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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide



First published 2021

RTO Works

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services
Training Package.

Section 1: Continuous improvement and innovation review 6

Section 2: Plan and implement continuous improvement and innovation 12
Section 3: Continuous improvement and innovation monitoring and evaluation 18
Student name: Federico Sgarbossa

Assessor: Vlada

Date: 01/12/2021

Business (and work area if Wordeducation

relevant) this assessment is
based on:

Role: General Manager

What role will you assume?
How does this role contribute
to the broader work goals?

Section 1: Continuous improvement and innovation


Summarise the business or work area.

Review organisational Which documents did you read?

● Internal and External Communication policies and
Which documents did you procedures
read? ● Strategic plan (2021 – 2023)
Which policies and ● Operational Plan (2022)
procedures will guide your ● Organisational Structure
approach to approvals,
project management and Which policies and procedures will guide your approach to approvals,
change management? project management and change management?
Attach the documents
(including the notes you ● Internal and External Communication policies and
made as you read them) to procedures
this section of the portfolio. ● Strategic plan (2021 – 2023)
● Operational Plan (2022)
Attach the policy and
procedures (including the ● Organisational Structure
notes you made as you read
them) to this section of the Attach the documents (including the notes you made as you read
portfolio. them) to this section of the portfolio.
all attached at the end of the assessment

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 5

Products and services Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers
for primary school students. They not only focus on the hardware, but
What are the products and
they also have a competitive team creating software, content and
activities to better engage and educate the students. .
They take some part of the sales to create new classroom for those
that the company that takes part in their business operational

Objectives The company is aiming to assist children in their study by providing

an ideal path of study experience through artificial intelligence that
List the key business
has recorded the student study patterns and other relevant

● To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable.

● Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators
and results support the strategic policies
● Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue and
ways to help more classrooms in need
● Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.

Key decision makers Key decision makers:

Who are the key decision Me, the General Manager Federico Sgarbossa
makers (stakeholders to
Senior Management consisting of the CEO and General Manager
whom you will report or seek
heads up the overall organisation.
advice from)?
the Sales Team consisting of the Sales Manager and 3 x Sales
Sales Team consisting of the Sales Manager and 3 x Sales
also the Operations Team consisting of the Operations Manager,
Administration Officer and Accounts Officer have a important role in
the organisation
IT Team consisting of the IT Manager, IT Support Officer and Help
Desk Officer.
Whom you will report or seek advice from
The general manager will report to the CEO and then have the
approval of all my projects. My team will report all the decisions

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 6

about the marketing and sales . I will have advice from my team
manager and external management

Operational processes Due to the global pandemic, the issues with the manufacturing
industry have impacted on the supply of hardware components.
Describe key operational
processes. Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by
implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on
each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating
the optimal path learning experience. Worlducation envisions a world
in which every child learns how to read and write – a world without

The technology market is a growing and ever-changing industry due

to the rapid rate that technology is being updated. Emerging
technologies include artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things
(IOT). There is an increasing focus on cyber security.
#key operational processes.
improving our marketing and advertising
continually improving the quality of service given to clients
maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to
ascertain industry requirements and then develop products and
manage services accordingly
continually improving communication channels with all our
stakeholders, ensuring a flow of timely and accurate information to
facilitate effective planning and decision making
offering attractive fee structures to our clients
continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of our
team through our commitment to training and development
regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making
improvements when and where necessary.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 7

Supply chain maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to
Summarise the supply chain ascertain industry requirements and then develop products and
associated with the work area manage services accordingly
or organisation. continually improving communication channels with all our
stakeholders, ensuring a flow of timely and accurate information to
facilitate effective planning and decision making
offering attractive fee structures to our clients
continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of our
team through our commitment to training and development

regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making

improvements when and where necessary.

