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 Name of the client:-Shamima Gaji

 Age:-24 years.
 W/o:- Imran Gaji
 Religion:-Muslim
 Address:-Banagram,Bishnupur,South24 pgs.
 Gravida:- G1 Parity:- P0 Living:- L0 Abortion:-A0
 LMP:- 16/05/21 EDD:-23/02/22
 Registration No:-13506
 Ward:-Antenatal ward
 Bed No:-25
 Under:-Dr.M.Mani
 Date of admission:-23/02/22
 Provisional Diagnosis(on admission):-Postdated
 Date of antenanal assessment:-25/02/22

 Type of Family:-Nuclear.
 Family member:-04 Adult:- 04 Child:-nil
 Earning member in the family:-01
 Total Family Income:-7000/-per month
 Education:- Husband: Madhyamik Wife:-H.S.Passed
 Occupation:- Husband:- Business. Wife:- housewife.
 Socioeconomic Class:-Lower middle.
 Type of house:-Own
 Housing:-Pacca.
 No of rooms:-02
 Ventilation:-Adequate
 Sanitation:-Sanitary latrine
 Source of drinking water:- Tap water.

 Married for:- 1 year 7 months

 Habits:-Nothing significant
 Addiction:-Nothing significant
 Allergy:- No h/o allergy in drugs and food.
 Infertility treatment:-nil
 Contraceptive history:- condom

Past:- Nothing significant

Present:-Nothing significant

 Nothing significant

 Menarchy:- 12 years Cycle:- regular Interval:- 30 days

 Duration:- 3 days Amount:- medium flow Any
problem:- Nothing significant.

 :- Non vegetarian.
 Breakfast:- Chapati,Mixed veg/puffed rice,egg.
 Lunch:-Rice,Dhal,Mixed veg,(Chicken weekly,Fish twice weekly)
 Dinner:-Rice,Dhal,Mixed veg.
No. of year Abortion Any Mode of Baby Any problem Remark
pregnancy (with problem delivery (alive/stillbirth during
period) during If C/s then puerperium
antenatal specify
period indication)


 Booked/Unbooked:- Booked.
 LMP:- 16/05/21 EDD:-23/02/22
 Any problem during:-
1st trimester:-
According to Book:- According to Patient:-
o Tender/swollen breasts Vomiting
o Nausea with or without vomiting Headache
o Increased urination
o Fatigue
o Food cravings and aversions.
o Heartburn
o Constipation
o Amenorrhea/spoting

2nd trimester:-
According to Book:- According to Patient:-
o Growing belly and breasts Growing belly and breast
o Braxton Hicks contraction Braxton hicks contraction
o Skin changes.
o Nasal problems Linea nigra,striae graviderum
o Dizziness
o Leg cramps
o Vaginal discharge
o Urinary tract infections

3rd trimester :-
According to Book:- According to Patient:-
o Sleeping problems Rashes over abdomen
o Strech marks Stretch marks
o Swollen and bleeding gums
o Piles
o Indigestion and heatburn
o Constipation
o Feeling hot
o Vaginal infections

 Dates/Weeks/month of quickening :- 20 weeks.

 Total weight gain till date:-10 kg
 Immunisation:- Dates(1):- 14/07/21 Dates(2):-01/09/21
 No of antenatal check up:-06
 Any iron tablets:-taken from 4 months and continue
 Any other treatment:-nil.
 Attendance Record of Present Pregnancy:-
Date Weig BP Blood Urine/st Obstetri FHR Any Treatme
ht Report ool cal proble nt
report findings m
20/01/ 55.4k 130/84mm Hb:-
22 g hg 12.2gm

Blood 146
29/01/ 55.6k 11o/68mm gr-o bts/mi
22 g hg positive n
 Physical Assessment:-
 General condition:-good
 Gait/Appearance:-normal
 Build:-average
 Height:-5’3” Weight:-56kg
 Vital Signs:-
 BP:- 130/80mmhg Temperature:- 98.4 0F Pulse:- 78 bts/min
Respiration:-18 brths/min
 Head to Toe Examination:-
 Hair and scalp:- Clean
 Eyes:- No signs of anemia and jaundice.
 Gum:- clean and normal
 Dental problem:- nil
 Ear:- NAD
 Nose:-NAD
 Throat:-NAD
 Glands:-Not enlarged or palpable.
 Chest:-NAD
 Heart:-NAD
 Liver:-NAD
 Spleen:-NAD
 Back and Spine:-NAD
 Legs:-no sign of edema.
 Vericose vein:-nil
 Beast:-No crack nipple,abnormal discharge and palpable mass.

 Inspection:-Uterus is spherical in shape.Rash present over abdomen.Linea nigra present

predominantly from symphysis pubis to ensiform cartilage.Striae graviderum is present
over lower abdomen.

