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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12– 0982.953.





STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 Art (n) /aːt/ nghệ thuậ t After finishing high school,
she wants to study art in
2 Boarding /ˈbɔːr.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/ trườ ng nộ i Studying in boarding school

school (n) trú may be cheaper than other


3 Classmate (n) /ˈklæs.meɪt/ bạ n họ c All of my classmates are

Class-mate friendly and sociable.

4 Equipment  (n) /ɪˈkwɪp mənt/ thiết bị Our school has bought new
e-quip-ment equipment for Chemistry.

5 Greenhouse (n) /ˈɡriːn.haʊs/ nhà kính Plants are grown in a

green-house greenhouse under natural
6 Judo (n) /ˈdʒuː.doʊ/ mô n võ judo To protect myself, I think I
ju-do will take up judo.

7 Swimming /ˈswɪm.ɪŋ ˌpuːl/ hồ bơi A new swimming pool is

pool (n) being built in our school.


8 Pencil /ˈpen·səl gọ t bú t chì Hey, do you have any pencil

sharpener (n) ˌʃɑr·pə·nər/ sharpener?

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pen-cil shar-pe-ner

9 Compass (n) /ˈkʌm·pəs/ com-pa You need a compass to

com-pass draw accurately a round.

10 School bag  (n) /ˈskuːl.bæɡ/ cặ p đi họ c Mom, have you seen my

school bag which is pink
and yellow?
11 Rubber (n) /ˈrʌb·ər/ cụ c tẩ y My son's pencil case
rub-ber contains a pencil, a ruler, a
pencil sharpener and a

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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1. Calculator (n) /ˈkæl·kjəˌleɪ·t̬ər/ má y tính This exercise doesn’t
cal-cu-la-tor allow you to use the
2. Pencil case  (n) /ˈpen.səl ˌkeɪs/ hộ p bú t My son's pencil case
pen-cil contains a pencil, a ruler,
a pencil sharpener and a
3. Notebook (n) /ˈnoʊtˌbʊk/ vở Remember to bring your
note-book Math notebook to school.

4. Bicycle  (n) /ˈbɑɪ·sɪ·kəl/ xe đạ p Everyday I go to school

bi-cy-cle by bicycle.

5. Ruler (n) /ˈru·lər/ thướ c You should draw a line

ru-ler with a pencil and a ruler.

6. Textbook (n) /ˈtekstˌbʊk/ sá ch giá o khoa John, where is your Math

text-book textbook?

7. Activity (n) /ækˈtɪv·ɪ·t̬i/ hoạ t độ ng There are many useful

ac-ti-vi-ty and interesting activities
at school.
8. Creative (adj) /kriˈeɪ·t̬ɪv/ sá ng tạ o Those activities will help
cre-a-tive me to be more creative.

9. Excited (adj) /ɪkˈsaɪ.t̬ɪd/ phấ n chấ n, I am really excited that

ex-ci-ted phấ n khích you can come to my
birthday party.
10. Help (n, v) /hɛlp/ giú p đỡ , trợ Mom, could you please
giú p help me with my

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12– 0982.953.166

11. International /ˌɪn·tərˈnæʃ·ə·nəl/ quố c tế The hotel also has an

(adj) international restaurant.


12. Oversea (n, adj) /ˈoʊ·vərˈsiz/ nướ c ngoà i Oversea tourists want to
o-ver-sea enjoy Vietnamese

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1 nghệ thuậ t

2 trườ ng nộ i trú

3 bạ n họ c

4 thiết bị

5 nhà kính

6 mô n võ judo

7 hồ bơi

8 gọ t bú t chì

9 com-pa

10 cặ p đi họ c

11 cụ c tẩ y

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1 má y tính

2 hộ p bú t

3 vở

4 xe đạ p

5 thướ c

6 sá ch giá o khoa

7 hoạ t độ ng

8 sá ng tạ o

9 phấ n chấ n, phấ n khích

10 giú p đỡ , trợ giú p

11 quố c tế

12 nướ c ngoà i

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1. Thì hiện tại đơn

- Cách dùng: diễn tả hà nh độ ng:

 Thườ ng xuyên xả y ra
Ví dụ : I go to school.

 Mộ t sự thậ t hiển nhiên

Ví dụ : The sun rises in the East.

 Khi giớ i thiệu về bả n thâ n (tên, tuổ i, nghề nghiệp, nơi sinh số ng, sở
Ví dụ : I live on Thai Thinh street.

- Cấu trúc:

Loạ i câ u Cô ng thứ c Ví dụ

- I go to school
Câ u khẳ ng định S + Vs/es - He plays football
- She goes to school
- Thêm “es” và o sau các độ ng từ có tậ n cù ng bằ ng: O, S, CH, X, SH, Z
Ví dụ : goes, watches, washes, misses, fixes, quizzes, …
- Các độ ng từ có tậ n cù ng bằ ng “y”, nếu trướ c “y” là phụ â m ta biến đổ i
“y” thà nh “i” rồ i thêm “es”, nếu trướ c “y” là nguyên â m (u, e, o, a, i) thì ta
chỉ cầ n thêm “s”.

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Ví dụ : Fly  Flies Play  Plays

- I don’t go to school.
Câ u phủ định S + don’t/doesn’t + V - He doesn’t play football.

Lưu ý:
- I, You, We, They, số nhiều: don’t, do
- He, She, It, số ít: doesn’t, does

Câ u nghi vấ n Do / Does + S + Do you go to school?

V_nguyên thể? Does she go to school?

- Dấu hiệu nhận biết: trong câ u thườ ng xuấ t hiện các trạ ng từ chỉ tầ n suấ t
như: always (luô n luô n), usually (thườ ng thườ ng), sometimes (thỉnh thoả ng),
often (thườ ng xuyên), every day (mỗ i ngà y), every week (mỗ i tuầ n),…

2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

- Cách dùng: diễn tả hà nh độ ng đang xả y ra tạ i thờ i điểm nó i.

- Cấu trúc:

KĐ: S + am / is / are + Ving

PĐ: S + am / is / are + not + Ving
NV: Am / is / are + S + Ving?

VD: She is reading books.

->She isn’t reading books.

-> Is she reading books?

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- Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

 trong câ u thườ ng có các từ sau: now, right now (ngay lú c nà y), at the
moment (lú c nà y), at present (hiện nay), …
 Cá c độ ng từ như: Look!, Listen!, Be careful!, Watch out!

- Các động từ không dùng ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

Know Understand Have

Believe (tin tưở ng) Hate (ghét) Need
Hear Love Appear (dườ ng như)
See Like Seem (dườ ng như)
Smell (ngử i , có mù i) Want Taste
Wish Sound (có vẻ như là ) Own

Ví dụ : I am knowing the boy. He is Tom. ---> I know the boy. He is Tom.

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Bài 1: Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại đơn.

1. I (be) _________________________ at school at the weekend.

2. She (study) _________________________ on Friday.

3. My students (be) _________________________ hard working.

4. He (have) _________________________ a new haircut today.

5. I usually (have) _________________________ breakfast at 7.00.

6. She (live) _________________________ in a house.

7. My life (be) _________________________ so boring.I just (watch) ___________________

TV every night.

8. My sister (work) _________________________ in a bank.

9. Dog (like) _________________________ meat.

10. She (live)_________________________ in Florida.

11. It (rain)_________________________ almost every day in Manchester.

12. We (fly)_________________________ to Spain every summer.

13. My mother (fry)_________________________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

14. The bank (close)_________________________ at four o'clock.

16. Jo is so smart that she (pass) _________________________ every exam without

even trying.

Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau (chuyển sang câu phủ định).

1. She feeds the animals. - She _________________________ the animals.

2. We take photos. - We _____________________ photos.

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3. Sandy does the housework every Thursday. - Sandy ____________________ the

housework every Thursday.

4. The boys have two rabbits. - The boys __________________ two rabbits.

5. Simon can read English books. - Simon __________________ read English books.

6. He listens to the radio every evening. - She __________________ to the radio

every evening.

7. Annie is the best singer of our school. - Annie _________________ the best singer
of our school.

8. The children are at home. - The children __________________ at home.

9. The dog runs after the cat. - The dog _________________ after the cat.

10. Lessons always finish at 3 o'clock. - Lessons ________________________ at 3


Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau ở dạng nghi vấn của thì hiện tại đơn.

1. How/ you/ go to school/ ?

- How do you go to school?

2. what/ you/ do/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

3. where/ John/ come from/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ? long/ it/ take from London/ Paris/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

5. how often/ she/ go to the cinema/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

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6. when/ you/ get up/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

7. how often/ you/ study English/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

8. what time/ the film/ start/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

9. where/ you/ play tennis/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

10. what sports/ Lucy/ like/ ?

__________________________________________________________________ ?

Bài 4: Viết dạng -ing của các động từ dưới đây.

0. do       → doing 8. sleep

1. swim 9. finish

2. travel   10. have

3. wash 11. take

4. cook 12. watch

5. go 13. play

6. walk 14. sing

7. write 15. dance

Bài 5: Chia dạng động từ đúng ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.

1. Look!The car (go) ________________________so fast.

2. Listen!Someone (cry)________________________ in the next room.

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3. Your brother (sit) ________________________next to the beautiful girl over there

at present.

4. Now they (try)________________________ to pass the examination.

5. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) ________________________lunch in the


6. Keep silent! You (talk)________________________ so loudly.

7. I (stay) ________________________at home at the moment.

8. Now she (lie)________________________ to her mother about her bad marks.

9. At present they (travel)________________________ to New York.

10. He (work)________________________ in his office now.

11. The student (not/ be) ________________________ in class at present

12. Some people (not/ drink) ________________________ coffee now.

13. At present, he (not/ compose) ________________________ a piece of music

14. We (not/ have)________________________ dinner in a resataurant right now

15. The cat (not/ play) ________________________ with the ball.

16. The cat (not/ chase) ________________________ the mouse.

17. The students (not/ be) ________________________ in class at present.

18. She (not/ watch) ________________________ TV.

19. I (not/ read) ________________________ an interesting book.

Bài 6: Viết lại các câu sau ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.

1. Collin/ work/ this week?


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12– 0982.953.166

2. what/ you/ do?


3. Jel/ drink/ tea/ now?


4. Why/ you/ look/ at/ me/ like that?


5. she/ study?


6. They/ sit/ on the bench.


7. It/ rain/ very hard.      


8. She/ learn/ English.    


9. He/ listen/ to the radio.


10. We/ smoke/ in the class.


Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.

1. My grandfather ______ collecting stamps.

A. is loving  B. are loving  C. loves

2. She ______ her friends at a bar right now.

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A. waiting  B. is waiting  C. waits

3. Nguyen Nhat Anh is a writer. He ______ a short story about a dragon.

A. is writing  B. writes  C. are writing

4. I never ______ home late.

A. come  B. is coming  C. am coming

5. My boss ______ high heels to work.

A. doesn’t wear B. aren’t wearing  C. don’t wear

6. She usually ______ much.

A. doesn’t talk  B. don’t talk  C. isn’t talking

7. This spaghetti ______ awful.

A. tastes  B. is tasting  C. taste

8. I ______ he is a good man.

A. thinks  B. think  C. am thinking

9. As the ceremony ______ at 7∶30 a.m., we have to be there early.

A. is starting  B. start  C. starts

10. Kate ______ a cup of coffee every morning.

A. is drinking  B. drinks  C. drink

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. come B. month C. brother D. open

2. A. hope B. homework C. one D. post
3. A. brother B. judo C. going D. rode
4. A. fun B. student C. hungry D. sun
5. A. nice B. bicycle C. ride D. live
6. A. mine B. history C. exercise D.library
7 A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
8. A. subject B. club C. put D. lunch
9. A. science B. like C. music D. ice
10. A. alarm B. after C. walk D. class

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. At lunchtime, you can __________ lunch in the school canteen.

A. be B. go C. do D. have

2. __________ morning exercise is good for you.

A. doing B. studying C. having D. playing

3. Look!My friends __________ in the schoolyard.

A. are skipping C. skipping

B. skips D. to skip

4. At break time, I go to the library and _________ books.

A. go B. read C. play D. listen

5. Listen!Someone __________ at the door.

A. knock B. knocks
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C. is knocking D. are knocking

6. Minh __________ football now.He’s tired.

A. doesn’t play C. is playing

B. plays D. isn’t playing

7. We are excited __________ the first day of school.

A. at C. about

B. with D. in

8. My sisters often helps me __________ my homework.

A. at C. about

B. with D. in

9. Lan is having a Math lesson but she forgot her __________. I have some

A. calculator C. pencil case

B. bike D. pencil sharpener

10. Cuong and Minh __________ their bicycles to school from Monday to Friday.

A. ride C. is riding

B. rides D. are riding

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Bài 3: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời.


1. What are you watching? a. I like programmes about

2. What kind of programmes do
watch? b. To my friend’s house.

3. Where are you going? c. Every day.

4. Where does she live? d. I’m watching film.

5. Who are you talking about? e. A friend from school.

6. How often do you walk to school? f. 78 Thai Thinh Street.

Bài 4: Chọn từ trong bảng thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống.

library    work    students    schoolyard    name    

love    break    beautiful    understand    forty

The (1) …………………......... of my school is Luong The Vinh Secondary

school. It is a (2)…………................ school. There are about eight hundred (3)
…………..…...........and more than  (4)………………….......... teachers in my school.
They (5)………………......... very hard so that we can (6)……………….......... the
lessons well. My school’s (7)………………….......... is very big. You can see all kinds
of books in it. We also have a very large and clean (8)………………...........
Students play all kinds of games during their (9)……………….......... time. My
school is not big, but I (10)…………............... it very much.

Bài 5: Đọc đoạn hội thoại sau và trả lời câu hỏi.
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Mr Green:  Hey, Tom.How’s your first week at the new school?

Tom:  It’s great. But I was a bit nervous at first.
Mr Green:  Why were you nervous?
Tom:  The teachers are all new to me, most of my classmate are new, too.
Mr Green:  Are they friendly to you?
Tom:  Ah, yeah. They are all nice to me.
Mr Green:  What subjects did you have today?
Tom:  Well, we had maths, geography and computer studies, my favourite
Mr Green:  Oh, good.So everything is going well at school?
Tom:  Right. I had a good first day. And… Dad, can I join the judo club at
school? I like to do judo.
Mr Green:  Yeah, Ok, if you like. But don’t forget to do your homework.
Tom:  I won’t. Thanks, Dad.
1. Why was Tom nervous at first?
2. What are Tom's teacher and friends like?
3. What is his favourite subject?
4. What club does he want to join?
5. Is Tom having a nice first week at his new school?

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Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng.

 What do you do if you want to ...(1)... a book in a library? If you know the
author's ...(2)..., go to the author catalogue. Find the title of the book ...(3)...
check the shelf mark. Make a note of this before you look ...(4)... the
appropriate shelf. If you do not know the author's name, go to the ...(5)...
catalogue. If there ...(6)... no title catalogue in the library, go to the subject
catalogue. Check all the titles which are under the ...(7)... you want. Then
check the appropriate card, as with the author catalogue. Next look for the
book on the shelf. Let the librarian stamp it ...(8)... you take it out of the
library. If the book isn't on the shelf, ask the librarian to get it for you.

1. A. find B. look C. take

2. A. address B. title C. name

3. A. and B. or C. but

4. A. at B. after C. for

5. A. title B. author C. subject

6. A. be B. are C. is

7. A. subject B. book C. index

8. A. after B. before C. when

Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. My name /Phong.


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2. I / class 6B/Hong Ha

3. It / small school / Nguyen Traistreet.


4. My classroom /third

5. There / 32 student /

6. My form teacher / Miss


7. She / teach /Maths.


8. All / my classmates / really friendly/hard-working.


9. We always / finish / all homework /


10. Every day, we / start / class / seven o’clock / have /15-minute break /
thirty-five past


11. My school / have / small schoolyard, so the students usually stay / class
or sit / canteen / break
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12. After that / we / back / our room and finish class / ten thirty.



Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. They often (visit)____________________ their parents in the holidays.

2. We (speak)_____________________ French at the moment.

3. I (watch) ____________________ TV about 3 hours a day.

4. My family usually (go)___________________ to the movies on Sunday.

5. Look at the girl! She (ride) ___________________ a horse.

6. We (play)________________ tennis now.

7. Minh sometimes (practice)_________________ the guitar in his room.

8. (you/ like)___________________ chocolate ice cream?

9. Ireally (like)_________________ cooking.

10. Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take)___________________ a shower.

11. My sister (go) _________to school at 7 o’clock every morning.

12. A: What_________you (do) _________________, Hoa?
B: I’m helping my mum with the housework.
13. We can’t go out now. It (rain) __________________ very hard.
14. How _____________ you (go) ________________ to school every day?
15. My sister likes (cook) __________________ very much.

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16. _________your sister (listen)_________________ to music in her free time?

17. Someone (knock) _________________ at the door. Can you answer it?
18. Minh usually (do) ____________________ his homework in the evening.
19. Our school (be) ___________________ surrounded by mountains.
20. I (like) __________________ maths but I (not like) _________________ English.
Bài 9: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. Students of our class are ______________________ with one another.


2. When foreigners talk to him, he can speak English ______________________with

them. (easy)

3. Be ______________________! The ground is very wet and slippery.

4. Sometimes we are bored and ______________________with his long lectures.

5. Children look very _____________________ when they play games during break

6. The ____________________ of the experiment is 40 minutes.(long)

7. My father works as a ________________________ at a university. (chemist)

8. Pupils are very interested in outside class ______________________. (act)

9. Some people play sports to be ____________________, not because they like it.

10. Knowing foreign languages well is very _________________________. (use)

Bài 10: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Both Physics and English are interesting to him.

He is_______________________________________________________________

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2. Is there a music room at your school?

3. How much time do you spend learning Maths every day?
How long does_______________________________________________________
4. Linhdoesn't like watching sports on TV.
Linh is not keen______________________________________________________
5. Mai's school has more than 600 students.

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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng.                             

1. Have you got an umbrella? It  ........................... to rain.

a. is starting                b. are starting             c. am starting              d. start

2. You  ....................a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I  ............... to concentrate.

a. is makeing/am trying                      b. are makeing/ am trying           

c. are making/ am trying                    d. is making/ am trying

3. Why are all these people here? What ......................... ?

a. am happening         b. are happening         c. is happenning       d. is happening

4. Your English ................. . How do you learn? 

a. is improving             b. are improving             c. improve              d. improving

5.  Please don’t make so much noise. I  ..................... to work.

a. is trying                   b. are trying                c. trying                       d. am trying

6. Let’s go out now. It ................... any more.

a. am raining              b. isn’t raining                 c. are raining              d. raining

7. You can turn off the radio. I  ............. to it.

a. are not listening      c. am not listening     

b. isn’t listening         d. don’t listening

8. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She ...... a great time
and doesn’t want to come back. 

a. is haveing              b. are having               c. am having               d. is having     

9. I want to lose weight, so this week I  ................ lunch.

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a. am not eating         b. isn’t eating            c. aren’t eating           d. amn’t eating

10. Andrew has just started evening classes. He  .................German.

a. are learning                 b. is learning               c. am learning             d. learning

Bài 2: Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn.

1. Let's go out. It isn't raining (not/ rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at language. She speaks (speak) four languagevery well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody ____________________ (wait) for you.

4. "____________________ (you/ listen) to the radio?" "No, you can turn it off?"

5. "____________________ (you/ listen) to the radio every day?" "No, just


6. The River Nile ____________________ (flow) into the Mediterrancan.

7. The river ____________________ (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

8. We usually ____________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year

we ____________________ (not/ grow) any.

9. A: How's your English?

B: Not bad. I think it ____________________ (improve) slowly.

10. Rachel is in London at the moment. She ____________________ (stay) at the

Park Hotel. She always ____________________ (stay) there when she's in London.

11. Can we stop walking soon? I ____________________ (start) to feel tired.

12. A: Can you drive?

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B: I ____________________ (learn).My father ____________________ (teach) me.

13. Normally I ____________________ (finish) work at five, but this week I

____________________ (work) until six to earn a little more money.

14. My parents ____________________ (live) in Manchester. They were born there

and have never lived anywhere else.Where ____________________ (your parents/

15. Sonia ____________________ (look) for a place to live.She ____________________

(stay) with hersister until she finds somewhere.

Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late.


2. You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment?


3. I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends.


4. John's girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now.


5. They/ like/ beer or wine?


6. What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night?


7. The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper.


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8. Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly now?


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Bài 1: Nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

Hi. My name’s Susie Brewer. I’m (1)_____________ years old. I’m now in grade
6 at PLC (2)_____________. I like it here, as I like to study in a girls’ school. The
teachers at my school are nice and very (3) _____________, and my favourite
teacher is Susan McKeith. She teaches us (4) _____________. I have three hours to
study Vietnamese in the (5) _____________. Usually I do my homework at break
time. We wear our (6)_____________ every day, but today we aren’t, as we’re
going to have an outing to Taronga Zoo.

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn văn vừa nghe trên.


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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about your dream school.
(Hã y nó i về ngô i trườ ng mơ ướ c củ a em)

1. Introduction
- Giớ i thiệu bả n thâ n
- Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body
- My dream school is in/is located in + địa điểm ____________________
- It is ____________________ (beautiful/ new/ modern......)
- It will have ____________________ (canteen, swimming pool, dance
- There will be___________________ (garden, yard, gym...)
- At school, I can ____________________ (swim, dance, play sports with
my classmates….)
- I think I will love my dream school very much.
3. Conclusion
- Tó m lạ i cá c ý đã nêu.

Lưu ý: Có thể sử dụ ng cá c từ nố i như: First, second, third, finally.

Ví dụ: First, it will have ……….… Second, there will be

Bài nói của em

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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 town house  /ˈtaʊn ˌhaʊs/ nhà phố My town house will be

(n) rebuilt next month.

2 country /ˌkʌn.tri ˈhaʊs/ nhà ở nô ng He sells his country house.

house (n) thô n


3 villa (n) /ˈvɪl.ə/ biệt thự More and more villas are

vi-la being built in my
4 stilt house (n) /stɪltsˌhaʊs / nhà sà n Stilt houses are one of
special features of ethnic
5 apartment(n) /əˈpɑːrt.mənt/ că n hộ I live in an apartment near
a-part-ment the city centre with my
6 living room(n) /ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌruːm/ phò ng khá ch My house has a living
liv-ing room room and three bedrooms.

7 bedroom(n) /ˈbed.ruːm/ phò ng ngủ You must tidy your

bed-room bedroom.

8 kitchen(n) /ˈkɪtʃ·ən/ nhà bếp I had my kidchen repaired

kit-chen and decorated last week.

9 bathroom(n) /ˈbæθ.rʊm/ phò ng tắ m Our house has two

bath-room bathrooms.

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10 hall(n) /hɑːl/ phò ng lớ n This is the hall of my

11 attic(n) /ˈæt̬.ɪk/ gá c má i They had a small attic
at-tic room in the roof.

12 lamp (n) /læmp/ đèn You need to fix this lamp

because it was broken.
13 toilet (n) /ˈtɔɪ·lɪt/ nhà vệ sinh Toilets are on the first
toi-let floor.

14 bed(n) /bed/ giườ ng She has been in bed since

last night.
15 cupboard(n) /ˈkʌb·ərd/ tủ chén There is a cupboard in my
cup-board kitchen.

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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 wardrobe(n) /ˈwɔːr.droʊb/ tủ đự ng quầ n The wardrobe is not big
ward-robe áo enough for you to put all
clothes in.
2 fridge (n) /frɪdʒ/ tủ lạ nh Your fridge is out of order,
so you need to have
someone fix it.
3 poster(n) /ˈpoʊ·stər/ á p phích The poster of a new
pos-ter concert has just been hung
near my house.
4 chair (n) /tʃeər/ ghế There is not enough chairs
for my classmate to sit.
5 air- /ˈeər kən má y điều hò a Staying in a room with an

conditioner ˌdɪʃ·ə·nər/ air-conditioner can make

your skin dry.

6 table(n) /ˈteɪ bəl/ bà n The chair should be

ta-ble arranged next to the table.

7 sofa(n) /ˈsoʊ·fə/ ghế sô pha The children sat on their

so-fa sofas to watch cartoon.

8 chest of /ˌtʃest əv ˈdrɔːrz/ ngă n kéo tủ The notebooks are put in

drawers (n) the chest of drawers .


9 crazy (adj) /ˈkreɪ.zi/ kì dị, lạ thườ ng She is so crazy to behave

cra-zy impolitely with her
10 department /dɪˈpɑːrt.mənt cử a hà ng bá ch You can buy some pens in

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store (n) ˌstɔːr/ hó a the department store.


