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Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (2022), 1–17


SHEA/IDSA/APIC Practice Recommendation

Strategies to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections

in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update
Niccolò Buetti MD, MSc, PhD1,2,a , Jonas Marschall MD, MSc3,4,a , Marci Drees MD, MS5,6 ,
Mohamad G. Fakih MD, MPH7 , Lynn Hadaway MEd, RN, NPD-BC, CRNI8, Lisa L. Maragakis MD, MPH9,
Elizabeth Monsees PhD, MBA, RN, CIC10,11 , Shannon Novosad MD MPH12, Naomi P. O’Grady MD13,
Mark E. Rupp MD14 , Joshua Wolf MBBS, PhD, FRACP15,16 , Deborah Yokoe MD, MPH17 and
Leonard A. Mermel DO, ScM
Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland, 2University of Paris, Paris, France, 3Department of
Infectious Diseases, Bern University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 4Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, United States, 5ChristianaCare, Wilmington, Delaware, United States, 6Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 7Ascension Healthcare and Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan,
United States, 8Lynn Hadaway Associates, Milner, Georgia, United States, 9Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States,
Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, United States, 11University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, Missouri, United States,,
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 13National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 14University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, United States, 15Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, United States, 16Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis,
Tennessee, United States, 17University of California–San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States, 18Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States and 19Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Purpose Update,1 including recommendations that have been added, removed,

or altered. Recommendations are categorized as essential practices
Previously published guidelines provide comprehensive recom-
that should be adopted by all acute-care hospitals (in 2014 these were
mendations for detecting and preventing healthcare-associated
“basic practices,” renamed to highlight their importance as founda-
infections (HAIs). The intent of this document is to highlight
tional for hospitals’ HAI prevention programs) or additional
practical recommendations in a concise format designed to
approaches that can be considered for use in locations and/or popu-
assist acute-care hospitals in implementing and prioritizing
lations within hospitals when CLABSIs are not controlled after imple-
their central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI)
mentation of essential practices (in 2014 these were “special
prevention efforts. This document updates the Strategies to Pre-
approaches”). See Table 1 for a complete summary of the recommen-
vent Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Acute-Care
dations contained in this document.
Hospitals published in 2014.1 This expert guidance document is
sponsored by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
America (SHEA). It is the product of a collaborative effort led by
SHEA, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the Essential practices
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and
Epidemiology (APIC), the American Hospital Association • The subclavian vein is considered the preferable site for central
(AHA), and The Joint Commission, with major contributions venous catheter (CVC) insertion in the intensive care setting to
from representatives of a number of organizations and societies reduce infectious complications. Previously, the primary recom-
with content expertise. mendation was to avoid the femoral vein for access. Although
this remains valid, it has been replaced by a positively formulated
recommendation regarding the subclavian site.
Summary of major changes • The recommendation to use ultrasound guidance for catheter
insertion is backed by better evidence than was available previ-
This section lists major changes from the Strategies to Prevent Central
ously; however, the procedure itself may jeopardize the strict
Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Acute-Care Hospitals: 2014
observation of sterile technique.
• The use of chlorhexidine-containing dressings is now considered
an “essential practice”; in the past, it was listed under special
Author for correspondence: Dr. Leonard A. Mermel, E-mail: [email protected] approaches that should only be employed if CLABSI rates
Authors of equal contribution.
Cite this article: Buetti N, et al. (2022). Strategies to prevent central line-associated
remain high despite the implementation of basic practices.
bloodstream infections in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update. Infection Control & • Routine replacement of administration sets not used for blood,
Hospital Epidemiology, blood products, or lipid formulations can be performed at
© The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original
article is properly cited.

