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International School of Management Studies

Pune – Maharashtra - India

Strategic Leadership and Management


Ms Sushantika Neog


Statement of Authenticity

I certify that the work submitted in regard to this assignment is my own and wherever the works of others have been
used to support my work, the credit has been duly acknowledged.

Student Email: [email protected] Date: 12/01/22

Serial No Particulars Page no

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Task 1 4-8

3 Task 2 9-12

4 Task 3 13-16

9 Conclusion 17

10 Bibliography 18-20
Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Executive summary

To improve results and productivity, strategic leaders are creating a motivating atmosphere
for employees. Strategic leadership's major goal is to foster innovative and creative thinking
in the workplace at Martin McColl’s group of organizations. Management theories focus on
finding answers to all problems and putting them into action in order to fulfill the
organization's goals. Henri Fayol created the administrative management theory. A leader,
according to him, has just six action areas and functions: foresee, plant, organize and
coordinate the plan, command and control the teammates, and develop principles for the
leader. The optimal functioning of an institution is the foundation of system management
theory (Leavy, and McKiernan, 2020). Employees are the most important aspect of every
firm like McColl’s group. Bureaucratic management theory plays a critical role in establishing
the standards, practices, and procedures that are at

the heart of most organizations. Based on the vision and organizational strategy, leadership
theories differ from one firm to the next. An organization’s such as Martin McColl’s
performance is linked to its strategic management and leadership strategy. The following
are some popular leadership theories: Great man theory, trait theory, behavior theory,
transactional, contingency, and transformational leadership theory are all examples of
leadership theories. The leaders plan the majority of the activities, whereas the manager
just carries out the leader's decisions and actions (Clarenbach, 2020).

About the company

Martin McColl is an organization with retail business. The headquarter of it situated at

Brentwood, and United Kingdom, total annual revenue of it was 124 billion GBP, in the year
2018. The company established in 1973, founder of the it was McColl and Tom. CEO of it is
Jonathan Miller. Almost 1550 shops are developed till 2019, October. It is very huge
organization of the retailing business.

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Task 1
Strategic leadership
Strategic leadership is known as practice or a process that involves executives for the better
establishment of an organization by utilizing various management approaches or strategies.
It creates an idea or vision for an organization towards survival in competitive environments
with respect to changing situations related to new technologies and economic stability in
the market. Strategic leaders are creating a motivative environment at the workplace for
employees to get better outcomes and productivity, promoting the integration and unity
between the workers is essential for an organization (Clarenbach, 2020). The main aim of
strategic leadership is that promote innovative and creative ideas at the workplace, support
the ideas of the employees, and implement them, motivation and encouragement of team
members is the responsibility of the best leader, all these things and actions are vital for the
effective presentation of an organization, also followed by McColl’s group of organization
(Leavy, and McKiernan, 2020).

Strategic management
Strategic management is described as an action plan that includes identification,
description, and implementation of the strategies designed by the managers of an
organization to receive the best or extreme productivity of their organization in the
competitive atmosphere. It is essential for the competitive advantage means higher
profitability as compared to other industries or organizations in the market, or make
influencing the establishment of their organization. Strategic management is described as a
cumulative effect of decisions and actions taken by managers that predict the productivity
of an organization, also adapated by McColl’s group of retailing business (Bryson, and
George, 2020).

Management theories
The theories related to management include a group of innovative and creative ideas that
have fundamental and advanced rules and regulations for managing an organization. When
compared to other sectors or organizations in the market, a competitive advantage is
increased profitability or the potential to influence the formation of their company.

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Management theories address solutions of all problems and implement strategies of them
towards the achievement of organization target, and motivation for workers to show their
full capacity and higher capability for the organization. These theories are important for
decision making, collaboration, and the increment in the productivity of the company
(Paquette, 2019).

Scientific management theory

This theory was invented by Fredrick Taylor. The main principle of this theory is the use of
scientific technologies at the workplace for the help of employees and the increment in
productivity. He is focused only on the productivity not concerning for employees, it is not
right or not followed for a longer time, but one good thing mentioned in this theory is that
divide the roles of employees based on their abilities, and trained them accordingly, hence it
is focused on the productivity.

