Ebola Vaccines Fact Check

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DATE 20th JANUARY 2020

Update 30th July 2020

After declaring the DR Congo Ebola free on May 14 th 2020, a new outbreak
occurred and 60 cases have been registered in the 11 th outbreak.


Ebola Vaccines Fact Check: Dispelling the myth of safe and effective

By Jane Burgermeister


The threat of people being forced to take a risky Ebola vaccine could occur
around the world in the near future.

A license has been given to Merck’s Ebola vaccine in the USA and in Europe
under emergency use provision

A study published in The Lancet in 2015 suggests that Merck’s vaccine,

marketed as Ervebo ( rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP), could even give people Ebola as
discussed in Section 1 below.

The study and other facts strongly suggest that Merck, together with World
Health Organization (WHO) and other actors, has embarked on a false,
misleading, and dangerous marketing campaign to persuade the public that
Ebola is an out of control threat, that there is a low risk of damage and a low
danger from giving people their Ebola vaccine while hiding the evidence that
the vaccine is not necessary and is actually very risky.

Among the thirteen Ebola vaccines in the pipeline is one made

by Johnson & Johnson. This is the same company ordered to pay a $572
million fine in Oklahoma in August 2019 for making similar misleading and
false claims of a very low addiction rate from opioid painkillers which fuelled
the opioid crisis, and facing about 2000 opioid related lawsuits.


Nearly 500,000 people died as a result of opioid overdose between 1999 and
2017, according to the CDC.


The Ebola vaccines pose a much greater threat because

 they are not proven to be safe and effective could even give people

Ebola is a very severe viral infection with a high death rate. It is transmitted by
bodily fluids. Ebola is not as contagious as most diseases with a reproduction
rate of only about 2. One sick person was found to cause an average 1.5 to 2
other infections in the 2014 Ebola outbreak.


To repeat: Ebola is not easy to catch from a sneeze like flu.

The incubation period can be between 2 and 21 days.


 Vaccination on a global scale against Ebola is now possible ( 7. 7

billion people)

The consultancy company McKinsey & Company, Inc (also involved in the
opioid scandal) drew up a business plan with WHO for the “to produce
enough vaccine to immunize the world’s population” in the event of epidemic

That spells gigantic potential profits for Merck, Johnson & Johnson and other
pharmaceutical companies.

 Forced vaccination is possible as well as forced quarantine using

the military and UN forces.

 The bar has been lowered. Under emergency use provisions, Ebola
vaccines and drugs do not need to be proven to be safe or effective.

 Pharmaceutical companies producing the Ebola vaccine have been

asked to be given indemnity, and they likely will be given immunity from
compensation claims under the pretext of a global health emergency.
The fact they will not have to pay compensation in the event that the
vaccines cause injury or death reduces their incentive to make safe
and effective vaccines.

To understand the threat, the reader must first understand the regulations
contained in the International Health Regulations (2005 ). This is a binding
legal agreement involving 196 countries, and allowing for forced vaccination
and quarantine when the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a Public
Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

WHO declared Ebola a PHEIC on 17th July, 2019. That declaration made it
possible for the globe to be put under medical martial law and for risky Ebola
vaccines to be given by force.

Since IHR (2005) was put into place, four PHEICs have been declared by

 For the swine flu in 2009

 For polio in 2014

 For Ebola in 2014

 For Ebola in 2019

There is a key difference between the Ebola PHEIC in 2014 and in 2019. At
least one Ebola vaccine (Merck’s) has already licensed for use in the USA
and Europe with other countries around the world set to follow.

Mass production of the vaccine has started (early 2020). Stockpiles of Ebola
vaccines have been created. They are ready to be rolled out.

WHO’s vaccine strategy includes plans to give Ebola vaccine preventatively.

That means that even if a country or region has not registered an Ebola case,
the vaccine can be rolled out under the pretext that Ebola is an imminent
threat on the horizon, which the population have to be protected against.

A new aspect is the draconian level of censorship. In 2014, Liberia and Sierra
Leone banned media from reporting Ebola stories.



My own case Delta 15 218 in Greece documents repeated attempts to murder

me for giving information about the Ebola vaccines with justice officials and
police joined in the conspiracy to suppress police reports and set me up for a
lethal penalty.

The following is a brief introduction and summary of the chapters.

 Section 1 provides an overview of the Merck vaccine and

discusses its insert as well as studies, documents and evidence showing the
vaccine is not safe or effective and may give people Ebola. It presents
evidence that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is also not proven to be safe or
effective, something which prompted the then DR Congo Health Minister Oly
Ilunga to refuse to accept the vaccine, only for him to be overruled and to
resign in protest.

 Section 2 provides an understanding of why the trial design itself was

so seriously flawed that data is impossible to evaluate. It gives the
documents of the key trials showing that the trials had no control arms,
conflicts of interest, statistical biases and varied in design.

 Section 3 briefly looks at the diagnostics for Ebola and evidence that

they are flawed, possibly diagnosing people with Ebola who do not have it.

 Section 4 looks at the WHO, CDC protocols and demonstrates how

fundamental flaws have been introduced into the protocols, which
spread Ebola.

A critical flaw of the protocols is the failure to distinguish between people who
may be incubating Ebola and people who are showing its symptoms. People
who are incubating Ebola can become infectious before they show symptoms,
and need to be kept in isolation throughout their quarantine period and
handled with special protective gear.

Yet protocols instruct health care workers to put people who may be
incubating Ebola or malaria together in quarantine, leading to people who are
sick with Ebola give it to others who are not.

Also, protocols instruct health care workers only to put on special protective
gear after a patient has been diagnosed with Ebola, promoting infections of
Ebola in nurses and doctors. These flaws are contributing to the very high
number of infections occurring in Ebola centers and hospitals in the DR
Congo. About 10% of all Ebola patients are estimated to become infected in
hospitals. Worryingly, the same mistakes were made in the 2014 Ebola
outbreak and lead to the spread of Ebola in the USA, specifically the infection
of two nurses in a Dallas hospital.

Experts urged them to be corrected in 2014. Yet, the same flaws have
reappeared in 2018.

 Section 5 briefly discusses indemnity or immunity from compensation

claims set to be for the pharmaceutical companies if their Ebola
vaccine cause damage or death

 Section 6 looks in more detail at a central principle of this Ebola

outbreak and the martial law measures which can be used, including
the use of UN troops to guard Ebola vaccine teams and centers
currently in the DR Congo. It also briefly discusses the many attacks on
Ebola centers, WHO officials and vaccine teams.

 Section 7 looks briefly at stands to profit from Ebola and the business
plan of McKinsey

 Section 8 discusses irregularities in WHO’s declaration of Ebola as a


 Section 9 gives key facts on Ebola as biological warfare

 Section 10 looks briefly at Ebola drugs proven to be safe and effective

 Section 11 discusses the way vaccines and drugs have

become increasingly deregulated also through the Right to Try bill and
possible negative impacts

 Section 12 describes the way illegal vaccines, social media, drones

spread an Ebola like disease in China, killing half the country’s pigs
and considers whether the same model could be used to push Ebola
vaccines among humans

 Section 13 briefly considers the parallels with the opioid lawsuit and the
basis for legal action over the Ebola vaccines.

 Section 14 looks briefly at my case as an example of the lengths that

governments and actors will go to silence a whistleblower giving factual
information on the Ebola vaccine since 2014 also on my blog, birdflu66,
since suspended without a valid reason, and the involvement of
governments in this criminal activity

 Section 14 looks at steps we can take to prevent infection with Ebola

without using risky vaccines or drugs, such as washing our hands in
chlorine and briefly looks at drugs proven to be safe and quite effective

 Section 14 provides suggestions for taking action to stop the Ebola

medical martial law plans and dismantle the global medical martial law
system installed by the IHR and WHO by making protests, calling for
inquiries etc
Experimental Ebola drugs and vaccines are not necessary to stop the Ebola
outbreak. The New York Times asked 10 leaders of the fights against
smallpox, polio, SARS, rinderpest, Guinea worm and other diseases for their
views on how best to fight the Ebola outbreak. All were sure the Ebola
outbreak could be stopped without experimental drugs or vaccines. Applying
proper protocols on screening, quarantines, protective clothing and travel
bans have been effective ways of stopping outbreaks.Nigeria stopped Ebola
spreading in 2014 just by using standard protocols.

Yet, the protocols have to be effective and WHO’s and the CDC’s current
protocols are flawed.

Crucially, people can start to infect others before they show symptoms or
enough of the virus is in their blood for a positive diagnosis. But WHO and
CDC protocols, designed to be used around the world, overlook this
fact, leading to the spread of Ebola among people in quarantine and among
health care workers as shown in Section 4.

There are also drugs, like MAB114, the antibodies of survivor’s blood known
to be effective since the first Ebola outbreak in the DR Congo in 1976, which
are proven to be safe and quite effective in a study (PALM). These drugs
have, however, been sidelined in favour of the use of Ebola vaccines with
unknown, possibly severe risk licensed under special emergency provisions.
Section 1

Overview of the Ebola vaccines

Thirteen candidate Ebola vaccines (including monovalent, bivalent and

multivalent candidates) have undergone or are currently undergoing clinical
evaluation at different trial phases. One vaccine, Merck, has been licensed for
the USA and Europe under emergency use provisions. Johnson Johnson has
applied for a license for a second vaccine.

The Phase III trial for Merrck’s vaccine vaccine (rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP) was
undertaken in Guinea but the claim that the vaccine was demonstrated to be
clinical efficacy and effectiveness for any candidate Ebola vaccine.

But interim results of the study published in The Lancet ssaid the vaccine
could give people Ebola.

A revised study was published in December 2016. But a study off that trial
data by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine;
Health and Medicine Division concluded that the efficacy “could in reality be
quite low or even zero, as the confidence limits around the unbiased estimate
include zero. “

A license was given to Merck’s Ebola vaccine in Europe on November 11



and in the USA

The license has been given under emergency use provision.


Vaccines licensed under special rules such as the animal rule

(US), exceptional circumstances (EU), or other provisions for licensure for
deployment in emergencies do not have to be proven to be safe or effective
before being given to people.

The rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP candidate vaccine, a prime/boost candidate vaccine

based on Ad26- and MVA-vectored components (Ad26.ZEBOV/MVA-BN-Filo)
and the Ad5- EBOV candidate vaccine have submitted EUAL documentations
to the WHO Secretariat.

The facts presented in this section show that the claim



1.2.1 Inserrt

Ervebo consists of a live, attenuated recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus-

based vector expressing the envelope glycoprotein gene of Zaire Ebola virus

Paediatric population The safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of Ervebo in

children aged 1 to 17 years have not yet been established (see sections 4.8
and 5.1).


Vaccination with Ervebo may not result in protection in all vaccinees. Vaccine
efficacy has been established in the period ≥10 to ≤31 days after vaccination,
however the duration of protection is not known (see section 5.1). The use of
other Ebola control measures should therefore not be interrupted.

Vaccination with Ervebo does not eliminate the necessity of standard

precautions when caring for patients with known or suspected Ebola disease.
All healthcare workers and other ancillary providers who have been
vaccinated should not alter their practices with regard to safe injection,
hygiene, and personal protective equipment (PPE) after vaccination.

Safety and efficacy of Ervebo have not been assessed in

immunocompromised individuals.

Severe humoral or cellular (primary or acquired) immunodeficiency, e.g.

severe combined immunodeficiency, agammaglobulinemia, and AIDS or
symptomatic HIV infection. A CD4+ T-lymphocyte count threshold for use in
asymptomatic HIV-positive individuals has not been established. Current
immunosuppressive therapy, including high doses of corticosteroid

Transmission of vaccine virus through close personal contact is accepted as a

theoretical possibility. Vaccine recipients should avoid close contact with and
exposure of high-risk individuals to blood and bodily fluids for at least 6 weeks
following vaccination.

