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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

Chapter 11
Monopoly and Monopsony

Solutions to Review Questions

1. Why is the demand curve facing a monopolist the market demand curve?

A monopoly market consists of a single seller facing many buyers. Because the firm is by
definition supplying the entire market, it faces the entire set of buyers making up the market
demand curve.

2. The marginal revenue for a perfectly competitive firm is equal to the market price. Why
is the marginal revenue for a monopolist less than the market price for positive quantities
of output?

Marginal revenue is less than price for a monopolist. This is because as it lowers its price two
things happen. First, the firm’s revenue increases from the additional units it sells (these are the
marginal units). Second, the firm’s revenue decreases because it loses revenue from selling units
at a lower price than it could have had it chosen a lower quantity of output (these are the
inframarginal units.) The change in revenue is the sum of the increase from the marginal units
and the decrease from the inframarginal units. This change can be summarized as

Since demand is downward sloping, the second term will be negative implying marginal revenue
will be less than price.

3. Why can a monopolist’s marginal revenue be negative for some levels of output? Why is
marginal revenue negative when market demand is price inelastic?

The firm’s marginal revenue could be negative if the increase in revenue the firm gets from
selling additional (marginal) units at a lower price is more than offset by the decrease in revenue
from selling (inframarginal) units at a lower price than if it had chosen a lower quantity of

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If demand is price inelastic then


Thus, when demand is price inelastic, marginal revenue is negative.

4. Assume that the monopolist’s marginal cost is positive at all levels of output.

a) True or false: When the monopolist operates on the inelastic region of the market
demand curve, it can always increase profit by producing less output.

b) True or false: When the monopolist operates on the elastic region of the market demand
curve, it can always increase profit by producing more output.

a) True. Because the firm is operating on the inelastic region of the demand curve marginal
revenue is negative. Thus, decreasing output will increase total revenue. And, since output is
lower, total cost will be lower. Thus, by decreasing output and increasing price the firm can
increase profits.

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b) False. When the firm operates on the elastic portion of the market demand curve,
increasing output will increase total revenue. In addition, increasing output will increase total
costs. Thus, the effect on profit will depend on how costs increase in relation to revenue.

5. At the quantity of output at which the monopolist maximizes total profit, is the
monopolist’s total revenue maximized? Explain.

The firm will not be maximizing total revenue at the point where the firm maximizes total profit.
The firm maximizes revenue at the point where and the firm maximizes profit at the
point where . Thus, unless , the firm will not maximize both revenue and
profit at the same point.

6. What is the IEPR? How does it relate to the monopolist’s profit-maximizing condition,
MR = MC?

IEPR is the Inverse Elasticity Pricing Rule. This rule states that a profit- maximizing firm that
sets will satisfy the condition that

where the asterisks indicate the price and marginal cost at the profit-maximizing level of output.

7. Evaluate the following statement: Toyota faces competition from many other firms in
the world market for automobiles; therefore, Toyota cannot have market power.

While perfectly competitive firms do not have market power, it is not true that any firm that
faces competition does not have market power. In this particular example, while Toyota clearly
has competition, Toyota also sells a differentiated product from the other automobile
manufacturers. This will allow Toyota to control its price since no other manufacturer is
producing the identical product. Thus, Toyota will have some market power. It is true, however,
that this market power may be limited by the prices other manufacturers set for their
automobiles. If Toyota’s product is not seen as being much different from other autos, it will not
be able to set a price far out of line with the rest of the auto market.

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8. What rule does a multiplant monopolist use to allocate output among its plants? Would
a multiplant perfect competitor use the same rule?

A multi-plant monopolist will choose a level of output and then allocate output between plants so
that marginal costs are equalized across plants. If a perfectly competitive firm had multiple
plants it would follow the same rule. To see why, imagine it did not and allowed marginal costs
to be different across plants. If marginal costs were different, then it reallocates one unit of
output from the high marginal cost plant to the low marginal cost plant. This would reduce total
cost without changing revenue. Thus, profit would increase. Therefore, to maximize profit the
firm should allocate output between plants to equalize marginal cost.

9. Why does the monopoly equilibrium give rise to a deadweight loss?

A monopolist creates a deadweight loss because it produces a lower level of output and charges a
higher price than would occur in perfect competition. This choice allows the monopolist to
generate economic profits and increase producer surplus, essentially extracting surplus away
from consumers. The firm, however, will not be able to gain as much surplus as consumers lose,
lowering total net benefits, and creating a deadweight loss.

10. How does a monopsonist differ from a monopolist? Could a firm be both a
monopsonist and a monopolist?

A monopsonist is a firm that is a single buyer that can purchase from many sellers, whereas a
monopolist is a firm that is a single seller that can sell to many buyers. It is possible for a firm to
be both a monopolist and a monopsonist. Using the text example, suppose some local area had
only one hospital. It would be a monopolist in the provision of some hospital services, e.g.
emergency room services, and it would be a monopsonist in the purchase of some hospital
inputs, e.g. nurses.

