on My Oracle Support and as online
documentation in JDeveloper 10g with Oracle Application Extension.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide:
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide (Oracle
Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide):
This guide covers the use of Adapter for Oracle Applications in developing integrations
between Oracle E-Business Suite and trading partners.
Please note that the user's guide can be found in the following documentation libraries:
• As part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and SOA Suite in 11g, Oracle Fusion
Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware 11g Documentation Library.

• As part of the Oracle Application Server in 10g, Oracle Application Server Adapter for
Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle Application Server 10g
Documentation Library.

Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide:

This manual contains information on implementing and administering diagnostics tests
for Oracle E-Business Suite using the Oracle Diagnostics Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts:
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2 contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle E-
Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving a
broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation and
configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide:
This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework Developer's Guide:
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework is a development tool that lets
you define custom integrators for use with Oracle Web Applications Desktop
Integrator. This guide describes how to define and manage integrators and all
associated supporting objects, as well as how to download and upload integrator
Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide:
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components

needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information
to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate
with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for customizations
in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide:
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install:
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, or as part of an upgrade
to Release 12.2.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide:
This guide contains information about the strategies, tasks, and troubleshooting
activities that can be used to help ensure an Oracle E-Business Suite system keeps
running smoothly, together with a comprehensive description of the relevant tools and
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide:
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide:
This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2:
This guide provides information for DBAs and Applications Specialists who are
responsible for upgrading Release 12.0 and 12.1 Oracle E-Business Suite system
(techstack and products) to Release 12.2 In addition to information about applying the
upgrade driver, it outlines pre-upgrade steps and post-upgrade steps, and provides
descriptions of product-specific functional changes and suggestions for verifying the
upgrade and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Supportability Guide:
This manual contains information on Oracle Diagnostics and the Logging Framework

for system administrators and custom developers.
Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products:
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business
Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes the high level service enablement process, explaining how users
can browse and view the integration interface definitions and services residing in
Oracle Integration Repository.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide:
This guide describes how system integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
This guide also explains how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how integration repository administrators can manage and
administer the Web service activities for integration interfaces including native
packaged integration interfaces, composite services (BPEL type), and custom
integration interfaces. It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-
Business Suite by employing the Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and how to
manage Web service security, configure logs, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle E-Business Suite to conduct business with
trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also describes how to run
extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions,
and the relevant reports.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide:
This guide describes implementation details, highlighting additional setup steps needed
for trading partners, code conversion, and Oracle E-Business Suite. It also provides
architecture guidelines for transaction interface files, troubleshooting information, and a
description of how to customize EDI transactions.
Oracle iSetup Developer's Guide:
This manual describes how to build, test, and deploy Oracle iSetup Framework
Oracle iSetup User's Guide:

This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
Oracle Report Manager User's Guide:
Oracle Report Manager is an online report distribution system that provides a secure
and centralized location to produce and manage point-in-time reports. Oracle Report
Manager users can be either report producers or report consumers. Use this guide for
information on setting up and using Oracle Report Manager.
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation and Administration
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator brings Oracle E-Business Suite
functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can
be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. You can create formatted
spreadsheets on your desktop that allow you to download, view, edit, and create Oracle
E-Business Suite data, which you can then upload. This guide describes how to
implement Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator and how to define mappings,
layouts, style sheets, and other setup options.
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Guide:
This guide describes how to install the Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML
Gateway Message Designer client components for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide:
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to
workflow users.
Oracle Workflow API Reference:
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide:
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide:
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the

Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the Business-to-
Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide:
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the design tool, you can
create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use this guide to design
your report layouts.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide:
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and
EFT transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on
existing Oracle E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's
data extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a
robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP,
printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle
XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build
custom solutions.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement Functional Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to
Release 12:
This guides provides detailed information about the functional impacts of upgrading
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement products from Release 11i to Release 12. This
guide supplements the Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2
Oracle Financials Concepts Guide:
This guide describes the fundamental concepts of Oracle Financials. The guide is
intended to introduce readers to the concepts used in the applications, and help them
compare their real world business, organization, and processes to those used in the
Oracle Financials Glossary:
The glossary includes definitions of common terms that are shared by all Oracle
Financials products. In some cases, there may be different definitions of the same term
for different Financials products. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you see in

an Oracle Financials guide, please refer to the glossary for clarification. You can find the
glossary in the online help or in the Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Oracle Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement the Oracle Financials E-Business
Suite. It guides you through setting up your organizations, including legal entities, and
their accounting, using the Accounting Setup Manager. It covers intercompany
accounting and sequencing of accounting entries, and it provides examples.
Oracle Payments Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes how Oracle Payments is integrated with financial institutions and payment
systems for receipt and payment processing, known as funds capture and funds
disbursement, respectively. Additionally, the guide explains to the implementer how to
plan the implementation of Oracle Payments, how to configure it, set it up, test
transactions, and how use it with external payment systems.
Oracle Payments User's Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes to the Payment Administrator how to monitor the funds capture and funds
disbursement processes, as well as how to remedy any errors that may arise.
Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Receivables.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up customers, transactions, receipts, accounting, tax, and
collections. This guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can
set to customize application behavior.
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide:
This guide provides you with detailed information about all public application
programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend Oracle Receivables
functionality. This guide also describes the Oracle Receivables open interfaces, such as
AutoLockbox which lets you create and apply receipts and AutoInvoice which you can
use to import and validate transactions from other systems. Archiving and purging
Receivables data is also discussed in this guide.
Oracle Receivables User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also

includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Setup Tasks in Oracle E-Business Suite for iReceivables
• Define iReceivables Internal Users
• Define iReceivables External Users and Customer Access
• Define Currencies for Customers and Customer Bill-To Sites
• Set Up Receipt Class and Receipt Method
• Define Service Charges
• Set the Grace Period for Discounts
• Set Up for ACH Bank Account Transfer Payments
• Upload ACH Bank and Branch Details
• Define Function Security
• Set Up Profiles, Rules, and System Parameters
• History Details
• Set Up for Anonymous User Login
• Review and Update Receivables Lookups
• Set the Aging Information
• Set Up for Bill Presentment Architecture
• Modify the Display of Account Information
• Custom Hooks for Payment, Dispute, and Print
• Integrate iReceivables into Your Business Processes

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-1

Setup Tasks in Oracle E-Business Suite for iReceivables
You must complete these setup tasks in Oracle iReceivables. Use the checklist in this
section to complete the appropriate setup steps.

Note: You must have the URL for the Oracle E-Business Suite login.

Before setting up Oracle iReceivables, complete the following tasks:
• Set the MO: Default Operating Unit profile option to the default operating unit for
users with multiple units.

• Set the MO: Operating Unit profile option at the desired level (user, responsibility,
application, or site).

• Set the MO: Security profile option at the site level for all iReceivables

• Set up Oracle Receivables Release 12.

• Set up Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture Release 12.

• Set up Oracle Workflow Release 12, to use the Dispute Invoice function, or Self
Registration, or both.

• Set up Oracle Payments, to use the Pay Invoice function for credit cards or for bank
account transfers using the ACH network.

The following table lists the required setup steps for Oracle iReceivables:

Required Setup Tasks for Oracle iReceivables

Step Number Step Description

1 Define iReceivables Internal Users. See: Define iReceivables Internal Users,

page 1-3.

2 Define iReceivables External Users and Customer Access. See: Define

iReceivables External Users and Customer Access, page 1-6.

3 Define Receipt Class and Receipt Method. See: Set Up Receipt Class and
Receipt Method, page 1-20.

1-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Setting Up, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Setting Up Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Configuring Oracle Payments, Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Understanding Oracle Payments, Oracle Payments User's Guide
Viewing Online Bills, Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User Guide
Oracle User Management, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Define iReceivables Internal Users

Define your internal users for iReceivables. Internal users are the personnel in your
company, such as collectors and salespersons, who have access to iReceivables
customer information. Internal users have access to the full customer search capability
to display customer information.

Note: You must have access to the system administrator responsibility

to perform this setup step.

Use the Users window to assign the responsibility iReceivables 2.0 Internal to each user
in your company that you want to have access to iReceivables. If you are using the
Multi Print feature, you must also enter the user's e-mail address.
To define iReceivables internal users:
1. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Users window.

3. Query or enter the users in your company that you want to have access to

4. If you are using the Multi Print feature, enter the e-mail address of the first user in
the E-Mail field. The Multi Print feature sends an e-mail notification to this address
after the Receivables Invoice Print concurrent program finishes.

5. Open the Direct Responsibilities tabbed region for this user.

6. In the Responsibility field, enter iReceivables 2.0 Internal.

Note: For internal users performing implementation setup for

iReceivables, add iReceivables Setup responsibility.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-3

7. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this user.

8. Save your work.

9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for each internal user.

Related Topics
Printing Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide
Entering and Updating Customer Information, Oracle Receivables User Guide
ORACLE Users Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

Index the Customer Database

Run the Customer text data creation and indexing concurrent program to index the
customer information in your applications database. The first time that you run this
concurrent program, it builds the indexes in your database. Depending on the volume
of your customer data, the first run may take a fairly long time to complete.

Additional Information: This index search is available only for internal


The Customer text data creation and indexing concurrent program includes the parameter
'Build Compact Index?' to control the level of indexing when you first build your
customer index. Enter No to build the index with customer, customer site, customer
contact, and customer site contact information. Enter Yes to build the index with
customer and customer site information only, without contact information. The default
value is Yes. If you run the concurrent program without any parameter, the system will
default it to Yes and build the index without contact information.

Note: The index only includes customer contacts and customer site
contacts that have roles assigned to them, with one role marked as

Note: If you plan to assign external users the contact role Self Service
User for customers and customer sites, you must build your index with
the Build Compact Index? parameter set to No.

After you build customer indexes, schedule a regular run of the Customer text data
creation and indexing concurrent program, in accordance with your business practices, to
update the index with the changes to your customer data. A regular run of this program
ensures that all updates to your customer data are available to the iReceivables
customer search engine. Subsequent runs of the Customer text data creation and indexing

1-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

concurrent program act upon updates only, and therefore should take much less time to

Note: Whenever you make changes to customer data, these changes are
not available to the iReceivables customer search engine until the next
time that the concurrent program runs and recreates the interMedia

To build the customer indexes in your applications database:

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

3. In the Name field, choose Customer text data creation and indexing from the list of

4. In the Build Compact Index? field, enter:

• No to index all customer information.

• Yes to index customer and customer site information only.

5. Choose the Schedule button.

6. In the Schedule window, choose Once.

To schedule a regular update of your customer indexes:

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Submit Request window again.

3. In the Name field, choose Customer text data creation and indexing from the list of

4. Choose the Schedule button.

5. In the Schedule window, choose Periodically.

6. In the Start At and End At fields, set the date and time for this program run.

7. In the Re-run Every field, enter 1 Day.

Related Topics
Request Submission, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-5

Define iReceivables External Users and Customer Access
Define your external users and their level of customer access to iReceivables. You can
provide external users with access to their own bill-to site only, to multiple customers
or customer sites, or both, by assigning users the customer contact role Self Service User.
An external user has access to the search criteria Customer Names and Transaction
Numbers to display account information for each applicable customer and customer
site. There are two types of external users:
• For business-to-business external users, use the Contact: Roles region of the
Customers - Standard window to assign iReceivables external users to customers
and customer sites with the customer contact role Self Service User.

• For business-to-consumer external users, use the Customers - Standard window

header region to enter users with the customer type Person.

For both types of external user, use the Users window to assign the iReceivables
Account Management responsibility and the corresponding customer contact or person.
If you are using the Multi Print feature, you must also enter the user's e-mail address.

Additional Information: External users can only add attachments and

view existing attachments. They cannot modify attachments.

External users can register themselves by logging through Register Here link or OIR
Self Service portal page using the Self Registration feature. See: Set Up for Self
Registration, page 1-10.

Important: When an external user has access to multiple customers, it is

mandatory to enable a default currency using the profile option, OIR:
Default currency code.

Defining iReceivables External Users

By default, users with the iReceivables Account Management responsibility have access
to the Manage Customer Account Access link, for use with the iReceivables Self
Registration feature. If you do not plan to use Self Registration, then please remove this
function from the iReceivables Account Management responsibility using function
security. See: Define Function Security, page 1-35.
To define iReceivables external user for Business-to-Consumer Setup, with access to
one site or multiple customer sites, for a single customer:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Customers - Standard window.

1-6 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

3. Select Customer Type as Person.

4. Query or enter the customer name.

5. Navigate to the Addresses tabbed region and choose the customer address.

6. Open the Contacts: Roles tabbed region.

7. Enter the name of the external user and the user's contact information.

8. In the Description field, enter the role Self Service User.

9. Save the work.

10. To assign this user to a second site of the same customer, repeat steps 5 and 6.

11. From the Customer Standard form, query a customer, open the Account, open one
of the Sites. Add a Contact by using the Communications tab.

12. Assign the role Self Service User to this contact.

13. Save the work.

14. To assign this user to additional sites of the same customer, repeat steps 10 to 13.

15. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

16. Navigate to the Users window.

17. Enter the User Name and Password of the external user.

18. In the Customer Name field, choose any version of the external user's name defined
in step 7 from the list of values.

19. If using the Multi Print feature, enter the user's e-mail address in the E-Mail field.
The Multi Print feature sends an e-mail notification to this address after completion
of the Receivables Invoice Print concurrent program.

20. Open the Direct Responsibilities tabbed region.

21. In the Responsibility field, enter iReceivables Account Management.

22. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this user.

Do not create a new contact with the same name for each site. If the contact name or
address is a duplicate value, the application gives the option to select the contact from a
list. If this does not happen, check the following profile option settings:

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-7

HZ: Enable Party Search = YES
HZ: Duplicate Allowed = No
HZ: Enable Duplicate Prevention at Party Creation = Person or
HZ: Match Rule for Contact Duplicate Prevention = SAMPLE: SEARCH
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Duplicate Prevention = SAMPLE: SEARCH
HZ: Match Rule for Person Duplicate Prevention = SAMPLE: SEARCH

Contact Duplication Prevention, Oracle Receivables User Guide

To define iReceivables external user for Business-to-Business Setup, with access to
multiple customer sites, for multiple customers:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Customers - Standard window.

3. Select Customer Type as Organization.

4. Query or enter the first customer to assign to an external user.

5. Open the Contacts: Roles tabbed region.

6. Enter the name of the external user and the user's contact information.

7. In the Description field, enter the role Self Service User.

8. Save the work.

9. Query the next customer in the Customer Name or Number field.

10. Open the Contacts: Roles tabbed region.

11. In the Last field, choose the external user name entered in step 6 from the list of

12. In the Description field, enter the role Self Service User.

13. Repeat steps 9 to 12 for all customers to be assigned to this external user.

14. Save the work.

15. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

16. Navigate to the Users window.

17. Enter the User Name and Password of the external user.

18. In the Customer Name field, choose any version of the external user's name defined
in step 6 from the list of values.

1-8 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

19. If using the Multi Print feature, enter the user's e-mail address in the E-Mail field.
The Multi Print feature sends an e-mail notification to this address after completion
of the Receivables Invoice Print concurrent program.

