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“To study the impact of HR policies on employee performance in M/s seller

drive (Authorized Partner Of Amazon & Shopify)”


In partial fulfillment for the award of


Priya Jha


Dr. S. R. Varma





Priyadarshini Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Management Studies

& Research, Nagpur


This is to certify that the project entitled “To study the impact of HR policies on
employee performance in M/s seller drive (Authorized Partner Of Amazon &
Shopify)” has been submitted by Priya Jha, a student of the fourth semester of
M.B.A. in Human Resource from Priyadarshini Lokmanya Tilak Institute of
Management Studies & Research, Nagpur. This is a research work done by the
student in the session 2018-20 towards the partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of degree in Master of Business Administration under the
supervision & guidance of Dr. S. R. Varma.

Name of the Guide Dr. S.R. Varma

Project Guide Principal



The pleasure of achievement, the glory, the satisfaction, the rewards, the
appreciation, and the construction of my project report cannot be through without
a few who apart from their regular schedule spared their valuable time for me. The
acknowledgment is not just opposition to words but also an account of the
indictment. They have been guiding lights and a source of inspiration towards the
completion of this report.

I am highly obliged to express my deep sense of gratitude and thanks to my faculty

guide, Dr. S. R. Varma for the valuable guidance and support which led to the
successful and timely completion of my project.

I am grateful to Dr. S. R. Varma, Principal, PLTIMSR for his moral support,

encouragement, and generous assistance.

Last but not the least, I am very much thankful to all those who helped me directly
or indirectly in the successful completion of the project.


Priya Jha
Place: Nagpur



I, Priya Jha of MBA studying at Priyadarshini Lokmanya Tilak Institute of

Management Studies & Research, Nagpur declare that the project work entitled
“To study the impact of HR policies on employee performance in M/s seller drive
(Authorized Partner Of Amazon & Shopify)” was carried by me in the partial
fulfillment of MBA program under the guidance of “Dr. S. R. Varma” at
Priyadarshini Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Management Studies & Research,
Nagpur. This project was undertaken as a part of the academic curriculum
according to the university's rules and norms and it does not have any commercial
interest and motive. It's my original work and it is not submitted to any other
organization or university for any other purpose.


Priya Jha
Place: Nagpur



Priyadarshini Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Management

Studies & Research, Nagpur


Contents Page No.

1 Executive Summary 6

2 Introduction of the Topic 7-14

3 Company Profile 15-30

4 Objectives of the Study 31

5 Scope of the Study 32

6 Limitations of the Study 33

7 The hypothesis of the Study 34

8 Research Methodology 35-40

9 Data Analysis & Data Interpretation 41-52

10 Conclusion 53-54

11 Suggestions 55

12 Bibliography 56

13 57-59



Executive Summary

A study to find out the impact of HR Policies in the performance of the employee in Seller Drive

Authorised partner of Amazon & Shopify while taking into consideration of all HR Policy

guidelines and its effective monitoring process of Seller Drive which is the one-stop destination

for all business needs in e-commerce sector whether to manage Amazon, Shopify, Flipkart, e-

Bay, Paytm, etc effortlessly.

The study explores the strategies and processes involves in HR Practices and also the various

departments in e-commerce where the job opportunity is very high. The various departments are

Content & Listing, Order Management, Account Health & Policies, Advertisement, Deals &

Promotions, Product Research, etc, where a good future can be built

The objective of the study is "To study the impact of HR policies on employee performance in

M/s seller drive (Authorized Partner Of Amazon & Shopify)". And Research Methodology

which is calculated based on primary and secondary data. With the help of primary data, we find

the answers to the question. The question based on HR Policies, Employee satisfaction, Equal

opportunity, etc. Implemented the answers on the table and graphical form. As per the report, we

conclude that there are all the major HR Policies in the organization and employees are also

satisfied with the policies, performance standards are developed based on employee's opinions.