11. What is a monopsonist’s marginal expenditure function? Why does a monopsonist’s

marginal expenditure exceed the input price at positive quantities of the input?

The monopsonist’s marginal expenditure function is the rate at which the monopsonist’s total
cost goes up, per unit of input, as it hires more units of the input. Marginal expenditure will
exceed unit cost because as the monopsonist increases the price it pays for units of input it must

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pay this higher price for the units it could have purchased at lower prices. This marginal
expenditure can be summarized as

Since the second term is positive (the monopsonist must pay a higher wage to increase the supply
of labor) the marginal expenditure will exceed the wage.

12. Why does the monopsony equilibrium give rise to a deadweight loss?

The monopsonist creates a deadweight loss. This occurs because the monopsonist hires a lower
quantity and pays a lower price for its input than would occur in perfect competition. This
allows the monopsonist to extract surplus away from suppliers, but the monopsonist is unable to
earn as much additional surplus as suppliers lose, lowering net total benefits, and creating a
deadweight loss.

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Solutions to Problems

11.1. Suppose that the market demand curve is given by Q = 100 - 5P.

a) What is the inverse market demand curve?

b) What is the average revenue function for a monopolist in this market?

c) What is the marginal revenue function that corresponds to this demand curve?

a) If demand is given by , inverse demand is found by solving for . This

implies inverse demand is .
b) Average revenue is given by

Therefore, average revenue will be .

c) For a linear demand curve , marginal revenue is given by . In

this instance demand is implying marginal revenue is .

11.2. The market demand curve for a monopolist is given by P = 40 - 2Q.

a) What is the marginal revenue function for the firm?

b) What is the maximum possible revenue that the firm can earn?

a) Since the demand curve is written in inverse form and is linear, the MR curve has the
same vertical intercept and twice the slop as the demand curve. Thus, MR = 40 – 4Q.
b) Total revenue will be maximized when MR = 0, or when Q = 10. At that quantity, the
price will be P = 40 – 2Q = 20. Total revenue is PQ = 20(10) = 200.

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11.3. Show that the price elasticity of demand is -1 if and only if the marginal revenue is

=P 1+
=P 1+
] [
εQ , P ] . Since P > 0, MR = 0 if and only if 1 + ( 1/ε Q , P ) =
0, which is equivalent to
1/ε Q, P =−1 or ε Q ,P =−1 .

11.4. Suppose that Intel has a monopoly in the market for microprocessors in Brazil.
During the year 2005, it faces a market demand curve given by P = 9 - Q, where Q is
millions of microprocessors sold per year. Suppose you know nothing about Intel’s costs of
production. Assuming that Intel acts as a profit-maximizing monopolist, would it ever sell 7
million microprocessors in Brazil in 2005?

If demand is , then . If the firm sets , then . At this point,

if the firm lowered its output it would increase total revenue, and with the lower level of output
total cost would fall. Thus, decreasing output would increase profit. Therefore, a profit-
maximizing monopolist facing this demand curve would never choose .

11.5. A monopolist operates in an industry where the demand curve is given by Q = 1000 -
20P. The monopolist’s constant marginal cost is $8. What is the monopolist’s profit-
maximizing price?

Recall that the MR curve can easily be derived from the demand curve when the latter is written
in the inverse form. The inverse demand curve is P = 50 – (Q/20) so the marginal revenue curve
is P = 50 – (Q/10) (using the fact that the slope of the MR curve is twice that of the inverse
demand curve, with the same intercept). Using the rule MR=MC, we get 50 – (Q/10) = 8, so Q =
420. Plugging this back into the demand curve (or the inverse demand curve) we can calculate
the profit maximizing price, P = 29.

11.6. Suppose that United Airlines has a monopoly on the route between Chicago and
Omaha, Nebraska. During the winter (December–March), the monthly demand on this

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route is given by P = a1 - bQ. During the summer (June–August), the monthly demand is
given by P = a2 - bQ, where a2 > a1. Assuming that United’s marginal cost function is the
same in both the summer and the winter, and assuming that the marginal cost function is
independent of the quantity Q of passengers served, will United charge a higher price in the
summer or in the winter?

If marginal cost is independent of Q, then marginal cost is constant. Assume . Then in

the winter the firm will produce where .

At this quantity the price charged will be

In the summer the firm will also produce where .

At this quantity the price charged will be

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Since we are told that , the price charged during the summer months will be greater than
the price charged during the winter months.

