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Mastering Docker Enterprise

A companion guide for agile container adoption

Mark Panthofer

Mastering Docker Enterprise
Copyright © 2019 Packt Publishing

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About the author

Mark Panthofer earned a degree in computer engineering in 1991 and has since
accumulated 20+ years of technology adoption experience in a wide variety of positions,
ranging from software engineer to software executive. He is currently the vice president of
NVISIA's technology centers, where he focuses on Docker-related technology adoption.
As a Docker-accredited consultant and instructor, Mark's responsibilities include the

Providing training to leading commercial and government agencies on the best

practices with Docker Enterprise for developers, DevOps, and operations
Providing advisory services to regional IT organizations on enterprise container
Co-organizing Docker Chicago and Docker Milwaukee meetups
Collaborating with Docker's solution architects
About the reviewers
Nick Schultz works as a project architect for NVISIA and is a Docker-accredited consultant
and instructor. He has 15 years' experience designing and developing enterprise
applications using various languages and frameworks.

Eric Duquesnoy is a DevOps consultant for an engineering services company in

Switzerland, where he currently applies DevOps methodologies in many IT departments.
He has 16 years of experience as a production and applicative database administrator for
many well-known companies. Now, his mission is to push continuous integration,
containers, automation, and the cloud everywhere. Throughout his professional career, he
has tried to find the best way of connecting Ops and Dev. As a nominated community
leader of the Docker Geneva meetup, he likes to organize a monthly meetup around
containers and share his knowledge with others. He is an active participant in French-
speaking communities for DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud.

Russ McKendrick is an experienced system administrator who has been working in IT and
related industries for over 25 years. During his career, his responsibilities have varied, from
looking after an entire IT infrastructure to providing first-line, second-line, and senior
support in both client-facing and internal teams for large organizations.

Russ supports open source systems and tools on public and private clouds at N4Stack, a
Node4 Company, where he is the practice manager (SRE and DevOps). In his spare time, he
has authored several books, including Mastering Docker, Learn Ansible, and Kubernetes for
Serverless Applications.

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Table of Contents
Preface 1

Section 1: Getting Started with Docker Enterprise

Chapter 1: Making the Case for Docker Enterprise 7
Zero to everywhere in five years 8
The Docker story 8
Containers change application development and deployment 9
Containers gain popularity 11
Docker Engine-Community – free Docker 12
Docker Engine-Community includes key capabilities 13
Running Docker Engine-Community on AWS or Azure 13
Docker Enterprise – enterprise support and features 14
Kubernetes and Docker Enterprise 15
Kubernetes and Swarm orchestration 16
Kubernetes and Swarm – different philosophies to solve different problems 17
Moving Kubernetes to the mainstream 18
New era for app Dev, DevOps, and IT operations 19
DevOps 20
Operations 20
Container-first and strategic impact of containers 20
Container-first as a cloud adoption strategy 21
Get ready to bring workloads back from the public cloud 21
Application modernization – the containerization path 22
Support for microservices and DevOps 22
Compliance 22
How Docker Enterprise 2.0 has changed the game 23
Summary 23
Questions 24
Further reading 24
Chapter 2: Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview 25
Moving from science projects to production platforms 26
The landscape of emerging container platforms 27
Economics, features, and key components of Docker Enterprise 32
The estimated cost of Docker Enterprise 32
Docker Enterprise pricing illustration 33
Docker Enterprise architecture-related benefits 33
Docker support benefits 34
Computational efficiency benefits 34
Benefits of choice 34
Rapid innovation – platform-neutral DevOps skills benefit the shift-left strategy 35
Table of Contents

UCP and DTR benefits 35

Container-first benefits 36
Operational architecture of Docker Enterprise 36
Docker Enterprise's main components 36
Docker Enterprise operation architecture – infrastructure, platform, and
application layers 38
Breaking down the layers 40
Infrastructure layer – network, nodes, and storage 41
The platform layer – Docker Enterprise engine, UCP, and DTR 43
Application layer – interacting with the cluster 44
Docker Enterprise reference architecture 46
Simple view of the Docker Enterprise cluster architecture 48
Drill-down – high-level Docker Enterprise 2 components 51
Summary 53
Questions 53
Further reading 54
Chapter 3: Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept 55
Assembling a Docker Enterprise PoC cross-functional team 56
Preparing a Docker Enterprise platform for the PoC step 58
Preparing a four-node cluster 58
Set up a four-node cluster 59
Overview of a sample PoC environment 59
Installing Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes 61
Getting a Docker Enterprise 30-day trial license and storebit URL 61
Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes 63
Sample Ubuntu Docker Engine install 65
Windows 2016 Docker Engine install 68
Installing Docker's Universal Control Plane 70
Logging to the UCP web interface and uploading your trial license 72
Adding work nodes to the UCP cluster 72
Joining Linux worker nodes to the cluster 73
Joining the remaining worker nodes into the cluster 74
Joining a Windows server 2016 worker node to the cluster 75
Installing the DTR 77
Configuring RBAC for PoC 79
PoC application 80
Picking a PoC application 80
Installing Docker on a local workstation 82
Containerizing and testing the PoC application on a Dev workstation 83
Review application documentation 85
Containerizing and locally testing each application component 86
Containerizing the database 86
Containerizing the Webforms application 91
Creating deployment files and testing locally 97
Pushing images 98
Connecting to the PoC DTR 99
Preparing and pushing your images 99

[ ii ]
Table of Contents

Deploying a PoC application to a Docker Enterprise cluster 101

The Docker Enterprise CLI bundle 102
Using Bash with Docker API to get the CLI bundle 103
Using PowerShell with the Docker API to get the CLI bundle 104
Deploying the PoC application to the Docker Enterprise cluster 104
Updating the PoC application 108
Summary 109
Questions 110
Further reading 110

Section 2: Piloting Docker Enterprise

Chapter 4: Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster 112
Docker Enterprise cluster plumbing 113
Introduction to Docker single-node networking 113
No Domain Name System (DNS) for the Docker0 default network 116
Introduction to cluster-based container networking 118
Swarm and Kubernetes DNS and service discovery 120
The management and control planes 122
Docker Enterprise pilot network implementation 124
Internal cluster users 124
End users of Docker Enterprise-hosted applications 126
Highly available cluster 127
DNS, certificates, and certificate termination 128
Hostnames for Docker cluster nodes 131
Bare metal cluster – network setup example 131
Step 1 – define a domain name and hostname structure 132
Step 2 – define a certificate structure and termination plan 132
Step 3 – design and implement a network infrastructure 133
Load balancer setup and configuration design 135
Docker Enterprise pilot platform 138
Preparing cluster nodes 139
Node sizing consideration 139
Network adapters considerations 139
Cluster-based storage considerations 140
Network timing and node synchronization 141
Docker Enterprise pilot bare metal walk-through 141
Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes 143
Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine onto each node in the cluster 144
Setting up the NFS server node 147
Installing the first manager node 148
Joining initial DTR 1 and worker 1 nodes 151
Installing the DTR 153
Adding additional DTR replicas 155
Final configuration of load balancers 156
Summary 156
Questions 157
Further reading 157

[ iii ]
Table of Contents

Chapter 5: Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application 159

Planning for a pilot application 160
Sample pilot planning and execution 162
Configure UCP pilot settings 164
RBAC in Docker Enterprise 171
Setting up Docker Enterprise teams and organizations 175
Team member sync using LDAP 176
Collection for pilot team 178
DTR pilot settings 180
The sample pilot wiki application 184
Containerizing the application 185
Collect and document application assets 185
Containerizing and testing the Postgres database 187
Containerizing and testing the wiki application 192
Pushing the images 201
Deploying the wiki to the pilot cluster 201
Pilot application strategy 202
Application flow for wiki pilot 202
Deployment architecture for the pilot wiki 203
Deploying the pilot wiki application 205
Summary 210
Questions 210
Further reading 210
Chapter 6: Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline 212
Pilot application development with Docker Enterprise 213
Using Docker for faster developer on-boarding 213
Using Docker to improve software development cycles 213
Docker Containers as a Service (CaaS) 214
What you need to know about distributed applications 216
Key principles for container application design 216
Docker Swarm services 216
Swarm service networks and routing mesh 219
Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing 221
Defensive coding 222
Centralized logging 224
Secrets 224
Docker tools for the local development and testing of the AtSea application 225
AtSea application structure 226
Using docker-compose as a Makefile 227
Building and running an application with Compose and Swarm 230
Mocking layer 7 routing and TSL termination for local Swarm testing 230
Final steps for local Swarm testing 234
Deploying a custom app to the Docker Enterprise cluster 238
Layer 7 routing with Docker Enterprise 241
Building and deploying the custom app with a CI pipeline 244
Sample CI pipeline overview 244
Connecting GitLab to Docker Enterprise 247
Adding a GitLab Runner to the build machine 248
DTR CI integration 253

[ iv ]
Table of Contents

Building our services 256

Simple build and push pipeline for atsea-db image 257
Simple build and push pipeline for the atsea-payment image 262
Build, End to End Test, and Push pipeline for the atsea-web image 263
Pipeline deployment to Docker Enterprise 267
Deployment pipeline file 268
Understanding Docker Swarm resource scoping 274
Triggering the pipeline manually 276
Summary 278
Questions 279
Further reading 279
Chapter 7: Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging 281
Logging and monitoring distributed, containerized applications 282
Default Docker Engine logs 282
Centralized logging 285
Publish approach with an ELK Stack 286
Polling approach with Prometheus 288
Simple Prometheus setup 289
Prometheus on Docker and checking Docker 290
Logging and monitoring in Docker Enterprise 292
Docker Enterprise UCP and Prometheus 293
Docker Enterprise with Prometheus and Grafana 294
Commercial example – Sysdig 300
Our pilot Sysdig architecture 302
Installing the Sysdig agents 302
The Wiki pilot dashboard 303
Setting up alarms 305
Summary 309
Questions 309
Further reading 310

Section 3: In Production with Docker Enterprise

Chapter 8: First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise 312
Docker Enterprise production cluster 313
High-level cluster flow and concepts 313
Image mirroring 314
Image signing 316
UCP production scheduling with Docker Content Trust 317
Immutability for DTR repos 319
Image scanning in production 320
Production cluster considerations 322
Avoiding cluster sprawl 323
Production-installation considerations 323
Production manager nodes 324
Node sizing 325
Setup and installation considerations 327
Center for Internet Security (CIS) docker benchmarks 327

Table of Contents

Locking down SSH access 331

No public access to Docker nodes 331
Production UCP configuration 332
Production DTR configuration 336
Data management 336
Host volume mounts 336
Docker NFS volume plugin 338
Other volume storage solutions 341
Backing up data 341
Backing up UCP 342
Backing up DTR 343
Backing up application data 344
Applying OS and Docker updates 345
OS and Docker Enterprise Engine updates 345
UCP manager nodes 345
Worker nodes 346
Upgrading the UCP software 346
Upgrading the DTR software 347
Summary 349
Questions 349
Further reading 349
Chapter 9: Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics 351
Working with orchestrators in production 352
Health checks 352
Ephemeral containers and orchestration 353
Application startup and health checks 353
Swarm service health check for AtSea-web 356
Passing signals into containers 358
Managed and unmanaged cluster resources 359
Orchestrators and resource management 359
Container reservations, requests, and limits 360
Setting CPU and memory reservations 361
Production ingress 366
Ingress model overview 366
Layer 7 dynamic routing 366
Layer 4 simple port-based routing 367
Static host deployments 367
Key concepts of blue/green deployments 368
Blue/green deployments with Swarm 368
Kubernetes blue/green deployment 369
Layer 7 routing in production 370
Layer 4 routing in production 371
Docker service updates 375
Layer 4 blue/green deployment 376
Layer 4 canary deployment 378
Production monitoring 378
Summary 382

[ vi ]
Table of Contents

Questions 383
Further reading 383
Chapter 10: More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise 384
Overview of Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes 384
CNI networking 386
Docker Enterprise install – Kubernetes 386
Advanced Kubernetes networking philosophy 388
Coexistence – Swarm and Kube 389
Docker Enterprise Kubernetes role-based access control 389
Kubernetes persistent volume management 392
Docker Desktop to Docker Enterprise Kubernetes 392
Docker Desktop – Converting AtSea to Kubernetes 393
Setting up Docker Desktop with Kubernetes 394
Configuring an application with Kubernetes (Namespace/Secrets/ConfigMaps) 396
Converting and testing the DB 398
Creating the DB ClusterIP 400
Converting the web app 402
Creating the webapp NodePort 403
Testing locally 405
Docker Enterprise for a pilot release of AtSea Kubernetes 405
Setting up Docker RBAC for the atsea-test namespace 406
Blue/green deployment of AtSea to the Docker Enterprise Kubernetes cluster 410
Smoke-testing the AtSea Kubernetes application 411
Configuring the load balancer for blue/green deployment 412
Third-party Docker Enterprise Kubernetes integrations 413
Helm charts on Docker Enterprise Kubernetes 413
GitLab and Docker Enterprise Kubernetes 415
Kubernetes persistent volumes with an existing NFS server 416
Attaching your UCP Kube cluster to an existing on-premises NFS server 416
The setup 417
Ingress controller 419
Installing the NGINX ingress controller 420
Using the Docker demo application to test our ingress setup 423
Installing the dockerdemo application and docker-demo-svc 423
Configuring ingress rules to dockerdemo 424
Testing the ingress controller flow 425
Summary 429
Questions 429
Further reading 429
Chapter 11: Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future 431
Container-first culture 432
Life before a container-first culture 432
Life after a container-first culture 432
Container-first culture for developers 433
Container-first for DevOps 433
Container first for operations 434

[ vii ]
Table of Contents

Container-first adoption challenges 434

The cloudy path to organic adoption 434
Trying to move everyone in the same direction 435
Container-first target application areas 436
Considerations for building a container culture 436
Keeping it simple in the beginning 437
Recognizing enthusiastic learners and committed adopters 437
Establishing a learning culture 437
Docker Enterprise managed clusters 439
Agile adoption for containers and beyond 440
Agile Docker Enterprise adoption and container-first 440
Building your future on the platform 440
Serverless and containers 441
Summary 442
Further reading 442
Assessments 443
Other Books You May Enjoy 450
Index 453

[ viii ]
With mounting evidence (https:/​/​www.​docker.​com/​why-​docker), such as a 300% faster
time to market, a 1,300% increase in developer productivity, and a 40% reduction in
infrastructure cost, it is no wonder enterprises are taking an interest in container
technology. However, it much more than a new virtualization technology. Effective
adoption of a container platforms transform the way software is designed, built, delivered,
and deployed. Ultimately, containerization impacts the entire software supply chain, and
therefore container platform adoption, when done right, improves enterprise applications,
platforms, pipelines, and governance. This represents a significant enterprise

This book is serves as a companion guide for application, platform, DevOps/pipeline, and
governance teams as they travel along their container adoption journey with Docker EE.
We introduce a broad body of knowledge and experience through an agile and
evolutionary adoption approach, starting with a proof of concept and then taking an
application through a pilot and onto production. The knowledge shared in this book comes
from two years as a Docker-accredited instructor and a consultant working with customers
during their adoption journey.

In this book I use we, the first-person plural pronoun, as a reminder to myself and the
readers that the knowledge shared within goes way beyond me. As a Docker consulting
partner and training partner, we get the privilege to collaborate with Docker's services
team, engineers, and product managers—some of the brightest minds in the container
space. Without their shared knowledge and insights this book would not be interesting or
useful. I am very grateful for my informative interactions with students, clients, other
Docker partners, and Docker, Inc.

Who this book is for

This book addresses topics related to the container adoption journey for application,
platform, DevOps/pipeline, and governance teams. Because we provide detailed working
examples to convey key concepts, some technical depth is very helpful. Therefore, hands-on
technical leaders and technical architects are likely to benefit the most from the details
shared during this journey.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Making the Case for Docker Enterprise, covers the background and platform
landscape of the enterprise containers space and where Docker Enterprise fits.

Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an Architectural Overview, provides an architectural overview,

including budget, benefits, features, and product structure.

Chapter 3, Getting Started – Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept, walks through the setup of a
simple PoC cluster, containerizing a simple .NET application, and deploying the
application to the PoC cluster.

Chapter 4, Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster, explores important concepts related to
setting up a Docker Enterprise pilot cluster and provides important details of a bare-metal
installation using CentOS 7.

Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application, reviews the post-
installation configuration of UCP and DTR, describes the containerization an old Java Wiki
application, and concludes with the deployment of the Wiki application to our new the
pilot cluster.

Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, describes distributed application
design concepts, the containerized development process, and building containers with a
Docker CI/CD pipeline.

Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging, introduces centralized
logging and monitoring for our pilot platform and applications.

Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise, cover the first big step on
the production journey, where we present the software supply chain all way to a
production cluster.

Chapter 9, Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics, present a final round-up of

important Docker Enterprise topics for consideration in production environments.

Chapter 10, More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise, walks through the deployment of a
Kubernetes application on your Docker Enterprise cluster.

Chapter 11, Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future, looks at what is in store for
your Docker Enterprise cluster.


To get the most out of this book

You will need the following things to get the most out of this book:

An understanding of current software development, DevOps, and system admin

A basic understanding of container—start here: https:/​/​training.​play-​with-
Docker (CE) Desktop for Mac or Windows is helpful.
Access to four Linux hosts (bare-metal or VMs) and an optional Windows Server
2016 host (bare-metal or VM) is ideal to try your own PoC. Cloud VMs can also
be used, but we don't cover cloud-specific installs in the examples.

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CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames,
file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an
example: "Generally speaking, sudo service docker restart should do the trick."

A block of code is set as follows:

"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "10m",
"max-file": "3"
"live-restore": true

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines
or items are set in bold:
├── docker
│ ├── web
│ │ └── Dockerfile
│ └── web-builder
│ └── 3.5
│ └── Dockerfile

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

$ docker container run -d -p 5432:5432 db-image:v1


Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For
example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example:
"Expand the admin menu and click My Profile."

Warnings or important notes appear like this.

Tips and tricks appear like this.

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Section 1: Getting Started with
Docker Enterprise
The chapters in this section cover positioning the Docker Enterprise platform and explain
its structure, reference architectures, installation, configuration, and pilot application

The following chapters are included in this section:

Chapter 1, Making the Case for Docker Enterprise

Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an Architectural Overview
Chapter 3, Getting Started – Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept
Making the Case for Docker
If you have been around the technology scene for a while, you have probably figured out
that guiding principles are key to achieving long-term success and without them you end
up running in circles—always bouncing to the next cool tech fad without actually getting
anything done.

Furthermore, these same guiding principles inspire enterprise practices as a means to

ensure the principles are achieved. Finally, principles and practices combine to inform our
choice and style for the tools used to make it all happen. Therefore, before we jump into the
details of using Docker's Enterprise tooling, it is important to understand how we got here,
what running Docker means, and where Docker's enterprise tooling fits into the enterprise
platform space.

The following are globally some sample principles and practices to help guide
your enterprise container adoption journey:

Principles, Practices and Tools for Enterprise Container Adoption

Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Now lets take a look at the topics which will be covered in this chapter:

What are Docker, Inc., Docker Engine-Community, and Docker Enterprise?

Where did containers come from and why are they so popular?
How do Kubernetes and Docker fit together?
How do containers impact your business?
Why would I choose Docker Enterprise?

Zero to everywhere in five years

Technical operations teams are justifiably skeptical about new technology platforms such as
containers. They are usually most concerned about hardening for security and reliability
because they exist to keep enterprise applications up and running securely. At the same
time, product owners within their organizations need to deliver better, often more complex,
software faster. Yes, the business landscape has changed profoundly; in today's business
world, software is not only used to achieve competitive advantage, it is the business and
provides the frontline customer experience.

Subsequently, significant pressure is mounting to accelerate the software pipeline in nearly

every organization. This section briefly explains the roots of containers and why their
benefits (a secure and fast software pipeline) have driven such a rapid adoption of

The Docker story

Docker was born out of a lightning talk presentation, entitled The future of Linux Containers,
delivered at PyCon on Friday, March 15, 2013. The presenter was Solomon Hykes, the
founder of Docker. On that day, the software world changed even though Linux containers
had been evolving in the Linux community for nearly 13 years. It was not the technology
that Solomon shepherded that got the Docker movement off the ground, it was the vision
behind it and the packaging of the container ecosystem. Solomon's vision was to create
tools for mass innovation and his packaging of Linux containers in the Docker experience
delivered this powerful technology and put containers within the grasp of mere mortals.
Today, Docker runs on tens of millions of servers around the world.

Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Here are some notes on Linux containers:

They have been evolving since 2000

Linux Containers (LXC) was released in 2008
Google's lmctfy (let me container that for you) supports Docker's libcontainer in
Standards emerged, including OCI, and CNCF, around 2015
Center for internet security benchmark support

Over the last 5 years, thousands of developers joined Docker's open source community to
deliver what is known as Docker Community Edition (Docker Engine-Community).
Docker has remained committed to an open platform and a level playing field. Docker
has donated significant assets to the open source and standards community, including the
Docker container format and runtime, to provide the cornerstone of the Open Container
Initiative (OCI) in 2015 and the container runtime to the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation (CNCF) in 2017.

At Dockercon in 2017, Solomon Hykes released Project Moby, which effectively gives
anyone the tooling they need to build their own Docker. This was very cool and ultimately
in the best interests of the container community. However, this well-intentioned effort led
to some comprehensive repackaging of Docker community assets without community buy-
in. From a big-picture point of view, Docker has demonstrated its commitment to the
community and Solomon's vision of tools for mass innovation.

Containers change application development and

Containers allow application developers to package up their application, along with all of
their dependencies, into a portable unit called an image. These images are then stored in a
remote repository where they can be pulled and run on any compliant container engine.
Furthermore, the applications running on each container engine are isolated from each
other and the host operating system:

Illustrative scenario: Let's say I want to test out NGINX without installing
anything (I already have Docker installed of course). I create a sample HTML
page called index.html in my local directory and run the following:
docker run -p 8000:80 -v ${PWD}:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d

Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

What is happening here?

I'm telling Docker to run the official nginx image in the
background on my local Docker Engine, forwarding my host
adapter's port 8000 to the container's port 80 and mounting my
local directory to share my HTML file with nginx as a read-only
Then, I point my local browser at and I
see my HTML page rendered. When I'm done, I ask Docker to
remove the container. So, in the span of about a minute, I created a
test web page, used NGINX to render it locally without installing
anything locally, and ran it in complete isolation. The only possible
collision with a host resource was around the host adapter's port
8000, which was arbitrary.
This is cool, but don't VMs already do that for us?
Conceptually there are some similarities, but container
implementation is much more lightweight and efficient. The key
implementation differences are:
All containers share the host's kernel:
Docker uses Linux container security
futures to isolate containers from the
host and other containers.
Since the kernel is already running,
startup time for containers is usually a
second or two, versus waiting a
minute or two for the guest OS to boot
on a VM.
Containers use a layered filesystem with caching:
Docker images are composed of read-
only layers that can be cached and
shared across multiple containers.
Major portions of Docker images can
be shared across containers, meaning
you don't have to pull the entire image
every time. VMs on the other hand
have a monolithic, opaque filesystem
that's completely reloaded every time
it's started. This leads to slow load
times and inefficient image storage
with VMs.

[ 10 ]
Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

In the following figure, you can see how the applications in the VMs (right side of the
diagram) have a full copy of the OS and the supporting binaries in each virtual
machine, whereas the containerized applications (left side of the diagram) all share the
same Alpine binaries (no kernel necessary ~ 3 MB) and runtime binaries. There have
been various reports on the financial impact of containers versus VMs, but the number
I have seen ranges from a 15% to a 70% reduction in operational costs. As they say,
your mileage may vary based on your OS, binaries, and whether or not you move to
bare metal to eliminate hypervisor licensing costs:

Containerized apps vs VM apps

Containers gain popularity

The following is globally a summary of what I hear from customers and students:

Faster developer onboarding: Container-based development

Easy to run and test on dev machines: Great for simulating production
Faster release cycles and shorter time to fix bugs: No more monolithic
Better quality software: Consistent images across all environments
It is too hard to manage microservices without them: Stacks are great for
isolation and deployment
Easier to support legacy web applications: Containerize old apps and manage
them on a modern platform

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Reduction of VMware tax: Better use of compute resources through increased

density and consolidation of multiple non-prod environments (using Docker
Enterprise RBAC)

Even the free stuff will cost you something:

I am closing this section on a practical note by suggesting your initial
operational savings will be offset by the investment required to transform
your enterprise to a container platform. When done right, the impact of
container adoption impacts a broad group within the enterprise, spanning
the entire software development and delivery pipeline. Like any
transformation worth doing, there is some investment required. More
about the impact of container adoption later.

Docker Engine-Community – free Docker

The open source version of Docker is called Docker Engine-Community and it is
distributed under the Apache 2.0 licence. Sometimes referred to as free Docker, this version
is self-and community-supported. Docker has two packaging schemes:

Docker Engine-Community for x86 64-bit desktop architectures for Mac and
Windows 10 Pro+
Server CE for targeting CentOS, Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu Linux distributions

In addition to the platform packaging, Docker Engine-Community comes with two

channels. It is important to note that as of Docker Engine-Community version 18.09, the
stable channel will release on a six-month cadence and the edge channel will be replaced
with a nightly build:

Stable channel: General availability code is released through this channel after
being thoroughly tested.
Edge channel for desktop platforms: Monthly release of prerelease code that is
in various stages of testing.
Nightly channel: Fresh code is released here! Subsequently, cool new features
show up here first, but this code base is not completely tested and should not be
used for production. Also, if your developers use the edge channel (or run with
the —experimental flag) on their workstations, you will need to be very careful to
avoid the works on my machine scenario! Take care to ensure new code is not
relying on unreleased GA or experimental features that will work on the
developer's workstation, but will break later as images and/or configurations
move through the pipeline.

[ 12 ]
Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

You may consider having a development cluster where developers deploy their code on a
Docker infrastructure that matches production versions. If a dev cluster is
available, developers should always deploy to dev before their code is checked in, to ensure
no builds are broken.

Docker Engine-Community includes key capabilities

Docker Engine-Community is a feature-rich container platform that includes a full API, a
CLI (Docker client), and a rich plugin architecture for integration and extension. It allows
you to run production applications on either a single node or in a secure cluster that
includes overlay networking and layer-4 load balancing. That's all included when you
install the Docker Engine-Community engine!

Running Docker Engine-Community on AWS or Azure

Please note there are AWS and Azure quickstart packages for cloud users. These
convenience bundles include a Docker-supported AMI/VM image, as well as cloud utilities
to wire up and support a cluster of Docker Engine-Community nodes. The real assets here
are cloud provider-native IaaS templates (AWS CloudFormation or Azure resource
manager), Docker VM images, and Docker4x utility containers for interacting with the
cloud provider's services. For instance, the AWS bundle allows you to include the
cloudstore volume plugin, where instead of using local EBS volumes, you can use EFS and
S3 backed volumes across the entire cluster.

While you might use NFS to achieve a cluster-wide storage solution on-
premise, due to some unpredictable latency on cloud providers' networks,
where NFS mounts may unexpectedly become read-only, I strongly
recommend using Cloudstor on AWS and Azure. More information can
be found at https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​docker-​for-​aws/​persistent-

Finally, please note that Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure only apply to Docker
Engine-Community installations. Docker Enterprise now uses the Docker certified
infrastructure tooling, using Terraform and Ansible to target VMware, Azure, and AWS
implementations of Docker Enteprise.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Docker Enterprise – enterprise support and

Free Docker is great! But supporting yourself is not always so great. Therefore, Docker
Engine-Community is usually a fine choice for learning and getting started, but as soon as
you head toward production, you should consider stepping up to Docker Enterprise for the
support and/or the enterprise class tooling it provides.

Docker Enterprise builds on Docker Engine-Community's already rich feature set and adds
commercial support for the Docker Engine (Docker Enterprise Basic), as well as tooling
that's important for managing multiple teams and production applications, including
Kubernetes applications (Kubernetes is included in Docker Enterprise Standard and

Docker offers the following support models for Docker Engine-Community and Docker

Docker Engine-Community: Starting in CE 18.09, you will need to upgrade (deal

with possible breaking changes) every 7 months if you want hotfixes and patch
support. This is a recent improvement as, prior to CE 18.09, the support cycle was
only four months. Docker Engine-Community relies on community-based
support forums; you post an issue in a public forum and wait for someone to
help you or to generate a fix. Docker has a great community, but with Docker
Engine-Community there are no Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Docker Enterprise: You will need to upgrade (deal with possible breaking
changes) every 24 months to maintain access to hotfixes and patch support.
Docker Enteprise's cornerstone is their enterprise-grade private support channel
with either a business-critical or business day support level agreement.
Hint: Business critical has a faster response time SLA, but costs more.

Docker Enterprise also includes seamless support for ISV-provided Docker certified
plugins and Docker certified containers. That means if you have an issue with a certified
plugin or container, you just call Docker for support.

Docker Engine-Community support issues are posted publicly for

anyone to see. This can be a problem if you are, for example, a
financial institution publicly announcing a security vulnerability you
discovered and thus tipping off hackers. If you have concerns about
the public visibility of your issues or need SLAs, you may want to
consider purchasing Docker Enterprise Basic with business day

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Docker Enterprise also comes in three tiers:

Docker Enterprise basic tier: Docker Engine-Community feature set with Docker
Enterprise support as described previously.
Docker Enterprise standard tier: Built on top of Docker Engine-Community with
Docker Enterprise support as described previously, but adds the universal
control plane (UCP; integrated security with LDAP connections and RBAC
through a GUI or CLI bundle for policy management, layer-7 routing,
Kubernetes up-and-running out-of-the-box, and a web interface) and the Docker
Trusted Registry (DTR; a private image registry tied into the UCP security model
with image signing, promotions, webhooks, and full API access).
Docker Enterprise advanced tier: Includes all of the features in the Docker
Enterprise standard tier, but gives Universal Control Plane (UCP) additional
finer-grained RBAC to allow for node isolation. The advanced tier enhances the
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) with image vulnerability scanning and images
mirroring to remote DTRs.

The advanced tier enforces a high degree of resource isolation down to the
node level. This allows an enterprise to consolidate all of its non-
production environments into a single non-prod docker cluster. This can
considerably reduce the number of services required for non-production
activities. Developers, testers, and operators are issued appropriate RBAC
grants to work in isolation.

Kubernetes and Docker Enterprise

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have probably heard about Kubernetes. Too
many times I have heard (uninformed) members of the technology community say we don't
use Docker, we use Kubernetes. This is a little naive since the vast majority of clusters
running Kubernetes orchestration are doing so with the Docker Engine.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Orchestrators allow developers to wire up individual container nodes

into a cluster to improve scaling and availability, and reap the benefits of
self-healing and distributed/microservice application management. As
soon as multi-service applications needed to coordinate more than one
container to run, orchestration became a thing. Orchestrators allows
containerized application developers to specify how their collection of
containers works together to form an application. Then, they later deploy
the application using this specification to schedule the required containers
across a cluster of (usually Docker) hosts.

Early on, born-in-the-cloud startups that were running at scale and usually deploying
microservices became aware of a need for orchestration. Hence, the brilliant minds at
Google created what has become the Kubernetes orchestration framework and later created
an independent body to mange it, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), with
Kubernetes as the CNCF's cornerstone project. Meanwhile, the Docker community started
working on its own orchestration project called Swarmkit.

Kubernetes and Swarm orchestration

While there are many variations and incantations in the orchestration space, the market
boils down to very different players: Kubernetes and Swarm. And no, Swarm is not dead.

Kubernetes has rapidly evolved as a modular and highly configurable third-party

orchestration platform supported and used by 12-factor, cloud native developers. From an
engineering point of view, it is a very interesting platform with many degrees of freedom
and points of extensibility. For hardcore 12-factor folks (also known as the cool kids) who
are usually delivering highly complex systems at massive scale, using Kubernetes is a no-
brainer. However, if you are not Google or eBay, Kubernetes might be a little much for you,
especially as you get started.

Swarm, Docker's orchestration tool, started off as an add-in, but in version 1.12 was added
to the Docker Engine. As such, there is nothing to install; rather, you activate it using
the docker swarm init and docker swarm join commands to create a TLS encrypted
cluster with overlay networking ready to go! So, it's sort of the easy button for orchestration
because there's nothing extra to install, and it is both secure and ready to use out of the box.
Swarm is included in Docker Engine-Community and Docker Enterprise's UCP piggybacks
directly off of Swarm.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Kubernetes and Swarm – different philosophies to

solve different problems
Which is better (for you)? Well, it depends…

Getting started with Kubernetes is pretty challenging. This is somewhat because in addition
to a container runtime (such as Docker Engine-Community), you need to install and
configure kubectl, kubeadm, and kubelet, but that's just the beginning. You also have to
make some decisions up front, such as picking a networking model and
configuring/installing the provider's container CNI implementation. Kubernetes does not
usually provide default options (some cloud services do this for you), which gives you
some great flexibility, but naturally forces you to make upfront decision and complicates
installation. Again, this is great if you need this flexibility and you know exactly what you
are doing.

On the other hand, if you have Docker 1.12 or newer (we strongly recommend having
something much newer), you only need to activated it with the docker swarm init
command. It creates a certificate authority, an encrypted Raft store, and overlay networking
automatically, as well as a tokenized join command for securely adding additional nodes
to your cluster. However, in the spirit of simplicity and security, Docker made some default
choices for you. That's great if you can live with those choices, at least while you get up to
speed on enterprise container platforms.

Beyond installation, describing application deployment (using YAML files) in Kubernetes is

inherently more complex. When it comes to styles of deployment, Kubernetes deploys
discrete components and wires them up with a collection of YAML files that rely on labels
and selectors to connect them. Again in Kubernetes style, when creating components, you
have to define a wide range of behavior parameters to describe exactly what you want,
rather than assuming some default behavior. This can be verbose, but it is very powerful,
precise, and flexible!

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Kubernetes also includes the pod as the atomic deployment unit, which can be handy for
isolating a bundle of containers from the flat networking model. This leads to the use of
sidecar containers that essentially interface pods to the rest of the world. This is very cool
and a great way to handle networks of loosely coupled, shared, long-running services in a
flat address space:

Swarm and Kubernetes

Swarm takes an application-centric, monolithic approach by defining a stack of related

services in a .yaml file. Swarm stacks assume you are running a collection of related
services, isolated by overlay networks, to support specific functionality in the context of an
application. This makes it easy to deploy a typical application stack such as an Angular
frontend with an application's RESTful API and a Postgres database.

Moving Kubernetes to the mainstream

Many PaaS and IaaS providers are diving into Kubernetes and providing turnkey setups.
They are betting on the Kubernetes API as a specification for deploying application
workloads in their service. Examples include Google's Kubernetes engine, Azure
Kubernetes Service, and last but certainly not least, Amazon Elastic Container Service for
Kubernetes (Amazon EKS). These are great to get you started, but what about if/when you
move steady workloads back on premises due to cost or security concerns?

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Finally, beware of the limitations tied to PaaS solutions. If you use a PaaS Kubernetes
management plane, you may be limited to using the PaaS provider's CNI plugin and their
implementation may limit your options. As an example, if you are running Kubernetes on
AWS, the networking implementation may require one virtual IP/pod, but you only get a
limited number of virtual IPs per instance type. Subsequently, you might need to move up
to a bigger, more expensive instance type to support more pods, even though you don't
really need any more/better CPUs, network, or storage.

New era for app Dev, DevOps, and IT

Using containers and orchestrators changes the way we look at building software and
defining a software delivery pipeline. Container-based development fundamentally
supports what the DevOps folks call a shift left, where developers of distributed systems
become more accountable for the quality of the overall solution, meaning the binaries and
how they are connected. Hence, wiring up my services in no longer the networking,
integration, or operations teams' problem; it belongs to the developers. In fact, the
YAML specification for connecting and deploying their application is now an artifact that
gets checked into source code control!

Faster deployment of fixes and enhancements is a prime motivation for containerizing

monolithic web applications built with job and .NET. Containerization allows each team to
operate independently and deploy its application as soon as it is ready to go, no longer
having to wait for all of the other application teams or the next quarterly release cycle.

Containerizing applications can be really helpful for breaking up the organization log jams
associated with pre-container monolithic deployments, as each application gets its own
runtime container. This container includes all of their specific runtime dependencies, such
as Java and Tomcat, for the application to run. Because we are using containers, we become
less concerned about the overhead associated with starting and operating similar containers
in production by remembering how Docker isolates application execution, while sharing
common layers from the filesystem for fast start times and efficient resource utilization. So,
rather then having to coordinate across all of the teams involved in a deployment, each
team has its own isolated stack of dependencies, which allows them to deploy and test on
their own schedule. Not surprisingly, after applications are containerized, it is much easier
to independently refactor them.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

First containerize applications without changing any code if possible.

After you have the application containerized, then take on any refactoring.
Trying to accomplish both containerizing and refactoring simultaneously
can be daunting and may stall the project.

Leveraging containers in your continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline
has become a best practice for most DevOps teams. Even the pipeline itself is often run as a
containerized platform. The motivation here is a higher-quality product, based on the
immutable server pattern where containers are built once and promoted through the
pipeline. In other words, the application is not re-installed on a new virtual server between
each step in the pipeline. Instead, the same container image is pulled from a central
repository and run in the next step. Environment variables and configuration files are used
to account for variations between the environments.

Since the application team has taken on the tasks of wiring up and configuring the
application for deployment, the operations team can shift its focus toward the container
platform. This includes setting up and maintaining the container platform's operational
environments, monitoring and centralized logging for applications running in the cluster,
and security/policy management within the cluster to ensure that applications and users
are behaving as expected.

Container-first and strategic impact of

Containers add some great new possibilities when approaching your enterprise application
strategy, primarily with respect to cloud migration and application modernization.
Containers allow organizations to elevate this conversation from the tactics around cloud
migration and application stacks to a common application platform where virtually any
application stack runs more efficiently while at the same time making the applications

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Container-first as a cloud adoption strategy

What if, before you started migrating all of your applications to a specific cloud-specific
provider, you instead containerize your applications first and then migrate them to the
cloud. This is sometimes referred to as a container-first strategy. There are several
significant benefits to this approach:

Abstracting platform-specific knowledge from application teams

Gaining operational efficiency (usually in the range of 15% to 70%) from
containerized applications
It gives you the ability you move your applications between on-premise and any
cloud providers with minimal effort

Container-first thinking should reduce cloud-specific staffing needs;

instead of a cloud admin/application, you have a cloud admin/container
cluster. Once containerized, application migrations between cloud
providers and on-premise should be measured in hours and not weeks or

Get ready to bring workloads back from the

public cloud
Moving to the cloud is fun and cool! However, it can get very expensive and hard for an
enterprise to control. Most of what I see from clients is that the cloud makes sense for
highly variable workloads where elastic capacity is very important. However, when steady,
predictable workloads are involved, many organizations find the public cloud to be too
expensive and ultimately migrate them back to their data center or private cloud. This is
referred to as workload repatriation and it's becoming a very common event.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

Application modernization – the containerization

Docker customers have documented significant reductions in operational costs achieved by
simply containerizing traditional web-based (.NET 2.0+ and Java) applications and
establishing a Docker Enterprise infrastructure to run them. This infrastructure can run in
the cloud, VMware, or even bare metal. There is a methodology used by Docker solution
architects to help enterprises migrate traditional applications. It starts with accelerated PoC,
moves to a pilot application, and finally to production, where each step builds on the last.

Support for microservices and DevOps

At this point in the game, most development teams won't even attempt to build and deploy
microservices without containers and orchestrators. 12-factor style development teams
have lots of moving part and deploy often—a perfect fit for Docker and Kubernetes! These
teams use containerized, decentralized CI/CD systems that come with built-in container
support to achieve low error rates using high-speed automated deployments.

While compliance for container platforms is achievable with third-party products such as
Sysdig Secure, Twistlock, and AquaSec, Docker Enterprise 2.1 adds FIPS compliance
support for Windows and RHEL platforms. This means the Docker platform is validated
against widely accepted standards and best practices during Docker Enterprise product
development. With this, the companies and agencies get additional confidence to adopt
Docker containers. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2
being the most remarkable standards, verifies and permits the use of various security
encryption modules within an organization software stack which now includes the Docker
Enterprise Engine.

For more information on FIPs, please visit docker's website: https:/​/

For more information on general Docker compliance, please visit: https:/

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

How Docker Enterprise 2.0 has changed the

In April of 2018, Docker Enterprise 2.0 was a release. In this release, Docker added support
for Kubernetes. Not some wrapped or repackaged version, but the real open source
version. The advantage of running Kubernetes on Docker Enterprise 2.0 is simplicity. With
Docker Enterprise 2.0, the universal control plane includes pre-installed Kubernetes, which
runs alongside Swarm. This means that enterprises do not need to choose between
Kubernetes and Swarm; they can have them both. This is a big deal for organizations that
need to deal with both pockets of advanced microservice applications and simpler n-tier
traditional applications. With Docker Enterprise 2.0, microservice teams are free get their
Kube on, while the rest of the teams get up to speed with Swarm. Also, it allows an
enterprise to handle a more manageable learning curve by getting started with Swarm and
later introducing more complex Kubernetes configurations as required.

Additionally, at Dockercon 2018, Docker announced some very exciting features on their
near-term roadmap regarding integration between Docker Enterprise and cloud-based
Kubernetes Services. Essentially, Docker Enterprise 2 will be able to take an on-premise
Kubernetes app running on Docker Enterprise 2.0 and deploy it to a web-based Kubernetes
provider such as Amazon or Google.

While Docker Enterprise 2.0 may not be the perfect choice for a small cloud-native startup,
its flexibility, integrated security model, and single platform should make it a top
consideration for on premise and hybrid container platforms.

In the last 5 years, containers have come out of obscurity and into the spotlight across the
software industry and DevOps. The profound organizational impact of containers spans
software developers, IT admins, DevOps engineers, architects, and executives alike. From
the beginning, Docker, Inc. has been at the center of the container movement and remains
committed to the long term success by supporting industry standards, the open source
community, and most recently enterprise customers with a Kubernetes-capable Docker
Enterprise 2.

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Making the Case for Docker Enterprise Chapter 1

In the next 5 years, the enterprise adoption of containers will blossom. Subsequently, most
organizations will begin looking for an enterprise-grade solution that balances cost and
security with speed and leading-edge platform features. Docker Enterprise's single pane of
glass for hybrid cloud and on-premises clusters, along with support for the latest container
technologies, including Kubernetes support, is very likely to draw the attention of astute IT
leaders around the world.

Coming up in Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an Architectural Overview, our journey

continues as we explore the features and architecture of Docker Enterprise.

1. How long have containers been around?
2. What is Docker, Inc. and what does it do?
3. What is the difference between Docker Engine-Community and Docker
4. What is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes?
5. What is the best orchestrator for deploying simple n-tier web applications?
6. How does Docker support Kubernetes?
7. How does container-based development impact application developers?
8. Why would I need fewer cloud admins with a cloud-first strategy?

Further reading
Docker Enterprise production information:
Docker Enterprise FIPS compliance:

[ 24 ]
Docker Enterprise - an
Architectural Overview
As we dive further into the details of Docker Enterprise, it is important to know where it
fits within the competitive landscape of enterprise container platform providers. Informing
buyers of broad provider categories can help them decide whether Docker Enterprise is the
best for their organization. Additionally, we provide an overview of the economics of
Docker Enterprise along with key features, architecture, and components to support open,
supported products for enterprise customers.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

Docker Enterprise's position in the emerging enterprise container platform

The cost/benefit economics of Docker Enterprise's architecture
The architectural context of Docker Enterprise
The key components of Docker Enterprise
Docker Enterprise reference architecture
Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Moving from science projects to production

In the early days, and for containers up until about the middle of 2017, Docker-based
applications look more like science projects than well engineered production platforms. It
seems as though no amount of technical debt was too high as long as your application was
running, stable, and cool. Additionally, the hand-rolled tooling it took to support early
Docker/Kubernetes applications was fully understood by only one or two members of an
enterprise team, and they were usually more aligned with the developers and less aligned
with the operations team, creating a huge gap in the enterprise skill set required to support
containers in production. As the technical debt grew and the skill set gap widened, a large
market opportunity emerged.

With Docker's explosive growth since 2013, a significant market opportunity emerged to
support containers in the enterprise. To be successful, these platforms should consider the
following goals:

Give developers the ability to build, test (locally on development workstations as

well as on a remote development cluster), and deploy secure multi-container
applications at will
Provide an efficient, and secure, developer-managed CI pipeline
Allow operators (DevOps, TechOps, and SecOps) the ability to efficiently secure,
manage, monitor, and scale multiple environments for development, test, QA,
and production applications
Support compliance requirements at the platform level—not at just at the
application level

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

The landscape of emerging container platforms

Many leading technology companies are involved in the container platform game and I'll
group them into three broad categories to summarize where Docker Enterprise fits in.
Specific vendor names are intentionally being withheld to avoid any emotional arguments
or legal warfare, so just some high-level sifting and sorting for now:

Container platform categories emerge:

Virtualization vendor container platforms:
Summary: Large enterprise virtualization vendors
are justifiably concerned about containers eroding
their virtualization revenues. Indeed, running
Docker can reduce, or in the case of Docker on bare
metal can eliminate, the need for commercial
virtualization products. Currently, Docker on bare
metal is pretty rare in the wild, but it poses a huge
threat to the multi-billion-dollar virtualization
industry over the next 10 years.

Realistically, containers and virtualization technologies

will be considered complementary technologies in the
short term, but in the longer term there is a real risk to the
virtualization industry.

In response to the container threat, virtualization vendors

are responding with their own container platform, but
they require licensing of their latest product platform to
use it.

Build on existing virtualization
technology platforms and skill sets
Leverage existing legal contracts
(might require some upgrades
Easy to use/same support channels
Usually require upgrades to
latest/advanced options

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Locked into their stack and not easy to

move to different, possibly cheaper,
platforms in the future
Virtualization tax—requires full
vendor stack and licensing wherever
you deploy, on-premise or cloud
OS platform vendor stacks:
Summary: Vendors providing enterprise support for
Linux operating systems have thrown their hat in
the ring as well. In the hope of maintaining market
share through convenience, these vendors provide
some interesting options, but lock you into their
licensing models to use their version of containers.
These platforms usually provide older versions of
Docker (nearly 2 years old in some cases) or
alternate container engines they own.
Build on existing OS technology
platforms and skill sets
Leverage existing legal contracts
Easy to use/same support channels
Usually several releases behind their
open source counterparts
Locked into their version of the OS
and must use their licensed OS stack
to be supported
Wrap underlying APIs—requires
additional APIs and long lag times
from open feature release to the
vendor's wrapped version release

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Cloud vendor-based container platforms:

Summary: Most of the initial microservice
application deployments using Docker and
Kubernetes were born-in-cloud applications.
Initially, these were hand-rolled with virtual
networks and cloud virtual machines, but cloud
vendors saw a great opportunity in the container
market and began to offer container-related platform
services (*CS) in 2015. Initially, these services
focused on single-host container deployments, but
the rapid maturity of container orchestration led to a
new generation of orchestration-related cloud
platform services (*KS) being released in 2017 and
Easy to get started with
Easy to connect to the cloud vendor's
other services
Initially low cost
Need to provide, wire-
up, manage, and pay for
your own clusters
Older versions of
Docker and Kubernetes
Isolation by resource
group or VPC leads to
cluster sprawl—gets
expensive and
complicated for
centralized integrated
access management
Sticky integration—easy
to use cloud vendor's
services, difficult to
migrate to another
cloud provider or on-

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Supported open platform, extensible technologies:

Summary: Docker Enterprise fits the category of a
supported open, extensible technology. The
complexity of bringing many open source products
together under a single umbrella is a challenge, but
is ultimately a great deal for customers. Docker
customers get choice and transparency from this
platform, but more integration is required. This what
most enterprises would do themselves if they could,
but they usually can't afford a dedicated team of
rock star engineers.

Docker Enterprise is backed by dedicated engineers and

they strive to deliver a cloud-portable container platform,
giving the customer the choice of running on any popular
cloud/OS platform with Docker support and a stable
release cycle for underlying open technologies—and
doing so without wrapping or forking key technologies
such as Kubernetes. Docker Enterprise includes the
Docker API/container D and the real Kubernetes API out
of the box.

A portable or hybrid-friendly
enterprise container platform that
Docker supports from the engine up
to the control plane, including Docker-
certified plugins for networking and
Everything you need (Docker
Enterprise Standard +) to run an
enterprise container platform
including a secure cluster, universal
control plane, and a feature-rich,
secure container registry
Very cost effective for enterprise-scale
Because of RBAC, usually only need
two clusters for all environments

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Can be expensive for a small HA
cluster—HA clusters typically require
three managers/masters, three DTR
nodes and therefore requires a 7th
nodes to start running workloads.
Please note this overhead is quickly
offset by consolidating all non-
production environments into a single
non-prod cluster with RBAC.
An initial Docker Enterprise build can
take some thought and time. Because
Docker's open-platform approach
allows for countless permutations of
suitable infrastructure, preparing an
enterprise-specific platform for the
install takes some planning and
expertise (hardware/VMs, OS,
networks, storage,
monitoring/alerting). Docker's
professional services and authorized
consulting partners can help (a lot)
here, but I'll cover a lot of these setup
items in subsequent chapters to help
get you started on your own.