“To study the impact of HR policies on employee performance in M/s seller drive
(Authorized Partner Of Amazon & Shopify)”

Human Resource Policies

Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in
place to hire, train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce. These
policies, when organized and disseminated in an easily used form, can serve to


preempt many misunderstandings between employees and employers about their

rights and obligations in the business place. It is tempting, as a new small business
owner, to focus on the concerns of the business at hand, and put off the task of
writing up a human resource policy. All business analysts and employment lawyers
will advise a new business owner to get a policy down on paper, even if it is a
simple one drafted from a boilerplate model. Having policies written is important
so that it is clear to all what the policies are and that they are applied consistently
and fairly across the organization. Moreover, when issues concerning employee
rights and company policies come before federal and state courts, it is standard
practice to assume that the company's human resource policies, whether written or
verbal, are a part of an employment contract between the employee and the
company. Without clearly written policies, the company is at a disadvantage.


Small business owners should make sure that they address the following basic
human resource issues when putting together their personnel policies:

 Equal Employment Opportunity policies

Employee classifications

Workdays, paydays, and pay advances

Overtime compensation

Meal periods and break periods

Payroll deductions

Vacation policies


Sick days and personal leave (for bereavement, jury duty, voting, etc.)


Performance evaluations and salary increases

Performance improvement
Termination policies


The scope of Human Resource Management refers to all the activities that come
under the banner of Human Resource Management. These activities are as follows.

Human resources planning

Human resource planning or Human Resource Planning refers to a process

by which the company to identify the number of jobs vacant, whether the
company has excess staff or shortage of staff, and to deal with this excess or


• Job analysis design

Another important area of Human Resource Management is job analysis. Job

analysis gives a detailed explanation of each job in the company.

• Recruitment and selection

Based on information collected from job analysis the company prepares

advertisements and publishes them in the newspapers. This is recruitment.
Several applications are received after the advertisement is published,
interviews are conducted and the right employee is selected thus recruitment
and selection are yet another important area of Human Resource

• Orientation and induction

Once the employees have been selected an induction or orientation program

is conducted. This is another important area of Human Resource
Management. The employees are informed about the background of the
company, explain the organizational culture and values and work ethics, and
introduce to the other employees.

• Training and development

Every employee goes under a training program which helps him to put up a
better performance on the job. The training program is also conducted for
existing staff that have a lot of experience. This is called refresher training.
Training and development is one area where the company spends a huge


• Performance appraisal

Once the employee has put in around 1 year of service, performance

appraisal is conducted that is the Human Resource department checks the
performance of the employee. Based on these appraisal future promotions,
incentives, increments in salary are decided.

• Compensation planning and remuneration

There are various rules regarding compensation and other benefits. It is the
job of the Human Resource department to look into remuneration and
compensation planning.

• Motivation, welfare, health, and safety

Motivation becomes important to sustain the number of employees in the

company. It is the job of the Human Resource department to look into the
different methods of motivation. Apart from this certain health and
safety regulations have to be followed for the benefit of the employees. This
is also handled by the HR department.

• Industrial relations: -

Another important area of Human Resource Management is maintaining co-

ordinal relations with union members. This will help the organization to
prevent strikes lockouts and ensure smooth working in the company.



1. Principle of individual development to offers full and equal opportunities to

every employee to realize his/her full potential.

2. Principle of scientific selection to select the right person for the right job.3.

3. Principle of a free flow of communication to keep all channels of

communication open and encourage upward, downward, horizontal, formal, and
informal communication.4.

4. Principle of participation to associate employee representatives at every level

of decision-making.

5. Principle of fair remuneration to pay fair and equitable wages and salaries
commensurating with jobs.

6. Principle of incentive to recognize and reward good performance.

7. Principle of the dignity of labor to treat every job and every job holder with
dignity and respect.

8. Principle of labor-management co-operation to promote cordial industrial


9. Principle of team spirit to promote co-operation and team spirit among


10. Principle of contribution to national prosperity to provide a higher purpose

of work to all employees and to contribute to national prosperity.



Communication with employees. A well written and thoughtfully presented human

resource policy manual can establish the tone that a new business person wishes to
maintain within his or her business. Such a policy also serves to disseminate
information about what employees may expect from the company as well as what
the employer expects from the employees regarding work performance and
behavior while on the job.

Communication with managers and supervisors. Formal policies can be helpful to

managers and other supervisory personnel faced with hiring, promotion, and
reward decisions concerning people who work under them.

Time Savings. Prudent and comprehensive human resource management policies

can save companies significant amounts of management time that can then be
spent on other business activities, such as new product development, competitive
analysis, marketing campaigns, etc.