The vaccine will not prevent disease caused by Filoviruses other than Zaire
Ebola virus

Following vaccination with Ervebo, individuals may test positive for Ebola
glycoprotein (GP) nucleic acids, antigens, or antibodies against Ebola GP,
which are targets for certain Ebola diagnostic tests. Therefore, diagnostic
testing for Ebola should target non-GP sections of the Ebola virus.
Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction No
interaction studies have been performed. As there are no data on co-
administration of Ervebo with other vaccines, the concomitant use of Ervebo
with other vaccines is not recommended.

e. The safety of Ervebo has not been established in pregnant women. As

there are limitations to available data, including the small number of cases,
caution should be exercised in drawing conclusions. Lack of reliable data on
background rates of pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in the affected regions
also makes a contextual assessment of the data challenging.

A risk to the newborns/infants from breast-feeding by vaccinated mothers

cannot be excluded.

The most common systemic adverse reactions reported following vaccination

with Ervebo were headache (36.9%), pyrexia (34.3%), myalgia (32.5%),
fatigue (18.5%), arthralgia (17.1%), nausea 7 (8.0%), chills (6.3%), arthritis
(3.7%), rash (3.6%), hyperhidrosis (3.2%), and abdominal pain (1.4%). In
general, these reactions were reported within 7 days after vaccination, were
mild to moderate in intensity, and had short duration (less than 1 week).

ach frequency grouping, adverse reactions are presented in the order of

decreasing seriousness. Table 1: Tabulated summary of adverse reactions
considered related to vaccination MedDRA-System Organ Class Adverse
Reactions Frequency Immune system disorders: Anaphylactic reaction Very
Rare Nervous system disorders: Headache Very common Gastrointestinal
disorders: Abdominal pain Nausea Common Skin and subcutaneous tissue
disorders: Rash§ Common Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders:
Arthralgia§ Myalgia Very common Arthritis§ Common General disorders and
administration site conditions: Pyrexia Fatigue Injection site pain Injection site
erythema Injection site swelling Very common Chills Hyperhidrosis (sweats)
Common § See description of selected adverse reactions.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions Reporting suspected adverse
reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows
continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product.
Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions
via the national reporting system listed in Appendix V.

Protocol 010 (Ring vaccination study) was a Phase 3 open-label cluster-

randomized trial of ring vaccination (vaccinating contacts and contacts of
contacts [CCCs] of index Ebola cases) which evaluated efficacy and safety of
Ervebo in Guinea. In this trial, 9,096 subjects ≥18 years of age who were
considered CCCs of an index case with laboratory-confirmed EVD were
randomized to immediate (4,539 subjects in 51 clusters) or 21 days delayed
(4,557 subjects in 47 clusters) vaccination with Ervebo. Of those 9,096
subjects, 4,160 received Ervebo (2,119 subjects were vaccinated in the
immediate arm and 2,041 subjects were vaccinated in the delayed arm). The
median age of consenting CCCs was 35 years old. The final primary analysis
included 2,108 subjects (51 9 clusters) vaccinated in the immediate arm and
1,429 subjects (46 clusters) eligible and consented on Day 0 in the delayed

The final primary analysis was to assess efficacy against laboratory confirmed
EVD by comparing incidence of cases occurring 10 to 31 days post-
randomization for those vaccinated in the immediate vaccination rings versus
incidence of cases for subjects who consented on Day 0 in the delayed
vaccination rings. Vaccine efficacy was 100% (unadjusted 95% CI: 63.5% to
100%; 95% CI adjusted for multiplicity: 14.4% to 100%) (0 cases in the
immediate arm; 10 cases in 4 rings in the delayed arm). Randomization was
stopped after an interim analysis with a p=0.0036 that did not meet the
prespecified alpha level of 0.0027. Of the 10 cases, 7 were in contacts, and 3
in contacts-of-contacts. Uncertainties remain as to the level, duration and type
of protection given the methodological limitations and the exceptional
circumstances experienced during the trial.
Protocol 009 Partnership for Research on Ebola Vaccines in Liberia
(PREVAIL) was a Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
which evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of Ebola vaccine candidates
including Ervebo. This trial compared Ervebo to normal saline placebo in
1,000 adults ≥18 years of age in Liberia. Protocol 011 named Sierra Leone
Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola (STRIVE) was a Phase 2/3
randomized open-label trial which evaluated safety and immunogenicity of
Ervebo in adults ≥18 years of age working in healthcare facilities or on
frontline activities related to the Ebola response in Sierra Leone. In this trial,
8,673 adult subjects were enrolled and 8,651 with valid consents randomized
to immediate (within 7 days of enrolment) or deferred (18 to 24 weeks after
enrolment) vaccination with Ervebo. An immunogenicity sub-study included
508 subjects who were vaccinated and provided samples for the assessment
of immunogenicity.

No immune correlates of protection have been defined to date

The clinical relevance of the immunogenicity data is currently not known.

Efficacy data was obtained in Protocol 010 in Guinea and immunogenicity
data was obtained in Protocol 009 in Liberia, Protocol 011 in Sierra Leone,
and Protocol 012 in the United States, Canada, and Europe

Efficacy in children has not been assessed. I

Efficacy in children has not been assessed. I

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional
studies of repeated dose toxicity and toxicity to reproduction and

The vaccine virus is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). An ERA was

conducted to determine the potential impact of this vaccine on human health
and the environment. Because this vaccine is based on VSV, a known
pathogen in livestock (e.g. horses, cattle, pigs), the risk assessment included
species that are relevant for the wild type (wt) VSV backbone of this vaccine.

Risk management plan (RMP) 16 The marketing authorisation holder (MAH)

shall perform the required pharmacovigilance activities and interventions
detailed in the agreed RMP presented in Module 1.8.2 of the Marketing
Authorisation and any agreed subsequent updates of the RMP. An updated
RMP should be submitted: At the request of the European Medicines
Agency; Whenever the risk management system is modified, especially as
the result of new information being received that may lead to a significant
change to the benefit/risk profile or as the result of an important
(pharmacovigilance or risk minimisation) milestone being reached

This vaccine might not protect everyone who receives it and the length of time
you are protected from Ebola by Ervebo is not known.

f you get a rash where the skin is broken after receiving Ervebo, cover it until
it heals. Put the used plasters and bandages in a sealed container, if possible,
and throw them in the waste bin to to make sure that people with a weak
immune system or animals do not come into contact with the plasters and
v No studies have looked at how other medicines or vaccines and Ervebo
might interact with each other.Use of Ervebo with other vaccines is not

This leaflet was last revised in MM/YYYY This medicine has been given
‘conditional approval’. This means that there is more evidence to come about
this medicine. The European Medicines Agency will review new information
on this medicine at least every year and this leaflet will be updated as

1. Results published in The Lancet in 2015 stated that 27

people contracted Ebola as a result of the vaccine and 15
of these people died.


Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine expressing Ebola

surface glycoprotein: interim results from the Guinea ring vaccination cluster-
randomised trial

Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo

Paule Kieny, Assistant Director General, Health Systems and Innovation, 20

Av Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland [email protected]

"As of July 20, 2015, a total of 43 serious adverse events had been
documented among eligible and consenting trial participants, including
27 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (see appendix).” Page 6 to 7.

“Apart from Ebola virus disease, the three most commonserious adverse
events were suspected, unconfirmed Ebola virus disease (three cases),
episodes of febrile illness (three cases), and road traffic accidents (three
cases). 16 deaths occurred: 15 from Ebola virus disease and one from

The Lancet study, therefore, states unambiguously that

 people contracted Ebola as an adverse event from the Merck


 contracting Ebola is the most common adverse event from the Merck

1.2.2. That the Merck vaccine could give people Ebola is credible given the
fact that a Merck HIV vaccine, which used the same cold virus as Merck’s
Ebola vaccine, was halted because it was found to give people HIV. Men who
had previously caught colds caused by the same chimpanzee “cold” virus
used to make the HIV vaccine were two to four times as likely to become
infected with HIV if they got the HIV vaccine.
The Ebola vaccine is made using the same cold virus, specifically a chimp
adenovirus type . The cold virus is used as a carrier, or vector, to deliver
material from the Zaire Ebola into the body.

The Step trial of the NIAID and Merck HIV vaccine was halted in phase IIb of
clinical trials precisely because it was found to infect people with HIV . But the
Ebola vaccine has not undergo traditional clinical trials as discussed in
Section 2.


1.2.3 Results published for the same study in The Lancet in December 2016
were different.

Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine in preventing Ebola

virus disease: final results from the Guinea ring vaccination, open-label,
cluster-randomised trial (Ebola Ça Suffit!)
• Dr Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo, M


No satisfactory explanation is given why the results in this paper are so

different from the July 2015 Lancet paper.

It is the same trial, same country, with the same lead author, the same
corresponding author, albeit with a slightly different title than the study
published in July 2015.

WHO claimed, “An experimental Ebola vaccine was highly protective against
the deadly virus in a major trial in Guinea, according to results published
today in The Lancet.”

Echoing the WHO press release, Donald McNeil of The New York
Times wrote: “In a scientific triumph that will change the way the world fights a
terrifying killer, an experimental Ebola vaccine tested on humans in the
waning days of the West African epidemic has been shown to provide 100
percent protection against the lethal disease” (McNeil, 2016).

1.2.4. However, a study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,

and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division published in June 2017 on the
trial data concluded that the efficacy “could in reality be quite low or even
zero, as the confidence limits around the unbiased estimate include zero. “

The study is called “Integrating Clinical Research into Epidemic Response:

The Ebola Experience.”

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and

Medicine Division; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Board on Global Health;
Committee on Clinical Trials During the 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak; Busta
ER, Mancher M, Cuff PA, et al., editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2017 Jun 26.

Furthermore, the study found that “no serologic data were collected during the
conduct of the trial, so no immunological correlate of protection from the
vaccine can be determined (Henao-Restrepo et al., 2016).”
In addition, the National Academies of Sciences study questioned the claim of
100% efficacy.

The “on treatment” vaccine efficacy estimate of 100 percent has been widely
reported, but the reports generally do not acknowledge the fact that no
vaccine is—or ever likely will be—100 percent effective, whether because of
such host factors as immunodeficiency states or immunogenetics based
antigen unresponsiveness or because of extrinsic factors such as a very high
infection inoculum size, which can overcome existing immunity (CDC, n.d.).

Another problem is that assays used for immunogenicity were not

standardized or centralizaed, making comparisons of rrelative immunogenicity

Session 41 - Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

1.2.5 Sarah Boseley of The Guardian joined in the claims that the Lancet
study showed the Merck vaccine was “highly effective against one of the most
lethal known pathogens in existence. Ten days after vaccination, none of the
trial subjects developed Ebola virus disease” (Boseley, 2016).

But the period of incubation of Ebola is 2 to 21 days.

The incubation period can be between 2 and 21 days, according to WHO.


That means, people could have contracted Ebola from the vaccine in day
2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 after the vaccination. People with weak immune systems
due to malnourishment could be especially vulnerable to contracting the Ebola
disease rapidly after vaccination. To exclude the cases of people developing
Ebola less than ten days after the vaccination is arbitrary, unwarranted and
skews the results.
1.2.5 Media report a Merck executive Jakub Simon, MD, MS, telling the
American Society of Tropical Medicine's (ASTMH) at its annual meeting in
October 2018 that “World Health Organization (WHO) officials have told him
they think the vaccine is effective. But the reality is that no one can yet be
sure to what extent the vaccination campaign, versus other public health
efforts, helped end the Equateur outbreak, or how much it might be helping in
North Kivu and Ituri given the roller-coaster numbers.”

To repeat in Octoberr 2018, two years after the publication of the Lancet
study, a Merck executive admitted that no one was sure that the vvacine was
effective even though Merck had clinical data on 12 trials.