Most recently, tech industry analysts have created a container platform

software suite category. In Q4 of 2018, Forrester research claimed Docker
Enerprise leads the pack: https:/​/​goto.​docker.​com/​the-​forrester-

[ 31 ]
Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Economics, features, and key components of

Docker Enterprise
When it comes to deciding on an enterprise container platform in today's digital business
world, it is all about balancing innovation (usually with the goal of increased topline
revenue) with the associated costs to support and operationalize these new applications. So,
like most important business decisions, it comes down to the economics and in this case the
economics associated with containerized applications in support of innovation, or perhaps
containerizing old web apps for lower ongoing support costs to free up resources for the
innovation budget. Either way, you will need to understand the costs and benefits of
Docker Enterprise.

The estimated cost of Docker Enterprise

We begin our brief cost/benefit discussion with the cost side of the equation and starting
with the Docker Enterprise platform and licensing.

To run Docker Enterprise, you will need virtual servers for each node, a network to connect
them, and some cluster-based storage (NFS usually works great for on-premise cluster
storage). Remember, Docker Enterprise can run in the cloud, on-premise, in a VM, or on
bare-metal servers—the choice is yours. For cost estimation purposes, plan on six manager
nodes with four cores and 16 GB of RAM for managers and Docker Trusted Registry
(DTR) nodes. The resources required for worker nodes will depend on the types of
workloads you are running on your cluster. For instance, with a Java-based application you
typically need a large memory footprint of maybe four cores and 32 GB of RAM per worker
node. Whereas with a node-based application, you may have more balance between CPU
and memory and can run several applications comfortably with two cores and 16 GB of

Whichever infrastructure platform you choose, it is generally a good idea

to target a platform where your operations team has an existing skill set,
so they can focus their energy learning Docker Enterprise without having
to climb a new platform learning curve at the same time.

Also, keep in mind a typical starter cluster will have about 10 nodes, because six of the
nodes are used for cluster and image management, leaving four nodes to handle
workloads. This might seem like a high ratio of overhead-to-workload nodes, but do keep
in mind you can probably add hundreds of additional worker nodes without adding any
additional overhead.

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Docker Enterprise is a commercial product and may be purchased from Docker, Inc. or a
Docker-authorized reseller. The following estimated costs are subject to change and are
based on publicly available information from Docker's online store. When you are getting
serious about Docker Enterprise, you need to contact Docker or an authorized reseller
directly for up to date and possibly discounted pricing.

So, for the sake of an example, the following is representative pricing (from https:/​/​hub.
docker.​com/​) for common high availability (HA) cluster configurations. Please note that
business-day support is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time, Monday-Friday, and business-
critical support is 24 hours/day x 7 days/week x 365 days/year.

Docker Enterprise pricing illustration

The following table shows a sample pricing matrix for Docker Enterprise:

Docker Enterprise standard Docker Enterprise

Docker Enterprise advanced
edition advanced
(business-critical support)
(business-day support) (business-day support)
Manager nodes 3 x $150/month 3 x $200/month 3 x $350/month
3 x $150/month 3 x $200/month 3 x $350/month
Worker nodes 4 x $150/month 4 x $200/month 4 x $350/month
Total 10 nodes = $1500/month 10 nodes = $2000/month 10 nodes = $3500/month

This pricing chart is provided for illustration purposes only. For an actual
budget planning number, please contact Docker, Inc. or a Docker
authorized reseller.
Three managers and three DTR nodes are required for HA clusters. While
this might seem like a lot of overhead, you can add hundreds of
additional worker nodes without adding any more manager or DTR

Docker Enterprise architecture-related benefits

Docker Enterprise provides a wide range of benefits that are specifically geared toward
Enterprise users who are looking to operate at scale with commercial levels of support.
However, they also want to keep their development staff empowered to rapidly innovate
and deliver secure and scalable applications.

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Docker support benefits

One key reason organizations start looking at Docker Enterprise is for support. While the
Community edition of Docker does provide community-based support; this requires
organizations to post their issues in public forums. Not only is there no guarantee of the
issue being addressed in a timely manner, it may be inappropriate to post a bug report
related to a vulnerability in an enterprise's infrastructure. This is especially sensitive for
users in a regulated industry.

Docker's full-stack support starts at the Docker Engine. While we are primarily focusing on
Docker Enterprise Standard and Advanced, there is a basic offering that provides support
for just the Docker Engine and does NOT provide UCP and DTR. This also happens to be
the level of support that is included with Windows Server 2016. All Docker-supported
platforms allow customers to receive patches on the same version level for up to 2 years.
Without support, you are forced to upgrade every 6 months.

With Docker Enterprise Standard and Advanced editions, support extends beyond the
engine to the universal control plane, Docker trusted registry, and any Docker-certified
plugins or Docker-certified containers being used by the customer.

Again, as mentioned previously, there are two levels of support: business-critical, which
provides 24/7 support, and business day, which is available during normal business hours.

Computational efficiency benefits

Running applications with a container architecture has demonstrated a significant
reduction in operational costs for many traditional web applications. These cost reductions
have been documented as high as 70%, and are generally achieved by reducing the
overhead associated with virtual machines, as well as creating a higher application density
per server.

Benefits of choice
Docker Enterprise provides a wide range of infrastructure choices for running your EE
platform. This means you can install Docker Enterprise in the cloud, on-premise, in a
virtual machine, or on bare metal. You also have a wide variety of open and commercially
supported Linux operating systems to run UCP and DTR. Worker nodes can be installed on
Linux, Windows Server 2016, and even on OS 390. It is common to use mixed clusters with
both Linux and Windows nodes to deliver a polyglot, distributed application stack of Linux
and Windows containers.

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This sort of choice is really important! It allows Docker customers to migrate an entire
container platform from one infrastructure provider to another with relative ease.
Therefore, if an infrastructure provider becomes too expensive, a Docker Enterprise
customer can pick up their cluster and move it to a lower cost provider with relative ease.

In addition to infrastructure choices, Docker also provides a choice of orchestrators. Docker

Enterprise includes both Swarm and Kubernetes out of the box. While some cloud-native
pundits claim to not much for Swarm, it is where most enterprises, when given a real
choice, like to start because of its security and simplicity. Later they can graduate to more
sophisticated Kubernetes applications.

Rapid innovation – platform-neutral DevOps skills benefit the shift-left

In the DevOps world, we hear a lot about shifting to the left. This means taking
responsibilities that were once part of the technical operations organization and moving
them into the DevOps and application development realms. In this world, Docker becomes
a really important tool for this sort of migration because the language used to describe how
applications are built, wired, and deployed is based on Docker and Kubernetes platform-
neutral APIs. Without this approach, your application development and DevOps staff
would need to learn platform-specific details for each target environment, such as AWS,
Azure, or GCE. This not only creates a steeper learning curve, it also creates another layer
of locking into a vendor's platform.

UCP and DTR benefits

Docker Enterprise standard and advanced come with the Universal Control Plane (UCP)
and the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR).

Docker's UCP includes critical enterprise features such as LDAP integrated, role-based
access control, a certificate managed command-line interface, a web-based GUI, and the
Kubernetes orchestrator installed and ready to use. UCP also provides a secure API
interface for scripting and extensibility.

Rather than using a public image repository such as Docker Hub for enterprise images,
Docker Enterprise uses a private image repository called DTR for security and availability
reasons. If for some reason an image repository becomes unavailable to a cluster,
applications cannot be deployed. So, DTR is a replicated, integral part of the Docker
Enterprise platform.

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Docker's DTR runs in the same cluster where the workload container images are deployed.
DTR is where enterprise images are securely stored after they are built and where they are
pulled from at deployment time. DTR is a critical part of an enterprise-class container
cluster and is also the heart and soul of a secure image pipeline. Therefor, DTR includes
image scanning (Advanced Edition feature only), image signing with Notary's TUF
implementation, and webhooks for CI/CD integration and image promotion policies, and is
fully integrated with the UCP RBAC system.

Container-first benefits
Setting up a container platform helps you to start realizing the benefits of serverless
development. In a Docker Enterprise, container-first world, developers build and test stacks
of containers using Docker's platform-independent tools, including both Docker Desktop
and Docker Enterprise. Subsequently, their application can be deployed to a Docker
Desktop or Docker Enterprise platform without knowing whether it is running locally on a
desktop, on-premise, or in the cloud. Furthermore, containers within an application stack
can freely communicate with each other, but are isolated from other containers in different
application stacks using Swarm overlay networks or Kubernetes namespaces.

Operational architecture of Docker

This section provides an introduction to Docker Enterprise's main components, puts them
into an operationally oriented architectural context, and then describes each layer within
the context. The goal is to present Docker Enterprise's main parts in an operational
environment and describe how they work in a real-world setting. In other words, describe
the components and the Docker Enterprise platform from the day-in-the-life perspective of
a developer/DevOps and operations team member.

Docker Enterprise's main components

Since Docker Enterprise piggybacks off Docker Engine-Community's Swarm mode, our
discussion starts with a sample overview of Swarm clusters. Figure 1 represents a 10-node
Docker Swarm cluster. It is composed of three manager nodes and seven worker nodes.
Each of the nodes is a VM or bare-metal server running the Docker Engine in Swarm mode.

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Our three manager nodes are members of a Raft consensus group backed by an encrypted
Etcd cluster for storing things like the cluster's state, certificates, and secrets. To function
properly, there needs to be an odd number of manager nodes in the health state because
you need to maintain a quorum (a majority of managers need to agree on any changes to
the cluster state). One manager node clusters are efficient, but if the manager goes down the
cluster is dead. For higher availability, clusters generally have three and sometimes five
managers for redundancy.

As the name implies, worker nodes are where containerized workloads run. There can be
any number of workers and these nodes can be scaled up and down as needed:

Figure 1: Highly available Swarm cluster © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved

By now, most folks have heard the pets versus cattle phrase. It appears to trace back to Bill
Baker's presentation (http:/​/​www.​pass.​org/​eventdownload.​aspx?​suid=​1902), but applies
to container clusters too. We talk about cattle as anonymous beasts that come and go,
largely without a personal connection. If there is something wrong with a cow, you don't
nurse it back to health, instead you get another to replace it. Pets on the other hand are
named, lovingly cared for, and we keep them around as long as possible. In a Docker
Enterprise cluster, managers are your pets and worker nodes are your cattle.

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Docker Enterprise adds 3 new parts to the picture:

The Docker Enterprise Engine: A supported version of the Docker Engine-

Community platform that includes 2-year patch support for each major version.
You need a key from the Docker store to install the Docker Enterprise Engine.
Universal Control Plane (UCP): Provides GUI, RBAC, a secure certificate-based
command-line interface bundle, LDAP integration, and orchestration (Swarm
and Kubernetes). UCP provides secure API access through a bearer token for
scripting things such as UCP RBAC structures and grants.
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR): A private image registry integrated into the
Docker Enterprise cluster as a critical component of a secure software pipeline.
DTR provides support for RBAC-managed repos (ties into UCP RBAC
infrastructure), image signing, image scanning, and image promotion. All DTR
features are made available through a secure API using an authorization token to
manage both images and repository metadata.

Now, to get a better feel for how Docker Enterprise components fit into a real environment,
we will take a look at using them to deploy software.

Docker Enterprise operation architecture –

infrastructure, platform, and application layers
Framing up an operationally-oriented architectural perspective helps to describe the
constituent user's point of view. The Docker Enterprise platform achieves both efficiency
and security through a separation of concerns by isolating application developers from the
infrastructure using platform-level abstractions such as services, networks, volumes,
configurations, and secrets. Meanwhile, the actual implementation of these platform
abstractions and their underlying infrastructure is managed by a small group of highly
skilled operations folks. This approach allows application development work, including
DevOps activities, to build and deploy applications using platform-agnostic APIs (Docker
and Kubernetes CLIs).

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Docker Enterprise's platform separation drives efficiency, security, and innovation!

Using a small operations team to back Docker Enterprise platform abstractions with
infrastructure-appropriate implementations (secure and efficient best practices for on-
premise or cloud provider platforms using Docker plugins) enables all containerized
application teams to access these abstractions through a deployment .yaml file. The
development team does not care about where the application is deployed as long as the
abstractions are implemented correctly. This gives the application powerful tools for mass
innovation (Solomon Hykes' dream realized), while a small operations team keeps things
secure and running on the underlying infrastructure.

Infrastructure skills for AWS, Azure, GCE, and VMware are hard to find!
Docker Enterprise's platform separation allows an enterprise to leverage a
relatively small team of infrastructure experts across a large number of
application teams. Additionally, platform separation enables a DevOps
shift left, empowering developers to describe their application service
stack deployment using platform-neutral constructs.

Figure 2 describes platform separation layers in action. First, the operations team installs
and configures the infrastructure using Docker-certified infrastructure guidelines. This
includes preparing the host OS, configuring (NFS) storage, installing the Docker Enterprise
Engine (image storage drivers and plugins), installing Docker UCP, and installing DTR. In
our example, the Ops team configures the Docker Enterprise Engine for central logging and
installs the plugin for NFS storage.

Then, the platform team (can be an operations function or a specialized group of Docker
Enterprise operators trained on platform configuration, operations, support, and
maintenance) configures cluster access with RBAC so users can deploy their stack using the
appropriate cluster resources. Finally, a developer/DevOps team member uses a Docker
Enterprise CLI bundle to deploy a stack of containers into the cluster using a docker
stack deploy command with the ApplicationStack.yml file. The containers are
scheduled across the cluster using the platform abstractions for services, networking, and

Normally, this deployment process to the cluster is handled by a CI/CD

system such as Jenkins, GitLab, or Azure DevOps. The CI system user has
its own UCP RBAC user account + certificate for accessing the cluster,
managing DTR images, and signing images it built before pushing to

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In this case, the application is deployed across two worker nodes as shown below,
connected by the My-2-tier network and has access to external data stored on an NFS
mount point. Additionally, the ApplicationStack.yml file can describe how the
application is externally exposed using layer-7 routing and can make the application
immediately live. Ultimately, the application can be completely deployed without any
intervention from the infrastructure/operations team:

Figure 2 :Service Stacks on Swarm

Breaking down the layers

Reviewing the layers at a high level, from the bottom up, reveals their content as well as
each layer's key architectural concerns. We will start at the foundational infrastructure layer
by reviewing the underpinnings of Docker Enterprise. Moving up the stack to the platform
layer, we will review Docker Enterprise's underlying components. Finally, we will see what
the platform looks like from an application developer's point of view.

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Infrastructure layer – network, nodes, and storage

At the infrastructure layer, the focus is on the operational network, computational nodes,
and backend storage.

When defining your infrastructure layer, it is a really good idea to consult

the Docker-certified infrastructure documentation on Docker's website,
https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​ (certified architecture). There are specific
reference architecture guides available for VMware, AWS, and Azure.
These guides provide key insights for the operations team planning and
designing their Docker Enterprise infrastructure layer.

The operational network is primarily concerned with ingress, egress, and inter-node data
flow with the appropriate isolation and encryption of Docker cluster nodes. Carving out
address space and defining a network security group policy are usually the center of
attention. While this is generally pretty straightforward, the Docker reference architecture
covers important details. The following are globally a couple of key considerations to

Consideration 1: While there is some conflicting documentation on the topic, it is

a good idea to pin your manager nodes to fixed IP addresses.
Consideration 2: Make sure Docker's overlay network spaces does not overlap
with other address space on your network. There are some new parameters
starting in Docker 18.09 for initiating Docker Enterprise's underlying Swarm
cluster to carve out safe network CIDR blocks for Docker's overlay networking to
docker swarm init --default-addr-pool --default-
addr-pool --default-addr-pool-mask-length 25

For a complete introduction to Docker networking, please read the https:/​/​success.

docker.​com/​ article on networking.

Computational nodes are the VMs or bare-metal nodes running a Docker Enterprise engine
on top of a supported OS. The Docker Enterprise engine is currently supported on CentOS,
Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Ubuntu, Microsoft
Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Server 1709, and Microsoft Windows Server
1803. The key concerns for setting up a computational node are CPU, RAM, local storage,
and cluster storage endpoints.

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While there are no magic formulas to predict perfect-sized nodes, there are some pretty safe
bets, as used for planning purposes in the previous cost section. Generally, it is a safe bet to
go with four cores and 16 GB of RAM for managers and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
nodes. Again, worker nodes will depend on the types of workload you are running on
them. Containerized Java applications often need a large memory footprint and maybe a
four-core and 32 GB of RAM worker makes sense. Most organizations have stats on
applications they are currently running and can be used for estimation purposes. Do not get
too hung up on sizing workers— they are your cattle and as such can be easily replaced.

Another computational node consideration is storage. There are three considerations

related to storage:

Backing filesystems for Docker image storage drivers: When the Docker Engine
is installed (in the platform layer), you need an image storage driver to efficiently
implement a layered, copy-on-write filesystem. These drivers require a
compatible backing filesystem. Most modern Linux systems will automatically
use the Overlay2 storage driver backed by ext4 filesystems. Older versions of
CentOS and RHEL (7.3 and earlier) generally use the devicemapper storage
driver backed by a direct-lvm filesystem (do not run production workloads
direct-lvm in loop-back mode). On SUSE, use the btrfs driver and filesystem.
Local storage for node-specific volumes: Docker volumes tied to specific nodes
can be handy when you have specialized nodes in your cluster. These nodes are
then labeled so that containers can be deployed specifically to these nodes. This
ensures that any volumes are consistently available on these nodes and comes in
handy for container-based centralized build servers to store plugins and
workspaces. Please remember these volumes should be added to your backup
Cluster-based storage: When nodes mount remote storage endpoints using
something like NFS, you can then allow containers to mount these mount points
as volumes to access remote storage from within a container. This is common for
older on-premise deployments, but newer on-premise installations might
consider installing NFS on the host and using the local volume opt: nfs, or
they may consider using a third-party volume plugin that ties into your storage
vendor's infrastructure for more flexibility and stability.

Please note, NFS storage generally works well for on-premise installations where you have
full control over the network, but in the cloud, NFS mounts may be less reliable due to
latency from noisy neighbors.

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Only use NFS for on-premise implementations with predictably low

latency. When running Docker Enterprise in the cloud, consider using
something such as CloudStor or RexRay to avoid NFS issues related to
sudden spikes in network latency. Such spikes can cause NFS to silently
switch to read-only mode, resulting in cascading application failures.

Finally, here are two considerations for computational nodes being prepared to run as
manager nodes:

These nodes should have fixed IPs. There is some conflicting advice as to
whether or not Docker Enterprise reconcile processing compensates for manager
IP changes or not. While dynamic IPs are fine for worker nodes, when it comes to
manager nodes, play it safe and use fixed IP addresses.
They must be backed up regularly, including /var/lib/docker/swarm.

More about backups later in getting ready for production, but remember your manager
nodes are pets and you might need to restore one from backups some day!

The platform layer – Docker Enterprise engine, UCP,

and DTR
At the platform layer, the Docker software is installed and configured on top of the
infrastructure layer, which we discussed in the previous section. We prepare each of the
Docker nodes in the cluster by installing the Docker Enterprise Engine. Before you start this
process, you need to purchase your Docker license or get a free 30-day trial license. In either
case, the license key storebits link will appear in your Docker store account under My

We will walk through an actual install later in the book using a sample AWS installation
with Ubuntu. But generally speaking, we install the Docker Enterprise engine using an
encrypted link to configure a Linux package manager repository on each node, then use the
package manager to install the appropriate version of the engine.

After the Docker Engine is installed and started, there are a few things you want to do:

1. Update the storage driver and the logging driver in the

/etc/docker/daemon.json file. A service restart is required for these changes
to become active.
2. Add your Linux user to the Docker group so you don't have to run Docker
commands with the root privilege.
3. Install and configure any Docker plugins.

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Once the engines are all installed, it's time for us to move into setting up the cluster. We
install UCP on the first manager node, and then join the other nodes into the cluster. After
UCP is up and all of the manager and worker nodes are joined, the Docker trusted registry
is installed. Again, there will be a lot more detail as we walk through a real setup in the
installation chapter.

Now, you have a new cluster with a DTR up and running. The administrator adds users to
the cluster RBAC system, usually by connecting to an LDAP system and using a special
query to define a sync point for UCP users with the corporation-wide LDAP directory.
Docker Enterprise 2.1 also has a SAML-based single sign-on option, which we will discuss
later. You can also set up new UCP users with the GUI or by running a script against the

Once you have users created, you can give them the appropriate access to UCP and DTR
resources. This is done by a grant system where you can assign fine-grained rights to
clusters (Swarm collections and Kubernetes namespace resources) based on organizational
membership, team membership, or by individual account. Once accounts are set up,
developers can access cluster resources based on the privileges granted by the
administrator. Now that UCP and DTR are installed and initially configured, we can focus
our attention on the application layer.

Application layer – interacting with the cluster

Finally, we have the application layer where containerized applications run using platform
APIs (Swarm or Kubernetes) to describe and deploy them, as described earlier in Figure 2.

Now, we'll build on what we have learned and done during our tour of the platform layer
and discuss deploying the application in a little more detail. Back at the platform layer,
when creating users, let's say we created a user name John Doe and granted him "full
control" to his private collection of developer resources. Now, he is able to deploy Swarm
and Kubernetes resources to his personal (sandbox) space, but how does it actually work?

1. The system admin provides John with his UCP credentials.

2. John is able to log in to the cluster, but only sees what he's deployed to the
cluster, which is nothing so far.
3. In Figure 3, John opens his profile in UCP Web UI and downloads a client bundle.
The bundle contains some certificates and scripts (for both Linux and Windows)
to securely connect the desktop shell to the cluster Swarm and Kubernetes APIs:

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Figure 3 UCP client bundle download

4. John unzips the files and runs the connect script using either Import-module or
source commands with PowerShell bash shell script files. John's local $docker
and $kubectl commands now execute against the remote cluster, but are of
course subject to his RBAC access rights.
5. John now runs the $docker stack deploy or $kubectl create commands,
using the YAML file he built for his application, and deploys his application to
the cluster.
6. See the following sample YAML file for a Kubernetes application use a
$kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yml from a command-line bundle:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3

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app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80

7. In the previous sample code, three Kubernetes pods are deployed into the
cluster, each containing an nginx container. Running $kubectl get pods
command shows the running pods as follows:
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-45dvt 1/1 Running 0
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-hrgmg 1/1 Running 0
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-vskh8 1/1 Running 0

8. The $kubectl get pods command lists all three nginx replica pods running in
the default namespace, each with 1 of 1 containers ready, and each pod status is

Docker Enterprise reference architecture

Now, we will start to dig into the Docker Enterprise architecture. As we jump in, we need
to understand that full adoption can take several months, during which enterprises gain
valuable experience as they prepare their production platform. While the Docker Enterprise
adoption journey will be discussed in greater detail in a later chapter, it makes sense to
introduce the general concept of a phased, agile adoption approach (shown in Figure 4) so
that new-comers are not overwhelmed. Let's understand how to best approach adopting
any enterprise container technology:

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Figure 4 : Agile Adoption Cycles

It is usually best to start with a small, multi-discipline team with the goal of moving a
single application from PoC, to pilot, and finally the first application into production.
Additionally, the enterprise adoption of containers requires big changes with great
potential upsides, but it requires a new container-first mindset. The fastest way to attain
this container-first mindset and all of the associated benefits is by leveraging the experience
of experts through training and advisory services that are available directly from Docker or
through Docker-authorized partners. In full disclosure, as a Docker authorized partner, this
may appear biased and self-serving, but to have a direct connection to the Docker source
provides laser-sharp insights into the latest best practices. I say latest best practices because
this rapidly evolving platform changes fast and so do the associated best practices. Be very
careful not to bet your next generation platform on opinions from possibly outdated blog

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Simple view of the Docker Enterprise cluster

Docker Enterprise provides a secure cluster management foundation that is backed by two
orchestrators: Docker Swarm, built into Docker Engine-Community, and CNCF's
Kubernetes, the leading born-in-the-cloud orchestration platform. When you install Docker
Enterprise's Universal Control Plane (UCP), both orchestrators are installed and ready to
go. This includes default overlay networking to allow container network communication
between containers located on different nodes in the cluster and service discovery. Figure 5
illustrates your scheduler choice across a collection of cluster-managed worker nodes.
Notice that Docker Enterprise relies on Swarm's secure cluster-based management as a
foundation for both orchestrators. Figure 6 shows a simple Docker Swarm TLS encrypted

Figure 5: Swarm Cluster Overview © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved

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Peeling the onion one layer deeper reveals how a HA cluster includes multiple manager
nodes in addition to the worker nodes, and how all intra-node communications are TLS
encrypted. When a Swarm cluster is created, the first manager establishes a Certificate
Authority (CA) and uses the CA's certificate authority to sign and secure the certificates
exchanged when adding nodes to the cluster, using a secure join token. Additionally, the
managers rotate the certificates at a configurable interval in case one of the certificates
should be compromised over time:

Figure 6: Swarm Mutual TLS Encryption © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved

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Often, in the early stages of Docker adoption and usually prior to Docker Enterprise
adoption, it is common to have a simple Docker Swarm cluster with a single manager node
and a few worker nodes. However, as enterprises migrate to Docker Enterprise,
availability, security, and scale become the focus. The reference architecture shown in
Figure 7 reflects a highly available Docker Enterprise cluster with three UCP managers,
three DTR replicas, three worker nodes, and three load balancers spread across three
availability zones. Please note, you could add a hundred or more additional workers
without adding any more manager or DTR nodes:

Figure 7 : Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes

Docker Enterprise UCP is installed on top of Docker Swarm managers. In this

configuration, if a manager node is lost, the cluster keeps running. The same is true for the
DTR. In fact, slicing UCP and DTR across availability zones allows the cluster to stay
running even if one of the availability zones fails. It is important to note that, while the
cluster, and more importantly the applications in the cluster, keep running, the cluster may
report an unhealthy state. This means operators need to restore any unhealthy managers or
DTR replicas as soon as possible to restore a quorum to the cluster ASAP and ensure that
the cluster remains available.

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Please note all of the primary interfaces to the cluster (UCP—admin interface, DTR—image
management interface and application access) are all frontended with a load balancer. UCP
and DTR both have health check endpoints for the load balancers to verify service
availability. The application load balancers are usually a little different in that each
application needs to implement its own health checks. Also, the application load balancing
configuration is likely broken into two parts. The first part is a classic load balancer
responding to the application DNS target (often something like *
and it forwards traffic to instances of reverse proxy servers running in the cluster. There
will be a more detailed discussion on layer-7 routing later in the book.

Drill-down – high-level Docker Enterprise 2

While Docker Enterprise 2 builds on Docker Engine-Community Swarm, it introduces
additional components necessary to support features such as Kubernetes, Role-Based
Access Control (RBAC), and a web UI. Figure 8 depicts Docker Enterprise 2 components at
a high level. Understanding these components is handy for operations teams to monitor
and support Docker Enterprise for enterprise use, but most users are blissfully unaware of
these implementation details:

Figure 8: Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved

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Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

The top layer represents the components of a manager that users directly interact with.
From there, the UCP controller serves as a secure controller/router to the underlying Swarm
and Kubernetes services. Here are some highlights of the components depicted in Figure 8.
Please note, this is a higher-level overview for clarity and brevity, whereas there are
actually 30+ containerized components included with a UCP manager/Kubernetes master
node UCP installation:

The Docker UCP web interface, running inside the ucp-controller container on each
Docker UCP manager node, is where a user's credentials may be used to log in to Docker
Enterprise's web-based portal and, based on their access rights, interact with objects in the
The Docker command-line interface is accessed using a Docker command-line
bundle. The bundle contains the Docker Enterprise user's certificates and a
private key for cluster authentication, as well as scripts for connecting to the
cluster from a local bash or PowerShell Terminal.
DTR The Docker trusted registry securely stores and manages images based on policies.
This block represents a variety of UCP components, starting with the UCP RESTful API.
Using a bearer authorization token, authorized users can call the UCP API to manage UCP
resources such as services, containers, networks, users, grants, and collections from scripts.
Additionally, the UCP controller manages security, trust, and monitoring related to accessing
the underlying orchestration APIs.
The UCP agent makes sure all of the correct UCP services are running on each UCP cluster
UCP agent
node member.
Etcd is the implementation behind ucp-kv where both Swarm and Kubernetes
keep their encrypted cluster store in Docker Enterprise.
Kubelet runs inside the ucp-kubelet container on every Kubernetes node. The Kubelet is
responsible for running the actual pods on a node, and for reporting the health of the node
Kubelet and resource utilization. In addition to Kubelet, you should expect to see a ucp-kube-
proxy on each node as a means of wiring up the cluster address space across nodes,
services, and pods.
The Kube manager block represents the implementation for the Kubernetes controller,
Kube MGR
scheduler, and API.
This block represents the container network interface that Kubernetes needs to
implement networking features. By default, Docker Enterprise uses the Calico
CNI CNI plugin. Using the --cni-installer-url flag during Docker UCP
installation, the administrator can use a different CNI plugin such as weave or

It is interesting to see how Docker Enterprise's architecture provides a great combined

experience with both Swarm and Kubernetes co-existing on a single enterprise platform.

[ 52 ]
Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

The container movement, led by the Docker community, is changing how software is built,
packaged, and delivered. The emerging enterprise container platform space is changing the
way enterprises think about software platforms and virtualization. Docker, Inc. is leading
the way, as recognized by Forrester Research with the Docker Enterprise platform.

Docker Enterprise 2's added support for Kubernetes, in addition to Swarm, makes it a great
enterprise choice. Modernization teams can get started on the enterprise container learning
curve with Swarm and use Kubernetes to bring microservices on board when they are
ready. Additionally, enterprises have the choice of running Docker Enterprise on the cloud
or on-premise in a VM or on bare metal.

This chapter introduced a phased and agile approach for Docker's enterprise adoption.
Throughout the book, we'll build on these adoption phases as we build a pilot application
and then get it ready for production.

In Chapter 3, Getting Started – Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept, we embark on our agile
adoption journey with our PoC. We will set up a PoC cluster with Docker Enterprise,
containerize a .NET application, and deploy the containerized application to our PoC

1. What's new in the platform space?
2. What should the goals be for enterprise container platform providers?
3. What are the risks of going all-in with a cloud provider's container platform?
4. How is Docker sold?
5. How many Docker nodes will I need?
6. What is shifting left and how does Docker help?

[ 53 ]
Docker Enterprise - an Architectural Overview Chapter 2

Further reading
Download the Forrester Reasearch report:
Docker reference architecture:
Shift left principle article:

[ 54 ]
Getting Started - Docker
Enterprise Proof of Concept
This chapter represents a critical first step in your journey toward the adoption of Docker
Enterprise. We talked about the importance of a crawl, walk, run approach through agile
adoption. So many times, in an effort to be the most efficient, we want to jump right to the
answer. Subsequently, many organizations race right past the crawl and walk stages to start
running (somewhere). The problem is, by skipping our crawl stage, where a Proof of
Concept (PoC) project is used to introduce and demonstrate the Docker Enterprise
platform, they miss out on discovering their own informed opinion during the PoC.
Essentially, the PoC phase is a critical part of the enterprises learning experience. So start
with a PoC allow the team to try things, make some mistakes and learn freely.

Here, we present the PoC phase of our agile approach, where we learn how to use and
configure Docker Enterprise by working through first app phase steps where we take a
single application from a PoC, to pilot, and on to production.

In this chapter, we focus on the PoC step and later we take our application to the pilot (non-
production) but highly available cluster, and finally we take the application to a production
environment to explore the key considerations in getting an application production-ready.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

Preparing nodes, network, and storage for your PoC

Installing Docker Enterprise for your PoC:
Installing Docker Enterprise Engine
Installing Docker UCP
Installing DTR
Testing the PoC platform
Preparing the PoC application and platform
Building and deploying the PoC application
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Assembling a Docker Enterprise PoC cross-

functional team
As prescribed earlier, it is best to bring Docker Enterprise into an organization with a
phased but agile crawl, walk, run approach. The agile part of the description comes from
leveraging a backlog, where a prioritized list of phase-appropriate tasks is used to provide
the building blocks to plan each phase. Furthermore, we sift and sort the priorities of the
backlog items depending on each organization's unique needs and requirements. Docker,
Inc's Professional Services (PS) team has developed a comprehensive and proprietary
backlog to support their enterprise adoption methodology to support customer PoCs, pilot,
and production journeys.

Throughout this book, we draw a parallel to Docker, Inc's phased, agile

approach as validation of and an introduction to the approach. We
therefore intend to introduce and support Docker's approach by
presenting some sample paths and important concepts, but this book is
not meant to be a substitute for the Docker PS team's experience or
intellectual property. Please contact Docker, Inc. for more details and
professional service assistance.

The main objective of a Docker Enterprise PoC is to share an initial experience with a small,
cross-functional team in an enterprise. The PoC core team normally includes one or two
representatives from the application development, DevOps, platform, and governance
functional areas. Ideally, the functional representatives are influential, hands-on team
members with enough experience to understand which issues matter, and hands-on
enough to perform the PoC work or at least closely oversee the PoC work at a detailed

Keeping a PoC team small and hands-on usually leads to shorter timelines for the PoC.
The timeline for a PoC should be several weeks and NOT several months. Ideally, a PoC
has a core team of four to six doers and, with some expert guidance, should be able to
deliver the PoC in 3-6 weeks. The learning from the PoC should roll right into a pilot step,
keeping the momentum going.

In Figure 1, you can see the various organizational areas who need to be involved in the
agile adoption process. It is not just some developers or a handful of system admins. The
enterprise adoption of containers will have a direct impact on governance, operations,
application development, and DevOps areas, starting with the PoC:

[ 56 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Figure 1: PoC Cross Functional Concerns

Representatives from the governance team will lead the efforts to do the following:

Facilitate shared learning and collaboration (that is, Wiki or MS teams)

Solicit and document objectives and success criteria for the PoC
Begin to solicit and document compliance, security, and access requirements for
the pilot phase

Representatives from the platform team will lead the efforts to do the following:

Prepare Docker Enterprise PoC nodes, network, and storage

Install the Docker Enterprise PoC engine with optional logging configured
Install Docker Enterprise PoC Universal Control Plane (UCP)
Install PoC Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
Configure clusters for PoC users and resources

Representatives from the application team will lead the efforts to do the following:

Pick a sample application to containerize and deploy during the PoC

Containerize the PoC application using official Docker Hub images
Create a YAML file for Swarm and/or Kubernetes to deploy the PoC application

Representatives from the DevOps team will lead the efforts to do the following:

Prepare a DevOps user Docker Enterprise CLI for remote access to the Docker
Enterprise/Kubernetes APIs
Script the PoC application deployment using the Docker Enterprise/Kubernetes

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Script PoC application updates using the Docker Enterprise/Kubernetes APIs

Run a PoC demo during the PoC wrap-up presentation

Many books have and will be written on enterprise transformation governance and
DevOps. So, for the purposes of this book, we will mostly focus on the concerns of the
platform and application teams.

Preparing a Docker Enterprise platform for

the PoC step
The goal of this section is to get familiar with a simple, end-to-end setup of Docker
Enterprise as quickly as possible. Think of it as building out an MVP Docker Enterprise
platform that includes the Docker UCP and DTR as a place to deploy our PoC
application. To that end, we will walk through the details of standing up a PoC cluster and
we will use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to demonstrate the process to do the following:

We'll prepare a four-node Linux cluster:

1. Install a trial version of Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes
(configure storage and logging)
2. Install UCP and DTR on two of the nodes
3. Create a PoC user and Docker CLI bundles for the PoC user
We'll build and push sample Swarm and Kubernetes application images.
We'll deploy a sample application and test access as a PoC user with CLI to test
the cluster.
We'll update the application image and redeploy.

Preparing a four-node cluster

To get started, we need three or four Linux nodes connected on a common network where
we can install Docker Enterprise and host our PoC. Keep in mind that for our PoC, one
node is for UCP, another for DTR, and the remaining nodes are workers. A minimum of a
four-node setup is highly recommended for PoCs to demonstrate multiple workers, and
hence an actual orchestrated cluster. In Kubernetes speak, we would have one master and
three nodes, where one node runs DTR and the remaining nodes run containerized

[ 58 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Using a single worker (three-node cluster) might seem easier or just

simpler. However, a single worker starts to feel more like an old-school
Docker setup using docker-compose. These were great in the day, but
we now rely on orchestrators such as Swarm and Kubernetes to handle
important cluster features such as application scheduling, scaling,
availability, and overlay networking.

Please keep in mind, this is a PoC and does not reflect your final platform for Docker
Enterprise; preliminary decisions on your actual target platform are not required until you
move to the pilot step. These decisions are intentionally deferred because, when you are
getting started with Docker Enterprise and in the PoC step, you lack the real firsthand
knowledge and experience required to make informed longer-term decisions. Furthermore,
trying to force these decisions during the PoC adds to the learning curve and introduces
more rookie mistakes, resulting in costly delays and potentially institutionalizing anti-
patterns. So, start in your comfort zone by choosing a Docker Enterprise supported
infrastructure that aligns with your current skill sets. Remember, the goal here is to gain
some experience with Docker Enterprise as the target platform for your PoC and not to try
a bunch of new things at the same time.

Set up a four-node cluster

First, pick the platform where you are going to host your Docker Enterprise cluster. Again,
this is not the time to try something new and unfamiliar. Rather and if at all possible, use
your go-to platform whether it is cloud-based, on-premises, virtualized, or bare metal. To
make this happen, we need four nodes with local storage and connected to a common
network that we can access.

Overview of a sample PoC environment

Prepare a network with four fresh Linux nodes attached:

Four nodes are connected to the same network, allowing all traffic/ports between
nodes (please note traffic will be locked down in the pilot and production steps).

[ 59 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

There's a fresh install of Linux on at least two nodes (Linux required for UCP and
DTR nodes):
Two vCPUs/cores for each node
8 GB of RAM
32 GB of disk space
A Docker Enterprise supported Linux distribution: CentOS,
Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server, Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Microsoft
Windows Server 1709, or Microsoft Windows Server 1803
There's a fresh install of Linux or Windows on one or more worker nodes:
Two vCPUs/cores for each node
8 GB of RAM
32 GB of disk space for Linux and 80 GB for Windows Server
A Docker Enterprise supported Linux distribution: CentOS, Oracle
Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server,
Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows
Server 1709, or Microsoft Windows Server 1803

Figure 2 shows a working example in which we created four t2.large instances running
AWS with two vCPUs and 8 GB of RAM. All have public and private IP addresses assigned
to their NIC. All Linux boxes have 32 GB of disk space and the Windows worker has 80 GB
of disk space:

Figure 2: Mixed-Node PoC Cluster

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Here, the Docker nodes communicate with each other on the local private network using
the 172.31.0.x address space. However, to access our nodes externally and install
Docker, we want to be able to SSH directly for the PoC. Please note for our post-PoC setup,
all external traffic will come through a firewall or load balancer, where the load balancer
serves as a bastion/jump host to avoid exposing the nodes externally.

Installing Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes

Now that we have some running nodes to work with, we will install the Docker Enterprise
Engine on each of your fresh nodes. To install and use Docker Enterprise, you will need a
valid software license key as well as your storebits subscription URL. The storebits URL is a
unique URL issued by Docker to subscription customers and allows them access their
subscription-related files during installation. You can get these from the Docker store by
logging in with or creating a Docker ID and registering for a free trial subscription.

If you already have a Docker ID from Docker Hub, your same Docker ID
will work in the Docker store. If you don't already have a Docker ID, just
click Sign In in the upper-right corner of the home
page or just visit https:/​/​store.​docker.​com/​signup. A list of links used
in this section may be found in a GitHub repository: https:/​/​github.

Getting a Docker Enterprise 30-day trial license and storebit URL

Log in to your Docker store and use the Docker Enterprise tab to select your preferred
certified platform.

Please pick a Linux distribution for the PoC, noting that any cloud products such as AWS
and Azure have been deprecated. These older cloud offerings run a tiny kernel called
MobyLinuxVM, which is a very lean and efficient way to run Docker, but is not something
you can easily maintain yourself and is difficult to work with (it has no SSH capabilities).
For these reasons and perhaps others as well, the Moby platform will only be used in
special Docker managed installations such as Docker Desktop, Docker for Windows, and
Docker for Mac.

[ 61 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Once you select your preferred Linux distribution, then click Start 1 Month Trial. Now,
complete the trial form and submit your information. You should immediately find your
license information under the My Content section of the Docker store. There is a menu
selection under your profile drop-down on the top-right of the screen.

Finally, you need to click on the Setup button to display the information you will need to
install the Docker Enterprise Engine, as shown in Figure 3. This is where you will find a link
to download your Docker license file and your storebits URL. This is a good time to
download the license to a safe directory on your local computer. Also, copy and paste the
storebits URL into your favorite editor. You will need it in the next section when we
configure the package manager to use the Docker repositories:

Figure 3: One Month Docker Enterprise Trial

[ 62 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes

With your license key and Docker storebits URL saved on your local machine, it is time to
install the Docker Enterprise Engine on all of your nodes. For this section, we will be using
an Ubuntu distribution of Linux and a Windows 2016 server as a second worker node. So,
all together we have a four-node cluster.

In an attempt to keep this information up to date and streamlined, there is

a GitHub repository page for the commands in this section. It can be
found here: https:/​/​github.​com/​PacktPublishing/​Mastering-​Docker-

Start by creating SSH sessions into each of your Linux nodes and an RDP session into
your Windows worker. Now, you are ready to begin the engine install process. Please note
the bash install commands will vary slightly on different flavors of Linux and will be
completely different on Windows 2016, where we use PowerShell.

We will begin with the Linux nodes, where we will use the package manager and the
official Docker repository for installing our software. Once the Docker Engines are
installed, all of the other Docker Enterprise software runs in containers and will come from
Docker's container registry.

Please follow these instructions carefully! Don't use the default repository
from your Linux distribution to install the Docker Engine! Doing so
usually results in an old or forked (sometimes called FrankenDocker)
version of the community edition. Also, the following instructions assume
you are using a fresh software OS install on your nodes. If that's not the
case, please make sure that you remove the old versions of Docker before

[ 63 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

I'll demonstrate how to get started, using VS code. First, we open a couple of files using the
menu bar File | Open to open two empty files. In the first file, save your connection
information (public/private IPs) to your cloud servers and in the second file, just a scratch
pad to store your Docker storebits URL and a place to paste commands from this chapter's
accompanying repository page: https:/​/​github.​com/​NVISIA/​MasteringDockerEE/​blob/
master/​PoC/​install/​Install-​EE-​Engine-​notes.​md. Then, open some SSH Terminal
sessions—one for each node. Now you are ready to install:

Figure 4: One Month Docker Enterprise Trial

[ 64 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Sample Ubuntu Docker Engine install

This section is adapted from (Docker's official documentation for the
community and enterprise editions) and walks us through the process of installing Docker

For our PoC example, we will use the Beta3 release of Docker Enterprise
of 2.1 to ensure the information is as current as possible. Since this is the
third beta release of version 2.1, it should be very similar to the
production release at the end of 2018. However, do note that where the
Docker version information appears is subject to change.

1. Update the Ubuntu package manager:

1. On each Linux node, update the package manager as follows:

sudo apt-get update

2. Now, enable APT to run over HTTPS using the following command:

sudo apt-get install -y \

apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \

2. Configure the Ubuntu package manager repositories to use the official Docker
1. Set up DOCKER_EE_URL environment variables using your Docker
Store's storebits URL that you recorded earlier. Then, choose the
desired Docker version. You can find them listed using your (replacing
x's) storebits URL with this pattern: https:/​/​storebits.​docker.​com/
xenial/​. Your commands should look like the following.


[ 65 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

2. Here, we add Docker's repository to your Linux package manager,

update APT, and then install the Docker Enterprise version:

curl -fsSL "${DOCKER_EE_URL}/ubuntu/gpg" | sudo apt-

key add -

sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] $DOCKER_EE_URL/ubuntu \
$(lsb_release -cs) \

sudo apt-get update

3. Install official Docker from properly configured repositories:

1. This instructs the package manage to install Docker Enterprise:

sudo apt-get install -y docker-ee

4. Add user to Docker group (optional):

1. We add your current user to the Docker group to avoid running
Docker commands using root or sudo:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

5. Test the install:

1. Log out. Then, log back in and try running Docker command (without
sudo) to test Docker and Docker group permissions. Run docker
info and you should see the output as in Figure 5.
2. Notice the server version label is 18.09X was installed and information
on the host including the kernel version, which must be > 3.10:

$ docker info

[ 66 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

The following is the output of the docker info command. Please note the

Figure 5: Docker Info After Docker Linux Install

If you're creating virtual machine templates for your Docker Enterprise

nodes from the first node setup that you already installed, you must
remove the /etc/docker/key.json file from the virtual machine image.
Then, after provisioning a virtual machine from the image, just restart the
Docker daemon to create a new /etc/docker/key.json file.

3. Next, we move on to the Windows worker node setup.

[ 67 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Windows 2016 Docker Engine install

On our Docker Enterprise subnet, we install a Windows Server 2016 node and initiate a
remote desktop session. Open a standard PowerShell Terminal to install
the DockerMsftProvider module and then install the Docker package. For the latest
information about installing Docker Enterprise on Windows Server, visit https:/​/​beta.

Install-Module DockerMsftProvider -Force

Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force

In the following PowerShell block, we check to see whether a restart is necessary. If it is, we
issue the Restart-Computer command to restart Windows 2016 Server:
(Install-WindowsFeature Containers).RestartNeeded

After a possible restart, we log back in to the server and look at the docker info
command to see that the Docker Enterprise version is installed as shown in following Figure

For our setup, we should see an 18.09 server running on Windows kernel 10. The docker
info command show a lot of useful details about the Docker Engine and can be really
helpful for troubleshooting:
PS> docker info

[ 68 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Here's the output from the docker info command. Please note the highlighted versions:

Figure 6: Docker Info After Docker Windows Install

You may be wondering why you didn't need the storebits URL from the
Docker Store to install the Docker Enterprise Engine on Windows Server.
It is because Docker Enterprise Basic comes with Windows Server 2016
Datacenter, Standard, and Essentials Editions and its support is provided
by Microsoft and backed by Docker. So, if you own Microsoft Windows
2016, access to Docker Enterprise Basic is already included.

[ 69 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Installing Docker's Universal Control Plane

SSH into your UCP/manager node and install the Docker UCP. As you might expect, the
UCP installer runs from inside a container called docker/ucp:3.1.2. Notice how the
container mounts the Docker socket as a volume so it can issues docker commands to a
Docker daemon running on the host from inside the UCP installer's container. This is the
preferred approach over Docker in Docker (DinD), which requires the --privileged flag
and can lead to filesystem corruption.

At this time, Docker's UCP and DTR application are only supported on
Linux platforms. Windows may be supported in a future release as
Docker on Windows Server rounds out the feature set to match Linux and
completes Kubernetes certification.

The following code block shows the UCP install command with an example.
$ docker container run -it --rm --name ucp \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker/ucp:3.1.2 install \
--host-address {internal IP Address of UCP Node} \
--admin-username admin \
--admin-password {add your password here} \
--san {Internal IP of UCP node, i.e.,} \
--san {External DNS name UCP node, i.e.,} \
--san {External IP of UCP node, i.e.,} \

## --- Actual example with my clusters values ---

$ docker run -it --rm --name ucp \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker/ucp:3.1.2 install \
--swarm-port 3376 \
--host-address \
--admin-username admin \
--admin-password notReallyThePassword \
--san \
--san \
--san \

[ 70 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Looking at the Docker command in the previous code block, we see the Docker container
runs the install binary inside the ucp:3.1.2 container with an interactive Terminal -it
flag (output from the container shows in the host Terminal screen and input, if prompted, is
directed to the container's standard input) and --name ucp names the container ucp. The -
-rm removes the ucp container from the local node after the install finishes. We see the
volume mount of the Docker socket with -v
/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock used by the container to access the
host's Docker daemon. Make sure you replace all of your node-specific values { ...
} before running the install command. The next part of the command
is docker/ucp:3.1.2 install with the following parameters:

--host-address is the internal IP address of UCP node on—something like

--admin-username is the username for the main administrator account, usually
something like admin.
--admin-password is the password for the main administrator account; this
should be a strong password, where you may consider using a password
--san is a subject alternative name, another valid name for the certificate. UCP
generates a self-signed certificate during installation and adds sans for each
alternative name provided. See the following sample command, where we add
any possible UCP IP or DNS name that might be used access the UCP node. This
includes internal/external IP addresses as well as internal/external IP addresses.
Without these, you may get x509 certificate errors when interacting with the UCP
--interactive is for interactive mode where the installer prompts for
additional information when necessary.