Curbing litigation. Members of the legal and business communities agree that
organizations can do a lot to cut off legal threats from disgruntled current or ex-
employees simply by creating--and applying--a fair and comprehensive set of
personnel policies.

One of the main goals of Human Resource Management (HRM) is to increase the
performance of organizations. However, few studies have explicitly addressed the
multidimensional character of performance and linked HR practices to various
outcome dimensions. This study, therefore, adds to the literature by relating HR
practices to three outcome dimensions: financial, organizational, and employee
(HR) outcomes. Furthermore, we will analyze how HR practices influence these
outcome dimensions, focusing on the mediating role of job satisfaction.


Significance of the Study

HRM is the area of core importance for any kind of organization to make success.
The relationship of HRM practices to employee performance is very important for
organizations because these are the employees who make organizations successful.
The present study will provide useful information and knowledge for the
management of the organizations & about the importance of human resource
management practices for getting more involved and productive employees with
improved performances. The study will also contribute valuable information to the
existing empirical knowledge about the link of human resource management
practices to the employee performance in the developing economy of Country



Company Profile

SellerDrive Authorised partner of Amazon and Shopify

One-Stop e-Commerce Solutions

Seller Drive is a one-stop destination for all your business needs - Manage your Amazon Seller /
Vendor Central, Shopify, Flipkart, eBay, Paytm, etc. E-Commerce business effortlessly. Right
from setting up an account in different marketplaces, to fulfilling the orders and managing the
promotional activities - We get it all done, while you sit back and relax.

Skilled e-Commerce Assistants - We have a qualified team of highly skilled eCommerce

Assistants who are fully equipped with the latest market trends and strive hard to deliver the best
possible service to the customers.


Lifetime Association- We don't just look for business, but a lifetime relationship. Customer
satisfaction is our prime motive and we pay individual attention to perfectly cater to the needs
according to every business.

Experts in Amazon Seller Central

Content & Listing, Order Management, Account Health & Policies, Advertisement, Deals &
Promotions, Product Research, etc!

Experts in Shopify Store Setup

World's best-hosted e-Commerce Platform, join mission first 100 Indian Merchant Shopify
Stores Setup at a very economical price!

Expert in Consultancy

Starting online business, struggling with product discoverability or business profitability, contact
us now!

Amazon Service Provider Network (SPN) & Shopify Partner, Shopify Experts

Seller Drive, Partner with Amazon.

Enabling sellers to launch, manage, and grow their business. The Services offered by SPN are
Amazon Fly, Imaging, Cataloguing, Amazon Boost, FBA Transportation, Advertising
Optimisation & Training.

Seller Drive, Partner with Shopify.

Enabling sellers to make business LIVE, manage, and grow their Shopify Store business. The
complete solutions were available for Store Setup, Design/Development, Advertising &
Marketing, theme design, and custom app development.

Seller Drive, Amazon Global Expansion.

Enabling sellers to go Global and grow their Amazon business. Reach hundreds of millions of
customers, Increase sales from festival demands across the world, Export products easily.


Why Choose Seller Drive

Seller Drive is a one-stop destination for all your business needs - Manage your Amazon,
Shopify, Flipkart, eBay, Paytm, etc. E-Commerce business effortlessly. Focus on Amazon. Our
experienced team is focussed exclusively on the Amazon marketplace. As a team of the
specialist amazon service provider, we are here to help you launch your products, optimize your
campaigns, expand your reach, and finally drive sales up, and revenue grow! Focus on Shopify.
We create another sales channel using the Shopify Platform. As Shopify partner and expert, we
make business live while creating beautiful Shopify stores that increase sales and grow your
business. Advertising & Marketing. We focus to generate profitability and revenue, after deep
analysis and research we suggest the best methods to put advertisement and marketing budget
with a satisfactory return on investment.

Amazon is dominating the e-Commerce Industry worldwide and surpassing all its opponents in
India! It has more than 250 million active users.
We help merchants on the Amazon marketplace! With an eye on efficiency and innovation,
Seller Drive specializes in Amazon Seller Central & Vendor Central, Catalog & Listing, Amazon
enhanced A+ content, Amazon Brand Store Setup & Marketing, Amazon Advertising & Amazon
Complete Account Management.