1.2.7 Furthermore, Merck's Jakub Simon, Merck's Jakub Simon, showed that
“new cases dropped significantly after vaccination began in early August, they
never approached zero, and 2 months later they rocketed back to the level
seen before vaccinations began. (They have since dropped again.)”

“The roller-coaster numbers” could be because the vaccine, or specific

batches of it, is giving people Ebola.

]1.2.9. Further indirect evidence that Merrck vaccine is giving people Ebola
comes from the Pamoja Tulinde Maisha (PALM) trial on four study
drugs. reported in December 2019 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

N Engl J Med 2019; 381:2293-2303

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910993


The PALM study asked participants whether they had taken the Merck

155 patients of the 620 participants in the trial on four other drugs reported
that they had received the Merck vaccine. That means, a staggering 25% of
all the people who had Ebola and who joined the trial reported having the
Merck vaccine. Most of them reported having the vaccine shortly before the
onset of the symptoms of Ebola, strong suggesting a causal link.
80 people or 38.7% reported that they had received the vaccine at least 10
days before the onset of clinical symptoms. 60 reported that they had
received the vaccine ten days or more before the onset of clinical symptoms.

The PALM study authors do not seek to interpret these results.

To conclude

 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/ervebo#overvi

 The EMA associations refers to this study on its page giving

information on Ervebo. It says that a “a man main study showed that
Ervebo was effective in preventing Ebola virus disease in adults at risk
of infection during an outbreak.

 But the studies disuc

Section 2

 But the studies discussed in 1.2. show that this claim is false and

1.3 Johnson & Johnson (J&J)

While the study published on the Merck vaccine is questionable, there is no

published data on the J&JEbola vaccine.

The phase 1 trial of Johnson & Johnson Ebola vaccine, the

Ad26.ZEBOV/MVA-BN-Filo, occurred in December 2014.

The then minister of health of the Democratic Republic of theCongo (DRC)

Oly Ilunga Kalenga
was so concerned about experimental J J vaccine that he resigned on July
22nd 2019 in protest at the plan to use it.

In his resignation letter, Oly Ilunga Kalenga said.

 “It is fantastical to think that the new vaccine being recommended (with
two doses administered 56 days apart) … could have a determinative
effect on the epidemic that’s now underway,” Oly Ilunga Kalenga wrote.

 He charged that those proposing the use of the J&J vaccine “have
shown a clear lack of ethics by intentionally hiding important
information from the health authorities.”

After resigning in protest, Oly Ilunga Kalenga was arrested for allegedly
mismanaging $4.3 million in Ebola response money. The 14th September
2019 arrest came on the same day that an unprecedented high-level
delegation of U.S. government health officials met with the DRC’s president
and other leaders in Kinshasa to discuss the 13-month-old Ebola outbreak,
which is the second largest in history, and media speculate that these officials
may have been behind his arrest to ram through the J J vaccine.
Johnson Johnson appears to have lobbied for the use of its Ebola vaccine to
be given to people in the DR Congo as a preventative measure.

Having failed to persuade the government to give the vaccines because it was
not supported by evidence or studies, it appears to have sought to influence
the government to introduce the vaccine by firing the health minister

The vaccine is designed to be given pre-emptively in mass vaccination

campaigns. That means that every single person in a country or region could
be given the vaccine by force even if they have had no direct contact with
anyone who had Ebola or any of their contacts.
The first phase of the plan involved giving it to an entire region with 700,000
people in the Dr Congo.

But in spite of enormous pressure, only about 3000 people took the vaccine in
the first six weeks as of the end of 2019.

New vaccines

New vaccines using new technologies like CRISP could get a license, adding
to the confusion.

Now, research by Dr. Ron Diskin of the Weizmann Institute, conducted

together with colleagues at the University of Cologne in Germany, has
decoded just how this leading Ebola vaccine stimulates the immune system,
and has also suggested how, in future versions of the vaccine, the generation
of Ebola-fighting antibodies might be improved. What’s more, the scientists
showed that subjects who receive a small dose of the vaccine generate
similar profile of antibodies to subjects who had received a higher dose.

This discovery—validated by lab studies in Cologne in which the Diskin

team’s antibodies potently targeted and destroyed a live Ebola virus—
suggests that the unique binding mechanism seen in the two antibodies could
contribute to the efficacy of a future version of the Ebola vaccine.

Section 4

A fundamentally flawed trial design

Under the pretext of a deadly outbreak, the timelines for scientific and ethics
approval were shortened to a few weeks for the Phase 1 studies.

Vaccine trials were launched in Africa. In fact, “[f]ive Phase 1 trials of ChAd3
and eight Phase 1 rVSV trials were initiated between September and
December 2014 in North America, Europe, and Africa” (WHO, 2015c, p. 10).

year-long-immune-response Under the pretext of a deadly outbreak, the
timelines for scientific and ethics approval were shortened to a few weeks for
the Phase 1 studies.https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/experimental-

Normally, vaccines undergo three clinical trials with a control arm and take on
average 10.71 years to develop. Also, a vaccine only has a 6% chance of
entering the market. Drugs can take 10 to 15 years to develop with 95%
failure risk at point of discovery.

Prior to 2014 all Ebola vaccine trials were discontinued. The three most recent
Ebola vaccine
trials were suspended, terminated or withdrawn in phase 1 of clinical trails.

The design of the Ebola vaccine trials (ring vaccination) was flawed.

Jon Cohen wrote in Sciencemag that the "unusual trial designed" yielded no
data proving the vaccine is safe or effective and, therefore, gave no basis for
licensing it.

"The unusual trial design yielded data that were not deemed strong enough to
lead regulatory bodies to license the vaccine," he wrote.
Crucially, there was no control group in the Ebola vaccine trials.

At a meeting at WHO HQ in Geneva in September on 29 and 30 2014 to

discuss the Ebola vaccine trial designs, it was made clear to all participants
that there would be no control group.

“Going into this meeting, we were told the idea of a controlled trial … was not
going to be acceptable,” says Ballou, who heads the crash program to
develop an Ebola vaccine at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in Rixensart, Belgium.


The GSK vaccine only went into a human for the first time on 2 September, in
a phase I trial that will involve a few hundred volunteers not at risk of infection.

Phase 1 studies were conducted in high-income countries (the United States

and European countries) conflicts of interest

GSK's Ebola “ChAd3” vaccine could wrapped up a five-week clinical trial in

humans in November 2014, entered field trials shortly after that before tens of
thousands off distributed early in 2015.

The phase 1 clinical trial of the GSK Ebola vaccine is sponsored by the UK
government, yet the first
subject to be vaccinated was an employee of the UK government health

The scientific credibility of the GSK Ebola vaccine trial must be questioned if
participants have a vested interest in its success.

The Canadian government canceled plans to do phase 1 clinical trials of its

Ebola vaccine in a Winnipeg lab because lab staff taking part in the trial had
developed the vaccine and so had a vested interest regarding a good
outcome of the trial. (12)

1.2.6 On January 8th 2015, WHO stated that critical safety and other data
were not available when the decision was made to go ahead with large-scale
The senior executives of the three pharmaceutical companies (GSK, J&J, and
Merck) whose candidate vaccines are in the most advanced stages of
development presented a summary of their latest data, including safety data
from the Phase I trials of the two most advanced candidates: GSK’s Chad3-
ZEBOV vaccine and Merck’s rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine. Based on these data,
both candidates appear to be safe and well tolerated. Representatives from
each company also gave estimates of production capacities to year-end.
Comprehensive Phase I data on the nature of the immune response elicited
by the two most advanced vaccine candidates (their immunogenicity) were
not available at the time of the meeting. D

 Comprehensive Phase I data on the nature of the immune response

elicited by the two most advanced vaccine candidates (their
immunogenicity) were not available at the time of the meeting.
Decisions on which doses are most likely to confer protection, and
whether or not an additional booster dose would provide additional
protection, must therefore be deferred until a complete analyses of the
immunogenicity data has been undertaken. C

nstates the WHO report on the January 8th meeting.


African countries scheduled to participate in the Ebola trial asked for more
safety data before proceeding with clinical phase 2 trials in five countries other
than the three affected by Ebola.

But in a WHO meeting on financing the Ebola vaccines on January 8 th,

attended by 19 representatives from the UK government and two from GSK,
overrode the request and decisions of the African countries at a meeting off
the Joint Review of ChAd3 Ebola Vaccine Trials, on December 15 th.

A WHO meeting report stated that preparations for concurrent Phase II and
Phase III trials were
already at an advanced stage,” that is to say, clinical phase 2 trials were
scraped altogether.
“Preparations for concurrent Phase II trials in healthy volunteers outside the
affected countries and
Phase III trials in the affected countries are already at an advanced stage.”

By February 2015, vaccine dosing was selected and Phase 2 and Phase 3
trials implemented in Ebola-affected countries in Africa.

These began only 6 months after the WHO declared the epidemic an
international emergency, with the PREVAIL I Phase 3 trial using the Merck
vaccine starting in February 2015 in Liberia.

According to a study, collecting data on vaccines

during an epidemic may be “impossible”. Also, “any data obtained to assess
benefit or toxicity could have
innumerable biases and misappropriations, making their application under
current research standards
impossible.” (19)

Infection due to the vaccine can be falsely attributed to direct contact with
Ebola patients in the chaotic conditions prevailing in the field.

.A license was given to Merck’s Ebola vaccine in Europe on November 11


 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/ervebo

 and in the USA

 https://investors.merck.com/news/press-release-details/2019/Merck-
 The license has been given under emergency use and conditional

 https://www.who.int/immunization/sage/meetings/2018/october/2_Ebol

 Vaccines licensed under special rules such as the animal rule

(US), exceptional circumstances (EU), or other provisions for licensure
for deployment in emergencies do not have to be proven to be safe or
effective before being given to people.

The International Health Regulations allow for the kind of uncontrolled and
dangerous experimentation on people that occurred in Nazi concentration

Under the guise of an epidemic emergency, vaccines which are not prOven to
be either safe or effective can be given with immunity to entire population.

Actions which resulted in Nazi doctors being sentenced to death in the

Nuremberg Trials are repackaged using slick marketing as

Right-to-try laws are U.S. state laws and a federal law that were created with
the intent of allowing terminally ill patients access to experimental
therapies (drugs, biologics, devices) that have completed Phase I testing but
have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Prior to
the passage of right to try laws, patients needed FDA approval to use
experimental drugs. Currently, 41 U.S. states have passed right to try laws.
The value of these laws has been questioned on multiple grounds, including
the fact that pharmaceutical manufacturers would have no obligation to
provide the therapies being sought.[1] A federal right to try law was passed in
May 2018, but as of June 2019 only two patients had been accepted for
experimental therapies.[2] According to Scott Gottlieb, who served as
commissioner of the FDA under President Donald Trump, the FDA had
approved 99% of patient requests for access to experimental drugs prior to
the passage of right to try legislation.[3]

Section 4

OK this is final version o f that clip :)

Polish Health Ministry Mrs Ewa Kopacz gives speech in Polish Parliament on serious
issues with swine flu vaccines safety.
5th Nov 2009.


The Polish Health Minister Eva Kopacz today told Parliament during a heated debate
on the swine flu vaccination that she, as a qualified family doctor with more than 20
year of experience, will not authorise the use of untested vaccines on millions of
people in Poland when there is inadequate information about the safety of the jabs.

She said the secret contract that the Polish government was supposed to sign with
pharmaceutical companies had more than 20 clauses which are against the law.

Kopacz noted that governments in Western Europe had signed secret agreements
with pharmaceutical companies, but suggested that the prosperity of the people of
Poland was more important to her than the profits of Big Pharma.

Finally, she called on the people of Poland to show their support for her as she
comes under growing pressure from the pushers of the “swine flu” jab to give the
people the dangerous and untested jab.