11.7. A monopolist operates with the following data on cost and demand. It has a total fixed
cost of $1,400 and a total variable cost of Q2, where Q is the number of units of output it
produces. The firm’s demand curve is P = $120 - 2Q. The size of its sunk cost is $600. The
firm expects the conditions of demand and cost to continue in the foreseeable future.

a) What is the firm’s profit if it operates and it maximizes profit?

b) Should the firm continue to operate in the short run, or should it shut down? Explain.

a) The monopolist chooses Q so that MR = MC: 120 – 4Q = 2Q => Q = 20.

P = 120 – 2(20) = 80.
Profit = PQ – V – F = 80(20) – 202 – 1400 = - 200.
The firm has nonsunk fixed costs: FNonsunk = F - FSunk = 1400 – 600 = 800.
b) Producer surplus = PQ – V – FNonsunk = 80(20) – 202 – 800 = 400. So the firm should continue
to operate in the short run. If it operates, its profit is -200. But if it shuts down, its profit = - FSunk = -
600. So it can lessen its losses by 400 if it continues to operate (and this is why producer surplus is
+400 annually.)

11.8. A monopolist operates with a fixed cost and a variable cost. Part of the fixed cost is
sunk, and part nonsunk. How will the sunk and nonsunk fixed costs affect the firm’s
decisions as it tries to maximize profit in the short run?

We can answer this question in two stages. In the first stage let’s ask what price and quantity the
firm should choose if it remains in production. When the firm chooses the optimal quantity, it
sets MR = MC. The optimal quantity choice rule therefore does not depend on the fixed costs,
and thus the optimal quantity and price (again, assuming the firm stays in operation) do not
depend on the size of the sunk and nonsunk fixed costs. Once the optimal price is determined,
the optimal revenues R* and variable costs V* can be determined.

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Now we can move to the second decision: should the firm stay in business, at least in the short

If it remains in production, the firms producer surplus will be R* - V* – Fnonsunk.

The firm would want to remain in business in the short run if the producer surplus is positive,
and it would shut down if the producer surplus is negative.

11.9. Under what conditions will a profit-maximizing monopolist and a revenue-

maximizing monopolist set the same price?

A profit-maximizing monopolist would choose the output at which MR = MC. A revenue-

maximizing monopolist would choose the output at which MR = 0. The two would therefore choose
the same output (and set the same price) when MC = 0.

11.10. Assume that a monopolist sells a product with the cost function C = F + 20Q, where
C is total cost, F is a fixed cost, and Q is the level of output. The inverse demand function is
P = 60 - Q, where P is the price in the market. The firm will earn zero economic profit
when it charges a price of 30 (this is not the price that maximizes profit). How much profit
does the firm earn when it charges the price that maximizes profit?

When the P = 30, the demand function shows that Q = 30.

At that price, profit = 0 = PQ – C = (30)(30) – F – 20(30); therefore F = 300.
So total cost is C = 300 – 20Q.
Now find the quantity that maximizes profit. Set MR = MC. MR = 60 – 2Q and MC = 20.
60 – 2Q = 20 implies that Q = 20 and P = 40.
So, the profit-maximizing profit will be PQ – C = (40)(20) – 300 – (20)(20) = 100.

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11.11. Assume that a monopolist sells a product with a total cost function TC = 1,200 +
0.5Q2 and a corresponding marginal cost function MC = Q. The market demand curve is
given by the equation P = 300 - Q.

a) Find the profit-maximizing output and price for this monopolist. Is the monopolist

b) Calculate the price elasticity of demand at the monopolist’s profit-maximizing price.

Also calculate the marginal cost at the monopolist’s profit-maximizing output. Verify that
the IEPR holds.

a) If demand is given by then . To find the optimum set


At price will be . At this price and quantity total revenue will be

and total cost will be . Therefore, the firm
will earn a profit of .

b) The price elasticity at the profit-maximizing price is

With the demand curve , . Therefore, at the profit-maximizing price

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The marginal cost at the profit-maximizing output is MC = Q = 100. The inverse elasticity
pricing rule states that at the profit-maximizing price

In this case we have

Thus, the IEPR holds for this monopolist.

11.12. A monopolist faces a demand curve P = 210 - 4Q and initially faces a constant
marginal cost MC = 10.

a) Calculate the profit-maximizing monopoly quantity and compute the monopolist’s total
revenue at the optimal price.

b) Suppose that the monopolist’s marginal cost increases to MC = 20. Verify that the
monopolist’s total revenue goes down.

c) Suppose that all firms in a perfectly competitive equilibrium had a constant marginal
cost MC = 10.

Find the long-run perfectly competitive industry price and quantity.

d) Suppose that all firms’ marginal costs increased to MC = 20. Verify that the increase in
marginal cost causes total industry revenue to go up.

a) With demand , . Setting implies

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With , price will be . At this price and quantity total revenue will be

b) If , then setting implies

At , price will be . At this price and quantity total revenue will be

. Therefore, the increase in marginal cost will result in lower total
revenue for the firm.

c) Competitive firms produce until P = MC, so in this case we know the market price would
be P = 10 and the market quantity would be:

d) In this case, the market price will be = 20, implying that the industry quantity is
given by

At this quantity, price will be . When , total industry revenue is .