Once the install completes successfully, it's time to log in. Since the --interactive flag is
used, you may be prompted for additional information.

[ 71 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Logging to the UCP web interface and uploading

your trial license
Make sure that port 443 access is open between your browser and the UCP node. Then,
point your browser to the external IP of your UCP node; make sure to start with https://.
Please note, by default and for the purposes of our PoC, the HTTPS session uses a self-
signed certificate. To access UCP, you will need to bypass the browser privacy warning and
accept the self-signed certificate.

Get logged in and licensed:

Use the username/password you provided to the previously install command to

log in
Use the Docker Enterprise trial license file you downloaded from the Docker
store when logging in

Adding work nodes to the UCP cluster

After logging in to Docker Enterprise's Universal Control Plane, you will see a dashboard
showing your healthy one-node cluster. Now, we need to add our additional nodes to the
Docker UCP (Swarm-backed cluster). We will start with the Linux nodes and then the
Windows node, noting the Windows node take a little more preparation before running the
docker swarm join command.

While we use SSH to access our nodes during the installation of the
Docker Engines, UCP and DTR, after the installs are complete, we should
no longer use SSH access. Rather than SSH, only allow users access the
cluster from a UCP Client bundle. Each UCP user has their own
personalized bundle associated with their UCP role-based access account,
as specified by a Docker Enterprise administrator.

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Joining Linux worker nodes to the cluster

First, we add the DTR node, which is a worker node. The UCP web interface provides a
GUI to format important command-line operations, including joining nodes to the cluster
and installing DTR. While we still need to run these commands from the command line, the
GUI tool helps us to correctly set the parameters. To join nodes, we first select the Nodes
menu item under Shared Resources and click Add Node, as shown in Figure 7. Then, on
the next screen, we make sure LINUX and WORKER are selected and copy the command
to the clipboard, as shown in Figure 8:

Figure 7: Universal Control Plane Nodes

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

The following is the Add Node dialog box in the Docker UCP Web UI. Select LINUX and
WORKER, then click on the copy button:

Figure 8: Universal Control Plane Add Linux Node

To join the DTR node, we SSH to the node and execute the command we copied from the
UCP Add Node screen in Figure 8. Make sure you use your UCP's token, not the following
DTR-node$ docker swarm join --token

This node joined a swarm as a worker.

Joining the remaining worker nodes into the cluster

Now, SSH into the Linux worker node and pass the same docker swarm join command:
Worker-node$ docker swarm join --token
This node joined a swarm as a worker.

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Joining a Windows server 2016 worker node to the

We start by looking at the UCP manager for the Windows UCP agent and dsinfo
versions. SSH to the UCP node and run the following:
UCP-node$ docker container run --rm docker/ucp:3.1.2 images --list --


We need to make sure the same images are pulled to the Windows work nodes. Use an
RDP session to access the Windows 2016 Node and open a standard PowerShell Terminal.
From the Terminal, we pull the images as follows:
PS> docker image pull docker/ucp-agent-win:3.1.2
PS> docker image pull docker/ucp-dsinfo-win:3.1.2

Now, we need to run a script that:

Verifies the Windows Server Kernel

Verifies Docker certificates
Secures Dockerd on port 2376 with a tls encrypted named pipe
Opens inbound Windows firewall ports 2376, 12376, and 2377
Opens inbound/outbound ports 7946, 4789, and 7946.
Restarts the Docker service.

To make this easier, Docker has created a script inside the docker.ucp-agent-win
container that can be used to generate a PowerShell script as follows:
PS> $script = [ScriptBlock]::Create((docker run --rm docker/ucp-agent-
win:3.1.2 windows-script | Out-String))
PS> Invoke-Command $script

After the script finishes restarting the Docker service, go back to your UCP and click on
Shared Resources | Nodes and Add Node as shown in following Figure 8a. This time,
select the Windows Option and acknowledge that you completed the previous steps by
checking the step 2 box: I have followed the instructions and I'm ready to join my
windows node. The docker join command appears. Copy the docker swarm run
command to PowerShell and run it.

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Following is the UCP Add Node Dialog where are adding a Windows worker node to our

Figure 8a: Universal Control Plane Add Windows Node

Now, head back to the UCP Dashboard in our browser and wait for the new Windows
node to initialize and become healthy:

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Figure 9: Universal Control Plane All Nodes Joined

Now, we have the Docker Enterprise Universal Control Plane installed onto a healthy four
node cluster. Now, it's time to install the DTR.

Installing the DTR

For our PoC, we will need a private, trusted image registry to store, secure, and serve our
images. For this, we will use Docker Trusted Registry (DTR). We will use an SSH Terminal
for the UCP manager node.

SSH to the UCP node and run the docker node ls command to get a list of proper node
names. For our example, the proper node name for DTR is ip-172-31-0-168. It can be
either Linux work node. Next, from our UCP SSH Terminal, we run the DTR install as
shown in the following code block. Notice how we use the UCP node name where want
DTR to be installed --ucp-node ip-172-31-0-68.

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Let's take a look at the command structure for our PoC DTR install:
$ docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.2 install \
--ucp-url <ucp_host_dns or IP>:443 \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-password <ucp password> \
--ucp-insecure-tls \
--ucp-node <name node where DTR is to be installed>

## --- Actual example with my clusters values ---

$ docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.2 install \
--ucp-url \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-node ip-172-31-0-68 \
--ucp-password notReallyThePassword \

It's important to understand that DTR and UCP work closely together and
DTR can't be deployed without an associated UCP. All user, team, and
organization information is stored in UCP, but is used by DTR. When you
log in to DTR, you use the same credentials as UCP and you will be
momentarily redirected to UCP during the authentication process.

As you probably guessed, the UCP URL is the same one you used when you installed the
Docker Universal Control Plane. Subsequently, you will use the same username and
password for the admin user as you did when you installed UCP. Also, note that you will
be prompted to enter the node name where you want the DTR to be installed. The prompt
will include a list of candidate nodes in the UCP cluster.

Once the installation completes, you can use the external IP address of your DTR to sign in.
Don't forget to use the HTTPS prefix when accessing the DTR. And again, you will have to
click through the privacy warnings to accept a self-signed certificate. Use your UCP admin
username and password to sign in.

The following is the Docker Trusted Registry login

page https://{external-ip-DTR-Node}:

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Figure 10: Docker Trusted Registry Login

Now that we have the basic platform installed for our PoC, we can take care of some of the
basic configuration and testing of our shiny new Docker Enterprise installation.

Configuring RBAC for PoC

For the PoC, we will be using a minimal setup for our role-based access control. We will
create a PoC developer account with full control of the Docker Enterprise shared collection.
We will generate and distribute a Docker Enterprise CLI bundle to the application team
using the PoC developer user's account so the containerized application can be tested and
application image(s) can be pushed to the DTR. We will also create a PoC admin account
used for deploying and supporting the PoC application, largely for demonstration

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In Chapter 4, Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster, we move on to the pilot step of our
Docker adoption journey, where we will spend more time delving into Docker Enterprise
authentication and access features.

PoC application
Now that our PoC platform is installed and ready for PoC workloads, it is time to prepare a
Docker Enterprise workload.

In this section, we will do the following:

Pick a PoC application

Install Docker locally
Containerize and test the application on our local workstation
Push the application to the PoC's DTR
Deploy the application to the Docker Enterprise cluster

Picking a PoC application

Picking the right application for a Docker PoC can be challenging. First of all, keep in mind
that the overall timeline for containerizing the application should be about three days. This
timebox constraint is really important in order to keep the POC moving along. Secondly,
there are a couple of fundamental competing criteria that need to be balanced while
deciding which application to use for your PoC.

The first criterion is to pick an application that can be easily containerized with minimal
code changes and no refactoring. Because refactoring efforts can cascade into major projects
and you only have a few days to complete the containerization process, the idea of minimal
code changes should make sense. The second criterion is to pick an application that will be
interesting to the stakeholders because it is representative of other applications that would
be beneficial to containerize. For example, if you have a bunch of old .NET applications that
are difficult to support (this usually becomes an issue as Microsoft sunsets support for a
long-time platform such as Windows Server 2008) and you are able to successfully
containerize one of these applications as a part of your POC, it will be easy for stakeholders
to imagine containerizing the balance of the old .NET applications to significantly reduce
support cost. The problem is these applications might be a little more challenging to
containerize without code changes.

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As we dive in a little deeper, I recommend an article from titled Docker Reference Architecture: Modernizing Traditional .NET
Framework Applications. I also recommend another https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​ article
authored by Lee Namba and titled Docker Reference Architecture: Design Considerations and
Best Practices to Modernize Traditional Apps (MTA). I will use both Bart's and Lee's articles as
supporting material as I answer the following question: which applications are the best
candidates for containerization (or modernization, as the case may be)?

To give the best answer, we examine the two most common application platforms
separately: Windows applications and Linux applications, starting with the Windows
platform. Most commonly, custom .NET applications and Windows console applications
make the best targets for containerization. WCF and Windows Services can usually be
containerized with a few tweaks, while most commercial applications tend to be very
challenging to containerize. Finally, Windows Desktop applications cannot be
containerized, at least for now.

Picking a candidate Linux application for your PoC also favors a custom in-house
developed application. These are typically three-tier Java applications with an Apache or
NGINX web server frontend; a Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, or Websphere app server middle-
tier, where the Java app is deployed in a single JAR or WAR file, and a relational DB
backend. You can't have JNI bindings and you should avoid app server TLS termination.
TLS can be terminated either at an upstream load balancer or at the web server
frontend/reverse proxy. Also, look for any other dependent service that might make the
application hard to isolate, such as messaging and remote DB connections.

Once you've identified a shortlist of three or four application candidates, take a quick look
for suitable base images using to search for something similar to tomcat or 2.2 This might knock
out some of your candidates. Hopefully, you'll find a reasonable base image that should

Be careful here! Try to avoid the search for the perfect PoC. First, because
there is a real chance you will change your mind after you start to
containerize the application. Secondly, because you need to timebox the
application selection process to one or two days. So, keep in mind it is
very possible you will start/restart the containerization process several
times. This is one of those fail/learn fast situations. So, it is handy to have
a queue of candidate applications to peel through if necessary.

So to conclude the application selection process, you should have a list of three or four
candidate applications shared with the PoC team as the starting point. Before we get started
containerizing, we need to get our workstation set up.

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Installing Docker on a local workstation

We will containerize our PoC application on a local workstation; this typically happens on a
developer's desktop. These days, most application developers are using either macOS or
Windows 10. So, Docker has created a free product based on the Docker Engine-
Community called Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop is designed to make it very easy to
install Docker Engine-Community with Kubernetes on recent versions of macOS and
Windows 10 professional. The reason for using Windows Professional is due to Docker's
use of Hyper-V on Windows, and Hyper-V is only available on Windows Professional and
higher. The Docker Desktop install is available here: https:/​/​www.​docker.​com/​products/

If you are using an older version of Windows, you are going to want to use the Docker
Toolbox that is available here: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​toolbox/​overview/​. The toolbox
is an old-school way of installing your own virtualizer, in this case VirtualBox, onto your
Windows desktop and then running Docker in Linux VMs. Behind the scenes, all of these
products use a very stripped-down Linux kernel to run the latest version of Docker. This
image is called MobyLinuxVM and this same image runs on Hyperkit (macOS) and Hyper-
V (Windows 10 Pro+) and in VirtualBox using Docker Toolbox (Window 7 and 8).

If you are running a Linux distribution on your developer desktop, the installation process
is a little bit more manual. First, you need to install the Docker Engine: https:/​/​docs.
docker.​com/​install/​linux/​docker-​ce/​ubuntu/​. This link is for the Ubuntu distribution,
but there are others available, as you will see in the left-hand navigation menu. After
you've installed the Docker Engine on your Linux box, you will also need to install
docker-compose separately. Detailed instructions can be found by following this link:

If you are planning to containerize a Windows application, you will need to run Windows
containers. The Windows container option is only available on Windows hosted machines,
including Docker Desktop for Windows or Windows Server 2016+. Since Docker Desktop
for Windows supports both Linux and Windows containers, you will have to choose the
Windows container option shown in Figure 11. This menu is accessed by right-clicking the
Docker whale (Moby) in the Windows system tray. If the whale is not there, it means that
Docker is not running. Now, open your Windows Start menu and type in Docker for
Windows, hit Enter to select and to start Docker up. Please note that it may take 1 to 2
minutes for Docker to start. You may have also noticed the Kubernetes menu item in the
context menu. This is where you would go to enable Kubernetes. You won't need it yet, but
it would'nt hurt to enable it.

Figure 11 shows the Docker Desktop Context menu. Right-click the Docker whale icon in
the Windows system tray to access it:

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Figure 11: Docker Desktop Context Menu

When changing between Linux containers and Windows containers, you

are connecting to a different Docker Engine on your local machine and
each engine has a its own location/file system to store the Docker image
cache. So when switching from Linux to Windows, your local Linux
images wont be available until you switch back. Also, some Docker
updates may cause a loss of local images. So, it is a good idea to push local
images to a remote repository (like Docker Hub—https:/​/​hub.​docker.
com/​) before switching container types or update Docker.

Containerizing and testing the PoC application on

a Dev workstation
Entire books have been written about containerizing applications and, in fact, we will
discuss one such book later in this section. Containerization is probably one of the most
challenging areas for organizations as they work through a PoC, and is therefore a great
place to get some help if you are brand new to containers. Docker Inc and MTA enabled
Docker Authorized partners have entire service offerings dedicated to the PoC process, and
most of their expertise is applied to the application containerization section. However,
assuming you are reading this book in an effort to work through this on your own, I will do
my best to present a clear process, as well as supporting material from Docker experts.

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Image2Docker is a tool designed to help teams containerize applications

from VHD or WIM files. If your target application is packaged in a VM,
this can help to get you started, but it is not magic. To run the tool, install
Docker and the Docker2Image PowerShell 5 module on a Windows box.
Then, run the application against the VHD or WIM file to generate
Dockerfile. While the tool can be helpful as you get started, there are
some limitations.

Also, the Docker professional services team and MTA-enabled Docker

Partners have a more powerful version of this tool called the Docker
Application Converter (DAC). They will use it to scan servers and create
initial Dockerfiles for Windows and Linux applications. These initial files
are refined and refactored for the PoC.

More information on Image2Docker can be found at https:/​/​github.


Your goal in this section is to create a containerized PoC application that can be deployed to
the Docker PoC cluster we created in the previous section. While the PoC application could
be any custom application that targets Windows or Linux, for our PoC, we will
demonstrate the process using a .NET web application with a SQL Server database. Java
and JavaScript fans, don't despair! In Chapter 4, Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster,
when we get into the pilot phase, we will use a Java book application with a React frontend
as our example.

For our PoC application, we will follow this process for containerization:

Review the application documentation

Containerize each application component/process into an image
Test each containerized image locally
Create a deployment file app and test it locally
Push images
Test deploy on the Docker Enterprise PoC platform
Review with the team

Our sample .NET application featured in the PoC is from a Docker blog by post by Elton
Stoneman. We chose this application from Elton because he's a Docker expert and he
provides in-depth additional material, including his blog (https:/​/​blog.​docker.​com/
2018/​02/​video-​series-​modernizing-​net-​apps-​developers/​) and his related book

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The GitHub repository for the PoC sample is here: https:/​/​github.​com/​dockersamples/


Review application documentation

We begin the containerization process by collecting information about our PoC, starting
with the installation process. In other words, we want to see how this application would be
installed on a clean server. This information is often available from operational
documentation related to the application or some sort of automated script. In other cases,
where documentation or scripts are not available, a subject matter expert such as a software
developer can usually help you through the process.

Our application documentation includes this diagram:

Figure 12: PoC application architecture

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Our example PoC application architecture includes two key components: the application
virtual machine and the database virtual machine. Within the database virtual machine, we
see the application's database called SignUpDb, running in a SQL Server Express 2016 SP1
database on a Windows Server core 2016 operating system. Within the application virtual
machine, we see our newsletter app, an ASP.NET 3.5 web forms application. The
application server has the web-server, web-asp-net, and ServiceMonitor modules
installed on top of a Windows Server 2016 guest operating system. Our application has two
high-level processes, the application and the database. We will split each of these into a
separate image and connect them together with a common network when we deploy them.
When containerizing, it is often helpful to build from the bottom up, testing each of the
images along the way. So, we will start with the database.

Containerizing and locally testing each application

A best practice is to build Docker images using something called Dockerfiles. Dockerfile
is a text file containing commands to build a Docker image layer by layer, starting with a
base image. Our goal for the section will be to create two separate Dockerfiles. One
Dockerfile is for the application and the other Dockerfile is for the database. Please
note, Dockerfile default naming has no file extension by convention. So, be careful of text
editors appending your Dockerfile with a .txt extension. If you are not familiar with
Dockerfiles, please take minute to read this: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​engine/​reference/

Containerizing the database

Our first task when containerizing a process is to find the appropriate base for our database
image. During a PoC, it is a good idea to use a pre-made official image from the Docker
Hub. In our case, we will be looking for images created by Microsoft. Please note that, later
down the adoption path, you will probably want to create your own hardened-
based images for enterprise development. We will talk more about that during the pilot
chapter. There are a couple of ways to discover base images. One is to simply Google for
the image and look for links to Docker Hub. Another approach is to just search
within Docker Hub.

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We begin our search for a base image in a most familiar way, by Googling "Docker SQL
express 2016 server". The first result is a link to a Microsoft image on Docker Hub—it looks
promising so we follow the link to https:/​/​hub.​docker.​com/​r/​microsoft/​mssql-​server-
windows-​express/​ and review the image information page. So far, it looks like a good fit.
However, I want to make sure that I find a version that's compatible with our
application. So, I click on the Tags tab, where we find a 2016-sp1 tag for this image. So,
the address of our image is microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:2016-sp1.
This is an image in the Docker Hub public registry, located within the
Microsoft namespace, in a repository called mssql-server-windows-express, with a tag
of 2016-sp1.

Reminder! Although it might be tempting to try the latest version of an

image (latest for MS SQL Server Express: 2017-latest, 2017-CU1), that is
not what our application is using. Using the newer image is effectively
adding an upgrade project to the PoC's critical path, as well as all of the
associated headaches and momentum killing issues. Be very careful to
avoid any upgrading or refactoring of your application in the PoC
process, lest you get bogged down and lose your momentum. You can
review any refactoring efforts when scoping the next pilot phase.

Congratulations, we have the beginnings of our database Dockerfile. The first line is an
important practice for building Windows images. The # escape=` tells the docker build
command to treat the backtick (`) as the escape character instead of the default backslash
(\). On Windows, the backslash is of course used in file paths and you do not want file path
characters to be confused with escape characters.

In the second line, we see the base image that we discovered on Docker Hub:
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:2016-sp1

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We now return to the Docker Hub repository information page for the sql-server express
image for more instructions on how to use this image. We noticed some interesting
instructions about setting environment variables. We create a section in our Dockerfile
for setting environment variables that will be used by MS SQL when it runs in the
container. One variable is for accepting the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) and the
other variable is the system administrator password. Please note the password used here
for the DB image will have to match the connection string of our web application as stored
in the Web.config file of our application image (we will build that next). Also, please note
the use of the backtick (`) character as a line continuation and therefore all of
the following lines are part of a single ENV command in the Dockerfile:
sa_password="DockerCon!!!" `

The DATA_PATH environment variable is used in conjunction with the Docker volume
(shown in the following).

COPY docker\db .
CMD ./init.ps1 -sa_password $env:sa_password -Verbose

Using a Docker volume this way stores MS SQL database files outside of the database
container on the host filesystem. Later, we can use this volume to mount our database's files
in this volume and share the same files between different runs of the container. Therefore, if
the container running the database is stopped and restarted, the database state will be
preserved across the new and old containers.

WORKDIR sets the active directory inside the container you are building, much like a change
directory (cd) command, where your location on the file system is preserved as a working
directory until change it again. Please note that if I issue a change directory command, it is
only valid on the current line of the Dockerfile. This means that if you cd to a directory in
one line, and in the next line of the Dockerfile you run PWD, you will see you are back to
the default root directory. This relates to how Docker uses an intermediate container to
generate image layers; there's more to come on this topic later, when we talk about
optimizing Dockerfiles in the pilot chapter.

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COPY moves files from the {my-build-context}\docker\db source into the current
directory, = WORKDIR = C:\init. So, my files in the docker\db directory end up in the
c:\init directory.

CMD is the default command that's executed when the container is run (without a command
in the docker run command line). In our case, CMD runs the init.ps1 PowerShell script.
The init.ps1 script hides the logic that determines whether there is already a database
present in the C:\mssql directory. If the database files exist, it will use them. If the files
don't exist, then a sequel script is run to populate the initial database. This is a pattern that
can be really helpful for test applications, where you allow Docker to create an ephemeral
volume and therefore generate a fresh database every time it runs:

The HEALTHCHECK section of Elton's Dockerfile (shown in the following) will be used
later when we deploy our container into a Docker cluster. A health check defines code
that's executed by the orchestrator in order to determine the health of a container. In our
case, it's running a SQL command from inside our SQL database container. If an
orchestrator finds a container unhealthy, it'll kill it and replace it with a fresh container:
HEALTHCHECK CMD powershell -command `
try { `
$result = Invoke-SqlCmd -Query 'SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM Countries' -Database
SignUpDb; `
if ($result[0] -eq 1) { return 0} `
else {return 1}; `
} catch { return 1 }

We now have a complete docker\db\Dockerfile to build our containerized database

server image shown in the following code block:
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:2016-sp1
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

sa_password="DockerCon!!!" `


COPY .\docker\db .

CMD ./init.ps1 -sa_password $env:sa_password -Verbose

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HEALTHCHECK CMD powershell -command `

try { `
$result = Invoke-SqlCmd -Query 'SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM Countries' -Database
SignUpDb; `
if ($result[0] -eq 1) { return 0} `
else {return 1}; `
} catch { return 1 }

We've discussed every line in the previous code block, except for the shell line in the file.
The key part of this line is the $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' section that tells the
shell to stop on the first error and not to on error, resume next, the default error preference.
In other words, stop running the script if there is an error.

It's time to build an image using Dockerfile. We have copied Elton's code to our
Windows build machine, which is either a Windows 10 desktop or a Windows 2016 server.

If you create a fresh Windows Server 2016 to build and test your
containerized Windows applications, make sure to update Docker on the
host, otherwise you may get an ancient version such as Docker 1.12. To
update Docker on Windows 2016, run this command: Install-Package
-Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Verbose -
Update -Force. You'll probably have to restart the Docker service
manually after the update.

Let's assume you copied your files to the mta-netfx-dev directory. We then focus our
attention on the db subtree under the docker directory to better understand the docker
build command that we are going to run (shown in the following). Please note the location
of the database's Dockerfile, init-db.sql, and init.ps1 files:
├── docker
│ ├── db
│ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ ├── init-db.sql
│ │ └── init.ps1

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From the mta-netfx-dev directory, we run the docker image build command to create
the db-image:v1 image and use Dockerfile in the docker\db folder that we just
created. You should see some successfully built and tagged images at the bottom of the
output. Don't forget the trailing period in this command. It provides the build context
where the COPY command gets its base, in this case, the mta-netfx-dev directory:
mta-netfx-dev$ docker image build -t db-image:v1 --file
.\docker\db\Dockerfile .
Successfully built 026c23401784
Successfully tagged db-image:v1

Now, we can fire up and test our database server (shown in the following). First, we are
going to run a container using the database image we create. We use -d to run it in the
background, expose port 5432 on the host, and forward it to port 5432 inside the container.
These are the standard MS SQL ports. Next, we test the our database container by running
an SQL command against our database from inside the container. In order to do that, we
need to get a PowerShell prompt inside the container. We can use the docker container
exec command to create a new PowerShell process and Command Prompt. Inside the
container, we see the PowerShell PS C:\init> prompt in the WORKDIR. We use the SQL
command module (the same one we are using for the health check in the Dockerfile) to
query SignUpDb. We see that 1 is returned. You can of course run any SQL you would like
to verify the data:
$ docker container run -d -p 5432:5432 db-image:v1

$ docker container exec -it 1fe0 powershell

PS C:\init> Invoke-SqlCmd -Query 'SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM Countries' -Database


Containerizing the Webforms application

For the Webforms application, Elton takes a more sophisticated approach. Here, we are
actually going to build two image files to create the Webform application.

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Figure 13 shows the image dependency:

Figure 13: Image Dependency Graph (Not Image Hierarchy)

The first image file is a base builder image we can use for this application and reuse for
containerizing other .NET 3.5 Webform applications. So, first let's take a look at the base
image Dockerfile shown in the following code block:
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/dotnet-framework:3.5-sdk
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

# Install web workload:

RUN Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing
219aea618ce2fe10ebd5f0d/vs_BuildTools.exe -OutFile vs_BuildTools.exe; `
Start-Process vs_BuildTools.exe -ArgumentList '--add',
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WebBuildTools', '--quiet', '--norestart',
'--nocache' -NoNewWindow -Wait;

# Install WebDeploy
RUN Install-PackageProvider -Name chocolatey -RequiredVersion -
Force; `
Install-Package -Name webdeploy -RequiredVersion 3.6.0 -Force;

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This file starts out in the usual way, by overriding the default escape character for a
Windows image build, using the backtick instead of the default backslash. Then, we see the
base image from the Microsoft call, microsoft/dotnet-framework:3.5-sdk. Please note
we updated the base image reference to use Microsoft's new repository scheme from Elton's
example docker/web-builder/3.5/Dockerfile (shown in the following). In the second
section of this Dockerfile, we see Visual Studio build tools being downloaded and
installed. In the final stage, we see the chocolatey provider being used to install the
webdeploy module:

For reference, here's the docker/web filesystem tree:

├── docker
│ ├── web
│ │ └── Dockerfile
│ └── web-builder
│ └── 3.5
│ └── Dockerfile

This is the complete docker/web-builder/3.5/Dockerfile file; we can build and tag

our new base image using this Dockerfile, and it will act as the base image for our
application's Dockerfile:
mta-netfx-dev$ docker image build -t mta-sdk-web-builder:3.5 --file
.\docker\web-builder\3.5\Dockerfile .
Successfully built df1102a58630
Successfully tagged mta-sdk-web-builder:3.5

Now, we can use this new image as the base image for the Webforms application, as
# escape=`
FROM mta-sdk-web-builder:3.5 AS builder
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';"]

WORKDIR C:\src\SignUp.Web
COPY .\src\SignUp\SignUp.Web\packages.config .
RUN nuget restore packages.config -PackagesDirectory ..\packages
COPY src\SignUp C:\src
RUN msbuild SignUp.Web.csproj /p:OutputPath=c:\out /p:DeployOnBuild=true

# app image
FROM microsoft/aspnet:3.5-windowsservercore-10.0.14393.1884
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';"]

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ENV APP_ROOT="C:\web-app" `


RUN Import-Module WebAdministration; `

Set-ItemProperty 'IIS:\AppPools\.NET v2.0' -Name processModel.identityType
-Value LocalSystem; `
Remove-Website -Name 'Default Web Site'; `
New-Website -Name 'web-app' -Port 80 -PhysicalPath $env:APP_ROOT -
ApplicationPool '.NET v2.0'

COPY .\docker\web\start.ps1 .
ENTRYPOINT ["powershell", ".\\start.ps1"]
COPY --from=builder C:\out\_PublishedWebsites\SignUp.Web .

The previous Dockerfile is called a multi-stage build because the file has more than
one FROM statement. The first FROM statement designates the first stage of the build, and it is
called builder. This is where msbuild runs to actually build the application. However, it
includes a lot of utilities that we don't need at runtime. So, in the very last line of the
Dockerfile, we copy the assets from the build stage into the second and final image stage.
Therefore, all of the build components are left behind, reducing the size of the final image
and creating a smaller attack surface.

One other noteworthy item in this Dockerfile is the second to last line, where we use an
ENTRYPOINT. An ENTRYPOINT designates which binary is going to be run when this
container starts. This is different than what we did in the database Dockerfile, where we
defined a CMD. While these are similar, the CMD will get replaced by anything passed in
from the command line and ENTRYPOINT will append the command-line argument as a
parameter to the application defined by ENTRYPOINT:
# DB Image used CMD, easily overridden with any other command after the
image name
$ docker container run -it run db-image:v1 dir listing from working directory C:\init
...container exits

# App Image used ENTRYPOINT, command after image name is passed as argument
to start.ps1
$ docker container run -it db-image:v1 dir
... passes argument to "dir" as parameter to start.ps1 script and it's
... tries to start web application

For more information, see the following Docker documentation: https:/​/​docs.​docker.


[ 94 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Now, let's build our application image:

docker image build -t app-image:v1 --file .\docker\web\Dockerfile .
Successfully built dec1102a58630
Successfully tagged app-image:v1

So, we've built three images: one base image for building web apps (mta-sdk-web-
builder:3.5), and two final images to run our database and application (db-image:v1
and app-image:v1). It is time to start our application up and test it:

Figure 14: Local Integration Test

Figure 14 shows our local build machine's single node Docker configuration used for testing
the local application containers . We have our application container, called signup-app,
and our database container, called signup-db. The database container name (signup-
db) is particularly important because the application container relies on that name for DNS
lookup for service resolution (locally routable IP address) of the database. The
following commands show how we start the database container, then start the application
container, and both share a common nat network. Containers need to be on the same
network to communicate and to share DNS names:
# Start the database container
$ docker container run --network nat --name signup-db -d db-image:v1

# Start the application container

$ docker container run --network nat -p 8000:80 --name signup-app -d app-

[ 95 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

The first container run command starts the database container in the background (-d) from
the db-image:v1 image, names it signup-db, and attaches it to the nat network. The
second container run command starts the application container in the background (-d)
from the app-image:v1 image, names it signup-app, and attaches it to the nat network.

Did you notice how the nat network is already there? On single-node
Windows hosts, Docker provides a single Docker network called nat.
Unlike Linux bridge networks, you can't create new networks. This is
because other Windows containers may or may not be running on the
same Docker deamon/host as Windows supports Hyper-V isolation (that
is, docker run -d --isolation hyperv microsoft/nanoserver
powershell echo hyperv). Therefore, Docker networks need to be tied
together before the host level, at the Hyper-V networking level, with a
Hyper-V nat network. To keep it simple, there is one network for
Windows called nat; it is available at startup and it provides DNS to
other named containers attached to the nat network.

On my test machine, I point my browser to my local IP address, 8000 (using localhost with
IIS can be configured with some permission jostling in IIS, but we can use the dev
machine's IP instead) and I see the following glorious screen in Figure 15:

Figure 15: Local Application Page In Browser

[ 96 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

We can now stop our container using the docker container rm -f command.

Creating deployment files and testing locally

We now have the individual containers tested and it is time to create a docker-compose
file that we can use to bring the application stack of services up and down together.
Docker's compose tool (docker-compose) is part of free Docker. Historically, it has been a
tool for defining and running multi-container applications on a single Docker node.
However, in Docker 1.13, Docker introduced Swarm mode with extended functionality to
run multi-container applications across multiple nodes. Docker uses the same YAML file
format (although Docker Swarm extensions require version 3+) to configure your
application's multiple services. When the docker-compose file is set up, we can start our
database and application services/containers with one command.

Next, we have our docker-compose for local nodes. Following in our docker-
compose.yml file, the image names are only local (no namespace in front of the image
name) and need to be in the Docker host's image cache in order to be run. We will address
this local image issue later. Also, notice the service names (bold in the following code),
which will be used for DNS resolution when signup-app looks for signup-db in the
connections string:
version: '3.3'

image: db-image:v1
- app-net

image: app-image:v1
- "8000:80"
- signup-db
- app-net

name: nat

[ 97 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

To run our application on a single node, we use the docker-compose up command. It is

usually best to run the docker-compose commands in the same directory as docker-
compose.yml. Next, we see the command being run and the subsequent log entries:

PS mta-netfx-dev-part-2\app> docker-compose up
Creating app_signup-db_1_3084b8816d59 ... done
Creating app_signup-app_1_cf2adb1663f8 ... done
Attaching to app_signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf, app_signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf | VERBOSE: Starting SQL Server
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf | VERBOSE: Changing SA login credentials
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | Configuring DB connection
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | Starting IIS
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | Tailing log
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf | VERBOSE: No existing data files - will create
new database
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf | VERBOSE: Changed database context to 'master'.
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf | VERBOSE: Changed database context to 'SignUpDb'.
signup-db_1_7dc594a2a1cf |
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | 2018-11-11 01:47:55,705 [1 ] INFO - Completed
pre-load data cache, took: 7020ms
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | 2018-11-11 01:48:14,908 [1 ] INFO - Starting
pre-load data cache
signup-app_1_3c8d26d0a674 | 2018-11-11 01:48:15,033 [1 ] INFO - Completed
pre-load data cache, took: 99ms

(press Ctrl+C twice to terminate)

$ docker-compose down
... clean up messages

Now, we have a docker-compose or stack file that we can use to run our application.
However, if we want to be able to run that stack file from anywhere, we are going to need
to rename and move the images to a central registry.

Pushing images
Currently, our application and database images are only stored on the Docker node where
we ran the docker image build command. For our PoC, we will be using the DTR that
we installed in our PoC cluster.

[ 98 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Connecting to the PoC DTR

Since you are using a self-signed certificate for the PoC's DTR, you will need to configure
your local build machine Docker daemon to trust the DTR certificate used during the https
login. If you do not configure your local build machine to trust the DTR certificate, you will
get an x509 certificate error when attempting to log in to DTR. For more information on
configuring the operating system on your build machine, please read this: https:/​/​docs.

At this point, you will need your login credentials for the PoC's UCP/DTR from your
Docker Enterprise administrator. In addition to the username and password, you will also
need the DNS name or routable IP address of both the UCP and DTR. Use the
following command to log a Docker Engine into the DTR; follow the prompts for
$ docker login url-of-docker-trusted-registry
username: dev-user
password: *******
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

After the warning, you should be logged in to the DTR. For the PoC, don't worry about
installing a credential helper, but is not a bad idea for developer workstations that have
access to the Docker Enterprise cluster.

Preparing and pushing your images

Now that you are logged in to the DTR, you will be able to push your images once you
have them properly named/tagged. Images are identified by the following naming

The URL of the registry where they're stored

The username or namespace within the registry
The repository name
The image tag

[ 99 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Docker image naming format is as follows: Repo_URL / Namespace /Repo_name:Tag

Repo_URL: This is where your Docker DTR is located. The default value is (Docker Hub).
Namespace: This is the organization name or user name. The default value is
empty (Docker official images).
Repo_name: This is the repository name. It's a required value with no default.
Tag: This is the repository tag name. The default value is latest.

Examples from Docker Hub ( include the following:

Repository for official CentOS image with latest tag: CentOS

Repository for official Ubuntu image with 16.04 tag: Ubuntu 16.04
Microsoft organization, .Net framework image with 3.5-sdk
tag: microsoft/dotnet-framework:3.5-sdk

Examples from my the app-dev organization in my private PoC DTR on AWS include the

My app image:
My DB image:

As you can tell, my repository has an organization named app-dev and my user is part of
that organization. Your Docker Enterprise administrator can set these up; then, you are
ready to rename your images. In order to prepare your image, you will need to rename
your images in the proper format for storing them in your PoC DTR. For this, we use the
docker tag command:

$ docker image tag db-image:v1 {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or

$ docker image push {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-name}/db-
$ docker image tag app-image:v1 {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or
$ docker image push {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-name}/app-

[ 100 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

After the image is pushed, enter you DTR URL into the browser and don't forget the
https:// prefix. Then, look at the repositories. You should see something like the screen
shown in Figure 16:

Figure 16: PoC Images in the Docker Trusted Registry

Next, we will look at deploying our PoC application to the Docker Enterprise cluster.

Deploying a PoC application to a Docker

Enterprise cluster
In order to secure access to a Docker Enterprise cluster, we use Docker's role-based access
control system. We will get into more details on the role-based access control system in the
pilot phase, but for our PoC, we need a user with sufficient access to deploy our PoC
application containers to the cluster.

[ 101 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

The Docker Enterprise CLI bundle

Docker Enterprise makes it easy to manage access to your cluster. It gives you fine-grained
access controls to resources in the cluster by generating a bundle (.zip file) consisting of
your user certificates signed by the UCP certificate authority that was created when you
installed UCP and scripts for connecting your Terminal to a remote cluster. The bundle's
scripts support both Windows' PowerShell and Linux's Bash Terminal shell. Not only do
these scripts connect you with the Docker Enterprise cluster daemon securely, they also
give you access to the Kubernetes API running in the UCP cluster. Just make sure that you
have port 6443 available to access the Kubernetes API.

The bundle can be downloaded in one of two ways. The first way is to log in to the web
interface with the credentials that your system administrator has given you. Then, under
your profile, you can generate a bundle and it will download the certificates and the scripts
in a ZIP file to your local drive from the browser. Figure 17 shows the web interface
method. Expand the admin menu and click My Profile. Then, choose Client Bundles |
New Client Bundle | Generate Client Bundle. Subsequently, a zip file will be downloaded
through your browser. Unzip the contents of this file and move it to a directory that's easy
to access from your shell:

Figure 17: Download UCP Client Bundle

[ 102 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Another way to get the command-line bundle without using the web interface is to use the
Docker Enterprise API. The API requires that you generate a bearer token by passing your
username and password to the API. The results of the call will be a token that you need to
pass along with the header to subsequent API calls. So, in our case, we first generate our
bearer token. Then, we use it to request our UCP CLI bundle file. This is a really handy way
to access the API from either PowerShell or bash scripts:

Using Bash with Docker API to get the CLI bundle

Refer to the following steps:

1. Before you start the process of downloading the command-line bundle through
the API, make sure that you have the curl, jq (a lightweight formatter for JSON
payloads), and unzip utilities installed:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl jq unzip

2. Now, get the bearer token and call the API to retrieve the CLI files. Be sure to
replace <ucp-ip> with the IP or DNS of your Docker PoC IP:
# Stash your Bearer token in an environment variable
AUTHTOKEN=$(curl -sk -d
https://<ucp-ip>/auth/login | jq -r .auth_token)

# Download the client certificate bundle

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN"
https://<ucp-ip>/api/clientbundle -o

# Unzip the bundle.


# Run the utility script.

eval "$(<"

# You are connected to the cluster - test it.

docker node ls
... listing of your Docker Enterprise nodes

[ 103 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Using PowerShell with the Docker API to get the CLI

If you would rather connect to your EE cluster with a standard Windows PowerShell, use
the following commands. Again, be sure to replace the <username>, <password>, and
<ucp-ip> with the IP or DNS of your Docker PoC IP:

PS> $AUTHTOKEN=((Invoke-WebRequest -Body '{"username":"<username>",

"password":"<password>"}' -Uri https://<ucp-ip>/auth/login -Method
POST).Content)|ConvertFrom-Json|select auth_token -ExpandProperty

PS> [io.file]::WriteAllBytes("", ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

https://<ucp-ip>/api/clientbundle -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer

PS> Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath .

PS> Import-Module .\env.ps1

Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be
useful, this script can potentially harm your
computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow
the script to run without this warning
message. Do you want to run C:\Users\Administrator\PoC CLI\env.ps1?
[D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): R

PS> docker node ls

... listing of your Docker Enterprise nodes

Visit the Docker docs here for more information on the command-line bundle: https:/​/

Deploying the PoC application to the Docker Enterprise

Now that you are connected to the Docker cluster through the command-line interface
bundle, it is time to deploy your application. Up until now, we've deployed the containers
on your development or build machine to make sure the application is working properly.
Then, we pushed the images out to the DTR so they will be available to our orchestrator
when we deploy our stack to the cluster.

[ 104 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Up until now, we've created our docker-compose.yml file and run it with the docker-
compose up command to get our stack of containers (described as services in the YAML
file) running our single/local Docker host. Now, we want to run that same stack of
containers on our Docker Enterprise cluster. Docker makes it easy by allowing us to use
the familiar docker-compose.yml file format to deploy to a Docker Enterprise (or an
Swarm) cluster using the docker stack deploy command. However, there are some
things we need to do in order to get this cluster ready. For instance, it is really important to
note how the image names must use a fully qualified path to your trusted registries
repository. Otherwise, the orchestrator will be unable to pull the images from the cluster
nodes and the deployment will fail.

First, let's rename the docker-compose file to something like stack.yml. This will help
avoid confusion when we are trying to determine which file to use for a cluster
deployment. Since the Docker Swarm command for deployment is docker stack
deploy, stack should be a pretty logical choice and one we often see used.

docker-compose files can be used for Swarm deployments with

the docker stack deploy command, but requires version 3.0 or newer
(declared at the top of the file). Notice how we are using version 3.3,
which will allow us to use to add the deploy section to our stack file.

Looking at the stack.yml file, we will walk through the changes to the file that
are needed as we upgrade from a single-node docker-compose file to a Swarm cluster file.
First, notice the image uses a fully qualified DTR path to your PoC registry. Second, notice
the addition of the deploy section in the file. Here, we are using DNS Round Robin
(DNSRR) endpoint mode because we are using Windows Server 2016 where VIP (Virtual
IP, the preferred Docker built-in load balancing approach) is not available. Look for VIP on
Windows in Windows Server 2019.

In conjunction with a DNSRR endpoint, we must use host mode for publishing IP ports for
external traffic. This means the port is only published on the host adapter where the
signup-app container is running. For us, that means we will have to point all incoming
traffic to our Windows worker node on port 8000. While this may seem a little bit limiting,
it's a fairly common setup for some of the old-school Docker implementations.

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Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Finally, notice the slight change to our network. Previously, we had it as an external
network when we were running on a single Windows 2016 node. This was primarily due to
some limitations with Docker running on a single node with Windows Server 2016, where
you are limited to a preconfigured nat network to connect containers. So, to access the
preexisting network, we used the external network. Now, however, we are running in
Swarm mode and Swarm provides overlay networking, allowing our containers to
communicate across multiple nodes in the cluster. The default implementation of Docker
overlay networking is VXLAN behind the scenes:
# stack.yml file
version: '3.3'

image: {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-name}/db-image:v1
- app-neto
endpoint_mode: dnsrr
- node.platform.os==windows

image: {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-name}/app-image:v1
- mode: host
target: 80
published: 8000
- signup-db
- app-neto
endpoint_mode: dnsrr
- node.platform.os==windows

driver: overlay

For more information on creating docker-compose files, please check out the Docker docs
manual: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​compose/​compose-​file/​.

[ 106 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Now, to run the application in the cluster, you need to do the following:
# Deploy the test stack
docker stack deploy -c .\stack.yml.txt test

# Look at the services

docker service ls
paoo6ej3ubcz test_signup-app replicated 1/1
w32lxzt14khc test_signup-db replicated 1/1

To test the application, point your browser at the Windows worker node's external IP
address on port 8000. You might see this:

Figure 18: PoC Application Error Screen

This means signup-app came up before the database was ready. You see, the depends_on
parameter in the stack.yml file is only reliable with docker-compose and not docker
stack deploy. Furthermore, depends_on only means the dependent process's PID 1 is up
and running and not that the database is completely initialized and ready. While that's
certainly something we would want to attend to in the pilot phase, we can manually tweak
it for the PoC. For our tweak, we will restart the application service, and the easiest way to
do it is to scale down the signup-app service to 0 replicas and then back up to 1 replica.
Here are the commands for doing it:
docker service scale test_signup-app=0
docker service scale test_signup-app=1

[ 107 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

Now, we can return to our browser and refresh the page. Now, we should see the
Dockercon newsletter site.

Updating the PoC application

Congratulations! You containerized your PoC application and have it running on your
Docker POC platform. You should be comfortable deploying the code that you've
containerized previously using the process outline. However, it is a good idea to
demonstrate how easy it is to update and deploy your PoC application to the cluster.

To demonstrate the update process, try the following:

1. Make a small code tweak that will show up in the UI.

2. In the src/SignUp.aspx file, change the following:
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Play with Docker is the best thing I've ever heard of!</h1>
<p class="lead">Here are my details. Sign me up.</p>

3. Change it to the following:

<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Play with Docker Enterprise Rocks!</h1>
<p class="lead">Here are my details. Sign me up.</p>

4. Rebuild your application container and test it locally:

docker image build -t app-image:v1 --file .\docker\web\Dockerfile
docker-compose up

5. Label your updated container with a v2 tag and push it to DTR:

docker image tag app-image:v1 {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name
or org-name}/app-image:v2
docker image push {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-

6. Update your stack file to use the new image with the v2 tag for the app-image
app section (shown in the following) and don't forget to save your changes:
image: {insert-your-DTR-URL-here}/{user-name or org-

[ 108 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

- mode: host
target: 80
published: 8000
- signup-db
- app-neto
endpoint_mode: dnsrr
- node.platform.os==windows

7. With the old stack still running (the old version of app-image), rerun the docker
stack deploy command:

docker stack deploy -c .\stack.yml.txt test

8. The updated image should be updated.

9. Verify the changes in the browser—playing with Docker Enterprise rocks!

In this final chapter of our Getting Started section, we kicked off our Docker Enterprise
journey in earnest by building our own environment, where we can run a containerized
PoC application. The goal is to be able to demonstrate how Docker Enterprise will run in
your environment and what it looks like running one of your own applications.

First, we prepared the environment for the PoC. We started with some PoC nodes on a
common network. Then, we prepared each node by installing the Docker Engine, as well as
the Docker Enterprise components, consisting of the Universal Control Plane and the DTR.
Then, with the PoC environment ready to go, we turned our focus to selecting and
containerizing a PoC application.

Selecting a proof-of-concept application can be a little bit tricky. We want to find one that
can be containerized without any code refactoring, and at the same time, we want to find
an application that's representative of other applications that are likely to follow down the
containerization path. Once we select the application and containerize it, we can
demonstrate the deployment and update processes using an actual Docker Enterprise

[ 109 ]
Getting Started - Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept Chapter 3

So, at this point, we have some working experience with our new container platform, as
well as our first containerized application under our belt. After our PoC demonstration and
discussion with stakeholders, we should be ready to move on to the pilot step in Chapter 4,
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster.

1. How many nodes do we need to PoC cluster?
2. What is a "short list" of PoC applications for?
3. What are the 4 parts of a fully qualified Docker image name?
4. How do I get a local image, my-db-image:latest into my private
(dtr.mydomain.dom) trusted registry's dev/db-image repository?

Further reading
Running Docker commands from inside a container (skip to the end of this
discussion thread):
Installing Docker Enterprise on Windows:
Docker application tutorials:
Docker Enterprise role-based access control:
Elton Stoneman containerizing .NET applications:
Docker Trusted Registry overview:

[ 110 ]
Section 2: Piloting Docker
Moving past the proof of concept, in this section we prepare to pilot the internal release of a
single containerized application to a highly-available non-production Docker Enterprise
cluster. This section covers the key infrastructure, installation, application, pipeline, and
operations considerations for our pilot.

The following chapters are included in this section:

Chapter 4, Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster

Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application
Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline
Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging
Prepare the Docker Enterprise
Pilot Cluster
As we enter the pilot phase of our Enterprise container adoption, we begin with a clean
slate. Informed by our experience from the proof of concept, we will begin to make some
long-term design decisions regarding our Docker Enterprise platform. The goal here is to
have a platform ready for internal pilot deployments. Not all of the rigging is necessary for
a full-blown production application, but more of an internal development platform that is
ready to support multiple in-house application development teams.

In this chapter, we will get started with the pilot phase and walk through the design,
configuration, and build of a Docker Enterprise pilot cluster. Before we are ready to make
any design decisions regarding the pilot platform, however, we will need to review some
important Docker concepts related to networking. Additionally, we need to configure our
cluster by learning more about Docker's Universal Control Plane (UCP) configuration
settings. Also related to configuration, is understanding how users will interact with the
cluster to design a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) scheme. Finally, in this chapter, we
back up our key concepts with a walk-through of a bare metal installation of Docker
Enterprise 2.1 on CentOS 7.5. While we will come back to the Docker-certified
infrastructure for cloud and Virtual Machines (VMs), bare metal is a great way to learn
important setup details for Docker Enterprise.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

Highly available clusters for Swarm and Kubernetes

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to isolate multiple teams on a single cluster
Secure cluster with external client certificates
Centralized logging
Secure software pipeline with separate organization repositories
Image scanning and vulnerability alerting
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Docker Enterprise cluster plumbing

During the PoC phase, our only networking-related requirement was to have all of the
nodes on the same network, and a network configuration that would allow for a free flow
of traffic between the nodes. As we move forward to the pilot phase, we need to begin
understanding Docker networks in more detail. We'll start by describing the networking
Docker provides on a single engine node. Then, we will get into a discussion regarding
networking in a clustered environment, such as a Swarm in Kubernetes.