11 dishwasher(n) /ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃ·ər/ má y rử a bá t They will sell dishwashers

dis-wash-er (chén) đĩa at that shop.

12 furniture(n) /ˈfɜr nɪ tʃər/ đồ đạ c trong My mother was busy

fur-ni-ture nhà arranging furniture in the
living room.
13 messy (adj) /ˈmes.i/ lộ n xộ n, bừ a The last one to exit was a
mes-sy bộ n young boy with messy
blond hair.
14 microwave(n) /ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.weɪv/ lò vi só ng Could you write
mi-cro-wave instructions for a
microwave oven?
15 move (v) /muːv/ di chuyển, I move over to the dining
chuyển nhà room table behind her.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



1 nhà phố

2 nhà ở nô ng thô n

3 biệt thự

4 nhà sà n

5 că n hộ

6 phò ng khá ch

7 phò ng ngủ

8 nhà bếp

9 phò ng ngủ

10 phò ng lớ n

11 gá c má i

12 đèn

13 nhà vệ sinh

14 giườ ng

15 tủ chén

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1. tủ đự ng quầ n á o

2. tủ lạ nh

3. á p phích

4. ghế

5. má y điều hò a

6. bà n

7. ghế sô pha

8. ngă n kéo tủ

9. kì dị, lạ thườ ng

10. cử a hà ng bá ch hó a

11. má y rử a bá t (chén) đĩa

12. đồ đạ c trong nhà

13. lộ n xộ n, bừ a bộ n

14. lò vi só ng

15. di chuyển, chuyển nhà

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There is + a/an + Nđếm được: có

There are + Ns/es: có

There is + N không đếm được

Ví dụ : There is a sofa in the living room.

There are books on the shelf.
There is water in the the bottle.
There isn’t+ a/an +Nđếm được: khô ng có
There aren’t + Ns/es:khô ngcó
Ví dụ:
- There isn’t a book in this table.
- There aren’t apples in the fridge.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Điền IS/ARE vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. There______many animals in the zoo.

2. There ______ a snake in the window.

3. There ______ a zebra in the grass.

4. There ______ lions in the zoo, too.

5. There ______ many baby lions near their parents.

6. There ______ a bird next to the tree.

7. There ______ many monkeys in the trees.

8. There ______ an elephant in the zoo

9. There ______ some water in the lake near the elephants.

10. There ______ birds in the zoo.

11. There _______ many people visiting the animals today.

12. There ______ many children, too

13. There ______ a gorilla in the tree.

14. There ______ some grass under the tree.

15. There ______ bananas in the tree with the gorilla.

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Bài 2: Điền THERE IS/ THERE ARE thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. ___________________ a cat on my bed.

2. ___________________ a sandwich on the table.
3. ___________________ a desk in my room.
4. ___________________ a book on the floor.
5. ___________________ thirty-five students in my class.
6. ___________________ nice posters in our classroom.
7. ___________________ green curtains in his room.
8. ___________________ six children in the room.
9. ___________________ a sofa in the living room.
10. ___________________ dishes on the floor.
11. ___________________ a ceiling fan in the bedroom.
12. ___________________ some pictures in my room.
13. ___________________ a big window in the living room.
14. ___________________ two sinks in my bathroom.
15. ___________________ a lot of chairs in the classroom.
Bài 3: Hoàn thành các đoạn hội thoại sau. Sử dụng cấu trúc THERE IS/

1. ____________________________ a TV in your room?

- No, ____________________________
2. ____________________________ a car in the garage?
- Yes, __________________________.
3. _____________________________ two beds in your room?
- No, ____________________________.
4. ___________________________ a sofa in your living room?

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- Yes, ____________________________.
5. __________________________ a lot of books in your bedroom?
- Yes, ______________________.
6. _________________________ a hall in your house?
- Yes, ______________________.
7. _________________________ a lot of sandwiches in the kitchen?
- No, ________________________.
8. ______________________ a lot of tables and chairs in your classroom?
- Yes, _______________________.

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-     at: tạ i (dù ng cho nơi chố n nhỏ như trườ ng họ c, sâ n bay...)

VD: at school.

-      in: trong (chỉ ở bên trong), ở (nơi chố n lớ n như thà nh phố , tỉnh, quố c gia,
châ u lụ c...)

VD: in the box, in Vietnam

-     on: ở trên (nhưng có tiếp xú c bề mặ t.)

VD: on the table

-  above: ở ngay trên và luô n cá ch mộ t khoả ng nhấ t định.

VD: There is a plane above the field.

-  in front of: ở đằ ng trướ c

- opposite: trướ c, đố i diện

- before (trướ c): giố ng opposite nhưng dù ng vớ i nghĩa trang trọ ng hơn.VD:
VD: Before the crown, I swear.

- behind: ở đằ ng sau.

- near, by, close to, close up: gầ n

- next to: bên cạ nh

VD: There is a bookshop next to a post office.

- between: ở giữ a (hai ngườ i hoặ c vậ t)

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VD: I stand between my mother and my father.

- among: ở giữ a (nhiều ngườ i/ vậ t)

- under (dướ i; ngay dướ i)

VD: My puppy is sleeping under the table.

-below: dướ i (so vớ i mố c gì đấ y)

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Bài 1: Chọn các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống, sử dụng IN/ON/AT.

the window your coffee the mountains that tree

my guitar the river the island the next garage
1. Look at those people swimming in the river.

2. One of the strings _______________________ is broken.

3.There's something wrong with the car. We'd better stop _____________________.

4. Would you like sugar _______________________?

5. The leaves _______________________ are a beautiful colour.

6. Last year we had wonderful skiing holiday _______________________.

7.There's nobody living _______________________. Its uninhabited.

8. He spends most of the day sitting _______________________ and looking outside.

Bài 2: Điền IN/AT/ON vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. There was a long queue of people at the bus stop.

2. Nicola was wearing a silver ring ____________ her little finger.

3. There was an accident ____________ the crossroads this morning.

4. I wasn't sure whether I had come to the right office. There was no

name____________ the door.

5. There are some beautiful trees ____________ the park.

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6.You'll find the sports results ____________ the back page of the newspaper.

7. I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting

____________a desk.

8. My brother lives ____________ a small village ____________ the south–west of


9. The man that the police are looking for has a scar ____________ his right cheek.

10. The headquarters of the company are ____________ Milan.

11. I like that picture hung ____________ the wall ____________ the kitchen.

12. If you come here by bus, get off ____________ the stop after the traffic


Bài 3: Điền giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. My town house is _____________ the city center.

2. We live _____________ a villa.

3. Is there a picture _____________ the wall?

4. The kitchen is _____________ to the bathroom.

5. There is a ceiling fan_____________ the bedroom.

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Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

You can’t see our house (1)_______ here because it is (2)_______ the church.
When you walk up Prince Street, it is (3)_____ the left, next (4)_____ the Black
Cat Café.

My room is upstairs (5)_______ the right. I have a desk (6)__________ front

(7)_________ the window. And I like looking out because our house is (8)_______
the park. My desk is (9)_________ the bed (10)________ the wardrobe.

1. A.from B.behind C.on

2. B.behind C.on D.between

3. A.on D.under

4. C.on

5. B.behind C.on

6. A.on

7. A.about B.of C.on D.with

8. A.near B.on D.from

9. A.on C.between

10. A.on B.and D.behind

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. beds B. clocks C. walls D. chairs

2. A. mothers B. uncles C. aunts D. cousins

3. A. cities B. watches C. dishes D. houses

4. A. grandparents B.brothers C. cousins D. fathers

5. A. books B. walls C. rooms D. pillows

6. A. poster B. sofa C. own D. laptop

7 A. fridge B. light C. picture D. living

8. A. television B. toilet C. bed D. chest

9. A. book B. look C. door D. room

10. A. clocks B. villas C. tables D. chairs

Bài 2: Chọn từ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn lại.

1. A. uncle B. cousin C. aunt D. principle

2. A. bed B. lamp C. sink D. television

3. A. calculator B. pillow C. bed D. blanket

4. A. wardrobe B. microwave C. cooker D. fridge

5. A. toilet B. library C. livingroom D. bedroom

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6. A. sofa B. dishwasher C. cupboard D. sink

7 A. apartment B. villa C. stilt house D. restaurant

8. A. town house B. country house C. playground D. villa

9. A. attic B. house C. kitchen D. living room

10. A. dishwasher B. cook C. fridge D. cooker

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. There is a family photo __________ the wall.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

2. We need a table __________ the kitchen.

A. with B. on C. in D. at

3. We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a __________ house.

A. city B. villa C. country D. apartment

4. It is called the tiger room __________ there is a big tiger on the wall.

A. because B. so C. but D. like

5. I live __________ my parents and my younger sister in a town house

______ Hung Yen.

A. at – at B. with – in C. with –at D. of – in

6. There are three lights __________ the ceiling.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

A. in B. at C. on D. between

7. There __________ five chairs and a table __________ the middle of the room.
A. are – in B. are – at C. is – on D. is – in

8. They are moving __________ a new house __________ the city centre soon.
A. at – at B. from – in C. to – in D. to – from

9.There are some dirty dishes __________ the floor.

A. on B. with C. in D. for

10. My bedroom is __________ the kitchen.

A. under B. in C. on D. next to

11.There aren’t any pillows __________ the bed.

A. in B. on C. behind D. in front of

12. I’d __________ study hard for the exam.

A. like B. be C. do D. better

13.There are clothes on the floor. It’s __________.

A. interesting B. mess C. messes D. messy

14. Where __________ the living room?

A. is B. are C. do D. does

15. There __________ a big fan __________ the corner.

A. is – in B. is – on C. are – in D. are – on

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Bài 4: Viết lại câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. There are many chairs in the living room.


2. Phong lives in the city.


3. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and me.


4. The television is in front of the picture.


5. I don’t watch TV in any other rooms but the living room.


6. There are many trees in our garden.

Our garden_______________________________________________________________.

7.The garden is behind Phuong’s house.

Phuong’s house _________________________________________________________________.

8.We have five chairs, a table, a television and some pictures in our living

There are_________________________________________________________________.

9.I don’t have a computer in my bedroom.


Bài 5: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Summer Trip

Dear Peter,

We are having a great summer trip in Da Lat. This is a nice city. The weather
is cool in the morning and quite cold at night. I really love this kind of weather.
We rent a villa instead of staying in a hotel. It is big and a little bit scary
because there are just few people here. The view, however, is totally
wonderful. There is a small garden with roses and i love it a lot. Wish you
were here with us. You will love it for sure. We will go back to Ho Chi Minh
City tomorrow. I will miss Da Lat so much. How about your summer, Peter? I
hope to hear from you soon.

From Viet Nam with love,

Nhi Pham

1.What season is it?

A.Spring     B. Summer C. Fall

2. What is the weather like?

A.Hot in the morning – cold at night

B. Cold in the morning – hot at night

C. Cool in the morning – cold at night

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

3. What is NOT TRUE about the letter?

A.Nhi’s family is staying in a hotel  

B. Nhi loves the weather in Da Lat so much

C. Da Lat is a beautiful city

4. Why is the villa scary?

A.Because it is big        

B. Because the weather is really cold        

C. Because not many people live here

5. Who is Nhi writting to?

A.Nhi’s sister       B. Nhi’s friend      C. Nhi’s father

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Mum: We are moving to the new apartment next month. Do you want to have
a new bed?

Mi: No, I don’t, Mum. I ……(1)…… my old bed. It’s so comfortable. But can I ……
(2)…… a new poster?

Mum: You have three posters already. You can put them ……(3)…… the wall in
your new room.

Mi: Yes, Mum. I want to have a family photo on my desk. There ……(4)…… only
a lamp on it now.

Mum: That’s a good idea. Oh, where do you want to put your desk?
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Mi: ……(5)…… to my bed, Mum. I also want a small plant in my room.

Mum: That’s fine. It can go ……(6)…… the bookshelf and the desk.

1. A. hate     B. love        C. dislike

2. A. sell      B. buy         C. give

3. A. in        B. near        C. on

4. A. is         B. are C. isn’t

5. A. Near    B. Behind   C. Next

6. A. next to B. between C. in front of

Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng các từ gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. There / a bed/ corner/ the room.


2. Shelves/ above/ the closet.


3. Wardrobe/ the center/ the room.


4. Table/ between/ two chairs.


5. Lamp/ next/ the bed.


6. Table/ the right/ the wardrobe.


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7. There/ some pictures/ the wall.


8. There/ a window/ the left-side/ the room.


9. Bed/ opposite/ the door.


10. There/ some bottles/ the shelf.


Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. It ___________________________ (snow) quite hard, so we shouldn’t go out

2. Jane ___________________________ (not like) buying food in supermarkets.
3. Sorry, I’m busy at the moment. I ___________________________ (do) my
4. Lisa ___________________________ (not listen) to music in her room now. She is
5. They ___________________________ (not eat) meat on Thursday.
6. Their teacher ___________________________ (often/give) them a lot of homework.
7. How often ___________________________ (you/ go) to the gym to work out?
8. Listen! What language ___________________________ (they/ speak)?
9. We usually ___________________________ (take) a bus to offcie, but this week we
___________________________ (go) by car.
10. Minh and Phong ___________________________ (not wait) for the bus now.
Bài 9: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

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1. They seem to be ___________________. We dislike them. (friend)

2. There will be a ___________________ in this street. (meet)
3. We saw ___________________ girls there. (beauty)
4. The garden is ________________ because it has many trees and flowers.
5. They had an ___________________ day by the river. (enjoy)
6. They are ___________________ - qualified teachers. (good)
7. We need further ___________________ (inform)

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Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống một giới từ phù hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

We have English lessons (1) _____________ Room 12. There are 24 tables
for students and one desk for the teacher. (2) _____________ the walls, there
are a lot of posters of England. There’s a cupboard in the front of the room
and (3) _________ the cupboard, there is a TV and DVD player. Sometimes we
watch films. There are some bookshelves (4) _____________ the classroom. (5)
____________ the shelves, there are a lot of English books. Our books are (6)
____________ the teacher’s desk. He wants to look at our homework. Our
school bags are (7) ___________ the floor, and there is some food (8)
_____________ the school bags. It’s now 5.30 pm. We are (9) _____________ home,
but our teacher is (10) _____________ school. He often stays late to prepare for
tomorrow’s lessons.

Bài 2: Điền vào chỗ trống is, are, isn’t, aren’t, do, does, where thích hợp.

1. Where _____________ you live, Phong?

2. _____________ does your uncle live?
3. In my house, there _____________ four bedrooms.
4. What _____________ Mrs. Brown need for the living room?
5. How many rooms _____________ there in the hotel?
6. There _____________ any chairs in the kitchen. We need five chairs.
7. Which house _____________ you want to live in? A town house or a country
8. There _____________ any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things.

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9. We _____________ staying at my cousin’s house in Vung Tau.

10. _____________ they have the right things for the kitchen?
Bài 3: Viết đoạn hội thoại, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn.

Example: a new pencil case / your bed// old.

A: Is there a new pencil case in your bag?

B: No, there isn’t. There is an old pencil case.

1. four DVDs /table//five.

A: ___________________________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

2. a man/garden// a woman.
A: ___________________________________________________________________________
B: ___________________________________________________________________________
3. seven books/ that bag//five.
A: ___________________________________________________________________________
B: ___________________________________________________________________________
4. lots of motorbikes/ street//one motorbike.
A: ___________________________________________________________________________
B: ___________________________________________________________________________
5. thirty-two students/your class// thirty.
A: ___________________________________________________________________________
B: ___________________________________________________________________________

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

Nick’s mum: Nick’s staying in the (1)_____________ room. We’re staying in the
Bear room. There is a big bear near the (2)_____________. The bear is actually a
fireplace. In the far corner, there is a window. The (3)_____________ are right in
front of it. Next to the shelves is a big bed. There’s a (4)_____________ next to the
Nick’s dad: Oh, there are also 2 other (5)_____________ in the room. In front of
thesewindows, there’s a sofa, a table and two stools. We like the room
because it’s (6)_____________.

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.


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TOPIC: Describe your dream house.
(Hãy nói về ngôi nhà mơ ước của em)

1. Introduction
- Giớ i thiệu bả n thâ n
- Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body
- My dream house will have + số phò ng …
- There will be(2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms....)
- There will be the living room.
- There will be................................. in my bedroom.
- My bathroom is next to my bedroom.
- My parent’s bedroom will have ………………….
- The kitchen will have …………………
- The garden will have some plants and flowers.
3. Conclusion
- Tó m lạ i cá c ý đã nêu.

Bài nói của em


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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 arm(n) /ɑːrm/ cá nh tay She held the baby in her arms.

2 ear(n) /ɪər/ tai He lost hearing in his left ear.

3 eye(n) /ɑɪ/ mắ t Closing her eyes, she tried to


4 leg(n) /leɡ/ châ n Despite his broken leg, he

managed to go to class.

5 nose(n) /noʊz/ mũ i He slowly breathed out the air

through his nose.

6 finger (n) /ˈfɪŋ·ɡər/ ngó n tay She raked her hair back with

fing-er her fingers.

7 tall (adj) /tɔl/ cao This is the tallest woman I have

ever seen.

8 short (adj) /ʃɔrt/ lù n, thấ p He had short dark hair and

brown eyes.

9 big (adj) /bɪg/ to My new house is very big,

10 small (adj) /smɔl/ nhỏ The room was small and quiet.

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11 active (adj) /ˈæk tɪv/ hă ng há i, nă ng Although he was seventy he

ac-tive độ ng was still robust and active.

12 appearance (n) /əˈpɪər·əns/ dá ng vẻ, ngoạ i She checked her appearance in

a-ppear-ance hình the mirror.

13 barbecue(n) /ˈbɑr·bɪˌkju/ mó n thịt The main purpose of the garden

bar-be-cue nướ ng would be for barbecues party.


14 boring (adj) /ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ buồ n tẻ The film was so boring.


15 choir (n) /kwɑɪər/ dà n đồ ng ca A woman's choir sings at

church services.

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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1. competition(n) /ˌkɒm pɪˈtɪʃ ən/ cuộ c đua, cuộ c The competition for

com-pe-ti-tion thi university places is greater

than ever this year.

2. confident (adj) /ˈkɒn fɪ dənt/ tự tin, tin tưở ng We require outgoing,

con-fi-dent confident people.

3. curious (adj) /ˈkjʊər·i·əs/ tò mò , thích tìm She was curious to know

cu-ri-ous hiểu what had happened.

4. gardening (n) /ˈɡɑrd·nɪŋ/ là m vườ n She loves her gardening.


5. firefighter(n) /ˈfɑɪərˌfɑɪ·t̬ər/ lính cứ u hỏ a The firefighters managed to

fire-fight-er stop the fire.

6. funny (adj) /ˈfʌn i/ buồ n cườ i, thú vị Your funny note makes him

fun-ny laugh.

7. generous (adj) /ˈdʒen·ə·rəs/ rộ ng rã i, hà o She was generous with her

ge-ne-rous phó ng friends

8. patient (adj) /ˈpeɪ·ʃənt/ điềm tĩnh It was awesome to work

pa-tient with him, he is very cool

and patient.

9. personality(n) /ˌpɜr·səˈnæl·ɪ·t̬i/ tính cá ch, cá tính She had a helpful


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10. reliable (adj) /rɪˈlɑɪ·ə·bəl/ đá ng tin cậ y Linda is a reliable person.


11. racing (n) /ˈreɪ.sɪŋ/ cuộ c đua There are soccer and camel

ra-cing in sport day.

12. serious (adj) /ˈsɪr.i.əs/ nghiêm tú c We give serious

se-ri-ous consideration to safety


13. shy (adj) /ʃɑɪ/ bẽn lẽn, hay xấ u I've gone from being shy

hổ and timid.

14. sporty (adj) /ˈspɔːr.t̬i/ dá ng thể thao, I think it's okay to have

spor-ty khỏ e mạ nh sporty characters in


15. volunteer (n) /ˌvɑl·ənˈtɪr/ tình nguyện viên The researchers asked 29

vo-lun-teer volunteers to take part in

an experiment.

16. zodiac(n) /ˈzoʊd·iˌæk/ cung hoà ng đạ o Taurus has one of the

zo-di-ac longest histories of the

zodiac signs.


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1 cá nh tay

2 tai

3 mắ t

4 châ n

5 mũ i

6 ngó n tay

7 cao

8 lù n, thấ p

9 to

10 nhỏ

11 hă ng há i, năng độ ng

12 dá ng vẻ, ngoạ i hình

13 mó n thịt nướ ng barbecue

14 buồ n tẻ

15 dà n đồ ng ca

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1. cuộ c đua, cuộ c thi

2. tự tin, tin tưở ng

3. tò mò , thích tìm hiểu

4. là m vườ n

5. lính cứ u hỏ a

6. buồ n cườ i, thú vị

7. rộ ng rã i, hà o phó ng

8. điềm tĩnh

9. tính cá ch, cá tính

10. đá ng tin cậ y

11. cuộ c đua

12. nghiêm tú c

13. bẽn lẽn, hay xấ u hổ

14. dá ng thể thao, khỏ e mạ nh

15. tình nguyện viên

16. cung hoà ng đạ o

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1. Cách thành lập:

(+) S + is/am/are +V_ing

(-) S + is/am/are + not +V_ing

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + V_ing

Yes, S + is/am/are

No, S + isn’t/am not/ aren’t

2. Cách sử dụng: Thì hiện tạ i tiếp diễn thườ ng đượ c sử dụ ng để nó i về

hà nh độ ng trong tương lai đã đượ c lên kế hoạ ch sẵ n, thườ ng là có sự chuẩ n

bị cho hà nh độ ng đó , chắ c chắ n sẽ xả y ra.

Ví dụ : I’m meeting John at the airport. (Tôi sẽ gặp John ở sân bay.)

->Tô i đã nó i chuyện vớ i John và hẹn hặ p anh ấ y ở sâ n bay

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Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau sang dạng phủ định.
1. They are coming to Manchester City on Monday.
2. We are going out tonight.
3. He is leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow.
4. He is spending his next holiday at home.
5. He is finishing his work tomorrow.
Bài 2: Nối cột A với cột B để tạo thành câu đúng.

1. I’m doing my a. room this evening?
2. Are you cleaning your b. for Paris next Saturday.
3. We’ve leaving c. my party next Friday.
4. Jack is going d. homework this afternoon, but then I am free.
5. Jane’s coming to e. to the cinema with Peter tomorrow.

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1. Dùng BE để miêu tả

S + be + adj

Ví dụ : She is tall.(Cô ấ y cao.)

They are young.
2. Dùng HAVE để nói “có”
They have many pencils.

 (-)They don’t have many pencils.

 (?) Do they have many pencils?
He has a book.

 (-) He doesn’t have a book.

 (?) Does he have a book?

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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. I ___ blond hair and blue eyes.
a. have
b. has
2. Ann ___ many toys and books.
a. have
b. has
3. Mr. Scotford ___ two brothers.
a. have
b. has
4. They ___ two cats and three rabbits.
a. have
b. has
5. The man next door ___ had an accident.
a. have
b. has
6. The new supermarket ___ everything.
a. have
b. has
7. Do you ______ any shirts?
a. Have
b. Has
8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ________ a small garden behind their house.
a. have
b. has

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9. The children ___ fruits and candies for the picnic.

a. have
b. has
10. My brother _____ a collection of stamps.
a. have
b. has

Bài 2:Cho dạng đúng của động từ TO BE.

1. It ……………………… cold today.
2. I ……………………… at home now.
3. They ………………………Korean.
4. There ……………………… a pen on the desk.
5. My name ………………………Nikita.
6. We ……………………… from Ukraine.
7. That ……………………… right.
8. I ……………………… OK, thanks.
9. Clara and Steve ……………………… married.
10. She ……………………… an English teacher.
11. This book ……………………… mine.
12. Jane and Peter ……………………… good at Math.

13.There ……………………… many people in this class.

14.…………… Ane and Alice sisters?
15.This book ……………………… cheap.
16.Three students ……………………… at school now.
17.My sister ……………………… very friendly.
18.The teachers ……………………… in the room.
19.The cat ……………………… on the table.

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20.She ……….tired.
Bài 3: : Cho dạng đúng của động từ BE hoặc HAVE phù hợp.
1. She __________________ an oval face.
2. - __________________ Mai’s hair long or short?
- It __________________ short.
3. He __________________ tall and thin.
4. Toan __________________ an athlete.He __________________ very strong.
5. Ngan __________________ short black hair.
6. What color __________________ those bikes?
7. What color __________________ Nam’s eyes?
8. What __________________ those?