Section 4

Ebola diagnostic kits may not be accurate.

The Kenya National Union of Medical Laboratory Officers (KNUMLO) has said
three out of 10 patients in the country get the wrong diagnosis or treatment
due to poor diagnostic tests certified as accurate abroad. Many cases of HIV
misdiagnosis through substandard rapid test strips have been reported in
various parts of the country with many individuals who do not have HIV. The
union noted Kenya does not have the capacity to check if the diagnostic kits.
KNUMLO chairperson Cliff Randa also raised concern over whether Kenya
could tackle Ebola with such faulty kits.



Flawed diagnostic tools resulted in the over diagnosis of Ebola at the

beginning of the outbreak, putting healthy people at risk. But there seems to
have been no warning about flawed diagnostic tools issued to nurses and
doctors by the PHE.

Section 5 Protocols

WHO and the CDC's guidelines both fail to identify people who may be
incubating Ebola and who may become infectious to others. They wrongly
focus only on identifying and isolating those people who already have the
symptoms of Ebola.

By failing to isolate people who may be incubating Ebola, WHO and the CDC
risk spreading Ebola.



In a repeat of a scandal in 2014, WHO and the CDC has once more made a
vital mistake in its protocols for identifying and handling possible Ebola
patients, thereby, increasing the risk of the spread of Ebola.

288 or 10.8% of all the Ebola cases in the DR Congo have been so called
hospital or nosocomial infections as of 31 July 2019.

These infections are also being caused by a failure to apply the standard
biosecurity protocols and to separate all suspected patients and put all of

Systematic flaws in WHO s and the CDC protocols expose people and nurses
and doctors unnecessarily to Ebola, and are fuelling inflections.

The inclusion of a systematic error into a policy document cannot be put down
to ignorance or error since, apart from being deviations frorm standard
protocols, WHO, the CDC were warned about their errors in 2014alrready but
have left the errors largely in place.

In 2014, UNICEF noted that the "biggest challenge in controlling any epidemic
is separating those infected from those that are not. This breaks the cycle of
UNICEF goes on to note that Ebola symptoms of fever could be anything from
flu to malaria. But someone who has Ebola can infect others who do not have
Ebola, but who may have flu or malaria.
"So putting a malaria patient next to an Ebola patient while waiting for a
diagnosis is a bad idea and can accelerate transmission."
WHO guidelines instruct healthcare workers to put patients into isolation only
after a diagnosis is made and Ebola is confirmed.

Again correct biosecurity procedure is to put all people suspected of having

come in contact with a person with a deadly and contagious disease in
isolation from the moment they arrive at any facility or are identified.


And yet WHO and CDC guidelines in 2019 make the same basic error.

A. Isolation

Guidelines instruct healthcare workers to put patients into isolation only after a
diagnosis is made and Ebola is confirmed.
They allow people who may be incubating Ebola to mix freely with healthy
people until symptoms appear, potentially infecting others. People incubating
Ebola can infect others before symptoms appear or a diagnosis is made.
All patients who have a history of potential exposure to Ebola should be
isolated to break the chain of transmission.


Under the CDC protocol, people who have a history of exposure who are not
found to have symptoms, appear to be allowed to return home with lose
monitoring for just 21 days by the relevant health department. The protocol
does not make immediate isolation obligatory.
By failing to give the right instructions, the CDC is encouraging the spread of
Ebola. Patients who may be incubating Ebola will not be isolated on time.
They will apparently be allowed to mingle with others in work, at home, etc
during a crucial time when they could start to show signs and symptoms and
infect others.
The error is all the more serious as the "vast majority of U.S. hospitals are
considered “frontline” — which, according to the Department of Health and
Human Services,1 means they should be prepared to: rapidly identify and
isolate a suspected Ebola patient; notify appropriate facility staff and public
health authorities;
contact an assessment hospital or Ebola treatment center to coordinate
patient transfer;"


Again correct biosecurity procedure is to put all people suspected of having

come in contact with a person with a deadly and contagious disease and who
could be incubating it into isolation from the moment they arrive at any facility.



Ebola is classified as a biosecurity level 4 disease. Regulations specify how

lethal diseases such Ebola should be handled. A key measure prescribed for
handling BSL4 patients is appropriate BSL4 protective gear.

There was a high mortality rate among doctors and nurses at the beginning of
the Ebola outbreak in West Africa due to the failure to train and equip them
with the appropriate protective gear AND because they were instructed to put
the gear on too late.

The protocols in 2019 again wrongly instruct nurses and doctors to put on
special protective biosecurity gear only if patients have been diagnosed with

That means, they allow health care workers to mingle with people in quaratine
who may be incubating Ebola, potentially infecting them, without special
protective gear.

Nurses and doctors should put on protective gear when dealing with all
patients who have a history of exposure because they could be incubating
Ebola and infect them before they show symptoms.

A new isolation unit, the CUBE, is an alternative approach and means that the
patient is isolated in protective gear.

From the CDC website If a relevant exposure history is reported and signs or
symptoms consistent with EVD are present, the following measures should be
implemented IMMEDIATELY:

Isolate the patient in a private…

All healthcare workers who have contact with the patient should put on
appropriate PPE based on the patient’s clinical status.

If the patient is exhibiting obvious bleeding, vomiting, copious diarrhea or a

clinical condition that warrants invasive or aerosol-generating procedures
(intubation, suctioning, active resuscitation), PPE designated for the care of
hospitalized patients as outlined in CDC guidance* should be used. If the
patient requires active resuscitation, this should be done in a pre-designated
area using equipment dedicated to the patient.

If these signs and symptoms are not present and the patient is clinically
stable, healthcare workers should at a minimum wear: 1) face shield, 2)
surgical face mask, 3) Single-use, fluid-resistant gown and 4) two pairs of
examination gloves where the outer gloves have extended cuffs.


Sheikh Khan
US Ebola nurse Nina Pham on legal action over the failure of a Texas hospital
to train her or equip her adequately to treat Ebola patients.
But although most nurses and doctors designated to treat Ebola patients now
seem to be train her or equip adequately with biosecurity gear, they are still
instructed to put the gear on too late.

High number of nurses and doctors infected.

Section 2


Merck’s vaccine is set to be produced in Burgwedel in Germany.

Measures to prevent contamination or faulty batches are inadequate.

Although Merck is supposed to ensure that quality control operations are

employed in the production of the Ebola vaccine, there do not seem to be
sufficient independent controls to check if it is.

An incident in 2009 showed how easily deadly vaccine material can be made
in a lab and put into circulation.

In 2009, 72 kilos of seasonal flu were contaminated with the deadly bird flu in
Baxter's biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau in Austria . Baxter
sent the deadly material to 16 labs in four countries, nearly sparking a global
bird flu pandemic.

72 kilos contains potentially a billion lethal doses of bird flu disease. According
to Andrew Weber, a few grams of small pox can contain enough doses for

Andrew Weber, the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear
Chemical and Biological Defense Programs from 2009-2014, told Foxnews
that when it comes to biological weapons, just a tiny amount can bring
incredibly lethal results. "Ounces or pounds would be enough. You can have
millions of lethal doses of anthrax in a several-pound quantity... With
smallpox, maybe just a few grams."


The fact that the deadly bird flu virus (lethal but not contagious) was
contaminated with the flu vaccine (contagious but not lethal) created a highly
transmissible disease.

In answers to parliamentary questions, the then Austrian Ministry of Health

Alois Stoger confirmed that the material could have given lab staff the deadly
bird flu. He says that lab staff were treated preventatively against the bird flu
disease in a hospital in Vienna.

“One of the biggest concerns when it comes to chemical or biological

warfare…is the fact that these incredibly lethal attacks can easily be "cloaked
in deniability," and difficult to trace back to the perpetrator. Weber pointed out
that “it takes just one or two people to covertly deliver a strategic biological
weapons attack.”

In the Baxter case, the company could not deny responsibility because
biosecurity level 3 measures were in place at its facility in Austria which rule
out accidental contamination, especially on that scale.


A letter from the Austrian Ministry of Health

confirmed that Vienna state prosecutor opened an investigation into the
Baxter contamination incident after I filed charges against Baxter for
deliberately contaminating vaccine material to start a global pandemic to profit
from it by selling its bird flu vaccines. The investigation concluded in
September 2009 without charges. Baxter withdrew its swine flu pandemic
vaccine at the same time from the market.

GlaxoSmithKline released 45 litres of concentrated live polio virus solution on

2 September 2014 into a river by the pharmaceutical company, in Rixensart,
Belgium. (

Overview of martial law measures used under WHO's Ebola emergency


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Ebola outbreak in the DR Congo
a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 17th July 2019. That
declaration not only removed regulatory hurdles to the licensing of a vaccine,
opening the door to a potentially dangerous vaccine which can be developed, tested,
licensed and used on people all at the same time. The declaration also triggered
theInternational Health Regulations (2005 ), a binding international legal agreement
involving 196 countries across the globe, and allowing for forced vaccination and
quarantine, the deployment of the military and the suspension of human rights.

Almost every country has signed up the IHR 2005 and has translated the IHR
into a national pandemic plans often aiming for the vaccination of 100% of the
population (46) (47) (48)


There are other laws in place.

President Barack Obama signed an executive order #13674, on July 31,

2014, which allows the U.S. federal
government to arrest and quarantine any person who shows symptoms of
infectious disease.
This executive order allows federal agents to forcibly arrest and quarantine
anyone showing symptoms of:
...Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are
associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other
respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person,
and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or,
upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not
properly controlled.

The IHR 2005, and the national pandemic plans based on it, apply the same
rules to an epidemic as to an armed conflict. WHO, governments and their
armies are portrayed as being in conflict or war with an epidemic virus. People
who are suspected of having that virus are treated in the same way as an
armed combatant. Guidelines allow for them to be shot, quarantined, forcibly
vaccinated and so on.

WHO and the CDC have installed a de facto military government in the DR
Congo afterThe World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Ebola
outbreak o a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 17th July
2019. That declaration not only removed regulatory hurdles to the licensing of
a vaccine, opening the door to a potentially dangerous vaccine which can be
developed, tested, licensed and used on people all at the same time. The
declaration also triggered the nternational Health Regulations (2005 ), a
binding international legal agreement involving 196 countries across the
globe, and allowing for forced vaccination and quarantine, the deployment of
the military and the suspension of human rights.

UN and DR Congo soldiers are guarding vaccination teams giving people the
Ebola vaccine by force as well as Ebola centres in the DR Congo where
people are kept under compulsory quarantine in the current outbreak.

Oly Ilunga Kalenga, the Health Minister, a qualified doctor, who resisted the
plans to introduce an untested vaccine and who was acting in the interests of
the people of the DR Congo, was removed from the role of supervising the
Ebola outbreak. Although he was allowed to keep control of other portfolios,
Oly Illunga resigned. In his resignation letter, he highlighted the cause of his
removal, namely his resistance to the Ebola vaccine. He accused WHO and
Big Pharma of seeking to give people in the DR Congo the Johnson Johnson
vaccine using secrecy, saying they “have shown a clear lack of ethics by
intentionally hiding important information from the health authorities.”

The implications for the sovereignty of other countries are serious. The
precedent suggests that ministers, people in the highest political office of the
government, members of parliaments, elected representatives, will be
removed if they resist WHO's plans for medical martial law and mass forced
vaccination with untested Ebola shots.

The Ebola vaccine had led to passive and active resistance among the DR
Congo people. Attacks have occurred against vaccine teams and centres
established by WHO, NGOs and other entities, centres were faulty protocols
appear to be leading to the spread of Ebola as discussed in Section 4.

Martial law measures were also used extensively in the 2014 Ebola outbreak
in West Africa.

In 2014, for example, Liberia quarantined tens of thousands of people in a

section of Monrovia, and shot residents who tried to break the quarantine,
including one boy as discussed below.