20. Open the Direct Responsibilities tabbed region.

21. In the Responsibility field, enter iReceivables Account Management.

22. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this user.

To define an iReceivables external user for Business-to-Consumer Setup:

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Customers - Standard window.

3. Query or enter the customer name.

4. Assign the user the Customer Type Person and enter the necessary Person party

5. Save the work.

6. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

7. Navigate to the Users window.

8. Enter the User Name and Password of the external user.

9. In the Customer Name field, choose any version of the external user's name defined
in step 4 from the list of values.

10. If using the Multi Print feature, enter the user's e-mail address in the E-Mail field.
The Multi Print feature sends an e-mail notification to this address after completion
of the Receivables Invoice Print concurrent program.

11. Open the Direct Responsibilities tabbed region.

12. In the Responsibility field, enter iReceivables Account Management.

13. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this user.

Minimum Characters for Search

The profile option OIR: Minimum Characters for Search can be used to restrict character
search for external users. For example, if the value is set to three, minimum three
characters are required to search for a customer. Value can be set as null for blind

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-9

Additional Information: This profile option does not hold for Credit

Related Topics
Printing Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide
Entering and Updating Customer Information, Oracle Receivables User Guide
Oracle Users Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

Set Up for Self Registration

The iReceivables Self Registration feature lets users register for iReceivables Account
Management (application) access to their customer account data. On the Self
Registration pages, an external user is given three attempts to answer a
challenge/response question correctly. These questions are setup using Rules by the
administrator. If all three attempts are unsuccessful, the user is only able to re-register
according to the Self Registration profile option settings that are specified.
For more information on setting up Rules and Profile Options, see: Set Up Rules, Profile
Options, and System Parameters, page 1-36.
If registration is successful, iReceivables creates a user account, assigns the user the
customer contact role Self Service User, and forwards the information necessary to access
customer account data.

Note: After successful registration, this new customer contact is not

available to the iReceivables customer search engine until the next
running of the Customer text data creation and indexing concurrent
program. See: Index the Customer Database, page 1-4 for more

Performing Self Registration

The self registration process can be performed using the following processes. Users can
set up any of these methods as per preference.
• Selecting the Register Here link created on the main portal page with or without

• Accessing SelfRegistration.jsp page. See Bookmark the Self Registration Page, page 1-

• Accessing the OIR Self Service Portal page,

portnumber/OA_HTML/IrecVisitor.jsp\. Add the iReceivables Self Service
responsibility to the pre-seeded Guest User for this. For more information on

1-10 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

setting up the Self Service portal, see: Set Up for Self Service Portal, page 1-17.

For additional access, select the Manage Customer Account Access link, when the user
logs in to the iReceivables Account Management responsibility.

Note: By default, users with either the iReceivables Account

Management responsibility or any responsibility that includes the
iReceivables Account Management menu have access to the Manage
Customer Account Access link. If responsibilities have been defined
with menus other than the iReceivables Account Management menu
and want to provide users with access to the Self Registration feature,
then add the Manage Customer Account Access function to the menus
attached to these custom responsibilities. Users can add or remove
association to an account using the Request Additional Customer
Access or Remove Access options from the Manage Customer Account
Access page.

Before completing set up of iReceivables for Self Registration, perform the following
• Associate the MO: Security profile option that has been already created to the Guest
In the Security profile option, enter all the organizations that contain customer
account data for which the external users should have access to.

• Set the ICX: Session Timeout profile option at a reasonable value to avoid session
timeout while a user completes the self-registration process.

Enable Self Registration

Perform the following steps to enable self registration:

Setup Tasks
To set up iReceivables Self Registration:
1. Set up Register Here link.
• Set the Local Login Mask Site Level to 48 at site level in the System Profiles
Values window.

• Set the UMX: Register Here Link - Default Registration Process value to
iReceivables Self Registration at server level in the System Profile Values window.

2. In Oracle E-Business Suite, select the System Administrator responsibility.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-11

3. Assign the iReceivables Registration responsibility to the pre-seeded guest user
account specified by the Guest User Password profile option with the following
1. Under System Administrator, navigate to the Profile and select System. The
Profile System Values window opens.

2. In the Profile field, enter the user account and make note of the value (value
format: user/password).

3. Navigate to the Users window.

4. In the User Name field, query the value of the same user account.

5. Navigate to the Responsibilities tabbed region.

6. Add the iReceivables Registration and iReceivables Account Management


4. Assign an e-mail address to the Contact Us global icon.

Enter the email address of the Self Registration administrator (or other qualified
user responsible for answering inquiries from external users about Self
1. Navigate to the Form Functions window.

2. Query the function ARI Self Registration Contact Us.

3. Choose the Web HTML tab.

4. Enter the Self-Registration administrator's email address in the HTML Call

field, using the format: mailto:<userid>@<domain>.com.

Note: User may need to restart the web server for the update to
take effect.

5. Switch to the Applications Developer responsibility.

6. Use the Message Dictionary to configure the FND confirmation messages that are
sent to users after successful registration.
The messages that should be configured contain this information:
• ARI_REG_APP_NAME - Enter the name of the iReceivables application that the
user has access to.

• ARI_REG_APPLICATION_LOGIN_URL - Enter the login URL to access

1-12 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

iReceivables applications.

Additional Information: Passwords created are case sensitive or case

insensitive depending on the EBS Profile Option,
SIGNON_PASSWORD_CASE. If this is set to NULL or Insensitive, the
passwords in OID will be in lowercase irrespective of how it was
entered. If set to Sensitive, passwords will be same as when entered.

Bookmark the Self Registration Page

The Self Registration URL can be bookmarked using the URL http://<machinename>:
<port>/OA_HTML/SelfRegistration.jsp. The pre-seeded guest user should have
iReceivables Account Management responsibility assigned.

Note: If user is bookmarking the URL for Self Registration, then there is
no need to set the profiles Local Login Mask to 48 and UMX%Process to
iReceivables Self Registration.

Redirect Self Registration Page:

The profile option, OIR: Self Registration Redirect URL, redirects external users who
cancel the registration process coming through the bookmarkable Self Registration
page, to the URL specified in the profile. If this profile value is set, the user is redirected
to the URL specified. If not set, then the user is redirected to the URL specified in profile
value APPS_SERVLET_AGENT, to which AppsLocalLogin.jsp is appended. For example,

Registration Hold profile options

Set the Registration Hold profile options, OIR: Registration Hold Domain and OIR:
Registration Hold Duration, to manage user re-registration.
OIR: Registration Hold Domain: If a user is unsuccessful in completing the self
registration process, iReceivables prevents this user from attempting to re-register. Use
this profile option to determine whether iReceivables prevents this user only or all users
belonging to the same customer account from attempting to re-register.
OIR: Registration Hold Duration: This profile option works in conjunction with the
OIR: Registration Hold Domain profile option. Use this profile option to set the number
of days that iReceivables prevents a user or all users belonging to the same customer
account from attempting to re-register.

Related Topics
User Profiles and Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library, Oracle E-Business
Suite Setup Guide

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-13

Form Functions Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
Message Dictionary, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide
Defining Workflow Process Components, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Managing Business Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

Set Up Customer Verification Question

Customer verification questions are used to verify access at the account level during self
registration. The questions are set through the Customer Verification Question rule
under iReceivables Setup. For information on setting up rules, see: Set Up Rules, page 1-
Users can create rules specific for a customer. Select the verification type from the Rules
List. The following options are available:

Customer Verification Question

Set a question and its answer. During self registration, the user is challenged with this
question, and is allowed to proceed further only if the exact answer is provided.

Customer Dynamic Verification Question

Dynamic Customer Verification Question provides the flexibility to define questions at
the Customer Verification rule. When the user tries to Self Register for a customer
account, it challenges the user. The answer should be provided is based on the customer
the user is trying to register to. Maximum of three questions can be set at Customer
Account level.
The option Dynamic Customer Verification Question is used to set the rule for
Customer Verification Question, which has 15 parameters, with three sets of five
parameters each. If first set is filled, then the user has to answer one question during
Self Registration. If two sets are filled, the user has to answer two questions and if three
sets are filled, then user has to answer all three questions. All the questions have to
answer correctly for proceeding to the next step in the Self Registration train. The
following parameters are available:
• Question: Question to be asked to the user during self registration.

• Answer Table: The list of table values, which has default tables as HZ_PARTIES,
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. where the answer exists. Custom tables can also be added.

• Answer Column: If a value has been set in the Answer Table above, then the
columns in that table is populated in this drop down. The value in this column has
the answer which should be given by the user during Self Registration.

• Answer Table Join Column: The column from Answer Table to be joined with
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table for getting a unique record.

1-14 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Important: Customer related information can be found in
Receivables Manager, Customer Standard form.

• HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Join Column: The column from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS

table to be joined with Answer Table Join Column to get a unique record.

Answer Table
Tables can be added to or deleted from the Answer Table.
1. Navigate to Application Developer Responsibility, then to Flexfield, Descriptive,
then Values. Enter Application as Receivables.

2. Enter Title as iReceivables Customer Verification Question and click Find.

3. Enter the table name in the Value field. Enter the table description. Select Enabled.

Important: The table added should be able to be joined with

HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table to get a unique record.
The table added should be present in AR schema and its reference
in APPS schema.

To remove a table, deselect the Enabled check box and set To Date prior to current date.

Set Up Site Verification Question

Site verification questions are used to verify access at the site level for the user during
self registration. The questions are set through the Site Verification Question rule under
iReceivables Setup. For information on setting up rules, see: Set Up Rules, page 1-37.
Users can create rules specific to their site. Select the site verification type from the
Rules List. The following options are available:

Dynamic Site Verification Question

Dynamic Site Verification Question provides the flexibility to define questions at the
Site Verification rule. When the user tries to Self Register for a customer bill to site or all
locations, it challenges the user. The answer should be provided based on the customer
bill to or the oldest bill to site information (for all locations) the user is trying to register
to. Maximum of three questions can be set for Site Verification.
The option Dynamic Site Verification Question is used to set the rule for Site
Verification Question, which has 15 parameters, with three sets of five parameters each.
If first set is filled, then the user has to answer one question during Self Registration. If
two sets are filled, the user has to answer two questions and if three sets are filled, then
user has to answer all three questions. All the questions have to answer correctly for
proceeding to the next step in the Self Registration train. The following parameters are

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-15

• Question: Question to be asked to the user during self registration.

• Answer Table: The list of table values, which has default tables as HZ_PARTIES,
HZ_PARTY_SITES where the answer exists. Custom tables can also be added.

• Answer Column: If a value has been set in the Answer Table above, then the
columns in that table is populated in this drop down. The value in this column has
the answer which should be given by the user during Self Registration.

• Answer Table Join Column: The column from Answer Table to be joined with
HZ_PARTY_SITES table for getting a unique record.

Important: Customer bill to site related information can be found in

Receivables Manager, Customer Standard form.

• HZ_PARTY_SITES Join Column: The column from HZ_PARTY_SITES table to be

joined with Answer Table Join Column to get a unique record.

Answer Table
Tables can be added to or deleted from the Answer Table.
1. Navigate to Application Developer Responsibility, then to Flexfield, Descriptive,
then Values. Enter Application as Receivables.

2. Enter Title as iReceivables Site Verification Question and click Find.

3. Enter the table name in the Value field. Enter the table description. Select Enabled.

Important: The table added should be able to be joined with

HZ_PARTY_SITES table to get a unique record.
The table added should be present in AR schema and its reference
in APPS schema.

To remove a table, deselect the Enabled check box and set To Date prior to current date.

Enable Default Question Based on Invoice

Select Yes, No, or null. If Yes is selected, the challenge question is based on a previous
invoice. If No or null is selected, the site verification step is skipped.

Enable Default Question Based on Payment

Select Yes, No, or null. If Yes is selected, the challenge question is based on a previous
payment. If No or null is selected, the site verification step is skipped.

1-16 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Enable Default Question Based on Invoice and Payment
Select Yes, No, or null. If Yes is selected, the challenge question is based on a previous
invoice and payment. If No or null is selected, the site verification step is skipped.

Site Verification Question

Set a question and its answer. During self registration, the user is challenged with this
question, and is allowed to proceed further only if the exact answer is provided.

Set Up for Self Service Portal

Self Service Portal page can be used as a landing page for external users for both
Registration and Login. This page can be used in both Single Sign On (SSO) and non-
SSO environments.

1. Assign iReceivables Self Service and iReceivables Account Management
responsibility to the guest user.

2. (Optional) Assign an iReceivables External User Responsibility Key value to the

profile iReceivables Self Service Responsibility. This is required only if the customer
uses self service registration using iReceivables in an SSO environment.

3. This step is required if the portal page has to be accessed outside the DMZ
environment. Modify the file $FND_TOP/admin/template/url_fw_conf_1013.tmp to
include the entry IrecVisitor.jsp under the line #Include URLs for product OIR
(iReceivables) like this: RewriteRule ^/OA_HTML/IrecVisitor\.jsp$ - [L].

Note: If the above entry is already included, then ignore this step.

4. For external user responsibility to work under a firewall, set the security-based
profile option Responsibility Trust level to External (3) for the responsibility
iReceivables Account Management.

Accessing the iReceivables Self Service Portal Page

The iReceivables Self Service Portal page can be accessed in two ways. The following
URLs direct to the same page. The page can be customized for external users.
• Using the IrecVisitor.jsp URL http://<machinename>:<port>/OA_HTML/IrecVisitor.jsp

• Using the function URL http://<machinename>:<port>/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?


Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-17

Self Service Portal with Single Sign On Enabled
If Single Sign on (SSO) is enabled, then in the portal page, the Login Here button is
shown in Already registered on our Site region. iReceivables checks the profile
Applications SSO Type set with value SSWA w/SSO or Portal w/SSO for SSO.
When SSO is enabled, clicking Register Now takes the user to the Profile User Creation
page. Once the registration process is completed, the user is redirected to the Portal
page. Click Login Here to login to iReceivables. Based on the responsibilities assigned to
the user, the following scenarios can happen:
• User does not have valid iReceivables External User responsibility:
iReceivables checks if any responsibility assigned to the user has access to the
iReceivables External Access function. If not, then the user is redirected the Partial
Registration page.

Note: This usually happens to first time users without iReceivables

External User responsibility.

Click Continue. This assigns the iReceivables External User responsibility as

specified in the profile iReceivables Self Service Responsibility. If this value is not
set, then it assigns standard iReceivables Account Management responsibility and
redirects the user to the Self Registration process train. User has to complete the
registration process and get access to a customer account.

• User has iReceivables External User responsibility, but does not have access to
any customer account:
The user is redirected to the registration process on logging in, where the user can
request access to the customer account.

• User has iReceivables External User responsibility and also access to customer
The user is redirected to the iReceivables Customer Search screen on logging in.

• User has access to more than one iReceivables External User responsibility:
The user is redirected to the Responsibility navigator window. Select the required
responsibility and proceed further.

