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Inquiries, Investigation,
and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module
2 – Lesson 3
Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions
and Making Recommendations
Recommendations Based on Conclusions)
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 2 – Lesson 3: Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations (Making Recommendations Based on

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module


Devie A. Batangoso – Master Teacher I, Pamplona National High School


1. Gilda A. Castañeda – Dalipay High School

2. Angustia P. Oraa – Visita de Salog High School
3. Gemma A. Realo – Don Mariano C. Veneracion National High School


1. Preciosa R. Dela Vega, EPS-English, SDO Camarines Sur

2. Jeanette M. Romblon, EPS I - English, SDO Masbate City

Illustrators and Layout Artists:

1. Edmark M. Pado – Cabugao Elementary School

2. Mary Jane S. San Agustin – Fundado Elementary School

Printed in the Philippines by
Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations
2 Lesson 3- Making Recommendations Based on Conclusions

This module will help the learners make recommendations based on the given
conclusions of their research study.

Learning Target

In this module, you are expected to make recommendations based on the

given conclusions of your research study.

Vocabulary List

The following term will be encountered in the lesson:

the suggestions or methods on how to handle the conclusion.
the critical suggestions regarding the best course of action in a certain situation
provides a beneficial guide that will not only resolve certain issues, but will also
result in a beneficial outcome
always based on certain data and cannot be speculated.
urge specific actions to be taken with regard to policy, practice, theory, or
subsequent research

Warming Up

WriteT if the statement is true and

F if the statement is false. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, recommendations serve
as practical suggestions for future research in similar field.
_____2. Recommendations are envisioned to further improve the pertinent variables
that were the subject of the investigation undertaken.
_____3. Recommendations are not expressed in clear and concise terms.
_____4. Recommendations are relevant to the research problems and are feasible
for implementation.
_____5. The general recommendation may not be stated giving suggested measures
to concern agencies, institutions, or to the government that may lead
towards the betterment of society.

Learning About It

The results of the research from the logical findings and conclusions
need to have the corresponding recommendations from the researchers. This
will provide you ideas in writing your recommendations.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, these serve as
practical suggestions for future research in similar fields. They are envisioned
to further improve the pertinent variables that were the subject of the
investigation undertaken.
Recommendations are expressed in clear and concise terms. They are
relevant to the research problems and feasible for implementation. The
general recommendations may also be stated giving suggested measures to
concerned agencies, institutions, or to the government that may lead towards
the betterment of society in general.
The researcher’s final recommendation is addressed to other
researchers who may want to pursue similar studies. Moreover, suggested
topics of interest or variables are given. In the case that the qualitative study
is conducted to propose an intervention program, the recommendation will be
the adaptation of said program.
Formulating the Recommendations of the Study
In preparing this part of your paper, remember that in making your
recommendations, you must show how your results support them. A
recommendation for a preferred alternative should include:
a. specific statements on what should be done, the steps required to
implement the policy, and the resources needed.
b. discussion of the benefits to the organization and what problems
would be corrected or avoided.
c. discussion of the feasibility of the proposed policy and
d. general statement about the nature and timing of the evaluation
plan that would be used to determine the effectiveness of the
proposed policy.

The crafted recommendations of the speaking anxiety study to the Le Thanh

Hien High School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety

Findings Conclusions Recommendatio
1. The 1.Students spoke very 1. Teachers
students were little or not at all should first
not given improve the
enough time performance
to prepare for conditions
a speaking by giving
task before their
the task was students
performed. time to
prepare for a
2. When the 2.Students could not think of anything to say 2. Teachers
students should help
were asked their
to work in students to
groups, not overcome
all of them inhibition
were eager to
and shyness
by having
their opinions
in English. friendly,
Some of helpful and
them cooperative
participated behaviors to
actively but make the
the others students feel
spoke very comfortable
little or not at when
all. speaking in
the class.
3.They 3.Students used 3. Teachers
tended to use Vietnamese instead of English when they should
Vietnamese discuss in groups or in pairs. personalize
when they and simplify
discussed in the topics in
groups the textbook
to make them
easier, more
and relevant
to their lives.

4.While the 4.Teachers
students should
were create an
making English
performance speaking
s, the other environment
students in by
class did not encouraging
listen the students
attentively. to use
They even English in
chatted with the
the people 4.Students did not have classroom
next to them motivation to express to make it a
when their themselves habit.

5.The 5.Students did not have motivation to express 5.Students

students themselves. should first
looked very understand
nervous the
when they importance
spoke in of speaking
front of the
they did not
know what to
say then
kept silent.

Keeping You in Practice

Making Recommendations Based on Conclusions

Observe the following rubrics for Practice Task 1, 2 and 3: Rubrics:
Content ------------------------------------------------------ 30
Organization of the Content --------------------------- 30
Presentation of Ideas ------------------------------------ 20
Completeness of Presentation ------------------------ 20
Total --------------------------------------------------------- 100 points

Practice Task 1: See the Future

Write the recommendations of your own research study with the given
title, findings and conclusions. Write your answer in a separate sheet of

Title: _______________________________________________________________

1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________

1. _________________________________________________________

Practice Task 2: Mature to Try

Given the Title, Findings and Conclusions below try to give recommendations on
the research study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Title: Perceived Motivational Factors of Senior High Teachers in Using Social Media
and Its Effects on Senior High students in Pamplona National High School.

