Craycoat Seal 32-17

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Product Data Sheet


Cray seal 32-17 is an aqua based, vapor barrier sealant
for low, medium and high pressure or high velocity – metal, Base Synthetic resin
fiberglass and flexible heating and air conditioning air ducts,
forming a durable seal against air leakage. Color White / Grey

Appearance Smooth paste

APPLICATION Density, kg/L 1.65 -1.75

• HVAC Application Viscosity Flow (ASTM C

Non- Sag
• It is also used as an adhesive to metal, aluminum, 639)
Ceramic, Concrete, mild steel, etc. + 5 °C - +85°C
Service Temperature, °C
• Conforms to ASTM C-411 (Hot Surface Performance of
High Temperature Thermal Insulation) Non-Sag bead free of air
• Conforms to ASTM C-732 (Aging Effects of Artificial Bead Consistency
Weathering on Latex Sealants) Clean all tools with warm
• Conforms to ASTM D-2202 (Slump Test)
water & soap when wet.
• It does not contain Asbestos, Lead or Mercury Cleaning
compounds Mineral spirit when dry.
• It can be applied using a wide variety of power extrusion
equipment suitable for use with water base sealant.
As with all chemicals, caution should always be exercised.
ADVANTAGES Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles should be
• Non-Flammable
• Excellent adhesion & High strength
• Highly resistance to extreme temperature changes and INHALATION: Inhalation of vapor or mist should be
aging. avoided. If inhaled symptoms include coughing,
• Suitable to Middle East climatic condition wheezing, laryngitis, and shortness of breath, headache,
• Highly resistance to mold & mildew nausea, and vomiting. Immediately shift victim to fresh air,
and, if needed immediately start artificial respiration. Give
• Highly Elastic
oxygen if breathing is labored. Get emergency medical
• Resistance to oil or grease
• Mildly resistance to diluted alkalis and acids

EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes and

DIRECTIONS FOR USE call for medical help.

The surface should be clean, dry, oil-free and sounded (To

clean surface use power blower). Apply by power extrusion INGESTION: Causes nausea, vomiting, and loss of
or trowel uniformly a 2” wide coat over the joint @ 2 to 2.2 consciousness. If accidentally swallowed do not induce
gal/100 ft2. Total coverage 40-55 ft2/gal. Allow the completed vomiting rather call for medical help immediately.
joint to dry at least 24 hours above 25°C before pressure
testing. High humidity (70%) and or cooler temp. may retard
SKIN CONTACT: Flush with water or soap and water until
drying. Total WFT to be 30-35 mils.
all traces have been removed. Seek medical attention if

The information given is based on our knowledge and
• Store under cover, protect from direct sunlight and performance of the material. Every precaution is taken in
high temperature ( > 30°C). the manufacture of the product and responsibility is limited
• Shelf life is up to 12 months in unopened container to the quality of supplies with no guarantee of results in the
when stored as directed. field, as manufacturer has no control over site conditions or
execution of work.

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