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2 Niccolò Buetti et al

Table 1. Summary of Recommendations to Prevent CLABSI

Essential Practices
Before insertion
1. Provide easy access to an evidence-based list of indications for CVC use to minimize unnecessary CVC placement (Quality of Evidence: LOW)
2. Require education and competency assessment of HCP involved in insertion, care, and maintenance of CVCs about CLABSI prevention (Quality of
Evidence: MODERATE)74–78
3. Bathe ICU patients aged >2 months with a chlorhexidine preparation on a daily basis (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)86–90
At insertion
1. In ICU and non-ICU settings, a facility should have a process in place, such as a checklist, to ensure adherence to infection prevention practices at the
time of CVC insertion (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)101
2. Perform hand hygiene prior to catheter insertion or manipulation (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)102–107
3. The subclavian site is preferred to reduce infectious complications when the catheter is placed in the ICU setting (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)33,37,108–110
4. Use an all-inclusive catheter cart or kit (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)118
5. Use ultrasound guidance for catheter insertion (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)119,120
6. Use maximum sterile barrier precautions during CVC insertion (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)123–128
7. Use an alcoholic chlorhexidine antiseptic for skin preparation (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)42,129–134
After insertion
1. Ensure appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio and limit use of float nurses in ICUs (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)34,35
2. Use chlorhexidine-containing dressings for CVCs in patients over 2 months of age (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)45,135–142
3. For non-tunneled CVCs in adults and children, change transparent dressings and perform site care with a chlorhexidine-based antiseptic at least every 7
days or immediately if the dressing is soiled, loose, or damp. Change gauze dressings every 2 days or earlier if the dressing is soiled, loose, or damp
(Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)145–148
4. Disinfect catheter hubs, needleless connectors, and injection ports before accessing the catheter (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)150–154
5. Remove nonessential catheters (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)
6. Routine replacement of administration sets not used for blood, blood products, or lipid formulations can be performed at intervals up to 7 days (Quality
of Evidence: HIGH)164
7. Perform surveillance for CLABSI in ICU and non-ICU settings (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)13,165,166
Additional Approaches
1. Use antiseptic- or antimicrobial-impregnated CVCs (Quality of Evidence: HIGH in adult patients38,39,169–171 and Quality of Evidence: MODERATE in pediatric
2. Use antimicrobial lock therapy for long-term CVCs (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)177–184
3. Use recombinant tissue plasminogen activating factor (rt-PA) once weekly after hemodialysis in patients undergoing hemodialysis through a CVC (Quality
of Evidence: HIGH)192
4. Utilize infusion or vascular access teams for reducing CLABSI rates (Quality of Evidence: LOW)193,194
5. Use antimicrobial ointments for hemodialysis catheter insertion sites (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)197–201
6. Use an antiseptic-containing hub/connector cap/port protector to cover connectors (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)202–208
Approaches that Should Not Be Considered a Routine Part of CLABSI Prevention
1. Do not use antimicrobial prophylaxis for short-term or tunneled catheter insertion or while catheters are in situ (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)209–213
2. Do not routinely replace CVCs or arterial catheters (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)214
Unresolved Issues
1. Routine use of needleless connectors as a CLABSI prevention strategy before an assessment of risks, benefits, and education regarding proper use215–219
2. Surveillance of other types of catheters (eg, peripheral arterial or peripheral venous catheters)11,21,22
3. Standard, nonantimicrobial transparent dressings and CLABSI risk.
4. The impact of using chlorhexidine-based products on bacterial resistance to chlorhexidine
5. Sutureless securement
6. Impact of silver zeolite-impregnated umbilical catheters in preterm infants (applicable in countries where it is approved for use in children)227
7. Necessity of mechanical disinfection of a catheter hub, needleless connector, and injection port before accessing the catheter when antiseptic-containing
caps are being used

Note. CLABSI, central line-associated bloodstream infection; CVC, central venous catheter; HCP, healthcare personnel; ICU, intensive care unit.

intervals of up to 7 days. Previously, this interval was no longer • Sutureless securement of catheters was not discussed in the pre-
than 4 days. vious version of this section.

Additional approaches
Intended use
• Antimicrobial ointment for the catheter site, which is geared
toward the population of hemodialysis patients, has been moved This document was developed following the process outlined in the
to “additional practices” given the focus on a specific population. Handbook for SHEA-Sponsored Guidelines and Expert Guidance
• Despite currently being supported by high-level evidence, Documents.2 No guideline or expert guidance document can
antiseptic-containing caps remain an “additional practice” anticipate all clinical situations, and this document is not meant
because they are not considered superior to the manual disinfec- to be a substitute for individual clinical judgment by qualified
tion, an essential practice. professionals.
• The importance of infusion teams has been highlighted by This document is based on a synthesis of evidence, theoretical
listing it under “additional practices” (previously considered rationale, current practices, practical considerations, writing-
unresolved). group consensus, and consideration of potential harm, where

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Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 3

Table 2. Quality of Evidencea

Category Definition
HIGH Highly confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimated size and direction of the effect. Evidence is rated as high quality when
there are a wide range of studies with no major limitations, there is little variation between studies, and the summary estimate has a narrow
confidence interval.
MODERATE The true effect is likely to be close to the estimated size and direction of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
Evidence is rated as moderate quality when there are only a few studies and some have limitations but not major flaws, there is some
variation between studies, and/or the confidence interval of the summary estimate is wide.
LOW The true effect may be substantially different from the estimated size and direction of the effect. Evidence is rated as low quality when
supporting studies have major flaws, there is important variation between studies, the confidence interval of the summary estimate is very
wide, and/or there are no rigorous studies.
Based on the CDC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) “Update to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee Recommendations Categorization Scheme for Infection Control and Prevention Guideline Recommendations” (October 2019), the Grades of Recommendation,
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE),265 and the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.266

applicable. A summary list of recommendations is provided along All panel members complied with SHEA and IDSA policies on
with their relevant rationales (see Table 1). conflict-of-interest disclosure.

