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Standard job descriptions

Table of Contents
Network Operations Manager - even..............................38
Finance and Accounting Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - low..........................39
Network Architect..........................................................40
Finance and Accounting - Accounting
Manager General Accounting - high...................................1 Network Operations Manager - low...............................41
Manager General Accounting - even .................................2 Group Ware Specialist....................................................42
Manager General Accounting - low................3 Accounting Network Planning Analyst ............................................43
Supervisor II/Chief Accountant II - high ... 4 Accounting Network Administrator (Multiple Platform
Supervisor II/Chief Accountant II - even ... 5 LAN/WAN)....................................................................44
Accounting Supervisor I - even ..........................................6 Network Administrator (Single Platform LAN/WAN)45
Accounting Supervisor I - low............................................7 Network Administrator (LAN).......................................46
Senior Accountant...............................................................8 Help Desk Analyst .........................................................47
Junior Accountant...............................................................9 IT and Telecommunications - Operations
Entry Level Accountant ...................................................10 Computer Services Manager II - even............................48
Accounts Clerk IV ............................................................11 Computer Services Manager II - low ............................49
Accounts Clerk III ............................................................12 Computer Services Manager I........................................50
Accounts Clerk II..............................................................13 Senior Information Center (or End User Computing
Accounts Clerk I ...............................................................14 Support) Analyst ............................................................51
Finance and Accounting - Specialist Information Center Specialist.........................................52
Financial Sub-section Manager - even............................15 PC Maintenance Technician...........................................53
Financial Sub-section Manager - low ............................16 IT and Telecommunications - Data Management
Financial Analyst IV.......................................................17 Manager Database - high................................................54
Controller - high..............................................................18 Manager Database - even ..............................................55
Controller - even ............................................................19 Senior Data Security Specialist - high............................56
Financial Analyst III ......................................................20 Manager Database - low.................................................57
Controller - low...............................................................21 Senior Data Security Specialist - even ..........................58
Financial Analyst II ........................................................22 Database Analyst III.......................................................59
Financial Analyst I..........................................................23 Database Architect .........................................................60
Senior Data Security Specialist - low.............................61
IT and Telecommunications Database Analyst II .......................................................62
Database Administrator..................................................63
IT & Telecommunications - Design and Database Analyst I..........................................................64
Development Data Entry Operator II....................................................65
Manager Systems and Programming - high....................24
Manager Systems and Programming - even ...................25 Human Resources
Manager Systems and Programming - low.....................26
Senior Systems Analyst ..................................................27 Human Resources - Generalist
ERP Configurer...............................................................28 Human Resources Manager - high ................................66
Systems Analyst..............................................................29 Human Resources Manager - even.................................67
Principal Analyst Programmer........................................30 Human Resources Manager - low .................................68
Analyst Programmer IV..................................................31 Personnel Manager III....................................................69
Analyst Programmer III..................................................32 Personnel Manager II ....................................................70
Analyst Programmer II ...................................................33 Personnel Manager I.......................................................71
Analyst Programmer I.....................................................34 Human Resources Administrator ..................................72
IT and Telecommunications -
Infrastructure/Support Human Resources - Specialist
Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - high.........................35 Training and Development Manager - high ..................73
Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - even ........................36 Training and Development Manager - even...................74
Network Operations Manager - high ..............................37 Compensation and Benefits Manager - high .................75
Training and Development Manager - low ...................76
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Compensation and Benefits Manager - even..................77
Recruitment Manager - high...........................................78
Compensation and Benefits Manager - low ..................79
Recruitment Manager - even .........................................80
Employee/Labour Relations Representative III ................81 Merchandiser ................................................................125
Recruitment Manager - low ...........................................82 Individual Contributor and Sales Management
Training and Development Specialist II - even...............83 Regional Sales Manager - high.....................................126
Compensation and Benefits Specialist - even ................84 Regional Sales Manager - even ....................................127
Compensation and Benefits Specialist - low...................85 Regional Sales Manager - low......................................128
Recruitment Officer .......................................................86 National Accounts/Key Accounts Manager - high.... 129
Training and Development Specialist II - low ...............87 Area/District Sales Manager - high ..............................130
Training and Development Specialist I...........................88 National Accounts/Key Accounts Manager - even ... 131
Compensation and Benefits Analyst ..............................89 Area/District Sales Manager - even..............................132
Recruiter..........................................................................90 Sales Representative IV................................................133
Area/District Sales Manager - low ...............................134
Legal Sales Representative III................................................135
Senior Legal Advisor .....................................................91 Sales Representative II .................................................136
Legal Advisor.................................................................92 Sales Representative I...................................................137
Principal Legal Executive ..............................................93 Sales Representative.....................................................138
Senior Legal Executive ..................................................94
Legal Executive..............................................................95 Customer Service

Marketing Customer Service - Technical

Manager Customer Service - high ...............................139
Marketing - Market Research Manager Customer Service - even................................140
Market Research Manager - high...................................96 Manager Customer Service - low .................................141
Market Research Manager - even ..................................97 Technical Customer Service Teamleader - high...........142
Market Research Manager - low....................................98 Technical Customer Service Teamleader - even ..........143
Market Analyst/Business Development Officer III 99 Technical Customer Service Representative II - high 144
Market Analyst/Business Development Officer II 100 Technical Customer Service Representative II - even145
Market Analyst/Business Development Officer I .........101 Technical Customer Service Representative I - even 146
Marketing Research Analyst II ......................................102 Technical Customer Service Representative I - low.. 147
Marketing Research Analyst I........................................103 Customer Service - Non technical

Marketing - Brand/Product Management Customer Service Team Leader - high ........................148

Brand/Product Manager IV...........................................104 Customer Service Team Leader - even.........................149
Brand/Product Manager III ..........................................105 Customer Service Representative III - high..................150
Brand/Product Manager II............................................106 Customer Service Representative III - even ................151
Brand/Product Manager I..............................................107 Customer Service Representative II .............................152
Assistant Brand/Product Manager................................108 Customer Service Representative I...............................153

Marketing - Promotions Research and Development

Market Communication Representative........................109 Scientist/Researcher V..................................................154
Public Relations Representative - even.........................110
Public Relations Representative - low .........................111 Scientist/Researcher IV ................................................155
Promotions Manager ....................................................112 Research and Development Supervisor II ....................156
Public Relations Assistant.............................................113 Scientist/Researcher III.................................................157
Promotions Assistant.....................................................114 Research and Development Supervisor I......................158
Scientist/Researcher II..................................................159
Scientist/Researcher I ...................................................160
Sales Scientist/Researcher......................................................161
Sales - Sales Support and Training
Laboratory Technician..................................................163
Sales Training Manager - high......................................115
Sales Training Manager - even ....................................116 Engineering
Sales Training Manager - low.......................................117 Engineer V....................................................................164
Telesales Supervisor - high ..........................................118
Telesales Supervisor - even...........................................119
Sales Trainer ................................................................120
Telesales Supervisor - low ...........................................121
Telesales Operator - high..............................................122
Telesales Operator - even .............................................123
Telesales Operator - low...............................................124
Engineer IV..................................................................165 Unit Supervisor III ......................................................210
Engineer III..................................................................166 Unit Supervisor II.........................................................211
Engineer II ...................................................................167 Unit Supervisor I .........................................................212
Engineer I.....................................................................168 Maintenance Technician..............................................213
Design Drafter..............................................................169 Production/Process Operator V....................................214
Drafter..........................................................................170 Production/Process Operator IV...................................215
Electronic Technician II...............................................171 Production/Process Operator III...................................216
Electronic Technician I................................................172
Mechanic Technician...................................................173 Administration/Support/Service
Junior Mechanic Technician........................................174
Administration/Support/Service - Clerical Services
Logistics/Supply Chain Office Manager III.......................................................217
Administrative Assistant II...........................................218
Logistics/Supply Chain - Acquisition Office Manager II.........................................................219
Purchasing Manager - high .........................................175 Administrative Assistant I............................................220
Purchasing Manager - even..........................................176 Office Manager I .........................................................221
Purchasing Manager - low ...........................................177 General Clerk V ..........................................................222
Purchasing Agent - high ..............................................178 General Clerk IV .........................................................223
Purchasing Agent - even .............................................179 General Clerk III .........................................................224
Purchasing Agent - low................................................180 Receptionist/Telephonist II .........................................225
Buyer II........................................................................181 General Clerk II............................................................226
Buyer I .........................................................................182 Chauffeur II..................................................................227
Logistics/Supply Chain - Internal Operations and Receptionist/Switchboard Operator - high ..................228
Delivery Receptionist/Switchboard Operator - even..................229
General Clerk I.............................................................230
Manager Logistics Operations - high...........................183 Chauffeur I ..................................................................231
Manager Logistics Operations - even ..........................184
Manager Production Control - high ............................185 Administration/Support/Service - Secretarial
Manager Logistics Operations - low............................186 Secretary VI (Reports to CEO) ...................................232
Manager Production Control - even.............................187 Secretary V...................................................................233
Manager Production Control - low ..............................188 Secretary IV..................................................................234
Traffic Manager - high.................................................189 Secretary III..................................................................235
Warehouse Manager - high..........................................190 Secretary II ..................................................................236
Production Planner - high ............................................191 Secretary I ...................................................................237
Traffic Manager - even ................................................192
Warehouse Manager - even .........................................193 Administration/Support/Service - Translation
Production Planner - even............................................194 Translator II..................................................................238
Traffic Manager - low..................................................195 Translator I ..................................................................239
Warehouse Manager - low...........................................196
Production Planner - low .............................................197 Environmental/Health, Safety, and Quality
Warehouse Supervisor - high.......................................198 Environmental Health and Safety Manager ................240
Warehouse Supervisor - even ......................................199
Warehouse Supervisor - low........................................200 Quality Assurance Manager ........................................241
Stock Clerk ..................................................................201 Environmental Health and Safety Professional............242
Forklift Operator..........................................................202 Industrial Nurse............................................................243

Production General Management

Superintendent III/Production Manager ......................203
Plant Manager..............................................................204
Superintendent II/Production Manager........................205
Superintendent I/Production Manager ........................206
General Supervisor II ..................................................207
Unit Supervisor IV ......................................................208
General Supervisor I.....................................................209
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Finance and Accounting

Finance and Accounting

Position Number: F

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Finance and Accounting - Accounting

Position Number: FA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Accounting sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Even High
Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
$350-$2,000 >$2,000

Manager General Accounting - high
Position Number: FA20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Oversees maintenance of the company's general ledger and related accounting practices,
including (where centralized) payables, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, and payrolls.
This position generally requires the equivalent of professional training in accounting and
progressive experience in several areas of accounting. This typically manages other managers or

Representative Activities
 Assures that accounting records are prepared and maintained in accordance with the
company's accounting policies, chart of accounts and related accounting principles and
practices, and that subordinate ledgers reconcile with the general ledger.
 Prescribes methods of providing accounting data for various reports and statements
where the need does not follow the normal content of accounts.
 Interprets for all decentralized components of the accounting function, the company's
general accounting systems and procedures, including those for accounts receivable
and payroll.
 Directs maintenance of fixed-asset records and related depreciation accounts; provides
interpretative assistance as to the proper capitalization/ expensing of outlays and
grouping of fixed assets by class, as well as depreciation methodology.
 Collaborates with management to develop schedules, procedures, and systems to
enable the timely and informative accumulation, adjustment, and reporting of
financial data.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the organization revenue as the principal guide for determining the
match level.
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Manager General Accounting - even

Position Number: FA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Oversees maintenance of the company's general ledger and related accounting practices, including
(where centralized) payables, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, and payrolls.
This position generally requires the equivalent of professional training in accounting and
progressive experience in several areas of accounting. This typically manages other managers or

Representative Activities
 Assures that accounting records are prepared and maintained in accordance with the
company's accounting policies, chart of accounts and related accounting principles and
practices, and that subordinate ledgers reconcile with the general ledger.
 Prescribes methods of providing accounting data for various reports and statements
where the need does not follow the normal content of accounts.
 Interprets for all decentralized components of the accounting function, the company's
general accounting systems and procedures, including those for accounts receivable
and payroll.
 Directs maintenance of fixed asset records and related depreciation accounts; provides
interpretative assistance as to the proper capitalization/ expensing of outlays and
grouping of fixed assets by class, as well as depreciation methodology.
 Collaborates with management to develop schedules, procedures, and systems to enable
the timely and informative accumulation, adjustment, and reporting of financial data.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the organization revenue as the principal guide for determining the
match level.

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Organization Revenue <$350 $350-$2,000 >$2,000 ($Million):

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Even High
Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
$350-$2,000 >$2,000

Manager General Accounting - low
Position Number: FA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Oversees maintenance of the company's general ledger and related accounting practices,
including (where centralized) payables, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, and payrolls.
This position generally requires the equivalent of professional training in accounting and
progressive experience in several areas of accounting. This typically manages other managers or

Representative Activities
 Assures that accounting records are prepared and maintained in accordance with the
company's accounting policies, chart of accounts and related accounting principles and
practices, and that subordinate ledgers reconcile with the general ledger.
 Prescribes methods of providing accounting data for various reports and statements
where the need does not follow the normal content of accounts.
 Interprets for all decentralized components of the accounting function, the company's
general accounting systems and procedures, including those for accounts receivable
and payroll.
 Directs maintenance of fixed asset records and related depreciation accounts; provides
interpretative assistance as to the proper capitalization/ expensing of outlays and
grouping of fixed assets by class, as well as depreciation methodology.
 Collaborates with management to develop schedules, procedures, and systems to
enable the timely and informative accumulation, adjustment, and reporting of
financial data.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the organization revenue as the principal guide for determining the
match level.
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounting Supervisor II/Chief Accountant II - high

Position Number: FA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Provides day-to-day supervision (administrative and technical) of a small group
of professional accountants and clerical personnel for a specific segment of accounting activity.
This is the first level of supervision where the incumbent has both technical and administrative
responsibility for staff. The area will tend to be specialised (e.g., general ledger, sales budgets)
for a larger organisation or general accounting for a sub-unit (e.g., plant) or small organisation.
Overall accounting policies have been prescribed but there is latitude for procedural variation.
The incumbent has a thorough knowledge of the organisation's systems and can modify or
develop new procedures to meet specialised needs.

Representative Activities
 Makes work assignments schedules and reviews work in progress.
 Handles personnel actions including performance reviews, salary
recommendations and co-ordination of training and development.
 Recommends modifications to standard procedures.
 Participates in determining the proper accounting treatment of complex or unusual
 Assures adequate documentation/support of transactions and reports.
 Supervises preparation of and approves reports.

Scope Variants
For this position use the number of subordinates as principle guide for determining the
match level.

n/a Even
n/a Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17 >6
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounting Supervisor II/Chief Accountant II - even

Position Number: FA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Provides day-to-day supervision (administrative and technical) of a small group
of professional accountants and clerical personnel for a specific segment of accounting activity.
This is the first level of supervision where the incumbent has both technical and administrative
responsibility for staff. The area will tend to be specialised (e.g., general ledger, sales budgets) for
a larger organisation or general accounting for a subunit (e.g., plant) or small organisation.
Overall accounting policies have been prescribed but there is latitude for procedural variation.
The incumbent has a thorough knowledge of the organisation's systems and can modify or
develop new procedures to meet specialised needs.

Representative Activities
 Makes work assignments schedules and reviews work in progress.
 Handles personnel actions including performance reviews, salary
recommendations and co-ordination of training and development.
 Recommends modifications to standard procedures.
 Participates in determining the proper accounting treatment of complex or unusual
 Assures adequate documentation/support of transactions and reports.
 Supervises preparation of and approves reports.

Scope Variants
For this position use the number of subordinates as principle guide for determining the
match level.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounting Supervisor I - even

Position Number: FA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Provides day-to-day supervision of a small group of clerical personnel for a specific segment of
accounting activity. This is a first level of supervision where the incumbent has administrative
responsibility for staff. The area will tend to be specialized (e.g., accounts payable, receivable,
plant payroll). Overall accounting policies and procedures have been prescribed and there is
some latitude for procedural variation.

Representative Activities
 Performs the more complex general and cost accounting activities (troubleshooting).
 Makes work assignments, schedules and reviews work in progress.
 Ensures timely consolidation of balance sheets, P/L, etc…
 Ensures that the accounting activities are performed according to legislation.
 Handles personnel actions including performance reviews and salary
 Improves and/or modifies standard procedures.
 Assures adequate documentation/support of transactions and reports.

Scope Variants
For this position, the extent to which the incumbent is free to change standard procedures and the
number of subordinates are the principal guides for determining the match-level. Furthermore,
the fact whether the job operates rather stand-alone in the organisation
or whether there are several Accounting Supervisors (due to the size of the company) also impacts
the level of the position.
Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15


Procedure change Job has no/little freedom to Job is expected to change/ improve standard

change/ improve procedures
standard procedures No. of
Subordinates 3-6 >6
No. of Accounting Several job-holders Stand-alone job Supervisors jobs within the
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounting Supervisor I - low

Position Number: FA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides day-to-day supervision of a small group of clerical personnel for a specific segment of
accounting activity. This is a first level of supervision where the incumbent has administrative
responsibility for staff. The area will tend to be specialized (e.g., accounts payable, receivable,
plant payroll). Overall accounting policies and procedures have been prescribed and there is
some latitude for procedural variation.

Representative Activities
 Performs the more complex general and cost accounting activities (troubleshooting).
 Makes work assignments, schedules and reviews work in progress.
 Ensures timely consolidation of balance sheets, P/L, etc…
 Ensures that the accounting activities are performed according to legislation.
 Handles personnel actions including performance reviews and salary
 Improves and/or modifies standard procedures.
 Assures adequate documentation/support of transactions and reports.

Scope Variants
For this position, the extent to which the incumbent is free to change standard procedures and the
number of subordinates are the principal guides for determining the match-level. Furthermore, the
fact whether the job operates rather stand-alone in the organisation
or whether there are several Accounting Supervisors (due to the size of the company) also impacts
the level of the position.

Low Even
Reference Level 14 n/a
Job has no/little freedom to Reference Level 15
change/ improve standard Job is expected to n/a
procedures change/ improve standard
No. of Subordinates 3-6 >6 n/a
No. of Accounting Several job-holders
Stand-alone job n/a
Supervisors jobs within the organisation

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Senior Accountant
Position Number: FA14G2
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Performs professional accounting work involving compilation, consolidation, and analysis of
financial data. May include any or all of the following: ledgers and preparation of journal entries;
fixed asset or inventory accounting; preparation of trial balance or financial statements; cost
accounting; bank account reconciliation. This is equivalent to an Accountant Professional. This is
the third step in a career ladder for the holder of a degree in accounting. The position is for a well-
grounded, middle level professional characterized by a good knowledge of the organization's
existing systems and the ability to handle most regular issues independently.

Representative Activities
 Prepares a variety of reasonably standard, periodic intermediate or end products such as
cost reports, trial balances, balance sheets, profit-and-loss statements or statements of
souring and application of funds; or contributes significantly to portions thereof in a team
effort towards the same end.
 As requested, prepares appropriate commentary or explanations relating to report items
of particular interest or significance; may use some judgement as to what is of interest.
Conducts any pertinent investigation of the accounts involved.
 May contact operating or staff personnel for the purpose of supplying or explaining data,
securing information, or describing additional data which could be made available; may
furnish limited advice on accounting matters, especially where based on well-established
principles and practices.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Junior Accountant
Position Number: FA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Performs professional accounting work involving compilation, consolidation, and analysis of
financial data. May include any or all of the following: ledgers and preparation of journal entries;
fixed asset or inventory accounting; preparation of trial balance or financial statements; cost
accounting; bank account reconciliation. The incumbent has five to six years experience within the
accounting function, and works as an independent professional (a doer rather than a learner

Representative Activities
 Performs general or cost accounting activities requiring some insight into the why as well
as the how.
 Applies accounting techniques and standard practices to the classification and recording
of financial transactions.
 Drafts segments of statements and reports.
 Prepares journal entries, checks supporting entries, and carries out well-defined steps in
cost accounting analysis.
 Handles assignments involving analysis of financial data of medium complexity.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Entry Level Accountant

Position Number: FA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
This is a basic accounting position typically occupied by a recent college graduate
or a longer term employee who has risen through the bookkeeping ranks. It combines learning and
doing. Work is well-defined with review in progress as well as at completion for accuracy and
soundness. It is the first level of position requiring an understanding of accounting fundamentals
and principles as well as good practice required for bookkeeping.

Representative Activities
 Performs general or cost accounting activities requiring some insight into the why as well
as the how.
 Applies accounting techniques and standard practices to the classification and recording
of financial transactions.
 Prepares journal entries, checks supporting entries, and carries out well-defined steps in
cost accounting analysis.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounts Clerk IV
Position Number: FA11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Operates as a senior accounting clerk undertaking the more technical clerical accounting
operations related to a specific accounting function; may have responsibility for the instruction
and guidance of other accounting clerks engaged in routine work. This position requires
considerable accounting experience and a thorough understanding of accounting techniques and
customs as they apply to the activities of the section/department. It does not require knowledge to
the level of part professional qualification.

Representative Activities
 Prepares reports from statistical and financial information to ensure management
receives appropriate information in an accurate and timely manner.
 Maintains e.g. ledgers/statements/accounts and within established procedures,
takes appropriate action to secure or make payment/resolve discrepancies.
 Deals with the more technical aspects of and/or troubleshoots on work handled
by less senior clerks.
 Deals with external sources e.g. customers/suppliers in order to resolve nonroutine queries
and problems.
 Likely to provide technical guidance and/or assistance in the training of less senior
accounts clerks.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounts Clerk III

Position Number: FA10G1
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Undertakes a range of specialized accounting clerical duties within a specific function. This is a
position for an experienced accounts clerk with a sound knowledge of bookkeeping/accounting
techniques, as may apply to the job. The jobholder requires the ability to arrive at conclusions
and follow the most appropriate course of action, within procedure constraints.

Representative Activities
 Analyzes data from e.g. statements/ledgers/accounts.
 Identifies and undertakes initial investigation of variances against budgets/standards.
 Collates and/or extracts data and produces routine reports, schedules, summaries and
letters to e.g. customers/suppliers.
 May deal with e.g./ customers/suppliers on the telephone to exchange information and/or
clarify facts.
 May provide ad hoc analyzes and summaries of information as requested.
 May provide technical guidance and/or assist in the initial training of less senior accounts

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounts Clerk II
Position Number: FA09G1
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
Carries out routine accounting clerical duties associated with a specific accounting
This position normally requires some previous office experience. The jobholder requires a good
understanding of the procedures related to the job and how they fit the overall functioning of the
department. The system itself provides some supervision but the job holder is required to
organize work to meet priorities and achieve deadlines. Non-routine items will require the
involvement of a supervisor or more senior clerk.

Representative Activities
 Processes payments/invoices/vouchers within closely defined procedures.
 Verifies calculations, checks or allocates codes, checks or obtains information for
incorrect or incomplete documents.
 Scans e.g. statements/ledgers/accounts to identify unusual/overdue items and selects
the correct procedure for action, referring more complex items to a supervisor or
senior clerk.
 Prepares and/or verifies computer input where information is coded for computer
 Investigates statements/ledgers/records in order to establish the facts required
to deal with queries raised by suppliers/customers/department.
 May prepare ad hoc information and/or statistical breakdowns, as directed,
from readily available sources.
 May raise standard letters in response to queries.
 May have limited telephone contact with e.g. customers/suppliers to pass/receive

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Accounting

Accounts Clerk I
Position Number: FA08G1
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Performs basic manual or computer related accounting tasks typically within a sub-section of the
accounting function.
This junior accounting clerical position requires good numeric skills but does not require a
knowledge of accounting or bookkeeping. This could be an entry position or require a modest
amount of previous clerical experience. The jobholder requires familiarity with routine clerical
procedures appropriate to the job. Minimal work organization is required to meet deadlines
within the day and non-standard situations are referred to a more senior clerk or supervisor.

Representative Activities
 Processes e.g. payments/invoices/vouchers in accordance with standard routine(s)
checking for completeness and/or obvious errors.
 Extracts specified information from documents or adds appropriate e.g. standard
coding/attachments to documents.
 Compiles simple summaries of information relating to documents processed.
 Locates and extracts information from files/records as requested.
 May perform simple additions, subtractions, multiplication, divisions manually
and/or using a calculator.
 May assist more senior clerks under close supervision.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Finance and Accounting - Specialist

Position Number: FB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Specialist sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Sub-section Manager - even

Position Number: FB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Position formulates, provides advise on, and assures effective implementation of policy,
practices, procedures, and systems in the areas of credit, statements/consolidation,
and financial planning. Provides analyses, studies, and counsel. This position is normally for a
high-level expert and requires a thorough understanding of industry practices, the organization's
needs and general business conditions. Also knowledge of tax codes, their application,
accounting principles and practices, and finance is required.

