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1-16: For these questions, choose the 6. Gastric banding, a form of weight loss
best word or expression to fill the space. surgery, also ---- reversal of diabetes in
some patients, and dramatic
1. Rather than evolving gradually over improvement of glucose tolerance in
hundreds of millions of years, land others.
plants underwent major ---- in two
A) works out B) looks into
dramatic bursts, 250 million years apart.
C) puts away D) breaks in
A) occurrence B) suppression
E) brings about
C) diversification D) magnitude

E) resistance
7. Despite their popularity, currently,
almost no data ---- validating the health
2. Creativity is often considered to be benefits of wearable technologies and
extremely personal by many people, but to date almost no consumer sleep
in fact, it is a socially constructed ----. devices ---- official review.

A) collaboration B) alienation A) existed / would undergo

C) response D) introduction B) exist / have undergone

E) process C) will exist / were undergoing

D) have existed / will be undergoing

3. While different languages may have ---- E) had existed / are undergoing
discrepancies in grammar and
vocabulary, the dialects of a language
differ slightly at the level of sounds and 8. A new class of software glitches in
pronunciation. smartphones ---- and developers believe
they ---- batteries while the phones are
A) diligent B) confidential not in use.
C) substantial D) lucrative A) will be detected / might have drained
E) notorious B) are detected / should drain

C) were detected / would have drained

4. The European wildcat's winter diet
consists ---- of rodents, while birds, fish, D) had been detected / must drain
and crayfish are eaten in summer. E) have been detected / can drain
A) primarily B) communally

C) implicitly D) desperately 9. The Assyrian Empire of northern Iraq ----

E) deniably its height in the early 7th century BC, ----
almost all other empires' main cities in
the Near East during that time.
5. Reading books with a child beginning in A) reached / capturing
early infancy is known to ---- vocabulary
and reading skills even four years later, B) had reached / captured
before elementary school. C) has reached / to capture
A) plague B) deter D) was reaching / to have captured
C) impede D) pretend E) would reach / to be captured
E) boost


10. The start of the use of computers 14. Studies have shown that ---- children
helped psychologists to comprehend insist on eating their favourite foods for
the complexities ---- human cognition by days in a row, they will eventually get
comparing it ---- an artificial system tired of the same thing and begin eating
such as a computer. something else.

A) from / for A) in case

B) into / to B) before

C) beyond / among C) even if

D) of / with D) as much as

E) on / behind E) unless

11. At the individual level, the association ----

Internet use and intention to migrate is 15. Parental alienation, where a parent tries
stronger ---- women and those with less to damage a child's relationship with the
education. other parent, harms families ---- it is
A) into / below direct ---- it is indirect.

B) in / about A) so / that

C) within / through B) more / than

D) between / among C) such / that

E) along / around D) whether / or

E) neither / nor

12. Since 1980, the global prevalence of

daily tobacco smoking has declined ---- 16. ---- the popular belief that we now
the number of smokers has increased understand the dynamics of sea level
because of population growth. rise, we are hardly beginning to scratch
A) so the surface.

B) although A) In the event of

C) once B) In contrast to

D) as soon as C) Rather than

E) because D) Because of

E) With reference to

13. The American economy entered a mild

recession during the summer of 1929, ----
consumer spending slowed and unsold
goods began to pile up, causing a
decrease in factory production.

A) as
B) as if
C) whether
D) even though
E) unless


17-21: For these questions, choose the best 19.

word or expression to fill the spaces in the A) in excess of B) unlike
C) rather than D) despite

Many people have a clear picture of the "Little E) due to

Ice Age". It is characterised by paintings
showing people skating on Dutch canals and
glaciers advancing far (17) ---- the alpine valleys.
That it was bitterly cold in Europe for several
centuries (18) ---- by a large number of
temperature reconstructions using tree rings, for
example, not just by historical paintings.
Besides, (19) ---- similar reconstructions for 20.
North America, it was assumed that the "Little A) However B) Furthermore
Ice Age" and the similarly famous "Medieval
C) Therefore D) Accordingly
Warm Period" were global phenomena. (20) ----,
now, an international group at the University of E) Namely
Bern is painting a very different picture of these
alleged global climate fluctuations. In a recent
study as well as in a supplementary publication,
the team shows that there is no evidence that
there were (21) ---- warm and cold periods
across the globe over the last 2,000 years.

A) under B) over
A) uniquely B) ultimately
C) into D) from C) apparently D) uniformly
E) with E) diversely


A) must be proven

B) is proven

C) would be proven

D) had been proven

E) should have been proven


22-26: For these questions, choose the best 24.

word or expression to fill the spaces in the A) compiles B) pleases
C) refutes D) exploits

What is the best way to spend money to increase E) yields

your happiness? It may depend, in part, on how
wealthy you are. Only individuals who are
relatively higher in social class show the well-
known effect of greater happiness from
purchasing experiences, such as going to a
concert or the movies, (22) ---- purchasing
material goods like a pair of shoes or
accessories. Lower class individuals, on the other
hand, do not show the same pattern. In some
cases, they report the same degree of happiness
from experiential and material purchases (23) ----
in others, they actually report that material
purchases make them happier. The conclusion A) within B) beyond
that buying experiences (24) ---- more happiness C) above D) through
than buying tangible objects is known as the
E) across
experiential advantage. However, this simple
answer to the question of how to best spend your
money does not consider the huge economic
disparities (25) ---- our society. It is reasoned that
the basic motives that shape consumer decisions
vary between higher-class and lower-class
consumers. Thus, it is anticipated that the degree
of happiness (26) ---- from different types of
purchases also vary by social class.