Section 1: Rationale and statements of concern

Burden of outcomes associated with hospital-acquired
SHEA recruited 3 subject-matter experts in the prevention of
CLABSI to lead the panel of members representing the
Compendium partnering organizations: SHEA, the Infectious 1. Increased length of hospital stay3–6
Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the Association for 2. Increased cost. The adjusted variable costs for patients with
Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), CLABSI were $32,000 (2010 US dollars) higher on average than
the American Hospital Association (AHA), and The Joint for patients without CLABSI7
Commission, as well as representation by the Centers for 3. Increased morbidity and mortality8
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
SHEA utilized a consultant medical librarian, who worked Risk factors for CLABSI
with each panel to develop a comprehensive search strategy
for PubMed and Embase (January 2012–July 2019; updated to 1. Patients at risk for CLABSI in acute-care facilities are those
August 2021). Articles’ abstracts were reviewed by panel with a CVC in place:
members in a double-blind fashion using the abstract manage- a. Intensive care unit (ICU) population: The risk of CLABSI in
ment software, Covidence (Melbourne, Australia), and sub- ICU patients is high. Reasons for this include the frequent
sequently reviewed as full text. The Compendium Lead insertion of multiple catheters9,10; the use of specific types of
Authors group voted to update the literature findings, and the catheters that are almost exclusively inserted in ICU patients
librarian reran the search to update it to August 2021. Panel and associated with substantial risk (eg, pulmonary artery cath-
members reviewed the abstracts of these articles via Covidence eters with catheter introducers); and the fact that catheters are
and incorporated relevant references. frequently placed in emergency circumstances, repeatedly
Recommendations resulting from this literature review process accessed each day, and often needed for extended periods.11,12
were classified based on the quality of evidence and the balance b. Non-ICU population: Although the primary focus of atten-
between desirable and potential for undesirable effects of vari- tion over the last 20 years has been the ICU setting, most
ous interventions (see Table 2). Panel members met via video CLABSIs occur in hospital units outside the ICU or in out-
conference to discuss literature findings; recommendations; patients.13–17
quality of evidence for these recommendations; and classifica- 2. Infection prevention and control efforts should include other
tion as essential practices, additional approaches, or unresolved vulnerable populations such as patients receiving hemodialysis
issues. Panel members reviewed and approved the document through catheters,18 intraoperative patients,19 and oncology
and its recommendations. patients.20
The Compendium Expert Panel, made up of members with 3. In addition to CVCs, short-term peripheral catheters,21 periph-
broad healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention expertise, erally inserted central venous catheters (PICCs), midline cath-
reviewed the draft manuscript after consensus had been reached by eters, and peripheral arterial catheters also carry a risk of
writing panel members. infection.22
Following review and approval by the Expert Panel, the 5 part- 4. Independent risk factors for CLABSI (in at least 2 published
nering organizations, stakeholder organizations, and the CDC studies)23–45
reviewed the document. Prior to dissemination, the guidance a. Prolonged hospitalization before catheterization
document was reviewed and approved by the SHEA Guidelines b. Prolonged duration of catheterization
Committee, the IDSA Standards and Practice Guidelines c. Heavy microbial colonization at insertion site
Committee, and the Boards of SHEA, IDSA, APIC, AHA, and d. Heavy microbial colonization of the catheter hub
The Joint Commission. e. Multilumen catheters

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4 Niccolò Buetti et al

f. Concurrent catheters b. May not be applicable in their entirety for prevention

g. Neutropenia of bloodstream infections with other intravascular
h. Body mass index (BMI) >40 devices.
i.Prematurity (ie, early gestational age)
j.Reduced nurse-to-patient ratio in the ICU Infrastructure requirements
k. Parenteral nutrition
l.Substandard catheter care (eg, excessive manipulation of Facilities undertaking CLABSI interventions should have the fol-
the catheter) lowing elements in place:
m. Transfusion of blood products (in children) 1. An adequately staffed infection prevention and control pro-
gram responsible for identifying patients who meet the surveil-
Section 2: Background on detection of CLABSI lance definition for CLABSI.
Surveillance methods and definitions for CLABSI 2. Infection prevention staff and, preferably, information technol-
ogy support to collect and calculate catheter days as a denom-
1. Use consistent surveillance methods and definitions to allow inator when computing rates of CLABSI and patient days to
comparison to benchmark data. allow calculation of CVC utilization. Catheter days from infor-
2. Refer to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) mation systems should be validated against a manual method,
Patient Safety Component Manual for information on the with a margin of error no greater than ±5%.60–62
appropriate surveillance methodology, including information 3. Resources to provide appropriate education and training.
about blood specimen collection and surveillance defini- 4. Adequate laboratory support for timely processing of speci-
tions of CLABSIs. The relevant chapter of the manual is mens and reporting of results, as specified by the supervisor
“Chapter 4: Bloodstream Infection Event (Central Line- of the surveillance program.
Associated Bloodstream Infection and Non-Central Line-
Associated Bloodstream Infection).”46 Section 4: Recommended strategies to prevent CLABSI
a. Recent data suggest that interrater reliability using NHSN Recommendations are categorized as either (1) essential practi-
definitions is lower than expected.47–50 This may also affect ces that should be adopted by all acute-care hospitals or
the reliability of public reporting. (2) additional approaches that can be considered in locations
b. The NHSN surveillance definition for CLABSI is different and/or populations within hospitals when CLABSIs are not con-
than the clinical definition for catheter-related bloodstream trolled by use of essential practices. Essential practices include
infection (CRBSI). The latter is subject to various factors (eg, recommendations in which the potential to affect CLABSI
laboratory capabilities, catheter removal, and submitting the risk clearly outweighs the potential for undesirable effects.
catheter tip for culture).51 The evidence presented here Additional approaches include recommendations in which the
includes studies that used either CLABSI or CRBSI as an out- intervention is likely to reduce CLABSI risk but there is concern
come measure and the lesser accuracy of CLABSI may about the risks for undesirable outcomes, recommendations for
impact the validity of the evidence. which the quality of evidence is low, recommendations in
which cost-to-benefit ratio may be high, or recommendations
Section 3: Background on prevention of CLABSI in which evidence supports the impact of the intervention in
select settings (eg, during outbreaks) or for select patient pop-
Summary of existing guidelines and recommendations ulations. Hospitals can prioritize their efforts by initially focus-
1. Several governmental, public health, and professional organiza- ing on implementation of the prevention strategies listed as
tions have published evidence-based guidelines and/or essential practices. If CLABSI surveillance or other risk assess-
implementation aids regarding the prevention of CLABSI ments suggest ongoing opportunities for improvement, hospi-
including the following: tals should consider adopting some or all of the prevention
a. Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee approaches listed as additional approaches. These can be
(HICPAC), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention implemented in specific locations or patient populations or
(CDC)52,53 can be implemented hospital-wide, depending on outcome
b. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)54 data, risk assessment, and/or local requirements. Each infec-
c. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Making Health tion prevention recommendation is given a quality of evidence
Care Safer55 grade (see Table 2).
d. American Pediatric Surgical Association, Outcomes and
Clinical Trials Committee56 Essential practices for preventing CLABSI recommended for
e. The Joint Commission57 all acute-care hospitals
f. APIC, Implementation Guide to Preventing Central Line- Some of the following measures have been combined into a “pre-
Associated Bloodstream Infections58 vention bundle” that focuses on catheter insertion.63,64 Numerous
g. Infusion Nurses Society, Infusion Nursing Standards of studies have documented that use of such bundles is effective, sus-
Practice59 tainable, and cost-effective in both adults and children.63,65–68
2. The recommendations in this document focus on CVCs unless Bundles are most likely to be successful if implemented in a pre-
noted otherwise. These recommendations: viously established patient safety culture and their success depends
a. Are not stratified based on the type of catheter (eg, tunneled, on adherence to individual measures.69 However, data suggests
implanted, cuffed, non-cuffed catheter, dialysis catheter). that not all components of bundles may be necessary to achieve