Self Service Portal with Single Sign On Disabled

If SSO is not enabled, then the email and Password fields are shown in Already registered
on our Site section of the portal page. Click Register Now to navigate to the iReceivables
Self Registration page. Complete the registration process to get access to the customer
account and iReceivables External user responsibility. After registration, fill the email
and Password fields to log in. The user is redirected to the responsibility navigator
page, to select the responsibility and function to access iReceivables.

1-18 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Group Accounts
Grouping of Accounts enables external users to group their accounts or sites. My All
Locations link is available when the user has access to more than one site for an
account, but not to all the bill to sites. Click this to get a summary of the account view
for the account across all the sites the user has access to.
This feature is enabled using the profile option OIR: Account Grouping. Set it to one of
the following values as required:
• No Grouping: Account grouping is not enabled.

• Group Sites: Only grouping of sites for the customer account is enabled. On the
Customer Search page, My Locations link is available, which shows the transactions
and account summary for the sites the user has access to.

• Group Accounts and Sites: Grouping of customer accounts and grouping of sites
are enabled. On the Customer Search page, All My Accounts and Group My
Accounts buttons are available. On clicking All My Accounts button, the user is
navigated to the Account Summary page with a combined summarized view of all
the accounts and account sites the user has access to. There is an option to change
the account context to any customer account or back to all accounts.

• Always Group Accounts and Sites: Always groups customer accounts and sites.
On logging in the user is taken directly to the Account Summary page, with all
accounts selected, by-passing the Customer Search page.

Note: This feature is available only for External Users. Its not applicable
for Internal Users as they already have access to all the customer
accounts within the security profile or operating unit.

Define Currencies for Customers and Customer Bill-To Sites

The list of available currencies in the Account Summary page and the Account Details
page is based either on the profile amounts or on the amounts enabled in the credit
profile. These profiles can be specified at the customer level and customer site level. If
there are transactions for a customer in currencies which not defined in the customer
profile, these are also shown in iReceivables Account Summary and Account Details
Use the Customers window to define credit profiles and profile amounts for
iReceivables customers and customer bill-to sites.
To define currencies for a customer:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-19

2. Navigate to the Customer Summary or the Customers window.

3. Query the customer.

4. Open the Account Profile tabbed region.

5. Enter a Profile Class.

6. To assign a profile class to a customer site, open the Addresses tabbed region, select
the address, then choose Open. Repeat steps 4 and 5.

7. Open the Profile Amounts tabbed region.

8. In the Curr column, set the currency or currencies that this customer uses.

Additional Information: iReceivables Currency drop-down list shows

the currencies defined in AR Customer profile and the currencies in
which the customer has made transactions.

Related Topics
Defining Customer Profile Classes, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Assigning Profile Classes to Customers, Accounts, or Addresses, Oracle Receivables
Implementation Guide

Set Up Receipt Class and Receipt Method

If using the Pay Invoice function, define at least one receipt class and receipt method for
each iReceivables payment instrument:
• Credit card payments using Payments

• Bank account transfers using Payments

Bank account transfer payments can be processed globally. If receipt methods are used
via Payments, then payment processing is restricted according to the Payments servlets.
A user can pay all open invoices in one payment transaction. The user can also make a
partial payment on the entire open invoice balance. If the user is paying multiple
invoices across multiple bill-to sites, Receivables creates the receipt using the primary
receipt method specified at the customer level. For payments of multiple invoices across
multiple bill-to sites, provide specific settings to use the receipt methods that are
assigned to customers and customer sites. See: Assign iReceivables Payment Methods,
page 1-25 for more information.
For bank account transfers and credit card payments, run the Receivables remittance

1-20 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

program to capture funds.
For credit card payments, define a receipt class and receipt method to enable credit card
payment authorization and capture of funds using a two-step remittance method. In a
two-step remittance method, iReceivables only authorizes the credit card charge. The
Receivables remittance program has to be run to capture funds.

Credit Card One-Time Payment

A user can make a "one-time payment" of open invoices with a credit card. iReceivables
processes the transaction using the credit card but does not save the credit card
One step credit card payments are setup as Automatic and the profile option OIR: Save
Payment Instrument Information is set to No.

Note: If the OIR: Save Payment Instrument Information profile option

is set to No, iReceivables can only accept payment by new credit card
option. Bank account transfer cannot be used to process payments.

Additional Information: If the OIR: Save Payment Instrument

Information profile option is set to Yes, then the option, Save credit card
for later use, is shown under the New Credit Card region in Advance
Payment page. When this option is selected, the credit card details are
saved for future use. This option is selected by default.

Additional Credit Card Verification

The profile option OIR: Verify Credit Card Details controls the Credit Card Security
Code and Billing Address options shown in the iReceivables Payment UI. When making
a payment, the security code or billing address, or both are passed to the payment
gateway based on the profile option.

Important: The fields displayed using this profile option are mandatory
for successful payment using credit card.

The following options are available:

• Credit Card Address only: The card Billing Address fields are displayed in the
iReceivables Payment UI.

• Credit Card Security Code only: The card Security Code field is displayed in the
iReceivables PaymentUI.

• Both: The card Security Code and Billing Address are displayed in the iReceivables

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-21

Payment UI.

• None: The card Security Code and Billing Address fields are not displayed in the
iReceivables Payment UI.

Note: iReceivables uses the card security code for verification purposes
only and does not save the information but it saves the cardholder
billing address.

Oracle Payments and Supported Currencies

Oracle Payments manages external processing of credit card payments and ACH bank
account transfers. The banks and currencies supported by Payment are determined by
the Payment servlets.

Note: Please consult Oracle Payment Implementation Guide for the current
list of Payments servlets and the currencies they support.

For credit card processing, users can use the Payments integration with Verisign, which
supports transactions in US dollars (USD) and Canadian dollars (CAD) only. They can
also use the Payments integration with Paymentech, which supports transactions in any
currencies supported by Visa and Master Card. For ACH bank account transfers, users
can use the Payments integration with Chase Merchant Services, which supports
transactions in US dollars (USD) only.
If their company uses the Verisign payment system, users cannot set up multiple bank
accounts with multiple currencies for one payment method. Set up a single payment
method for either USD or CAD, and assign a merchant ID and remittance bank that
supports the corresponding currency. If the company uses a payment system other than
Verisign, users can set up a single payment method for multiple bank accounts with
multiple currencies, if the payment system supports it.

Note: iReceivables does not support cross-currency payments. Though

a user can still pay invoices with a credit card or bank account that has
a different currency from that of the invoice, the receipt created in
iReceivables will have the same currency as the invoice.

Define Receipt Class and Receipt Method

To define a receipt class and receipt method for iReceivables:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Receipt Classes window under Setup.

1-22 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

3. Enter a Name for this receipt class. For example, enter a name that identifies this
receipt class for iReceivables.

4. Leave the Notes Receivable and Require Confirmation check boxes deselected.

5. Enter a Creation Method of Automatic to process receipts by credit card or bank

account transfer using Payments.

6. Enter a Remittance Method of Standard, Factoring, or Standard and Factoring,

according to business practices, for credit card payments and bank account transfer
payments. Receipts are created as Confirmed and require remittance.
Enter Standard, if refunds against credit card payments have to be allowed.

7. Enter a Clearance Method of Directly, By Automatic Clearing, or By Matching,

according to business practices.

8. Enter a Receipt Method name. For example, enter a name that identifies the type of
payment, such as iReceivables direct debit, iReceivables credit card, or iReceivables bank

9. Enter a name in the Printed Name field. For example, iReceivables Credit Card.

10. Leave the Debit Memos Inherit Receipt Numbers check box deselected.

11. Leave the Receipts Inherit Transaction Numbers check box deselected.

iReceivables uses document sequences to number credit card or bank account

transfer receipts.

12. Enter the number of receipts rule according to the business practices. This field is
not used by iReceivables.

13. Enter receipt maturity date rule according to the business practices. This field is not
used by iReceivables.

14. Enter the automatic print program according to the business practices.

15. Enter the lead days according to the business practices.

16. In the Payment Method field, enter:

• Credit Card for credit card payments.

• Bank Account Transferfor bank account transfer payments.

17. Enter the range of Effective Dates for this payment method.

18. Choose the Bank Accounts button to assign a remittance bank to this payment

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-23

If this payment method is for bank account transfers using Payments, provide a
valid bank number for the bank associated with the account being linked to.

Note: Because iReceivables does not support cross-currency

payments, ensure that the bank account assigned to the default
credit card and bank account transfer payment methods are in the
same currency as the customer invoices.

19. Save the work.

20. Assign the iReceivables receipt methods defined to the Receivables System Options
window, Customers - Standard window, and Customer Addresses window
according to you business practices. See: Assign iReceivables Payment Methods,
page 1-25 for more information.

21. For bank account transfer, perform this additional step:

Set the OIR: Maximum Future Payment Days Allowed profile option to the
maximum number of days that users can enter future-dated payments according to
business practices. Setting a maximum future payment date, for example, prevents
users from entering exaggerated future payment dates.

Invoice Payment Notification

When an Invoice is completed in AR, an email notification can be sent to users of Self
Service User role. Perform the following steps to enable this subscription:
1. Login as system administrator and navigate to Workflow Administrator Web
Applications responsibility.

2. Select Business Events and search for

3. Click the Subscription link to check the subscriptions for the event

4. For the ARI_UTILITIES.invoke_invoice_email_notwf function, click the Update link

and change Status to Enabled. Click Next and Apply.

Additional Information: This subscription is disabled by default.

Related Topics
Understanding Oracle Payments, Oracle Payments User's Guide
About Remittances, Oracle Receivables User Guide

1-24 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Integration with Other Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Receipt Methods, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Oracle Receivables Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Assign iReceivables Receipt Methods

Assign the iReceivables receipt methods defined in Define Receipt Class and Receipt
Method, page 1-22 to the Receivables System Options window, Customers - Standard
window, Customer Addresses window, and the profile options OIR: Credit Card
Payment Method and OIR: Bank Account Payment Method according to business
practices. The system searches for the Receipt Method first in the profile options
mentioned above, next the bill to sites, then at the account level, and finally the system
Use the Receivables System Options window to assign a default iReceivables receipt
method for credit card payments and bank account transfers. Use the Customers -
Standard window and the Customer Addresses window to assign iReceivables receipt
methods to specific customers and specific customer bill-to sites.
Receipt method assignments take precedence in the order:
• Profile options mentioned above

• Bill-to sites

• Account level

• Receivables system options

Important: For external users, you must set the system options to the
Pay button.

Mark one receipt method of each type as Primary at the customer and customer site
level. If at the customer site level there are two or more receipt methods of the same
type, the one marked as primary is taken as the receipt method for transactions billed to
this site. If no receipt method of the same type is marked as primary, then the payment
method at the customer level is taken as the payment method for transactions billed to
this site.
For credit card payments of multiple invoices across multiple bill-to sites, Receivables
only uses the primary receipt methods defined at the customer and customer site level
if the receipt methods are set up in this way:
• Associated receipt class has a Creation Method of Automatic.

• Associated Payment Type is Credit Card.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-25

• There is an associated remittance bank account that accepts receipts in the payment

For ACH payments of multiple invoices across multiple bill-to sites, Receivables uses
the primary receipt methods defined at the customer and customer site level as long as
the associated receipt class does not have a Remittance Method of No Remittance.
To assign iReceivables receipt methods:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility select Setup, then System.

2. Navigate to the Receivables System Options window.

3. Open the Miscellaneous tabbed region.

4. Enter an iReceivables credit card payment method in the Credit Card Payment
Method field.

5. Enter an iReceivables bank account transfer payment method in the Bank Account
Payment Method field.

6. Navigate to the Customers - Standard window.

7. Query or enter the first customer.

8. Navigate to the Payment Details tabbed region to assign iReceivables receipt

methods to this customer. Mark only one receipt method of each type as Primary.

9. In the Addresses tabbed region, choose the customer address.

10. Navigate to the Payment Details tabbed region to assign iReceivables receipt
methods to this customer bill-to site.

11. Save the work.

12. Repeat steps 7 to 11 for each customer and customer bill-to site.

Related Topics
Entering and Updating Customer Information, Oracle Receivables User Guide
Defining Receivables System Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Define Payment Method in System Options for External Users

To display the Pay button in the Account Details page for external users, you must
define a payment method in Receivables System Options. For this, perform steps 1 to 5
from the previous section, To assign iReceivables receipt methods, page 1-26.

1-26 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Set Up Document Sequencing for iReceivables Receipts
Set up document sequences to assign sequence numbers to iReceivables credit card
receipts and bank account transfer receipts.

Note: System Administrator responsibility access is required to perform

this setup step.

To set up document sequencing for iReceivables receipts:

1. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Navigate to the System Profile Values window.

3. Set the Sequential Numbering profile option to Always Used or Partially Used.

4. Save the work.

5. Navigate to the Document Sequences window.

6. In the Name field, enter a document sequence name that identifies this sequence for
iReceivables receipts, such as iReceivables Credit Card Receipts.

7. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

8. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this document sequence.

9. In the Type field, enter Automatic or Gapless.

10. Complete the fields for this document sequence.

11. Save the work.

12. Navigate to the Sequence Assignments window.

13. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

14. In the Category field, enter the document category created by the corresponding
iReceivables payment method defined in Oracle Payments and Supported
Currencies, page 1-22.

15. In the Method field, enter Automatic.

16. Open the Assignment tabbed region.

17. Enter the Start and End Dates for this sequence assignment.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-27

18. In the Sequence field, enter the name of the document sequence defined in step 6.

19. Save the work.

20. Repeat steps 5 to 19 for each document sequence to be defined for iReceivables.

Related Topics
Defining Document Sequences, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

Define Service Charges

Users can apply service charges to payments that customers make using the Pay Invoice
function in iReceivables. iReceivables records a service charge as an adjustment to the

Setup Tasks Using Rules

The setup tasks for applying service charges for a new user to iReceivables are:
• Set the Service Charge Enabled and Service Charge Activity ID rules for an
operating unit or customer.
Set the Service Charge Enabled rule default value to Yes to enable service charges.

See: Set Up Rules, page 1-37.

Setup Tasks Using Profile Options

The setup tasks for applying service charges are:
• Define a Receivables activity and document sequencing for service charges.

• Set the OIR: Enable Service Charge and OIR: Service Charge Activity ID profile
If migrating from Release 11i and before, the values set using the OIR: Service
Charge Activity ID and OIR: Enable Service Charge profile options are
automatically enabled in Release 12. See: Set Up Profiles, page 1-37.

• Enter the service charge calculation in the ARI_SERVICE_CHARGE_PKG.

compute_service_charge function for bank account payments.

To define service charges on invoice payments using iReceivables:

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Receivables Activities window.

1-28 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

3. Enter a Name and Description for the activity.

4. Enter Adjustment in the Type field.

5. Complete the Receivables Activities window according to business requirements.

6. Save the work.

7. Remain in the Receivables Activities window with the new activity that was just
created. From the Help menu, choose Diagnostics, select Examine. The Examine
window opens.

8. In the Field field, enter RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID. Make note of the value in the
Value field. This value has to be entered in the OIR: Service Charge Activity ID
profile option (see step 28, page 1-30).

9. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

10. Navigate to the System Profile Values window.

11. Set the Sequential Numbering profile option to Always Used or Partially Used.

12. Save the work.

13. Navigate to the Document Sequences window.

14. In the Name field, enter a document sequence name that identifies this sequence for
iReceivables service charges.

15. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

16. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this document sequence.

17. In the Type field, enter Automatic or Gapless.

18. Complete the fields for this document sequence.

19. Save the work.

20. Navigate to the Sequence Assignments window.

21. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

22. In the Category field, enter the document category created by the Receivables
activity defined above.

23. In the Method field, enter Automatic.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-29

24. Open the Assignment tabbed region.

25. Enter the Start and End Dates for this sequence assignment.

26. In the Sequence field, enter the name of the document sequence defined in step 14.

27. Save the work.

28. Set these profile options for service charges:

• Set the OIR: Service Charge Activity ID profile option to the value of
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID for the new Receivables activity that was defined for
service charges.

• Set the OIR: Enable Service Charge profile option to Yes.

29. Set the ARI_SERVICE_CHARGE_PKG.compute_service_charge function to

calculate the appropriate service charge. The default calculation is .05% for bank
account payments. For credit cards, different values can be setup. It is 0.05% by
The ARI_SERVICE_CHARGE_PKG.compute_service_charge function is defined as:
where lookup_type = upper(L_LOOKUP_TYPE)
AND lookup_code = upper(P_LOOKUP_CODE)
AND sysdate between start_date_active
AND nvl(end_date_active,sysdate);

Important: In this function, ATTRIBUTE1 is hardcoded and cannot

be changed.

Service Charge Based on Credit Card Type

The lookup AR_CREDIT_CARD_SURCHARGE defines the Credit Card Types and the
Service Charges for each type. To set this up, perform the following steps:
1. Enable DFF Common Lookups with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Application Developer responsibility, and select Flexfield, then
Descriptive, then Segments.

2. Search for Type with value Common Lookups.

3. Deselect Freeze Flexfield Definition option.

4. Select the Global Data Elements row and click Segments.

1-30 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

5. Enter the following values:
Name: Credit Card Surcharge
Window Prompt: Credit Card Surchage
Column: Value for credit card surcharge

6. Save and compile.

7. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition option.

2. Navigate to Receivables Manager responsibility. Select Setup, then System. Under

QuickCodes, select Receivables.

3. Search for the lookup AR_CREDIT_CARD_SURCHARGE. Under DFF , enter the

Credit Card Surcharge value for each credit card type. This value gets reflected
while calculating the Service Charge when a Credit Card Type is selected during

Related Topics
Receivables Activities, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Defining Document Sequences, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
Oracle Receivables Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Set the Grace Period for Discounts

Users can configure iReceivables to consider the discount grace days for a customer or
customer site when calculating and displaying discount amounts for transactions.

Setup Tasks Using Rules

The setup tasks for setting the discount grace days for users new to iReceivables are:
• Set the Discount Grace Days rule for an operating unit and/or customer

See: Set Up Rules, page 1-37.

Setup Tasks Using Profile Options

The setup tasks for setting the discount grace days are:
1. Use the OIR: Enable Discount Grace Days profile option to enable or disable the
consideration of the grace period. When the grace period is enabled:
• Last Date column in the Discount Alerts table on the Home Page includes the
grace days allowed for the discount.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-31

• Discount amount displayed on the Payment page considers the grace days
allowed for the discount.

• All payments made through iReceivables consider the grace days when
calculating payment on transactions.

2. The setup tasks for setting the grace period days for discounts are:
• If necessary, enter the grace days in the Discount Grace Days field in the Profile:
Transaction tabbed region of the Customers - Standard window or the
Customer Addresses window for the customers and customer sites.

• Set the OIR: Enable Discount Grace Days profile option to Yes. The default
value is No.

Note: When the OIR: Enable Discount Grace Days profile

option is set to No, iReceivables does not consider grace days
when calculating discounts, even if grace days are defined for
the customer or customer site.

Related Topics
Oracle Receivables Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Set Up for ACH Bank Account Transfer Payments

Use the OIR: Bank Directory Source profile option to help manage bank account
transfer payments for iReceivables. The source for the bank directory can be the
CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V view or a local table AR_BANK_DIRECTORY, containing
the bank branch information, downloaded from the Federal Reserve Financial Services
web site.

Note: If OIR: Save Payment Instrument Information profile option is set

to No, iReceivables can only accept payment by credit card using a one-
step remittance method. The ACH bank account transfer to process
payments cannot be used. See: Define Receipt Class and Payment
Method, page 1-20 for more information.

• Set the OIR: Bank Directory Source profile option to Local to access the bank branch
information (routing number) from a local table, AR_BANK_DIRECTORY, which is
downloaded from the Federal Reserve Financial Services web site.
When a customer pays an invoice by ACH bank account transfer with a routing
number that is not available in the system (CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V view), the

1-32 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

routing number is checked against the local table, AR_BANK_DIRECTORY,
containing the bank branch information. If this routing number is available in the
local table, iReceivables still considers the information as valid and proceeds with
the payment. Along with the payment, iReceivables uploads the routing number,
bank and branch information into the system. To upload the ACH bank branch
information to a local table, see: Download and Upload the E-Payment ACH
Directory to a Local Table, page 1-33.

• Set the OIR: Bank Directory Source profile option to None to use the
CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V view as the bank directory source. If the routing
number is not present in the view, it will not be considered as a valid routing

To set up the profile option, see: Set Up Profiles, Registration History, Rules, and
System Parameters, page 1-36.

Upload the E-Payment ACH Directory to a Local Table

If the OIR: Bank Directory profile option is set to Local, a copy of the E-Payment ACH
directory must be present in the local table, AR_BANK_DIRECTORY. Retrieving the
directory involves two steps:
• Download the E-Payment ACH directory from the Federal Reserve Financial
Services web site.

• Use SQL*Loader to upload the directory to the AR_BANK_DIRECTORY table.

Note: System Administrator responsibility access is required to

perform this task.

To upload the E-Payment ACH directory to the local table:

1. Open the web browser.

2. Navigate to the Federal Reserve Financial Services web site.

3. Navigate to the E-Payments Routing Directory page and follow the instructions
given to download the directories.

4. Save the file in a local file that the Receivables system can access.

5. In Oracle E-Business Suite, select the System Administrator responsibility.

6. Navigate to the Request Group window.

7. In the Group field, query Receivables All.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-33

8. Add Import Bank Directory to the Requests.

9. Switch the responsibility from System Administrator to Receivables Manager.

10. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

11. In the Name field, choose Import Bank Directory from the list of values.

12. In the Parameters window, enter in the Data File field the path to the local file saved
in step 5.

13. Press the OK button.

14. Press the Schedule button.

15. In the Schedule window, choose Once.

16. Press the OK button.

17. Press the Submit button to submit the request.



1-34 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Oracle Receivables Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Upload ACH Bank and Branch Details

The concurrent program Import AR_BANK_DIRECTORY Table data to HZ_PARTIES
imports AR_BANK_DIRECTORY table data to TCA tables like HZ_PARTIES.
• This CP takes one input parameter, Import New Banks Information Only. If set as
N, then the CP imports all the new bank information from AR_BANK_DIRECTORY
table to TCA tables and also updates the existing information in the TCA Tables.

• If set as Y or no value, then the CP imports only new bank information from the
AR_BANK_DIRECTORY to TCA tables. It does not update the existing information.

• This CP has been added to the request group OIR Request Group All, which is
assigned to the iReceivables Internal User (ARI_INTERNAL).

Define Function Security

Use function security to limit access to iReceivables functionality for selected users.
Define a new responsibility based upon iReceivables 2.0 Internal or iReceivables
Account Management with the limited access that is desired and assign this new
responsibility to the internal users or to external users.
Use function security in these situations:
• Remove the Pay or Dispute function. By default iReceivables users have access to
both the Pay Invoice function and Dispute Invoice function. The Pay Invoice
function lets a user make online payments. The Dispute Invoice function allows a
user to dispute all or part of an invoice and submit a credit memo request.

To define function security for an iReceivables user:

1. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Select Security, then Responsibility. Click Define. The Responsibilities window


3. In the Responsibility Name field, enter a new responsibility name.

4. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

5. In the Responsibility Key field, enter the new responsibility name defined above.

6. In the Available From region, choose the Oracle Self Service Web Applications radio

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-35


7. In the Data Group Name field, enter Standard.

8. In the Data Group Application field, enter Oracle Receivables.

9. In the Menu field, choose iReceivables 2.0 Internal from the list of values for internal
users or iReceivables Account Management for external users.

10. Open the Menu Exclusions tabbed region.

11. In the Type field, enter Function.

12. In the Name fields, enter:

• Pay Invoices to exclude the Pay Invoice function.

• ARW_BTN_DISPUTE to exclude the Dispute Invoice function.

13. Save the work.

14. Under System Administrator, select Security, then Users. Select Define. The Users
window opens.

15. Query or enter the first user.

16. Open the Responsibilities tabbed region.

17. In the Responsibility field, enter the new responsibility defined above.

18. In the From and To fields, enter the effective dates for this user.

19. Save the work.

20. Repeat steps 15 to 19 for each user to be assigned this responsibility.

Related Topics
Responsibilities Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Set Up Profiles, Rules, and System Parameters

Use the Setup Checklist page to set up profile options, rules and system parameters for
different functions of iReceivables.
User must have access to the iReceivables Setup responsibility to perform this setup

1-36 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Important: In iReceivables Release 12, the rules set precedence over
profile options. First the rules are checked for values and then the
profile options are checked.

The Setup Checklist page gives access to the following setups:

• Profiles: Profile options can be set or updated easily from this page.

• Registration History: Self Registration details can be viewed and modified from this

• Rules: Rules offer a high degree of flexibility in customizing the application

behavior similar to e-mail rules. Rules can be set up and updated from this page.

• System Parameters: Various system options can be set from this page.

Set Up Profiles
To set up profile options:
1. Click Go To Task to view profiles.

2. Select the profile option and click Go to display its properties.

3. Click Update to change the profile option details.

Set Up Rules
To set up rules:
1. Click Go To Task from the setup checklist page to view rules.

2. Two types of rules can be setup from this page; Global Rules Setup and Operating
Unit Dependent Rules Setup.
• For Global Rules Setup, set the Customer Verification Question rule, which is
used as the verification question shown to the user in Validate Customer Access
page during self registration. Click Setup Rules to set the verification rule.

• For Operating Unit Dependent Rules Setup, rules can be set for the following
attributes. Select the organization and click Setup Rules to set any rule.
1. Site Verification Question rule, which is used as the verification question
shown to the user in Verify Access page during self registration.

2. Service Charge Enabled rule, which is used to enable the iReceivables

Service Charge feature.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-37

3. Service Charge Activity ID rule, which is used to set the Receivables
Activity identifier for the service charge transaction created while paying
through iReceivables.

4. Multi Print Limit rule, which is used to set the maximum number of
invoices for immediate printing from iReceivables.

5. Last Used Payment Instrument rule, which is used to configure

iReceivables to remember previously used payment instruments.

6. Future Dated Payments rule, which is used to set the maximum limit (in
days) for future dated ACH payments through iReceivables.

7. Discount Grace Days rule, which is used to set the grace days to determine
if discount are eligible for payments through iReceivables.

8. Contact Information rule, which is used to configure contact information

for iReceivables pages.

9. Aging Buckets rule, which is used to configure display of aging buckets on

the home page.

Set Up System Parameters

To set up system parameters:
1. Click Go To Task to view system parameters.

2. Select the organization for which the system parameter has to be set.
Set the following parameters:
• Credit Card Receipt Method

• Bank Account Payment Method

• Service Charge Activity

3. Click Update to change the system parameters details.

History Details
Use the Setup Checklist page to view the Payment Audit History and Registration
History details of users.

1-38 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Payment Audit History
This feature allows to track all payments received and processed through iReceivables
by internal and external users. You can review successful and failed payment attempts.
To view payment audit history:
1. Using iReceivables Setup responsibility, navigate to the Setup Checklist page.

2. Click Go To Task on the Payment Audit History row to view the Payment Audit
History Details page.

3. Enter the required fields and click Go.

Additional Information: With blind search, the Date filter is

defaulted and the search returns all registration performed in the
last seven days.

4. The following details are available:

• Payment Status (Successful/Failed).

• Receipt Details, if payment was successful. Click the Receipt Number to view
the details.

• Credit card authorization details. Click the Receipt Number to view the details.

• Customer Name and Customer Number.

• List of Invoices and Debit Memos paid. You can also view the Deposits paid.

Registration History Maintenance

Registration history data can be managed through this page. Customers can also review
Pending and Previously completed registration requests. The data is stored in the
To view and update registration history:
1. Using iReceivables Setup responsibility, navigate to the Setup Checklist page.

2. Click Go To Task on the Registration History row to view the Registration History
Details page.

3. Enter the required fields and click Go.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-39

Additional Information: With blind search, the Date filter is
defaulted and the search returns all registration performed in the
last seven days.

4. Click Update to update the registration.

• Registration Type: Can be used to distinguish between new user and existing

• Status: Gives the status of registration.

• Update: Administrator can update the status. For example, if the external user
on self registration fails the challenge questions three times, the registration is
put on hold. The administrator can update this.

• The other fields are populated based on the customer chosen for registration.

Upon submission:
• Once the registration request is submitted, Administrator will not be able to modify
the Status of the Registration Request.

• UMX workflow is initiated for a new registration. Once the registration request is
submitted, workflow link is enabled and Update button is disabled.

Additional Access:
For requests for additional access, the workflow is initiated if the profile option, OIR:
Approval Required for Additional Account Access is set to a FND User Name or AME
is enabled (profile option, OIR: Use AME for Additional Access is set). If AME is
enabled then the former profile (OIR: Approval Required for Additional Account
Access) value is ignored. If both the profile values are set to NULL, then approval is not
required, and the additional account access is granted.
Click the workflow link available under Workflow Status column to view the workflow

Set Up for Anonymous User Login

The iReceivables Anonymous User Login feature lets customers access customer
account data without owning or registering for a user account. For example, this feature
can be used for bill collections to let users access account data to view and pay open
Anonymous users access their account data using the Anonymous Login page. The
Anonymous Login page prompts the user for an account number, and then redirects to
the set iReceivables page. The available pages for redirect are the Customer Search

1-40 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

page, the Account Home page, the Account Details page, or an Anonymous Login Error
The Anonymous Login feature is contained in the jsp file AnonymousLogin.jsp. Use
this jsp file to validate the guest user, create a session and redirect to the set iReceivables
page, and customize the number of parameters passed to the API. By default, the
information entered by the user in the Account Number field on the Anonymous Login
page is passed to the API.
The setup tasks for anonymous user login include:
• Update the anonymous login .htm files.

• Assign iReceivables 2.0 Anonymous Internal to the Guest User Password profile

• Modify the file AnonymousLogin.jsp, located in the OA_HTML directory, if

migrated from Release 11i.

Caution: The iReceivables 2.0 Anonymous Internal responsibility by

default has access to all the application features available to the
registered user. Please carefully enable or disable the features accessible
to the anonymous user.