A) obtaining
A) on the grounds of
B) having obtained
B) compared with
C) obtained
C) with regard to
D) to have obtained
D) aside from
E) to obtain
E) in compliance with

A) now that B) once
C) whereas D) even when
E) besides


29. ----, daily exposure to blue light from

27-36: For these questions, choose the best
option to complete the given sentence. your phones, computers and other
devices may accelerate ageing.

A) Even if it does not reach your eyes and

27. One in two pregnant women are affected is not processed by the brain
by iron deficiency, ----.
B) Regardless of the fact that light without
A) but almost half of pregnant women do blue slightly shortens our lifespan
not get a simple screening test to check
it C) As a result of the cellular and
developmental mechanisms shared
B) so, women of lower socioeconomic with humans
status are less likely to get tested
D) Whereas the subjects exposed to blue
C) therefore, iron requirements in light show damage to their retinal cells
pregnancy are high to support the and brain neurons
developing foetus
E) Although light-emitting diodes damage
D) now that anaemia early in pregnancy cells in the brain as well as retinas
has also been associated with
neurodevelopmental delays

E) as long as it is extremely simple to 30. In addition to preserving natural

detect and treat this disorder treasures and animal habitats, ----.

A) the amount of ocean debris on some

beaches is incomparably more than on
28. While the first half of the twentieth others
century marked a period of
extraordinary violence, ----. B) debris includes plastics from ships,
trash from rivers, and the litter visitors
A) there are changes in the sizes of wars leave behind
and the number of casualties
C) it helps governments quantify the
B) another abrupt shift towards a greater benefits of efforts to keep marine debris
level of peace is expected to occur out of our waterways
D) cleaning up beaches could boost local
C) historians debate whether the world economies that depend on them for
today has become more or less income
E) cooperation on a larger scale is needed
D) the world has become more peaceful in to better understand differences in
the past 30 years with rising coastal communities
collaboration among nations

E) peacekeeping work by global

organisations like the UN may be
supporting the trend


31. Although Africa’s coastlines have 33. People have a moral preference for
widely been proposed as potential supporting good causes and not
corridors of mass migration in ancient wanting to support harmful or bad
times, ----. causes, ----.

A) the largest well-dated assemblages A) unless we let the brain think carefully
from the region clearly document about conflicting moral and monetary
technological continuity values

B) the occupation and the habitation of the B) given that people are more likely to
area during the Stone Age is poorly stick to their moral convictions and are
known not swayed

C) more studies are still needed to C) although people's decisions are more
understand how this diversity relates to social when they think that their actions
patterns of behaviour are being watched by others around

D) latest research extends the timeframe D) however, depending on the strength of

of occupations at the site the monetary incentive, people will at
one point switch to selfish behaviour
E) the results consolidate the sparse
record of Middle Stone Age E) so those who receive money are
occupations of West Africa presented with the opportunity to
donate a varying sum to a charitable
32. Even elementary school children know
that bird skeletons are lightweight to
offset the high energy cost of flying ----. 34. A fish species may sometimes mate
with a species outside their own by
A) instead, bird and bat skeletons only
mistake ----.
appear to be slender and delicate
A) although many people assume fish are
B) but they are denser than mammal
all the same species because they all
bones, which makes them heavier and
live in water
B) if the male's colouring is attractive
C) so, the skeleton of a 100-gram bird
enough or if the female cannot see him
weighs just as much as the skeleton of
a 100-gram rodent
C) whereas some newly discovered fish
D) if density is described as a measure of
are predators with large teeth
mass per unit of volume
D) as it is a phenomenon that is rarely
E) though the main bone in the bird wing,
observed through scientific methods
the humerus, is quite round in cross-
section E) since such 'mistakes' in mate choice
can lead to the evolution of new


35. Unless we can find a way to alter the

Earth's orbit to save it, ----.

A) the outer atmosphere of the Sun

extends a long way beyond its visible

B) even a slight miscalculation will have

catastrophic consequences

C) our planet will be swallowed up by the

Sun and vaporised in about 7.6 billion

D) the technology to do this could be

developed over the next few centuries

E) this does not take into account the

effect of the drag caused by the
atmosphere of the Sun

36. Narcissists do not learn from their

mistakes when their actions result in an
undesirable outcome ----.

A) but all of us engage in some level of

self-protective thinking

B) in order that they can do something

differently or engage in self-critical

C) even though narcissists do this

because they think they are better than

D) because they refuse to acknowledge

that they have made a mistake in the
first place

E) as long as they are advised by those

who are objective while making


37-42: For these questions, choose the 38. While the dangers of being obese on
most accurate Turkish translation of the physical health are well known,
sentences in English, and the most researchers are now discovering that
accurate English translation of the being overweight can also have a
sentences in Turkish. significant impact on mental health.

