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-+- MPT Mock Series (Test - 05) – CSS-2022/PCS-2022

Time Allowed: MAXIMUM MARKS: 200
180 Minutes PASSING MARKS: 66
NOTE: (I) Read MCQs from Questions Booklet and Fill in the appropriate box in the Answer Sheet.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Calculator and electronic equipment’s such as Laptop, Mobile Phone/ Cell
phone, smart watch, Bluetooth Devices, programmable devices and storage media
like Pen drive etc., during exam are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Select the correct answer and Fill in the appropriate Box on the Answer Sheet

English (50 Marks)
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Comprehension
1. Abject most nearly means a. indigent b. desire c. despondent d. extreme
2. Bespoke most nearly means a. gentle b. quiet c. tailored d. handsome
3. Diffident most nearly means a. Apathetic b. shy c. arrogant d. quarrelsome
4. Proffer most nearly means a. mendicant b. wastrel c. predict d. tender
5. Mordant most nearly means a. Dead b. gruesome c. fetid d. caustic
6. Churlish most nearly means a. childish b. boorish c. tempestuous d. disorderly
7. Antediluvian most nearly means a. antiquated b. parched c. nonsectarian d. nonsensical
8. Picayune most nearly means a. petty b. spicy c. paltry d. southern
9. Smite most nearly means a. flee b. speck c. dirt d. strike
10. Winnow most nearly means a. carve b. wind c. weed d. carry
11. Detain is most opposite to a. release b. silence c. forget d. prosper
12. Famous is most opposite to a. boring b. poor c. obscure d. untalented
13. Colossal is most opposite to a. easy b. tiny c. graceful d. roof
14. Fluid is most opposite to a. solid b. liquid c. afraid d. decent
15. Continue is most opposite to a. Curve b. argue c. carry d. pause
16. Labor is most opposite to a. amuse b. cat c. rest d. strive
17. Brawny is most opposite to a. swift b. weak c. strong d. pale
18. fickle is most opposite to a. steady b. kind c. please d. finagle
19. Inept is most opposite to a. clumsy b. infer c. competent d. foolish
20. Pivotal is most opposite to a. turning b. wavy c. unimportant d. clear
21. Cup : Lip :: Bird : ?
A) Grass B) Forest C) Beak D) Bush
22. Vaunt : Flaunt :: Disparate : ?
A) Similar B) Homogenous C) Contrast D) Alike
23. Biped : Quadruped :: Ostrich : ?
A) Cat B) Kangaroo C) Penguin D) Duck
24. Grass : Erosion :: Dam : ?
A) Water B) Freeze C) Current D) Rain
25. Q1. Nancy said, “I may leave tomorrow.”
A. Nancy said that she might leave the next day. B. Nancy said that she might leave tomorrow.
C. Nancy asked if she should leave the next day. D. Nancy informed me to leave tomorrow.
26. Q2. Keshav said, “Rita is busy right now.”
A. Keshav said Rita was busy. B. Keshav informed that Rita was busy then.
C. Keshav said Rita had been busy. D. Keshav informed that Rita is busy.
27. Q3. The teacher said, “You are suspended!.”
A. The teacher exclaimed that I am suspended. B. The teacher exclaimed to me to suspend.
C. The teacher informed me that I was suspended. D. The teacher exclaimed that I was suspended.
28. Q4. He said, “I have been a great mentor.”
A. He said that he had been a great mentor. B. He said that he was a great mentor.
C. He exclaimed that he was a great mentor. D. He said that he has been a great mentor.
29. Q5. Vidushi said, “We went for a summer trip.”
A. Vidushi said that they went for a summer trip. B. Vidushi said that they were on a summer trip.
C. Vidushi said that they had gone for a summer trip. D. Vidushi said they went for a summer trip.
Error detection and correction
30. There were / (B) no less than fifty persons / (C) present in the room / (D) No error
A. (a) B.(b) C.(c) D. (d)

