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1 Installation Flow

Operation Procedure Start Page 2 Safety Precautions


Page Page 3 Installation Tools

Installation Requirements and

Pages 2-5
Preparations Page 4 Precautions for
Operating Cards

Operation Rules
for Plugging /
Page 5
Installing a Unplugging Optical
Page 6
Cabinet Modules

Pages 6-7 Subrack Overview

Pages 6- Installing a
Page 8 Equipment Layout Page 11 Installing a Card
10 Subrack

Pages 9- Installing and Installing a Fan

10 Page 12
Securing a Subrack Unit

Pages 11- Installing Cards

and Installing an Anti-
15 Page
g 13
Components dust Screen

Preparations for Installing a DCM

Page 16 Page 14
Cable Connection Plug-in Frame

Cabinet with Installing an External

Pages 16- Installation and
Page 18 Routed Fibers and
32 Layout of Cables Page 15 Fiber Passage Unit
Cables for a 19-inch Cabinet

Pages 12- Connection and

28 Layout of Cables

Page 32
Connection and Cabinet Doors
Pages 29-
Layout of Optical
32 Checking Layout
Fiber Jumpers
Page 33 of Wires and

Post-Installation Checking Before

Page 33 Page 33
Inspection Power-on

Page 33 Power-on Test


2 Safety Precautions

Laser Safety
To prevent laser radiation from injuring eyes, do not look into the end face of Laser class
d eyes.
the fiber or fiber connector directly with naked identifier

ESD Protection
 Carpets or other materials that easily gene
erate static electricity should not be used on the floor of
the equipment room.
 Do not touch any components or wires on cards, or metal conductors in sockets. ESD protection
measures should be taken if it is necessarry to touch the card during maintenance.

ESD protection gloves ESD protection wrist strap

Grounding Requirements
Before power-on, ensure that the protection earth
e ground cables of the cabinet and subrack
are well grounded. Check whether the insulation resistance and ground resistance meet the

Binding Cables
ould be laid out independently and bound
 Each cable type on the installation site sho
separately. Note that optical fibers should be bound with dedicated fiber binding straps.
ends are necessary, the fiber bending radius should
 Exercise care if you must bend fibers. If be
not be smaller than 10 D (“D” refers to thee optical fiber diameter) and should not be smaller
than 30 mm.
 The cables are bound with proper and equ ual spacing between them. The wire binders are
arranged in good order. The extra parts of the binders are cut from the root without leaving
sharp points.

Pre-Installation Inspection
Prior to equipment installation, please inspecct the equipment room, cabinet, power supply,
connection of cables (especially earth ground d cable), and supporting facilities. After
confirming that the conditions for installation are satisfactory, start the installation following
the project designing documents.

3 Installation Tools

Electric drill
Ladder Vacuum cleaner (including the drill bit) Marker pen

Long tape Knife Spirit level Claw hammer (insulated)

Cross screwdriver
(insulated, with the shaft
Flat screwdriver (insulated) Crimping pliers Hydraulic pliers
longer than 300 mm)

Wire clipper Sharp nose pliers Diagonal pliers Wire stripper

Combination wrench M6 to M12 socket wrench Torque wrench Fiber puller

Multimeter Optical power meter Network cable tester Error detector

ESD protection Open Insulating Cable tie

gloves corrugated gloves

protection Insulating
Flexible conduit tape Fiber binding strap
wrist strap

4 Instructions and Precautions for Card
C Operations

 Do not contact cards with bare hands. Alwways wear ESD protection gloves or ESD
protection wrist strap when operating on cards.
 When holding a card, put your hands on itts panel. Do not touch any components or
wires on a card or metal conductors in a socket.

 All vacant slots in the subrack should be innstalled with dummy panels. When you unplug a
dummy panel, ensure that you will plug it back
b in five minutes.
 Exercise caution when plugging a card. Th he card cannot be inserted if not properly oriented.
 The cards are valuable and fragile. Users should treat them with great care.
 Prevent the circuit surfaces of cards from contacting each other, to avoid shorting or
 If the unpacked card is a spare one, it will not be installed immediately. Pack the card with its
original ESD protection bag and put it in a dry and cool place, keeping it away from sunlight
and strong electromagnetic radiation sourcces.

5 Operation Rules for Plugging / Unplugging Optical Modules

5.1 Plugging Optical Modules

1 Hold the optical module, and plug it into the card

Material Order along the EMI cage.
number number

ESD protection gloves /

wrist stra
Operating Transmission
wavelength distance Rate

Material code of
module component

5.2 Unplugging Optical Modules

1 Grab the handle of the optical module with

the hooked end of the fiber puller, and draw
it out to detach the optical module from the Fiber Puller
EMI cage.

Pulling the
optical module
(hooked end)

Pulling the
optical fiber

ESD protection gloves /

Fiber puller
wrist strap
While pulling the optical module, hold the fibe er puller
tightly so that the module will not fall down.
If no fiber puller is available on site, you can pull
p out an
optical module by holding its handle.