Representative Activities
 Credit: formulates and assures effective implementation of corporate-wide credit and
collection policies, procedures and standards. Monitors execution, including credit lines
established for customers and status of accounts receivable.
 Statements/consolidation: prepares statements reporting the financial position and
results of the company to management, the Board of Directors, shareholders, and
regulatory agencies. Provides authoritative counsel on proper accounting principles,
procedures, systems, and practices.
 Tax: prepares and files consolidated tax returns, monitoring returns prepared on behalf
of, or by divisions or subsidiaries. Provides counsel in and co-ordinates tax matters.
 Financial planning: provides economic analyses, studies, and counsel on all matters of
potentially significant financial impact to the company and develops long-range
budgets and other projective guidelines and measures.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the organization revenue as the principal guide for determining the
match level.
Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 n/a
<$500 >$500 n/a
Organization Revenue ($Million)

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Sub-section Manager - low

Position Number: FB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Position formulates, provides advise on, and assures effective implementation of policy,
practices, procedures, and systems in the areas of credit, statements/consolidation,
and financial planning. Provides analyses, studies, and counsel. This position is normally for a
high-level expert and requires a thorough understanding of industry practices, the organization's
needs and general business conditions. Also knowledge of tax codes, their application, accounting
principles and practices, and finance is required.

Representative Activities
 Credit: formulates and assures effective implementation of corporate-wide credit and
collection policies, procedures and standards. Monitors execution, including credit lines
established for customers and status of accounts receivable.
 Statements/consolidation: prepares statements reporting the financial position and
results of the company to management, the Board of Directors, shareholders, and
regulatory agencies. Provides authoritative counsel on proper accounting principles,
procedures, systems, and practices.
 Tax: prepares and files consolidated tax returns, monitoring returns prepared on behalf
of, or by divisions or subsidiaries. Provides counsel in and co-ordinates tax matters.
 Financial planning: provides economic analyses, studies, and counsel on all matters of
potentially significant financial impact to the company and develops long-range
budgets and other projective guidelines and measures.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the organization revenue as the principal guide for determining the
match level.
Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 n/a
Organization Revenue ($Million) <$500 >$500 n/a

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Analyst IV
Alternative Title: Financial Analyst III
Position Number: FB18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Undertakes the more complex and critical economic/financial research exercising
considerable latitude in approach and analysis. Interprets the results and provides
alternatives for further consideration.

Representative Activities
 Distinguished from Financial Analyst II by the following activities:.
 Participates in defining the issues and scope of assigned projects.
 Determines approach and methodology.
 Prepares and presents interpretation of findings.
 May participate in the development and implementation of consequent financial
strategies or tactics.
 May supervise and train less experienced analysts.
 Submits findings and interpretations for review.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Controller - high
Alternative Title: Site/Plant Controller - High
Position Number: FB18G3
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Supervises all accounting activities for a single cost center, such as a plant, in accordance with
corporate and division policies and procedures. Normally oversees several activity areas such as
general accounting, cost accounting, budgeting, and payroll.

Representative Activities
 Implements and administers established accounting policies, procedures and practices.
 Ensures accurate and timely recording and reporting of operating results.
 Provides financial analysis, interpretation of variances from budgets and standards, and
advice to management.
 Oversees the preparation of budgets and forecasts.
 Ensures maintenance of general accounting, cost accounting, payroll, payables and
 Maintains balances at local banks.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the operating budget of the organization as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Controller - even
Alternative Title: Site/Plant Controller - Even
Position Number: FB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Supervises all accounting activities for a single cost center, such as a plant, in accordance with
corporate and division policies and procedures. Normally oversees several activity areas such as
general accounting, cost accounting, budgeting, and payroll.

Representative Activities
 Implements and administers established accounting policies, procedures and practices.
 Ensures accurate and timely recording and reporting of operating results.
 Provides financial analysis, interpretation of variances from budgets and standards, and
advice to management.
 Oversees the preparation of budgets and forecasts.
 Ensures maintenance of general accounting, cost accounting, payroll, payables and
 Maintains balances at local banks.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the operating budget of the organization as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Operating Budget

<$10 $10-$30 >$30
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Analyst III

Alternative Title: Financial Analyst II
Position Number: FB17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Performs economic/financial research and analyzes as assigned for use
in the development of business strategies and tactics and in subsequent appraisal
of results. Prepares statistical studies and economic forecasts of business conditions and
trends and draws relevant conclusions.

Representative Activities
 Provides guidelines for standard cost approaches used in business decisions; establishes
and monitors cost reduction programs.
 Provides direction to functional counterparts in operating units as required, and to
operating and senior management on matters involving cost determination problems, or
issues such as inventory valuation, distribution of overhead, treatment of joint costs and
product pricing.
 Conducts special studies and analyzes such as determination of work-in-house,
or sublet and cost impact of proposed facilities or processes.
 Identifies and investigates issues related to assigned project. Selects approach
from accepted body of methodology or recommended alternatives.
 Defines assumptions for the quantification and analysis of investments,
acquisitions, or divestitures.
 Participates in the development of long-range financial forecasts and related budgets,
considering alternative scenarios and economic prospects as appropriate.
 Submits findings and interpretations for review.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Controller - low
Alternative Title: Site/Plant Controller - Low
Position Number: FB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Supervises all accounting activities for a single cost center, such as a plant, in accordance with
corporate and division policies and procedures. Normally oversees several activity areas such as
general accounting, cost accounting, budgeting, and payroll.

Representative Activities
 Implements and administers established accounting policies, procedures and practices.
 Ensures accurate and timely recording and reporting of operating results.
 Provides financial analysis, interpretation of variances from budgets and standards, and
advice to management.
 Oversees the preparation of budgets and forecasts.
 Ensures maintenance of general accounting, cost accounting, payroll, payables and
 Maintains balances at local banks.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the operating budget of the organization as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Operating Budget

Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 $10-
Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Analyst II
Alternative Title: Financial Analyst IV
Position Number: FB16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Prepares on request statistical studies and economic forecasts of business conditions
and trends and draws relevant conclusions. The position requires excellent theoretical
and practical knowledge of different financial and analytical techniques and the capability to plan
own work and respect deadlines. The incumbent will typically have an advanced degree and two
or three years of accounting experience.

Representative Activities
 Establishes independently the regular monthly, quarterly and annual financial results and
ensure that they are analysed, commented and reported according to the instructions
received from financial management and external authorities.
 Prepares independently ad hoc financial estimates, budgets, analysis and ensures that they
are prepared, analysed, commented and presented according to the instructions received
from financial management.
 Proposes improvements to systems, methods of work and analysis methods and
contributes to ensuring that they are continuously adapted to the business requirements.
 Provides input to the development of long-range financial forecasts and related budgets,
considering alternative scenarios and economic prospects as appropriate.
 May train less experienced analysts.
 Submits findings and interpretations for review.

Family: Finance and Accounting
Function: Specialist

Financial Analyst I
Position Number: FB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Assists in preparing economic/financial research and analysis for use in the development of
business strategies and tactics. This is the first level analyst. The incumbent will typically have
some accounting experience or an advanced degree. The incumbent works under direct
supervision on routine but productive assignments.

Representative Activities
 Researching background materials including relevant economic and financial data.
 Quantifies the financial impact of the opportunity or issue involved, including
likely returns on investments or payback period for proposed capital expenditures,
new products, or other investments.
 Assists in the development of long-range financial forecasts and related budgets.
 Assists in the preparation of reports.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: IT and Telecommunications

IT and Telecommunications
Position Number: I

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

IT & Telecommunications - Design and Development

Position Number: IA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Design and Development sub family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Manager Systems and Programming - high

Position Number: IA20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Accountable for the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned functional
or location areas of the organization. Team leader or manager, with responsibility for systems
analysis, applications software, and programming. Requires thorough knowledge of hardware,
software, data communications and user applications areas. Relevant degree and 7-10 years
progressive experience with applications systems is common.

Representative Activities
 Ensures the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned functional
or location areas of the organisation.
 Sets a framework for the provision and support of solutions covering areas such as
resourcing, program and project management, and development standards.
 Manages a team of IT professionals in the field of systems analysis, applications
software, and programming.
 Contributes to the formulation of the IT strategy and business plan.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to substantial differences in complexity of systems, and to major differences in
size and complexity of the support team (employees and/or contractors). Compensation
differences may also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked
microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Level 18
Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Principal work is Principal work is
Principal Principal work is application development development of advanced
Work adaptation and and maintenance for control/decision tools and
Involved maintenance of PC varied complex types of commercial strength
and parent plus applications systems applications systems
commercial systems team of 15-30
professional staff
Size of team of up to 15 members is common team of more than 30
support professional staff professional staff including
team members is common sub-team leaders of
supervisors is common

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Manager Systems and Programming - even

Position Number: IA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Accountable for the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned functional
or location areas of the organization. Team leader or manager, with responsibility for systems
analysis, applications software, and programming. Requires thorough knowledge of hardware,
software, data communications and user applications areas. Relevant degree and 7-10 years
progressive experience with applications systems is common.

Representative Activities
 Ensures the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned
functional or location areas of the organisation.
 Sets a framework for the provision and support of solutions covering areas such
as resourcing, programmed and project management, and development standards.
 Manages a team of IT professionals in the field of systems analysis, applications
software, and programming.
 Contributes to the formulation of the IT strategy and business plan.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to substantial differences in complexity of systems, and to major differences in
size and complexity of the support team (employees and/or contractors). Compensation
differences may also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked
microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even
Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Principal work is Principal work is
Principal adaptation and application development
Work maintenance of PC and maintenance for
Involved and parent plus varied complex types of
commercial systems applications systems
team of 15-30

Size of team of up to 15 professional staff

support professional staff members is common
team members is common

Reference Level 20
Principal work is
development of advanced
control/decision tools and
commercial strength
applications systems

team of more than 30

professional staff including
sub-team leaders of
supervisors is common
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Manager Systems and Programming - low

Position Number: IA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Accountable for the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned functional
or location areas of the organization. Team leader or manager, with responsibility for systems
analysis, applications software, and programming. Requires thorough knowledge of hardware,
software, data communications and user applications areas. Relevant degree and 7-10 years
progressive experience with applications systems is common.

Representative Activities
 Ensures the development and maintenance of applications systems for assigned
functional or location areas of the organisation.
 Sets a framework for the provision and support of solutions covering areas such
as resourcing, programmed and project management, and development standards.
 Manages a team of IT professionals in the field of systems analysis, applications
software, and programming.
 Contributes to the formulation of the IT strategy and business plan.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to substantial differences in complexity of systems, and to major differences in
size and complexity of the support team (employees and/or contractors). Compensation
differences may also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked
microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Level 18
Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Principal work is Principal work is
Principal Principal work is application development development of advanced
Work adaptation and and maintenance for control/decision tools and
Involved maintenance of PC varied complex types of commercial strength
and parent plus applications systems applications systems
commercial systems team of 15-30
professional staff
Size of team of up to 15 members is common team of more than 30
support professional staff professional staff including
team members is common sub-team leaders of
supervisors is common

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Senior Systems Analyst

Position Number: IA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Provides specialized advice to assigned area in the applications of systems analysis to operational
and functional problems; accountable for the maintenance of existing user systems and the
development of new systems to meet user needs; may provide work leadership and direction for
other members of systems staff. Demonstrates proficiency in the development and
implementation of medium to large-sized systems; fully competent to provide technical guidance
to other systems analysts, programmer analysts, and applications programmers. (Relevant degree
and 5-7 years experience is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

ERP Configurer
Position Number: IA17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
The ERP Configurer is a critical role in large platform implementations (e.g., SAP, PeopleSoft,
BAAN, etc.). The position conducts prototyping, functional specs development, data mapping,
function mapping, setting of configuration tables, and setting of transaction/control tables. Has a
thorough understanding of the business process and flow to enable business requirements analysis
and the development of solutions for the business functions. Responsible for identification of and
gap resolution. Is involved in security/authority set-up, user documentation, data interface
design, data migration and reconciliation. May be involved in the installation and tuning of
modification, as well as archiving data. Should have light programming skills in the appropriate
language for necessary work arounds.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Systems Analyst
Position Number: IA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Works independently on the design, installation and maintenance of small or less complex systems
projects, and/or, under general supervision, in elements of major or complex systems. Starts to
specialize in a particular area of the organization, providing consultative systems guidance to the
user area in the application of systems analysis to business problems. This fully qualified level is
competent to initiate and implement systems design projects of moderate size and complexity.
(Relevant degree and 3-5 years experience is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Principal Analyst Programmer

Position Number: IA16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Senior Analyst Programmer, System Designer, Development Team Leader,
Project Leader. This job undertakes a technical leadership (high level business analysis and
application design) and co-ordination on projects, and/or system maintenance activities. This job
will require excellent analysis capability and extensive design experience, gained over more than
five years - ten years is common. Any designs for particularly critical parts of systems will,
however, be submitted to an overall design authority. Is very likely to have a small team working
under one's direct control for much or all of the time, though these may formally report into a
project manager.

Representative Activities
 Leads the process of detailed technical planning.
 Undertakes complex systems designs and leads the development process, using
allocated colleagues as necessary to undertake detailed analysis and coding
 Sets priorities and manages systems maintenance activities.
 Leads (from a technical perspective) and coaches a small team of IT professionals.
 May make a significant contribution to defining development standards
for the development function, or lead internal projects.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Analyst Programmer IV
Position Number: IA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Senior Analyst, Senior Systems Analyst, System Designer, Project Leader
Mainstream application development and support resource. At this level individuals are capable
of operating fully autonomously and without close supervision within a team structure.
This job will require extensive development experience, probably gained over five years.
Capable of designing significantly more complex parts of a system, but on these, work will be
checked by more experienced colleagues.
Is likely to have analyst programmers working under one's direct control from time to
time, though these may formally report into someone else.

Representative Activities
 Undertakes systems analysis and design and undertakes systems building activities,
devolving some systems building tasks to less experienced colleagues where necessary.
 Manages and progresses a program of system maintenance activities, ensuring
change requests and small enhancements are progressed.
 May lead small lower-risk projects, such as stand-alone systems, functionality
enhancements for existing systems.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Analyst Programmer III

Position Number: IA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Senior Analyst, Business Analyst, Programmer
Mainstream application development and support resource. At this level individuals are capable
of operating fully autonomously and without close supervision on many programming and
maintenance activities.
This job will require around two or three years' development experience.
Self sufficiency an essential feature of this level. Capable of working with minimal supervision
typically on coding or systems maintenance activities, but will have a range of coding and
analysis experience.

Representative Activities
 Assists on analysis by undertaking information gathering and analysis,
and by eliciting the details of user requirements in discussion with users.
 Undertakes programming, analysis and testing tasks, working within a team.
 Supports application software by fixing problems and undertaking enhancements.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Analyst Programmer II
Position Number: IA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Programmer, Application Programmer
Mainstream application development and support resource. At this level individuals are capable
of operating fully autonomously and without close supervision on many programming and
maintenance activities.
This job will require a year's development experience, a good working knowledge of the
relevant environment and toolset.
Competent coding and systems maintenance activities, undertaken with available help and
guidance particularly on analysis.

Representative Activities
 Assists on analysis by undertaking information gathering and analysis.
 Undertakes allocated programming and testing tasks (typically at the unit level) working
within a team.
 Supports application software by fixing problems and undertaking enhancements.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Design and Development

Analyst Programmer I
Position Number: IA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Junior Programmer, Trainee Analyst Programmer, Junior Application
Trainee development role.
Very little experience (several months) required for this role. Task-
based work, working under supervision.

Representative Activities
 Undertakes simple programming tasks, working under close supervision.
 May also undertake testing and documentation tasks.

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

IT and Telecommunications - Infrastructure/Support

Position Number: IB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Infrastructure / Systems sub family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - high

Position Number: IB20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Accountable for the integration and coordination of all local area and wide area networks for the
organization. Responsible for the technical architecture and the necessary planning, design and
installation and management of the hardware, software and telecommunications systems.
Recommends acquisition of new hardware, software, and/or telecommunications systems, as well
as network security and access procedures. Relevant degree and 8-10 years progressive IT
experience with emphasis on multiplatform client server operating environments, is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.

Low Even
Reference Reference
Level 18 Level 19
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served:
Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 18 Level 19 Level 20
> $200 million
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served: million

Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - even
Position Number: IB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Accountable for the integration and coordination of all local area and wide area networks for the
organization. Responsible for the technical architecture and the necessary planning, design and
installation and management of the hardware, software and telecommunications systems.
Recommends acquisition of new hardware, software, and/or telecommunications systems, as well
as network security and access procedures. Relevant bachelors degree and 8-10 years progressive
IT experience with emphasis on multi-platform client server operating environments, is

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.
Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Operations Manager - high

Position Number: IB19G2
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Supervises and provides functional direction to Network Administrators who provide
continuous monitoring, troubleshooting and first level maintenance of the various networks
(LAN or LAN/WAN) and workstations across all shifts. Coordinates the use of internal technical
support personnel and vendor support to provide higher levels of troubleshooting and
maintenance. Monitors overall performance of network(s) and recommends restructuring of, or
additions, to basic configuration, but (in a more complex environment) is not usually
substantially involved in network technical design. Relevant degree and 8-10 years IT experience
with emphasis on Network Administration and on Software and Applications Systems and
Programming is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.
Compensation differences may also relate to the number of platforms and LAN and/or
WAN in the configuration of the environment.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
Total Current Annualized Operating < $35 million $35-$200 >$200 million
Expenses of the Client Unit(s) Served:

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Operations Manager - even

Position Number: IB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Supervises and provides functional direction to Network Administrators who provide
continuous monitoring, troubleshooting and first level maintenance of the various networks
(LAN or LAN/WAN) and workstations across all shifts. Coordinates the use of internal technical
support personnel and vendor support to provide higher levels of troubleshooting and
maintenance. Monitors overall performance of network(s) and recommends restructuring of, or
additions, to basic configuration, but (in a more complex environment) is not usually substantially
involved in network technical design. Relevant degree and 8-10 years IT experience with
emphasis on Network Administration and on Software and Applications Systems and
Programming is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.
Compensation differences may also relate to the number of platforms and LAN and/or
WAN in the configuration of the environment.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 17 Level 18 Level 19

>$200 million
Total Current Annualized Operating < $35 million $35-$20
Expenses of the Client Unit(s) Served:

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Integrator (LAN/WAN) - low

Position Number: IB18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Accountable for the integration and coordination of all local area and wide area networks for the
organization. Responsible for the technical architecture and the necessary planning, design and
installation and management of the hardware, software and telecommunications systems.
Recommends acquisition of new hardware, software, and/or telecommunications systems, as well
as network security and access procedures. Relevant degree and 8-10 years progressive IT
experience with emphasis on multiplatform client server operating environments, is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.

Low Even
Reference Reference
Level 18 Level 19
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served:
Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Architect
Position Number: IB18G3
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Senior technical expert responsible for the design and implementation of an assigned technology.
This role produces documented frameworks, or architectures, which describe and are used to
manage the implementation of a technical environment. The role researches development in
assigned technology, determines business requirements, proposes changes, and develops migration
and implementation plans. The role provides input into the technology plan for the organization,
and ensures that plans for their assigned technology integrate effectively with other aspects of the
technical infrastructure. Sets and administers standards for overall organization's relational
database structure/architecture (currently, ORACLE, SYBASE, SQL, etc.). Advises management
on technology purchases and on future projects or environment upgrades/modifications. The role
may provide consulting services to project teams on their areas of expertise. Relevant degree and
5-7 years experience is common.

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
Total Current Annualized Operating < $35 million $35-$200 >$200 million
Expenses of the Client Unit(s) Served:

Network Operations Manager - low
Position Number: IB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Supervises and provides functional direction to Network Administrators who provide
continuous monitoring, troubleshooting and first level maintenance of the various networks
(LAN or LAN/WAN) and workstations across all shifts. Coordinates the use of internal technical
support personnel and vendor support to provide higher levels of troubleshooting and
maintenance. Monitors overall performance of network(s) and recommends restructuring of, or
additions, to basic configuration, but (in a more complex environment) is not usually
substantially involved in network technical design. Relevant degree and 8-10 years IT experience
with emphasis on Network Administration and on Software and Applications Systems and
Programming is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served.
Compensation differences may also relate to the number of platforms and LAN and/or
WAN in the configuration of the environment.
Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Group Ware Specialist

Position Number: IB17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Responsible for the implementation, maintenance and support of organization-wide
messaging systems, including integration of groupware systems into overall platform.
Relevant bachelors degree and 3-5 years progressive IT experience, with significant experience
in LAN/WAN/telecommunications systems and applications.

Representative Activities
 Ensures the smooth implementation, continuous maintenance and support of
organisation-wide messaging systems, including integration of groupware systems into
overall platform.
 Provides technical support and documentation both for end users and systems
 Serves as internal consultant in areas of server support, security, access and related
technical design/implementation issues.

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Planning Analyst

Position Number: IB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Evaluates and plans implementation and use of moderately complex network systems and
recommends resource requirements to maintain or upgrade service levels. Assists in network
planning, design/engineering, architecture development and the creation of technical
standards. Evaluates new products and resolves network problems as assigned. (Relevant
degree and 3 - 5 years experience in IT, preferably Network Operations, or high usage
end user environment.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Administrator (Multiple Platform LAN/WAN)

Position Number: IB16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Working within the framework of established operating procedures and in close
cooperation with internal and external support personnel, provides troubleshooting
and maintenance of data servers, user devices, and communications links, as necessary, to assure
operational availability. Focuses on both hardware and software aspects of network operations
across a multiple platform LAN/WAN configuration. (Relevant degree and 3-5 years IT
experience including operations and moderately complex systems and programming is

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Administrator (Single Platform LAN/WAN)

Position Number: IB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Working within the framework of established operating procedures and in close
cooperation with internal and external support personnel, provides troubleshooting
and maintenance of data servers, user devices, and communications links, as necessary, to
assure operational availability. Focuses on both hardware and software aspects of network
operations across a single platform LAN/WAN configuration. (Relevant degree and 1-3 years
IT experience including operations and Applications Systems and Programming is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Network Administrator (LAN)

Position Number: IB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Working within the framework of established operating procedures and in close
cooperation with internal and external support personnel, provides troubleshooting
and maintenance of data servers, user devices, and communications links, as necessary, to
assure operational availability. Focuses on both hardware and software aspects of network
operations in a LAN environment. (Relevant degree and up to 1 years IT and/or high usage end
user experience is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications Function: Infrastructure/Support

Help Desk Analyst

Position Number: IB11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Customer Service Analyst, User Support Analyst. Provides help desk support
to users of systems, dealing with calls relating to problems encountered or queries about systems.
At least a year's experience in support in the relevant technical environment would be normal in
this role, though less support experience may be compensated for by extensive experience of
using the relevant systems as an advanced user. May deal with mainframe issues as well as
distributed/network problems.

Representative Activities
 Elicits and records salient details of incoming callers and calls in line with local procedures.
 Resolves most incoming problems relating to use of systems in discussion with the caller.
 For more complex problems, elicits sufficient details of the problem to enable the
appropriate escalation path to be identified, and involves the appropriate specialist in
problem resolution.
 Undertakes any general tasks relating to the development of the help desk, as directed.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

IT and Telecommunications - Operations

Position Number: IC

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Operations sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

Computer Services Manager II - even

Position Number: IC19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Operations Manager. The purpose of this job is to direct the provision of the
complete range of computer and network services required by a major business. This job requires
significant experience in managing the delivery of technical services, together with project
management experience in technical infrastructure areas. Typically will report to a Director of IT
or Head of IT. At this level, the Computer Services budget is likely to be in the $8-16 million range.
The staff managed is likely to be in the range 30-100.

Representative Activities
 Identifies the requirements for IT-based services that exist across the business,
so as to provide a satisfactory basis for a service and infrastructure plan.
 Identifies and implements the technical and resourcing approaches that are needed
to deliver the necessary services effectively and efficiently.
 Delivers and manages all IT services in such a way as to meet business
 Ensures that the design and selection of business application systems is informed by
operational realities, and that new applications systems are successfully integrated and
operated within the operational environment.
 Works with fellow senior managers to ensure that the IT strategy recognises operational
and technical best practice.
 Leads and manages a large team of IT professionals.

Scope Variants
For this position use the number of subordinates as principle guide for determining the
match level.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

Computer Services Manager II - low

Position Number: IC18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Operations Manager. The purpose of this job is to direct the provision of the
complete range of computer and network services required by a major business. This job requires
significant experience in managing the delivery of technical services, together with project
management experience in technical infrastructure areas. Typically will report to a Director of IT
or Head of IT. At this level, the Computer Services budget is likely to be in the $8-16 million range.
The staff managed is likely to be in the range 30-100.

Representative Activities
 Identifies the requirements for IT-based services that exist across the business, so
as to provide a satisfactory basis for a service and infrastructure plan.
 Identifies and implements the technical and resourcing approaches that are needed
to deliver the necessary services effectively and efficiently.
 Delivers and manages all IT services in such a way as to meet business
 Ensures that the design and selection of business application systems is informed by
operational realities, and that new applications systems are successfully integrated and
operated within the operational environment.
 Works with fellow senior managers to ensure that the IT strategy recognises operational
and technical best practice.
 Leads and manages a large team of IT professionals.

Scope Variants
For this position use the number of subordinates as principle guide for determining the
match level.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

Computer Services Manager I

Position Number: IC17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Also may be called: Operations Manager, Computer Service Coordinator. The purpose of this job
is to direct the provision of a range of computer and/or network services. This job requires very
broad experience of managing the delivery of technical services, combined with extended
management experience in technical areas. Typically will report to a Director of IT.