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. A. climb B. confident C. hike D. kind
2. A. foot B. book C. look D. food
3. A. creative B. finger C. big D. idea
4. A. fingerB. legC. neck D. elbow
5. A. writes B. makes C. looks D. drives
6. A. request B. project C. neck D. expensive
7 A. Thursday C. those D. birthday
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. Next summer Minh’s parents __________ him to Hanoi to see a new film.

A. taking B. is taking C. are taking D. take

2. The children are visiting a milk farm to see how they __________ milk,
cheese and butter.

A. make B. do C. play D. ride

3. My elder sister __________ short black hair.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

4. At weekends, Phong __________ his parents in the field as usual.

A. help B. helps C. is helping D. helping

5. Can you __________ me the book, please?

A. move B. pass C. have D. turn

6. Huong is __________ the phone, chatting __________ her friends.

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A. on – to B. on – on C. to – with D. to – to

7. My best friend is helpful and __________. She often makes me laugh.

A. funny B. nice C. shy D. boring

8. The film is very __________ and theycan’t see all of it.

A. wonderful B. easy C. exciting D. boring

9. The summer camp is for students __________ between 10 and 16.

A. age B. aged C. aging D. ages

10. Lan has __________ hair and big __________ eyes.

A. blonde, small B. a black, blue C. blonde, blue D. black, long

11. Next summer Linh is working as a __________ teacher in a village near Ha

Giang city.
A. volunteer B. nice C. good D. favourite
12. Mai is always __________ at school and helps other students with their
A. hard B. hardly C. hard-working D. work hard
13. Our class is going to __________ at the zoo on Sunday. Would you like
to come with us?
A. have B. take C. pass D. go
14. It’s __________ to go home. It’s so late.

A. now B. sure C. time D. like

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15. Please turn __________ the lights. The room is so dark.

A. in B. on C. off D. at

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Bài 3: Nối cột A với cột B để tạo thành đoạn hội thoại đúng.


1. Who is this? a. Yes, sure.

2. Who’s she? b. They’reblack.

3. What do you see in the photo? c. We’re taking part in an art workshop.

4. What sort of hair does she have? d. It’s my elder sister, Jane.

5. Can you pass the book, please? e. The students from your class are

6. What color of the eyes does Jim playing beach volleyball.

have? f. It’s curly.

7. Would you like to have a picnic on g. She has an oval face and long black

Saturday? hair.

8. What are you doing tomorrow? h. Sorry, we can’t. We’re visiting our

9. What does your new friend look grandparents.

like? i. This is Tuan, my best friend. He is

10. Does she have a round face? kind and clever.

j. Of course not. She has an oval face.

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Bài 4: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

shy boring funny kind clever

creative talkative confident friendly hard-working

1. It is ________________ to sit on the plane with nothing to read.

2. She always has a ________________ smile with everyone.
3. The teacher wants the students to feel ________________ about asking
questions when they don’t understand.
4. I’m not very ________________ at Math. I often make mistakes in calculations.
5. Everyone is ________________ to me. They often help me when I need.
6. She is very ________________. She writes poetry and paints.
7. It’s a really ________________ film; everyone laughs a lot.
8. Children are often ________________ of people they don’t know.
9. He’s a little bit ________________. He likes to talk a lot.
10. He is often ________________ at school and he always gets good marks.

Bài 5: Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi chọn T hoặc F.

My name is Mai. I have many good classmates, but my best friends are Vy
and Thao. Vy sits next to me, and Thao sits in front of us. Both of them are very
smart and creative. Vy is good at English, and Thao is best at maths. They help
me a lot with my study. During break time, we often play many games
together. Our favourite is hide and seek. Thao and I like science, so we join the
school's science club. Vy likes dancing, so she is in the dance club. Vy often
performs in front of the whole school at the beginning of each month, and we
love watching her. I think I'm very lucky to have two best friends!

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1. Mai is mainly talking about her school activities. T F

2. Mai, Vy and Thả o sit at the same table. T F

3. They don't have any favourite game. T F

4. Mai's friends help her to study. T F

5. Vy is not in the same club as Mai and Thao. T F

Bài 6: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

My name is Nga and my best friend is Lan. She is my classmate. We are both
in grade 6 at Lam Son Secondary School. Lan lives next to my house. Every
day, my father takes us to school on his motorbike, and we come home on foot
in the evening. She is an intelligent girl. Her favourite subject is Math, and she
is really good at it. Mine is English. We usually help each other with our
homework. Whenever I am sad, Lan always tells me stories to make me happy.
I feel really luckyto have a best friend like Lan.
1. How old are Lan and Nga?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14
2. How do they go to school?
A. By bus B. On foot C. By motorbike
3. What is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A. They are classmates.
B. They are neighbours.
C. English is Lan's favourite subject.
4. What do they usually help each other?
A. Do their homework

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B. Do their housework
C. Do their shopping
5. What does Lan do to make Nga happy?
A. Sing a song B. Tell stories C. Buy presents
Bài 7: Viết câu hoàn chỉnh dựa theo các từ cho sẵn.

1. We/ visit/ milk farm/ do/ treasure hunt/ field/ this weekend.

2. He/ play/ volleyball/ have/ barbecue/ his friends/ Sunday evening.


3. You/ do/ anything/ this Sunday?


4. Our teacher/ ask/ us/ write/ emails/ English.


5. He/play/ badminton/ soccer/ very well/ and/ he/ sporty.

6. My friend / Kien / have / short / fair / hair.


7. What / brother / hair / like?


8. It / straight / long / black / hair.


9. her lips / red.

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10. My younger brother / understand / things / quick / and easy.


Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1.Kate and Linda (go) ________________________ to the theatre to see the Black

Swan play at 9pm. They bought the tickets this morning.

2.Hurry up! The bus (leave) ________________________ at 7 am.

3.Kelly has booked a table in the New Home restaurant. She

(meet) ________________________ Mary and her colleagues to celebrate the grand
opening at 7 o'clock.

4.I think that she (come) ________________________ home soon.

5.(Mai's flight/ take) ________________________ off at 8 am tomorrow morning?

6.Lan: "Your computer is on." 

Huong: "Oh, I (switch) ________________________ it off."

7.Tuan has just bought the airplane ticket. He (visit) ________________________ his

parents in Ho Chi Minh next week.

8.Wendy's music class (start) ________________________ at 4 o' clock.

9.I guess that she (win) ________________________ the singing competition.

10."We have run out of milk." – "I (go) ________________________ to the

supermarket to buy some."

Bài 9: Cho dạng đúng các các từ trong ngoặc.

1. Please be ________________________ when you have to use fire to cook. (care)

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2. The baby next to me is very ________________________. He talks all the time,

which really annoys me. (talk)
3. It’s nice to meet such a ________________________ person. (friendly)
4. Huy is very ________________________. He’s not controlled in anyway by other
people or things. (depend)
5. Viet is very ________________________. He always has a lot of new ideas. (create)
6. I think you look very ________________________ in that hat. (fun)
7. Tom is the most ________________________ person I’ve met. (bore)
8. I am ________________________ about the book she read. (curiosity)
9. You can trust John because he is very ________________________. (trust)

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Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của TO BE, HAVE.

1.Laura is a famous singer. She not only ________________ talented but also has an

extremely beautiful face that attracts all people.

2. My daughter really loves her cat because it ________________ beautiful light

blue eyes and soft fur.

3. ________________  she charming? I see a lot of people send her flowers and gifts
on her birthday.

4.Kathy's parents have brown eyes and she ________________ brown eyes like


5.These students ________________ clever and creative. I think they are qualified

for this scholarship.

6. The tiger ________________ large padded feet that let it silently stalk prey in the

7. Rabbits ________________ strong legs to run away from the predators.

8. That woman ________________not patient and skillful. She fails to negotiate

with lots of clients.

Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi. Sử dụng have/has.

Hướng dẫn cách hình thành cụm danh từ:

(a/an) + adj + N
VD: The weather is hot -> hot weather
His face is round -> He has a round face.
1. My hair is black.

2. Mrs.Huyen’s eyes are round and black.

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3. His eyes are blue.


4. Her cheeks are chubby.


5. Miss Huong’s face is round.


6. Miss Thanh’s legs are long.


Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống.

1. Andrea ________ quite pretty. She has short ________ brown hair and green

A. is – Ø B. are – a C. am – an

2. This boy ________ very young but he already ________ two university degrees.

A. is – have B. are – does not C. is – has

3. Although Carol ________ a fit body, she ________ still beautiful with her blue
eyes and long curly hair.

A. has – is B. doesn't have – is C. is having – is

4. Those children ________ extremely creative. They ________ a lot of new ideas in
the presentation.

A. are –has B. are – have C. is – have

5. A: "What sort of hair ________?"

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B: "My mom ________ black hair but my dad has blond one."
A. do your parents have – has
B. does your parents have – have
C. your parents have – is having
6. You ________ long curly hair. ________ long curly hair like you?
A. have – Your sister have
B. have – Does your sister have
C. is having – Do your sister have
7.A: "What color eyes ________?"
B: "They all ________ black eyes."
A. do they have – have
B. are they having – have
C. will they have – has
8. Nick's brother ________ ________ round face and big eyes.

A. have – a B. has – Ø C. has – a

9. The newborn babies ________ ________ very small hands and feet.

A. has – a B. have – a C. have – Ø

10. Emily ________ very charming.She ________ white teeth, an oval face and
beautiful blonde hair.

A. is – has
B. are – is having
C. is – have

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
Phuc’s parents: … So how was the first day?

Mr Lee: It was (1)_______________. Today we have a bike ride to the mountains

and visit Daopeople village.

Phuc’s parents: (2)_______________…How about tomorrow? Are you going


Mr Lee: Oh yes. Tomorrow morning we’re having a treasure (3)_______________.

In the afternoonwe’re visiting a milk farm to see how milk and butter are

made. After that we’reopening the public speaking class. The kids are talking

about their favourite (4)_______________ in the world.

Phuc’s parents: That’s fun! And on the third day?

Mr Lee: Oh, that’s something special. There’s the World Foods

(5)_______________ at the campin the morning when the kids compete for prizes.

That’s our “Kids Cook” Contest.They’re cooking their own (6)_______________

dish. And in the afternoon we’re having a big partyby the pool!

Phuc’s parents: Really?Sounds great!

Bài 2: Hãy dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.


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TOPIC:Describe the appearance and personality of your best friend.
(Hãy miêu tả ngoại hình và tính cách của người bạn thân nhất của em)

1. Introduction
- Giớ i thiệu bả n thâ n
- Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body
- I have many friends, but my best friend.
- She/He is (beautiful/ handsome/ charming/ tall/ short/ slim/ fat/
- She/ He has (long hair, short hair, black eyes.....)
- She/ He is + tính cá ch ( friendly, outgoing/ easy – going/ smart/
clever/ helpful/ a bit lazy/ hard working ......)
- Her/ his hobby is/ She is crazy for
- We often play …………………….. with each other.
3. Conclusion
- Tó m lạ i cá c ý đã nêu.

Bài nói của em


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REVIEW UNIT 1 – 2 – 3

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1.A. teacher B. chess C. lunch D. school

2. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat

3. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home

4. A. project B. leg C. evening D. neck

5. A. judo B. elbow C. nose D. blond

6. A. gets B. leaves C. takes D. stops

7. A. mouth B. house C. country D. about

8. A. without B. mouth C. thanks D. thought

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. We are having breakfast in the __________.

A. bathroom B. bedroom C. kitchen

2. The cat likes sitting __________the sofa.

A. near B. on C. in

3. How many rooms __________ there in your new house?

A. are B. is C. be

4. Mi writes poetry and paints well. She is very ______.

A. funny B. clever C. creative

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5. I don’t think he is ______. He isn’t pleasant and kind to anyone.

A. kind B. friendly C. confident

6. You usually _____________ school uniform at school?

A. wear

B. Are (you) wear

C. Do (you usually) wear

7. This is my last day here. I _____________ back to Da Nang tomorrow.

A. am flying B. flying C. fly

8. There ___________ two pictures and a clock on the wall.

A. is B. are C. be

9. He _____________ his grandparents next weekend?

A. is visiting B. visit C. Is he visiting

10. We always cook meals in the ___________.

A. kitchen B. bedroom C. living room

11. In Mi's house the tea table is in the middle of the living room. In my house,
it is ___________ the sofa and the armchair.

A. between B. in C. next to

12. Ngoc talks a lot. She is a __________ girl.

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A. funny B. talkative C. cheerful

13. My best friend is very ______. She cares about other people.

A. kind B. shy C. funny

14. My father _____________ to work by bus every day.

A. goes B. go C. going

Bài 3: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

buy souvenirs go camping swim go to a disco

have an ice cream play games take photos do

1. When we _______________________________,we sleep in a tent.

2. Do you want to _______________________________ and dance?
3. Can he _______________________________with his new camera?
4. It’s hot! I want to _______________________________ in the sea.
5. Would you like to ___________________________? The chocolate ones are good.
6. You can _____________________________ a treasure hunt at our summer camp.
7. I sometimes _______________________________ like table tennis.
8. You can _______________________________ at the shop in the town.
Bài 4: Điền MỘT từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

These are my friends at Friendly Camp. Sony is in the first picture. Does he
look cool? He loves sports. I (1) ______________ basketball with him at the camp.
He is a really good player. Sony is American. He (2) ____________ in
Minnesotawith his mother. In the second picture is Betty. She (3)

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_______________ long wavy hair. Betty is my best friend and we go to the same
school. We went to Friendly Camp together. I like her a lot because she (4)
______________ really funny and she helps me with my homework. She has many
friends. Her best friend is Jenny, but I am her (5) __________________ friend, too.

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung của bài đọc.

Hello. My name is John. I live in an apartment in New York, the USA. It is a

big city. It has got a lot of high buildings, supermarkets, banks and stores.
There is much traffic and there are often traffic jams at rush hours. It is very
noisy here. But I enjoy living here because everything is exciting and attractive
to me.

Hi. My name is Kate. I am John’s elder cousin. I live in a village in the

suburbs of Canberra, Australia. It is quieter than New York. It hasn’t got many
shops, supermarkets and restaurants. There are some farms around my
house. You can see a lot of sheep and kangaroos on the farms. There are not
many people, but they are friendly. I prefer to live in the countryside because I
enjoy the fresh air and the peaceful life here.

Example: 0. John lives in a New York.

A. flat B. house C. hotel

1. New York has got many high buildings, banks, supermarkets and ......................

A. post offices B. shops C. parks

2. It is very New York city.

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A. quiet B. peaceful C. noisy

3. Kate is .......................than John.

A. younger B. older C. taller

4. She lives in a an area away from Canberra, Australia

A. town B. city C. village

5. She prefers to live in the countryside because she likes .......................air there.

A. clean B. dirty C. polluted

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung đoạn văn.


A tree house is my most favorite house. It is on a tree, of course. But it is

under the big branches of leaves. It’s made of wood. There is a big glass
window on the roof. I can watch the birds inside the trees through that. There
is a ladder from the ground to the floor of the house. I can run up and down it.

The house is small, so I put no table and chair there. I like to store my
favorite toys in the house. It’s also a wonderful hideaway place. I can play hide
and seek with my friends after school.

1. What is the passage about?

A. A house in the boy’s dream

B. The boy’s favorite house

C. Building a tree house

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2. What is the material of the house?

A. Leaves B. Wood C. Glass

3. What does the word 'it' in line 4 mean?

A. the ladder B. the ground C. the floor

4. What are there in the tree house?

A. Nothing B. Table and chair C. Toys

5. What does the boy like doing most with the tree house?

A. Watching birds from the house

B. Playing with his favorite toys

C. Hiding from his friends

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Dear Sergio,

How (1)__________ you? (2)___________ you want to know about a typical day
at my school? I always (3)_________ to school with my brother and my friends
Steve. School starts at 7 o’clock. (4)_______ the morning, we have five lessons,
usually different subjects. Then we have lunch.. I (5)_________ have lunch at
school, I go home. In the afternoon, there (6)__________ two lessons. My favorite
subject is Geography. After school, we often play football. What about you?

Bye for now,

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1. A. do B. go C. are

2. A. Does B. Do C. Are

3. A. walk B. walks C. walking

4. A. on B. In C. At

5. A. don’t B. not C. doesn’t

6. A. have B. is C. are

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ gơi ý.

1. The lamp is behind the shelf. (of)

- The shelf ____________________________________________ the lamp.

2. There is a TV and a picture in our living room. (has)

- Our living room ____________________________________________ and a picture.

3. Lam's house isn't far from the station. (near)

- Peter's house is ____________________________________________ station.

4. The dog is to the left of the sofa and to the right of the table. (between)

- The dog is ____________________________________________ and the table.

5. Phong's bedroom has two bookshelves. (in)

- There are ____________________________________________Tom's bedroom.

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Bài 9: Sắp xếp lại những từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. near/ house/ is/ your/ there/ cinema / a?


2. school/ go/ your/ do/ to/ how/ students/ country/ in?


3. go/ by/ they/ bus/ school / to.


4. work/ to/ city/ your/ in/ how/ people/ do/ travel?


5. motorbike/ by/ people/ travel/ work/ to/


6. there/ park/ front/ your school/ in/ is/ of/ a?


7. Linh/ country/ her parents/ lives/ in/ with/ the.


8. There/ beautiful garden/ right/ Nam’s house/ a/ to/ is/ the/ of.


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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 statue(n) /ˈstætʃ·u/ tượ ng One of the most stunning

objects was a small
bronze statue.

2 square(n) /skweər/ quả ng trườ ng In the town square,there

are many people.

3 railway /ˈreɪl.weɪ nhà ga We are a 10-minute walk

station (n) ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ from Mirfield railway

rail-way sta-tion

4 cathedral (n) /kəˈθi·drəl/ nhà thờ At first glance, the New

College Chapel looks like
the many other churches
and cathedrals in Oxford.

5 memorial(n) /məˈmɔːr.i.əl/ đà i tưở ng This statue now stands

niệm as a memorial to the city.

6 left  (n,adj) /left/ trá i They were in a small

room with a table to the
right side, and a small
window to the left.

7 right (n,adj) /raɪt/ phả i That's the museum

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building on the left and

the reading room on the

8 straight (adj) /streɪt/ thẳ ng Go straight ahead and

the bookstore is on your

9 narrow (adj) /ˈner.oʊ/ hẹp The road in this village is


10 noisy (adj) /ˈnɔɪ.zi/ ồn ào Her classmates were

loud and noisy on the
bus ride home.

11 crowded (adj) /ˈkraʊ.dɪd/ đô ng đú c I began to notice the

sidewalks were more
crowded than usual.

12 quiet (adj) /ˈkwaɪ ɪt/ yên tĩnh I was as quiet as I could

be, but he still knew I
was there.

13 backyard(n) /ˌbækˈjɑːrd/ sâ n phía sau Children often play in the

nhà backyard.

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1 tượ ng

2 quả ng trườ ng

3 nhà ga

4 nhà thờ

5 đà i tưở ng niệm

6 trá i

7 phả i

8 thẳ ng

9 hẹp

10 ồn ào

11 đô ng đú c

12 yên tĩnh

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13 sâ n phía sau nhà


1. Với tính từ ngắn (1 âm tiết)

Adj_er + than

Ví dụ : tall  taller

I’m taller than Mary. (Tô i cao hơn Mary.)

2. Với tình từ dài (2 âm tiết trở lên)

More + adj + than

Ví dụ : beautiful  more beautiful

I am more beautiful than Mary

3. Với tính từ tận cùng là “y”

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y ier

Ví dụ : lazy  lazier

I am lazier than Mary

***Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

Tính từ So sánh hơn

1. Good Better

2. Bad Worse

3. Old Older (tuổ i tá c), elder (về vai vế)

4. Far Farther

5. Fat Fatter

6. Big Bigger

7. Thin Thinner

8. Many/much More

9. little less

10. Clever Cleverer/ more clever

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Bài 1: Hãy viết dạng so sánh hơn của các tính từ sau.

1. beautiful 8. good

2. hot 9. attractive

3. crazy 10. big

4. slow 11. expensive

5. few 12. cheap

6. little 13. comfortable

7. bad 14. happy

Bài 2: Lựa chọn từ phù hợp để hoàn thành câu.

1. I think that Chinese is more easy/easier than Japanese.

2. Glass bottles are always more good/better than plastic bottles.

3. A sea lion is heavier/more heavy than a lobster.

4. Michael is more hard-working/harder-working than Williams.

5. That apartment is larger/largeer than our apartment.

6. Jeans is intelligenter/more intelligent than my sister.

7. Those cakes are worse/badder than the cakes I tasted last night.

8. This accident is seriouser/more serious than the last one.

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9. Sharks are more dangerous/dangerouser than other fish.

10. Comedies are more funny/funnier than police dramas.

Bài 3: Cho dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. My new school is ___________________ than my old school. (modern)

2. Sundays are ___________________ than Saturdays. (boring)
3. My mother is ___________________ than my father. (busy)
4. Our theater is ___________________ than our cinema. (big)
5. Museums are ___________________ than art galleries. (interesting)
6. The amusement park is ___________________ than the swimming pool. (noisy)
7. The French restaurant in our town is ___________________ than the Italian
restaurant. (expensive)
8. The market is ___________________ than the shopping centre. (cheap)
9. This chair is ___________________ than that chair. (comfortable)
10. A rose is ___________________ than a weed. (beautiful)
11. The dog is ___________________ than a cow. (intelligent)
12. The Nile River is ___________________ than the Mississippi. (long)
13. Your flat is ___________________ than mine. (large)
14. A horse is ___________________ than a man. (strong)
15. My Physics course is ___________________ than my Math course. (difficult)
16. Iron is ___________________ than wood. (heavy)
17. Love is ___________________ than money. (important)
18. My father’s cooking is ___________________ than my mother’s. (bad)
19. My mother’s cooking is ___________________ than my father’s. (good)
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20. This dress is ___________________ than that one. (pretty)

Bài 4: Viết lại các câu sau ở dạng so sánh hơn.

1. A rose/beautiful/ a weed.
2. A dog/intelligent/ a chicken.
3. Ba/ friendly/ Nam.
4 .Your house/far/from school /my house.
5. A horse/ strong/ a person.
6. Mary/tall/her brother.
7. A orange/not sweet/ anlemon.
8. A horse/ big/ a donkey.
9. This dress/pretty/that one.
10. The weather/ cold/ yesterday.

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Bài 5: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng và dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ để hoàn
thành các câu sau.Thêm THAN nếu cần thiết.
big crowded early easily high important

interested peaceful reliable serious simple thin

1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual.
2. I'd like to have a more reliable car. The one I've got keeps breaking
3. Unfortunately her illness was _____________________ we thought at first.
4. You look _____________________. Have you lost weight?
5. I want a _____________________flat. We don't have enough space here.
6. He doesn't study very hard. He's _____________________in having a good time.
7. Health and happiness are _____________________money.
8. The instructions were very complicated. They could have been
9. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was _____________________usual.
10. I like living in the countryside. It's _____________________living in a town.
11. You'll find the way around the town _____________________if you have a good
12. In some parts of the country, prices are _____________________in others.

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. teen B. see C. coffee D. street

2. A. ideal B. cinema C. exciting D. difficult

3. A. arrive B. quickly C. historic D. city

4. A. opposite B. these C. expensive D. noisy

5. A. film B. city C. nice D. police

6. A. cheap B. sleepy C. near D. peaceful

7. A. big B. wide C. quiet D.exciting

8. A. heavy B. sea C. team D. street

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Phong’s exam results are __________ than Minh’s.

A. important B. good C. well D. better
2. Phuong is not happy because her results in the competition are
__________than her sister’s.
A. bad B. good C. better D. worse
.3. __________ people own motorbikes now than ten years ago.
A. Many B. Much C. More D. Some

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.4. This type of motorbike is __________ economical than that type.
A. more B. much C. many D. as
5. Singapore is a __________ country with many buildings and beautiful parks.
A. history B. historic C. largest D. larger
6. __________ go pass the traffic lights, and __________ turn right.
A. First – than B. First – then C. Then – first D. Finally – then
7. Is there a bookstore __________ your neighbourhood?
A. in B. on C. at D. with
8. The supermarket is __________ the corner of the street.
A. on B. at C. in D. into
9. Going by taxi is more __________ than going by bus.
A. cheaper B. faster C. easier D. expensive
10. The weather is nice, so Linh enjoys doing __________ activities.
A. outdoor B. inside C. outdoors D. boring
11. The streets in the old quarter in Ha Noi are not wide. They are __________.
A. exciting B. quiet C. narrow D. noisy
12. A __________ is a place where we can buy medicines, soap and make-up.
A. chemist’s B. grocer C. square D. temple
13. The people in Da Nang is incredibly __________ and helpful.
A. friend B. friendly C. friends D. friendship
14. It is __________ to live far from the market and the supermarket.
A. easy B. inconvenient C. convenient D. comfortable
15. __________ thefirst turning __________ the left.