6 Installing a Cabinet

The FONST 5000 U10E can be installed into the followiing cabinets. See related manuals for how to install the cabinets.

Cabinet Model Manual Subrack Supported

21-inch 300 mm-deep cabinet Quick Installation Guide for the 21-inch Cabinet (300 mm-
(4102661 to 4102664) deep) (4102661 to 4102664) COTP (3030036)
COTP (3030105)
21-inch 600 mm-deep cabinet Quick Installation Guide for the 21-inch Cabinet (600 mm- COTP (3030163)
(404000096 to 404000099) deep) (404000096 to 404000099)

21 i h 340 mm-deep
d cabinet
bi t Quick
Q i k Installation
I t ll ti G Guide
id for
f the
th 21-inch
21 i h CCabinet
bi t (340 mm-
FONST 5000 U10E
(404000282 to 404000285) deep) (404000282 to 404000285)
COTP (3030036)
COTP (3030105)
21-inch 680 mm-deep cabinet Quick Installation Guide for the 21-inch Cabinet (680 mm-
COTP (3030163)
(404000305 to 404000308) deep) (404000305 to 404000308)

19-inch 600 mm-deep cabinet Quick Installation Guide for the 19-inch Cabinet (600 mm-
COTP (3030163)
(4102596 to 4102599) deep) (4102596 to 4102599)

7 Installing a Subrack

7.1 Subrack Overview

1 10
Subrack Structure
FONST 5000 U10E Subrack
No. Name Function

① Wire binding rail Facilitatess routing of the subrack power cables.

② Mounting ear Secures the

t subrack in the cabinet.

Located on
o both sides of the subrack and used to coil redundant optical
③ Fiber spool

④ Subrack earth ground point Connectss with the subrack earth ground cable.

⑤ Fan unit Facilitatess air cooling for the equipment.

⑥ Anti-dust screen Prevents dust from entering the equipment.

Each slot of the subrack corresponds to a wiring hole of the fiber passage
⑦ Fiber passage unit unit. Opticcal fibers and signal wires are routed via the wiring holes of the
fiber passsage unit to keep the equipment tidy and neat.

⑧ Card area odates cards to implement various functions of the equipment.


⑨ Fiber puller hanger e fiber puller.

Holds the

⑩ ESD protection earth ground fastener Connectss to the ESD protection device.

COTP (3030036) Subrack COTP (3030105) Subrack

1 8 1 9
2 2
3 3
4 3

5 5

7 7
6 6

COTP (3030163) Subrack No. Name Function

1 8 ① Fan unit

2 ② Card area

3 9 ③ Mounting ear
Refer to the
④ Fiber spool
Subrack earth ground descriptions
⑤ for the
FONST 5000
⑥ Anti-dust screen
5 U10E
⑦ Fiber passage unit Subrack.

7 ⑧
ESD protection earth
ground fastener
⑨ Fiber puller hanger

Subrack Dimensions

Subrack nsions (H × W × D)Note 1 (mm)


FONST 5000 U10E 541 × 92.3 × 95

COTP (3030036) 520 5 × 55 × 80.2

520.5 80 2

COTP (3030105) 512.5 × 55 × 80.2

COTP (3030163) 523 × 43 × 85

Note 1: The subrack width is measured with the mounting

m ear and the fiber spool excluded.

7.2 Equipment Layout

Subrack Layout Rules

 The following uses a 21-inch 340 mm-deep cab binet as an example to introduce the typical layout
of the cabinet. A 680 mm-deep cabinet can be taken
t as two back-to-back 340 mm-deep cabinets.
 Install the COTP subracks from the top down and the OTH subracks from the bottom up.
 For a double-sided cabinet, do not use the rearr side until the front side is fully occupied.
 During equipment installation, install the power card(s) and the fan unit first, perform the power-on
test, and then install other cards.
 The ambient temperature shall not exceed 40℃ ℃ for long-term operation of the equipment and not
exceed 45℃ for short-term operation. If the heaat dissipation space is small, the temperature shall
not exceed 35℃ for long-term operation and no ot exceed 40℃ for short-term operation.

Example of Typical Subrack Layout in a 21-inch 340 mm-deep Cabinet

Unit: mm

7.3 Installing Subracks in a 19-inch Cabinet


The COTP (3030163) subrack can be installed in a 19-inch cabinet.

Installing Components Marker pen Panel screw


Flat Cross
screwdriver screwdriver

Slide Rails for 19-inch Cabinetts


1 Mark the positions desired for the 2 Install the slide rails.
subrack and slide rails on the vertical
mounting flanges, and install the
floating nuts.

3 Push the subrack into the cabinet

along the slide rails.

 The subrack to be mounted in the
cabinet should be empty.
 Two persons are needed for
lifting or moving the subrack. Do
not drag it.
 Do not apply force to the slide rail
area when carrying or moving the

4 Install the panel screws to secure 3

the subrack.