With , total industry revenue is . Thus, total industry revenue
increases in the perfectly competitive market after the increase in marginal cost.

11.13. A monopolist serves a market in which the demand is P = 120 - 2Q. It has a fixed
cost of 300. Its marginal cost is 10 for the first 15 units (MC = 10 when 0 Q 15). If it

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wants to produce more than 15 units, it must pay overtime wages to its workers, and its
marginal cost is then 20. What is the maximum amount of profit the firm can earn?

The marginal revenue curve is MR = 120 – 4Q. Initially we are not sure whether the optimal
quantity will be less than 15 units (in which case MC = 10), or more than 20 units (where MC =
There are two regions of output:
Region I: where MC = 10 and 0 < Q < 15
Region II: where MC = 20 and 15 < Q
Let’s assume that the MC = 10 and optimal quantity is less than or equal to 15 units. In that case,
setting MR = MC, we find that 120 – 4Q = 10, or that Q = 27.5. But when Q = 27.5, MC is not
10, so the assumption that the optimal quantity is in Region I is not correct.
Now let’s assume that the MC = 20 and optimal quantity is greater than 15 units. In that case,
setting MR = MC, we find that 120 – 4Q = 20, or that Q = 25. When Q = 25, MC is 20, so that
marginal cost we have assumed is correct at the optimal output level we have calculated. The
market price is P = 120 – 2(25) = 70.
Revenue = PQ = 70(25) = 1750
Variable cost = 10(15) + 20 (25 – 15) = 350
Fixed Cost = 300
Profit = 1750 – 350 – 300 = 1100.

11.14. A monopolist faces the demand function P = 100 - Q + I, where I is average

consumer income in the monopolist’s market. Suppose we know that the monopolist’s
marginal cost function is not downward sloping. If consumer income goes up, will the
monopolist charge a higher price, a lower price, or the same price?

If demand is initially , then initially . Setting


where is the profit-maximizing quantity when income equals and is the

corresponding level of marginal cost.

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With this quantity, price will be

Now suppose income increases by a factor where . Then setting implies

where is the profit-maximizing quantity when income equals and is the

corresponding level of marginal cost. This quantity must be greater than the quantity when
income equals , i.e., . If it were not, i.e., if , then the marginal cost
would be less than or equal to (since we know marginal cost is not decreasing). But that
would mean that

contradicting the assumption that

At quantity , price will be

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In this case the new price charged by the monopolist will be greater than the initial price.
Clearly since , and because the marginal cost function is assumed to not be
downward sloping, the increase in at the higher income level will result in a marginal cost at
least as high as the initial marginal cost, i.e., . Therefore, the price will increase
when consumer income increases.

11.15. Two monopolists in different markets have identical, constant marginal cost

a) Suppose each faces a linear demand curve and the two curves are parallel. Which
monopolist will have the higher markup (ratio of P to MC): the one whose demand curve is
closer to the origin or the one whose demand curve is farther from the origin?

b) Suppose their linear demand curves have identical vertical intercepts but different
slopes. Which monopolist will have a higher markup: the one with the flatter demand
curve or the one with the steeper demand curve?

c) Suppose their linear demand curves have identical horizontal intercepts but different
slopes. Which monopolist will have a higher markup: the one with the flatter demand
curve or the one with the steeper demand curve?

a) If the two demand curves are linear and parallel they differ only by a constant; call this
constant . Then

In this instance demand for the second firm will be further from the origin assuming . Now
assume that both firms have identical constant marginal cost . Then the first firm will
maximize profit where .

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At this quantity price will be

The second firm will also maximize profit where .

At this quantity price will be

For the first monopolist

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and for the second monopolist

Here implying the firm with the demand curve further from the axis will have the
higher mark-up ratio.

b) Suppose the first monopolist faces demand and the second monopolist faces
demand where . In this case the demand curve for the second monopolist is
steeper. As in part a), the first monopolist will maximize profit at

For the second monopolist profit will be maximized where .

At this quantity price will be

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Since both monopolists will charge the same price and since marginal cost is constant, both
monopolists will have the same mark-up ratio.

c) Suppose the first monopolist faces demand and the second monopolist faces
demand where . In this case both firms face linear demand curves with the
same horizontal intercept (at Q = a/b) but the demand for monopolist 2 is steeper.
The first firm maximizes profit as in parts A and B at

For the second monopolist, profit will be maximized where .

At this quantity price will be

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Since , . Since marginal cost is constant, the monopolist with the steeper demand
function will have the higher mark-up ratio.

