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1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

Development of an electro-pneumatic system for the practical

training of pneumatic processes in the university environment

J P Rojas Suárez1, J A Pabón León1, and M S Orjuela Abril1

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, San José de Cúcuta, Colombia

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This article describes the implementation of an electro-pneumatic test bench, which
allows the availability of a physical environment to promote learning. The aim of the paper is to
create a tool that enables practical training and research of pneumatic processes for university
students in the field of engineering. The control and automation system of the test bench is made
up of wired logic panels, timers, and programmable logic controllers, which are integrated into
a control board configured at 24 V (direct current) to guarantee safety. Additionally, ergonomic
principles were considered for the construction of the electro-pneumatic bench, thus favoring the
accessibility and safety of the users. Based on national and international regulations, working
pressure of 9 bar and an approximate pressure drop of 0.07 bar were defined. The construction
of the test bench is considered an educational strategy to facilitate and accelerate the learning
process of the students. Additionally, the development of the electro-pneumatic bench allowed
the dynamic characterization of double-acting actuators by integrating experimental data and
numerical models. This allowed the detailed analysis of the displacement, velocity, and
acceleration variables in this type of actuator, which contributes to the physical study of
pneumatic systems.

1. Introduction
The process of learning through experimentation in any field of technology, science, engineering,
medicine, and mathematics has proven to be an integral part of educational development [1,2]. To
achieve this practical learning process, different methodologies have been chosen, among which are
design projects, internships, service learning, job placements, and laboratory sections [3,4].
Experimental learning activities are included in different ways in the curricula of different engineering
disciplines. Studies have shown that experimentation-based learning processes allow the student to
observe the theoretical principles and concepts acquired [5-7]. Additionally, it provides the opportunity
to acquire skills for measurement processes, data analysis, and laboratory work. In this way, professional
competencies are sought, related to teamwork, independent learning, and mastery of research [8,9].
The type of project and experimentation in educational laboratories vary considerably between the
different disciplines. The role that experimentation teams play influences the learning strategy. From
the nature of the experiments, it is possible to define three types of classification: (1) learning activities
where practical tasks are the main objective, (2) learning activities where practical tasks are a secondary
objective, and (3) activities learning using simulations. The first classification involves developing
experiments that allow the student to become familiar with the equipment and the practical environment.
The above is to improve cognitive and psychomotor skills [10]. The second classification involves the
use of equipment for the application of theoretical knowledge in a real environment. This category does
not seek to develop the ability to operate specific equipment but rather to use it as a tool for data
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1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

collection and analysis. Finally, the third category involves the use of simulations as an alternative
method for experimental analysis. In this category, those experiments that do not require the presence
of physical equipment are studied. These experiments include a wide range of topics such as large and
small scale fluid movement, design optimization processes, heat transfer processes, Computer-aided
design (CAD) models, visualization of molecular mechanisms, among others [11-14].
The research described above demonstrates the importance of teaching labs as an essential
component of engineering education. Due to the above, the present study aims to propose a methodology
for constructing an electro-pneumatic laboratory focused on the teaching of pneumatic processes. In this
way, it seeks to establish an environment of training and creativity for university students in engineering
and physical sciences.

2. Methodology
Figure 1 describes the methodology used for the construction of the pneumatic network. As a first step
in the construction of the pneumatic network, the type of material to be used was selected. For this, the
normative code American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.1 [15] was taken into
consideration, which provides a classification of the most convenient materials to be used depending on
the transport fluid, environment, and nature of the process.
The determination of the diameter of the pipe was carried out, taking into consideration the pressure
values recommended by “Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica (INTECO)”, INTE/ISO 4414
[16]. It was decided to establish a pipe diameter of 3/4" in order to avoid significant changes in fluid
temperature and avoid high-pressure drops. The design of the pneumatic network is indicated in
Figure 2, which shows the different access points for the supply of air to the test equipment, which were
considered in the hydraulic analysis. The equipment used for the construction of the electro-pneumatic
bench is shown in Table 1.

Figure 1. Methodology for the Figure 2. Design of the

construction of the pneumatic network. pneumatic network.

Table 1. Electropneumatic bench equipment.