7.4 Installing Subracks in a 21-inch Cabinet

 Before mounting the COTP (3030163) su ubrack, replace its mounting ears to those for the
21-inch cabinet, and install the subrack fiber
f spool.
 The procedures of mounting the FONST 5000 U10E, COTP (3030036), COTP (3030105)
and COTP (3030163) subracks in a 21-in nch cabinet are same. The following uses the
FONST 5000 U10E subrack as an exam mple.

Installing Components
Marker pen Panel screw


Flat Cross
screwdriver screwdriver

Shaft length:
Slide Rails for 21-inch Cabinets > 300 mm


1 Mark the positions desired for the 2 Install the slide rails.
subrack and slide rails on the vertical
mounting flanges, and install the
floating nuts.

3 Push the subrack into the cabinet along

the slide rails. 4

Caution 3
 The subrack to be mounted in the
cabinet should be empty.
 Two ppersons are needed for liftingg or
moving the subrack. Do not drag it.
 Do not apply force to the slide rail
area when carrying or moving the

4 Install the panel screws to secure

the subrack.

8 Installing Cards and Components

8.1 Installing Cards

ESD protection gloves /
Caution wrist strap
 Before installing a card, check the signal pins and connector on
the backplane of the card.
 Follow the operation rules when installing g a card.
Cross Captive
 If you feel a resistance when inserting a card,
c pull it out and
screwdriver screw
make sure that you are inserting a card of o the correct type to a
correct slot in a correct direction. Do not force in the card. M3
 The power cards, management cards an nd cross-connect cards
are marked with color blocks on both end ds matching the color
blocks of the corresponding slots.
 All idle slots in the subrack must be insta
alled with dummy panels. The procedures for
installing the dummy panels are the same as those for installing common cards.

Installing a Power Card

1 Align the upper and lower edges of the card 2 After the card is pushed into position, tighten
(with the component side facing right) with the the captive screws on the card panel to lock
slide rails in the slot. Push the card into the the card.
slot along the slide rails.

Installing a Management Card / Cross-connect Card / Service Card

1 Open and extend the latches. Align the upper 2 When the card is pushed into the position,
and lower edges of the card (with the close and secure the latches in the direction
component side facing right) with the slide rails as indicated by the figure to secure the card.
in the slot. Push the card into the slot along the
slide rails.

8.2 Installing a Fan Unit
ESD protection gloves /
Caution wrist strap

 Exercise care when installing a fan unit.

 Do not touch fan blades when a fan unit iss working.
Cross Captive
screwdriver screw
Appearance of the Fan Unit

Fan Unit for the Fan Unit for the Fan Unit for the Fan Unit for the
FONST 5000 U10E COTP (3030036) COTP (3030105) COTP (3030163)
Subrack Subrack Subrack Subrack

3030105) / COTP (3030163) Subrack

Fan Unit for the FONST 5000 U10E / COTP (3

The fan units for the FONST 5000 U10E, CO OTP (3030105) and COTP (3030163) subracks are
mounted in the same way. Here the fan unitt for the FONST 5000 U10E subrack is used as an

1 Hold the fan unit gently with both hands, align the slide
rails on both
h sides of the fan unit with the slide rail
grooves on tthe subrack respectively
respectively, and push the fan
unit slowly and
a completely into the subrack.
2 Fasten the screws
s on the fan unit handles.

6) Subrack
Installing the Fan Unit for the COTP (3030036

er three fan units
The COTP (3030036) subrack has altogethe units, which are installed in the same way.

1 an unit gently with both hands, and press down

Hold the fa
n latch at the bottom of the fan unit panel.
the snap-in

2 Align the slide

s rails on both sides of the fan unit with the
slide rail grrooves on the subrack respectively, and push the
fan unit sloowly and completely into the subrack.

8.3 Installing an Anti-dust Screen
ESD protection gloves /
wrist strap
Avoid excessive use of force when installing the
t anti-dust screen.

Appearance of the Anti-dust Screen

Anti-dust Screen for the Anti-dust Screen for the COTP Anti-dust Screen for the
FONST 5000 U10E Subrack 3030105) Subrack
(3030036) / COTP (3 COTP (3030163) Subrack


 Generally, the anti-dust screen has been n installed in the subrack before delivery, and
er, cleaning and maintenance of the anti-dust
users need not install it on site. Howeve
screen are required at regular intervals. In this case, users need to remove and install the
anti-dust screen on site.
 The anti-dust screens for the FONST 50 000 U10E, COTP (3030036), COTP (3030105)
and COTP (3030163) subracks are insta alled in the same way. Here the anti-dust screen
for the FONST 5000 U10E subrack is ussed as an example.

1 Hold the anti-dust screen by putting

your fingers at the recesses on both
sides of it, align the slide rails on both
sides of the anti-dust screen with the
slide rail grooves on the subrack, and
push the anti-dust screen slowly and
completely into the subrack.