11.16. Suppose a monopolist faces the market demand function P = a - bQ. Its marginal
cost is given by MC = c + eQ. Assume that a > c and 2b + e > 0.

a) Derive an expression for the monopolist’s optimal quantity and price in terms of a, b, c,
and e.

b) Show that an increase in c (which corresponds to an upward parallel shift in marginal

cost) or a decrease in a (which corresponds to a leftward parallel shift in demand) must
decrease the equilibrium quantity of output.

c) Show that when e 0, an increase in a must increase the equilibrium price.

a) The monopolist will operate where . With demand , marginal

revenue is given by . Setting this equal to marginal cost implies

At this quantity price is

b) Since

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increasing or decreasing will reduce the numerator of the expression, reducing .

c) Since e ¿ 0 and

increasing will increase the numerator for this expression. This will therefore increase the
equilibrium price.

11.17. Suppose a monopolist has the demand function Q = 1,000P-3. What is the
monopolist’s optimal markup of price above marginal cost?

With demand , elasticity along the demand curve is constant at . Employing the
inverse elasticity pricing rule implies

Therefore, the optimal percentage mark-up of price over marginal cost is , or 33 percent.

11.18. Suppose a monopolist has an inverse demand function given by P = 100Q-1/2. What is
the monopolist’s optimal markup of price above marginal cost?

Remember that the demand elasticity in a constant elasticity demand function is the exponent on
P when the demand function is written in the regular form, i.e. Q=f ( P). We can manipulate the

inverse demand function to get the regular demand function, Q=10,000 P−2 . This implies that

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P−MC 1
the demand elasticity is –2. Therefore, using the IEPR, P 2 . So the optimal percentage
mark-up of price over marginal cost is ½, or 50 percent.

11.19. The marginal cost of preparing a large latte in a specialty coffee house is $1. The
firm’s market research reveals that the elasticity of demand for its large lattes is constant,
with a value of about -1.3. If the firm wants to maximize profit from the sale of large lattes,
about what price should the firm charge?

Since the elasticity of demand is constant, we can use the inverse elasticity rule for a monopolist.

[P - MC]/P = -1/eQ,P . The inverse elasticity rule then becomes [P - 1]/P = -1/1.3. Thus we
would expect to see the firm charge about $4.33 for a large latté.

11.20. The following diagram shows the average cost curve and the marginal revenue
curve for a monopolist in a particular industry. What range of quantities could it be
possible to observe this firm producing, assuming that the firm maximizes profit? You can
read your answers off the graph, and therefore approximate values are permissible.

The graph is reproduced below. The MES appears to be at about 16 units of output, and the point
where the MR curve intersects the AC curve is at about 20 units.

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The monopolist’s profit maximizing output must fall between 16 and 20 units. To see this,
remember that the firm will produce where MR = MC. This cannot happen at any point less than
16 units because the AC curve is decreasing for Q < 16. Therefore the MC curve lies below the
AC curve and clearly MR > MC for Q > 16. Similarly, since the MC curve must lie above the AC
curve to the right of 16 units, it must intersect the MR curve before the MR curve intersects the
AC curve. That is, the profit maximizing quantity must be less than 20 units.

11.21. Imagine that Gillette has a monopoly in the market for razor blades in Mexico. The
market demand curve for blades in Mexico is P = 968 - 20Q, where P is the price of blades
in cents and Q is annual demand for blades expressed in millions. Gillette has two plants in
which it can produce blades for the Mexican market: one in Los Angeles and one in Mexico
City. In its L.A. plant, Gillette can produce any quantity of blades it wants at a marginal
cost of 8 cents per blade. Letting Q1 and MC1 denote the output and marginal cost at the
L.A. plant, we have MC1(Q1) = 8. The Mexican plant has a marginal cost function given by
MC2(Q2) = 1 + 0.5Q2.

a) Find Gillette’s profit-maximizing price and quantity of output for the Mexican market
overall. How will Gillette allocate production between its Mexican plant and its U.S. plant?

b) Suppose Gillette’s L.A. plant had a marginal cost of 10 cents rather than 8 cents per
blade. How would your answer to part (a) change?

a) Profit-maximizing firms generally allocate output among plants so as to keep marginal

costs equal. But notice that MC2 < MC1 whenever 1 + 0.5Q2 < 8, or Q2 < 14. So for small levels

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of output, specifically Q < 14, Gillette will only use the first plant. For Q > 14, the cost-
minimizing approach will set Q2 = 14 and Q1 = Q – 14.
Suppose the monopolist’s profit-maximizing quantity is Q > 14. Then the relevant MC = 8, and
with we have

Since we have found that Q > 14, we know this approach is valid. (You should verify that had
we supposed the optimal output was Q < 14 and set MR = MC2 = 1 + 0.5Q, we would have
found Q > 14. So this approach would be invalid.) The allocation between plants will be Q2 = 14
and Q1 = 10. With a total quantity Q = 24, the firm will charge a price of P = 968 – 20(24) =
488. Therefore the price will be $4.88 per blade.

b) If at plant 1, by the logic in part (a) Gillette will only use plant 2 if Q < 18. It
will produce all output above Q = 18 in plant 1 at MC = 10. Assuming Q > 18, setting

(So again, this approach is valid. You can verify that setting MR = MC2 would again lead to Q
> 18.) The firm will allocate production so that Q2 = 18 and Q1 = 5.95. At Q = 23.95, price will
be $4.89.

