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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Teacher Arceli F. Salazar Grade Level Grade 11

Learning Area Mathematics Quarter 3rd Quarter
Lesson Lesson Title Relationship Between Week Week 5
Exemplar Differentiability &
Continuity of a Function

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard The learners will be able to demonstrate an understanding of

basic concepts of derivatives.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able formulate and solve accurately
situational problems involving extreme values.
C. Learning Competency a.) determine the relationship between differentiability and
continuity of a function (STEM_BC11DIIIf-1)
b.) apply the differentiation rules in computing the derivative
of an algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric
functions and inverse trigonometric functions

II. Content Determining Relationship Between Differentiability &

Continuity of a Function

III. Learning Resources PIVOT Learner’s Material

Grade 11, Third Quarter
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material PIVOT Learner’s Material
35 - 44
3. Textbook pages
Laptop, Google Forms, Powerpoint presentation
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
Desmos App
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
A. Introduction Classroom Routines
1. Opening Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance


- Continuity of a Function
- Differentiable of a Function

Determine if the following graphs and functions are

differentiable or not.

1. 2.

y=x 3 ;at x = 0 y=x 2 +6 ;at x = 2

3. 4.

y=¿ |x−2|;at x = 2 y=2 x +5 ;at x = 1
B. Development
Definition 1: (Continuity at a Number). A function f is
continuous at a number c if all of the following conditions are

I. f(c) exists;
II. Lim f(x) exists; and
III. f(c) = lim
x →c
f (x)

If at least one of these conditions is not met, f is said to be

discontinuous at x = c.
Definition 2: (Continuity on Real Number). A function f is
said to be continuous everywhere if f is continuous at every
real number. lim f (x )−f (x 0)
x→ x
f ' (x 0)= 0

Definition 3: A function f is differentiable at the x−x

0 c
if :


Differentiability Implies Continuity:

In the relationship of differentiability and continuity of
functions, if a function is differentiable at x=c , then it is
continuous at x=c . So, differentiability implies continuity.

Continuity does not imply differentiability:

In the relationship of differentiability and continuity of
functions, it is possible for a function to be continuous at x=c
and not be differentiable at x=c . So, continuity does not
imply differentiability.

The relationship between continuity and differentiability is
summarized below:
1. If a function is differentiable at x=c , then it is
continuous at x=c . So, differentiability implies
2. It is possible for a function to be continuous at x=c
and not be differentiable at x=c . So, continuity does
not imply differentiability.

Differentiation Rules:
How do we find derivatives?

The procedure for finding the exact derivative directly

from a formula of the function without having to use
graphical methods is called differential calculus. In practice,
we use some rules that tell us how to find derivatives of
almost any functions.

RULE 1: The Constant Rule

If f (x)=c where c is a constant, then f ’( x)=0 the
derivatives of a constant are equal to zero.

 RULE 2: The Power Rule

If f ( x )=x n where n ∈ N , then f ' ( x )=n x n−1.

 RULE 3: The Constant Multiple Rule

If f ( x )=k h( x) where k is a constant, then
f ( x )=k h ' (x).

 RULE 4: The Sum and Difference Rule

If f ( x )=g (x) ± h( x ) where g and h is differentiable
functions, then f ' ( x )=g' ( x ) ± h' ( x) .

 RULE 5: The Product Rule

If f and g are differentiable functions, then
D x [f ( x ) g ( x ) ] ¿ f ( x ) g ' ( x )+ g ( x ) f '( x ).

 RULE 6: The Quotient Rule

Let f (x) and g(x ) be two differentiable functions with
g( x )≠ 0

Dx [ ]
f ( x ) g ( x ) f ' ( x ) −f (x ) g ' (x)  
g (x ) ¿ ¿¿

 RULE 7: The Derivative of an Exponential Rule

If f ( x )=e x , then f ' ( x )=e x

 The Chain Rule

If y is a function of u , y=f (u) ,and uis a function of x ,
i.e. u=g ( x) then the derivative of y with respect to x is
dy dy du
dx du dx ( )
 The Derivative of ln u
When y=ln u ( x ) , then according to the chain rule:
C. Engagement d 1 du
ln u= ∙
dx u dx

 The Derivative of log a x

When y=ln u ( x ) , then according to the chain rule:
d 1
log a x=
dx x ln a
The Derivative of an exponential function with base

Discuss the continuity and differentiability of the function at

|x|= 5 x ,if x <1
2 x+ 3 ,if x ≥1

i. Check if f(c) exists.

f ( x )=2 x +3
f ( 1 ) =2 ( 1 ) +3
f ( 1 ) =2+ 3
f ( 1 ) =5

ii. Check if lim

x →c
f ( x ) exists.
lim ¿
x→ 1 5 x¿
lim ¿
x→ 1 f ( x ) =f (1)¿
f ( 1 ) =5 x
f ( 1 ) =5(1)
f ( 1 ) =5

x→ 1 2 x+3 ¿
D. Assimilation lim ¿
x→ 1 f ( x ) =f (1)¿
f ( 1 ) =2 ( 1 ) +3
f ( 1 ) =2+ 3
f ( 1 ) =5

lim f ( x )=5
x →1

III. Check if f(c) = lim

x →c
f (x )

f (1)=lim f ( x)
x→ 1
Therefore, f is continuous at x=1.

I. In the functions given below, identify if:

A. differentiable and continuous
B. Continuous but not differentiable
C. Neither continuous nor differentiable.
II. Complete the table below. Show your solution.

III. Find the derivative of the given function. Show your


1. f ( x )=6 x 3−9 x + 4

2. g( y )=( y−4)(2 y+ y 2)

3. f (x)=105 √ x 3−√ x 7+6 3 √ x 8−3

VI. Reflection  Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in
the Learner’s Assessment Card.
 The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ________________________.

I realize that ____________________________.

I need to learn more about _________________.

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