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5 Put the words in the box in the correct categories.
Brazil  Central America  China  Kenya
1 Complete the dialogues with the words in brackets Saudi Arabia  Asia
and the correct form of be.
1 A: Hi, how ? (you) Countries: 1    2    3    4 
B: fine, thank you. (I) Parts of the world: 5    6 
2 A: Where from? (she) /6
B: from Paris. (She) 6 Complete the sentences with one word. The first letter
3 A: How old ? (Dan) is given.
B: 25. (he) 1 A waiter works in a r .
4 A: from Costa Rica? (your parents) 2 A n works in a hospital.
B: No, from Spain. (they). 3 A teacher works at a s .
/8 4 A s a works in a clothes shop.
2 Match the question beginnings (1–6) to the 5 A police officer works at a p s .
endings (a–f). 6 A d works at home in a studio.
1 Where /6
2 How many 7 Complete the sentences with the opposite to the
3 How adjective in bold.
4 Who 1 I live in a busy city, not a q village.
5 Do 2 My country is h in summer but very cold
6 What time in winter.
3 My parents have a big house, but I have a
a do you go to the office? s flat.
b you like your job? 4 The cafés are cheap, but the restaurants in the city
c do you finish work? centre are e .
d languages do you speak? 5 Beaches on the island are beautiful and clean, but the
e do you work with? city beach is d .
f do you live? 6 My life is interesting but my job is b .
/6 I don’t like it.
3 Match the answers (a–f) to the questions (1–6) in /6
Exercise 2. 8 In each group (1–6), three words are similar and one
a At about 6 o’clock in the evening. word is different. Which word is different?
b I take the train. 1 mosque, church, cathedral, hospital
c I work with my brother. 2 cinema, doctor, park, shop
d I live in Sydney. 3 town, school, village, city
e Just one – English. 4 nurse, boring, famous, safe
f Yes, it’s very interesting. 5 kids, people, hours, wives
1    2    3    4    5    6  6 French, Japan, Spain, Brazil
/6 /6   / 50
4 Complete the dialogue with words from the box. You
can use the words more than once.

there’s   there are  Are there  Is there

there isn’t  there aren’t

Shotaro: 1 any interesting places in

your town?
Amy: Yes, 2 an old church in the centre.
Shotaro: 3 a park?
Amy: No, 4 a park, but 5 some
nice gardens near the river.
Shotaro: 6 a university?
Amy: No, students go to the next town.

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