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International Interactions

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A decision making model: Its structure and form

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

To cite this article: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (1997) A decision making model: Its structure and
form, International Interactions, 23:3-4, 235-266, DOI: 10.1080/03050629708434909

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International Interactions © 1997 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association)
Vol. 23, Nos. 3-4, pp. 235-266 Amsterdam B.V. Published under license
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Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA

(Received for Publication May 5, 1997)

I explain the logic and real-time track record of the expected utility model used for
forecasting the outcome and dynamics of political choices. The model represents an
example of applied modeling. It is a tool designed for practical application. As such,
some sacrifices in theoretical or analytic purity are made to gain empirical leverage. At
the same time, the model remains faithful to the rational choice perspective that suggests
that decision makers do what they believe is in their best interest. Decision makers are
modeled as individuals with bounded rationality, who are not able to look ahead over
an unbounded time horizon, but instead see only one move ahead of their current choice.
Furthermore, while they update information, they do so crudely. I also attempt to
explain limitations of the model and areas for further improvement.

KEY WORDS: expected utility, decision making

This essay is intended to provide a background into the logic of the

expected utility model. In doing so I try to explain how the model
works, how it explains political decision making, and how well it has
done in actual use in real time. I also attempt to explain limitations of
the model and areas for further improvement.
The expected utility model represents an example of applied
modeling. It is a tool designed for practical application. As such, some
sacrifices in theoretical or analytic purity are made to gain empirical
leverage. At the same time, the model remains faithful to the rational
choice perspective that suggests that decision makers do what they
believe is in their best interest. The decision makers in this model,
however, are not fully rational. Rather, they are modeled as individ-
uals with bounded rationality, who are not able to look ahead over an
unbounded time horizon, but instead see only one move ahead of their
current choice. Furthermore, while they update information, they do
so crudely.
Some rules governing choices in the expected utility model are only
ad hoc approximations of what one would expect in a model of full
rationality. These concessions to tractability are unfortunate from an
analytic point of view, but they are essential to make this a useful tool
for real decision makers concerned with applying it in real time. I
mention these points in the hope that the reader will bear in mind that
the objective behind this modeling is to emphasize application over
analytic purity. That is not to say that the model is not rigorous for it
surely is. Rather I wish to convey the understanding that most means
for making it more rigorous theoretically would also limit its use to
deriving propositions at the expense of abandoning its applications to
strategic planning and prediction. This is a model meant to be used
actively to explain and to shape politics.


The expected utility model is concerned with explaining how policy

positions of competing interests evolve over time. It leads to predic-
tions about policy outcomes and identifies strategic opportunities for
altering them. As such^ it can be used by political scientists to explain
and predict political decisions at any level of analysis. It can also be
used by policy makers to anticipate outcomes and to reshape them to
be more in line with their own interests.
The model described here has been more fully discussed elsewhere.
Readers interested in a more thorough grounding should consult Bueno
de Mesquita (1984); Bueno de Mesquita, Newman and Rabushka
(1985, 1996); Bueno de Mesquita and Stokman (1994). The model
focuses on the application of Black's (1958) median voter theorem and
Banks' (1990) theorem about the monotonicity between certain expec-
tations and the escalation of political disputes. These theorems, along
with ideas from bargaining theory, foster the development of a quasi-
dynamic political model, that includes detailed expectations about the
agreements or compromises that various "players" are willing to make
over time. It also includes an assessment of the anticipated ultimate
resolution of the issues in question.
Two constraints are assumed to facilitate prediction and expla-
nation: (1) that issues are unidimensional, so that preferences can be
represented on a line segment, and (2) that preferences (and associ-
ated utilities) for potential outcomes diminish steadily the farther in
Euclidean distance a possible settlement is from one's preferred out-
come. These two constraints are requirements of the median voter
theorem. Black's theorem proves that the outcome desired by the
median voter is the winning position under the constraints just assumed
provided a simple majority is required for victory. Of course, since all
interesting political problems do not involve voting, I assume that the
exercise of power by mobilizing resources is the non-voting analog of
votes in most political interactions. The decision rule need not require
a majority of power in support of a position, and can be adapted to
require a super-majority or to empower one or more stakeholders with
a veto.
The model deviates from the median voter theorem in one other
important way. Black assumed that all voters vote and that they do so
strictly according to their preferences over the alternatives. This is a
natural way to look at decision making in democratic systems.
However, as already noted, Black's theorem has much to tell us in
non-voting situations as well. In applying the median voter theorem to
these other settings we must recognize that not everyone is free to
"vote" or act according to their own preferences over outcomes.
Indeed, Black's theorem did not allow for the possibility that votes are
coerced, but coercion is a distinct possibility in most political settings.
The model discussed here recognizes this. It allows for the possibility
that some decision makers are compelled to throw their support
behind an alternative that they prefer less than another choice with
which they are confronted. Through coercion, it is possible for players
to cross over the median voter position, having been compelled to back
an outcome farther away from their true wishes than is the median
voter. This creates the possibility that the median voter outcome can
shift over time though new voters neither enter nor leave the system.
The monotonicity theorem provides a basis for predicting when
policy debates are expected to produce negotiated settlements or are
expected to lead to an escalation of friction between competing inte-
rests. Banks' monotonicity theorem highlights an important feature of
all pohtics. It tells us that the more one expects to gain from challenging

a rival perspective, the more likely one is to undertake the challenge.

This simple statement turns out to have interesting and sometimes
surprising implications for political intercourse. In particular, Banks'
monotonicity result provides part of the theoretical basis for the intro-
duction of coercion into spatial analysis. It offers insights into how to
expand the analysis of decision making into arenas in which rational
actors can be compelled to back policies that in a less constrained
environment they would prefer to oppose.
By using the monotonicity result and the median voter theorem I
suggest a simple model of perceptions and expectations. That model
helps us comprehend bargaining and shapes an understanding of the
conditions that can lead a negotiation to become excessively conflictual
or to break down. I capitalize on the perceptual features of the
proposed model by using comparative static techniques to describe the
process by which negotiations unfold, moving from one set of circum-
stances (and outcomes) to another and another.
The model itself depicts a game in which actors simultaneously
make proposals, and exert influence on one another. They then eva-
luate options and build coalitions by shifting positions on the issue in
question. The above steps are repeated sequentially until the issue is
resolved. In the game, each player knows three factors: the potential
power and policy position of each actor on each issue examined, and
the salience each actor associates with those issues. The decision
makers, stakeholders, or players, do not know how much others value
alternative outcomes or what perceptions others have about their risks
and opportunities. Each decision maker chooses based on his or her
perceptions and expectations, with these perceptions and expectations
sometimes being in error. 1
Of the infinitely many possible proposals to resolve some issue a,
how are we to predict which will be chosen? To answer this question,
let us first learn a little more about each actor i. In this analysis, each
decision maker is endowed with three characteristics. Each player
attaches some utility to each possible outcome on issue a, as already
noted. Each participant in the bargaining process is also endowed with
the power to exert some influence over decisions. Let c^ be the
capabilities (or power) actor i could bring to bear on issue a, such that
the sum of the capabilities of the participants in a multilateral decision
making setting is I. 2 ct is, then, actor i's share of the total potential
influence that could be brought to bear in the negotiations over some
issue a. Each participant has its own agenda of priorities or salience
that it attaches to the issues that must be confronted. Thus, i may
attach considerable importance to issue a and considerably less im-
portance to issue b.3 Any aggregation of individuals with identical
values on all three of these variables can constitute a stakeholder for
the purposes of this model. Differences on the available pool of
resources or on preferred outcomes or on salience mean that the
aggregation of individuals makes up more than one group and must
so be treated.
Note that actors are defined only by the three characteristics of
capabilities, policy preference and salience. This means that an actor
can be an individual, a group, an entire nation, a bloc of alliances,
international organization, or anything in between. In that sense, this
is a quite generic model that is equally applicable to interpersonal
decision making, group decision making and to interstate interactions.
Its application recognizes no level of analysis restrictions.
When alternative courses of action are pitted against each other, the
array of forces on either side often determines victory. Of course, this
array depends on more than the relative power of the competing
interests. It depends also on the willingness to spend influence on the
issue in question [st]—a budget constraint—and the intensity with
which each actor prefers one proposed settlement.4 Thus, each group
has a total number of potential "votes" equal to its capabilities, a
factor that may be influenced by external considerations and/or by the
institutional arrangements that provide structural constraints on the
decision making process. Where structural constraints are relevant, as
in qualified majority voting in the European Union, Congressional
voting following a Presidential veto, Security Council choices, etc., the
model can be readily adapted by changing its key decision rule—the
median voter rate—to reflect the operative rule in the situation.
The "votes" cast by actor j in a comparison of alternatives xj and
xk are said to equal t>/*, where