A) Obez olmanın fiziksel sağlık üzerindeki

tehlikelerini iyi bilen araştırmacılar, artık
37. Since it mobilises the organism and
aşırı kilolu olmanın da zihinsel sağlık
enables it to manage threatening
üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olabileceğini
situations, stress is an essential
psychobiological mechanism without
which we could not survive. B) Obez olmanın fiziksel sağlık üzerindeki
tehlikelerinin iyi bilinmesinin yanı sıra,
A) Organizmayı harekete geçiren ve tehdit artık aşırı kilolu olmanın da zihinsel sağlık
edici durumları yönetmememizi sağlayan
üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olabileceği
stres, onsuz yaşayamayacağımız temel araştırmacılarca keşfediliyor.
bir psikobiyolojik mekanizmadır.
C) Araştırmacılar, aşırı kilolu olmanın zihinsel
B) Organizmayı harekete geçirdiği ve tehdit sağlık üzerinde önemli bir etkisi
edici durumları yönetmesini sağladığı için
olabileceğini yeni keşfetmelerine rağmen,
stres, onsuz yaşayamayacağımız temel
obezitenin fiziksel sağlık üzerindeki
bir psikobiyolojik mekanizmadır.
tehlikelerini iyi bilmektedirler.
C) Onsuz yaşayamayacağımız temel bir
D) Obez olmanın fiziksel sağlık üzerindeki
psikobiyolojik mekanizma olan stres,
tehlikeleri iyi bilinse de, araştırmacılar artık
organizmayı harekete geçirir ve tehdit
aşırı kilolu olmanın da zihinsel sağlık
edici durumları yönetmesini sağlar. .
üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olabileceğini
D) Stresin organizmayı harekete geçirmesi keşfediyorlar.
ve tehdit edici durumları yönetmesi onu
E) Aşırı kilolu olmanın da zihinsel sağlık
vazgeçilmez temel bir psikobiyolojik
üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olabileceğini
mekanizma haline getirmektedir.
keşfeden araştırmacılar, obez olmanın
E) Stresi temel bir psikobiyolojik mekanizma fiziksel sağlık üzerindeki tehlikelerinin
haline getiren şey, organizmayı harekete gayet farkındadır.
geçirmesi ve tehdit edici durumları
yönetmesini sağlamasıdır.


39. Brain-computer interfaces, which record 40. Bilim insanları, e-sigaraların sağlığa zarar
electrical signals in the brain, are verdiğine ve oldukça bağımlılık yapıcı
sophisticated devices that may one day olduğuna dair artan kanıtlar olduğunu
help people with brain or spinal injuries söylüyor, ancak üreticiler onları "daha
to move or communicate. sağlıklı" sigaralar olarak pazarlıyor ve
gençler arasındaki popülaritesi artıyor.
A) Bir gün, beyindeki elektrik sinyallerini
kaydeden beyin-bilgisayar arayüzleri ile, A) Scientists say there is mounting evidence
beyin veya omurilik yaralanması olanların that e-cigarettes damage health and are
hareket etmelerine ve iletişim kurmalarına highly addictive, yet manufacturers are
yardımcı cihazların gelişmesi bekleniyor. marketing them as "healthier" cigarettes,
and their popularity among young people
B) Beyindeki elektrik sinyallerini kaydederek
is growing.
beyin veya omurilik yaralanması olan
kişilerin kolayca hareket etmelerine ve B) With their popularity among young people
iletişim kurmalarına yardımcı olabilecek growing, manufacturers are marketing
cihazlar bir gün geliştirilebilecektir. cigarettes as "healthier" cigarettes despite
mounting evidence that e-cigarettes
C) Beyindeki elektrik sinyallerini kaydeden
damage health and are highly addictive.
beyin-bilgisayar arayüzleri, bir gün beyin
veya omurilik yaralanması olan kişilerin C) There is mounting evidence that e-
hareket etmelerine veya iletişim cigarettes damage health, and scientists
kurmalarına yardımcı olabilecek olan say they are highly addictive, however;
gelişmiş cihazlardır. manufacturers are marketing them as
"healthier" cigarettes, boosting their
D) Beyindeki elektrik sinyallerini
popularity among young people.
kaydedebilen gelişmiş beyin-bilgisayar
arayüzleri, beyin veya omurilik D) Despite mounting evidence put forward by
yaralanması olan kişilerin hareket scientists that e-cigarettes damage health
etmesine ve iletişim kurmasına yardımcı and are highly addictive, manufacturers
olabilen karmaşık cihazlardır. are marketing them as "healthier"
cigarettes, and their popularity among
E) Bir gün beyin veya omurilik yaralanması
young people is growing.
olan kişilerin hareket etmelerine ve iletişim
kurmalarına yardımcı olabilecek olan E) Mounting evidence gathered by scientists
gelişmiş bir cihaz, beyindeki elektrik shows that e-cigarettes are harmful to
sinyallerini kaydeden beyin-bilgisayar health and highly addictive, but
arayüzleridir. manufacturers are still marketing them as
"healthier" cigarettes, contributing to their
popularity among young people.


41. Dünya, küresel ısınmayı iklim anlaşması 42. Suistimal edici denetim, işlevsiz bir liderlik
hedefinin altında tutan politikalar izlerse, türü olarak kabul edilir ve astlara karşı
Antarktika buz tabakasının istikrarsız hale sürekli olarak düşmanca sözlü ve sözlü
gelmesi ve önümüzdeki yüzyıllarda deniz olmayan davranışların sergilenmesini
seviyesinde çarpıcı bir artışa neden olması içerir.
çok daha az olasıdır.
A) As well as being considered a
A) If policies that keep global warming below dysfunctional type of leadership, abusive
the climate agreement target are strictly supervision includes a sustained display
followed, the Antarctic ice sheet is unlikely of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviours
to become unstable and cause a dramatic toward subordinates.
sea-level rise in upcoming centuries.
B) Abusive supervision is not just about a
B) The only way to make the Antarctic ice dysfunctional type of leadership, but it is
sheet less likely to become unstable and also about a sustained display of hostile
not cause a dramatic sea-level rise in verbal and nonverbal behaviours toward
upcoming centuries is to follow policies to subordinates.
keep global warming below the climate
C) Abusive supervision becomes a
agreement target.
dysfunctional type of leadership when it
C) The Antarctic ice sheet is much less likely includes a sustained display of hostile
to become unstable and cause a dramatic verbal and nonverbal behaviours toward
sea-level rise in upcoming centuries if the subordinates.
world follows policies that keep global
D) Abusive supervision, considered to be a
warming below the climate agreement
dysfunctional type of leadership, includes
a sustained display of hostile verbal and
D) The Antarctic ice sheet may not become nonverbal behaviours toward
unstable and cause a dramatic sea-level subordinates.
rise in upcoming centuries as long as the
E) Abusive supervision is considered a
world follows policies that keep global
dysfunctional type of leadership and
warming below the climate agreement
includes a sustained display of hostile
verbal and nonverbal behaviours toward
E) If the world is to stop the Antarctic ice subordinates.
sheet from becoming unstable and
causing a dramatic sea-level rise in
upcoming centuries, it needs to follow
policies that keep global warming below
the climate agreement target.