Performance Improvement strategies are currently used to monitor and evaluate the
performance and sustainability of key systems and processes?
Which strategies are currently
used to monitor and evaluate
the performance and
Worldeducation want to be well led, high performing, profitable and
sustainability of key systems
accountable. Ensure that all financial operations, performance
and processes?
indicators and results support the strategic policies Identify new and
Discuss the current
expand existing sources of revenue and ways to help more
continuous improvement
systems, processes, and classrooms in need Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.
innovations being used. main strategies

● Increase our reach

Increase range of products and services offered to reach a larger

target market, Increase sales to increase donations to needy

● Attract, engage, and develop the best staff

Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high-performance

workforce and culture Strengthening the skills of our people, to better
support customer needs Empowering innovation and responsiveness
to change Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce
Exploring the use of technology in human resources.
continuous improvement systems, processes, and innovations being
Continue building deeper customer relationships
Customer-centred practice, with a focus on meeting their total needs
for high-quality technology, Strengthen the skills of our people, to
better support customers Have an effective help desk function to

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 8

meet customer needs, Strengthen the effectiveness of internal
customers through provision of effective systems within each team

Policies and procedures Policies and procedures

What are the organisational
requirements for approvals,
wordesducation want to Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum for
change management, project
that the company has planned Ongoing activities – focus on 2022
management and knowledge
Implement process automation for financial processes
Implement a CRM system to integrate with ERP
Review all policies and procedures and update as required –
particularly need to focus on formal continuous improvement and
innovation systems and processes as this is lacking and so needed
in our organisation.
Worlducation aims to enhance and streamline communications to
reinforce the vision and strategic priorities and to manage change
across the organisation. As such, we will continue to develop and trial
new communication platforms, channels, and tools to improve
information sharing and collaboration between all staff members.
This policy is to be implemented in a way that ensures compliance
with relevant legislative requirements and standards of best practice.
Worlducation expects that staff will use the channels and for business
purposes only and comply with all relevant policies and procedures.
Organisational and Communication channels
Worlducation has several internal communication channels available
for communication, approvals, project management, change
management and knowledge management, including:
All the approval is based on the organisation chart.
The general manager (me) needs the approval from the CEO. the
others manager should have the approval form me.

Summarise and analyse current performance to identify changes and improvement opportunities.

Analyse performance to Summarise the performance outcomes of your business.

identify performance
the company performance was very good during covid 19 pandemic
variances from existing plans.
Worlducation started in 2021 with a huge sale to a school in Portugal.
Summarise the performance
Although it was a great start, the context for the rest of the quarter
outcomes of your business.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 9

Include mathematical was highly uncertain due to COVID-19.
information in your summary
How has the current business
The world is facing a pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 which resulted
performance varied from what
in government restriction and new policy that led to closing of the
was planned?
company’s manufacturing facility. China and Hong Kong relations
Attach documents showing
have reached higher tension which affected the politics in Hong Kong
performance information as
evidence that you’ve and the company concerned of possible changes in the country..
collected the information.
There has been no movement in staff numbers. Administration staff
are overworked due to the increased demand and have requested
that a dedicated financial team is established. Recruitment costs
average at $20,000 per employee, but the costs of replacing lost
knowledge and experience due to staff resigning is $25,000 per
employee. It has also been suggested that the automation of financial
processes will ease the workload (Robotic Process Automation costs
around $40,000 to introduce).

Worlducation started in 2021 with a huge sale to a school in Portugal.
Although it was a great start, the context for the rest of the quarter
was highly uncertain due to COVID-19. The drastic increase in the
number of customers is great news for sales, but we do not have a
dedicated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in
place. It is estimated the ongoing costs for such a system are around
$12.50 per user and will help maintain and personalise customer
mathematical information
The company customers increased by 68 from 2020 to 2021

2020 2021

Number of 186 254


Financial info

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 10

2021 $

Revenue 5,000,000

Expenses 4,500,000

sales +10%

all performance information is attached in appendix 2

Identify and analyse trends trends and opportunities
and opportunities
● Schools needing to upgrade technology
Describe current trends and ● Opportunities for synergies across all services and products
opportunities associated with ● Opportunities to offer a range of services
industry in which the business ● during the pandemic people use to work remotely
operates. ● increase of hacker
Analyse how these trends Analyse how these trends and opportunities impact the business.
and opportunities impact the
business. ● The technology market is a growing and ever-changing
industry due to the rapid rate that technology is being
● Emerging technologies include artificial intelligence and the
Internet of Things (IOT).
● There is an increasing focus on cyber security.
● Due to the global pandemic, the issues with the
manufacturing industry have impacted on the supply of
hardware components.
● The trend for consumer spending during the pandemic has
taken a downturn but this has not affected the ICT industry
as due to more people working from home
● outsource and manufacturing in other countries
● building more manufacturing factories

