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Online Retail stores: “Reliant retail limited”

Database: “orders”


online retail stores: “Fastkart”

Database: “Fastkart”
Insights Decisions


NAME : Ankam Sriharshini

Name: Ankam Sriharshini


Table of Contents
PART 1 ..............................................................................................................5
1. Write a query to display carton id, (len*width*height) as carton_vol .......5
2. Customers who bought more than ten Products ..................................... 6
3. Total quantity of products shipped for order ids > 10060 ........................ 6
4. Shipped highest(Quantity) to countries outside India other than USA .... 7

PART 2 ............................................................................................................... 8
5. Decreasing/increasing prices (CASE) ........................................................ 8
6. Percentage of females users .................................................................... 10
7. Average balance on both card types........................................................ 10
8. 2nd most valuable item available ............................................................ 11

List of Tables:

Table :1................................................................................................................................ 6

Table :2................................................................................................................................ 6

Table :3................................................................................................................................ 7
Table :4................................................................................................................................ 8

Table :5.............................................................................................................................. 10

Table :6.............................................................................................................................. 10

Table :7.............................................................................................................................. 11
Table :8.............................................................................................................................. 11

Order Management Schema Details

This document captures the scenario of simple order management functionality of an online
retail store.
Typical purchase scenario: A customer places an order for N products specifying quantity
for each line item of the order. Every product belongs to a product class (or category). All
products ordered in one order, are shipped to customer’s address (in India or outside) by a
shipper in one shipment. Order can be paid using either Cash, Credit Card or Net Banking.
There can be customers who may not have placed any order. Few customers would have
cancelled their orders (As a whole order, no cancellation of individual item allowed). Few
orders may be ‘In process’ status. There can also be products that were never purchased.
Shippers use optimum sized cartons (boxes) to ship an order, based on the total volume of
all products and their quantities. Dimensions of each product (L, W, H) is also stored in the
database. To keep it simple, all products of an order are put in one single appropriately sized
carton for shipping.
You are hired by a chain of online retail stores “Reliant retail limited”. They provided you
with “orders” database and seek answers to the following queries as the results from these
queries will help the company in making data driven decisions that will impact the overall
growth of the online retail store.

1. Write a query to display carton id, (len*width*height) as carton_vol and identify the
optimum carton (carton with the least volume whose volume is greater than the total
volume of all items (len * width * height * product_quantity)) for a given order whose order
id is 10006, Assume all items of an order are packed into one single carton (box). (1 ROW)
[NOTE: CARTON TABLE] (6 marks)
Query :

Result :

Table :1
According to the given order number 10006, the maximum volume of carton that can be
used is carton id 40 with a volume of 1215000000 with all the product items with the
given order id can be perfectly fit for shipment.

2. Write a query to display details (customer id,customer fullname,order id,product

quantity) of customers who bought more than ten (i.e. total order qty) products per shipped
order. (6 marks)
(11 ROWS) [NOTE: TABLES TO BE USED - online_customer, order_header, order_items,]

Result :

Table :2
There are 11 customers who bought more than ten products from the online retailer that
are being shipped

3. Write a query to display the order_id, customer id and cutomer full name of customers
along with (product_quantity) as total quantity of products shipped for order ids > 10060. (6

ROWS) (6 marks)
[NOTE: TABLES TO BE USED - online_customer, order_header, order_items]

Result :

Table :3
There are six customers whose order id is greater than 10060, and the total quantity of
products ranging anywhere between 1 to 8.

4. Write a query to display product class description ,total quantity

(sum(product_quantity),Total value (product_quantity * product price) and show which
class of products have been shipped highest(Quantity) to countries outside India other than
USA? Also show the total value of those items. (1 ROWS)[NOTE:PRODUCT TABLE,ADDRESS

Result :

Table :4

The class of stationery products have been shipped highest to countries outside India
other than USA.
The country to which it is shipped is “Singapore ”, with a net total quantity of 13 whose
net value is 175.00 units.


You are hired by a chain of online retail stores “Fastkart”. They have provided you with
“Fastkart” database and seek answers to the following queries as the results from these
queries will help the company in making data driven decisions that will impact the overall
growth of the online retail stores.

5. Write a query to display ProductId, ProductName, CategoryName, Old_Price(price) and

New_Price as per the following criteria
a. If the category is “Motors”, decrease the price by 3000

b. If the category is “Electronics”, increase the price by 50

c. If the category is “Fashion”, increase the price by 150 For the rest of the categories price
remains same.



Table :5
The price of the category “Motors”, is decreased by 3000 , the category “Electronics”, is
increased the price by 50 and the category “Fashion”, is increased the price by 150 and
For the rest of the categories price remains same.
And the new prices can be seen in the new column.

6. Display the percentage of females present among all Users. (Round up to 2 decimal
places) Add “%” sign while displaying the percentage

Query :


Table :6
The percentage of females present among users is about 47.06%, that means 52.94% of
the users are men and the ratio of female to male is almost equal.

7. Display the average balance for both card types for those records only where CVVNumber
> 333 and NameOnCard ends with the alphabet “e”.


Table :7
Considering the case of CVVnumber greater than 333 and name on the card is ending with
alphabet “e” ,the average balance in the card type “M” is higher than that of card type “V”
with a difference of almost 3000 units.

8. What is the 2nd most valuable item available which does not belong to the “Motor”
Value of an item = Price * QuantityAvailable. Display ProductName, CategoryName, value.
Query :


Table :8
The product “Apple MAcbook Pro” which belongs to category “Electronics”, is the 2nd
most valuable item available which does not belong to the “Motor” category with a value
of 5680000 units.

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