Drarr Reviewer

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DRARR REVIEWER Natural phenomena can be

considered hazards when the

CONCEPTS OF DISASTER AND threat of damage, injury, and
READINESS AND RISK REDUCTION even death exists/potential.

Disaster happens when the CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARDS

probable destructive agent, the
hazard, hits a vulnerable Natural Hazards are naturally
populated area. occurring physical phenomena
caused either by rapid or slow
occurrence of a disaster depends onset events.
on the interplay between a Biological: phenomenon of
natural phenomenon or event organic origin
and the vulnerability of
populations exposed. Geological: Geological
Natural Phenomenon those that Hydrometeorological:
occur or manifest without human
phenomenon of
atmospheric, hydrological
or oceanographic nature
Vulnerability is the characteristics
and circumstances of a Man-made Hazards originating
community, system or asset that
from technological or industrial
make it susceptible to the
conditions, including accidents,
damaging effects of a hazard.
dangerous procedures,
Exposure refers to people and infrastructure failures, or specific
property. human activities.

Factors That Determine the

Natural events do not
Magnitude of Disaster:
automatically become hazards,
1. The severity of the natural
much less cause disasters. event
2. The quantity of exposure of
A phenomenon often brings the elements at risk which
corresponding hazards and risks includes lives and properties
to anyone exposed to it. 3. Vulnerability level or quality
of exposure

Disaster Risk can be expressed as There are a lot of impacts of

a function of hazard, exposure, disasters like Deaths, Destruction
and vulnerability: Disaster Risk = of buildings, crops, Decreased
Hazard x Exposure x Vulnerability quality or quantity of water,
Damage to critical facilities,
Disruption of transportation, Wider
They come quickly with little or no economic impact, Global
warning, resulting in widespread environmental change, Social
death, injury, and property and political impact.
They require immediate and
Hazards a potentially damaging
effective intervention of both
physical event, phenomenon or
national government agencies
human activity that may cause
and non-government
the loss of life or injury, property
organizations to help meet the
damage, social and economic
needs of the victims.
disruption or environmental
They know no political boundary. degradation.