Introduction to Docker single-node networking

While single-node networking may seem like an oxymoron, in the early days of Docker,
many containers would run on a single node. Additionally, there were no clusters. There
was a need for containers to be able to communicate with one another in a safe and easy
way, even on a single Docker node. So, although not typically used in the Docker
Enterprise realm, we provide a quick overview here. This will provide a foundation for the
relevant cluster-based container networking models used by Swarm and Kubernetes.

At the core of Docker networking is the Libnetwork's Container Network Model (CNM).
The CNM is a Docker model for composing container networks in an abstract way, separate
from underlying network implementation, and therefore portable. This is sort of like
Docker's version of infrastructure as code, using the network API as an infrastructure
abstraction. For our purposes, we are going to summarize the key points of Docker single-
node networking.

Container network troubleshooting

Please refer to the Libnetwork repository, as well as Nicola Kabar's
famous network troubleshooting utility container; this is the Swiss army
knife of container networking utilities. For more information, please
review the documentation here: https:/​/​github.​com/​nicolaka/

[ 113 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

When it came to container networking, Docker took a very pragmatic approach. This was
tricky because they tried to balance security with usability. As a result, it is generally easy
to use, but there are some understandable quirks based on fundamental design
decisions. In Figure 1, we see a single Docker host node with a single container running.
From the bottom up, we see the host adapter connected to the Docker0 Linux bridge
network, attached to a single container (Docker supports multiple containers on a host, but
we will focus on a single container for our first example) through a virtual Ethernet (veth)
endpoint. Notice that the host namespace and container namespace are separate. This is
important so that users and applications inside the container namespace cannot see the
host network namespace. This is an important security feature provided by Linux bridge

Figure 1: Docker0 Bridge Network-Copyright © 2018 Docker Inc. All rights reserved

[ 114 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

The Docker0 Linux bridge network, which is the default network used when launching
containers, has some special properties. By default, containers launched with the docker
run command are attached to this default network and are reachable by other containers on
the Docker0 network through their IP address (that is, in Figure 1). If you wish
to have your container completely isolated from other containers, run your container with
the none network, as shown in the following code block. Otherwise, it will be connected to
the Docker0 network automatically:
$ docker run --rm -dit \
--network none \
--name no-net-alpine \
alpine:latest \

There are three basic types of networks used with single-node container networks, as

Linux bridge networks

host networks
none networks

These types of networks are created by using Docker network drivers when the network is
created. We saw this when we previously created the none network to isolate our
container. Docker uses the Linux bridge network when it creates the Docker0 default
network on each Docker host. We will look at bridge networks in more depth in a moment,
particularly as they apply to the custom that works. The none network driver, as we
already described, can be used to completely isolate a container.

Using the host network driver is not recommended because it gives the
container access to the host network namespace. In other words, all of the
host's networking resources can be accessed as root from inside the
container when using a host network driver. This obviously introduces
potential security threats.

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No Domain Name System (DNS) for the Docker0 default

By default, containers can communicate with other local containers on the Docker0 network
using their IP addresses only, as the Docker0 network does not provide any DNS services.
Please note that, initially Docker provided a primitive mechanism for referencing
containers using something called links, but links have been deprecated in favor of user-
defined networks. User-defined networks, which bridge networks by default on single-
node Docker hosts, can be used for both isolation and service discovery.

In Figure 2 following, we see three containers running on a Docker host:

The first container, c1, was run and automatically connected to the default
Docker0 network.
Containers c2 and c3 are connected to a custom bridge network called
my_bridge. In this scenario, container c2 can communicate with container c3 by
using the IP address,, or by using the container name c3.
Container c3 can communicate with container c2 by using either the IP address of, or the container name c2.
c2 and c3 can communicate freely on their custom bridge network, but they
cannot interact with container c1.

Docker isolates the container that works by adding IP table-blocking rules to disallow any
traffic routing between Docker networks. This means you cannot use DNS or IP addresses
to communicate between containers on the Docker0 and the custom bridge network.

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Figure 2 shows a single-node Docker network set up with a default (docker0) and custom
(my_bridge) network:

Figure 2: Custom Bridge Network-Copyright © 2018 Docker Inc. All rights reserved

This sort of isolation needs to be considered as you transition from the old concept of a
physical DMZ and web server subnet to a container-based application on a Docker
network. These same isolation principles apply to Docker networks in clusters as well as
single nodes, and become a really important concept to grasp when leveraging containers
in Enterprise.

Because of Docker's network isolation features, we can create our own isolated web
frontend network and backend data network for each 3-tier application stack. Not only will
this isolate the layers in your application, but it will also isolate each application's
containers from one another. So, on the same cluster, we can have development, test, and
QA versions of the same application running next to each other without interfering with
one another. In Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application, we will
discuss role-based access control that can be used in combination with network isolation as
a powerful feature to securely support multiple teams in the same non-production cluster

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Introduction to cluster-based container

So far, our discussion has focused on a single-node Docker networking environment. While
single-node Docker networking is feature-rich with network isolation and DNS, it is all still
contained within a single host. This means traffic between containers doesn't have to hit an
external network. Additionally, it means our platform is restricted to a single node, limiting
our ability to scale and failover. So, now we extend our focus to clusters running containers
with both Swarm and Kubernetes orchestrators. This means that our containers need to not
only communicate with other containers on the same node, but they also need to span the
network and communicate with containers running on different nodes in the cluster.

Cluster-based networking conversations are often organized around three key networking
planes: the data plane, the control plane, and the management plane. The concept of inter-
container communication across the entire cluster is often referred to as the data plane.
While the data plane is the key feature of interest to most distributed application
developers, it requires support from the control and management planes to function.

In order to facilitate the necessary housekeeping for the data plane to work – that is, which
containers are running on a particular node and how to access them – there is an additional
cluster-based networking component called the control plane. Finally, the category of
cluster networking related to cluster management functions, with responsibilities such as
adding and removing cluster member nodes and maintaining cluster health and container
scheduling, is called the management plane.

Docker Swarm and Kubernetes both support data planes for cross-cluster, inter-container
communication. However, they take a different approach to implementation. Docker
Swarm uses VXLAN overlay networks to create isolated and optionally encrypted
networks for a select subset of Swarm services.

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This means we can define a custom network within a Swarm application stack, and isolate
which containers can directly communicate within my application stack. This is how we
can create a frontend network for your web application and API to share, and a backend
network for the API in the database to connect to, as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3: Example of Swarm network isolation

This sort of network isolation is easily achieved using Docker's built-in overlay networks
with Swarm. Kubernetes takes a different approach.

Kubernetes achieves cross-cluster, inter-container communication with a flat overlay

networking model. Figure 4 shows how our application components are connected to the
single flat network, and isolation is enforced using network policies to limit traffic flow
between our application components:

Figure 4: Calico Network Policy Isolation

The Kubernetes cluster networking model is implemented using a third party Container
Networking Interface (CNI) plugin. This means Kubernetes does not provide networking
out of the box, just the specification for third-parties to build suitable networking
implementations. Therefore, you must install a CNI plugin when installing
Kubernetes. This is where Docker Enterprise makes it easier.

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Docker Enterprise automatically installs the Kubernetes orchestrator when installing the
UCP. Furthermore, Docker Enterprise provides a built-in Calico CNI plugin by default
when installing the UCP. Calico uses a combination of BGB and IP in IP to establish a data

There are several popular Kubernetes CNI plugins for networking. Calico has become a
very popular choice, but there are others such as Weave, Flannel, and Romana. Docker
makes it very easy to swap out CNI plugins when installing UCP. To make this happen,
you need to find the appropriate URL for the CNI provider and use the --cni-
installer-url parameter for the UCP install command. Docker has an article on this
topic, which you can read here: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/​kubernetes/​install-

Docker Enterprise provides a variety of options for Kubernetes

networking. This is especially important when installing Docker
Enterprise on a cloud platform where there are restrictions on network
protocols. For instance, on Azure, IP in IP protocol is not allowed, so the
out-of-the-box Calico implementation is not an option. Both AWS and
Azure offer custom Kubernetes CNI plugins to support Kubernetes
networking with native networking support. Be aware that, these cloud
platform CNI plugins come with (possibly significant) limitations and are
platform specific – possibly leading to cloud platform lock-in, or at least

Swarm and Kubernetes DNS and service discovery

Both Swarm and Kubernetes provide DNS services, which are primarily used to support
service discovery. DNS is really important for a distributed application platform as a means
of runtime, service discovery. Let's say you have two application components: an API and
database service. The API needs the database service to store and retrieve data. Now, at
runtime when the application is deployed (both services are deployed by an orchestrator in
individual containers), the API needs to find the database service and connect over a
particular port.

In our old static world, we would simply plug in an IP address or hopefully some local
DNS entry that would resolve to the IP address of the database service at runtime. As
application components have become increasing ephemeral, server mechanisms have
emerged to accomplish this sort of service discovery for distributed application
architectures, including and Eureka.

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While these external service discovery tools work very well, they introduce another moving
part into your environment. In an effort to simplify the platform, both Docker Swarm and
Kubernetes have built-in DNS. While Swarm and Kubernetes operate differently in terms of
configuration and implementation, from an application perspective, they are pretty similar.

Essentially, an application running with either orchestrator can refer to a durable endpoint
of a dependent and separate process, called a service. The service name resolves to a
routable IP address. Additionally, these services monitor the health of underlying
containers or pods and replace them if they become unhealthy. Finally, a service can act as
a load balancer in front of a group of containers and a load balance request between them.

In Figure 5, we have a redis service with four pods (all using the same redis container
image), but accessed through a single redis:6379 service endpoint. Callers refer to the redis
service name from their code and the request resolved to one of the four backing
containers, as follows:

Figure 5: Kubernetes Service

As you can see, the data plane is an essential part of a container cluster. It provides not only
a means of communication between containers spread across the cluster, but the integrated
DNS also provides the mechanism for binding them together at runtime. Kubernetes and
Swarm are designed so that containerized applications can be as portable as possible, and
standard data and DNS solutions make this possible.

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The management and control planes

Management and control planes are the building blocks for a large part of modern cluster
technology. As mentioned in Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an Architectural Overview, the
manager's nodes are members of a Raft consensus group backed by an encrypted Etcd
cluster for storing things such as the cluster's state, certificates, and secrets. Additionally,
the manager nodes are responsible for scheduling workloads to the cluster. Figure 6 shows
the management plane in the blue shading and the control plane in the green shading.

To function properly, there needs to be an odd number of manager nodes in the health state
because you need to maintain a quorum (that is, the majority of managers need to agree on
any changes to the cluster state). While clusters with a single manager node are efficient,
should there be a problem with the single manager, our cluster will be unusable until the
manager is restored. As we move to the pilot phase, it is highly recommended to use
clusters with three to five manager/master nodes for redundancy:

Figure 6: Swarm Management and Control Planes- Copyright © 2018 Docker Inc. All rights reserved

Generally, for most high-availability implementations, three manager/master nodes suffice.

Some cluster operators opt for five manager nodes for more resilience during routine
maintenance on the cluster. Remember, as discussed in Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an
Architectural Overview, we need an odd number of managers. While it is nice to have five
manager/master nodes, it adds network traffic, computational resources, and licensing
costs to your cluster. Going beyond five manager/master nodes generally brings about
diminishing returns quickly.

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Remember that managers and masters are your pets, and the worker nodes are your cattle.
Manager nodes are backed up and sit on fixed IP addresses, whereas worker nodes can be
spun up and spun down as needed on dynamic IP addresses.

As we prepare for our pilot environment, it's important for us to understand what ports are
being used by the various that work planes in the Docker EE cluster. We need to make sure
that our network policies and our firewalls allow these ports to pass freely. The
following table shows a listing of all of the ports used in the management control and data
planes across the Docker Enterprise cluster:

The following are the network ports for various networking planes:

Nodes Port Plane Purpose

Port for BGP peers, used for Kubernetes
managers, workers TCP 179 Data
managers TCP 443 (configurable) Management Port for the UCP web UI and API
Port for the Docker Swarm Manager. Used for
managers TCP 2376 (configurable) Management
backward compatibility
Port for control communication between
managers TCP 2377 (configurable) Management
Swarm nodes
managers, workers UDP 4789 Data Port for overlay networking
managers TCP 6443 (configurable) Management Port for Kubernetes API server endpoint
managers, workers TCP 6444 Management Port for Kubernetes API reverse proxy
managers, workers TCP, UDP 7946 Control Port for gossip-based clustering
managers, workers TCP 10250 Management Port for Kubelet
Port for a TLS authentication proxy that
managers, workers TCP 12376 Management
provides access to the Docker Engine
managers, workers TCP 12378 Management Port for Etcd reverse proxy
managers TCP 12379 Management Port for Etcd Control API
managers TCP 12380 Management Port for Etcd Peer API
managers TCP 12381 Management Port for the UCP cluster certificate authority
managers TCP 12382 Management Port for the UCP client certificate authority
managers TCP 12383 Management Port for the authentication storage backend
Port for the authentication storage backend
managers TCP 12384 Management
for replication across managers
managers TCP 12385 Management Port for the authentication service API
managers TCP 12386 Management Port for the authentication worker
managers TCP 12388 Management Internal port for the Kubernetes API Server

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Please note that the Kubernetes ports may change if you choose a different CNI provider.
Additionally, Kubernetes with Calico requires IPv4 encapsulation protocol 4, and Swarm
VXLAN overlay requires ESP protocol 50. This can be really useful information when you
are setting up any type of network filtering, network security groups, or firewall rule

Now that we understand a little bit about cluster networking planes and how they are
used, we will start to plan the details of the pilot platform implementation.

Docker Enterprise pilot network implementation

Now, let's move on to the implementation of our management plane, control plane, and
data plane. In this section, we will discuss how to plan and implement work to support the
various working planes used by Docker Enterprise. While all of this may seem internal to
the cluster, it's not much good without getting traffic in and out of the cluster, as well as to
support two key use cases. Therefore, we will clarify the scope and requirements of our
network implementation by presenting these two key use cases for the cluster, as follows:

Internal users interacting with the cluster

Application end users of applications hosted in our cluster environment

Internal cluster users

In a Docker Enterprise cluster, there are two primary ways that internal users will gain
access to secured cluster APIs and resources. The first is through the UCP Web UI, using a
username and password issued by a UCP administrator. The second is through a Docker
Enterprise client bundle. This bundle is generated by UCP, and it includes certificates and
scripts to remotely connect a local terminal session to the cluster, using user-specific
certificates for secure access, cluster authentication, and cluster authorization. The bundle
includes scripts for both Linux shells and Windows PowerShell.

Do not give SSH access to any users except for a special group of cluster
maintainers and admins. Giving SSH access to a cluster manager node
allows users to perform powerful administrative functions, such as
recovering the UCP administrator's password. Therefore, SSH access to
cluster nodes needs to be highly restricted/regulated and not available to
cluster operators and application developers.

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Both methods previously described our subject to the grants established by the cluster
administrator, meaning that your views, from both the client bundle and the web, will be
filtered based on your access control rights. Normally, cluster users will have access to their
own personal sandbox, where they can create containers, networks, volumes, secrets, and
configurations, all of which are isolated within their user sandbox. When using Docker
Enterprise Advanced, the administrator may choose to restrict which nodes you may
deploy in workloads.

In Figure 7, we see an illustration of how traffic flows from the command shells (Linux and
Windows PowerShell) and browsers of internal users into the cluster. The UCP web UI
resolves an external IP address for the UCP load balancer through some appropriately
scoped DNS entry. In our following example, we called it The load
balancer then passes the traffic off to one of the three UCP nodes running in our cluster.
Notice that this traffic is flowing on port 443 using TLS, and requires certificate exchange
and verification. With UCP, this is achieved by using an SNI passthrough in the load
balancer, where the certificate is terminated at the end UCP node and not in the load
balancer. We will come back to a discussion about certificates after the next section. First,
we need to talk about how external users access our cluster, as follows:

Figure 7: Remote Cluster Access with UCP

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End users of Docker Enterprise-hosted applications

The next use case in terms of informing our network design and implementation is the use
case of an end user of cluster-hosted applications. As the name suggests, here, we are
talking about how end users access applications that we have deployed to the Docker
Enterprise cluster. The method that I'm illustrating in Figure 8, is a pattern that provides the
maximum amount of flexibility for cluster deployments. This approach allows
Development, DevOps, or Ops teams (with the right access) to completely deploy an
application to the cluster without making any external load balancer changes or DNS
updates. This greatly simplifies deployments, and reduces the number of major moving
parts in an enterprise platform. There are, of course, other approaches as well that use
service clusters and headless services to create a more deterministic traffic pattern for a
particular application's network path but these approaches require a more coordinated
configuration of load balancers and DNS when an application is deployed.

Figure 8 illustrates the end user access to a cluster deployed application with a layer 7,
reverse proxy load balancer for applications. Here, we see the end user of the application
entering the application's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) into their browser.
When the request is made, a wildcard DNS entry picks up the application name and
forwards it to the external application load balancer. The external application load balancer
then translates the request to a special port where the cluster expects application traffic. For
example, we will use port 8443 for Swarm applications, and an ephemeral port (32768+) for
a Kubernetes application.

Normally, this will look like a simple NAT passthrough from the load balancer external
IP/port to the cluster's ingress controller internal IP/port. However, it is possible to split
applications across different ingress controllers. This may be done to accommodate both
Swarm and Kubernetes running in the same cluster, or using something called service
clusters, to group certain services within a particular ingress controller. While you might
need this at some point in time, the pilot phase is not usually where you start. Keep it
simple at this point in your implementation, with a single ingress controller, if possible.

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When the traffic reaches the L7 ingress controller in the cluster, the header is examined to
determine whether it matches any of the reverse proxy rules using a hostname or a path. If
a match is found, the L7 ingress controller forwards traffic to the appropriate cluster IP or
Swarm service. Later on in this book, we will explore the mechanics of the ingress
controller life cycle for Kubernetes and Swarm; but for now it is important to focus on the
network traffic flow, as follows:

Figure 8: Remote Cluster Access with UCP

We now see how network flows for internal users and cluster-hosted app users. Now, let's
talk about how we secure our connections between both internal users accessing the cluster,
and end users connecting to applications running in the cluster.

Highly available cluster

A key goal of the pilot is to better understand the Docker Enterprise operational model
required to support business-critical applications. Therefore, piloting a Docker HA cluster
is highly recommended during the pilot phase.

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The reference architecture for a Docker Enterprise cluster includes considerations for both
resilience and scalability. As discussed in the Docker Enterprise architecture chapter, highly
available clusters include manager nodes where the Docker UCP software is installed. Due
to the nature of the Raft Consensus Algorithm, which requires an odd number of managers,
the smallest redundant cluster includes three manager nodes. For most pilot platforms,
three manager nodes should be sufficient to support high availability and scalability up to
100 nodes. Bear in mind that 100 nodes will be a very large cluster for a pilot platform.

More information on Raft can be found at: https:/​/​raft.​github.​io/​, and

more information on Docker Swarm Raft can be found at: https:/​/​docs.

It is also a good idea to make sure that the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) is highly
available. After all, without a functioning image registry, applications cannot be deployed.
To satisfy an HA DTR requirement, we use three replicas of the DTR running across a
special subset of worker nodes, reserved for DTR workloads only.

DNS, certificates, and certificate termination

During our PoC, it was okay to use self-signed certificates generated by the UCP at install
time. However, as we move into the pilot phase, it's a good time to introduce third-party
certificates issued from a trusted source.

There are two kinds of certificates involved with Docker Enterprise:

Internal cluster certificates

External client certificates

Each type has its own CA root signing authority. The internal certificates are those used by
the Swarm cluster for TLS encryption between the Swarm nodes. The external client
certificates are used to access the cluster from outside sources with managed access through
the UCP. The certificates we are primarily interested in for configuration are the external
client certificates. These should be set up to use third-party trusted certificates to avoid both
x509 certificate errors from remote servers and browser security warnings.

The industry standard for securing internet connections is Transport Layer Security (TLS).
A TLS handshake has several requirements, but two key items for our discussion. First, the
server must have a valid server certificate, signed by a trusted certificate authority. Second,
the server certificate must be valid for the URL being requested.

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The first item is pretty straightforward. When a client requests a certificate from the server,
it validates the certificate that was signed by a trusted CA authority. If it is not, we get the
usual browser security warnings. Therefore, we need a certificate issued by a trusted third
party. These certificates are available from a variety of issuers, or your organization may
already have its own CA chain established.

The second item requires a match between the certificate's common name (CN, or domain
the certificate was issued to) and the URL used to route the request to the server where the
certificate is installed. This means that if a certificate was issued with a CN of, and a request comes to a server where the certificate is installed,
with the header showing a target hostname of, the secure connection
will be allowed because the CN and request header's hostnames match. While this is great
for security, it is very cumbersome to have a separate certificate for each URL hostname
used within my cluster. To address this, there are a couple of common ways of managing
the certificate challenge using either multi-domain or wildcard certificates.

The objective for both types of certificates is to allow support for multiple domains being
derived from a single server with a single certificate. However, multi-domain and wildcard
accomplish this differently. Multi-domain certificates have a CN, plus a list of other valid
domains, using Subject Alternative Names (SANs). The main idea here is that the domain
structure of the SAN can be completely different. Therefore, multi-domain certificates are
great for when your internal and external domain names are different (that
is, and app2.test.mydomain.local). One other consideration for
multi-domain certificates is that all domains must be known when the certificate is
generated. Otherwise, the additional SAN can be added, but the new certificate with those
hands has to be distributed to the servers. Finally, multi-domains are a better option if you
are using your own internal trusted certificate CA chain. Otherwise, they can be expensive
and clumsy to maintain from a third-party provider.

Wildcard certificates are another popular option. They give you unlimited domains, but
there's a catch, as all of the domains need to share the same base. For instance, a wildcard
certificate for * works for domains such as and, but not Instead, you end up with
domains looking something like for test, and for production. The good news here is that you don't need to know
all of your domains when you issue the certificate, and wildcard certificates tend to be less
expensive than multi-domain certificates from third-party issuers. However, it forces a
consistent domain structure internally and externally, meaning that internal cluster servers
will need to fit the scheme with something like, and you will
generally need to use a split/internal DNS approach for your externally accessible DNS
names, such as

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The results of this DNS configuration mean that when is referenced
internally, it gets a private internal IP address (something like Conversely, when
it is accessed publicly, the same domain name resolves to a publicly routable IP address on
your firewall that is NATed to the internal IP ( Because of DNS rebound
attacks, traffic is not usually allowed to come out of the firewall and back in. Otherwise,
you could just rely on NATing, but most on-premise setups will not allow it.

Once you decide which type of certificate and DNS structure is most suitable for your
environment, you then need to figure out where to terminate the server-side TLS

There are three common approaches for TLS termination. The first approach terminates at
the external load balancer. Therefore, connections are encrypted between the client and the
external load balancer and allowed to flow unencrypted on the internal network. This is a
pretty typical old-school, perimeter-based security approach and has the benefit of smaller
packets on your internal network and the ability to view packets on your internal network
for debugging. This scheme is simple to implement and efficient for internal networking,
but is typically inadequate for today's security requirements.

The second termination approach is terminating the connection at the final destination. In a
container-based environment, this means terminating the TLS connection inside a container
endpoint. The result is a secure connection the entire way between the client and the final
server – nowhere in the network path are packets allowed to be unencrypted. This is a very
secure way to connect endpoints. However it means certificates will need to be distributed
to, and maintained inside, every container with a secure endpoint, using TLS. This used to
be a real pain when it was time to update your certificates, but with the introduction of
secrets in both Swarm and Kubernetes, it can be very manageable and secure to store
certificates as secrets across Development, Test, QA, and Production environments, and
injecting the appropriate secret/certificates at runtime.

The third termination approach starts off like the first, where we terminate at the external
load balancer, but then we re-encrypt for the internal network using a different certificate.
With this scheme, the critical external certificate is locked down, while the internal
certificate is used only internally to inspect packets for troubleshooting and debugging
purposes, but is only on the internal network. So, if the internal certificate key was
compromised, you would still need physical access to the internal network to use it. With
this approach, if your rogue application gets loose inside your network, unless it has the
key to your internal certificate/key, it will be unable to see any traffic on common networks
because it is encrypted with the internal certificate. The downside is that you have larger
encrypted packets flowing through your internal network, but the trade-off is generally
acceptable in an effort to provide high levels of security.

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While you can choose any of these termination approaches for your own applications when
you deploy them to your cluster, UCP and DTR expect the second termination approach,
where you terminate connections in the UCP in DTR containers. UCP and DTR store their
certificates using Docker volumes, ucp-client-root-ca and dtr-ca-<replica_id>
(where each DTR node has a unique replica ID), respectively.

DTR and UCP certificate termination occurs inside the actual DTR and
UCP endpoint containers. In other words, they should not be terminated
by an upstream load balancer. Furthermore, these certificates are stored in
special Docker volumes where they are accessed by the DTR and UCP
containers. We can use these volumes to set up the certificates prior to
installing the Docker EE software, or the DTR and UCP third-party
certificates can be injected into the DTR and UCP install commands as

Another important requirement for your cluster is a DNS resolvable hostname for your
cluster node.

Hostnames for Docker cluster nodes

Docker relies on an internal hostname to function properly. Before installing Docker
Enterprise on your cluster nodes, you need to decide on a hostname. You can use short
hostnames or FQDNs. Be consistent with your naming scheme across the cluster, as both
the Docker Engine and UCP rely on hostnames. This means your hostnames should resolve
with DNS on all nodes throughout the cluster.

If you are running on a cloud-based platform, make sure that you have
private DNS names turned on for your Docker hosts so that your
hostnames will resolve internally.

In a bare metal environment, you will need to add the hostnames for the network adapters.
In a cloud setup, most platforms provide an option to enable internal DNS for your cluster

Bare metal cluster – network setup example

At this point, we have talked about enough theoretical and conceptual topics to set the
stage, and highlight key decisions associated with the underlying plumbing for our cluster.
Now, it's time to start walking through the steps of creating a sample bare metal pilot
cluster setup to see what these decisions look like and how they are implemented.

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Step 1 – define a domain name and hostname structure

For a limitation sample, we have chosen the following external domain name structure: This domain address is used to access the UCP web user
interface and to connect with the UCP API remotely. This domain address is used for accessing the DTR web
user interface and to connect with the DTR API remotely to push and pull
* This domain is used to access applications hosted in our DTR

The bare metal internal hostnames that we have used are as follows:

A couple of important notes need to be mentioned here. First, all of these DNS names
resolve properly inside the network. Second, the wildcard certificate (*
will function properly because all hostnames share the same base domain structure of

Step 2 – define a certificate structure and termination plan

In our example, we are using a wildcard certificate issued from a third party to secure all
three domain entry points (* Our choice works for a relatively simple
example where all of our DTR domains share the same base domain ( Not
only do these domains need to share the same base domain structure externally, but they
need to also share the same scheme internally. To accomplish this, we are using a split DNS
setup, where we have an internal DNS forwarder to intercept requests for our domain
structure from inside our network, and respond with internal private IP addresses. We will
go into more detail on this later, but you may refer to Figure 9 for more information.

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The UCP and DTR certificates are covered by the wildcard certificate and are terminated
inside the UCP controller containers running on the UCP and DTR nodes in our cluster. All
other application certificates covered by the wildcard DNS and corresponding certificate
will be terminated, either in the application container, or in the ingress controller's reverse
proxy server.

Step 3 – design and implement a network infrastructure

The cluster is accessed when users address the cluster using one of the external domain
names. We have three external domain entries for UCP, DTR, and a wildcard DNS entry for
our cluster hosted applications. All of the these DNS entries resolve to public IP addresses
on the external firewall.

Please note that, for our example, we are using representative, but fictional, IP addresses.
An overview of the sample bare metal setup is shown in Figure 9, as follows:

Figure 9: Cluster network diagram

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Traffic coming to the UCP domain entry resolves to address on either port 443 or
6443. Port 443 is for the UCP web UI and API. Traffic on port 6443 is for the Kubernetes
API. Both of these APIs are generally accessed using a local command-line interface bundle
generated from the UCP. As mentioned previously, these bundles contain certificates and
scripts for securely routing traffic from a remote shell outside the cluster to the UCP ports
of the cluster. The UCP traffic then hits the external IP address of the firewall at,
and is translated using NAT to an internal private network address of The
internal address is routed to the HAProxy load balancer's network adapter.
From there, the HAProxy load balancer application binds to on ports 443
and 6443, where it load balances requests across the three UCP manager nodes on the
internal network –,, and

Traffic coming to the DTR domain entry resolves to address on port 443. Port 443
is for the DTR web UI and API used for pushing and pulling Docker images. The
DTR traffic then hits the external IP address of the firewall at, and is
translated using NAT to an internal private network address of The
internal address is routed to the HAProxy load balancer's network adapter.
From there, the HAProxy load balancer application binds to on port 443,
where it load balances requests across the three DTR manager nodes on the internal
network using port 4443 on the backend –,, and

Traffic coming to the wildcard cluster-hosted application domain (that is, is resolved by the * external DNS entry, pointing to
the public IP address. This is an external address on the firewall, which uses
NATs to on the private internal network using ports 80 and 443 attached to
the HAProxy load balancer node. HAProxy binds the to the frontend
configuration to load balance across the worker nodes in the the cluster on port 8443 –,, and Port 8443 is the cluster's assigned inbound port connected to
UCP's L7 routing using Docker Enterprise's interlock 2 for Swarm.

We will talk more about Layer 7 load balancing with interlock 2 for Swarm applications
when we deploy our pilot application in Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise
Pilot Application. Additionally, we will look at a similar scheme using a Kubernetes ingress
controller toward the end of the book.

[ 134 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Load balancer setup and configuration design

Using a containerized software load balancer is a great way to manage and upgrade a
software firewall. There are several great load balancer options, including NGINX and
HAProxy. For our example, we are using HAProxy.

In order to make sense of the HAProxy configuration, we will first need to understand how
the host adapter ports are bound to the container where the HAProxy software is running.
The following is a sample script used to start the HAProxy load balancer. Carefully note the
port mappings (-p host-adapter:host-port:container-port) when the Docker
container for HAProxy is launched. Ports 80, 443, 4443, 6443, and 8443 are mapped
inside the container, as follows:

Port 80 is for inbound cluster-based application traffic—it is only there as a

redirect to port 443
Port 443 is for inbound UCP web interface and API traffic
Port 4443 is for DTR inbound web interface and API traffic
Port 6443 is for Kubernetes API traffic (usually from a UCP client bundle).
Port 8443 is for inbound TLS connections to cluster-hosted applications (your
apps running deployed to the cluster)

By default, the official HAProxy image logs to syslogd. This means you
need to either configure syslogd to forward logs to a (central) log agent,
or redirect syslogd to stdout from inside the container. In my case, I
added the following line to the end of my file
used in the official Docker haproxy container:

/sbin/syslogd -O /proc/1/fd/1

HAProxy start script:

The following shell script will start an HAProxy load balancer using the haproxy.cfg file:
docker run -d --name ntc-haproxy -p -p
-p -p -p -v
~/haproxy:/usr/local/etc/haproxy:ro nvisiantc/haproxy-log-forward:1.0

[ 135 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Now, let's look at the following haproxy.cfg configuration file. The first two sections are
pretty standard with two notable items. The first item is that I have my pilot configurations
set to debug logging. This is something I may switch off shortly after my implementation,
but it is really helpful to see what is going on with your load balancer. Secondly, the
timeout tunnel is set to 1 hour. While it doesn't necessarily have to be an hour, the default
may cause timeouts when installing UCP and DTR.

Starting at the top of the configuration file, we have the following sections:

1. In the frontend sections, we first have the port 80 binding, which we have set up
as a redirect to SSL. Therefore, if a request comes to an cluster-hosted application
on port 80, we will redirect the caller back to retry their request using ssl/tls
on port 443, as follows:
# Sample haproxy.cfg

maxconn 2048
log /dev/log local0 debug
log /dev/log local1 notice

mode tcp
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5s
timeout client 50s
timeout server 50s
timeout tunnel 1h
timeout client-fin 50s

frontend http_80
mode http
bind *:80
option httplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

2. The ucp_443 frontend binds to port 443 and forwards traffic to the
ucp_upstream_server_443 backend load balancer. The backend load balancer
is set up using a round robin strategy with a health check provided by the UCP
with a /_ping endpoint to verify the health of the UCP controller container, as
frontend ucp_443
mode tcp
bind *:443

[ 136 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend ucp_upstream_servers_443

3. The dtr_4443 frontend binds to port 4443 and forwards traffic to the
dtr_upstream_server_4443 backend load balancer. The backend load
balancer is set up using a round robin strategy with a health check provided by
the UCP with a /_ping endpoint to verify the health of the DTR nginx
frontend dtr_4443
mode tcp
bind *:4443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend dtr_upstream_servers_4443

4. The kube_6443 frontend binds to port 6443 and forwards traffic to the
kubectl_upstream_servers_6443 backend. This backend simply load
balances the request across the UCP nodes on port 6443, as follows:
frontend kube_6443
mode tcp
bind *:6443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend kubectl_upstream_servers_6443

5. Inbound application traffic comes into port 8443 and forwards traffic to the
interlock_app_upstream_8443 backend, as follows:

frontend app_8443
mode tcp
bind *:8443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend interlock_app_upstream_8443

6. The backend load balances the requests across the worker nodes on port 8443,
where it is picked up by interlock 2's ingress controller for Swarm. From there,
interlock 2 will examine the request header to determine which cluster-based
application will receive the traffic, as follows:
## Backend
backend ucp_upstream_servers_443
mode tcp

[ 137 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
option httpchk GET /_ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
server UCPNode01 ntc-ucp-1:443 check check-ssl verify none
server UCPNode02 ntc-ucp-2:443 check check-ssl verify none
server UCPNode03 ntc-ucp-3:443 check check-ssl verify none

backend dtr_upstream_servers_4443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
option httpchk GET /_ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
server DTRNode01 ntc-dtr-1:4443 check check-ssl verify none
server DTRNode02 ntc-dtr-2:4443 check check-ssl verify none
server DTRNode03 ntc-dtr-3:4443 check check-ssl verify none

backend kubectl_upstream_servers_6443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
server KubeNode01 ntc-ucp-1:6443 check check-ssl verify none
server KubeNode02 ntc-ucp-2:6443 check check-ssl verify none
server KubeNode03 ntc-ucp-3:6443 check check-ssl verify none

#backend interlock_app_upstream_8443
mode tcp
option log-health-checks
server AppNode01 ntc-wrk-1:8443 weight 100 check check-ssl
verify none
server AppNode02 ntc-wrk-2:8443 weight 100 check check-ssl
verify none
server AppNode03 ntc-wrk-3:8443 weight 100 check check-ssl
verify none

Using HAProxy with this haproxy.cfg configuration file will start a load balancer, which
will redirect traffic to our cluster. This will enable us to start building the cluster nodes in
the next section.

Docker Enterprise pilot platform

We now have a network setup with a load balancer to direct traffic to our cluster and we
are ready to get started on building the nodes. We will run through a similar flow as
presented in setting up the PoC Platform in the last chapter. This time, however, we will
highlight important details related to an enterprise platform with a highly available and
secure cluster.

[ 138 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

In this section, we will cover the following topics:

Setting up the cluster nodes

Installing and configuring the Docker Enterprise Engine
Creating/configuring a Docker Swarm
Installing the UCP
Installing the DTR

Preparing cluster nodes

A typical pilot cluster will include 10 nodes: 3 nodes are UCP managers, 3 nodes are DTR
replicas, and 4 nodes are workers.

Node sizing consideration

At the end of the day, our pilot will help us to dial in the correct node sizing for our final
non-production and production clusters. However, we want to make a special effort to get
our UCP and DTR nodes sized right from the start, remembering that UCP (and, to some
degree, DTR nodes) are more like pets than cattle. Therefore, plan on 4 CPU cores, 16 GB of
RAM, and 32 GBs SSD for each UCP and DTR node. This recommendation is a safe bet as
long as we stick with best practices, where we do not run workloads on our managers or
DTR nodes.

The sizing of the worker nodes is less critical since we treat them more like cattle, and if a
worker node is undersized, we can just replace it with a larger one and with minimal
disruption to the cluster operations.

Please note, if the pilot platform includes Windows nodes in the cluster to run Windows
containers, plan on having a minimum of 100 GBs of disk space to accommodate the larger
footprint associated with Docker Windows container images.

Network adapters considerations

Generally speaking, for a bare metal implementation, we will want at least two network
adapters for each node. One adapter will be attached to the cluster network for
communication with other cluster members as well as ingress traffic from outside the
cluster. The second adapter will be used for an isolated storage network, to provide high-
performance backend storage services in support of cluster-based container volumes.

[ 139 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

In conjunction with the network adapters, please configure a software firewall such as
firewalld. The firewall will be configured to allow Docker Enterprise traffic as described
previously in Figure 9.

Install and configure the firewall completely (open ports are described in
Figure 9) before installing Docker software. Installing the firewall after
Docker Enterprise is installed may cause potential networking issues. If
you experience these issues, run a docker info from the command line
and look for warnings at the bottom of the listing. Conflicts between
firewalld and iptables can sometimes lead to certain protocols being
dropped by Docker. Also, always remember to follow any network
adapter reconfiguration with a system reboot.

Do keep in mind that, your choice of networking technologies will impact firewall
configurations. Here, we are using overlay networking implementations, VXLAN for
Swarm, and Calico's BGP/IPinIP for your Kubernetes, to isolate you from the underlying
network. These technologies rely on tunneling through well-known ports on our cluster
nodes. We have to make sure these ports are open on the firewall.

Cluster-based storage considerations

Cluster-based storage allows container-based workloads to be moved from one worker
node to another without a loss of data. In other words, if volume A appears on all of the
nodes in the cluster and is mapped to the same backend mount point using cluster storage,
such as NFS, an application can run on any node and find its current data in the same

While cluster-based storage is not a requirement for some applications in a cluster

environment, it is required for Docker Enterprise HA infrastructure, as regards storage
backing for the DTR. DTR requires common storage backend across the multiple replicas in
order to operate properly in HA mode.

If you're planning to use a cloud-based implementation for your pilot platform, there are
some excellent cluster-based storage options for both AWS and Azure using the
docker4x/cloudstor volume plugin. On AWS, the cloudstor volume plugin can be backed
by either EBS or EFS, depending on your requirements. On Azure, the cloudstor volume
plugin is backed by a storage account.

[ 140 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Network timing and node synchronization

All nodes in the cluster should be placed on a common local network. The subnets may be
split across multiple availability zones, but should be geographically co-located in order to
reduce latency. If latency rises above 500 milliseconds, replication of important data may
time out and cause instability in the cluster. In more recent releases of Docker Enterprise,
the Etcd timeout values can be configured for higher tolerance, but it is not generally

Additionally, you need to make sure that all of your node clocks are synced using Network
Time Protocol (NTP). Clock skew across the cluster can lead to nasty problems related to
manager synchronization problems, as well as errant certificate rejections (for instance, an
out-of-sync timestamp on a certificate might look like a replay attack and be rejected).

Docker Enterprise pilot bare metal walk-through

We will begin by setting up our nodes with a supported Docker Enterprise OS. Please
verify your platform's compatibility using the Docker Enterprise 2.1 compatibility matrix
on Docker's Success website: https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​article/​compatibility-

During the pilot phase, look for an OS platform to align with your long-term support and
licensing strategy. While our example is using a bare metal pilot platform, you may very
well choose a cloud-based setup instead, because it aligns with your strategy. Remember,
we are just using the bare metal environment to flush out any cloud magic from our
examples. If you are using a cloud-based platform such as AWS or Azure, do not fret.
Toward the end of the book, we cover Docker-certified infrastructure templates, including
specific implementation details for Azure, AWS, and VMWare.

An overview of the bare metal pilot environment is as follows:

2 isolated switches connected to 10 fresh CentOS 7.5 nodes attached:

10 nodes connected to 2 networks:
A cluster network
A storage network, as described previously
Fresh install of CentOS 7.5 Linux:
4 vCPUs/cores for each node
16+ GB of RAM
32+ GB of disk space
EXT4 /var filesystem

[ 141 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Dual NICs 10.10.1.x/24 + 10.10.50.x/24

Hostname ntc-XXX-Y with common domain suffix of
Internal DNS, as shown in Figure 10
NTP, firewalld, IPTables, and Docker Enterprise Engine on all
Docker Enterprise 18.09
Overlay 2 storage driver
UCP 3.1.x installed on 3 managers ntc-ucp-1, ntc-ucp-2,
and ntc-ucp-3
DTR 2.6.x installed on 3 DTR/worker nodes ntc-dtr-1, ntc-
dtr-2, and ntc-dtr-3

Figure 10: Cluster's Internal DNS

After your nodes are configured, it is time to install the software.

[ 142 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine on all nodes

For our pilot, we have chosen to use a CentOS 7.5 OS running on bare metal Intel-based
servers. We have chosen the CentOS OS because it allows us to start off with an open
source distribution and easily migrate to a commercially supported platform such as RHEL.

As discussed during the PoC, a valid software license key, as well as your storebits
subscription URL, is required to install Docker Enterprise. You can get these from the
Docker store by logging in with, or creating, a Docker ID.

At this point, most customers have already run a successful PoC.

Subsequently, they are ready to commit to at least a 10 node Docker
Enterprise license. However, if you are not ready to make the leap, please
work with your local Docker sales team to extend your trial license to
cover the pilot.

After acquiring your license, you will find a link to download your Docker license file and
your Storebits URL in your account. Right-click on your profile and go to
the My Content menu. On the My Content page, click the Setup button next to your active
subscription. Then, download the license key file to a safe directory on your local computer.
Also, copy and paste the Storebits URL into your favorite editor. You will need it in the
next section when we configure the package manager to use the Docker repos.

With your license key and Docker Storebits URL saved on your local machine, it is time to
install the Docker Enterprise Engine on all of your nodes. Start by creating SSH sessions in
each of your Linux nodes.

We start by configuring the CentOS package manager and the official Docker Enterprise
repository for installing our software. Once the Docker engines are installed, we can install
our Docker Enterprise platform's containerized software components on top of the Docker
engines using special images from Docker's container registry.

Do not use the default repository from the CentOS distribution to install
the Docker engine! Doing so usually results in an old and unsupported
version of the Community Edition. Remember, we are using the Docker
Enterprise Engine.
Also, the following instructions assume you are using a fresh software OS
installastion on your nodes. If that's not the case, please make sure that
you remove the old versions of Docker before proceeding.

[ 143 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Installing the Docker Enterprise Engine onto each node in the cluster
The following instructions in this section are a summary of https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/

1. Step 1—prepare the CentOS 7.5 node, as follows:

1. On each Linux node, install NTP to keep the server clocks
synchronized; yum-utils for the Docker installation process, and
nfs-utils for our cluster-based storage access:

$ sudo yum install ntp

$ sudo systemctl start ntpd
$ sudo systemctl enable ntpd
$ sudo yum install -y yum-utils
$ sudo yum install -y nfs-utils

2. Set up and enable firewalld with the following commands:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=22/tcp

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=179/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=4443/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8443/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2376/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2377/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=4789/udp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6443/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6444/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7946/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7946/udp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10250/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12376/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12378/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12379/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12380/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12381/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12382/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12383/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12384/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12385/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12386/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12387/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=12388/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ntp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

[ 144 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

3. Get rid of any existing Docker repos:

$ sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/docker*.repo

2. Step 2—configure the yum package manager repos to use the official Docker
binaries, as follows:
1. Set up the DOCKER_EE_URL environment variables using your Docker
Store's Storebits URL that you recorded earlier. It should look similar
to the following:

$ export

With your Storebits URL set in the $DOCKERURL environment variable, it is time to install

3. Step 3—configure the official Docker repo, install the Docker Enterprise
engine, and start the Docker engine, as follows:
$ sudo -E sh -c 'echo "$DOCKERURL/centos" >
$ sudo -E yum-config-manager --add-repo
$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable docker-ee-stable-18.09
$ sudo yum -y install docker-ee
$ sudo systemctl start docker

Following installation, there are a few additional steps that will make it easier to use

4. Step 4—apply the finishing touches, as follows:

1. Finally, we add our user to the Docker group (so we do not have to
type sudo before all of our Docker commands) and we enable Docker
to run at startup. Please note that, you need to log out and back in for
the Docker group membership to take hold, as follows:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

$ sudo systemctl enable docker

[ 145 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

2. Verify the installation with the docker info command as follows,

and notice the server version is 18.09.1 and host's kernel version 3.10
(must be 3.10 or greater) was installed and information on the host,
including the kernel version, which must be greater than 3.10, as

$ docker info
Server Version: 18.09.0
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Supports d_type: true
Native Overlay Diff: true
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
OSType: linux

Now, we will need to test the setup.

5. Step 5—try running the hello-world container, as follows:

1. Log out, then log back in, and try running the docker command
(without sudo) to test Docker and Docker group permissions. Run the
Docker information and you should see something like the following:

$ docker run hello-world

Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
d1725b59e92d: Pull complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!

The previous message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

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Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:

1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.

2. The Docker daemon pulled the hello-world image from the Docker Hub
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image, which runs the
executable that produces the output that you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed the output to the Docker client, which sent it to
your Terminal.

Repeat these steps for all Docker manager and worker nodes.

Setting up the NFS server node

Refer to the following steps:

1. Connect to the NFS server node; in my case, I use an adapter connected to the
cluster network. Install NFS, create the shares, and enable the services on startup,
as follows:
sudo yum install -y nfs-utils
sudo mkdir -p /var/nfsshare/dtr
sudo mkdir -p /var/nfsshare/apps
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/nfsshare
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/nfsshare/dtr
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/nfsshare/apps
sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/nfsshare
sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/nfsshare/dtr
sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/nfsshare/apps
sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
sudo systemctl enable nfs-server
sudo systemctl enable nfs-lock
sudo systemctl enable nfs-idmap
sudo systemctl start rpcbind
sudo systemctl start nfs-server
sudo systemctl start nfs-lock
sudo systemctl start nfs-idmap

2. To complete the setup, add a line to the /etc/exports file, as follows:

sudo vi /etc/exports

[ 147 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

3. Add the following line to the file:

/var/nfsshare *

4. Restart the nfs server to pick up the new /etc/exports configuration, as

sudo systemctl restart nfs-server

5. Open the required firewall ports as follows:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=nfs
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=rpc-
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You now have the Docker Enterprise Engine installed on each node. Next, we need to
create the Swarm cluster by initializing the first manager node.

Installing the first manager node

We now have all of our Docker cluster nodes initialized with the Docker Enterprise Engine
and are ready to begin configuring our first manager node. Our approach here will be to
create a Swarm with a specified address pool – the address pool is where Docker's VXLAN
networks assign /26 networks.

There are a couple of important items to note: first, it is important that this address pool
parameter's CIDR is a non-routable network block within your private address
space. Otherwise, there could be conflicts with Docker's internal overlay networks. Second,
this address pool parameter can only be assigned with a Docker Swarm init command. It
is not available as a UCP install parameter. Therefore, we will initialize our Swarm with our
desired address pool configuration and install the UCP software on top of it. This will work
great, because UCP will use an existing Swarm if it is detected at installation time.
Otherwise, it will create a new Swarm when it installs UCP. Furthermore, if the Swarm
cluster with multiple nodes is already running with UCP installed, it will automatically
replicate all of the UCP software across the entire Swarm cluster.

From our first UCP node, we initialize the Docker Swarm with the address pool allocation,
as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr --default-
addr-pool --default-addr-pool-mask-length 26

[ 148 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Also notice the use of the --advertised-addr parameter. This is because the Docker node
has two network adapters with different IP addresses. We need to tell Docker Swarm which
adapter we are going to use to communicate across the cluster with other nodes. Our
design designated the 10.10.1.x/24 network as the cluster network and the
10.10.50.x/24 network as the storage network:

Copy the Docker Enterprise license file to UCP node 1, as follows:

Before installing UCP, copy the license key files to the my first manager
node and store it in my home directory (~). From here, we will inject the
license key into the UCP install command as a --license "$(cat
license.lic)" parameter into the UCP install command, as shown in
the following code block. If you wish to defer the installation of the license
file, you may do so by uploading the license file the first time you log into
the UCP web interface or, by uploading it from inside the UCP web interface
using the Admin Settings | License menu option. Please note, if you opt to
defer the licence key installation, you will need to remove the --license
parameter from the UCP install command which we use when we install the
UCP on top of our new Swarm cluster.

Copy the third-party certificates to UCP node 1, as follows:

This is also a great time to set up your third-party certificates by creating a

Docker volume called ucp-controller-server-certs. After this, copy
your certificate file into the volume. Either copy or paste the certificate
values for your third-party certificates into three files—the certificate
authority file (ca.pem), the server certificate file (cert.pem), and the
certificate key file (key.pem) in your home directory, and then copy them
into the container shown.

