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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science 10
(Boyle’s and Charles Law)

Prepared By:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked By:
Mrs. Catherine Balubal
Cooperating Teacher
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a.) define the Properties that describe a gas
b.) investigate the relationship between:
* Volume and Pressure at constant Temperature of a gas;
* Volume and Temperature at constant Pressure of a gas; and
c.) accept that Gas laws are part of the daily living of Human

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Behavior of Gases
B. Sub-Topic: Boyles and Charles Gas Law
C. Reference: Science – Grade 10, Support Material for Independent
Learning Engagement (SMILE)
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Role of Hormones Involved in
the Female and Male Reproductive Systems

D. Materials: Powerpoint, Pictures, Learning Module

E. Teaching Strategy: Constructivist, Collaborative, Spiral Progression
Approach, Developmentally Appropriate,
Responsive and Relevant
F. Time Allotment: 60 minutes

III. Learning Procedure

Teachers Activity Student Activity
Preliminaries Activity
• Prayer (call a student)
• Greetings
• Classroom Management
• Attendance
Place ourselves in the Lord's
Before we start, Christine can you
presence. In the name of the father,
please lead the prayer.
the son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
God, thank you for such a beautiful
day. In our online lesson, please
guide us. Please share your blessings
and love with us. Give us the
strength we need to succeed in our
online class. Through Jesus Christ,
this is our prayer. Amen...

Good morning class

Today is the start of the 4 th Quarter. Good morning, sir
For those who are new to join in this
online class, once again I am your
Teacher Cyril, your Pre-service
teacher from University of Cagayan
Valley and I will be your teacher for
this quarter.

This is an online class, as we all

know. Wherever you are, whether at
home or in your favorite hangout
spot. I'd like you to have a seat and
stay online for our discussion this

For our Virtual Classroom Rule

please remember the acronym LOL.
Sir LOL stands for LISTEN, OBEY
Who can still remember the acronym and LEARN

For your attendance I’ll just

download it in the Google Attendance

Recalling Activity

You studied about the three states of Yes sir

matter during your Elementary.
The three states of matter are Solid,
Do you remember them? Liquid and Gas
What are the three states of Matter? Gases take the shape of the container
because the particles are able to
move freely to all parts of the
Who can differentiate the three states
of matter?
In liquids, the particles are closer to
one another, nudging one another as
they move. Since the particles are
closer to one another, the attraction
between particles is stronger than
those in gases.

Solids have definite shapes and

volume because the particles are
packed closely together in fixed
To illustrate class, observe how the
particles of each states of matter are
being illustrated in the
Particle view of a gas

Particle view of a

Particle view of a Solid

Very good class that you can still

recall the three states of matter.


Before we begin with our topic, I have

prepared here an activity class.

This game is titled Picture Analysis.

The instruction class is you look at
the picture presented on my screen
and think of a word that is associated
with the picture.

Are you ready class? Yes sir

What word is Temperature sir

associated in the picture?

Very good. How this one? Pressure sir

Good job. How about the last picture? Volume sir.

V = πr2h
Very good that you have a sharp
analytical mind. You guess the word
by just simply looking at the
presented pictures.


Based on your activity class what do Behavior of Gas sir

you think would be our topic for this

Before we formally start our new

discussion this morning, let us check
first our objectives.
a.) Define the Properties that describe
Who ca read the first one? a gas

b.) Investigate the relationship

How about the next one? between:
* Volume and Pressure at
constant Temperature of a gas;
* Volume and Temperature at
constant Pressure of a gas; and

How about the last one? c.) Accept that Gas laws are part of
the daily living of Human

Thank you, class. These objectives

will guide us as we go through with
our discussion.

Lesson Proper

Class based on the objectives; our

focus today is all about Gas.

To accurately understand the

behavior of a gas class, we need to
understand first its properties.
The properties of gas are Pressure,
What are the properties of gas class? Temperature, Volume and Amount
Very good. We will not be spending a
lot time defining all these terms since
I am assuming that you have already
an idea about these.

This is the summary of the four

properties of Gas.
What is Pressure? Force acting on a specific area

Pressure class has the following

units: atm, mm Hg, torr, lb/in2, and

Who can define volume class? It is the three-dimensional space

occupied by gas
Excellent. These are the common
units in volume. L, ml, m3, cm3

Now who can define what is It is the measurement of warmth or

Temperature? coldness of a body

It is also the measure of the Kinetic

Energy of the particles in an object.

The unit for temperature would F,


C, and K

So class to convert temperature to K

we just have to add 273.15
It is measured in moles
The last one is Quantity. Who can
define what is Quantity?

Remember class 1 mol is equal to

6.022*1023, this is according to
Avogadros Law.

Beware class that quantity is not the

same with mass.
None sir
Do you have any question class?

Let us now proceed to Boyles Law.

Boyles Law is proposed Robert Boyle

who lived on 1627- 1691

Boyles Law relates two properties of

Gas, and those are Pressure and
Volume. States that Pressure is INVERSELY
Who can state the Boyles Law? constant TEMPERATURE
It states that if one QUANTITY
What do we mean when we say DECREASES, or vice versa
Inversely Proportional?

In constant Temperature therefore

PRESSURE INCREASES Students will watch
I will play a video using syringe and
marshmallow to demonstrate the
Boyles Law.

Now, how we will calculate for Boyle’s


Class the general formula for Boyle’s

Law is:
P1 = Initial Pressure
P1V1 = P2V2 V1 = Initial Volume
P2 = Final Pressure
What are these Variables class? V2 = Final Volume

Here are the steps on how to solve

problems regarding Boyle’s law.