8.4 Installing a DCM Plug-in Frame

Structure of a DCM Plug-in Frame

4 3 2 1 3 2 1
Dual-DCM Plug-in Frame for a 21-inch Dual-DCM Plug-in Frame for a 21-inch
300 mm / 340 mm-deep Cabinet 600 mm / 680 mm-deep Cabinet

No. Description

① DCM module

② Line card (optical fiber bracket)

DCM mounting ear for a 21-inch cabinet

3 2 1 DCM mounting ear for a 19-inch cabinet

Single-DCM Plug-in Frame for a 19-inch Cabinet ④ Slide rail

Flat Cross
Ma k pen P
l screw
screwdriver screwdriver

Note M6

The DCMs are installed in the same way. He

ere the dual-DCM plug-in frame for a 21-inch
300 mm / 340 mm-deep cabinet is used as an
a example.
1 Mark the positions for mounting the slide railss, and install the slide rails of the DCM plug-in
2 Install the floating nuts on the square mountin ng holes (desired for installing the mounting ears
of the DCM plug-in frame) on the rear vertical mounting flanges on both sides of the cabinet.
Push in the plug-in frame with DCM modules along the slide rails from the front side of the
Insert the spring screws on the mounting earss of the plug-in frame into the mounting holes
installed with floating nuts, and fasten the scrrews to secure the plug-in frame.

1 2 3

8.5 Installing an External Fiber Spool


The external fiber spool is installed on the front

f vertical mounting flange of a 19-inch cabinet.

Structure of an External Fiber Spool

Appearance Internal Structure

Side plate with the Front panel Wiring hole Fiber winding column
mounting ear


1 Mark the position for mounting the external fiber

f Marker pen Panel screw
spool, and install the floating nuts.

Flat Cross
screwdriver screwdriver

2 Install the panel screws to secure the

external fiber spool.

9 Preparations for Cable Connection

 Internal cables are connected inside the cabinet.
c Usually they have been connected before
delivery. Installers should check the connnection of internal cables on site. The items to
check include whether the cable distributiion is reasonable, whether the wires and cables
are properly and neatly arranged, whethe er the plugs are connected firmly, whether
ether any part is missing.
incorrect or poor insertion exists, and whe
 The installers can choose the top access wiring mode or the floor access wiring mode
according to the equipment room and the e installation site conditions (This guide uses the
top access wiring mode as an example fo or description).

 Before laying out wires and cables, you ne eed to remove the front panel of the PDP. If space
is limited for operations, you can remove the
t baffle at the bottom of the PDP and open the
baffle of the subrack fiber passage unit annd the front panel of the external fiber spool as well.
 After you have completed the layout of wirres and cables, restore the front panel and baffle of
the PDP to their original places, and closee the baffle of the subrack fiber passage unit and
the front panel of the external fiber spool in a timely manner.

Opening the Baffle of the Subrack Opening the Front Panel of the
Fiber Passage Unit External Fiber Spool


Preparing Wiring Holes on the Cabinet Fastening the mouseproof hop-
pockets on the top of cabinet

 For a cabinet equipped with mouseproof ho op-
pockets on the top, fasten the mouseproof hop-
e led into
pockets after external wires and cables are
the cabinet and well arranged.
 For a cabinet equipped with a cover plate ata the top or bottom of the cabinet, determine the
position, size and number of wiring holes according
a to the wiring plan. Pierce the cover plate
with diagonal pliers at desired positions to make wiring holes. The following introduces how
to make wiring holes on the top of the cabinet.
 Prepare the holes from near to far in seque ence.
 Polish the raw edges of holes so that they will not cut hands or cables.

Recommended Areas and Making a Wiring Hole

Sequence for Making Wiring Holes Pierce the cover
L M R plate with diagonal
pliers along the
edges desired for
making a wiring hole.


10 Cabinet with Routed Fibers and Cables

11 Connecting Power Cables and Pro
otection Earth Ground Cables

11.1 Connecting the Subrack Protection Eartth Ground Cable

Flat Cross
arker pen Panel screw
screwdriver screwdriver


Subrack protection earth ground cable

Subrack protection
earth ground cable

Floating nut
Earth ground point on
the vertical mounting
flange of the cabinet

Subrack protection
earth ground cable

11.2 Connecting Cabinet Power Cables

 Before connecting the cabinet power cables, ensure that the external power supply is shut
down. Never install the power cables while they are electrified.
 Make sure that the DC input power is cut off during the operation. Attach labels to the
switches that will be used.
 Never expose the joining part of the poweer cable and the power connector unless
 If the bonding resistance between the gro
ound cable of the equipment and the ground bar
is larger than 0.1 ohm, the ground cable should
s be re-arranged.
 With the premise that the cables must be arranged in compliance with the route, the cabinet
power cables should be processed on sitee according to the shortest route principle
 The power cables should be made of a co ontinuous segment of copper core with no
intermediate connections.