Alternatively, you can run a bash script from inside a container that mounts
both the newly created UCP certificate volume and your home directory to
copy certificate files for you. In fact, if you do not have root access to the
UCP manager node, you would not have access to the /var directory. So, the
containerized script might be your only option:
docker volume create ucp-controller-server-certs
sudo -s
cp ./ca.pem /var/lib/docker/volumes/ucp-controller-server-
cp ./cert.pem /var/lib/docker/volumes/ucp-controller-
cp ./key.pem /var/lib/docker/volumes/ucp-controller-server-

[ 149 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4


In the first line, we create the docker volume where UCP keeps its certificates. When we
install, we will provide the --external-server-cert parameter to the UCP installer so
that UCP does not generate new certificates over our existing certs in the volume. The
remainder of the commands involve copying the certificate files into the container using
Docker's internal mount point for the ucp-controller-server-certs volume.

Now, we can install the UCP on top of our new Swarm cluster, as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker image pull docker/ucp:3.1.1

[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker container run --rm -it --name ucp \

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker/ucp:3.1.1 install \
--host-address \
--external-server-cert \
--external-service-lb \
--license "$(cat license.lic)" \

Now it is time to test your first node's UCP installation. To do this, point your browser to
the external UCP URL. Remember to use the https:// URL prefix when accessing UCP
web UI. You should see the Docker login screen from there. Use the credentials you
provided during the UCP install to log in to the UCP web UI.

If you did not include the license parameter in the UCP installation process, you will be
prompted to upload a license key when logging into UCP for the first time. Again, you can
defer and upload it later by using the admin settings license menu option in the UCP UI.

Hopefully, your browser reaches the UCP web UI and you get to the UCP dashboard
showing 1 manager and 0 worker nodes. If you cannot reach the UCP web UI, try curling
the UCP web UI endpoint from inside your cluster. If the curl works and the external
browser does not, it's time to trace from your external connection, through DNS, through
the firewall, and through the load balancer, to see where the request gets hung up. This is
where your load balancer logs can be really helpful.

At this point, we have a single-node UCP manager cluster running. While the other Docker
nodes are attached to the same network, they have not been joined to the cluster. We will
do this in the next section.

[ 150 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Joining initial DTR 1 and worker 1 nodes

Before we can add any other nodes to the cluster, we will need a secure join token. The
join token ensures any node trying to join the cluster does so with a secure join token issued
from a cluster manager. The join token itself is used as a parameter to the docker swarm
join command. To obtain a worker join token, you must use an SSH connection to
a manager node and run the following code:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker swarm join-token worker
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-


Copy the entire docker swarm join --token... command to the clipboard. Log in to
each of your DTR and worker nodes to paste and run the join command. In a matter of
seconds, the Docker engine should provide a confirmation message about the node being
joined to the Swarm.

Confirm the cluster node status, and then open the UCP 1 terminal to verify that the nodes
are ready, as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker node ls
1rqhb4rzj3gk4mdgk8kza53jp Ready Active
1rqhb4rzj3gk4mdgk8kza53jp Ready Active
x27m3yjlh6b0wczmo0mcahkjv Ready Active
rw2tuw53wl34pv6sfj213845a Ready Active
q5q9u0yr7p8r0mcz4ob24s2kz* Ready Active
3lw64q2o818xgnberjry410o7 Ready Active
zxcosutrxr3rhzkz2h6ld0khj Ready Active
sfuxfiwhf2tpd6q3i7fbmaziv Ready Active

At this point, all you should see is a node list with the UCP-1 manager node, three DTR
nodes, and three worker nodes. Our next step is to join the two additional UCP manager
nodes. Now, we need a join-token manager token to be added to the additional UCP
manager nodes, as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker swarm join-token manager
To add a manager to this swarm, run the following command:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-


[ 151 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Again, copy the entire docker swarm join --token... command to the clipboard. This
time, log in to the UCP-2 and UCP-3 nodes to paste and run the join command. In a matter
of seconds, the Docker engine should provide a confirmation message about the node being
joined to the Swarm.

Now, log in to the UCP web UI, and notice that the dashboard displays three manager
nodes and six worker nodes. It may take a few minutes for the UCP manager nodes to
initialize and report a healthy status. Give UCP about 10 minutes to fully reconcile the new
nodes before trying to fix anything. In most cases, the UCP will straighten itself out and
add the nodes successfully, as follows:

Figure 11: Universal Control Plane Dashboard

Now, our cluster is up and running, we are ready to run both Swarm and Kubernetes
workloads. However, in order to support these containerized workloads, we need to install
a private DTR for our cluster orchestrators to guarantee a secure software pipeline.

[ 152 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Installing the DTR

Now, we are ready to install the DTR. DTR software is deployed as a stack of basic
containers on each target DTR node. It is important to note that, we initialize the DTR
installer from either a shell on UCP manager node, or using a command-line bundle
generated from the UCP.

New Docker admins often make the mistake of trying to initiate a DTR
install command from a DTR node. We do not initiate DTR install
commands from DTR nodes. We run the DTR install commands from a
UCP manager node.

In preparation for the DTR install, make sure you have your third-party certificates handy
for DTR access. In our example, we are using a wildcard certificate that covers access to
UCP, DTR, and cluster-hosted applications. Our sample certificates will work for,, and Therefore, we can
reuse the UCP certificates we created in our home directory during the UCP installation for
installing DTR as well.

Here, we kick off the DTR installation from the UCP 1 node and from your home directory,
as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.0 install \
--dtr-external-url \
--ucp-node \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-password yourUcpPassword \
--ucp-url \
--replica-http-port 81 \
--replica-https-port 4443 \
--nfs-storage-url nfs:// \
--ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)" \
--dtr-ca "$(cat ca.pem)" \
--dtr-cert "$(cat cert.pem)" \
--dtr-key "$(cat key.pem)"

Notice that the nfs-storage-url (nfs:// is the path

to the backend storage for the DTR. This is where the large binary image files are stored
and will be shared by all DTR replicas. Please be aware that, the DNS name resolves to the
storage network interface adapter. In other words, it uses the 10.10.50.X/24 adapter to
communicate with NFS on the isolated storage network when moving image files. This is
the location of the EGR back in storage that will be shared across all DTR replicas to store
large image binary files. Remember, a common backend data store is a requirement for
DTR high availability.

[ 153 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Notice the two port parameters: replica-http-port and replica-https-port. This is

where we are providing alternate ports for DTR access. We specified these DTR alternate
ports during our network design to correspond to our load balancer backend internal
network ports for DTR. It is, of course, important for the load balancer backend and DTR
alternate ports to match up.

The DTR installation process will take several minutes to complete. When it is done, you
may log in using the DTR external URL, making sure that you use an HTTPS prefix. When
logging in, use the same credentials as you used with UCP.

This is the point where we want to run some smoke tests on the cluster dash before we
replicate to all of the nodes. Run through the following tests:

1. Log in to the UCP Web UI, as follows:

1. Generate a client bundle (admin > My Profile > Client Bundles
> New Bundle).
2. Alternatively, use the following approach:
1. Setting | General
2. Set Create On Push to Yes
3. Open a remote shell and source the bundle, as follows:
1. Connect a remote Terminal to the cluster, as follows:

$ source

2. Or, as follows:

PS> Import-module env.ps1

3. Test Docker API connectivity, as follows:

docker node ls

4. Test kubectl connectivity, as follows:

kubectl get nodes

5. Pull a test image, as follows:

docker image pull alpine:latest

6. Retag a test image, as follows:

docker image tag alpine:latest

[ 154 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

7. Push image, as follows:

docker image push

8. Return to the DTR web UI and look for the image.

Adding additional DTR replicas

Now that we have tested our first DTR replica, it is time to add two more replicas to create
a high-availability DTR cluster. Figure 12 shows the sample bare metal DTR replica
configuration, as follows:

Figure 12: Docker Trusted Registry Replicas

Again, from the same place we installed DTR (UCP-1 node), we are going to join additional
DTR replicas. When we run the DTR join command, we need to specify a target node. We
use the --ucp-node parameter for this descriptor. In our case, we are installing the second
replica on the node. Another parameter shown here is the
UCP admin password. You need to replace the {yourUcpPassword} value with your
admin password. You may omit the ucp-password parameter if you wish to be prompted
for the admin password during the join process. Again, we provide the alternate ports
(same ports for each of our DTR nodes) used by our second DTR node, as follows:
[ntc-ucp-1 ~]$ docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.0 join \
--ucp-node \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-password {yourUcpPassword} \
--ucp-url \
--replica-http-port 81 \
--replica-https-port 4443 \
--ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)"

[ 155 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

When the join command is issued, a new replica ID is generated. Look in the logs for
something like this the replica ID is set to: 52a28eae9430. If the DTR join command fails,
you will want to refer to this replica ID to remove the failed replica install. If this fails,
resolve the issues and remove the broken replica before attempting to rejoin.

You only need to do this if the DTR join fails, as follows:

docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.0 remove --force --ucp-insecure-
tlsusername admin

When running the DTR remove command, you will be asked for the replica ID you wish to
remove. Make sure you choose the ID in the failed join command output (that is,
the replica ID is set to 52a28eae9430). Additionally, you will be prompted for the ID of the
main replica for notification (it should display a default replica ID to choose). Providing the
main DTR replica ID stops the main replica from trying to sync with the broken/removed
DTR replica.

Final configuration of load balancers

Now, we have our UCP and DTR replica set up. Remember to complete the configuration
of our load balancers by adding entries for the UCP and DTR replicas. The load balancer
backend for UCP should be pointing to three servers: UCP-1, UCP-2, and UCP-3 nodes on
port 443. The load balancer backend for DTR should be pointing to three servers: DTR-1,
DTR-2, and DTR-3 nodes on port 4443. Finally, the load balancer backend for Kubernetes
should be pointing to 3 servers: UCP-1, UCP-2, and UCP-3 nodes on port 6443.

Congratulations! We have walked through the initial implementation of our Docker
Enterprise pilot platform. While we still have configuration work in preparation for our
pilot application team's application deployment, we have worked on many important
initial decisions regarding the network design, platform specifications, and security.

In future chapters, we will examine a number of network and platform topics in more
operational depth in terms of performance, security, and recovery.

[ 156 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

1. What are the main differences between the Docker0 default network and the
custom bridge network?
2. Can containers running on different nodes communicate with a Docker network?
3. What are two recommended ways for cluster users (such as developers, DevOps,
and system administrators) to access the cluster?
4. Where in the cluster does the UCP controller run?
5. Why do we need NTC installed on the cluster nodes?

Further reading
Here are some links for planning your pilot platform:


Here are a number of Docker networking resources:


[ 157 ]
Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster Chapter 4

Here is some additional information on securing UCP:


Here is some additional information pertaining to Docker Enterprise installations:


And here are some miscellaneous network links:


[ 158 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker
Enterprise Pilot Application
In Chapter 4, Preparing the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster, we completed a basic pilot
installation of Docker Enterprise's Universal Control Plane (UCP) and the Docker Trusted
Registry (DTR). Now we will configure the access control structures for our pilot cluster to
allow our pilot team to build and deploy their applications.

The main objective of the pilot is to deploy two pilot applications. For the sake of
illustration, in this chapter, we will feature the first of two applications for the pilot. The
first application is a containerized Java web application running with Tomcat and a
Postgres database backend. The second application, featured in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot
a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, is a sample custom Java application where we simulate the
development process to illustrate a development team's interaction with the Docker
Enterprise platform, as well as a pipeline for DevOps and operations. So, while the
technology stacks for the two applications is similar, you will see the additional
considerations required for the custom application deployment in the subsequent chapter.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

Pilot planning
Configuring UCP and DTR for a pilot application
Pilot application selection, containerization, networking, service discovery, and
layer 4 routing
Pilot application deployment script with secrets and configuration management
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Planning for a pilot application

Getting ready for the actual Docker Enterprise pilot takes coordination between application
developers, DevOps, and technical operations team members. To illustrate the array of
typical tasks and their associated impact areas, we have provided a Responsible,
Accountable, Consulted, and Informed (RACI)-style table, shown shortly, as a
communication tool to describe what needs to be done and who will be involved in each
task. While we are not going to cover each of these tasks in depth, we will focus our
discussion on the items presented in bold.

Generally, an RACI chart/matrix/table lists the tasks on the left column

and team members across the top, with the R, A , C, or I roles placed at the
intersection of a team member and a task (deliverable or milestone).

The first section of the table deals with core project management/governance activities
related to organizing and kicking off the pilot. It is, of course, important to identify the
pilot's goals, activities, deliverables, and timelines, and review progress being made on a
daily basis.

You will notice a heavy emphasis on training toward the top of the chart. While some initial
Docker training is often very helpful during the PoC phase, the following training should
be considered a requirements during the pilot phase, where all members of the core pilot
team should attend training as indicated in the following chart in the early stages of the

Task-role RACI chart Pilot coordinator App architect App Dev DevOps Sys admin Ops Mgr

Schedule training R I I I I I

Pilot goal capture R I I I I I

Pilot planning and R C I C I C


Pilot kickoff R C C C C C

Attend Docker I R R R R R

Attend Docker Ent Ops I R R R

Attend Docker Ent Dev I A R R I I

Attend Docker support I I I R R A

R: Responsible (possibly shared) | A: Accountable (only one) | C: Consulted | S: Supports | I: Informed

[ 160 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Attend Docker security I R R R R A

Configure UCP and DTR I I C R A

for pilot

LDAP/team sync for pilot C C A R

Storage config for pilot C C C A R

Configure DTR for pilot R A R

Distribute pilot R

Pilot app base image S S S S A

Pilot app architecture A R R S S

Containerize pilot app A R S

Pilot image repo config C I C C R

Pilot image tag and push A R A

Pilot image scan I I C A R

Pilot docker-compose- R A S

Pilot secrets I I S A R

Pilot stack deploy C C A S C

R: Responsible (possibly shared) | A: Accountable (only one) | C: Consulted | S: Supports | I: Informed

Prior to the pilot kickoff, a pilot coordinator (project manager, type role to expedite the pilot
program) and the core pilot team will develop a plan where they define key responsibilities
and timelines. It is important for the various constituents involved in the pilot program to
identify their key learning objectives for the pilot initiative and to make sure the plan
covers real, hands-on involvement to support their objectives. Finally, before the pilot
begins, a kick-off meeting should be held to review the goals, (learning and functional)
objectives, participant roles, and the timelines for the pilot.

[ 161 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Sample pilot planning and execution

To effectively illustrate the pilot planning tasks, we will continue to work through our
sample pilot application. We'll start with a summary chart of decisions made for our pilot,
where we tie them back to the key tasks described in the preceding RACI chart. From there,
we will walk through the execution of the tasks along with a more detailed description of
each of the decisions and how they are implemented in the Docker Enterprise environment.

For our sample pilot, we identified the following objectives:

Set up a bare-metal Docker Enterprise install with CentOS 7.5—guided reference

Design and implement a split DNS scheme for proper internal and external
Secure the installation with NAT, firewalls, network isolation, and frontend load
Use NFS on an isolated network for backing DTR and possibly application data
Implement cluster and application logging, monitoring, and alerting
(covered later in Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and
Deploy an internet-facing, HTTPS wiki site application for internal users, but try
to maintain near-zero downtime
Deploy a sample custom application with a representative pipeline for other
custom applications (covered in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI

Our sample pilot team includes a core team with five members. We list their roles and
fictitious names for our following examples:

An operations manager to act as Docker Enterprise administrator—Otto

A system administrator to assist with Docker Enterprise underlying
infrastructure and cluster resources—Sandy SysAdmin
A DevOps engineer to support the software pipeline and cluster stack
deployments—Deepti DevOps
A software architect to oversee containerized software design—Andrew
A software engineer to containerize, test, and push artifacts to source code
control—Sally Software

[ 162 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Our timeline was 6 weeks in duration with the following overlapping key activities:

Key activities covered in this chapter:

2 weeks for the platform build out
1 week to containerize and deploy a confluence wiki application
1 week to operationalize confluence wiki application—backups,
updates, and application break/fix process
Key activities covered in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI
1 week to containerize custom application with local integration
2 weeks to pilot a container-based CI pipeline to build customer
1 week to operationalized custom application platform—backups,
updates, and application break/fix process
Key activities covered in Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring
and Logging:
2 weeks of logging, monitoring, and alerting setup
1 week to document platform for post pilot on-boarding

The following is a chart highlighting key decisions for our sample pilot application. Again,
for consistency sake, tie the tasks back to the RACI chart shown previously:

Task Summary key decision made for pilot

• Only run workloads on non-DTR worker nodes
• Use third-party certificates for cluster access (* and
cluster deployed applications (
• Use layer 4 routing for wiki application deployment
• Use layer 7 for custom application deployment
• Use standard Swarm UCP ports
• Use default UCP session settings
Configure UCP and DTR for pilot
• Initially configure logs for .json file—roll at 10 MB and keep the three
latest files
• Turn off usage reporting
• DTR: Allow create on push for repos
• DTR: Using a central NFS mount for all DTR instances
• DTR: Enable image scanning
• DTR: Run garbage collection at 2 a.m. local time
• Use UCP's built-in access user management for small pilot team—add
LDAP/team sync for pilot
LDAP/AD integration for production phase
Storage config for pilot • Use NFS backing for DTR image storage

[ 163 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Design and configure RBAC • See Figure 4

Pilot app base image • Use an official base image from Docker Hub
• TLS termination at external HAProxy load balancer for Java application
Pilot app architecture
with Postgres DB backend
• Two images in pilot DTR (wiki and Postgres)
Containerize pilot app UCP and • Use local volumes and not NFS for wiki application
DTR ⚬ Constrain application for worker-3 node
⚬ Prepopulate Docker volume mount points on worker 3
Pilot image repo config • Tie images to pilot organization
• Pick image namespaces:
⚬ dtr/
Pilot image tag and push
⚬ dtr/
• Use semantic versioning: major.minor.patch
Pilot image scan • Manually scan images before deploying
Pilot docker-compose-dev • Create a local developer build and local run file for application stack
Pilot secrets • Secrets for Postgres image/container
Pilot stack deploy • Use bash script from UCP bundle

Summary of pilot decisions

Configure UCP pilot settings

Installing UCP and DTR was the first step toward launching the pilot phase; now we need
to configure the UCP admin settings and the role-based access control (RBAC) system. The
administrative settings include configuration information and options for Swarm, UCP
client certificates, layer 7 routing, cluster configuration, authentication and authorization,
logs, license, DTR, content trust, usage, scheduler, and upgrades.

We begin by logging into the UCP web UI using the credentials specified during the UCP
installation process. After logging in, we look at the left-hand column where we see the
menu structure's six main headings (the menus are collapsed by default). From there, we
expand the admin menu and click on the Admin Settings menu item as shown in the
following screenshot:

[ 164 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Figure 1: UCP Admin Settings Menu

The Swarm settings page (Admin Settings | Swarm) displays the worker and manager join
tokens, allows for the rotation of cluster certificates and tokens, and provides adjustments
to timing related to cluster operations. While you may find occasion to rotate the
certificates/tokens (usually because of a compromise), normally the Swarm settings don't
need any adjustment.

The UCP client certificates settings page (Admin Settings | Certificates) allows users to
swap out the self-signed UCP client certificate with a trusted third-party certificate. Back in
Chapter 3, Getting Started – Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept, we showed how to provide a
third-party certificate when installing UCP. However, if you deferred during the
installation process, here is the place to paste or upload your third-party certificates.

[ 165 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

If you have already installed DTR and then updated UCP's client
certificates, you will probably need to reconfigure your DTR installation
with the new UCP certificates using a docker run -it --rm
docker/dtr:2.6.0 reconfigure command with the --ucp-ca
parameter. Otherwise, you will get an error when accessing the DTR as it
redirects to UCP for single sign-up authentication.

After installing the third-party UCP client certificates, you may need to reconfigure your
DTR installation. Updating the UCP certificate may interrupt the linkage between DTR and
UCP and result in a DTR login problem. If you encounter this issue, it is easily fixed with
the DTR reconfigure command. Also, you can take this opportunity to add your third-party
DTR client certificate at the same time by using a command looking something like this:
$ docker run -it --rm docker/dtr \
reconfigure \
--ucp-url \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-password {your-password-goes-here} \
--replica-http-port 81 \
--replica-https-port 4443 \
--dtr-external-url \
--ucp-ca "$(cat" \
--dtr-ca "$(cat" \
--dtr-cert "$(cat dtr.cert)" \
--dtr-key "$(cat dtr.key)"

The UCP layer 7 routing settings (Admin Settings | Layer 7 Routing) are used to enable
and configure Docker Enterprise's Interlock 2 ingress system. Layer 7 routing requires a
couple of key settings. The first thing you want to do is confirm the HTTP and HTTPS ports
are set correctly. In the last chapter, we talked about network design and described how
our load balancer would pass inbound application traffic on port 8443 to the cluster. When
we enable Interlock 2, a proxy receives traffic on port 4443 from the application load
balancer, examines the HTTP headers, and routes traffic to the intended containers. We will
get into more detail about layer 7 routing when we deploy our custom application later in
the chapter.

The cluster configuration settings may be used to override the default settings for the
Swarm cluster. The first two options are port settings for the Docker controller port and
Swarm port. The controller port is used by the web UI and API and usually set to 443, but
can be overridden when UCP is installed. The Swarm port, also known as the Docker
daemon port, is set to 2376 by default, and is used for encrypted cluster management
communication between Swarm nodes.

[ 166 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

If the daemon port is set to 2375, it means it is using an unencrypted

protocol. This is very dangerous! Anyone accessing this port can issue
Docker commands on that node, including Docker commands to run in
privilege mode or mount a sensitive directory on the host filesystem.
Using 2375 is neither normal nor expected for a pilot cluster setup.

In addition to the port settings, the cluster configuration settings allows administrators to
change the scheduling strategy for individual container deployment in the cluster. This is
not for Swarm service scheduling, just containers. Swarm services are always scheduled
using the spread scheduling strategy to evenly distribute containers across the cluster. For
more information on deploying Swarm services, please refer to the Docker docs: https:/​/

The last setting for the cluster setting you need to know about (we will ignore the KV store
settings as they are not really used by mere mortals) is the external service load balancer
URL. This should be set to how your expected URL for external access that corresponds to
your CN of your certificate.

The Authentication & Authorization Settings page includes a number of important

settings. The first setting is the default role for all private collections. This setting impacts
the default access given to each user's private sandbox. By default, it is set to restricted
control. In some cases, you may consider giving users full control over their sandbox,
keeping in mind the additional security problems that may arise.

The next grouping of settings has to do with a login session's lifetime, renewal, and per-
user limits. Generally, these can be left at the default settings of a 60-minute session
lifetime, a 20-minute renewal threshold, and a 10-user limit (a given user can only have 10

Two final sections of the authentication and authorization settings page allow for the
integration with external enterprise mechanisms, including LDAP directory services and
SAML 2.0 single sign on with Okta or ADFS. The SAML 2.0 feature is new in Docker
EE2.1/UCP 3.1 and currently has some limitations. The LDAP integration, on the other
hand, has been a part of the platform for while and is typically used by larger enterprises.

Docker UCP LDAP integration has two parts. The first part is establishing a connection to
your corporate LDAP server with a reader account and then defining how to search for
users in the directory. These settings are pretty straightforward and allow you to test the
connection from the UCP's Authentication & Authorization page. We will discuss the
second part when we get to adding teams to the Docker Enterprise RBAC system.

[ 167 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

This is where we can actively sync users from (based on LDAP query parameters such as
group memberships) LDAP to Docker RBAC team. By actively, I mean that if a user is
removed from a LDAP, they become inactive in UCP at the next LDAP sync, but only if the
Just-In-Time User Provisioning setting is false.

Setting Just-In-Time User Provisioning to true is nice because it only

sets up authorized LDAP users in UCP when they log in the first time. So,
you don't have a bunch of inactive user accounts in UCP, but there is a
downside. If Just-In-Time User Provisioning is true and a user is
removed from a group in LDAP, UCP will deny authentication of the
account at the next sync, but the user's CLI bundle will still allow cluster
access! For a more secure environment, consider using the narrowest
possible LDAP user search query to limit the number of user accounts
synchronized with UCP and setting the Just-In-Time User Provisioning
setting to false.

The Logs settings page is where we set the Docker UCP logging level. This restarts the UCP
containers with an updated logging level and is one small aspect of logging. In Chapter
7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging, we discuss the details of logging
and Docker Enterprise approach to integrate with open source and commercial enterprise
logging platforms.

The License settings page lists information about the currently installed Docker Enterprise
license. It also gives you the option to upload a new license.

The Docker Trusted Registry Settings page lists the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
of the DTR associated with the cluster.

The Content Trust settings page allows Docker Enterprise administrators to restrict UCP's
Docker Enterprise engines to only run container with signed images. When this feature is
activated, by checking the Run only signed images checkbox, you will further specify the
Docker Enterprise teams who are required to sign the images before they can be
deployed. For example, the Ops team from our pilot organization may be required to
digitally sign any images before they are run in the cluster. This makes it difficult for
unauthorized, potentially malicious images to be substituted into production
containers. This feature is typically reserved for production clusters.

[ 168 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

The Usage settings page is where users configure options regarding if and how your
cluster shares usage reports with the Docker product team. Like most software companies,
Docker is always looking for feedback to improve their product. By reviewing your usage
information as well as API and UI tracking, they are able to identify important usage
patterns to guide product development efforts. If you are a little bit wary about sharing,
you can always check the last box, which makes the reports anonymous by removing your
license information from the reports.

The Scheduler settings page allows Docker Enterprise administrators to constrain

workload deployments to worker nodes (non-UCP and non-DTR nodes). There are two
levels of constraints for both Kubernetes and Swarm. The first level allows users to
schedule work loads on all nodes including UCP managers in DTR nodes. This box is
almost always unchecked—do not allow non-admins to deploy workloads to managers and
DTR nodes. Allowing user workload on managers (and DTR) nodes is against Docker best
practices. The second setting allows Docker Enterprise administrators to deploy containers
on UCP managers or DTR nodes. Once the cluster is completely set up, this can be
unchecked, but this box must be checked while you are installing DTR and other system
utilities, including some logging frameworks such as an ELK stack, where log collectors
need to be on all nodes.

The Upgrade setting page is where Docker Enterprise administrators can check the current
version of the software and if there are any UCP upgrades available. If newer versions are
available, you can upgrade from this page. However, always back up UCP before choosing
to upgrade.

The general procedure for maintaining a cluster includes

updating/patching the OS and Docker Engine on each cluster node. This
should be done before updating UCP or DTR as they may require fixes or
capabilities available in the latest release of the Docker engine. Also,
before updating from the Docker Upgrade settings page, back up UCP
and DTR. While patch releases almost always work without an issue,
larger update/upgrades may encounter issues and backup is rarely

Docker has also exposed the UCP configuration file API. This allows Docker Enterprise
admins to use a TOML format to export/import UCP configurations rather than using the
UI to configure the settings. For example, using a Docker Enterprise admin's command-line
bundle, we can dump the configuration of our UCP. First, we curl our UCP's API
endpoint by providing our admin user's CA certificate and key info, and dump the
response into the local ucp-config.toml file. Then we can see the contents:
[local-CLI-DOcker-EE-Admin]$ curl --cacert ca.pem --cert cert.pem --key
key.pem > ucp-config.toml

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Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

[local-CLI-DOcker-EE-Admin]$ cat ucp-config.toml

default_new_user_role = "restrictedcontrol"
backend = "managed"
samlEnabled = false
samlLoginText = ""
lifetime_minutes = 60
renewal_threshold_minutes = 20
per_user_limit = 10
idpMetadataURL = ""
spHost = ""
rootCerts = ""
tlsSkipVerify = false

host_address = ""
service_id = "8c599992-8996-43b5-b511-f26c94631fea"
ca_bundle = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n <SNIP-redacted> \n-----END
batch_scanning_data_enabled = true

enable_admin_ucp_scheduling = false
default_node_orchestrator = "swarm"

disable_usageinfo = true
disable_tracking = true
anonymize_tracking = false
cluster_label = ""

require_content_trust = false

level = "INFO"

level = ""
support_dump_include_audit_logs = false

auto_refresh = false

controller_port = 443

[ 170 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

kube_apiserver_port = 6443
swarm_port = 2376
swarm_strategy = "spread"
kv_timeout = 5000
kv_snapshot_count = 20000
profiling_enabled = false
external_service_lb = ""
metrics_retention_time = "24h"
metrics_scrape_interval = "1m"
rethinkdb_cache_size = "1GB"
cloud_provider = ""
cni_installer_url = ""
pod_cidr = ""
calico_mtu = "1480"
ipip_mtu = "1480"
unmanaged_cni = false
nodeport_range = "32768-35535"
azure_ip_count = ""
local_volume_collection_mapping = false
manager_kube_reserved_resources = "cpu=250m,memory=2Gi,ephemeral-
worker_kube_reserved_resources = "cpu=50m,memory=300Mi,ephemeral-

The UCP config API is a great way to initialize a cluster as well. For more information on
UCP configs, see the docs at https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/​admin/​configure/​ucp-

Now that we have explained the UCP settings, we will configure the RBAC system for our
pilot group.

RBAC in Docker Enterprise

Docker Enterprise's Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system allows administrators to
define user access to their cluster at a very fine-grained level. First, we will talk about the
applicable RBAC concepts in Docker Enterprise. Then, we will dive into a specific example
for our sample pilot application to clarify and demonstrate the concepts in practice.

To work with the Docker Enterprise RBAC system, you need to understand the four
following primary constructs within Docker Enterprise:

Subjects: Organization, teams, users, and service accounts

Resource groups: Collections and namespaces

[ 171 ]
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Roles: Groupings of permissions to perform cluster operations

Grants: The application of role to a subject for a specific resource group

We start our discussion with the grant because it best describes the functional aspects of all
of the components. The grant is the glue that ties the subject to a set of resources through a
specific role. In Figure 2, we can see how a grant associates a subject with a list of allowed
operations (grouped into roles) on a defined set of resources.

In Docker Enterprise, the subjects may reference as an organization, a user, a team, or a

service account. Resource sets are implemented with collections and namespaces
(Kubernetes). Collections may hold containers, services, images, networks, volumes,
secrets, (app) configs, and cluster nodes. A role lists all of the operations allowed on objects
in the target collection, such as a container create container or network connect
command, as shown in the following diagram:

Figure 2: Docker Enterprise Role Based Access Control

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For convenience, Docker Enterprise has several useful predefined roles. While you may
find it necessary or convenient to define your own, these predefined roles are both typical
and illustrative of real scenarios. The out-of-the-box roles included are none, view only,
restricted control, full control, and schedule (for node related operations), as shown in the
following diagram:

Figure 3: Docker's Built-In Roles

Roles are immutable and therefore they cannot be modified (only deleted
and recreated). This makes sense, since any modification could create
confusion and lead to possible security holes. For instance, what if an
admin changed a read-only user role to allow for updates and deletes? All
existing grants using the modified read-only role would be

The RBAC system may be configured through the Docker Enterprise Web UI's Access
Control menu or using the Docker API, but please note the RBAC settings are only
available to Docker Enterprise administrative users. The Access Control menu has the four
submenu items: Orgs & Teams, Users, Roles, and Grants.

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In Figure 4, we show a specific configuration for our pilot example. Please note the figure
shows the relationship between orgs and users to UCP (using grants) and DTR (using team-
repository permissions in DTR):

Figure 4: Sample Pilot RBAC Configuration

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Setting up Docker Enterprise teams and organizations

Docker Enterprise Orgs and Teams provide grouping mechanisms for users and are the
subjects for RBAC systems. When discerning options for Organizations and teams, keep in
mind that organization impacts DTR repository namespaces structures. The DTR image
name is comprised of the DTR_FQDN + user or organization name + repository name: tag.
Enterprise images name are usually associated with the organization name rather than a
user's name. These organization names could be aligned with a business unit (that is,
underwriting or sales) or a pipeline phase for image promotion (development, test, QA,
staging, and production), depending on your approach and access controls between
business units or pipeline stages.

Docker Enterprise teams are subgroupings within organizations. Users are associated with
teams and when a user is added to a team, that user automatically becomes a member of
the parent organization.

The steps for setting up and manually populating a team in Docker Enterprise are as

1. Log in with a Docker Enterprise administrator account.

2. Add users:
1. Open Access Control | Users and click on the Create button
2. Enter the new user's information and click Create to create the new
3. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each new user
3. Add orgs and teams:
1. Open Access Control | Orgs & Teams and use the Create button
create a new organization
2. Enter the organization information and click on the Create button at
the bottom of the form
3. Click on the new organization name in the list to view/create teams for
the selected organization
4. Click + in the upper right-hand menu to add a new team
5. Enter the team name and description, then click Create at the bottom
of the form
4. Add users to the teams:
1. Go to Access Control | Orgs & Teams | Name of Org to see a list of
2. Click on a Team and use the + in the top-right corner to add users to
the team

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In the Org menu, you may notice the Docker-datacenter organization.

This is an internal organization to which users are added the first time
they log into Docker Enterprise and by default are granted restricted
control access (default access control level is configurable through Admin
Settings | Authentication & Authorization) to their personal
/Shared/Private/{user-name} collection—the users default collection
(this may be overridden in a user's profile).

As you might expect, adding individual users to UCP could become very tedious in a large
organization. That's why Docker Enterprise allows Docker Enterprise administrators to
synchronize LDAP group members into UCP teams. Not only does this populate the team
members, but as mentioned previously, in the UCP Authentication & Authorization
settings section, it can also be used to synchronize the team members with updates made to
the LDAP groups.

Team member sync using LDAP

For your pilot project, you may decide to use Docker Enterprise's built-in user access and
authentication rather than synchronizing with a corporate AD/LDAP directory in an effort
to limit the scope of the pilot project. While moving AD/LDAP integration out of scope may
be a great way to keep the pilot moving forward, it is an important enterprise touchpoint
for the Docker Enterprise platform and will need to be resolved at some point. Because
Docker's built-in access control system is flexible, adding the AD/LDAP synchronization at
a later time is possible. However, the pilot is a really good time to begin conversations with
the sys admin and user security teams about detailed integration plans. A good
compromise might be to start by manually adding the first team's users, but then start
experimenting with the AD/LDAP sync feature to implement a long-term synced solution.

Before using the Docker EE LDAP sync, your UCP cluster must be connected to the LDAP
server using the UCP Authentication & Authorization settings page. Not only will this
connect to the corporate AD/LDAP server, but it will allow you to isolate a subset of
candidate UCP team members through the use of an LDAP query filter.

After an LDAP connection is established between UCP and your LDAP server, you will
have some new options when creating a UCP team. Then when creating a UCP team, by
setting Enable Sync Team Members to Yes, you may add all members from an LDAP
group or you may provide a custom LDAP query to populate your team. Remember, these
will be synchronized at intervals as specified in the UCP configuration.

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If members are removed from the LDAP group, their access to UCP will be reduced or
eliminated depending on the just-in-time provisioning setting for LDAP synchronization:

Figure 5: Base Image Hierarchy Example-

In Figure 5, we see an example from a Docker Enterprise tutorial on https:/​/​docs.​docker.

com/​. This is a great example of showing the end-to-end spectrum of how an LDAP user
gains access to resources in a Docker Enterprise collection through groups, teams, and
grants. On the left side, we have resource collections (or namespaces for Kubernetes) inside
of our UCP access control subsystem. On the right, we have a corporate active directory or
LDAP with our company's users. Again, this presumes that UCP is set up to synchronize
with your corporate LDAP server.

To connect the UCP resources with AD/LDAP users, we move from right to left, from the
users in the corporate directory to their associated groups that represent functional
groupings. Here in our example, the developers are organized into two app groups
(AD_payments and AD_mobile) and other administrative users are organized by functional
concern such as DB admins (AD_db) and security ops (AD_sec).

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The AD/LDAP grouping, of course, takes place inside of the AD/LDAP

corporate directory (outside of the Docker Enterprise realm) and is ideally
already put in place as a part of your system administrator/security team's
normal practices. However, if it is not, you have a couple of options. The
first option is to meet with the system administrators and security team to
establish logical groupings similar the example shown previously. The
second option is to create an AD/LDAP query to target users associated
with a specific team. The second option may be faster, but it tends to be
brittle and difficult to maintain. We strongly suggest that you work with
your admin and security teams to develop a logical grouping scheme for
your directory.

Once your AD/ADAP groupings are set up, it is time to head inside of the UCP's UI. Under
the access control orgs and teams menu, you can click on your main org. Then, click on the
plus sign in the upper right-hand corner to add a new team. Notice the enables sync team
members option. This is where you can set it to yes and then you may specify how you
want your UCP team to be synced with your AD/LDAP team. Usually, you'll use the Match
Group Members option (direct bind) by providing the descriptors in the Group DN field
that match your team in the AD/LDAP directory. The group member attribute tells UCP
where to pull the group members distinguish names from the AD/LDAP directory. Once
this is done, you have now connected your AD groups with your UCP teams. This
connection will be synchronized at regular intervals based on your UCP/LDAP server

Congratulations! You have now set up your orgs, teams, and users in UCP. The next step is
establishing UCP collections for our pilot team to use.

Collection for pilot team

With our users either set up manually or imported into our teams using AD/LDAP
synchronization, we may now grant them access to UCP resources. As described
previously, UCP resources are organized into collections. For the pilot's collection
configuration, let's refer back to Figure 4 where we see three collections depicted.

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The main collections of interest for the pilot team are the test and prod collections. For our
pilot discussion, the test collection holds resources used to test the application after
(automated) deployments. We will learn more about automated pipelines with Docker
in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, where we will trigger
automated builds and deploy updated artifacts into the test collection for integration

The application developers will have restricted access to the test environment for the
purposes of troubleshooting any issues. The DevOps team will test their deployment scripts
within the test collection and app-dev team will have full access to all resources. The test
collection should not have any sensitive data or secrets shared, because app-dev team
members will potentially be able to see both data and secrets in this environment.

The prod collection is a more locked-down collection and will more closely mimic what
will eventually be a separate production cluster. In fact, the prod database may start with a
recent copy of a production database with full data fidelity, including potentially sensitive
personal or financial data. This environment may also include production secrets such as
access tokens to third-party APIs. Notice that application developers do not have access to
the prod collection in Figure 4 for this reason.

An important security note: if you are using a centralized logging system

for your container cluster, be careful not to log any PMI or HIPAA type
data to the logs unless they are encrypted and locked down appropriately.
Oftentimes, private information is shared through environment variables
that may be revealed during a stack dump to the logger when an
application fails.

So, for the sake of simplicity in our pilot, we have two main collections for our team with
no nesting or hierarchical collection structures. The test and prod collections are flat
without any overlap. However, in Figure 4, we see how the Docker docs team has leveraged
a nested hierarchical collection structure.

The example shows three roles used:

Full control
View/use secrets and networks
View only

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In the example, we see a grant is given to the payments team of full control over the
/staging/payments collection. Additionally, two more grants are applied to the
payments team, allowing them full control over the /prod/payments collection and
view/use secret and networks access to /prod. Carefully note how UCP collections are
nested (unlike our pilot's flat collection design). Therefore, the /prod collection is a
superset of /prod, /prod/payments, /prod/mobile, and /prod/DB. So, any grants to
/prod will propagate to all the collections underneath /prod as well!

For our pilot project, please note that each user will receive restricted access to their own
sandbox collection called /shared/private/{username} (for user Sally
Software, /shared/private/ssoftware). This collection will be created and a restricted
control grant added the first time the user logs in. This is where they may want to test a
stack of containers using the cluster's resources rather than their own development
machine. This should be carefully managed as a part of your software development
process. Again, we'll talk more about that in the pipeline chapter.

DTR pilot settings

In the previous chapter, where we took care of some critical infrastructure associated with
our pilot DTR configuration during the installation process, we configured NFS backing for
our DTR image storage. This provides a single common backend data store for large DTR
images across all replicas in the cluster. This is particularly important for the proper
functioning of Docker Enterprise Advanced version's image-scanning feature. Please note
that, DTR backend storage is for the binary image layers. Other repository metadata is
stored and replicated across the DTR replicas using rethinkdb. Other DTR replica settings
for the cluster are stored in the cluster's etcd key/value store (ucp-kv).

To access DTR settings, log in to DTR as a Docker Enterprise administrator. Then, navigate
to the System menu as shown in Figure 6. The DTR System menu has five primary sub
menus: General, Storage, Security, Garbage collection, and Job Logs:

[ 180 ]
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Figure 6: Docker Trusted Registry General Settings

The general settings page is broken down into multiple sections including Updates,
License, Domains & Proxies, Single Sign-on, Repositories, Repository Events, Job Logs,
Analytics, and Notifications.

The Update section of the general settings page allows you to see whether there are any
newer versions of DTR available. By enabling check for updates, DTR will automatically
look for newer versions of the software and notify users with a header banner in the DTR
UI if a newer version is available. It is important to note that, while users are made aware of
available updates, updates will not be automatically installed. The update process itself is a
manual operation performed by a Docker Enterprise admin.

[ 181 ]
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During a pilot, it may be tempting to give everyone Docker Enterprise

admin access rights. This is problematic for several reasons, ranging from
security concerns to the destabilization of the cluster! Users may
inadvertently delete system resources and cause instability in the cluster,
or users with Docker Enterprise admin rights may also perform updates
on Docker Enterprise software. Usually, this happens innocently enough,
where a banner with a link tells the user (with admin rights) there is a
newer version of DTR or UCP available. The user clicks on the link and
applies the update without reading any of the release notes, which may
include required upgrades to the Docker Engine prior to the update. Limit
Docker Enterprise admins to a small group sys admins.

The License section, much like the UCP settings, provides information about the current
Docker license, such as the license tier expiration date and license ID. Under most
circumstances, you should not need to worry about the License section as it should be
automatically copied from your UCP License information when DTR is installed.

The Domain & Proxies settings section is where client access configuration is set for the
DTR web UI. When set up for pilot mode, using an external load balancer, you will need to
fill in the Load Balancer the Public Address field. This is generally the
FQDN ( of your DTR externally. It also correlates to the FQDN used to
generate the DTR certificate. Please note that accessing the DTR with any other IP address
or domain name may result in single sign-on authentication failures.

The Single Sign-On setting allows you to streamline DTR logins by redirecting to UCP for
authentication. This should be turned on with the slider to the right.

The Repositories setting allows users (with the appropriate permissions) to create
repositories when they push their first image. The setting is off by default, but turning it on
is typically expected behavior from experienced users. Again, if they don't have access to
the repository namespace where they are trying to push the image, it will not succeed

For example, if create on push is enabled and Sally Software pushes an image to her
repository namespace,, it should just
work. However, if she attempts to push an image with an pilot organization repository
namespace,, because she is only a
member and not a org owner of the pilot organization, the operation will fail.

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The Repository Events and Job Logs settings allow for the automatic housekeeping of
repository events and job logs. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to put finite limits on
continuous processing outputs that accumulate over time, especially logs. For our pilot
sample DTR, we have set auto-deletion for repository events to seven days and job logs to
six weeks.

The DTR Analytics settings, similar to the UCP analytics settings, send usage reports to
Docker for analysis in an effort to improve the DTR product. There are two settings: one to
allow sending any data to Docker and the second to send only anonymous data to Docker.

The final setting on the general page is Notifications. Enabling the Show "back up needed"
warning does exactly that. When DTR has not been backed up for at least seven days, a
banner appears at the top of the DTR web UI.

Next, the major section in the DTR settings is for external Storage settings. Again, we
configured our pilot DTR storage when we installed DTR, using an NFS filesystem.
However, if you are using a different filesystem and did not specify the parameters at
install time, this is the place to do it. DTR external storage supports the local filesystem
(which is the default and is not recommended for HA DTR clusters), NFS (typical standard
for on-permises managed network installs), Amazon S3 or similar (AWS—hosted Docker
Enterprise installs), Google Cloud Storage (Google—hosted Docker Enterprise installs),
Microsoft Azure Blob storage accounts (Azure hosted Docker Enterprise installs), and
OpenStack Swift (Openshift Docker Enterprise installs).

The DTR system's Security settings UI tab configures image scanning preferences and is
only available to Docker Enterprise Advanced subscribers. The first section is for Docker
Enterprise admins to specify how the image scanner obtains its vulnerability database.
There are two options. The first and easiest option is the online update option, which
automatically syncs everyday at 3 a.m. UTC. The second option, the offline update option,
requires an admin to manually upload a vulnerability database at regular intervals, in
which case you may have a link emailed to you daily. While cumbersome, the offline mode
is the only option for DTRs running in an environment without internet egress, such as a
secure air gap network environment that you might see in finance or a secure government

There are two additional security settings. The first sets a scanning timeout threshold and is
specified in hours. Because image scanning can be a resource-intensive process, it is a good
idea to set a threshold. For our pilot DTR, I have set the scanning limit to 1 hour. The final
security setting for DTR involves scanning webhooks.

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With this setting, DTR can automatically execute an HTTP post to an external URL every
time the security scanner has been updated. While certainly not necessary, this is a good
nudge for the security/SecOps team to look at the CVE database and determine the
potential impact on containers running in production.

The DTR system's Garbage collection UI tab configures how garbage collection behaves
when cleaning up backend storage (deleted tags and images). There are three primary
options for garbage collection. The first option runs the garbage collection task until it
finishes, which, depending on your DTR traffic and backend IOP's performance, may take a
long time. The second option is run for N minutes, where you set N to be a limit for how
long the garbage collector should run each time it is triggered. The third option is to never
run garbage collection, which you should probably only consider if you are having some
performance issues with your DTR backend and you believe they are related to garbage
collection. A reasonable approach here is to set it to run once per day (using the cron trigger
setting) during off-processing hours and monitor DTR onlinegc actions in the job logs. If
they run too long, then update the garbage collection settings.

Depending on your peak processing times, you will want to set the Repeat option using a
cron(ish) schedule format. For our pilot DTR configuration, we used a Custom cron
schedule set to 8 * * * in order to trigger garbage collection at 2 a.m. central standard

The sample pilot wiki application

For the selection of our pilot application, we have chosen a lift-and-shift legacy wiki
application from a private cloud host. This application is appealing for our pilot because of
its limited dependencies. There are some web-based resources for things such as SMTP, but
they require no modification to function in our containerized environment. Additionally,
our stakeholders are motivated to rehost this in our Docker bare-metal data center cluster
because of the $1,500 per month private cloud server charges we currently pay. In fact, the
current private cloud charges are equal to licensing for a Docker Enterprise 10-node
standard cluster with business-day support. So, conservatively, where we assume that 6 of
our 10 nodes are consumed for UCP and DTR , we still have 4 worker nodes available in
our new HA Docker Enterprise environment as opposed to 1, non-HA host in our current
private cloud environment.

The goal for our sample wiki application is to simply containerize and deploy the wiki
application and its database in our cluster. Over time, we will experiment with more
advanced features (layer 7 routing and NFS for volume backing), but our key objective is to
provide a stable alternative to the private cloud-hosted platform.

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Begin by containerizing the application and testing it on a local machine. After the
application is tested and verified, we will prepare it for a cluster deployment that
includes— storing the images in our trusted registry, preparing persistent data volumes for
the application and database, and finally creating a Docker stack file to deploy to Docker
Enterprise cluster.

Containerizing the application

Earlier, in Chapter 3, Getting Started -Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept, we described the
process for containerizing a sample .NET application using Elton Stoneman's example
newsletter subscription application as a backdrop. Now, for our first pilot application, we
are going to containerize an old Confluence Wiki application built with Java 7, Tomcat. and

We begin the containerization process for our wiki application by identifying and collecting
the application assets. The application's assets include source code, configuration, and data
files. Once we have collected these assets, we document the application's components and
dependency relationships.

Collect and document application assets

One proven technique used to gain a deep and accurate understanding of an application's
components and dependencies is to study the installation process for the application on a
clean server. If there is some solid, up-to-date documentation for installing the application
on a fresh server, that works great. Otherwise, you need to schedule some time with an
application subject matter expert who is responsible for installing the application.
However, in either case, you will want to set up an installation walkthrough on a clean/new
server. This sometimes is referred to as a sandbox install for the application. This requires
the provisioning of an accessible sandbox machine, usually a VM, with the appropriate
access network resources.

For our sample application, we are granted sudoer's access to the production box where the
application is deployed. This is clearly a little scary because we do not want to interfere
with the operation of the current production system! So, we need to proceed with great
caution. Luckily for our sample pilot team, we had a Java architect to guide us through the
application architecture for the confluence Wiki application and we were able to construct
the diagram shown in Figure 7.

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After looking at the Java application running with a Tomcat server, we discovered there
were a few major assets we needed to capture and reproduce for our containerized
application. The source code, the directory where the application stored local files, and the
database files. Also, since the application uses a Postgres database backend, we can easily
dump the database contents into an SQL file and use that file to initialize a new database in
our containerized environment. Because of the Postgres DB's dumb feature, we are able to
grab snapshots (DB dumps) of the production environment without interrupting the wiki's
normal processing:

Figure 7: Sample Wiki Application Architecture

Inside of our Wiki Container, we have Java archive files. One archive file is for the
confluence wiki application's code and the other is for the Tomcat application server. The
confluence application also uses a local file volume to store documents and other blobs. For
persistent (relational) data storage of metadata the configuration information, the wiki
application uses the Postgres database backend server.