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Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 5

an effect on CLABSI rates.70 After catheter insertion, maintenance <1,000 g who are <7 days postnatal age, and they appear
bundles have been proposed to ensure optimal catheter care.71 rare in older infants.97–99
More data are needed to determine which components of the d. Widespread use of chlorhexidine may be associated
maintenance bundle are essential in reducing risk.72,73 with decreased chlorhexidine susceptibility, although
the clinical relevance of this finding is not well
Before insertion
At insertion
1. Provide easy access to an evidence-based list of indications
for CVC use to minimize unnecessary CVC placement 1. In ICU and non-ICU settings, a facility should have a process
(Quality of Evidence: LOW) in place, such as a checklist, to ensure adherence to infection
2. Require education and competency assessment of healthcare prevention practices at the time of CVC insertion (Quality of
personnel (HCP) involved in insertion, care, and mainte- Evidence: MODERATE)101
nance of CVCs about CLABSI prevention (Quality of a. Ensure and document adherence to aseptic technique
Evidence: MODERATE)74–78 i. Checklists have been suggested to ensure optimal inser-
a. Include the indications for catheter use, appropriate inser- tion practices. If used, the documentation should be done
tion and maintenance, the risk of CLABSI, and general infec- by someone other than the inserter.
tion prevention strategies. ii. Observation of CVC insertion should be done by a nurse,
b. Ensure that all HCP involved in catheter insertion and main- physician, or other HCP who has received appropriate
tenance complete an educational program on essential prac- education (see above) to ensure that aseptic technique
tices to prevent CLABSI before performing these duties.79,80 is maintained.
Periodic retraining with a competency assessment may be of iii. HCP should be empowered to stop the procedure if
benefit.81 breaches in aseptic technique are observed.
c. Periodically assess HCP knowledge of and adherence to pre- 2. Perform hand hygiene prior to catheter insertion or manipu-
ventive measures. lation (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)102–107
d. Require all HCP who insert a CVC to undergo a credential- a. Use an alcohol-based waterless product or soap and water.
ing process (as established by the individual healthcare insti- i. Use of gloves does not obviate hand hygiene.
tution) to ensure their competency before independently 3. The subclavian site is preferred to reduce infectious compli-
inserting a CVC and aseptic technique for accessing and cations when the catheter is placed in the ICU setting (Quality
maintaining the CVC thereafter. of Evidence: HIGH)33,37,108–110
e. Re-educate when an institution changes components of the a. In the non-ICU setting, the risk of infection between the dif-
infusion system that requires a change in practice (eg, when ferent sites remains unclear. Importantly, in emergent set-
an institution’s change of the needleless connector requires a tings, ensuring life-saving vascular access in the fastest
change in nursing practice). possible way may determine the choice of access site.
f. Use simulation training for proper catheter insertion and b. In children and infants, femoral vein catheterization may
maintenance if available.82–85 be considered if upper body sites are contraindicated.111
3. Bathe ICU patients >2 months of age with a chlorhexidine Tunneled femoral vein catheters, with an exit site outside
preparation on a daily basis (Quality of Evidence: the diaper area in the mid-thigh, may be safer and provide
HIGH)86–90 additional risk reduction.112,113
a. In long-term acute-care hospitals (LTACHs), daily c. Controversy exists regarding infectious and noninfectious
chlorhexidine bathing may also be considered as a preventive complications associated with different short-term CVC
measure.91 access sites.33 The risk and benefit of different insertion
b. The role of chlorhexidine bathing in non-ICU patients sites must be considered on an individual basis with
remains unclear.92,93 One cluster-randomized study found regard to infectious and noninfectious complications.33
a significant reduction in device-associated bacteremia with Among others, this applies to patients currently receiving
CHG bathing in this patient population93; however, some or likely to require hemodialysis in whom the subclavian
of these patients also received methicillin-resistant site is avoided due to risk of stenosis.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) decolonization, making d. Do not use peripherally inserted central venous catheters
it difficult to draw firm conclusions regarding CHG bath- (PICCs) as a strategy to reduce the risk of CLABSI. Risk
ing alone. Several studies have suggested benefit among of infection with PICCs in hospitalized patients approaches
adult hematology-oncology patients; however, a similar that of other CVCs.114 However, the majority of CLABSIs
reduction was not observed for pediatric patients with due to PICCs occur in non-ICU settings.115
similar conditions.94,95 Accordingly, potential benefits e. Midline catheters are increasingly being used as an alterna-
and risks, such as increases in resistance and cost, need tive to CVCs for short-term vascular access, with some
to be carefully considered. observational studies suggesting lower bloodstream infec-
c. The safety and efficacy of routine use of chlorhexidine tion risk associated with midline catheters versus
bathing in infants <2 months of postnatal age remains PICCs116 and versus CVCs,117 respectively. Randomized
unclear.96 Although life-threatening skin injuries from controlled trials comparing the risk of bloodstream infec-
CHG have been reported in very young or very preterm tions and other complications associated with these devi-
infants, they typically occur in infants with a birthweight ces are needed.