We are an Amazon SPN Partner & Expert

Amazon Service Providers Network (ASPN). ASPN is a network of impaneled third-party

service providers who will help bridge seller capability gaps in the new digital economy. Get
help from experts Need help with listing your products? Want to learn how to operate Seller


Central? Our network of qualified third-party service providers will help you with everything
you need to be successful in the Amazon marketplace.

Amazon Advertisement (3 Months) Package Included:

Sponsored Products (SP)

Sponsored Brands (SB)

Offers promotion of products with keyword-targeted advertising. Automated

targetingoption if the seller doesn't want to select the keyword. Sponsored

products appear along with the organically searched products.

Improved visibility with the opportunity to get listings on page 1 of Amazon search results.

Auction-based pricing model.

Pay only when your ad is clicked. No charges for the impression.

* Prices mentioned are indicative. Actual prices may vary according to product volume and

* Variable pricing model option also available at 3%-5% on Ad sales.


We Love Amazon, Let’s Face it!

Amazon Seller Central is the web interface used by brands and merchants to market and sells
their products directly to Amazon's customers. If you have a Seller Central account, you're
considered a marketplace or third-party seller. Amazon Vendor Central is the web interface used
by manufacturers and distributors. If you sell via Vendor Central, you're called a first-party
seller. You're acting as a supplier, selling in bulk to Amazon. Registration on Vendor Central is
by invitation only.

It’s the best way to reach millions of customers


It helps you find new customers

It’s the best way to reach millions of customers


It provides support and infrastructure

It creates referrals


It allows you to sell internationally

It’s on the cutting edge of shopping trends


It’s creating a qualified and growing Service Provider Network

About 80% of Amazon sellers opt for fulfillment services by Amazon

Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) Package Included:

EBC appears the Product Description section


The EBC of the product detail pages will enhance traditional product descriptions by adding rich
(HTML-based) contents, through which the customers can be more informed about the product;
and will help them in the product purchase with strong brand value escalation.

Up to 6 features will be highlighted per product that will include feature image, feature title, and
feature description. (Note: high-quality feature images for the products should be provided by the

EBC allows Brand Registered Sellers to showcase the unique value proposition of their products
through enhanced images and text placements. Adding Amazon Enhanced Brand Content, also
known as EBC to your product detail pages may result in higher conversion rates, increased
traffic, and increased sales when used effectively.


EBC submissions will either be published or rejected with necessary revisions outlined in the
rejection reason within 15-20 days of submission

You can publish content to all ASINs that you own as a Global Catalog Identifier (GCID)
registered brand owner, and have an offer for.

Amazon’s system currently allows sellers to have 20 pending submissions at one time.


By purchasing this package, you acknowledge that 'Seller Drive' does not make any warranty or
guarantee as to whether your listing will be LIVE in the marketplaces on a certain duration; as
the final decision is on 'Marketplaces' and hereby we do not take responsibility for the same.
Additionally, if 'Seller Drive' completes the products content/listing and the 'Marketplace' rejects
the listing due to certain reasons related to company's documents, product authenticity or other
seller account-related issues; then 'Seller Drive' will not be liable to issue any kind of refund or
replacement of services for the work already completed.


The seller should provide all the products with additional detailed information about their
premium products with high-quality images.


Our Amazon Expertise!





Account Health & Policies (Monthly) Package included:

Reply Messages (All following Types, up to 30 Messages Per Day)

Handling Return/Refunds/A-Z Claims

Inviting Positive Feedbacks
Manage Negative Feedback
Above 30 Messages/day will cost USD .5 Per Message and accordingly billing will be
adjusted every month.

Seller Drive will ensure that these factors are maintained as per Amazon's Policy and will
escalate the guidelines to the Seller if any violation occurred.

As per Amazon's policy, many factors decide the account health. Efforts will be made by
Seller Drive to keep the account in good/fair condition but still if due to Order Defect


Rate, Cancellation Rate, or the Late Dispatch rate, the account goes at risk or is
suspended, respective Sellers will hold the responsibility for the same. We as Seller Drive
will make sure that all appropriate actions/alerts/communication is done from our side
with the sellers to avoid it.

