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Crochet pattern

Bunny Lu
автор Вера Васильчук
This crochet pattern is my own author’s work and it is intended only for your personal use. It
does not include any crocheting lessons and is intended for those who have the main crocheting
skills. Skill level – intermediate.
It is forbidden to copy, distribute and publish the materials of this pattern in any way both online
and offline.
You can sell the toys crocheted with the help of this pattern.
While showing the photos of your toys crocheted with the help of this pattern in the Internet
point the author of the pattern – Vasilchuk Vera (@cute_toys_by_vera)

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 2
Materials and tools:

1. Yarn:
- Alize Cotton Gold Tweed (330 м/100 г): cream color (№01);
- Alize Cotton Gold (330 м/100 г): white color (№ 55);
- Jeans YarnArt (160 м/50 г): pink color (№ 74);
2. Crocheting hooks №2
3. Stuffing (synthetic fluff and hollofayber)
4. Safety eyes 10-11 mm in diameter
5. A needle for sewing
6. Threads: white color - white - for embroidery of the whites of the eyes, black - for
eyebrows, pink - for the nose;
7.Safety eyes 8-9 mm in diameter
The size of the bunny is 27 cm if using the pointed materials.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 3
1. Each detail begins from the magic ring. Crochet in a spiral.
2. Try to crochet rather tight. If the stitches are not rather tight, try to use a smaller hook.
3. Stuff your toy in the course of crocheting. The tight stuffing gives a necessary shape to your toy
and helps to keep it.
4. If you make a toy for a child younger than 3 years, then it is better to use the safety eyes.

MR – magic ring;
sc – single crochet;
ch – chain;
dec – decrease;
inc – increase;
sl st – slip stitch;
hdc – half double crochet;
dc - double crochet;
(…) – a number in brackets means a number of stitches in a row;
(…)* X – repeat those in brackets Х times.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 4
Ears (2 pcs)
Begin with the cream color. - Alize cotton gold tweed № 01
1) 6 sc in MR (6)
2) inc*6 (12)
3) (1 sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7-10) 36 sc (4 rows)
11) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
12-14) 30 sc (3 rows)
15) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
16-18) 24 sc (3 rows)
19) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
20-22) 18 sc (3 rows)
Fold the ears in half and crochet 9 sc at both edges.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 5
Fasten off, cut the yarn. Leave a long thread enough for sewing.
Fold the eyelet in half again, sew the edges.

Crochet the cream color.

1) 6 sc in MR (6)
2) inc*6 (12)
3) (1 sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7) (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
8) (6 sc, inc)*6 (48)
9) (7 sc, inc)*6 (54)
10) (8 sc, inc)*6 (60)
11) (9 sc, inc)*6 (66)
12) (10 sc, inc)*6 (72)
13-25) 72 sc (13 rows)
Insert the eyes between the 19 and 20 rows, the space between the eyes is 13 stitches.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 6
26) (10 sc, dec)*6 (66)
27) (9 sc, dec)*6 (60)
28) (8 sc, dec)*6 ( 54)
29) (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
30) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
31) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
32) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
33) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
34) (2 sc, dec*6 (18)
Fasten off, cut the yarn.
Stuff the head with filler.

Decorate the face

Mark with a pin the point of the mouth (1) between
the 29th and 30th rows of the head.
Fix a thread in the point 1. Step back one loop to the
side, insert the needle and take it out in the outer
corner of the left eye (2). Next insert a needle in the
inner corner of the eye (3), take it out in the point 1. 5 4 3 2
Tighten. Repeat this action once more. Fasten off. Do
not cut a thread.
Repeat all these actions for the right eye (1, 4, 5).
Fasten off a thread in the point 1 and hide it inside the
head, cut.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 7
Embroider the nose:
With pink thread, first make several horizontal stitches (about 4 loops) between 18 and 19 rows.
Then we make vertical stitches along the horizontal ones.

We embroider the whites of the eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 8
Sew on the ears
Sew one eyelet horizontally (as shown in the photo), the second vertically.