Identify the given information and

determine what is asked in the
Write the equation.
Derive the equation to solve for the
unknown quantity.
Substitute the known quantities into
the equation, cancel the same units,
copy the remaining unit, and
Think about the result whether it
makes sense or not.

For Example.

A gas occupies 12.3 liters at a

pressure at 40.0 mmHg. What is the
volume when the pressure is
increased into 120.0 mmHg?

P1 = 40.0 mmHg
V1 = 12.3 liters
P2 = 120.0 mmHg
V2 = ?

Equation: P1V1 = P2V2

Derive the equation:

V2 P1V1


V2 (40.0mmHg) (12.3L)
Answer : 4.1 liters

We know that pressure is inversely

proportional to volume, meaning,
when one decreases, the other
increases. Pressure has increased
from 40.0 mmHg to 120.0mmHg, so
volume must decrease. As you can Action of Syringe, Bringing bag of
see, volume became 4.1L from 12.3L Chips in a higher altitude, Breathing
which means it decreases. Therefore, in Respiratory sir.
the result makes sense based on
Boyle’s law.
None Sir
Who can give some real life
application of Boyles Law?

Very good. Do you have any question

about Boyles Law?

If that so, we can now proceed to

Charles Law was proposed by a TEMPERATURE at CONSTANT
French Scientist Jacques Charles PRESSURE
who lived 1746-1823.
As one quantity increases, the other
Who can state Charles Law? quantity also increases

What do we mean when we say

Directly Proportional?

This the Charles Law Calculation

T1 T2
V1 V2

V1 = Initial Volume
V2 = Final Volume
T1 = Initial Temperature (in K)
T2 = Final Temperature (in K)

For example:
A cylinder with a movable piston
contains 250 mL air at 10℃. If the
pressure is held constant, at what
temperature would you expect the
volume to be 150 mL?

V1 = 250 ml
V2 = 150 ml
T1 = 10 0C + 273.15 = 283.15
T2 = ?


T1 T2
V1 V2


T2 =
None sir
(150ml) (283.15K) The flying of hot air balloon
T2 =

Answer: 169.89K

Do you have any question class?

None sir.
What are the real life application of
Charles Law?

Very good. An increase in

temperature will have an increase in
volume that’s why hot air balloon fly.

Do you have any question class?

Very good.
V1 = 500 mL
P1 = 1.0 atm
P2 = 0.33 atm
Application V2 = ? (unknown quantity)

Please get a pen and paper beside Equation: P1V1 = P2V2

you. Solve for these two worded
problems. Derive the equation:

1. The inflated balloon that slipped P1V1

from the hand of Jess has a volume V2 = P2
of 500 mL at sea level (1.0 atm) and it V2 = (1.0atm)
reached a where the pressure is
approximately 0.33 atm. Assume that Solve:
the temperature is constant, compute
for the final volume of the balloon.
Answer: 1, 515.15ml

V1 = 540ml
V2 = ?
T1 = 0.00oC + 273.15 = 273.15
T2 = 100.00C+273.15 = 373.15
V1 V2
T1 T2

2. If 540 ml of nitrogen at 0.00 0C is

heated to a temperature of 100.0 0C. Derive:
What will be the new volume of the
gas? (T2) (V1)
V2 =
(T ) 1

(373.15K) (540ml)
V2 =
Answer: 737. 69ml

None sir

Very Good class that you were able to

solve for the given worded problem.
States that Pressure is INVERSELY
Do you have any question class? PROPORTIONAL to the VOLUME at

Generalization It states that if one QUANTITY

DECREASES, or vice versa
Let us have a quick recap therefore
can state the Boyles Law?
As one quantity increases, the other
quantity also increases
What does Inversely Proportional
Means? None sir

How about the Charles Law?

What does Directly Proportional


Do you have any question class?

If that so, once again thank you for

joining this online class and for your
active participation. God bless and
stay safe.

Direction: Solve. Show your complete solution.
A scuba diver needs a diving tank in order to provide breathing gas while
underwater. How much pressure is needed for 6.00 liters of gas at 1.01 atm to
compress in a 3.00 liters cylinder?

What is Kinetic Molecular Theory?
What is Combine and Ideal Gas Law?

Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided before the number.
___ 1. What will happen to the volume of a gas when its temperature
A. decreases
B. increases
C. unpredictable
D. remains the same
___ 2. What pressure must be applied to a 200 mL gas at 1.2 atm to reduce its
volume to 120 mL?
A. 2 mL
B. 2 atm
C. 0.72 mL
D 0.72 atm
___ 3. Which of the following is the mathematical expression of Boyle’s Law?
A. 𝑉𝑇11 = 𝑉𝑇22
B. 𝑃1𝑉1 = 𝑃2𝑉2
C. 𝑇1 = 𝑉1𝑉2𝑇2
D. 𝑉1𝑇1 = 𝑉2𝑇2
___ 4. Boyle’s Law describes how a gas behaves under __________.
A. pressure at constant V
B. pressure at constant T
C. temperature at constant P
D. temperature at constant V

___ 5. If the temperature of a gas is held constant, lowering the pressure would
make the volume __________.
A. decreases
B. increases
C. unpredictable
D. remains the same

For items 6-10. Show your complete solution.

A tank (not rigid) contains 2.4 L of helium gas at 25℃. What will be the volume
of the tank after heating it and its content to 41℃ temperature at constant

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