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6 Niccolò Buetti et al

4. Use an all-inclusive catheter cart or kit (Quality of Evidence: dressing is soiled, loose, or damp. Change gauze dressings
MODERATE)118 every 2 days or earlier if the dressing is soiled, loose, or damp.
a. A catheter cart or kit that contains all necessary components (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)145–148
for aseptic catheter insertion should be available and easily a. Less frequent, clinically indicated dressing changes may be
accessible in all units where CVCs are inserted. used for NICU patients or others at high risk of serious com-
5. Use ultrasound guidance for catheter insertion (Quality of plications from catheter dislodgement.149
Evidence: HIGH)119,120 b. If there is excessive bleeding or drainage from the catheter
a. Ultrasound-guided internal jugular and femoral vein cath- exit site, use gauze dressings instead of transparent dressings
eterization reduces the risk of noninfectious complications until drainage resolves.
associated with CVC placement121 but the use of ultrasound 4. Disinfect catheter hubs, needleless connectors, and injection
may lead to a breach in aseptic technique.122 ports before accessing the catheter (Quality of Evidence:
b. It is unclear whether ultrasound-guided subclavian vein MODERATE)150–154
insertion reduces risk of infectious complications. a. Before accessing catheter hubs, needleless connectors, or
6. Use maximum sterile barrier precautions during CVC inser- injection ports, vigorously apply mechanical friction with
tion (Quality of Evidence: MODERATE)123–128 an alcoholic chlorhexidine preparation, or 70% alcohol.
a. Use maximum sterile barrier precautions: Alcoholic chlorhexidine may have additional residual activ-
i. A mask, cap, sterile gown, and sterile gloves are to be ity compared to alcohol for this purpose and is therefore
worn by all HCP involved in the catheter insertion preferred.155
procedure. b. Apply mechanical friction for a minimum of 5 seconds to
ii. The patient is to be covered with a large (“full-body”) reduce contamination.156,157 It is unclear whether this dura-
sterile drape during catheter insertion. tion of disinfection can be generalized to needleless connec-
b. These measures should also be followed when exchanging a tors not tested in these studies.
catheter over a guidewire. c. Monitor compliance with hub-connector-port disinfection
c. A prospective, randomized study in surgical patients showed because approximately half of such catheter components
no additional benefit for maximum sterile barrier precau- are colonized under conditions of standard practice.152,156,158
tions126; nevertheless, most available evidence suggests risk 5. Remove nonessential catheters (Quality of Evidence:
reduction with this intervention. MODERATE)
7. Use an alcoholic chlorhexidine antiseptic for skin prepara- a. Assess the need for continued intravascular access on a daily
tion (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)42,129–134 basis during multidisciplinary rounds. Remove catheters not
a. Before catheter insertion, apply an alcoholic chlorhexidine required for patient care. Decreasing CVC utilization
solution containing at least 2% chlorhexidine gluconate to reduces CRBSI risk.159 However, reducing CVC utilization
the insertion site. may result in increased use of other intravascular catheters
i. The antiseptic solution must be allowed to dry before with corresponding infection risk.
making the skin puncture. b. Audits to determine whether CVCs are routinely removed
ii. Alcoholic chlorhexidine for skin antisepsis to prevent after their intended use may be helpful.160,161 Both simple
CLABSI in NICU patients should be used when the ben- and multifaceted interventions are effective at reducing
efits are judged to outweigh potential risk. unnecessary CVC use.162,163
6. Routine replacement of administration sets not used for
After insertion blood, blood products, or lipid formulations can be per-
formed at intervals up to 7 days (Quality of Evidence:
1. Ensure appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio and limit use of HIGH)164
float nurses in ICUs (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)34,35 a. The optimal replacement of intermittently used administra-
a. Observational studies suggest that an adequate nurse-to- tion sets is unresolved.
patient ratio must be maintained in ICUs where nurses 7. Perform surveillance for CLABSI in ICU and non-ICU set-
are managing patients with CVCs and that the number of tings (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)13,165,166
float nurses working in the ICU environment should be a. Measure unit-specific incidence of CLABSI (eg, CLABSI per
minimized. 1,000 catheter days) and report the data on a regular basis to
2. Use chlorhexidine-containing dressings for CVCs in patients the units, physician and nursing leadership, and hospital
over 2 months of age (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)45,135–142 administrators overseeing the units.
a. It is unclear whether there is additional benefit with use of a b. Compare CLABSI incidence to historical data for individual
chlorhexidine-containing dressing if daily chlorhexidine units and to national rates (ie, NHSN).167
bathing is already established and vice-versa. c. Audit surveillance as necessary to minimize variation in
b. For long-term catheters (eg, hemodialysis catheters) in interobserver reliability.48,168
well-healed access sites, it is unclear whether use of a
chlorhexidine dressing reduces risk of infectious compli-
Additional approaches for preventing CLABSI
c. For children under 2 months of age, use of chlorhexidine Several additional approaches are currently available for use.
dressings remains unclear, particularly in very preterm or Perform a CLABSI risk assessment before considering implemen-
low birthweight infants.98 tation of any of these approaches, taking potential adverse events
3. For nontunneled CVCs in adults and children, change trans- and costs into consideration. Although it is reasonable to evaluate
parent dressings and perform site care with a chlorhexidine- the utility of technology-based interventions when CLABSI rates
based antiseptic at least every 7 days or immediately if the are above the institutional- or unit-based threshold, this is also