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A. Take – in B. Take – on C. Get – in D. Get – on

Bài 3: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

from often carpet path however

peaceful water fresh flowers for

My village is about 10 kilometers (1) _____________ Da Lat. It is a very

beautiful and (2) _____________ place where people grow (3) _____________ and
vegetables only. It is very famous (4) _____________ its pretty roses and beautiful
landscapes. The air is quite fresh, (5) _____________, the smell of the roses makes
people feel cool. In spring, my village looks like a (6) _____________ with plenty of
colors. Tourists come to visit it so (7) _____________. Nowadays, with electricity,
it doesn’t take the villagers much time to (8) _____________ the roses. And even
at night, people can walk along the (9) ____________ and enjoy the (10) ___________
smell of the flowers.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

My Peaceful Neighborhood

My …(1)… lives in this area for more …(2)… 15 years. This is a quiet, safe
place with great neighbours. They …(3)… all nice people. If anyone has
problems, they are always there to …(4)… him (her). Besides, we are never
worried about losing things. For …(5)…, my mother sometimes locks our dog
outside when she goes to …(6)…. Miss Lan, who lives …(7)… to our house,
always takes care of it and gives the dog back in the evening. I also have many
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…(8)…, too. We play all kinds of games every evening. My …(9)… is really safe
and nice place to live, and I …(10)… it so much.

1/A. house  B. home      C. family

2/A. then     B. than        C. that

3/A. are       B. have       C. are having

4/A. smile   B. laugh      C. help

5/A. example        B. reason    C. examples

6/A. do       B. school    C. work

7/A. beside  B. next        C. in front

8/A. kids     B. friends    C. friend

9/A. neighbour     B. neighbourhood C. family

10/A. loves B. love        C. hates

Bài 5: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý sau để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. France / Italy. (large)
France is larger than Italy.
2. Scotland / Athens. (cold)

3. Chinese / English. (difficult)

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4. Jennifer Lopez / Madona. (pretty)


5. Football / volleyball. (good)


6. A novel / a short story. (long)


Bài 6: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. My brother (not live)…….……………… in Da Nang.He(live)…………………. in

2. Our school (have)……………..…….. a small garden. There (be)………..…………
many trees in it.
3. What time …………….your sister (get up)…………..………. every morning ?
4. ……………….your children (go )…..…………. to scholl every day ?
5. Minh (wash)……….……..……… his face at 6.15.
6. We (not have)……………………………. breakfast at 6.30 every morning.
7. She can (speak).................................... French.
8. ……………..he (eat) ...................... a lot of vegetables?
9. Where……………..Ha (be) ……......... now? She (play) ............................ in the
10. Look! The teacher (come)....................................
11. What …………………..(be) there (drink) ......................for dinner?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Nhung likes attending the English ..................... contests. (SPEAK)

2. Her neighborhood is ..................... for good and cheap restaurants. (FAME)

3. I like the city life because there are many kinds of ..................... (ENTERTAIN)

4. Hoa’s classroom is on the ..................... floor. (TWO)

5. My friends like ..................... weather. (SUN)

6. Huong speaks English ..................... than me. (WELL)

7. The Great Wall of China is the world’s ..................... structure. (LONG)

8. What’s Akiko’s .....................? - She’s Japanese. (NATION)

9. We should not waste ..................... and water. (ELECTRIC)

10. Let him do it ...................... (HE)

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. The black bike is cheaper than the red bike.

→The red bike ............................................................................................................

2. This story is more interesting than that one.

→That story is ............................................................................................................

3. Our school has 2000 students.

There are …………………........................................................................................

4.Let’s go out and have an ice cream.

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 Shall …………………...........................................................................................
5. Can you tell us the way to the post office?
 How …………………............................................................................................

Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. My/ brother/ I/ go/ see/ football match/ between/ Eagles/ Hawks team/
last night/.
2. My/ brother/ always/ say/ Eagles/ be/ fast/ ,/ strong/ ,/ and smart/ than/
3. The/ Hawks/ play/ a lot/ good/ than/ Eagles/.
4. One thing/ I/ not/ like/ be/ that/ goalkeeper of Hawks/ be/ not/ as/
active/ as/ goalkeeper/ Eagles/.
5. I/ be/ surprise/ that/ Eagles/ lost/ by/ 2-nil/.
6. Driving home/ ,/ I/ be/ excite/ because/ my team/ be/ better than/ the/
Eagles team/ ./

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Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ.

1. I / thin / my brother.

I am thinner than my brother.

2. A lake / small / a sea.


3. This book / good / that one.


4. The weather here / hot / the weather in my hometown.


5. A mouse / small / a cat.


6. The sun / big / the moon.


7. A radio / cheap / a television.


8. French food / good / English food.


9. Your hair / long / my hair.


10. A mountain / high / a hill.

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11. A child / young / a man.


Bài 2: Sử dụng dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quitter?

2. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit __________________ .

3. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be __________________ .

4. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be __________________.

5. The weather is too cold here. I expect it to be __________________.

6. My job is a bit boring sometimes. I'd like to do something __________________.

7. It's a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived __________________.

8. I was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I thought it would

be __________________.

9. Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do __________________.

10. Don't worry.The situation isn't so bad. It could be __________________.

11. I was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the journey to take


12. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit __________________?

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13. You hardly ever phone me. Why don't you phone me __________________?

14. You're standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit

15. You were a bit depressed yesterday, but you look __________________today.

Bài 3: Đọc các tình huống sau rồi hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it's only three dgrees.

 It's colder today than it was yesterday.

2. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.

 It takes ___________________________________________________________________.
3. Dave and I went for a run. I ran ten kilometres. Dave stopped after eight

 I ran ___________________________________________________________________.
4. Chris and Joe both did badly in the test. Chris got 30% but Joe only got 25%.

 Joe did ___________________________________________________________________.

5. I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 o'clock. In fact they arrived at

 My friends ___________________________________________________________________.
6. You can go by bus or by train. The buses run every 30 minutes. The trains
run every hour.

 The buses ___________________________________________________________________.

7. We were very busy at work today. We're not usually as busy as that.

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 We ___________________________________________________________________.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

A: Excuse me. Where is the (1)___________________?

B: Go to the end of this street. It’s on your (2) ___________________.

A: And where is the (3) ___________________secondary school?

B: It’s in Le Duan Street. Take the second right and it’s on your (4)

A: Great! Where can I have some coffee?

B: “Quynh” Café in Tran Quang Dieu Street is a (5) ___________________one.

A: How can I get there?

B: First turn left, then turn right. Go (6) ___________________. It’s on your left.

A: How about an art (7) ___________________?

B: First take the (8) ___________________left. Then go to the end of Le Loi Street,
and it’s on your right.

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.

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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Describe your ideal neighbourhood.
(Hãy miêu tả khu phố hàng xóm lý tưởng của bạn)

1. Introduction
Giớ i thiệu bả n thâ n
Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body
- My ideal neighbourhood is in + địa điểm (city center/ suburb/
- It has ( green parks, beautifullakes, libraries with many kinds of
- There are (many stores for going shopping, markets, cinemas....)
- The streets are + tính từ (not very busy/ clean/ safe)
- The people there are(friendly, generous, helpful....)

3. Conclusion
- Tó m lạ i cá c ý đã nêu.

Bài nói của em


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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 plaster(n) /ˈplæs·tər/ miếng bă ng He’ve got his leg in plaster.

dá n

2 painkiller(n) /ˈpeɪnˌkɪl·ər/ thuố c giả m đau You may have a headache,

which can be treated by using
simple painkillers.

3 sun /ˈsʌn ˌkriːm/ kem chố ng Please bring suncream in case

cream (n) nắ ng of hot weather.

4 sleeping /ˈsli·pɪŋ ˌbæɡ/ tú i ngủ They put the woman in a

bag (n) sleeping bag to keep her


5 backpack(n) /ˈbækˌpæk/ ba lô He had installed his sleeping

bag, his backpack with

6 scissors(n) /ˈsɪz.ərz/ cá i kéo I took to my hair with the

kitchen scissors.

8 walking /ˈwɑː.kɪŋ buts/ già y ố ng đi bộ Walking boots might be more

boots (n) useful and suitable than usual

walk-ing boots

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9 boots (n) /buːts/ già y ủ ng Walking boots might be more

useful and suitable than usual

10 torch(n) /tɔrtʃ/ đèn pin We ran out of batterries of

electric torch.

11 desert(n) /dɪˈzɜrt/ sa mạ c Drought and deforestation are

turning fragile grasslands into

12 mountain (n) /ˈmɑʊn·tən/ nú i They were in a deep valley

completely surrounded by

13 lake  (n) /leɪk/ hồ nướ c The following day, I got up

early to go fishing in a lake
near my house.

14 river (n) /ˈrɪv·ər/ sô ng Farmers use many water

sources, such as wells, other
streams or rivers.

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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 forest  (n) /ˈfɔr·əst/ rừ ng The mountain is covered

mainly by tropical forests.

2 waterfall (n) /ˈwɔ·t̬ərˌfɔl/ thá c nướ c They were standing on top

of a great waterfall.

3 Antarctica (n) /ænˈtɑːrk.tɪ.kə/ châ u Nam cự c Antarctica is the coldest

place in the world.

4 cave (n) /keɪv/ hang độ ng Ha Long Bay attracts

tourists by its many
wonderful caves.

5 cuisine  (n) /kwɪˈziːn/ nghệ thuậ t ẩ m We came here just to taste

thự c the Thai cuisine.

6 diverse (adj) /ˈdɑɪ·vɜrs/ đa dạ ng I prefer a more diverse

range of music to listen to.

7 essential (adj) /ɪˈsen·ʃəl/ rấ t cầ n thiết They understood that

cooperation was essential
to survival.

8 island (n) /ˈaɪ.lənd/ hò n đả o Their latest stop was on

the beautiful holiday
island in Thailand.

9 rock (n) /rɑk/ hò n đá , phiến đá The stream flowed

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through a jumble of rocks.

10 thrilling (adj) /ˈθrɪl·ɪŋ/ (gâ y) hồ i hộ p It was a thrilling

experience to see the
boats floating over the

11 travel /ˈtræv·əl eɪ·dʒən cô ng ty du lịch You can book directly with

agent (n) t/ your local travel agent.

tra-vel a-gent

12 valley (n) /ˈvæl·i/ thung lũ ng Mountains, valleys, and

rivers provide memorable
scenery for tourists.

13 windsurfing wɪndˌsɜr·fɪŋ/ mô n thể thao He loves extreme sports

lướ t vá n buồ m like windsurfing, motor

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1 miếng bă ng dá n

2 thuố c giả m đau

3 kem chố ng nắ ng

4 tú i ngủ

5 ba lô

6 cá i kéo

7 la bà n

8 già y ố ng đi bộ

9 già y ủ ng

10 đèn pin

11 sa mạ c

12 nú i

13 hồ nướ c

14 sô ng

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



1. rừ ng

2. thá c nướ c

3. châ u Nam cự c

4. hang độ ng

5. nghệ thuậ t ẩ m thự c

6. đa dạ ng

7. rấ t cầ n thiết

8. hò n đả o

9. hò n đá , phiến đá

10. (gâ y) hồ i hộ p

11. cô ng ty du lịch

12. thung lũ ng

13. mô n thể thao lướ t ván buồ m

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1. Với tính từ ngắn ( 1 âm tiết)

The + adj_est

Ví dụ : tall  tallest
I am the tallest person in my class.
2. Với tính từ dài (2 âm tiết trở lên)

The most + adj

Ví dụ : beautiful  the most beautiful

I am the most beautiful (person) in my class.
3. Với tính từ tận cùng là “y”
y  iest
Ví dụ : lazy  laziest
I am the laziest person in my class.

***Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Tính từ So sánh nhất

1. Good The best

2. Bad The worst

3. Old The oldest, the eldest

4. Far The farthest

5. Fat The fattest

6. Big The biggest

7. Thin The thinnest

8. Many/ much The most

9. Little The least

10. Clever The cleverest/ the most clever

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Bài 1:Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. That was the funniest/ most funny thing to do.

2. Susie is the most prettiest/prettiest of the four girls.

3. This is a really good school. It’s one of the best/ most better schools in the
North West.

4. She is by far the most rich/ richest woman in the world.

5. School days are supposed to be the most happy/ happiest days of your life

but I don’t agree.

6. What is the most popular/ popularest sport in your country?

7. That was a really good meal, probably one of the deliciousest/ most

delicious I have ever eaten.

8. I’m surprised I didn’t fall asleep. I think that he is one of the most boring/
boringest people in the world.

Bài 2:Điền vào chỗ trống dạng so sánh nhất của tính từ.

1. Who is the ______________ (tall) person in your family?

2. My mum is the ______________ (good) cook in the world.

3. December is the ______________ (cold) month of the year in my country.

4. What’s the ______________ (dangerous) animal in the world?

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5. Ethan is the ______________ (happy) boy that I know.

6. Where are the ______________ (nice) beaches in your country?

7. She bought the ______________ (big) cake in the shop.

8. Who is the ______________ (famous) singer in your country?

Bài 3: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng dạng so sánh nhất của tính từ.

a. The Nile/ long/ river/ in the world.

b. Lan/ tall/ student / in my class.
c. English coffee/ bad/ of all.
d. Australia/ small/ continent in the world.
e. That/ high/ mountain in the world.
Bài 4: Sử dụng dạng so sánh nhất của tính từ để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. It's a very good room. It is the best room in the hotel.

2. It's a very cheap restaurant. It's ___________________ in the town.

3. It was a very happy day. It was ___________________ of my life.

4. She's a very intelligent student. She ___________________ in the class.

5. It's a very valuable painting . It ___________________ in the gallery.

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6. Spring is a very busy time for me. It ___________________ of the year.

7. It's a very good room. It is one of the ___________________ rooms in the hotel.

8. He's a very rich man. He' s one of ___________________ in Britian.

9. It's a very big castle. It is one of ___________________castles in the team.

10. She's a good player. She is ___________________ player in the team.

11. It was a very bad experience. It was___________________ experience of my life.

12. He's a very dangerous criminal. He is one of ___________________ criminals in

the country.

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(phả i, cầ n phả i)
S Vnguyên thể
(khô ng đượ c, cấ m)

VD: You must arrive at school on time.

You mustn’t walk on the grass.

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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống.

1. People ________ throw rubbish into the river.

A. must B. mustn’t C. should

2. You must ________ your room now.

A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean

3. I'm afraid you ________ enter this area. It is dangerous.

A. must B. mustn't C. must to

4. Nga must ________ home by 10 p.m. every day.

A. is B. be C. are

5. You ________ tell him about this now because it's very important.

A. must B. mustn't C. ought

6. You _______ travel alone in the forest because it's very dangerous.

A. must B. mustn't C. not must

7. It's rainy and very cold there, so _______ must _______ a waterproof coat.

A. he – take B. she – takes C. they – taking

8. You ________ take any things without asking.

A. must B. mustn't C. should

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9. People must not ________ pets into the pool area.

A. to take B. taking C. take

10. All visitors ________ report to reception before entering this area.

A. must B. mustn't C. shouldn't

Bài 2: Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống “must” hoặc “mustn't” để hoàn thành câu
dưới đây.

1. Students ________________talk in the library.

2. Look! There is an intersection ahead. You ________________slow down.

3. The sign says ‘No swimming'. We ________________swim here.

4. We ________________hurry or we will be late.

5. The road is very wet and slippery. Drivers ________________ be careful.

Bài 3: Điền MUST hoặc MUSTN’T vào chỗ trống cho phù hợp.

When you travel on the London Underground, you (1) _______________ smoke.
You (2) _______________ always buy a ticket and if you have a travel card, you (3)
_______________ use it on the same day. When a train arrives at the station, you
(4) _______________ stand back. You (5) _______________ be polite to the staff.

Bài 4: Chọn câu có nghĩa tương đương với câu cho sẵn.

1. It's wrong of you to enter the area without asking.

A. You must enter the area without asking.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

B. You must not enter the area without asking.

2. Children mustn't play football in the streets.

A. Children are not allowed to play football in the streets.

B. It's not necessary for children to play football in the streets.

3. Smoking is forbidden here.

A. You mustn't smoke here.

B. You can smoke here.

4. It's very necessary for him to buy a new jacket.

A. He mustn't buy a new jacket.

B. He must buy a new jacket.

5. People mustn't use cameras in the cinema.

A. It's forbidden to use cameras in the cinema.

B. It's allowed to use cameras in the cinema.

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. red B. tent C. end D. forest

2. A. lake B. bag C. take D. nature

3. A. island B. plaster C. coast D. longest

4. A. map B. area C. hat D. plan

5. A. post B. cost C. question D. coast

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Which city is __________, Da Nang or Ho Chi Minh City?

A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest

2. It is often rainy in Da Lat __________ remember to bring an umbrella.

A. but B. so C. or D. must

3. You must remember to bring a __________. It’s very useful when you go into a
cave because it’s very dark there.

A. torch B. clock C. scissors D. compass

4. The boat trip to Ca Mau, the southern trip of Viet Nam, was __________
experience of my life.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

5. The Amazone __________ is in Brazil.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

A. rain forest B. rainy forest C. wet forest D. wetter forest

6. Tra Co beach is __________ beach in Viet Nam.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

7. The islands in Ha Long Bay are named __________ things around us.

A. in B. for C. after D. at

8. Mount Everest is the highest mountain __________ the world.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

9. - Do you finish packing?

- Yes. All my things are in my __________.

A. back B. backpack C. back pack D. plaster

10. If we had a __________, we wouldn’t get lost.

A. backpack B. ruler C. compass D. painkiller

11. You __________ travel alone to the mountain. Always go in group.

A. must B. mustn’t C. do D. don’t

12. People think Ayers rock is __________ in the evening when it is red.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

13. You __________ all necessary things along with you before you start yourtrip.

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A. takes B. won’t take C. must take D. mustn’t take

14. You __________ be late for school. It’s against the school regulations.

A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can’t

15. You __________ take a lot of warm clothes when you go to Sapa in winter.

A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can’t

Bài 3: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.

1. Where is Cuc Phuong National a. Uluru. Local people call it Uluru.
2. What things can you do in Hue? b. We can visit many museums. Are
galleries and temples.
3. What is the best way of travelling c. It’s Fansipan.
in a city?
4. What is the highest mountain in d. Travelling by bus is the best way.

Viet Nam?
e. In Ninh Binh Province, about 130
5. What is the other name of Ayers
kilometers southwest of Ha Noi.

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Bài 4: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

moving familiar water seen clouds

waves beach considered shady landscapes

Mui Ne is located 24 kilometers north-east of the city of Phan Thiet. It is a

fishing village as well as a (1) __________ tourism area in Binh Thuan Province.
It is found on Highway No.106, and is famous for sweeping sand dunes and
beautiful rows of palm trees. The (2) __________ is shallow and sloped. The (3)
___________ is clean and blue and the sun rarely hides behind (4) __________.

Beside beaches and sand dunes, there are also beautiful (5) ____________
such as Suoi Tien, the Ong Hoang Building and the Poshanu Cham Tower.

It has long been (6) _________ the “Hawaii” of Viet Nam. It has (7) _________
roads under coconut trees, a beautiful beach and cliffs. The typical scenery of
this place lies in the (8) ____________ lines of golden sand and when they are (9)
___________ from distance, they look like moving (10) __________.

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Tra Co beach in Quang Ninh province is 9 kilometers from Mong Cai. It

has the (1)__________ and the most romatic beach in Vietnam. Tourists can
enjoy the (2)__________ of white sand beaches and green sea water all year
(3)__________. Visitors can (4)____________ enjoy the sunset or sunrise in Con
Mang islet. You can visit Tra Co Communal House, Linh Khanh Pagoda and
Tra Co church. If tourists want some fresh (5)___________, they can find it from

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fishing boats. They can take part in “Tra Co Festival” from May 30 to June 6.

1. A. long B. longer C. longest D. much longer

2. A. beauty B. beautiful C. of beauty D. beautifully

3. A. over B. long C. length D. round

4. A. be B. be able C. then D. also

5. A. seafood B. menu C. air D. water

Bài 6: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn T hoặc F cho những câu dưới đây.

Ayers Rock or Uluru is 860 meters above the sea level. You have to walk
9.4 kilometers around the base of Uluru. In 1958, it was declared the national
park. You are mostly to see many kinds of birds and reptiles and more than
400 types of plants in the national parks. There is evidence to show that
Aboriginal people have lived in Central Australia for at least 30,000 years.
Uluru’s rock art was 5,000 years old. In 1873, William Gosse became the first
European to see Uluru, naming it after Sir Henry Ayers, the Chief Secretary of
South Australia. Each year, more than 250,000 people visit the park from all
over the world.

1. Ayers Rock or Uluru is 860 meters under the sea water.

2. Ayers Rock became a national park in 1958.

3. There are not many types of birds and reptiles in the national park.

4. The Aboriginal people have lived there for a very long period of time.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. Every year over a quarter of million visitors come to the national park
from all over the world.

Bài 7: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để viết hoàn chỉnh các câu sau.

1. Ho Chi Minh City/ biggest/ city/ Viet Nam.


2. Angel Falls / highest fall/ world.


3. Lake Superior / North America/ largest freshwater lake/ world.


4. You/ must/ bring/ compass/ when it/ get/darker/ forest.


5. You/ must/ take/waterproof coat/ during / trip/ Fansipan Mountain

because/ it/ rainy/ there.



6. We/ mustn’t/ write/ walls/ or/ tables/ classroom.


7. Cuc Phuong National Park/ oldest/ national park/ Viet Nam.


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8. We/ mustn’t/ drive/ the left/ Viet Nam/.


9. who/ the strongest/ your/ family?/


10. There/ not/ many/ trees/ my neighbourhood/.


Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Sit down! A strange dog (run) to you.

2. My mom often (buy) meat from the butcher's.
3. My brothers (not/ drink) coffee at the moment.
4. Look! Those people (climb) the mountain so fast.
5. That girl (cry) loudly in the party now.
6. These students always (wear) warm clothes in summer.
7. What (you/ do) in the kitchen?
8. I never (eat) mangoes.
9. The 60A bus (set off) every twenty minutes.
10. Tonight we (not/ go) to our teacher's wedding
Bài 9: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. A trip to Sa Pa is an __________________________ (forget) experience.

2. You can watch __________________________ (tradition) villages when you visit
Ha Giang.
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3. Many visitors think that the greatest __________________________ (attract) in

Hue is temples.
4. You must take an umbrella because it’s __________________________ (rain) in Ha
Long Bay at this time of year.
5. Hue is near Da Nang, but it’s more __________________________ (interest) than
Da Nang.
6. The Perfume River is the most __________________________ (fame) river in
Central Vietnam.
7. You can join many exciting __________________________ (act) during the festival.
8. A butterfly is more __________________________ (color) than a month.
9. Minh’s brother is a __________________________ (photograph). He took that
10. Excuse me. I’d like some __________________________ (inform) about the trip.

Bài 10: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. There are lots of beautiful beaches in Viet Nam.

Viet Nam _________________________________________________________________________

2. Many tourists want to visit Da Lat because of its fresh air.

Many tourists want to visit Sa Pa because____________________________________

3. Da Nang is smaller than Ha Noi, and Ha Noi is smaller than Ho Chi Minh city.

Ho Chi Minh city _________________________________________________________________

4. Our country doesn’t have any deserts.

There ________________________________________________________________________
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5. The film is not as interesting as the novel was.

The novel _____________________________________________________________________.

6. I thought the cinema was nearer.

The station ______________________________________________________________________.

7. I’ve never had a better friend than you.

You are ________________________________________________________________________.

8. It is very important for you to arrive on time.

You must ________________________________________________________________________.

9. No lake in the world is deeper than Lake Baikal.

Lake Baikal ________________________________________________________________________.

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Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi, sử dụng động từ
khuyết thiếu “MUST” hoặc “MUSTN'T”.

1. It is essential that you clean your room before going out.

You _______________________________________________________________________________.

2. It's forbidden to draw on the wall here.


3. It's against the regulations to use a dictionary in the exam.

You _______________________________________________________________________________.

4. She is not allowed to go out alone after 10 p.m.

She _______________________________________________________________________________.

5. It is very necessary that he attend the meeting tomorrow.

He ________________________________________________________________________________.

Bài 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi. Sử dụng dạng so sánh nhất
của tính từ.

1.No one in class 6A is better at Math than Hung.

-> Hung ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Shanghai is more expensive than any other city in China. (most expensive)

-> Shanghai ________________________________________________________________________

3. No one in my class is taller than Peter.

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-> Peter ___________________________________________________________________________

4. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

-> Mary ___________________________________________________________________________

5. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.

