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100 marks
This paper consist of three sections, answer one questions from each
Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentations of

Answer one question only from this section
1. (a) Explain the meaning of the term rites of passage
(b) List four rites of performed in the community to mark the transition
from one life cycle to another
(c) Give four (4) significance of performing puberty

2. (a) What is Hajj?

(b) List any two (2) rituals performed in at Hajj
(c) Outline five (5) importance of Hajj

3. (a) List five examples of Christian festivals and the occasion they
celebrate each one of them
(b) Give five (5) moral importance of celebrating Christian festivals

Answer one question only from this section
4. (a) What is obedience?
(b) Explain four reasons for obeying our parents

5. (a) What is greetings?

(b) Give four gestured expressed when greeting in our community
(c) Explain four significance of greetings

6. (a) List five acts which constitute a good deeds

(b) Outline five reasons for performing a good deeds
A. Abu Bakr Al Saddiq C. Uthman Ibo Affan
SECTION C B. Umar Iba Al-Khatab D. Ali Iba Abu Talib
SOCIAL LIFE 7. By facing the wild beast, Tohazie
Answer one question only from this section A. Led his people to be defeated
7. (a) Differentiate between leisure and idleness B. Helped the poor
(b) Mention four (4) ways of using leisure time profitably C. Preached peace to his people
(c) Highlight any four ways by which leisure is important D. Risked his life for his people
8. The teaching of Prophet Mohammed are found in the
8. (a) Describe four reason why money should be kept at the reach of children A. Kalima B. Hadith C. Ijimah D. Sura
(b) State four ways of contributing money to help God’s work 9. The Israelites were finally led to the land of Canna by
A. Aaron B. Joseph C. Joshua D. Moses
10. Which of the following is a harvest festival
A. Aboakyir C. Homowo
B. Adae D. Hogbetsotso
PAPER 1 11. Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated by Muslims to
Answer all questions A. Mak Abraham’s sacrifice to Allah
B. Mark the end of Ramadan
1. Joseph was hated by his brothers because C. Remember the birth of Mohammed
A. He was loved by his father very much D. Remember the death of Mohammed
B. He was gentle and handsome 12. One reason for institution of marriage is
C. Jacob promised him of inheritance A. Companionship C. Responsibility
D. Of his prophetic dreams B. Joy D. Security
2. One of the reasons why God created the sea is to 13. The main cause of disease in our community is
A. Beautify the environment A. Filth in our community
B. Generate hydroelectric power B. Low income levels of workers
C. Provide habitat for some animals C. Poor eating habits of children
D. Reduce soil erosion D. Traffic congestion in the cities
3. According to the bible, heavenly bodies were created on the 14. It is important to perform marriage rites because they
A. Third day C. Fifth day A. Build mutual trust and understandings
B. Fourth day D. Sixth day B. Are requirements to observe
4. The Omniscience of God portrays him as C. Prevent divorce in society
A. All forgiving C. Ever present D. Seal the marriage
B. All knowing D. Very gracious 15. Which of the following people are not among the twelve disciples of
5. Who provided the tomb in which Jesus was buried Jesus
A. Joseph of Arithmathea C. Simon of Cyrene A. James B. Mathew C. Paul D. Peter
B. Nicodemus D. Zebedee 16. Going round the Kaba is an Islamic religious activity done during the
6. The second rightly guided Caliph Islam was A. Eid-ul-Adha C. Hajj
B. Eid-ul-Fitr D. Ramadan 25. A student must dress decently because it
17. What is the second pillar of Islam? A. Is a mark of intelligence
A. Hajj B. Salat C. Sawn D. Zakat B. Shows respect and politeness
18. In the traditional society, the dead is buried with money to ensure that C. Enables one to gain favour from others
the D. Help one to obey school rules
A. Deceased can pay the fair to other world 26. Someone who is respectful and polite is said to be
B. Deceased can pay the gods and ancestors for protection A. Courteous B. Kind C. Chaste D. Moral
C. Spirit of deceased does not attack family members 27. Punishment are meant to
D. Family members are blessed with riches A. Disorganize the offender
19. Traditional worshipers remember their ancestors by B. Calm the offender
A. Calling their names always C. Hurt the offender
B. Fasting and praying them D. Reform the offender
C. Offering foods and drinks to them 28. Which of the following is a moral value cherished in Ghanaian society?
D. Singing of songs of praises A. Service B. Honesty C. Tolerance D. Pride
20. The most important prayer request during marriage rites is for 29. To live a chase life, one must
A. Good health and protection A. Attend church services regularly
B. Long life and children B. Be obedient to teachers
C. Prosperity and wealth C. Work hard to become rich
D. Protection and long life D. Avoid casual sex
21. People cherish the spirit of obedience because it 30. Which of the following is not a method of preventing pregnancy?
A. Enhances tolerance C. Promotes peace A. Sex education C. Peer pressure
B. Creates wealth D. Promotes security B. Good parental care D. Avoiding pre-marital sex
22. Muslims show their commitment to Allah by 31. Good behaviour is exhibited by
A. Dressing modestly A. Staring at elders
B. Visiting the mosque everyday B. Doing what is right
C. Marrying for women C. always studying the scriptures
D. Observing all prescribed rituals D. Praying and fasting
23. Which of the following is an act of good deed? 32. Money is used wisely when
A. Giving one’s seat to the elderly A. Things are bought on credit
B. Receiving a testimonial B. It is spent on expensive things
C. Participating in sporting activities C. It is spent on things budgeted for
D. Ability to perform one’s assignment D. It is spent on poor people
24. Individuals can co-exist peacefully in a community if they 33. Showing respect and obedience to school authority ensures
A. Practice each other’s religion A. Repentance and forgiveness
B. Pray together B. Peaceful co-existence
C. Respect each other C. Success in examination
D. Share food together D. Humility and hard work
34. A nuclear family begins when
A. Parents live with siblings
B. Parents ignore their relations
C. Couples get legally married
D. Couples have many siblings
35. Saving money helps the individual to
A. Plan for the future
B. Become rich overnight
C. Attend school regularly
D. Make more friends
36. The ant is usually used as a symbol of
A. Love
B. Commitment
C. Hard work
D. Unity
37. Which of the following is performed by Asafo companies?
A. Acting as watchdogs
B. Registration of foreigners
C. Collecting of taxes
D. Acting as arbitrators
38. Which of the following best offers relaxation?
A. Painting
B. Eating
C. Running
D. Reading
39. Religious Youth Organizations are established to
A. Honour their leaders
B. Carry out communal labour
C. Help protect the natural environment
D. Defend the interest of the society
40. Work done to earn income can be described as
A. Home work
B. Community work
C. Occupational work
D. School work

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