The national plans to tackle Ebola are the same as the ones activated to
tackle the swine flu in 2009.

Greece's government activated its national pandemic plan shortly after WHO
declared the swine flu an emergency in 2009, announcing the plan to
vaccinate every single person against the swine flu, also using the military.

Most country's pandemic plans have only undergone small changes since

Austria's pandemic plan remains the same, for example. Like amost all othrs,
it is patterned after the IHR and classifies being suspected of having a
pandemic virus as a criminal offense. Police are allowed to use lethal force to
kill people suspected of criminal offenses.

There are other medical martial laws in place at national and state level. For
example, President Barack Obama signed an executive order #13674, on July
31, 2014, which allows the U.S. Federal government to arrest and quarantine
any person who shows symptoms of infectious disease.
This executive order allows federal agents to forcibly arrest and quarantine
anyone showing symptoms of:
...Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are
associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other
respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person,
and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or,
upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not
properly controlled. (49)

1. Martial law measures being used in the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the DR

 Chandy John, president of the American Society of Tropical

Medicine and Hygiene, told Scientific American that WHO's
international emergency declaration would allow for UN soldiers to
be deployed to protect health workers as they conduct the forced
vaccine campaigns.


 UN and DR Congo soldiers and police are used to guard Ebola

centres, where people in quarantine under faulty protocols which
could give them Ebola
 guard vaccine teams and help them to force people to take Ebola
 guard check points, compel every one to have their temperature

GOMA, Congo (AP) — Congolese soldiers and police will enforce hand-
washing and fever checks now that the deadly Ebola outbreak has been
declared an international health emergency , authorities said Thursday.
Soldiers and police will “force” people who resist taking the key steps to help
contain the disease that has killed more than 1,600 people in the past year ,
said the outbreak response coordinator at Congo’s health ministry, Dr. Aruna

“It’s not possible that someone refuses to wash their hands and have their
temperature checked at a very critical moment in this outbreak,” Abedi told
reporters in Goma, the city of more than 2 million people where a first Ebola
case was announced early this week. The major regional crossroads is on the
Rwanda border and has an international airport.


People with a high temperature seem to be taken to Ebola centres, apparently

also using force. There people who may have a high temperature due to
malaria are placed together with people who may be incubating Ebola,
leading to healthy people being infected with Ebola in quarantine as
discussed in Section 4.

2. Martial law was declared in all three West Africa countries affected by
Ebola in 2014

2.1. The government of Sierra Leone imposed a state of emergency in July

2014, ostensibly to help contain Ebola.
The order gave

 powers to the military to restrict the movement of people,

 enforce curfews
 conduct house-to-house searches for those who might be infected
with the virus and seize anyone
 the power to arrest anyone without giving any explanation, leading
to the arrest of journalists investigating the outbreak.
 In December 2014, Sierra Leone's Parliament extended the
emergency regulations for another 90 days.
 Schools were closed, public gatherings were forbidden, restrictions
were placed on the opening hours of markets and traders.

2.2 Liberia declared a state of emergency was declared on 8th August 2014

 suspending human rights

“Under this State of Emergency, the Government will institute extraordinary

measures, including, if need be, the suspensions of certain rights and
imposing a 9 p.m. Curfew with armed soldiers and police officers patrolling the

 quarantining communities.

A part of Liberia's capital city, Monrovia, was put under quarantine. Barbed
wire was used to lock down 75,000 people in West Point. Residents were left
without food or water.

 allowing the army to fire live rounds, killing people

The army fired on residents trying to break out of the West Point quarantine,
killing a 15-year-old boy and severely wounding a 22-year-old man on August
The 15 year old boy died of gunshots wounds to his legs.

2.3 Guinea declared a state of emergency on August 13 2014


 suspending civil rights

 restricting movement
 enforcing isolation and quarantine

3. During the 2009 swine flu emergency, countries activated national

pandemic plans, but with the exception of France, few implemented them
after the public rejected the swine flu vaccine.

3.1. Greece was among the first countries to announce a plan to vaccinate
every single person in the country.
The revised 2005 International Health Regulations entered into force in
Greece in June 2007, and was transposed into a national pandemic plan,
which was activated in August 2009.

The then Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis and Cabinet Ministers

 ordered the vaccination of every single person including illegal

 the purchase of 24 million doses of the swine flu vaccine to give
two shots to each person
 ordered all Greeks to register for their vaccination
 ordered preparations for the mobilization of the military
 planned the establishment special vaccination centers
 planned the conscription of trainee doctors and retired doctors into
the plan to give the vaccine to the entire population


3.2 In Austria, for example, swine flu drugs, vaccines and equipment were
stored on army bases.


Doctors from the Austrian army vaccinated members of the Austrian ski team
in a military hospital


The army hospital in Vienna (Stammersdorf) set up quarantine zones, ready

to take anyone who "had the slightest sign" of swine flu to the hospital.

Section media

Overview of the media censorship applied by governments as part of an

epidemic emergency declaration.

The emergency declaration in the three West African countries affected by

Ebola in 2014 entailed drastic curbs to freedom of speech and the media in a
pattern which has continued in the current outbreak, and which is a foretaste
of what is to come in the USA, UK, Europe and other parts of the world if the
Ebola "epidemic emergency" accelerates.

Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea targeted journalists and independent media
who investigated or criticized the handling of the outbreak.

The media crackdown was supported by WHO, Big Pharma and the UK, US
and other governments. Ann Bennett said the international community
supported crackdowns on local media under the pretext that it's necessary to
deal with the current crisis. "We would never tolerate that in our own
countries, so how committed are we really to free and independent media [in
West Africa]?" she asked.

Information that was censored included information that would have saved
lives and stopped the spread of Ebola.

Sharon Ekambaram, the head of Médecins Sans Frontières South Africa's Dr.
Neil Aggett Unit, who spent a month in Freetown, Sierra Leone, tried to blow
the whistle on flawed protocols leading to people being unnecessarily infected
by Ebola after she observed that quarantine confined the healthy and the sick
together, but felt unable to criticize the approach because of the authoritarian
"Patients have no voice and there are no media willing to speak about human
rights," she said.




Instead of correcting mistakes, governments supported by WHO and the MSF

targeted the whistleblowers, spread threats, fear, leading often to self-
censorship, allowing unnecessary deaths Ebola to spread in what has since
become a familiar pattern.

"Instead of fighting Ebola, they have been fighting journalists ... The president
asked for absolute power to jail anyone who spoke against the government."
said FrontPage Africa journalist Mae Azango, who reported on a lack of food
for patients and a lack of personal protective equipment] suits.

Deutsche Welle reported on the media repression in October 2014, stating

"West African journalist unions have reported that they are facing a worrying
number of restrictions while covering the Ebola crisis. Governments in
Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia are misusing the crisis to restrict journalistic
freedoms, Christian Mihr from the German branch of Reporters without
Borders (RSF) told DW.
Mihr says that the press is increasingly being muzzled in reporting on the
flaws and difficulties in the crisis management. A recent RSF report lists a
number of incidents from all three countries: In Guinea, for instance,
authorities denied reporters access to investigate the death of eight health
workers. In Liberia, several journalists were arrested and media houses shut
down, after they reported on the alleged abuse of funds that were supposed
to be used in the fight against Ebola."


Getting to Zero

In a snapshot of widespread and ongoing phenomena, as part of media

censorship in Liberia in 2014, journalists were

 subjected to a general curfew

 threatened with arrest for talking to patients in the Ebola treatment
units, many of whom had suffered from poor treatment, a lack of
food etc
 arrested and jailed without explanation

On the 3rd November 2014, radio show host David Tam Baryoh was arrested
in Sierra Leone and jailed for 11 days for criticizing the government's handling
of Ebola without being charged and had his passport confiscated.

“Why go to hospital when you don't get service, and why is every sickness
now being classified as Ebola?'" Baryoh had noted, possibly referring to over
diagnosis of Ebola cases due to faulty diagnostics kits.

 restricted their access to health facilities and quarantine zones.

Journalists wanting to photograph, conduct interviews or do video
recordings at an Ebola health care facility to first get written
permission from the health ministry before hand.
 stopped from going into West Point, (where the army fired at

 Liberian police assaulted a journalist from the independent

FrontPage Africa who was covering a demonstration against the
imposition of a 90-day state of emergency.

 shut down media and newspaper offices.

In a September 2014 letter to Justice Minister Christiana Tah, the
Press Union of Liberia listed numerous incidents of harassment of
the media, including

 police harassment in late August of Helen Nah, Liberia's only

female publisher, who runs the privately owned Women Voices,
over a story alleging police corruption in the distribution of funds
meant for the Ebola crisis, according to news reports

 shutting down the National Chronicle, on August 14, 2014, a few

hours after a press conference where Information Minister Lewis
Brown gave a "last warning" to journalists about reporting critically
during the state of emergency, according to news reports.

"Dozens of police officers, without a court warrant and giving no

official reason, used tear gas when they stormed the Chronicle's
offices in Monrovia, before sealing the premises, according to news
reports and local journalists. The police beat three journalists --
Emmanuel Mensah, Jah Johnson and Monica Samuel -- and detained
Mensah and technology employee Emmanuel Logan overnight,
Chronicle publisher Philipbert Browne told me. Computers and other
items seized during the raid were later returned, Browne said."
Journalists and scientists questioning the official narrative promoted by the
mainstream media were also smeared by the media

 Dr. Cyril Broderick, an associate professor with DSU's Agriculture

and Natural Resources Department, published an article in the
Daily Observer, a newspaper based in Monrovia Liberia, faced
calls to be fired for writing an article, arguing Ebola was a
"biological weapons.


The Washington Post led a smear campaign by mainstream media on media

which reported facts challenging the official narrative. It suggested Cyril
Broderick was a conspiracy theorist and pressure grew for him to be fired
from his job in the USA.



The Washington Post also lambasted the Liberian Observer after it published
a credible report about a ring putting formaldehyde into a well used by the
community to generate Ebola like symptoms, a report carried also by the
government run radio.


Overview of the repeated attempts to murder me for reporting factual

information on the Ebola vaccine risks and evidence of the involvement of a
powerful circle, including George Soros, documented in an ongoing criminal
case in Greece

Identifying me as a source of correct information on the Ebola vaccine plot in

2014, information which was having an impact, I allege that a criminal
organization, which includes George Soros, behind the "Ebola vaccine plot"
decided to murder me in 2015.

Knowing that I was in Greece, where there was no emergency declaration

over Ebola in 2014, 2015, and no possibility to use emergency powers to
have me arrested like journalists in West Africa, George Soros and others
resorted to criminal means.

These crimes are documented in a case in Greece with the file number Delta
15 218 and in other related documents. The documents are, of course, in
Greek. But some of the original reports I made are in German and English.

My case Delta 15 218 in Greece, in fact, proves that the group behind the
Ebola vaccine plot conspired together to commit the crime of murdering a
journalist in order to allow for the original crime, namely depopulation using an
Ebola vaccine, to proceed.

Furthermore, the way police and court documents have been suppressed
police reports, changed reports, the way no investigation under due process
has been undertaken in order to set me have been set up for a lethal penalty,
and the way the Supreme Court is involved, is more proof of the truthfulness
of my claim that a powerful clique are trying to kill me to stop me exposing
their crimes. A conspiracy on that scale is well above the paygrade of a court
judge or prosecutor.

