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Test Paper – CMA Intermediate Examination

Financial Accounting

Full Marks: 100 Marks

Section A
A - Choose the Most Appropriate Alternative - 10 X 1 = 10 Marks
01.Creditors ledger adjustment account is opened in
(a) General Ledger
(b) Debtors Ledger
(c) Creditors Ledger
(d) Either (b) or (c)

02. Receipts and Payments account is a

(a) Nominal Account
(b) Real Account
(c) Personal Account
(d) Artificial Personal Account

03. A resource owned by the business with purpose of using it for generating future
profit, is known as
(a) Capital
(b) Asset
(c) Liability
(d) Surplus

04. Outward Invoice issued is a source document of

(a) Purchase Book
(b) Sales Book
(c) Return Inward Book
(d) Return Outward Book
05. Which of the following is of capital nature?
(a) Commission on purchases
(b) Cost of repairs
(c) Rent of factory
(d) Wages paid for installation of machinery

06. If any stock is taken by a co-venturer, it will be treated as

(a) an income of the joint venture.
(b) an expense of the joint venture.
(c) to be ignored from joint venture.
(d) it will be treated in the personal books of the co-venturer.

07. Contingent liability would appear

(a) on the liability side of the Balance Sheet.
(b) on the assets side of the Balance Sheet.
(c) do not shown in the books of accounts.
(d) as a note in Balance Sheet.

08. Income statement of a Charitable Institution is known as

(a) Statement of profit and loss
(b) Receipts and Payments Account
(c) Income and Expenditure Account
(d) Profit and Loss Account

09. Which of the following account is mainly prepared at the time of dissolution of
the firm
(a) Revaluation A/c
(b) Goodwill A/c
(c) Realization A/c
(d) Memorandum Revaluation A/c
10. Advertisement expenses are apportioned among departments in the proportion
(a) sales of each department
(b) purchases of each department
(c) no. of units sold by each department
(d) cost of sales of each department

B - Match the following 5 x 1= 5 Marks

Column I Column II
i. Garner Vs. Murray Case A AS – 10
ii. Repossession of Goods B Computerized Accounting System
iii. Provision for unrealized profit C Insolvency of a Partner
iv. Property, Plant and Equipment D Royalty Accounts
v. Automatic Financial Statements E Hire Vendor
F Inter-departmental transfer at invoice
G Retirement of a Partner

C - Fill in the Blanks 5 X 1= 5 Marks

1.A bill of exchange drawn on 12th April, 2017 for four months, the date of
maturity will be ________________.
2. The parties of joint venture is called ______________.
3. Outstanding subscription is shown in the _________ side of Balance Sheet.
4. According to AS-2 inventories should be valued at lower of cost and
5. Revenue expenditure is incurred to earn revenue of the ___________ period.

D - True or False – 5X 1 = 5 Marks

1.One of the objectives achieved by providing depreciation is saving cash resources
for future replacement of assets.
2. Royalty account is a real account in nature.
3. As per AS-7 expenses recognized in the period in which the work to which
expenses relate is performed.
4. Expenses incurred by branch out of petty cash balance are debited to branch
account by the head office.
5. In absence of partnership deed the profit or loss should be distributed among
partners in their capital ratio.
Section B
Any Five of Following
5 X 15 = 75 Marks

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