Representative Activities
 Ensures that planning processes are in place to identify the various technical needs
across the business.
 Identifies the technical and resourcing strategies needed to support the needs of the
 Ensures that delivery of all services is in line with requirements.
 Ensures that the financial management (budgeting, cost measurement and control)
of the computer services function is in line with business requirements.
 Works with those developing new applications to ensure they are effective.
 Works with fellow Directors to ensure that the IT strategy recognizes operational
and technical best practice.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

Senior Information Center (or End User Computing

Support) Analyst
Position Number: IC16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Assists users in the more unique situations requiring a broad knowledge of available hardware and
software. Provides direct liaison with end users to define and implement automated solutions for
unique, one-of-a-kind situations. May provide work leadership or direction for other Information
Center/End User Computing Support professionals. Evaluates and recommends unique
hardware configurations; defines special hardware/software requirements, capacities, capabilities,
etc. to meet user needs. Relevant degree and 3-5 years progressive IT and end use experience is

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

Information Center Specialist

Position Number: IC14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides technical support to personal computer and PC network users in response
to specific requests. Troubleshoots non-complex hardware and/or software problems;
provides basic training on hardware and/or software use. Relevant degree in other field with
only additional IT experience through this assignment and 1-2 years end use experience is

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Operations

PC Maintenance Technician
Position Number: IC12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Performs general maintenance tasks, troubleshoots and repairs computer systems
and peripheral equipment located throughout the organization. Maintains an adequate spare
parts inventory of systems, subsystems, and component parts used in repair work. Prepares
progress reports for all work performed. Receives work direction from supervisor on work
priorities and daily assignments.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

IT and Telecommunications - Data Management

Position Number: ID

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Data Management sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Manager Database - high

Position Number: ID19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Manages a small group or team to design, maintain, and implement database management systems,
which provide the organization with orderly methods of data storage and controlled access to data.
Demonstrates technical expertise in applications software, computer hardware, data
communications, programming and systems analysis techniques, project and continuous
operation planning and management. Relevant degree and 8-10 years experience with database
management systems is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current annualized
information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served. Compensation differences may
also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer
only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 17______ Level 18 Level 19
< $35 million $35-$100 $200 million

Total Current Annualized IT & Service
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served:
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Manager Database - even

Position Number: ID18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Manages a small group or team to design, maintain, and implement database management
systems, which provide the organization with orderly methods of data storage and controlled access
to data. Demonstrates technical expertise in applications software, computer hardware, data
communications, programming and systems analysis techniques, project and continuous
operation planning and management. Relevant degree and 8-10 years experience with database
management systems is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current annualized
information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served. Compensation differences may
also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer
only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Total Current Annualized IT & Service Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
< $35 million $35-$200 >$200 million
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served:

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Senior Data Security Specialist - high

Alternative Title: Data Security Specialist - High
Position Number: ID18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Designs and implements procedures and controls necessary to ensure and protect
the safety and security of all information systems assets, including prevention
of intentional or inadvertent access, modification, disclosure, or destruction. Provides
guidance and direction both within IT and among users for the physical protection
of information systems assets and corporate information and intellectual property assets.
Individual contributor with significant breadth and depth of expertise in data access/security
arena. Relevant degree and 5-7 years experience in varied IT, database management, and high
exposure end user situations.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served, and to the
significance of security exposures that are inherent within the nature
of the operation(s). Compensation differences may also relate to whether the environment is
mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 16 Level 17 Level 18
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200 > $200 million
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served: million
Inherent Security Exposure: Limited Typical High

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Manager Database - low

Position Number: ID17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Manages a small group or team to design, maintain, and implement database management
systems, which provide the organization with orderly methods of data storage and controlled access
to data. Demonstrates technical expertise in applications software, computer hardware, data
communications, programming and systems analysis techniques, project and continuous
operation planning and management. Relevant degree and 8-10 years experience with database
management systems is common.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current annualized
information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served. Compensation differences may
also relate to whether the environment is mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer
only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Total Current Annualized IT & Service Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
< $35 million $35-$200 >$200 million
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served:

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Senior Data Security Specialist - even

Alternative Title: Data Security Specialist - Even
Position Number: ID17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Designs and implements procedures and controls necessary to ensure and protect
the safety and security of all information systems assets, including prevention
of intentional or inadvertent access, modification, disclosure, or destruction. Provides
guidance and direction both within IT and among users for the physical protection
of information systems assets and corporate information and intellectual property assets.
Individual contributor with significant breadth and depth of expertise in data access/security
arena. Relevant bachelors degree and 5-7 years experience in varied IT, database management,
and high exposure end user situations.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served, and to the
significance of security exposures that are inherent within the nature
of the operation(s). Compensation differences may also relate to whether the environment is
mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Reference
Level 16 Level 17 Level 18
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200 > $200 million
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served: million
Inherent Security Exposure: Limited Typical High

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Database Analyst III

Position Number: ID17G3
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Designs and installs database management systems applications; monitors database usage. Ensures
appropriate linkages to existing database applications and to other data processing systems. May
provides technical guidance, work leadership and direction to less experienced database analysts.
Has high degree of technical proficiency in design of database applications; knowledge of the
operating interrelationships between databases and the organization's other systems. (Relevant
degree and 5-7 years IT experience with database management emphasis is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Database Architect
Alternative Title: Data Modeler
Position Number: ID17G4
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Position is accountable for developing and maintaining the organization data model. Requires a
broad understanding of all systems, applications, and uses of data. Must identify opportunities to
reduce redundancy, trends in data uses, and emerging data concepts. May conduct database design
and development. Requires knowledge of existing and emerging data modelling approaches and
tools. Typically requires bachelors degree and 7-10 years of relevant experience.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Senior Data Security Specialist - low

Alternative Title: Data Security Specialist - Low
Position Number: ID16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Designs and implements procedures and controls necessary to ensure and protect
the safety and security of all information systems assets, including prevention
of intentional or inadvertent access, modification, disclosure, or destruction. Provides
guidance and direction both within IT and among users for the physical protection
of information systems assets and corporate information and intellectual property assets.
Individual contributor with significant breadth and depth of expertise in data access/security
arena. Relevant degree and 5-7 years experience in varied IT, database management, and high
exposure end user situations.

Scope Variants
Variants relate to complexity of the user organization as indicated by total current
annualized information technology and service expenses of the unit(s) served, and to the
significance of security exposures that are inherent within the nature
of the operation(s). Compensation differences may also relate to whether the environment is
mainframe only, client server/linked microcomputer only, or a blend of both environments.

Level 18
Total Current Annualized IT & Service < $35 million $35-$200 > $200 million
Expenses of the Unit(s) Served: million
Inherent Security Exposure: Limited Typical High

Level 16
Level 17
Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Database Analyst II
Position Number: ID16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Designs tests and modifies database management systems applications and controls. At this
qualified level, works independently on small, less complex database design projects and,
under general supervision, on elements of major, complex projects. (Relevant degree and 3-
5 years IT experience with database management emphasis is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Database Administrator
Position Number: ID16G3
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
The Database Administrator role is responsible for ensuring the control, integrity,
and accessibility of the database file structure of one or more databases with multiple concurrent
users. Database administrators approve database specifications, install and test databases and
associated products, provide fault isolation and resolution, design the distribution of database
resources, provide physical modelling and design services, tune database applications for
optimum performance, and implement disaster recovery and contingency plans. (Relevant degree
and 3-5 years IT experience is common.)

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Database Analyst I
Position Number: ID15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Participates in the design of databases and the maintenance of the data dictionary. Works under
close direction of a more experienced database analyst to learn the system's disciplines, languages,
procedures, and controls. Relevant degree and 1-3 years IT experience with database management
emphasis is common.

Family: IT and Telecommunications
Function: Data Management

Data Entry Operator II

Position Number: ID08G1
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Transcribes data from source documents using data entry devices following standardized
procedures, but additionally applies coding skills and makes some determinations. Differs from
Data Entry Operator I in its use of application skills in making some determinations due to
exceptions and special instructions, often requiring judgmental decisions in coding.

Representative Activities
 Operates alphabetical and/or numerical or combination data entry systems.
 Locates on the source document the items to be entered, sometimes having
to decipher illegible documents and assist in preparing new ones.
 Extracts information from several documents.
 Searches for and interprets information on the documents to determine information
to be entered.
 Verifies work of self and others using various devices and procedures.

Family: Human Resources
Function: Human Resources

Human Resources
Position Number: H

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Human Resources
Function: HR Generalist

Human Resources - Generalist

Position Number: HA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Generalist sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Human Resources Function: HR Generalist

Human Resources Manager - high

Alternative Title: Site/Plant Human Resources Manager - High
Position Number: HA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of plans and/or programs to ensure the most effective
utilization of human resources to support unit objectives. This must be accomplished within the
framework of the organization's overall corporate policies, plans, and programs.
This is the top Human Resources position for a specific location. It requires generalized
knowledge and involvement in all specialized areas. The emphasis is on adaptation and
implementation of broader organization policies.

Representative Activities
 Supervises administration of personnel policies and practices at the location.
 Manages/conducts employee training and orientation programs.
 Assures implementation/administration of compensation and benefits programs
at the location (below senior management level).
 Works with management to plan and implement programs to meet human resource
requirements supporting short- and long-term business needs.
 Participates in collective bargaining negotiations and administers contract
provisions at the location.
 Implements effective safety, affirmative action, and other employee relations programs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the employee population served as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even
Reference Level 17 High
Reference Level Reference Level 18
300-500 19
Staff Levels: Mainly production and Mix of all levels Mainly
clerical professional

Family: Human Resources
Function: HR Generalist

Human Resources Manager - even

Alternative Title: Site/Plant Human Resources Manager - Even
Position Number: HA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of plans and/or programs to ensure the most effective
utilization of human resources to support unit objectives. This must be accomplished within the
framework of the organization's overall corporate policies, plans, and programs.
This is the top Human Resources position for a specific location. It requires generalized
knowledge and involvement in all specialized areas. The emphasis is on adaptation and
implementation of broader organization policies.

Representative Activities
 Supervises administration of personnel policies and practices at the location.
 Manages/conducts employee training and orientation programs.
 Assures implementation/administration of compensation and benefits programs
at the location (below senior management level).
 Works with management to plan and implement programs to meet human resource
requirements supporting short- and long-term business needs.
 Participates in collective bargaining negotiations and administers contract
provisions at the location.
 Implements effective safety, affirmative action, and other employee relations programs.


Reference Level 17 Reference Level Reference Level 18
Family: Human Resources Function: HR Generalist

Human Resources Manager - low

Alternative Title: Site/Plant Human Resources Manager - Low
Position Number: HA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of plans and/or programs to ensure the most effective
utilization of Human Resources to support unit objectives. This must be accomplished within the
framework of the organization's overall corporate policies, plans, and programs.
This is the top Human Resources position for a specific location. It requires generalized
knowledge and involvement in all specialized areas. The emphasis is on adaptation and
implementation of broader organization policies.

Representative Activities
 Supervises administration of personnel policies and practices at the location.
 Manages/conducts employee training and orientation programs.
 Assures implementation/administration of compensation and benefits programs
at the location (below senior management level).
 Works with management to plan and implement programs to meet human resource
requirements supporting short- and long-term business needs.
 Participates in collective bargaining negotiations and administers contract
provisions at the location.
 Implements effective safety, affirmative action, and other employee relations programs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the employee population served as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even
Reference Level 17 High
Reference Level Reference Level 18
300-500 19
Staff Levels: Mainly production and Mix of all levels Mainly
clerical professional

Family: Human Resources
Function: HR Generalist

Personnel Manager III

Alternative Title: Human Resources Generalist IV
Position Number: HA17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Provides a variety of services necessary for the recruitment, selection, assignment, motivation,
and training and development of qualified employees. Jobs span more than one area of
functional specialization (compensation, benefits, labour relations) within the Human
Resources function.
This is a position for a broadly seasoned professional serving an organizational unit. The
emphasis is on the implementation of an organization's programs; some major Human Resources
functions may be missing. The population served is typically 200-700 employees.

Representative Activities
 Directs adaptation of broader policies, plans and programs to meet accepted objectives.
 Directs administration of local hiring, compensation, benefits, training, safety, health
and security programs.
 Participates in local negotiations. Administers the labour agreement.
 Counsels managers on how to handle personnel problems.
 Assures implementation of broader policy and adherence to external regulations.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Generalist

Personnel Manager II
Alternative Title: Human Resources Generalist III
Position Number: HA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Provides a general personnel service for mostly non executive levels.
This is a position for a well-seasoned professional who can handle most day-to-day
problems independently. The incumbent will recognize the potential for significant
precedents and refer these issues to others.

Representative Activities
 Participates in the recruitment process, discussing staff needs with line managers,
screening applications and conducting interviews.
 Participates in career development issues, discussing career paths with line
managers and recommending suitable candidates for promotion.
 Investigates and resolves day-to-day employee relations problems, either directly
or through advice to line management.
 Conducts routine salary administration tasks, providing advice to managers
on the wages and salaries of all employees (except most senior management).
 Investigates and advises both management and employees on personnel matters,
preparing briefing papers as required.
 Supervises the preparation of supporting paperwork and subsequent filing.

Family: Human Resources
Function: HR Generalist

Personnel Manager I
Alternative Title: Human Resources Generalist II
Position Number: HA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Provides a general personnel service for largely non-executive levels. This represents a well-
grounded, middle seasoned level of Human Resources professional. Acts
with more independence than the entry; review is mainly after the fact. Typically acts in
several areas rather than specializing in just one.

Representative Activities
 Makes decisions on hiring of entry level clerical and production employees.
 Participates in recruitment process, placing internal and external ads, short listing
candidates, and preparing documentation.
 Investigates and resolves straightforward benefit claims.
 Helps develop and modify training programs.
 Advise line managers on personnel procedures and precedents.
 Investigates and drafts grievance replies.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Generalist

Human Resources Administrator

Alternative Title: Human Resources Generalist I
Position Number: HA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
This is a basic Human Resources position typically occupied by a recent college graduate or a
longer-term employee who has risen through the administrative ranks. Work requires a basic
understanding of business disciplines and the application of well-defined technique and
procedures. This individual contributor works in 2 or more of the human resource activities such
as employment, training, compensation, benefits, or labour relations.

Representative Activities
 Performs administrative functions requiring some insight into the why as well as the
 Specific job content may cover such activities as processing and screening job
applicants, presenting ""off the shelf"" training programs, and investigating benefits
claims and grievances.
 Work generally follows established procedures and patterns with review in progress and
at completion.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Human Resources - Specialist

Position Number: HB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Specialist sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Manager - high

Position Number: HB20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Provides overall guidance to training and development activities throughout the
organization unit.
This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who can diagnose
organization needs, recommend the appropriate mix and emphasis to improve
organization effectiveness, and implement the agreed-on plan.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs; determines project costs/benefits.
 Stays aware of externally available programs and faculty.
 Oversees design and presentation of programs.
 Reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of programs.
 May personally conduct selected programs.
 Serves as a technical resource for programs that are developed and presented

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Manager - even

Position Number: HB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Provides overall guidance to training and development activities throughout the
organization unit.
This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who can diagnose
organization needs, recommend the appropriate mix and emphasis to improve
organization effectiveness, and implement the agreed-on plan.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs; determines project costs/benefits.
 Stays aware of externally available programs and faculty.
 Oversees design and presentation of programs.
 Reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of programs.
 May personally conduct selected programs.
 Serves as a technical resource for programs that are developed and presented locally.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the employee population served as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Population Served: <2,000_______________2,000-10,000________>10,000

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Manager - high

Position Number: HB19G2
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of compensation and benefits programs that provide a
competitive level of pay, motivation, and reward to employees as well as protection. Focuses on
cash programs (salaries, bonus) and cash-equivalent programs (stock options) that cover salaried
and non-union employee populations. This management position requires a well-seasoned
professional who understands the organisation's needs, can recommend the design of multifaceted
programs, and implement them efficiently and sensitively.

Representative Activities
 Monitors competitive trends in compensation and benefits and evaluates alternatives
and costs.
 Develops and recommends benefits programs, salary policy lines and administrative
procedures as well as incentive, bonus, stock option and other special payment plans for
specific segments of the population.
 Monitors the effectiveness of compensation and benefits programs and recommends
modification to reduce costs and improve delivery.
 Participates in negotiation of agreements with insurance carriers and financial
institutions for administration of benefits programs and provides technical backup to
union negotiations on benefits matters.
 Assures that required records and reports are maintained and issued.
 Conducts and participates in surveys.
 Assures proper evaluation of jobs through senior levels.
 Counsels managers on individual salary treatment.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served, the functions administered by the
incumbent and the Corporate Compensation & Benefits involvement as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Even High
Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Scope < 2000 people > 2000 people
Number of Administers all Administers all
functions functions functions

Reference Level 17
500 - 1500___________
Lacks accountability for
key functions (e.g.,
negotiations with unions
insurance carriers,
executive compensation)
Low Even High
Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Noticeable Corporate Noticeable No Corporate C&B
Involvement of C&B involvement and Corporate C&B
Corporate C&B national environment involvement or
involvement and
mainly national
environment (more
than 5 countries

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Manager - low

Position Number: HB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Provides overall guidance to training and development activities throughout the
organization unit.
This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who can diagnose
organization needs, recommend the appropriate mix and emphasis to improve
organization effectiveness, and implement the agreed-on plan.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs; determines project costs/benefits.
 Stays aware of externally available programs and faculty.
 Oversees design and presentation of programs.
 Reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of programs.
 May personally conduct selected programs.
 Serves as a technical resource for programs that are developed and presented

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Manager - even

Position Number: HB18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of compensation and benefits programs that provide a
competitive level of pay, motivation, and reward to employees as well as protection. Focuses on
cash programs (salaries, bonus) and cash-equivalent programs (stock options) that cover salaried and
non-union employee populations.
This management position requires a well-seasoned professional who understands the
organisation's needs, can recommend the design of multifaceted programs, and implement them
efficiently and sensitively.

Representative Activities
 Monitors competitive trends in compensation and benefits and evaluates alternatives and
 Develops and recommends benefits programs, salary policy lines and administrative
procedures as well as incentive, bonus, stock option and other special payment plans for
specific segments of the population.
 Monitors the effectiveness of compensation and benefits programs and recommends
modification to reduce costs and improve delivery.
 Participates in negotiation of agreements with insurance carriers and financial institutions
for administration of benefits programs and provides technical backup to union
negotiations on benefits matters.
 Assures that required records and reports are maintained and issued.
 Conducts and participates in surveys.
 Assures proper evaluation of jobs through senior levels.
 Counsels managers on individual salary treatment.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served, the functions administered by the
incumbent and the Corporate Compensation & Benefits involvement as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Scope High
Number of Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
functions 500 - 1500 < 2000 people > 2000 people
administered Lacks accountability for Administers all Administers all
key functions (e.g., functions functions
negotiations with unions
insurance carriers,

Noticeable Corporate
C&B involvement and
national environment

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Noticeable No Corporate C&B
Corporate C&B involvement or
involvement and international
mainly national environment (more
environment than 5 countries
Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Recruitment Manager - high

Position Number: HB18G3
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops and implements programs to recruit and select the human resources required
to meet the organization's business needs. Also establishes general hiring standards for all classes of
employment, including: design of application forms; standardization of screening; interviewing;
and monitoring of governmental programs. The typical scope of this position is a population
served of around 2000 people. This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who
understands the organization's needs, knows the available resources, and can organize a program
to effectively supply the organization's needs. The incumbent may oversee the use of search firms
and employment agencies, but is not accountable for executive search and recruiting.

Representative Activities
 Works with managers to identify and define specific new hire requirements.
 Establishes and monitors hiring standards and practices.
 Designs and administers recruiting programs.
 Recommends candidates for further consideration.
 Maintains external contacts to assure access to universities and other sources
of people.
 Provides functional direction and review of local hiring.
 Co-ordinates special intern programs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served and the type of position (local, national
or international) as the principal guides for determining the match level.

Population served < 1000 people 1000 - 3000 people > 3000 people International

Type of position local national

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Manager - low

Position Number: HB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Develops and directs implementation of compensation and benefits programs that provide a
competitive level of pay, motivation, and reward to employees as well as protection. Focuses on
cash programs (salaries, bonus) and cash-equivalent programs (stock options) that cover salaried
and non-union employee populations. This management position requires a well-seasoned
professional who understands the organisation's needs, can recommend the design of multifaceted
programs, and implement them efficiently and sensitively.

Representative Activities
 Monitors competitive trends in compensation and benefits and evaluates alternatives
and costs.
 Develops and recommends benefits programs, salary policy lines and administrative
procedures as well as incentive, bonus, stock option and other special payment plans for
specific segments of the population.
 Monitors the effectiveness of compensation and benefits programs and recommends
modification to reduce costs and improve delivery.
 Participates in negotiation of agreements with insurance carriers and financial
institutions for administration of benefits programs and provides technical backup to
union negotiations on benefits matters.
 Assures that required records and reports are maintained and issued.
 Conducts and participates in surveys.
 Assures proper evaluation of jobs through senior levels.
 Counsels managers on individual salary treatment.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served, the functions administered by the
incumbent and the Corporate Compensation & Benefits involvement as the principal
guides for determining the match level.

Even High
Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Scope < 2000 people > 2000 people
Number of Administers all Administers all
functions functions functions

Reference Level 17
500 - 1500___________
Lacks accountability for
key functions (e.g.,
negotiations with unions
insurance carriers,
executive compensation)
Low Even High
Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Noticeable Corporate Noticeable No Corporate C&B
Involvement of C&B involvement and Corporate C&B
Corporate C&B national environment involvement or
involvement and
mainly national
environment (more
than 5 countries

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Recruitment Manager - even

Position Number: HB17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Develops and implements programs to recruit and select the human resources required
to meet the organization's business needs. Also establishes general hiring standards for all classes of
employment, including: design of application forms; standardization of screening; interviewing;
and monitoring of governmental programs. The typical scope of this position is a population served
of around 2000 people. This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who
understands the organization's needs, knows the available resources, and can organize a program to
effectively supply the organization's needs. The incumbent may oversee the use of search firms and
employment agencies, but is not accountable for executive search and recruiting.

Representative Activities
 Works with managers to identify and define specific new hire requirements.
 Establishes and monitors hiring standards and practices.
 Designs and administers recruiting programs.
 Recommends candidates for further consideration.
 Maintains external contacts to assure access to universities and other sources
of people.
 Provides functional direction and review of local hiring.
 Co-ordinates special intern programs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served and the type of position (local, national
or international) as the principal guides for determining the match level.

Population served < 1000 people 1000 - 3000 people > 3000 people
Type of position local national International

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Employee/Labour Relations Representative III

Position Number: HB17G3
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Interprets and implements provisions of local labour agreements to resolve problems and
assure compliance by both parties.
This position is for a seasoned specialist level professional typically found in large organizations.
The incumbent can operate relatively independently on a day-to-day basis, exhibiting a sensitivity
to the potential for precedents. In the non-organized environment, a somewhat different role
exists, albeit with many of the same elements. The job in this environment becomes one of a
team builder and facilitator.

Representative Activities
 Investigates and answers grievances within the framework of the contract.
 Advise managers on how to handle specific situations (e.g., discipline, work
practice changes) and on their implications in terms of labour agreements.
 Serves as communications link with bargaining unit representatives (stewards,
committees) and individual employees to anticipate potential problems
and improve understanding of the organization’s positions.
 Interprets the labour organization's viewpoint for management.
 Identifies chronic labour relations problem areas and recommends solutions.
 Participates in major contract negotiations.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Recruitment Manager - low

Position Number: HB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Develops and implements programs to recruit and select the human resources required
to meet the organization's business needs. Also establishes general hiring standards for all classes of
employment, including: design of application forms; standardization of screening; interviewing;
and monitoring of governmental programs. The typical scope of this position is a population served
of around 2000 people. This managerial position requires a well-seasoned professional who
understands the organization's needs, knows the available resources, and can organize a program to
effectively supply the organization's needs. The incumbent may oversee the use of search firms and
employment agencies, but is not accountable for executive search and recruiting.

Representative Activities
 Works with managers to identify and define specific new hire requirements.
 Establishes and monitors hiring standards and practices.
 Designs and administers recruiting programs.
 Recommends candidates for further consideration.
 Maintains external contacts to assure access to universities and other sources
of people.
 Provides functional direction and review of local hiring.
 Co-ordinates special intern programs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served and the type of position (local, national
or international) as the principal guides for determining the match level.