1. The researchers learned that having no time for opening social media application
due to lots of tasks either academic or household chores is not the effect of
integrating social media for educational purposes.

2. The most frequent reasons of teachers why they are motivated to use social
media for educational purposes are- they just want to be updated on the school
happenings and to communicate with other faculty members and school
administrator, and if needed only in their concerns with tasks.

1. The researchers come up with a conclusion that the effect of social media’s
utilization for educational purposes in terms of personal aspects, students can be
able to search/ gather information or ideas about certain issues.

2. The researchers concluded that the least effect to students of integrating social
media for educational purposes is lack of time for opening social media
application due to lots of household chores and academic tasks.

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________

Additional Tasks
Observe the following rubrics for Practice Task 1: Rubrics:
Content ----------------------------------------------------- 30
Organization of the Content --------------------------- 30
Presentation of Ideas ------------------------------------ 20
Completeness of Presentation ------------------------ 20
Total ---------------------------------------------------------100 points

Task 1: Express my Expertise

Try to complete the details of the given statements below based on a
given research study. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper

Title: Stress Management Skills Under Pressure in Line With Computer Connections
of CSS 11 & 12 Students of Pamplona National High School (Rovy Jean
Porlaje, 2019, Pamplona National HS, Pamplona, Camarines Sur)

1. Most frequent stressors of the students are school related stressors, followed by
personal factors such as the family issues, personal economic problems and
inherent personality characteristics encompass the students' lives.

2. Some students succumb into stress because of their looks. It lowered their
selfconfidence and self- esteem because of unfair treatment of the world and
some are fall into insecurity which is the down cast.

3. Work overload of the students result in Hyper Stress that pushes students beyond
what they can handle. Little or simple things like school works trigger their
emotional response that lead to serious emotional and physical repercussion.
Hypo Stress is the opposite which is the results when the students bored by an
unchallenged job such as working the same task over and over again. Because of
these, students trapped as restlessness and lack of inspiration.

1. The problems of the students are different due to their uniqueness, adaptation,
vulnerability, involvements and simple excellent techniques specifically their locus
of control.
2. Procrastination, thieve time, one attitude that is very common among a lot of
students (more on later) because of many circumstances diving headfirst into
crossing consequences ahead. Every student has a life outside the academic
curriculum and school environment. Thereby, it hides awful matters beyond those
smiles enable to pretend and to become an extraordinary person.
3. So many students shine beyond those threatening stresses under severe
pressure while others are stocked.

2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________

Cooling Down

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. Recommendations should follow logically from discussions of the findings
and conclusions.
_____2. Your recommendations should be placed in the same order as the
_____3. The recommendations may be summarized according to the groups to
which they are directed.
_____4. A recommendation report is a paper that compares two or more products or
solution and makes a recommendation about which is the best option and
recommends a course of action.
_____5. A recommendation report proposes few potential solutions to a problem and
concludes by recommending the best one.
_____6. Recommendation reports are overtly persuasive since they make a final
recommendation that is informed by research and evidence.
_____7. A recommendation report does not propose multiple solutions to a problem
and recommends the best one.
_____8. All recommendation reports address a real and important problem.

_____9. Recommendation reports sometimes require in-depth research that can
range from conducting interviews and surveys to reading peer-viewed
journal articles or other related documents.
_____10. Your recommendation section should not be justified with what you have
found in conclusions and you can’t recommend something without first of
all making a decision.

Learning Challenge

Task 1: What is a reference material? Write your answer in a separate sheet of

1. ______________________________________________ 2.
3. ______________________________________________

Task 2: List down five (5) examples of reference materials you used in your
research study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. ___________________________________________________ 2.
___________________________________________________ 3.
___________________________________________________ 4.
5. ___________________________________________________

Points to Ponder

It is a part of research paper which explains the study’s relevance to the field
and the applicability of its findings to other similar or related studies in the future.


Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017. Enhanced

Teacher’s Manual Practical Research 1 for Senior High
School Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.

Faltado III, Ruben E., Bombita, Medardo B., Boholano, Helen B., Pogoy, Angeline M.
(2016). Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research for Senior High School (Applied
Subject). Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.p. 121

Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017). Practical

Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc. p. 240-244; 251-252

Perceived Motivational Factors of Senior High Teachers in Using Social Media and Its
Effects on Senior High students in Pamplona National High School, Neil Morillo, 2020

Stress Management Skills Under Pressure in Line with Computer Connections of

CSS 11 & 12 Students of Pamplona National High School. Rovy Jean Porlaje, 2019,
Pamplona National HS, Pamplona, Camarines Sur

Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance at Le Thanh Hien High School”

Nguyen Hoang Tuan and Tran Ngoc Mai retrieved from Asian Journal of Educational
Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015

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