<p£\x],xk)=(f:XsiWxJ-Jx& (1)
Thus, the "vote" or power mobilized by actor i in a comparison of two
alternatives (xj and xk) is equal to the potential capabilities of i
discounted by how important the issue is to i (i.e., si) and by how much
i prefers one proposal to the other (u'xj—u'xk).
The "voting" scheme reflects, if you like, what takes place "inside
the smoke-filled room" before the formal, visible decision-making pro-
cess occurs. It assumes that any formal process echoes the agreements
reached beforehand. Put differently, it assumes that stakeholders
anticipate future action in the immediately next stage of decision
making, using backward induction. They anticipate how the formal
decision making setting will influence all actions and pick proposals in
the "smoke-filled room" that they believe will survive the formal
process. Stakeholders are bounded in their rationality, however, in that
they are unable to look farther ahead than the next stage of decision
making. So, their choices are locally rational, but may turn out to be
inefficient two or more steps down the road.
The prospect that a proposal will succeed is assumed to depend on
how much support can be mustered in its favor as compared to the
feasible alternatives. This is calculated as the sum of "votes" across all
actors in a comparison between Xj and xk. This sum equals vJk, with


If vjli is greater than zero that implies that x} defeats xk because the
tacit coalition in favor of / s proposal is more motivated and powerful
than the coalition supporting k's proposal. If vjk is less than zero, xs is
expected to be defeated by xk and if vjk equals zero the competing
interests are collectively indifferent between the two alternatives.
In any negotiation, there are likely to be many more than two pro-
posed settlements. By pitting all alternatives against one another two
at a time, the outcome preferred by the median voter (weighted by
power, salience and intensity of preference) is found. Barring percep-
tions or beliefs that lead decision makers to switch their position, the
median voter position is the predicted outcome (Black, 1958). In the
original version of the expected utility model, the median voter
position was always the predicted outcome. However, the current
version allows decision makers to switch positions in response to
proposals and pressures from one another. By doing so, the model now
provides a quasi-dynamic element.
In practice, perceptions or beliefs often lead decision makers to
grant concessions or to give in to a rival's point of view, sometimes
needlessly. Such concessions or capitulations can change the location
of the median voter. For now we only note that the initial median
voter outcome can be the predicted outcome provided key actors do
not switch positions in a way that alters the location of the median
voter. Of course, providing an accounting of when such switches in
position are expected to take place is crucial.
The basic, median voter prediction is not the final prediction of the
model. The beliefs and perceptions of the relevant actors frequently
suggest compromises and concessions that one or another actor is
willing to pursue and that other actors are willing or compelled to
accept. These beliefs and perceptions may influence the array of
interests sufficiently to require re-estimating the median voter, perhaps
several times, until perceptions and positions stabilize around the
"dominant" outcome. To undertake such before-the-fact analytic
updating it is necessary first to develop the means to estimate the
relevant beliefs and perceptions.


The forecasting element of the model reveals what decision makers

should expect if everyone acts sincerely according to their underlying
preferences. What, however, can a decision maker do if the predicted
outcome is not to his or her liking? Are there strategic maneuvers that
can improve the expected outcome?
It is possible and indeed likely that actors will engage in private,
sophisticated deals to rearrange the prospective resolution of a contro-
versial issue. These deals may be the result of cooperation and
coordination among a subset of stakeholders or they may be the
product of conflict and coercion. When deals are produced by coor-
dination among actors, the "deal making" reflects the essence of
negotiations/The perceptual model guides inquiries to facilitate under-
standing which "deals" are feasible and which are not. It points out
how to construct the dominant outcome with strategically sophisti-
cated approaches to resolve a policy issue. If an interest group is
dissatisfied with the expected outcome, there are essentially four
courses of action by which this group—the focal group—might im-
prove its prospects:
1. Alter its own level of effort (i.e., change s,);
2. Shift its revealed position;5
3. Influence groups who are willing or can be compelled to make
concessions to the focal group to alter their level of effort (i.e.,
sk); or
4. Influence groups who are willing or can be compelled to make
concessions to the focal group so that those other groups alter
their revealed position.6
Here we focus only on point 4, maneuvers that involve persuading or
coercing other groups to switch positions, with the direction and size
of any changes in position being dictated by the logic behind the
model. Changes in salience are treated analogously. Decision makers
interested in learning what leverage they can exert could benefit from
estimating the beliefs held by each other actor.7 These are used to
estimate each player's expected utility from challenging or not chal-
lenging the policy proposal backed by each potential rival. They also
help approximate the utility each actor i believes its rival expects to
derive from challenging or not challenging the policy goals of actor i.
Decision makers are assumed to calculate the expected consequences
of challenging and of not challenging alternative proposals. The
expected utility for i from not challenging rival/s position is denoted
as E'u'Axjld, with d denoting the failure to challenge or make a
proposal. This expected utility is estimated by projecting what the
relevant decision maker believes is likely to happen without the
exertion of pressure on a rival to persuade the opponent to alter its
behavior. One of three contingencies may arise: actor / may anticipate
that^ with some probability (Ql) rival j is the type that will not alter
its current policies over the period of concern to i, giving group i
whatever utility it receives from the_ preservation of the status quo
between itself and j [with (u'AxJ\d) being the associated utility];
i may anticipate t h a t / s position on the issues will change (1—Q'), in
which case there is some chance (T) that, from j's perspective,
the policies of j are anticipated to get better [with u'Axj" \d being the
associated utility] or to get worse, with probability 1 — T [with
(fc?AxJ\d being the associated utility), so that uiAxf\d>uiAxj\d>
i^AxJ\d)]. fs expected utility if it leaves / s proposal unchallenged is
described as:

t S d ] . (3)
i can challenge j's position on issue a by proposing a change in j's
position. In doing so, actor i presumably takes into account the
probability that j does not care enough about the issue to resist the
proposed settlement by i (1 — sj). i also considers the possibility that j
will resist i's proposal (sj). If there is resistance, then there is some
likelihood that i will succeed in enforcing its wishes onj (P') and some
probability that it will fail (1—P'). Should i succeed, then i will derive
the utility associated with compelling or convincing j to switch from
its current policy stance to that supported by /. This is denoted by
i/Axf\d, which equals u'fxi—Xj). Should i fail, then it confronts the
prospect of having to abandon its objectives in favor of those pursued
by j , denoted by u'Axj" \d=u'(Xj—JC(). The expected utility for challeng-
ing/s proposed resolution of the multilateral dispute (EVAxj\d) is