-> The Nile _________________________________________________________________________

6. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

-> No mountain ____________________________________________________________________

7. No one in Mary's office can type faster than her.

-> Mary ____________________________________________________________________

8. No river in Vietnam flows faster than The Red River.

-> The Red River ____________________________________________________________________

9. No one plays football better than Ronaldo.

-> Ronaldo ____________________________________________________________________

10. Nobody in this class is better than Miss Lan.

-> Miss Lan ____________________________________________________________________

Bài 3: Hoàn thành câu bằng dạng so sánh đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. The movie was (interesting).......................................than the one on TV.

2. We've got (little).............................................time than I thought.

3. This shirt is too small. I need a ( large)

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. Lan is (clever)...................................and (pretty)....................................than Lien.

5. She is (nice)........................................than I expected.

6. This was the (big) I've ever visited.

7. Who between the two workers is the (good).......................................?

8. This old machine is (powerful).......................................than we thought.

9. The farmers have never had a (rich)................................... harvest than that.

10. Which is (difficult)........................................, English or Math?

11. It is (expensive)................................................of the two cars.

12. Which is (expensive)...........................................of these two coats?

13. What is the (long).....................................river in Vietnam.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Travel Agent: We have some great deals. I recommend Ha Long Bay, Hue, Mui
Ne or Nha Trang.

Nick: Wow! I love the (1)__________________. Can we go to Mui Ne, Mum?

Nick’s Mum: well let’s think, Nick. Can I see a picture of the hotel in Mui Ne?

Travel Agent: Yes, here you are.

Nick’s Mum: which is (2) __________________, Mui Ne or Ha Long Bay?

Travel Agent: Mui Ne is cheaper but I think Ha Long Bay is more (3)

Nick’s dad: Yes, you’re right. I think I want go to Ha Long Bay. It’s (4)
__________________ than Mui Ne.

Nick: Oh.

Travel Agent: Yes, it’s rainy in Mui Ne at this time of the year. You
must take umbrellas and (5) __________________ coats.

Nick’s mum: Ok, let’s book Ha Long Bay please!

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.


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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


TOPIC:Talk about Nha Trang beach.

(Hã y nó i về bã i biển Nha Trang)

1. Introduction
- Giớ i thiệu bả n thâ n
- Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body
- Nha Trang is in Khanh Hoa Province .
- The weather is ………….
- Nha Trang is one of the 29 most beautiful sea bays in the world.
- It is a clean and beautiful beach with blue water and white sand. In the
city center, the life is very busy.
- There are a lot of busy streets with shops, restaurants, bars,
- Moreover, there are plenty of activities for you to join. Swimming and
diving are the most popular sports in Nha Trang.
- Besides the beach, there are plenty of places you may want to take a
visit such as Vinpearl land, Po Nagar Cham Towers, 100 Eggs Mud
Bath and many big and small islands.
- People in there are very nice and friendly.
3. Conclusion
- Tó m lạ i các ý đã nêu.

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Bài nói của em


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STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1 firework (n) /ˈfaɪr.wɝːk/ phá o hoa There was a firework

display on Tet holiday.

2 lucky money  (n) /ˈlʌk i ˈmʌn i/ tiền lì xì On Tet holiday, children

will receive lucky money
luc-ky mo-ney
wrapped in red envelop.

3 apricot /ˈeɪ.prɪ.kɑːt  hoa mai In South provinces, people

blossom  (n) ˈblɑs·əm/ often decorate their house

with apricot blossoms.
a-pri-cot blos-som

4 peach /pitʃ ˈblɑs·əm/ hoa đà o In North provinces, peach

blossom  (n) blossom is a symbol of Tet.

peach blos-som

5 make a wish /meik ə wiʃ/ ướ c mộ t điều People often make a wish

ướ c in their birthday party.

6 cook special /cʊk ‘speʃl fu:d/ nấ u mộ t mó n My mother always cooks

food ă n đặ c biệt special food like Nem,

Chung cakes on Tet

7 go to a pagoda /gəʊ tə ə pə đi chù a On the second day of Tet,

ˈgəʊdə/ my family usually go to a

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pa-go-da pagoda near our house.

8 decorate (v) /ˈdek·əˌreɪt/ trang trí The town is decorated with

colorful lights and latterns.

9 calendar (n) /ˈkæl ən dər/ lịch According to the

Vietnamese calendar, the
12 months are divided into
four seasons.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


STT Words Pronunciation Meaning Examples

1. celebrate (v) /ˈsel·əˌbreɪt/ kỉ niệm They were celebrating their

wedding anniversary at a
luxurious restaurant.

2. cool down  /kul daʊn/ má t, là m má t I'll return to tidy and

(v) celebrate my house when

the weather cools down a

3. feather (n) /ˈfeð·ər/ lô ng (gia cầ m) The birds also use leaves,

feathers and bone as nest

4. first-footer  ( /ˈfɜrstˈfʊt/ ngườ i xô ng nhà They are the first-footers of

n) their neighbours.

5. remove (v) /rɪˈmuv/ rủ bỏ I tidy my house and remove

all old things.

6. rooster (n) /ˈru·stər/ gà trố ng These fights usually end up

with the death of one of the

7. rubbish (n) /ˈrʌb·ɪʃ/ rá c Often the buses are dirty,

and littered with rubbish.

8. wish (n,v) /wɪʃ/ lờ i ướ c, ướ c She wished that she had

studied harder.

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1 phá o hoa

2 tiền lì xì

3 hoa mai

4 hoa đà o

5 ướ c mộ t điều ướ c

6 nấ u mộ t mó n ă n đặ c biệt

7 đi chù a

8 trang trí

9 lịch

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1. kỉ niệm

2. là m má t

3. lô ng (gia cầ m)

4. ngườ i xô ng nhà

5. rủ bỏ

6. gà trố ng

7. rá c

8. lờ i ướ c

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1. Cách thành lập
(+): S + will + Vnguyên thể
(-): S + won’t + V
(?): Will + S + V?
Ví dụ : She will come here tonight.
 PĐ: She won’t come here tonight.
 NV: Will she come here tonight?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.
2. Cách sử dụng:
- WILL đượ c dù ng để nó i về mộ t dự định trong tương lai
VD: My father will repaint our house for Tet holiday.
- Diễn tả mộ t quyết định, mộ t ý định nhấ t thờ i nả y ra ngay tạ i thờ i điểm
nó i.
VD:Are you going to the supermarket now? I will go with you.
3. Dấu hiệu:
- tomorrow, soon, tonight,
- in + khoả ng thờ i gian (VD: in two minutes)
- next + thờ i gian (VD: next week)
- in the future.
* Chú ý: Vớ i độ ng từ Tobe dù ng “Will be”.
Ví dụ : She will be fifteen years old next week.

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Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn.

1. I (do)__________it for you tomorrow.

2. My father (call)_____________you in 5 minutes.

3. We believe that she (recover)_______________from her illness soon.

4. I promise I (return)______________to school on time.

5. If it rains, he (stay)____________at home.

6. I think he (come)_______________back his hometown.

7.You and your husband (go) _____________________ to Paris on your honeymoon.

8. Your friends (admire) ______________________ you.

9. I (help) __________________ you when you get into trouble.

10. Everything (be) __________________ perfect.

Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau.

1.I'm afraid I _________________________ (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not/ take)
place at 9 o'clock.
3. A: “Go and tidy your room.”
B: “I _________________________ (not/ do) it!”
4. If it rains, we _________________________ (not/ go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she _________________________ (not/ pass) the exam.
6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Okay, I _________________________ (not/ take) the bus, I'll come with you.”
7. He _________________________ (not/ buy) the car, if he can't afford it.

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8. I've tried everything, but he _________________________ (not/ eat).

9. According to the weather forecast, it _________________________ (not/ snow)
10. A: “I'm really hungry.”
B: “In that case we _________________________ (not/ wait) for John.
Bài 3: Chuyển các câu sau sang câu hỏi.

1.She’ll come tomorrow.

2.He will help her with her homework.
3.They will bake some more
4.It will be very hot this
5.David will call his teacher next
6.April will win this game.
7.He won’t believe us.
8.It will snow at Christmas.
9.She will tell the truth.
10. He will change his job.

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Bài 4: Điền các từ trong bảng vào chỗ trống và chia ở thì tương lai đơn.

be come get like live look meet pass

1. Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you'll pass.

2. Why don't you try on this jacket? It ___________________ nice on you.

3. You must meet George sometimes. I think you ___________________ him.

4. It's raining. Don't go out. You ___________________ wet.

5. Do you think people ___________________ longer in the future?

6. Goodbye. I expect we ___________________ again before long.

7. I've invited Sue to the party, but I don't think she ___________________.

8. When the new road is finished my journey to work ___________________ much


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1. Công thức

Should (nên) + V nguyên thể

Shouldn’t (khô ng nên ) + Vnguyên thể

Ví dụ: You should go to the dentist twice a year.

She shouldn’t eat too much sweet.

2. Cách sử dụng:SHOULD/SHOULDN’T đượ c dù ng để khuyên ai nên hay

khô ng nên là m gì.


A: I’ve got a sore throat. (Tô i bị đau họ ng).

B: You should go to see the doctor. (Bạ n nên đi khá m bá c sĩ).

A: I’ve got a backache. (Tô i bị đau lưng).

B: You shouldn’t carry heavy things. (Bạ n khô ng nên mang đồ nặ ng).

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Bài 1: Nối cột A với cột B để tạo thành các câu có nghĩa.

1. You should say a. too much during Tet holiday.
2. He shouldn't eat b. some decorations for the house this Tet.
3. Mai should buy c. their homework during Tet.
4. We should go d. “Happy New Year” when the clock strikes twelve.
5. They shouldn't forget e. shopping for some new clothes for Tet.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.

1.You ............ “Thank-you” when you receive gifts.

A. should say C. should to say

B. do should say D. should says

2.You ............. your relatives for lucky money at Tet.

A. do should not ask C. shouldn't ask

B. don't should ask D. shouldn't to ask

3.Annie ............. TV all night at Tet.

A. shouldn't watches C. shouldn't to watch

B. doesn't should watch D. shouldn't watch

4.Billy .............. his mother clean the house at Tet.

A. should helps C. does should help

B. should help D. should helps

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5.They .............. fireworks to welcome Tet.

A. shouldn't light C. should not to light

B. don't should light D. not should light

Bài 3: Dựa vào các tình huống sau, viết câu với SHOULD hoặc SHOULDN’T.
Sử dụng các từ trong bảng.

go away for a few days

go to bed so late
look for another job
put some pictures on the walls
take a photograph
use her car so much

1. Liz needs a change.

--> She __________________________________________________________________.

2. Your salary is very low.

--> You __________________________________________________________________.

3. Jack always has difficulty getting up.

--> He __________________________________________________________________.

4. What a beautiful view!

--> You __________________________________________________________________.

5. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.

--> She __________________________________________________________________.

6. Bill's room isn't very interesting.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 4: Điền SHOULD hoặc SHOULDN’T vào chỗ trống.

1. You ________________ go to bed so late every night.

2. He ________________ drink so much coffee before bedtime.

3. You ________________ smoke so much.

4. Tom has a bad toothache. He ________________ go to the dentist.

5. The students ________________ make so much noise.

6. The film is interesting. You ________________ go and see it.

7. Tom ________________ drive carefully. The traffic is very heavy.

8. You ________________ give up smoking.

9. The English girl wants to live in Viet Nam. She ________________ learn

10. You ________________ spend more time on your homework.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. decorate B. market C. resolution D. celebrate

2. A. smile B. station C. spring D. noise

3. A. special B. spring C. she D. sugar

4. A. rice B. celebrate C. calendar D. smile

5. A. cheer B. child C. peach D. chorus

6. A. blossom B. discussion C. rooster D. compass

7. A. tradition B. condition C. celebration D. question

8. A. travel B. parent C. hand D. bad

9. A. love B. pagoda C. mother D. come

10. A. shy B. style C. lucky D. buy

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. My sister is a good cook. She often_______ special food at Tet.

A. buys B. cooks C. takes D. brings

2. On New Year’s day, children ____ lucky money ___ redenvelope.

A. get – in B. ask – on C. take –at D. have – with

3. The Times Square Ball begins its fall __________ millions of voices countdown
the final seconds of the year.

A. during B. because C. when D. throughout

4. Do you believe that the first footer __________ us good or bad luck?

A. must take B. should bring C. can make D. can bring

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. Some Vietnamese people don’t eat shrimps __________ New year’s day.

A. in B. on C. at D. during

6. We shouldn’t play music __________ after midnight.

A. carefully B. loudly C. right D. easy

7. At Tet, many people present rice to wish __________ enough food throughout
the year.

A. in B. for C. at D. with

8. Students __________ copy their classmates’ work.

A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. not

9. The American __________ a midnight kiss with someone they love.

A. share B. take C. bring D. celebrate

10. People in many countries in the world often wear their__________ clothes on
the New Year day.

A. tradition B. traditional C. ordinary D. summer

11. She wish her friend a __________ life and __________ health.

A. long – best B. big – good C. long – good D. happy – bad

12. Linh will __________ her lucky money in my piggy bank.

A. keep B. spend C. borrow D. give

13. We should help our mother __________ the table after the meal.

A. make B. to make C. clear D. to clearing

14. People in Laos __________ water over one another.

A. give B. throw C. take D. bring

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

15. On New Year’s day, children in Korea make a __________ to their parents or
elders and wish them a long and healthy __________.

A. bow – live B. friend – lives C. bows – lives D. bow – life

16. Children should help their parents __________ their house with flowers and

A. make B. do C. decorate D. play

17. New Year’s Eve is a night when members of a family often get __________.

A. together B. another C. other D. others

18. People believe that __________ water over people will bring a lot of rain in
the new year.

A. throw B. to throw C. throwing D. throws

19. January 1st is a day when people in Europe and America __________ new

A. see B. remember C. celebrate D. spend

20. New Year is one of the most important __________ in Vietnam.

A. parties B. events C. festivals D. celebration

Bài 4: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn T (đúng) hoặc F (sai) cho những câu
dưới đây.

Tet is coming. This year, Tet will come in late January. Two more months
and I can't wait. I love going to the spring market with my mother. I love
watching the peach blossom andapricot blossom. They are the spirit of Tet to
me. We will buy a branch of peach blossom. It will be nicely decorated and
placed in the living room. And the firework display on New Year's Eve! My
father takes me to the show every year. Then we will buy some sugar canes to

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

bring luck home. I will not pick leaves on the trees. That's not good for the

1. This year, Tet will come at the end of January.

2. Mai goes to the spring market with her father.

3. Mai will buy a peach blossom tree.

4. Mai goes to a firework show with her father.

5. She wants to protect the environment.

Bài 3: Nối cột A với B cho phù hợp.


1. What shouldn’t we do during Tet? a. On the first day of Tet.

2. When will we visit the pagoda? b. No. we will cook them ourselves.

3. What will you do to help your c. I help my father to repaint and

parents before Tet? decorate our house.

4. Will we buy ‘Banh Chung’ for Tet? d. Well, I keep it in my piggy bank.

5. Will you spend all your lucky e. We shouldn’t play game all day.


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 5: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau bằng những từ được cho trong bảng.

love envelopes give shopping first

gatherings decorate have festival wishes

Tet is a national and family (1)_____________________ . It is an occasion for

every Vietnamese to (2)___________________ a good time while thinking about the
last year and the next year. At Tet, people (3)______________________ streets and
public buildings, almost all shops are crowded with people
(4)_____________________ for Tet. Tet is a time for family (5)____________________. At
home, everything is tidy; people cook special food. First-footing is made
when the (6)__________________ visitor comes, and parents give children lucky
money in red (7)___________________. Tet is also a time for peace and
(8)____________________. During Tet, friends, relatives, and neighbors
(9)___________________ each other their best (10)__________________ for the new

Bài 6: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

It’s Christmas Day now. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are buying some presents for
the family and their friends. They have got a new TV set and some records for
dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Green live in Scotland and they are staying with the
Browns in London at Christmas. Mr. Green is decorating the Christmas tree in
the sitting-room. Mrs. Green is putting some Christmas cards and colorful
lights on it. All people are very happy.

1. What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown doing?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

2. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Green staying?


3. What is Mr. Green doing?


4. What is Mrs. Green doing?


Bài 7: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn.

1. People/ decorate/ homes/ plants/ flowers.


2. People/ try/ nice/ polite/ each other/ because/ they/ want/ good luck/
New Year’s Day.



3. They/ visit/ relatives/ friends/ they/ exchange/ New Year’s wishes.


4. Many people/ go/ pagoda/ have/ happy year/ their family.


5. Tet/ a time/ fun/ festivals/ throughout/ country.


6. the USA/ when the clock/ strike/ midnight/ ,/ everybody/ cheer/ and/


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

7. getting up/ on/ the first day/ of the New Year/ ,/ the Chinese children/
dress/ beautifully/ red.


8. every Vietnamese family/ buy or cook/ banh chung or banh tet/ Tet.


9. Japanese people/ believe/ ringing bells/ can/ remove/ their bad actions/
previous year.


10. the Scottish/ believe/ the first footer/ the New Year’s day/ decides/ the
family’s luck/ the rest/ the year.


Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc sao cho phù hợp.

1/ Nam and Lan (see) ………………………….. a new film tonight.

2/ They (not / go) ………………………….. fishing in the winter.

3/ My father often (go) ………………………….. jogging in the morning.

4/ Hoa (listen) ………………………….. to music in her room at present.

5/ What are you going to do tonight ? - I (do) ………………………….. my
6/ My mother (cook) ………………………….. dinner in the kitchen at the moment.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

7/ I (go) ………………………….. to the school library every Saturday morning.

8/ We ( have ) ………………………….. a soccer match tomorrow afternoon.

9/ What are you going to do this Sunday ? - I (play) …………………………..


10/ I (not / like) ………………………….. milk. I like orange juice.

Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi (từ 2-5 từ), sử dụng các từ gợi

1. It would be a good idea for you to go to the park. (should)

I think _________________________________________________________ a park.
2. You can trust me to finish the homework on time. (will)
I promise ________________________________________________________ on time.
3. It’s unlikely that we’ll do the shopping tomrorrow. (probably)
We _________________________________________________ the shopping tomorrow.
4. I’m never going to breaking things again. (will)
That’s the last time ____________________________________________________ things.
5. I advise you not eat lots of meat. (should)
You ________________________________________________________ meat.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Hoàn thành những câu sau, sử dụng “should” hoặc “shouldn't” và
những từ trong ngoặc.

1. ____________________(You/park) here. It's not allowed.

2. What________________ (I/cook) for breakfast this morning?

3. ________________(You/wear) a raincoat. It's raining outside.

4. _________________(You/smoke). It's bad for you.

5. ________________(We/arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.

6. ________________(I/send) now or later?

7. Do you think________________ (I/apply) for this post?

8. What do you think_____________(I/write) in this space on the form?

9._______________ (I/eat) any more cake. I've already eaten too much.

10. This food is awful._____________(We/complain) to the manager.

11. Which dress do you think______________ (I/buy)?

Bài 2:Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh dựa vào những từ gợi ý:

1. She/ hope/ that/ Mary/ come/ party/ tonight.


2. I/ finish/ my report/ 2 days.


3. If/ you/ not/ study/ hard/,/ you/ not/ pass/ final/ exam.


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. You/ look/ tired/,/ so/ I/ bring/ you/ something/ eat.


5. you/ please/ give/ me/ lift/ station ?


6. I/ promise/ I/ study/ harder/ next/ semester.


7. teacher/ hope/ that/ we / pass/ exams.


Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng will/won't và các động từ đã cho.

light plant have arrange give

1. Our school ______________________ many new trees when Tet comes. Because

trees make our school more beautiful.

2. My family ______________________ fireworks. We will watch them on TV instead.

3. My sister ______________________ beautiful flowers and put them in the living


4. We hope that you  ______________________ a new year full of fun, laughter and

5. I ______________________ my friend a cat as a present because the Vietnamese

believe it brings bad luck.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Mai: Mum, shall we buy a branch of (1)_________________ blossoms?

Mum: Yes, dear. We’ll buy a beautiful one.

Mai: And how many Banh Chung shall we buy?

Mum: We won’t buy Banh Chung, dear. This year, we’ll (2) _________________them
at home.

Mai: Wow… I like cooking Banh Chung. I will help you with that.

Mum: Yes, sure. And I’ll buy some new (3) _________________for you and your

Mai: Thank you, Mum. Shall we buy something for Dad, too?

Mum: Yes, we’ll buy a new (4) _________________for him.

Mai: Should we buy something for grandma and grandpa?

Mum: Yes, of course, dear. We will get them some (5) _________________and…

Mai: And some fruit…

Mum: No dear, we shouldn’t buy fruit. It’s too early. We should wait until the

Mai: Yeah, Mum. And don’t forget to buy some chocolate biscuits for us.

Mum: No, I won’t, dear. I will buy you the most (6) _________________biscuits.

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about Tet activities and traditions
(Hã y nó i về cá c truyền thố ng và hoạ t độ ng ngà y Tết)


1. Introduction

- Giớ i thiệu bả n than

- Giớ i thiệu topic
2. Body

- Tet is one of the most important festivals in Viet Nam…

- It is in + thờ i gian (late January or February…

- Before Tet, Vietnamese people often make some preparations such

as… (clean house, buy decorators....)

- On the New Year, every family cook traditonal food such as …

- There are fireworks in many places of the country.

- Children can receive ….

- On the first three days of Tet, people visit and give best wishes to
each other.

- I love Tet so much beacause I can ( wear new clothes/ enjoy food
and many kinds of candies/ hang out with family and friends / or
just sleep)…..

3. Conclusion

- Tó m lạ i cá c ý đã nêu.

Bài nói của em

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


REVIEW UNIT 4 – 5 – 6
Bài 1: Chọn từ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn lại.
Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

1. A. Sunny B. Beaches C. Weather D. Supermarket

2. A. Big B. Tall C. Wide D. Expensive

3. A. Market B. Memorial C. Park D. Suburb

4. A. rooster B. writer C. swimmer D. gamer

5. A. decorate B. repaint C. envelope D. decorations

6. A. Korea B. Japanese C. Scottish D. Dutch

7. A. Cross B. Turn C. Straight D. Buy

8. A. Blue B. Yellow C. Pink D. Apple

9. A. Police B. Car C. Farmer D. driver

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn

1. A. city            B. cathedral       C. central            D. cinema

2. A. every           B. prepare         C. relative            D. helping

3. A. chat           B. peach           C. chocolate          D. chemistry

4. A. leave           B. break           C. repeat             D. peaceful

5. A. money          B. close           C . most              D. judo

6. A. writes           B. makes          C. takes            D. drives

7. A. never           B. often           C. when             D. tennis

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8. A. Thursday        B. thanks          C. these            D. birthday

9. A. advice           B. price           C. nice              D. police

10. A. coffee          B. see            C. agree             D. free

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Ha Long Bay is the number one ________ in Viet Nam.

A. wonder nature C. nature wonder

B. wonderful nature D. natural wonder

2. We shouldn't play music ________ after midnight.

A. easy B. loud C. right D. careful

3. Children should help their parents________ their house ________ flowers and


A. repaint - with C. decorate - in

B. make - more beautiful D. decorate - with

4. New Year's Eve is a night when members of a family often get________.

A. other B. another C. others D. together

5. Ha Noi is ________ exciting than Viet Tri City.

A. much B. more C. only more D. most

6. The Nile River is the ________ river in the world, ________ the Amazon is the

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


A. longer - but C. long - because

B. long - so D. longest - but

7. If you want to go to the Himalayas, I think you ________ take a waterproof

coat because it is cold and rainy there.

A. mustn't B. can C. can't D. must

8. Some Vietnamese people don't eat shrimps ________ New Year's Day.

A. at B. in C. during D. on

9. In the cinema we ________ eat or drink anything.

A. shouldn't B. must C. can D. should

10. ________ go past the traffic lights, and ________ turn left.

A. Finally - then C. First - then

B. Then - first D. First - than

11. Hoi An is a ________ city and it is famous for its old buildings, shops,
pagodas and houses.

A. history B. historic C. young D. historian

12. The Times Square Ball begins its fall ________ millions of voices countdown
the final seconds of the year.

A. throughout B. because C. during D. when

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

13. My neighborhood is great for outdoor activities________ it has beautiful

parks, sandy beaches and fine weather.

A. and B. because C. but D. so

14. “________” - “It's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world”.