Equipment Selection criteria Characteristic
Influence that the variation of its
Piston diameter: 20 mm
dimensions has on the electro-
Shank diameter: 8 mm
Actuators pneumatic system, the space in the work
Stroke length: 100 mm
panel, and functionality to guarantee the
Connection port diameter: 1⁄4 in
performance of the laboratory practices.
5/3 CETOP 3 solenoid valves, with activation
solenoids for both positions at 24 VDC (Volts of
Guarantee versatility and functionality Direct Current).
for conducting experimental practices. 5/2 CETOP 3 solenoid valves, with activation
solenoids for both positions at 24 VDC (Volts of
Direct Current).
Pressure regulator with working range from 0 to
12 bar.
Supply capacity of the pneumatic
Maintenance unit Membrane filter.
Pressure regulator and shut-off valve with
nominal flow rate of 750 L/min.

1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

Electropneumatic test benches consist of an electrical control panel known as a control module,
which commands the pneumatic power system, allowing the development of control and/or automation
processes. Taking into account the above, a control module was designed in order to comply with the
technical specifications necessary to carry out the laboratory experiments. The methodology used for
the construction of the electrical control module is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Methodology for the design of the control system.

3. Results
To determine if the pneumatic network meets the required criteria, a series of simulations were
performed using software SolidWorks and the flow simulation plug-in. Table 2 shows the conditions
used for the simulation process.

Table 2. Pneumatic network simulation parameters.

Characteristics Value
Nominal diameter 3⁄4 " Schedule 40
Initial volumetric flow 0.006135 m! /s
Discharges at atmospheric pressure 101.3 KPa
Wall condition Adiabatic
Rugosity 0.15 mm

The analysis of the pressure drop in the pneumatic network is shown in Figure 4. From the data
obtained from the simulation, it can be observed that the lowest pressure in the network is approximately
8.93 bar, and the mean pressure of the network is 9.00 bar as shown in Figure 5, which implies a total
pressure drop of the network of 0.07 bar. Taking into account the above, it is concluded that the new
design of the pneumatic network does not increase the pressure drop above the recommended levels
[17]. In this way, the increase in the costs of the power consumed by the compressor is avoided.
Once the pneumatic network was installed, a supply study was carried out to determine that the
pressure managed by the network meets the supply requirements. For this, pressure monitoring was
carried out at the feeding points of the laboratory benches. The study consisted of measuring the pressure
by means of a manometer coupled to the regulator of the filter regulator lubricator (FRL) unit in all the
banks for 15 days; at the end of each day, the mean pressure of the network was calculated.

Figure 4. Pressure drops as a function Figure 5. Average pressure of the

of pipe length. pneumatic network.

1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

Electropneumatic benches require the structure of a control module. The design of the control module
corresponds to a horizontal metal box with vents on its sides. The structure is constructed of 12-gauge
galvanized steel with dimensions of 26 cm high × 104.4 cm wide × 30 cm deep. The structure of the
control modules is shown in Figure 6(a). To guarantee the rigidity and stability of the structure, a
simulation was carried out using SolidWorks software, considering a static load of 1000 N. To evaluate
the design, the Von Mises stress criterion was established, which is based Von Mises Hencky's theory.
The Von Mises stress was determined from Equation (1).

(*! +*" )" -(*" +*# )" -(*! +*# )"

σ!"# %&'(' = ' , (1)

where σ/ , σ. and σ0 are the Von Mises principal stresses. The factor of safety (FOS) from the Von
Mises stress is calculated using Equation (2).
FOS = * , (2)
'() +%,-,

where σ1&2 is the elastic limit stress of the material; the results obtained from the simulation are
shown in Figure 6(b) and Figure 6(c); from the results, it was guaranteed that the stress distribution in
the galvanized steel structure due to the load does not exceed the elastic limit of the material (204 MPa),
the maximum value for the Von Mises stress being 1.21 MPa and the minimum safety factor of 168. In
this way, it is concluded that the chosen material provides the design with high resistance and durability.

(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) structure of the control module of the electro-pneumatic bench; (b) Von Mises stress
distribution of the structure;(c) factor of safety of the structure.