} \d] + (l-P^u'Ax^ \d}}

rf], (4)

so that the overall expected utility of i with respect to / s outlook on

issue a is

EVAxj=EyAxj\(l-EVAxj\2. (5)

Equations (3) and (4) reflect each actor's effort to look ahead and
estimate the consequences of alternative actions. The difference between
the two initial actions—challenge or not challenge—is represented in
equation (5). If equation (5) is greater than zero, then i believes that
challenging/s position is superior to not challenging it. In that case,
i is assumed to make a proposal of its own. If equation (5) is less than
zero, then not challenging is preferred and i is said to be deterred.
If (5) equals zero, then i is indifferent between challenging and not
challenging/s proposed settlement. Each actor evaluates equation;(5)
vis-a-vis each other actor. In doing so, actors consider the expected
actions of third parties. The estimates of P', the subjective probability
that i will be successful, include calculations of how i expects all other
parties to respond to a dispute over policy settlements between i and j .
In particular, Pl places each other actor in i's coalition, / s coalition,
or in a neutral position as indicated by each third party's preference
for i's policy proposal or j's. j makes a comparable calculation (as
does each keN). Because equation (5) includes such subjective ele-
ments as utilities and subjective probabilities, estimating a complete
matrix of expected utilities that capture all possible confrontations,
compromises, and capitulations among all the participants in the
relevant political arena is possible.
Once the expected utility values are estimated, we can denote each
relationship between pairs of stakeholders. If equation (5) is positive
for i and negative for./ then the relationship implies either compromise
or coercion. If the value of (5) for i is greater than the absolute value
of (5) as calculated for/ then both players agree that i has the upper
hand. In this instance, j is expected to be willing to offer concessions
to i, although the concessions are not likely to be as large as what i
would like. The likely resolution of their exchange is a compromise
reflecting the weighted average of f's expectations and / s . If equation
(5) is positive for i and negative for/ and the absolute value of (5) from
/ s point of view is larger than the value of (5) from i perspective, then
j is compelled to accept I'S wishes unless someone else offers j an
enforceable compromise that spares it from having to capitulate to i.
If both i and j believe that they have the upper hand in the
relationship, then conflict is likely and that conflict has an uncertain
outcome. In international disputes, this situation is highly correlated
with the probability of a war (Bueno de Mesquita, 1985). Should both
/ and j believe that equation (5) is negative for them, then there may
be blustering and bluffing. Nevertheless, the expectation is that the
relationship is a stalemate. The most likely outcome is that the status
quo will continue to prevail between / and j .


The various components of equation (5) must each be measured for

the model to have practical value. The measurement procedures are
explained in considerable detail elsewhere (Bueno de Mesquita, 1985,
1990; Bueno de Mesquita, Newman and Rabushka, 1985; Bueno de
Mesquita and Lalman, 1986, 1992), so here I provide only brief,
summary descriptions of the methods used for estimating each of the
key variables.
The estimation of the subjective probability of success for i in a
competition with / s is accomplished as follows:

The probability measure has its origins in earlier theoretical work

on third party choices during disputes. Altfeld and Bueno de Mesquita
(1979) report a high rate of accuracy in predicting third party deci-
sions to join ongoing wars based on a model that yields an expression
that is virtually identical to the numerator for P\ The denominator
simply normalizes the value in the numerator so that the overall term
falls in the interval (0,1). The numerator and denominator have
straightforward political interpretations. The numerator calculates the
support i can expect to receive in a confrontation withy:This support
depends upon the capabilities of each actor who prefers i's policy
objective toy's. However, capabilities alone are not sufficient informa-
tion to estimate the value of each third party's support. The capabili-
ties are diminished by the degree to which the issue in question is not
salient to the actor whose support level is being estimated. The lower
an actor's salience score, the less likely the stakeholder is to spend
resources on the issue in question as it is not an issue of much concern
to the decision maker. Finally, the capabilities must also be discounted
by the intensity of preference of the actor in question for the outcomes
under contention. If a third party is just about indifferent between
supporting what i wants and supporting what j wants, then putting
much effort behind helping i win is not likely. If, however, a stake-
holder intensely favors i's objective over / s , then it uses more of its
capabilities to help i. Thus, the numerator captures the expected level
of support for i. The denominator reflects the sum of the support for
i and for/ so that the overall expression shows the gambling odds for i.
The probability calculation is subjective in that i's estimate of its
chances for success may be quite different from/s estimate of the same
value. The subjective component is introduced by using estimates of
the individual risk-taking profiles of each decision maker. In particu-
lar, the utilities for the specific proposals (e.g., xhXjeRa) that enter
into the calculation of vk are evaluated so that:

u'xj^l-lxi-xjf, (6)

with ri—the indicator of risk-taking propensities—estimated as

described below.
The risk-taking component is complex. It is explained in detail in
Bueno de Mesquita and Stokman (1994) and only summarized here.
The risk indicator estimates the size of the tradeoff made by each deci-
sion maker between pursuing political satisfaction and policy satisfac-
tion (Lamborn, 1991). By political satisfaction I mean the desire to be
seen as a deal maker, as an essential member of the winning coalition,
even if that means backing an outcome that the decision maker really
does riot like. Political satisfaction enhances personal political security
and welfare. By policy satisfaction I mean supporting a substantive
policy outcome close to the actor's most preferred choice even if that
means losing to an inferior choice. I assume that all decision makers
tradeoff at some rate between the pursuit of policy goals and political
Decision makers differ, however, in the rate at which they are
willing to give up one form of satisfaction for the other. This difference
across actors means that purchasing policy support from some players
is easier than from others, as reflected in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows
that the current levels of satisfaction on the two dimensions influences
the ease with which deals can be made, given a constant shape to the
indifference curve. That is, the marginal rate of substitution between
policy satisfaction and political satisfaction depends on the current
endowment. Those who have a lot of security are willing to give up
more of their political welfare to gain a small amount on the policy
dimension. Those who are well endowed with policy satisfaction are
willing to trade relatively large amounts on that dimension for small
increments in their political well-being.
Figure 2 reminds us that different decision makers are willing to
trade policy and political satisfaction at different rates. That is, hold-
ing the political and policy endowments for two actors constant, they
may still trade to another mix of satisfactions at different rates. Actor
A in Fig. 2 requires less additional political security than actor B to
give up the same amount of policy satisfaction. Holding PI—P2
constant, we can see that S2—SI is smaller than S3—SI. S2—SI is
sufficient for A to make the pohcy/political security trade. S3—SI
would really please A, moving that actor to a higher indifference
curve. But player B would not give up PI—P2 policy satisfaction even
for a gain in personal welfare equal to S3—SI. Doing so places B on
a lower indifference curve, a trade that is flatly unacceptable to B.

Willing to trade large amounts of

policy satisfaction for small gains
in security.

