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Crop Production and Management


Important Points:-
 Agriculture is an applied Science that deals with the mass production of crop
plants and animals useful to human beings.

 Crop: Plants of the same kind of grown at large scale are called a crop

Types of Crops Crop Produce

1.Cereal Wheat,Rice,Maize,Bajra,Barley
2.Pulses Gram,Pea,Bean,Moong
3.Vegetable Cabbage,Cauliflower,Brinjal
4.Fruits Mango,Apple,Orange,Guava
5.Species Cinammon,Cardamom,Black Pepper
6.Fibre Crops Cotton,Jute,Hemp
7.Plantation Crops Tea,Coffee,Rubber,Coconut
8.Sugar Crops Sugarcane,Sugarbeet
9.Oilcrops Mustard,Groundnut,Castor
10.Medicinal Crops Tulsi,Neem,Aloevera
11.Timber Teak,Sheesham,Pine

Production and
Types Management

Rabi (eg. Kharif (eg.
Gram,Pea) Cotton,rice)

Prepration of Soil Selection and

sowing of seeds Replishment of Irrigation (supply)
Nutrients of water to crops Crop protection Storage

Ploughing Levelling
(Pressing of Transplantation Traditional
(loosening of soil) (Rahat,Dekhli)
ploughed land)

Broadcasting Traditional (Drip,SprinklerSys
Methods Seed Drilling tem)
Manuring or
Natural Methods Fertilising
From pests and
From weeds Diseases
Fallowing (land
left uncultured for Manure (organic Fertilisers
one or more compound (human-made
season) obtained by chemical
decomposition of Mechanical
substances) (pulling out
Crop rotation plants and
(different crops Animals) weeds by hand or
are grown ploughing)
alternatively in Potassic
the same field) (eg.Potash) Chemicals (using
chemicals to kill
Mixed cropping Component weeds)
(two or more Nitrogenous
crops are grown (eg.urea) Biological
together)Harvesti (introduction of
ng insects or other
Green Manure organisms to
(eg.Superphospha consume weeds)

Complex (eg.nito

 Animal husbandry: The science which deals with breeding,feeling and caring of
domestic animals is called animal husbandry.
 Apiculture=Bees rearing
 Poultry farming=Hens farming
 Pisciculture=Fish farming
also known aquaculture
Notes Based Question
Q.1 What is the difference between rabi and kharif crops?
Rabi Crops Kharif Crops
i)Rabi crops are sown at the end of monsoon or the Kharif Crops are sown at the
beginning if winter.They are also known as winter crops. beginning of the rainy season and are
also known as monsoon crops
ii)These crops need a warm climate for seed germination The crops require a lot of water and
and could climate for growth hot weather to grow they depend on
iii)eg.Mustard,Wheat,cumin,coariander etc. eg.Rice,Bajra,Groundnut

Q.2 What is meant by agriculture implements?

Ans.Agriculture implements are tools which are needed to carry out agricultural practices.
There are several agricultural implements used in today’s farming activities. In general,these
implements are of five major types.Eg.Irrigation Machinery,Soil Cultivation Implements.

Q.3 List the main agricultural practices involved in agriculture?

Ans.The main agricultural practices involved in agriculture are:-
i)Soil Preparation:Before growing crop,the soil in which it is to be groen is prepared by
ploughing,levelling.Ploughing is the process of loosening and digging of soil using a
plough.This helps in proper aeration of the soil.Levelling is a process to remove big lumps of

ii)Sowing:Selection of seeds good quality crop is the primary stage of sowing.After the
preparation of soil,these seeds are dispersed in the field and this is called sowing.
iii)Irrigation: It is the supply of water. Sources of water can be wells, ponds, lakes, canals,
dams etc. Over irrigation may lead to waterlogging and damage the crop.Traditional methods
of irrigation involve drawing water from water sources such as
wells or lakes for eg. Rahat and Dekhli System.Modern methods of irrigation are usually far
more efficient than traditional methods and are used to irrigate large farms.For eg.Sprinkler
system and Drip Irriagtion.

iv)Manuring: Crops need nutrients to grow and produce yield. Thus, the supply of nutrients
at regular intervals is necessary. Manuring is the step where nutritional supplements are
provided,and these supplements may be natural (manure) or chemical compounds
(fertilizers) For eg.NPK. Manure is the decomposition product of plant and animal wastes.
v)Crop protection:Weeds are unwanted plants that grow along with crops and compete with
them for air,water and sunlight For eg. Amaranthus and Cynodon. Chemicals that are used to
kill weeds without harming crops is know as Weedicides Eg:2,4-D and metachlor.Pests can
be controlled by using chemicals called pesticides.

vi)Harvesting:The process of cultivation and gathering nature crops is called

harvesting.After harvesting the grains are separated from from the stalk by threshing.Chaff is
called winnowing.

vii)Storage: Grains yielded are stored in granaries or bins at godowns for later use or
marketing. Therefore, methods of crop protection need to be better. To protect grains from
pest and rodents- cleaning, drying, fumigation, etc., are done prior to storing.

Q.4 What are the advantages of ploughing?