* Prices mentioned are indicative. Actual prices may vary according to product volume
and requirement.
* Variable pricing option also available at 2-5% of order value (GMV)


Information Technology and Services

Company size
11-50 employees

Nagpur, Maharashtra


Objectives of the study

1. To study the need for HR policies.

2. To study the rules & regulations associated with the HR policies of an organization.
3. To study different opinions of employees & respect their opinions about policies (Employee
4. To study and understand how HR policies reduce conflict among employees.
5. To determine whether human resource management practices affect the performance of
6. To find out the effect of compensation, performance evaluation, and training practices on the
performance of employees.
7. To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization.
8. To develop and maintain the quality of work-life (QWL) which makes employment in the
organization a desirable personal and social situation.



Scope Of The Study

• The research work will cover Amazon and also deal with the other party which is a regular
user of it.

• The scope of e-commerce Business in India is increasing year after year undoubtedly. The
scope of e-commerce business is turning out to be more famous day by day.

• The market demand and this requirement is generating innovations worldwide focus on
delivery time, ease transactions, and several features served by e-commerce business.

• Amazon has an extremely vast scope because it began an online book store that began
creating its technology such as AWS & Kindle.

• Different clients can do business by paying commission to the Amazon (third party).

• New opportunities for small and independent publishers.

• With Amazon anything saleable get strong brand recognition.



Limitations of the study

 Employees are not very well responding because of their heavy work.

 Managers did not communicate everything because of their rules & regulations policy.

 The research provides the number of facts but it doesn't provide actionable results.

 The sample size is too small to reflect the opinion.

 The answer given by the respondents has to be believed as it is truly reflecting their



The hypothesis of the study

H1. The employee performance and satisfaction is the valuable outcome of HR Policies
of the organization.

H2. In the HR Policies, there are various restrictions also which affect the working of the
employees & stability also.

H3. HR Policies keep clear communication between the organization and its. employees
regarding their condition of employment.

H4. HR Policies are important to form a basis for treating all employees fairly and

H5. HR Policies help to set guidelines for supervisors and managers.



Research Methodology

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting a research project. The research
design used for this project is descriptive as it is used in describing facts and characteristics of a
sample population under observation. In this project, it is used to describe the key motivator of
individual employees and to determine their various motivational profiles.

Research is a systematic effort to achieve the truth. Research is a careful, systematic & scientific
investigation or inquiry for a search of new facts in any branch of knowledge. In short,
"Research is systematized effort to gain in new knowledge."

Research as " the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols to generalize to extend, correct, or
verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in the construction of theory or the practice of an

According to Kerlinger :

Research design is a plan, structure, and strategy of investigation conceived to obtain answers to
research questions and to control variance.

According to Green and Tull :

A research design is a specific method and procedure for acquiring the information needed. It is
the overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stipulates what information is to
be collected from which sources by what procedures.

Research methodology

A research methodology is purely and simply the framework or a plan for the study that guides
the collection and analysis of data. Research is the scientific way to solve the problem and it's
increasingly used to improve market potential. This involves exploring the possible method, one
by one, and arriving at the best solution, considering the resources at the disposal of research.


The research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done systematically. In those various steps,
those are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind
them. Research needs to know not only the research method but also know methodology. "The
procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining, and predicting
phenomena are called methodology." Methods comprise the procedures used for generating,
collecting, and evaluating data. All this means that the researcher must design his methodology
for his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem. Data collection is an important
step in any project and the success of any project will largely depend on how much accurate you
will be able to collect and how much time, money, and effort will be required to collect that
necessary data, this is also an important step.

Research steps:-

• Study about the organization

• Setting of objective

• Instrument-design(questionnaire)

• Main study

• Tabulated and cross-tabulation

• Analysis and interpretation

• Findings

• Conclusion

• Suggestion and recommendation


Research Design

A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information
needed. It is overall operation patterns or a framework of the project that stipulates what
information is to be collected from which source by what procedure, it is also referred to as the
blueprint of the research process.

The research design consists of:

• A clear statement of the research problem.

• Procedure and techniques to be used for gathering information.

• The population to be studied.

• Method to be used in processing & analyzing the data.

There are four types of research design:

• Exploratory of formative study

• Diagnostic study

• Experimental study

• Descriptive study

Descriptive Study

A study, which wants to portray the character of a group of individuals or situations, is known as
a descriptive study.