Analyse supply chains and operational and service systems to identify changes, improvements, and
new ideas
Perform Gap Analysis using the table provided to describe the current state of the supply chain and
operational and service systems and the desired state of the supply chain and operational and service
systems. Also identify solutions to bridge any gaps and the cost-benefit calculations of the solutions.
You may identify more than one solution per issue

Current state Future state Gap solutions Cost-benefit

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 11

(at least four issues) (these may be changes,
improvement opportunities
and new ideas)

shipping delay software base focus on new softwares the cost is about 2
on cloud that you can download millions dollars,
no losses for delay in
delivery. - 45 million a
no production cost

Hong Kong factory have different open another manufactory outsource and
closed down , there suppliers in company manufacturing in other
are delay in delivery different country countries
buy the hardware from
another company

connect with ZOOM animated video Using Zoom to be in the video will cost 5000
with customers to be able to contact with the clients . will
show the safe a lot of money

have more customers dedicated Use and install a CRM estimated the ongoing
and Using CRM Customer costs for such a system
Relationship are around $12.50 per
Management user and will help
(CRM) system in maintain and
place. I personalise customer

Set objectives What are the objectives for improving how things work? and What
are the continuous improvement objectives and desired outcomes?
What are the objectives for
improving how things work? ● Use the company resources (material and staff) in a better
What are the continuous way
improvement objectives and ● Optimize the internal system
desired outcomes? ● adapt the business to the change

Identify team members and seek their input.

Identify at least two team two team members who in the team do you believe is instrumental
members to ensuring continuous

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 12

Who in the team do you Sales Manager: Jade Somers
believe is instrumental to
He has a strong sales history having worked in sales roles for the last
ensuring continuous
15 years. Loves to inspire the sales team to do their best. Always
improvement and innovation?
interested in learning and improving skills. Goal for this year is to
Give your rationale for this.
increase the sales team.

IT Support Officer: Helen Hunt

She has strong experience in IT support for the last 5 years. Good
with customers and solving problems. Currently studying a Bachelor
of IT part-time. She Interested in cloud technology and the power of
technology to host virtual events.

Best practices Describe best practice ways of working that teams can use to
achieve continuous improvement and to be innovative. Give at least
Describe best practice ways
four examples.
of working that teams can use
to achieve continuous Worlducation has several internal communication channels available
improvement and to be for communication, approvals, project management, change
innovative. Give at least four management and knowledge management, including:

● Team meetings

Departmental team meetings should take place once a week to

discuss issues specific to the department or team. Senior managers
can provide approvals (within the boundaries of their role) for their
Project team meetings should be held at regular intervals depending
on the project details. Project team leaders can provide approvals for
decisions within the scope of their role.

● Staff surveys

These are used to gather information and feedback from all staff
members. Surveys should be sent by relevant managers to staff via
email link.

● Enterprise social networks

These may be used by groups of staff to collaborate and

communicate on projects online (e.g., to share and comment on
work-related ideas, news and activities). Personal use of these
platforms may not be used during work hours. Use of these networks
must comply with the Social Media Policy.

● Email distribution lists

Email distribution lists may only be used by the executive team and

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 13

should adhere to the Privacy policy.

Learning opportunities Learning opportunities

What learning opportunities
exist for the team to improve
● training:
their skills and knowledge in
relation to continuous Strengthening the skills of the team, to better support customer
improvement and innovation? needs
Describe at least two.

● mentoring
Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high-performance
workforce and culture with a senior staff member mentoring others

Seek input
Insert a screen shot of your
email to the team members or
attach it as evidence to this
section of your portfolio.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 14

Attach: Documents and policies and procedures ☐

Performance information ☐

Email to team members (if relevant) ☐

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 15

Section 2: Plan and implement continuous
improvement and innovation

Select most appropriate changes/opportunities/new ideas.