Arms (2 pcs)
Crochet the cream color.
1) 6 sc in MR (6)
2) inc*6 (12)
3) (3 sc, inc)*3 (15)
4-6) 15 sc (3 rows)
7) (1 sc, dec)*5 (10)
8-27) 10 sc (20 rows)
Fill in handles only up to the 8th row.
Fold the handles in half, crochet 5 sc at both edges.
Fasten the thread, cut.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 9
Legs (2 pcs)
When crocheting the legs, the marker for the beginning of the row is aligned strictly in the
middle of the leg at the back. We fill with filler during crocheting.
Crochet the cream color.
Crochet chain of 9 ch, in the second loop from the hook:
1) 7 sc, 3 sc in 1, 6 sc, inc (18)
2) inc, 6 sc, inc*3, 6 sc, inc*2 (24)
3) 1 sc, inc, 6 sc, (1 sc, inc)*3, 6 sc, (1 sc, inc)*2 (30)
4-7) 30 sc (4 rows)
8) 6 sc, (1 sc, dec)*6, 6 sc (24)
9) 6 sc, dec*6, 6 sc (18)
10) (4 sc, dec)*3 (15)
11-12) 15 sc (2 rows)
13) (4 sc, inc)*3 (18)
14-15) 18 sc (2 rows)
16) (5 sc, inc)*3 (21)
17) 21 sc
18) (6 sc, inc)*3 (24)
19) (7 sc, inc)*3 (27)
20-22) 27 sc (3 rows)
For the right leg crochet 12 more sc, fasten off and cute the yarn. Crochet the left leg similarly,
but in the end do not crochet 12 more sc, as we did for the right leg. Do not cut the yarn.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 10
Continue crocheting from the left leg.
23) 20 sc along the left leg, 3 ch, 27 sc along the right leg, further 3 sc along the chain, 7 sc along
the left leg
24) 20 sc, 3 sc along the place, where a chain was, 37 sc (60)

25-38) 60 sc (14 rows)

39) 53 sc - not complete rnd. You can have more or less than 53 sc, it depend on your yarn and
your gauge. We need to move a marker in the center of the back, further align a marker.
40) (8 sc, dec)*6 (54)
41-42) 54 sc (2 rows)
43) (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
44-45) 48 sc (2 rows)
46) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
47-48) 42 sc (2 rows)
49) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
50-51) 36 sc (2 rows)
52) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
53) 30 sc
Crochet in the arms.
54) 5 sc, 5 sc together with the arms, 10 sc, 5 sc together with the arms, 5 sc (30)

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 11
55) ( 3 sc, dec))*6 (24)
56) (2 sc, dec))*6 (18)
Fasten off, cut the yarn. Leave a long thread enough for
Fill the part with filler.

Sew the head to the body.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 12
Crochet the pink color.
Unwind a small ball of the main color in advance
and put it aside for now.
Crochet chain of 31 ch, close in a circle and crochet in a spiral
1-5) 31 sc (5 rows)
Fasten off, cut the yarn.
Similarly, crochet the second part, only do not cut the yarn.
Next crochet in two parts:
6) 31 sc on the first leg, 31 sc on the second leg of the overalls
7-19) 62 sc (13 rows)
Do not cut the yarn.

Turn over the resulting pants (this will be the front side of the
overalls) and mark 11 center loops.
Take the deferred thread and crochet the apron overalls.
1-7) 11 sc, ch, turn (7 rows)
8) 11 sc.
Fasten off, cut the yarn.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 13
Return to the open loop at the back of the panties.
Crochet sc to the overalls apron, crochet sc the right side. Having
reached the upper right corner, crochet 25ch.
Behind the panties, mark two loops at a distance of 9 loops from
each other.

The connecting loop, we fix the chain from the ch in the

intended left loop at the back of the panties.
We return to the ch and crochet 25 sc.
Next, crochet the upper part of the front of the overalls -11 sc.
Having reached the upper left corner, crochet the second
strap, in the same way. Next crochet the right side of the
overalls, pants.
We finish the row at the back of the panties near the place
where the left strap is attached.
Fasten off, cut the yarn, neatly hide the tip.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 14
We tie the jumpsuit with ruffles.
Crochet the white color.
Insert the hook into the base of the front of the overalls on the right, pull out the working thread.
Crochet chain of 3 ch.
Crochet 3 dc in each loop along the side of the overalls and the strap.
Fasten off, cut the yarn, neatly hide the tip.
We tie the right strap in the same way.

crochet the pink color.
Crochet chain of 11 ch, in the second loop from the hook:
1-5) 10 sc, ch, turn (5 rows)
Do not cut the thread, crochet the left, bottom, right side of the resulting rectangle with single
Fasten off, cut the yarn, neatly hide the tip.
We fold the finished part with an "accordion" and stitch it in the center.
Wrap with white thread and fasten from the seamy side.
Sew a bow on the bunny's head with the same yarn.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 15
Our Bunny Lu is ready!
Hope you enjoyed crocheting this baby.
If you have any questions, I will be glad to help.
I would also be grateful for your feedback.

@Cute_toys_by_Vera 16

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