Different types of research design

Research design may broadly be classified into three main categories


• Explanatory research: in the case of explanatory research, the focus is on the discovery of the

• Descriptive research: Descriptive studies are undertaken in many circumstances. When the
research is interested in knowing the characteristics of certain groups such as age, sex,
educational level, occupation or income, etc.

This is further being classified into two main characteristics:

• Cross-sectional studies: a cross-sectional study is concerned with a sample of elements from a

given population. Thus it may deal with households, dealers, retail stores, or other entities.

• Longitudinal studies: longitudinal studies are based on panel data and panel methods. A panel
is a sample of respondent who is interviewed from time to time.


Data collection plays an important role in research work. Without proper data available for
analysis you cannot do the research work accurately.

Types of data collection

There are two types of data collection methods available.

1. Primary data collection

2. Secondary data collection

1. Primary data

The primary data is that data which is collected fresh or first hand, and for the first time which is
original. Primary data can collect through personal interviews, questionnaire, etc. to support the
secondary data.

The following are the methods of primary data collection.


• Observation method- in this method a good report establishment of the respondent with the
researcher plays a very important role. The researcher is present in the company from where he
makes an observation and from there he collects the relevant data according to the careful
observation of respondents state of mind, the integrity of thought, the emotional stigma attached,
aggressive and other related tendencies and the physical postures of the responding forms the
core of this observation methods.

• Interview method- it is a systematic method by which one person enters more or less
imaginatively into the inner life of another who is generally a comparatively stranger for me.

• Questionnaire- it is the method by which we can make a group of employees by dividing them
into various subjects or asking them questions about their lifestyle and their problems. This
method is popularly used in the industry to find out the majority of the people like their job or
how much they are happy with their wages and other welfare facilities.

2. Secondary data collection method

The secondary data are those which have already collected and stored. Secondary data easily get
those secondary data from records, journals, annual reports of the company, etc. It will save time,
money, and efforts to collect the data. Secondary data also made available through trade
magazines, balance sheets, books, etc. This project is based on primary data collected through
personal interviews. But primary data collection had limitations such as matter confidential
information thus project is based on secondary information collected through five years' annual
report of the company, supported by various books and internet sides.

Types of sampling

Types of sampling used in the survey were simple random sampling. In this method, the
sampling units have chosen randomly from the total employees at all levels in the organization.


Sample size determination

The sample size restricted as the sample is one organization. This sample size was determined as
50 as it is selected randomly from the Seller Drive, Nagpur.

Methodology Of The Study

 Sample unit- Seller Drive (Authorised Partner Of Amazon and Shopify)

 Sample Size- 50 employees

 Instrument Used- Questionnaire, survey

 Sample Technique- Random Sampling.

 Duration- December 2019 – March 2020



Data Analysis & Data Interpretation

1. What are the HR Policies in this organization?

HR Policies No. of Responses Percentage

Anti-harassment 3 9.4%

Employment classifications 4 12.4%

Leave & time-off benefits 3 6.3%

Meal & break periods 19 59.4%

Timekeeping & pay 4 12.5%

Total Calculation 33 100%



From the above chart, it can be concluded that Meal & break periods are the HR Policies used in
this company. Because 59% of the employees say that Meal & break periods are the HR Policies
used in the company are good. 13% of employees say that Timekeeping & pay is the HR Policies
used in the company, whereas 12% of the employees say Employee classification is the HR
Policies used in the company.

2. Rate these HR Policies from 1 to 5

HR Policies Rating (1-5) No. of Responses Percentage

1- Neutral 1 2.9%
2- Very Bad 0 0%
3- Bad 2 5.9%
4- Good 28 82.4%
5- Very Good 3 8.8%
Total 34 100%

From the above paragraph, it can be concluded that HR Policies used in the company are good.
Because 82% of the employees say that the HR Policies used in the company are good. 9% of
employees say that the HR Policies used in the company are Very good whereas 6% of the
employees say that the HR Policies used in the company are Very bad and 3% of employees
have no comments for the HR Policies used in the company.