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31. Few remarks / (B) that he made were / (C) offensive to my friend / (D) No error
A. (a) B.(b) C.(c) D. (d)
32. It is a / (B) worth watching documentary / (C) & you must not miss it/ (D) No error
A. (a) B. (b) C. (c) SD. (d)
33. The meeting was postponed / (B) because only a few number of persons / (C) were present there/ (D) No error
A. (a) B. (b) C. (c) D. (d)
34. In the opinion of everyone / (B) she is wiser / (C) than beautiful / (D) No error
A. (a) B. (b) C. (c) D. (d)
Idioms and Phrases
35. An Axe To Grind
A difficult objective A selfish or ulterior aim An impossible dream A habit to spend time
36. Back To The Drawing Board
A, Starting all over again after a failed attempt B. Going to the meeting room to discuss a problem
C, Using drawing board to discuss a problem in detail D. Achieving a solution to the problem on drawing board
37. Once in a blue moon
A. An sacrificial event carried out in night B. An event that happens only in moonlight
C. An event which happens very rarely D. An auspicious event
Find the correctly spelt word
38. A. Absense B. Absence C. Abcence D. Abcense
39. Find the correctly spelt word
A. accessible B. accessable C. accesseble D. asseccable
40. Find the correctly spelt word
A. accomodation B. acommodation C. accommodation D. acomodation
One Word Substitutes
41. No matter where we go, The Internet seems to be following us. Almost all the device is being made with an
Internet connection. The Internet is truly "ubiquitous" If something is "ubiquitous"
A. it is fuzzy and will bite you B. it is everywhere C. it costs too much money D. it causes rashes
42. Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! In the above context,
what does “rash” mean?
A, an itchy skin condition B. funny C.trying to hide or disguise a piece of cheese D. with little thought or consideration
43. You might have given this information earlier.
A. This information might have been given earlier. B. This information could have been given earlier.
C. This information was given much earlier. D. This information might be given by you earlier.
44. The breakfast will have been finished by eight.
A. They will finish the breakfast by eight. B. They will finish the breakfast at eight.
C. They will have finished the breakfast by eight. D. They will be finishing the breakfast at eight.
45. Did they pay the clerks their salary on the first day of the month?
A, Were the clerks paid their salary on the first day of the month?
B, Are the clerks paid their salary on the first day of the month?
C. Was the clerk paid his salary on the first day of the month? D. Were the clerks being paid their salary.

Passage: In the world today, we make health and end in itself. We have forgotten that health is really means to enable
a person to do his work and do it well. a lot of modern medicine and this includes many patients as well as many
physicians pays very little attention to health but very much attention to those who imagine that they are ill. Our great
concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers. the health articles in popular magazines and the
popularity of television programmes and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet for the
most part the only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting time talking
about health: he should be using health for work. The work does the work that good health possible.
46. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
A. promotion of good health B. people suffering from imaginary illness
C. people suffering from real illness D. increased efficiency in work
47. The passage suggests that
A. health is an end in itself B. health is blessing
C. health is only means to an end D. we should not talk about health
48. Talking about the health all time makes people
A. always suffer from imaginary illness B. sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
C. rarely suffer from imaginary illness D. often suffer from imaginary illness
49. The passage tells us
A. how medicine should be manufactured B. what healthy man should or should not do
C. what television programmes should be about D. how best to imagine illness
50. A healthy man should be concerned with
A. his work which good health makes possible B. looking after his health
C. his health which makes work possible D. talking about health