Select most appropriate solutions:

changes, opportunities, and
● animated video to be able to show the products . less cost
new ideas.
and can reach more customers. The video will cost 5000 but
Choose three solutions (from less people employed
your Gap analysis) to focus
on as part of your continuous
improvement efforts. ● dedicated Customer Relationship Management : Use and
These should be the best install a CRM will boost the sales. estimated the ongoing
solutions based on your Gap costs for such a system are around $12.50 per user and will
analysis and cost-benefit help
Say why you chose these ● Software that can be download on cloud
three issues (consider
resources, needs and

Plan for continuous improvement.

Continuous Improvement Plan for Worldeduation

Objectives and KPIs of the plan

List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You
have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.

● Use the business resources more efficiently to save costs

● Use CMR to boost sales
● Give trainit to all staff to improve the performance and optimize the work
● adapt to external changes like covid lockdown and work remotely

Continuous improvement systems and processes

Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement
changes, opportunities, or new ideas.
The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or
processes. It's a systematic approach to plan, sequence and implement improvement efforts using
data and elaborations for improving business performances.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 16

Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes
Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and
innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key

Change/Opportunity/ne Key actions related to Resources Constraints Time

w idea continuous frames
improvement and
innovation (e.g.,
improvement registers,
updating policies etc.)

software can be download surveys sales staff no enough jan 2023

in cloud reply from

social media analyse staff with not enough Jan

different ides 2023

Customer Relationship training the team in the around not easy to Jan
Management new CRM $12.50 per use it 2022

not feed back

from the staff

animated video to be able train the team to use the sales team may need sept
to show the products video face to face 2022

Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the
organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people.
Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals,
project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.

Change/Opportunity/new Impact of change and Transition Plan

idea and associated actions consequences for people

software can be download in new technology that needs to customers survey

cloud be explained to customers.
meeting with sales team

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 17

training to sales staff training to customers

Customer Relationship IT staff need to install the new internal survey from sales team
Management software
training for the sales team

animated video to be able to more work for the IT staff training for staff
show the products
staff redundancy update the distribution process
and procedure of the company

Risk management
Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be
Non-performance of staff members.

Risk Potential outcomes Risk response Contingency plan

What are the risks List potential outcomes Will you avoid, How will you manage
associated with your for each risk. retain, share, the risk (e.g., progress
plan? List at least transfer or reduce reports, training,
three. the risk? insurance etc.)?

Non-performance of decrease of total sales reduce training the sales team


Do not meet customers complains and returns reduce consult the customers
expectations why they do not like the
products (surveys )

The video is not negative impact on share hire professional to

professionally make sales make video
(not good quality)

Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.

What must be Who will you How will you When must the Further
communicated? communicate communicate? communication comments
to? take place?

Team meetings staff for all the email to all the 2 day before the N/A
and brainistom team sales staff invited to the meeting

train the staff sales staff newsletter, emails before start N/A
about the new selling the new
products product

Customer survey customers web site survey before start in different

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 18

selling the new languages

inform customers customers social media, web before start in different

about the new site selling the new languages
product is going product
to be launched

new job roles Finance staff email and online after every N/A
training update

training for staff financial staff email before training N/A

sales staff

Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous
improvement, innovation, and learning.
give pay rise to staff who perform well, give extra leave for staff who need it. give free vouchers for
shopping to staff. give company shares to staff

Knowledge management
Select which of the activities below are used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management
system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.

Knowledge management item Have learnings

been captured
and managed?

Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the yes


Sharing of best practices no

Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with yes

other organisations

Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews yes

Mentoring and coaching no

Performance management no

Social software such as blogs, wikis yes

Shared documents in cloud-based storage no

Mentor and coach team members.

Plan for team meeting Who will you meet with?