3. At what level these HR Policies are helpful to reduce the grievances among the employees?

Level No. of Responses Percentage

1- Neutral 1 2.9%
2- Very Bad 0 0%
3- Bad 3 8.8%
4- Good 29 85.3%
5- Very Good 1 2.9%
Total 34 100%

From the above paragraph, it can be concluded that the level of these HR Policies is helpful to
reduce the grievances among the employees are High. Because 85% of the employees say that
the level of these HR Policies are helpful to reduce the grievances among the employees are
High. 9% of employees say that the level of these HR Policies helpful to reduce the grievances
among the employees is Low whereas 3% of the employees say that the level these HR Policies
are helpful to reduce the grievances among the employees is Very good. and 3% of employees
have no comments.


4. How much you are satisfied with the HR Policies of your organization

Level No. of Responses Percentage

1- Very Dissatisfied 2 5.9%
2- Dissatisfied 1 2.9%%
3- Partially Dissatisfied 0 0%
4- Partially Satisfied 30 88.2%
5- Satisfied 1 2.9%
Total 34 100%

From the above paragraph, it can be concluded that the employees are Partially Satisfied with the
HR Policies of the organization. Because 88% of the employees say that the employees are
Partially Satisfied with the HR Policies of the organization. 6% of employees say that they are
Very Dissatisfied with the HR Policies used in the organization whereas 3% of employees have
no comments about it.


5. Which factors affect the HR Policies?

Factors affect HR Policies No. of Responses Percentage

Political 1 3.1%

Social 2 6.2%

Cultural 0 0%

Economics 18 56.3%

Legal 3 9.4%

All of the above 8 25%

Total Calculation 33 100%

From the above chart, it can be concluded that Economics is the factor that affects the HR
Policies in the company. Because 56% of the employees say that Economics is the factor that
affects the HR Policies in the company. 25% of employees say that Political factors affect the
HR Policies in the company whereas 9% of the employees say that Legal factors affect the HR


Policies in the company and 3% of employees have no comments for the HR Policies used in the

6. What are the various restrictions in HR Policies which affect the employee working &

Various Restrictions No. of Responses Percentage

Bullying, Harassment & 3 9.4%
Discrimination Policy

Leave Policy 21 65.6%

Grievance Policy 15 0%

Code of Conduct 4 12.5%

Performance Counselling & 2 6.3%

Discipline Policy

All of the above 2 6.3%

Total Calculation 33 100%


From the above chart, it can be concluded that Leave Policy is the major restriction in HR
Policies which affects the employee working & satisfying. Because 67% of the employees say
that Leave Policy is the major restrictions in HR Policies which affect the employee working &
satisfying. 13% employees say that Code of Conduct is the restrictions in HR Policies which
affect the employee working & satisfying whereas 9% of the employees say that Bullying,
Harassment & Discrimination Policy restrictions in HR Policies which affect the employee
working & satisfying, 3% employees have no comments for the restrictions in HR Policies which
affect the employee working & satisfying.

7. Rate the level at which Hr Policies helps to positively motivate the employee's performance

Level No. of Responses Percentage

1- Neutral 1 2.9%
2- Very Low 1 2.9%
3- Low 1 2.9%
4- High 11 32.4%
5- Very High 20 58.8%
Total 34 100%


From the above paragraph, it can be concluded that the level of these HR Policies are helping to
positively motivate the employee's performance are Very High. Because 59% of the employees
say that the level of these HR Policies are helping to positively motivate the employee's
performance are Very High. 32% employees say that the level of these HR Policies are helping
to positively motivate the employee's performance are High whereas 3% of the employees say
that the level these HR Policies help to positively motivate the employee's performance is Low .
and 3% employees have no comments on it.

8. Performance Standards are carefully developed based on employees' opinion (Please tick)

Performance Standards Responses Percentage

Neutral 18 56.3%

Strongly disagree 6 18.8%

Disagree 2 6.3%

Agree 5 15.6%

Strongly Agree 3 3%

Total Calculation 33 100%


From the above chart, it can be concluded that the Performance Standards are carefully
developed based on employees they are neutral about it. Because 56% of the employees are
Neutral that Performance Standards are carefully developed based on employees. 19% of
employees strongly agree that Performance Standards are carefully developed based on
employees whereas 16% of the employees Agree that Performance Standards are carefully
developed based on employees, 3% of employees have no comments on Performance Standards
are carefully developed based on employees.