Population served < 1000 people 1000 - 3000 people > 3000 people
Type of position local national International

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Specialist II - even

Position Number: HB16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Plans and organizes training and management development programs to support
the company's business plans. This position is for a qualified specialist. The incumbent will be
expected to design and deliver programs for professional employees and identify externally
suitable programs.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training and development needs of staff in conjunction with line managers.
 Initiates, organises and undertakes training in the form of courses, workshops and
 Prepares training budget; seeks and obtains funding approval; controls costs against
 Directs planning and organisation of all workshops that are offered.
 Writes central core training courses and specific workshops.
 May design and implement assessment programs to identify potential and training
 Interacts with external training consultants to identify course objectives and content.
 May conduct training.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16 n/a Population
served < 1000________________________> 1000

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Specialist - even

Position Number: HB16G3 Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Researches, analyses, and develops modifications to compensation and benefits programs to meet
identified organisation objectives and needs. This position is for an experienced specialist. The
incumbent will be expected to make judgements and take actions that may set precedents. The
incumbent will evaluate and make recommendations for major changes in organisation

Representative Activities
 Analyses costs and competitive trends in cash compensation and benefits
programs and identifies the organisation's position.
 Prepares data and participates in surveys and in reviews of data.
 Develops administrative procedures to monitor and reduce costs and improve
delivery of programs.
 Oversees administration of programs and maintenance of required records.
 Documents and evaluates positions up through middle management.
 Advises managers on individual salary treatment and employees on interpretation
of plan provisions.
 Participates in development of compensation and benefits policy.
 Prepares employee communications materials.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the different type of accents of the position (as described below) as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Reference Level 15

Reference Level 16
Accent of position on high-level Accent of position upon policy n/a
analysis and implementation development and advise to management
Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Specialist - low

Position Number: HB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Researches, analyses, and develops modifications to compensation and benefits programs to meet
identified organisation objectives and needs. This position is for an experienced specialist. The
incumbent will be expected to make judgements and take actions that may set precedents. The
incumbent will evaluate and make recommendations for major changes in organisation

Representative Activities
 Analyses costs and competitive trends in cash compensation and benefits
programs and identifies the organisation's position.
 Prepares data and participates in surveys and in reviews of data.
 Develops administrative procedures to monitor and reduce costs and improve
delivery of programs.
 Oversees administration of programs and maintenance of required records.
 Documents and evaluates positions up through middle management.
 Advises managers on individual salary treatment and employees on interpretation
of plan provisions.
 Participates in development of compensation and benefits policy.
 Prepares employee communications materials.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the different type of accents of the position (as described below) as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Recruitment Officer
Position Number: HB15G2
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Ensures the co-ordination of all recruitment related activities for blue collar and/or non-
managerial staff. May have to initiate recruitment for ""junior"" managerial staff and do a pre-
screening. This job requires an in-depth knowledge of the company together with interviewing
skills and recruitment techniques. The position works independently in the context of broadly
defined procedures.

Representative Activities
 Determines future personnel needs together with line management.
 Defines and implements recruitment programs to meet needs.
 Co-ordinates the placing of internal and/ or external ads to find candidates.
 Interviews potential candidates and co-ordinates with line management concerning
the fit with the job.
 Organises and supervises administrative tasks related to recruitment, ensuring that all
relevant information for new employees is recorded.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Specialist II - low

Position Number: HB15G3
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Plans and organizes training and management development programs to support
the company's business plans. This position is for a qualified specialist. The incumbent will be
expected to design and deliver programs for professional employees and identify externally
suitable programs.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training and development needs of staff in conjunction with line managers.
 Initiates, organises and undertakes training in the form of courses, workshops and
 Prepares training budget; seeks and obtains funding approval; controls costs against
 Directs planning and organisation of all workshops that are offered.
 Writes central core training courses and specific workshops.
 May design and implement assessment programs to identify potential and training
 Interacts with external training consultants to identify course objectives and content.
 May conduct training.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the size of the population served as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16 n/a Population
served < 1000________________________> 1000

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Training and Development Specialist I

Position Number: HB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Arranges training for individuals or groups within a framework of available programs. This
position is for the first level of specialist. The incumbent will typically have had some
experience in the organization as a generalist, or have an advanced degree in education and

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs in consultation with line management.
 Arranges local training courses and in-house courses and co-ordinates
arrangements for external courses and seminars.
 Advises employees and management on appropriate training courses, counselling
individuals as necessary.
 Makes arrangements for further education and monitors the progress of attendees.
 Supervises the maintenance of accurate training records, monitoring costs, and
maintaining budgetary control of all training activities.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Compensation and Benefits Analyst

Position Number: HB14G2
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides analytical and other professional level support to the compensation & benefits
function. May include job documentation, special studies, job evaluation, salary
administration, preparation of communications materials, and training of administrators. This
position is the first level of specialist. The incumbent will typically have had some experience in
the organization as a generalist or have an advanced degree in employee relations.

Representative Activities
 Conducts and analyzes survey results to assist in comparing compensation & benefit
 Assists in merit budget planning & administration.
 Drafts compensation & benefit plan administrative procedures and communications
 Monitors plan costs, identifies problem areas and reviews changes in compensation &
benefits law.
 Trains operating management in the administration of compensation & benefits
 Prepares and maintain position descriptions and participates in evaluation of positions
up through the first level of management.

Family: Human Resources Function: HR Specialist

Position Number: HB13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Accountable for attracting and screening potential employees.
This position is for a recruitment specialist with a good knowledge of the organization's
requirements and sources. Concentration is primarily on recruitment of unionised and lower
level professional employees. May report to a recruitment manager.

Representative Activities
 Works with managers to define candidate qualifications.
 Identifies sources and implements recruitment plan.
 Conducts screening interviews.
 Obtains references in accordance with established company procedure.
 Administers appropriate standardized tests to recruits.
 Prepares routine documentation appropriate to the recruitment process and
engagement of new employees.
 Obtains temporary employees on request.
 Assures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Position Number: G

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Senior Legal Advisor

Position Number: GA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Provides full legal services to one or more departments or operating units. Has an ongoing
relationship and accountability for the unit being served. Is an operational specialist, but not
usually a top legal expert in the organization. Work assignments consist of major legal tasks
involving problems of recognized complexity and facts that are occasionally in question, for
which considerable legal judgement, experience and independent reasoning is required. This
position is for an attorney with extensive experience (usually five to eight years) to demonstrate a
competence in applying complex legal skills consistent with departmental practices.

Representative Activities
 Counsels management whenever legally unsound decisions or plans are being made or
when changes in the law occur.
 Supervises preparation of the defence in litigation. Works with outside counsel
to develop the defence; briefs and guides them and supervises their work. Assists
in court trials and recommends whether a case should be tried or settled.
 Initiates and/or challenges legal policies.
 Provides research, factual information, counsel, and guidance on legal questions or issues.
 Prepares memoranda, initial drafts, and final drafts of legal documents.
 Maintains client contact to receive work, render opinions, and consult and advise; some
work handled without supervision or consultation.

Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Legal Advisor
Position Number: GA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Provides legal service to one or more assigned departments or units of the organization. Work
involves facts usually not in question that can be defined or established within the clear
definition of the law. Matters in question typically have measurable impact on the assigned
department or unit. This position is for a practising attorney with sufficient experience (usually
three to five years) to demonstrate a knowledge of legal skills and departmental practices.
Incumbent receives general supervision from assigning lawyer. Follows precedents and works
independently on a day-to-day basis. Assignments require the exercise of some discretion as to
their scope. Key points of work are reviewed with alternative courses of action and unusual
situations presented to the superior for review.

Representative Activities
 Negotiates and drafts documentation for various company transactions.
 Provides research, factual information, counsel, and guidance on legal questions or
 Prepares memoranda and initial drafts of legal documents.
 Assists in the preparation of cases for litigation, reviewing complex documents
relating to transactions in which the company is to participate.
 Provides legal advice to several commercial sections of the company
and in administrative matters relating to personnel, property leases etc.
 May assist in recruitment of lawyers and law clerks at law schools.

Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Principal Legal Executive

Position Number: GA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Manages, controls and monitors the work of a group of Paralegals/Legal Executives/Clerks (+/-
3-8). Qualified Paralegal/Legal Executive with minimum 3 years experience. Up-to-date
knowledge of all subjects concerned with the job.

Representative Activities
 Reviews workloads and organizational changes to optimize staff development and
deployment. Controls the departments budget and plan for future development.
 Manages the activities and monitors ongoing work of legal staff in order to ensure that
target performances are achieved, deadlines met and are in compliance with statutory.
 Provides legal expertise to enable the organization to discharge its functions.

Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Senior Legal Executive

Position Number: GA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Prepares, provides and reviews legal documentation in a specific area(s) (e.g. conveyancing,
contracts), also providing legal advice and assistance to other departments regarding these
matters. Newly qualified legal executive with 2-3 years experience. Knowledge of legal
documentation. May control 1-5 Law Clerks or Legal Executives.

Representative Activities
 Prepares and completes legal documents.
 Analyses and interprets other than legal documents.
 Provides legal advice to other departments in connection with specialist area(s) and
research of legal problems.
 May manage the activities of and control work of a small group of legal staff.

Family: Legal
Function: Legal

Legal Executive
Position Number: GA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Prepares, provides and reviews legal documentation in a specific area(s) (e.g. conveyancing,
contracts), also providing legal advice and assistance to other departments regarding these
matters. Newly qualified legal executive with 1-2 years experience. Knowledge of legal
documentation. May control 1-3 Law Clerks or Junior Legal Executives.

Representative Activities
 Prepares and completes legal documents.
 Analyses and interprets other legal documents.
 Provides legal advice to other departments in connection with specialist area(s) and
research of legal problems.
 May manage the activities of and control work of a small group of legal staff.

Family: Marketing
Function: Marketing

Position Number: M

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Marketing - Market Research

Position Number: MA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Marketing Research sub-family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Market Research Manager - high

Position Number: MA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Supervises the data collection and analysis of customer needs/reaction to products
and services to assist in the development of marketing and sales strategies.
This managerial position requires expertise in study design and interpretation as well
as a broad understanding of the organization's products and markets. The typical context of this
position is a Sales turnover of around 25 million $.

Representative Activities
 Provides marketing and sales management with sound market and product assessment
data for the planning of new products/revitalization of older products/integration of
products and services.
 Works with marketing and business management to identify information needs.
 Supervises the design, implementation and reporting of all market research
projects by outside agencies to ensure adherence to budget and compliance with
project specifications.
 Supervises a team of market research analysts through recruitment, performance
evaluation, and Motivation.
 Interprets research findings and compiles recommendations for marketing and sales

Scope Variants
For this position, use the type of market served and the type of research and analysis as the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Level 18 Reference Level
Level 17 19
Existing Existing market(s) and Potential market(s)
market(s) Trends/future based research &
analysis or potential market(s) and
facts-based research & analysis
Mainly facts- Mainly trends/future based Trend research
based research research & analysis with higher degree
& analysis of uncertainty

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Market Research Manager - even

Position Number: MA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Supervises the data collection and analysis of customer needs/reaction to products
and services to assist in the development of marketing and sales strategies.
This managerial position requires expertise in study design and interpretation as well as a broad
understanding of the organization's products and markets. The typical context of this position is
a Sales turnover of around 25 million $.

Representative Activities
 Provides marketing and sales management with sound market and product assessment
data for the planning of new products/revitalization of older products/integration of
products and services.
 Works with marketing and business management to identify information needs.
 Supervises the design, implementation and reporting of all market research projects by
outside agencies to ensure adherence to budget and compliance with project
 Supervises a team of market research analysts through recruitment, performance
evaluation, and Motivation.
 Interprets research findings and compiles recommendations for marketing and sales

Scope Variants
For this position, use the type of market served and the type of research and analysis as the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Level 17
Type of Existing Existing market(s) and
market(s) market(s) Trends/future based research &
analysis or potential market(s) and
facts-based research & analysis
Type of Mainly facts- Mainly trends/future based
research and based research research & analysis
analysis & analysis

Reference Level 18

Reference Level
Potential market(s)

Trend research with

higher degree of
Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Market Research Manager - low

Position Number: MA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Supervises the data collection and analysis of customer needs/reaction to products
and services to assist in the development of marketing and sales strategies.
This managerial position requires expertise in study design and interpretation as well as a broad
understanding of the organization's products and markets. The typical context of this position is
a Sales turnover of around 25 million $.

Representative Activities
 Provides marketing and sales management with sound market and product assessment
data for the planning of new products/revitalization of older products/integration of
products and services.
 Works with marketing and business management to identify information needs.
 Supervises the design, implementation and reporting of all market research projects by
outside agencies to ensure adherence to budget and compliance with project
 Supervises a team of market research analysts through recruitment, performance
evaluation, and Motivation.
 Interprets research findings and compiles recommendations for marketing and sales

Scope Variants
For this position, use the type of market served and the type of research and analysis as the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Reference Level 18 Reference Level
Level 17 19
Existing Existing market(s) and Potential market(s)
market(s) Trends/future based research &
analysis or potential market(s) and
facts-based research & analysis
Mainly facts- Mainly trends/future based Trend research
based research research & analysis with higher degree
& analysis of uncertainty

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research
Market Analyst/Business Development Officer III
Position Number: MA17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Monitors and evaluates market trends and activities in order to propose marketing strategies
which will improve the trading position and profitability of the company.

Representative Activities
 Monitor sales volume and contribution potential of all brands/products to ensure that
marketing plans are soundly based and promotional funds allocated accordingly.
 Develop and maintain relations with the company's (retail) customers to monitor their
business developments and recommend corrective action to marketing plans where
 Identify trade and/or market segments where the trading position could be improved.
Make relevant proposals to ensure that all opportunities are exploited short term, and
relations are developed longer term.
 Feedback results and information to the Sales teams and update individual account
 Develop promotional activities for trade/retail in order to maintain margins and
reinforce product/brand image.
 Conduct market research to identify new business developments and trends as well as
competitor activity.

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Market Analyst/Business Development Officer II

Position Number: MA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Analyzes and reports on customer segments and trends to identify product and market
This position is for a well-seasoned individual contributor market research analyst. It
requires a sound knowledge of techniques as well as a good understanding of the
organization's products and markets.

Representative Activities
 Monitors and evaluates the success of the company's marketing programs and
segmentation strategies through analysis of customer and sales data; reports on patterns
and trends.
 Participates in the design of special internal or external studies to provide focused data.
 Conducts or oversees contract studies.
 Interprets the results of special studies.
 Contributes to the development or revision of marketing strategies.

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Market Analyst/Business Development Officer I

Position Number: MA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Monitor and assess sales and market data and produce information which will assist the
marketing manager in strategy formulation.

Representative Activities
 Monitor and assess all market related and customer information and feedback
where appropriate, to ensure that the Company maintain an edge over competitors.
 Monitor and assess sales volume and contribution potential for the Company's
brands in all trade sectors and in all retail accounts to ensure that relevant
information is used in developing appropriate marketing strategies.
 Build and maintain close working relationships with Sales and Marketing
and ensure that trade and market intelligence is provided.
 Assist in the development of tailor-made trade promotions which will ensure
that margins are maintained while reinforcing brand and customer image.
 Liase with the press and relevant PR contacts.
 Monitor and control projects'- budgets and forecast for forthcoming promotions

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Marketing Research Analyst II

Position Number: MA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Performs analyses of market conditions, trends, and forecasts under the direction of Senior
Marketing Research Analyst or marketing Research Management based on basic

Representative Activities
 Performs specific components of a larger project directed by a senior professional.
 Gathers information on market trends and activities to enable the Marketing
Research Management to monitor and evaluate the market trends and activities
in order to propose marketing strategies.
 Analyses and reports on customer segments and trends to enable the Marketing Research
Management to identify product and market opportunities.

Family: Marketing
Function: Market Research

Marketing Research Analyst I

Position Number: MA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
It is a grade entry level - probably secondary education only (hint: US high school, UK A
Level, Internationally pre university) . Accountable for performing analyses of market
conditions, trends, and forecasts under the direction of Senior Marketing Research Analysts
or Marketing Research Management

Representative Activities
 Performs analyses of market conditions, trends and forecasts and prepares reports for
more senior Market Research Analysts or Marketing Management.
 Gathers information on market trends and activities to enable the Marketing Research
Management to monitor and evaluate the market trends and activities in order to
propose marketing strategies.

Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Marketing - Brand/Product Management

Position Number: MB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Brand / Product Management sub-family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Brand/Product Manager IV
Position Number: MB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Develops the overall plans/programs for specific product lines/markets through the
assignment of specific project tasks to project team members.
The size and/or complexity of this market is such that more than one professional is usually
required to integrate all of the related activities.

Representative Activities
 Directs team members to develop business and marketing plans for assigned
products/brands, including pricing strategies, sales plans, and implementation strategies.
 Oversees market research and analysis, promotions, public relations, and advertising
associated with assigned brands or products; assesses their success against plan;
responsible for budgetary compliance and profit volume.
 Coordinates regularly with sales, engineering and manufacturing functions on design,
distribution, and product specifications/changes as needed.
 Participates in training for junior brand managers, field and customer service personnel
on brand/product introductions or enhancements, as well as new marketing/sales

Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Brand/Product Manager III

Position Number: MB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops the overall plans/programs for a discrete product or brand or a significant
segment thereof. Assists in the development of new/existing products and markets in order
to effectively contribute to the achievement of the company's business and marketing
Incumbents may have significant sales experience to understand this product and its
markets, as well as training in planning and market research techniques. May be
responsible for one or two assistants.

Representative Activities
 Develops business and marketing plans for assigned products/brands, including pricing
strategies, sales plans, and implementation strategies.
 Participates in and evaluates market research and analysis, promotions, public relations,
and advertising associated with assigned brands or products; assesses their success
against plan.
 Works closely with sales, engineering and manufacturing functions on design,
distribution, and product specifications/changes as needed.
 Participates in training for field and customer service personnel on brand/product
introductions or enhancements, as well as new marketing/ sales campaigns.
 Liase with specialist departments to ensure the effective operation and production
of new/revised products.
 Negotiate with other internal departments, in order to agree new product opportunities or
developments within set time-scales and budgets.

Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Brand/Product Manager II
Position Number: MB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Proposes, implements, and monitors brand/product marketing plans to achieve sales and
profit objectives for allocated brands/products.

Representative Activities
 Controls expenditures within budget for new product development and promotions.
 Prepares brand/product marketing plans and discontinuation plans to ensure that
the product range is in tune with market opportunities.
 Prepares sales and profit estimates and project manage production and distribution
for promotions, etc.
 Liases with internal departments and external agencies to ensure full
communication and success of marketing plans.
 Contributes to creativity of product packaging, presentation and promotional
 Constantly monitors performance of managed brands/products to ensure it meets
company objectives.
 Ensures effective administration of brands/products through marketing proposals,
product briefs, brand plans, etc.
 Identifies new business opportunities for new products, re-launches, packaging changes,
range extensions, and proposes initial plans to exploit these opportunities.

Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Brand/Product Manager I
Position Number: MB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
This position focuses on a specific, discrete brand or product, primarily as an implementer rather
than developer. Incumbents normally have prior sales experience or marketing training.
Administers tactical programs, of the assigned brand/product line and assists in the development
of overall plans and programs.

Representative Activities
 Tracks and analyzes brand/product performance and trends in terms of volume and
 Maintains close contact with sales, manufacturing and distribution functions to sense
business conditions and trends.
 Administers pricing and inventory programs on a daily basis.
 Coordinates and/or conducts special studies and promotional projects.
 Contributes to business and marketing plan development and modification.

Family: Marketing
Function: Brand Management

Assistant Brand/Product Manager

Position Number: MB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Entry level position that assists in the initiation, development, co-ordination,
and monitoring of assigned marketing activities for relevant products/brands and/or
development programs.

Representative Activities
 Contribute to the development of short and long term business and marketing plans for
assigned products/brands.
 Contribute to the planning, monitoring, execution and evaluation of advertising media,
consumer and trade promotions, price, quality, packaging and PR programs.
 Contribute to the development and implementation of brand/product development plans
and monitor progress of specific projects.
 Liase with sales, marketing services, etc., in analyzing and evaluating general market and
sales data on assigned brands/products to monitor volume/business trends versus plan.
 Liase with new product development and product analysis in order to maintain
awareness of trends and activities.
 Monitor advertising and promotion expenditure on assigned products/brands to control
 Prepare and present assigned product/brand business reviews and forecasts.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Marketing - Promotions
Position Number: MC

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Marketing Promotions sub-family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Market Communication Representative

Position Number: MC17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Coordinates and supervises promotion activities that raise customer awareness of product
This position is for a seasoned individual contributor who can carry out a project with
only limited review after the general framework has been agreed upon.

Representative Activities
 Generates and evaluates new ideas for promotions, articles, press releases, publicity, etc.
and ensures coordination and consistency with internal marketing/advertising/sales
professionals; presents ideas to management as appropriate.
 Delegates activities/projects among junior representatives to ensure timely results;
monitors progress and provides guidance as appropriate.
 Serves as liaison with PR agencies, news agencies, event organizers, etc. to ensure
project goals are met and timetable/budget parameters are kept.
 Participates in performance evaluations of junior representatives; provides training
and development to staff as needed.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Public Relations Representative - even

Position Number: MC17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Coordinates and supervises public relations activities that facilitate communication
of the organization's message to internal and external publics. This position is a seasoned individual
contributor who can carry out a project with only limited review after the general framework has
been agreed upon.

Representative Activities
 Generates and evaluates new ideas for articles, press releases, events, etc. and ensures
coordination and consistency with desired organization image; presents ideas to
 Delegates activities/projects among less experienced assistants to ensure timely
results; monitors progress and provides guidance as appropriate.
 Serves as liaison with PR agencies, news agencies, event organizers, etc. to ensure
project goals are met and timetable/budget parameters are kept.
 Writes/edits significant internal and external communications pieces including
management speeches, parts of annual reports, etc.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of employees that work with the organization as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Public Relations Representative - low

Position Number: MC16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Coordinates and supervises public relations activities that facilitate communication
of the organization's message to internal and external publics. This position is a seasoned individual
contributor who can carry out a project with only limited review after the general framework has
been agreed upon.

Representative Activities
 Generates and evaluates new ideas for articles, press releases, events, etc. and ensures
coordination and consistency with desired organization image; presents ideas to
 Delegates activities/projects among less experienced assistants to ensure timely
results; monitors progress and provides guidance as appropriate.
 Serves as liaison with PR agencies, news agencies, event organizers, etc. to ensure
project goals are met and timetable/budget parameters are kept.
 Writes/edits significant internal and external communications pieces including
management speeches, parts of annual reports, etc.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of employees that work with the organization as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Promotions Manager
Position Number: MC16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
To market the company's products or services using point of sale material, promotional activities
and media, within agreed budgets in order to maximize sales and achieve company objectives.

Representative Activities
 Devise and implement promotional activities such a customer incentives, etc, to maximize
 Advise the buying department on competitor's pricing and promotional campaigns.
 Continually monitor product/brand performance and liase with Sales to formulate action
 Control the placement of company advertising and liase with advertising agencies to
develop ideas and campaigns.
 Responsible for communicating campaigns/promotions and plans to outlets (if relevant)
and other internal management departments.
 Generate marketing ideas and plans in line with company image and objective.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Public Relations Assistant

Position Number: MC15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Carries out public relations activities that facilitate communication of the organization's
message to internal and external publics.
This position is an individual contributor with limited experience who carries out projects with
specific direction and periodic review of progress and results.

Representative Activities
 Researches and gathers information for articles, press releases, events, etc.
 Assists in planning projects.
 Writes/edits internal and external communications pieces including management
speeches, parts of annual reports, etc., as outlined by others.
 Serves as liaison with PR agencies, news agencies, event organizers, etc.
to monitor conformance with timetable/budget parameters.

Family: Marketing Function: Promotions

Promotions Assistant
Alternative Title: Promotions Assistant I
Position Number: MC13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
To assist with the creation of promotional programs and their implementation in order to
generate maximum awareness.

Representative Activities
 Monitor promotions activity and provide information during all stages
of development.
 Generate and evaluate ideas for new promotions in order to ensure consistency
with brand/product image.
 Assist the promotions managers in liaising with Sales in order to provide support
for day-to-day problems.
 Co-ordinate all aspects of promotional activity.
 Liaise with internal marketing functions and external agencies to monitor time
table and progress.
 Act as Events Manager in liaising with organizers and Sales.
 Liase with press and PR agencies or internal departments to monitor progress
and exchange information.
 Assist with monitoring project budgets.

Family: Sales Function: Sales

Position Number: S

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Sales - Sales Support and Training

Position Number: SA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Sales Support and Training sub family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Sales Training Manager - high

Position Number: SA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops and implements sales training programs to monitor and improve standards
of performance of the sales force. Responsible for a team of Sales Trainers. Graduate with further
business qualifications and 4-6 years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs of the sales force.
 Develops training methods to provide appropriate courses to improve sales performance
of sales force.
 Liases with Sales Managers to identify future training and business requirements.
 Organises training activities and monitors quality of training programs in order
to ensure that training needs are met and sales performance is enhanced.
 Recruits, trains, leads and motivates an effective sales training team.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of employees in the sales force is the principal guide for
determining the match level.


Sales force: > 200


Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 < 50 50 - 200
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Sales Training Manager - even

Position Number: SA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Develops and implements sales training programs to monitor and improve standards of
performance of the sales force. Responsible for a team of Sales Trainers. Graduate with further
business qualifications and 4-6 years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs of the sales force.
 Develops training methods to provide appropriate courses to improve sales performance
of sales force.
 Liases with Sales Managers to identify future training and business requirements.
 Organises training activities and monitors quality of training programs in order
to ensure that training needs are met and sales performance is enhanced.
 Recruits, trains, leads and motivates an effective sales training team.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of employees in the sales force is the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Sales Training Manager - low

Position Number: SA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Develops and implements sales training programs to monitor and improve standards of
performance of the sales force. Responsible for a team of Sales Trainers. Graduate with further
business qualifications and 4-6 years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Identifies training needs of the sales force.
 Develops training methods to provide appropriate courses to improve sales performance
of sales force.
 Liases with Sales Managers to identify future training and business requirements.
 Organises training activities and monitors quality of training programs in order
to ensure that training needs are met and sales performance is enhanced.
 Recruits, trains, leads and motivates an effective sales training team.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of employees in the sales force is the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Sales force: > 200
Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 < 50 50 - 200

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Supervisor - high

Position Number: SA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Supervises a team of telesales operators to ensure that sales objectives are met through regular
communication with customers.