11.22. Market demand is P = 64 - (Q/7). A multiplant monopolist operates three plants,

with marginal cost functions:

a) Find the monopolist’s profit-maximizing price and output at each plant.

b) How would your answer to part (a) change if MC2 (Q2) = 4?

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

a) Equating the marginal costs at MCT, we have Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = 0.25MCT + 0.5MCT – 1

+ MCT – 6, which can be rearranged as MCT = (4/7)Q + 4. Setting MR = MC yields
64 – (2/7)*Q = (4/7)*Q + 4
or Q = 70 and P = 54. At this output level, MCT = 44, implying that Q1 = 11, Q2 = 21, and Q3 =
b) In this case, using plant 3 is inefficient because its marginal cost is always higher than
that of plant 2. Hence, the firm will use only plants 1 and 2. Moreover, the firm will not use
plant 1 once its marginal cost rises to MC2 = 4, so we can immediately see that it will only
produce 4Q1 = 4 or Q1 = 1 unit at plant 1. Its total production can be found by setting MR =
MC2, yielding
64 – (2/7)*Q = 4
or Q = 210 and P = 34. So it produces Q1 = 1 unit in plant 1 and Q2 = 209 units in plant 2, while
producing no units in plant 3 (i.e. Q3 = 0).

11.23. A monopolist producing only one product has two plants with the following marginal
cost functions: MC1 = 20 + 2Q1 and MC2 = 10 + 5Q2, where MC1 and MC2 are the
marginal costs in plants 1 and 2, and Q1 and Q2 are the levels of output in each plant,
respectively. If the firm is maximizing profits and is producing Q2 = 4, what is Q1?

The firm will be maximizing its profit when the marginal costs are equal for the two plants.
(Otherwise, the firm could take the last unit produced at the high-cost plant and instead produce
that same unit at the low cost plant, not changing revenues and reducing costs.) When Q2 =4,
MC2 = 30, plant 1 must be operating with MC1 = 30. This means that Q1 = 5.

11.24. Suppose that you are hired as a consultant to a firm producing a therapeutic drug
protected by a patent that gives a firm a monopoly in two markets. The drug can be
transported between the two markets at no cost, so the firm must charge the same price in
both markets. The demand schedule in the first market is P1 = 200 - 2Q1, where P1 is the
price of the product and Q1 is the amount sold in the market. In the second market, the
demand is P2 = 140 - Q2, where P2 is the price and Q2 the quantity. The firm’s overall
marginal cost is MC = 20 + Q1 + Q2. What price should the firm charge?

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 11 - 25

Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

Because the firm needs to charge the same price in both markets, it needs to set its marginal cost
equal to the marginal revenue associated with the aggregate demand curve.

To get the aggregated demand curve, it must sum the demands “horizontally,” i.e., add the quantities
when P1 = P2 (= P).

Q1 = 100 – 0.5P and Q2 = 140 – P. The aggregate quantity demanded is Q = Q1 + Q2.

Then the aggregate demand is Q = 240 – 1.5P.
Now find the inverse aggregate demand curve: P = 160 - (2/3)Q.
The marginal revenue associated with the aggregate demand curve has the same vertical intercept
and twice the slope as the demand curve: MR = 160 - (4/3)Q.
The marginal cost is MC = 20 + Q.
Set MR = MC. 160 - (4/3)Q = 20 + Q. Thus the profit-maximizing total quantity to produce is Q =
The optimal price is P = 160 - (2/3)(60) = 120.

11.25. A firm has a monopoly in the production of a software application in Europe. The
demand schedule in Europe is Q1 = 120 - P, where Q1 is the amount sold in Europe when
the price is P. The firm’s marginal cost is 20.

a) What price would the firm choose if it wishes to maximize profits?

b) Now suppose the firm also receives a patent for the application in the United States. The
demand for the application in the United States is Q2 = 240 - 2P, where Q2 is the quantity
sold when the price is P. Because it costs essentially nothing to transport software over the
Internet, the firm must charge the same price in Europe and the United States. What price
would maximize the firm’s profit?

c) Use the monopoly midpoint rule (Learning-By-Doing Exercise 11.5) to explain the
relationship between your answers to parts (a) and (b).

a) Set MR = MC in Europe. The inverse demand is P = 120 – Q, so MR = 120 – 2Q.