A. What is My Khe Beach in Da Nang like?

B. How does My Khe Beach in Da Nang look?

C. What does My Khe Beach in Da Nang like?

D. What does My Khe Beach in Da Nang look like?

15. Your vocabulary will get ________ by reading a lot of books.

A. easier B. better C. nicer D. higher

Bài 4: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

The Amazon River in South America is an amazing and important river for
the planet. The Amazon River carries more water than any other river in the
world. In fact, the Amazon River is responsible for twenty percent of fresh
water that flows into the world's oceans. The Amazon River is the second
longest river in the world (the Nile River in Africa is the longest), and about
6,400 km long. The Amazon River has the largest area of land that flows into
the river, and more tributaries than any other river in the world - more than
200 tributaries.

1. How many percentage of fresh water flowing into the world's oceans is the
Amazon River responsible for?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

2. Does the Amazon River carry more water than any other river in the world?
3. How long is the Amazon River?
4. What is the longest river in the world?
5. How many tributaries does it have?
Bài 5: Đọc bài sau và chọn T hoặc F.

Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows
through the city. The city part on the east bank is newer and more spacious.
The city part on the west bank is more crowded. There are 5 bridges across
the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest one now. The cost of living in
Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has many beaches.
Among them, Non Nuoc Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the
world. But walking in the streets on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in
Da Nang. There are not many trees so there are not many shadows. It is often
very hot at noon.

........... 1. Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people

........... 2. There are 4 bridges across the Han river.

........... 3. The Han River Bridge is the oldest

........... 4. Da Nang has many beaches

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

........... 5.Non Nuoc Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

It is custom for all (1)________ of a Chinese family to be present at home on

The Eve of Chinese New Year for the family gathering. This custom is meant to
show the unity of the family for (2)_________ new year. On the (3)________ five
days of the Chinese New Year, noone in the family is allowed to sweep the
floor. The Chinese believe that sweeping the floor (4)_______ drive away all the
good (5)__________ that the New Year can bring.

1. A. people B. members C. friends D. characters

2. A. to come B. come C. comes D. coming

3. A. one B. first C. next D. all

4. A. should B. must C. will D. mustn’t

5. A. luck B. money C. news D. time

Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất
của tính từ.

1. The Great Wall of China is the world’s (long) ___________________ structure.

2. The Me Kong River is (long) ___________________ than the Red River.

3. Mexico City is (big) ___________________ than Tokyo.

4. Ho Chi Minh City is the (big) ___________________ city in Viet Nam.

5. China has the (big) ___________________ population in the world.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

6. The Nile River is the (long) ___________________ river in the world.

7. Fansipan is the (high) ___________________ mountain in Viet Nam.

8. Buri Khalifa in Dubai is the world’s (tall) ___________________ building.

9. Russia is the (big) ___________________ country in the world.

10. Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur is (tall) ___________________ than

Sears Tower in Chicago.

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Antarctica is colder than any other places in the world.

Antarctica is _____________________________________________________________________

2. Doing morning exercise every morning is good for you.

You _______________________________________________________________________________

3. My father has a plan to repaint our house before Tet.

My father________________________________________________________________________

4. Fansipan is higher than any other mountains in Indochina.

Fansipan is_______________________________________________________________________

5. Nam is the tallest student in his class.

Nobody in Nam’s class _________________________________________________________

Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý sau để viết câu hoàn chỉnh.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

1. Tomorrow/ Hoa/ buy/ flowers/ her father’s birthday.


2. Nobody/ my class/ better/ Maths/ Minh.


3. Twelve o’clock/ night/ everyone/ say “Happy New Year”/ they/ their
friends/ relatives/ good luck.



4. How often/ you/ go/ fishing/ your father?


5. New market/ inconvenient/ because/ it/ far/ our flat building.



Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166




1 nghệ thuậ t

2 trườ ng nộ i trú

3 bạ n họ c

4 thiết bị

5 nhà kính

6 mô n võ judo

7 hồ bơi

8 gọ t bú t chì

9 com-pa

10 cặ p đi họ c

11 cụ c tẩ y

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



1 má y tính

2 hộ p bú t

3 vở

4 xe đạ p

5 thướ c

6 sá ch giá o khoa

7 hoạ t độ ng

8 sá ng tạ o

9 phấ n chấ n, phấ n khích

10 giú p đỡ , trợ giú p

11 quố c tế

12 nướ c ngoà i

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166




1 nhà phố

2 nhà ở nô ng thô n

3 biệt thự

4 nhà sà n

5 că n hộ

6 phò ng khá ch

7 phò ng ngủ

8 nhà bếp

9 phò ng ngủ

10 phò ng lớ n

11 gá c má i

12 đèn

13 nhà vệ sinh

14 giườ ng

15 tủ chén

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166



1. tủ đự ng quầ n á o

2. tủ lạ nh

3. á p phích

4. ghế

5. má y điều hò a

6. bà n

7. ghế sô pha

8. ngă n kéo tủ

9. kì dị, lạ thườ ng

10. cử a hà ng bá ch hó a

11. má y rử a bá t (chén) đĩa

12. đồ đạ c trong nhà

13. lộ n xộ n, bừ a bộ n

14. lò vi só ng

15. di chuyển, chuyển nhà

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1 cá nh tay

2 tai

3 mắ t

4 châ n

5 mũ i

6 ngó n tay

7 cao

8 lù n, thấ p

9 to

10 nhỏ

11 hă ng há i, năng độ ng

12 dá ng vẻ, ngoạ i hình

13 mó n thịt nướ ng barbecue

14 buồ n tẻ

15 dà n đồ ng ca

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1. cuộ c đua, cuộ c thi

2. tự tin, tin tưở ng

3. tò mò , thích tìm hiểu

4. là m vườ n

5. lính cứ u hỏ a

6. buồ n cườ i, thú vị

7. rộ ng rã i, hà o phó ng

8. điềm tĩnh

9. tính cá ch, cá tính

10. đá ng tin cậ y

11. cuộ c đua

12. nghiêm tú c

13. bẽn lẽn, hay xấ u hổ

14. dá ng thể thao, khỏ e mạ nh

15. tình nguyện viên

16. cung hoà ng đạ o

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1 tượ ng

2 quả ng trườ ng

3 nhà ga

4 nhà thờ

5 đà i tưở ng niệm

6 trá i

7 phả i

8 thẳ ng

9 hẹp

10 ồn ào

11 đô ng đú c

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12 yên tĩnh

13 sâ n phía sau nhà

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1 miếng bă ng dá n

2 thuố c giả m đau

3 kem chố ng nắ ng

4 tú i ngủ

5 ba lô

6 cá i kéo

7 la bà n

8 già y ố ng đi bộ

9 già y ủ ng

10 đèn pin

11 sa mạ c

12 nú i

13 hồ nướ c

14 sô ng

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1. rừ ng

2. thá c nướ c

3. châ u Nam cự c

4. hang độ ng

5. nghệ thuậ t ẩ m thự c

6. đa dạ ng

7. rấ t cầ n thiết

8. hò n đả o

9. hò n đá , phiến đá

10. (gâ y) hồ i hộ p

11. cô ng ty du lịch

12. thung lũ ng

13. mô n thể thao lướ t ván buồ m

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1 phá o hoa

2 tiền lì xì

3 hoa mai

4 hoa đà o

5 ướ c mộ t điều ướ c

6 nấ u mộ t mó n ă n đặ c biệt

7 đi chù a

8 trang trí

9 lịch

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1. kỉ niệm

2. là m má t

3. lô ng (gia cầ m)

4. ngườ i xô ng nhà

5. rủ bỏ

6. gà trố ng

7. rá c

8. lờ i ướ c

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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. uniform B. computer C. student D. judo

2. A. subject B. sure C. surround D. season

3. A. exciting B. nice C. library D. living

4. A. school B. teacher C. cheap D. watching

5. A. teach B. speak C. break D. read

Bài 2: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. You can use a di____________________ to look up a new word.

2. You can use a ca_______________________ to do calculations.
3. You can use a p___________________ to write notes.
4. You can use a sch_______________________ to carry books, pens to school.
5. You can use a ru_______________________ to remove pencil marks from paper.
6. You can use a pe_______________________ to carry pencils, pens, rubbers.
7. You can use a co_______________________ to draw circles.
8. You can use a ru_______________________ to draw straight lines.
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. How is your first week _______ school?

a. on b. at c. for d. to

2. My brother often helps me __________ my homework.

a. at b. about c. for d. with

3. Lan is __________ badminton with her friends in the school yard.

a. having b. studying c. playing d. doing

4. The villa is __________ by pine trees.

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a. surrounded b. built c. covered d. grounded

5. We do __________ in the gym every afternoon.

a. table tennis b. football c. judo d. homework

6. __________ does Mai have science? – On Thursday.

a. Where b. What c. When d. What time

7. Nowadays, students often use __________ in mathematics lessons.

a. rubbers b. calculators c. pencils d. schoolbags

8. My sister goes to a __________ school, so she only comes home at weekends.

a. boarding b. private c. public d. international

9. You look really __________ in your new uniform!

a. excited b. smart c. healthy d. interesting

10. __________ your parent give you pocket money?

a. Is b. Are c. Do d. Does

Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Children often ____________________ (use) a computer for school work.

2. ____________________ (Lam/ watch) TV now?
3. Jackson ____________________ (not go) to school on Sunday.
4. Look! The cat ____________________ (eat) your breakfast.
5. ____________________ (you/ study) PE at school?
6. I ____________________ (not listen) to music, I ____________________ (play) a computer
games at present.
7. Put on the raincoat. It ____________________ (rain). It ____________________(rain) a lot in
8. Where are the children? – They ____________________ (read) books in the library.

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Bài 5: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. My father works at the moment. Is working

2. I am often playing badminton on Sundays.
3. she is wanting to buy a new bike.
4. My children doesn’t like reading.
5. We have dinner now.
6. The girls are skip in the playground.
7. Ann gets up at 6 o’clock and is having breakfast every day.
8. I’m sorry I don’t have time. I cook dinner.

Bài 6: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. Who are you waiting for? 1. No, they are sleeping.

2. What do you do at break time? 2. By bicycle.
3. Where are you going? 3. To buy some bread.
4. Do you play sports after school? 4. My friends.
5. Are they watching television? 5. Five days a week.
6. Why is he going out? 6. Home.
7. How often do you go to school? 7. Yes, I do.
8. How do you go to school? 8. I go out and play in the playground.

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

My dream school is a quiet school (1) _____________ we have just two or three hours a
day, in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we can do many (2) _____________ like
singing dancing, playing soccer, basketball, rugby. We won't have tests and mark
either. The teachers will not (3)_____________ homework, so we can do whatever we
want after school. In my dream school, we can also choose the (4) _____________we

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want: for example, you're not going to learn mathematics or physics if you hate (5)
_____________. So it's a free school where you can learn with calm and serenity and you
can make (6) _____________ friends during afternoon activities.

1. a. what b. where c. when d. how

2. a subjects b. actions c. activities d. acts

3. a give b. take c. do d. get

4. a. class b. classrooms c. classmates d. classes

5. a. it b. them c. her d. him

6. a. much b. few c. any d. lots of

Bài 8: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Hi, I'm Tam. I'm in the sixth grade. Today is my first day at secondary school. In the
morning, I put on my new uniform and get my new bag.

My best friend and I walk to school together. We are both very nervous and excited.
When we get school, we are shown into our classroom with our new teacher. It is
quite scary because I don't know most of the children. Then we go to our first lesson.
We have lots of different subjects and really fun. My favourite subjects are Maths
and English.

I really like my new school, all my teacher are lovely, the lessons are really
interesting the lessons are and I enjoy my first day. I can't wait to go back

1. What grade is Tam in?


2. Who does she go to school with?


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

3. How does she go to school?


4. Why does Tam feel scary?


5. What are her favourite subjects?


6. Does she enjoy her first day at school?


Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. This/ the first week/ my new school.


2. My new school/ big/ and it/ a large library.


3. I/ usually/ my homework/ school library.


4. I/ lots of friends/ and they/ all nice/ me.


5. We/ many subjects/ and/ favourite subject/ English.


6. In the afternoon/ I/ sports/ playground.


7. My friends/ I/ volleyball/ at/ moment.


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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. microwave b. fridge c. sink d. kitchen

2. a. lamps b. fridges c. desks d. plants

3. a. look b. cook c. book d. room

4. poster b. chopstick c. sofa d. wardrobe

5. a. honey b. house c. hour d. hotel

Bài 2: Chọn từ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn lại.

1. a. armchair b. coach c. sofa d. cupboard

2. a. bathroom b. garden c. living room d. bedroom

3. a. wardrobe b. cooker c. dishwasher d. fridge

4. a. apartment b. house c. attic d. villa

5. a. bath b. shower c. mirror d. bed

Bài 3: Sắp xếp các từ sau vào nhóm thích hợp.

Bathroom Self Stilt house Apartment

Lamp Villa Bed Bedroom

Town house Kitchen Microwave Air-conditioner

Sofa Dishwasher Chest of Country house

Wardrobe Dining room Living room

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Types of building Rooms Furniture Equipment

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Don’t stand ____________ the TV. We are trying to watch this programme.

a. behind b. next to c. under d. in front of

2. You should never stand ____________ a tree when it is raining.

a. at b. under c. by d. between

3. My parents are in the ____________ baking a cake for my birthday.

a. bedroom b. dining room c. kitchen d. living room

4. Please turn the ____________ on. It’s so hot here.

a. fan b. light c. cooker d. radio

5. The Tay people mostly live in ____________ made of wood and bamboo.

a. villas b. stilt houses c. apartments d. town houses

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6. In our dining room, ____________ five chairs and a table. We have dinner there every

a. there is b. there are c. there isn’t d. there aren’t

7. ____________ any children in the playground now.

a. There is b. There are c. There isn’t d. There aren’t

8. I like my bedroom best. It’s my __________ room.

a. beautiful b. like c. wonderful d. favorite

9. My room is __________! Dirty clothes, toys, books are all over the floor.

a. messy b. crazy c. nice d. cozy

10. “Where do you live?” - __________________.

a. on the floor c. In an apartment

b. In a kitchen d. Next to the wardrobe

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. I don’t like the garden in the winter time. There ________________________ (be not)
any flowers.
2. There ________________________ (be) some new furniture in the living room.
3. ________________________ (you/get) up early in the morning?
4. The students ________________________ (not prepare) for the IT exam at present.
5. ________________________ (there/ be) a student called Linda in this class?
6. Listen! Someone ________________________ (play) the piano. It ________________________
(sound) great.
7. You ________________________ (look) sad. What’s the matter?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

8. What ________________________ (you/ look) for? – My pencil.

9. Phong ________________________ (not spend) much time on reading.
10.Mary often ________________________ (drive) to the beach when the weather
________________________ (be) nice.
Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. There are only 25 _______________________ in my class. (study)

2. Some _______________________ students do drawings and paintings in the art club.


3. The class is _______________________; students do not stop talking to each other.


4. Your room is _______________________; please pick up your toys. (messy)

5. Every day, we learn English with English ___________________ teacher. (speak)

6. In the afternoon, they can join many _____________________ clubs. (interest)

7. My bedroom is warm and ____________________ (comfort)

8. Kids are not allowed to use _______________________ in math class. (calculate)

9. What is your ____________________ room, Lan? (favour)

10.Linda is so _____________________ about her first day at school. (excite)

Bài 7: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. Where do you live? a. Five.
2. Who do you live with? b. Between the study and the stairs.
3. How many rooms are there? c. In a town.

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4. What's in the living room? d. Yes. There's one next to the window.
5. Where is your room? e. My bedroom.
6. Is there a television in your room? f. A sofa set, a television and a lamp.
7. What is your favourite room? g. My parents and sister.
8. Are there any pictures in the kitchen? h. Yes. There's a big one on the wall
opposite my bed.

Bài 8: Dựa vào bức tranh, chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn miêu
tả căn phòng.

It is a small room. There is some (1) ____________ in the room. There is a bed on the
right of the picture. It is a bed for one person. (2) ____________ the bed there are some
pictures on the wall. Next to the door, on the left, there is a (3) ____________. There is
another chair (4) ____________ the table and the bed. The table and chair are below the
window. On the table (5) ____________ some objects - a jug, a glass and a bowl. Next to
the door on the right there is a (6) ____________ on a peg. Behind the bed there are
some more any modern things on the wall but (7) ____________ aren’t easy to see. Of
course, (8) ____________ any modern things in the room and it isn’t very comfortable.

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1. a furniture b. picture c. people d. tool

2. a On b. Under c. Above d. Behind
3. a bed b. chair c. window d. Table
4. a between b. next to c. beside d. in front of
5. a there is b. there isn’t c. there aren’t d. there are
6. a mirror b. towel c. chair d. picture
7. a there b. it c. they d. that
8. a there are b. there aren’t c. there is d. there isn’t

Bài 9: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.


Hello! My name is Phong and this is my house. My house is quite big. It has got two
floors- a ground floor and a first floor. It also has an attic and a basement. On the
ground floor, there is a kitchen, a living room, a big dining room and a bathroom. On
the first floor, there are three bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My
bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the bathroom. My sister's bedroom
is in front of mine.

I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic, I keep some of my books and
my old toys. I like to spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a
big sofa there where I sometimes take a nap.

At the back of the house, there is a garage where my parents park the family car, and
a lovely garden with many green spaces, flowers, two swings and a small swimming

I love my house! It's very comfortable and cozy.

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Spacious (adj): rộng rãi Cozy (adj): ấm cúng

1. Is Phong’s house big or small?


2. How many rooms are there on the ground floor? What are they?

3. Where is Phong’s room?


4. Why does Phong like to be in the attic?


5. Where is the garage?


6. Is the swimming pool in the garden?


7. Does Phong like his room?


Bài 10: Viết một bức thư gửi cho bạn của em và kể cho bạn ấy về ngôi nhà của
em và căn phòng em yêu thích.








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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. pleased b. reads c. head d. teacher

2. a. ears b. eyes c. hands d. cheeks

3. a. funny b. curious c. chubby d. lunch

4. a. confident b. kind c. nice d. reliable

5. a shy b. pretty c. curly d. pony

Bài 2: Chọn từ trái nghĩa với các từ cho trước.

1. mean A. generous 5. lazy A. serious

B. bright B. hard-working
2. talkative A. helpful 6. cleaver A. silly
B. quiet B. curious
3. rude A. moody 7. depressed A. sad
B. polite B. cheerful
4. outgoing A. shy 8. funny A. serious
B. reliable B. humorous

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. My son spends hours chatting ___________ the phone _________ his friends.

a. at – with b. on – to c. to – with d. in – about

2. Could you turn the television ___________? I want to watch the film.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

a. on b. off c. down d. up

3. My best friend ___________ an oval face and big eyes.

a. have b. has c. is d. gets

4. My brother is really ___________. He always does his homework.

a. hard-working b. lazy c. confident d. generous

5. When eating, most Vietnamese people hold chopsticks in their right ___________

a. arm b. leg c. head d. hand

6. Which do you prefer, straight hair or ___________ hair?

a. long b. blonde c. curly d. thick

7. The kids are ___________ their tricycles around the playground.

a. playing b. riding c. taking d. driving

8. Nam is very shy, but his brother is ___________.

a. hardworking b. calm c. funny d. outgoing

9. ___________ explain this grammar for me? – Sure.

a. Can you c. Would you like

b. Could you please d. Would you mind

10. Would you like to come for dinner tonight? - ___________.

a. Yes, certainly. c. Not at all.

b. I’d love to. Thanks d. No, thanks.

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Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. We ____________________ (have) a meeting next week.

2. Linda ____________________ (wear) her uniform every day.
3. What time ____________________ (you/ meet) Peter tomorrow?
4. Phong and Lan ____________________ (run) because they are late for school.
5. My grandfather ____________________ (not drink) tea very often.
6. I enjoy ____________________ (read) stories and ____________________ (play) badminton.
7. Would you like ____________________ (go) to the cinema with me?
8. I ____________________ (not work) today. I’m on holiday.
9. We ____________________ (not want) to go shopping tonight.
10.A: What ____________________ (Jack/ do) this weekend?
B: He ____________________ (do) his homework.
Bài 5: Gạch chân đáp án đúng trong các câu sau.

1. We stay/ are staying in a lovely hotel near the park.

2. My dad reads/ is reading newspapers every morning.
3. Do you know/ Are you knowing my friend Lisa?
4. I see/ am seeing our teacher over there.
5. What do you do/ are you doing tomorrow morning?
6. Our flight lands/ is landing in Mexico at 7 o’clock.
7. Wait a minute, she speaks/ is speaking to someone on the phone.
8. A lot of people speak/ are speaking Vietnamese in the USA.
9. He takes/ is taking Mina out for dinner tonight.
10.Jack usually eats/ is eating cold cereal for breakfast, but today he eats/ is
eating oatmeal instead.
11.We go/ are going to Vietnamese next summer.
12.The restaurant opens/ is opening at 7 pm tonight.

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Bài 6: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời thích hợp.

1. What are you doing this weekend? a. They are dark brown.
2. What does your English teacher look b. It's Mary. She is my new friend.
like? c. I'm visiting my aunt.
3. What is Mary like? d. She's slim and has long blond hair and
4. Where are the kids? blue eyes.
5. Can you help me with my homework, e. Sound great! I'd be happy to.
please? f. She's kind, active and sensitive.
6. Would you like to join us at a party on g. They are playing in the playground.
Sunday? h. Sorry, I can't. I'm busy.
7. What colour are his eyes?
8. Who is that girl?

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Wickedly Wonderful is a small summer (1)_________ in the UK for children aged 6 to

13 years old. The children (2) _________ a week outdoors at the camp, making new
friends and learning new activities (3) _________ having a lot of fun. (4) _________ the
summer camp, they sail, horse ride, enjoy games on the beach and the beach (5) -
_________, swim, surf, go crabbing and ride bikes. Children will enjoy holidays with
Wickedly Wonderful, and (6) _________ are holiday that they will remember forever.

1. a. term b. course c. camp d. holiday

2. a. take b. spend c. use d. pass

3. a. which b. what c. where d. while

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4. a. At b. In c. On d. During

5. a. firingcamp b. campfire c. firecamp d. firingcamp

6. a. this b. that c. these d. those

Bài 8: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Hi, my name's Lan. And this is a picture of me and my friend Mai. Mai is the girl who
has a bow in her hair. She is a pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met at
primary school and we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are
classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning.

Mai likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we
usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. Mai is good at
Mathematics. So she often helps me with my Mathematics homework. At the
moment, Mai and I are doing English project in my room. We both like English. This
Sunday morning, we are going to our school English club.

I hope Mai and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and
she is my best friend.

1. Who is the girl on the right of the picture?


2. Are Lan and Mai in different classes now?


3. Where did they first meet?


4. What is Mai like?


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. What does Mai like?


6. What do Lan and Mai usually do in the evenings?


7. Where are they now?


8. What are they doing this Sunday morning?


Bài 10: Viết một bức thư cho bạn của em, kể cho bạn ấy về người bạn thân của
em và những việc cùng làm với người bạn đó.












Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166






Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. lamps b. desks c. lights d. hands

2. a. mother b. nose c. sofa d. poster

3. careful b. class c. pencil d. cupboard

4. kitchen b. children c. chat d. character

5. a. subject b. music c. study d. lunch

Bài 2: Chọn từ khác nhóm với các từ còn lại.

1. a. calculator b. cooker c. rubber c. pencil

2. a. ear b. nose c. mouth d. finger

3. a. bathroom b. living-room c. villa d. kitchen

4. a blonde b. creative c. out-going d. mean

5. a cupboard b. television c. sofa d. desk

Bài 3: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống, sử dụng từ gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. I live in a/ an apa____________________________ in Hanoi city.

2. We have His__________________ on Thursday and Friday.
3. John and Jin are going cam___________________ this weekend.
4. You can reheat the soup in the mic____________________.
5. Do you play voll__________________ after school?
6. Are there any coats in the war______________________?
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The boy is sitting ________ the computer. He is playing computer games.

a. under b. next to c. behind d. in front of

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

2. The school year in Vietnam starts ________ September 5th.

a. in b. on c. at d. since

3. Students live and study in a ________ school. They only come home at weekends.

a. secondary b. international c. boarding d. private

4. My best friend is very ________. She plays badminton very well.

a. sociable b. sporty c. lovely d. funny

5. Rose is healthy because she does ________ every day.

a. football b. yoga c. basketball d. badminton

6. There are so many new words in the passage. Can I use a ________ to help me?

a. calculator b. pencil c. dictionary d. notebook

7. ________ are your friends coming for the party tomorrow? – About 7 pm.

a. What b. Where c. What time d. How often

8. What are you doing this Sunday? – I’m ________fishing with my friends.

a. having b. going c. doing d. playing

9. How is your first day at school? - _____________________.

a. By bike. c. That sounds great.

b. Five days a week. d. Really exciting.