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 19

Who will you meet with? my sales team
How will you facilitate How will you facilitate effective group interaction?
effective group interaction?
meeting and interactive activity
How will you build rapport
How will you build rapport with the team members to ensure
with the team members to
positive working relationships?
ensure positive working
relationships? Facilitate knowledge sharing Teams that learn together, grow
What questions will you ask together. And the odds are good that each of your team
about team member’s vision members regularly engages in learning something new. Turn this
for continuous improvement into an opportunity for team bonding by hosting regular
and innovation to guide you “knowledge share” sessions in which a given team member(s)
mentoring? educates the group about their learnings from a recent
How will you coach the team conference or professional development opportunity.
in innovation?
What questions will you ask about a team member’s vision for
continuous improvement and innovation to guide you
Attach your questionnaire to
this section of the portfolio.
● Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?
● What is one decision you wish you didn’t make?
● How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and
● What are the most important attributes of successful leaders
How will you coach the team in innovation?
● The ability to identify and encourage curious minds.
● Motivating and team-building skills.
● Command over new tools, technologies, and processes in
the market.
● Creative ways to challenge the existing processes, traditional
mindset, and assumptions

Team meeting What feedback did you receive about how you ran the meeting?
What feedback did you ● I will let the people know you'll be asking for feedback. The
receive about how you ran easiest way to do this is to include “Feedback” in the agenda
the meeting? as part of your last item.
● I will keep it short.
How can you improve your
● I will ask for examples of ways to improve, not about
performance in future?
If not viewed in person by
How can you improve your performance in future?
your assessor, attach proof of
the team meeting to this 1. Set clear milestones.
section of your portfolio. 2. Plan and prioritize.
3. Plan your meetings well.
4. Communicate better.
5. Conquer difficult tasks first.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 20

6. Don't lose focus.
7. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses.
Meeting Minute
Vlada Z.
Federico Sgarbossa
Lucas Lopez
Jade Somers
● Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?
● What is one decision you wish you didn’t make?
● How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and
● What are the most important attributes of successful leaders

next meeting 25/12.2021


Vlada Z.
Federico Sgarbossa
Lucas Lopez
Jade Somers

Implement innovative processes.

Implement continuous Which change/opportunity/new idea did you implement?

new CMR for sales team
change/opportunity/new idea
did you implement?
Attach proof to this section of Attach proof to this section of your portfolio.
your portfolio.

To: Sales staff

from Federico Sgarbossa
subject: new CRM training for sales team:
Hi team,
I’m doing research on sales and discovered that CMR is a major
challenge in the market.
If so, I stumbled upon this email that you might find useful. It explains
how the use CRM originated and how the top performers in sales
Would you be interested in attending the training next week?

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 21

Training date 27/11/2021
meeting room from 3 pm to 6 pm
Kind regards,
Federico Sgarbossa
General Manager
Follow up of the training
Training CRM
Training date 27/11/2021
meeting room from 3 pm to 6 pm
Kind regards,

Address impact of How did you address the impact?

change/opportunity/new idea
How did you address the
sending and email to all sales team about the new CRM
Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio. Attach proof to this section of your portfolio.
email to sales about the new CRM
To: Sales staff
from Federico Sgarbossa
subject: new CRM in Worldeducation
Hi team,
we are proud to inform you that we will introduce a new CRM in
Everybody will be trained and be confident with the new system.
any question do not hesitate to contact me or the IT manager
Kind regards,
Federico Sgarbossa
General Manager

Attach: Performance questionnaire ☐

Team meeting (if not already viewed in person by your


Proof of implemented change ☐

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 22

Proof of how you addressed the impact of change ☐

Section 3: Continuous improvement and innovation

monitoring and evaluation

Monitor and evaluate performance.

Continuous improvement How well you are the continuous improvement systems,
systems, processes and innovations and processes are working?
innovation evaluation
Staff bulletin
How well you are the
Contributions for the Staff Bulletin must be approved in advance by
continuous improvement
the contributor’s relevant manager before being sent to the
systems, innovations and
communications officer for review and inclusion.
processes are working?
This contains Information from the executive to staff which is
important and relevant to their interests, including training,
employment vacancies and important announcements.

Recognise successes What continuous improvement successes can be celebrated?