PDP Side
Cable TypeNote 2
PDP850A PDP2996B Side
PDP1063A (3000082)
(3000064)Note 1 (30000

-48V_1 to -48V_5 -48V_1 to -48V_4 -48 V power cable (blue)

-48 V DC
connectors in area A connector in area A -48V_A A connector
(active) (active) (active
supply on
-48V_1 to -48V_5 -48V_1 to -48V_B B connector
the head of
connectors in area B -48V_4 connectors in (standby)
row cabinet
(standby) area B (standby)

0 V power cable (black) 0 V DC

0V A connector
0V_A t
GND connector on the GND connector on the e)
supply on
busbar busbar 0V_B connector
the head of
row cabinet

PDP protection earth ground

cable (yellow- /green)
PDP1063A (3000082): Earth
PE connector PE connector PE con
nnector PDP850A (3000064): point on
the top of
PDP296B (3000068): cabinet

Note 1: When a busbar is used, only 25 mm2 power cables can c be used. Select only one pair of -48 V active and standby
connectors. When no busbar is used, both 16 mm2 and 25 mm m 2 power cables can be used. Select the -48 V active and
standby connectors are needed.
Note 2: Different PDPs use different types of cabinet power cables.
c Please refer to the chapter on cables in FONST 5000 U
Series Hardware Description to select the correct cable typess.

Busbar of the PDP850A

Structure Installation


Before delivery of a PDP, one end of the PDP
P protection earth ground cable is already connected to
the PE connector. The other end needs to be connected to the cabinet-top protection earth ground
point on site.
The figure below uses PDP1063A (3000082) as an example to introduce how to install cabinet power

1 Connect the cabinet earth ground cable to the

earth ground bar in the equipment room.
2 Lead the -48 V and 0 V power cables into the cabinet.
To the earth ground bar To the power supply
in the equipment room
device in the
equipment room

earth ground M6 Screw

3 Remove the front panel and M3 To the earth To external -48 V

bottom baffle of the PDP. ground point on the DC power
top of the cabinet

To external 0 V power
To external -48 V
DC power

Connect the cabinet power cables to the PDP

4 and the power supply device in the equipment Busbar
room respectively. GND

-48 V

Screw / Captive
bolt screw

M6 M3

Socket Cross
PDP Protection wrench screwdriver
-48 V Power Cable 0 V Power Cable Protection Earth
Ground Cable Earth Ground Cable

Processing External "Cut-Wrap-Crimp-Insulate"

Power Cables
1 Measure the power cable and cut an appropria ate length
of it as needed with a wire clipper on site.
Wrap the bare end of the cable with an insulatting tape to
1 2
prevent short circuit during cable layout. Copper
After leading the cable to the desired position, remove 3 terminal 4
the insulating tape, strip the cable end with stripping
pliers, install the copper terminal onto the cable end, and Insulating
crimp it with hydraulic pliers. tape / heat-
4 Insulate the terminal with an insulating tape orr a heat- Hydraulic shrinkable
shrinkable tube. pliers tube

11.3 Connecting the Subrack Power Cables

 Before connecting the subrack power cable, make sure the subrack power control switch on the
PDP is placed in the OFF position.
 Completely insert the cord end terminals intoo the terminal blocks on the PDP. To ensure good
connection, the metal part exposed should not exceed one sixth of the overall metal length. The
length of exposed insulation covering or metal part of terminals in the same row or batch should
be equal whenever possible.
 Do not press the insulation covering of the co
ord end terminals, which may result in poor electrical
 Make sure the side with larger area of the co
ord end terminal contact with the terminal block.
 After yyou have completed
p connection of the p
power cables,, attach a label indicating
g the cable
information to both ends of each cable, 1 cm to 2 cm away from the connector on each end.

Connecting the FONST 5000 U10E Subrack Pow

wer Cable

The figure below uses PDP1063A (3000082) ass an example to introduce how to connect the power
cable for the FONST 5000 U10E subrack.
1 Screw / bolt



2 M4

Cord end terminal Cord end terminal

(-48 V, blue) (0 V, black)


Connecttion Description
Cable Connector
3A (3000082) PDP850A (3000064)

-48V_A_11 to -48V_A_5 -48V_A_1 to -48V_A_4

Cord end terminal
(XS6, XS10) (active) (XS2, XS7) (active)
-48V_B_11 to -48V_B_5 -48V_B_1 to -48V_B_4
(-48 V, blue)
(XS7, XS11) (standby) (XS3, XS8) (standby)

0V_A_1 to 0V_A_5 0V_A_1 to 0V_A_4

Cord end terminal
9) (active)
(XS8, XS9 (XS4, XS5) (active)
0V_B_1 to 0V_B_5 0V_B_1 to 0V_B_4
(0 V, black)
S13) (standby)
(XS12, XS (XS9, XS10) (standby)

ed to the power interface of the power card in the FONST

Connector X1
5000 U10
0E subrack.

Connecting the COTP Subrack (3030105 / 3030163)) Power Cable

1 Insert the dual-hole connector of the subracck

power cable into the power interface of the
PWR card, and tighten the screws on the

2 Route the other end of the subrack

power cable upward, threading it into the
PDP through the wiring hole on the PDP.

3 Lead the subrack power cable to the

branch power rail output connectors from
the bottom of the PDP. Loosen the
screws on the connectors, plug the
subrack power cable terminals into the
connectors, and fasten the screws to
secure the terminals.