43-46: Answer these questions according 44. Which of the following is true according
to the passage below. to the passage?

Enslaved people were an integral part of society A) Some Athenians were at odds with each
in ancient Greece. They were asked to undertake other regarding the legal rights of their
the tasks, duties and jobs some of which the slaves.
Greek citizens hated to carry out themselves.
B) Slavery became prevalent in ancient
Servitude was widespread in Greek antiquity and
Greece due to Greeks' carefree attitude
Athens alone was home to an estimated 60,000–
towards life.
80,000 slaves during the fifth and fourth centuries
BC, with each household having an average of C) The status of the agricultural slaves was
three or four enslaved people attached to it. The not the same as that of the domestic
most common type of work for enslaved people slaves.
was within the agricultural sector, although many
were otherwise set to task in mines. Just as there D) There was a wide variety of tasks slaves
was great variety in the nature of the work used to do in ancient Greece.
undertaken, when it came to status, being an
enslaved person in ancient Greece was by no E) Athens was home to the highest number
means a uniform experience either. For instance, of slaves throughout ancient Greece.
Athenian slaves tended to enjoy more freedom
than those elsewhere. Enslaved people in Sparta
were known as helots, a group that occupied a 45. It can be understood from the passage
status between free men and slaves. While most that ----.
enslaved people remained in servitude until
A) the number of slaves changed according
death, it was possible to be freed by a master. In
all but the most benevolent of cases, an enslaved to the wealth and age of their master
person effectively had to buy their way to B) the practice of slavery during the 5th and
freedom for this to happen, paying their master a 4th centuries BC was limited to Greece
sum that at least equated to their value if they
were to be sold off to a new master. If the slave
had sufficient savings to be able to do this, they C) the value of slaves varied widely
could not be enslaved again at any point in the depending on the nature of the task they
future. did

D) there used to be harsh punishments for

43. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. slaves if they failed to carry out a task

A) some of the slaves were born free, but E) the status of the slaves varied according
were sold into the slave market due to to the region they inhabited
economic reasons

B) ancient Greeks used to lead a sedentary

46. The passage is mainly about ----.
lifestyle owing to the huge numbers of
slaves A) the obstacles that the slaves in ancient
C) some slaves were able to secure their Greece had to overcome to become free
freedom by paying money to their master B) a distinct period in ancient Greece marked
D) slaves in ancient Greece performed all the by the widespread practice of slavery
tasks that were degrading to the Greeks C) the reasons for the differences in the
E) domestic servants were mostly paid well status of slaves across ancient Greece
and their livelihood was secured
D) the legal obligations the slaves had to
meet to be freed from their masters

E) the factors that made the practice of

slavery widespread for almost 200 years


47-50: Answer these questions according 48. It can be understood from the passage
to the passage below. that ----.

A) it is difficult to accurately determine the

Chronic stress causes a number of health
causes of high cholesterol levels
problems, including high cholesterol. Research
shows that it raises your risk for bad cholesterol B) some adults have high cholesterol
and lowers levels of good cholesterol. This is because of physical inactivity or because it
because stress hormones, such as cortisol and is hereditary
adrenaline, trigger changes that may lead to
higher blood sugar and inflammation. Over time, C) getting regular exercise and improving
this may cause your liver to pump out more your diet can keep cholesterol levels down
cholesterol and blood fats called triglycerides. D) figuring out the best way to treat high
Your liver makes, processes, and breaks down cholesterol starts with understanding why
cholesterol. When your liver does not work it happens
properly, it can affect your cholesterol levels. One
of the most common conditions is non-alcoholic E) high blood sugar and inflammation can
fatty liver disease, which happens when extra fat cause the liver to pump out more
is stored in the liver. It affects nearly 1 in 4 adults. cholesterol and blood fats
Whether it is at your desk or on a couch, sitting
for hours on end is bad for your health. It is linked
with obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol. 49. Which of the following can be concluded
Some drugs, such as birth control pills, retinoids, from the passage?
corticosteroids, antivirals, and anticonvulsants,
may have an unexpected effect on your A) Stress is the main factor that has a
cholesterol. Some medicines for high blood profound impact on cholesterol levels.
pressure can also raise your cholesterol. Type 2 B) Some medicines intended to curb high
diabetes can also cause high blood sugar. When blood pressure may prove
there is too much sugar, it may attach to proteins, counterproductive.
such as cholesterol molecules. This makes
cholesterol more harmful. C) High cholesterol levels cause the liver, as
well as other organs, to malfunction.

D) Diseases caused by high cholesterol

47. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
levels affect almost 25 per cent of adults.
A) there is a direct relationship between
E) Medications for high cholesterol levels are
one's stress level and the cholesterol level
not effective at all.
in the body

B) high cholesterol can trigger the

accumulation of harmful substances in the 50. Which of the following is the best title for
blood this passage?