[ 186 ]
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We begin the containerization process from the bottom up, starting with the Wiki's Postgres

Containerizing and testing the Postgres database

For the postgres container, we are armed with the configuration (user and connection
information) from the production install and the wiki.sql file we generated using the
pg_dump command. This file will be used to populate our test container DB at startup.
Please note that, this a copy of the the wiki's production database and is therefore subject
our organization's data controls, data loss prevention, and other applicable policies and/or

We will start with an official Postgres Docker image that matches our Postgres version, in
our case Postgres 9.3. We search Docker Hub to find the official Postgres repository. Then,
we click on the tags tab to find a tag to match our the version our wiki application is
expecting and we find 9.3 (https:/​/​hub.​docker.​com/​_​/​postgres?​tab=​tags).

When containerizing applications with database connections, it is really

important to match the correct versions between the Postgres client in the
application and the database server itself. If you try to upgrade the server,
the client may fail to connect because of protocol changes that occur across
versions. This situation can be really tricky to track down. So, when
containerizing an application with a Postgres database, make sure the
application's client version matches the your server version, to avoid
possible headaches.

To learn more about the official Postgres image, from the Docker Hub description tab, we
click on a Dockerfile link to any version of Postgres—this takes us to the associated GitHub
repo. We notice the structure of the GitHub repo is organized by tag. We then follow that
repo path the Postgres/9.3/Alpine version. Here is the repo URL for our Postgres version:
We see the Dockerfile used to build our image.

If we look toward the bottom of the Dockerfile, we can make note of a couple of items. The
first is the use of the PGDATA environment variable and its associated volume used to
specify the location for Postgres database files. It is set to /var/lib/postgresql/data.
Therefore, this is the directory where we can volume-mount our database files on an
external file system to preserve the state of our database across multiple Postgres database

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Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

This means we can stop a postgres container and create a new one with the same volume
mount point and the database will pick up where it left off, as follows:
# ... end of postgres 9.3 alpine Dockerfile

ENV PGDATA /var/lib/postgresql/data

RUN mkdir -p "$PGDATA" && chown -R postgres:postgres "$PGDATA" && chmod 777
"$PGDATA" # this 777 will be replaced by 700 at runtime (allows semi-
arbitrary "--user" values)
VOLUME /var/lib/postgresql/data

COPY /usr/local/bin/

RUN ln -s usr/local/bin/ / # backwards compat

CMD ["postgres"]

The second item to note from the preceding Postgres Dockerfile is the use of
the ENTRYPOINT+CMD combination. The Postgres image uses a shell script at startup
called usr/local/bin/ to initialize the database and passes
Postgres as a parameter.

We can then dig into the file to see how it is responsible for using
the wiki.sql file to initialize the database if needed. We see the
snippet (shown following), where the script looks for the PG_VERSION file in the location
where Postgres stores the data files. If it does not find the file, it assumes the database needs
to be created and goes on to run/load *.sh or *.sql files found in the docker-
entrypoint-initdb.d directory:

# look specifically for PG_VERSION, as it is expected in the DB dir

if [ ! -s "$PGDATA/PG_VERSION" ]; then

Therefore, by taking the wiki.sql file we created using the pg_dump command and
copying it to the docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory, we can have Postgres load a
copy of our production database.

Now let's start to build our containerized Postgres DB. Here is the directory structure we
are using for the sample application:
├── docker-compose-dev.yml
└── postgres
├── db-init
│ └── wiki.sql
└── Dockerfile

[ 188 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

So, the initial Dockerfile for our postgres container starts with version 9.3 of Postgress
running on an Alpine OS. Then we set some environmental variables used by Postgres.
Finally, we set up a user and group in order for the mydomain-conf DB to load properly
from the SQL file, as follows:
# /wiki-app/postgres/Dockerfile
FROM postgres:9.3-alpine

ENV POSTGRES_DB mydomain-conf

ENV POSTGRES_USER mydomain-conf
#POSTGRESS_PASSWORD is supplied from the command line or docker-compose

#To load our wiki.sql file, our DB expects to find a password file specific user directory, mydomain-conf who is a member of a group
called my-domain.conf
RUN addgroup -S mydomain-conf && adduser -S -G mydomain-conf mydomain-conf

Remember, this first application is a lift-and-shift effort. Ideally, we would not want to have
our database name, username, and user group name all being the same. This is just a
byproduct of how the initial application database for our wiki was set up. If you want to do
some basic refactoring during the pilot, that is up to your team. However, as you get
started, we strongly recommend just getting the containerized version running as is before
you start modifying it.

OK, you might be a little confused at this point, but hopefully this will become more clear
as we build and test the container.

At this point, we could simply run a docker image build command to create an image
from our Dockerfile. However, more experienced dev/DevOps Docker users like to take
advantage of the features provided by docker-compose, where we can build and test an
image by using the same YML specification file. The docker-compose utility allows
developers or DevOps engineers to build and then run/test a set of related containers using
a single command from a single YML specification file. By convention, the specification
files are called docker-compose.yml. You can vary the filename by using the -f
parameter to specify an alternate filename. However, when using docker-compose to
build and test a local image, we often append a -dev to the base filename of the docker-
compose.yml specification file. For us, this means that our file is called docker-compose-
dev.yml and it is used by the pilot team to build and test our wiki application.

[ 189 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Let's take a look at our sample wiki build/test specification file called /wiki-app/docker-
compose-dev.yml. The first thing we see after our comment is the version number. This
tells docker-compose what features this specification file is expecting to find based on the
version, and therefore ensures that the specification is compatible with the version of
docker-compose installed on the build machine.

Next, we see two high-level YML constructs: services and volumes. Services specify the
desired state for our Postgres container(s), but also include some build information as well.
Here, the build attributes indicate where to find the build context for our Postgres image.
For our example, when we build the Postgres image, docker-compose looks in the
postgres directory for the Dockerfile and then tags the my-postgres:v1 image , as
# /wiki-app/docker-compose-dev.yml
version: '3.7'
build: postgres
image: my-postgres:v1
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./postgres:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

We also see that the postgres password is set as an environment variable where Postgres
expects to find it by convention.

Finally, we declare the volumes this container expects to find at runtime. The first volume,
pgdata is a local volume on the build/test machine where the database files are to be
stored. Doing this allows you to save the data between runs of your stack and not having to
re-initialize the DB for every test. The second volume uses of mount point on the local file
system that is mounted inside the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory within the
container, where Postgres looks for DB initialization scripts or SQL files. This is the
directory where we stashed our database dump file. So, the expected behavior is, when the
container starts for the first time, it will find an empty pgdata volume and then use the
wiki. SQL file to initialize the database.

[ 190 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

From the wiki-app directory, we run docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml

up --build -d to build our my-postgres:v1 image and start our container. From the
following output, it looks like it succeeded, but we need to be sure:
[wiki-app]$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build -d
Building postgres
Step 1/4 : FROM postgres:9.3-alpine
---> e26433e300a4
Step 2/4 : ENV POSTGRES_DB nvisia-conf
---> Running in 0ce302897ed3
Removing intermediate container 0ce302897ed3
---> 579eaa40f99c
Step 3/4 : ENV POSTGRES_USER nvisia-conf
---> Running in eecfde4c3689
Removing intermediate container eecfde4c3689
---> 861d4fdf597b
Step 4/4 : RUN addgroup -S nvisia-conf && adduser -S -G nvisia-conf nvisia-
---> Running in 8728f40e1b04
Removing intermediate container 8728f40e1b04
---> 6779fb8a1eef

Successfully built 6779fb8a1eef

Successfully tagged my-postgres:v1

Creating network "wiki-app_default" with the default driver

Creating wiki-app_postgres_1 ... done

To confirm whether the database script ran to initialize the database, we need to look at the
container's logs. For this, we use the docker container logs command. Make a note of
the container name created by the docker-compose up command. The prefix is the
directory name from where docker-compose was run. The postgres part of the container
name in the middle is the name of the service and the _1 suffix indicates the first container
for that service. Yes, the suffix correctly implies we could have multiple replicas of a
container running the my-postgres:v1 image using docker-compose scale or replicas
directives for Compose or Swarm respectively. Running the logs command shows all of
the Postgres and postgress startup messages.

[ 191 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Run the database container. We are looking for one specific message where the wiki.sql
file is being executed. In the following block, I have highlighted an abbreviated log output
section showing that we successfully created the database showing
the /usr/local/bin/ running /docker-entrypoint-
initdb.d/wiki.sql message:

[wiki-app]$ docker container logs wiki-app_postgres_1

/usr/local/bin/ running /docker-entrypoint-

We now have the Postgres DB containerized and initializing with real data.

Containerizing and testing the wiki application

We will continue to build on our success as we create a Java 7 container to run our wiki
using Tomcat. Before we install the Java application and Tomcat server, we create an empty
Java container and use it to connect and test the Postgres DB backend.

First, we need to select an appropriate base image for our Java 7 container. Our journey
takes us back to where we search for (https:/​/​hub.​docker.​com/​search?
q=​java​type=​image​image_​filter=​official​category=​base) and find Docker's official Java
image. We click on the Java repo, select the Tags tab, and look for the tag associated with
the Java version 7 JDK.

[ 192 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

There we find the java:7-JDK image as our starting point. Now we will add a wiki folder
under wiki-apps directory and create a Dockerfile to build the wiki container image, as
# /wiki-app/wiki/Dockerfile - Simple shell
FROM java:7-jdk
CMD ping localhost

We start off with a really simple shell for our wiki application. The goal here is to start the
base image, and for our sample, we will just run a continuous ping command to hold PID 1
open. We will, of course, change this to actually running a Java application later, but this is
all we need for now.

Now we need to update our docker-compose-dev.yml file to build and run the wiki shell
application. In the following code sample, pay special attention to the items in bold, as
these have been added to the compose file to support build and run the wiki shell
# /wiki-app/docker-compose-dev.yml
version: '3.7'
build: postgres
image: my-postgres:v1
- db_net
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./postgres/db-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

build: wiki
image: my-wiki:v1
- db_net


[ 193 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

The first bold item is the networks attribute added to the Postgres service specification. In
order for Docker containers or services to communicate using DNS (refer to each other
using the service name—service discovery), they need to share a common network. In our
case, we are going to call this network db_net. Notice how the networks attribute is also
declared under the wiki's service specification as well as at the end of the file in the
networks section.

Notice the new wiki service section where we tell docker-compose where to find the build
context (the Dockerfile, for now) in the wiki directory and to tag the newly built image as

So, again, we build and run the services with the docker-compose command, this time to
build and deploy the Postgres service and the wiki shell on the same network so we can test
DB access from the wiki container, as follows:
[wiki-app]$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d --build
Creating network "wiki-app_db_net" with the default driver
Building postgres
Step 1/4 : FROM postgres:9.3-alpine
---> e26433e300a4
Step 2/4 : ENV POSTGRES_DB nvisia-conf
---> Using cache
---> 579eaa40f99c
Step 3/4 : ENV POSTGRES_USER nvisia-conf
---> Using cache
---> 861d4fdf597b
Step 4/4 : RUN addgroup -S nvisia-conf && adduser -S -G nvisia-conf nvisia-
---> Using cache
---> 6779fb8a1eef
Successfully built 6779fb8a1eef
Successfully tagged my-postgres:v1
Building wiki
Step 1/2 : FROM java:7-jdk
---> 5dc48a6b75af
Step 2/2 : CMD ping localhost
---> Using cache
---> 9bce8d0254d9
Successfully built 9bce8d0254d9
Successfully tagged my-wiki:v1
Creating wiki-app_wiki_1 ... done
Creating wiki-app_postgres_1 ... done

[ 194 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Our first step is to verify connectivity from the wiki-app_wiki_1 container to the wiki-
app_postgres_1 container. To accomplish this, we will execute a shell process inside of
the wiki-app_wiki_1 container using the docker exec command. Then we will install a
psql client (version 9.3) and then connect to Postgres running in wiki-app_postgres_1
and query for the Postgres table schema, as follows:
# Exec into the wiki container...
[wiki-app]$ docker exec -it wiki-app_wiki_1 bash

# Install the repo sources for postgres

root@424766f9fa1f:/# echo "deb
jessie-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

# Get the to authenticate repos

root@424766f9fa1f:/# wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -

# Update package managers repository info

root@424766f9fa1f:/# apt-get update

# Install the postgresql version 9.3 client

root@424766f9fa1f:/# apt-get install -y postgresql-9.3
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u7)...

# Connect the client to the postgres host using service name spec'ed in
root@424766f9fa1f:/# psql -h postgres mydomain-conf mydomain-conf
Password for user nvisia-conf: xxxxxxxx
psql (9.3.25)
Type "help" for help.

mydomain-conf=# \dit
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table
public | AO_187CCC_SIDEBAR_LINK | table | mydomain-conf |
public | AO_187CCC_SIDEBAR_LINK_pkey | index | mydomain-conf |
public | AO_21D670_WHITELIST_RULES | table | mydomain-conf |
public | AO_21D670_WHITELIST_RULES_pkey | index | mydomain-conf |
public | AO_38321B_CUSTOM_CONTENT_LINK | table | mydomain-conf |

[ 195 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

public | AO_38321B_CUSTOM_CONTENT_LINK_pkey | index | mydomain-conf |

public | AO_42E351_HEALTH_CHECK_ENTITY | table | mydomain-conf |
public | AO_42E351_HEALTH_CHECK_ENTITY_pkey | index | mydomain-conf |
mydomain-conf=# \q

We are able to connect from the wiki container to the Postgres server using the DNS name
and list the tables. Keep in mind that once you are connected to the Postgres database, you
can run any query you like, such as select * from public.users, to verify your
database. Now we need to get the wiki application installed and running in the local

Once the shell container of the wiki is able to connect to the the database, we need to install
the remainder of the assets for the wiki application—namely the JAR and configuration
files. We add the additional assets into a wiki project file structure on our local build
machine as shown following, where we highlight the application assets:
wiki-app$ tree -L 3
├── docker-compose-dev.yml
├── postgres
│ ├── db-init
│ │ └── wiki.sql
│ └── Dockerfile
└── wiki
├── Dockerfile
├── wiki-conf
│ ├──
│ ├── ROOT.xml
│ └── server.xml
├── wiki-files
│ └── current ...lots of files 19GB
└── wiki-jar
├── apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar.gz
└── atlassian-confluence-5.4.3-deployment.tar.gz

[ 196 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Now, we head back to our Dockerfile located in the wiki folder. As shown previously, our
assets from the production wiki have been copied into the directory structure and shown in
bold. We now use the following wiki's Dockerfile to add these JAR files and configuration
files to our wiki image. Then, also shown in the following wiki Dockerfile, we set the
required environment variables for Tomcat (Catalina) and Java to run correctly. Finally, we
add the Tomcat JAR and configuration files to find out the target locations (where Tomcat
expects to find config and application files). At the end of the file, we set the container's
default start to the run command, as follows:
# /wiki-app/wiki/Dockerfile - install confluence and Tomcat
FROM java:7-jdk

ADD ./wiki-jar/atlassian-confluence-5.4.3-deployment.tar.gz

COPY ./wiki-conf/

ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat

ENV JAVA_OPTS -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -
Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=384m

ADD ./wiki-jar/apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar.gz /usr/local/

RUN mv /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.35 /usr/local/tomcat
COPY ./wiki-conf/ROOT.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/
COPY ./wiki-conf/server.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
CMD run

[ 197 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Then we update docker-compose-dev.yml follow to mount our wiki-files (data files

copied from the production wiki when we collected application assets) and we also expose
our wiki's web UI port, as follows:
# /wiki-app/docker-compose-dev.yml
version: '3.7'
build: wiki
- ./wiki/wiki-
- 8080:8080
- db_net

build: postgres
- db_net
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./postgres/db-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d


Notice how we also renamed the image files to get them ready to store in our DTR located

Again, we run docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d to build and

start our containers. Then we run a -f docker-compose-dev.yml logs command and
notice something strange. The wiki is starting before the database. To address this startup
race condition, we introduce some defensive programming logic into our wiki startup

[ 198 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Defensive programming is a good practice in the world of orchestrators

and ephemeral containers. Since containers may come and go, we can't
guarantee startup order and the associated dependencies. Therefore, if our
container depends on another container, such as our wiki container
depending on the Postgres container, you should consider adding some
defensive code. This code should wait for the dependency to be met
before starting. This way, if both containers are deployed at the same time,
the wiki will wait for the database to be ready and then it will start.

The purpose of the entrypoint script is to make sure the Postgres database is running before
we start our wiki application. In the file there are a couple of
highlights—all of them in bold. The first one is the nc command for Netcat, which checks to
see whether Postgres responds on port 5432. Remember, the Postgres hostname is resolved
by the Docker DNS using the service name provided in the docker-compose file. If
Postgres responds successfully, the status will be zero, we echo postgres is reachable! to
standard out, and then we break from our loop, where we echo the starting tomcat
catalina in 10 seconds... message and then sleep for 10 seconds before starting
Tomcat/Catalina, as follows:
while :
echo "Probing postgres:5432 ..."
nc -z -w 1 postgres 5432 </dev/null
if [[ $result -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "postgres is reachable!"
sleep 5

echo "starting tomcat catalina in 10 seconds..."

sleep 10 run

[ 199 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

In order to use the nc command, we need to install the netcat package. So, we had back to
our wiki's Dockerfile and add the netcat package install at the top of the file, as follows:
# /wiki-app/wiki/Dockerfile - Added netcat to test postgres port from script
FROM java:7-jdk

RUN apt update && apt install -y netcat


Now we rebuild using docker-compose with up --build to rebuild and start our
application. The following is an excerpt of logs where we see wiki_1 probing the database
port several times before reporting Postgres is reachable. Then, after 10 seconds, the wiki
starts successfully. We test the wiki by pointing our browser to port 8080 on the build
machine to see whether the wiki is up and running:
Successfully built 6779fb8a1eef
Successfully tagged my-postgres:v1
Creating wiki-app_postgres_1 ... done
Creating wiki-app_wiki_1 ... done
Attaching to wiki-app_postgres_1, wiki-app_wiki_1
wiki_1 | Probing postgres:5432 ...
postgres_1 | LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
postgres_1 | LOG: autovacuum launcher started
wiki_1 | Probing postgres:5432 ...
postgres_1 | LOG: incomplete startup packet
wiki_1 | postgres is reachable!
wiki_1 | starting tomcat catalina in 10 seconds...
wiki_1 | Jan 06, 2019 7:15:45 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol
wiki_1 | INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
wiki_1 | Jan 06, 2019 7:15:45 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
wiki_1 | INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
wiki_1 | Jan 06, 2019 7:15:45 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
wiki_1 | INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/24 config=null
wiki_1 | Jan 06, 2019 7:15:45 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
wiki_1 | INFO: Server startup in 178492 ms

[ 200 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

We have now created, containerized, and tested the wiki and Postgres containers on a local
build box. Now it is time to get the application ready to run in our Docker Enterprise

Pushing the images

Now that we have the images ready to go and are prepared for the pilot cluster
deployment, we need to push the images to our DTR. In the last version of the docker-
compose-dev.yml file, we retagged the images as
and Now we need to log in to the DTR and
push our wiki and Postgres images. Since all of the pilot team has access to our trusted
registry pilot repos, we may use any of the user's accounts. For the sake of example, we will
use our Sally Software developer account to log in and push our images to the DTR, as
ssoftware::ssCLI$ docker login -u ssoftware
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded

ssoftware::ssCLI$ docker image push

ssoftware::ssCLI$ docker image push

Deploying the wiki to the pilot cluster

When moving from the local build machine to pilot Docker Enterprise cluster, we need to
start thinking about pilot deployment concerns, such as the following:

How are pilot users using the application—as a sandbox or a limited production
How are users going to access the application (DNS | Wiki Service Ingress)?
How are we going to secure the connection between the user and the wiki?
How are we going initialize, refresh, and backup the database?
Who is going to deploy the application and how will they do it?

[ 201 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Pilot application strategy

As we start to design our pilot application's deployment architecture, we need to
understand how are pilot users going to use the application. For example, will the pilot
application just be a sandbox for users to play with, separate from the production system?
This would be a conservative sandboxed approach where the pilot application runs in
parallel with the production system, allowing users to poke around in a sandbox-type
setting and where the pilot data is refreshed to match production every night. While the
sandbox pilot approach is safer, it is also less engaging for users since the users, work in the
pilot system is reset back to production each night. Additionally, the sandbox pilot does not
force the sort of full dress rehearsal for application support as running a live pilot
application with real (albeit internal) users and data does.

Depending on the goals and application chosen for your pilot, you will need to decide
which approach is best for you. However, if your application can be scoped to internal
users, you might want to consider an approach that covers both a sandbox and live pilot
strategy, where you start with the sandbox approach to verify the application's basic
function when running on the Docker Enterprise platform and then migrate the internal
users to the live pilot platform, but always having a path back to the production
environment as a plan B in the event of pilot failure. In either case, you will want to consult
users to explain the trade-offs of duplicate work for the sandbox pilot versus the risk of
losing working data/time if reverting a live pilot back to the production system becomes

For our wiki pilot example, we are going to start with a sandbox, but then migrate to a live
pilot, using the old private cloud installation as a backup in case we need to revert. Our first
stage is to deploy the application as a sandbox and provide limited access to test team for
verification. Then, after verification, we will refresh the pilot application data from
production and redirect the internal users to the live pilot application.

Application flow for wiki pilot

Regardless of your pilot strategy, you will need to figure out how targeted user's traffic will
reach the pilot application in your Docker Enterprise cluster. For our sample application
sandbox phase, we are going to modify the tester's local host file to point to our test load
balancer (testing user in the offices) or firewall app IP (for testing outside of the office), and
thus the pilot behaves just like the production wiki. However, to avoid confusion, we are
going to make sure the header for the pilot wiki is clearly different from production to
remind users which environment they are connected to.

[ 202 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

When we move to the live pilot phase, we will update DNS for the pilot application to
redirect all (in our case, internal) users to the pilot, where we will carefully monitor the
running application—this is covered in Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform
Monitoring and Logging.

Deployment architecture for the pilot wiki

For the pilot wiki, we are going to keep our deployment relatively simple to keep the pilot
moving and to demonstrate some common Docker Enterprise implementation options. In
this section, we begin to transform our docker-compose-dev.yml file into a Docker stack
specification used to deploy the application to our cluster, but we start with an overview of
the cluster's traffic ingress flow.

In Figure 8 , we see how traffic flows from the outside world to our wiki application
running on worker node 3; from External DNS to Firewall, from the Firewall NAT to the
LB Node, and finally to worker node 3:

Figure 8: Wiki Network Traffic Flow

[ 203 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

First of all, why worker node 3, and why not just let Docker Swarm place the wiki
workload on any of the workers? The answer is data! As described back in Figure 7, both
the wiki application and the Postgres database will require external volumes. We need
these volumes to store the state of the application outside the container. Therefore, we can
easily back up and restore the data as well as we restart our containers and have them
resume their last known state.

In order to use volumes in a cluster, we either have to use some sort of cluster filesystem
backing such as NFS across all of the worker nodes, or constrain our wiki and Postgres
services to a specific worker node (in our case, we chose worker 3), so the containers
consistently run on the node where the local host volume is mounted. This is the node
where we will back up and refresh production data during the pilot. To constrain the node
placement of our services in the cluster, we apply a label to worker node 3 using
the docker node update --label-add command. Once the node is labeled, we can specify deployment
constraint in our Swarm version of docker-compose file.yml in the wiki service section
of the file, as follows:

Next in Figure 8, working from the inside out, let's talk about the load balancer node
running HAProxy in a container. Here we have mapped the load balancer network
interface for 10. 10. 1. 36 port 443 report 7443 inside of our HAProxy container.
Additionally, we're using HAProxy to terminate our inbound SSL (TLS) connection on
7443 using a third-party certificate for This is a simple HAProxy
configuration: we just need to have the .pem file in
the /usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ directory. In our case, we volume-mount our
certificated directory when we run the HAProxy container.

There are three different TLS termination models you may consider during your pilot. We
have chosen to terminate our certificate at the upstream load balancer with HAProxy for
our sample application and use HTTP/layer 4 routing into the Swarm, but you may also
terminate inside the container at the application server or using a layer 7 ingress controller
for both reverse proxy and TLS termination. In the pipeline chapter, we will discuss the
layer 7 ingress option in more detail.

[ 204 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Terminating inside the container is generally not preferred as it may be

difficult to rotate the certificates as they expire in the future. If termination
in the container is chosen, do consider using secrets to store the certificates
externally in the Swarm for both security and manageability. For more
information, please see https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​engine/​swarm/

The following code block shows how we terminate our TLS certificates at the load balancer:
frontend wiki_80_7443
mode http
option tcplog
bind *:80
bind *:7443 ssl crt
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
default_backend wiki_upstream_servers_7443

Deploying the pilot wiki application

For the pilot wiki, our team is working with our fictitious operations manager, Otto
OpsManager, to deploy the wiki application to our Docker Enterprise pilot platform. Since
the load balancer box is upstream of the cluster, Otto asks a system admin to configure and
run his HAProxy container.

The sample HAProxy config frontend section looks as follows:

maxconn 2048
log /dev/log local0 debug
log /dev/log local1 notice

mode tcp
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5s
timeout client 50s
timeout server 50s
timeout tunnel 1h
timeout client-fin 50s

frontend ucp_443
mode tcp
bind *:443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend ucp_upstream_servers_443

[ 205 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

frontend dtr_4443
mode tcp
bind *:4443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend dtr_upstream_servers_4443

frontend kube_6443
mode tcp
bind *:6443
option tcplog
log /dev/log local0 debug
default_backend kubectl_upstream_servers_6443

frontend wiki_80_7443
mode http
option tcplog
log global
bind *:80
bind *:7443 ssl crt
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
default_backend wiki_upstream_servers_7443

The sample HAProxy config backend section looks as follows:

## Backend
backend ucp_upstream_servers_443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
option httpchk GET /_ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
server UCPNode01 ucp-1:443 check check-ssl verify none
server UCPNode02 ucp-2:443 check check-ssl verify none
server UCPNode03 ucp-3:443 check check-ssl verify none

backend dtr_upstream_servers_4443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
option httpchk GET /_ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
server DTRNode01 dtr-1:4443 check check-ssl verify none
server DTRNode02 dtr-2:4443 check check-ssl verify none
server DTRNode03 dtr-3:4443 check check-ssl verify none

backend kubectl_upstream_servers_6443
mode tcp

[ 206 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

balance roundrobin
option log-health-checks
server KubeNode01 ucp-1:6443 check check-ssl verify none
server KubeNode02 ucp-2:6443 check check-ssl verify none
server KubeNode03 ucp-3:6443 check check-ssl verify none

backend wiki_upstream_servers_7443
mode http
balance roundrobin
# server wikiServer1 wrk-1:8080
# server wikiServer2 wrk-2:8080
server wikiServer3 wrk-3:8080
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

Then, using a SSH terminal shell connected to the load balancer, Otto launches the
HAProxy container startup script as follows:
docker run -d --name haproxy -p -p -p -p -p -v
~/haproxy:/usr/local/etc/haproxy:ro haproxy:1.7

In addition to the load balancer setup, we also need to get the wiki files and database
initialization script into the local Docker volume mount points on worker 3. Normally, I
recommend designing your file permission scheme with the utmost care. For our sample,
the original implementation of the Postgres database used an alternative owner. I wanted to
make sure that the Postgres and Atlassian wiki container processes could access all of their
files for read, write, and execute:
sysadmin@worker-node-3$ sudo -s
root@worker-node-3$ mkdir -p /var/local/wiki-init-data
root@worker-node-3$ mkdir -p /var/local/wiki-db-data
root@worker-node-3$ mkdir -p /var/local/atlassian-data
root@worker-node-3$ chmod 777 /var/local/wiki-init-data
root@worker-node-3$ chmod 777 /var/local/wiki-db-data
root@worker-node-3$ chmod 777 /var/local/atlassian-data
root@worker-node-3$ tar -C ./atlassian-data -xzf
root@worker-node-3$ cp ./someSQLsourceDir/wiki.sql /var/local/wiki-init-
root@worker-node-3$ tree L2 /var/local/
├── atlassian-data
│ └── current ...
├── wiki-db-data
├── wiki-init-data
│ └── wiki.sql

[ 207 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

root@worker-node-3$ exit

Now Otto logs into the pilot UCP web UI and generates a command-line bundle, as shown
in Figure 9:

Figure 9: Create Client Bundle from UCP Web UI

Otto unzips the bundle into his opsCLI folder. Otto opens a Bash shell in the opsCLI folder
and connects using source to the cluster with his OpsManager permissions. He
verifies his connection using a docker node ls command as shown in the following code:

otto::opsCLI$ source

Cluster "" set.
User "" set.
Context "" modified.
otto::opsCLI$ docker node ls
1rqhb4rzj3gk4mdgk8kza53jp Ready Active
x27m3yjlh6b0wczmo0mcahkjv Ready Active
rw2tuw53wl34pv6sfj213845a Ready Active
q5q9u0yr7p8r0mcz4ob24s2kz* Ready Active Reachable
6ce10w7leu0a9my91w39j5eai Ready Active Reachable
bd1bwcbqkpbulhwvm0fllgm55 Ready Active Leader
3lw64q2o818xgnberjry410o7 Ready Active
zxcosutrxr3rhzkz2h6ld0khj Ready Active
sfuxfiwhf2tpd6q3i7fbmaziv Ready Active

[ 208 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5


Otto crafts the following docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.7'

- /var/local/atlassian-
- 8080:8080
- wiki_net
- /var/local/wiki-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- /var/local/wiki-init-data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
- wiki_net

Otto runs and deploys the application from his command-line bundle using docker stack
deploy -c docker-compose.yml mydomain-wiki from the directory where he stored
docker-compose.yml file. Otto verifies the stack is deployed as follows:

opsCLI$ docker service ls

2v9s2aikk80g mydomain-wiki_postgres replicated 1/1
3q1cxwa1mw0a mydomain-wiki_wiki replicated 1/1 *:8080->8080/tcp

[ 209 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Finally, Otto sets his local host file to resolve to the load
balancer, as he is running from inside the network. Then he points his browser to and begins testing the wiki.

In this chapter, we discussed the planning and implementation of your pilot application.
We presented some sample roles and responsibilities for the pilot team members, as well as
the configuration for UCP and DTR during a pilot. Additionally, we walked through the
deployment of our sample lift-and-shift wiki application in great detail, following the
journey of a sample pilot team.

In Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, we pick up on a parallel pilot
journey for an organization working through a custom application development pilot.

1. What are the responsibilities of the pilot coordinator?
2. Do I have to use the UCP web UI to configure all of the UCP settings?
3. How much refactoring should I do during a pilot?
4. Can my pilot include TLS certificates?
5. Where will my application data be stored during the pilot?

Further reading
Managing Docker Enterprise role-based authorization:
Setting up UCP configuration without a web interface:

[ 210 ]
Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application Chapter 5

Securing a Docker Enterprise:

Setting up and syncing Docker Enterprise teams with LDAP groups:
DTR troubleshooting:

[ 211 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker
Enterprise CI Pipeline
In Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise, we looked at piloting
with a lift and shift approach with our pilot team, where we focused a good deal of
attention on configuring the Docker Enterprise pilot platform for the containerized
deployment to host a Java based wiki application with a PostgreSQL database. In this
chapter, we will dive into building a custom, Java pilot application and supporting it with a
Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline.

Before we configure any sort of CI solution, we need to start at the beginning with a
container-optimized application design, ready to utilize an orchestrator, such as Kubernetes
or Swarm's service discovery, volume management, networking, and secrets. Then, we will
create a containerized local development and testing environment for our custom pilot Java
application as a starting point and from there, we will make our journey through a
containerized, continuous integration pipeline using our Docker Enterprise pilot cluster.

In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics:

Key principles for distributed application development with containers

Process for local container-based software development, build, and testing
Sample pilot application development, build, and testing
Designing a containerized CI pipeline with Docker Enterprise
Implementing a CI pipeline for our sample customer Java application
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Pilot application development with Docker

For developers, containers are often introduced as a local testing tool, creating third party
application components locally, rather than configuring a shared test platform. Docker is
great for local testing, but there are other benefits for developers, including faster developer
on-boarding, leveraging the immutable server pattern (eliminating the "works on my
machine" situation), full stack local testing, and fast/efficient cluster-based integration

Using Docker for faster developer on-boarding

Docker supports faster developer on-boarding; developers only need to install Docker and
everything else can run in (isolated) containers. While some developers may still install an
IDE and local JDK for testing and debugging their Java code, any developer can clone a
source code repository, build the application, and run it locally in minutes with only
Docker installed. This is a huge improvement for defect remediation in a large team
environment where a random team member may be assigned to fix a bug.

Using Docker to improve software

development cycles
Imagine a scenario where a bug has been reported in a production system and is assigned
to the next available developer. The developer reviews the bug report, clones the source
code repository for the production version of the application, builds the application locally,
and begins testing on their development workstation. Notice that they didn't have to install
any special development tools locally, or adjust the version of tools already installed; they
just needed Docker running on their workstation. Now, they identify the bug, modify the
source code, and rebuild and retest the application locally. This remediation cycle, even for
a developer who is new to the team, can take less than 10 minutes in a Dockerized
development environment.

Now, the developer can confidently check in their changes and author a pull request. In
contrast, if a developer needs to configure their local environment with the correct version
of all the tools required for the current production version, it could take days, with no
guarantee of it matching production. For most informed development teams, it becomes
clear that incorporating Docker into a software development environment makes a lot of

[ 213 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Docker Containers as a Service (CaaS)

Now, let's think for a moment about a team starting a new development project. Normally,
you would do some research and begin installing different components on your
development workstation. From there, you would begin to tweak those components to get
them to work together. Then, once you have them working, you probably want to have
some sort of architectural review done by a senior developer for approval. Once you have
the green light, now you have to try to recreate the installation instructions for the rest of
your team and hope they get the same version you have running on your machine. This can
be sort of a hassle, especially when you consider every team doing it on their own. Now,
let's think about that same development team in a Docker Enterprise environment.

In a Docker world, the team can view the Docker Trusted Registry(DTR) for the correct
base image. Hopefully, the system administrators have created an application base
container for the team to start with. If not, the team can work with system administrators to
locate a candidate base image from Docker's public image repository, Docker Hub. Docker
Hub literally has tens of thousands of application platforms already configured for
developers to use. When a suitable candidate image is identified, the team can work with
the system administrator to add the new base image to the enterprise catalog for teams to
use. This approach is sometimes referred to as Containers as a Service (CaaS), and it
improves security, efficiency, and time to market.

Because these images are scanned by the system administrators before teams use them,
critical vulnerabilities will have been addressed before most teams begin development.
Once the team has a base image, they just need to focus on building and testing their
components using the base image. Because these images are shared across multiple teams,
you will likely have a high number of cache hits when deploying Dockerized applications
onto test and production clusters. Finally, the base images have been pre-approved by the
system administrative team, so there will be less resistance to putting them in production
quickly. This can be a big advantage in a microservices environment where teams often
introduce fresh platforms with every release.

In the following diagram, we can see a sample base image hierarchy from an article on
https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​article/​mta-​best-​practices#imagehierarchy. This
example starts off with two root images, one for Linux containers and one for Windows
containers. Following the example for Linux, it uses a CentOS 7.2 Linux distribution. From
the CentOS root image, three different application images are derived for an Apache
application, a Java application, and a PostgreSQL database server. Further more, we can see
how the Java application has three different application server varieties, including one
JBoss version and two Tomcat versions. On the right-hand side of the picture, the green
shaded images are managed by the application teams, but based on one of the blue
enterprise base images from the left as their base image.

[ 214 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The application teams add their code to create an application image. As a result, only the
outer layers of the image will vary for each application while the rest are common for all
teams using a common base image:

Figure 1: Sample Image Hierarchy-Copyright © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved.

Again, since Docker uses a layered filesystem to run containers, it is advantageous to share
base images. Essentially, the tc7-app and tc8-app application images share two common
base layers: CentOS and Java, meaning that when these application images are pulled
down from a central repository, those layers are likely to already be resident on the Docker
node, and therefore, can skipped for efficiency.

The final point regarding the use of Docker for software development is to address the age-
old, "it works on my machine" syndromes. The problem occurs when a developer's platform
is different than a test platform because, during the process of development, the developer
either upgraded one of their local components, or installed a new local component. Now,
their local machine is different from the test environment. In this situation, the software
developer pushes the code to the source code control system where it is then deployed to a
test platform. Because of the missing or changed component, the test fails, and when the
developer is asked about the failure, the developer will show the tester how the application
runs correctly on their local machine. Docker's inherent ability to package the application,
and all of the required component dependencies, essentially, eliminates this problem.

[ 215 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

What you need to know about distributed

Traditionally, most application developers are accustomed to developing monolithic
applications, or using a monolithic application deployment model, where several
applications share the same platform components, such as IIS and .NET, or Java and
Tomcat. Containers give developers the opportunity to break their applications into
smaller, independently deployable units. For that reason, Docker has become an essential
tool for microservice development teams. Breaking applications into smaller components
has a lot of advantages, but at the same time, it introduces some additional complexity.

These advantages include being able to efficiently divide application development of the
discrete application components across a large development team, where developers can
work more independently. Also, these smaller components provide opportunities for
horizontal scaling with better performance and availability in a clustered environment.
Conversely, some complexities arise from wiring up all of these independent components
at runtime. Therefore, we will discuss some key topics from distributed application
development principles as they pertain directly to containers.

Key principles for container application design

Before we build our application, there are a few things we need to understand so that we
can build an orchestrated container solution. For the sake of simplicity, we will provide
details and examples using Docker in this chapter. Later in this book, in Chapter 10, More
on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise, we will come back and look at using Kubernetes to
accomplish the same tasks with the Kubernetes constructs and APIs.

Docker Swarm services

Both Swarm and Kubernetes rely on the concept of services as a key orchestration element,
and a durable endpoint for the collection of like containers. By like containers, we mean
they share the exact same image for all container instances. For example, if a container
running in your cluster needs to call an API running in another container, the caller can use
the API container's service name, rather than using a container IP. This is really important
because, in an orchestrated environment, containers can be replaced by the orchestrator at
any time, and the resulting container will have a new IP. Therefore, using the service name
assures the caller a connection to a running version of the container, which they need.

[ 216 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The following diagram demonstrates how a calling container accesses a container using a
service endpoint. In this case, the caller makes a remote call using the API's service name.
The service name resolves through the orchestrator's DNS service to a VIP for the API
service. The call's VIP resolves through round robin load balancing to either Container 1, 2,
or 3. Docker service endpoints can also be of type DNS round robin (DNSRR) instead of

Figure 2: Service Endpoint for myAPI

The DNSRR name is a little confusing since it is really its counterpart, the Virtual IP (VIP)
service endpoint, that automatically round robin load balances requests, whereas DNSRR
leaves any load balancing up to the client. With DNSRR, the calling client receives a list of
IPs for the underlying service's containers, and then may manually load balance using
something like the last response time for each container to choose the fastest container's IP,
or passing traffic to the IP with the least connections. Presumably, DNSRR is designed to
integrate with upfront load balancers that expect multiple IPs from their DNS lookup.
While there are certainly cases for DNSRR, it is considered a better practice to, instead,
design your containers to be as stateless as possible and to use VIP.

[ 217 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

There are some significant benefits when using VIP for stateless services with multiple
replicas. First of all, the replicas can be scaled up or down (horizontal scaling) to meet load
demands. Also, if a container fails, the orchestrator can remove the bad container and
replace it with a new one. In either case, using the service name instead of a container IP
protects you from referencing dead containers. It should be noted that, when the
orchestrator detects a failed container, it removes it from the load balancer's backend pool.
Also, when a new container starts, it is added to the load balancer's backend pool, only
after it is determined to be running and healthy. We will talk about health checks a little

With Docker Swarm, the service is a first class citizen in the Docker API. Therefore, you
may easily create a service using a command, as shown in the following diagram. Please
note that the following command needs to be run from a Docker manager node, or using a
Docker Enterprise command like bundle corresponding to a user with the correct privilege:

Figure 3: Create Docker Service from Command Line

Also, as a first step, we will list services by using docker service ls, as shown in the
following code snippet:
admin@docker-CLI$ docker service ls
m10ynu62iv02 myAPI replicated 3/3

Here, we can see the unique ID of the service, the name of the service, and the three replicas
running, as well as the image the service is running for each container.

[ 218 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

If we want additional information from the Swarm orchestrator regarding the placement of
our containers and their current state, we can use the docker service ps command, as
shown in the following code snippet. Since my tests are from a single node Swarm cluster
(my development laptop), all of the node names are the same—linuxkit-00155d16dc03:
admin@docker-CLI$ docker service ps myAPI


5qs15ifju352 myStack_myAPI.1
linuxkit-00155d16dc03 Running Running
p64jp0asuzes myStack_myAPI.2
linuxkit-00155d16dc03 Running Running
xuber5oqgtkq myStack_myAPI.3
linuxkit-00155d16dc03 Running Running

Later, in our sample customer application, we show the services API specification via a
docker-compose file in YAML format to launch, compose, and Swarm applications.

Swarm service networks and routing mesh

Back in Chapter 4, Prepare the Docker Enterprise Pilot Cluster, we provided an introduction to
cluster-based container networking. Therefore, we will not repeat it here and we will briefly
summarize the most important areas of application networking in a Swarm cluster. The
most important thing to understand is that services sharing the same network can
communicate on all ports using the service's name for DNS resolution. If my API needs to
communicate with a PostgreSQL database backend, I just need to share a common network
between the services, as we saw in Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker
Enterprise. When doing so, there's no need to expose ports for the PostgreSQL database
since the common network will give the caller access to all ports. Please note, unless ports
are explicitly exposed with some form of -P/-p, the service will only be available to other
services via a shared network, and will not be not exposed externally.

When we are dealing with Docker Swarm and we publish a port for external access, we end
up with IPVS mapping a port on the Swarm ingress network (the ingress network is set up
by Docker when the cluster is initialized, then connected to cluster nodes as they join the
cluster) that spans all nodes in the cluster. This means that, if I expose port 8000 of a
service running in a Swarm cluster using -p 8000:80, a request to any node in the cluster
on port 8000 will be forwarded to port 80 inside one of the running containers behind this
Swarm service. If the service has multiple replicas, by default, the request will be load
balanced between each of the backing container replicas:

[ 219 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Figure 4: Copyright © 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. All rights - Ingress Networking

It's important to note that Docker service networking (by default, Docker
Overlay networks are backed by VXLAN) and Docker routing mesh are
available as a part of the Community Edition Swarm implementation.
These features do not require Docker Enterprise, but they're commonly
used in both CE and EE settings.

So, for internal networking between components of your application, add them to a
common network. For external access to services, you must publish a port (-p) for the
service and it will be added to the ingress network—referred to as the Swarm routing mesh,
where a cluster-unique port number is routed to service VIP for load balancing.

When using Docker Swarm routing mesh, keep the service's published ports unique across
all services in the cluster. This can be a little confusing to developers who are moving from
containers to services because we can reuse the same port number across as many
containers as we want, since each container has a unique IP address. However, for the
service mesh, the port number is registered with every node's adapter in the cluster, and
therefore, non-unique port numbers will cause a port conflict on the nodes adapter.

[ 220 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing

Imagine that a developer is attending their morning stand-up meeting, and the product
owner asks for a new feature. Developer goes back to their desk and implements the
feature as they understand it. They can then use Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing, deploy
their feature branch to the cluster, and send a URL to the product owner to review. This
feature branch is completely isolated from all other stacks running in the cluster, and it's
immediately available with either a unique host name in the request header for the future
branch, or a special path for the feature branch.

Docker Enterprise provides a layer 7 routing infrastructure using a reverse proxy

configuration (backed by either HAProxy or NGINX) with Interlock 2, or simply layer 7
routing. This technology is really efficient for managing cluster base deployments,
particularly in non-production clusters, because a new application stack can be deployed
and made accessible to users without any upstream DNS or load balance reconfiguration.

When enabled, Docker Enterprise's Universal Control Plane (UCP) will create a ucp-
interlock overlay network, and attach the ucp-interlock and ucp-intelock-
extension services to the network. The ucp-interlock service monitors Docker system
events and looks for services with deployment labels using the prefix of
When an event is published with a matching label, ucp-interlock calls ucp-interlock-
extension to configure the ucp-interlock-proxy as a reverse proxy to route traffic
based in the inbound user's request header and/or path to corresponding Swarm service's

Later on in this chapter, you will see a working example where our AtSea application uses
Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing. Later we will demonstrate the use of service labels to
figure a layer 7 reverse proxy using the NGINX extension. There are simple and production
configuration for the Interlock 2 deployment. In this chapter, for the pilot, you will use
simple implementation. Later in our getting ready for production chapter, we will
reconfigure Interlock 2 for high availability production mode.

For more information on the configuration of Interlock, see https:/​/


There is a great reference architecture article by Anoop Kumar on this topic: https:/​/
success.​docker.​com/​article/​ucp-​service-​discovery. In the article, Anoop describes
how a Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing is enabled and configured by an administrator.

[ 221 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

We will revisit this topic and further discuss the highly available proxy configuration later
in this book when we get our application ready for production.

Defensive coding
Services are great for providing a durable and reliable employee. However, when an
application is deployed by an orchestrator, services will come online quickly, but not
simultaneously. Therefore, we can run into some timing issues when a caller is online
before its dependent services.

We saw an example of this situation in the last chapter when our wiki application started
before the Postgres database was ready. As a result, we created an entry point script to start
the wiki application. The entry point script polls the Postgres database port until it was
ready. When the database is ready, the entrypoint script starts the wiki's Tomcat server in
the foreground using the run command.

Here is the we used to wait for the Postgres DB to start:

while :
echo "Probing postgres:5432 ..."
nc -z -w 1 postgres 5432 </dev/null
if [[ $result -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "postgres is reachable!"
sleep 5

echo "starting tomcat catalina in 10 seconds..."

sleep 10 run

Subsequently, we had to update the wiki's Dockerfile to launch the script
instead of the Java command directly. We did so by adding the following commands at the
end of the Dockerfile:
COPY /usr/local/tomcat/
CMD ./usr/local/tomcat/

Beyond start off, there's another important aspect of defensive coding, and that is making
sure that your application calls are resilient to failure.

[ 222 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

In a monolithic application, if a method call fails, that usually means something is seriously
wrong with the application since the caller and the method being called are running in the
same process space. When this sort of failure occurs, it would be typical to throw an
exception, dump a stack trace, and exit the application. In a distributed application
environment, these failures are pretty common and are often related to transient timing
issues where downstream containers are starting up or being replaced by the orchestrator.
So, for robust, distributed applications, we don't want the calling application to crash.
Instead, we want the caller to back off and retry again, where we increase the back off time
between attempts as the number of failed attempts increases in an effort not to overwhelm
the failed service. Doing so can lead to your own, albeit unintentional, denial of service

Since this is not a programming book per se, we will not go into great detail with these
examples, but adopters of Docker Enterprise who are building distributed applications
need to know about these concepts, and research their implementation options. Most
programming environments have some built-in features or extensions to assist developers
with retry logic in a clean way. If you are using JavaScript, you might want to look at
promise exceptions, and if you are using Java, you might want to look at Spring Retry.
Links for these are included in the Further reading section at the end of this chapter.

It is important to know that there are comprehensive frameworks and evolving technology
devoted to managing remote system calls in very sophisticated ways, and usually, doing so
by implementing a circuit breaker pattern. One popular framework for this is Netflix's
Hystrix. Hystrix provides a proxy to wrap your remote call. The proxy is instrumented
with response time data associated with the target remote API. If the remote API response
times are exceeding preset parameters, the proxy will trap the call and return a failure
immediately. This is called an open circuit and may close of the API recovers.

Finally, the most sophisticated and comprehensive approach built to support large scale
microservices running in Kubernetes clusters is Istio from Google. Istio runs as a service in
a Kube cluster, enabled with sidecar containers adjacent to your application service pods, to
create a highly engineered service mesh. Istio is still in the early stages and is overkill for
most container adopters, but is likely to influence how future Google-scale applications are
designed and deployed with Kubernetes.

[ 223 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Centralized logging
In Chapter 10, More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise, we will talk more about
monitoring, logging, and alerting in a Docker Enterprise environment. However, in this
chapter, we do need to discuss the application side of logging in a Docker environment.
Traditionally, most applications use some sort of framework to log to a local filesystem.
This is great when you know exactly where your application is running and when its
dependent components are co-located on the same server. If there is a problem, you just
need to review the logs on the host server to figure out what happened. Distributed,
cluster-based applications are different.

In a distributed environment, particularly when an orchestrator is distributing workloads

across the cluster, we look toward a centralized logging design. This means that
applications no longer log to a local file. Rather, these containerized applications should
write their logging information to standard error and standard output, and allow the
Docker Engine to capture the logged messages. That said, as you might imagine, a
consistent logging message structure across applications makes it much easier to filter logs
and construct reasonable log queries without a PhD in regular expressions.