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Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 7

an opportunity to review practices and consider behavioral 4. Utilize infusion or vascular access teams for reducing
changes that may be instituted to reduce CLABSI risk. These addi- CLABSI rates (Quality of Evidence: LOW)193,194
tional approaches are recommended for use in locations and/or a. Studies have shown that an infusion/vascular access team
populations within the hospital with unacceptably high CLABSI responsible for insertion and maintenance of peripheral
rates despite implementation of the essential CLABSI prevention intravenous catheters reduces the risk of bloodstream infec-
strategies listed above. These measures may not be indicated if tions195; however, few studies have been performed regard-
institutional goals have been consistently achieved. ing the impact of intravenous therapy teams on CLABSI
1. Use antiseptic- or antimicrobial-impregnated CVCs (Quality 5. Use antimicrobial ointments for hemodialysis catheter inser-
of Evidence: HIGH in adult patients38,39,169–171 and MODERATE tion sites (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)197–201
in pediatric patients172,173) a. Apply polysporin “triple” (where available) or povidone-
a. The risk of CLABSI is reduced with some currently marketed iodine ointment to hemodialysis catheter insertion if com-
antiseptic-impregnated (eg, chlorhexidine-silver sulfadi- patible with the catheter material.
azine) catheters and antimicrobial-impregnated (eg, mino- b. Ingredients in ointments may interact with the chemical
cycline-rifampin) catheters. Use such catheters under the composition of some catheters. Thus, ensure the selected
following conditions: ointment will not interact with the catheter material before
i. Hospital units or patient populations have a CLABSI rate any such product is applied to the catheter insertion/exit site.
above institutional goals despite compliance with essen- For example, ointments containing glycol should not be
tial CLABSI prevention practices. Some evidence sug- applied to insertion/exit sites of polyurethane catheters.
gests that use of antimicrobial CVCs, along with other c. Mupirocin ointment should not be applied to the catheter
preventive technologies, may have no additional benefit insertion site due to the risks of facilitating mupirocin resis-
in patient care units that have already established a low tance and the potential damage to polyurethane catheters.
incidence of catheter infections.174,175 6. Use an antiseptic-containing hub/connector cap/port
ii. Patients have limited venous access and a history of protector to cover connectors (Quality of Evidence:
recurrent CLABSI. MODERATE)202–208
iii. Patients are at heightened risk of severe sequelae from a a. The utility of routinely disinfecting hub connectors and ports
CLABSI (eg, patients with recently implanted intravas- when using antiseptic-containing hub/connector cap/port
cular devices such as a prosthetic heart valve or aortic protectors is unknown.
b. Monitor patients for adverse effects such as anaphylaxis.176
c. Many studies investigating antimicrobial-impregnated cath- Approaches that should not be considered a routine part of
eters were performed before infection preventive bundles CLABSI prevention
were routine. Whether such catheters have an impact on
CLABSI in such settings remains unknown. 1. Do not use antimicrobial prophylaxis for short-term or tun-
2. Use antimicrobial lock therapy for long-term CVCs (Quality neled catheter insertion or while catheters are in situ (Quality
of Evidence: HIGH)177–184 of Evidence: HIGH)209–213
a. Antibiotic and antiseptic locks are created by filling the a. Systemic antimicrobial prophylaxis is not recommended.
lumen of the catheter with a supratherapeutic concentration 2. Do not routinely replace CVCs or arterial catheters (Quality
of an antibiotic solution and leaving the solution in place of Evidence: HIGH)214
until the catheter hub is re-accessed. Such an approach a. Routine catheter replacement is not recommended.
can reduce the risk of CLABSI. The optimal antimicrobial
agent or combination of agents, their concentration, and Unresolved issues
duration of lock therapy are matters of ongoing research.
Due to concerns regarding the potential for the emergence 1. Routine use of needleless connectors as a CLABSI prevention
of resistance in exposed organisms, use antimicrobial locks strategy before an assessment of risks, benefits, and educa-
as a preventative strategy for the following: tion regarding proper use215–219
i. Patients with long-term hemodialysis catheters who a. Multiple devices are currently available but the optimal
have a history of recurrent CLABSI.185 design for preventing infections is unresolved. The original
ii. Prophylaxis for patients with limited venous access and a purpose of needleless connectors was to prevent needlestick
history of recurrent CLABSI. injuries during intermittent use. No data are available
iii. Patients who are at heightened risk of severe sequelae regarding their use with continuous infusions. Needle-free
from a CLABSI (eg, patients with recently implanted connectors with 3-way stopcocks may increase the risk of
intravascular devices such as a prosthetic heart valve catheter infections.220
or aortic graft). i. Use of silver-coated catheter connectors may be associated
b. To minimize systemic toxicity, aspirate rather than flush the with reduced intraluminal contamination in ex vivo cath-
antimicrobial lock solution after the dwell time has eters and CLABSI.221,222 Clinical evidence is limited
elapsed.186–189 The potential of adverse effects associated regarding the risk reduction with their routine use or
with ethanol locks should be carefully considered before use of other antimicrobial catheter connectors.
use.190,191 2. Surveillance of other types of catheters (eg, peripheral
3. Use recombinant tissue plasminogen activating factor arterial or venous catheters)11,21,22
(rt-PA) once weekly after hemodialysis in patients undergoing a. Peripheral arterial catheters, short-term peripheral venous
hemodialysis through a CVC (Quality of Evidence: HIGH)192 catheters and midline catheters are not included in most