Administrative management theory

This theory was created by Henri Fayol, he was a senior administrative, and engineer who
works in mines. He supervises the organization from a manager’s point of view and
considers the challenges faced by them. According to him a leader has only six action areas
and functions, forecast, plant, organize and coordinate the plan, command and regulate the
teammates, but a manager have a responsibility to prepare principles for the leader that
how leader coordinate and regulate the team. The manager supervises and manages all of
them with full efficiency. The main principles are as follows; Initiative; describes that all
employees have the freedom to complete their responsibilities without any force. Equity;
creates an atmosphere of kindness at the workplace, all employees are treated equally, it
follows the rule of equality. Scalar chain principle describes that a chain of executive
supervisors from the upper level to the lower level, that communicate for the better
functioning of an organization. Other principles are unity of directions, the disciplined
environment at work, perfect division of working criteria, all things that are vital for
managing an organization (Bhuyan, 2021).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Human relations theory

The theory was invented by Elton Mayo, which is known as the human relation program
designed for the improving productivity of an organization. The main focus of this is on the
break times, working days, the environment at the workplace, the pressure of work, each
change in these conditions ensures the performance improvement as an outcome of change
(Namaki, 2018).

System management theory

This theory is based on the optimum functioning of an institution. The success of an
organization, interdependent, interrelationship within subsystems. This theory explains that
employees are the main part of an organization, departments, working teams, units of
business other vital components of an institution (Namaki, 2018).

Bureaucratic management theory

This theory is created by Max Weber, which focuses on the structuring of an organization in
a hierarchical manner that is important for the clear governance of regulations. The main
purpose of this principle is for the clear distribution of the labor, personal and institutional
assets separation, recordkeeping, documentation of the employees, promotion, and
selection of the staff based on their abilities, qualification, and performance. The theory has
an important role in the establishment of the standard and practice or procedure which are
the central part of most institutions in today’s competitive atmosphere (Namaki, 2018). All
these theories are helpful in the establishment of business organization like Martin McColl.

Leadership theories
Leadership theories vary from company to company based on the vision and organizational
approach, management of productivity and performance is the main reason behind the
selection of the leadership theory. The performance of an organization is correlated with
the strategic management and leadership strategy. There are numerous ranges of
leadership theories are available based on leadership traits, style, and strategy to support an
institution or an organization. Bolden says that popular theories of leadership are as follows:
Great man theory, theories of trait, theory based on behavior, situational leadership,
transactional, contingency, and transformational leadership theory. Other than these

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

participatory, influencing power, authentic leadership, spiritual, and ethical, and

entrepreneurial leadership theory. All theories are helpful in leadership management in an
organization (Li, 2016).

Role of leader
A leader is an important part of an organization, he plans towards the vision of the
organization, and integration of the staff members for the action planning towards
performance and productivity. At the strategic level towards the constitution of
organizational vision. A leader designs the communication plan, and decide the effective
method of communication, at various level for explaining strategic plans to the team
members, and upper management. Development of the operational strategy for
organization productivity. Implement a work plan for staff members, based on the pre-
decided strategic plan. The actual feedback performance for all employees lower to upper
management level is the responsibility of a leader. Motivate and inspire the team members
for productive and efficient working (Bhuyan, 2021).

The relationship between strategic management and leadership

These four views are explained below the related relationship between them. The first view
is that actually, no difference occurs between the management and leadership, they could
play each other role easily. The second is describes that management is working at the
macro level, it is a larger category of an organization, leadership is one of the action areas
that controlled by it. The third is to give more attention to the function of leadership. Most
of the activities are arranged by the leaders, but the manager only executes the decision
and action of the leader. Means management depends on the leadership. The fourth view
declares that function of leadership and management is relatively independent of the
discipline construction (Li, 2016).

Current challenges faced by leaders and managers

Mainly the challenges faced by them are adaptation towards the changing environmental
and competitive market conditions with new technologies and economic feasibility. Broad
level communications to lots of organizations and other employees or team members.
Productivity is a key challenge for leaders as well as managers because productivity is the

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

most crucial requirement for the establishment of a business organization. One more thing
is the preparation for upcoming time which is more challenging. Trust within consumers and
producer is the essential thing for an organization, these challenges also faced by McColls
group (Figueroa et al., 2019).

Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage benefits the organization. It includes utilization of instinctive
resources which is prohibited to other competitive users. The hiring of skilled and capable
workers that provide benefits to the organization. The location of the organization is
geographically unique, ensure that any other organization should not be already established
in the surrounding environment. Assessment of the new techniques and ensures that
manufacturing of the products should be at the lowest cost and available with minimum
price in the market as compared to others (Distanont, and Khongmalai, 2020).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Task 2
UK equality act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 was passed in England, Scotland, and Wales to protect people from
job discrimination. However, in 2018, women in the UK are paid 18.4% less than men in
general, and this wage discrepancy has remained consistent, creating worries for the future.
Furthermore, women are underrepresented in senior and managerial roles, reflecting a lack
of access to opportunities and a lack of representation in crucial positions. This suggests that
job gender discrimination is an issue, and the Equality Act is oriented toward safeguarding
women (Gardner, 2018). The Equality Act of 2010 is described by the US government as
legislation that "legally affords protection against employment discrimination as well as in
broader society." According to the bill, it combines many current anti-discrimination
statutes into one, "making the legislation more intelligible and boosting protection." In
order to reflect the diverse society of the United Kingdom, it also includes extra anti-
discrimination legislative provisions. The salary gap between males and females in
employment in the United Kingdom is the lowest it has ever been, and women control more
top positions as compared to before the equality act (Atkinson et al., 2018). Workplace
inequality in the world is an issue that affects everyone, not just women. Inequality or any
other kind of reduces professional diversity as well as shrinks the talent pool. For example, if
a woman in a firm is not offered the same chances as a male, she is much more likely to stay
currently unemployed and her abilities will not be utilized to their maximum potential,
harming the company. If the male worker promoted over her is less capable of doing the
job, then trauma is double. Inequality inside the employment has a detrimental impact on
the socio-economic well-being of individuals who are discriminating against, which includes
51 percent of the UK population and also has a significantly broader impact on the economic
growth in the context of females. This act is helpful in the promotion and development of
retail business enterprises of McColl’s (Savulescu, Cameron, and Wilkinson, 2020).

Equality and morality at the workplace are essential with diversity and equality, towards
best productivity and friendly environment at the workplace. Diversity and ethical values are
a component that belongs to every culture, and there is a major challenge that turns into a
lose-lose situation for all parties involved, culminating in organizational discouragement.
Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Numerous individuals believe that socio-cultural diversity and integrity principles, as well as
ethics, are the basis for business performance when they are properly handled. Employees
from many walks of life, cultures, faiths, ages, genders, and educational backgrounds make
up any company. Managers and directors must be aware of the most ethically appropriate
or inappropriate alternatives in their daily job circumstances. Diversity describes the
different ways in that individuals differ inside an organization, that might have an influence
on the duties or connections that employees have (Atkinson et al., 2018). Diversity
administration is the technique for promoting diversity awareness, acceptance, and
integration in businesses and organizations. Diversity supervision is founded on the premise
that diversity offers up new conducts of observing, understanding, and behaving, enriching
the vitality of a company or organization. Age, socioeconomic and national origin, ethnicity,
age, socioeconomic and national origin, ethnicity, Diverse is a wellspring of innovation and
creativity that may help a company grow and stay ahead of the competition in the future.
Managing diversity is concerned with making diversity and ethical conduct visible and
successful inside a company. Structural and individual representations of experience and
appreciation can be examined in this way. There is no universally approved management
style, however, techniques that improve employee motivation, work happiness, ethical
behavior, and productivity must be favored. Those which have the opposite outcome, on
the other hand, should be avoided. Most administrators attempt to support ethical
standards not merely to assure moral behavior, but also to obtain whatever economic
advantage there would be in making potential customers and workers perceive the firm as
ethical. One common step managers may take to construct an ethical work environment is
to create, distribute, and constantly improve an industry's code of ethics (Schmidt et al.,