1 \ " " " ! Willing to trade about
• >. ! equally in each

Willing to trade small amounts of

policy satisfaction for large gains in
'ohcy S


Political Satisfaction —*• More

Figure 1. Trade Off between Policy and Political Satisfaction


SI S2 S3
Political Satisfaction - More

Figure 2. Trade Off between Policy and Political Satisfaction

Political security is, of course, a central idea in much of politics, but

what does it mean in this context? The closer in expected utility terms
an actor's public position is on a policy issue to the median voter
position, the more secure and the more risk averse the actor is. The
median voter position is the most politically advantageous location on
a unidimensional continuum with majority rule, whether that majority
is votes or power. After all, the key characteristic of the median voter
position is that in head to head competition it beats all alternatives.
Therefore, the decision to locate close to the median voter in expected
utility terms reflects a fear of vulnerability or a tendency to be risk
averse. This presumption of risk aversion follows from the notion that
the actor has chosen a position that minimizes threats to its security
at the expense of pursuing what it really wants. The farther the
decision maker's expected utility score is from being at, its possible
maximum, while remaining within the feasible set of alternative
proposals, the more risk acceptant the decision maker is presumed to
be. Algebraically, the risk calculation is

and r i =l-(/? i -l/3)/(i? i + l/3) so that rt ranges between 0.5 and 2.

The measure of risk taking provides one perspective on how much

each decision maker appears to have exchanged personal political
security for policy goals or vice versa. In doing so, the risk-taking
measure also provides a basis for estimating the value attached to the
status quo. The first term in the numerator of the main expression for
estimating risks is equal to the security and policy value of actor i's
actual or "stated" position; its value for the status quo. The next two
terms place the "status quo" value within the boundaries of what
could have been attained in terms of political security or policy. These
three values—the actual expected utility, the maximum feasible ex-
pected utility and the minimum feasible expected utility—can be
estimated. They evaluate three levels of political satisfaction: the one
realized by the decision maker, the most political welfare the actor
could have realized and the least. Because we already have estimated
utilities or satisfaction on the policy dimension, those utilities plus
these three scores provide sufficient information to plot indifference
curves of the sort found in Figs. 1 and 2.
Utilities for the marginal gains [u'Axj~\d and u'Axfld] or losses
[u'Axf \d and w'Axj" \d] from shifts to alternative proposals are evalu-
ated, using the basic building block just described, in the manner
delineated in Bueno de Mesquita and Lalman (1986) and following
equation (6). [«'AJC/|<5 and t/Axf\d] are approximated by comparing
the value actor i attaches to the current median voter prediction to the
value i attaches to the median anticipated if i accepts / s preferred
Equation (5) is estimated from four perspectives, with relevant
superscripts on equation (5) showing from whose perspective the
calculation is being viewed:

(1) i's expected utility vis-d-vis each rival / s proposal;

(2) i's perception of each / s expected utility vis-a-vis i's proposal;
(3) j's expected utility vis-a-vis each i's proposal;
(4) / s perception of each i's expected utility vis-a-vis j's proposal.

The expected utility values summarized in (1) and (2), and in (3)
and (4), respectively, describe each actor's perception of its relation-
ship vis-a-vis each other actor. With Banks's monotonicity of escalation
result in mind, these relationships can be described in continuous
form. According to Banks's theorem, the probability with which an
actor anticipates confronting a given rival increases with its expected
utility for challenging the rival's proposal. This means that the higher

i's expected utility from persuading/ to accept i's position, the higher
the likelihood that./ will confront j .
The likelihood with which confrontation or concessions occur can
be easily displayed in a polar coordinate space. For ease of presenta-
tion, we divide such a space into six sectors, with the boundary between
each reflecting a fundamental turning point in the probability func-
tions. Figure 3 displays such a polar coordinate space, along with rele-
vant labels for each of the six sectors, reflecting the general likelihood
of alternative outcomes according to Banks's monotonicity theorem.
When the expected utility values (as perceived by either or both
actors) favor a challenge by both i and/ then a confrontation is likely
in which neither actor is inclined to offer concessions or to bargain.
Such conflictual situations involve high political costs and great
uncertainty regarding the ultimate outcome. When, however, one actor

j ' s EU
\Compromise Conflict Zone

Acquisce^^ R = Distance from Origin

\ 9 = Angle +


Stalemate Zone j AcquiscesN.

' Figure 3. Scenarios for Conflict Resolution

expects to gain more by challenging a rival's position than by doing
nothing and the other actor anticipates greater losses than gains in a
confrontation, then the costs of resolving the issue are greatly reduced
and the prospects of an amicable settlement are enhanced. If one side
expects to gain more than the other side is prepared to give up then
there is an opportunity to negotiate over the difference in expectations.
In the event .one protagonist anticipates losing more than the other
protagonist believes it stands to gain, then we expect that the side
anticipating a loss gives in to the demand of its rival. Finally, if both
sides believe there is more to be lost than there is to be gained by
challenging the other party's position, then the status quo between
them is expected to prevail. Here any demands or proposals are likely
to be mere bluffs and bluster without credible substance behind them.
By examining the distribution of information in graphs like Fig. 3, it
is possible to estimate how each party will behave and what conse-
quences are likely to ensue.
What information does the perceptual model reveal? Recall that
every decision maker is assumed to know the array of potential power,
positions and salience of each other decision maker. That information
is common knowledge. The private information possessed by each
decision maker involves the shape of its own utility function and the
belief it holds about the expected utilities of each other actor. Thus,
everyone is assumed to know the basic information that goes into the
expected utility model. Everyone knows the shape of their own utility
function, but can only form a belief about the shape of the utility
functions of other decision makers.
The beliefs of each actor imply actions. Those actions, as the extrac-
tion or granting of concessions over support for this or that specific
position, lead to a re-evaluation of the situation by each decision
maker. As stakeholders respond to revised proposals, with their respon-
ses supported by their beliefs and expectations, the prospects for a
favorable or unfavorable settlement change for many participants.
Beliefs and expectations provide the foundation for a quasi-dynamic
assessment of the evolution of issue positions and to recalculations of
the location of the median voter.
When actors are persuaded or coerced into accepting a proposal dif-
ferent from their initial (or current) position on an issue the decision
process enters a new phase. Coalitions change and the support or risks
associated with alternative proposals vary. New proposals are brought
forward as revised beliefs and expectations open new possibilities or
foreclose old ones. Each such sequence of revised stances on an issue