10. Would you like to go for a drink? - ________________.

a. Oh, sorry, I can’t. c. Not at all

b. No, I wouldn’t. d. My pleasure.

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. John and Linda _______________________________ (train) for the football game next

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

2. Where is Lan? – She _______________________________ (skip) with her mates in the

3. _______________________________ (you/ play) football after school?
4. There _______________________________ (be) a bed, bookshelf, a desk and three chairs
in my room.
5. She _______________ (not have) a pretty face, but she _____________________ (have)
beautiful eyes.
6. _______________________________ (Phong/ ride) his bike to school tomorrow?
Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. Jenny is very ____________________________ and gets along well with everyone. (friend)
2. Please be ________________________ with those vases. Don’t break them. (care)
3. Lam is so ____________________________. She talks so much in class. (talk)
4. We had a lot of ____________________________ at Linda’s party. (funny)
5. Keep yourself _______________________ by eating well and exercising regularly.
6. We are going to Han River to watch fireworks ____________________________.
Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. I live in a apartment on Nguyen Trai Street.

2. Listen! Someone knocks at the door.

3. What do you doing tomorrow?

4. There is some new furnitures in the living room.

5. My mother have short curly hair and big blue eyes.

6. Would you like going to the movies tonight?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 8: Nối câu ở cột A với cột B cho phù hợp.

1. Where does your brother live? a. Oh I'd love to!
2. What does he look like? b. He's a bit boring. He really doesn't like
3. What's he like? anything.
4. What does he like? c. No, thanks. I'm full.
5. Would you like something to eat? d. Lemon juice, please. me.
6. Would you like to have dinner with me e. He's tal with dark brown hair.
on Saturday? f. Yes, sure.
7. Can you pass me that book, please? g. In Hanoi.
8. What would you like to drink? h. He's humorous and easy-going
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bức thư sau.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Hi friend!

Hi Tom,

Nice to meet you! My name is Tuan and I am fifteen years old. I live in Hanoi City
with my parents, my little sister Hanh and a bull dog Rocky. We live in a house on
Thai Thinh Street. My house (1)_______ three bedrooms and a small garden.

I live (2)_________ my school so I walk to school every day. I like my school and my
favorite subjects are PE and Science. I also like to work with computers. What about
you? What subject do you like (3)_______ school?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

My best friends are Minh and Phong and we are in the (4)______ class. After school, I
often go to the school canteen with my friends. The canteen has got Wi-fi so we can
chat (5)_______ while eating or drinking and then usually we go home and do our
homework. At the weekend, I play sports with my friends. We play football and
basketball and sometimes we go (6)________.

Write soon and tell me about yourself, your friends and your family.

Best wishes,


1. a. have b. has c. is d. are

2. a. next b. in front c. near d. far

3. a. at b. on c. in d. for

4. a. any b. very c. some d. same

5. a. offline b. online c. inline c. outline

6. a. swim b. to swim c. swimming d. to swimming

Bài 10: Đọc bài sau và điền T (true) hoặc F (false).

FIRST YEAR CAMP July 2nd - July 8th for 5th - 6th Graders

We have designed a camp for rising 5th and 6th Graders. It's not only great fun, but a
great way to meet new friends! The week is very busy with arts, crafts, music,
swimming, hiking, games, adventure, worship and LOTS of fun!

ROCK CLIMBING CAMP July 9th - July 15th Minimum age 13

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

This week will focus primarily on learning how to safely rock climb and rappel. This
week will include hiking, camping, outdoor cooking, climbing, and rappelling. ALL
climbing and safety equipment is provided. If you have climbing shoes, you are
welcome to bring them, but please do not bring any other equipment. Join us for a
great week of FUN in the outdoors!

ART CAMP July 16th - July 22nd for 7th - 12th Graders

The week will be filed with workshops in photography, drawing, pottery, drama,
calligraphy, music, painting, and much more... All of this is in addition to games,
swimming, worship, free time, movies, hikes in the woods and spending time with a
great staff! Eat, play, create!

1. The First Year Camp is for kids aged between 10 and 12.

2. Children will rock climb at the First Year Camp.

3. Children must bring climbing shoes when they join the Rock Climbing Camp.

4. Children under 13 can't join the Rock Climbing Camp.

5. At Art Camp, children learn to write, draw, paint, make pottery and so on.

6. Children at Art Camp learn in workshops all the time.

Bài 11: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Her eyes are black and big.

She ________________________________________________________________________

2. My house has a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.

There ________________________________________________________________________

3. Minh likes Science a lot.

Minh’s ________________________________________________________________________

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. Tom is hard-working and smart.

Tom isn’t ________________________________________________________________________

5. What is your address?

Where ________________________________________________________________________?

6. Do you want to go for a drink?

Would ________________________________________________________________________?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. peaceful b. pleasure c. sleepy d. cheap

2. a. exciting b. quiet c. wide d. terrible

3. a. crowded b. interested c. bored d. polluted

4. shops b. theaters c. streets d. parks

5. a. narrow b. crowded c. now d. about

Bài 2: Hãy điền các địa điểm sau cho phù hợp.

Restaurant Cinema Post office Bank

Bakery Grocery Bookstore Art gallery

1. It is a place where we send letters and buy stamps. _________________________

2. It is a place where we can buy books. _________________________
3. It is a place where we pay money to watch a movie. _________________________
4. It is a place where we can buy and eat a meal. _________________________
5. It is a place where we can save money. _________________________
6. It is a place where we can buy food and other goods. _________________________
7. It is a place where we can see paintings and other works of _________________________
8. It is a place where we can buy bread and cakes. _________________________

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. What is there _________ your neighborhood?

a. in b. on c. at d. from

2. Turn left _________ the traffic lights and the bookstore is _________ your left.

a. in – on b. at – in c. at – on d. on – in

3. _________ the first turning on the left and then go straight.

a. Cross b. Get c. Turn d. take

4. She is much _________ now, but she’s still taking medication.

a. good b. gooder c. better d. more better

5. The air in many cities is heavily _________ with vehicle exhaust fumes.

a. polluted b. crowded c. wasted d. contained

6. I’m going to the _________ to buy some medicines and bandage.

a. cinema b. chemist’s c. bookstore d. restaurant

7. My neighborhood is very _________ because everything is near my house.

a. convenient b. exciting c. funny d. inconvenient

8. _________ go to the cinema this weekend. – Good idea!

a. Let’s b. Why don’t c. Shall you d. Could you

9. Living in the city is _________ convenient than in the countryside.

a. a lot b. much c. many d. more

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

10. Is there a cinema in your neighborhood? - ______________.

a. No, it isn't. The cinema is near my house.

b. Yes. There is one not far from my house.

c. There is a cinema in my neighborhood.

d. The cinema is opposite the park.

Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. I _____________________ (have) a great time in Danang at the moment.

2. There ____________________ (be) always much traffic, day and night.
3. My friend, Misa, and I ___________________ (spend) a week in Nha Trang last
4. Outside the sun ________________________ (shine), so I’m off to get some fresh air.
5. We usually ______________________ (stay) at home for holiday, but this holiday, we
________________________ (travel) to England.
6. _________________ (be) there any parks in your neighborhood?
7. My grandma _____________________ (not like) living in the countryside.
8. How ____________________ (I/ get) to the post office? – Go straight ahead and turn
9. Where ___________________ (you/ go) now? – We __________________ (go) to Hoan Kiem
10._________________ (be) there a railway station nearby? – No. There _________________
(be) no railway station near here.
Bài 5: Điền dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ vào chỗ trống.

1. I find war films ________________________ than romantic ones. (boring)

2. She is ________________________ than I thought. (clever)

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

3. My exam results were ________________________ than I expected. (bad)

4. Which one of these city is ________________________ from us, Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh
city? (far)
5. His latest film is ________________________ then the previous one. (funny)
6. Hanoi is ________________________ than Hung Yen. (polluted)
7. I think living in the city is ________________________ than living in the country. (good)
8. The house is much ________________________ than the flat we had in Paris. (spacious)
9. Today’s weather will be 7 degrees ________________________ than yesterday. (hot)
10.The seafood here is ________________________ than in Hanoi. (delicious)
Bài 6: Nối các câu sau cho phù hợp.

1. Excuse me! Is there a grocery a. Turn at the next corner. Go on to the traffic
store near here? lights. Turn right. It's on your left.
2. Shall we go by bus? b. Let's visit some historic houses in the town.
3. Where is the cinema? c. Hanoi is much smaller than Saigon.
4. What shall we do this morning? d. Yes, there is one on the corner, just a five-
5. How can I get to the post office? minute walk.
6. Let's go to West Lake first. e. I think it's more convenient to go by taxi.
7. Which city is bigger - Hanoi or f. Because there are many shopping malls
Saigon? around the neighborhood.
8. Why is the road too crowded on g. It's opposite the supermarket.
weekends? h. That's a good idea.

Bài 7: Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau.

Minh: Hello Tuan. Please tell me (1) ________________ I get to your house?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Tuan: Will you be coming by motorbike or by bus?

Minh: I will be coming by motorbike. Please tell me the easiest (2) ________________ of
getting to your house.

Tuan: Take the Thai Thinh road. (3)_____________________ left on to Tay Son street. Then
turn left (4) ____________________ the roundabout and take the first right. My house is
on the right (5) _____________________ to the bookstore.

Minh: Thank you so much.

Tuan: My (6) _____________________.

Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Newquay is small town (1) ________ the Atlantic coast in the south of England. It has
got great beaches and is the (2) ________ place to surf in the UK.

In Newquay, there are lots of other things to do as (3)_________ surfing. If you like
water sports, you can go kayaking, water-skiing, coasteering. Coasteering is
different because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same
activity, but you (4)________ always go with a special instructor.

If you like animals, you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and (5)_______ different
fish and even sharks. You can also go (6)________ on the beach or visit Newquay Zoo.
Come and see for yourself!

1. a . in b. on c. at d. to

2. a. good b. better c. best d. goodest

3. a. well b. much c. soon d. far

4. a. shall b. may c. could d. should

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. a. see b. like c. get d. look

6. a. horse ride b. horse riding c. riding horse d. ride horse

Bài 9: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Hi Friends! My name's Lisa and I live in Hilltown. It is a small town in the south of
England. About 9,000 people live here.

There are many shops in the town and there are three supermarkets. You can buy
everything you need in the town. There are two banks, a post office, a police station
and library, too. You can find a big market where you can buy fresh fruit, vegetables,
meat and dairy products. I like going to the market with my mum. There is a park in
the town center. In the park, children can play because there is a playground. In our
town, you can can find some restaurants and cafés. My favorite café is Icecave. It's in
Park street and the ice cream is fantastic here!

There are three elementary schools and two high schools in Hilltown. My school is
in Mill Street. Next to our school, there is a sports center. Every Tuesday afternoon,
we play volleyball.

I like living in Hilltown because it is a calm, neat place and people are friendly

1. Where is Hilltown?

2. How many people are there in the town?


3. Are there any parks in the town?


4. What can you buy in the market?


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. What café does she like best?


6. How many schools are there in Hilltown?


7. How often does she play volleyball?


8. Does Lisa like her town? Why?


Bài 10: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ gợi ý.

1. How about play badminton for a change? ( SHALL)


2. Do you want to go for lunch now? (WOULD)


3. Can you tell me the way the nearest cinema? (HOW)


4. The first question in the test was easier than the second one. (DIFFICULT)

5. I expected my exam results to be better. (THAN)


6. The park is at the side of the grocery store. (NEXT)


7. Johnny doesn’t earn as much money as his wife. (MORE)


8. Could you close that door, please? (MIND)


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. forest b. wonder c. rock d. lost

2. a cave b. bay c. valley d. lake

3. boots b. scissors c. caves d. mountains

4. a. diverse b. island c. scissors d. right

5. a. beach b. cheese c. change d. chemistry

Bài 2: Chọn từ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn lại.

1. a. desert b. forest c. plaster d. island

2. a. worse b. best c. farthest d. healthiest

3. a. scissors b. painkillers c. boots d. compass

4. a. natural b. wonder c. exciting d. famous

5. a. clever b. quieter c. louder d. higher

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Ha Long Bay is famous _______ its scenic rock formations.

a. to b. of c. for d. about

2. Titov island in Ha Long Bay was named _______ a Russian cosmonaut.

a. for b. with c. after d. by

3. You _______ look at other student’s work. It’s against the rules.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

a. must b. should c. shouldn’t d. mustn’t

4. The Sahara is the third largest _______ in the world.

a. island b. desert c. bay d. mountain

5. When hiking overnight, don’t forget to bring the _______. It will keep you warm at

a. sleeping bag b. hiking boots c. sun cream d. painkillers

6. The Amazon River is _______ river in the world.

a. wider b. the wider c. the wildest d. wildest

7. _______ is the coldest place in the world?

a. Who b. What c. Which d. When

8. Jackson must _______ this essay today. He’s going out tomorrow.

a. finish b. finishes c. finishing d. to finish

9. Which is _______, the West Lake or the Sword Lake?

a. large b. larger c. the largest d. largest

10. The Grand Canyon is one of the natural _______ of the world.

a. materials b. sights c. scenery d. wonders

Bài 4: Viết dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất của tính từ vào chỗ trống.

1. That building is ___________________ (ugly) one I have ever seen.

2. It is ___________________ (enjoyable) to read the story than to see a film.
3. Which is ___________________ (high), Mount Everest or K2?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. This is one of ___________________ (cold) places on Earth.

5. Buying things from plastic is ___________________ (bad) than buying things from
recycled paper.
6. At present, Son Doong cave is ___________________ (famous) cave in Quang Binh.
7. This house is nicer, but it’s ___________________ (far) form the city center than the
other one.
8. The boat trip was ___________________ (good) experience of my life.
Bài 5: Phát hiện lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. In the center is the bigest island in the bay. ____________________________

2. Big cities are much more better than the countryside ____________________________

3. I must to go to the bank and get some money ____________________________

4. Fansipan is Vietnam's the highest mountain. ____________________________

5. That is the worse joke I've ever heard in all my life ____________________________

6. Look! There is a 'NO PARKING' sign. You must park here. ____________________________

7. This is the most quickest way to the hotel. ____________________________

8. We mustn't hurry or we'll late for class. ____________________________

Bài 6: Nối cột A với cột B cho phù hợp.

1. What is Tuan Chau? a. Visit Dragon Bridge, Ba Na Hill, Marble
Mountain, and relax on beautiful beaches.
2. Where is Mount Everest? b. They can get there by boat.
3. What is the highest mountain in c. It's an island in Ha Long City.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. How can visitors get to the Falls? d. It's Uluru.

5. What is the other name for Ayres e. It's Fansipan.
Rock? f. It's on the border between Nepal and
6. What can we do in Da Nang? China.
7. How far is Ha Long Bay from Hanoi? g. Tent, sleeping bag, torch, sun cream and
8. What must you bring when going First Aid Kit.
camping? h. It's about 170km.

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

The Ha Long Bay is (1) ________ in Quang Ninh Province in Vietnam. The name of the
bay is roughly translated to descending dragon in Vietnamese. The bay is a UNESCO
World Heritage (2)__________ and is lined by over a 1600 limestone islands and islets.

Legend has it that, when the Vietnamese were protecting their territory (3) ________
invaders, they offered prayers to their gods who then sent dragons as the protectors
of the place. (4) ________ the invaders were approaching via sea, the dragons spat out
jewels creating islands that lined the bay and obstructed the ships and boats of the

Ha Long Bay is one of the (5) ______ popular tourist destinations and is visited by
hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. You can opt for a (6) ______ cruise, that
will take you as close to a lot of these islets.

1. a. visited b. located c. followed d. discovered

2. a. Nature b. Sight c. Wonder d. Site

3. a. from b. with c. to d. by

4. a. What b. Where c. When d. Which

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. a. much b. many c. more d. most

6. a. train b. boat c. plane d. bus

Bài 8: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world. It is the largest
waterfall in the world. It is 1.7 kilometers wide and 108 meters high. Victoria Falls is
located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and travelers can access the
falls through either Livingstone, Zambia or Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The Zambezi
River, which originates in northern Zambia, serves as the fall's water source.

Vitoria Falls was discovered by the Scottish explorer Dr. David Livingstone in 1855.
He named the falls after Queen Victoria. The locals called the falls Mosi-oa-Tunya
meaning "the smoke that thunders". Long before you even see the waterfalls you can
hear the roaring of the water!

The months of June and July are probably the best time to view the falls. The water
levels are still high enough to showcase the splendor of the falls, but the amount of
water is less creating less spray and more visibility of the falls.

1. Where is Victoria Falls?


2. How high is the falls?


3. Is Victoria Falls the world’s highest waterfall?


4. What is the other name for Victoria Falls?


5. Who discovered the falls?


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

6. When is the best time to visit the falls?


Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. It’s very important for you to be here at 7 am.

You __________________________________________________________________________

2. Minh wants to visit Ha Long bay.

Minh would ___________________________________________________________________

3. The Sahara Desert is hotter than any other dessert in the world.
The Sahara is ______________________________________________________________________

4. Gmail is generally better than other email services.

Other email services are generally not ____________________________________________

5. The Nile river is the longest river in the world.

No other river in the world is _______________________________________________________

6. I’ve never seen such a wonderful place before.

This is the __________________________________________________________________________

7. It’s against the rules to make noise in the library.

You __________________________________________________________________________

8. How high is Mount Everest?

What is __________________________________________________________________________?

9. No one in the office is cleverer than Mr. Tuan.

Mr Tuan __________________________________________________________________________

10.Shall we go to Nha Trang beach this weekend?

How about ________________________________________________________________________?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. could b. around c. house d. sound

2. a. shout b. flower c. bow d. throw

3. a. sure b. shout c. sing d. wish

4. a. peach b. sweets c. eat d. weather

5. a. celebrate b. country c. city d. cinema

Bài 2: Điền một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. The Vietnamese ________________________________ Tet in late January or early

2. Children ________________________________ their grandparents health and longevity.
3. Tet is a time for family ________________________________.
4. Thousands of people gathered to ________________________________ fireworks.
5. Children receive ________________________________ money in red envelopes.
6. The believe that the first ________________________________ on New Year’s Day decides
the family luck.
7. New Year’s ________________________________ is on December 31.
8. We ________________________________ our house with flowers and trees.
9. One tradition in Thai New Year is to throw ________________________________ over
10.Children ________________________________ eat lots of sweets – it’s not good for their
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

1. Vietnamese people usually return to their families ________ Tet.

a. in b. on c. for d. during

2. When the clock stikes midnight, colourful fireworks light ________ the sky.

a. in b. up c. on d. over

3. You shouldn’t ________ things on the first day of Tet.

a. make b. hang c. break d. cook

4. Tet is the ________ time of the year.

a. busy b. busier c. busiest d. most busy

5. Tet is the biggest and most important ________ in Vietnam.

a. festival b. decoration c. occasion d. tradition

6. Tet is coming. We ________ clean and decorate our house.

a. should b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. have

7. I always ________ my grandparents a long life and good health.

a. celebrate b. wish c. make d. bring

8. The ________ is the first person to enter your house in the New Year.

a. relative b. first brother c. first footer d. rooster

9. ________ do Vietnamese people prepare for Tet? – They decorate their house and
cook special food.

a. What b. Where c. How d. How often

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

10. In which country do people throw water at one another? - ________.

a. Scotland b. Thailand c. The USA d. Denmark

Bài 4: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau rồi sửa lại cho đúng.

1. My parents will to give us lucky money in red envelopes. ______________________

2. In New Year's Eve, each family kills a rooster. ______________________
3. Before Tet, my mother go shopping to buy some new ______________________
4. April is the hotter time of the year in Thailand. ______________________

5. People have a lot of firework at Tet. ______________________

6. I write again soon to tell you more! ______________________

7. Children should fight each other at Tet. ______________________

8. They believe that the first footer decides the family's lucky. ______________________

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc sao cho phù hợp.

1. Vietnamese people ____________________________ (celebrate) the Lunar New Year

every year.
2. This Tet, my family ____________________________ (not buy) Chung cakes. We will
make them.
3. Look! Mr. Phong ____________________________ (repaint) his house to welcome Tet.
4. You shouldn’t ____________________________ (wear) white clothes on the first day of
5. People spend a few days ____________________________ (clean) their houses before Tet.
6. Tet ____________________________ (occur) in late January and early February.
7. ____________________________ (they/ give) a New Year party this weekend?
8. Phong loves ____________________________ (eat) traditional food during Tet.
Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

1. Tet is coming. It’s our New Year ____________________________. (celebrate)

2. Easter is one of the best time for family ____________________________. (gather)
3. They wish each other good ____________________________ for the New Year. (lucky)
4. You should keep ____________________________ by eating well and exercising regularly.
5. Shrimps move backwards and you will not ___________________________ in the New
Year. (success)
6. I will help my parents with the house ____________________________. (decorate)
7. Everybody around is cheering and singing ____________________________. (happy)
8. Banh Chung is made of ____________________________ rice, pork and green bean. (stick)
Bài 7: Nối cột A với cột cho phù hợp.

1. What should we do on New Year's Eve? a. My family will travel to Thailand.
2. Will we buy peach blossoms this New b. Thanks a lot. May all your wishes
Year, Mom? come true! 200
3. I wish you a healthy new year! c. On the first day of Tet.
4. Do you go home at Tet? d. We should go out to watch
5. Shall we have a dinner party on New fireworks.
Year's Eve?
6. What will you do during Tet holiday? e. For three days.

7. When will we visit grandparents, Dad? f. OK. Yes, let's. I'll make a cake.

8. How long will we stay at grandparents' g. No. We'll buy apricot blossoms.
house? h. Yes. Tet is a time for family reunion.

Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

New Year is one of the most important (1) ________ in the United States. On New
Year's Eve, most people go to the parties. At twelve o'clock at night, everyone says
"Happy New Year" and they (2) ________ their friends and relatives good luck. New
Year's parties usually last a long time. Many people don't go home (3)_________
morning. Another holiday, Halloween, is mainly for children. On this holiday,
children (4)_______ as witches, ghosts or other characters. Most children go (5) _____
house to house and say "Trick or Treat", asking for candy or fruit. If the people at the
house do not give them candy, the children will play a trick on them. But this (6) ____
ever happens. Most people give them candy or fruit.

1. a. competitions b. festivals c. decorations d. traditions

2. a. wish b. exchange c. bring d. play

3. a. in b. on c. for d. until

4. a. put b. make c. dress d. set

5. a. from b. in c. to d. for

6. a. mostly b. hardly c. usually d. always

Bài 9: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Lunar New Year, or Tet, is the biggest and most important festival in Vietnam. Tet
often falls between late January and early February.

A great deal of excitement still builds up well before Tet. Streets are decorated with
colourful lights and red banners. Shops are full of goods. People are busy buying
gifts, cleaning and decorating their houses and cooking traditional foods

Homes are often decorated with plants and flowers at this time. Peach blossom is
traditional at Tet in the North while apricot blossom is traditional in the South. One

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

of Tet's most special foods is Banh Chung, which is made of sticky rice, green beans
and fatty pork.

On the days of Tet, people visit other family members or friends and they exchange
New Year's wishes. Children receive their "lucky money" inside red envelopes. Many
people go to pagodas to pray for a happy new year for themselves and their families.
Both children and adults take part in games and various forms of entertainment. Tet
is really a time of fun and festivals throughout the country.

1. When does Tet occur?


2. What do people do to prepare for Tet?


3. Where is apricot blossom the symbol of Tet?


4. What is Banh Chung made of?


5. What do children receive during Tet?


6. On the days of Tet, what do Vietnamese people go to pagodas for?


Bài 10: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng must, mustn’t, should,

1. Parking in this street is prohibited.

You _______________________________________________________________________

2. It's not a good idea to swim immediately after a meal.

You _______________________________________________________________________

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

3. It's really important to take this medicine three times a day.

You _______________________________________________________________________

4. It's a good idea to listen to the weather forecast before going camping.

You _______________________________________________________________________

5. It's a good for you to take exercise every day

You _______________________________________________________________________

6. It's very important not to drink the water there. It will make you ill

You _______________________________________________________________________

7. It's not good to eat lots of sweets.

You _______________________________________________________________________

8. It's against the rules to use your mobile phone in class.

You _______________________________________________________________________

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. historic b. exciting c. island d. firework

2. a. calendar b. celebrate c. decorate d. school

3. a. wonder b. compass c. brother d. forest

4. a. beach b. teach c. feather d. peaceful

5. a. clothes b. fireworks c. scissors d. mountains

Bài 2: Chọn từ khác loại.