What continuous
improvement successes can
Increased of sales using the new CRM
be celebrated?
see email that celebrate the sales increase
Insert a screen shot of your
email to team members or
attach proof of the draft email
to this section of the portfolio.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 23

Continuous improvement or Describe the failure and analyse the causes.
innovation failure (non-
some sales staff not yet confident to use the new CRM software
Describe the failure and
analyse the causes.
Attach proof of implemented Attach proof of implemented contingency measures.
contingency measures. email for second training for the new CRM

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 24

New challenges and What are new challenges and opportunities?
What are new challenges and
we need to keep using the CRM for sales, and hire new IT staff to
train the sales team

Manage new challenges and opportunities.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 25

Update Continuous Improvement plan to show new challenges or opportunities. Also confirm that
knowledge management systems have been used as planned.

Plan for continuous improvement.

Continuous Improvement Plan for Worldeduation

Objectives and KPIs of the plan

List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You
have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.

● Use the business resources more efficiently to save costs

● Use CMR to boost sales
● Give trainit to all staff to improve the performance and optimize the work
● adapt to external changes like covid lockdown and work remotely

Continuous improvement systems and processes

Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement
changes, opportunities, or new ideas.
The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or
processes. It's a systematic approach to plan, sequence and implement improvement efforts using
data and elaborations for improving business performances.

Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes

Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and
innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key

Change/Opportunity/ne Key actions related to Resources Constraints Time

w idea continuous frames
improvement and
innovation (e.g.,
improvement registers,
updating policies etc.)

software can be download surveys sales staff no enough jan 2023

in cloud reply from

social media analyse staff with not enough Jan

different ides 2023

Maintain Customer Keep training the team in around not easy to ongoing

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 26

Relationship Management the new CRM $12.50 per use it process

not feed back

from the staff

improve the animated train the team to use the sales team may need ongoing
video to be able to show video face to face process
the products meeting

hire an external company

Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the
organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people.
Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals,
project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.

Change/Opportunity/new Impact of change and Transition Plan

idea and associated actions consequences for people

software can be download in new technology that needs to customers survey

cloud be explained to customers.
meeting with sales team
training to sales staff
training to customers

Customer Relationship IT staff need to install the new internal survey from sales team
Management software
training for the sales team

animated video to be able to more work for the IT staff ongoing training for staff
show the products
staff redundancy update the distribution process
and procedure of the company

Risk management
Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be
Non-performance of staff members.

BSBSTR601 Manage continuous improvement and innovation | 27

Risk Potential outcomes Risk response Contingency plan
What are the risks List potential outcomes Will you avoid, How will you manage
associated with your for each risk. retain, share, the risk (e.g., progress
plan? List at least transfer or reduce reports, training,
three. the risk? insurance etc.)?

Non-performance of decrease of total sales reduce training the sales team


Do not meet customers complains and returns reduce consult the customers
expectations why they do not like the
products (surveys )

The video is not negative impact on share hire professional to

professionally make sales make video
(not good quality)

Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.

What must be Who will you How will you When must the Further
communicated? communicate communicate? communication comments
to? take place?

Team meetings staff for all the email to all the 2 day before the N/A
and brainistom team sales staff invited to the meeting

keep training the sales staff newsletter, emails before start N/A
staff about the selling the new
new products product

Customer survey customers web site survey before start in different

selling the new languages

inform customers customers social media, web before start in different

about the new site selling the new languages
product is going product
to be launched

new job roles Finance staff email and online after every N/A
training update

training again the financial staff email before training N/A

sales staff

Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous

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improvement, innovation, and learning.
give pay rise to staff who perform well, give extra leave for staff who need it. give free vouchers for
shopping to staff. give company shares to staff

Knowledge management
Select which of the activities below are used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management
system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.

Knowledge management item Have learnings

been captured
and managed?

Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the yes


Sharing of best practices no

Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with yes

other organisations

Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews yes

Mentoring and coaching no

Performance management no

Social software such as blogs, wikis no

Shared documents in cloud-based storage yes

Attach: Email to celebrate successes ☐

Implemented contingency measures ☐

Appendix 1. Policie with my comment

Executive Summary
Founded in 2016, Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers for primary school
students. Our focus is not only on the hardware, but also creating software, content, and activities to
better engage and educate primary school students.
Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by implementing artificial intelligence
technology that can follow up on each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating
the optimal path learning experience. Worlducation envisions a world in which every child learns how to
read and write – a world without illiteracy. Therefore, for each classroom that buys our product, we
donate and train a classroom somewhere around the world that can’t afford the same technology. We
then connect the classrooms together so that they can grow and collaborate throughout their learning

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Vision Statement
To see a world without illiteracy.