is called an iteration or bargaining round. These two terms are used

interchangeably. The model computes as many iterations as it takes
for the policy issue to resolve itself. Issues resolve by reaching a stable
outcome, an outcome from which there seems not to be a meaningful
possibility of change given the estimated expectations of the actors.
The model portrays a process of decision making during each itera-
tion. To gain an intuitive sense of what happens within the logic of the
model during each iteration, think of the decision makers as engaged
in a game of cards. At the outset, each player is dealt a hand. The
quality of the hand dealt to each player depends on the commonly
known characteristics of each player. Stronger players (or those with
strong backing from others) generally draw better cards than weaker
players. Because of variations in salience, some players pay closer
attention to their cards than do others and so form different percep-
tions of the situation. Based on the cards they hold and the known
characteristics of other players, each decision maker forms perceptions
about how good the hand is of each rival relative to the hand dealt the
particular decision maker. With that information, each player decides
on proposals or bids to make to the other decision makers.
If a player believes his or her hand is very weak compared to a
specific rival, then no proposal is made to that actor. If / expects to
lose toj, for instance, -then / does not make a proposal toj. If, however,
i thinks it holds a good hand relative to j then i makes a proposal in
the form of a suggested change in position byy on the issue at hand. 8
If i thinks j stands to lose quite a lot, then i will propose that j accept
f s current position.9 If i thinks it has a good enough hand to shift / s
position, but not so good that j will give in to what i wants, then i
proposes a compromise somewhere between i's position a n d / s . 1 0
After all the players have submitted their secret proposals to one
another, each player now reviews the new cards—the proposals—that
it holds. Of course, some proposals are better for the recipient than
others. Indeed, some proposals turn out to be frivolous in that the
proposer cannot enforce the proposal, something that the proposer
might only learn at the end of the round of proposal making. Other
proposals received by a decision maker are potentially enforceable, but
fall by the wayside because a superior, enforceable proposal was made
by a different player. Each player would like to choose the best offer
made to it and each proposer enforces its bids to the extent that it can.
Those better able to enforce their wishes than others can make their
proposals stick. Given equally enforceable proposals, players move the
least that they can. Each actor selects from among the bids it made
and the bids it received. The bid chosen is the proposal that is the opti-
mal choice for the player given the constraints under which it operates.
These constraints include its own perceptions and the reality of which
proposals turn out to be enforceable and which turn out to be beaten
back by rivals or rejected outright as unenforceable by the recipient.
At the end of a round of proposal making, players learn new
information about their opponents. If, for instance, a player finds that
some proposals it thought of as enforceable are successfully rejected
then it learns the proposal was unenforceable (i.e., the player has less
support than it thought). By monitoring responses to its proposals a
player learns how much leverage it has with other decision makers. If
a proposal is accepted, then a player learns that it made the best offer
among all the proposals made to the recipient of its accepted bid.
When the players finish sorting out their choices among proposals,
each shifts to the position contained in the proposal it accepted. Of
course, when a decision maker agrees to a compromise with another
actor, it hopes that the other player will also live up to its end of the
compromise bargain. But this is a game in which promises are not
binding. Proposals are enforceable if a decision maker has the means to
make sure that another actor does what it says it will do. Each player
is free to renege on a proposed deal so long as it can enforce another
agreement or so long as someone else can enforce an agreement on it.
What consequences follow from the actions implied by the first
iteration through the model? How do those actions influence the loca-
tion of the median voter? How do we decide when the median voter
outcome at a particular iteration is to be taken as the actual resolution
of the issue at hand? If no stakeholder believes it has a remaining
credible proposal, then the game ends. Similarly, if the value of re-
maining proposals is sufficiently small that the cost of continuing to
bargain outweighs the value for each player of the expected improve-
ment in the outcome, then the game ends. The median voter at that
stage of the game is the predicted policy outcome. If, however, credible
proposals are believed to remain, then the game continues (for a fuller
description of the sequential process, see Bueno de Mesquita and
Stokman, 1994)."


Political outcomes, whether they involve intra- or inter-governmental

relations or negotiations between public and private organizations or
even within a single organization, can be and have been explained
and predicted using the model delineated above. To do so, however,
requires converting theoretical concepts into practical application.
Although this can be a difficult task, there is, fortunately, a body of
knowledge that can be called upon to estimate the critical variables.
By combining the perspective of this rational-actor model with the
knowledge and expertise of area or issue experts it is possible to esti-
mate the variables of interest and to solve the perceptual and "voting"
components of the model discussed here.
The forecasting and perceptual models require the identification of
the groups or actors interested in trying to influence a policy outcome
on the issues in question. For each actor, data must then be estimated
on three variables: capabilities, preferred outcome and salience. Some-
times, in institutionally structured settings, it is also important to take
into account structural constraints that operate to help shape out-
comes. The model (and its software) is readily adapted to reflect
requirements other than a majority, as in institutional settings where
a super-majority is required, or can take into account players with veto
power. With just this minimal information in hand it is possible to pre-
dict what the likely actions and outcome will be. This is done without
any other information regarding, for instance, the history of the situa-
tion, the history of relations between particular actors within the situa-
tion, other sunk costs, or without even interviewing the actors involved
to assess their own judgment about their beliefs and expectations.
From where are the necessary data estimates to come? The best
source is individuals with area or issue expertise, who have great in-
sight into whom the players are likely to be on an issue. What is more,
although area experts often doubt that they possess the essential infor-
mation to quantify capabilities or salience, through careful interactive
techniques eliciting such information is generally possible. The essen-
tial feature behind the development of such estimates is to begin by
identifying the most powerful actor and assigning that actor a score of
100 on capabilities. All other actors can then be rated as a propor-
tion of the most capable group, and proportionate to each other. Issues
must be defined precisely enough so that actor preferences can be
located on a continuum. The full details of the estimation techniques
are too lengthy to enumerate here. However, it should be noted that it
is possible to achieve a very high level of accuracy and cross-expert
agreement on the essential information. This is true even when the
experts disagree markedly on the likely outcome or evolution of the
issue.12 The greatest power and insight from such an approach can be
attained by combining the analytic consistency of models such as those
explained here with the nuanced and rich insights of area or issue
When issue experts combine their skills with the analytic strengths
of these models then accurate and subtle predictions are most likely to
be attained. To be sure, an abstract model such as the one proposed
here is of no value without the information from experts needed to
turn its abstractions into practical estimates. Expert knowledge, of
course, is quite valuable even without a model to suggest what infor-
mation is critical and how that information should be organized. Con-
trolled experiments show that predictions extracted from the model
with information from area experts are substantially more reliable
than predictions made by experts themselves. After all, most area spe-
cialists have invested heavily in learning critical facts about the place
they study. They usually have invested less time in developing expert-
ise in theories of decision making under uncertainty. It is insights from
just such theories that this model incorporates and routinizes.
One question frequently asked about this methodology is how
sensitive is it to the biases or perspective of the particular experts who
provide the data? It is surprising to most people at first blush to learn
that the outcomes predicted by the model are quite robust across
different experts. Upon reflection, however, this should not be too sur-
prising. Since experts are not asked their opinion, but rather for very
basic information—who are the stakeholders, what do they want, how
influential could they be and how much do they care about the issues
with which we are concerned—it turns out that the vast majority of
specialists basically view this information in the same way. Naturally,
different specialists will give different labels to some stakeholders
(especially when the stakeholder is a group and not an individual),
but the underlying structure, of the data turns out analytically to be
remarkably similar from specialist to specialist. Indeed, in some sense,
knowing the information asked for to apply this model is a minimal
condition for being a specialist.
That the predicted results are not terribly sensitive to which special-
ists provided the input information is easily seen to be so by examining
the track record the model has achieved. Later I review some of that
track record. For now, let me just mention that independent audits of
the accuracy of this model in making real-time predictions indicate
that it has achieved an accuracy rate of around 90 percent. Most
recently, the Far Eastern Economic Review (June 13,1996, cover story,
p. 68) evaluated the accuracy of the predictions made by Bueno de
Mesquita, Newman and Rabushka in their book Forecasting Political
Events (Yale, 1985) as a means to test the reliability of predictions
made in their new book, Red Flag Over Hong Kong (Chatham House,
1996). William McGurn, the author of the article, reports "They
applied the same model in March 1984 to project the impact of what
would become the Joint Declaration. Based on their findings, they
predicted twelve developments, of which only one proved inaccurate
(a technicality about how land would be valued). The others proved
pretty much on the mark: increased welfare spending, the growing
importance of demonstrated 'loyalty' to China in the award of key
contracts, and an 'ongoing reinterpretation' of the Joint Declaration's
provisions long after they were signed." It is very unlikely that in this
and each other case users of this model were fortunate enough to pick
just the right experts to get the right information that led to the right
prediction. Indeed, the experts often disagree with the very predictions
produced through the modeling process. It is more likely that the
results are not as sensitive as one might think to variations in the
personal perspectives of the experts.