MR = MC implies that 120 – 2Q = 20, or Q = 50. P = 120 – 50 = 70.

b) Because the firm needs to charge the same price in both markets, it
needs to set its marginal cost equal to the marginal revenue associated with the aggregate demand
curve. To get the aggregated demand curve, it must sum the demands “horizontally,” i.e., add the

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

Q1 = 120 – P and Q2 = 240 – 2P. The aggregate quantity demanded is Q = Q1 + Q2.
Then the aggregate demand is Q = 360 – 3P.
Now find the inverse aggregate demand curve: P = 120 - (1/3)Q.
The marginal revenue associated with the aggregate demand curve has the same vertical intercept
and twice the slope as the demand curve: MR = 120 - (2/3)Q.
The marginal cost is MC = 20. Set MR = MC. 120 - (2/3)Q = 20. Thus the profit-maximizing total
quantity to produce is Q = 150.
The optimal price is P = 120 - (1/3)(150) = 70.

c) The demand in Europe is linear and has a choke price of 120. The aggregate demand in
part (b) is also linear, with a choke price of 120. The marginal cost is constant at 20. The
Monopoly Midpoint Rule states that with a linear demand and a constant marginal cost, the profit
maximizing price will be (choke price + marginal cost)/2, or (120 + 20)/2 = 70. This is the same
in parts (a) and (b).

11.26. Suppose that a monopolist’s market demand is given by P = 100 - 2Q and that
marginal cost is given by MC = Q/2.

a) Calculate the profit-maximizing monopoly price and quantity.

b) Calculate the price and quantity that arise under perfect competition with a supply
curve P = Q/2.

c) Compare consumer and producer surplus under monopoly versus marginal cost pricing.
What is the deadweight loss due to monopoly?

d) Suppose market demand is given by P = 180 - 4Q. What is the deadweight loss due to
monopoly now? Explain why this deadweight loss differs from that in part (c).

a) With demand , . Setting implies

(All figures are rounded.) At this quantity, price will be .

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 11 - 27

Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

b) A perfectly competitive market produces until P = MC, or

At this quantity, price will be P = 20.

c) Under monopoly, consumer surplus is 0.5(100 – 55.6)(22.2) = 493. Since MC(22.2) =

11.1, producer surplus is 0.5(11.1)(22.2) + (55.6 – 11.1)(22.2) = 1111. Net benefits are 1604.
(All figures are rounded.)
Under perfect competition, consumer surplus is 0.5(100 – 20)(40) = 1600, and producer surplus
is 0.5(20)(40) = 400. Net benefits are 2000. Therefore, the deadweight loss due to monopoly is
d) Now setting MR = MC gives

At this quantity, price is 95.2. Consumer surplus is 0.5(100 – 95.2)(21.1) = 51 and producer
surplus is 0.5(10.6)(21.2) + (95.2 – 10.6)(21.2) = 1906. Net benefits are 1957.

Setting P = MC as in perfect competition yields

At this quantity, price is 20. Consumer surplus is 0.5(180 – 20)(40) = 3200 and producer surplus
is 0.5(20)(40) = 400. Net benefits with perfect competition are 3600. Therefore, the deadweight
loss in this case is 1643.

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

While the competitive solution is identical with both demand curves, the deadweight loss in the
first case is far greater. This difference occurs because with the second demand curve demand is
less elastic at the perfectly competitive price. If consumers are less willing to change quantity as
price increases toward the monopoly level, the firm will be able to extract more surplus from the

11.27. The demand curve for a certain good is P = 100 - Q. The marginal cost for a
monopolist is MC(Q) = Q, for Q 30. The maximum that can be supplied in this market is
Q = 30, that is, the marginal cost is infinite for Q > 30.

a) What price will the profit-maximizing monopolist set?

b) What is the deadweight loss due to monopoly in this market?

a) See the figure below. The monopolist will produce the quantity that corresponds to MR =
MC. However, because the MC curve is vertical at Q = 30, this is also the quantity corresponding
to the point where the MC curve intersects the demand curve. The monopolist produces 30 units
and sells at a price of 70.

b) The deadweight loss is zero. To see this, notice that the price and quantity are the same in
the case of monopoly and the case of a competitive market, if P = MC. Therefore, there is no
deadweight loss from monopoly.

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

11.28. A coal mine operates with a production function Q = L/2, where L is the quantity of
labor it employs and Q is total output. The firm is a price taker in the output market,
where the price is currently 32. The firm is a monopsonist in the labor market, where the
supply curve for labor is w = 4L.

a) What is the monopsonist’s marginal expenditure function, MEL?

b) Calculate the monopsonist’s optimal quantity of labor. What wage rate must the
monopsonist pay to attract this quantity of labor?

c) What is the deadweight loss due to monopsony in this market?

a) For this monopsonist

b) The monopsonist will maximize profit at the point where , where

In this example, , so . Since , . Now setting


At this quantity of labor, .