Representative Activities
 Implements and monitors telesales programs; implements changes or enhancements as
 Ensures that telesales objectives are met through regular communication
of promotional activities, new trends, successful operator strategies, etc.
 Ensures continual training of representatives to keep them current
with the company's product/service lines and strategies.
 Monitors individual performance and takes corrective actions.
 Assists representatives with unusual situations.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates and additional activities such
as monitoring inventories, shipping samples, custom pricing, or other sales administration
functions as the principal guides for determining the match level.
Low Even High
Reference Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15
Level 13
n/a < 7 Subordinates: 7-12 Subordinates: Normal Activities OR <
Normal Activities 7 Subordinates: Added Activities

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Supervisor - even

Position Number: SA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Supervises a team of telesales operators to ensure that sales objectives are met through regular
communication with customers.

Representative Activities
 Implements and monitors telesales programs; implements changes or enhancements as
 Ensures that telesales objectives are met through regular communication
of promotional activities, new trends, successful operator strategies, etc.
 Ensures continual training of representatives to keep them current
with the company's product/service lines and strategies.
 Monitors individual performance and takes corrective actions.
 Assists representatives with unusual situations.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates and additional activities such
as monitoring inventories, shipping samples, custom pricing, or other sales administration
functions as the principal guides for determining the match level.
Low Even High
Reference Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15
Level 13
n/a < 7 Subordinates: 7-12 Subordinates: Normal Activities OR <
Normal Activities 7 Subordinates: Added Activities

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Sales Trainer
Position Number: SA14G2
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides a sales force training service and monitors resulting performance. Appropriate sales
support or commercial experience. May have subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Develops and runs training courses to maintain and improve sales staff performance.
 Identifies and provides sales force aids and carries out specific projects to improve sales
 Monitors the performance of sales representatives and establishes future training

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Supervisor - low

Position Number: SA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Supervises a team of telesales operators to ensure that sales objectives are met through regular
communication with customers.

Representative Activities
 Implements and monitors telesales programs; implements changes or enhancements as
 Ensures that telesales objectives are met through regular communication
of promotional activities, new trends, successful operator strategies, etc.
 Ensures continual training of representatives to keep them current
with the company's product/service lines and strategies.
 Monitors individual performance and takes corrective actions.
 Assists representatives with unusual situations.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates and additional activities such
as monitoring inventories, shipping samples, custom pricing, or other sales administration
functions as the principal guides for determining the match level.
Low Even High
Reference Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15
Level 13
n/a < 7 Subordinates: 7-12 Subordinates: Normal Activities OR <
Normal Activities 7 Subordinates: Added Activities

Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Operator - high

Position Number: SA13G2
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Pro-actively calls assigned customers to maintain communication within a framework of
established sales objectives. The product/service is technically moderately complex and selling is
more passive than active, or the jobholder is assigned sales of the simplest products, services,
upgrades, or extensions.

Representative Activities
 Telephones assigned customers at specified intervals and records resulting
actions/comments. Introduces new products/services in promotional campaigns and
strives to finalize an agreement of sale.
 Monitors ongoing sales per customer and negotiates sales upgrades.
 Answers product/service-related questions as appropriate and coordinates orders
from customers over the telephone in accordance with established procedures.
 Keeps field sales representatives and national account executives appraised
of activities concerning established customers. Communicates information on new
customer/s concerns.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the degree of technical complexity of the product/service as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Reference Level 11 Reference Level 12 Reference Level 13
The product/service The products/services The product/service is
is not technically are moderately complex technically complex,
complex and selling and have a variety of requiring specialized
is more passive than specifications and application knowledge
applications and custom pricing
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Operator - even

Position Number: SA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Pro-actively calls assigned customers to maintain communication within a framework of
established sales objectives. The product/service is technically moderately complex and selling is
more passive than active, or the jobholder is assigned sales of the simplest products, services,
upgrades, or extensions.

Representative Activities
 Telephones assigned customers at specified intervals and records resulting
actions/comments. Introduces new products/services in promotional campaigns and
strives to finalize an agreement of sale.
 Monitors ongoing sales per customer and negotiates sales upgrades.
 Answers product/service-related questions as appropriate and coordinates orders
from customers over the telephone in accordance with established procedures.
 Keeps field sales representatives and national account executives appraised
of activities concerning established customers. Communicates information on new
customer/s concerns.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the degree of technical complexity of the product/service as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Reference Level 11_____Reference Level 12_______Reference Level 13
The product/service The products/services The product/service is
is not technically are moderately complex technically complex,
complex and selling and have a variety of requiring specialized
is more passive than specifications and application knowledge
applications and custom pricing
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Telesales Operator - low

Position Number: SA11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Pro-actively calls assigned customers to maintain communication within a framework of
established sales objectives. The product/service is technically moderately complex and selling is
more passive than active, or the jobholder is assigned sales of the simplest products, services,
upgrades, or extensions.

Representative Activities
 Telephones assigned customers at specified intervals and records resulting
actions/comments. Introduces new products/services in promotional campaigns and
strives to finalize an agreement of sale.
 Monitors ongoing sales per customer and negotiates sales upgrades.
 Answers product/service-related questions as appropriate and coordinates orders
from customers over the telephone in accordance with established procedures.
 Keeps field sales representatives and national account executives appraised
of activities concerning established customers. Communicates information on new
customer/s concerns.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the degree of technical complexity of the product/service as the
principal guide for determining the match level.

Reference Level 11 Reference Level 12 Reference Level 13
The product/service The products/services The product/service is
is not technically are moderately complex technically complex,
complex and selling and have a variety of requiring specialized
is more passive than specifications and application knowledge
applications and custom pricing
Family: Sales
Function: Support and Training

Position Number: SA10G1
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Ensures a good presentation of the products in the stores in a given geographic area.
The job requires basic product knowledge and good interpersonal skills and often the use of
several languages. The jobholder works closely with the sales team but must be able to plan his
own activities.

Representative Activities
 Ensures that all the company's products are properly displayed in the assigned stores.
 Takes orders or has orders placed to ensure that the allocated space for the products is
fully used.
 Sells certain promotional quantities to obtain additional space.
 Takes particular care in the displaying of promotional items in the stores.
 Plans daily activities according to visits to make and instructions received.
Communicates daily with supervisor through an activity and field information
 May participate in sponsoring events.

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Position Number: SB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Individual Contributor and Sales Management sub
family other than those described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Regional Sales Manager - high

Position Number: SB20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Directs efforts to achieve sales goals in multiple areas/offices that constitute a region, in
accordance with regional marketing/sales plans.
This position is at the second level of sales management. It frequently consolidates support
functions for the region to provide efficiencies of scale.

Representative Activities
 Ensures regional sales goals are achieved through the effective placement
and motivation of sales and support professionals.
 Assesses data provided by sales staff and implements regional sales strategies;
identifies business opportunities and pinpoints problem areas.
 Actively calls on key accounts and assists sales force where appropriate.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of subordinates and/or dollar volume of annual sales are the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
35 Subordinates: < $50 35-50 Subordinates: $50- > 50 Subordinates: > $150
Million Sales
$150 Million Sales Million Sales
Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Regional Sales Manager - even

Position Number: SB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Directs efforts to achieve sales goals in multiple areas/offices that constitute a region, in
accordance with regional marketing/sales plans.
This position is at the second level of sales management. It frequently consolidates support
functions for the region to provide efficiencies of scale.

Representative Activities
 Ensures regional sales goals are achieved through the effective placement
and motivation of sales and support professionals.
 Assesses data provided by sales staff and implements regional sales strategies;
identifies business opportunities and pinpoints problem areas.
 Actively calls on key accounts and assists sales force where appropriate.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of subordinates and/or dollar volume of annual sales are the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
35 Subordinates: < $50 35-50 Subordinates: $50- > 50 Subordinates: > $150
Million Sales
$150 Million Sales Million Sales
Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Regional Sales Manager - low

Position Number: SB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Directs efforts to achieve sales goals in multiple areas/offices that constitute a region, in
accordance with regional marketing/sales plans.
This position is at the second level of sales management. It frequently consolidates support
functions for the region to provide efficiencies of scale.

Representative Activities
 Ensures regional sales goals are achieved through the effective placement
and motivation of sales and support professionals.
 Assesses data provided by sales staff and implements regional sales strategies;
identifies business opportunities and pinpoints problem areas.
 Actively calls on key accounts and assists sales force where appropriate.

Scope Variants
For this position the number of subordinates and/or dollar volume of annual sales are the
principal guides for determining the match level.

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
35 Subordinates: < $50 35-50 Subordinates: $50- > 50 Subordinates: > $150
Million Sales
$150 Million Sales Million Sales
Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

National Accounts/Key Accounts Manager - high

Position Number: SB18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Plans and implements sales to specific very major accounts where cultivating relationships,
identifying opportunities, and account management skills are critical. The incumbent in this position
will have demonstrated proficiency in sales and full knowledge of the product line and its
applications. Accounts frequently have multiple buying locations, making establishment and
maintenance of a broad customer relationship essential.

Representative Activities
 Plans how to establish and maintain major account relationships and meet personal sales
targets within the full line of products or combination of products.
 Establishes and builds strong client relationships over time that allow for continuity and
ongoing representation reinforced by sales support/delivery programs, and
communications to other relevant company functions/divisions.
 Participates with other key account managers and sales management, in development of
sales strategies for National Accounts; helps identify target accounts and opportunities
within the framework of the organization-wide strategy.
 Monitors competitive activity in each account and ensures that appropriate response
strategies are formulated and communicated.

Scope Variants
For this position the dollar volume of annual sales and the complexity of products/ solutions
sold are the principle guides determining the match level.

Complexity of n/a Sells products or a Sells a combination of

products/solutions sold
combination of differentproducts of high technical
products of medium complexity or sells
technical complexity solutions
Key accounts of medium National and highly
to high strategic strategic key accounts importance

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Area/District Sales Manager - high

Position Number: SB18G3
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Strives to achieve assigned district/area sales goals through the effective management of sales
This position is at the first level of sales management and may personally have few selected
accounts. Major emphasis of the job is on management with a largely tactical focus. Support
staff may be limited.

Representative Activities
 Provides day-to-day supervision of activities including training, manpower planning,
motivation, and performance evaluation of sales representatives and support personnel.
 Directs the flow of information for sale activities and transactions (leads, billings, orders,
contracts) and evaluates data to endure district/area goals are met. Ensures sale objectives
are met within company strategies; maintains coordination with integral company

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

National Accounts/Key Accounts Manager - even

Position Number: SB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Plans and implements sales to specific very major accounts where cultivating relationships,
identifying opportunities, and account management skills are critical. The incumbent in this position
will have demonstrated proficiency in sales and full knowledge of the product line and its
applications. Accounts frequently have multiple buying locations, making establishment and
maintenance of a broad customer relationship essential.

Representative Activities
 Plans how to establish and maintain major account relationships and meet personal sales
targets within the full line of products or combination of products.
 Establishes and builds strong client relationships over time that allow for continuity and
ongoing representation reinforced by sales support/delivery programs, and
communications to other relevant company functions/divisions.
 Participates with other key account managers and sales management, in development of
sales strategies for National Accounts; helps identify target accounts and opportunities
within the framework of the organization-wide strategy.
 Monitors competitive activity in each account and ensures that appropriate response
strategies are formulated and communicated.

Scope Variants
For this position the dollar volume of annual sales and the complexity
of products/solutions sold are the principle guides determining the match level.

Complexity of n/a Sells products or a Sells a combination of

products/solutions sold
combination of differentproducts of high technical
products of medium complexity or sells
technical complexity solutions
Key accounts of medium National and highly
to high strategic strategic key accounts importance

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Area/District Sales Manager - even

Position Number: SB17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Strives to achieve assigned district/area sales goals through the effective management of sales
This position is at the first level of sales management and may personally have few selected
accounts. Major emphasis of the job is on management with a largely tactical focus. Support
staff may be limited.

Representative Activities
 Provides day-to-day supervision of activities including training, manpower planning,
motivation, and performance evaluation of sales representatives and support personnel.
 Directs the flow of information for sale activities and transactions (leads, billings, orders,
contracts) and evaluates data to endure district/area goals are met. Ensures sale objectives
are met within company strategies; maintains coordination with integral company

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Sales Representative IV
Position Number: SB17G3
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Focuses on a few large or very complex customers within a designated geographic territory or
market. Typically involves critical or complex products requiring a high level of client
relationship skills to maintain competitive positioning. This position is for a very seasoned sales
professional with extensive product and market knowledge but who is not likely to move into a
managerial role.

Representative Activities
 Plans how to establish and maintain account relationships and meet personal sales
targets. Develops business plan for each account.
 Coordinates use of other company resources (e.g., technical, advertising)
to provide value added services to accounts.
 Develops strong client relationships over time that provides significant input
to planning company product, price, and service strategies.
 Supports supervisor and other sales professionals in developing new market
opportunities in the designated territory or market.

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Area/District Sales Manager - low

Position Number: SB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Strives to achieve assigned district/area sales goals through the effective management of sales
This position is at the first level of sales management and may personally have few selected
accounts. Major emphasis of the job is on management with a largely tactical focus. Support
staff may be limited.

Representative Activities
 Provides day-to-day supervision of activities including training, manpower planning,
motivation, and performance evaluation of sales representatives and support personnel.
 Directs the flow of information for sale activities and transactions (leads, billings, orders,
contracts) and evaluates data to endure district/area goals are met. Ensures sale objectives
are met within company strategies; maintains coordination with integral company

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Sales Representative III

Position Number: SB16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Contacts assigned customer accounts or prospects to sell the organization's products within a
designated geographic territory or by nature of customer. Focuses on personal sales targets, new
business development, and troubleshooting on problem or key markets. Will have special
markets/complex product lines assigned that require significant client relationship skills.
This position is for a seasoned sales professional with extensive product and market

Representative Activities
 Meets personal sales targets as established, incorporating the full range of
products/services within identified markets or geography. Typical accounts would be
high challenge, high complexity, diverse customers that require ongoing client
relationship support.
 Accompanies junior sales professionals on calls where appropriate, and contributes to
training of less experienced sales representatives. Provides technical advice to sales
group as needed.
 Independently prepares sales presentations, contracts and proposals to ensure successful
outcome of transactions.
 May participate in special projects/programs as assigned, such as training or
communications sessions within or outside of the company.

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Sales Representative II
Position Number: SB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Contacts assigned customer accounts or prospects to sell company products within
a designated geographic territory or by nature of customers. Focuses on personal sales targets,
new business development, maintaining customer relationships and troubleshooting specific
customer problems.
This position is for the intermediate level sales professional with developing product and
market knowledge.

Representative Activities
 Meets personal sales targets as established, focusing on small to moderate
accounts, which are stable in nature within identified markets or geography.
The product range, complexity and challenge may be somewhat limited.
 Receives periodic coaching from supervisor or more experienced professionals.
 Prepares sales presentations, contracts and proposals subject to review
by supervisor.
 Participates in special projects such as major promotions, new product launches, and
new marketing initiatives.

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Sales Representative I
Position Number: SB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Acquires sales skills and product knowledge and, at the appropriate time, is assigned sales activities
under supervision of experienced sales professional. During the second half of the assignment, may
take on field tasks to emphasize account prospecting and qualification, relationship building with
dormant accounts, and selected customer service and account maintenance duties.
This entry level position is designed to familiarize the incumbent with the organization, product
knowledge, and selling skills. Training period is normally less than one year. However, may
also be the competent level where products and sales processes are very straightforward.

Representative Activities
 Attends training sessions and accompanies experienced sales representatives on calls to
learn business and sales approach as well as organization sales philosophy and pricing
 Assists in preparing background sales call information and research, proposals/contracts,
summaries of sales activities and call follow-up.
 Performs customer service and account maintenance duties for established, stable
customers/markets. Will begin to have accounts assigned (small or dormant), but generally
no direct quotas/targets are assigned.

Family: Sales
Function: Individual Contributor and Sales Management

Sales Representative
Position Number: SB13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Sells and stimulates demand for a series of products with existing and new customers
in a given geographic area in order to achieve volume and daily objectives in line with
defined policies. The job requires a good general education and experience
in the area. The job holder has a basic knowledge of the products, their characteristics and the
market. Training is provided in house and help is provided by the superior
and the marketing unit. The jobholder has good interpersonal skills and may have to know several
languages. He organises own work routine. This salesperson typically works in the food or fast
moving consumer goods sectors.

Representative Activities
 Plans daily activity in function of customers to visit and of quantitative and qualitative
objectives to achieve. Makes up a time efficient plan and discusses it with superior.
 Searches for, identifies and develops leads from lists, publications and given
information to increase market share in the territory.
 Identifies and analyses customer needs and develops commercial arguments.
 Organises demonstrations for existing and potential customers, advises customers
on the presentation of the products and the promotional materials and participates
in trade events.
 Follows the market and competition evolution and transmits information to his superior.
 Establishes daily visit reports for his superior.
 Participates in sales meetings to obtain information on sales objectives, promotional
actions, new products etc. and to discuss field problems.

Family: Customer Service Function: Customer Service

Customer Service
Position Number: C

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Customer Service - Technical

Position Number: CA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Technical sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Manager Customer Service - high

Position Number: CA20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Manages the activities of a team of Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective delivery
of service to all levels of internal and external customers. This position requires mentoring,
coaching and leadership skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Manages the activities of the Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective
delivery of service to all levels of internal and external customers.
 Serves as the primary liaison with sales, supply chain/logistics, and manufacturing
staff on the effective delivery of customer service.
 Develops and implements communication and order tracking programs in support
of the organization’s service objectives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Interface: Interacts with sales staff Interacts with sales Serves as liaison between
only for clarification of staff on a regular, sales, supply chain/logistics,
issues; does not interact defined basis; and manufacturing staffs, and
with supply communicates with customer; communication
chain/logistics or supply chain/logistics with customer on activities in
manufacturing staff. staff on an as needed these areas is integral to the
basis. delivery of customer service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Manager Customer Service - even

Position Number: CA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Manages the activities of a team of Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective delivery
of service to all levels of internal and external customers. This position requires mentoring,
coaching and leadership skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Manages the activities of the Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective
delivery of service to all levels of internal and external customers.
 Serves as the primary liaison with sales, supply chain/logistics, and manufacturing
staff on the effective delivery of customer service.
 Develops and implements communication and order tracking programs in support
of the organization’s service objectives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics, and manufacturing
(i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Interface: Interacts Interacts with sales Serves as liaison between
staff only forwith sales staff on a regular,
clarification of issues; sales, supply chain/logistics,
defined basis; and manufacturing staffs, and
does not interact with communicates with
supply chain/logistics or customer; communication
supply chain/logistics with customer on activities in
manufacturing staff. staff on an as needed these areas is integral to the

delivery of customer service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Manager Customer Service - low

Position Number: CA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Manages the activities of a team of Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective delivery
of service to all levels of internal and external customers. This position requires mentoring,
coaching and leadership skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Manages the activities of the Customer Service Representatives, ensuring effective
delivery of service to all levels of internal and external customers.
 Serves as the primary liaison with sales, supply chain/logistics, and manufacturing
staff on the effective delivery of customer service.
 Develops and implements communication and order tracking programs in support
of the organization’s service objectives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19 Reference Level 20
Interface: Interacts with sales staff Interacts with sales Serves as liaison between
only for clarification of staff on a regular, sales, supply chain/logistics,
issues; does not interact defined basis; and manufacturing staffs, and
with supply communicates with customer; communication
chain/logistics or supply chain/logistics with customer on activities in
manufacturing staff. staff on an as needed these areas is integral to the
basis. delivery of customer service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Teamleader - high

Position Number: CA18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Oversees the efforts of a team of Technical Service Representatives applying specialized technical
or scientific knowledge/product applications. Maintains ongoing relationships with key customers
and interfaces with sales staff on a regular basis. This position requires mentoring skills.
Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience, and have obtained technical product

Representative Activities
 Coordinates the activities of the Technical Service Representatives, suggesting alternative
products and services and providing support in the resolution of complaints and issues,
as needed.
 Participates in the hiring of new Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

n/a Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on chain/logistics, and manufacturing
a regular, defined basis;
communicates with supply staffs, and customer; communication
chain/logistics staff on an as with customer on activities in these
needed basis. areas is integral to the delivery of
customer service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Teamleader - even

Position Number: CA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Oversees the efforts of a team of Technical Service Representatives applying specialized technical
or scientific knowledge/product applications. Maintains ongoing relationships with key
customers and interfaces with sales staff on a regular basis. This position requires mentoring
skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience, and have obtained technical
product training.

Representative Activities
 Coordinates the activities of the Technical Service Representatives, suggesting alternative
products and services and providing support in the resolution of complaints and issues,
as needed.
 Participates in the hiring of new Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Even High
Reference Level 18
n/a Reference Level 17
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on a chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
regular, defined basis; and customer; communication with
communicates with supply customer on activities in these areas is
chain/logistics staff on an as integral to the delivery of customer
needed basis. service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Representative II - high

Position Number: CA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Receives and processes the most complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering
items or products ordered, and supports customers through specialized technical or scientific
knowledge/product applications. Proactively maintains an ongoing relationship with selected
customers and sales staff, particularly those focused on technical applications of the product or
This is the senior level Technical Service Representative. Incumbents typically have at least
two years of experience, have obtained technical product training, and must demonstrate a
high level of product and process knowledge of a technical nature. May handle multiple
product markets.

Representative Activities
 Distinguished from Technical Service Representative I by the following:.
 Provides guidance and assistance to new or less experienced staff.
 May conduct training for entry level Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Even High
Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Interacts with sales staff on a
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
regular, defined basis;
chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
communicates with supply
and customer; communication with
chain/logistics staff on an as
customer on activities in these areas is
needed basis.
integral to the delivery of customer

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Representative II - even

Position Number: CA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Receives and processes the most complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering
items or products ordered, and supports customers through specialized technical or scientific
knowledge/product applications. Proactively maintains an ongoing relationship with selected
customers and sales staff, particularly those focused on technical applications of the product or
This is the senior level Technical Service Representative. Incumbents typically have at least two
years of experience, have obtained technical product training, and must demonstrate a high level
of product and process knowledge of a technical nature. May handle multiple product markets.

Representative Activities
 Same as Technical Service Representative I, but also:.
 Provides guidance and assistance to new or less experienced staff.
 May conduct training for entry level Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Even High
Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Interacts with sales staff on a
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
regular, defined basis;
chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
communicates with supply
and customer; communication with
chain/logistics staff on an as
customer on activities in these areas is
needed basis.
integral to the delivery of customer

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Representative I - even

Position Number: CA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Receives and processes complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering items or
products ordered, and supports customers through specialized technical or scientific
knowledge/product applications. Maintains an ongoing relationship with selected customers
and sales staff, particularly those focused on technical applications of the product or service.
Incumbents utilize technical knowledge of products, product availability, sales territories, and
individual customers to provide a key communications link to the customer. Jobholders typically
have at least one year of experience, have obtained technical product training, and can
demonstrate a high level of product and process knowledge of a technical nature. May handle
multiple product markets. Resolves technical difficulties.

Representative Activities
 Records and processes orders and/or inquiries received by mail, telephone,
and/or through personal customer contact.
 Provides pricing, availability, and schedule information within established
 Suggests additional and/or alternative products or services to meet customer needs.
 Checks and approves credit within established limitations, and confirms orders.
 Researches and obtains resolution of a variety of customer complaints and issues.
 Serves as communication link between customers and sales staff to assure
 Tracks order activity, and alerts appropriate staff of any potential delivery problems.
Expedites the delivery of selected orders.
 Resolution of technical difficulties and issues with the customer.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Reference Level 13
Interacts with sales staff only for
clarification of issues; does not
interact with supply chain/logistics
or manufacturing staff.

Reference Level 14
Interacts with sales staff on a n/a
regular, defined basis; communicates with
supply chain/ logistics staff on an as
needed basis.
Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Technical

Technical Customer Service Representative I - low

Position Number: CA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Receives and processes complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering items or
products ordered, and supports customers through specialized technical or scientific
knowledge/product applications. Maintains an ongoing relationship with selected customers
and sales staff, particularly those focused on technical applications of the product or service.
Incumbents utilize technical knowledge of products, product availability, sales territories, and
individual customers to provide a key communications link to the customer. Jobholders typically
have at least one year of experience, have obtained technical product training, and can demonstrate
a high level of product and process knowledge of a technical nature. May handle multiple product
markets. Resolves technical difficulties.

Representative Activities
 Records and processes orders and/or inquiries received by mail, telephone,
and/or through personal customer contact.
 Provides pricing, availability, and schedule information within established
 Suggests additional and/or alternative products or services to meet customer needs.
 Checks and approves credit within established limitations, and confirms orders.
 Researches and obtains resolution of a variety of customer complaints and issues.
 Serves as communication link between customers and sales staff to assure
 Tracks order activity, and alerts appropriate staff of any potential delivery problems.
Expedites the delivery of selected orders.
 Resolution of technical difficulties and issues with the customer.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Reference Level 13
Reference Level 14 n/a
Interacts with sales staff only for Interacts with sales staff on a
clarification of issues; does not regular, defined basis; interact
with supply
communicates with supply chain/

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service - Non technical

Position Number: CB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Non-technical sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Team Leader - high

Position Number: CB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Oversees the efforts of a team of Customer Service Representatives. Maintains ongoing
relationships with key customers and interfaces with sales staff on a regular basis. This position
requires mentoring skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Coordinates the activities of the Customer Service Representatives, suggesting alternative
products and services and providing support in the resolution of complaints and issues,
as needed.
 Participates in the hiring of new Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Low Even
n/a Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on a
regular, defined basis; Serves as liaison between sales, supply
communicates with supply chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
chain/logistics staff on an as and customer; communication with
needed basis. customer on activities in these areas is
integral to the delivery of customer

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Team Leader - even

Position Number: CB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Oversees the efforts of a team of Customer Service Representatives. Maintains ongoing
relationships with key customers and interfaces with sales staff on a regular basis. This position
requires mentoring skills. Incumbents typically have at least three years of experience.