The above discussion provides an abstract sense of the modeling

process incorporated into the expected utility model. To put a bit more
flesh on the process, I discuss here the elements of the model's printout
and what they tell us about politics. Table I contains an example of
the data required by the model. The issue examined in Table I asks,
"What is the attitude of each stakeholder with regard to the floor price
of oil in three months time at which Saudi production should de-
crease?" The preferred position is expressed in dollars and is used to
predict a factor that exists in King Fahd's head and which influences
the price of oil. The example is selected to illustrate the flexibility of
the model in dealing even with predictions about intangible factors.
The reliability of the predicted values is readily assessed as it is easily
translated into a prediction about the price of West Texas Intermedi-
ate light sweet crude oil, a widely traded commodity.
The initial data yield predictions about relationships expressed both
numerically and verbally, as illustrated in Tables Ila and lib. These
summaries indicate how each group is expected to relate to each other

Data Inputs

Group Resources Position Salience

HAWKS 0.65 $14.25 0.8

IRAN 0.85 $14.20 0.85
RUSSIA 0.55 $14.20 0.65
IPEC 0.7 $14.10 0.75
GULF 0.5 $14.10 0.75
MILITARY 0.75 $14.00 0.85
KUWAIT 0.65 $14.00 0.9
TRIBALS 0.85 .. $13.95 0.85
RELIGIOUS LEADERS 0.95 $13.90 0.9
BUSINESS 0.6 $13.75 0.8
SULTAN 0.95 $13.40 0.95
MAJLIS 0.45 $13.35 0.75
ABDULLAH 1.0 $13.25 0.9
FAHD 1.05 $13.00 0.9
USA 0.6 $13.00 0.7
NAZER 0.8 $12.90 0.85
EUR/JPN 0.75 $12.85 0.75

stakeholder. The numerical summary provides a detailed evaluation of

perceptions. The first column reflects, in this case, Defense Minister,
Prince Sultan's expected payoff from challenging the floor-price atti-
tude of each other stakeholder. The second column shows what he
believes each stakeholder, thinks its payoff is for challenging Sultan's
point of view. The third column shows which octant the relationship
falls within the coordinate space depicted in Fig. 3 as perceived by
Prince Sultan. The next three columns show the same information
from the perspective of each stakeholder vis-a-vis Prince Sultan. The
last three columns assume that Sultan will act on his expected payoff
(column 7 is the same as column 1); each other stakeholder will act on
their expected payoffs (column 8 equals column 4) and this yields a
location in the coordinate space as denoted in column 9.
Additionally, the model provides for each group a table that sum-
marizes its expected proposal making and its missed opportunities to
make successful proposals, derived from the application of the model's
decision rules to all of the numeric summary tables. Again using Prince
Sultan, I illustrate this part of the printout in Table III.
Numeric Summary for Group SULTAN
I'S View i vs./ Quad / ' s View I VS. j Quad Joint View Quad
HAWKS -0.681 -1.486 6 0.272 -0.567 7 -0.681 -0.567 5
IRAN -0.738 -1.349 6 -0.065 -0.748 6 -0.738 -0.748 6
RUSSIA -0.412 -1.373 6 0.162 -0.749 7 -0.412 -0.749 6
IPEC -0.478 -1.117 6 -0.303 -0.943 6 -0.478 -0.943 6
GULF -0.486 -1.127 6 -0.310 -0.951 6 -0.486 -0.951 6
MILITARY -0.485 -0.880 6 -0.528 -0.919 6 -0.485 -0.919 6
KUWAIT -0.559 -0.884 6 -0.603 -0.923 6 -0.559 -0.923 6
TRIBALS -0.392 -0.776 6 -0.467 -0.843 6 -0.392 -0.843 6
RELLEAD -0.353 -0.679 6 -0.435 -0.747 6 -0.353 -0.747 6
BUSINESS 0.035 -0.305 7 -0.008 -0.348 6 0.035 -0.348 7
MAJLIS 0.444 0.425 1 0.442 0.421 1 0.444 0.421 1
ABDULLAH 0.349 0.391 2 0.351 0.384 2 0.349 0.384 2
FAHD 0.168 0.040 1 0.394 0.203 1 0.168 0.203 2
USA 0.280 0.001 1 0.477 0.182 1 0.280 0.182 1
NAZER 0.186 -0.173 . 8 0.536 0.186 1 0.186 0.186 1
EUR/JPN 0.269 -0.284 7 0.604 0.181 1 0.269 0.181 1

Verbal Summary for Group SULTAN

Focal Group's View Rival's View Joint View

HAWKS + Status Quo + Compel —Status Quo

IRAN + Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
RUSSIA +Status Quo +Capitulation +Status Quo
IPEC +Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
GULF +Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
MILITARY +Status Quo +Status Quo + Status Quo
KUWAIT +Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
TRIBALS +Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
RELLEAD +Status Quo +Status Quo +Status Quo
BUSINESS +Capitulation +Status Quo +Capitulation
MAJLIS + Confrontation + Confrontation +Confrontation
ABDULLAH —Confrontation —Confrontation —Confrontation
FAHD + Confrontation + Confrontation —Confrontation
USA + Confrontation + Confrontation +Confrontation
NAZER + Compromise +Confrontation + Confrontation
EUR/JPN + Capitulation + Confrontation + Confrontation

Opportunity Summary for Group SULTAN

Original Make Credible Unseen

Position Proposal Opportunity

HAWKS 14.25 None None 13.4

RUSSIA 14.20 None None 13.4
BUSINESS 13.75 13.4 13.4 None
MAJLIS 13.35 13.4 None None
FAHD 13.00 13.4 None None
USA 13.00 13.4 None None
NAZER 17.90 13.37 None None
EUR/JPN 17.90 13.4 None None

In two rounds of iterations, players HAWKS, RUSSIA, IPEC,

NESS all downgraded their positions at the beginning of the game,
while other groups were able to maintain their original positions. The
predicted outcome at the end of round 2 is 13.00. The output is, as you

can see, quite detailed, often running to many iterations and hundreds
of pages of information based on very few inputs. The particular issue
illustrated here is used to predict oil prices three months in advance.


Ultimately, the best way we have to evaluate the explanatory power

of a model is to assess how well its detailed analysis fit with reality.
This is true whether the reality is about a repeated event, like the price
of a commodity, or about important one-time political decisions. This
can be done with retrospective data or prospective data. In the latter
case, when actual outcomes are unknown at the time of investigation,
there is a pure opportunity to evaluate the model, independent of any
possibility that the data have been made to fit observed outcomes.
Indeed, perhaps the most difficult test for any theory is to apply it to
circumstances in which the outcome events have not yet occurred and
where they are not obvious. Of course, predicting that the sun will rise
in the east and set in the west is not terribly interesting. Neither is
predicting that there will be an American presidential election on the
second Tuesday in November every fourth year. The prediction of
uncertain events is demanding exactly because the researcher cannot
fit the argument to the known results. This is a fundamental difference
between real-time prediction and post-diction.
The expected utility model has been tested in real time against
problems with unknown and uncertain outcomes thousands of times.
Many of the applications have been conducted within the framework
of Decision Insights International, where few applications have been
widely available for scrutiny. However, one client of that company, the
Central Intelligence Agency, has recently declassified their own evalua-
tion of the accuracy of this model. Additionally, I and others have
published many predictions in the academic literature during the past
decade or so. These, of course, have always been accessible to the
scholarly community. After discussing the United States government's
independent assessment, I will return to the academic published record
for further evidence about the reliability of the technique described.
In 1989, Dr. Stanley Feder of the CIA gave a speech reported on by
the Salt Lake City Tribune (March 1, 1989). He said that "the 'Spatial
Theory of Politics' has been gaining increased acceptance at the agency
and has resulted in accurate predictions in 90 percent of the situa-
tions in which it has been utilized." In response to that article,
Professor James Ray contacted Dr. Feder to find out more about the
claim of predictive accuracy. On October 22, 1991 Dr. Feder wrote to
Professor Ray, saying that:

The article correctly reports that I said that political forecasts made
with a model based on the "spatial theory of voting" were accurate
about 90 percent of the time... The forecasting model about which I
lectured at the University of Utah was developed by Professor Bruce
Bueno de Mesquita, now at Stanford University... Since 1982 a
colleague and I have used Bruce's models to analyze and identify policy
choice scenarios for over 1,000 issues in scores of countries around the
world... At the end of 1985 we did a systematic analysis of the accu-
racy of forecasts made with the policy choice model. That assessment
shdwed the policy decision model with inputs provided by recognized
country or issue experts correctly identified the configurations of
political forces that would lead to specific, well defined policy decisions
over 90 percent of the time. The model made it possible to identify
easy-to-observe differences among alternative political situations and
to forecast correctly the policy decision associated with each... [The
models] provide specific forecasts, something few other methods or
pundits can do with more than a moderate degree of accuracy.

A similar view was expressed by Charles Buffalano, Deputy Director

of Research at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, in a
letter dated June 12, 1984. He said:

[O]ne of the last (and most successful projects) in the political metho-
dologies program was the expected utility theory work of Professor
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita of the University of Rochester. The theory
is both exploratory and predictive and has been rigorously evaluated
through post-diction and in real time. Of all quantitative political fore-
casting methodologies of which I am aware, the expected utility work
is the most useful to policy makers because it has the power to predict
specific policies, their nuances, and ways in which they might be
changed" (emphasis in original).

Feder referred to a systematic assessment in his letter, which has

recently been published in a volume edited by H. Bradford Westerfield
of Yale University. As that article contains many specific, detailed
examples, I take the liberty of examining it in depth. 13 What types of
issues has the CIA analyzed using the models offered by Decision
Insights? A sampler, taken from Table II in the declassified article,
What policy is Egypt likely to adopt toward Israel?
How fully will France participate in SDI?
What is the Philippines likely to do about US bases?
What stand will Pakistan take on the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan?
How much is Mozambique likely to accommodate with the West?
What policy will Beijing adopt toward Taiwan's role in the Asian
Development Bank?
How much support is South Yemen likely to give to the insurgency
in North Yemen?
What is the South Korean government likely to do about large scale
- demonstrations?
What will Japan's foreign trade policy look like?
What stand will the Mexican government take on official corruption?
When will presidential election be held in Brazil?
Can the Italian government be brought down over the wage index-
ing issue?
As is evident from this sampler, the modeling method can address
diverse questions. Analysts have examined economic, social, and
political issues. They have dealt with routine policy decisions and with
questions threatening the very survival of particular regimes. Issues
have spanned a variety of cultural settings, economic systems, and
political systems.
Feder's assessment compares the forecasts based on this so-called
expected utility model to more conventional approaches used by the
intelligence community. Feder notes that the model makes specific,
detailed predictions 60 percent of the time. Such specificity is found
only 33 percent of the time in "traditional" intelligence analyses
(Feder, 1995). He goes on to note that while traditional and expected
utility analyses both scored well in terms of forecast accuracy, the
latter offered greater detail and less vagueness.14 He notes that the
expected utility predictions hit what he calls the bull's eye twice as
often as standard intelligence analyses. Perhaps more importantly,
Feder notes that while the data for the model generally are obtained
from area experts, the predictions frequently differ from those made
by the very experts who provide the data. That is, the model is not a
Delphi technique that asks experts what they believe will happen and
then reports back that information. Feder reports that every time the
model and the intelligence community made different predictions, the
model proved correct and he offers many detailed examples (Feder,
Feder's assessment is not the only basis on which to evaluate
predictions from this rational actor model. Frans Stokman and I
examine five competing models in our book, European Community
Decision Making. These include an improved version of the expected
utility model, and models developed by James Coleman, Frans
Stockman, Reinier Van Osten, and Jan Van Den Bos. All the models
were tested against a common data base of policy decisions taken by
the European Community over the past few years. Statistical tests were
used to compare the accuracy of the alternative models relative to the
now-known actual outcomes on the issues we examined. The various
network analysis and logrolling models of Coleman, Stokman, and
others produced predicted values that when compared to the actual
outcomes had probabilities of being correct varying from a low of 10
percent to a high of 62 percent. The expected utility model's results
had a 97 percent probability of being the same as the actual outcome
on the same issues.
Additional evidence can be found in the published articles that
contain predictions based on this rational actor model. Professors
James Ray (Florida State University) and Bruce Russett (Yale Univer-
sity) have evaluated most of these publications to ascertain their
accuracy.15 Motivated by John Gaddis's claim that international
relations theory is a failure at prediction, they note that

he does not mention a set of related streams of research and theory that
justifies, we believe, a more optimistic evaluation of the field's ability to
deliver accurate predictions. The streams of research to which we refer
are, specifically: a rational choice approach to political forecasting...
The origins of the political forecasting model based on rational choice
theory can be traced to The War Trap by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. The
theory introduced there was refined in 1985, and served in turn as
the basis for a model designed to produce forecasts of policy decisions
and political outcomes in a wide variety of political settings... This
'expected utility' forecasting model has now been tried and tested exten-
sively. [T]he amount of publicly available information and evidence
regarding this model and the accuracy of its forecasts is sufficiently sub-
stantial, it seems to us, to make it deserving of serious consideration as a
'scientific' enterprise... [W]e would argue in a Lakatosian fashion that
in terms of the range of issues and political settings to which it has been
applied, and the body of available evidence regarding its utility and
validity, it may be superior to any alternative approaches designed to
offer specific predictions and projections regarding political events.16

These authors go on to report that John Gaddis, in private correspond-

ence, has agreed that the expected utility model "strikes me as an
important advance over earlier approaches to predictive modeling
because it takes into account the emergent properties of complex
adaptive systems... [and] there has been a sort of Bueno de Mesquita-
John Lewis Gaddis convergence."17
Ray and Russett report on specific studies as well as general prin-
ciples. They note that in a 1984 article, the model was used to predict
that Ayatollah Khomeini would be succeeded by Hasheimi Rafsanjani
and Ayatollah Khameini as leaders of Iran following Khomeini's
death.18 At the time of publication, Khomeini had designated Ayatollah
Montazari as his successor so that the predictions were contrary to
expectations among Iran specialists. Khomeini died five years later, in
1989. He was succeeded by Rafsanjani and Khameini. They note that
a 1988 article correctly predicted the defeat of the Sandinista govern-
ment in elections; the elections were held in 1990.
Other predictions over the years can be found in articles dealing
with the prospects of a peace agreement in the Middle East, prospects
of political instability in Italy over the budget deficit, the dispute over
the Spratly Islands, the likelihood that Taiwan will develop a nuclear
weapons capability, outcome of the Maastricht referendum in Europe,
and others.19
To be sure, some predictions have been wrong or inadequate. The
expected utility model successfully predicted the break of several East
European states from the Soviet Union, but failed to anticipate the fall
of the Berlin Wall. The model predicted that the August 1991 Soviet
coup would fail quickly and that the Soviet Union would unravel
during the coming year, but it did not predict the earlier, dramatic
policy shifts introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev.
To be sure, the expected utility model was not applied to that
situation so that such predictions could not have been made. That, of
course, is an important difference between prediction and prophecy.
The first step to a correct—or incorrect—prediction is to ask for a
prediction about the relevant issue. Alas, no one sought from me or
my colleagues any predictions about the demise of the Soviet Union
before critical events had begun to unfold.
The model just discussed has limitations. It is inappropriate for pre-
dicting market-driven events not governed by political considerations.