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Islamic Studies (20 Marks)
51. Four or Eight or Twelve Rakat offered in the late night is Called?
A. Ishraq B. Salat-e-Tahajjud C. Witr D. Sunnah
52. Which prayer is performed while standing in lines?
A. Funeral B. Rain C. Kisoof D. Nafl
53. The Namaz-e-Taraveeh can be offered between the Salats of?
A. Isha & Fajar B. Zuhar & Maghrib C. Asr & Isha D. Maghrib & Asr
54. The Act of Shortening ones prayer while on journey is called?
A. Wajib B. Khusar C. Qasr D. Sunnat
55. How many times order for Zakat came in Quran?
A. 20 times B. 32 times C. 40 times D. 42 times
56. Which Khulifa-e-Rashid announced the war against the people who were unwilling to pay zakat?
A, Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A)B. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)C. Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)D. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
57. Who said that Zakat is treasure of Islam?
A. Rasool Ullah (P.B.U.H) B. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) C. Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) D. None of them
58. Verbal meaning of Hajj is____________?
A. To repay B. The will to visit C. To device D. To permanence
59. In which Hijri year Hajj was made compulsory?
A. 8 Hijri B. 9 Hijri C. 10 Hijri D. None of them
60. How many Hajj were performed by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
61. In Which Hijri year Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) performed Hajj?
A. 8 Hajri B. 9 Hijri C. 10 Hijri D. 11 Hijri
62. What is meant by Tawaaf?
A. To circle around Kaaba B. One attempt between safaa and Marwah C. Stay at Arafat D. None of them
63. when was first Hajj performed by muslims
A. 9 Hajri B. 10 Hijri C. 11 Hijri D. 8 Hijri
64. On which date throwing of stones is performed on Jumeraat?
A. 10th Zulhajj B. 11th Zulhajj C. 12th Zulhajj D. 13th Zulhajj
65. In which Islamic month, first Wahi was decended?
A. Rajab-ul-MurajabB. Safr C. Rabi-ul-Sani D. Ramzan-ul-Mubarik
66. What was the age of Rasool Ullah (P.B.U.H) at the time of First Wahi?
A. 40 Years 6 months B. 40 Years 8 months C. 40 Years 10 months D. 40 Years 11 months
67. On which place, first Wahi was decended?
A. Sore Cave B. Hira Cave C. Khana-Kaaba D. None of them
68. How many verses (Ayats) were in first Wahi?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
69. How many surah start with word Qul?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
70. How many stages of the Quran are there?
A. 2 stages B. 4 stages C. 7 stages D. 9 stages

General knowledge (50 Marks)
(Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, General Science)

71. Which country has raised USD 1 billion loan with Sukuk (Islamic Bond)?
[A] Iran [B] Syria [C] Pakistan [D] Afghanistan
72. Which country launched the ‘Better Health Smoke-Free’ campaign?
[A] Australia [B] UK [C] India [D] France
73. Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah is the Prime Minister of which country?
[A] Bahrain [B] Kuwait [C] Oman [D] Saudi Arabia
74. Which country has recently signed agreement with Tajikistan for import of electricity for the next year?
[A] India [B] Pakistan [C] Afghanistan [D] Kazakhstan
75. The new COVID variant named IHU (B.1.640.2), has been discovered in which country?
[A] USA [B] France [C] Italy [D] South Africa
76. As per IEA, India would surpass China as the world’s third largest ethanol consumer by ……..
[A] 2023 [B] 2025 [C] 2026 [D] 2030
77. Which peninsula separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea?
[A] Avalon Peninsula. [B] Boothia Peninsula. [C] Bruce Peninsula. [D] Yucatán Peninsula