Managers regularly discuss productivity. Personal and squad goals and ambitions must be
encountered in order to reach your overall organizational goals. By measuring individual and
organizational objectives and analyzing achievement, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
could help you solve these issues. A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a metric that
measures how well an establishment is accomplishing its purpose and vision (Gusnadi, and
Hermawan, 2019). For instance, if one of your company's goals is to provide exceptional

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

customer provision, you could use a KPI to track the number of unhappy customer service
inquiries at the end of each week. This will be used to keep track of overall progress toward
the objective. KPIs act as a link between a company's aim and individual accountability. In a
corporation, KPIs that cataract from one level to the next is eccentric. Smart KPIs may help
you enhance your business if you have the following skills: Be specific: understand what
each KPI will monitor and why it is important. The KPI necessity be measured against a set of
standards in order to be considered quantifiable. Achievable: You should be able to satisfy
the requirements of the KPI. Relevant: Every KPI should monitor something that is
important to you and aids in your professional development. It is time-bound, which means
it must be finished within a particular period of time. (Key KPIs in Management Information
System (MIS), 2022).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Figure: categories of Key Performance Indicator, source: (Key KPIs in Management

Information System (MIS), 2022).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Task 3
Strategic leadership is a method or a process in which executives work together to enhance
an organization's foundation by employing various management approaches or tactics. It
develops a notion or vision for an organization's survival in competitive conditions, taking
into 1account changing circumstances such as new technology and market economic
stability. To achieve greater outcomes and productivity, strategic leaders are establishing a
motivating atmosphere at work for employees. Promoting integration and unity among
employees is critical for an organization's success (Clarenbach, 2020). The major goal of
strategic leadership is to promote new and creative ideas at work, support and execute
employee ideas, and motivate and inspire team members. All of these items and activities
are critical for an organization's effective presentation (Leavy, and McKiernan, 2020).

Strategic change
Strategic alteration is the process of constructing fundamental changes to a corporation's
operations, like new opportunities as a response to market issues. Higher management,
notably the Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for this transition. Strategic
transformation is all about having a plan and then modifying it. An approach is a
longstanding plan for realizing certain objectives. Policies should be concerned with the
future, resulting in longstanding alteration. This is essential to stay relevant in a continually
varying market. Tactical organizational transformation is the progression of management
strategy in an orderly manner to achieve corporate objectives and missions. Strategic
randomness is difficult to predict and control, which is one of its features. As a result, many
firms prepare for any eventuality. The long-term survival of a corporation depends on
strategic change management. Corporations that denied to follow their strategies, such as
Nokia in the smartphone sector, will fall overdue and ultimately be driven out. Industries
will not be able to survive if they do not prepare for sudden, unplanned, and dramatic
changes. Many companies act as though they are changing, but just on the surface (Dzwigol
et al., 2019).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Organizational change
An organization's or commerce's movements to change a significant portion of its processes,
like its culture, theoretical foundations, knowledge, infrastructure, or interior
developments, are referred to as organizational culture transformation. The process of
applying the alteration to spread a positive end is known as organizational modification, and
it generally contains 3 phases: planning, implementation, and follow-up. " Organizational
transformation" is a broad term. A comprehensive transition is an instance of a big change
in a corporation's strategy. Other adjustments are more subtle, focus on a specific
characteristic of an occupation. It is crucial to think about difference as a series of events.
On one hand, there is an adaptive modification, which relates to the little repeats. There is,
on the other side, transformative development. Businesses create adaptive alterations to fit
changing needs by making small, progressive changes. These are often little modifications
and changes that good managers make in order to transmit out professional strategies. At
somewhat point sideways the process, leadership may add, delete, or alter procedures.
Adaptive transformation is exemplified by a company that upgrades its supercomputer
software packages from Windows 8 to Windows 10 (Hanelt et al., 2021).

Adaptive changes are slighter and less significant than transformative variations. Frequently,
they require concurrent changes in purpose and direction, company or team makeup,
individuals and executive performance, or operational procedures. These improvements
might take a longer time and more work to execute with their varying sizes. However,
transformational improvements are not always followed in retort to peripheral services such
as the appearance of a new troublemaking contestant or issues affecting an establishment's
distribution network. Customer relationship management software (CRM) adoption is an
example of transformational development since all departments are expected to
comprehend and apply it. Many changes will lie somewhere in the middle of the adaptive
and transformational spectrum (Stouten et al., 2018).