C) consuming food that contains high A) Adverse Effects of Stress on Cholesterol

amounts of fat increases the level of bad Levels
B) Diseases High Levels of Cholesterol
D) non-alcoholic fatty liver disease causes Cause
extra fat to be stored in the liver
C) Detrimental Impacts of Cholesterol on
E) high cholesterol levels affect adults more Organs
than young people
D) Certain Factors Affecting Cholesterol

E) How to Keep Cholesterol Levels under


51-54: Answer these questions according 52. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
to the passage below.
A) the pandemic came to an end with the
effective medicines and vaccines
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest
developed in 1918
in history, infected roughly 500 million people and
killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims. B) the pandemic spread swiftly due to the
At the time, there were no effective drugs or lack of strict measures throughout the
vaccines to treat this killer flu strain. People were world
ordered to wear masks, schools, theatres and
businesses were closed. The first wave of the C) the death toll, even during the first wave of
pandemic occurred in the spring and was the 1918 pandemic, was higher than
generally mild. The sick, who experienced typical others in history
flu symptoms, usually recovered after several D) the winter of 1918 contributed to the
days, and the number of reported deaths was sudden increase in the death toll during
low. However, a second, highly contagious wave the pandemic
of influenza appeared in the fall of that same
year. Victims died within hours or days of E) the place where the 1918 pandemic first
developing symptoms. In just one year, 1918, the emerged still remains a mystery
average life expectancy in America plummeted
by a dozen years. It is unknown exactly where
the strain of influenza that caused the pandemic 53. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
came from; however, it was first observed in
A) the pandemic was called the Spanish flu
Europe, America and some areas of Asia before
spreading swiftly across the globe within months. as the country was affected more badly
Although the 1918 flu was not isolated to one than the other countries
place, it became known around the world as the B) the precautions taken during the first wave
Spanish flu, as Spain was hit hardest by the of the pandemic successfully curbed the
disease. One unusual aspect of the pandemic number of people affected or killed
was that it struck down many healthy young
people – a group normally resistant to this type of C) some people had to take their own
infectious illness. Although the death toll precautions when the ones taken by the
attributed to the Spanish flu is often estimated at authorities proved ineffective
20 million to 50 million victims worldwide, other
D) it was too late to take measures during the
estimates run as high as 100 million. The exact
second wave because the affected people
numbers are impossible to know due to a lack of
had the usual flu symptoms
medical record-keeping in many places.
E) the precise number of people affected by
the pandemic is hard to tell despite the
51. Which of the following is true about the meticulous medical record-keeping
1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to
the passage?
54. Which of the following best describes the
A) It took only half a year for the 1918
author's attitude towards the measures
pandemic to spread all over the world.
taken against the 1918 pandemic?
B) The 1918 pandemic first originated in
A) Critical
Spain before rapidly spreading across the
globe. B) Indifferent

C) The estimates regarding the number of C) Biased

victims affected by the 1918 pandemic D) Neutral
vary wildly. E) Sarcastic
D) There have been many deadly pandemics
worse than the 1918 pandemic throughout

E) The USA was by far the hardest-hit

country by the 1918 pandemic
compared to other nations.


55-58: Answer these questions according 56. Which of the following is true about the
to the passage below. Wright brothers?

A) They were inspired by some scientists

Wilbur and Orville Wright, American inventors
who were famous in the field of aviation.
and pioneers of aviation, were given a model
plane when they were children. Fascinated by the B) They were constantly featured in the press
toy and its mechanics, they would develop a during their stay in Europe.
lifelong love of flying. Always working on several
C) They were reluctant to go to France as the
mechanical projects and keeping up with
advances in different fields of science, the country was notorious for formalities
brothers decided to start their experiments with inventor had to deal with.
flight. They first tried to figure out how to design D) The distance they covered in their first
wings for flight. They observed that birds angled flight made a huge headline throughout
their wings for balance and control, and they tried the US.
to emulate this. Eventually, the Wright brothers
succeeded in flying the first controlled flight of a E) Before they could make their first flight,
power-driven plane on December 17, 1903. they had to overcome many of the official
Wilbur flew their heavier-than-air plane for 59 obstacles they faced.
seconds, over a distance of almost 260 meters,
an extraordinary achievement. However, they
soon discovered that their success was not 57. Which of the following was NOT one of the
appreciated by all. Many in the press, as well as reasons why the Wright brothers went to
fellow flight experts, were reluctant to believe the Europe?
brothers’ claims at all. Thus, the brothers set out
for Europe in 1908, hoping that they would have A) Their achievement was not praised in the
more success convincing the public and find US as much as they expected.
more customers interested in aeroplanes. Also, B) They wanted to raise the awareness of the
doing business abroad would make them more public about their planes.
prestigious. They found a much more receptive
audience in France, where they made many C) Royals and statesmen in Europe would
public flights, and gave rides to officials, pay more for their invention.
journalists and statesmen. By 1909, they had
D) They wanted to expand their businesses
achieved their goals; they had become huge
celebrities all over Europe hosted by royals and
heads of state, and were on the newspapers on a E) They aimed to generate more publicity for
regular basis. They began to sell their airplanes their planes.
there, before returning to the United States in
1909 and also started selling even more there.
58. The underlined word in the passage
'emulate' is closest in meaning to ----.
55. It can be understood from the passage
A) mimic
that the Wright brothers ----.
B) compete
A) took shared credit for their innovations,
including the plane C) scorn
B) had different points of view regarding the D) witness
design of their first plane
E) convey
C) were harshly criticised about their trip to
Europe by journalists in the US