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78. BA.1, BA.2 and BA.3’ are the sub-lineages of which Covid Variant?
[A] Alpha [B] Gamma [C] Delta [D] Omicron
79. As per recent study, 2021 was the Earth’s ………….. hottest on record.
[A] Third [B] Fifth [C] Sixth [D] Eighth
80. Which is the first known animal of a human-engineered hybrid of two species?
[A] Kunga [B] Camel [C] Wild Ass [D] Karakul Sheep
81. Which institution launches the ‘World Employment and Social Outlook’?
[A] World Bank [B] IMF [C] ILO [D] UNICEF
82. ‘Infinity Bridge’ is the iconic architectural structure located in which country?
[A] Russia [B] UAE [C] Israel [D] Singapore
83. Barbados island is located in which sea?
[A] Caribbean Sea [B] Mediterranean Sea [C] Baltic Sea [D] South China Sea
84. The UN General Assembly approves the resolution sponsored by which country, condemning Holocaust denial?
[A] USA [B] Russia [C] Israel [D] India
85. Which country is the first to successfully conduct a human heart transplant from a genetically modified pig?
[A] China [B] Russia [C] USA [D] UK
86. Green Line bus service becomes fully operational from __________?
A, 9th January 2022 B. 10th January 2022 C. 11th January 2022 D. None of these
87. 23 persons founded dead inside vehicles in Murree recently . The reason of death is _______?
A, Carbon Monoxide B. hypothermia C. accident D. None of these
88. State of the art Cricket Stadium to be built in which city of Pakistan?
A, Lahore B. Faisalabad C. Karachi D. Islamabad
89. Who has been nominated as 1st Female Judge of Supreme Court of Pakistan?
A, Justice Noor Mujataba B. Justice Ayesha Malik C. Justice Ayesha Baig. D. Justice Iqra hayat
90. Who has been named most valuable cricketer in PCB awards on January 6, 2022?
A, Babar Azam B. Hassan Ali C. Shaheen Afridi D. Mohammad Rizwan
91. Which British-Pakistani has been given UK’s Coat of Arms on January 6 2022?
A, Lord Sadiq Khan B. Lord Amir Khan C. Lord Aamer Sarfraz D. None of these
92. Pakistan acquires 25 J-10C fighter jets from ________?
A, USA B. Russia C. France D. China
93. First Islamabad-Istanbul train departed on 21 Dec 2021. When did it reach Ankara?
A, Jan 2, 2022 B. Jan 3, 2022 C. Jan 4, 2022 CD. None of these
94. Which parliamentarian paid the highest tax among parliamentarians in 2019?
A, M yaqoob Shaikh B. M. Najeeb Haroon C. Saleh Muhammad D. Shaukat Ali
95. Which Pakistani international player announced his retirement on 3rd January 2022?
A, Shoaib Malik B. Muhammad Hafeez C. Sarfaraz Ahmed D. None of these
96. Pakistani all-rounder Mohammad Hafeez announces retirement from International Cricket on ________?
A, 31st December, 2021 B. 3rd January, 2022 C. 4th January, 2022 D. None of these
97. Pakistan acquires USD ____ billion loans in Fiscal year 2020-21.
A, USD 12.32 billion B. USD 13.32 billion C. USD 15.32 billion D. None of these
98. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s _______ Birth Anniversary was observed on 25 December 2021?
A, 143th B. 144th C. 145th D. 146th
99. Google Doodle celebrates Pakistani entertainment icon Moin Akhtar’s __birthday on 24th December 2021?
A, 69th B. 71st C. 73rd D. None of these
100. Pakistan has finished _____ in the Men’s Asian Hockey Champions Trophy 2021 after losing from India?
A, 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. None of these
101. What is the radius of earth?
[A] 5300 km [B] 6370 km [C] 10000 km [D] 8330 km
102. One minute of arc of latitude along any meridian is also known as__?
[A] One Degree [B] One Mile [C] One Nautical Mile [D] One mach
103. How much of longitude account for one hour?
[A] 10 degree [B] 15 degree [C] 20 degree [D] 25 degree
104. “Medicine line” is another name of which among the following circles of latitude?
[A] 17th Parallel North [B] 39th Parallel North [C] 49th Parallel North [D] 59th Parallel North
105. What is the average density of earth in g/cm3?
[A] 5.515 [B] 4.415 [C] 4.515 [D] 6.515
106. Which among the following kinds of roots are found in Sugarcane?
[A] Prop Roots [B] Stilt Roots [C] Pneumatophores [D] Nodulose Roots
107. Blood Plasma with which among the following removed is called Serum?
[A] Fibrin [B] Thrombin [C] Fibrinogen [D] Collagen
108. Which among the following is different from other three?
[A] Fish [B] Crab [C] Prawn [D] Snail
109. Which among the following disease is called by Yersinia pestis?
[A] Leprosy [B] Anthrax [C] Plague [D] Dengue