The final concept for cluster base application development and deployment is secrets.
Secrets provide a means of storing special private data elements in a cluster. They are
created by a secret holder and stored in a encrypted format within the cluster. Later, the
secret can be delivered to a target container (encrypted in transit) at a specified location (by
default, /run/secrets) where it can be accessed in an unencrypted format inside the
container. This is very useful for storing passwords, authorization tokens, private keys, and

Here is a simple example where, from a Swarm manager node, we create a secret called

$ echo "secret-secret" | docker secret create my_secret_data -

Then, we create a service that uses my_secret_data in the default target

location /run/secrets/my_secret_data:
docker service create --name redis --secret my_secret_data redis:alpine

[ 224 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

To verify that the secret was delivered to the Redis container, we want to list the contents of
/run/secrets/my_secret_data, but we need the ID of the container running behind the
service. We can accomplish this by using docker container ls with a --filter flag to
list our Redis container's info and the -q parameter to only return the container's ID.
Finally, we nest the container ID filter expression inside of the docker container exec
$ docker container exec $(docker container ls --filter name=redis -q) cat


We can see the result of our cat command, showing the contents of my_secret_data that
matches our secret.

Secretes are available to use in Docker Engine-Community Swarm and Kubernetes.

For more information on using Docker secrets, see the Docker

documentation at https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​engine/​swarm/​secrets/​.

Later in this chapter, we will use certificates to store our SSL certificate and private key for
the AtSea website when we deploy to our cluster.

Docker tools for the local development and

testing of the AtSea application
For our example application, we are going to adapt AtSea, a well-known sample
application from the dockersamples public GitHub repository at https:/​/​github.​com/
dockersamples/​atsea-​sample-​shop-​app. AtSea is a really interesting application because it
demonstrates many popular and interesting features, as follows:

Reactapplication frontend
A RESTful API written with Java Spring Boot
PostgreSQL backend Database
A payment gateway support service
A reverse-proxy service for TLS termination

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

AtSea application structure

As a first step, we clone atsea-sample-shop-app to our development workstation.
With the source code on our local development machine, we will be able to build the
application images locally. Please note the application structure in the following
abbreviated file tree. Notice how each main folder has its own Dockerfile to build a
separate Docker image for each component.

The main application components are in the app directory, and they include the react-
app folder for the JS frontend and the src folder for the Java Spring Boot API. Please note
the collocation of the JavaScript and Java applications in the same folder, reflecting a design
decision to run them both in a single Tomcat web/app server instance, rather than
separating them. You will see this more clearly when we look at the app/Dockerfile. The
app folder has the Maven pom.xml file for the application as well a Dockerfile and
Dockerfile-dev. The Dockerfile-dev is used to build a special version of the image,
where the application is driven from a remote debugging session to test the API from an
IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse. The folder and file structure will be similar to the following
├── app
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── Dockerfile-dev
│ ├── pom.xml
│ ├── react-app
│ └── src
├── database
│ ├── docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── mysql
│ ├── pg_hba.conf
│ └── postgresql.conf
├── payment_gateway
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └──
├── reverse_proxy
│ ├──
│ ├── certs
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── nginx.conf
├── docker-compose-dev.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── docker-stack-local.yml
├── docker-stack-cluster.yml

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The database folder holds the Postgres configuration and initialization files, as well as the
Dockerfile that's used to build the Postgres database image, which we will discuss
shortly. The payment_gateway folder holds the startup script for the payment gateway, as
well as the Dockerfile that's used to build the payment_gateway image. The
reverse_proxy folder is only used locally for testing. When we deploy the application to
the Docker Enterprise cluster, we will use Docker Enterprise's Interlock 2 for layer 7
routing, as well as the proxy's SSL termination capability.

Finally, we have four different YAML files being used to build and deploy the application
with the Docker API. These files are covered in the following sections.

Using docker-compose as a Makefile

We reviewed the application components, but now, we will look at how they are put
together. To do this, we will look at the first of two docker-compose files, docker-
compose-dev.yml, by viewing the contents of the following code block. Again, this is a
special compose file that's used during the development process, hence the -dev filename
suffix. At the highest level, the file lists the services making up the local debug version of
application, that is, the database and appserver services. Notice that the
payment_gateway and reverse_proxy services are missing from the file. This provides a
bare minimum for local API debugging. There are two items to note about the appserver
service definition. First, the alternate Dockerfile (Dockerfile-dev) is used to build the
container as specified in the build: dockerfile: parameter. The second is exposing port
5005, allowing the debugger to connect from host to the appserver container:

version: "3.7"

context: ./database
image: atsea_db
POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
- "5432:5432"
- back-tier
- postgres_password


[ 227 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

context: ./app
dockerfile: Dockerfile-dev
image: atsea_app
- "8080:8080"
- "5005:5005"
- front-tier
- back-tier
- postgres_password

file: ./devsecrets/postgres_password

In the following code block, we will take a quick look at the docker-compose-dev.yml
files, reference, Dockerfile-dev, which is being used to build the debug version of the
appserver. This file is a multi-stage build Dockerfile with three build stages.
Remember, only the last stage remains after the build, and only a targeted subset of assets
are copied from first two build stages. In this case, the contents of
the /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app/build/ directory are copied from the jsbuild
image to the /static working directory of the final build stage. Also, the
Java /usr/src/atsea/target/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file is copied from the
Maven stage to the final build stage image's /app directory. All of this is pretty standard
issue for a React application and a Java Spring Boot application built with Maven. What is
different here is the EXPOSE command for the debugger port 5005 and the ENTRYPOINT
Java command for the final stage. While not required, the EXPOSE directive is a hint to the
image user about the image expecting port 5005 to be mapped to host or cluster port. The
alternate ENTRYPOINT command invokes remote debugging of the Java API. In this case,
the CMD is being used as a default parameter to load the postgres section of the Spring
FROM node:latest As jsbuild
WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app
COPY react-app .
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

FROM maven:latest As maven

WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea

[ 228 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

COPY pom.xml .
RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml
COPY . .
RUN mvn -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml package -DskipTests

FROM java:8-jdk-alpine
WORKDIR /static
COPY --from=jsbuild /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app/build/ .
COPY --from=maven /usr/src/atsea/target/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-
CMD [""]

docker-compose-dev.yml is a file that we use with a docker-compose -f docker-

compose-dev.yml --build command to build atsea_app and atsea_db images for
local testing. Then, we can use a docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -
d command to start the application for local testing with an IDE. To verify that the
application started correctly, we can see that the docker-compose processes are running
by using the docker-compose ps command, as shown in the following code:
Name Command State Ports
atsea-app_appserver_1 java -agentlib:jdwp=transp ... Up>5005/tcp,>8080/tcp
atsea-app_database_1 postgres Up>5432/tcp

For more information on remote debugging and the AtSea sample application, take a look
at https:/​/​blog.​docker.​com/​2017/​05/​spring-​boot-​development-​docker/​.

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Building and running an application with Compose and

In addition to building a local dev/debug version of the application, we will now look at
using the docker-compose YAML file to define a production image Makefile, primarily
for local full stack testing, but perhaps for our CI scripts.

In the next section of this chapter, we will look at the CI options that usually gravitate
toward one build script per repository, but might have three discrete steps for each image's
build (step one to build, step two to test, and step three to push the new image). For now,
we need to build a local stack that runs with the production images.

In the last section, we described the docker-compose-dev.yml file, where we left our the
reverse_proxy and payment_gateway services. Now, we want to run all of the services
locally to closely mimic production. From our local Docker desktop platform, we can run a
Swarm application stack to get most of the features of our Docker Enterprise cluster. We
can initialize Docker Swarm, leaving us with a single node cluster that enables overlay
networks, configurations, and secretes. The only thing missing is the Docker layer 7
routing, where we are using header-based routing and TLS termination. For a reasonable
local test, we can use the reverse_proxy service with NGINX (after all Docker Enterprise
uses NGINX behind the scenes by default) to be a functional placeholder for Docker
Enterprise layer 7 routing on our local host.

Mocking layer 7 routing and TSL termination for local Swarm testing
The first step in creating our mock layer 7 routing service is to generate a certificate for our
test domain (for local testing, just add the to your dev machine
host file). In the following diagram, we generate the certificates with an interactive
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) ( the openssl req command will prompt you for the
CSR parameters, and this is where you provide the common name of your domain) using
the openssl req command to generate the certificate (.crt) and private key (.key) files
that are required by NGINX for termination.

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We will use Docker secrets (requires Docker Engine-Community Swarm to be initialized) to

safely store the certificate and key until our reverse_proxy service uses them later:

Figure 5

The following is the Bash script to generate the certificates in the certs directory. Then, we
store the certificate and private keys as Swarm secrets, as follows:
#Generate Certificates
mkdir certs
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/domain.key -x509
-days 365 -out certs/domain.crt

#Store Certificates as Secrets in Local Swarm Cluster

docker secret create revprox_cert certs/domain.crt
docker secret create revprox_key certs/domain.key

After the secrets are created, you can list the secret (not the contents, of course) using
the docker secret ls command to get the following output:
5hhayjj711wszm9xcmym0gk6k revprox_cert 2 days ago 2 days ago
vx5oiwizjlywuphkrz65vb7or revprox_key 2 days ago 2 days ago

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

We will now add the reverse_proxy service section to our docker-stack-local.yml

file, as shown in the following code block. Notice how the reverse_proxy service
publishes ports 80 and 443 on the ingress network of the local tests Swarm network. We
can see how the secrets we created are used by the reverse_proxy service. The Docker
service pulls the secret name supplied as the source parameter from the cluster store and
injects it into the /run/secrets directory, using the target parameter as the name. In a few
moments, we will see where this is used when we examine the local nginx.config file.

Finally, we can see how the reverse_proxy service is connected to the front-tier
network, allowing it to communicate with the at_sea application service (port 8080) when
it forwards requests from the reverse_proxy to the application's web UI:
image: reverse_proxy
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- source: revprox_cert
target: revprox_cert
- source: revprox_key
target: revprox_key
- front-tier

Since we don't have Docker Enterprise's Interlock 2.0 on our development workstation, we
can configure a NGINX reverse_proxy service to handle layer 7 routing and TLS
termination. We provide our own file for local testing by providing a nxinx.conf file
when we build the image. In the following excerpt from the nginx.conf file, we can see
the server bindings for port 80 and port 443. Port 80 simply redirects any HTTP traffic to
HTTPS on the same host with the same URI. The 443 server binding is a little more

The 443 server binding shows how the NGINX container can find the SSL certificate and
key in the /run/secrets directory (because of these preceding secrets directives) and uses
them for TLS termination. Then, the request is passed over standard HTTP protocol on the
internal, isolated front-tier network to the appserver on port 8080. Finally, we can see
how the access and error logs are directed to the /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr where
the Docker logs can pick them up:
server {
listen 80;

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

return 301 https://$host$request_uri;


server {
listen 443;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /run/secrets/revprox_cert;
ssl_certificate_key /run/secrets/revprox_key;
access_log /dev/stdout;
error_log /dev/stderr;

location / {

Finally, we have the Dockerfile that we will use to build a reverse proxy server. This was
originally a pretty simple Dockerfile, but there were a couple of issues. First, always specify
a version for a base image! Secondly, we had to add an script to eliminate
a NGINX DNS resolution timing problem. Hence, we locked in on nginx:1.14-alpine as
our base image, and to make that work, we just need to copy the nginx.conf file into a
folder inside the container where NGINX expects to find it. Finally, instead of running the
nginx binary directly from the command line, we instead run our script
as the start CMD:
FROM nginx:1.14-alpine

COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Added
# Need to add sleep command before starting NGINX services to avoid a DNS
CMD ./

The following is the tiny script for starting our reverse_proxy service.
If it were more than a mock container for local testing, something more than a sleep
command would seem appropriate:
sleep 30
nginx -g 'daemon off;'

Now, our mocked layer 7 reverse_proxy service is ready for local testing, and we can put
the finishing touches on the local test stack.

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Final steps for local Swarm testing

To make sure that we have all the images ready for final testing, we must make sure we are
using the full image name, including the private registry's FQDN/namespace, and make
sure the real (not the dev) version of the Dockerfile is used for the build. To accomplish
this, we create a docker-compose-build.yml file, as shown in the following code, with
only build (no deployment) information.

We do not need a namespace, or need to push the reverse_proxy image, as it is only for
local developer use. We add the prefix to the images so that we
can use the DTR's dev organization as the developer image sandbox. We add a :local tag
to our images so that we know they are locally built and pushed. Later, automated build
images will come from the CI pipeline and we will use different tags for those images.

It is fine for developers to use their private namespace, for

example, so that they can push their own cluster-based
test images as well. We used /dev because it can be easily shared by a group of developers
who are working together on a feature branch/release:
version: "3.7"

context: ./reverse_proxy
user: nginx
image: reverse_proxy

context: ./database

context: app
dockerfile: Dockerfile

context: payment_gateway

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Now, we can use this make-like file approach to build our images using a docker-
compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build command and the docker image ls
to review them.

Our final step for the local build and development machine deployment is building a
docker-stack-local.yml file, as shown in the following code. This file is an
intermediate step for a local Swarm deployment and will become the foundation for our
Docker Enterprise cluster deployment stack file, which will be used by the CI system later
in this chapter. Since we already discussed the reverse_proxy service in the previous
section, we will jump right down to the database service:
version: "3.7"

image: reverse_proxy
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- source: revprox_cert
target: revprox_cert
- source: revprox_key
target: revprox_key
- front-tier

POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres_password
- back-tier
- postgres_password

- front-tier
- back-tier
- payment
replicas: 2

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

parallelism: 2
failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
- postgres_password

image: dockersamples/visualizer:stable
- "8001:8080"
stop_grace_period: 1m30s
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
failure_action: rollback

- source: staging_token
target: payment_token
- payment
failure_action: rollback

driver: overlay
encrypted: 'yes'

external: true
external: true

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

external: true
external: true

The database service is isolated on the back-tier network, along with the appserver, and
therefore only the appserver service can reach the database. The database service uses
a POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable to tell Postgres where to find the
password file. For our sample, it is in the /run/secrets directory. Please note that the
database secret does not specify a source and target, as specified for the reverse_proxy
service. In this case, the secret name and the file that were created in the /run/secrets
directory are the same and called postgres_password. This secret is also needed by the
appserver service to connect to the database.

Notice that all of the services are using the full image name with the private registries
FQDN, namespace (org or username), repo/image name, and tag. These, of course, match
the output that is generated from using our docker-compose-build.yml file to build and
tag our images.

The last notable feature we introduced was the deploy section of the file. This literally tells
Swarm how to behave when deploying the services. Under deploy, we first set the replicas
property to '2', telling the orchestrator to keep two containers running the atsea_app
image at all times.

The deploy:> update config:> parameters are related to how a service gets updated. In
our case, when the service is updated (perhaps a new version of the image with some bug
fixes need to be deployed), Swarm will update two containers at a time. This is a little silly
for this example because we only have two replicas running, but both will be updated at
the same time. failure_action tells the orchestrator what to do if the updated service
fails. The options are rollback or pause, with pause being the default. The pause option
can be helpful in debugging a rollout issue. The next part of the deployment specification
deals with the service's restart_policy.

The restart_policy describes how, and if, the service restarts the replicas. In our
example, we only restart replicas on a failure, but the options also include none (never
restart) and any (to always attempt a restart, which is the default). The delay is how long
to wait between attempts (the default is 0). The max attempts describes how many times to
attempt to restart a container before giving up (the default is "never give up"). Finally, the
window is the total time that's allowed for a restart to succeed.

You can find more information about Swarm deployment options here: https:/​/​docs.

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Notice that I left the visualizer service in our stack. This is a little bit of sizzle that you
might find more useful in a multi-node cluster, but essentially, this service shows the
containers running in each node of your Docker cluster. The service mounts the Docker
socket so that it can monitor the state of the Swarm. The visualizer needs to run on a Swarm
manager node to tap into the API and get the information it needs. Since we are a cluster of
one, it will be on a manager node. Otherwise, we would need to use a deployment
constraint like the following:
failure_action: rollback
- 'node.role == manager'

Now, we just need to run the docker-stack-local.yml file on our local development
machine's Swarm cluster using the docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-
local.yml at-sea-local command to launch our new stack, called at-sea-local.

After launching the stack, you can run the docker stack ps at-sea-local command
and verify the current state of the stack's process that is running. Then, you need to update
your local host file too, so that the domain name resolves to Then, point your browser to to see the
application running.

Clean up with a docker stack rm at-sea-local command to remove your local stack.

Deploying a custom app to the Docker Enterprise

Here, we will begin to see how the development and operations roles split as we isolate a
parallel set of assets for our application deployments. In doing so, we split out the
deployment assets and begin to script the platform deployment in preparation for our CI
pipelines in the next section. More specifically, we will now introduce scripts, along with
new Docker stack files to manage the deployment of application services.

We will start by breaking out a separate deployment repository from the application
deployment repository. This is the place where our deployment scripts and cluster-based
test, QA, and prod stack files will live, and will be governed by the system administrators
and operations team.

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While the development team will help to produce these assets, all of the changes will be
merged back into the master branch by the administrators and operators who are
responsible for using them. This is where we also start to think about managing
deployment resources for each environment (for example, dev, test, and prod) as well.

For this purpose, we will create an ATSEA-DEPLOY folder as a peer to our ATSEA-APP, as up
here to the application assets we cloned from the dockersamples AtSea GitHub repository
(https:/​/​github.​com/​dockersamples/​atsea-​sample-​shop-​app). The ATSEA-DEPLOY
content structure is shown in the following tree listing. There are, of course, many ways to
organize deployment assets, but this is a pretty reasonable example. In addition, you might
have a configs folder as a peer to the secrets folder to swap out different config files
(that is, NGINX configs and Spring properties).

Please note that the contents of the secret directories, perhaps with the exception of the
secrets/dev folder, are populated after the code is pulled from source code control. These
scaffolding or placeholder directories and default artifacts are not necessary, but illustrative
of some of the ways to abstract environmental assets out of your deployment script file:
├── docker-stack-cluster.yml
└── secrets
├── dev
│ ├── domain.crt
│ ├── domain.key
│ ├── payment_token
│ └── postgres_password
├── prod
│ ├── payment_token
│ ├── postgres_password
| ├──
| └──
└── test
├── payment_token
├── postgres_password

Our deployment repository will start off as a simple deployment script with a command-
line parameter to deploy cluster based applications to either dev, test, or prod using
Docker's stack deploy. It is here where we script the creation of all external, dependent
assets as a part of the deployment. These assets typically include networks, configs, and
secrets that are external to the stack. Also, I left some comments, indicating where you
might pull secrets from a secure remote location into the appropriate secrets directory.

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For instance, before we begin the process of deployment, we may want to pull some secrets
from a HashiCorp vault and inject them into our Docker Swarm's TLS encrypted store.
Other times, it will simply be an operator accessing secured files from the command line,
and using their access rights to create Swarm secrets required by the application services.
The following is a sample for the vault command to create a Docker Swarm secret:
# snippet from

$ vault write -f –format=json auth/approle/role/myapprole/secret-id | jq -r

'.secret_id' | \
docker secret create myapprole_secretid -

The following is a simple script and an updated version of our YAML stack file using the
docker-compose file 3.x format:


# Add your code to fetch and populate ./secrets/test ./secrets/prod using

copy or vault etc.

# Set stack name

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Usage: please specify dev, test or prod";
exit 1;
export STACK_ENV=$1
export STACK=${STACK_ENV}_at-sea

# Clean up old external stuff

echo -e "Remove old stuff...\n"
echo $(docker network rm front-tier)
echo $(docker secret rm
echo $(docker secret rm
echo $(docker secret rm postgres_password)
echo $(docker secret rm payment_token)

echo -e "Waiting for 5 seconds...\n" $(sleep 5) "\n\n"

echo -e "Creating new external networks and certificates...\n"
echo -e $(docker network create -d overlay front-tier) "\n"
echo -e $(docker secret create
./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/ "\n"
echo -e $(docker secret create
./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/ "\n"
echo -e $(docker secret create postgres_password
secrets/${STACK_ENV}/postgres_password) "\n"

[ 240 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

echo -e $(docker secret create payment_token

secrets/${STACK_ENV}/payment_token) "\n"

echo -e "Waiting for 5 seconds...\n" $(sleep 5) "\n"

echo -e "Launching stack..." $(docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-
cluster.yml ${STACK}) "\n"

We begin with the script by looking for the existence of a command-
line parameter, making sure we have an environment name passed in. We are keeping the
sample script brief, and just looking for the existence of a parameter, but validating that the
parameter's value is actually dev, test, or prod would be a good addition for a real
version of script. Next, we clean up the old external networks and secrets from the Swarm.
From there, we create the external network, create the Swarm secrets by loading their
contents from the /secrets files, and finally, deploy the stack.

The script sets up the dependencies and deploys the docker-stack-cluster.yml stack.
Now, we will dive into the associated docker-stack-cluster.yml we are launching in
the last line of

Layer 7 routing with Docker Enterprise

Since we are moving from a local Docker Engine-Community Swarm deployment on a local
developer machine to a Docker Enterprise Cluster deployment, we can take advantage of
Docker Enterprise's Interlock 2 layer 7 routing feature. In addition to layer 7 routing, we
can also use Interlock 2 for our TLS termination, as shown in the following
diagram. Therefore, by using this feature in our application, we will replace the
reverse_proxy service we used for our local deployment stack.

To describe how this feature works for our sample application, we can follow the inbound
traffic from a remote computer, starting with the wildcard DNS entry, which resolves the URL on port 443 on our external load balancer. The load balancer
directed the inbound request to any one of the cluster nodes on port 8443. Earlier, we used
the Docker Enterprise admin settings to enable layer 7 routing on ingress ports 80 and
8443. So, any inbound traffic into the cluster on ports 80 and 8443 is routed to the
Interlock proxy service. Later, when we deploy our application with the docker stack
deploy command, Interlock 2 detects that the service used Interlock 2's labels, starting with* and it uses the label values to configure the proxy (think of an
nginx.conf update).

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

This configures the Interlock 2 proxy to inspect headers, and reverse proxy inbound traffic
requests with the host name to the appserver Swarm service's VIP
on port 8080 over the front-tier network. Inside the appserver service, Spring's embedded
Tomcat server is listening on port 8080 and responds to web requests. The response is
routed back out through the same path it entered:

Figure 6: Layer 7 routing with AtSea

In the following code, we can see the abbreviated version of the updated stack file. Please
pay attention to the services > appserver > deploy > labels section:
version: "3.7"

- front-tier

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

- back-tier
- payment
replicas: 2
parallelism: 2
failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
labels: front-tier 8080
- postgres_password

Here, we can see how Docker uses labels to configure both layer 7 routing and TLS
termination. tells Interlock to look for headers with this host name
( and forward them to the appserver service
on (8080) over the (front-tier) network.
Interlock likes to have as an external network, created before
the stack is launched.

Notice at the end of the preceding YAML file that, the front-tier network and secrets are
declared external: true. This means that the front-tier network and secrets must be
created prior to deploying stack, and if they are not the orchestrator, will fail to deploy the
services. Again, we are deploying this stack file using docker stack deploy from within, where we create the expected external resources.

Finally, to deploy, we use the ./ test command. Then, after waiting
about 30 seconds for Interlock 2 to configure and update the ucp-interlock-proxy
service, we should be able to test the site using our
browser, Of course, you must make sure your DNS
(either host file, internal DNS, or public DNS) record points to external load balancer. This
can be a single site entry ( or a wildcard DNS entry

[ 243 ]
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Congratulations on manually deploying your custom application with layer 7 routing and
DNS termination! At this point, you have deployed an application to a Docker Enterprise
Docker cluster. While we are in pilot mode, our deployment targets a non-production
Docker Enterprise cluster where internal users will have access to the application to
evaluate its performance and function. For the most part, other than swapping out some
configuration parameters, we should be very close to a production deployment. Therefore,
the assets developed should be reusable across multiple deployment environments by
simply changing out a script the parameter such as test or prod (for
example, ./ prod). In our example, we use the test parameter,
causing the script and compose file resources from the secrets/test directory. A similar
pattern could be used for development and production as well.

Building and deploying the custom app with a CI

Now, our pilot-related activities are shifting into the DevOps space as we build out a
continuous integration pipeline for our custom application. The goal of this section is to
demonstrate how to create a Docker-based pipeline to build and deploy our application to
our Docker Enterprise cluster. Armed with our new deployment repository and the
application assets we have developed in the application repository, we set off on our
Docker CI pipeline adventure!

Sample CI pipeline overview

Now, we are going to make our application feel more like a microservices (multi-service)
application, where different people, or even teams, are working on independently
deployable services. We are going to break up our custom pilot AtSea application into
separate services source code repositories.

To illustrate our CI Pipeline example with a high degree of detail, we will build it out using We are not necessarily endorsing GitLab here, but we did choose it for a
couple of reasons. First, it is becoming a very popular choice in the development
community. Secondly, because of its container friendliness, and finally, because it is based
off of pipelines as code using a YAML definition in the root of each service repository. This
philosophy keeps us out of plugin hell by using container based runners to execute our
builds and deployments on our own remote servers.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

We could have taken this example one step further by deploying our own
GitLab CE server as a Swarm service on our Docker Enterprise cluster for
the purposes of this chapter. While running a Docker Pipeline service, like
Jenkins or GitLab, from inside a Docker cluster is a pretty straightforward
exercise (and well documented). Doing so adds an unnecessary layer of
complexity to this chapter that may be confusing, and take our focus away
from important details of a CI pipeline's interactions with Docker

We chose to use the cloud hosted version of (formerly GitLab Cloud), but we
will be deploying our own GitLab-runners to a Docker based build server that is adjacent to
our EE cluster. The following diagram presents a high-level overview of our sample CI
pipeline structure with GitLab:

Figure 7: GitLab pipeline with Docker Enterprise

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The Build Machine is not only running Docker, but it is also running as a
single node Swam cluster, so we may test our application stack before we
push any freshly built images to our Docker Trusted Registry. This build
node Swarm is separate from the Swarm running in our Docker
Enterprise cluster.

The preceding diagram shows the general flow of a software development life cycle
through our sample CI pipeline. From a high level, the developer builds and tests their
code locally, checks it in, and pushes it to the GitLab source code control system. GitLab
looks for a pipeline definition file in the root of the repo (.gitlab-ci.yml). When found,
GitLab executes the pipeline. The preceding diagram shows how we have split up the code
base into separate repositories that align with each image, and each repository has a
corresponding pipeline and a .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline definition file.

The pipeline is responsible for building and pushing the image to the Docker Trusted
Registry. The pipelines themselves schedule and monitor the build activity on the remote
build machine, where the GitLab Runner builds images using a local Docker Engine.
Additionally, our GitLab-Runner configuration on the build machine allows our Docker
containers to communicate directly with the Docker daemon of the build server host. This
is a really important feature for both caching and deploying test stacks. We'll talk more
about that later when we go through the details of our pipelines.

Notice the blue line going from the build machine to the pipelines, where it looks like it's
going the wrong way. This represents how the runners communicate to GitLab servers,
eliminating the need to proxy inbound request from the GitLab servers. Instead, the Runner
checks in with GitLab every few seconds for updates—presumably checking the current
state and getting any new builds. This works great because most networks allow egress
from the inside out, so there's no network configuration required to support the
implementation of the Runner. This is really nice!

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

After the image is built on the build server, it is tested, and if it passes the test, the image is
pushed to the Docker Trusted Registry using the builder's credentials. Additionally, as
depicted by the orange arrows at the bottom of the GitLab Pipelines, when the build
successfully completes, it triggers the pipeline to deploy the test stack. In this case, the
deploy pipeline uses the Universal Control Plane client bundle to deploy the stack to the
test environment in the Docker Enterprise cluster using the deployer's credentials.

Connecting GitLab to Docker Enterprise

There are a variety of touch points that we need to line up for our CI pipeline to work
properly with Docker Enterprise. First, the CI system has to have access through a user
account to the DTR, as well as accounts with their associated client bundles, to access the
universal control plane. Furthermore, we have to structure the assets in both DTR
repositories, and UCP collections, to align with our CI process and access control.

This all looks easy enough, but there are a lot of moving parts that we will walk through to
convey the concepts, as well as key details. Let's get started with the configuration of
GitLab and the installation of the GitLab Runner.

In the following screenshot, we can see how we created a group in GitLab to house all of
our related repositories (referred to as projects in GitLab) for the AtSea application. While
the grouping mechanism helps to organize related repositories, it is a great place to manage
shared resources and store common information for all projects in the group.

In our case, this is where we store our GitLab Runner configuration so that it can be shared
across all of the repositories. This is pretty straightforward, since we are using Docker to
build all of our repositories into images. Additionally, we are storing common environment
variables to be used across all of the repositories. More specifically, we are sharing the
builder account username and password used to access DTR by using a protected
environment variable.

A GitLab protected environment variable can only be accessed from within a protected
branch (for example, the master branch).

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Therefore, it is difficult to inadvertently expose a protected variable to anyone other than a

repository owner:

Figure 8: GitLab Projects

The preceding builder credentials are the first touchpoint to Docker Enterprise—more
specifically, the DTR. We will use the builder credentials to log in to DTR, pull our base
images, and push our freshly built application images. Of course, this requires a little bit of

Adding a GitLab Runner to the build machine

Once we have our GitLab groups with our project structure created, our DTR builder
credentials are stored at the GitLab group level (so that it can be shared across each projects
pipeline) as protected environment variables. We are now ready to configure our Runner.

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The Runner is a small bit of code that we will install on our build machine to bootstrap the
connection between our build machine and As we mentioned before, our
building machine is a Docker host that is unaffiliated with the Docker Enterprise cluster,
and runs its own standalone, single node Swarm cluster.

From the GitLab group, you can navigate to the setting for CI/CD and expand the Runner
section. Within the Runner section, you will find a couple of important things. First is the
link to the instructions to install a Runner on your build machine platform. Remember, in
our case, we want to use the Docker service Runner: https:/​/​docs.​gitlab.​com/​Runner/
install/​docker.​html. The other important items are the link back to https:/​/​github.​com/
, and the token required to access your GitLab account from the Runner.

For our Runner, I have chosen to use just a simple Docker container that is executed with
the following docker run command:
docker run -d --name gitlab-Runner --restart always \
-v /srv/gitlab-Runner/config:/etc/gitlab-Runner \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

This container simply starts the small application that will be using the poll https:/​/
about.​gitlab.​com/​ for build jobs. Thus far, we have just started the Runner's Docker
container and it is waiting to do something. However, there are some points of interest
regarding how the container is launched.

The first noteworthy parameter is the volume mount to the srv/gitlab-Runner/config

local host directory. This is where the GitLab Runner stores its configuration file called
config.toml. So, even if the container is replaced, the GitLab Runner configuration will be
preserved on the host filesystem. We will talk more about the GitLab Runner configuration
file soon after we get to the next Docker command for registering the Runner with our
GitLab service.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The next parameter is the second volume mount of the Docker socket. Essentially, this
volume mount directs any Docker command that is run inside the container to be passed
through to the host's Docker Engine for execution. This allows the GitLab Runner to
execute Docker commands directly against the host's engine from inside to get Runner's
container while executing the pipeline. As mentioned before, this is important for two
purposes on our build server:

First, it gives all of the build jobs the ability to leverage a common cache of image
layers to cut build times
The second purpose is to allow multiple containers on the same host to
communicate on the local Docker bridge network, or in our case, using the
Docker Swarm overlay network to connect Swarm services

You will see how we use this during our post image build testing.

Once we have the Runner container loaded on the build server, it's time to configure it
using the following Docker command:
docker run --rm -t -i -v /srv/gitlab-Runner/config:/etc/gitlab-Runner
gitlab/gitlab-Runner register \
--non-interactive \
--executor "docker" \
--docker-image docker:stable \
--url "" \
--registration-token "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
--description "docker-iscsi-Runner" \
--tag-list "docker,ntc" \
--run-untagged \

This Docker command mounts the host configuration directory so that it can update the
Runner's configuration file with the parameters that are passed to the register command.
Notice that we have the URL and the registration token from the Runners section of the
CI/CD setting page. Additionally, we give the Runner a name that will come in handy to
make sure that our builds are actually running on your specific Runner, instead of a shared
Runner, at build time.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

After registering the Runner, the Runner will show up in the GitLab UI, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 9: GitLab Runner status

Our Runner is almost there! However, we are using Docker Enterprise and we may want
some sort of default access to our Docker Trusted Registry using the Runner from our build
server to push our freshly built images. We can explicitly log in from our CI (we will show
this in action later in this section) and/or we can add a special line into our /srv/gitlab-
Runner/config/config.toml file to give any Runner job on the build server access to
DTR as a builder. While this is convenient and may make things run a little more smoothly,
you have to examine the security ramifications as well.

Normally, the build jobs will only be run from protected branches in the CI system, and the
Docker commands they can issue for DTR operations are generally non-destructive, so it
may not be a horrible idea, but proceed with caution.

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To add the builder account as a default DTR connection, you first need to generate a DTR
authentication token (this is a completely different token than we used for accessing
GitLab). This token can be generated by simply logging into the DTR from your build
server's command line with docker login Then, enter your
builder username and password so that Docker will generate an authentication token in a
file called ~/.docker/config.json. Docker then uses this authentication token to access
DTR on your behalf any time you are using an asset associated with
We need to share this DTR authentication token with our Runner configuration file so it too
can access the DTR on behalf of our builder user to push images.

First, we'll get the contents from our config.json file, as shown in the following block of
$cat .docker/config.json
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "FDfafea434r",
"identitytoken": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
"HttpHeaders": {
"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.09.1 (linux)"

Then, we will need to reformat the auths section of this file to be used in the GitLab
Runner's configuration file. There are several ways to access the Runner configuration file.
One way is to simply use sudo -s to assume root on your build server and edit
the /srv/gitlab-Runner/config/config.toml file. An alternative way would be to
start a CentOS or Ubuntu Docker container, docker run -it -v /srv/gitlab-
Runner/config:/config centos:7 bash, and then edit the /config/config.toml
from within that container shell. Any way you choose to do it, the objective of the exercise
is to inject the following environment = .. line into the Runner config file so that it looks
like the following code block:
concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
session_timeout = 1800
name = "docker-ntc-Runner"
url = ""
token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
executor = "docker"

[ 252 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

environment = ["DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG={\"auths\":
tls_verify = false
image = "docker:stable"
privileged = false
disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
oom_kill_disable = false
disable_cache = false
volumes = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/cache"]
shm_size = 0

Please remember to substitute your individual values where we provide "xxxx" in the
preceding config file.

Finally, note the tls_verify = false command parameter. This is not associated with
the Runner's DTR connection. Rather, this is the Runner's TLS connection back to your
GitLab server. If you are hosting your own server with self-signed certificates, make sure
that you have set to false. Otherwise, the Runner may get X.509 certificate trust errors.

Now, your Runner should be good to go! Now that we have a Runner ready to execute
pipelines remotely on our build server to build Docker images, we need to think about
structuring our target DTR.

DTR CI integration
We will need to configure DTR's organization namespaces, users, teams, and repositories to
support our pipeline process. Our image namespaces need to have logical names that flow
with the pipeline stages (that is, dev, test, qa) and these repositories should only be
accessible by the intended and authorized users. Remember, DTR namespaces (for
example, use either usernames or
organization names. We, of course, want to use organization names over usernames and
make sure the organization names reflect the teams using them.

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In our case, there are three organizations within our Docker Trusted Registry. First, we
have the pilot organization we used to deploy our wiki application. Secondly, we have the
dev organization where freshly built images land from our CI system, or from developers
collaborating with one another. Please note that developers can always use their personal
namespace for storing experimental images for testing and then deploy to the cluster within
their private sandbox. However, if developers are sharing images, it is generally easier to
use the dev organization's repository namespace. The one thing we want to be careful
about is potentially reserving certain standards for image tags. For example, reserving any
tag starting with RC- as a release candidate may be automatically promoted into the test
organization's repositories. Generally, only the builder account will have access to the
special dev repositories. In our case, these repositories end with _build, as follows:

The final organization for this example is test. Docker Trusted Registry has the ability to
promote images from one repository to another based on user-defined criteria. We want to
use DTR policies to promote images from our dev repositories into our peer repositories in
the test organization that mirror those in the dev organization, as follows:

To promote these images from dev to test, we use a feature of the DTR called a promotion
policy. The promotion policy is an event-driven task, where you determine what triggers
the promotion and the criteria that need to be met. Additionally, you define the target
repository, as well as any modifications to the tag, as the images are promoted from one
repository to the next.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

In the following screenshot, we can see the DTR web interface for configuring a repository
promotion policy:

Figure 10: Docker Trusted Registry Image Promotion

Here, we are looking at an image with no critical vulnerabilities (this policy will not fire
until the image scan is complete) and a tag starting with RC-. If an image matches the two
criteria, it will then be promoted to the test/atsea-db_build repository with a tag name
of RC-test. Please note the other options for using variables in tag names that include the
original tag name, as well as other related variables.

With our repositories in place, we need to be sure that our builder account has the
appropriate access rights to push images to the target repositories within the dev
organization. One really simple way to do this is to give the builder organization owner
privileges within the dev organization as, shown in the following screenshot:

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Figure 11: Builder As DTR Organization Owner

With this configuration work out of the way, we can now move on to see how our
application was split into multiple service repositories, and how these repositories are
turned into build pipelines.

Building our services

When we left off from our cluster deployment section earlier in this chapter, we used a
simple script to create our external resources and deploy the AtSea stack to our Docker
Enterprise cluster. We accomplished this with two repositories—one repository for the
application artifacts and another for our initial deployment artifacts.

In this section, we will break up the application artifacts into separate repositories for each
deployable service so that we can build them independently in our CI pipeline. This
structure is generally a requirement for larger development teams where multiple work
streams need to be supported with minimal interference between team members.

As a result, we have decomposed the application into the following repositories:

├── atsea-db
├── atsea-deploy
├── atsea-payment
├── atsea-reverse_proxy
└── atsea-web

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The AtSea application stack will be made up of three primary services: the web service, the
payment service, and the db service. Remember, we do not need the reverse_proxy
server in our final deployment because we are using Docker Enterprise for layer 7 reverse
proxy routing and TLS certificate termination. Therefore, we will focus this section on
building the db, payments, and web services. Then, we will return to the atsea-deploy
repository, where we will reconfigure our scripts to run from a triggered job, and deploy
our stack onto the Docker Enterprise test cluster.

We are going to start off with two simpler build jobs (atsea-db and atsea-payment) and
then ramp up to a more complex example of multi-stage build for the atsea-web

Simple build and push pipeline for atsea-db image

First, we will look at the contents of our atsea-db service repository. For the most part, the
repository contains the contents from the database sub directory of the old atsea-app
repository. There is, of course, one critical new addition—the .gitlab-ci.yml file:
├── docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
│ └── init-db.sql
├── Dockerfile
├── pg_hba.conf
├── .gitlab-ci.yml
└── postgresql.conf

There is a special convention within the GitLab source code control system related to CI
pipeline file. When code is checked into the repository with a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the
root of the repository, a pipeline is created based on the contents of this file.

Of course, there is much to say about CI pipeline systems and GitLab, but
that is a topic for another book. Our goal for this section is to help you
understand the interaction between a CI pipeline system and Docker
Enterprise in the context of a software development cycle. We believe an
example is usually the best way to convey concepts with sufficient detail.

Let's get started by looking at the following simple CI pipeline definition file with a brief
explanation of what is going on with our db pipeline.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The first line of the file is simply a comment for readers to associate the file content that was
shown with the repository structure discussion previously. The variables section is where
you define environment variables within the scope of your pipeline. For testing purposes,
these pipeline variables may be overridden when the pipeline is manually run. In our case,
we are using a variable to store the FQDN of our DTR server. This variable is used later in
the file when we log in to DTR, and when we tag and push our images during the push
process. You can see how the DTR_SERVER is substituted into the pipeline's
before_script section as a parameter to the Docker login command and the
$DTR_SERVER is referenced.

image: docker:stable specifies what image the Runner will use to run the following
script commands. The docker:stable image is an official Docker image (pulled from that was created for the purpose of running Docker
commands from within a container. Remember, since our Runner mounts the host Docker
socket (Docker-on-Docker approach), your Docker commands are actually passed to the
host's Docker Engine for safe execution.

Note that this is different from the Docker-in-Docker (Docker-in-Docker—DinD) approach,

where you run your container in privileged mode to fully access all host resources. This
sounds great, but there are many issues, including and most commonly, data/filesystem
corruption. We strongly recommend you stick with Docker-on-Docker:
# atsea-db .gitlab-ci.yml

image: docker:stable

- docker login -u builder -p $BUILDER_PW $DTR_SERVER

- build
- push
- deploy

stage: build
- docker image build -t

stage: push

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

- docker push $DTR_SERVER/dev/"$CI_PROJECT_NAME"_build:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME

stage: push
- docker image tag
- docker image push $DTR_SERVER/dev/"$CI_PROJECT_NAME"_build:RC-DEV
- docker image rm $DTR_SERVER/dev/"$CI_PROJECT_NAME"_build:RC-DEV
- master

stage: deploy
- apk add curl
- echo "wait for image promotion..."
- sleep 10
- curl -X POST -F token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-F "ref=master" -F

Next, we have the pipeline's before_script section. Here, we supply a default set of
commands that will be run before each of the pipeline stages begin. Do note, however, that
if there is a before_script defined for any specific stage, it will override the global
before_script (the script at the top of the file). In our case, that works out great, because
in our final deploy stage, we do not need to log in to DTR, but we need a curl command
installed to fire the deployment trigger. We will come back to the deploy stage in a minute.

Pipelines are called pipelines for a good reason. They define a sequence of pipeline stages
wherein each of these stages may have multiple jobs running in parallel for improved cycle
times. In our case, as shown in the following screenshot, you can see our pipeline flow with
the Build, Push, and Deploy stages that are designated in the preceding stages:. Inside
each stage, you have our pipeline file's four jobs: build-image, push-branch, push-master,
and deploy-to-test. Please notice the parallel flow during the Push stage of the build, where
we have the push-master and push-branch job's pushed images to the DTR:

[ 259 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Figure 12: GitLab Pipeline Flow

After the stages section of the gitlab-ci.yml file, we have our jobs defined. Each of these
jobs have stage tags to associate the job with a pipeline stage, and a script section where we
list the commands that are to be executed within the job. Also, notice that we are using
some built-in CI_* environment variables where the CI system provides a
CI_PROJECT_NAME for the project name and CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME for the branch
name. Since we are creating a distinct pipeline file for each repository, the project name
variable is not completely necessary. However, we include it to demonstrate the variable
usage, and as a step toward creating group-wide build templates.

The only project assets that are consumed directly by this build script is the Dockerfile
that's used to build the atsea-db_build image. In our build-image job, you can see how
we are running a docker image build to generate a DTR ready tag name, and using the
local context in the atsea-db folder to build the image. In the local context, we find the
atsea-db/Dockerfile, where the image is built as it was before.

After the atsea-db_build image is built, the push-branch pushes a copy of the image to
DTR's /dev organization. The push-master job only runs if the branch being built is the
master branch—designated by the only: tag at the end of the push-master job definition.

The master push retags the branch image with an :RC-DEV tag, and pushes the image to
the Trusted Registry and cleans up the master image before it completes. Finally, the
deploy-to-test job installs the curl package in the Docker container, and then it waits for
some period of time for the dev image to be promoted to the test organization's repository
for deployment. Rather than waiting for a specified period of time (sleep 10) for the
promotion policy to fire in DTR, you could also use an event-driven web hook from the
DTR to a GitLab trigger endpoint, but it requires a little bit of extra work.

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Connecting a web hook from the DTR's test/atsea-db_build repository to kick off the
deployment job after the image is promoted to the test repository is possible, but
unfortunately, you cannot tie DTR directly to the GitLab at this time. This integration
requires an intermediate web hook forwarder/filter between the DTR web hook and GitLab
trigger endpoint. The forwarder/filter must remove the JSON payload from the DTR before
posting to GitLab's trigger endpoint to eliminate the JSON parsing error that will otherwise

For our pipeline trigger example, we are therefore driving the build and deploy from
within each of the service's build pipeline files, as shown on the preceding deploy stage.
When you are done, you should see fresh images in the DTR. Since we were building on the
master branch, we have two image repositories—one for the master branch, and then the
other for the release candidate with the RC_DEV tag. Remember the release candidate image
will be promoted to the test/atsea-db_build organization's repository, and then
deployed to the Docker Enterprise clusters /test collection from there:

Figure 13

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Now that we have a basic build and push pattern set up, let's see if we can take our pipeline
file and reuse it for the payment service.

Simple build and push pipeline for the atsea-payment image

The payment image's pipeline file looks identical to the pipeline file for the db image.
However, the pipeline's docker build command picks up the atsea-
payment/Dockerfile from its context to build the payment image:

├── Dockerfile
├── .gitlab-ci.yml

Therefore, using a Dockerfile in the repositorie's root and the $CI_ variables for the project
and branch names yields the results that are shown in the following screenshot. It just
works, and you can see how this simple build and push style pipeline can be reused:

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

When the pipeline completes and the image below show the image was pushed to the
target repository in the DTR:

Okay, those are simple samples where the CI pipeline grabs the latest code, runs a docker
build, and pushes the resulting image to your DTR. Now, it is time for us to move into a
more complex pipeline, which we will demonstrate with the web application service

Build, End to End Test, and Push pipeline for the atsea-web image
Now, it is time to build off of the last CI pipeline and take it to the next level. For our web
application, we are raising the bar. We want to: 1) build the image, 2) run a test application
stack using the new image, and 3) connect an e2e test driver to the web app stack and
validate the application. If the test succeeds, then we will push the image to DTR.
Otherwise, we will fail the build. Now that is cool!

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Let's start by looking at the following pipeline file, where everything looks the same as
before, until we get to the deploy-test-on-swarm job. The first line of the deploy-test-
on-swarm script has the docker stack deploy command we used for our manual
deploy earlier in this chapter, but there are some important additions in the abbreviated
# atsea-web .gitlab-ci.yml

stage: test
- docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose-e2e.yml
- sleep 30
- docker container run --network atsea-web-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}_front-tier
--name local-test-driver-container-${CI_PIPELINE_ID} local-test-
- docker stack rm atsea-web-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}
- docker container rm -f local-test-driver-container-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}
- docker image rm local-test-driver:${CI_PIPELINE_ID}


After sleeping for 30 seconds for the stack deploys on the build server, we run a testing
container using the test-driver image we created in the build stage. When we run the
test container, we connect it to our application's front-tier network. The test driver running
in our test container is really simple. We will look at the code in a moment, but it simply
uses curl to connect to the appservice over port 8080, and looks for a specific string in
the results. Again, we could spend a chapter or two on e2e testing, but at least here we
provide the plumbing for implementing something more sophisticated like a Selenium
Chrome test application.

After the test is done, we clean up the test container and remove the test application stack
from the build server's local Swarm cluster.

For our Docker stack deploy to use the correct image for our app server under test, we
created a special version of our docker-compose YAML file for the test stack. The
following test stack YAML file uses the $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME variable to reference the
current test image for deployment based on branch. For the test stack and test-driver
container, we used the CI_PIPELINE_ID to avoid any possible conflicts on the build server.

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Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

For all of the other images, we use the development organization's latest released candidate
(RC-DEV), tagged images, for example,
DEV. Looking further down the file, we notice something special about the frontier network.
We have included the attachable equals true parameter to the front-tier network. This
allows our test-driver container to attach to the stack's internal front-tier network.
Otherwise, only other services inthis stack would be allowed to attach to the network.

Finally, at the end of the file, notice that we have our stack's secrets being injected into our
stack's internally scoped secrets (no external: true) from files in our source code control
system. We will talk about more options regarding stack internally scoped resources and
initializing passwords when we get to discussing the atsea-deploy repository:

version: "3.7"

image: $DTR_SERVER/dev/atsea-db_build:RC-DEV
user: postgres
POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres_password
- "5432:5432"
- back-tier
- postgres_password

image: $DTR_SERVER/dev/atsea-web_build:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
user: gordon
- "8080:8080"
- front-tier
- back-tier
- postgres_password

image: $DTR_SERVER/dev/atsea-payment_build:RC-DEV
- payment

[ 265 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

- payment_token

driver: overlay
attachable: true

file: ./devsecrets/postgres_password
file: ./devsecrets/payment_token

Finally, let's take a look at how we put together our end-to-end test driver container. First,
we created a really simple container that is capable of running a curl command. Here is
the Dockerfile that used to build the test-driver. We start with an Alpine (very small
image), install the curl utility, and copy the file to the image,
make it executable, and set the to start as PID 1:
FROM alpine:3.7

RUN apk add curl

COPY ./ .
RUN chmod +x
CMD ./

Now, we will look at the script file that was executed by the Dockerfile CMD. Following
that, we curl port 8080 of the appserver service. The service's name, appserver,
resolves because the test-driver container is attached to a common front-tier with the
appserver service. The response from appserver is parsed for the Atsea Shop string. If
the string is found, the container exits successfully with a 0 error code, and the build
proceeds. If the string is not found, then the container exits with a 1 (non-zero error code)
and fails the build:
[ $(curl --silent | grep -c "Atsea Shop")
== "1" ] || exit 1

[ 266 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Figure 15: Left - Test fails, Right - Test succeeds

In the preceding screenshot on the left, we can see where the container test fails, and
subsequently, the job and pipeline fail as expected. Because the test stage failed, the push
never happens, and the defective image is never pushed to the DTR.