Representative Activities
 Coordinates the activities of the Customer Service Representatives, suggesting alternative
products and services and providing support in the resolution of complaints and issues,
as needed.
 Participates in the hiring of new Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Low Even
n/a Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on a Serves as liaison between sales, supply
regular, defined basis; chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
communicates with supply and customer; communication with
chain/logistics staff on an as customer on activities in these areas is
needed basis. integral to the delivery of customer

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Representative III - high

Position Number: CB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Receives and processes the most complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering
items or products ordered. Proactively maintains an ongoing relationship with key customers
and sales staff.
This is the most senior level Customer Service Representative. Incumbents typically have at least
two years of experience, and must demonstrate a high level of product and process knowledge.
May handle multiple product markets.

Representative Activities
 Distinguished from Customer Service Representative II by the following:.
 Provides guidance and assistance to new or less experienced staff.
 May conduct training for entry level Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Even High
Reference Level 14
n/a Reference Level 13
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on a chain/logistics, and manufacturing staffs,
regular, defined basis; and customer; communication with
communicates with supply customer on activities in these areas is
chain/logistics staff on an as integral to the delivery of customer
needed basis. service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Representative III - even

Position Number: CB13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Receives and processes the most complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering
items or products ordered. Proactively maintains an ongoing relationship with key customers
and sales staff.
This is the most senior level Customer Service Representative. Incumbents typically have at least
two years of experience, and must demonstrate a high level of product and process knowledge.
May handle multiple product markets.

Representative Activities
 Distinguished from Customer Service Representative II by the following:.
 Provides guidance and assistance to new or less experienced staff.
 May conduct training for entry level Representatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

n/a Reference Level 13 Reference Level 14
Serves as liaison between sales, supply
Interface: n/a Interacts with sales staff on chain/logistics, and manufacturing
a regular, defined basis;
communicates with supply staffs, and customer; communication
chain/logistics staff on an as with customer on activities in these
needed basis. areas is integral to the delivery of
customer service.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Representative II

Position Number: CB12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Receives and processes complex customer orders, inquiries and/or complaints covering items or
products ordered. Maintains an ongoing relationship with selected customers and sales staff. This
job requires analysis, judgment, and sensitivity to customer needs. Incumbents utilize
knowledge of products, product availability, sales territories, and individual customers to
provide a key communications link to the customer. Jobholders exercise judgment and
discretion and function independently within authorized limits.

Representative Activities
 Records and processes orders and/or inquiries received by mail, telephone,
and/or through personal customer contact.
 Provides pricing, availability, and schedule information within established
 Suggests additional and/or alternative products or services to meet customer needs.
 Checks and approves credit within established limitations, and confirms orders.
 Researches and obtains resolution of a variety of customer complaints and issues.
 Serves as communication link between customers and sales staff to assure
 Tracks order activity, and alerts appropriate staff of any potential delivery problems.
Expedites the delivery of selected orders.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Family: Customer Service
Function: Customer Service - Non technical

Customer Service Representative I

Position Number: CB11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Receives and processes routine customer orders, inquiries, and/or complaints covering items or
products ordered. Maintains an ongoing relationship with selected customers and sales staff.
Incumbents utilize knowledge of products and product availability to provide a
communications link to the customer.

Representative Activities
 Records and processes orders and/or inquiries received by mail, telephone,
and/or through customer personal contact.
 Provides pricing, availability, and schedule information within established
 Suggests alternative products or services to meet customer needs.
 Checks and approves credit within established limitations, and confirms orders.
 Obtains resolution of routine customer complaints and issues.
 Serves as communication link between customers and sales staff to assure
 Tracks order activity, and alerts appropriate staff of any potential delivery problems.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the interface with the sales, supply chain/logistics,
and manufacturing (i.e., production and engineering) functions as the primary determinant of
match level.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Research and Development

Position Number: R

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Scientist/Researcher V
Position Number: RA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Very senior investigator/staff specialist; plans organizes and executes investigations
involving unique problems and complex issues which may impact multiple areas of
Advanced study and long experience are typical. However, individual accomplishment more
than maturity is the measure of this position.

Representative Activities
 Defines problems that are of major importance to the organization.
 Conceives, plans, and conducts investigation involving unique problems and complex
 Plans and reviews related projects assigned to others and integrates their findings.
 Acts as an advisor to others as an expert in his/her field.
 May be assisted by scientists or engineers, but the focus of this job is clearly
technical rather than managerial.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Scientist/Researcher IV
Position Number: RA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Principal investigator/staff specialist; independently applies intensive and diversified
knowledge of scientific research or engineering principles in broad areas of assignments and
related fields.

Representative Activities
 Independently conceives, plans, and conducts research, which could have a
considerable influence on scientific knowledge or technological developments; usually
performs as staff advisor/consultant relative to a scientific or technical specialty.
 Develops and evaluates plans and criteria for a variety of projects and activities to be
carried out by others; as project leader, reviews results of project team overall, as well
as individual members.
 Assesses the feasibility and soundness of proposed experimental approaches,
techniques, or equipment when necessary data are insufficient or confirmation by
testing is advisable.
 As an individual researcher, carries out complex or novel assignments requiring
the development of new or improved techniques and procedures.
 May be assisted by scientists or engineers, but the focus of this job is clearly
technical rather than managerial.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Research and Development Supervisor II

Position Number: RA18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
As first level of management/supervision, is responsible for planning and directing
research projects or components of a project while managing identified resources
and staff. This position is usually an experienced scientist/engineer who supervises 5-10

Representative Activities
 This position has the same general job characteristics as Research and Development
Supervisor I, but manages a larger staff and deals with more complex technology.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Scientist/Researcher III
Position Number: RA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics

Fully competent scientist/researcher in all conventional aspects of the subject matter.

Representative Activities
 Conducts work requiring independent judgment in the evaluation, selection, adaptation,
and modification of standard techniques, processes, and criteria; refers to knowledge of
precedents in the specialty area and principles and practice in related specialties.
 Devises new approaches to problems encountered; works within conventional practices,
but may incorporate complex features; receives technical guidance on unusual or
complex problems.
 Plans, schedules, conducts or coordinates detailed phases of work for a part
of a major project or total project of moderate scope.
 May supervise less qualified and/or experienced professionals, technicians,
or aides who assist in specific assignments.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Research and Development Supervisor I

Position Number: RA17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
As first level of management/supervision, is responsible for planning and directing
research projects or components of a project while managing identified resources and
staff. This position usually supervises 2-5 professionals.

Representative Activities
 Supervises and provides technical leadership to a small staff of scientists/engineers
and is responsible for the recruitment, training, and motivation of subordinates.
 Applies intensive and diverse knowledge of principles and practices in areas
of assignment and related fields.
 Independently makes decisions on problems and methodology issues and secures
necessary resources.
 May represent the organization in forums and conferences within an area of expertise or
address an issue currently being discussed within the work group.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Scientist/Researcher II
Position Number: RA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Independently evaluates, selects, and applies standard engineering/scientific techniques,
processes, and criteria using judgment in making minor adaptations and modifications.

Representative Activities
 Investigates a limited number of variables to achieve clear and specific project results
within a narrow focus area.
 Performs work that involves conventional types of plans, surveys, structures, etc., with
relatively few complex features for which there are no precedents.
 Receives instruction on specific assignment objectives, technical assistance on complex
features, and possible solutions. Work is reviewed by seasoned professionals for
technical quality.
 May supervise or coordinate the work of drafters, technicians, or aides who assist in
specific assignments.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Scientist/Researcher I
Position Number: RA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
This developing position performs varied assignments requiring application of standard
Typically, this position requires some work experience or appropriate graduate level study.

Representative Activities
 Performs work in areas of readily available data resources and repetitive tasks.
 Applies standard methods and techniques, which require the use of judgment in
selecting alternatives.
 Performs specific research components of a larger project directed by a senior
 May delegate work to technicians or aides.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Alternative Title: Scientist/Researcher - Senior Technician
Position Number: RA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
This entry-level position performs assignments designed to demonstrate professional work
knowledge and abilities.
Typically, this position is a new college graduate with up to one year of experience or a
non-graduate with five to seven years experience.

Representative Activities
 Performs a variety of specific tasks under close supervision, which involve a series of
detailed steps.
 Collects and evaluates data.
 Provides straightforward solutions to problems using readily available clear and direct
 Assists Scientists/Researchers on projects.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Alternative Title: Scientist/Researcher - Technician
Position Number: RA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
This entry-level position performs assignments designed to develop professional work
knowledge and abilities.
Typically, this position is a new college graduate with no relevant experience or a nongraduate
with three to five years experience.

Representative Activities
 Performs a variety of routine tasks under close supervision, which provide
experience and familiarization with methods, practices, and programs.
 Participates in formal and informal training as appropriate.
 Assists Scientists/Researchers as needed.

Family: Research and Development
Function: Research and Development

Laboratory Technician
Alternative Title: Laboratory Technician III
Position Number: RA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
To either carry out highly complex or specialized analytical tests possibly in a research and
development project.
Assembles own apparatus and makes components if necessary.
Operates specialized complex equipment either multi-functional or extensively
adapted/custom built.
May use numerical calculations in processing data. May feed EDP unit to standard
Electrical equipment to equivalent of TLC, GLC, NMR. Observation of pilot or full scale plant
processes possible activity.

Representative Activities
 Works to a range of methods from standard and well established routines to specially
adapted processes.
 Understands the basic applied theory underlying tests in order to make
observations, draw limited conclusions and communicate ideas.
 Contributes to development of techniques and design of equipment.
 Long cycles involved.
 Plans own work within the constraints of a research program or test schedule.
 May allocate simple tasks to junior staff.
 Liases with maintenance staff on repair of faults, modifications.
 Works on specific projects under guidance of a technical specialist, e.g. chemist.
 Records data, observations and conclusions.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Position Number: E

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Engineer V
Position Number: EA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
As staff specialist, develops and evaluates plans and criteria for a variety of projects
and activities that are to be carried out by others. Assesses the feasibility and soundness of
proposed engineering evaluation tests, products or equipment when necessary data are
insufficient, or confirmation by testing is advisable.
This position is held by an incumbent who is recognized as a technical expert within
the department or division of the company. Incumbent possesses a thorough knowledge of
general principles and theories in a professional field, and contributes significantly
to the solution of applied problems. Incumbent typically possesses a bachelor level degree and nine
or more years experience.

Representative Activities
 Participates in establishing design constraints.
 Prepares engineering development proposals and feasibility studies.
 Helps management set technical objectives.
 Coordinates efforts at all levels with other units of the company, including
engineering, manufacturing, marketing, etc.
 May develop new or modified components, products, manufacturing processes,
materials and equipment.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Engineer IV
Position Number: EA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Performs complex assignments often requiring development of new or improved
products/processes/techniques. Assesses feasibility and soundness of proposed
engineering tests/products/equipment. Coordinates planning, organization,
and implementation of engineering projects within constraints of specific objectives and
target dates as specified by management.
This is a fully experienced individual contributor and may represent a transition
from individual contributor to the managerial level. It may or may not carry the ongoing
responsibilities for people management. The position requires an ability to interpret on a broad
basis, principles, theories, and concepts of an engineering specialty.

Representative Activities
 Contributes to successful project completion by participating in the resolution
of issues such as conflicting design requirements, unsuitability of standard
material, and difficult coordination requirements.
 Coordinates project activities with other operating or engineering units to facilitate
participation of appropriate staff in project completion.
 Reviews project-related documentation to ensure its accuracy.
 Participates in professional organizations to maintain current knowledge
of technical innovations.
 Assists in determining project objectives to contribute to the development
of a comprehensive project design. Outlines project requirements, assigns tasks,
and supervises progress to ensure that objectives are being met.
 Provides technical direction to project team members.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Engineer III
Position Number: EA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Performs standard engineering assignments usually representing a significant portion of a
larger project. Selects engineering techniques to solve problems and makes design
This position represents the second progression for an incumbent with a degree in
engineering and three or more years in the function.

Representative Activities
 Participates as a team member in a specific phase of a broad engineering assignment.
 Directs preparation of appropriate documentation for assigned projects.
 Provides technical leadership to a small group of temporarily assigned engineers and
 Ensures successful completion of the assigned project phase within the budgeted time
and cost constraints.
 Participates in defining engineering approaches, and in planning and scheduling work.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Engineer II
Position Number: EA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Performs conventional, less complex engineering assignments that may involve equipment or
product design, testing of materials, preparation of specifications, process studies, or research
This is the first progression for incumbents with one to two years experience. Instructions are
provided on task specifications and design constraints. Close review of new design or applications
is provided.

Representative Activities
 Applies standard techniques involving only minor innovations of methodology
to provide solutions to problems involving a limited number of variables.
 Normally focuses on existing products or processes.
 Participates with drafters, technicians, and others to contribute to project
 Coordinates work with other engineers and operating groups to facilitate participation of
various organizational units.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Engineer I
Position Number: EA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
After orientation and training, performs limited assignments of specific engineering tasks, e.g., a
minor phase of a larger project, testing new products. Emphasis is on documentation,
monitoring and testing.
This position is for an entry level professional requiring a degree in engineering or
equivalent, limited experience.

Representative Activities
 Performs a variety of routine tasks that are planned to provide experience and
familiarization with the engineering staff, methods, practices, and programs of the
 Using readily available clear and direct references, provides straightforward solutions to
 Collects and evaluates data, and develops plans for assignments that may involve design

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Design Drafter
Position Number: EA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Produces working designs from engineering specifications where only conceptual features have
been identified.

Representative Activities
 Produces schematic layouts of mechanical mechanisms, electrical systems or structures.
 Calculates and defines key features to meet required functional specifications
using standard reference books or procedures.
 Selects proprietary items in achieving design requirements.
 May contribute to design standards system and engineering specifications.
 May act as team leader on major projects coordinating work of other draftsmen.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Position Number: EA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Produces working drawings from layouts or sketches; reference made to standard drawing

Representative Activities
 Draws General Assembly illustrating key features of design and notes of reference or
instruction as appropriate.
 Prepares parts lists and material schedules.
 Allocates subsidiary drawing reference number for sub-assemblies.
 Obtains dimensional and other features of specified proprietary items to incorporate in
 Ensures dimensional suitability by reference to known standards and allocates tolerances
as appropriate.
 Make calculations in specifying dimensional features.
 May use specialized nomenclature for hydraulic or pneumatic schematics.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Electronic Technician II
Position Number: EA12G2
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Performs a variety of electronic, mechanical and electromechanical tests on electronic systems,
sub-assemblies, and parts to ensure unit functions according to specifications or to determine
cause of unit failure. Work at this level requires a knowledge of the principles of electronics,
electricity, and possibly mechanics, along with several years experience of trouble shooting
malfunctions on sub-assemblies prior to working on electronic systems.

Representative Activities
 Reads test schedules, work orders, test manuals, performance specifications, wiring
diagrams and schematics to ascertain testing procedure and equipment to be used.
 Performs functional tests of systems, sub-assemblies or parts under specified
environmental conditions, such as temperature change, vibrations, pressure and
humidity using devices such as temperature cabinets, shake-test machines and
 Traces circuits of defective units using diagnostic programs, replaces or rectifies
defective components.
 Calibrates test instruments according to specifications.
 Reads dials that indicate electronic characteristics such as voltage, frequency distortion,
inductance and capacitance.
 Compare results with specifications and records test data or plots test results on graph.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Electronic Technician I
Position Number: EA11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Tests the electronic functions of assemblies, components, and parts using standard test
equipment and procedures. Work at this level involves a basic grasp of the principles
of electronics and electricity acquired through either formal technical training or several years
practical experience.

Representative Activities
 Connects unit to test instruments such as ohmmeter, voltmeter, ammeter or
 Reads instrument dial or scope that indicates resistance, capacitance, continuity or wave
 Compares instruments reading with standard and investigates routine defects.
 Records type and quantity of defects.
 Examine assembly or components for visual defects such as short leads, bent plates or
cracked seals.
 May adjust circuits in electronic appliances for maximum signal response.
 May verify dimensions of parts, using standard gauges.
 May operate equipment, which subjects unit to stress prior to testing.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Mechanic Technician
Position Number: EA11G2
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Carry out mechanical maintenance services of major complexity using diverse types
of machines, engines, heavy rotating and stationary equipment, repairing and replacing parts,
making adjustments, tunings and lubrication, following the technical equipment manuals.
Interprets mechanical designs and maintenance manuals, assembling
and dismantling in order to make the necessary alignments and adjustments. Verifies tasks results
and tracks operating equipment to detect possible problems. Uses sophisticated instruments of
measurement and control to make adjustments and measurements of vibration in mechanical
equipment. Incumbent must have at least 3 years of experience in the career.

Family: Engineering
Function: Engineering

Junior Mechanic Technician

Position Number: EA10G1
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Carry out mechanical maintenance services of major complexity using diverse types
of machines, engines, heavy rotating and stationary equipment, repairing and replacing parts,
making adjustments, tunings and lubrication, following the technical equipment manuals.
Interprets mechanical designs and maintenance manuals, assembling
and dismantling in order to make the necessary alignments and adjustments. Verifies tasks results
and tracks operating equipment to detect possible problems. Uses sophisticated instruments of
measurement and control to make adjustments and measurements of vibration in mechanical
equipment. Entry level position, no experience is required.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain Function: Logistics/Supply Chain

Logistics/Supply Chain
Position Number: L

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Logistics/Supply Chain - Acquisition

Position Number: LA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Acquisition sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Manager - high

Position Number: LA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Directs the purchasing function for a major group of materials and equipment to ensure an
uninterrupted supply at optimum cost, and within the policies and guidelines established by
management. This position may be primarily an individual contributor purchasing a large volume
of a limited range of critical materials or a managerial position purchasing a wide range of items
through a group of subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Establishes and implements procedures for procuring materials and services.
 Consolidates major purchases to secure the best possible pricing by leverage.
 Negotiates long-term contracts to ensure optimum costs and reliable supply.
 Maintains relationships with vendors and contractors to ensure good, reliable
sources of supply and information.
 Ensures thorough and complete purchase and inventory records to provide
accurate accounting of all purchased goods and services.
 Processes to conclusion all disputed purchases of goods and services
for the protection of the company and with fairness to the supplier.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases and managerial role as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Individual $20-$40 million $40-$100 million • $100
Contributor purchases purchases million
Manager $10-$20 million $20-$40 million
• $40
purchases purchases million

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Manager - even

Position Number: LA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Directs the purchasing function for a major group of materials and equipment to ensure an
uninterrupted supply at optimum cost, and within the policies and guidelines established by
management. This position may be primarily an individual contributor purchasing a large volume
of a limited range of critical materials or a managerial position purchasing a wide range of items
through a group of subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Establishes and implements procedures for procuring materials and services.
 Consolidates major purchases to secure the best possible pricing by leverage.
 Negotiates long-term contracts to ensure optimum costs and reliable supply.
 Maintains relationships with vendors and contractors to ensure good, reliable
sources of supply and information.
 Ensures thorough and complete purchase and inventory records to provide
accurate accounting of all purchased goods and services.
 Processes to conclusion all disputed purchases of goods and services
for the protection of the company and with fairness to the supplier.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases and managerial role as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Reference Level 17

Individual $20-$40 million

Contributor purchases
Manager $10-$20 million

Reference Level 18
$40-$100 million
$20-$40 million
Reference Level 19
• $100
million purchases
• $40 million
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Manager - low

Position Number: LA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Directs the purchasing function for a major group of materials and equipment to ensure an
uninterrupted supply at optimum cost, and within the policies and guidelines established by
management. This position may be primarily an individual contributor purchasing a large volume
of a limited range of critical materials or a managerial position purchasing a wide range of items
through a group of subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Establishes and implements procedures for procuring materials and services.
 Consolidates major purchases to secure the best possible pricing by leverage.
 Negotiates long-term contracts to ensure optimum costs and reliable supply.
 Maintains relationships with vendors and contractors to ensure good, reliable
sources of supply and information.
 Ensures thorough and complete purchase and inventory records to provide
accurate accounting of all purchased goods and services.
 Processes to conclusion all disputed purchases of goods and services
for the protection of the company and with fairness to the supplier.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases and managerial role as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Individual $20-$40 million $40-$100 million • $100
Contributor purchases purchases million
Manager $10-$20 million $20-$40 million
• $40
purchases purchases million

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Agent - high

Position Number: LA17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Purchases complex items where detailed specification is involved.
This seasoned level position is involved in developing specifications and requires analysis to
balance the value of competing bids.

Representative Activities
 Negotiates service contracts and approves extra work claims.
 Analyzes and evaluates bids to determine optimum value. Selects suppliers, issues
purchase orders, follows up and expedites as necessary.
 Conducts value analysis studies.
 Reviews and approves purchase requisitions.
 Identifies potential suppliers and issues requests for quotations.
 Analyzes and selects suppliers, issues purchase orders; follows up and expedites as
 Investigates and qualifies suppliers.
 Monitors market trends and conditions.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases as the principal guide for determining the
match level.

Reference Level
16 Reference
Level 17

Typically purchases $5-$20 Typically purchases $20-$35 million per million per year of

products year of products and services. May and services.
supervise other professionals.
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Agent - even

Position Number: LA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Purchases complex items where detailed specification is involved.
This seasoned level position is involved in developing specifications and requires analysis to
balance the value of competing bids.

Representative Activities
 Negotiates service contracts and approves extra work claims.
 Analyzes and evaluates bids to determine optimum value. Selects suppliers, issues
purchase orders, follows up and expedites as necessary.
 Conducts value analysis studies.
 Reviews and approves purchase requisitions.
 Identifies potential suppliers and issues requests for quotations.
 Analyzes and selects suppliers, issues purchase orders; follows up and expedites as
 Investigates and qualifies suppliers.
 Monitors market trends and conditions.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases as the principal guide for determining the
match level.


Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17

Typically purchases $5-$20 Typically purchases $20-$35 million per million per year of
products year of products and services. May and services.
supervise other professionals.
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Purchasing Agent - low

Position Number: LA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Purchases complex items where detailed specification is involved.
This seasoned level position is involved in developing specifications and requires analysis to
balance the value of competing bids.

Representative Activities
 Negotiates service contracts and approves extra work claims.
 Analyzes and evaluates bids to determine optimum value. Selects suppliers, issues
purchase orders, follows up and expedites as necessary.
 Conducts value analysis studies.
 Reviews and approves purchase requisitions.
 Identifies potential suppliers and issues requests for quotations.
 Analyzes and selects suppliers, issues purchase orders; follows up and expedites as
 Investigates and qualifies suppliers.
 Monitors market trends and conditions.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the volume of purchases as the principal guide for determining the
match level.

Reference Level
16 Reference
Level 17

Typically purchases $5-$10 Typically purchases $10-$20 million per million per year of

products year of products and services. May and services.
supervise other professionals.
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Buyer II
Position Number: LA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Purchases materials, parts, supplies and equipment following established purchasing
policies and procedures, and optimizing price, delivery and terms. This intermediate level
position typically purchases $3.5-5 million per year.
The incumbent does not become heavily involved in the development of specifications, but the
work is more complex than buying off-the-shelf items.

Representative Activities
 Reviews and approves purchase requisitions.
 Identifies potential suppliers and issues requests for quotations.
 Analyzes and selects suppliers, issues purchase orders; follows up and expedites
as necessary.
 Investigates and qualifies suppliers.
 Monitors market trends and conditions.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Acquisition

Buyer I
Position Number: LA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Purchases materials, parts, supplies and equipment following established purchasing policies
and procedures, and optimizing price, delivery and terms.
This first level position typically purchases less than $3.5 million per year. The incumbent does not
become involved in the development of specifications and is primarily buying off-the-shelf items.

Representative Activities
 Reviews purchase requisitions for proper authorization.
 Identifies potential suppliers and issues requests for quotations.
 Analyzes and selects suppliers, issues purchase orders; follows up and expedites
as necessary.
 May monitor storeroom stocks and initiate orders within established guidelines.
 Assists in studies of market trends.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Logistics/Supply Chain - Internal Operations and

Position Number: LB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Internal Operations and Delivery sub family other than those
described elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Logistics Operations - high

Position Number: LB20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Develops, implements, and monitors all logistics management activities required
for the timely and efficient transportation and distribution of products. This management level
position requires a well-seasoned professional who participates in the development of the
strategies of the business, and understands the need for an effective transportation and
distribution function to support them.
This is a senior level position, typically reporting directly to the Head of Transportation and

Representative Activities
 Manages staff of Logistics Specialists, accountable for product tracking, route analysis and
re-routing recommendations.
 Manages the organization's vehicle facilities and operations.
 Participates in the implementation of the organization's strategy for efficient product
 Supports the organization's strategy by providing data and recommendations on costing
and usage alternatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of modes of transportation managed and the size of the
business as the primary determinants of match level.