Ans.Ploughing helps in soil preparation in the following ways:-i)It creates air spaces in
soil,which help the roots of plants to take in air.

ii)It loosen the soil so that roots can penetrate deep into the soil easily.

iii)It helps bring nutrient-rich soil to the surface.

iv)It increases the water holding ability of the soil.

v)It helps remove weeds

Q.5 Explain a simple method that can be used to separate healthy seeds from unhealthy
Ans:Healthy seeds should be selected for sowing A straightforward way to separate
unhealthy seeds in a vessel of water.Seeds that have been damaged by insects are
hollow,light and float on water while healthy seeds remain at the bottom Farmers sometimes
remove unhealthy seeds by winnowing.

Q.6 A farmer has sown the seeds too deep.What is he likely going to observe. Give reason?
Ans: He will observe that he would not be able to grow good or healthy crops as seeds
would not get enough sunlight,water & air because of their sowning was too deep inside the
soil. If seeds are sown too deep, they may suffocate without air.

Q.7 Why is the important to sow the sees at the correct distance from each other?
Ans: Seeds should be planted at a proper distance from each other.This prevents
overcrowding,and ensures that the seeds get sufficient space and water.If they are extremely
near to each other they will compete for water, nutrients and sunlight.

Q.8 What is Irrigation? Name two methods of Irrigation.

Ans:The supply of water crops is called irrigation.The time and frequency of irrigation
depends upon the crop,soil and season.Sources of water for irrigation include wells,tube
The two methods of Irrigation are:-
i) Dekhli is a tradition system of irrigation which is mainly seen rural areas it is done
manually the person had to take out water through a bucket and pour into the field.
ii) The Rahat system of irrigation requires a large well in which a wheel is used. The wheel
is turned ox,buffalo or cows to get the water out of the well and then spread out over the

Q.9 A)Why the drip system of irrigation a water economical method?

Ans:Drip irrigation is water economical method because in this irrigation system water falls
drop by drop on the position of roots of the plant, thereby reducing both the consumption and
loss of water.
B)why is irrigation necessary?
Ans:Irrigation is necessary because:-
i)Irrigation before ploughing the fields makes the soil soft due to which the ploughing of
fields become easier
ii)Irrigation is necessary to maintain the moisture for the germination of seeds.
iii)Irrigation is necessary for absorption of nutrient element by the plant from the soil.

Q.10 A)Differentiate between manure and fertilisers.

Manure Fertilisers
i)This is a substance produced by the These are chemicals produced in factories
decomposition of plants and animal matter. which provide specific nutrients.
ii)This method is inexpensive and helps add Fertilisers are expensive and excessive use
nutrients and useful microbes to the soil of fertiliser can harm the soil.
iii) for example, waste is dumped in large For example. NPK-nitrogen phosphorus and
pit and allowed to decompose and for potassium

B)What are the advantages of using manure?

Ans.The advantages of adding manure to soil or in agriculture fields is:
1) I helps to improve the soil structure
2) It helps increase the nutrient and useful microbes to the soil.
3) It also helps to hold moisture
4) This method is inexpensive

Q.11 a) What are weedicide?

Ans. Weedicides are chemical that are used to kill weeds without harming crops the
chemicals are diluted with water and spread over the fields.
b) Name one we decide?
c) Are the harmful effects of weeds in the crop field.
Ans.i) They compete with crop plants for water nutrients space and light
ii) They affect plant growth
iii) Some weeds may be poisonous for animals and humans
iv) A few examples of weeds are amaranthus and cynodont
Q.12 What is Organic Farming?
Ans. Organic farming can be defined as an agricultural process that uses biological fertilizer
and best control acquired from animal or plant waste organic farming was initiated as an
answer to the environmental sufferings caused using chemical pesticides and synthetic

Q.13 What is harvesting? How is it used?

Ans.The processof cutting and gathering a crop is called harvesting. The traditional
implement used to harvest a crop is the sickle. Modern farms use a harvester, which cuts the
crop select option under service. A harvester can be combined with other machinery that
thrashes and cleans the grain as well.

Q.14 why do farmers celebrate baisakhi full?

Ans. The farmers celebrate baisakhi because the main reason of celebrating this function is
the harvesting of the winter or rabi crop as this is the time when farmers are loaded with
wealth and thus want to enjoy the fruits of their challenging work.
Q.15 what is crop rotation? How do leguminous plants help in maintaining soil fertility?
Ans. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of diverse types in the same area across
a sequence of growing seasons.
Leguminous plants have root nodules that contain nitrogen fixing bacteria. Symbiotic
relationship between the plant and rhizobium gives rise to these. These bacteria convert
atmospheric nitrogen into forms that are usable by the plants such as ammonia they restore
the last nitrogen content of the soil.
Q.16 What is animal husbandry? Give example?
Ans. Animal husbandry refers to livestock raising and selective breeding. It is the
management and care of animals in which the genetic qualities and behaviour of animals are
further developed for profit. A large amount of farmers depend upon animal husbandry for
their livelihood.

Some of the examples are:-

 Dairy farming
 Meat Products
 Bee farming

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