 Measurements:- SFH In cm:- 34cm In Weeks:-40 weeks

Abdominal girth:-97cm
 Palpation:Fundal grip:-A broad,soft ,irregular mass is suggestive of fetal buttock.
 Lateral grip:- At left side,a smooth curved resistance mass ,may be fetal back.And in
opposite side a knob like structure may be fetal limb.

 First Pelvic Grip(Leopold’s fourth manoeuver):-A hard,smooth,globular mass may be

fetal head.

 Second Pelvic Grip(Pawlick’s grip or third manoeuver of Leopold):-

Head is engaged.
 Auscaltation:-140 bts/min

 Vulval Inspection:- No signs of vulval edema and abnormal discharge.

 Per vaginal Examination Report(If done):- OS- closed,Cervix-tubular. Leaking of

watery discharge with blood stained.

 Pelvic assessment report( If done):-Not done.

 BLOOD:-(24/10/21)
 Blood for HB:-12.2gm%
 Blood Group:- O Rh:-Positive
 HBsAg:- NR
 Blood Sugar(fasting):-88mg/dl
 Blood Sugar(PPBS):-110mg/dl
 TORCH(If done):-Syphillis-NR
 Stool-RE/ME:- Not done
 Urine-RE/ME:-Not done.
 Urine for sugar:-Nil
 Albumin:-Nil

 USG FINDINGS:- A single live intrauterine fetus in cephalic

presentation.Placenta -fundo posterior,left lateral,grade III maturity.EFW-

 Any Other Special investigations:- nil

 Observation of high risk conditions in pregnancy(If present,specify):- nil

 Remarks/Impression:-

 MedicalTreatments:-
Inj.Ceftriaxone 1 gm IV BD
Tab.IFA 1 tab OD
Tab calcium 1 tab OD

 Specific actions to be taken against the problem:-

Anxiey related postdated pregnancy.
Leaking of watery discharge
On day 2 mother is prepared for cesarean section
Nursing diagnosis Expected outcome Nursing intervention Evaluation
Anxiety related to To relieve anxiety  Explained Anxiety is relieved
postdated pregnancy of mother. about the to some extent.
as evidenced by mode of Mother understands
mother’s frequent delivery(C/S the process.
questioning. or Normal
 Explained
about breast
feeding and
new born
 Introduced
mother with
 Answered all
question of
Risk for infection
related to leaking of To reduce risk for 1.Mother is Risk for infection is
amniotic fluid. infection. instructed to maintain reduced to some
personal hygiene. extent.
2.Hand hygiene is
maintained among
health personnel to
prevent cross
(Ceftriaxone) is
administered as
Antenatal Care:- Sysmatic supervision (examination and advice) of a woman during
pregnancy is called antenatal care.

The supervision should be regular and periodic in nature.

The care should be started from the beginning of pregnancy and end at the time of delivery.

Antenatal care comprises of:-

1.Carefulk history taking and examinations.

2.Advice given to the pregnant women.

Aims :-
1.To screen the high risk cases.

2.To prevent or to detect and treat at the earliest any complications.

3.To ensure continued medical survelliance and prophylaxis.

4.To educate the mother about the physiology of pregnancy and labour by demonstration,chart
and diagrams.

5.To discuss with the couple about the time,place and mode of delivery,provisionally care of new

6.To motivate the couple about the need of family planning and also appropriate advice to couple
seeking medical termination of pregnancy.

1. Prevention ,early detection and treatment of pregnancy related complications as
Preeclampsia,eclampsia and hemorrhage.
2. Prevention ,early detection and treatment of medical disorders as anemia and diabetes.
3. Detection of malpresentation,malpositions and disproportion that may influence the
decision of labour.
4. Instruct the pregnant women about hygiene ,diet and warning symptoms.
5. Laboratory studied of parameters may affect the fetus as blood group,toxoplasmosis and
Nursing Diagnosis Expected Implementation Evaluation
Risk for fluid i.The client remain i.Removed nail polish
volume deficit related normotensive . on fingernails and Risk for fluid volume
to blood loss during ii.The client displays toes. deficit is reduced to
cesarean section,post stable vital ii.Placed a towel or some extent
surgical fluid signs,normal skin wedge under the
restriction. turgor,and client’s hip.
appropriate urine iii.Encouraged the
output. client fluid intake,as
Iv.Administered IV
fluid as prescribed.
iv.Maintained intake
Knowledge deficit output chart.
related to cesarean Improve knowledge i.Explained mother Mother’s knowledge
section as evidenced level of mother. about process of is improved .
by cesarean section. Decrease fear and cesarean delivery. Decrease fear and
anxiety of mother. ii.Explained care of anxiety.
newborn after
cesarean delivery.
iii.Taught about
breast feeding to
iv.Explained about
physical activity after

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