The link between organizational and strategic change

The execution of change and the plan are inextricably linked. This is owing to the fact that
perhaps the effective information system must take into account a variety of aspects in

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

order to effectively execute a strategic shift. Various elements should be considered by the
administration during the plan creation process to enable efficient execution of the
intended change. Organizing your actions, the administration should produce an action plan
defining the numerous steps to be taken in the stages of enacting the strategies during the
design of the strategy. The approach really should show the different actions that will be
taken in the anthropogenic climate implementation inside a logical order. This would assist
the company in efficiently implementing the change. The characteristics of something like
the company's current organizational structure should be considered by management while
formulating the strategy. This will aid in determining if the company has the essential
structure in place to ensure any changes towards efficiency and productivity. When it comes
to executing change inside a business, communication is crucial. Management must ensure
that while establishing strategies for organizational transformation, the approach
successfully includes the organization's operational demands. This would guarantee that
good communication is maintained throughout the change implementation process (Ocasio,
Laamanen, and Vaara, 2018).

Evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to change

Transformation is a revolutionary change. This sort of shift is frequently seen in response to
changes in leadership or a catastrophe. Some advantages of revolutionary changes are,
there is a low chance that the modification will be neglected to take effect. The speed of
progress will be rapid. Any resources required by the change will be provided. A political
event is being covered. If another department objects to the change for any reason and
complains to their manager, the person who imposed the change feels accountable as well
and is hesitant to back down. It looks to have been arranged ahead of time. A change this
year to create a new Customer Services department, followed by reform the next year to
deploy a new Service Desk solution, are two instances of requirements that frequently
overlap. The following are some disadvantages: The shift in focus would not become part of
American tradition until much later. The action may be overturned a few times once the
leadership alters its emphasis. As a result of the reform being less accessible at the onset,
political capital is squandered. Job security for the leader: if the adjustment does not
provide the expected advantage or fails in any other manner, those who imposed it may be

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

fired. Other modifications may be necessary, but everyone is focused on finishing the
improvement (Ghislieri, Molino, and Cortese, 2018).

When people are convinced to change, evolutionary change happens. One or more "social
workers" see an opportunity for the firm to improve and investigate it by chatting with
others and devising a strategy that is constantly promoted. Advantages of evolutionary
modifications, if they are embraced, it is quite likely that they will become ingrained in
tradition. The planning process has engaged the assistance of additional people. The public
is more receptive to the change. Given the current situation, it's probable that change is also
necessary for the organization. Because there are more minds working on the problem,
more thoughtful solutions emerge. Some restrictions are as follows: Up ahead, it's really
dangerous. There's a good chance that people won't comprehend or accept the change.
Gaining traction is challenging. Changes will be made that may or may not move the
company on the right path. This is especially true if there is just one owner or a change
candidate. It's difficult to identify people who are capable of bringing about evolutionary
change (Borwick, 2022).

The six steps that should be taken by the leader is described below; early preparation
towards the change in the competitive environment like new technologies, explanation of
changes to the team members and other employees or the higher authorities, admire the
loss if any economic feasibility, development of the changes, create planning,
implementation of the change (Caviglia et al., 2021).

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Strategic organizational transformation underpins the practice of managing strategy in an
orderly way. The long-term survival of a corporation depends on strategic change
management. Businesses will not be able to survive if they do not prepare for sudden,
unplanned, and dramatic changes. Many businesses appear to be changing, but just on the
surface. Adaptive adjustments are less substantial and smaller than revolutionary changes.
External circumstances, such as the development of a new disruptive rival or distribution
network challenges, can prompt transformational adjustments. Many adjustments will fall
somewhere between the adaptive and transformative ends of the spectrum. Evolutionary
change occurs when people are persuaded to change. A modification this year to create a
new Customer Services department, followed by reform the next year to implement a new
Service Desk solution, are two examples of frequently overlapping requirements. The
following are the six steps that the leader should take, also followed by McColl’s group of

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

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International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

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International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India


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