9. Rate the scale at which human resource management policies significantly affect employee's

Level No. of Responses Percentage

1- Neutral 1 3%
2- Very Low 0 0%
3- Low 3 9.1%
4- High 12 36.4%
5- Very High 17 51.5%
Total 33 100%


From the above paragraph, it can be concluded that the scale at which human resource
management policies significantly affect employee's performance is Very High. Because 52% of
the employees say that the scale at which human resource management policies significantly
affect employee's performance is Very High, 36% employees say that the scale at which human
resource management policies significantly affect employee's performance are High, whereas 9%
of the employees say that the scale at which human resource management policies significantly
affect employee's performance are Low, rest 3% employees have no comments about the scale
at which human resource management policies significantly affect employee's performance.

10. Is equal opportunity given to all employees?

Option Responses Percentage

Yes 30 88.2%
No 4 11.8%
Total 34 100%


From the above chart, it can be concluded that Yes equal opportunities are given to all
employees because 88% of employees agree that Yes equal opportunities are given to all
employees whereas 12% say No that equal opportunity is not given to all employees.

11. Do employees have access to profit-sharing/ gain sharing/ employee share ownership?

Option Responses Percentage

Yes 32 94.1%
No 2 5.9%
Total 34 100%


From the above chart, it can be concluded that Employees don't have access to profit-sharing/
gain sharing/ employee share ownership. Because 94% of employees say No that they don't have
access to profit-sharing/ gain sharing/ employee share ownership.




 The project work on the impact of HR policies on employee performance in M/s seller

drive (Authorized Partner of Amazon & Shopify) not only gave exposure to HR Policies

but also a new insight on the working of the human resource department of the e-

commerce company.

 The policy grooms every individual to realize his/her potential in all facts while

contributing to attaining higher organizational & personal goals.

 From the study it can be concluded that HR Policies helps in motivating the employees

for work, it also helps the employees to get more opportunity in the e-commerce sector. It

helps to build a good official relation. And also helps to increase the profit of the


 It can be concluded from the study that with the HR Policies the employees are highly

satisfied or satisfied & because of this the growth & demand of the company is good. The

panyinspires its employees to do their best work.

 It can be concluded that human resource management practices affect the performance of

employees, so the study says many of them are treated equally and fairly.


 From the study, it can be concluded that there are various restrictions which affect

working but with the help of proper and clear communication, every problem can be





1. Equal opportunities should be given to every employee so that they could give their best.

2. With the help of equal opportunity, there will be no jealousy.

3. It is suggested that the organization must focus more on HR Policies so that every employee

must get an optimistic environment.

4. Must make employee feedback compulsory things so that organizations could know about

their thoughts about policies.

5. It is suggested that there must be continuous staff training and development.

6. A more transparent and full proof communication system should be developed.





1. Books:- “Human Resource Management” by Ashwathapa.

2. Websites




1. What are the HR Policies in this organization?


Employment classifications

Leave & time-off benefits Meal

& break periods

Timekeeping & pay

Choose among all these

2. Rate these HR Policies from 1 to 5

Anti-harassment- 1 2 3 4 5

Employment classifications-1 2 3 4 5

Leave & time off benefits - 1 2 3 4 5

Meal & break periods- 1 2 3 4 5

Timekeeping & pay- 1 2 3 4 5

3. At what level these HR Policies are helpful to reduce the grievances among the employees?

Rating scale - 1 2 3 4 5

(define a parameter for scale)

4. How much you are satisfied with the HR Policies of your organization 1

23 4 5

5. Which factors affect the HR Policies?







All of the above

6. What are the various restrictions in HR Policies which affect the employee working &

Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination Policy

Leave Policy

Grievance Policy

Code of Conduct

Performance Counselling & Discipline Policy

All of the above

7. Rate the level at which Hr Policies helps to positively motivate the employee's performance 1 2


8. Performance Standards are carefully developed based on employees opinion (Please tick) Fully


Fully disagree

Partially agree

Partially disagree

9. Rate the scale at which human resource management policies significantly affect employee's


10. Is equal opportunity given to all employees?



11. Do employees have access to profit-sharing/ gain sharing/ employee share ownership?





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