This judicial, state organized murder attempt is ongoing as I show below. I

allege that the murder attempt is ongoing because the plot to give people a
risky Ebola vaccine is ongoing, and because I am still identified as one of the
main sources of factual and detailed information on the vaccines on my
current blog (fourthempire) which I switched to after my birdflu666 blog was

Information on my blog misinformation Mercks Ervebo vaccine now given a

license by the FDA and EMA
· Highlight study published in The Lancet 2015 stating that the most common
adverse reaction to the vaccine is getting Ebola
· Notes, the attempt to hide those results, by publishing a new study in
December 2016 on the same trial with the trial identifier number
· Notes that the authors of that study give "public knowledge" of the first
results as the only reason for changing the methodology and including more
subjects and no scientifically valid reason

The attempts to murder me as proven beyond a doubt in my case Delta 15

218 are also evidence that my claims about the risks of the Ebola vaccines
etc are accurate and factual. Where is the need to go to such extreme lengths
to suppress this information if it were not factual and recognized as such
people and having an impact, and helping to stopping the plot? It is the very
murder attempts gives more evidence that there key notion that there is a
small group of people who are plotting to depopulate the world, which
includes George Soros and, I allege, Bill Gates, the late Jeff Epstein and
Prince Philip, Andrew for reasons I describe below. The very fact that judges
and police have been conscripted into this criminal scene gives weight to my
claim that this clique use their influence and power to corrupt our institutions
and govenment and that this corruption of people in key institutions is the way
they can get risky vaccines onto the market in the first place.
It is these very documented murder attempts against me for the goal of
censorship which, in fact, confirms my claim on my blog also that this clique
have repurposed WHO for the role of being a front for their depopulation plot.

It is the murder attempts confirm my claim that to get around the problem of
giving people vaccines that could kill them, they dreamt up the notion of an
epidemic emergency that justified not just lowering the standards, but
removing standards and controls altogether.

To ensure that enough people were killed, they dreamt up the notion of a
global epidemic emergency, triggering mass vaccinations around the world
more or less simultaneously.

To enforce their plot, they dreamt up the International Health Regulations,

which have been transposed into national law in almost every single country
in the world without any debate in parliaments or the media. The IHR set up
de facto world military government, martial law, treat epidemics as a war,
countries as occupied military territories.

These murder attempts against me to censor information also confirms my

claim that this clique funded key scientists and consortiums bioengineering
Ebola to be more lethal and putting it into circulation.

This clique arranged for WHO and CDC protocols to become standard around
the world and also deliberately flawed, as documented over and over again
on my blog, precisely in order to spread Ebola, something needed to justify
the risky vaccines.

They started their plot to kill people under the pretext of conducting trials.
They dispensed with control subjects precisely to avoid revealing that it is the
experimental vaccines that are causing Ebola in people.

To achieve their objective, this clique had to silence every outlet giving factual
information showing that the vaccine is risky and can give people Ebola, that
Ebola is being spread deliberately and is not occurring naturally. The entire,
monstrous plot depends on false and misleading statements and outright lies.

The world's armies and police have been assigned a critical function in
WHO's global medical martial law plans. They are supposed to enforce the
vaccinations and quarantines. But they will only do so if they are ignorant
about the risks of the vaccine and ignorant about the plan to give it to them
and their families as well. Once armies and police recognize that they are also
to be "depopulated" using a biological weapon presented with every artifact of
deceit as a solution to an epidemic and that a tiny network of billionaires,
bankers and royalty and politicians, are behind this plan, then armies and
police not only have a motive to stop that clique, they also have the perfect
self defense justification under law to do so using lethal force if necessary.

The lies are so brazen that anyone questioning them becomes a threat.
Anyone publishing the information becomes a threat, even a single reporter
working on a blog because just a few facts about biosecurity measures
destroy the official narrative. Once these facts become known, support for the
official narrative collapses. People defy the CDC, WHO and change their
behavior, correct flawed protocols and take protective steps. In short, they
stop Ebola.

Anyone who reads through studies on Ebola vaccines, and The Lancet 2015
was one of the few published and available to read, could read that the main
adverse event of the Merck vaccine was Ebola. The entire scheme depended
on people outside an "insider" network of scientists and journalits not reading
the studies and telling others about the results printed in the study.

These crimes are now part of court records and the accompanying evidence
is also part of the court records.

A review of the key documents of my case Delta 15 218

Police report April 22nd 2015 which documents
· the original murder attempt and assault
· the motive given as my birdflu666 blog, that is, the information on the Ebola
vaccine plot
· an assault documented by the police doctor
Police report April 27th which documents
· a bribery attempt of my then lawyer Konstantinos Chritopoulos to suppress
my case, indirectly proving the truthfulness of my claims. There is no need to
bribe a lawyer if a person is innocent.
The April 2015 police file was sent to the prosecutor's office in May and given
the file number Delta 15 218 and a criminal investigation was opened.

The prosecutor asked me to write a more detailed report for the police in July
2015, which I did.

Police report filed July 2015 which documents the subject of my blog posts

The report also documents how I sent emails directly to people involved in the
Ebola outbreak in 2014. Many of my emails were included in the evidence for
the report. That is to say, the emails also count as facts recorded by the
prosecutor in the prosecutor.
I sent targeted information to the key actors by email as the plot unfolded
recognizing that the lives people were being putted at risk from Ebola by
following the media reports in real time, and that people may not find that
information on time by Googling etc.

The emails contained factual information, for example, related to biosecurity

rules and the requirement for protective gear or for special units to be used
with that gear and training when handling a disease like Ebola, classified as a
BSL4 pathogen. My emails also drew attention to the flaws of the CDC
protocols and the way these lax guidelines risked infecting people with Ebola.

I made phone calls.

I also sent
· emails to the embassies of Sierra Leone, Liberia,
· emails to local media and to media all over Africa
· emails to local medical associations, nurses, etc and associations all over
· emails to governments officials in the countries affected by the Ebola
Recognizing that Ebola was being spread in Dallas, Texas, through faulty
protocols and able to identify the individuals most at risk through the media
reports, I sent
· emails to firefighters asked to decontaminate the car of an Ebola victim
without being given biosecurity gear or instructions
· emails to sheriff department asked to decontaminate the apartment of an
Ebola victim without being given biosecurity gear or instructions
· emails to US nurses and doctors associations asked to treat Ebola patients
(Eric Thomas Duncan) without the right biosecurity equipment resulting in two
infecitons (Nina Pham and Amber Vinson)

This information seemed to have an impact as I documented in my July 2015

report and change the approach, for example,

 the firefighters did not decontaminate the car. A specialized

Hazmat unit was sent to do the task
 the sheriffs exposed to Ebola in the apparent of the victim were
taken to hospital and their car quarantined
 US nurses launched strikes calling for better equipment

Apart from emails, I also sent an Open Letter about Ebola vaccines to UK
MPs, specifically to Dr Sarah Wollaston, the then chair of the UK parliament's
Health Committee, warning about the risks of these vaccines and that they
could be given to people in the UK through the backdoor by a proposed bill,
called the Medical Innovation Bill.
The Open Letter sent by email on February 17 2015 was also included as
evidence for my July 2015 police report. This because I believed for a number
of reasons discussed in the report that the murder attempt which happened
shortly afterwards in April 2015 was triggered by what appeared to be my
successful intervention.

The Medical Innovation Bill was stopped by MPs from the Liberal Democrat
Party, one of whom or whose office I had corresponded by email with on the
risks of the Bill shortly before.
My Open Letter began

"I am writing to you to request an investigation into irregularities indicating that

fraud, abuse and corruption and mismanagement involving the World Health
Organization (WHO) and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) occurred in WHO's
declaration of Ebola as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
on 8th August, 2014 .
The impact of the WHO declaration on the tax money, health and the human
rights of the UK public is far-reaching. Given the enormity -- yes, global impact
-- of the declaration, it is regrettable that ithas once more been made for the
profit of pharmaceutical companies in a repeat of the swine flu
scandal of 2009 as I show in this letter.I would like respectfully to invite you to
view my wordpress blog, birdflu666, for more evidence
and proofs. The GSK Ebola vaccine is to be produced in large quantities --
230,000 doses in April -- at about
the same time as the Medical Innovation Bill is set to become law.
According to the FT, Johnson &Johnson has already manufactured enough
Ebola drugs to treat more than 400,000 people with the potential for 2m
courses by the end of the year.
The combination of a deregulated drug environment foreseen in the Medical
Innovation Bill,experimental Ebola vaccine and drugs from GSK and other
pharmaceutical companies as well as
provisions for forced vaccination and quarantine allowed in the context of the
International Health
Regulations by a WHO emergency epidemic declaration, constitute an
extraordinary and unprecedented
threat to the health and safety of the UK public.
You may remember investigations into WHO's pandemic swine flu declaration
in 2010, including by the Council of Europe and BMJ, found that
• the swine flu was a non event
• the threat was exaggerated by WHO, pandemic criteria were lowered to
allow for a declaration
• “Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an
influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to
gain from the guidance they were preparing. These conflicts of interest have
never been publicly disclosed by WHO, and WHO has dismissed inquiries into
its handling of the A/H1N1 pandemic as “conspiracy
• pharmaceutical companies made billions from the swine pandemic vaccine
and drug contracts
• numerous adverse events, notably narcolepsy, have since been attributed
by the UK government to
the swine flu vaccine
The Council of Europe inquiry concluded the abuse of the swine flu
declaration had led to a loss of trust among the public, which “may prove
disastrous in the case of the next disease of pandemic scope.”
Five years later on, it is apparent none of the reforms promised in 2010 by
WHO General Director
Dr Margaret Chan in relationship to transparency and accountability took
place.I offer evidence that a scheme was put in place and executed by WHO
officials to make false
 statements to induce the public to accept an unnecessary Ebola
declaration to direct vaccine contracts
to GSK. WHO officials
• exaggerated the Ebola threat
• concealed vested interests in a declaration and masked that pharmaceutical
companies were set
to make billions from Ebola vaccine and drug contracts
• failed to disclose that scientists with personal and organizational links to
companies sat on the key board advising WHO to declare Ebola an epidemic
• allowing trials which could involve up to 30,000 people in Liberia to go ahead
in an atmosphere of intimidation
• downplaying the risks of the trial, and scientific literature suggesting the
vaccine itself could infect people with Ebola

In my July 2015 police report, I claim

· that it was this Open Letter to stop Ebola vaccines being given under
Saatchi Bill triggered the implementation of the murdere plot
· that short time span between these events and Theodekti leaving the
monastery to go to Athens for six weeks just ahead of Easter, a very unusual
event, was for purposes of planning the act with the enterprise in Athens

The orginal murder attempt happened in a Greek Orthodox monastery where I

had taken refuge from other murder attemtps made againt me for my reports
on the swine flu vaccine in 2009, and so implicates also Prince Philip and
Prince Charles who have many links to the Greek Orthodox Church giving
them enormous influence over it.

Prince Philip's mother was a Greek Orthodox nun un Athens. Philip and
Charles are patrons of a group called Friends of Mount Athos. Charles is a
frequent visitor to Vatopedi monastery, whose Abbot Efraim was given a light
sentence for a massive fraud against the Greek state by the Supreme Court
prosecutor, Efstathis Spyropoulou, who is proven to have suppressed key
evidence in my case to set me up for a lethal penalty when she was assigned
by case in March 2016.

The proven role of the highest Greek Orthodox Bishops and Archbishop in the
cover up also points to a very powerful clique behind the murder attempt.

New evidence pointing to the involvement of the House of Windsor has

emerged in the many close links between Prince Andrew and other royals
with Jeffrey Epstein, who openly said he pursued eugenics and depopulation,
as reported in US media.

Prince Philip family links to the Nazis are well documented as are his views
that there are too many people on the earth and his wish to "come back as a
virus" to reduce the population. In fact, a closer look at the Ebola vaccine plot
suggests we are actually dealing with here with the Nazi ideology of eugenics
and Nazi style biological warfare. The leaders, organizers of the plot seem to
be inspired by the Nazi eugenicist ideology, by the notion of super race with
a greater right than others, by the idea that the world is overpopulated
requiring an intervention. The IHR 2005 and the WHo rules turn the entire
world into a de facto concentration camp of the kind run by the Nazis in WW2
in which inmates were subjected to uncontrolled experimentation without
their consent, experiments with virus and other biological agents
which caused death and injury, for whch they could claim no
compensation. Instead of Nazi German soldiers, the UN forces and national
armies have been be conscripted into act as the prison guards and enforcers.
Instead of special barracks for experiments, epidemic vaccine centres are to
be set up all over the world. Measures to set up a detailed register and
datasbase to be kept to track every single person taking the vaccine have
also been set up.