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110. Which among the following clearly describes a Silver Fish?
[A] A Fish [B] A wingless Insect [C] An Anthropod [D] A frog
111. Consider the following differences between conduction and convection modes of transfer of heat:
1. While there is no actual movement of the molecules in conduction; convection is the transfer of heat by the
actual movement of molecules
2. While transfer of heat by conduction occurs in solids; transfer of heat by convection occurs in liquids and gases
Which among the above is / are correct statements?
[A] Only 1 [B] Only 2 [C] Both 1 & 2 [D] Neither 1 nor 2
112. Consider the following statements:
1. A body at rest has no inertia 2. A body in free fall in vacuum has constant acceleration
3. A body in free fall in vacuum has diminishing kinetic energy
Which among the above is / are correct statements?
[A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2 [C] Only 2 & 3 [D] 1, 2 & 3
113. Which among the following is / are correct statements?
1. The images produced by Concave Mirrors are always real images
2. The images produced by Flat Mirrors are always virtual images
3. Converging Lens can produce virtual as well as real images
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 is correct [B] Only 2 is correct [C] Only 1 & 2 are correct [D] Only 2 & 3 are correct
114. Which among the following is / are correct statements?
1. Friction converts Kinetic energy to radiation energy
2. A collision of two bodies can be said to be perfectly inelastic if no energy is exchanged between them
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 [B] Only 2 [C] Both 1 & 2 [D] Neither 1 nor 2
115. What is / are the objectives of using tubeless tyres in the aircrafts?
1. To reduce chances of detatching the tyre from the rim 2. To make them withstand shocks better
3. To allow them withstand heat Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2 & 3 [C] Only 1 & 3 [D] 1, 2 & 3
116. Which gas is used in making of Vanaspati ghee from vegetable oils?
[A] N2 [B] NO2 [C] H2 [D] Ne
117. Potassium permanganate is used to purify water. Which among the following properties of Potassium
permanganate helps in this work?
[A] sterilizing [B] oxidizing [C] reducing [D] leaching
118. Which among the following is popularly called Hypo?
[A] Silver bromide [B] Silver nitrate [C] Sodium thiosulphate [D] Sodium phosphate
119. With reference to LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), which among the following observations is / are correct?
1.LNG is odourless and colourless 2.LNG is generally non-corrosive and non-toxic
3.The weight of certain volume of LNG is around half of weight of same volume of water
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2 & 3 [C] Only 1 & 3 [D] 1, 2 & 3
120. With reference to the Radioactivity, which among the following is called an isomeric transition?
[A] Alpha emission [B] Gamma emission [C] Beta emission [D] X-Ray emission

Mathematics (60 Marks)
Basic Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry; Logical Problem Solving & Analytical
Abilities; Mental Abilities

121. A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D?
A) Grandfather B) Grandmother C) Daughter D) Granddaughter
122. In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F.
A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the
sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. How is E related to C ?
A) Sister B) Daughter C) Cousin D) Mother
123. Pointing to a person, a man said to a woman, "His mother is the only daughter of your father." How was the
woman related to the person ?
A) Aunt B) Mother C) Wife D) Daughter
124. A girl introduced a boy as the son of' the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is girl's
A) Brother B) Son C) Uncle D) Son-in-law
125. There are six persons A. B, C, D, E and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E's husband. D is the father of A
and grandfather of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group. Who is the mother ?
A) A B) B C) C D) E

