Sects and Violets - Blank Background

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◄ Townsfolk ►

Clockmaker You start knowing how many steps from the Demon to nearest Minion.

Dreamer Each night, choose a player (not yourself, not Travellers): you learn 1 good character & 1 evil character, 1 of which is correct.

Snake Charmer Each night, choose an alive player: a chosen Demon swaps characters & alignments with you & is then poisoned.

Mathematician Each night, you learn how many players’ abilities worked abnormally (since dawn) due to another character's ability.

Flowergirl Each night*, you learn if a Demon voted today.

Town Crier Each night*, you learn if a Minion nominated today.

Oracle Each night*, you learn how many dead players are evil.

Savant Each day, you may visit the Storyteller to learn 2 things in private: 1 is true & 1 is false.

Seamstress Once per game, at night, choose 2 players (not yourself): you learn if they are the same alignment.

Philosopher Once per game, at night, choose a good character: gain that ability. If this character is in play, they are drunk.

Artist Once per game, during the day, privately ask the Storyteller any yes/no question.

Juggler On your 1st day, publicly guess up to 5 player's characters. That night, you learn how many you got correct.

Sage If the Demon kills you, you learn that it is 1 of 2 players.

◄ Outsiders ►
Mutant If you are “mad” about being an Outsider, you might be executed.

Sweetheart When you die, 1 player is drunk from now on.

Barber If you died today or tonight, the Demon may choose 2 players (not another Demon) to swap characters.

Klutz When you learn that you died, publicly choose an alive good player, or your team loses.

◄ Minions ►
Evil Twin You & an opposing player know each other. If the good player is executed, evil wins. Good can't win if you both live.

Witch Each night, choose a player: if they nominate tomorrow, they die. If just 3 players live, you lose this ability.

Cerenovus Each night, choose a player & a good character: they are “mad” about being this character tomorrow, or might be executed.

Pit-Hag Each night*, choose a player & a character they become (if not-in-play). If a Demon is made, deaths tonight are arbitrary.

◄ Demons ►
Fang Gu Each night*, choose a player: they die. The 1st Outsider this kills becomes an evil Fang Gu & you die instead. [+1 Outsider]

Vigormortis Each night*, choose a player: they die. Minions you kill keep their ability & poison 1 Townsfolk neighbour. [−1 Outsider]

No Dashii Each night*, choose a player: they die. Your 2 Townsfolk neighbours are poisoned.

Vortox Each night*, choose a player: they die. Townsfolk abilities yield false info. Each day, if no-one is executed, evil wins.

* Not the first night.

2021-01-01 Ben Finney, after designs © 2014–2020 Steven Medway and The Pandemonium Institute.
Vibrant spring gives way to a warm an inviting summer. Flowers of
every description blossom as far as the eye can see, tenderly nurtured in
public gardens and window boxes overlooking the lavish promenade.
Birds sing, artists paint, and philosophers ponder life’s greatest mysteries
inside a bustling tavern as a circus pitches its endearingly ragged tent on
the edge of town.

As the townsfolk bask in frivolity and mischief, indulging themselves in

fine entertainment and even finer wine, dark and clandestine forces are
assembling. Witches and cults lurk in majestic ruins on the fringes of the
community, hosting secret meetings in underground caves and
malevolently plotting the downfall of Ravenswood Bluff and its resident

The time is ripe for ...


Total Residents





2021-01-01 Ben Finney, after designs © 2014–2020 Steven Medway and The Pandemonium Institute.
First Night
Confirm all players have eyes closed. Wait approximately 10 seconds.
Each Traveller with a first-night ability 👁 acts. 😴
Minion info If this game has 7 or more players:
M • 👁 If more than one Minion, they all make eye contact with each other.
• Show the “This is the Demon” card. Point to the Demon. 😴

Demon info If this game has 7 or more players:

D • 👁 Show the “These are your minions” card. Point to each Minion.
• Show the “These characters are not in play” card. Show 3 character tokens of good characters not in play. 😴
Philosopher 👁 The Philosopher either shows a “no” head signal, or points to a good character on their sheet. 😴
If they chose a character: The Philosopher gains that ability. ❍ If the character is in play: That player is drunk. ❍

Snake Charmer 👁 The Snake Charmer points to a player. 😴 If that player is the Demon:
• Swap the Snake Charmer and Demon character tokens. ❍
• 👁 Wake the new Demon. Show the “You are” card, then the thumb-down “evil” sign. Show the “You are” card,
then the Demon token. 😴
• The new Snake Charmer is poisoned ❍. 👁 Wake the new Snake Charmer. Show the “You are” card, then the
thumb-up “good” sign. Show the “You are” card, then the Snake Charmer token. 😴
Evil Twin ❍
👁 Wake the Evil Twin and their twin. Confirm that they have acknowledged each other.
Point to the Evil Twin. Show the Evil Twin token to the twin player.
Point to the twin. Show their character token to the Evil Twin player. 😴
Witch 👁 The Witch points to a player. 😴 Place the “Cursed” marker on that player position.