Connectiion Description

Cable Connector
PDP10633A PDP850A PDP296B
2) (3000064) (3000068)

-48V_A_11 to -48V_A_1 to
-48V_A_55 (XS6 -48V_A_4 (XS2 -48V_A_1 to
and and XS7) -48V_A_3
Cord end
XS10) (acctive) (active) (active)
terminal X1
-48V_B_11 to -48V_B_1 to -48V_B_1 to
(-48 V, blue)
-48V_B_55 (XS7 -48V_B_4 (XS3 -48V_B_3
and and XS8) (standby)
XS11) (standby) (standby)
0V_A_1 too 0V_A_1 to
0V_A_5 (XXS8 0V_A_4 (XS4
0V_A_1 to
and and XS5)
Cord end 0V_A_3 (active)
XS9) (active) (active)
terminal X1 0V_B_1 to
0V_B_1 too 0V_B_1 to
(0 V, black) 0V_B_3
0V_B_5 (XXS12 0V_B_4 (XS9
and and XS10)
XS13) (standby) (standby)

Connecteed to the power interface of the power card in the

Connector X2

Connecting the COTP Subrack (3030036) Power Cable

Insert the D-type five-conductor power

female plug of the subrack power cable
into the “POWER” interface of the
PWR card, and tighten the screws on
the plug.
2 Route the other end of the subrack
power cable upward, threading it into
the PDP through the wiring hole on the

3 On the PDP side, loosen the screws on

the corresponding connector posts
insert the cord end terminals into the
connector posts, and tighten the
screws to fasten the terminals.


Connection Description
Cable Connector
PDP850A (3000064) PDP296B (3000068)

--48V_A_1 to -48V_A_4
-48V_A_1 to -
Cord end terminal (
(XS2 and XS7) (active)
48V_A_3 (active)
X2 -
-48V_B_1 to -48V_B_4
-48V_B_1 to -
48 V, blue) (
(XS3 and XS8)
48V B 3 ((standby)
48V_B_3 t db )
0V_A_1 to 0V_A_4
0V_A_1 to 0V_A_3
Cord end terminal (
(XS4 and XS5) (active)
X2 0
0V_B_1 to 0V_B_4
0V_B_1 to 0V_B_3
(0 V, black) (
(XS9 and XS10)
Connected to the power interface of the power
Connector X1
card in the subrack.

12 Connecting the Alarm Cables

12.1 Connecting the Alarm Cable for the Heaad of Row Cabinet

Connection of the alarm cable for the head of row cabinet may vary with the PDP used. Please refer to the
table below for details.
The following uses the PDP1063A (3000082) as an a example to introduce how to connect the alarm cable for
the head of row cabinet.
Connected to the
head of row cabinett 1 Thread the alarm cable for the head of row cabinet
through the wiring hole on the top of the cabinet, route
it along the wiring channel on the side of the cabinet,
and lead it into the PDP through the wiring hole on the
top of the PDP.

2 Insert the D-type connector of the alarm cable for the

head of row cabinet into the XP6 socket on the PDP.

Connection 3 Arrange the alarm cable for the head of row cabinet,
and connect it to the head of row cabinet.
Cable Connector Connection Description

X2 bare wireNote 1 Head of row cabinet

X1 D-type three-conductor connector

c PDP850A: XP6 connector
X1 Ua (blue)
X2 PDP296B: XP1 connector
Nua (black)
Call (brown) PDP1063A: XP6 connector
Note 1: Users need to make the plug for connection
n to the head of row cabinet in the equipment room
by themselves.

12.2 Connecting the Subrack Alarm Cable

Connection of the subrack alarm cable on the PDP side varies with the subrack type and the PDP used.
Please refer to the table below for details. The follo
owing uses the FONST 5000 U10E subrack and the PDP
1063A (3000082) as examples to introduce how to connect the subrack alarm cable.
X2: RJ-45
X2: DE-9P connector X1 connector

ction Subrack alarm cable

Connection Description
1 Connecctor

X2: RJ-4
45 ALM interface of the AIF card in the FONST
connector 5000 U10E / COTP (3030163) subrack

X2: DE-9P ALM interface of the AIF card in the COTP

connector (3030036) / COTP (3030105) subrack

PDP850A: one of the connectors XS1 to XS4

X2: RJ-4
45 PDP296B: one of the connectors AlmIn1 to
connector AlmIn3

PDP1063A: one of the connectors XS1 to XS5

13 Connecting the E1 Clock Cable

Connected to the
external clock device

E1 Clock Cable

After being connected to the
external clock device, the E1 clock
cable is routed in the space
between the subrack side panel 2
and the cabinet side door behind
the vertical mounting flanges, led
to the bottom of the subrack,
threaded through the wiring holes
of the fiber passage unit, and then
connected to the CLK interface of
the CCU card.


Subrack Side (RJ-45 Connector) Opposite Side (Bare Wire)

CLK interface on the CCU card nected to the external clock device.

NST 5000 U Series Hardware Description for the
Please refer to the chapter on cables in FON
color-coding scheme of the E1 clock cable.