To set up iReceivables for anonymous user login:

1. Update the .htm files for the Anonymous Login page and the Anonymous Login
Error page. The anonymous login .htm files are:

To successfully access the anonymous login pages, modify these .htm files. To
support multiple languages, copy these files, modify the alert in the logon_submit()
function and any other language dependent attributes, and place the modified files
in the appropriate directory structure. Place the modified static HTML pages in the
$OA_HTML/[country code]/

where: [country code] - Uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code

2. In Oracle E-Business Suite, select the System Administrator responsibility.

3. If necessary, use function security to limit user access to functionality in the

iReceivables Account Management responsibility. See: Define Function Security,
page 1-35 for more information.

4. Assign the iReceivables anonymous login responsibility defined in step 3 to the pre-
seeded guest user account.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-41

1. Navigate to Security, then User, and select Define. The Users window opens.

2. In the User Name field, query the value of the guest user account.

3. Navigate to the Responsibilities tabbed region.

4. Add the iReceivables anonymous login responsibility defined above.

5. Modify the SQL code in AnonymousLogin.jsp.

Add any parameters needed as name-value pairs to the HashMap structure hParams
, according to the following example:
HashMap hParams = new HashMap();

Here the code adds a parameter named IrcustomerId and its value sCustId to the
hash table. An illustration is provided in the file for Customer Site ID.
The following table outlines the page-level semantics, and mandatory and optional
parameters, for each iReceivables page.

Page Function Mandatory Optional Other

Parameters Parameters Semantics

Customer ARI_INTERNA N/A N/A For internal

Search L_PAGE users.

Customer ARI_EXTERNA N/A N/A For external

Search L_PAGE users.

Note: If the user

is redirected to
the Customer
Search page,
then assign the
Guest user a
customer. See:
External Users
and Customer
Access, page 1-6.

Home ARIHOME Ircustomerid=< Ircustomersiteu N/A

id> seid=<site_id>

1-42 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Page Function Mandatory Optional Other
Parameters Parameters Semantics

Account Details ARIACCOUNT Ircustomerid=< Ircustomersiteu Values for

id> seid=<site_id> <type> are from
Iracctdtlstype_e the lookup
xt=<type> ARI_ACCOUNT
Iraccountstatus_ _DETAILS_TYP
ext=<status> E.

Values for
<status> are
from the lookup
TUS. If aging
buckets are
used, then use
aging status
codes. The
format for the
aging status
code is:

+<days from> +
<days to>

Note: A
g aging
bucket must
be defined for
<days from>
and<days to>.

Review and Update Receivables Lookups

Use the Lookups window to review and update Receivables lookup types for use with
iReceivables. The lookup types are:



Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-43





For the lookup types CREDIT_MEMO_REASON and ARI_INVOICE_SECTION, review

and update both seeded and user-defined lookup codes. For the lookup type
AR_IREC_CREDIT_CARD_TYPES, update the seeded credit card types to be accepted
for iReceivables payments.

Note: Users cannot modify the seeded lookups for the lookup types
Users cannot add new lookup codes for the lookup types

For the lookup type ARI_CUSTOMER_SEARCH_TYPE, review and update the seeded
lookup codes that should appear on the Search By poplist on the Customer Search page.
For extended customer search, define lookup codes for the new customer search
attributes. Custom transaction search attributes that are defined are queried by the
procedure search_custom_customer() in the file ARICNFGB.pls. See: Extending the
iReceivables Search, page 4-6 for more information.
review and update the seeded lookup codes that should appear on the Status and
Transaction Type poplists on the Account Details page. For extended transaction search,
define lookup codes for the new transaction search attributes. Custom transaction
search attributes that are defined are queried by the procedure search_custom_trx() in
the file ARICNFGB.pls. See: Extending the iReceivables Search, page 4-6 for more
The lookup type ARI_CUSTOMER_HEADER_LABEL is used to personalize header
information shown in iReceivables. The following options are available:
• Operating Unit Name: Displays the Operating Unit

• Customer Name: Displays the Customer Name

• Customer Number: Displays the Customer Number

• Customer Site Name: Displays the Location of the Site

• Customer Site User ID - Displays the Site User Id

By default all these values are enabled and comes in the above mentioned order. If the
Operating Unit has to be hidden, then disable Operating Unit Name option from the

1-44 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

lookup. If order of options has to be changed, for example, Customer Number before
Customer name, then set the Tag lower for Customer Number than Customer Name.

To update Receivables lookups for use with iReceivables

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Oracle Receivables Lookups window.

3. In the Type field, query the lookup type.

4. In the User Name field, enter the user name for the applicable lookup codes.

5. In the Application field, enter Oracle Receivables. The system displays the lookup

6. To disable a lookup code, enter a date in the Effective Dates To field or deselect the
Enabled box.


the Tag field to make a code available to external users or N to make the code
available to internal users only. Replace any null values in the Tag field with Y or N.

8. Enter any new lookup codes for ARI_CUSTOMER_SEARCH_TYPE and


Related Topics
Application Utilities Lookups and Oracle Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-
Business Suite Developer's Guide
Defining Receivables Lookups, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Set the Aging Information

Users can set the aging information for iReceivables to view transactions across various
age buckets. Customers can view aging buckets for their accounts in the Account
Summary page. By clicking on an aging bucket balance number, the user can drill down
to the Account Details page to review all the debit items in the aging bucket, including
invoices, chargebacks, guarantees, deposits, debit memos, and credit memos. The
Search list for transaction status in the Account Details page includes each of the active
aging buckets as search criteria.

Setup Tasks Using Rules

The setup tasks for applying aging buckets if user is new to iReceivables are:

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-45

• Set the Aging Bucket rule for an operating unit and/or customer

See: Set Up Rules, page 1-37.

Setup Tasks Using Profile Options

The setup tasks for applying aging buckets are:
1. Set the OIR: Aging Buckets profile option to display aging information for
iReceivables users.
Users can set this profile option at the site, responsibility, and user levels, according
to the business practice. Users can display the standard aging buckets that Oracle
Receivables provides, or the custom buckets that is defined in the Receivables
Aging Buckets window. If all fields are left blank, then iReceivables does not
display aging buckets.
To set the aging buckets profile option:
1. Select the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Navigate to the System Profile Values window.

3. Set the OIR: Aging Buckets profile option at the site, responsibility, or user level
to display the preferred aging buckets.

Related Topics
Oracle Receivables Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Set Up for Bill Presentment Architecture

iReceivables integrates with Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA) to customize the
content and format of billing data that customers view online. BPA lets users retrieve
billing data from multiple data sources and template-based configuration of online bills,
including content selection, layout design, drilldown and grouping capability, and
billing template assignment. With BPA, the information on the bill is not limited to
information contained within Oracle Receivables. By separating bill presentment from
transaction accounting, Oracle BPA lets users configure and print invoices according to
their company needs.
Perform the following setup steps to display and print invoices using the Bill
Presentment Architecture in Oracle iReceivables:
• OIR: Bill Presentment Architecture Enabled profile option - Set the OIR: Bill
Presentment Architecture Enabled profile option to display and print invoices in

1-46 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

BPA format. This profile option can be set at the site, application, responsibility, and
user levels, according to business practices.
If all fields are left blank, then iReceivables displays invoices in the standard
iReceivables format.

• OIR: Multi Print Limit profile option - Use the OIR: Multi Print Limit profile
option to set a limit to the number of invoices printed immediately using the BPA
Print program. If the user prints more invoices than the limit specified, then
iReceivables uses the BPA Print concurrent program to print the invoices.

• Generate BPA Stylesheets - Run the Generate Stylesheet for BPA Templates
concurrent program from BPA responsibility.

• Customize the print request messages - Users can customize the BPA print request
messages according to requirements. The messages are:
• ARI_IMMEDIATE_PRINT_PROG_NAME - BPA Immediate Print program.

• ARI_PRINT_PROGRAM_NAME - BPA Print concurrent program.

See: Editing iReceivables Messages, page 4-6.

Note: System Administrator responsibility access is required to perform

this setup step.

For steps on setting up profile options, see: Set Up Profiles, Registration History, Rules,
and System Parameters, page 1-36.

Related Topics
Overview of Bill Presentment Architecture, Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User's
Print Management, Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User's Guide.

Print Invoices Using AR Print Program

The profile option OIR: Bill Presentment Architecture Enabled can be used to select the
print program used to print invoices. If the profile value is set to No, then iReceivables
uses the AR Print program, Invoice Print Selected Invoices, to print the invoices. If the
value is set to Yes or not set with any value, then iReceivables uses the BPA Print
Program to print the invoices.

Modify the Display of Account Information

The display of account information can be modified in the iReceivables Account Details

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-47

and Transaction pages (including Invoice, Debit Memo, Deposit, and Payments) using
Oracle E-Business Suite Personalization Framework. See: Oracle Application Framework
Personalization Guide. By modifying the display of account information in the Account
Details and Transactions pages, the regions and fields that external customers and one-
time users have access to can be controlled.
In addition to displaying the customer's latest account activity, the Account Details
page can also display transaction descriptive flexfields and the context field values
defined for them, if these flexfields are enabled in the Receivables Transactions
window. The flexfields are the Invoice Transaction flexfield and the Transaction
Information flexfield. iReceivables stores flexfield information in the
ARI_ACCOUNT_INVOICE table. Use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to
enter context field values for the transaction flexfields.
The Invoice, Debit Memo, and Deposit pages can also display invoice line-level
descriptive flexfields and the context field values defined for them, if these flexfields are
enabled in the Receivables Transactions window. The flexfields are the Invoice Line
Information flexfield and the Line Transaction flexfield. iReceivables stores flexfield
information in the ARI_INVOICE_LINES table. Use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments
window to enter context field values for the invoice line-level flexfields.
The Payments page can also display the Receipt Information flexfield and the context
field values defined for the flexfield in the Payment Row region. iReceivables can also
display the Transaction Information and Invoice Transaction flexfields in the Payment
Activities tables for the Account Details, Invoice, and Payment pages.
Administrator-level personalization changes can be made while logged in to
iReceivables. Administrator-Level (Admin-level) personalizations apply to Function,
Localization, Site, Organization, and Responsibility levels.

Controller Class Restrictions

Some restrictions may apply to personalization changes due to the controller class. A
controller class is the code that controls how a page is rendered and how events are
handled on the page. The restrictions are:
• Users cannot create new controller classes or modify existing controller classes. Any
modifications to controller classes are not supported.

• In some cases, the controller class for a given page may override the personalization

To make Admin-level personalization changes to the Account Details page:

1. Set the Personalize Self-Service Defn profile option to Yes.

2. Log in to iReceivables and navigate to the Account Details page for the customer.

3. Click the available personalization link. These personalization links vary according

1-48 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

to the search, but always appear in the Search region of the Account Details page,
after the search results table.

To make Admin-level personalization changes to the Invoice page:

1. Set the Personalize Self-Service Defn profile option to Yes.

2. Log in to iReceivables and navigate to the Invoice page for the customer.

3. To display transaction header-level flexfields on the Invoice page, click the

personalization link Personalize Invoice Terms Table. To display transaction line-level
flexfields in the Invoice page, click the Personalize Invoice Lines Table personalization

To make Admin-level personalization changes to the Payments page:

1. Set the Personalize Self-Service Defn profile option to Yes.

2. Log in to iReceivables and navigate to the Payments page for the customer.

3. To display receipt flexfields in the Payments page, click the personalization link
Personalize Payment Row. To display transaction line-level flexfields in the Payment
page, click the personalization link Personalize Application Table.

Related Topics
Planning and Defining Descriptive Flexfields, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
Creating Admin–Level Personalizations, OA Framework Personalization and Extensibility
Transaction Flexfields, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Custom Hooks for Payment, Dispute, and Print

Custom hooks can be enabled for Payment, Dispute, and Print options from the
Account Details page and the Transaction details page. If the user wants custom
conditions to be passed before making payments, dispute, or print, these custom
procedures can be set up.

Setting Up Profile Options

The profile options used are OIR: Custom Validate Payment, OIR: Custom Validate
Dispute, and OIR: Custom Validate Print. Set the Custom PackageName.Procedure
name (which contains the business logic whether to allow Payment, Dispute, or Print)
as the profile value for the above profiles.
If the custom procedures are in the package ARI_DEF_CUSTOM_HOOKS_PVT and the

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-49

procedures for validating Payment is VALIDATE_PAYMENT, Dispute is
VALIDATE_DISPUTE and Print is VALIDATE_PRINT, then set the values of the
profiles as follows at the appropriate level:
• OIR: Custom Validate Payment: ARI_DEF_CUSTOM_HOOKS_PVT.

• OIR: Custom Validate Payment: ARI_DEF_CUSTOM_HOOKS_PVT.


• OIR: Custom Validate Print: ARI_DEF_CUSTOM_HOOKS_PVT.


The profile values can be set at either Site Level/Application Level/Responsibility

Level/User Level. If they are not set, then by default the validations are returned as
Success. For information on how to set up profile options, see: Set Up Profiles,
Registration History, Rules, and System Parameters, page 1-36.

Important: The seeded package ARI_DEF_HOOKS_PVT returns

validations as success. This package can be used as a reference. Do not
modify this package. Define the custom package as required.

Custom Procedure Signatures

Custom procedures should follow their pre-defined signatures and should have six
parameters. These parameter values are passed from the iReceivables application to the
custom procedures.

Additional Information: The signature is the same for payments,

dispute and print, except for the procedure name.

Custom procedure for allowing Payment should have the following signature:
p_cust_account_id IN NUMBER
,p_cust_site_use_id IN NUMBER
,p_session_id IN NUMBER
,p_payment_schedule_id IN NUMBER
,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);

For dispute and print, the signature is similar, with PAYMENT replaced with DISPUTE
and PRINT respectively. The procedure should return status as either S (Success) or E
(Error) and if it returns an Error, then the error message in x_msg_data procedure, is
shown in Account Details and Transaction List pages.

1-50 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Integrate iReceivables into Your Business Processes
Find ways to integrate iReceivables into your business processes. Some examples of
integrating iReceivables into your business include:
• Make sure your printed Collections and Receivables documents reference the URL
that customers use to access your iReceivables web site.

• Make sure your voice messages reference your iReceivables web site.

• Have your collectors mention your iReceivables web site when speaking with

• Advertise the iReceivables web site internally so that Sales, Collections, and
Customer Service personnel start to use the application regularly.

Setting Up Oracle iReceivables 1-51

Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup

Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup 2-1

Receivables Command Center Configuration

Setting Up Receivables Command Center

See "Receivables Command Center Overview", Oracle Receivables User Guide for more
The Receivables Command Center application configuration and setup must be
completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described
in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise
Command Center Framework. See "Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables
Command Center", page 2-2 for more information.

Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables Command Center

See "Receivables Command Center Overview", Oracle Receivables User Guide for details
about the command center.
To set up Receivables Command Center:
1. Configure descriptive flexfields for search, page 2-2

2. Load Receivables Command Center data, page 2-3

3. Set profile options for Receivables, page 2-5

Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Search

See "Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables Command Center", page 2-2 for
more information.
Enterprise command centers support searching on descriptive flexfield (DFF) attributes.
After you configure DFFs, you must run the data load process to make the DFF
attributes available in the command center.
For additional information about configuring and customizing flexfields, see Oracle E-
Business Suite Flexfields Guide and My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1,
Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2.
The following table describes the DFFs that are available in the Receivables Command

2-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Dashboard Data Set DFF Title DFF Name DFF Displayed in
Group Name

Outstanding ar-trx Transaction RA_CUSTO Transaction Available

Receivables Information MER_TRX Information Refinements,
List results

Outstanding ar-trx Transaction RA_INTERF Transaction Available

Receivables Information ACE_HEADE Invoice Refinements,
R Information Transaction
List results

Loading Receivables Command Center Data

See "Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables Command Center", page 2-2 for
more information.
To import the data from Oracle E-Business Suite to the Receivables Command Center's
data sets, run the Receivables Command Center Data Load concurrent program, which
is located under Receivables Manager >Control >Requests >Run.
Run the concurrent program from the Submit Request window.

Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup 2-3

Receivables Command Center Data Load Request

To load Receivables data:

1. In the Name field, enter Receivables Command Center Data Load.

2. Select the appropriate load type.

• Full Load: Loads all required receivables data and supporting details into the
Receivables Command Center for analysis.

• Incremental Load: Loads only the data that has been modified since the
previous load for all dashboards. Schedule incremental load to run as often as
required to keep the ECC dashboards current.

• Metadata Load: Loads Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) metadata. If there are any
changes to the DFF definition, then you must run the program first with the
Metadata Load option and then the Full Load option so that the DFF changes
are reflected in the command center.

3. In the Languages field, enter one or more language codes for the output. For
multiple language codes, use the format AA,BB,NN. For example, enter US,AR,KO.
If the field is left blank, then the data will be loaded for the base language only
(usually US).

4. Select the log level that you want the program to report. The default value is Error.

5. Select True to enable SQL trace. Otherwise, select False.

2-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

6. Submit the concurrent request.

7. Review your request using the Requests page.

8. Monitor data loading using the Data Load Tracking page of the ECC Developer

Setting Profile Options for Receivables Command Center

See Setup and Configuration Steps for Receivables Command Center, page 2-2 for more
Set a value for each user profile option to specify how Receivables Command Center
controls access to and processes data:

Profile Option Name Description

AR: Aging Buckets for ECC Use this site-level profile to set aging
templates for Receivables Command Center
components including the Transactions Aging
for Outstanding Receivables chart. Enter a
number to define the aging bucket

AR: History Range for ECC This site-level profile uses the Oracle
Receivables history range for the Payment
History dashboard. Enter the number of days
used for a specific date range.

Oracle iReceivables Command Center Setup 2-5

Setting Up for Credit Memo Request

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Setting Up Oracle Receivables for Credit Memo Request Workflow
• Define Credit Memo Approval Limits for Approvers
• Update Transaction Types
• Define a Credit Memo Transaction Batch Source
• Set Up Credit Memo Request Workflow

Setting Up Oracle Receivables for Credit Memo Request Workflow

The Credit Memo Request Workflow routes credit memo requests from your customers
to the appropriate personnel in your organization. Complete the setup steps in this
section for Oracle Receivables and then proceed to the set up tasks for Credit Memo
Request Workflow in Oracle Workflow.
Use this checklist to complete the appropriate setup steps in the correct order.

Setup Tasks for Credit Memo Request Workflow

Setup Tasks for Credit Memo Request Workflow

Step Step Description Required or Optional


1 Define Credit Memo Approval Limits for Approvers. Required

See: Define Credit Memo Approval Limits for Approvers,
page 3-2.

Setting Up for Credit Memo Request Workflow 3-1

Step Step Description Required or Optional

2 Define a Credit Memo Transaction Batch Source. See: Required

Define a Credit Memo Transaction Batch Source, page 3-

3 Update Transaction Types. See: Update Transaction Required

Types, page 3-3.

4 Set Up Credit Memo Request Workflow. See: Set Up Required

Credit Memo Request Workflow, page 3-4

Define Credit Memo Approval Limits for Approvers

Use the Approval Limits window to define credit memo approval limits for primary
and non-primary approvers in your company. The Primary Approval subprocess routes
a credit memo request for approval to the approver marked as Primary. The HR
Management Approval subprocess routes requests to non-primary approvers according
to the management hierarchy defined in your company.
To define credit memo approval limits for approvers:
1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to Setup, then Transactions. Select Approval Limits. The Approval Limits
window opens.

3. In the User Name field, enter the first approver for defining approval limits.

4. In the Document Type field, select Credit Memo from the LOV.

5. In the Currency field, enter a currency code.

6. In the From Amount and To Amount fields, enter the minimum and maximum
approval amounts in this currency for this user.

7. If this approver is the primary approver for this range, check the Primary box.

8. Save your work.

9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each approver.

Additional Information: Add Receivable Role responsibility to the

3-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

approver user. Without this responsibility, notifications will not be sent
to the approver.

Related Topics
Approval Limits, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Update Transaction Types

Use the Transaction Types window to define a Credit Memo Type for invoice, debit
memo, and commitment transaction types. When a credit memo request is approved,
the new credit memo uses the Credit Memo Type defined for the disputed transaction.

Note: If the invoices calculate tax, the credit memos assigned to them
must also calculate tax. For this, ensure that the invoice transaction type
and the credit memo transaction type both have the Tax Calculation
box checked. If necessary, set up a separate transaction type that does
not calculate tax for the On Account credit memos.

To update transaction types for iReceivables:

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to Setup and select Transactions. Select Transaction Types. The

Transaction Types window opens.

3. Query or enter the first transaction type to update.

4. In the Credit Memo Type field, enter the credit memo type to use when crediting
items with this transaction type.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each transaction type.

Related Topics
Transaction Types, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Define a Credit Memo Transaction Batch Source

Use the Transaction Sources window to define a credit memo transaction batch source.
The Credit Memo Request process uses the credit memo transaction batch source to
create credit memos.
To define a credit memo transaction batch source:

Setting Up for Credit Memo Request Workflow 3-3

1. Select the Receivables Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to Setup, then Transactions. Select Sources. The Transaction Sources

window opens.

3. In the Name field, enter a name that identifies this batch source as a credit memo
transaction batch source for iReceivables.

4. In the Type field, select Manual.

5. Check either the Automatic Transaction Numbering box or the Copy Document
Number to Transaction Number box.

Related Topics
Transaction Batch Sources, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Set Up Credit Memo Request Workflow

After setting up Oracle Receivables for Credit Memo Request Workflow, set up Oracle
Workflow to specify which users will receive approval requests.
Refer to the following documentation to complete the setup of Credit Memo Request

Related Topics
Setting Up the AME Credit Memo Request Workflow, Oracle Receivables User Guide
Setting Up Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

3-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Configuring Oracle iReceivables

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Configuring iReceivables
• Modifying the Account Summary Page Information Section
• Modifying the Account Summary Page Discount Alerts and Dispute Statuses
• Viewing Attachments in the Account Summary Page
• Customizing the Dispute Pages
• Configuring the Contact Us Global Button Email Address
• Extending the iReceivables Search
• Editing iReceivables Messages
• Custom Templates for Statement Downloads
• Purge Process
• Installment Number
• Diagnostics Reports

Configuring iReceivables
iReceivables includes the configuration package ARI_CONFIG, written in PL/SQL. The
ARI_CONFIG configuration package can be used to modify attributes in iReceivables
without having to make changes to any other part of the code. ARI_CONFIG contains
in two files the variables and functions for this configurable component. The two files
are ARICNFGS.pls (package specification) and ARICNFGB.pls (package body).
The ARICNFGS.pls package specification contains variables referenced in the
ARICNFGB.pls package body. Functions and procedures in the package body are
referenced elsewhere in the iReceivables code.
Users can modify these components using the ARI_CONFIG configuration package:

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-1

• Account Summary page information section

• Account Summary page discount alerts and dispute statuses section

• iReceivables transaction search and customer search

Note: The other iReceivables components previously configurable

using ARI_CONFIG are now managed by the tech stack. See:
Configuring and Troubleshooting Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle E-
Business Suite for more information.

Users can also:

• Customize the Dispute pages.

• Edit iReceivables messages using the Oracle Application Object Library.

Modifying the Account Summary Page Information Section

A company can provide its customers with access to additional information on the
Account Summary home page, such as news, FAQs, and policy statements. The right
side of the Account Summary page is devoted to displaying additional information.
When the Account Summary page is rendered, a call is made to the procedure
ari_config.get_homepage_customization. This procedure returns the HTML code that is
rendered in the information section.
The procedure get_homepage_customization takes the following parameters:
• user id

• customer id

• customer site use id

• encrypted customer id

• encrypted site use id

• language

With these parameters, users can create dynamic content, such as marketing messages
and personalized account information.
For more information about the get_homepage_customization parameters, see the
documentation included in ARICNFGB.pls.

4-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Modifying the Account Summary Page Discount Alerts and Dispute
Statuses Section
A company can configure the display of discount alerts and dispute statuses for each
customer or external user.
By default, the left side of the Account Summary page, below the customer's account
summary, displays discount alerts and the status of open disputes for the accessing
customer. If a customer does not have invoices eligible for discount or does not have
open dispute requests, iReceivables either displays the messages "No Discounts" or "No
Credit Requests" or, if preferred, iReceivables does not display this section at all.
Users can control the display of discount alerts and dispute statuses using the
customization functions in the ARI_CONFIG package. Both functions operate in the
same manner:
• The function returns a RENDER flag, indicating whether or not to render the region
(Y or N).

• The function returns override HTML to replace the actual table.

If the function returns Y for the RENDER flag, iReceivables displays the current data or
displays the messages "No Discounts" or "No Credit Requests" if there is no data. If the
procedure returns N for the RENDER flag, the region is not displayed.
Depending on the customer or on the business needs, users can also replace the default
messages with custom messages or information display.

Viewing Attachments in the Account Summary Page

The Attachment section in the Account Summary page enables users to add, update and
delete attachments. This section is hidden by default.
Perform the following steps to enable the Attachment section:
1. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

2. Navigate to the Personalize Page settings.

3. In the Personalization Structure table, scroll down to attachment, and click the
Personalize button.

4. In the Personalization Properties table, set the value of Rendered property to true at
the Site, Organization, or Responsibility level.

5. Click Apply. The Attachments section is now available in the Accounts Summary

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-3

Important: Internal users can add, update, or delete attachments, while
external users can only add attachments. If the value of the profile
option AR_BPA_ATTACH_UPDATE_ENABLED is set to no, then both
internal and external users can only view attachments.

Customizing the Dispute Pages

Users can customize iReceivables Dispute pages according to requirements. The
following customizations can be performed:
• Create customized messages for the Enter Dispute Details page and the Review
Credit Request page.

• Personalize the Invoice Summary table to display invoice flexfields and


• Personalize the Invoice Lines region of the Enter Dispute Details page and the
Review Credit Request page to display the invoice line flexfield.

• Personalize the Invoice Lines region of the Enter Dispute Details page to display a
Search region to search by invoice line attributes, when there is a large number of
invoice lines.

Creating Customized Messages

Add customized messages to the Message Dictionary for the Enter Dispute Details page
and the Review Credit Request page. Messages can be created based on the lookup
types CREDIT_MEMO_REASON and ARI_INVOICE_SECTION in these formats:
• Enter Dispute Details page - ARI_DD_<CREDIT_MEMO_REASON lookup code>

• Enter Dispute Details page: Invoice section - ARI_DD_<ARI_INVOICE_SECTION

lookup code>

• Review Credit Request page - ARI_DR_<CREDIT_MEMO_REASON lookup code>

• Review Credit Request page: Invoice section - ARI_DR_<ARI_INVOICE_SECTION

lookup code>

Note: The Enter Dispute Details page displays the default message
when no customized message is defined.

See: Editing iReceivables Messages, page 4-6.

4-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

This example provides custom messages for the dispute reason code
Define a message called ARI_DD_DAMAGED_GOODS that reads: "Please attach a
digital image of the damaged goods." When the user selects this dispute reason, the
Dispute Details page displays this additional instruction message. Along with the
message, users can also personalize the Dispute Details page to enable attachments.
If this kind of dispute will take longer to process, define an additional message called
ARI_DR_DAMAGED_GOODS that reads: "We will process your dispute within the
next 7 business days. If you do not receive a response within this time frame, please
email us quoting the request ID."

Configuring the Contact Us Global Button Email Address

The Contact Us global button on the tool bar is a "mail-to" (HTML) link. When the user
clicks the Contact Us global button, the user's email package opens with a new outgoing
message pre-addressed to the contact person in the To field.

Setup Tasks
The setup tasks for personalizing the email information if new to iReceivables are:
• Enable Contact Information rule

• Create a new rule as required giving values for the following parameters:
• Customer

• Customer Site Use

• Language String

• Page

• If the rule is not set, then the contact information is taken from WEB_HTML_CALL
attribute of the ARICONTACTUS function.

To set up rules, see: Set Up Rules, page 1-37.

Related Topics
Form Functions Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-5

Extending the iReceivables Search
Users can extend the iReceivables transaction search and iReceivables customer search
to include additional search attributes according to business practices. Transaction
search is extended by providing additional transaction search attributes in the Status
and Transaction Type lists on the Account Details page. Customer search is extended by
providing additional customer search attributes in the Search By list on the Customer
Search page.
Custom code for custom search attributes is provided using the following procedures in
the ARICNFGB.pls file:
• search_custom_trx for the custom transaction search.

• search_custom_customer for the custom customer search.

These procedures are called by the client Java code whenever users initiate a search
using the additional custom search attributes.
To extend the iReceivables search:
• Use the Lookups window to define look up codes for custom transaction or
customer search attributes. See: Review and Update Receivables Lookups, page 1-

• Use the Messages window to define error messages that refer to validations on the
input parameters.

• Write the code for the custom search attributes defined.

Related Topics
Message Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Editing iReceivables Messages

Use the Messages window in the Oracle Application Object Library to edit iReceivables
messages according to the needs. All iReceivables messages use the prefix "ARI" or
"OIR" in the message name.

Warning: Do not perform either of these actions while editing

iReceivables messages:

• Do not insert returns. Inserting returns into HTML-based messages can cause a
fatal system error.

4-6 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

• Do not modify text strings that contain an ampersand (&). These text strings are
parameters that iReceivables replaces with actual values. For example, the text
strings &trx_type and &salesperson represent the transaction type and salesperson
name respectively. iReceivables cannot display these messages correctly if these
strings are modified.

Before editing iReceivables messages, make a copy of the Message Dictionary runtime
message file and store it in a directory protected from upgrades. The Message
Dictionary runtime message file is located in the directory:

Note: System Administrator and Application Developer responsibilities

access is required to perform this task.

Related Topics
Implementing Message Dictionary, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Custom Templates for Statement Downloads

Users can customize the Statement Download templates present in the Accounts
Summary page as per requirement. The Statement Download option launches a report
based on the template selected.

