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Alfaisal University

College of Business

MBA 519- Strategic Management

Spring 2022

Group Report


The completion of this report requires each group (maximum 5 members from the same
section) to prepare and present a strategic audit of a corporation that is publicly listed
on Tadawul. To complete this assignment, your report must contain:

1. An assessment of the company’s

a. Strategic posture: Vision and Mission, Objectives, and Strategies.
b. Past performance: Analysis of financial statements during the past
three years (2019,2020,2021), reflecting on return on investment,
market share, and profitability among others as you see suitable
(Hint: Ratio Analysis).
c. Corporate governance: Appraisal of BoD and top management on
the basis on best practices discussed in class and CMA regulations.
2. A stakeholder analysis of the company.
3. A comprehensive analysis of the industry in which the company is
currently competing, with a special focus on primary competitors and how
the company is positioning itself in the market relative to its competitors.
4. An analysis of the business model of the company, its strategic type, and
suggestions on changes if needed.
5. A comprehensive assessment of external and internal factors that influence
the company (Hint:SWOT).
6. A go forward corporate or business strategy recommendation based on
your analysis to overcome challenges identified in point 5.

Report: Throughout this report, you are expected to act in the capacity of a consultant. In
other words, you are expected to demonstrate critical thinking through describing the

current state of affairs, evaluating it through comparing it comparing it with best
practices, and then make recommendations on how these aspects of strategic management
of the company of choice could be improved.

This is a full written report that must use 1½ line spacing with a 12 point fonts, Times
New Roman, with no minimum or maximum page limit. You can use any form of
referencing for all external reference material as long as you are consistent throughout.
The report should be divided into clear sections whereby you are answering each
question. For the complete strategic audit and more comprehensive guide, please refer to
pages 64-71.

On Thursday April 20th, 2022, each team will be required to hand in a paper version of
their report in class AND send an electronic version of the report to my email:
[email protected]. Please make sure that you name the report (the title of the soft copy)
using the last name of the members. For example: Alromaizan, Alabdulatif, Almarshad,
Final Report. Please assign a team leader to submit the electronic version, in Word or
Adobe format, of the report via email on the due date. The leader will also be responsible
for submitting the paper copy of the report.

Weight: The project is worth 20% of the total grade. The report will be marked out of 18
and the individual question/answer section will be marked out of 2.

Presentation: All the team members are expected to participate in the question/answer
session. Each team is expected to present for maximum 15 minutes. So, please make sure
that the presentation is fairly divided among the members. The presentation date and time
for each team will be assigned at a later date and will be posted on Moodle.

Best of luck!

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