Cerenovus 👁 The Cerenovus points to a player, then to a character on their sheet. 😴

That player ❍ should “be mad about” being that character ❍. 👁 Wake that player. Show the “This ability selected
you” card, then the Cerenovus token. Show the “mad about being” marker, then that character token. 😴

Clockmaker 👁 Show the hand signal (1, 2, 3, etc.) for the number of places from Demon to closest Minion. 😴

Dreamer 👁 The Dreamer points to a player not themselves and not a Traveller.
Show two character tokens, one of which is that player's character and one which is opposite alignment. 😴

Seamstress 👁 The Seamstress either shows a “no” head signal, or points to two other players.
If the Seamstress chose players ❍, nod “yes” or shake “no” for whether those players are of same alignment.

Flowergirl Place the “Demon did not vote” marker. ❍

Town Crier Place the “Minions did not nominate” marker. ❍

Mathematician 👁 Show the hand signal (0, 1, 2, etc.) for the number of “Abnormal Effect” markers. 😴
Remove all the “Abnormal Effect” markers. ❍

Dawn Wait approximately 10 seconds.

Call for eyes open; immediately announce players who died.

↷ Turn this night sheet over, to show the Other Nights sequence.

2021-01-01 Ben Finney, after designs © 2014–2020 Steven Medway and The Pandemonium Institute.
Other Nights
Dusk If the Vortox is active and no-one was executed today, evil wins immediately. If not:
• 😴 Confirm all players have eyes closed. Wait approximately 10 seconds.
• Each Traveller with a night ability 👁 acts. 😴
Philosopher If the Philosopher has not yet used their ability:
• 👁 The Philosopher either shows a “no” head signal, or points to a good character on their sheet. 😴
• If they chose a character: The Philosopher gains that ability. ❍ If the character is in play: That player is drunk. ❍
Snake Charmer 👁 The Snake Charmer points to a player. 😴 If that player is the Demon:
• Swap the Snake Charmer and Demon character tokens. ❍ 👁 Wake the new Demon. Show the “You are” card,
then the thumb-down “evil” sign. Show the “You are” card, then the Demon token. 😴
• The new Snake Charmer is poisoned ❍. 👁 Wake the new Snake Charmer. Show the “You are” card, then the
thumb-up “good” sign. Show the “You are” card, then the Snake Charmer token. 😴
Witch 👁 The Witch points to a player. 😴 Place the “Cursed” marker on that player position.

Cerenovus 👁 The Cerenovus points to a player, then to a character on their sheet. 😴

That player ❍ should “be mad about” being that character ❍. 👁 Wake that player. Show the “This ability selected
you” card, then the Cerenovus token. Show the “mad about being” marker, then that character token. 😴
Pit-Hag 👁 The Pit-Hag points to a player, and a character on their sheet. 😴 If the character is not in play:
• Replace that player's character token with the chosen character token. ❍
• 👁 Wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the new character token. Show the “You are” token, then the
hand sign (thumb-up “good”, thumb-down “evil”) for the player's alignment. 😴
Fang Gu 👁 The Fang Gu points to a player. 😴 That player dies. ❍ Or, if that player is the first Outsider killed this way:
• The Fang Gu dies ❍ instead of the chosen player. The chose player is now an evil Fang Gu. ❍
• 👁 Wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the Fang Gu token.
Show the “You are” card, then the thumb-down “evil” hand sign. 😴
Vigormortis 👁 The Vigormortis points to a player. 😴 That player dies. ❍
If that player is a Minion, they keep their ability ❍ and one of their Townsfolk neighbours is poisoned ❍.
No Dashii 👁 The No Dashii points to a player. 😴 That player dies. ❍

Vortox 👁 The Vortox points to a player. 😴 That player dies. ❍

Barber If the Barber died today, or when the Barber dies tonight:
• 👁 Wake the Demon. Show the “This ability targeted you” card, then the Barber token.
• The Demon either shows a “no” head signal, or points to 2 players, not other Demons. 😴 If they chose players:
• Swap the character tokens ❍. 👁 Wake each player. Show “You are”, then their character token. 😴
Sage If the Sage was killed by a Demon:
• 👁 Point to two players, one of which is the Demon. 😴
Dreamer 👁 The Dreamer points to a player not themselves and not a Traveller.
Show two character tokens, one of which is that player's character and one which is opposite alignment. 😴
Flowergirl 👁 Show the head signal (nod “yes”, shake “no”) for whether the Demon voted today. 😴
Place the “Demon did not vote” marker (remove “Demon did vote”, if any). ❍
Town Crier 👁 Show the head signal (nod “yes”, shake “no”) for whether any Minion nominated today. 😴
Place the “Minions did not nominate” marker (remove “Minion nominated”, if any). ❍
Oracle 👁 Show the hand signal (0, 1, 2, etc.) for the number of dead evil players. 😴

Seamstress If the Seamstress has not yet used their ability:

• 👁 The Seamstress either shows a “no” head signal, or points to two other players.
• If the Seamstress chose players ❍, nod “yes” or shake “no” for whether those players are of same alignment.
Juggler If today was the Juggler's first day:
• 👁 Show the hand signal (0, 1, 2, etc.) for the number of “Correct” markers. 😴
• Remove the Juggler “Correct” markers.
Mathematician 👁 Show the hand signal (0, 1, 2, etc.) for the number of “Abnormal Effect” markers. 😴
Remove all the “Abnormal Effect” markers. ❍
Dawn Wait approximately 10 seconds.
Call for eyes open; immediately announce which players died, and which players are newly alive.

2021-01-01 Ben Finney, after designs © 2014–2020 Steven Medway and The Pandemonium Institute.

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