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8 Niccolò Buetti et al

Table 3. CLABSI Prevention Process Measures

Assessing Compliance According to Practice

Use of proper CVC insertion interventions: (Number of CVC insertions that have documented the use of all 3 interventions performed at
1. Hand hygiene the time of CVC insertion divided by number of all CVC insertions) ×100 = % properly
2. Use of maximal sterile barrier precautions performed procedures
3. Use of chlorhexidine-based cutaneous antisepsis
Documentation of daily assessment regarding (Number of CVC insertions with documentation of daily assessment divided by number of
patient’s need for continuing CVC access patients with CVC) ×100 = % of patients who received daily assessment for continuing need
for CVC access
Assessing Compliance by Simulation
Simulation of catheter maintenance to assess HCP (Number of HCP properly simulating aseptic infusion of medications divided by number of
competency HCP simulating the aseptic infusion of medications) ×100 = % of HCP competent in catheter
Assessing Device Utilization as a Surrogate for Patient Exposure Risk
Standard utilization ratio (SUR) Number of observed device days divided by number of predicted device days

surveillance systems although they are associated with risk of Section 5: Performance measures
bloodstream infection. Future surveillance systems should
Internal reporting
consider including bloodstream infections associated with
these types of catheters. These performance measures are intended to support internal hos-
b. If considering further infection prevention interventions pital quality improvement efforts229,230 and do not necessarily
due to concern for an increase in infections, hospitals address external reporting needs.
may want to consider extending their surveillance pro- The process and outcome measures suggested here are derived
grams to include all types of catheters used to gauge the size from published guidelines, other relevant literature, and the opin-
of the problem. ion of the authors. Report process and outcome measures to senior
3. Standard, nonantimicrobial transparent dressings and hospital leadership, nursing leadership, and clinicians who care for
CLABSI risk patients at risk for CLABSI.
a. A meta-analysis reported an association between CLABSI
and transparent dressing use; however, the source studies Process measures (Table 3)
for the meta-analysis reporting this association were of
low quality.223 1. Compliance with CVC insertion guidelines as documented
4. The impact of using chlorhexidine-based products on bacte- on an insertion checklist
rial resistance to chlorhexidine a. Assess compliance with the checklist in all hospital settings
a. Widespread use of chlorhexidine-based products (eg, use of where CVCs are inserted (eg, ICUs, ED, OR, radiology, gen-
chlorhexidine bathing, antisepsis, and dressings) may pro- eral patient care units) and assign HCP familiar with CVCs
mote reduced chlorhexidine susceptibility.224 However, test- to this task.
ing for chlorhexidine susceptibility is not standardized. The b. Documenting compliance using the insertion checklist
clinical impact of reduced chlorhexidine susceptibility is upholds accountability and compliance with the proper pro-
unknown. cedure steps and identifies gaps to be mitigated. The Institute
5. Sutureless securement for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) provides an example of a
a. The impact of sutureless securement devices in reducing central catheter checklist.231
CLABSI is unknown.225,226 c. Documentation of CVC insertion procedures in compliance
6. Impact of silver zeolite-impregnated umbilical catheters in with appropriate hand hygiene, use of maximal sterile
preterm infants (applicable in countries where it is approved barrier precautions, and use of chlorhexidine-based cutane-
for use in children)227 ous antisepsis of the insertion site:
a. One randomized study suggests that antimicrobial-impreg- i. Numerator: Number of CVC insertions that have doc-
nated umbilical catheters appear to be safe and effective in umented the use of all 3 interventions (hand hygiene,
NICU patients.228 maximal barrier precautions, and chlorhexidine-based
7. Necessity of mechanical disinfection of a catheter hub, nee- cutaneous antiseptic use) performed at the time of
dleless connector, and injection port before accessing the CVC insertion.
catheter when antiseptic-containing caps are being used. ii. Denominator: Number of all CVC insertions.
a. It is unknown whether the application and removal of an iii. Multiply by 100 so that the measure is expressed as a
antiseptic-containing cap provides the same benefit to percentage.
reducing risk of CLABSI as manual disinfection. Future 2. Compliance with documentation of daily assessment regard-
research is needed to determine if using such a cap will obvi- ing the need for continuing CVC access.
ate the need for manual disinfection before accessing a a. Measure the percentage of patients with a CVC where there
catheter. is documentation of daily assessment:

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Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 9