One of the main advantages of having an electro-pneumatic system is the ability to carry out
experimental studies focused on the dynamics of different types of pneumatic actuators. These devices
are essential in robotic and industrial automation applications due to their low cost, ease of assembly,
and high strength. Therefore, the analysis of the movement of the actuators is indispensable for precise
control of the processes. Next, a methodology is proposed for the kinematic characterization of double-
acting pneumatic actuators, which is based on the joint use of mathematical models and data obtained

1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

The mathematical model used to describe the dynamics of the double-acting pneumatic actuator is
based on the considerations proposed by Richer and Hurmuzlu [18], as shown in Equation (3).

P/ ∙ A/ − P. ∙ A. − P3 ∙ A4 − β ∙ ẏ − F5 − F1 = (m1 + m4 ) ∙ ÿ , (3)

where y is the rod position, m1 and m4 are the load mass and rod mass, β is the viscous friction of
the cylinder, F5 and F1 are the Coulomb friction force and the external force, P3 is the atmospheric
pressure, P/ and P. are the pressure in cylinder chambers 1 and 2, A/ and A. are the piston area in
chamber 1 and chamber 2, and A4 is the rod transverse area. The volume of each actuator chamber is
determined by Equation (4).

V& = V6.& + A& ∙ 9. + y:, (4)

where i = 1, 2 represents the cylinder chamber. L represent the piston stroke. The behavior of the
solenoid valve that controls the actuator is defined by Equation (5) [18].

2k ' x' + c' ẋ ' + M' ∙ ẍ ' = K 9 ∙ i5 , (5)

where x' is the spool displacement, k ' is the spool spring constant, c' is the viscous friction force,
M' is the coil and spool assembly mass, i5 is the coil current and K 5 is the coil force coefficient. The
double-acting actuator experimental test bench diagram is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Double acting actuator experimental bench.

The results of the kinematic characteristics of the double-acting actuator are shown in Figure 8. This
figure shows the kinematic behavior of the actuator as a function of time for a supply pressure (P' ) of
2 bar, 4 bar and 6 bar. The curves describe the movement of the horizontally oriented piston rod.
Displacement analysis (see Figure 8(a)) shows that the latency time for a P' of 2 bars, 4 bar, and 6 bar
was 0.350 s, 0.303 s, and 0.253 s, respectively. During the active phase of the piston, a displacement
time of 0.795 s, 0.793 s, and 0.708 s was obtained for a P' of 2 bars, 4 bar, and 6 bar, respectively.
The analysis of the velocity curves (see Figure 8(b)) shows the presence of an underdamped behavior
during the final stage of the movement, which tends to be amplified when the supply pressure is reduced.
This is a consequence of the reduction in the magnitude of the force that tries to resist the piston recoil.
From the results described in Figure 8(c), it was observed that the acceleration peaks were 1785 cm/s2,
1502 cm/s2, and 1021 cm/s2 for a P' of 2 bars, 4 bar, and 6 bar.

1st STEAM Education Congress (1st STEAMEC) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2073 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2073/1/012016

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Kinematic characteristics of the double acting actuator; (a) displacement; (b) velocity; (c)

4. Conclusions
In the present work, a methodology for the construction of a bench focused on the teaching of pneumatic
systems is described. In this way, it seeks to help students understand the operation of pneumatic
processes in a practical environment applied to the field of engineering.
The design of the pneumatic network and the distribution of the different test benches within the
laboratory make possible future modifications or repairs of said network. In turn, this enabled new
workspaces to be enabled with all the work panels of the banks. Additional, construction and
commissioning of an automation system for electro-pneumatic test benches, which works with 24
V direct current connection ports, providing security when handling. Said system allows the
development of practices by means of wired logic, as well as the possibility of carrying out experiences
with the use of a programmable logic controllers, that provides a practical approach to the student with
the automation of pneumatic power systems.
The development of the laboratory contributes to the generation of spaces for the creation of research
projects that have a favorable impact on industrial development and the study of the physical variables
that influence pneumatic systems. To demonstrate this point, a methodology was developed for the
dynamic characterization of double-acting actuators by integrating experimental data and numerical
models. This allowed the detailed analysis of the variables of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
in this type of actuator. The study carried out shows that the 50% increase in the supply pressure allows
a reduction of 14% and 6% in the latency time and the displacement time. Additionally, a 24% decrease
in the maximum acceleration peaks is demonstrated because of the decrease in the supply pressure.

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