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STI Colleges Lipa

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Great Books

Reinald Zach Ramos

 Are there any chances that you have tried to break with traditions (in family or society). Kindly
share a brief description.

One of the most known Filipino tradition and culture is our respect. I was raised by my single
mother strictly with manner and respect specially to the elder. As I grow up, I realized that there's
something that is needed to fix on that teaching. That not everyone is worth the respect, I also saying
that not just the elder but everyone who is worth the respect deserves it. Age and time can't say who is
right and wrong on most of the situation.

 How do you think your actions affect the people around you or the community you belong to?

The society for now is not that open minded for that concept. Some elders mindset is when a
young ones gives a certain answer on an argument, they considered it as mannerless, a shame, and
uneducated. Even there's a point.

Great Books

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