D) generated much more income out of their

invention in the US than in Europe

E) were familiar with scientific developments

other than aviation at the time

59-62: Answer these questions according 60. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
to the passage below.
A) some US citizens with low-paid jobs moved
to tenement buildings as they were relatively
In the 19thcentury, more and more people began
crowding into America's cities, including
thousands of newly arrived immigrants seeking a B) the construction of tenement housing more
better life than the one they had left behind. In than doubled in the 19thcentury when
New York City, where the population doubled compared to the previous years
every decade from 1800 to 1880, buildings that
C) the population of New York increased in the
had once been small-family dwellings were
19thcentury in a way that had never been
increasingly divided into multiple living spaces to
witnessed before
accommodate this growing population. Known as
tenements, these narrow, low-rise apartment D) wealthy people chose to move to a different
buildings, many of which concentrated in the region in New York due to the influx of
city's Lower East Side neighbourhood, were all immigrants
too often cramped, poorly lit and lacked indoor
E) the number of immigrants to New York was
plumbing and proper ventilation. By 1900, some
much higher than the other cities across the
2.3 million people were living in tenement
housing throughout the US. In response to this
situation, the affluent residents of New York's
Lower East Side began to move further north, 61. One can understand from the passage that
leaving their houses behind at that time. ----.
Meanwhile, more and more immigrants began to
flow into the city, many of whose lives were in A) the US government was harshly criticised
jeopardy due to the Irish Potato Famine, also owing to the number of immigrants to the
known as the Great Hunger, in Ireland or country
revolution in Germany. Both of these groups of B) some conflicts between the immigrants and
new arrivals concentrated in the Lower East Side, speculators arose due to the poor condition
moving into row houses that had been changed of tenements
from single-family dwellings into multiple-
apartment tenements or into new tenement C) some immigrants moved to the eastern side
housing built specifically for that purpose. Later, of New York, whereas others moved to the
speculators began building new tenements, often north for a decent life
using cheap materials and construction shortcuts. D) lots of immigrants had to move to New York
as their lives were at stake for different
59. Which of the following is true about
tenement buildings, according to the E) the new tenements built by speculators were
passage? relatively safer than the older ones

A) Speculators made a huge amount of profit

through leasing or selling them. 62. What is the primary purpose of the author of
B) The new tenements were in much better this passage?
condition than the ones built earlier. A) To provide information about a particular
C) Some tenements were converted from kind of housing designed for immigrants in
houses built for small families. the US.
B) To prove that immigration to the US had
D) The houses left by wealthy people were
adverse impacts on American citizens
allocated to Irish and German immigrants.
C) To illustrate some of the reasons why many
E) The first ones were built in New York and
immigrants had to move to the US
attracted the highest number of
immigrants. D) To criticise the conditions, such as tenement
housing, in which the immigrants had to live
E) To reveal the major impacts of immigration
influx on house design in the US


63-67: For these questions, choose the best 64.

option to complete the dialogue.

 Ground-breaking research into trees

reveals that they are much more
complex and intelligent than they were
Interviewer: previously believed to be.

 What made you decide to pursue a Cole:

career in dietetics?
 I remember reading similar stuff. What
particularly interesting thing did you
come across?
 You learn about food and nutrition and
how this affects people's health, and George:
when you become a dietitian, you use
 ----
this knowledge to help people stay
healthy and manage health conditions. I Cole:
guess this attracted me the most.
 Really? How can they do that?
 ----
 Trees can identify their saliva and
Dietitian: release a specific chemical that attracts
the bird or animal that eats them.
 Well, we are often the last source of
information that people seek for diet- A) Trees are able to wage war on their
related questions or help and also, we competitors for easier access to water and
do not get recognised properly in the sunlight.
media or public.
B) Underground fungal networks carry
A) What skills do you consider to be essential messages to other trees to warn against
to work in this industry? potential threats.

B) What do people usually look for in a C) They create sugar as food and send it to
nutritionist or a dietitian? trees that are in need of help in their
C) Do you have any advice for students
interested in studying nutrition? D) They are under constant attack from
animals eating their leaves, from insects
D) Do you have any complaints about working
and bacteria.
in this field?
E) They invent ways to fight back their
E) How has nutrition awareness changed
enemies, such as some insects that feed
since you started working in the field?
on their leaves.


65. 66.

Michelle: Billy:

 I've just read an article suggesting that  People know that stressful experiences
the key to becoming an effective are a normal part of life, but they just
student is learning how to study don't know what to do when a stressor
smarter, not harder. begins to impair their physical and
mental health.
 True, but the trick is to know how to do
that because when exam weeks arrive,  ----
there aren't enough hours in the day if
students don't know how to study
smarter.  Can you suggest one?

Michelle: Melinda:

 ----  Strong social support can improve

resilience to stress, and some friends or
family members may be good at
 So, what they should do is to have listening and sympathising.
regular, yet shorter, study periods
A) I see, but a diet with a high variety of
rather than cramming all their studying
nutrients can both protect health and
into one session just before the exam
provide more physical energy to deal with
A) Reviewing their notes before each study
B) Well, fortunately, there are many evidence-
session will help them remember important
based tools to help combat the negative
subject matter learned during the day.
effects of stress in healthy ways.
B) As the most difficult assignment or subject
C) Acute stress can be very distressing, but it
will require the most effort and mental
typically responds well to coping
energy, they should start with it first.
techniques like brisk physical activity.
C) They'll be mentally and emotionally more
D) True, and being chronically stressed may
prepared for each study session, and it will
leave you feeling fatigued and cause
become more productive.
headaches and digestive difficulties.
D) And that's why they find themselves up late
E) Establishing a healthy relationship with the
at night throughout the exam week,
people around you is perhaps the best
expending more energy trying to keep their
approach to relieve stress.
eyelids open than to keep studying.