Custom Template without Data Template

Perform the following steps to customize:
1. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

2. Select the Account tab. The Template LOV lists all available templates.

3. Select the template to be customized from the LOV. Click Export. This launches the
report. Ensure that this is the correct report that needs to be customized. Note the
template name.

4. Navigate to the Home page. Select XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

Click Home and select Templates. This launches the Templates Search page.

5. In the Name field, type the name of the template to be customized. Click Go.

Important: Note the data definition used by the template. If

creating a new template, use the same data definition to view the
template created as LOV in Account Details page.

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-7

6. From the search results, select the link for the template. This launches the View
Template page.

7. The template file is available under the File Name section. Select the Download
option and save the template locally.

8. Open the downloaded template. The data fields in the template are grayed out.

Important: The first column will always have F prefixed to the text.
This indicates that from this point onwards, the data is to be
repeated for each row. Each row will end with a column name that
is suffixed with E. When new columns are added, ensure that the
first column is prefixed with F.

9. Select a data field, right click, and select Properties. Click the Add Help Text button.
This launches the Form Field Help Text window. The text box shows the data
source for this template. Note this down. See How to Identify Available View
Objects (VO) Attributes, page 4-9 to identify the attributes that can be used to this

10. Save this template under a new name using the Save As option under File. Open
the saved file and make the required modifications to the template.
Copy and paste an already grayed out field and modify its properties. Right-click
the field and select Properties. In the Text Form Field Options window, in the
Default Text field, provide the new attribute name. Select the Add Help Text
button. This launches the Form Field Help Text window. Modify the value in the
text box to the exact attribute required in the customized report. Please note that
this field is case-sensitive.
Be sure to start the first column with F as prefix and end the last column with E as
suffix. The attributes for these should be the same as the one given in the VO
attributes list, for the data to loop against a given header context. Save the final
template with the RTF file format.

11. Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator and select Templates. The Templates
Search page opens.

12. Click Create Template to upload the new customized template. Give the new
Template Name and Code. Under Applications, select the appropriate application,
for example, iReceivables. In the Data Definition, use the Search option and select
the correct data definition for the new template. Use the Browse button to select the
saved version of the new customized template. Select the Type as RTF. Click Apply.
After successful upload, the file can be found under Localized Templates on the
View Template page.

4-8 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

13. Navigate to iReceivables responsibility. The Account Details page will have the new
template as part of the Templates listed.

How to Identify Available View Objects (VO) Attributes

Perform the following steps to identify available VO attributes that can be added in the
1. Navigate to the Home page and select iReceivables Internal User responsibility.
Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page. Click Account to
navigate to the Account Details page. Click the About this Page link. The About
Page: Account Summary page opens.

2. Expand the Business Component References Details section to see the View Objects

3. Click AllDebTrxTableVO link. . It shows the attributes of the VO. These attribute can
be used in the Templates above, Custom Template without Data Template, page 4-7

Additional Information: Header information in the templates comes

up from the VO, CustomerInformationVO.

Custom Template With Data Template

Perform the following steps:
1. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

2. Under the Statement Download section, the Template LOV lists the available
templates for statement downloads. Select the template to be customized from the
LOV. Click the Download button. This launches the report. Ensure that this is the
correct report that needs to be customized. Note the template name.

3. Navigate to the Home page. Select XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

Click Home and select Templates. This launches the Templates Search page.

4. In the Name field, type the name of the template to be customized. Click Go.

5. From the search results, select the link for the template. This launches the View
Template page.

6. The template file is available under the File Name section. Select the Download
option and save the template locally.

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-9

Important: Note the data definition used by the template. If
creating a new template, use the same data definition to view the
template created as LOV in Account Summary page.

7. Open the downloaded template. The data fields in the template are grayed out.

Important: The first column will always have F prefixed to the text.
This indicates that from this point onwards, the data is to be
repeated for each row. Each row will end with a column name that
is suffixed with E. When new columns are added, ensure that the
first column is prefixed with F.

8. Right- click a grayed out field and select Properties. In the properties window, click
the Add on Help Text button. The Form Field Help Text window opens. Note the
data source for the template.

9. In the application, navigate to Home and select the XML Publisher Administrator
responsibility. Under Home, select Data Definitions to open the Data Definitions

10. In the Name field, enter the data definition noted from the template, for example,
iReceivables Customers Statement Data Definition, and click Go.

11. From the search results, select the correct data definition. The View page opens.

12. Select the Data Template file (xml file format) under Files to download and save the
data template.

13. Make the required changes to the data template to get the required values (through
queries) for the customized report. See Tags Present in the Data Template, page 4-
11 for some of the tags used in the data template.

14. Select the Update file button to upload the modified data template.

15. Now, open the previously saved template file (step 6). Select File, click Save As.
Give a new name and save the file.

16. Open the newly saved template and make the required modifications.

Copy and paste an already grayed out field and modify its properties. Right-click
the field and select Properties. In the Text Form Field Options window, in the
Default Text field, provide the new attribute name. Select the Add Help Text
button. This launches the Form Field Help Text window. Modify the value in the
text box to the exact attribute required in the customized report. Please note that
this field is case-sensitive.

4-10 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Be sure to start the first column with F as prefix and end the last column with E as
suffix. The attributes for these should be the same as the one given in the VO
attributes list, for the data to loop against a given header context. Save the final
template with the RTF file format.

17. Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator responsibility and select Templates.

Click the Create Template button.

18. Give a new Template Name and Code, as desired. Under Applications, select the
appropriate application, for example, iReceivables.

19. In the Data Definition field, search for and select the correct data definition, for
example, iReceivables Customers Statement Data Definition.

20. Under Template File section, click Browse. Select the customized template.

21. Select the Type as RTF from the LOV. Click Apply.

22. After successful upload, the file can be found under Localized Templates in the
View Template page.

23. Navigate to the Account Summary page for the customer. The Template LOV under
Statement Download will have the new customized template.

Tags Present in the Data Template

The following are some of the tags present in a data template:
• dataTemplate: This is the starting tag defining the data template. The name
attribute is used as the starting/parent tag of the output xml. For example,
CustomerStatement. So, the output of this data template would be enclosed
between <CustomerStatement> and </CustomerStatement>.

• properties: There are many properties which define the outcome of the data
template. Some of the properties used are:
• xml_tag_case: The value for this is as_are. This defines that the elements
mentioned in the dataStructure needs to be in the same case in the output of
this template. By default, if this property is not set, the element names are
converted to upper case.

• include_rowsettag: The value for this is either true or false. The default value is
true. This can be used if the sqlStatement might return multiple rows. When set
to true, the output xml includes a row set tag with the name LIST_<group name
mentioned>, for example, <LIST_Customers>. If this property is set to false this
tag is not included in the output.

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-11

• dataQuery: All the queries defined in the template must be enclosed in this tag.
This can contain one or more sqlStatement tags with queries defined.

• sqlStatement: This tag holds a single sql query, which can be either a select
statement or procedure call. This has an attribute name which is used in the group
tag in source attribute. The query may contain bind parameters. The bind
parameters are passed by iReceivables code. The parameters passed are created as
tags in the output xml.

• dataStructure: This tag holds one or more groups based on the number of
sqlStatement in the dataQuery tag.

• group: This tag contains the elements defined in the group. The group tag has two
attributes, name and source. The name attribute is used as the tag in the output xml
and source attribute is where the sqlStatement name is defined. A group is always
formed based on a source which is either a query or a procedure.

• element: The element tag defines the name of the element which is seen in the
output xml. The element tag has two attributes, name and value. The name attribute
gives the name which is displayed in the output xml and the value tag gives the
value from the query which is defined in the source of the group.

Purge Process
To purge the print records and user session details records from OIR tables, run the
following two concurrent programs.
Purge User Session Data:
System Administrator can run the concurrent program Purge
AR_IREC_PURGE_USER_ACCT_SITES Table to purge user session data from the
• It is recommended to schedule this request to run daily.

• Input parameter is the purge date. If provided, all records up to the purge date are
deleted from the table. If it is not provided, then all records which are one day older
than the system date are deleted.

• This CP is present in the request group OIR Request Group All, which is assigned
to iReceivables Internal User (ARI_INTERNAL).

Purge Print Requests:

System Administrator can run the concurrent program Purge
which is populated when the customer gives a print request.

4-12 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

• Can be scheduled based on customer need.

• The CP takes current date as the default parameter. If the date parameter is not
provided, the table is purged automatically, matching the

• This CP is present in the request group OIR Request Group All, which is assigned
to iReceivables Internal User (ARI_INTERNAL).

Installment Number
To view the Installment Number of the transactions on the Account Details page,
perform the following steps:
1. Enable personalization.

2. Navigate to the Account Details page. Click the 'Personalize: This table displays the
results of …' link.

3. On the Installment Number row (dbtInstallmentNumberCol), select Update Item.

4. In the Personalization Properties table, select the Site value of Rendered as True.
Click Apply.

5. After the change has been saved, click the Return to Application link. Installment
Number of the transaction is now displayed on the Accounts Details page.

Diagnostics Reports
There are two diagnostics reports available for iReceivables, Ireceivables Internal report
and Ireceivables External report. These reports can be used for troubleshooting or for
viewing various parameters of the application instance. Perform the following steps to
execute the reports:
1. Select the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle E-Business Suite
home page and click Diagnose.

2. In the Diagnostic Tests page, click the Select Application button. Select Receivables
from the Search page.

3. Navigate to iReceivables and select it to view the two diagnostics reports.

4. Select the report you want to run and click Execute.

Important: You must have Applications Diagnostics responsibility and

Configuring Oracle iReceivables 4-13

executions privileges for the particular test to run it.

Ireceivables Internal
Input parameters for this report are Responsibility Name and Operating Unit. The
report provides the following details:
• List of applied patches

• Profile Option values

• Rules

• CVV Encryption

• Guest User Responsibilities

• Lookups

• List of Users having iReceivables 2.0. Internal, iReceivables account

• Management, iReceivables 2.0 Anonymous Internal responsibilities

• Function exclusion for responsibility iReceivables 2.0 Internal

• Function exclusion for responsibility iReceivables Account Management

• List of personalizations

• MO Org settings

Ireceivables External
Input parameters for this report are Responsibility Name and User Name. The report
provides the following details:
• List of applied patches

• Aging details

• Customer Index Data created or not

• Guest User Responsibilities

• User Information consisting of the accounts the user has access to

• Register here link settings

For more information on diagnosis, see Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide.

4-14 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Features of Oracle iReceivables

Overview of Oracle iReceivables

Oracle iReceivables is an Internet-based, self-service application that both your
customers and employees can use to access Receivables data. iReceivables provides
personalized, secure access to online information using a standard web browser.
iReceivables reduces the cost structure of billing and collections by enabling customers
to perform extensive inquiries, dispute bills, pay invoices, and review current account
balances, all online. Companies reduce processing time and improve customer service
by automating the traditional, manual bill dispute process. With Oracle iReceivables,
bill disputes are automatically routed and processed, eliminating the need for
intermediaries or paper-based claims management.
Your collectors, salespersons, and customer service representatives can use
iReceivables, for example, to review customer accounts, note recent trends, and keep
apprised of recent activities. Your customers can use iReceivables to view their account
information, print transactions, pay an invoice, dispute an invoice, view the current
status of disputes, and contact Receivables personnel with questions or comments.
Oracle iReceivables is part of Oracle's suite of Self-Service Web Applications, and uses
the same system architecture and security features as the other applications. This
ensures that data is accessible only to the users defined. Whenever your customers use
iReceivables, they must provide a user name and password to view Receivables data.
Use function security to limit user access to certain functionality, including disputes and
invoice payments.

Major Features
Major features of iReceivables include:
• User Interface

• Customer Search

Features of Oracle iReceivables A-1

• Configurable Account Summary Home Page

• Account Details Page

• Online Aging

• Interactive Invoice

• Advanced Payment

• Payment by Credit Card

• Payment by Bank Account Transfer

• Multiple Customer Access

• External User Self Registration

• Dispute a Bill

• Credit Memo Request Workflow

• Credit Memo Request Display

• Multi Print

• Multi Pay

User Interface
The user interface enhances the user experience, providing a rich array of functionality
and high performance. For example, the configurable Account Summary home page
offers one-click access to most of the tasks to be performed in iReceivables. Hint
messages alert the user to special conditions or specific actions that must take place. In
addition, IT professionals can configure every iReceivables page to avoid burdening
users with unnecessary fields or information, thereby presenting only the most relevant
details to each user.

Customer Search
iReceivables provides internal users, such as sales representatives, collections agents
and upper management, a customer search engine based on the Oracle database full
text indexing. This technology allows an internal user to search for customer account
information by transaction number or by using any of these customer data elements:
customer name, customer number, tax registration number, contact name, contact
phone number, contact fax number, and customer location. A multi-record display of
search results allows drill-down to view account details for a customer or customer bill-

A-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

to site.

Note: If searching for a customer by contact phone number or fax

number, include wildcard "%" or "*" in the search string after typing the
number. This is a system restriction.

External users with access to multiple customers or multiple sites of a single customer
can search for account information by customer name or transaction number.
The search criteria can be customized according to business needs with the custom
customer search. Use this to add your own custom search-by attributes for your
iReceivables customers and customer sites. These custom attributes can then be used to
search for customer accounts in the Customer Search page.
Contact Us Link
In the Customer Search page, the Contact Us link picks the value from the following
• If the MO: Default Operating Unit is set for the Site, App, Resp, or User, then for
that Operating Unit if the Contact Information rule is set, it displays the value
specified in the rule in the Customer Search Page.

• If no rule is set, then it picks the WEB_HTML_CALL value from the function

Customer Search Link

The Customer Search link is available at the top of the Account Summary, Account
Details and Transaction Details pages. Using this, customers can quickly navigate back
to the Customer Search page.

Additional Information: Search results are not retained when you

navigate back to the Customer Search page by selecting the Customer
Search link. But they are retained when you select the Return to
Customer Search link from the Account Summary page.

Configurable Account Summary Home Page

The Account Summary page is the iReceivables home page, the first page that
customers and all external users see. It displays customer transaction balances, discount
alerts, and information on dispute statuses. Customers can also download account
statements. This page also contains a configurable information section that the
deploying company can customize to provide users with additional information, such
as news, FAQs, and policy statements.

Features of Oracle iReceivables A-3

Account Details Page
The Account Details page displays the customer's latest account activity. Users can view
and sort data from invoices, debit memos, credit memos, deposits, guarantees,
chargebacks, and payments as well as all the transactions in Oracle Receivables.
Customers can download invoice statements using the Export option. The search engine
on the Account Details page provides users with the following capabilities:
• Web-style transaction search based on transaction numbers, amounts, dates, or
related documents such as order number or PO number.

• Category, currency, and transaction status search to fine tune the inquiry.

• Advanced Search that lets users display transactions that match specific selection
criteria based on date range, due-date range, or amount range. For example, a
customer or employee can display all transactions for Superior Plumbing Co. with
outstanding amounts ranging from $100 to $10,000 and with due dates between 01-
JAN-1999 and 01-FEB-1999.

• Users can search transactions for a single organization or for multiple organizations
within a single search operation.