Size of Business: Size of

Business: Under $500
Size of Business: $500 Million
to $5 Billion:
Size of Business: Over $5

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Logistics Operations - even

Position Number: LB19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Develops, implements, and monitors all logistics management activities required
for the timely and efficient transportation and distribution of products. This management level
position requires a well-seasoned professional who participates in the development of the
strategies of the business, and understands the need for an effective transportation and
distribution function to support them.
This is a senior level position, typically reporting directly to the Head of Transportation and

Representative Activities
 Manages staff of Logistics Specialists, accountable for product tracking, route analysis
and re-routing recommendations.
 Manages the organization's vehicle facilities and operations.
 Participates in the implementation of the organization's strategy for efficient product
 Supports the organization's strategy by providing data and recommendations on costing
and usage alternatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of modes of transportation managed and the size of the
business as the primary determinants of match level.

Size of Business Low

Even High

Size of Business: Under $500 1-2 Modes 3-5 Modes Million:

Size of Business: $500 Million to 3-5 Modes Over 5
Plus Export
$5 Billion:
Plus Export
Size of Business: Over $5 n/a Over 5
Reference Level Reference Level Reference Level 18

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Production Control - high

Position Number: LB19G2
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Generates the extended production plan for an entire plant or an important product line.
Responsible for the integration of sales forecasts, budgets, raw in process, and finished goods
inventories, equipment capacities and staffing.
This is an experienced level position requiring a thorough understanding of company operations,
sales environment, and cost structures. Usually has professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Analyzes sales forecasts to determine short- and medium-term requirements
for production resources (people, materials, equipment, subcontractors).
 Establishes guidelines for delivery time commitments.
 Coordinates preparation of production schedules and material orders.
 Monitors and adjusts schedule to respond to market/production requirements
and optimize costs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the complexity of the operations controlled as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Standard products Moderately complex production Job shop with production
with similar environment with a number of to specific customer
specifications and standard products requiring orders. Variable
production sequences. variations in the production production sequences,
Produced to sales sequence and a large number of wide variety of
forecasts. component parts with some specifications and the need
interchangeability. Produced to to optimize use of
sales forecasts. resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Logistics Operations - low

Position Number: LB18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops, implements, and monitors all logistics management activities required
for the timely and efficient transportation and distribution of products. This management level
position requires a well-seasoned professional who participates in the development of the
strategies of the business, and understands the need for an effective transportation and
distribution function to support them.
This is a senior level position, typically reporting directly to the Head of Transportation and

Representative Activities
 Manages staff of Logistics Specialists, accountable for product tracking, route analysis
and re-routing recommendations.
 Manages the organization's vehicle facilities and operations.
 Participates in the implementation of the organization's strategy for efficient product
 Supports the organization's strategy by providing data and recommendations on costing
and usage alternatives.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of modes of transportation managed and the size of the
business as the primary determinants of match level.

Size of Business Low

Even High

Size of Business: Under $500 1-2 Modes 3-5 Modes Million:

Size of Business: $500 Million to 3-5 Modes $5

Size of Business: Over $5 n/a

Reference Level Reference Level Reference Level 18
Over 5 Modes Plus Export
Over 5 Modes Plus Export
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Production Control - even

Position Number: LB18G2
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Generates the extended production plan for an entire plant or an important product line.
Responsible for the integration of sales forecasts, budgets, raw in process, and finished goods
inventories, equipment capacities and staffing.
This is an experienced level position requiring a thorough understanding of company operations,
sales environment, and cost structures. Usually has professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Analyzes sales forecasts to determine short- and medium-term requirements
for production resources (people, materials, equipment, subcontractors).
 Establishes guidelines for delivery time commitments.
 Coordinates preparation of production schedules and material orders.
 Monitors and adjusts schedule to respond to market/production requirements
and optimize costs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the complexity of the operations controlled as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Standard products Moderately complex production Job shop with production
with similar environment with a number of to specific customer
specifications and standard products requiring orders. Variable
production sequences. variations in the production production sequences,
Produced to sales sequence and a large number of wide variety of
forecasts. component parts with some specifications and the need
interchangeability. Produced to to optimize use of
sales forecasts. resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Manager Production Control - low

Position Number: LB17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Generates the extended production plan for an entire plant or an important product line.
Responsible for the integration of sales forecasts, budgets, raw in process, and finished goods
inventories, equipment capacities and staffing.
This is an experienced level position requiring a thorough understanding of company operations,
sales environment, and cost structures. Usually has professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Analyzes sales forecasts to determine short- and medium-term requirements
for production resources (people, materials, equipment, subcontractors).
 Establishes guidelines for delivery time commitments.
 Coordinates preparation of production schedules and material orders.
 Monitors and adjusts schedule to respond to market/production requirements
and optimize costs.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the complexity of the operations controlled as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 17 Reference Level 18 Reference Level 19
Standard products Moderately complex production Job shop with production
with similar environment with a number of to specific customer
specifications and standard products requiring orders. Variable
production sequences. variations in the production production sequences,
Produced to sales sequence and a large number of wide variety of
forecasts. component parts with some specifications and the need
interchangeability. Produced to to optimize use of
sales forecasts. resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Traffic Manager - high

Position Number: LB17G2
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Arranges and schedules transportation of products from the plant to distribution centers,
warehouses, and customers to optimize service and cost. This position does not normally include
coordination of a company-owned truck fleet.

Representative Activities
 Makes all necessary arrangements to transport finished products from the plant, utilizing
common carriers.
 Determines the most effective mode of transportation, negotiating arrangements with
carriers, scheduling individual shipments, and arranging export documentation.
 Monitors service and negotiates settlement of damage claims.
 Serves as a resource on regulations such as hazardous material packaging and shipping.

Scope Variants
For this position, use reporting relationship and range of functions as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17
- Reports to Higher Level Reports to Higher
Reports to Manager with Broader
Traffic Specialist. Level Traffic
Transportation sources Specialist. Shipments Responsibility. There is significant
are confined to domestic are primarily export/import as well as domestic
shipments Limited domestic. Alternative shipping. Significant analysis is
analysis is required. methods of shipment required to optimize shipping
are usually clearly methods. May schedule or manage
defined. the deployment of company owned
transportation equipment (e.g., rail

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Manager - high

Position Number: LB17G3
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Staffs, organizes, and directs operations within a warehouse to effectively manage the receipt,
storage, selection, packaging, loading, and shipping of products to customers. This is a first or
second level supervisory position covering more than one shift or area.

Representative Activities
 Controls costs through productivity of personnel, efficient utilization of storage
space, and proper protection of stored materials.
 Maintains records of inventories and location for production control and cost
 Recommends warehouse/material handling equipment needs and replacement.
 Responsible for enforcing company policies of conduct and safety and initiates disciplinary
 Identifies the causes of product losses and takes corrective action.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the range of functions and number of subordinates as the principal guides
for determining the match level. Additional functions may include control of inventories, order
entry and customer service, or supervision of local delivery.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Production Planner - high

Position Number: LB16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Provides master schedules for plant production operations to meet agreed-on shipping
Requires knowledge of plant capacities, equipment and processes, and understanding of their
interaction. Normally has no professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Maintains running accounts of orders received, work completed, and inventory.
 Matches workload, manning, and equipment capacity to existing inventory.
 Prepares and monitors master schedules by working with materials planning,
production, and maintenance personnel to coordinate activities.
 Requisitions materials after determining delivery dates.
 Advises inventory control of requirements and usage.
 Communicates status and changes to customer service or directly to customers.

Scope Variants
For this position, use complexity of the operations planned as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Complexity Standard products of Moderately complex Job shop with production
with similar planning environment with a to specific customer
Operations: specifications and number of standard products orders. Variable
production requiring variation in the production sequences,
sequences. production sequence and a wide variety of
Produced to sales large number of component specifications and the
forecasts. parts with some interchange need to optimize use of
ability. Produced to sales resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Traffic Manager - even

Position Number: LB16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Arranges and schedules transportation of products from the plant to distribution centers,
warehouses, and customers to optimize service and cost. This position does not normally include
coordination of a company-owned truck fleet.

Representative Activities
 Makes all necessary arrangements to transport finished products from the plant,
utilizing common carriers.
 Determines the most effective mode of transportation, negotiating arrangements with
carriers, scheduling individual shipments, and arranging export documentation.
 Monitors service and negotiates settlement of damage claims.
 Serves as a resource on regulations such as hazardous material packaging and shipping.

Scope Variants
For this position, use reporting relationship and range of functions as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17
- Reports to Higher Level Reports to Higher Reports to Manager with Broader
Traffic Specialist. Level Traffic Responsibility. There is significant
Transportation sources Specialist. Shipments export/import as well as domestic
are confined to domestic are primarily shipping. Significant analysis is
shipments Limited domestic. Alternative required to optimize shipping
analysis is required. methods of shipment methods. May schedule or manage
are usually clearly the deployment of company owned
defined. transportation equipment (e.g., rail

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Manager - even

Position Number: LB16G3
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Staffs, organizes, and directs operations within a warehouse to effectively manage
the receipt, storage, selection, packaging, loading, and shipping of products to customers. This is
a first or second level supervisory position covering more than one shift or area.

Representative Activities
 Controls costs through productivity of personnel, efficient utilization of storage
space, and proper protection of stored materials.
 Maintains records of inventories and location for production control and cost
 Recommends warehouse/material handling equipment needs and replacement.
 Responsible for enforcing company policies of conduct and safety and initiates
disciplinary action.
 Identifies the causes of product losses and takes corrective action.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the range of functions and number of subordinates as the principal guides
for determining the match level. Additional functions may include control of inventories, order
entry and customer service, or supervision of local delivery.

Low Even
Reference Level Reference Level Reference L
15 16
Lacks Normal Functions: 30-50 > 50 Subordinates n/a
Includes Normal < 30 Subordinates 30-50
Functions: Subordinates > 50 Subordi
Includes Additional n/a < 30 Subordinates
Functions: Subordinates

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Production Planner - even

Position Number: LB15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Provides master schedules for plant production operations to meet agreed-on shipping
Requires knowledge of plant capacities, equipment and processes, and understanding of their
interaction. Normally has no professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Maintains running accounts of orders received, work completed, and inventory.
 Matches workload, manning, and equipment capacity to existing inventory.
 Prepares and monitors master schedules by working with materials planning,
production, and maintenance personnel to coordinate activities.
 Requisitions materials after determining delivery dates.
 Advises inventory control of requirements and usage.
 Communicates status and changes to customer service or directly to customers.

Scope Variants
For this position, use complexity of the operations planned as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Complexity Standard products of Moderately complex Job shop with production
with similar Operations: planning environment with a to specific customer
specifications and number of standard products orders. Variable
requiring variation in the production sequences,
production sequence and a wide variety of
large number of component specifications and the
Produced to sales
parts with some interchange need to optimize use of
ability. Produced to sales resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Traffic Manager - low

Position Number: LB15G2
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Arranges and schedules transportation of products from the plant to distribution centers,
warehouses, and customers to optimize service and cost. This position does not normally include
coordination of a company-owned truck fleet.

Representative Activities
 Makes all necessary arrangements to transport finished products from the plant, utilizing
common carriers.
 Determines the most effective mode of transportation, negotiating arrangements with
carriers, scheduling individual shipments, and arranging export documentation.
 Monitors service and negotiates settlement of damage claims.
 Serves as a resource on regulations such as hazardous material packaging and shipping.

Scope Variants
For this position, use reporting relationship and range of functions as the principal guides for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16 Reference Level 17
- Reports to Higher Level Reports to Higher
Reports to Manager with Broader
Traffic Specialist. Level Traffic
Transportation sources Specialist. Shipments Responsibility. There is significant
are confined to domestic are primarily export/import as well as domestic
shipments Limited domestic. Alternative shipping. Significant analysis is
analysis is required. methods of shipment required to optimize shipping
are usually clearly methods. May schedule or manage
defined. the deployment of company owned
transportation equipment (e.g., rail

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Manager - low

Position Number: LB15G3
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Staffs, organizes, and directs operations within a warehouse to effectively manage
the receipt, storage, selection, packaging, loading, and shipping of products to customers. This is a
first or second level supervisory position covering more than one shift or area.

Representative Activities
 Controls costs through productivity of personnel, efficient utilization of storage
space, and proper protection of stored materials.
 Maintains records of inventories and location for production control and cost
 Recommends warehouse/material handling equipment needs and replacement.
 Responsible for enforcing company policies of conduct and safety and initiates disciplinary
 Identifies the causes of product losses and takes corrective action.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the range of functions and number of subordinates as the principal guides
for determining the match level. Additional functions may include control of inventories, order
entry and customer service, or supervision of local delivery.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Production Planner - low

Position Number: LB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides master schedules for plant production operations to meet agreed-on shipping
Requires knowledge of plant capacities, equipment and processes, and understanding of their
interaction. Normally has no professional subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Maintains running accounts of orders received, work completed, and inventory.
 Matches workload, manning, and equipment capacity to existing inventory.
 Prepares and monitors master schedules by working with materials planning,
production, and maintenance personnel to coordinate activities.
 Requisitions materials after determining delivery dates.
 Advises inventory control of requirements and usage.
 Communicates status and changes to customer service or directly to customers.

Scope Variants
For this position, use complexity of the operations planned as the principal guide for
determining the match level.

Low Even High

Reference Level 14 Reference Level 15 Reference Level 16
Complexity Standard products of Moderately complex Job shop with production
with similar planning environment with a to specific customer
Operations: specifications and number of standard products orders. Variable
production requiring variation in the production sequences,
sequences. production sequence and a wide variety of
Produced to sales large number of component specifications and the
forecasts. parts with some interchange need to optimize use of
ability. Produced to sales resources.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Supervisor - high

Position Number: LB14G2
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Supervises warehouse operations to ensure that orders are selected, packaged, loaded and
dispatched safely, timely, and efficiently, and that proper records are maintained. Typically
accountable for a single warehouse department on a shift. This is a first level supervisor
position, usually reporting to a Warehouse Manager.

Representative Activities
 Promotes productivity and safety through effective training and constant feedback to
 Maintains records of employee attendance and performance.
 Anticipates staff needs, schedules personnel, and assigns work.
 Maintains daily objectives and ensures work goals are met in a timely
and effective manner.
 Initiates personnel actions for approval by management.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates as the principal guide for determining the
match level.


Reference Level 12 Reference Level 13 Reference Level 14 No. of Subordinates: <15
15-25 >25
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Supervisor - even

Position Number: LB13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Supervises warehouse operations to ensure that orders are selected, packaged, loaded and
dispatched safely, timely, and efficiently, and that proper records are maintained. Typically
accountable for a single warehouse department on a shift. This is a first level supervisor
position, usually reporting to a Warehouse Manager.

Representative Activities
 Promotes productivity and safety through effective training and constant feedback to
 Maintains records of employee attendance and performance.
 Anticipates staff needs, schedules personnel, and assigns work.
 Maintains daily objectives and ensures work goals are met in a timely
and effective manner.
 Initiates personnel actions for approval by management.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates as the principal guide for determining the
match level.
Reference Level 12 Reference Level 13 Reference Level 14

No. of Subordinates:

<15 15-25 >25
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Warehouse Supervisor - low

Position Number: LB12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Supervises warehouse operations to ensure that orders are selected, packaged, loaded and
dispatched safely, timely, and efficiently, and that proper records are maintained. Typically
accountable for a single warehouse department on a shift. This is a first level supervisor
position, usually reporting to a Warehouse Manager.

Representative Activities
 Promotes productivity and safety through effective training and constant feedback to
 Maintains records of employee attendance and performance.
 Anticipates staff needs, schedules personnel, and assigns work.
 Maintains daily objectives and ensures work goals are met in a timely
and effective manner.
 Initiates personnel actions for approval by management.

Scope Variants
For this position, use the number of subordinates as the principal guide for determining the
match level.


Reference Level 13 Reference Level 13 Reference Level 14 No. of Subordinates: <15
15-25 >25
Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Stock Clerk
Position Number: LB08G1
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Responsible for the receipt, recording and disbursement of a wide variety of tools,
materials and supplies from a shop supply room.
Must be sufficiently knowledgeable about products and locations to service requisitions with
minimum delay. Required to make use of either manual or terminal based inventory system.

Representative Activities
 Issues requisitioned products: ensures proper authorization and maintains appropriate
 Assists in receiving, checking, documenting and storing incoming products.
 Assists in conducting physical inventories.
 May recommend locations, stock rotations and other procedures for greater efficiency.
 Uses ladder, hand truck and dolly.
 May suggest substitutes for simple out-of-stock items.

Family: Logistics/Supply Chain
Function: Internal Operations and Delivery

Forklift Operator
Position Number: LB07G1
Reference Level: 7

General Characteristics
Operates a manually controlled rider-type gasoline or electrically powered truck with forks or
other lifting devices (e.g., clamps, barrel lifters, and customized devices) to transport
materials of all kinds about a warehouse or plant.
Material to be moved, location and destination are clearly indicated. May use a stocklocator
system in a warehouse and may be required to search for missing lots.

Representative Activities
 Moves palletized, large single item or unitized loads, withdraws or positions loads in racks.
 May perform routine equipment servicing such as attaching battery charger,
replenishing fuel and checking for safety of operations.

Family: Production Function: Production

Position Number: P

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Production Function: Production

Superintendent III/Production Manager

Position Number: PA20G1
Reference Level: 20

General Characteristics
Same as Superintendent II, with the addition of either complexity or personnel that
increases the scope of the positions.
Complexity: Adding manufacturing engineering, material and production control,
maintenance or similarly related support functions or product complexity that requires
interaction with product development and quality control.
Size: labour intensive operation with double the total number of employees and payroll dollars
that may warrant this additional size.

Representative Activities
 Integrates production operation or processes horizontally, or related processes over
multiple shifts.
 Establishes short-term activities directed toward production continuity and
balance: shift schedules, ensuring requisition of materials, machine loading, grievance
resolution, equipment maintenance.
 Coordinates and integrates with other plant function areas to ensure support in
attaining output, productivity and quality.
 Selects, organizes, trains, and motivates production labour force to ensure consistent
attainment of production schedules at optimum productivity and cost levels.
 Recommends improvements in production flow or methods.

Family: Production Function: Production

Plant Manager
Alternative Title: Plant Manager I
Position Number: PA19G1
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Plans, directs and coordinates all manufacturing activities of a small plant of about 100
employees. This includes: production, materials, quality control and manufacturing
engineering to produce products at least cost to meet shipping requirements and sales
This position requires a broad background in the manufacturing technology and line
management experience. In addition, this position must have an understanding of related
administrative areas, but these functions may not be staffed locally. Operations are characterized
by standard products. The products have a very narrow focus and use a limited range of
technology. The plant may be a stand-alone facility or a relatively independent unit within a
larger site.

Representative Activities
 Directs production and ensures cost effectiveness and consistency with prescribed
quality, accuracy and performance standards.
 Maintains plant property and equipment in good condition to ensure compliance with
governmental regulations and to ensure effective and economical operations.
 Prepares and submits operating reports to management to inform them of the current
production status and to make recommendations to improve efficiency and
 Assures effective customer service and relations through timely delivery of quality
 Selects, trains, develops and motivates manufacturing staff to maintain plant operation.
 Assures compliance of all plant operations with company policy and Federal, state and
local regulations.

Family: Production Function: Production

Superintendent II/Production Manager

Position Number: PA19G2
Reference Level: 19

General Characteristics
Manages production operations within a production department on multiple shifts
or across several departments on a single shift to assure cost effective, timely manufacture of
quality products.
This is the first management level where full integration and coordination of a production process
occurs. This position requires a solid background in manufacturing with experience in
manufacturing management. Also requires a thorough knowledge of regulations concerning
material standards, safety and control. Requires good communications skills. Subordinates
normally number more than 150. Capital-intensive operations may have a more limited number of

Representative Activities
 Integrates production operation or processes horizontally, or related processes over
multiple shifts.
 Establishes short-term activities directed toward production continuity and balance:
shift schedules, ensuring requisition of materials, machine loading, grievance resolution
and equipment maintenance.
 Coordinates and integrates with other plant function areas to ensure support in attaining
output, productivity and quality.
 Selects, organizes, trains, and motivates production labour force to ensure consistent
attainment of production schedules at optimum productivity and cost levels.
 Recommends improvements in production flow or methods.

Family: Production Function: Production

Superintendent I/Production Manager

Position Number: PA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
This position directs the first or second level supervisors in a single production department on
multiple shifts or across several departments on a single shift to assure cost effective, timely
manufacture of quality products.
This position is found in a manufacturing situation where the processes are sufficiently
dissimilar or complex to require a management level to interact directly with the functional staff
organization. Subordinates normally number under 150.

Representative Activities
 Integrates production operation or processes horizontally, or related processes over
multiple shifts.
 Establishes short-term activities directed toward production continuity and balance: shift
schedules, ensuring requisition of materials, machine loading, grievance resolution and
equipment maintenance.
 Coordinates and integrates with other plant function areas to ensure support in attaining
output, productivity and quality.
 Selects, organizes, trains, and motivates production labour force to ensure consistent
attainment of production schedules at optimum productivity and cost levels.
 Recommends improvements in production flow or methods.

Family: Production Function: Production

General Supervisor II
Position Number: PA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Supervises the activities of Production Unit Supervisors within a single production
or service department on multiple shifts to ensure the effective, timely manufacture of
quality products. This position is larger than General Supervisor I either because of the
complexity of the position or the size of the unit.
Complexity: Manufacturing operations that are more complex in nature and require skilled
production employees (e.g., electronics assembly yard testing of machines). Size: May
coordinate activities of five to eight unit supervisors representing a number of separate
manufacturing departments or areas with up to 200 employees. Capitalintensive operations
may have a more limited number of people.

Representative Activities
 Coordinates production operations within a single department that utilizes common
production equipment, methods, and standards over a multiple shift period.
 Directs supervisors in establishing and maintaining production schedules within
established procedures and budgets.
 Monitors established performance indicators including: variance reports,
production reports, quality reports, and injury reports.
 Ensures compliance with safety rules and regulations to minimize industrial
injuries and meet regulatory requirements.
 Guides supervisors on union contract interpretation, compliance with company
policies, and adherence to quality control standards.

Family: Production Function: Production

Unit Supervisor IV
Position Number: PA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Supervises maintenance or skilled employees on an assigned shift to perform service functions
within established timing, quality and cost standards. This position has great emphasis on highly
skilled operations, quality assurance, and troubleshooting. This position is found in a situation
that requires highly skilled work such as precision machining, tool and die production, complex
assembly, and testing. Subordinates may include more than one distinct craft. The supervisor must
possess a high level of technical knowledge to assist subordinates in troubleshooting and problem
resolution. May have up to 30 subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Distinguished from Unit Supervisor III by the following activities:.
 Supervises activities requiring highly skilled employees in tasks with several
sequential or unrelated operations.
 Accountable for work quality. Assists subordinates in problem solving and exercises
considerable judgement.

Family: Production Function: Production

General Supervisor I
Position Number: PA16G2
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Supervises the activities of Unit Supervisors within a single production or service
department on multiple shifts to ensure the effective, timely manufacture of quality
This position is for a second level supervisor. Generally, it has three or more supervisory and 90
unionised employees. The work requires unskilled to semi-skilled personnel.

Representative Activities
 Coordinates production operations within a single department that utilizes common
production equipment, methods, and standards over a multiple shift period.
 Directs supervisors in establishing and maintaining production schedules within
established procedures and budgets.
 Monitors established performance indicators including: variance reports,
production reports, quality reports, and injury reports.
 Ensures compliance with safety rules and regulations to minimize industrial
injuries and meet regulatory requirements.
 Guides supervisors on union contract interpretation, compliance with company policies,
and adherence to quality control standards.

Family: Production Function: Production

Unit Supervisor III

Position Number: PA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Supervises employees on an assigned shift to ensure the manufacture of products, parts,
components or assemblies or perform service functions within established timing, quality, and
cost standards. This position has greater emphasis on skilled operations, quality assurance and
troubleshooting than the previous Unit Supervisors. The position is found in an operation that
requires skilled processes such as machining, continuous process operations, assembly and testing.
The supervisor must possess a high level of technical skill to assist operators in troubleshooting and
help them solve problems. May have up to 30 subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Supervises production activities to ensure that manufactured products meet or exceed
all established quality requirements, including product integrity and production order
 Directs all related personnel actions, including final selection, training, performance
appraisal, discipline, safety, and in unionized environments, the first step in the
grievance procedure.
 Determines manufacturing priorities based on established weekly production schedules
and makes daily assignments.
 Interprets specifications and makes judgments about the acceptability of production
that is in process.
 Implements departmental safety programs to ensure the safety of employees working in
the area.
 Assures product quality. Assists operators in problem solving and exercises considerable
 Directs routine equipment maintenance and set-up.