Prince Philip, the Queen, Andrew, Charles may have taken a special interest
in the Medical Innovation Bill if they are, as I claim, secret eugenicists, and
may have been angered by its failure to pass.

In January 2016, I was able to formally charge George Soros as well as Alexis
Tsipras of being key actors in the plot to murde me in order to stop me
exposing a plot to depopulate the world using risky vaccine given under the
pretext of an epidemic after new evidence emerged that they were monitoring
and copying from my blog.

The evidence filed in January 2016 was given the stamp Delta 15 218,
showing that prosecutors accepted it was part of the same case and that
George Soros and Alexis Tsipras were key suspects behind the original
murder attempt.

George Soros, I allege, started monitoring my reports from the start of the
Ebola epidemic in 2014. Given the scarcity of accurate coverage of events in
other outlets, it was easy to keep track of anyone challenging the official
narrative of an out of control epidemic. In particular, I allege that my report on
his foundations financial links to a key scientist at the heart of the Ebola
vaccine plot made me the special villain, to be targetted with special
measures. A post on my birdflu666 blog on August 2014 documenting
George Soros' and Bill Gates financial links to key scientists at the hospital at
the centre of the Ebola outbreak went viral
Tampa Bay published a smear piece just five days later because the post had
circulated so fast on the internet
A screengrab from a backup copy of that post proves that the quote in The
Tampa Bay times came from my birdflu666 blog.

It was precisely because I thought George Soros was behind the Ebola plot
that I named him in my July 2015 report for the police.

So when I caught him copying from my posts three month safter I filed that
report, and was able to prove he had direct personal knowledge of my blog as
well as the motivation and the means to have me murdered, the evidence
against George Soros was added to the original case even by the corrupt


The attempts to murder me as documented in my court case are also

evidence that my claims about the risks of the Ebola vaccines etc are
accurate and factual.

When a paper was published in The Lancet in 2015 stating that Ebola was the
most common adverse event from the Merck vaccine , and when I sent an
email to UK MPs, specifically Dr Sarah Wollaston, then chair of the UK
parliament's Health Commitee, warning her about these results, and when I
also posted information about these results on my blog, this clique seem to
have panicked and tried to suppress that results altogether.

For clarification, adverse event is the technical term used in scientific literature
for events caused by vaccines. Adverse events never refers to random events
not linked to a vaccine or a drug in scientific literature. It is the standard term
for describing the negative side effects of vaccines or drugs as recorded in a

I allege they also also manipulated the data published in a new paper in The
Lancet in December 2016 to hide the risks of the Ebola vaccine . Who else
but they had the motive and means to organize for the publication of a new
set of results on the same trial, with the same trial identifier number, both
registered with the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry, under the same
number PACTR201503001057193, but without the crucial information about
Ebola being the most common adverse event of the vaccine?

There may be a justification for publishing different data, but the study authors
need to give it. They need to demonstrate the scientifically valid reason for
such different results., why a different methodology etc was used. Yet no
such explanation for changing the data set is offered other than "public
knowledge of the interim results." That phrase gives direct confirmation that
they knew that the public had been warned by me and also that they knew
that the public had been informed correctly ( "public knowledge", knowledge
meaning a correct understanding of something)

"Non-randomised clusters were slightly larger

with a median 105 people (49–185), partly due to public
knowledge of the interim results as well as to the
eligibility extension to children aged 6 years and older.," states the December
2016 study to justify its very different results.

Moreover, the new December 2016 study is also fundamentlly flawed as

stated by th National Academy of Sciences. Yet, even after the NAS pointed
this out, the study is still used as the basis of claims for the vaccine's safety
and effectiveness by WHO, the media etc to mislead the public.

To mislead the public about the addictive power of a drug like opiods is
serious enoug. But to mislead them about the potentially deadly effect of an
Ebola vaccine which WHO plans to give to the entire population of the world
by force is a crime of another category.
To try to murder the reporter giving this information is a crime.

The mainstream media has promoted the official narrative of an out of control
Ebola epidemic which could only be stopped by vaccines, which were safe
and effective.

Facts about biosecurity regulations, protocols, incubation etc generally treated

as specialized knowledge only needed by infectious disease experts. But
these concepts are easy to grasp. Once these facts enter the public domain,
once the general public understands the standard way for tackling infectious
diseaes, then they also grasp that the approach of WHO, the CDC and others
is non standard and actually leads to the spread of Ebola, actualy puts them
at risk of getting Ebola. Even as Ebola was being hyped by the MSM as a
potential disaster for the USA, the CDC was projecting
millions of deaths in Africa alone, Anthony Fauci was predicting that whole
countries would have to take the risky vaccine, the WHO and CDC were
allowing flaws in their protocols which spread Ebola among nurses, doctors,
firefighters and sheriffs and others, giving the wrong
advice on travel, and refusing to correct the mistakes. The public grasped
that Ebola was spreading due to a "stand down" of standard
protocols by the WHO and CDC, and that stand down was

The lies are so brazen that anyone questioning them becomes a threat.
Anyone publishing the information becomes a threat, even a single reporter
working on a blog because just a few facts about biosecurity measures
destroy the official narrative. Once these facts become known, support for the
official narrative collapses. People defy the CDC, WHO and change their
behaviour, correct flawed protocols and take protective steps. In short, they
stop Ebola.
Anyone who reads through studies on Ebola vaccines, and The Lancet 2015
was one of the few published and available to read, could read that the main
adverse event of the Merck vaccine was Ebola. The entire scheme depended
on people outside an "insider" network of scientists and journalits not reading
the studies and telling others about the results printed in the study.
Section X

Ebola as an agent of biological warfare being put into circulation deliberately

using a variety of ruses

This section addresses the reasons for thinking that Ebola is a biological
weapon. The US military has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on
developing since the 1990s and the government has filed patents on Ebola.
Biological warfare expert Dr Francis Boyle and other scientist have said that
certain features of Ebola outbreak in 2014 put it beyond doubt in the category
of a biological weapon.

Jon Rappoport reported on the many US biological warfare scientists in the

Ebola zone in 2014.


He notes the many false positives given by Tulane university which promoted
the Sierra Leone government to order them to stop testing for Ebola since the
many false positives together with faulty isolation and quarantine protocols
were leading to so many healthy people being placed (by force) into wards
with people incubating Ebola and so infectious.

A screengrab of the Ministry of Health's facebook post on July 23rd 2014.

Conclusive proof that Ebola was being put in circulation in 2014 by
bioweapons researchers comes in another form. Key scientists working at the
hospital at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak in Kenema, Sierra Leone,
linked to bioweapons programmes in the USA and so familiar with all the
biosecurity rules and protocols in a way that medical doctors and nurses are
not, allowed local doctors and nurses to follow flawed protocols, leading to
infections and deaths at Kenema hospital, including the infection and death of
the centre's director Dr Sheikh Khan as discussed below .

The multiple financial links of the Billionaires including George Soros and Bill
Gates, who attended the Good Club to curb population in New York in 2009,
and key scientists at the heart of the Ebola outbreak strongly suggests the
notion that the Billionaires decided to slow the growth of the world s
population by an orchestrated bioweapons outbreak triggering a mass vaccine
campaign with an untested and potentially dangerous Ebola vaccine. This
method of slowing the world s population could explain the Club s need for so
much secrecy reported by The Sunday Times.
The Sunday Times reported in 2009 that ..."some of America's leading
billionaires...met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow
the growth of the world's population and speed up improvements in health and
education." </strong>



The verifiable fact that Ebola is being spread through flawed protocols which
are never corrected, infecting people, especially nurses and doctors, can best
be explained if it is understood as a deliberate plan needing many factors to
work together. It would be less effective to introduce an Ebola virus into a
hospital with the intention to kill if the nurses and doctors followed the correct
protocols. The standard, correct protocols applied in Nigeria ended the Ebola
outbreak very quickly.

The same flawed protocols continue to be in use in the DR Congo, notes a

British doctor at the centre of the Ebola outbreak in 2014.

A British doctor who was in Sierra Leone at the time of the outbreak has
written a book "Getting to Zero" showing "how a litany of mistakes...
combined with poor leadership in Sierra Leone and a weak health service,
created a catastrophe that could have been prevented."

Dr Oliver Johnson worked at the Connaught hospital, Freetown, during the

Ebola crisis and said "WHO, failed to heed early alarm calls made by medics
who were working in horrific conditions in the Kenema hospital, where British
nurse Will Pooley contracted the virus."

He said the "World Health Organization and other global agencies have failed
to learn sufficient lessons from the 2014 Ebola outbreak that killed more than
11,300 people in west Africa".
"Although the response to the most recent Ebola outbreak in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC) was swift and effective, the international
community’s long-term strategies have only marginally changed," said Oliver
Johnson, confirming a deliberate plot to spread Ebola by sabotaging standard

Johnson also criticized the British army, the Department for International
Development and the US Center for Disease Control for their litany of failures.

2. A patent on Ebola was awarded to the United States government in 2010.

That patent number is CA2741523A1. The patent claims U.S. government
ownership over all variants of Ebola which share 70% or more of the protein
sequences described in the patent: "[CLAIMS] ...a nucleotide sequence of at
least 70%-99% identity to the SEQ ID..." Also, the patent claims ownership
over any and all Ebola viruses which are "weakened" or "killed," meaning the
United States government is claiming ownership over all Ebola vaccines.

The "ownership" over Ebola extends to Ebola circulating in the bodies of

Ebola victims. When Dr. Kent Brantly was relocated from Africa to the CDC's
care in Atlanta, samples of his blood were acquired for research by the CDC
and the U.S. Department of Defense.

3. Dr. Francis Boyle, a scholar of biowarfare and international law at the

University of Illinois, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of
1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons
Convention, said that Ebola which appeared in the 2014 outbreak in West
Africa originated in a US bioweapons lab.
“This isn’t normal Ebola at all,” he said. “I believe it’s been genetically


Boyle points to the existence of US government laboratories in Africa that are

creating bioweapons under the guise of working on cures. Boyle says Ebola
came out of one of these bioweapons labs in Kenema, Sierra Leone.
He said: “Kenema is the absolute epicentre of the outbreak. Something
happened there. It could have been an accident in the lab or they might have
been testing an experimental vaccine [on the population] using live genetically
modified Ebola and calling it something else.”
In addition, Boyle says thespeed of Ebola's spread and the number it is killing
is proof that Ebola is a modified form.


As a result of all the indications that the Ebola outbreak was, indeed, a covert
bioweapons attack, Liberia's largest newspaper published an article on it.
Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology at Delaware
University accused the U.S government, Department of Defense, and
American research universities of participating in an “American Military-
Medical-Industry” Cold War scheme to test bioweapons in African nations.
“Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?” was
published by Liberian Daily Observer in September 2014, and met with
widespread acclaim as it offered another explanation for the lapses of Dr

4. Jon Rappoport focused on the way Tulane University researchers and their
Fort Detrick associates in the US biowarfare research community, had been
operating in West Africa in the run up to the Ebola outbreak in an article and
their role in it, also in the Tulane diagnostic scandal.