• Multiple Transactions can be searched using any of the following formats:

• Enter the transaction numbers separated by comma.

• Enter each transaction number in a new line.

• Enter the transaction number with wild card characters * (asterisk) or %

(percent sign) to search transactions that contain certain characters. For
example, 10* or 10% retrieves 1001, 1002, and so on.

Users can also customize the search criteria according to business needs with the
custom transaction search:
• Use the custom transaction search to add your own custom search-by attributes for
iReceivables transactions. All customers can use these custom attributes to search
for transactions in the Account Details page. For example, a shipping company can
allow its users to search by bill of lading number, or a real estate company can
allow its users to search by property address.

Additional Information: A Transaction is added to the Transaction List

train, only when you use the Add to Transactions List button. If you
click Cancel during the Pay flow, the system removes the transaction if
it was not added using the Add to Transactions List button. The Pay
and Dispute buttons work normally when you return to the Account

A-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Details page if there are no records in the Transactions List.

Online Aging
The Online Aging feature allows iReceivables external users to view the same aging
information as collectors in the Receivables Collections workbench. If aging is enabled,
the aging buckets appear on the customer's home page alongside the customer's
account balance information. The Account Details page also supports searching by
aging status. For example, the user can search for all invoices that are "1-30 Days Past
Due". This functionality in the Account Details page lets the user drill down to the
transactions that make up an aging bucket total.
iReceivables can be configured to use any of the aging bucket styles defined in Oracle
Receivables at site, responsibility, and user levels.

Interactive Invoice
Oracle iReceivables displays invoices in a format that closely resembles a printed
invoice, with a real-time Balance Due. Users can display Receivables invoice-specific
and invoice line-specific flexfields in the Invoice page. Users can toggle between invoice
lines and invoice activities, including adjustments, payments, credits, charges and
disputes. Full drill-down capabilities point to related transactions such as payments and
• Use the Pay button to make a full or partial payment by credit card or bank account

• Use the Dispute button to dispute a bill online. The dispute request automatically
triggers the Credit Memo Workflow process, routing the request for internal

• Use the Printable Page button to optimize the invoice presentation for printing on

• Export data in comma delimited format.

Advanced Payment
iReceivables offers an Advanced Payment page to change the default payment method,
enter new credit card information, or make a partial payment. The Manage Payment
Methods button takes you to the Payment Details page, from where you can manage
credit cards and bank accounts at the Account level.
The Manage Payment Methods - Site button enables you to you to manage credit cards
and bank accounts at the Site level. If you navigate to the page by selecting All
Locations, then credit cards and bank accounts attached to the Primary Bill To is

Features of Oracle iReceivables A-5

displayed. Else, if you navigate to the page after selecting a specific site, then credit
cards and bank accounts attached to that site is displayed.

Payment by Credit Card

Users can make both full and partial payment of their invoices by credit card. Once the
user sets up a default credit card, iReceivables displays the Quick Payment page where
the user can simply click Pay Now to pay a bill. To protect against fraudulent card-not-
present transactions, the user can also be prompted to enter the card security code, or
the cardholder billing address, or both, as additional means of verification.
iReceivables supports external processing of credit card payments through Oracle

Payment by Bank Account Transfer

Users can make both full and partial payments of their invoices by bank account
transfer. Once the user sets up a default bank account, iReceivables displays the Quick
Payment page where the user can simply click Pay Now to pay a bill. iReceivables also
offers an Advanced Payment page to change the default payment method, enter new
bank account information, or make a partial payment. Users can also schedule their
bank account transfers for a future date.
iReceivables supports external processing of US-only bank account transfer payments
through Oracle Payments and the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network.
iReceivables also supports external processing of both US-only and non-US bank
account transfer payments.

Multiple Customer Access

The deploying company can provide its external users with access to multiple
customers, or multiple customer sites, or both. A user with access to multiple
customers, or multiple sites of a single customer, can use search criteria to access
account information for these customers and customer sites.

External User Self Registration

iReceivables Support External user registration in a Single Sign On (SSO) and a non-
SSO environment from iReceivables Portal page, which can be accessed through http:
//machinename:portnumber/OA_HTML/IrecVisitor.jsp. Users can add a Register Here link
to the customer portal so that external customers (Business to Business or Business to
Consumer users) can self register for iReceivables Account Management application
access to their customer account data. The Self Registration feature uses the Challenge-
Response Model. In this model, the user is asked a question pertaining to the customer
account to which the user is requesting access. This lets iReceivables verify the user's
access privileges.
See: Set Up for Self Registration, page 1-10 for more information on the self registration

A-6 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide


Dispute a Bill
Customers can dispute all or part of an open invoice by choosing the Dispute button in
the Invoice page or Activities page. Choosing the Dispute button lets the customer enter
the following information about the dispute:
• Reason for the dispute.

• Numerical amount, amount percentage to dispute, or dispute the Entire Remaining

Amount, which is the entire remaining amount available for dispute.
The maximum amount allowed for dispute per invoice is the (Invoice Original
Amount – Existing Dispute Amount) of the invoice, where Original Amount is the
amount of the invoice section selected, and Existing Dispute Amount is (Total
Pending Dispute Amount + Approved Dispute Amount).
Invoice Original Amount = 1000
Already approved dispute amount = 100
Already pending dispute amount = 200
Existing Dispute Amount = Approved Dispute Amount + Pending Dispute
Existing Dispute Amount = 100 + 200 = 300
Amount allowed for dispute (current dispute amount) = Invoice
Original Amount - Exisiting Dispute Amount
Amount allowed for dispute (current dispute amount) = 1000 - (100 +
200) = 700

Important: (Existing Dispute Amount + Current Dispute Amount)

should be <= Original Invoice Amount

• Any comments

Once the user submits the dispute, the system creates a credit memo request.
Users can control access to the Dispute Invoice function via function security. The
access to the Dispute Invoice function can be allowed or denied for both customers and
internal users. If customer access is denied to the Dispute Invoice function, internal
users, such as sales or customer service representatives, can still enter a dispute on the
customer's behalf.

Additional Information: While creating a new dispute for a single

transaction, users can see both canceled and approved disputes, if any.

Multiple Transactions Dispute

Using iReceivables, users can dispute multiple transactions at once. Multiple
transactions dispute can be performed from Account Details page and Transaction List

Features of Oracle iReceivables A-7

• One dispute per transaction is created.

• All the disputes carry the same comments.

• Dispute can be created at Total, Subtotal, Freight and Tax levels.

• Dispute can be created using Percent or Amount (absolute).

The maximum amount allowed for dispute per invoice is the (Invoice Original
Amount – Existing Dispute Amount) of the invoice, where Original Amount is the
amount of the invoice section selected, and Existing Dispute Amount is (Total
Pending Dispute Amount + Approved Dispute Amount).
Invoice Original Amount = 1000
Already approved dispute amount = 100
Already pending dispute amount = 200
Existing Dispute Amount = Approved Dispute Amount + Pending Dispute
Existing Dispute Amount = 100 + 200 = 300
Amount allowed for dispute (current dispute amount) = Invoice
Original Amount - Exisiting Dispute Amount
Amount allowed for dispute (current dispute amount) = 1000 - (100 +
200) = 700

Important: (Existing Dispute Amount + Current Dispute Amount)

should be <= Original Invoice Amount

• The existing dispute amount per each invoice can be seen in the transaction details

• In the Dispute Review page, Dispute Amount per Invoice and Total Dispute
Amount can be seen.

• Once the dispute is submitted, all the successful disputes are shown in a table with
the transaction number and the dispute request number.

• Unsuccessful disputes are shown in another table with the transaction numbers and
the reason for failure.

Credit Memo Request Workflow

After submitting a credit memo request, the Credit Memo Request Workflow routes the
request to the appropriate personnel in your company for approval. If the request is
approved, Oracle Receivables automatically creates a credit memo for the disputed
amount and notifies the customer either via email or a Workflow web notification. The
workflow also notifies customers when their requests are rejected.

A-8 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Credit Memo Request Display
The Credit Memo Request display in the Account Summary and Account Details pages
summarizes each request and displays the real-time status of the workflow process.
Users can review the details of their credit memo requests and the current status of each

Features of Oracle iReceivables A-9

Profile Options

Profile Options for Oracle iReceivables

This section lists all the profile options available for Oracle iReceivables. See: Set Up
Profiles, page 1-37 to set up the profile options.
• OIR: Account Grouping
This profile option enables the Account Grouping option. For more information, see
Grouping of Accounts, page 1-19.

• OIR: Active Contacts Display Limit

Use this profile option to specify the number of active contacts to be displayed on
the Account Summary page.

• OIR: Aging Buckets

Use this profile option to specify the Oracle Receivables aging buckets to be used
for Oracle iReceivables. For more information, see: Set the Aging Information, page

• OIR: Allow Zero Payment Amount (When Dispute and Discount Amount >= Total
Remaining Amount)
Use this profile option to allow zero amount payments in iReceivables, when the
total of Dispute and Discount Amount is greater than, or equal to the Total
Remaining Amount.

• OIR: Approval Required for Additional Account Access

Use this profile option to accept a valid FND user name for additional access. For
more information, see Additional Access, page 1-40.

• OIR: BPA Template Selection

Profile Options B-1

Use this profile option to choose the BPA Template for print and print preview.

• OIR: Bank Account Payment Method

Use this profile option to choose the bank account payment method to be used by
iReceivables while making payments. If set to null (empty) or Disabled, or system
options are not set, then the Bank Accounts region in Manage Payment Methods
page becomes unavailable.

• OIR: Bank Directory Source

Use this profile option to select the source from which bank details are picked. For
more information, see: Set Up for ACH Bank Account Transfer Payments, page 1-32

• OIR: Bill Presentment Architecture Enabled

This profile option enables BPA in iReceivables. For more information, see: Set Up
for Bill Presentment Architecture, page 1-46.

• OIR: Credit Card Payment Method

Use this profile option to select the bank account payment method used by
iReceivables while making payments. If set to null (empty) or Disabled, or system
options are not set, then the Credit Card region in Manage Payment Methods page
becomes unavailable.

• OIR: Custom Validate Dispute

Use this profile option to specify the custom Package.procedure for validating a
transaction for allowing Dispute. For more information, see: Custom Hooks for
Payment, Dispute, and Print, page 1-49.

• OIR: Custom Validate Payment

Use this profile option to specify the custom Package.procedure for validating a
transaction for allowing Payment. For more information, see: Custom Hooks for
Payment, Dispute, and Print, page 1-49.

• OIR: Custom Validate Print

Use this profile option to specify the custom Package.procedure for validating a
transaction for allowing Print. For more information, see: Custom Hooks for
Payment, Dispute, and Print, page 1-49.

• OIR: Default Attachment Category

Use this profile option to select the default attachment category to be used while
attaching documents from iReceivables.

• OIR: Default currency code

B-2 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

Use this profile option to enable the default currency for iReceivables. When an
external user has access to multiple customers, setting this profile option is

• OIR: Enable Discount Grace Days

Use this profile option to enable the inclusion of grace days in discount period
during payment through iReceivables. For more information, see: Set the Grace
Period for Discounts, page 1-31.

• OIR: Enable Service Charge

Use this profile option to enable service charge during payment through
iReceivables. For more information, see: Define Service Charges, page 1-28.

• OIR: Enable User Level Access Of Credit Cards

Use this profile option to enable user level access of credit cards in iReceivables.
Select Yes to assign selected credit cards to selected users for a customer. The card is
held for only the selected user. If disabled (No) all users are able to view and use all
credit cards for the customer.

• OIR: Filter Do not Print Transactions

If this profile option is enabled, filters do not print transaction type transactions
from iReceivables.

• OIR: Filter Transactions Days older than

Use this profile option to filter transactions that are older than given value.

• OIR: Hide Account Sites

Use this profile option to hide account sites when user is attached with a single

• OIR: Maximum Future Payment Days Allowed

Use this profile option to set the number of days for future payment, from current
date of validity, in iReceivables. For more information, see: Maximum Future
Payment Days Allowed, page 1-24.

• OIR: Minimum Characters for Search

Use this profile option to specify the minimum characters to be entered while
searching for customers. For more information, see: Minimum Characters for
Search, page 1-9.

• OIR: Multi Print Limit

Use this profile option to specify the limit for maximum invoices to be printed
using the BPA Immediate Print. For more information, see: Set Up for Bill

Profile Options B-3

Presentment Architecture, page 1-46.

• OIR: Payment Approver Status

Use this profile option to enable invoice approval feature within iReceivables.

• OIR: Payment Method Level

Use this profile option to restrict the credit cards and bank accounts displayed at All
Locations. This is to prevent credit card and bank account duplication.
• When set to Navigation Level (default), if the user navigates at the Account
level (All locations), then only the credit cards and bank accounts attached from
account level are displayed. If the user navigates at a site level, then only credit
cards and bank accounts attached from that site are displayed.

• When set to Account and Bill To, if the user navigates at the Account level, then
credit cards and bank accounts attached from both the account and primary site
are displayed. If the user navigates at a site level, then credit cards and bank
accounts attached from that site and account level are displayed.

• OIR: Payment Update Priority

Use this profile option to decide whether to update a bank account's priority to 1
after making a payment with it. If set to Yes (default value), then the bank account's
priority is updated to 1. If set to No, the priority remains unchanged.

• OIR: Registration Hold Domain

Use this profile option to determine whether a particular user or all users of the
customer account are prevented from re-registering when a user fails registration.
For more information, see: Registration History, page 1-39.

• OIR: Registration Hold Duration

Use this profile option to set the number of days that a particular user or all users of
the customer account are prevented from re-registration. For more information, see:
Registration History, page 1-39.

• OIR: Save Payment Instrument Information

Use this profile option to enable saving of payment instrument information during
payment through iReceivables. If set to Yes, the option, Save credit card for later
use, is shown in the New Credit Card region in the Advance Payment page. If set to
No, the option to save is not shown, and one-time credit card payment is enabled.
For more information, see: Credit Card One-Time Payment, page 1-21.

• OIR: Search Default Customer Name and Number

Use this profile option to enable Customer Search based on customer name and
customer number for iReceivables.

B-4 Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide

• OIR: Search Default Exclude Contacts
Use this profile option to enable Customer Search on excluding contacts for

• OIR: Self Registration Redirect URL

Use this profile option to provide the URL used during the bookmarked
registration process if the user clicks cancel. For more information, see: Redirect Self
Registration Page, page 1-13.

• OIR: Service Charge Activity Id

Use this profile option to enable the Service Charge Activity Id to be used during
payments in iReceivables. For more information, see: Define Service Charges, page

• OIR: Skip Quick Payment

Use this profile option to determine whether to skip Quick Payment page or not.

• OIR: Skip Routing Number Validation

Use this profile option to skip routing number validation during bank account

• OIR: Use AME for Additional Access

Use this profile option to enable AME approval flow by accepting the AME
transaction type name. For more information, see Additional Access, page 1-40.

• OIR: Verify Credit Card Details

Use this profile option to verify credit card details during payment in iReceivables.
For more information, see: Additional Credit Card Verification, page 1-21.

Profile Options B-5

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