Family: Production Function: Production

Unit Supervisor II
Position Number: PA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Supervises employees on an assigned shift to ensure the manufacture of products, parts,
components or assemblies or perform service functions within established timing, quality and
cost standards.
This position is the first level of supervision. Subordinates are typically semi-skilled. This position
requires technical proficiency and troubleshooting ability to supervise the production process.
Operations are of a routine nature, normally requiring simple machine set-ups in areas such as
stamping, extruding, spot welding, or assembly of small units. May have up to 30 subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Supervises production activities to ensure that manufactured products meet or exceed all
established quality requirements, including product integrity and production order
 Directs all related personnel actions, including final selection, training, performance
appraisal, discipline, safety, and in unionized environments, the first step in the
grievance procedure.
 Determines manufacturing priorities based on established weekly production schedules
and makes daily assignments.
 Interprets specifications and makes judgments about the acceptability of production
that is in process.
 Implements departmental safety programs to ensure the safety of employees working in
the area.
 Arranges for the maintenance of machines, equipment and facilities.

Family: Production Function: Production

Unit Supervisor I
Position Number: PA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Supervises employees on an assigned shift to ensure the manufacture of products, parts,
components or assemblies or to perform other routine tasks such as janitorial work within
established timing, quality and cost standards.
This position is typically the first level of supervision. Subordinates are unskilled. Work is
characterized by conveyor assembly lines and manual work methods requiring very limited
training. May have up to 30 subordinates.

Representative Activities
 Supervises production activities to ensure that manufactured products meet or exceed
all established quality requirements, including product integrity and production order
 Directs all related personnel actions, including final selection, training, performance
appraisal, discipline, safety, and in unionized environments, the first step in the grievance
 Determines manufacturing priorities based on established weekly production schedules
and makes daily assignments.
 Interprets specifications and makes judgments about the acceptability of production that
is in process.
 Implements departmental safety programs to ensure the safety of employees working in
the area.

Family: Production Function: Production

Maintenance Technician
Position Number: PA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Performs a variety of maintenance tasks - electrical, carpentry, welding, plumbing, sheet metal,
painting, and mill wrighting - at a relatively simple level. Requires a sound understanding of
maintenance history of building, equipment and other facilities to be maintained. The incumbent
likely started career in one discipline and through work requirements, gained exposure to other
trade areas. Outside trades persons are called upon for projects requiring complex skills.

Representative Activities
 Receives maintenance requests of all types and recommends if outside trades are
 Makes calculations, reads blueprints, and uses a variety of tools.
 Plans and completes all other maintenance jobs using broad range of skills.

Family: Production Function: Production

Production/Process Operator V
Position Number: PA11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Operator controls machine time, materials and possibly other operators in other key

Representative Activities
 Controlling the operations of a number of inter-related specialized machine
processes, which involves the exercise of considerable judgement to attain the
required output features.
 Operates within general work instructions and intermittent supervisory checks.

Family: Production Function: Production

Production/Process Operator IV
Position Number: PA09G1
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
Operator controls work pace and progress on equipment and needs awareness of links with
other process areas.

Representative Activities
 Operating machines or equipment, which involve setting up and making
adjustments as the work progresses to regulate such factors as temperature,
pressure, flow and reactions of materials.
 Operates within established work routines and occasional supervisory checks.

Family: Production Function: Production

Production/Process Operator III

Position Number: PA08G1
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Work involves a series of operations which may require the operator to co-ordinate task areas
with median cycle time.

Representative Activities
 Operating machines or equipment, which require guiding by means of a series of inter-
related controls in order to fabricate, process or produce the required output features.
 Frequent supervisory check on work progress.

Family: Administration/Support/Service Function: Administration/Support/Service

Position Number: A

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Administration/Support/Service - Clerical Services

Position Number: AA

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Clerical Services sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Office Manager III

Position Number: AA15G1
Reference Level: 15

General Characteristics
Supervise administrative and secretarial employees to assure effective office support. Typically
supervises more than 20 employees. Assures that all office services are provided but does not
perform these duties personally. Sometimes designates subordinates to act as work team leaders of
various functional activities. Reports to the head of the department.

Representative Activities
 Assures that typing and related administrative and secretarial work is assigned and
 Prepares work schedules for team leaders and assures coverage of such critical
functions as reception, telephones, mail preparation and delivery, and typing.
 Monitors expenses and/or budgets. Highlights areas of concern to department
 Assures maintenance of inventory of office supplies and interacts with vendors regarding
selection, pricing, and delivery of office supplies, equipment, and services.
 Assures that office services such as coffee and tea, machine repair, building
service, catered luncheons, and temporary employment are provided as needed.
 Contacts employment agencies and recruits and screens candidates
for administrative and team leader positions.
 Sets standards for office procedures, organization policies, and employee pay
and benefits.
 Monitors work performance and recommends pay increases and promotions.
 Disciplines and terminates employees for poor performance following organizational
policies and procedures.
 Assures that time sheets, payroll records, and claims for employee benefits are processed.
 Coordinates the assignment of office space, computers, furniture, and equipment.
 Arranges local hotel and transportation service agreements and recommends selection of
travel agencies.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Administrative Assistant II
Position Number: AA14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Provides general administrative support to a department or group of professionals. Work is
performed under general supervision, and requires incumbents to exercise independence and
discretion. Typically requires several years of experience as an Administrative Assistant or
related job.

Representative Activities
 Researches a wide variety of information requests independently.
 Prepares and analyzes trends and status reports, drawing data from a variety
of sources within and outside the department.
 Composes routine letters and memoranda. Routes or answers routine
correspondence not requiring supervisor’s attention.
 Maintains confidential department records and files.
 Assists in the formulation of the department budget, business planning, and related
planning functions.
 Has regular contact with customers, suppliers, or company employees outside the
immediate work area.
 Makes meeting and travel arrangements.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Office Manager II
Position Number: AA14G2
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Supervise administrative and secretarial employees to assure effective office support. Typically
supervises more than 10 employees. Assures that all office services are provided but does not
generally perform these duties personally. Sometimes designates subordinates to act as work team
leaders of various functional activities. Typically reports to the head of the office or department or
to an administrative manager.

Representative Activities
 Assures that typing and related administrative and secretarial work is assigned and
 Prepares work schedules for administrative employees and assures coverage of such
critical functions as reception, telephones, mail preparation and delivery, and typing.
 Maintains inventory of office supplies and interacts with vendors regarding
selection, pricing, and delivery of office supplies, equipment, and services.
 Assures that office services such as coffee and tea, machine repair, building
service, catered luncheons, and temporary employment are provided as needed.
 Recruits and screens candidates for administrative positions.
 Provides basic orientation regarding office procedures, organization policies,
and employee pay and benefits.
 Monitors work performance and recommends pay increases and promotions.
 Disciplines and terminates employees for poor performance following organizational
policies and procedures.
 Assures that time sheets, payroll records, and claims for employee benefits are
 Monitors expenses and/or budgets. Alerts supervisor or responsible person to problem
 Coordinates the assignment of office space, computers, furniture, and equipment.
 Arranges local hotel and transportation service agreements and recommends selection of
travel agencies.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Administrative Assistant I
Position Number: AA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Provides general administrative support to a department or group of professionals. Work is
performed under general supervision, and requires incumbents to exercise some independence.
Requires several years of relevant experience.

Representative Activities
 Collects and summarizes statistics and information from identified sources.
 Assembles and summarizes the information as directed.
 Prepares charts, graphs, and tables for presentation or inclusion in reports.
 Issues regular reports following established procedures.
 Routes or answers routine correspondence not requiring supervisor attention.
 Composes routine letters and memoranda.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Office Manager I
Position Number: AA13G2
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Supervise administrative and secretarial employees to assure effective office support. Typically
supervise fewer than 10 administrative and secretarial personnel in an office or department with
less than 50 employees. Is able to perform most office support duties and may, on occasion, act
as a substitute for absent employees. Generally coordinates
a wide range of services, which assure efficient operation of the office. Typically reports to the
head of the office or department or to an administrative manager.

Representative Activities
 Assigns and monitors typing and related administrative and secretarial work.
 Prepares work schedules for administrative employees and assures coverage
of such critical functions as reception, telephones, mail preparation and delivery,
and typing.
 Maintains inventory of office supplies and orders office supplies, equipment,
and services within prescribed procedures and contractual agreements.
 Coordinates services such as coffee and tea, machine repair, building service,
catered luncheons, and temporary employment.
 Recruits and screens candidates for administrative positions.
 Provides basic orientation regarding office procedures, organization policies,
and employee pay and benefits.
 Monitors work performance and recommends pay increases, promotions,
discipline, and termination of employment.
 Processes time sheets, payroll records, and claims for employee benefits.
 Maintains records of administrative expenses and petty cash.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

General Clerk V
Position Number: AA12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Operates as a senior clerk personally undertaking the more complex clerical operation within
the department, and typically coordinates the work of clerks engaged in routine work.

Representative Activities
 Maintains schedules/administers systems or arrangements for e.g.
purchase/receipt/dispatch/delivery of goods and/or services.
 Deals with more difficult aspects of and/or troubleshoots work handled by less
senior clerks.
 Deals with external sources e.g. customers/suppliers in order to resolve nonroutine queries
and problems.
 Produces regular and/or ad hoc analyzes of information relating to work processed.
 Trains and, on a day to day basis, motivates a group of 2-5 less senior clerks and oversees
the quality of their work.
 May assist in the selection of potential new recruits.
 This position requires considerable clerical experience, a comprehensive knowledge of the
procedures of the department and a good understanding of how the operations of the
department relate to others. The jobholder requires familiarity with e.g.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

General Clerk IV
Position Number: AA11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Performs clerical duties such as document processing, record keeping, and report compilation,
requiring independent analysis, exercise of judgement, and a detailed knowledge of procedures.
Regularly contacts customers, suppliers, or company employees outside the immediate work area
to exchange information. Requires minimum supervision in a well-structured environment. Often
represents the top level of knowledge and specialization.

Representative Activities
 Receives, classifies, reconciles, interprets, consolidates, and/or summarizes documents
and information.
 Maintains records and balances information for control purposes.
 Compiles complex reports, drawing data from a variety of sources within and outside of
the department.
 Prepares special reports and analyses within prescribed guidelines.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

General Clerk III

Position Number: AA10G1
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Performs clerical duties such as document processing, record keeping, and report compilation of
intermediate difficulty in the sense of depth of analysis and use of individual judgement required.
Work requires a sound knowledge procedures. Regularly contacts customers, suppliers, or
company employees outside the immediate work area to exchange information. Requires prior
experience, and operates under general supervision.

Representative Activities
 Receives, classifies, reconciles, consolidates, and/or summarizes documents and
 Maintains record of documents processed and controls to assure completion.
 Compiles regular and special reports, following established formats and procedures.
 Contacts customers, suppliers, or company employees outside the immediate work area to
exchange information.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Receptionist/Telephonist II
Position Number: AA10G2
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Provides a courteous reception service to personal callers and operates a switchboard. This
position requires a competent (experienced) telephone operator with a knowledge of personnel,
most frequently receiving calls that require some discretion and knowledge of the functions of
major departments. Non-routine situations and difficult calls are referred elsewhere.
Can make use of e-mail and/or other internal/external communications systems to
expedite relaying messages.

Representative Activities
 Receives, welcomes, books and refers visitors to the relevant individual or department.
 Accepts delivery of small parcels and advises addressee.
 Maintains the reception area in a tidy condition.
 Connects callers who may be uncertain of their required contact to the most
appropriate department/contact.
 Takes and passes on messages. Determines when something is urgent and expedites a
 Trains new/relief receptionists (acts as lead receptionist/telephonist).
 May administer routine parking and taxi arrangements, and issue and collect security
badges for visitors.
 Manages records that may include internal and external directories, meeting room
bookings and records of charges.
 As a key point of entry to the organization, acts at all times, with tact, discretion and
 May perform basic clerical tasks and/or undertake simple copy typing as time permits.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

General Clerk II
Position Number: AA09G1
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
Performs clerical office work such as document processing, record keeping, and report
compilation, requiring simple analysis and use of individual judgement, and a working
knowledge of procedures. Occasionally contacts customers, suppliers, or company employees
outside the immediate work area. Requires limited prior experience, and operates under
general supervision.

Representative Activities
 Receives, classifies, consolidates, and/or summarizes documents and information.
 Maintains records of documents processed.
 Compiles various regular reports in accordance with standard operating procedures.
 Contacts customers, suppliers, or company employees outside the immediate work area
to exchange information.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Chauffeur II
Alternative Title: Executive Chauffeur
Position Number: AA09G2
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
Drives automobiles to transport company personnel or visitors to and from appointments or
around facilities on non-routine trips. May perform miscellaneous errands (i.e., acts as courier
for company, etc.) as directed.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Receptionist/Switchboard Operator - high

Position Number: AA09G3
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
At a single-position telephone switchboard or console, acts both as an operator
and as a receptionist. Duties may include operating a telephone switchboard, greeting visitors,
and determining the nature of visitor's business.

Representative Activities
 Receives, welcomes, books and refers visitors to the relevant individual or department.
 Accepts delivery of small parcels and advises addressee.
 Maintains the reception area in a tidy condition.
 Connects callers who may be uncertain of their required contact to the most
appropriate department/contact.
 Takes and passes on messages. Determines when something is urgent and expedites a
 May administer routine parking and taxi arrangements, and issue and collect security
badges for visitors.
 As a key point of entry to the organization, acts at all times, with tact, discretion and
 May perform basic clerical tasks and/or undertake simple copy typing as time permits.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Receptionist/Switchboard Operator - even

Position Number: AA08G1
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
At a single-position telephone switchboard or console, acts both as an operator
and as a receptionist. Duties may include operating a telephone switchboard, greeting visitors,
and determining the nature of visitor's business.

Representative Activities
 Receives, welcomes, books and refers visitors to the relevant individual or
 Accepts delivery of small parcels and advises addressee.
 Maintains the reception area in a tidy condition.
 Connects callers who may be uncertain of their required contact to the most
appropriate department/contact.
 Takes and passes on messages. Determines when something is urgent and expedites a
 May administer routine parking and taxi arrangements, and issue and collect security
badges for visitors.
 As a key point of entry to the organization, acts at all times, with tact, discretion
and courtesy.

May perform basic clerical tasks and/or undertake simple copy typing as time permits.
Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

General Clerk I
Position Number: AA08G2
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Performs clerical work such as document processing or record keeping. Requires
a general knowledge procedures. This is an entry-level position with work well defined and

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Clerical Services

Chauffeur I
Alternative Title: Driver/Messenger
Position Number: AA08G3
Reference Level: 8

General Characteristics
Drives automobiles or buses to transport company personnel or visitors
to and from appointments or around facilities, usually on repetitive routes. May act as a
courier when needed.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Administration/Support/Service - Secretarial
Position Number: AB

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Secretarial sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet.
Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary VI (Reports to CEO)

Position Number: AB14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Performs a wide range of administrative and general support duties of a highly responsible
and confidential nature. Reports to the CEO. Requires a high level of tact and integrity due to
the great frequency of senior level internal and external contacts and regular exposure to
confidential data. Requires a thorough knowledge of the principal's accountabilities and
method of operation, works independently with only general guidance on a variety of special

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary V
Position Number: AB13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Performs a wide range of administrative and general support duties of a highly responsible and
confidential nature. Typically reports to a very high-level principal, who directs several different
major functions in a medium to large facility. Fully-seasoned executive secretary. Requires a
high level of tact and integrity due to the great frequency of senior-level internal and external
contacts and regular exposure to confidential data.

Representative Activities
 Communicates and/or coordinates principal’s instructions and desires with various
individuals and/or departments.
 Furnishes and obtains information from other principals or outside representatives.
 Receives and screens telephone calls, letters, and/or visitors for the principal.
Answers routine questions, obtains, and furnishes information to save supervisor’s
 Schedules appointments and arranges meetings, conferences, and travel.
 Organizes and maintains principal’s correspondence and records, following up on
pending matters with limited direction.
 Transcribes dictation, often of a highly technical and/or confidential nature.
 Routes or answers routine correspondence not requiring supervisor’s attention.
 Drafts correspondence for principal’s final approval.
 Prepares special reports, gathering, summarizing, and analyzing data.
 Organizes and prepares complex documents requiring the integration of multiple
office technology and software applications. May act as the office resource
for word processing and spreadsheet application.
 Organizes and expedites flow of work through supervisor’s office. Initiates
follow-up action.
 Organizes and expedites flow of work through supervisor’s office. Initiates follow-up

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary IV
Position Number: AB12G1
Reference Level: 12

General Characteristics
Performs full clerical, administrative, and general office duties of a responsible
and confidential nature. In a medium to large-size facility, typically reports to a position
responsible for a major function such as finance, manufacturing, marketing, or personnel.
Frequent access to highly confidential information and files. Business contacts include persons at
all levels within the organization, industry, and community. Must have an understanding of the
principal's job and method of operation. Has an understanding of department and company
organization, operations and procedures.

Representative Activities
 Communicates principal’s instructions or desires to various individuals
and/or departments, and furnishes and obtains information from other principals.
 Receives and screens telephone calls, letters, and/or visitors. Answers routine
questions and furnishes information to save principal’s time.
 Schedules appointments and makes arrangements for meetings, conferences,
and travel.
 Organizes and maintains files of supervisor’s correspondence and records, following up
on pending matters.
 Routes or answers routine correspondence not requiring supervisor’s attention.
 Prepares routine letters and memoranda for principal’s signature.
 Prepares special reports, gathering, and summarizing data.
 Prepares complex correspondence, reports, and presentations.
 Organizes and expedites flow of work through supervisor’s office. Initiates
follow-up action.
 Assigns work to others.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary III
Position Number: AB11G1
Reference Level: 11

General Characteristics
Performs full clerical, administrative, and general office duties involving transcription, typing,
record and file maintenance, mail distribution, and telephone reception. Requires significant
secretarial experience. Provides secretarial services to a middle to upper-level management
position. Day-to-day contacts include peers and subordinates of supervisor, occasionally
executive officers and clients. Requires an understanding of the content of the principal’s job and
method of operation. Has knowledge of department and company organization, operations and

Representative Activities
 Organizes and maintains files of supervisor’s correspondence, records, etc., following up
on pending matters.
 Acts as a receptionist for the supervisor, screening telephone calls, letters, and/or
visitors, answers routine questions, and furnishes information, when possible, to save
principal’s time.
 Schedules appointments and coordinates arrangements for meetings and conferences.
 Routes or answers routine correspondence not requiring supervisor’s attention.
 Prepares routine letters and memoranda for principal’s review.
 Prepares regular reports, gathering, and summarizing data.
 Produces a variety of correspondence, reports and presentations using
the appropriate software for word processing, graphics, and spreadsheets.
 Organizes and expedites flow of work through supervisor’s office. Initiates
follow-up action.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary II
Position Number: AB10G1
Reference Level: 10

General Characteristics
Performs clerical, administrative, and general office duties involving transcription, typing, record
and file maintenance, mail distribution, and telephone reception. Requires some previous
secretarial experience. Provides secretarial services for one or more persons, typically at the
middle-management level. Has some knowledge about the unit’s operations, organization, and
company procedures.

Representative Activities
 Maintains office files and records in accordance with internal procedures.
 Receives and refers visitors and telephone callers.
 Responds to routine requests for information and refers more complex requests
to appropriate staff member.
 Opens and distributes mail. Responds with form letter to routine requests.
 Drafts and types routine letters and memoranda from specific instructions.
 Assembles relevant data, and compiles information as directed.
 Produces a variety of correspondence and reports.
 Maintains appointment calendars.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Secretarial

Secretary I
Position Number: AB09G1
Reference Level: 9

General Characteristics
Performs basic clerical, administrative, and general office duties involving transcription, typing,
record and file maintenance, mail distribution and reception. Entry-level position. May perform
secretarial services for one or more persons at the supervisory or middlemanagement level.

Representative Activities
 Maintains office files and records in accordance with internal procedures.
 Receives and refers visitors and telephone callers.
 Opens and distributes mail. Responds with form letter to routine requests.
 Types routine letters and memoranda from specific instructions.
 Assembles relevant data, and compiles information as directed.
 Maintains appointment calendars.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Translation

Administration/Support/Service - Translation
Position Number: AC

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in the Translation sub family other than those described
elsewhere in Hay PayNet
Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Translation

Translator II
Position Number: AC14G1
Reference Level: 14

General Characteristics
Translates written material from one language to another (and vice versa). Material will include
technical terminology appropriate to the organization and the industry, and idioms in both
Requires a bachelor's degree in translation or a related discipline including specialization in
interpretation, translation and terminology at the graduate level or, a practical background
combined with about 7 to 10 years of practical experience. Incumbent should have a sound
understanding of organization's affairs. Simultaneous verbal translations are not required.

Representative Activities
 Translates complex material either for internal (to the organization) use or external
 Translates material requiring understanding and correct presentation of abstractions and
colloquial expressions.
 Translates technical material requiring accuracy with legal, professional or public
relations ramifications.
 As required, discusses with those being served, translation nuances to explain or clarify
material translated or to be translated.
 May assign and monitor work undertaken by outside agencies.

Family: Administration/Support/Service
Function: Translation

Translator I
Position Number: AC13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Translates written material from one language to another. Material includes little or no technical
terminology, but does include idioms in both languages. This is typically a trainee position for a
recent graduate in language studies or alternately, someone
with a natural fluency in at least two languages gained from family background, combined with a
demonstrated proficiency in composition, grammar and syntax. Incumbent should have some
understanding of organization's affairs as they relate to the functions serviced.

Representative Activities
 Translates simple to moderately complex material either for internal
(to the organization) use and/or to service routine external communications.
 Translates material involving a minor amount of abstractions and colloquial
 If performed, translations with legal, professional or public relations ramifications are
checked elsewhere.
 May discuss materials translated, or to be translated, with those being served.
 May perform related clerical duties.

Family: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality
Function: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality

Environmental/Health, Safety, and Quality

Position Number: Q

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality
Function: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality

Environmental Health and Safety Manager

Position Number: QA18G1
Reference Level: 18

General Characteristics
Develops, directs, and co-ordinates planning, organization, and implementation
of environmental health and safety programs to assure that management takes the actions needed
to raise employee awareness regarding EHS matters. This managerial position utilizes both
permanent and temporary staff to address the problems of a segment of a large organization or all
of a smaller one. It requires demonstrated competence as a professional as well as managerial

Representative Activities
 Monitors existing and potential environmental concerns and recommends priorities for
 Identifies common safety/health hazards inherent in the organization's operations
and establishes guidelines for protection from those hazards.
 Identifies applicable externally imposed environmental/safety/health (EHS)
standards and establishes procedures for their implementation.
 Audits EHS programs for compliance with company standards, government
regulations, and adequacy relative to local conditions.
 Co-ordinates necessary resources to implement programs.
 Maintains relationships with regulatory and government agency personnel.
 Monitors periodic performance reports for trends and conditions and alerts line
management to problems.
 Personally investigates major accidents or problem areas and recommends future
preventive measures.

Scope Variants
Guides for determining the match level may be number of subordinates, size
of the population served, and the risk levels associated with the occupation (moderate mix is a mix
of white collar and manufacturing jobs).

Family: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality
Function: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality

Quality Assurance Manager

Position Number: QA17G1
Reference Level: 17

General Characteristics
Initiates, plans, and develops processes and projects to define and implement quality assurance
practices within manufacturing operations in a single country or business unit. Function is
responsible for quality assurance of moderate complexity products and processes.

Representative Activities
 Ensures the maintenance of quality levels aligned with established quality standards.
 Plans and leads/co-ordinates large or complex quality related projects.
 Leads the development and provision of quality promotions and training to staff.
 Undertakes continuous monitoring/review of product quality standards
and establishes procedures and techniques for quality control standards.
 Co-ordinates with manufacturing and other internal systems to define and resolve
product quality problems.
 Ensures working practices conform to regulatory requirements in order to support
registration, product development and manufacture across the single country or
business unit.

Family: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality
Function: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality

Environmental Health and Safety Professional

Position Number: QA16G1
Reference Level: 16

General Characteristics
Develops and implements programs to prevent injuries or health impairment
and to prevent and solve environmental problems. Co-ordinates project activities with
operating, technical department line management and employees, to facilitate participation
of appropriate resources in project completion.

Representative Activities
 Contributes to success full project completion by participating in the resolution of
issues such as conflicting technical objectives, unsuitability of standing procedures
and difficult co-ordination requirements.
 Monitors safety, health and environmental performance and recommends priorities,
actions and solutions for improvement.
 Assists in determining project objectives to contribute to the development of a
comprehensive program.
 Maintains a working knowledge of current regulations and standards in regard to the
developments within the organisation and participates in representation with outside

Family: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality
Function: Environmental/Health/Safety/Quality

Industrial Nurse
Position Number: QA13G1
Reference Level: 13

General Characteristics
Provides emergency medical treatment to employees on company premises, and advice on
occupational health issues.
The incumbent in this position possesses the educational, legal, and training requirements
established to practice as a professional nurse. Overall standards and guidance are provided by a
physician. This is a technical lead level of professional nurse; the incumbent may be the only
healthcare professional who is a regular employee at the location.

Representative Activities
 Administers emergency medical treatment in cases of accidents or illness
on company premises and administers ongoing treatments (e.g., dressings,
injections) under the direction of a physician.
 Prepares accident reports for compensation and other purposes.
 Assists in physical examinations and health evaluations of applicants
and employees.
 Plans and executes programs for health education, accident prevention, and evaluation
of the work environment in accordance with overall program guidelines.

Family: General Management Function: General Management

General Management
Position Number: Z

General Characteristics
This position refers to jobs in this job family other than those described elsewhere in Hay
Family: Unclassified
Function: Unclassified

Position Number: X
General Characteristics
Unclassified position; not matched to a Hay Model

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