It is imprecise with respect to the exact timing behind decisions and

outcomes. The model can have timing elements incorporated into it,
by including timing factors as contingencies in the way issues
are constructed, but the model itself is imprecise with regard to time.
The dynamics of the model indicate whether a decision is likely to be
reached after very little give and take or after protracted negotiations.
Nevertheless, it cannot say how long in clock-time a round of nego-
tiations will last. Most importantly, the model by itself is of limited
value without the inputs from area or issue experts. They, of course,
are quite valuable without the model. Still, the combination of the two
is substantially more reliable than the experts alone. The limitations
remind us that scientific and predictive approaches to politics are in
their infancy. Still some encouragement can be taken from the fact that
in many domains it has already proven possible to make detailed,
accurate predictions.

1. Let N= {1,2,3,...,n} be the set of actors or stakeholders trying to influence a
multilateral decision. An actor might be a government representative, an official from
a faction within a political party or a bureaucracy, a leader of some interest group,
an influential private citizen, and so forth.
Let M={a,b,c m} be the set of issues in a multilateral negotiation and let Ra
be the line segment that describes the unidimensional policy continuum for any
individual issue a selected from among the larger set of issues M.
Let each actor i, ieN (i.e., i is a member of the set of actors trying to influence the
decision), have its own preferred resolution of issue a, with that preferred resolution
denoted as j £ . x'^ is the outcome actor i has revealed to be preferred on issue a. It
may or may not be i's true ideal point. We generally do not know for sure what
another actor's true ideal point is as there are strategic incentives for an actor to
misrepresent his or her ideal point. Because the model as applied here assesses policy
decisions on one issue at a time, we drop the issue-denoting subscript (a, or b, etc.)
from the notation so that henceforth x\ is the preferred position of actor i on the issue
being evaluated at the moment.
For any feasible proposed outcome on issue a, sayfc'sproposal, xt, i's utility for
xk, u'xt, is a decreasing function of the distance between the proposal and i's preferred
resolution, so that u'xk=f(—\xt—x*|). This means that proposals farther away from
actor i's preferred outcome are of less value to i than are proposals closer to i's
preferred outcome.
2. Again I will drop the "a" subscript from the notation throughout, but the reader is
alerted to the fact that the model does not assume that an actor's capabilities or
potential power is the same on all issues.
3. Denote the salience of issue a for actor i as su, with 0<J t a <l. Each actor is described
by the value of u'xt for all i, keN, c,, and *( on each issue. j f is assumed to be greater
than zero because if it were equal to zero for more than one stakesholder then it is

possible for division by zero to arise in the computation of the model. Strictly speak-
ing, then, the model can tolerate one actor with a salience of zero. Still, this is an
odd concept in that it implies that there is a stake holder who does not care at all
about the issue in question. In that case, the actor in question really does not have
a stake in the decision. Each actor is described by the values of i^xk for all i.fceN,
ciy and Si on each issue.
4. Say/s proposal (u'xj), to another proposal, say k's (u'xk).
5. That is, selecting xt such that i/x'^u'xt.
6. That is, to alter xt so that K*;C* ^xk.
7. To do so requires a focus on the three characteristics: u'xj, for all UjeN, sb and ct.
8. Player i makes a proposal if, in Fig. 3, the conjunction of /'s expected utility and I'S
estimate of/s expected utility falls between zero degrees from the horizontal axis
and 45° or falls between 270° and 360° from the horizontal axis. That is the domain
within which i believes it has an advantage over j and i expects more gains than
losses from challenging/s position.
9. A proposed acquiescence or capitulation by j to i's wishes is made if i locates the
conjunction of the respective expected utilities in the wedge that falls between 270°
and 315° below the horizontal axis in Fig. 3 or in the wedge, between zero degrees
and 45°. In the latter instance, i expects resistance from j , but i believes it can
enforce its demand. In the former case, i expects no resistance from j .
10. A compromise is proposed if i believes the conjunction of the relevant expected
utilities falls between 315° and 360° from the horizontal axis in Fig. 3.
11. For software based on this model, interested parties should contact Decision
Insights, International, at 11708 Bowman Green Drive, Reston, Virginia 22090.
12. A training manual for defining issues and generating data estimates is available from
the author.
13. S. Feder, "Factions and Policon: New Ways to Analyze Politics," in H. Bradford
Westerfield, Inside CIA's Private World: Declassified Articles from the Agency's
Internal Journal, 1955-1992 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995).
14. Within the commercial setting, the expected utility model is sometimes called
Policon and sometimes called Factions.
15. James Lee Ray and Bruce M. Russett, "The Future as Arbiter of Theoretical
Controversies: Predictions, Explanations and the End of the Cold War," British
Journal of Political Science 25 (forthcoming, 1996).
16. Ray and Russett, p. 1569.
17. Gaddis e-mail to James Ray, February 8, 1995 and quoted in Ray and Russett,
p. 1578.
18. B. Bueno de Mesquita, "Forecasting Policy Decisions: An Expected Utility Ap-
proach to Post-Khomeini Iran," PS (1984), 226-236. This article contains several
other predictions that also have been borne out by subsequent events.
19. B. Bueno de Mesquita and B. Berkowitz, "How to Make a Lasting Peace in the
Middle East," Rochester Review (1979), 12-18, B. Bueno de Mesquita, "Multilateral
Negotiations: A Spatial Analysis of the Arab-Israeli Dispute," International Organ-
ization, 44 (1990), 317-40, B. Bueno de Mesquita and D. Beck, "Forecasting Policy
Decisions: An Expected Utility Approach," in S. Andriole, ed., Corporate Crisis
Management"(Princeton, 1985), 103-22, S. Wu and B. Bueno de Mesquita,
"Assessing the Dispute in the South China Sea: A Model of China's Security Decision
Making," International Studies Quarterly, 38 (1994), 379-403, J. D. Morrow, B.
Bueno de Mesquita and S. Wu, "Forecasting the Risks of Nuclear Proliferation:
Taiwan as an Illustration of the Method," Security Studies, 2 (1993), 311-31, A. F.
K. Organski and B. Bueno de Mesquita, "Forecasting the 1992 French Referen-
dum," in R. Morgan, J. Lorentzen and A. Leander, eds. New Diplomacy in the
Post-Cold War World (New York, 1993), 67-75. The executive summary of a study
with Jacek Kugler predicting the shape of a peace agreement in Cambodia is
available from the author. That study was completed for the State Department in
November 1989. The peace agreement was reached in November 1991 and fit quite
well with the predictions that were made, including the holding of successful
elections and Khmer Rouge participation. Even days before the election these events
were considered unlikely by the New York Times.


Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution,

Stanford University. His major contributions to decision making
include The War Trap (1981), and the co-authored War and Reason
(1992) and Red Flag Over Hong Kong (1996) along with numerous
journal publications. His recent work with Randolph Siverson dis-
closes important interactions between domestic and international poli-
tics, and the process of democratization.

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