1. a. temple b. valley c. desert d. cave

2. a. compass b. backpack c. peach d. rubber

3. a. holiday b. decorate c. spring d. gathering

4. a. long b. deep c. high d. cheap

5. a. visit b. clean c. slim d. plant

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. People often clean and decorate their houses __________ Tet.

a. during b. after c. before d. on

2. Turn right at the traffic lights, and you’ll see the supermarket straight __________.

a. away b. ahead c. aside d. again

3. Mekong River is __________ river in South East Asia.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

a. long b. longer c. longest d. the longest

4. You __________ speak during the exam – it’s forbidden.

a. should b. shouldn’t c. must d. mustn’t

5. Some of her paintings are displayed at the local __________.

a. art gallery b. museum c. stadium d. hospital

6. The Vietnamese __________ Tet at different times each year.

a. decorate b. watch c. celebrate d. welcome

7. __________ we go out for dinner tonight? – Great!

a. Must b. Can c. Will d. Shall

8. __________ does Tet last? – About 10 days.

a. When b. How long c. What time d. How often

9. Life in the countryside is __________. There aren’t many things to do there.

a. interesting b. inconvenient c. boring d. noisy

10. Can you tell me the way to the West Lake? - __________. Go straight, then turn left.

a. Certainly b. Let’s go c. Good idea d. My pleasure

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Everybody ___________________________ (cheer) and ___________________________ (sing)

happily at the moment.
2. Sorry, I can’t come. I ___________________________ (be) very busy tomorrow.
3. ___________________________ (they/ play) basketball this weekend?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

4. Most students ___________________________ (not go) to school on Sunday.

5. You must ___________________________ (take) a boat ride around the island.
6. After ___________________________ (get) up, children get dressed in new clothes.

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. The weeks before Tet is the ___________________________ time of the year. (busy)
2. The street is always ___________________________ with pedestrians and traffic. (crowd)
3. Ha Long Bay is one of the ___________________________ wonders of the world. (nature)
4. Is living in the city ___________________________ than in the countryside? (good)
5. On the first day of Tet, we dress ___________________________ and go to pagodas.
6. Red symbolizes luck and ___________________________. (happy)
Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. Vietnamese people prepares for Tet several weeks ________________________

2. Mount Everest is the most highest mountain in the world. ________________________

3. Da Nang is very interested. I really like it. ________________________

4. They'll go abroad next year, will they? ________________________

5. You look tired. You should work so hard. ________________________

6. If you read more, your vocabulary will get gooder every day. ________________________

Bài 7: Đọc các đoạn văn sau.

Mary, aged 17, Glasgow

In Scotland, we celebrate Hogmanay at New Year. Last year I went to Edinburgh, our
capital city, to the Hogmanay Street Party. It was epic! There were lots of cool bands.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

The fireworks were amazing too. I'm going again this year. My resolutions for this
year are to be nicer to my little brother, spend less money on clothes and stop biting
my nails.

Ben, 16, Brighton

What are my plans? Well, I'm going swimming with my parents on the New Year's
Day swim this year. It's freezing cold in the water but it is a fun way to start the year.
Quite a lot of people meet on Brighton beach for this first swim of the year. I hope it
doesn't snow! My resolutions are to do my homework on time, eat less junk food
and save up for a motorbike!

Sophie, 18, Newcastle upon Tyne

This New Year's Eve I'm going to the centre of Newcastle with my sisters and friends
to see in the new year. I love being in a crowd when the clocks strike midnight.
Everyone kisses each other at twelve o'clock. Then we all sing a song called 'Auld
Lang Syne' - it's really funny because nobody can remember the words! We will
probably get back home at four or five in the morning. As for my resolutions, I'm
going to learn how to play the guitar, go running every day and study hard to get
good grades for university.

Stuart, 14, Devon

I'm going snowboarding in Spain with my cousin and my parents. I want to stay up
till midnight on New Year's Eve but maybe I'll be too tired after snowboarding all
day. We will My New Year's resolution is not to make any New Year's resolutions.
They are impossible to keep!

A. Điền vào chỗ trống tên phù hợp.

1. __________________ is going to a street party in Scotland.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

2. __________________ is going to sing on New Year's Eve.

3. __________________ will be in a foreign country on New Year's Eve.
4. __________________ isn't going to make any New Year's resolutions.
5. __________________ wants to learn to play a musical instrument.
6. __________________ wants to have a healthier diet.
B. Xác định các câu sau là True (T) hay False (F).

1. New Year's resolutions often involve health and money

2. People usually celebrate Hogmanay at New Year in England.
3. There are no fireworks for Hogmanay
4. It's traditional to go swimming in Brighton on New Year's Eve.
5. People sing a song called 'Auld Lang Syne' at midnight on New Year's Eve.
6. Most British people know all the words to 'Auld Lang Syne'.
Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. It's not good to spend a lot of time watching TV.

You ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Antarctica is colder than any other place in the world.

Antarctica is ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Shall we go to Times Square to welcome the New Year?

Why don't ___________________________________________________________________________

4. A bicycle is more convenient than a car in towns.

A car is ___________________________________________________________________________

5. Turn right at the first turning.

Take ___________________________________________________________________________

Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

1. Vietnamese people/ often/ clean/ decorate/ houses/ Tet.


2. The air/ the city/ polluted/ the air/ countryside.


3. It/ very/ interesting/ take/ boat trip/ the Perfume River.


Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. (1đ)

1. A. Both  B. money  C. telephone D. nobody

2. A. child  B. sunshine  C. mine D. winner

3. A. Teacher  B. children  C. match D. Christmas

4. A. Homework  B. housework C. hourly D. however

5. A. lips  B. hands  C. heads D. fingers

Bài 2: Điền một động từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. (2đ)

John: What are you doing this weekend, Phong?

Phong: I’m very busy indeed. On Saturday morning I (1) __________________ to my judo

John: Are you? Do you (2) __________________ every Saturday?

Phong: Yes, I (3) __________________

John: What (4) __________________ you __________________ on Saturday afternoon?

Phong: I (5) __________________ a guitar lesson at the music club.

John: And on Sunday?

Phong: I (6) __________________ football with my team. We will (7) __________________ a

game with Vo Thi Sau School. Then I (8) __________________ a rest in the afternoon.

John: Do you ever (9) __________________ TV on Sunday?

Phong: Yes, I usually (10) __________________ at home and watch TV.

Bài 3: Điền một giới thừ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. (1đ)

My house

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

I live in a house at the foot of a hill. It’s an old house, and it’s not very large. There
are two bedrooms (1)____________the first floor. There’s a living room and a lovely
fireplace downstairs. There’s also a bathroom (2) ____________the kitchen. There’s a
garden (3) ____________the house. The garden is colourful (4) ____________a lot of
flowers. There are also vegetables (5) ____________ the garden all the year round. I
love my house: the garden, the flowers in summer, the fire in winter. But what I like
best is the view from my bedroom window.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau. (2đ)

1. “Will you ______ me your ruler for my examination this morning?”

A. Borrow             B. lend                 C. allow                         D. permit

2. A library in Washington D.C, America, ________ over 200 million books.

A. Has                   B. reads                C. gets                           D. borrows

3. Basketball is a popular after-school_________in the U.S.

A. Play                   B. thing               C. activity                      D. doing

4. We sometimes _______experiments in physics class.

A. Make                B. work               C. do                                D. get

5. Minh: “I’m hungry now, Mum!”

Mother: “ _____ ”

A. Would you like to go out?

B. Let’s cook dinner now.

C. Why are you so hungry?

D. Here is some bread and butter for you.

6. Students can learn a lot about living things in ______ class.

A. Chemistry B. Mathematics C. Geography D. Biology

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

7. “ ______ is it to the bookshop, please?”

A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How far

8. Lan feels very ________ because she lives far from her parents and friends.

A. unhappy          B. uncomfortable              C. bored                D. tired

9. My friend, Jimmy, is a tall boy _______ fair hair and blue eyes.

A. being                B. having                           C. getting                 D. making

10. My friend’s family live __________ 83 Tran Quoc Hoan Rd., Ha Noi.

A. in                       B. on                                 C. at                              D. fo

Bài 5: Đọc đoạn hội thoại sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

Lam: Hello, Jackson. You’re at university, right?

Jackson: Yes, I’m a second year student. I’m studying economics, so I’m very busy.
What about you? What grade are you in?

Lam: I’m in grade 6. I have classes all day, five days a week.

Jackson: Really? When does your lesson start?

Lam: It starts at seven in the morning, so I have to get up at six.

Jackson: Wow. I don’t get up until eight. I get to university, then I have breakfast.
And I’m ready for class at nine.

Lam: I have breakfast before I go. And I have lunch at school

Jackson: And when do you finish school?

Lam: Well, school finishes at 4 p.m. After that I usually go to play football for about
an hour. Sometimes I go swimming.

Jackson: And what do you do in the evening?

Lam: I do my homework for an hour, then I watch TV, or draw some pictures.

1. Jackson is ________ .

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

A. A  school boy                B. an economist                    C. a university student

2. Jackson usually gets up _______ .

A. At 6 o’clock                   B. at 8 o’clock                       C. at 9 o’clock

3. Lam usually has breakfast _______ .

A. At school                      B. at home                              C. at university

4. How often does Lam exercise?_________________ .

A. Always                         B. Sometimes                         C. Nearly every day.

5. We can see that Lam likes _______ .

A. Drawing                     B. reading                                 C. playing the piano

Bài 6: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau. (1đ)

Parents and friends

We can choose our friends, but we cannot choose our relatives. That does not mean
that members of our (1) ___________ cannot also be our friends. Many children have a
very (2) ____________relationship with their parents, and they see them as friends. Of
course when you are a teenager, there are times (3) __________ you do not get on very
well with your parents, or they can get angry with you. That’s only natural. There
are times when you want

to be independent and decide things by (4)____________ . After all, nobody is perfect,

and we all (5) __________ mistakes. But your parents understand that. When you grow
up, you will see that you have many things in common with your mum and dad, and
you will become closer to them.

Bài 7: Viết từ trái nghĩa của các từ được gạch chân vào chỗ trống. (1đ)

1. My new flat has got a large living-room. ->……………..

2. Linda is a tall girl with blue eyes. ->……………

3. Are these exercises too easy for you? ->……………

4. He closed the door and began to study. ->……………

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

5. Johnny was the first to enter the classroom. ->………..

Bài 8: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi. (1đ)

1. Opposite our school there is an bookstore.

-> The bookstore _______________________________________________________________

2. There is a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom in my house.

My house _____________________________________________________________________

3. Minh likes science most.

-> Minh’s favourite __________________________________________________________

4. Lan always gets to school on time.

-> Lan never _______________________________________________________________

5. What’s your address, Lan?

->Where _____________________________________________________________________?

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. (1đ)

1. A. watches  B. parades  C. decides  D. relatives

2. A. clothing  B. hold  C. poster  D. dove

3. A. comb  B. climb  C suburb  D. bomb

4. A. although  B. theater  C. father  D. other

5. A. headline  B. heating  C. meal  D. leave

Bài 2: Viết từ trái nghĩa của các từ được gạch chân vào chỗ trống. (1đ)

1. Open the door, please. -> ……………….

2. The classroom is very dirty. -> ……………..

3. This travel agency sells the cheapest tickets. ->………………..

4. People say that T.V programmes these days are interesting. ->………………..

5. We are going to start our trip next week. ->…………………..

Bài 3: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp. (1đ)

1. Why you (look) ________________________ at me like that? What is the matter?

2. – What are you doing this evening?

– I (do) ________________________ my homework, and then I (watch)________________________


3. Many people in our street have cars but my parents (not have)
____________________one. They (like) ________________________ to go to work by bus.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng. (2đ)

1. Phong is the __________ in his class.

A. most tall            B. taller                C. tallest                  D. more tall

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2. In ____ lessons, we learn about writers, poems and write essays.

A. History B. Literature C. Science D. Geography

3. Their house is small. They really want to have a ___________house.

A. smaller            B. bigger                 C. nicer                 D. cheaper

4. “There is ___________ sugar in the jar. Go and buy a kilo, Ngoc.”

A. some                 B. much                 C. little                  D. few

5. We ___________ go when the traffic lights are red.

A. cant                    B. needn’t              C. shouldn’t                 D. wouldn’t

6. The temple is the ___________ building in our town.

A. elder                  B. eldest                  C. older                   D. oldest

7. – “___________ do the buses run?” – “Every thirty minutes.”

A. What time B. How far C. How often D How much

8. – “Happy New Year to you!”


A. Thank you, and you too C. Have a good time, please

B. I’m very happy, and you, too D. That’s all right, thanks

9. Adults as well as children ___________ quarrel during Tet.

A. can’t                     B. needn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mayn’t

10. The first exercise is easy but the second one is ___________.

A. easy too                          B. less difficult

C. difficult too                   D. more difficult

Bài 5: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống. (2đ)

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In Viet Nam, let is a national and family (1) ___________. It is an occasion for every
Vietnamese to (2) ___________ a good time while thinking about the last year and the
next year. At Tet, spring (3) ___________are organized; streets and public buildings are
(4) ___________.

decorated and almost all shops are (5) ___________ with people shopping for Tet. At
home, everything is tidied; special food is (6) ___________; offerings of good foods,
fresh water and flowers are made on the  family altar with burning joss-sticks
scenting the air.

First-footing is made when the first (7) ___________comes, and children are to be given
(8) ___________money wrapped in a red envelope.

Tet is also a time for peace and (9) ___________. During Tet, children often behave well;
and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other their best (10) ___________for the
new year.

Bài 6: Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng so sánh hơn hoặc nhất của tính từ. (1đ)

1. Stranger: Excuse me. What’s (good) …the best… way to get to the city centre?

Tony: Well, the subway is (fast)___________________ the bus. But it’s easy to walk.

2. Stranger: Is it (cheap)___________________ to travel by subway or by bus?

Tolstoy: By subway. And it’s much (convenient) ___________________ too.

3. Francis: Is the capital the (beautiful) ___________________ city in your country?

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Mexica: Yes, it is. And it is the (large)___________________ city, too.

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung bài đọc.

London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, is the largest city in Europe.
It is located on the River Thames and has a history of about

2,0 years. Over eight million people live in London. Hundreds of thousand people
travel each day into London to work.

London has an oceanic climate, but generally it is a dry city. However, London is
often very cloudy. On average it rains mildly just about every other day.
Temperature extremes for all sites in the London area range from 38.1°C at Kew
during August 2003, down to -16.1°C at Northolt during January 1962.

London’s largest industry is finance. Together with New York, the City of London is
one of the world’s largest financial centres, making London a major world influence.

However, like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution.
Millions of people use the London Underground a day, but there are still too many
buses and trams in the streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100
years ago.

1. How old is London?

A. About two centuries C. About two hundred years

B. Approximately twenty centuries D. Over eight million years

2. In general, the temperatures in London _____ .

A. Are not high C. Change greatly

B. Stay the same D. Change suddenly

3. Which of the following is NOT true about London?

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A. It is a very large city. C. It has an oceanic climate.

B. It has so many vehicles. D. It rains a lot every day.

4. We can see that compared to New York, London Is .

A. Just as important C. Much larger

B. More industrious D. The same size

5. What is one of the problems in London?

A. There are too many tourists.

B. The air is dirtier than it was.

C. The population is too large.

D. There are too many buses on the streets.

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi. (1đ)

1. Could you tell me how to get to the Hoan Kiem Lake, please?

-> Could you show ________________________________________________________________?

2. My room is smaller than her room.

-> Her room ________________________________________________________________

3. Lan is the tallest girl in my class.

-> No girl ________________________________________________________________

4. Do you find it easy to make friends?

->Are you good ________________________________________________________________?

5. I think you should prepare carefully for your journey.

-> I advise you to ________________________________________________________________

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. Picture B. question  C. furniture D. celebration

2. A. Bookcase B. tablet  C. behave D. game

3. A. Thought B. without  C. theatre D. teeth

4. A. Food B. good  C. took D. cooking

5. A. Discuss B. success  C. possess D. classroom

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. – “ _____ do you visit your hometown?”

– “Once a month.”

A. How long              B. How far               C. How often            D. How much

2. The new instructor at the gym is excellent. He is very _________

A. Confident            B. patient                  C. positive                D. careful

3. There may be as ______ as six guests to dinner.

A. Much                  B. many                    C. many more             D. very much

4. – “How long does it take to go to the nearest post office?”


A. No, it isn’t far. C. I’m sorry, I don’t know.

B. Yes, it is a long way D. Why do you ask me?

5. There is no light on in her room – She _____ be at home.

A. Can’t              B. mustn’t            C. needn’t              D. shouldn’t

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6. Any student who ______ his homework can hardly pass his exams.

A. Forgets          B. reduces           C. refuses               D. neglects

7. – “Must you wear uniform to school every day?”

– “No, we _____ .”

A. Mustn’t          B. needn’t            C. shouldn’t          D. can’t

8. My brother _______ speak three languages fluently.

A. Can                 B. may                 C. must                  D. would

9. I don’t feel good. I _______ home from school tomorrow.

A. Am staying                  B. stay

C. Stayed                          D. have stayed

10. The bigger the house is, the ________ furniture it needs.

A. Fewer             B. bigger              C. more                  D. less

Bài 3: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống, nhớ chia động từ.

-go         -celebrate           -have            -help           -carry

-see         -stay                  -read             -visit           -decorate

1. I will …………… a new film with my sister this weekend.

2. Do you often………….. your mother to do the housework?

3. Many Vietnamese families ………………… their houses with kumquat trees at Tet.

4. Where are Mai and Lan? - They are……………. in the library.

5. We’re…………….. to the Museum of Anthropology next Sunday.

6. Mr. Phong likes……………… TV every evening.

7. She’s ………………... with her uncle and aunt in the country this weekend.

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8. Many countries in the world have interesting ways of …………….…………. the New

9. Class 6A and class 6B …………….. a football match every Sunday.

10. They advise that you should ……………… your passport with you at all times.

Bài 4: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sai.

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Bài 5: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

doing          attentively              supports                 cannot

older           viewers                   expensive               make

tapes           secondary              turn                        down

1……………………. are people who watch TV.

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2. We listen to our teachers …………………. in class.

3…………………………….. She tell her mother that she will be late because the

telephone is out of order.

4. – “Clean the blackboard, please.”

– “I am……………………. it now.”

5. Liverpool is the football team that my brother always ………………….

6. Education from 6 to 18 is divided into two levels: primary and…………………….

7. You understand the problem because you’re so much ……………….

8. Can you ……………………… the TV please? It’s a bit loud.

9. Please send me the smallest, most recently published, and least ………………
dictionary that you have.

10 Some students use a recorder to ……………………….of their classes so that they can
listen to the lectures again

Bài 6: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

The Amazon rainforest, also known as the Amazon Jungle, is a vast tropical

rainforest lying next to the Amazon River (1) …………….. Brazil and the neighbouring

countries. It is one of the natural (2) ……………….. of the world, and the largest

rainforest. If you want to go to a place which has the (3) …………. kinds of plants and

animals on Earth, you should go the Amazon Jungle. It contains an amazing number

of plants and (4) ………… The region is home to about 2.5 million insect species, tens

of thousands of plants, and some 2,000 birds and mammals. Many useful plants (5)

…………. in the Amazon rainforest. They provide food, building materials, rubber,

medicines, and other products.

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Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. Saucepans are sold in the (house) ………….. goods department

2. I’m really happy as all of my new neighbors are very (friend)

3. People often find (happy) …………………. in simple things.

4. Kay has got a great (person)………………….. You’ll really like her.

5. You will need a lot of (strong) ………………… to lift this heavy cupboard by yourself.

6. Today is an awful day for me. It is the (bad) ……………………… day of the year.

7. They believe that playing games for too long can be (harm)……………….. to their
children’s health.

8. There is a saying in English: “(Act) ……………… speak louder than words.”

9. My grandmother is a light (sleep) …………………. The (slight) ……………… noise can

wake her up.

Bài 8: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

– Many countries all over the world celebrate the New Year holiday. In China it is a
very happy time. There are parades in the streets, and families gather for big
dinners. At these dinners, children get “lucky money” in red envelopes. Before the
New Year, the Chinese people always clean their houses to clean out bad luck.
Everything must be fresh and clean. People also make sure they have paid all their
bills. It is important to start the New Year without owing anyone money.

– A lot of countries have holidays to bring good luck, In Thailand, people hold
“Water Festival”. The festival takes place everywhere in Thailand, but especially
popular in the north. Water Festival takes place in the middle of April. It is part of
the Thai New Year. People throw buckets of water on each other. There are even
parades where people throw water. It is especially important to throw water on
older people. It shows respect to them.

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1. What happens in the streets in China on New Year holiday?

-> ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. Why do the Chinese people clean their houses before the New Year?

-> ………………………………………………………………………………..

3. What do they try to avoid when they start the New Year?


4. When is the Water Festival held in Thailand?

-> …………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Why is it important to throw water on older people?

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………

Bài 9: Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. for/ butter/ breakfast/ bread/ and/ I/ to/ have/ like.


2. to/ visit/ how often/ grandparents/ come/ do/ your/ you?


3. your/ brush/ you / to/ usually / teeth / you/ go / do/ bed/ before?


4. on/ there/ TV/ tonight/ is/ interesting/ an/ film.

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. two weeks/ going/ to/ this summer/ the/ my family/ are/ for/ beach.

-> …………………………………………………………………………………..

Bài 10: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. My father is always busy from morning till night.

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

-> My father is never ………………………………………………………

2. The Red River is 1,149 kilometers long. The Nile River is 6,650 kilometers long.

-> The Nile River is much ……………………………………………………

3. The library lends books to both students and teachers.

-> Both students and teachers can…………………………………………

4. “It would be a good idea to take more exercise”.

-> “You ……………………………………………………………………………… ”

5. The children like to watch dragon dance in the street at Tet.

-> The children enjoy ……………………………………………………………..

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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

STT Nghĩa
(Nguyên mẫu)
(Quá khứ) (Phân từ)

1 awake awoke awoken đánh thức, thức

2 be was/were been thì, là, bị, ở

3 bear bore borne mang, chịu đựng

4 beat beat beaten/ beat đánh, đập

5 become became become trở nên

6 begin began begun bắt đầu

7 bend bent bent bẻ cong

8 bid bid bid trả giá

9 bite bit bitten cắn

10 bleed bled bled chảy máu

11 blow blew blown thổi

12 break broke broken đập vỡ

13 bring brought brought mang đến

14 broadcast broadcast broadcast phát thanh

15 build built built xây dựng

16 burn burnt/ burned burnt/ burned đốt, cháy

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17 buy bought bought mua

18 cast cast cast ném, tung

19 catch caught caught bắt, chụp

20 choose chose chosen chọn, lựa

21 come came come đến, đi đến

22 cost cost cost có giá là

23 cut cut cut cắt, chặt

daydreamed/ daydreamed/ nghĩ vẩn vơ,

24 daydream
daydreamt daydreamt mơ mộng

25 deal dealt dealt giao thiệp

26 dig dug dug đào

27 dive dove/ dived dived lặn, lao xuống

28 do did done làm

29 draw drew drawn vẽ, kéo

dreamt/ dreamt/
30 dream mơ thấy
dreamed dreamed

31 drink drank drunk uống

32 drive drove driven lái xe

33 eat ate eaten ăn

34 fall fell fallen ngã, rơi

35 feed fed fed cho ăn, ăn, nuôi

36 feel felt felt cảm thấy

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37 fight fought fought chiến đấu

38 find found found tìm thấy, thấy

39 fly flew flown bay

40 forget forgot forgotten quên

41 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ

42 freeze froze frozen (làm) đông lại

43 get got got/ gotten có được

44 give gave given cho

45 go went gone đi

46 grow grew grown mọc, trồng

47 hang hung hung móc lên, treo lên

48 have had had có

49 hear heard heard nghe

50 hide hid hidden giấu, trốn, nấp

51 hit hit hit đụng

52 hurt hurt hurt làm đau

đưa vào
53 input input input
(máy điện toán)

54 keep kept kept giữ

55 know knew known biết, quen biết

56 lay laid laid đặt, để

57 lead led led dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo

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58 leap leapt leapt nhảy, nhảy qua

59 learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned học, được biết

60 leave left left ra đi, để lại

61 lend lent lent cho mượn (vay

62 let let let cho phép, để cho

63 lie lay lain nằm

64 light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thắp sáng

65 lose lost lost làm mất, mất

66 make made made chế tạo, sản xuất

67 mean meant meant có nghĩa là

68 meet met met gặp mặt

69 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood hiểu lầm

70 output output output cho ra (dữ kiện)

71 overcome overcame overcome khắc phục

72 pay paid paid trả (tiền)

73 prove proved proven/ proved chứng mình (tỏ)

74 put put put đặt để

75 read read read đọc


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