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126. Find the missing number in the series? 4, 18, ?, 100, 180, 294, 448
A) 48 B) 50 C) 58 D) 60
127. Find the wrong number in the series. 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 91
A) 31 B) 15 C) 56 D) 91
128. Find the missing number in the following series? 3, 5, 5, 19, 7, 41, 9, ?
A) 71 B) 61 C) 79 D) 69
129. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 132 156 ? 210 240 272
A) 196 B) 182 C) 199 D) 204
130. How many pairs of letters are there in the word " CASTRAPHONE" which have as many letters between them
in the word as in the alphabet?
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
131. Arrange these words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes last
1. Abandon 2. Actuate 3. Accumulate 4. Acquit 5. Achieve
A) Actuate B) Accumulate C) Acquit D) Achieve
132. B M N G O P C Q R H S T F L U V W X Y A K Z D I E J : Counting from left if it is possible to make a meaningful
word from the third and fifth letters from left, using each at least twice and third letter from right in sequence,
only once , write the first letter of the word as your answer. If more than one such word can be formed write "M"
as your answer, and if no word can be formed write 'X' as your answer.
A) M B) X C) O D) I
133. Find the quadratic equations whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of 2x2+5x+32x2+5x+3?
A) 3x2+5x+2=03x2+5x+2=0 B) 5x2+3x+2=05x2+3x+2=0 C) 3x2−5x−2=03x2-5x-2=0 D) None
134. Given interchanges: Signs + and x and numbers 4 and 5.
A) 5 x 4 + 20 = 40 B) 5 x 4 + 20 = 85 C) 5 x 4 + 20 = 104 D) 5 x 4 + 20 = 95
135. What is the value of P in the following Equation ? 192.5 × 19p = 197192.5 × 19p = 197
A) 3.9 B) 4.1 C) 3.7 D) 4.5
136. What approximate value will come in place of question mark (?) in the following question? (49.001)2 = ?
A) 2500 B) 2400 C) 2600 D) 2300
137. In a throw of coin what is the probability of getting head.
A, 1 B, 2 C, 1/2 D, 0
138. In a throw of coin what is the probability of getting tails.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 1/2 D. 0
139. Two unbiased coins are tossed. What is probability of getting at most one tail?
A. 1212 B. 1313 C. 3232 D. 3434
140. Find the HCF of 54, 288, 360
A. 18 B. 36 C. 54 D. 108
141. 18800 / 470 / 20
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
142. Simplify b - [b -(a+b) - {b - (b - a+b)} + 2a]
A. a B. 2a C. 4a D. 0
143. 100 + 50 *2 = ?
A. 200 B. 150 C. 100 D. 300
144. Evaluate 6084−−−−√6084
A. 75 B. 77 C. 78 D. 68
145. Evaluate 1471369−−−−−−−√1471369
A. 1213 B. 1223 C. 1233 D. 1243
146. Average of all prime numbers between 30 to 50
A. 37 B. 37.8 C. 39 D. 39.8
147. Anum obtained 65, 67, 76, 82 and 85 out of 100 in different subjects, What will be the average.
A. 70 B. 75 C. 80 D. 85
148. Find the sum of first 30 natural numbers
A. 470 B. 468 C. 465 D. 463
149. Find the number, when 15 is subtracted from 7 times the number, the result is 10 more than twice of the number
A. 5 B. 15 C. 7.5 D. 4
150. Sum of a rational number and its reciprocal is 13/6. Find the number
A. 2 B. 3/2 C. 4/2 D. 5/2
151. find the number, difference between number and its 3/5 is 50.
A. 120 B. 123 C. 124 D. 125
152. Haneef age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back, What is the present age of Haneef
A. 15 B. 14 C. 10 D. 8
153. Sara is younger than Rabia by 7 years. If the ratio of their ages is 7:9, find the age of Sara
A. 23.5 B. 24.5 C. 12.5 D. 14.5
154. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q is 6:7. If Q is 4 years old than P, what will be the ratio of the
ages of P and Q after 4 years
A. 7:8 B. 7:9 C. 3:8 D. 5:8