14 Connecting the Service Managem
ment and Monitoring Cables

Connected to the opposite

end equipment

Network Cable

The network cable is routed in the
space between the subrack side panel
and the cabinet side door behind the 2
vertical mounting flanges, led to the
bottom of the subrack, threaded
through the wiring holes of the fiber
passage unit, and then connected to
the desired card.


Subrack Side (RJ-

Card Opposite Side (RJ-4 45 Connector / Bare Wire)
45 Connector)
Inputs the signals to be
b monitored, and usually connects to the user's
MON interface
equipment to be mon nitored.Note 1
Outputs the control siignals, and usually connects to the user's environment
CTR interface
monitoring equipment.Note 1
Inputs and outputs ne etwork management monitoring information and
F interface
usually connects to thhe computer installed with the EMS
Connects the main su ubrack and the extended subracks so that monitoring
CCU SIG interface information on the ma anagement plane and control plane can be exchanged
among the subracks.
Enables communication extension between subracks within an NE, and
COM interface
usually connects to thhe COM interface of a peer card in another subrack.
TOD interface Inputs time signals, and
a usually connects to a time synchronization device.
Inputs and outputs neetwork management monitoring information and
f interface
usually connects to th
he computer installed with the EMS.
Note 1: The cable has bare wire on this end.

Rules for Binding Cables

Rules for Binding Cables Illustration

 Keep the bound cables neat. The

horizontal cables should be bound
with proper and equal spacing
between the cable ties.

 Do not join several cable ties to

make a longer one and bind cables
with it, which may reduce the
binding force.
 The cable ties are arranged in
good order. The extra parts of the
ties are cut from the root without
leaving sharp points.
When bundling cables, make sure
that the distance between two cable
ties meets the requirements below:

 When the diameter of a cable
bundle is less than 10 mm, the
distance is 150 mm.
 When the diameter of a cable
bundle is between 10 mm and 30 Distance between
mm, the distance is 200 mm. cable ties
 When
Wh the th diameter
di t off a cable
bl 、
bundle is no less than 30 mm, the
distance is 300 mm.
 When binding the bent cables, bind
them at both sides of the bend. Do
not bind them midway through the
bend; otherwise, the cores inside
the cables may be broken.
 The bending radius (R) of the R
Cable tie
cables shall meet the following
requirements (D refers to the cable
 Cables for general use: R ≥ 2D;
 RF cables: R ≥ 15D in common
conditions; R≥ 10D in extreme

 Arrange the cables inside a cabinet

from far to near, that is, arrange
the farthest cable first, putting it on
the bottom layer of the fiber
passage unit.
 Try not to cross or twist the cables
when laying them out.

15 Connecting Optical Fiber Jumperss

Choose a proper type of optical fiber jumpers according to the types of optical interfaces on the
local equipment and the opposite end equipme

Subrack Side

LC/PC Fiber Connector

ODF Side

FC/PC Fiber Connector SC/PC Fiber Connector

15.1 Connecting the External Optical Fibers


 The open corrugated pipes should not be overloaded

o with optical fibers. An open corrugated
pipe with the diameter of 32 mm should carry no more than 60 optical fibers with the diameter of
2 mm.
 It is recommended that the corrugated pipe
e inside the cabinet should be about 10 cm long.
 Arrange the corrugated pipe outside the ca
abinet according to the conditions of the equipment

Internal pipe

External p

15.2 Connecting the Optical Fibers Inside thee Cabinet

Connected to the ODF Connected to the ODF

Fiber binding

1 1
Optical Fiber (LC)

2 2

Determine the way to coil the
optical fibers according to their
length. It is advisable to coil the
optical fibers around the large 3 3
spool first. Do not make the coils
too tight or too loose.

2 1 2 Large 5

15.3 Arranging Optical Fibers on the Externaal Fiber Spool

The fiber spool should not be overloaded; otherwise,
o heat dissipation of the subrack below the
fiber spool may be affected.

Fiber binding

15.4 Laying Optical Fibers for the DCM

Optical fibers for different DCMs are laid in th
he same way. Here the dual-DCM plug-in frame
mounted in a 21-inch 300 mm / 340 mm-deep cabinet is used as an example.
While connecting optical fibers for a DCM, make
m sure the DCM and the optical fibers are
correctly connected in both directions accord ding to the on
site project documents.

Fiber binding

15.5 Arrangement after Laying out Optical Fiibers

After the connection of optical fibers is completed,
1 bind and secure the optical fibers between th
cabinet entrance and the fiber passage unit with
w FR:
Information of the
dedicated fiber binding straps. TO: local end optical port
2 Connect the optical fibers on the ODF side. Information of
the opposite end
Remove the temporary labels; make project labels
l optical port
3 and attach them to both ends of the optical fibber.
The optical interfaces not connected with fibe er pigtails should be covered
4 with anti-dust caps. The fiber pigtails not connnected with optical interfaces
should be covered with pigtail caps.
Do not leave the labels between two card
ds, which may affect the electrical
conductivity between cards.

