Đề Minh Họa Khảo Sát Năng Lực Vào Lớp 6

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Năm học: 2021 - 2022

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
(Đề kiểm tra gồm 04 trang. Học sinh làm bài vào đề này)


Circle the word that contains a different sound in the underlined part.
Example: 0. A. father B. capital C. carpenter D. car
1. A. island B. biscuit C. sandwich D. castle
2. A. change B. chair C. teacher D. machine


I. Odd one out. (1 pt)
Example: 0. A. sister B. engineer C. mother D. brother
1. A. tennis B. mouse C. football D. cricket
2. A. hip hop B. band C. chess D. guitar
II. Circle the best answer to complete these sentences. (4 pts)
Example: 0. I love studying ____________, especially drawing.
A. sports B. football C. drama D. art
1. There ___________ some apple juice in the fridge; and apples_________ so fresh.
A. are - are B. is - are C. is - was D. is - is
2. My father cooks food for a famous restaurant. He is a (an) ___________ .
A. chef B. actor C. cooker D. musician
3. I really love my cheerful aunts, ___________ houses are in this city.
A. who B. who’s C. whose D. which
4. We have___________ lovely pictures in ___________ house.
A. some - our B. a - ours C. any - our D. many - ours
5. Prague is ___________ than any other cities in Europe.
A. beautiful B. most beautiful C. the most beautiful D. more beautiful
6. - Paul: “___________ your English teacher?”
- John: “Yes, she is really nice.”
A. Did you like B. Will you like C. Do you like D. Would you like
7. Minh is talking to her Mom before the exam.
- Minh: “I feel nervous, Mummy. I have got an exam today.”
- Mom: “___________”
A. Cheer up! C. Poor you.
B. That’s great. Have a good time. D. Good luck. Do your best.

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8. What does this sign mean?

A. You can order this meal at Lomo Canteen.

B. This canteen serves food at any time.
Lomo Canteen C. It’s cheaper to eat here in the morning.
Our popular breakfasts and drinks D. Lomo Canteen sells only drinks.
are served during the breaks
at excellent prices!

III. Complete the dialogue with sentences (A-E). Write a letter (A-E) for each answer. (2pts)

Jake: Hi, Laura. How about your weekend?

Laura: It was Ok. I bought a new book. (0) ____D____
A. It was terrible. It rained!
Jake: Did you?
Laura: Yeah. What about you? (1) __________ B. We had a barbecue on Sunday.
Jake: We went to the match on Saturday.
Laura: (2) __________. Was it good? C. That’s cool.
Jake: Yes. Fantastic, I think. D. I read it all weekend.
Laura: Did you do anything else?
Jake: (3) ________ E. What did you do?
Laura: How was it?
Jake: (4) ________

Answers: (0): ___ D ___ (1): ________ (2): ________ (3): ________ (4): ________


I. Read the passage and do the tasks given. (4 pts)
I am going on holiday with my parents and sister Sophie next week. We are going to Puerto Rico
for two weeks - I am really excited!
We will arrive at the International Airport on Saturday at 8.15 p.m. The airport is only fifteen
minutes from San Juan. The tour guide is going to meet us and take us to our hotel - the Hotel
Isabela in Old San Juan. On the first day of our holiday, we are going to visit the peaceful beaches
in San Juan and relax.
The next day we are going to do a rainforest tour. A minibus will arrive at our hotel at 8.00 a.m
and take us to El Yunque rainforest visitor center. El Yunque is home to beautiful parrots,
enormous trees and amazing flowers. I am going to take my waterproof clothes as I think it will
be rainy there.
For me, the most interesting day is Tuesday. It is the visit to the famous Rio Camuy caves, in the
north-west of Puerto Rico. We will visit the caves for three hours with a guide so we will wear
strong shoes!

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A. Read the text carefully. Circle the correct answers.
Example: 0. The family are going to arrive on___________.
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Tuesday
1. The text is about ___________.
A. a family camping expedition C. two different family holidays
B. a family holiday D. a rainforest tour
2. It takes them ___________ to get to San Juan from the airport.
A. two hours B. a quarter of an hour C. an hour D. two weeks
3. San Juan is the name of a___________.
A. town B. hotel C. beach D. airport
4. In this passage the word “enormous” is closest in meaning to___________.
A. huge B. big C. giant D. All are correct
5. They will spend time visiting a___________ in the rainforest.
A. cloth shop B. visitor center C. famous cave D. peaceful beach

B. Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false?

Example: 0. The airport is in San Juan ___false____
1. There aren’t any beaches in San Juan. ___________
2. In the rainforest we can see parrots. ___________
3. It’s important to wear sandals in the caves. ___________

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) for each space. (2 pts)
Black bears
American black bears aren't dangerous and they (0) __________ usually chase or attack people.
It’s known that bears are quiet animals. They typically live in forests and excellent tree climbers.
(1) __________ they see people, they sometimes hide in trees.
Bears eat a lot every day: grasses, roots, berries - especially insects. They often dig holes and look
for them. Bears also like the water; they sometimes swim (2) __________ rivers and catch fish in
their big mouths. Black bears have babies every two years. The cubs will stay with their protective
mother for about two years. The mothers (3) __________the babies on milk and later on insects.
Pollution and construction (4) __________ the habitats of the black bear. They're now in danger.
It's important to protect them.

0. A. do B. don't C. aren't D. won’t
1. A. Whenever B. Where C. Because D. Then
2. A. above B. in C. under D. on
3. A. hunt B. live C. feed D. catch
4. A. are changed B. changes C. has changed D. are changing

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I. Jenny is writing an email to Clara, her friend.
Write ONE word for each gap to make a complete email. (1.5 pts)
Hi Clara,
I’m fine, thanks. I’ve been here (0) _____for____ 2 months now.
It was quite difficult for the first few weeks because I didn’t know (1)
_________________, but now I know more people.
I’m starting to (2) _________________ myself. I’m having a great time with my
new classmates. I will come home for some weeks before the end of the vacation.
See you in a (3) _______________ weeks.
Keep writing to me!

II. Rearrange the given words to make up meaningful sentences. (1.5 pts)
Example: (0): you / did / yesterday / go / Where /? /
- _________Where did you go yesterday? ___________
1. lot / recycled / bottles / Our / has / a / plastic / project / of / . /
2. often / the / chips /. / UK / people / eat / fish / and / In /
3. the / the / coronavirus / disease / world / Is / most / dangerous / in / ? /
III. Use the given word in the blankets to rewrite these sentences in another way, without
changing their meanings. (1.5 pts)
Example: Where were you yesterday? (did)
- Where did you go yesterday? _____
1. Laura always walks to school. (foot)
Laura _________________________________________________________________.
2. Does your new school have a big library? (there)
Is _____________________________________________________________________?
3. It’s necessary to wash our hands many times a day to stay safe from COVID -19. (need)
We ____________________________________________________________________.
IV. Write a paragraph (about 6 - 8 sentences) to describe the season you like. (1.5 pts)
(Note: Don’t write any personal information in your writing task: name, class, school)

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