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Nature and Scope of Climatology

Presentation · August 2018

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1 author:

Sitender Malik
Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University (JIND)


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• Atmosphere is a thick gaseous envelope which
surrounds earth from all sides and is attached to
earth’s surface by gravitational force
Nature and Scope of Climatology • It plays important role in
– Existence of life on earth
Dr Sitender Malik – Providing all necessary gases for biosphere
– Filtering incoming solar electromagnetic radiation
– Providing energy to earth’s biospheric ecosystem
– Distribution and redistribution of energy on earth’s

Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Science

• Comprehensive study of atmosphere • Climatology
• It can be divided into following sub-branches – It is the branch of atmospheric science that deals with
• Systematic and regional studies of atmospheric conditions
• Aerology i.e. weather and climate
– Study of the chemical and physical characteristics of • Weather is the sum total of atmospheric conditions in terms
the composition of atmosphere of temperature, pressure, wind, moisture, cloudiness,
– A branch of meteorology precipitation and visibility of a particular place at any given
• Meteorology • Climate is the study of aggregate weather conditions of any
– Studies the characteristics and behavior of the region in long term perspective
atmospheric conditions based on the study of
individual phenomena and motions of the atmosphere
involving the principles of physics

Climatology Climatology
• Definitions • Definitions
– “Climatology is the science which studies the nature of – It may also be defined as “study of long term weather
climate, the causes and interpretation of its spatial conditions of a place or an area of varying spatial
variations and its association with the elements of scales over long period of time, of frequent and
natural environment and human activities” Critchfield infrequent weather phenomena, systematic study of
– “it is a science really an applied science whose climate and its distribution on the earth’s surface both
methods are strictly meteorological but whose aims horizontally and vertically, effects of human economic
and results are geographical” Oliver and Hidore, 2003 activities on different components of atmosphere
leading to weather and climate changes and effects of
weather and climate on man and his activities in
particular and other flora and fauna in general”

Nature of Climatology
• Climatology tries to study the
– Identification, demarcation and distribution of
different types of climate

Nature of Climatology Scope of Climatology
• Climatology tries to study the • The subject matter of climatology may be
– Identification, demarcation and distribution of described through its major branches
different types of climate – Physical and dynamic climatology
– Mode of origin of different types of climate – Regional climatology
– Causes and processes responsible for climatic – Applied climatology
variations both horizontally and vertically
– Different elements of weather and climate
– Interaction of weather and climate with human society
– Impacts of climate on human health and activities
including physiological and psychological aspects

Physical Climatology Physical Climatology

• It deals with the study of • In other words it studies the systematic
– Elements of weather namely insolation, temperature, description and analysis of
air pressure, wind, evaporation and humidity, – Energy balance of atmosphere and earth
precipitation, fogs, visibility etc – Atmospheric temperature
– Combination of these elements that formed different – Humidity and precipitation
– Atmospheric motions and air circulation
– Processes that forms various combinations of these
– Air masses
weather elements like exchange of heat, humidity and
interaction of atmosphere and earth’s surface – Atmospheric extreme events (atmospheric
disturbances, droughts, floods, etc.)

Regional Climatology Regional Climatology
• The spatial variations in the combinations of • Microclimate
elements of weather and climate causes different – It varies in size from 1 meter to 100 meter horizontally
types of climate in different region of the world and from ground surface to 100 meter vertically
• The size of region over which similar climatic – It may represent the climate of a single crop field,
conditions are observed varies from a micro area single household, area around a single tree
(crop field) to macro area (a continent) – Data related to such climates are collected from
ground and it enables the investigator to generalise
• Thus regional climatology studies the differences variation of microclimatological processes operating
in climatic conditions of the areal units having over varying ground surfaces and their impact on
different spatial scales like Microclimate, local human being
climate, meso climate and macro climate. – Thus, it may also be included as part of applied

Regional Climatology Regional Climatology

• Local Climate • Mesoclimate
– Its horizontal extension is from 100 meters to 1000 – It has horizontal extent from 100 meters to 20 km and
meters and vertically from ground surface upto 1000 vertical extent from ground surface to 6 km in
meters atmosphere
– It may represent the climate of a forest cover, a – It may represent the climate of Ganga delta, Konkan
orchard, a village, an urban area etc. coastal plain, middle Ganga plain, Sundarban, Rewa
plateau etc.

Regional Climatology Applied Climatology
• Macroclimate • It deals with
– It is also known as geoclimate or geographical climate – Climatic controls of human activities
– Its horizontal distance is more than 20 km to several – Application of climatic principles and knowledge to
hundred km and vertical extent from ground surface to solve various problems faced by human society
more than 6 km – How does man modify climate by introducing
– It may represent the climate of a country or a continent advertent and inadvertent changes in physical
like USA, China, Russia, India etc. environment
– It may be divided into descriptive climatology (study – Weather modifications by man e.g. cloud seeding and
of climatic characteristic of ground surface) and induced precipitation
synoptic climatology (analysis of dominant patterns of – Human biometeorology (reaction of human bodies to
atmospheric circulation) based on approach of analysis change in atmospheric environment)

Satellite Climatology
• It deals with
– Climate data obtained through satellite

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