Rules for Binding Optical Fibers

Rules for Binding Optical Fibers Illustra


 When bundling optical fibers, make

sure the distance between two fiber
binding straps is 20 cm.

 Do not twist, bend, stretch or press

optical fibers when installing them
 The bending radius (R) of optical fibers
should not be smaller than 10D (D R
Fiber binding strap
refers to the diameter of optical fibers)
and should not be smaller than 30

 Wrap the loop side, instead of the

hook side, of the fiber binding strap
around the optical fibers.
 Tidy up the optical fibers before
binding them.
 Bind the optical fibers with appropriate
 Try not cross or twist the optical fibers
when laying them outout.

16 Installing Cabinet Doors

Please refer to the cabinet manuals mentione
ed in the section “Installing Cabinets” for the
procedures of installing cabinet doors.

void damaging wires and cables.
Open and close the cabinet door gently to av

17 Post-Installation Inspection

17.1 Checking Layout of Wires and Cables

When the connection and layout of the cabless and wires is completed, installers should conduct the
connectivity test and ensure that the signals are
a transmitted effectively.
No. Items to be Checked Checking Method

The specifications, routes, cross-sectional areas and positions of the cables arranged are
1 compliant with the construction drawing. The cablees are arranged in good order, without Visual inspection
damage to their sheath.

The connectors of the cables are clean and intact, and the connectors made onsite
2 Visual inspection
are up to standard. The connectors are all connectted correctly and firmly.

When cables must be arranged along the upper pa art of the cabinet, the distance between
them and the ventilation hole on the cabinet top sh
hould be no less than 10 cm.
3 Visual inspection
If the distance between the cabling rack and the ca
abinet is larger than 0.8m, installers should
set up a cabling ladder.

Layout of fiber pigtails:

 The fiber pigtails are not arranged too closely tot each other or intertwined at the turning
points. The paired fiber pigtails are bound after being arranged in order. Do not bind with
4 too much force and leave pressure marks on the fiber pigtails. Visual inspection
 Fiber pigtails can move forward or backward frreely in the fiber fastener but cannot bend
in right angle.
 After the fiber pigtails are arranged, do not putt any cables or other objects upon them.

17.2 Checking Before Power-on

The FONST 5000 U10E uses a -48 V DC power s supply with an acceptable voltage range from -40 V to -57 V.
Before powering on the equipment, you need to check
c and confirm the following items:
1.The cabinet power cables are correctly connected with the external power supply equipment.
2.All the wires and cables are connected correctlyy.
3.All power control switches on the PDP are place ed in the OFF position.
4.The power cables of all subracks are disconnec cted.
artially drawn out.
5.All the cards and fan units in the subrack are pa

17.3 Power-on Test

1. Measure the voltage between the -48 V and d the 0 V connectors in the external power input area of the
PDP. The normal value is between -40 V to -57 V.
2. Place all the branch output switches on the PDP in the ON position.
3. Measure the voltage between the -48 V and d 0 V connectors of subrack power cables. The normal
range is -40 V to -57 V.
4. Place each branch switch on the front ppanell of the PDP in the OFF p position.
5. Insert the subrack power cable plug into thee subrack power interface.
6. Place each branch switch on the front panell of the PDP in the ON position.
7. Confirm that the subrack has no abnormal sound
s or smell.
8. Plug in the fan unit. Make sure the fan unit runs
r normally with air circulation around it.
9. Plug the cards into the subrack in sequence e and the cards will be electrified normally in two or three
minutes. The indicator LEDs on all cards in the subrack should be normal.
① Confirm that the ACT indicator LED on ea ach card is illuminated, which indicates normal power-on.
② Confirm that the alarm indicator LED on each
e card is extinguished, which indicates no alarms are

The power-off procedures for the FONST 5000 U10E
U are in reverse order of the power-on ones.

18 Dos and Don’ts

Do not install / operate the Do not connect or remove Direct or indirect contact Report any possible safety
equipment or lay cables the power cable while it is through damp objects with problems whenever
during a lightning storm. powered. high voltage power supply necessary.
can cause bodily harm and
should be avoided.

The vacant slots should be Do not bind optical fibers The upper layer of big
covered with dummy Lay out power cables and with cable ties. Use the black bundles of cables should be
panels to prevent foreign signal cables separately. fiber binding strap instead. tidy, without any avoidable
objects from entering the kinks or twists.
equipment and ensure
normal air circulation.

Do not twist, bend, stretch or

When plugging / unplugging Put an anti-dust cap on an Put an anti-dust cap on an squeeze optical fibers during
a card, exercise care and unused optical fiber. unused optical module. installation. The bending
align the card with the slide radius of the optical fibers
rails. should be no less than 10D.

Reserve proper margins

After layout of the wires and Keep the cabinet Do not leave the between cable connectors
cables, install rat guards at door shut in daily labels between two and the first binding points,
the top and bottom of the operations. cards, which may so that the cables can be
cabinet or fasten the affect the electrical easily plugged or unplugged
mouseproof hop-pockets. conductivity between and that stress will not be
cards. produced at the connecting


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