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c) In a competitive labor market, w = MRPL. So the competitive supply of labor satisfies 4L

= 16 or L = 4, with w = 4L = 16. The deadweight loss due to monopsony is equal to area A in
the graph below, or 0.5(16 – 8)(4 – 2) = 8.

11.29. A firm produces output, measured by Q, which is sold in a market in which the price
P = 20, regardless of the size of Q. The output is produced using only one input, labor
(measured by L); the production function is Q(L) = L. There are many suppliers of labor,
and the supply schedule is w = 2L, where w is the wage rate. The firm is a monopsonist in
the labor market.

a) What wage rate will the monopsonist pay?

b) How much extra profit does the firm earn when it pays labor as a monopsonist instead
of paying the wage rate that would be observed in a perfectly competitive market?

a) The monopsonist will choose L so that the marginal expenditure on labor equals the marginal
revenue product of labor. Since the supply of labor is linear, the marginal expenditure will have
the same vertical intercept (zero in this case) and twice the slope of the supply curve. Thus, MEL
= 4L. The marginal revenue product of labor is just the market price (20) times the marginal
product of labor (1); so MRPL = 20. The monopsonist would hire labor so that 20 = 4L; thus, L =
5. The monopsonist will pay a wage rate on the supply curve, so w = 2(5) = 10.

(b) The monopsonist produces 5 units of output with the 5 units of labor it hires. Revenue =
20(5) = 100.

Costs are wL= 10(5) = 50. So profit = revenue minus cost = 100 – 50 = 50.

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

By contrast, if it operated as a perfectly competitive firm, it would produce where the marginal
revenue product of labor (20) equals the wage rate on the supply curve for labor (2L), with L =

With its 10 units of labor the firm would produce 10 units of out, and receive revenue or 20(10)
= 200.

It would pay the wage rate = 2L = 2(10) = 20, so its cost would be wL = 20(10) = 200. Its profits
would be zero.

Thus the firm increases its profit by 50 by acting as a monopsonist.

11.30. A firm produces output, measured by Q, which is sold in a market in which the
price is 4, regardless of the size of Q. The output is produced using only one input, labor
(measured by L); the production function is Q(L) = 10L. Labor is supplied by competitive
suppliers, and everywhere along the supply curve the elasticity of supply is 3. The firm is a
monopsonist in the labor market. What wage rate will it pay its workers?

Since the elasticity of supply of labor is constant, we can use the inverse elasticity rule for a
monopsonist. [MRPL - w]/w = 1/eL,w . Each unit of labor produces 10 units of output (MPL =
10), each of which can be sold at a price of 4. Thus, MRPL = P(MPL) = 40.

The inverse elasticity rule then becomes [40 - w]/w = 1/3. Thus, w = 30.

11.31. National Hospital is the only employer of nurses in the country of Castoria, and it
acts as a profit maximizing monopsonist in the market for nursing labor. The marginal
revenue product for nurses is w = 50 - 2N, where w is the wage rate and N is the number of
nurses employed (measured in hundreds of nurses). Nursing services are provided
according to the supply schedule w = 14 + 2N.

a) How many nurses does National Hospital employ, and what wage will National pay its

b) What is the deadweight loss arising from monopsony?

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Besanko & Braeutigam – Microeconomics, 5th editionSolutions Manual

a) Since the supply of nurses is linear, the marginal expenditure will have the same vertical
intercept (14 in this case) and twice the slope of the supply curve. The marginal expenditure on
nurses is represented by MEN = 14 + 4N.

The monopsonist would choose N so that 14 + 4N = 50 – 2N. Thus N = 6.

To determine the wage rate paid, find out w on the supply curve when N=6; w = 14 + 2(6) = 26.

b) If the market for nurses were competitive, the market clearing quantity of nurses would be
determined by the intersection of the marginal revenue product of nurses and the supply of
nurses: 50 – 2N = 14 + 2N. Thus, N = 9 and w = 32.

However, the monopsonist hires N = 6. The value of w on the marginal revenue product curve is
w = 50 – 2(6) = 38, and the value of w on the supply curve is w= 14 + 2(6) = 26.

DWL = ½(38 – 26)(9 – 6) = 18 (measured in hundreds because N is in hundreds.)

11.32. A hospital is a monopsonist in the market for nursing services in a city. At its profit-
maximizing input combination, the elasticity of supply for nursing services is +1. What
does this tell you about the magnitude of the marginal revenue product of labor relative to
the wage that the firm is currently paying its workers?

We can use the IEPR condition for monopsony: . Since labor supply is unit
elastic, it means that or that . So the marginal revenue product of
labor is twice as much as the wage rate.

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 11 - 33

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