E) Working in groups enables students to get

help from others when they struggle to
understand a new concept.




 Parents do their best to make sure

children are healthy and safe, equip
them with the skills and resources to
succeed as adults, and transmit basic
cultural values to them.


 ----


 Why is that?


 Recent research shows that spending

time with them besides parents is linked
with better social skills and fewer
behaviour problems.

A) In fact, cross-cultural differences in

parenting are strongly related to the beliefs,
traditions, and values of the particular

B) This process of racial socialisation has

been shown to boost self-esteem and
academic achievement in youth.

C) But there is emerging evidence that

children's health is compromised when
they live in single-parent homes.

D) I know, but children can develop equally

well regardless of the employment status of
their parents.

E) But apart from them, the role of

grandparents in the rearing of healthy and
happy children should not be overlooked.


68-71: For these questions, choose the best 69. In addition to mitigating climate change,
rephrased form of the given sentence. glaciers also release the water supply of
neighbouring regions which is used for
power, drinking water and agriculture.
68. Researchers are quite sure that the A) Glaciers both provide the water supply
sizeable deep-sea creature they have used for power, drinking water and
discovered in the Red Sea is not a giant agriculture for the areas in the vicinity, as
squid due to its body proportions, though well as curbing climate change.
there are still plenty of unanswered
questions. B) Climate change plays an important part in
melting glaciers and providing the water
A) Researchers are almost certain that the supply in the neighbouring areas, where
huge deep-sea creature they have found this supply is used for various purposes
in the Red Sea can be a giant squid by such as power, drinking water and
looking at its body proportions, but the agriculture.
mystery surrounding the creature
C) Since glaciers are melting due to climate
change, they provide a great deal of water
B) Although the large deep-sea creature supply for the neighbouring regions where
discovered by researchers in the Red Sea it is used mainly for power, drinking water
is similar to a giant squid when its body and agriculture.
proportions are considered, researchers
D) Glaciers not only alleviate the many
are yet to be sure due to the many
adverse effects of climate change, but
unanswered questions.
also provide much of the water supply for
C) It is virtually impossible to determine the people in the area, where the water is
whether the huge deep-sea creature used for different purposes such as power,
researchers have discovered is a giant drinking water and agriculture.
squid when its body proportions are taken
E) As a result of the increase in climate
into consideration, and there are many
change, glaciers release the water supply
questions yet to be answered.
of the neighbouring areas which is mainly
D) Even though there are many questions used for power, drinking water and
waiting to be answered about whether the agricultural purposes.
enormous deep-sea creature that
researchers have found in the Red Sea is
a giant squid, they are fairly certain that
this is out of the question considering its
body proportions.
E) Researchers are doubtful about whether
the huge deep-sea creature they have
discovered is a giant squid because of its
body proportions, and there are still a lot
of questions they have to find answers to.


70. A laboratory experiment is an experiment 71. Students with behavioural disorders often
conducted under highly controlled need to receive instruction in a special
conditions, not necessarily a laboratory, education setting since their behaviour
where accurate measurements are can be too maladaptive for a general
possible. education classroom.
A) If it were not for the extremely regulated A) Since students with behavioural problems
conditions in a lab environment, it would often disrupt other students, they need to
be virtually impossible to take objective receive special education in a setting
measurements in any other place. designed for them rather than a regular
B) A laboratory experiment is the one carried classroom setting.
out under extremely regulated conditions
B) If the students with behavioural disorders
in any place apart from a laboratory where
receive education in a regular classroom,
precise calculations can be performed.
it is inevitable that they become too
C) In order to perform precise calculations, a disruptive for other students; that is, why
laboratory experiment needs to be carried they need a form of special education
out in a lab environment rather than any specially designed for them.
other place, where extremely regulated
conditions cannot be created. C) As their attitude might be highly disruptive
for a regular classroom, students suffering
D) A laboratory experiment is the one carried from behavioural disorders frequently
out in highly regulated conditions such as require education in a setting tailored for
a laboratory; otherwise, it would be highly this purpose.
challenging to perform precise
calculations. D) When students with behavioural disorders
receive education in a regular classroom,
E) It is possible to replicate a laboratory
it might be much disruptive for other
experiment since it is conducted under
students at times, so they must be
highly controlled conditions under which
transferred to a setting where they can
precise calculations can be performed.
receive special education.

E) If regular students receive education with

those having behavioural disorders in the
same classroom, the latter might
experience adaptation issues, which is
why they should be educated in a setting
specifically designed for them.