Table 4. CLABSI Prevention Outcome Measures

Assessing CLABSI Rate

Using NHSN definitions (Number of CLABSIs in each unit assessed with NHSN definitions divided by
total number of catheter days in each unit assessed using NHSN definitions) ×1,000 =
Number of CLABSIs per 1,000 catheter days
Risk Adjustment
Report comparisons based on historic data and NHSN data, if available.
By type of patient-care unit Device standardized infection ratio (dSIR) = Observed CLABSI events divided by
predicted CLABSI events based on actual device days
By the patient population level to reflect the care of the device, Population standardized infection ratio (pSIR) = Observed CLABSI events divided by
and interventions to reduce utilization predicted CLABSI events based on predicted device days

i. Numerator: Number of patients with a CVC who have External reporting

documentation of daily assessment.
Many challenges exist in providing useful information to consum-
ii. Denominator: Number of patients with a CVC.
ers and other stakeholders and in preventing unintended conse-
iii. Multiply by 100 so that the measure is expressed as a
quences of public reporting of HAIs.239,240 Recommendations
for public reporting of HAIs have been provided by the
3. Simulation of catheter maintenance as an alternative to
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
address HCP competency232,233
(HICPAC),241 the Healthcare-Associated Infection Working
i. Numerator: Number of HCP properly simulating the asep-
Group of the Joint Public Policy Committee,242 and the National
tic infusion of medications.
Quality Forum.243
ii. Denominator: Number of HCP simulating the aseptic infu-
sion of medications.
iii. Multiply by 100 so that the measure is expressed as a State and federal requirements
percentage. 1. Hospitals in states that have mandatory reporting requirements
4. Device utilization can be evaluated over time to assess any for CLABSI must collect and report the data required by the
changes. Utilization may be compared at the hospital and unit state.
level. It provides a surrogate for patient exposure risk.234 The 2. For information on state and federal requirements, contact your
standardized utilization ratio (SUR) is an NHSN measure that state or local health department.
accounts for facility- and location-level factors that may affect
device use.
i. SUR: Observed device days divided by predicted device External quality initiatives
days. 1. Hospitals that participate in external quality initiatives or state
programs must collect and report the data required by the ini-
tiative or the program.
2. Problems with interrater reliability may affect comparisons
Outcome measures (See Table 4)
between different institutions.
1. CLABSI rate: Use NHSN definitions.
a. Numerator: Number of CLABSIs in each unit assessed
(using NHSN definitions). Section 6: Implementation of CLABSI prevention
b. Denominator: Total number of catheter days in each unit strategies
assessed (using NHSN definitions). Prevention of CLABSI depends on integrating best practices to
c. Multiply by 1,000 so that the measure is expressed as number reduce the risk of infection and incorporating a culture to support
of CLABSIs per 1,000 catheter days. implementation. Hospitals should address technical and socioa-
2. Risk adjustment: Stratify CLABSI rates by type of patient-care daptive components244 to CLABSI prevention, including formal
unit.235–237 training of HCP on indications, placement, and maintenance of
a. Report comparisons based on historic data and NHSN data, devices, in addition to regular assessment of competencies.245
if available.167 One example of a widely used model in the United States,
b. Use the NHSN device standardized infection ratio (dSIR) to known as the Four Es (ie, engage, educate, execute, and evalu-
evaluate hospital and unit CLABSI rates. ate246), involves summarizing evidence, identifying local barriers
i. dSIR: Observed CLABSI events divided by predicted to implementation, measuring performance, and ensuring that
CLABSI events based on actual device days. patients receive the infection prevention intervention247 by
c. Consider measures that address device risk at the patient addressing knowledge, critical thinking, behavior and psychomo-
population level. A population SIR (pSIR)238 accounts for tor skills, as well as attitudes and beliefs of all members of the
both device SIR and SUR, reflecting both the care of the healthcare team involved with the insertion and care of
device, and interventions to reduce utilization. CVCs.248,249 Facilities may consider utilizing tools to promote
i. pSIR: Observed CLABSI events divided by predicted high-reliability processes (eg, Lean Six Sigma) and to enhance
CLABSI events based on predicted device days. teamwork (eg, Team STEPPS).

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10 Niccolò Buetti et al

Engage an association might reasonably be interpreted by an independent observer as

related to the topic or recommendation of consideration).
Historically, efforts have been centered around having a champion N.B. received a Mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation
to support CLABSI reduction initiatives. Champions are often very (grant nos. P400PM_183865 and P4P4PM_194449) and a grant from the
effective in initial phases of adoption, but their efforts may not be Bangerter-Rhyner Foundation. J.M. is the recipient of a project grant on sur-
enough for integration of processes and sustainability.250 It is gical site infections from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no.
important to engage both frontline and senior leadership cham- 32003B_179500, “Understanding the drivers of surgical site infection:
pions in the process and outcome improvement plan,251 but insti- Investigating and modeling the Swissnoso surveillance data”). L.M. served
tutionalizing the work and garnering the support of stakeholder as an advisor/consultant for Marvao Medical Devices. L.H. served as an advi-
groups facilitates successful, long-lasting results.252 sor/consultant for B Braun Medical, BD Medical, Atrion Medical, Nexus
Medical, Teleflex. M.E.R. served as an advisor/consultant for 3M, Becton
Dickinson, and Cetius, and Teleflex, and received honoraria from
Educate Teleflex. All other authors report no conflicts of interest related to this
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5. Goudie A, Dynan L, Brady PW, Rettiganti M. Attributable cost and length
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12. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Point Prevalence
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Control and Prevention. 13. Marschall J, Leone C, Jones M, Nihill D, Fraser VJ, Warren DK. Catheter-
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