"The research program, occurring in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea,

and Liberia—said to be the epicenter of the 2014 Ebola outbreak—has the
announced purpose, among others, of detecting the future use of fever-
viruses as bioweapons.
Is this purely defensive research? Or as we have seen in the past, is this
research being covertly used to develop offensive bioweapons?
For the last several years, researchers from Tulane University have been
active in the African areas where Ebola is said to have broken out in 2014.
These researchers are working with other institutions, one of which is
USAMRIID, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, a
well-known center for biowar research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
In Sierra Leone, the Tulane group has been researching new diagnostic tests
for hemorrhagic fevers.
Note: Lassa Fever, Ebola, and other labels are applied to a spectrum of
illness that result in hemorrhaging.
Tulane researchers have also been investigating the use of monoclonal
antibodies as a treatment for these fevers—but not on-site in Africa, according
to Tulane press releases.
Here are excerpts from supporting documents.
Tulane University, Oct. 12, 2012, “Dean’s Update: Update on Lassa Fever
Research” (.pdf here):
“In 2009, researchers received a five-year $7,073,538 grant from the National
Institute of Health to fund the continued development of detection kits for
Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever.
“Since that time, much has been done to study the disease. Dr. Robert Garry,
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and Dr. James Robinson,
Professor of Pediatrics, have been involved in the research of Lassa fever.
Together the two have recently been able to create what are called human
monoclonal antibodies. After isolating the B-cells from patients that have
survived the disease, they have utilized molecular cloning methods to isolate
the antibodies and reproduce them in the laboratory. These antibodies have
been tested on guinea pigs at The University of Texas Medical Branch in
Galveston and shown to help prevent them from dying of Lassa fever…
“Most recently, a new Lassa fever ward is being constructed in Sierra Leone
at the Kenema Government Hospital. When finished, it will be better equipped
to assist patients affected by the disease and will hopefully help to end the
spread of it.” [The Kenema Hospital is one of the centers of the Ebola
Here is another release from Tulane University, this one dated Oct. 18, 2007.
“New Test Moves Forward to Detect Bioterrorism Threats.”
“The initial round of clinical testing has been completed for the first diagnostic
test kits that will aid in bioterrorism defense against a deadly viral disease.
Tulane University researchers are collaborating in the project.
“Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane
University, is principal investigator in a federally funded study to develop new
tests for viral hemorrhagic fevers.
“Corgenix Medical Corp., a worldwide developer and marketer of diagnostic
test kits, announced that the first test kits for detection of hemorrhagic fever
have competed initial clinical testing in West Africa.
“The kits, developed under a $3.8 million grant awarded by the National
Institutes of Health, involve work by Corgenix in collaboration with Tulane
University, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases,
BioFactura Inc. and Autoimmune Technologies.
“Clinical reports from the studies in Sierra Leone continue to show amazing
results,” says Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at the
Tulane University School of Medicine and principal investigator of the grant.
“We believe this remarkable collaboration will result in detection products that
will truly have a meaningful impact on the healthcare in West Africa, but will
also fill a badly needed gap in the bioterrorism defense.
“…The clinical studies are being conducted at the Mano River Union Lassa
Fever Network in Sierra Leone. Tulane, under contract with the World Health
Organization, implements the program in the Mano River Union countries
(Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea) to develop national and regional
prevention and control strategies for Lassa fever and other important regional
“Clinical testing on the new recombinant technology demonstrates that our
collaboration is working,” says Douglass Simpson, president of Corgenix. “We
have combined the skills of different parties, resulting in development of some
remarkable test kits in a surprisingly short period of time. As a group we
intend to expand this program to address other important infectious agents
with both clinical health issues and threat of bioterrorism such as ebola.”
The third document is found on the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and
Sanitation Facebook page (no login required), dated July 23 at 1:35pm. It lays
out emergency measures to be taken. We find this curious statement: “Tulane
University to stop Ebola testing during the current Ebola outbreak.”
Why? Are the tests issuing false results? Are they frightening the population?
Have Tulane researchers done something to endanger public health?
In addition to an investigation of these matters, another probe needs to be
launched into all vaccine campaigns in the Ebola Zone. For example. HPV
vaccine programs have been ongoing. Vials of vaccine must be tested to
discover ALL ingredients. Additionally, it’s well known that giving vaccines to
people whose immune systems are already severely compromised is
dangerous and deadly.
Thanks to birdflu666.wordpress.com for discovering hidden elements of the
Ebola story."
5. Many of the key scientists involved in Ebola belong, or belonged, to the US
military and have financial links to billionaires like George Soros, Bill Gates
and Ely Broad.
Dr Daniel Bausch , who worked for the Naval Medical Research Unit 6 in
Lima, Peru, as well as for Tulane University, which has a biosecurity level 3
lab to conduct bioweapons research, played a key role in managing Ebola in
the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone 2014.
Though an expert on biosecurity rules (standard knowledge for bioweapons
scientists but not for medical doctors), Dr Bausch failed to warn the doctors
and nurses about the flaws in recommended protocols , recommended by
WHO and the CDC, eading to inflections.
The Kenema Government Hospital (KGH) in Sierra Leone was also the place
where the country’s first case was diagnosed. No one has satisfactorily
explained where Ebola originated from. The most likely origin of Ebola was in
the lab of the Viral Fever Health consortium. dual purpose bioweapons lab
Many of the samples were collected to analyse the genetics of the virus
responsible for the disease., an analysis valuable for bioweapons experts
intent on finding the most lethal form.
The Kenema Government Hospital Lassa Fever Ward in Sierra Leone,
directed since 2005 by Dr. Sheikh Humarr Khan, was the only medical unit in
the world devoted exclusively to patient care and research of Ebola and other
viral hemorrhagic fevers. Dr Khan conducted clinical research, co-authoring
numerous important manuscripts on Lassa fever and other viral diseases
(Khan et al., 2008, Bausch et al., 2010, Hadi et al., 2010, Shaffer et al., 2014,
Schoepp et al., 2014, Kouyoumdjian et al., 2010).
When the Ebola virus was diagnosed in Kenema, Dr Khan and his fellow
healthcare workers followed the recommended protocols, which were flawed
as discussed in Section 1.

Protocols advised health care personnel to put on protective gear only after a
patient tested positive for Ebola and was put in isolation.
Patients incubating Ebola can, however, start infecting others long before they
are diagnosed, making it necessary for health care workers to put on
protective gear when dealing with all suspected cases of Ebola during the
entire period of quarantine.

Due to the many false positives which compelled the Sierra Leone
government to stop Tulane University for making Ebola tests, people were
being put into separate wards with others who had either a low or high
likelihood of infection leading to Ebola infections.

Patients who were admitted based on clinical symptoms awaiting laboratory

confirmation were physically separated from patients who were laboratory-
confirmed EVD cases [20]. , confirms a study on the Ebola treatment centre in
Kailahan, Liberia.

The study found that 39% of the people admitted to the highly-suspect ward
and were thus exposed to a potentially increased EBOV-contaminated
surrounding in that ward while awaiting their laboratory test result, were false

To repeat, the correct procedure is to isolate all patients from each other and
from nurses and doctors from the moment of admission.
Hundreds of healthcare workers in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Nigeria
were the infected in the WHO and MSF centres because of flawed protocols
allowing people incubating Ebola to infect other healthy patients and nurses
and doctors in the period before they received a positive diagnosis and were
put into isolation and handled with protective gear.
About 40 nurses, doctors, and support staff have died of Ebola at KGH in the
earliest stage of the outbreak, including Dr Khan and because of these faulty

In an interview, Dr Khan made it clear that he only put on his gear when he
went into the isolation unit according to the WHO, CDC and MSF protocols.

"Interview: Sierra Leone's Ebola doctor feared for his life". I make sure
whenever I am going into the isolation unit I am in my full protective clothing,
and I make sure my nurses are all in theirs" he said to me. "I even have a
mirror in my office

Media also make it clear that Khan was following the recommended protocols.
Khan was very meticulous in donning personal protective equipment as he
treated patients.[7]...Despite observing recommended protocols, Khan was
infected by the virus and died on 29 July 2014 in a facility run by Medecins
Sans Frontieres.[9]

Faulty protocols focusing only on protection only against patients with Ebola
symptoms and a a laboratory confirmed positive diagnosis and not against
patients incubating Ebola, are the most likely explanation for Dr Khan's
infection and the infection of so many others.

At the time of his diagnosis, it was not immediately clear how Dr Khan
became infected. While health workers are especially vulnerable to
contracting the virus spread through bodily fluids such as saliva, sweat, blood
and urine, Reuters reporters who visited Kenema in June heard the doctor
was “always meticulous with protection, wearing overalls, mask, gloves and
special footwear”.
As an expert in biosecurity rules, Dr Bausch should have warned Dr Khan and
the other nurses and doctors working at the hospital that the recommended
protocols were flawed and that they had to wear protective gear also when
handling patients incubating Ebola. That he followed the correct protocols can
be deduced from the fact that he survived.
Furthermore, faulty quarantine protocols confining health people with people
with Ebola led to people getting Ebola in the KHG. That is something
biosecurity expert Dr Bausch should also have warned staff about.

Dr Khan was among the five members of a team investigating the origin of the
Ebola virus, who died before a paper on the subject could be published in
August 2014.
The viral samples collected by Dr Khan and others working in the Kenema
hospital could have revealed that the Ebola virus originated from a
bioweapons lab. Dr Khan and a chief nurses may have understod the
significance of the results, but both died from Ebola shortly before the paper
was published by lead author Pardis Sabeti.

Dr Khan became infected with Ebola around the day Dr Bausch left the
country on July 16th 2014. Though perfectly well on that day, Khan tested
positive for the Ebola virus around six days later, i.e. within a possible
incubation period of around ten days when Bausch was working with him and
could and should have warned him about the flawed protocols.

Khan was also refused ZMapp, a drug which proved to have some
effectiveness in stopping Ebola, and

It has to be asked why Dr Bausch did not insist on Dr Khan receiving the drug.
A motive for killing Dr Khan by standing down protocols etc and other nurses
would be that Dr Bausch and others knew that Dr Khan had started to suspect
that Ebola was being put into circulation, knew that the viral samples they
collected gave clues, and would have known if any of that evidence was
suppressed in the published paper online in Science analyzing the genetics of
the virus responsible for the disease.

Five of the paper’s co-authors based in the KHG died of Ebola before its
publication and a sixth co-author also recently died but not from Ebola.

A lead of the paper was Robert F Garry from the Tulane University Medical
Center, and Pardis C. Sabeti1 from the Center for Systems Biology,
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 8Tulane University
Medical Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA.


Dr Bausch is now leading the Public Health England s response to Ebola.

The UK bioweapons lab at Porton Down also houses a part of Public Health

Porton Down is a science park in Wiltshire, England, just northeast of the
village of Porton, near Salisbury. It is home to two British government
facilities: a site of the Ministry of Defence's Defence Science and Technology
Laboratory (Dstl) – known for over 100 years as one of the UK's most
secretive and controversial military research facilities, occupying 7,000 acres
(2,800 ha)[1] – and a site of Public Health England.[2] It is also home to other
private and commercial science organisations, and is expanding to attract
other companies.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porton_Down

Dr Pardis Sabeti analyzed the genetics of the Ebola virus and admitted that
two distinct versions of the Ebola virus were found to have infected people in
Sierra Leone , something that points to a genetically engineered virus.

Sabeti is an associate professor in biology and evolutionary biology at

Harvard University and the Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease
at the Harvard School of Public Health and a colleague of Harvard geneticist
George Church, funded by Jeffrey Epstein.
The Harvard University/Broad Institute worked with the Viral Haemorrhage
Fever Consortium in KGH to study evolutionary adaptation in humans and
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Pardis Sabeti a $2 million
budget to research the malaria genome and she has published more than 20
research papers in top scientific publications, including Science and Nature.
She is Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow.
A paper she co authored on An Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Lassa
Fever Zone for the Journal of Infectious diseases was supported by grants
from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among others.
Another key Ebola scientist is Tom Geisbert, who worked at the U.S. Army
Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, where he tested the VSV
vaccine in nonhuman primates. He conducted the work with U.S. Department
of Defense funding.

Drugs effective


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