Mission Statement
To be the change and facilitate a world without illiteracy by changing the way children learn at school and
the number of schools that have access to technology.
Our values are:
Core values underpinning our activities are:
© 2021 RTO Works Page 3
Ethical principles

Strategic Priorities
To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable.
Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the strategic policies
Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue and ways to help more classrooms in need
Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.
Increase our reach
Increase range of products and services offered to reach a larger target market
Increase sales to increase donations to needy classrooms.
Continue building deeper customer relationships
Customer-centred practice, with a focus on meeting their total needs for high-quality technology
Strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers
Have an effective help desk function to meet customer needs
Strengthen the effectiveness of internal customers through provision of effective systems within each
Drive innovation to better meet customer demands.
Attract, engage, and develop the best staff
Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high-performance workforce and culture
Strengthening the skills of our people, to better support customer needs
Empowering innovation and responsiveness to change
Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce
Exploring the use of technology in human resources.

Our organisation structure

Senior Management consisting of the CEO and General Manager heads up the overall organisation.
The company consists of key teams as follows:

Sales Team consisting of the Sales Manager and 3 x Sales Representatives

Operations Team consisting of the Operations Manager, Administration Officer and Accounts Officer.
IT Team consisting of the IT Manager, IT Support Officer and Help Desk Officer.

Each team develops its own performance plan each year for the upcoming 12 months. Each team is

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expected to:
Set its overall objectives to align with its key function and our strategic directions.
Define overall responsibilities according to the function within the company.
Set outcomes.

Marketing Strategies
Our marketing strategies aim to:
build our brand
generate leads now
convert those leads quickly
have every part of the business supporting each other.
We plan to develop our market share by:
improving our marketing and advertising
continually improving the quality of service given to clients
maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to ascertain industry requirements
and then develop products and manage services accordingly
continually improving communication channels with all our stakeholders, ensuring a flow of timely and
accurate information to facilitate effective planning and decision making
targeting identified growth markets with planned, market appropriate campaigns employing a variety of
promotional strategies and advertising mediums
offering attractive fee structures to our clients
continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of our team through our commitment to
training and development
regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when and where

Appendix 2 : Performance information:

Worlducation started 2021 with a huge sale to a school in Portugal. Although it was a great start, the
context for the rest of the quarter was highly uncertain due to COVID-19. The drastic increase in the
number of customers is great news for sales, but we do not have a dedicated Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) system in place. It is estimated the ongoing costs for such a system are around
$12.50 per user and will help maintain and personalise customer service.

2020 2021

Number of 186 254


Surprisingly the pandemic brought hundreds of new leads and that led to an unprecedented growth that
brought alongside dozens of operation and production problems.

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The factory in Hong Kong closed for 1 month due to government restrictions limiting supply and the sales
team was overwhelmed with sale meetings over ZOOM (as opposed to face-to-face meetings with
customers). Sales have requested that an animated video be made to demonstrate the product, rather
than them having to try and do it via Zoom. The Sales Manager has estimated that such a video will cost
$5,000 to develop (and can be developed in house).
The tech-support team had to re-adapt the software on an ongoing basis to accommodate remote
learning for many of the schools. Simple software errors due to the variation between the requirements
of different schools has resulted in several customer complaints.
Since COVID-19 and the closure of the factory due to government restrictions, of the 2000 tablets due to
be shipped by April 21, only 500 were completed on schedule. For the remainder of the year, shipments
were delayed on average by 3 weeks. The team estimate the continued shipment delays will cost the
business $45,000 per year.
There has been no movement in staff numbers. Administration staff are overworked due to the increased
demand and have requested that a dedicated financial team is established. Recruitment costs average
at $20,000 per employee, but the costs of replacing lost knowledge and experience due to staff resigning
is $25,000 per employee. It has also been suggested that the automation of financial processes will ease
the workload (Robotic Process Automation costs around $40,000 to introduce).
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2021 $

Revenue 5,000,000

Expenses 4,500,000

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