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155. What will be the fraction of 20%
A. 1/4 B. 1/5 C. 1/10 D. None of above
156. What will be the fraction of 4%
A. 1/20 B. 1/50 C. 1/75 D. 1/25
157. The ratio 5:20 expressed as percent equals to
A. 50 % B. 125 % C. 25 % D. None of above
158. A man buys an article for Rs. 27.50 and sells it for Rs 28.60. Find his gain percent
A. 1% B. 2% C. 3% D. 4%
159. A TV is purchased at Rs. 5000 and sold at Rs. 4000, find the lost percent.
A. 10% B. 20% C. 25% D. 28%
160. In terms of percentage profit, which among following the best transaction.
A. C.P. 36, Profit 17 B. C.P. 50, Profit 24 C. C.P. 40, Profit 19 D. C.P. 60, Profit 29
161. If a:b = 2:3 and b:c = 4:3, then find a:b:c
A. 8:12:9 B. 2:3:8 C. 2:3:9 D. 2:3:12
162. Find the fourth proportion to 2,3,6
A. 18 B. 12 C. 9 D. 4
163. 3. If A:B:C = 2:3:4, then find AB:BC:CAAB:BC:CA
A. 5:9:24 B. 6:9:24 C. 7:9:24 D. 8:9:24
164. Sami and Ravi started a business by investing Rs 85000 and 15000 respectively. In what ratio the profit earned
after 2 years be divided between Sami and Ravi respectively.
A. 17:1 B. 17:2 C. 17:3 D. 17:4
165. A,B and C enter into a partnership investing Rs 35000, Rs 45000 and 55000. Find the their respective shares in
annual profit of 40,500
A.10500, 13500, 19500 B.10500, 13500, 18500 C.10500, 13500, 17500 D.10500, 13500, 16500
166. Rs. 700 is divided among A, B, C so that A receives half as much as B and B half as much as C. Then C's share is
A. Rs 200 B. Rs 300 C. Rs 400 D. Rs 500
167. If 16 toys cost 240, then what do 40 toys cost ?
A. Rs. 600 B. Rs. 620 C. Rs. 640 D. Rs. 660
168. If the cost of x metres of wire is d rupees, then what is the cost of y metres of wire at the same rate ?
A. xd B. yd C. yd/x D. x/yd
169. If the price of 23 toys is 276, then what will the price of 12 toys ?
A. 144 B. 148 C. 156 D. 186
170. Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do a job. How long should it take both A and
B, working together to do same job.
A. 4949 B. 249249 C. 349349 D. 449449
171. A and B can together complete a piece of work in 4 days. If A alone can complete the same work in 12 days, in
how many days can B alone complete that work ?
A. 4 days B. 5 days C. 6 days D. 7 days
172. A does a work in 10 days and B does the same work in 15 days. In how many days they together will do the
same work ?
A. 5 days B. 6 days C. 7 days D. 8 days
173. How many minutes does Aditya take to cover a distance of 400 m, if he runs at a speed of 20 km/hr
A. 115min115min B. 215min215min C. 315min315min D. 415min415min
174. The distance between two cities A and B is 330 Km. A train starts from A at 8 a.m. and travel towards B at 60
km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 a.m and travels towards A at 75 Km/hr. At what time do they meet?
A. 10 am B. 11 am C. 12 pm D. 1 pm
175. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he will
reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?
A. 9 km/hour B. 10 km/hour C. 11 km/hour D. 12 km/hour
176. A train is 100-meter-long and is running at the speed of 30 km per hour. Find the time it will take to pass a
man standing at a crossing.
A. 10 seconds B. 12 seconds C. 14 seconds D. 16 seconds
177. A 300 meter long train crosses a platform in 39 seconds while it crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds. What is
the length of the platform.
A. 310 meter B. 335 meter C. 345 meter D. 350 meter
178. Speed of a goods train is 72 km/hr. This train crosses a 250 meter platform in 26 seconds. Then find the
length of goods train.
A. 250 meters B. 260 meters C. 270 meters D. 280 meters
179. How many bricks, each measuring 25cm ×11.25cm ×6cm, will be needed to build a wall 8m ×6m ×22.5m
A. 6100 B. 6200 C. 6300 D. 6400
180. A swimming pool 9 m wide and 12 m long is 1 m deep on the shallow side and 4 m deep on the deeper side.
Its volume is:
A. 260 B. 262 C. 270 D. 272

“Building Futures” Page 7|8


Urdu (20 Marks)

“Building Futures” Page 8|8

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