They require restructured and CHARACTERISTICS OF HAZARDS

new responding organizations.
Magnitude of the event is a
They create new tasks and measure of its strength and is an
require more people as disaster indication of how destructive it
responders. can be.
They render inutile routine Intensity is a measure on the
emergency response equipment impacts on the ground, on
and facilities. people, and on structures.
They worsen confusion in Speed of onset predicts a hazard
understanding roles of peoples and how much lead time is
and organizations allowed by it, is critical in
They expose lack of disaster determining how damaging it will
planning, response and be.
Duration becomes a concern as EARTHQUAKES AND ITS HAZARDS
the chance of experiencing
Earth's lithosphere is fragmented
severe damage will depend on
into different tectonics plates
how long the hazard affects an
which constantly move in
different directions in a specific
Frequency refers to how often an time.
event occurs.
Plate boundaries are the edges
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, where two plates meet. Most
ASSESSMENT AND MAPPING geologic activities, including
volcanoes, earthquakes, and
Hazard Assessment is the process
mountain building, take place at
of estimating, for defined areas,
plate boundaries.
the probabilities of the
occurrence of potentially The Philippines is situated in what
damaging phenomenon of given is known as the Pacific Ring of
magnitude within a specified Fire. It is a horseshoe-shaped basin
period of time. located in the Pacific Ocean. It is
bounded by subducting tectonic
Risk Assessment involves both the
plates called the Philippine Sea
assessment of hazards from a
plate in the East and the Eurasian
scientific point of view and the
socioeconomic impacts of a
hazardous event. Earthquake is a weak to violent
shaking of the ground produced
Hazard mapping is the process of
by the sudden movement of rock
identifying the spatial variation of
materials below the earth’s
hazard events or physical
conditions. It is indispensable for
information and education TYPES OF EARTHQUAKE
campaigns to hazards scientists,
Tectonic Earthquakes are
and to land use planners.
produced by sudden movement
Geographic Information System along faults and plateboundaries.
(GIS) is a powerful hazard
Volcanic Earthquakes are
mapping tool. It displays maps
earthquakes induced by rising
and assigns attributes to map
lava or magma beneath active
units. It analyzes data associated
with the map units.
The earthquakes originate in the Surface waves travel outward
tectonic plate boundary. from the epicenter. They also
travel slower than the other two
Hypocenter (focus) is the point
seismic wave types.
inside the earth where the
earthquake started. Ground shaking is potentially
destructive to buildings,
Epicenter the point on the surface
particularly the horizontal
of the earth directly above the
component of seismic wave
Magnitude is proportional to the
GROUND RUPTURE intensity of
energy released by an
shaking depends not only on
earthquake at the focus. It is
earthquake characteristics of the
represented by Arabic Numbers
materials the ground is made of.
(e.g. 4.8, 9.0).
Measures to Minimize the Effects of
Seismographs are instruments
Ground Ruptures:
used to calculate earthquakes. 1. Sound engineering and
construction practice may be
Intensity on the other hand, is the adopted to prevent total
strength of an earthquake as destruction.
2. The best measure, however, is
perceived and felt by people in a
avoidance of active fault traces
certain locality. It is represented and deformation zones when
by Roman Numerals (e.g. II, IV, planning any construction.
3. Local government units, other
government agencies, business
entities, NGOs, and homeowners
Elastic Rebound Theory builds up may access available detailed
in the deforming rocks on either maps of local active faults from
side of the fault until it overcomes PHIVOLCS.
4. Some critical parameters such as
the resistance posed by any steepness of the fault plane and
irregularity on the fault plane. amount of fault displacement
during an earthquake are used in
MAIN TYPES OF SEISMIC WAVES estimating setbacks and in
determining hazard zones.
P (Primary) waves, S (Secondary)
waves that travel in the rocks
below the surface of the earth.
LIQUEFACTION is caused by the Human interventions contribute to
passing of seismic waves, mainly the instability of slopes through
shear or S-waves, causing loss of construction activities (roads,
equilibrium or disturbance of the buildings, and other facilities)
granular structure of the ground.
Earthquakes prone to widespread
Three Factors Required failure during earthquakes
for Liquefaction to Occur: because of the sudden shaking
1. Loose, granular sediment areas of hilly and mountainous areas.
with deposits that are young
enough to be loose
TSUNAMI waves propagate away
2. Saturation of sand and silt
sediment by ground water from the source with amplitude
3. An earthquake strong enough to far too small compared to the
liquefy susceptible sediments


Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
(PTWC) monitors the ocean
Removal of support at the base of
surface using satellites, radar, and
a slope which may be due to
buoys in the water that measure
erosion at the toe of a slope by
current speed and waves.
rivers or ocean waves.
PHIVOLCS has been setting-up
Groundwater pressure during
tsunami warning systems that are
sudden changes in the water
equipped with sirens in selected
level of bodies of water adjacent
areas prone to tsunamis.
to a slope also acts to destabilize

Volcanic eruptions are the Volcanoes is a vent, hill or

bulging of slopes and the force of mountain from which molten or
volcanic material ejection or hot rocks with gaseous material
emission may also contribute to have been ejected.
slope instability.
Lava flows are rivers of
Intense rainfall due to the incandescent of molten rock or
weakening of the slope material lava moving downslope
by water saturation.
Pyroclastic Density Currents are
mixtures of fragmented volcanic
particles (pyroclastics), hot
gasses and ash that rush down
the volcanic slopes or rapidly
outward from a source vent at
high speeds.

Tephra or ash fall in an eruption

column eventually fall or
gravitationally settle over areas
downwind of an erupting
volcano, forming blankets of
tephra fall or ashfall.

Lahar is the process whereby a

wet cement-like mixture of
volcanic material and water flows
down the slopes of a volcano.

Volcanic gasses form a dissolved

component of magma that is
released to the atmosphere in
large quantities during eruptions.

Volcanic debris avalanches are

landslides that occur in volcanic

Debris avalanches are faster and

their deposits more far-reaching
mainly due to the large amount
of material involved.

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