72-75: For these questions, choose the best 73. For more than four centuries, tradition,
option to complete the missing part of the expertise, advanced technology and
passage. innovation have allowed the Swiss watch
and clock industry to maintain its
leadership on the world market. Despite or
72. Most people associate the company because of the crises it has endured, it has
Michelin with car tyres, guide books and always managed to overcome the
stars for quality restaurants. ---- The technological, structural and economic
company has tested giant sails that it challenges placed before it. ---- The many
hopes will make shipping greener. inventions and world firsts to its name
Shipping currently produces a lot of provide particularly flattering and envied
carbon dioxide as oil tankers, container examples of its status: first wristwatch,
ships, and giant cruise ships rely on fossil first quartz watch, first water-resistant
fuels to move around the world's oceans. wristwatch, world's thinnest wristwatch,
Experts say the industry produces around world's smallest wristwatch, most
940 million tons of CO2 annually and that expensive watch, and many more.
it is responsible for about 2.5 per cent of
A) The Renaissance gave us the first-ever
the world's greenhouse gasses. Michelin's
"watches" that could be carried around to
engineers say their revolutionary new sails
tell time.
could reduce the amount of CO2 produced
by the shipping industry by 20 per cent. B) The tradition and craft of watchmaking in
Switzerland date back centuries.
A) Also, Michelin is using the ancient
technology of sails to tackle an urgent C) The tradition of Swiss watchmaking has
problem the world faces. survived a multitude of industry shake-ups
and changes.
B) However, the French tyre maker is now
helping ships to be more environmentally D) The Swiss watch and clock industry
friendly. appeared in Geneva in the middle of the
16th century.
C) Yet, boats have used sails for 5,000 years
to cross oceans or travel along rivers. E) Its exceptional dynamism and creativity
have made it a state-of-the-art industry.
D) Thus, this means a ship's crew can fill the
sails with air to inflate them to full size.

E) So, the company hopes to start

manufacturing and selling them in 2022.


74. Heat absorbed by the ocean is moved 75. Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating
from one place to another, but it does not disorder in which you frequently consume
disappear. ---- Thus, heat energy in the unusually large amounts of food and feel
ocean can warm the planet for decades unable to stop eating. ---- But for some
after it is absorbed. If the ocean absorbs people, excessive overeating that feels out
more heat than it releases, its heat content of control and becomes a regular
increases. Knowing how much heat occurrence crosses the line to binge-
energy the ocean absorbs and releases is eating disorder. When you have binge-
essential for understanding and modelling eating disorder, you may be embarrassed
global climate. about overeating and vow to stop. But you
feel such a compulsion that you can't
A) It re-enters the rest of the Earth system by
resist the urges and continue binge eating.
melting ice shelves, evaporating water, or
If you have binge-eating disorder,
directly reheating the atmosphere.
treatment can help.
B) Clouds, water vapour, and greenhouse
A) Most people with binge-eating disorder are
gases emit heat that they have absorbed.
overweight or obese, but may still be at a
C) Among these are a fleet of more than normal weight.
3,000 robotic "floats" that measure ocean
B) Binge-eating problems can vary in their
course from short-lived to recurrent.
D) Scientists constantly compare data from
C) Almost everyone overeats on occasion,
satellites, floats, and probes to verify that
such as having seconds or thirds of a
the values they produce make sense.
holiday meal.
E) More than 90 per cent of the warming on
D) A person with binge-eating disorder may
Earth is known to occur in the ocean.
become an expert at hiding behaviour.

E) Unlike a person with bulimia, after a binge,

you do not regularly compensate for extra
calories eaten by vomiting.


76-80: For these questions, choose the 78. (I) Moisture is well known to decrease the
irrelevant sentence in the passage. quality and shelf life of the product and
decreases nutrient delivery. (II) High humidity
76. (I) Oral communication, while primarily present in bathrooms and kitchens could be
referring to spoken verbal communication, degrading the vitamins and health
can also employ visual aids and non-verbal supplements stored in those rooms. (III) This
elements to support the conveyance of is because crystalline substances are prone
meaning. (II) However, oral communication to a process called deliquescence. (IV) During
does have some drawbacks, like being too deliquescence, humidity causes a water-
much reliant on the presenter's verbal skills. soluble solid to dissolve. (V) Thus, keeping
(III) Oral communication includes speeches, vitamins and supplements away from warm,
presentations, discussions, and aspects of humid environments can help ensure their
interpersonal communication. (IV) As a type effectiveness.
of face-to-face communication, body
language and choice tonality play a significant A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
role and may have a greater impact upon the
listener than informational content. (V) This
type of communication also garners
79. (I) Children who speak a second or third
immediate feedback, which enables the
language may have an unexpected
speaker to evaluate the effectiveness of his
advantage later in life. (II) The easiest way to
explain the findings is to point out the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V relationship between higher education and the
number of languages. (III) Research shows
that knowing and speaking many languages
77. (I) Yoga, a healing system of theory and may protect the brain against the effects of
practice, is a combination of breathing ageing, explaining the relation between the
exercises, physical postures, and meditation, two. (IV) Senior citizens who speak more
practised for over 5,000 years. (II) It is languages have also been shown to test for
considered a mind-body intervention that is better cognitive functioning. (V) However,
used to reduce the health effects of there is no sure-fire recipe for avoiding the
generalised stress. (III) It is usually performed pitfalls of mental ageing, although using a
in classes, and sessions are conducted at second or third language may help prolong
least once a week and for approximately 45 the good years.
minutes. (IV) It is also believed to calm the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
nervous system and balance the body, mind,
and spirit. (V) Moreover, yoga has been used
to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and
improve coordination, flexibility, concentration, 80. (I) A child's reading speed can be improved
sleep, and digestion. by simply increasing the space between
letters within a piece of text. (II) Text with
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
increased space between each letter provides
a benefit to both dyslexic and non-dyslexic
children. (III) On average, dyslexic children
show a 13% increase in reading speed, while
non-dyslexic children show a 5% increase in
reading speed. (IV) Teaching professionals
can be confident that all children would be
helped by increased letter spacing in reading
materials. (V) Extra-large letter spacing is
believed to work by reducing what is known
as the 'crowding effect', which can hamper the
recognition of letters and reduce reading

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



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