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WE, the Heirs of [name], namely: [names], all of legal age, Filipino, and a
residents of _____________, hereinafter referred to as the SELLERS for and in
consideration of the sum of ________________ PESOS (Php ________________), to
us in hand paid and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged to our entire
satisfaction from [name], also of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of
_____________, hereinafter referred to as the BUYER, do hereby transfer and
convey by way of Absolute Sale unto the BUYER, her heirs and assigns
PORTION of the herein-below described property consisting of _______ sq.
meters only, and which is more particularly described as follows:

“ A parcel of land situated at _________________, known as Lot No.

______________________, covered by Tax Dec. No. ___________ located in
_____________, bounded on the North by Lot No. ________; South by Lot No.
____________; East by _____________ and on the West by Lot No. _________
containing an area of ________ sq. meters more or less;

The ______ sq. meters sold shall be taken from the share of
____________________. Copy of the sketch plan of the PORTION sold is hereto

That the SELLERS hereby warrant valid title to and peaceful possession of the
property herein sold and conveyed, and further declare that the same is free
and clear of all liens and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto affixed our signatures this _th day
of _________________ at ___________________, Philippines.


[name] [name]
Seller Seller

Republic of the Philippines)

City of ___________ ) S.S.


BEFORE ME, this _th day of _____________ at ______________, Philippines,

personally appeared the above-named persons who exhibited to me their
respective Valid I.D.s above-described all known to me to be the same persons
who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that the
same is done according to their free act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place above-stated.

Doc. No. ____;

Page No. ____;
Book No.____;
Series of ____.


WE, _____________, all of legal age, Filipino, and residents of _____________,

and _____________, also of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of _____________, do
hereby appoint, name and constitute _____________ also of legal age, Filipino, and a
resident of _____________, Philippines, to be our exclusive, true and lawful Attorney-
in-Fact, and for that purpose, in our name and in our behalf, to do and perform all or
any of the following acts, deeds, and things, to wit:

To facilitate, transact and follow-up with the different/appropriate government

agencies for the transfer of the subject property indicated in the Deed of Absolute Sale
for purposes of transfer under the name of the BUYER;

To pay Documentary Stamp Tax, Transfer Taxes and other fees with the BIR
and other governmental agency;

To make, sign, seal, execute and deliver contracts, documents, agreements and
other writings of whatever nature or kind necessary for the accomplishment of the
above-stated purpose;

Giving and granting unto our said Attorney-in-Fact full power and authority to
do and perform all and every act requisite or necessary to carry into effect the
foregoing authorities, as fully to all intents and purposes as we might or could lawfully
do if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, and hereby
ratifying and confirming all that our said attorney or (his/her) substitutes shall
lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signature this __th of

_____________ at _____________, Philippines.

_____________ _____________
Seller Seller

_____________ _____________
Seller Buyer

Accepted by:


CITY OF _____________) S.S.


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the _____________, this __th day of
_____________, personally appeared the parties who exhibited to me their respective
valid I.D.s, known to me be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and they acknowledge to me that the same are their own voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above written.

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No.____;
Series of 2017

_____________, hereby ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT the amount of

_____________ PESOS (Php _____________) from _____________, also of legal age,
Filipino, and a resident of _____________, as full and final payment for the
purchase of LOT NO. _____________, containing an area of _____________ sq.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my signature this __th day of

_____________ at _____________, Philippines.

_____________ _____________
Seller Seller


Subscribed and sworn to before me this __th day of _____________ at

_____________, Philippines. Affiants exhibited to me their valid I.D.

Page No.
Book No.
Series of _______.

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