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Empowerment Technology
1st Quarter 2020-2021
Productivity Tools: Application Technique Date:
(Hyperlink Utilization) Week 2 Lesson 2
At the end of the lesson, the learners CAN…
1. Explain and understand Hyperlink Utilization.

1.1 Setting Emotional Climate

Hello! How are you? Before we discuss our topic, let us make a simple activity first. Just follow
the steps below.

STEP 1. Stand up
STEP 2. Place your right hand across the body to the left knee as you raise it.
STEP 3. Do the same thing for the left hand on the right knee as if you were marching
STEP4. Do this 5 times.

1.2 Refreshing of Prior Knowledge

INSTRUCTION: Which among the following questions below is an example of hyperlink text?
Check the box of your choice, you can have 3 answers.
LINKING STATEMENT: Everything is interconnected and interrelated. We are linked to everyone
else in this world. In Today’s lesson we will be discussing about Hyperlink and the importance of
Hyperlink in presentation.


1.3 Summary of Essential Concept


A hyperlink is a reference to another file that is represented by word, an image, or any

document element on a document processor. The file referred to by hyperlink can be accessed by
clicking or hovering the cursor on the hyperlink itself. The Source Code is a term used to describe a
document that contains hyperlinked elements. Usually, hyperlink texts are colored blue for
distinction and noticeability. There are two types of links.

Anchor Link – This is a hyperlink that points to a portion of the same document. Location contents
are embedded in the same document but are located in some other location within the document.

Inline Link – This is a hyperlink wherein the content is located in other or remote files. The link
searches for the path of the document before displaying it. Also, the contents of the link are not
embedded in the document.

Hyperlink Utilization
Hyperlink in Word Processors
1. Creating your file to be hyperlinked
a. Start by writing your text in the word processor.
b. Highlight the word that you are targeting to set up a link.
c. Then right-click on the highlighted link to access more options.
d. Left-click on the hyperlink option.
2. Setting up the Linked File
a. When the Insert Hyperlink window opens, browse the path of the file you want to link with
previous text.
b. Highlight the selected file by left clicking to it and pressing the OK Button to select.

3. Checking the Hyperlink

a. Upon setting up the hyperlink, the selected text will change color and will be underlined.
b. To follow the hyperlink, hover the cursor on the hyperlinked text. Then hold the ctrl button in
the keyboard and left-click the hyperlink.

4. Editing the hyperlink

a. If you want to update the link, right-click on the linked text, and then select the Edit Hyperlink
from the pop-up box.
b. The same window will appear and you can readily edit the destination of the link.
5. Linking with external websites.
a. In the left part of the Edit Link Window, click Browsed Pages
b. Select the Website that you want to insert as a link.

1.4 Testing of Knowledge

Directions: Explain Briefly

1. Cite some sample applications or projects using word processors that will greatly improve your
work in school. How can these applications be useful to student like you?

1.5 Productive Teamwork

STEP 1: By pair, Create any presentation using MSWord application that have Hyperlink
Example. Print Screen your work and paste your output inside the box below.

STEP 2: Pairing was determined by me and was sent to the beadle of the class. Take note that
the partner you have will be you partner till the end of the semester.
1.6 Knowledge Scanning

List down and briefly explain the Steps in Hyperlink Utilization.

1.7 Integration of Learning

What is the importance of

Hyperlinked in Word
Processor and PowerPoint


Instructions: Explain your answer briefly

 How do you apply Hyperlink in PowerPoint Presentation?

 How can Hyperlink Helpful in your presentation?


Instructions: READ AND ANSWER

In what kinds of projects is the hyperlink very helpful? Why do you think hyperlinks can help you in
this regard?
Have you experienced creating or using hyperlinks? How did hyperlinks help you in Word files,
PowerPoint presentations, and even other platforms such as e-mails and social media?

Prepared By:


Subject Teacher

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