Pipeline deployment to Docker Enterprise

Finally, we get to the CI deployment and the final task in building our pipeline for our
custom pilot application. For this, we visit the atsea-deploy repository. We start by
building off of the scripts that we use for the manual deployment and adding a pipeline
configuration file, just like the service pipelines. The following are the key artifacts in our
deployment repository:
├── .gitlab-ci.yml
├── docker-stack-cluster.yml
└── secrets
├── dev
│ ├── domain.crt
│ ├── domain.key
│ ├── payment_token
│ └── postgres_password
├── prod
│ ├── payment_token
│ └── postgres_password
└── test
├── domain.crt

[ 267 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

├── domain.key
├── payment_token
├── postgres_password

In the beginning of the pipeline chapter in Figure 7, we used arrows to show that when
source code is pushed, it triggers a pipeline build for each service repository. The service
repository build created new images from the updated source code, pushed them to the
DTR, and then triggered the application's deploy job using a deploy job from the atsea-
deploy repository.

We are using the deploy repository as a central place for deploying our application whether
it's to dev, test, prod. We could have duplicated this deployment logic at the end of each of
the builds, but that would have gotten pretty messy and difficult to manage. Also, as
discussed in the last section, we need the ability to trigger a deployment from a variety of
events, including events outside of our CI system. So far, the only event we have seen is the
deployment trigger that's fired upon the completion of a build from each of the service
repositories. However, we want to position ourselves so that the deployment can be
triggered from a remote script, or from the DTR as an image is promoted, or successfully

With a top-down approach, we describe our automated application deployment example,

starting with how the external trigger enters the deployment pipeline, and we end up with
an application stack running in a Docker Enterprise /test collection. We begin our
deployment journey with the atsea-deploy repositories .gitlab-ci.yml file that's
shown in the following sections.

Deployment pipeline file

We are using our Docker Runner with the docker:stable image. This image is based off
of an Alpine 3.8 base image, and generally, works great. You may notice that we install
several additional packages for the pipeline's Alpine container during the before_script.
These are required to support the commands in our stack-deploy job's script. Let's take a
detailed walk through the file:
# atsea-deploy .gitlab-ci.yml

image: docker:stable

- deploy


[ 268 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

- apk add unzip

- apk add curl
- apk add jq
- apk add bash

stage: deploy
- bash
- chmod +x ./
- chmod +x ./
- ./
- chmod +x ./
- trigger

Again, image: doctor:stable tells the Runner to execute the script commands inside of
Docker's official Alpine 3.8-based image with the Docker binaries installed. Remember
when we registered the Docker Runner, we specified a volume (-v
/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock) to mount the build server's host
Docker socket. Initially, this means Docker commands executed from our pipeline
container will be passed along to the build server's Docker daemon for execution. Please
note that later, inside the script, we are going to override socket
connection by sourcing our Bash shell to use the remote Docker daemon on one of the UCP
hosts in our Docker Enterprise cluster. After the remote daemon connection is established,
all of our Docker commands execute against the cluster! We will talk more about this when
we get to the discussion about the script.

This deployment pipeline has one job (deploy-stack) and one stage (deploy). Therefore,
the stage section, which could have been omitted since there's only one stage, simply lists
the deploy stage.

In the deploy-stack: job, we jump right into the script section. First, we execute a Bash
shell so that the rest of our commands have access to Bash's capabilities, allowing us to
access the source command with our client bundle. Keep in mind that we installed the Bash
Alpine package using the preceding before_script. Next, we want to make sure that
these two scripts are executable from within our pipeline container. Use the chmod +x
command to accomplish this. Then, we run the script file. This is an
important feature of Docker Enterprise, where UCP provides a client bundle for remote
RBAC enforced cluster access.

[ 269 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

The following script creates an authorization token to connect to the

remote Docker Enterprise UCP managers. AUTH_TOKEN is generated by hitting our Docker
Enterprise's UCP API with UCP account's username and password parameters (we are
passing our deployer account from a GitLab protected environment variable) in the header.
This, of course, requires a pre-existing user account for our deployer to be created in the
UCP authorization system. Additionally, the deployer's credentials need to have been
safely stored inside of a GitLab protected environment variable. In our case, we stored the
deployer username and password credentials inside an atsea-deploy project level
protected variable, rather than at the group level like we did with the builder account
credentials. We did this because the deployer credentials are only required from within the
atsea-deploy project's pipeline. Finally, the results of the curl, where we pass the
AUTH_TOKEN in data section of the client bundle post, is a file:

export AUTH_TOKEN=$(curl -sk -d
'{"username":"'${DEPLOYER_USER}'","password":"'${DEPLOYER_PW}'"}' | jq -r .auth_token 2>/dev/null)
echo "Authtoken: ${AUTH_TOKEN}"

curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" -o
ls -la

The file contains two types of assets—user certificates and scripts. The user
certificates are used to create a secure remote connection and authenticate a specific user
with UCP's Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). The bundle also provides Linux and
Windows scripts to connect a local shell to the remote cluster. Later, in our script, we will use the script to set up a secure remote shell
from our pipeline shell (on the build server) to the remote Docker Enterprise cluster.

Finally, we list the contents of a directory to verify the file's size and contents,
and then we unzip Later, we will use the contents of the bundle to connect in
the deploy_cluster script.

When we return from the script, we want to make sure that the
script file is available for execution by using the chmod +x command, as we are going to
use the deploy-cluster script. Now, we are ready to deploy.

As a debugging feature, and a point of discussion, we will now look at the echo
$DEPLOY_TARGET script command. This variable is set by the caller of the remote trigger.

[ 270 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Our pipeline trigger was set up at the atsea-deploy project level in the
CI/CD Setting > Pipeline triggers. When looking at the
preceding .gitlab-ci.yml listing, notice at the bottom of the stack-
deploy job specification that there is an only: constraint. We specified
that this job is only run when initiated by a trigger. That means that to test
this job, we have to use a curl command to trigger the pipeline and run
the job.

If you recall, at the end of our service's build pipelines, we used a curl command to trigger
our builds. One of the parameters to the trigger was the DEPLOY_TARGET variable -F
"variables[DEPLOY_TARGET]=test" and, in our case, we set the parameter to test
because we wanted to trigger a test deployment job. The test deployment takes the current
release candidate images (RC-test) from our DTR test organization repositories and
deploys them in a stack to the Docker Enterprise test cluster. To understand more about
how this works, we can take a look at the following script file that's

Inside of our file is an important comment about secrets. Here, you
could use a variety of mechanisms to retrieve secrets from a remote, secure store to
populate a temporary file, or inject them directly into the cluster as external secrets. In the
next section, we will take a look at the docker-stack-cluster.yml file to see exactly
how the secrets get populated at deploy time.

Next, we check to see if a parameter was passed in. Again, you could/should be more
thorough with actual parameter validation. Next, we source the UCP client bundle to
connect our local shell to the Docker Enterprise cluster. If the parameters are found, we
create the STACK and STACK_ENV environment variables. These variables are referenced
inside of the docker-stack-cluster.yml stack deploy file.

IFS= sets the internal field specifier for the shell to the default
of <space><tab><newline>. If it is not set this way, the output of will not be
processed properly as a $() sub command because the output from the command
has no line breaks and fails. eval $(< runs the script from the UCP client file and points the shell client at the UCP remote cluster. Therefore, all
subsequent Docker commands are run against the remote UCP cluster as the UCP user
associated with the bundles, in our case, the deployer user.

[ 271 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Finally, we run the docker stack deploy-c docker-stack-cluster.yml ${STACK}

command to launch our stack, and use the STACK variable to name it:

# Add your code to fetch and populate ./secrets/test ./secrets/prod using

copy or vault etc.

# Set stack name

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Usage: please specify dev, test or prod";
exit 1;
export STACK_ENV=$1
export STACK=atsea-deployer-${STACK_ENV}

# Should fail and continue locally, but actually load the builder bundle in
CI build
eval $(<

echo -e "Launching stack... docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-cluster.yml

${STACK} \n"
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-cluster.yml ${STACK}

We are almost there! Now, we need to take a closer look at our stack deployment YAML
file used in the following, to cover some subtle, but important, points
of interest.

First of all, we are referencing environment variables that we set in the script. Again, that is the script that actually called docker stack
deploy and runs this file. Using environment variables is a convenient way to use stack
files as parameterized templates. However, there is one key restriction you should be aware
of—you cannot substitute environment variables into Swarm top level resource's names,
such as the names of services, networks, volumes, and secrets. In other words, we cannot
define services: ${DB_NAME}-database: or networks: ${NET_NAME}-front-end:
in our stack files. There are some pretty good reasons to do this, primarily to avoid
collisions on common Swarm-wide resource names, but Swarm's stack internal resource
isolation can help here. We will talk about this in the Docker Swarm resource section.

At the bottom of the file, we notice that our secrets are set up a little differently than before.
This time, the secrets are being read from a file directly into the secrets for the stack. Again,
these secrets could have been directly injected from Hashicorp vault or a temporary file

[ 272 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Otherwise, this stack file looks deceptively similar to the version we used for our manual
stack deployment earlier in this chapter. However, there are actually some substantial
differences in this file related to internal verses external resources!
# atsea-deploy .gitlab-ci.yml
version: "3.7"

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/${STACK_ENV}/atsea-db_build:RC-${STACK_ENV}
POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres_password
- back-tier
- postgres_password

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/${STACK_ENV}/atsea-web_build:RC-${STACK_ENV}
- front-tier
- back-tier
- payment
replicas: 2
parallelism: 2
failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
labels: at-sea-${STACK_ENV} ${STACK}_front-tier 8080
- postgres_password

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/${STACK_ENV}/atsea-payment_build:RC-${STACK_ENV}
- source: staging_token

[ 273 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

target: payment_token
- payment
failure_action: rollback

driver: overlay

file: ./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/postgres_password
com.docker.ucp.access.label: /${STACK_ENV}
file: ./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/payment_token
com.docker.ucp.access.label: /${STACK_ENV}
file: ./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/
com.docker.ucp.access.label: /${STACK_ENV}
file: ./secrets/${STACK_ENV}/

Injecting secrets from a file is very convenient, but prepending labels values like the can be challenging.

Understanding Docker Swarm resource scoping

In the previous manual deployment example, our stack's YAML file made use of external
Swarm resources. In other words, we created the front-tier network and all of our secrets
before we launched the stack. Then, in the stack file, we marked the resources as external,
indicating to Swarm those resources are to be created outside, and prior to the scope of this
stack. This works great when you deliberately intend to share resources across multiple
stacks in a Docker Swarm. However, it's not so great if you or your build system
accidentally shares resources because they coincidentally have the same names! Luckily,
the Docker community has put some thought into this.

[ 274 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

When deploying a stack using Docker Swarm, it achieves stack resource scoping by adding
the stack's name as a prefix to all of the stack's top-level, internal resources (services,
networks, and secrets not declared as external: true) at deploy time. Therefore, if we
deploy the stack file shown previously with a stack name of atsea-deployer-test, the
back-tier network will be created as atsea-deployer-test_back-tier. This is a
convention Swarm uses to achieve stack resource isolation. External stack resource names
do not change at deployment, and are expected to be present at stack deploy time—Swarm
does not prefix them.

That is all great, but this can get a little tricky for us when setting label values that contain
internally scoped resources. For instance, we use front-
tier to tell Interlock which network to use. However, as we just learned, the name of the
front-tier network will be changed to atsea-deployer-test_front-tier when the stack
is deployed. The Interlock service will try to find the front-tier network and fail. In our case,
we set the label to ${STACK}_front-tier to make it work.

It is worth mentioning that there are some Docker template variables you can use in stack
files where you can ask Swarm for runtime values of services's attributes like hostname,
mount, and env properties.

More information can be found at https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​engine/


Unfortunately, the Stack properties are a level above the service, and are not available at
this time. Finally, as we mentioned previously, you may not use environment variable
substitution within the compose-file with Swarm when referring to a top-level resource
names (for example, ${STACK_NAME}front-tier) in the secrets or network sections of our

So, there are some trade-offs to be considered when building your Swarm stack files. You
can use external resources and always be sure of the name, but you must avoid name
collisions across the entire Swarm, perhaps using some sort of name spacing scheme. Or
you can use Swarm's internally scoped resource names, and compensate externally, adding
the stack name as a prefix.

[ 275 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Triggering the pipeline manually

Now, it's time to give it a try. To start a process, we must trigger a pipeline with the
following curl command. Therefore, I will run it from a Bash shell on my local
development machine and we get a long JSON response container with a link to the
resulting pipeline:
$curl -X POST -F token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-F "ref=master" -F


If we follow the line, we can see the output from the pipeline, as follows. The source code is
checked out, the packages are installed, the UCP client bundle is downloaded, the files are
unzipped, the shell is connected, and the stack is launched:
Checking out f0d8a037 as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ apk add unzip
(1/1) Installing unzip (6.0-r4)
Executing busybox-1.28.4-r3.trigger
OK: 5 MiB in 15 packages
$ apk add curl
(1/4) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.32.0-r0)
(2/4) Installing libssh2 (1.8.0-r3)
(3/4) Installing libcurl (7.61.1-r1)
(4/4) Installing curl (7.61.1-r1)
Executing busybox-1.28.4-r3.trigger
OK: 6 MiB in 19 packages
$ apk add jq
(1/2) Installing oniguruma (6.8.2-r0)
(2/2) Installing jq (1.6_rc1-r1)
Executing busybox-1.28.4-r3.trigger
OK: 7 MiB in 21 packages
$ apk add bash
(1/5) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.1_p20180818-r1)
(2/5) Installing ncurses-terminfo (6.1_p20180818-r1)
(3/5) Installing ncurses-libs (6.1_p20180818-r1)
(4/5) Installing readline (7.0.003-r0)
(5/5) Installing bash (4.4.19-r1)
Executing busybox-1.28.4-r3.trigger
OK: 16 MiB in 26 packages
$ bash

[ 276 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

$ chmod +x ./
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./
Authtoken: xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
total 64
drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4096 Feb 5 18:22 .
drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4096 Jan 28 14:36 ..
drwxrwxrwx 5 root root 4096 Feb 5 18:22 .git
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11879 Feb 5 18:22

extracting: ca.pem
extracting: cert.pem
extracting: key.pem
extracting: env.ps1
extracting: env.cmd
extracting: kube.yml
$ chmod +x ./
Launching stack... docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-cluster.yml atsea-

Creating network atsea-deployer-test_payment

Creating network atsea-deployer-test_back-tier
Creating network atsea-deployer-test_front-tier
Creating secret atsea-deployer-test_staging_token
Creating secret
Creating secret
Creating secret atsea-deployer-test_postgres_password
Creating service atsea-deployer-test_payment_gateway
Creating service atsea-deployer-test_database
Creating service atsea-deployer-test_appserver
Job succeeded

[ 277 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Finally, here's a UCP screenshot of our service being deployed to the Docker Enterprise
cluster—the services are deployed and replicated:

Figure 16: UCP shows the pipeline deployed stack

In this chapter, we covered important concepts related to developing and deploying
applications with Docker Enterprise. We backed the concepts up with samples, including
an end-to-end CI pipeline to build and deploy the Docker AtSea sample application onto a
Docker Enterprise cluster. We covered services, networking, routing mesh, layer 7 ingress
control, UCP client bundles, and integration with CI Pipelines.

As we continue on our journey, we will take a look at logging and monitoring of your new
pilot application, followed by a variety topics about getting your cluster and application
production ready. In this chapter, we focused on using Swarm as our orchestrator, because
it is a really good starting point for most Enterprises. Later in this book, we are going to
come back and redeploy our application using Kubernetes in our Docker Enterprise cluster.

[ 278 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

1. How does Docker speed up software development cycles?
2. What are the multiple docker-compose files for?
3. How does Docker Enterprise integrate with a CI system?
4. What is the life cycle for secrets in our Build Pipeline?

Further reading
Article on how long to wait between failed calls:
Retrying Java API calls with Spring retry:
Circuit breaker patter with Netflix Hystrix:
This is a great reference architecture article by Anoop Kumar on Ingress
Networking and Load Balancing:
Using Docker Swarm secrets:
Using Kubernetes secrets:
Dockerfile best practices:
Remote debugging with Java:
Docker Enterprise 2 Ingress with Interlock 2:

[ 279 ]
Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline Chapter 6

Storing configs in Swarm:

Service template variables and variable substitution:
Using variable substitution in compose (docker-compose and docker stack
Gitlab Runner introduction:
Post on injecting external Spring configs:
Docker In Docker verses Docker On Docker:

[ 280 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise
Platform Monitoring and
As we wind down our pilot phase, we need to think about how we are going to support
our pilot application during the internal pilot. Beyond the external access metrics
like https:/​/​www.​site24x7.​com/​ and others do so well, we need to get start getting real
experience in container logging and monitoring.

Logging and monitoring is a transformational area where we have to be careful not to pave
the cowpath. In other words, it would be easy to carry some old habits into the new world
of containers, but it could be problematic. Traditionally, we set up our application servers
to handle logging. We usually did this in one of two ways. We either used logging
frameworks to write logs to the application server's filesystem, or we installed agents on
each of these servers to monitor the logging activity. Because we had a relatively small
number of application servers set up to host monolithic, multi-application deployments, it
made sense and worked pretty well.

While the logging and agent approaches will still technically work in a container world,
they are not necessarily a good fit for the ephemeral nature of containers where each
application has one or more containers. Let's say you had an old application server running
five applications (each with a web app and restful API) that turns into 10 containers (5 x 2).
Now, imagine that those 10 containers are spread across a five node cluster. Just imagine
trying to figure out where the container ran last and where it wrote the logs. Or, think
about having to instrument every container in your cluster with a log agent and figure out
the licensing for 10 running and perhaps 30 stopped containers!

Don't panic! Along with this great container technology stack came a lot of innovative and
cost-effective solutions.
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

Docker Engine-Community logging

Logging and monitoring distributed container applications with ELK
Logging and monitoring with Docker Enterprise
Open source logging and monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana
Commercial logging example with Sysdig

Logging and monitoring distributed,

containerized applications
First, we will start with the basics of Docker logging by looking at logging on a single host
Docker node, as shown in the diagram that follows. As you may recall, Docker
automatically captures the standard error and standard output streams from running
containers and directs them to the Docker log files. In this section, we will explore what that
really means in terms of where the logs go, and how to get to them.

This diagram represents the default log configuration settings for a Docker Linux daemon.
On the left-hand side of the diagram, you can see a Docker Engine represented with a box.
Underneath the Docker Engine box, we can see how the Docker Engine uses systemd to
write to the system logs on the host's systemd-journald log. The system captures the
output from the Docker daemon to this log, where it can be accessed with the journalctl
command, as shown in the Terminal window.

Default Docker Engine logs

Inside of the Docker Engine box, we can see two containers running and how their logs are
being written to the host filesystem in JSON format. These logs can be accessed from the
Docker container logs command, as shown in the Terminal window:

[ 282 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Figure 1: The settings for Docker contain

The settings for Docker container logging can be adjusted by modifying a file located in
the /etc/docker directory called daemon.json. Looking at the following listing, you can
see the listing from a sample daemon.json file that I would strongly recommend as a
default configuration. In the following file, you can see that the log-driver is set to json-
file. That is the default when Docker is installed on a Linux-based system. The log-opts
vary for each driver. In our case, we are using the max-size option to set the maximum
size of a log file to 10 MB and the max-file option to specify how many log files to keep.
This means Docker will rotate the log files so that when a file reaches 10 MB, it starts a new
file and it keeps only the latest three logs files in storage.

This is really important as one serious issue we see at customer sites is

when log files are not rolled. They can then grow out of control and
consume all of the disk space on a Docker node. The node can become
none-responsive, but this can easily be avoided by using these options.
Never set an engine's logging level to debug without verifying you have
some sort of log truncation or rolling scheme in place. At a debug level of
logging, you can collect gigabytes of logs in just hours.

[ 283 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Also, notice the live restore option that's set to true on this node. This configuration file is
taken from my standalone (non-swarm) Docker load balancer node, where HAProxy is
handling all inbound traffic to the cluster, and I, therefore, do not want this container going
down, even if the Docker Daemon stops. Please note there are some side effects that can
affect things like upgrades, where you will want to take your container down manually to
perform the upgrade so that we're sure that no resources are locked during the upgrade

Please know that if you make any changes to your daemon JSON file, you will have to
restart your Docker daemon for the changes to take effect. Generally speaking, a sudo
service docker restart should do the trick, as follows:

$ sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json

"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "10m",
"max-file": "3"
"live-restore": true

# Get the current logging driver

$ docker info --format '{{.LoggingDriver}}'

# Get a list of available logging plugins

$ docker info --format '{{.Plugins.Log}}'
[awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk

The following is a list of the standard logging drivers included with an out-of-the-box
install of the Docker Engine-Community Linux Daemon. Remember, if there is no
/etc/docker/daemon.json file, or it is empty, the default driver is .json file. You can
check your logging file, as shown in the preceding code block, with the docker info --
format '{{.LoggingDriver}}' command.

Finally, you can see all of the available logging drivers, including any drivers installed by
third-party logging plugins, by using the docker info --format '{{.Plugins.Log}}'

[ 284 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

You can get more information on the log options for each standard driver by visiting the
Docker documents page found here: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/​containers/

Log driver Description

No logs are available for the container and Docker
logs do not return any output.
json (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/ The logs are formatted as JSON. The default logging
containers/​logging/​json-​file/​) driver for Docker.
Writes logging messages to the syslog facility.
syslog (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/
The syslog daemon must be running on the host
Writes log messages to journald.
journald (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/
The journald daemon must be running on the
host machine.
Writes log messages to a Graylog Extended Log
gelf (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/
Format (GELF) endpoint such as Graylog or
Writes log messages to fluentd (forward input).
fluentd (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/
The fluentd daemon must be running on the
host machine.
awslogs (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/
Writes log messages to Amazon CloudWatch logs.
splunk (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/ Writes log messages to splunk using the HTTP
containers/​logging/​splunk/​) Event Collector.
Writes log messages as Event Tracing for Windows
etwlogs (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/
(ETW) events. Only available on Windows
gcplogs (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/ Writes log messages to Google Cloud Platform
config/​containers/​logging/​gcplogs/​) (GCP) logging.
logentries (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/
Writes Log messages to Rapid7 Log entries.

Centralized logging
Docker logging works great for a single node, but what if I have a cluster of 10, 20, or even
100 nodes? How are we supposed to manage all of those logs across all of those nodes? The
answer is centralized logging!

[ 285 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

There are a couple of different approaches to implementing centralized logging. One

method is a publish model, where all of the metric endpoints publish their logs to a central
server. An ELK Stack is a good example of an open source solution using the publish
model. A second method for centralized logging is a polling model, where the central
logging server polls all the targeted metric endpoints. Prometheus is a popular example of
an open source solution using a polling model.

Publish approach with an ELK Stack

The ELK in ELK Stack is an acronym representing the components in the logging stack. E is
for Elasticsearch, L is for Logstash, and K is for Kibana. It turns out that these three open
source technologies make an outstanding centralized logging stack. Logstash can take a
massive pipeline of data, normalize it, and deliver it to Elasticsearch at scale. Logstash is
sometimes referred to as a powerful ingestion tool for Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch indexes
huge amounts of log data and makes them searchable in real time, while Kibana provides
very cool infographic style visualisations and graphs from your log data.

The publish model relies on log structure to not only understand the metrics, but equally as
important is what the metric's source was. Because the logs are pushed to the central server,
there is no easy and reliable way to determine the source. The server knows nothing about
the metric sources as a matter of configuration, so only through convention of the log
tags/structure can the source information be determined. This is why we emphasize the
importance of a good logging structure for application development teams. While architects
may no longer dictate which logging framework to use when building distributed systems
(or even microservices), they should insist on the following:

Conventions in the logging format

Logs are always written to standard out and standard error

So let's take a look at how an ELK Stack works in a Docker cluster. We need to start each
node's configuration for the local Docker Engine logging driver. In our following example,
in the following diagram, we are no longer using the default json-file driver. Instead, we
have switched over to the journald log driver. This means all container logs are saved in
the local host's systemd-journald logs. So now, all container logs and Docker daemon
services are captured in the same local log file.

[ 286 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Now, we need to get the logs from our local log file to the log stash service running on the
ELK server. In our diagram, this flow is represented by the red arrows, and is facilitated by
something called Journalbeat (https:/​/​github.​com/​mheese/​journalbeat). Journalbeat
runs in a container, mounts the local system logs, and pushes the new entries to the
Logstash service on the remote ELK server host. Then, all of the new logs from each of the
nodes are quickly indexed and stored. Finally, Otto, our operations manager, can use the
Kibana UI to look for any problems or anomalies in log data from any container on any

Figure 2: ELK Stack Central Logging

That is pretty cool, but it is just the beginning of the central logging journey. In fact, the
plumbing is the easy part of this platform setup. The difficult part is structuring the queries
to discover problems and anomalies, and making sure that the application teams are
logging the appropriate information at the right time.

[ 287 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Polling approach with Prometheus

The second common centralized logging approach is a polling model, where the central
logging server polls all of the targeted metric endpoints. In this scenario, the central server
is aware of its metric endpoints as a matter of configuration and polls them, storing the
results in a central database. One popular example of the polling model is Prometheus, a
very popular, open source monitoring platform.

Prometheus is an open source monitoring platform that is simple to configure and use. In
the following diagram, we are showing a very basic setup, with a Prometheus server being
configured through a YAML configuration file, and polling an application container on a
test server. The YAML file describes the server's behavior, such as how often the server
scrapes/polls the endpoints. Most importantly, it describes the target endpoints as jobs and
the server uses the HTTP path, IP address, and port number to collect metrics. On the test
server side, we have something called an exporter.

There are a number of exporters that you can plug into your application's deployment
platform, where you deploy the export alongside your application to get access runtime
metrics without changing your application code. For instance, the Prometheus JMX
exporter's (https:/​/​github.​com/​prometheus/​jmx_​exporter). jar file can be downloaded
into your Tomcat deployment as a separate application, and expose key JVM metrics to the
Prometheus server. This works great for lift and shift applications, but there is way more
you can do if you wish to build your own metrics endpoint.

Prometheus has official and unofficial client libraries for a wide variety of programming
languages: https:/​/​prometheus.​io/​docs/​instrumenting/​clientlibs/​. You can use these
client libraries to create your own metrics, such as the number of widgets shipped, or
burgers ordered. This opens the door to using a whole new collection of business metrics
where you can create a dashboard for your business users. A word of caution, though; the
maintainers of Prometheus do not guarantee the type of metric traceability you would need
for something like a billing system. So, while you can use it for internal metrics of all kinds,
be careful if lawyers are involved! We recommend Elton Stoneman's Pluralsight class
docker) as a great place to get started with the Prometheus client libraries.

[ 288 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Simple Prometheus setup

Once you have this simple setup in place, Otto can use Prometheus's Web UI to configure
graphs and alerts based on the metrics provided by the Prometheus export app on port

Figure 3: Simple Prometheus Web Application Monitor

[ 289 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Okay, but what does that have to do with Docker? It turns out that Docker has exposed a
Prometheus metrics endpoint within the Docker Engine. So, you can collect a wealth of
information, like the number of containers in various states (paused, running, stopped), or
number of failed health checks—do not overlook the value of the failed health checks.
Remember that Swarm will restart containers that fail, and therefore, it can mask issues
where containers crash after a period of time and the orchestrator is restarting them.

Prometheus on Docker and checking Docker

Now that we know Docker has a Prometheus metrics endpoint, we will set up a quick
demo from a Prometheus server running as a Docker container, on the same node where
we are monitoring the Docker metrics! This is well-documented here.

In the following diagram, we take a look at a few critical items that are required to make
this setup work. First, we have to get the Docker Engine to expose the Prometheus endpoint
on a specific port. This requires changes to the daemon.json file. The first configuration
setting is the port number, where the Docker's Prometheus metrics endpoint can be
reached. The second configuration setting allows access to experimental features in the
Docker Engine.

Next, take a quick look at our Prometheus YAML file in the following diagram. There are a
couple of key things to note:

The Prometheus server is actually collecting metrics from itself

We can also see how it is monitoring the Docker metrics endpoint

The following diagram illustrates the deployment of the Prometheus server in a container
with a docker container run command and how Otto Opsmanager can log in, then log
in to Prometheus's Web UI and see metrics from both the Prometheus server and a Docker

[ 290 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Figure 4: Prometheus Pulling Metrics From Docker Engine Endpoint (Experimental)

That is cool enough, but I'm sure I lost most of you at experimental mode! Experimental
mode implies experimental features in the Docker Engine that are not production-ready.
Therefore, using this sort of direct monitoring of the Docker Engine endpoint might work
fine for local development, but it is not so acceptable an approach for production

Next, we will look at monitoring a Docker Enterprise cluster with more production grade
solutions. We will build off of the Prometheus concepts we discussed in this section, as well
as look at a sample commercial solution.

[ 291 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Logging and monitoring in Docker

Docker Enterprise does a great job of walking a tightrope between providing enough
essential, out-of-the-box, enterprise features, and flexibility through integration and
extensibility. Monitoring is a really good example of this balancing act. You get the basic
information you need for operating your Docker Enterprise cluster, but the flexibility to
bring your own tools to the game. For monitoring, Docker uses an internal packing of
Prometheus to provide some essential metrics through the UCP dashboard.

The following screenshot shows a metrics overview from UCP's Web UI Dashboard, where
the data all comes from a Kubernetes deployment of Prometheus across the Docker
Enterprise Manager Nodes:

Figure 5: UCP Dashboard Using Prometheus

[ 292 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

The UCP metrics give cluster operators the ability to quickly see if there are issues with
their cluster. While this is perhaps not a great long-term solution, it really helps during the
pilot phase as the operations team figures out what sort of metrics will be important in the
container world. Then, Docker gets out of the way and encourages you to implement pretty
much any solution you would like, including Prometheus and Grafana running in your
cluster, alongside their internal Prometheus implementation.

We intentionally say that Docker encourages extension and integration, because they
provide solution briefs in conjunction with certified partner solutions. Docker certified
solution briefs are step-by-step guides to help you extend and integrate Docker with third-
party, Docker certified technology providers you already use.

Docker Enterprise UCP and Prometheus

Looking at Docker's implementation of Prometheus for UCP's metrics provides some pretty
interesting insights into how Prometheus can be used in a production setting. Interestingly
enough, in Docker UCP version 3.1, UCP metrics are collected through a Kubernetes
deployment of Prometheus to each UCP Manager node. The goal of their implementation is
to collect up to 24 hours worth of running metrics from UCP events and resources to assist
operators to triage problems. In other words, if there's a problem, you can pop into the
UCP's UI to look at the metrics and this can lead you toward problem diagnostic and
resolution. However, it is not designed to displace your primary toolset for logging,
monitoring, and alerting the system.

In addition to Docker's use of Kubernetes to deploy UCP's Prometheus metrics, they also
added a UCP API endpoint (metricsdiscovery) to support their implementation. This
endpoint reveals all of the metric endpoints Prometheus needs. If you are interested in
seeing this in action, log in to the UCP Web UI, click on the live API link, navigate to
metricsdiscovery, try it, then execute. You will see a response body that looks like the
"targets": [

[ 293 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7


Notice how the IP address is different for the manager's nodes (port 443—UCP's API) and
workers (port 12376— ucp_proxy). Docker then uses an inventory container (inside the
metrics pod), uses the UCP API's metricsdiscovery service to pull the exporter
endpoints, and saves them to a share volume, where the Prometheus server configuration
can pick them up.

Now that we've seen how Docker does it, let's figure out the best approach for a pilot setup.

Docker Enterprise with Prometheus and Grafana

When it comes to using Prometheus and Grafana with Docker Enterprise, there are a couple
of options since Docker Enterprise's UCP is already using Prometheus. One approach is
where we piggyback on Docker Prometheus's exporters/endpoint and just add our own
Prometheus server to poll them. That will work, of course, and it is well-documented
(https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/​admin/​configure/​collect-​cluster-​metrics/​), but
then we rely on the underlying endpoint structure to remain the same as Docker upgrades
their UCP metrics implementation over time. A safer way would be to deploy our own
Prometheus server and exporters so that we can deploy independently of the Docker's
Prometheus implementation.

Neither of these approaches use the Docker Engines experimental

endpoint. They both use discrete exporters, separate from the Docker
Engine, to probe the system for metrics, and therefore avoid the use of any
experimental features.

This approach to implementing Prometheus and Grafana is documented in a Docker

solution brief. I will walk you through a quick streamlined version using Docker Swarm to
deploy our Prometheus exporters, as well as the server. The full article is available
here: https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​article/​grafana-​prometheus-​monitoring.

The article starts off by talking about the major components required for the solution.
Fundamentally, we will deploy one server stack (Prometheus/Grafana/NGINX) and a set of
two exporters to each node in the cluster.

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Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

This topology is easy to achieve with both generic Swarm or Kubernetes. In Swarm, you
can use global replication, while in Kubernetes, you can use a daemon set for the exporters.
However, UCP restricts the types of workload that run on a certain node. For instance,
worker nodes are marked as Swarm, Kubernetes, or Mixed. Furthermore, UCP can be set to
disallow user workloads on DTR workers and UCP manager nodes. Fortunately, there are
some clever workarounds. Luckily, there's a little hack to work around this problem with
Swarm, as long as you have SSH access to one of the UCP manager nodes in your cluster.
This hack bypasses UCP and uses Swarm CE by going directly to the UCP manager's
Docker socket—disabling environmental variables during the stack deploy with env -i
does the trick. Unfortunately, if you just have a UCP client bundle and no manager node
SSH, you will have to go with the Kubernetes daemon set approach for the exporters as

With respect to the two types of exporters, the first is called cAdvisor and is used to collect
container related statistics. The second type is called Node Exporter, and it collects system
metrics from each host. Swarm global replication will make sure that each of these
containers is running on all nodes at all times—even if new workers are added to the
cluster after deployment.

The server stack (Prometheus/Grafana/NGINX) is comprised of three components. The first

component is an NGINX server to provide basic auth access to the Prometheus Web UI
server. The second component is the Prometheus server itself, which we've seen before.
Finally, we have Grafana to display our dashboard. We will only expose two ports outside
of our stack. Port 33090 is used to access the Prometheus Web UI via the NGINX basic auth
from end, and port 33000 is used to access Grafana's Web UI.

Setting this up with swarm is actually pretty simple. We need to complete the following

1. SSH into a UCP Manager.

2. Create a prometheus subdirectory, cd into it, and copy these files:
nginx.conf (https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​api/​asset/​.
%2Fsamples%2Fnginx.​conf) (https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​api/​asset/
Dockerfile (

[ 295 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

3. Build and push an NGINX basic auth proxy image to your DTR repo:
1. docker image build --rm --no-cache --tag .
2. docker image push
3. You may have to docker login before you

4. Create a swarm secret, as follows:

echo 'YourPasswordHere'| docker secret create prometheus-
password -

5. Update the docker-compose file, as follows:

1. Update the image name of the NGINX image
2. Remove the ports specification from the monitoring-cadvisor and
monitoring-node-exporter services as they are not needed, and
may cause port conflicts
6. Deploy the stack. Here's the hack:
env -i docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml grafana-

7. Log into Prometheus by using any cluster node's IP and port 33090:
1. Use the the password you saved in the secret back in step 4.1
2. Check Status | Targets to see if your nodes are up
8. Log into Grafana using any cluster node's IP and port 33000:
1. The admin/admin
2. Reset password
9. Set up a Prometheus data source using your basic auth Prometheus credentials
10. Import a sample dashboard using the following URL: https:/​/​grafana.​com/
11. Enjoy the magic!

Here is my cleaned up version of the docker-compose file, broke into a few pieces:
version: '3.4'


[ 296 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

hostname: monitoring-nginx
PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD_FILE: '/run/secrets/prometheus-password'
- prometheus-password
condition: any
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 5
- monitoring-frontend
- monitoring-backend
- "33090:19090"

The preceding monitoring-nginx service is used as a load balancer frontend, and

provides a basic auth wrapper in front of the Prometheus Web UI.

The following code block shows the setup for Grafana and Prometheus:
image: grafana/grafana:latest
hostname: monitoring-grafana
- monitoring-frontend
- monitoring-backend
- "33000:3000"
- grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana

image: prom/prometheus:latest
hostname: monitoring-prometheus
- monitoring-backend
- '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
- '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
- prometheus-metrics-data:/prometheus
- source: prometheus.yml
target: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

[ 297 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

The following code block shows the configuration for our two types of monitoring probes
that are deployed on every node:
image: google/cadvisor:latest
hostname: monitoring-cadvisor
- monitoring-backend
mode: global
- /:/rootfs:ro
- /var/run:/var/run:rw
- /sys:/sys:ro
- /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro

image: prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0
hostname: monitoring-node-exporter
- monitoring-backend
mode: global

In the following code, we have the local volumes, networks, config, and secret that are used
by Prometheus and Grafana:

driver: overlay
attachable: true
driver: overlay
attachable: true

file: ./prometheus.yml

external: true

[ 298 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

As you can see, there are endless options for creating Prometheus graphs and Grafana
dashboards, but you still have some work to do to get it where you need to go. Also, from
Grafana, check out the alert setting as well. It's very cool and useful! Here is my dashboard:

Figure 6: Grafana Dashboard

Again, this is really cool, but do pay attention to the numbers. Remember to compare
Prometheus/Grafana numbers with the UCP metrics and queries from your UCP client
bundle with a UCP admin user role (that is, docker container ls -aq | grep -c --
regex "^[0-9,a-f]" ) . The default, albeit a sample, shows a 1006 container, but the UCP
Web UI and the client bundle queries show 281. Also, the nodes being listed are the Swarm
networks IPs of the Exporters. So, make sure you know what you are looking at and how to
navigate from a dashboard problem discovery to troubleshooting a node or container.

We just covered a popular open source option, so now let's look at a commercial option.

[ 299 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Commercial example – Sysdig

The traditional monitoring tools market is abundant and mature. Chances are, you
probably already have one or more existing tools in place. You already bought them, you
know how to use them, and for the most part, they might work just fine for some of your
container-based monitoring needs. However, there are some fundamental differences
between traditional infrastructure/application monitoring and container platform

The first difference between traditional and container monitoring is that containers are
ephemeral and can be short-lived. Once the container is gone, it is difficult to understand
what might have happened. You need to make sure that your monitoring platform takes
into account the ephemeral nature of containers, and the difficulties in using agent-based
solutions, where agents are not only constantly starting and stopping, but also
understanding how to monitor the related container platform components.

The second difference between traditional and container monitoring is the move from
monolithic applications to microservices. In this twelve factor application age, where
service components are dynamically bound together at runtime, it is very helpful if your
monitoring solution can navigate this dynamic typology.

In this section, we wanted to use an example of a commercial solution, and the one I'm
most familiar with is Sysdig Monitor and Sysdig Secure. This is not an official endorsement
of Sysdig, nor am I saying they are the only ones to provide such features, however it has
become my tool of choice because of their container first approach and their open source
community roots. Sysdig comes from the creators of Wireshark and its roots are in the Falco
open source community.

First, any monitoring tool is of limited value if it can't help us to determine the root cause of
an event. So, we are looking for something to go deep when there is a problem. To this end,
Sysdig has a feature called capture that lets you go back in time prior to a critical event and
review everything that was going on in the environment. You can correlate events across
multiple channels on a common timeline to track down what was happening (host,
network, file, and container related events) prior to a particular event. We have included
the following screenshot to help you view this, and there's a great demonstration video to
check out here: https:/​/​sysdig.​com/​blog/​sysdig-​inspect/​:

[ 300 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Figure 7: Sysdig Inspect of Event Capture

Our intent here is not to hijack this section and turn it into a big sales brochure; rather, it is
to help raise the awareness of all types of tooling that are very useful in an ephemeral
container environment. In a nutshell, the Sysdig platform provides the ability to monitor or
inspect a variety of host, network, filesystem, and container metrics. Then, based on rules,
the system generates alerts and captures detailed metrics leading up to an event.

Now, back to our pilot! At this point, we have rolled out a couple of applications:

Our confluence Wiki

Our custom Java application that we developed in the last chapter

As a practical matter, and because we have opened our containerized wiki application up
to internal users, we would like to make sure things are working properly. Therefore, we
need a better view of what's happening with our new wiki application. So, we will walk
through the process of using a free trial of Sysdig to monitor the wiki as it runs on our
Docker Enterprise platform.

[ 301 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Our pilot Sysdig architecture

The Sysdig monitoring solution we are using for our pilot is the cloud-based version of
their monitoring platform, and there is a free trial available. This is convenient for a pilot
because you don't need to buy anything (yet) and you will only need to install the probe
agents onto your Docker host and you will be ready to go. Please note that, for higher
traffic, or more highly secure environments, Sysdig offers a variety of configurations for
their cloud-based solution, as well as an on-prem version. During your pilot, we would
recommend the cloud version, leaving the server hosting to Sysdig—you can always move
to the on-prem version later after you have kicked the tires.

Installing the Sysdig agents

When installing Sysdig on Docker Enterprise 2.1, there are a couple of different approaches.
One of the approaches is covered in a Docker solution brief (https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/
article/​sysdig-​monitoring). The Docker solution brief uses a Kubernetes daemon set to
install the agents in the Docker Enterprise cluster. On the surface, this is a pretty
straightforward implementation where you can simply create a Kubernetes secret and then
apply a Kubernetes YAML file from a UCP client bundle to perform the magic. However,
like many things Kubernetes, there can be some complications. In our case, these
complications are related to the required kernel module and our bare metal on-prem
Docker Enterprise hosting. So, if you are just using Swarm at this point in your pilot and
running on-prem, I would strongly recommend using the simple container-based install as
a more straightforward and bulletproof approach to installing the agents in your cluster. As
long as you have SSH access to your Docker cluster hosts using a user in the Docker group
(you need to run a Docker command), this will take about one minute per host node.

Hey Kubernetes fans, do not fret! We will come back to the Kubernetes
deployment with Kube-State monitoring later in this book.

Before you can install anything, please visit https:/​/​sysdig.​com/​ and click on the get
started button. From there, you can start your free trial of monitor. Just sign up, and then
follow the instructions up to the agent install. You will need to copy your access key as it is
a parameter for our Docker container-based installation.

[ 302 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

After acquiring your access key, you simply need to log in to each of your Docker host
nodes in the cluster and use the following Docker run command with your access key
(replace the following xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your access key):
docker run -d --name sysdig-agent \
--restart always \
--privileged \
--net host \
--pid host \
-e ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-e SECURE=true \
-e TAGS=example_tag:example_value \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /dev:/host/dev \
-v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
-v /boot:/host/boot:ro \
-v /lib/modules:/host/lib/modules:ro \
-v /usr:/host/usr:ro \
--shm-size=512m \

There are some important points to highlight in the preceding Docker command. Again,
make sure you use your own free trial access key from the https:/​/​sysdig.​com/​ website.
Secondly, you may have noticed that we are running the agent as a privileged container.
This is not a trivial matter and is not something you should normally consider. This allows
anything running in that container to have complete access to your host! Also, take a look at
the volume mounts that include read-only access to process any kernel module directories.
This is required because Sysdig uses a kernel module to capture event data using syscalls.
This allows for deep host integration, but is certainly a security consideration you should
absolutely discuss with your SecOps team prior to installing.

The Wiki pilot dashboard

Within a few minutes, after installing the agents, you will be able to see your cluster's data
appearing on your Sysdig monitor dashboard. There are a variety of resources to get you
up to speed: https:/​/​sysdig.​com/​resources/​. If you wait about 15 minutes after the data
starts to flow into the Sysdig monitor site, you can look at the bottom left of your web
interface for a little red button called the spotlight. Sysdig looks at the type of metrics being
collected and makes recommendations for pre-built dashboards. More times than not, after
logging into the monitoring dashboard of a fresh Docker Enterprise cluster that appears to
be running just fine, we quickly discover some issues. This is really helpful!

[ 303 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Now, let's take a look at the pilot dashboard I put together for the wiki application that I
wanted to monitor. The reason we say pilot is because, when we work with the application,
we will definitely make changes to both the dashboard and the alerts as a part of the
learning process:

Figure 8: Monitoring for Pilot Wiki Application

On the top part of my dashboard is the tracking information related to Swarm services and
the wiki app's JVM usage. The actual numbers in the graphs on the right-hand side of the
dashboard are far less important than trends. We can use these trends to correlate metrics
to performance problems or crashes. Please note there are custom dashboard JVM metrics,
which gives you a bird's-eye view of all Java apps in your cluster.

[ 304 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

The next part of my dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot, relates to the
postgres backend database for the wiki. I was able to grab most of these metrics from a
standard Postgres database dashboard. I just had to restrict the scope to the wiki

Figure 9: Monitor Request Tends for the Wiki

So, now we have something to look at if there is a problem, but how do we know there is a
problem? We could wait for the users to complain, but we want to be more proactive than

Setting up alarms
For our pilot, there is one more thing we need to accomplish with Sysdig monitor—we
need some alerts. To get started with our pilot alerting, we need to set up three different
alarms. One alarm is specific to the wiki service and the other two are generally a good idea
in a cluster, as you will see.

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Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

The first alarm looks to see if a Swarm service is down within the scope of our wiki stack. If
you remember, we launched our wiki application from a Docker stack deploy for two
services: a web app and a database app. If either of these services go down for more than
one minute, an alarm will be triggered:

Figure 10: Wiki Service Down Alert

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Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

As shown the preceding screenshot, we can see the next alarm. This alarm triggers if any
nodes in our cluster with a prod node label is down for more than two minutes. This is
where you have to consider the idea of maintenance windows. You can set up site
maintenance windows for server reboots so that alarms are ignored during that window. If
you do that, you can use much tighter windows for failure than the two minutes I have
here. Also, for this alarm, I set up a capture event, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 11: Production Docker Node is Down Alert

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Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

If the prod worker goes down, we will capture all the events for the 15 second period prior
to the outage. Again, this can be very useful when trying to figure out why the servers went

Figure 12: Capture All Events Around Node Down Event

Our final alarm is a general Swarm alarm. This one looks a little odd, but essentially, if
there is a service with no task (a thin wrapper and Swarm's atomic deployable unit)
running for 3 minutes, this alarm will trigger. The reason for the 3 minutes is in case a large
image needs to be pulled from the registry. While pulling the image, the task will be in the
preparing state:

Figure 13: Task is Schedule No Container Running Alert

[ 308 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

We started out with basic Docker Engine logs where we provided a recommended default
configuration for your Docker Engine's etc/docker/daemon.json file. Otherwise, you
would need to roll/truncate the log files on your own. If you fail to do so, the logs can
consume the entire host filesystem and cause the system to lock up. We talked about
centralized logging and how important it is in the cluster-based environment, and
especially with distributed systems.

We covered two open source approaches to central logging and monitoring, as well as
sharing the UCP's role in monitoring and logs. We discussed the ELK Stack as a powerful
central logging solution. Then, we spent some time covering monitoring with Prometheus.
Finally, we talked about a commercial solution as a means to monitor our wiki pilot

One thing that is sort of interesting here is that if your monitoring tool gives enough
information to narrow your problem focus, you may not need centralized logging. As an
example, if a service crashes and you're alerted, you can log in to your monitoring tool,
figure out the circumstances around a specific container's demise, and check the logs from
your UCP bundle. Yes, you can use a docker container logs command without
logging in to a specific node where the container was running, because the UCP bundle
allows you to review logs or exec into any container in the cluster from your local shell
that's connected with the UCP bundle. Alternatively, you can always fall back to the UCP
Web UI once you have the diagnostic clues from your premier monitoring tool.

At this point in our journey, you have your pilot applications running and a platform for
monitoring them as your internal pilot users begin testing your new Docker Enterprise
platform, as well as your newly found logging, monitoring, and troubleshooting skills.

Next, we will start talking about preparing for production.

1. In what file is the Docker daemon logs configuration kept?
2. Should you use a Prometheus endpoint that is built into the Docker Engine?
3. What monitoring tools are used by Docker Enterprise UCP?

[ 309 ]
Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging Chapter 7

Further reading
Configuring Docker log drivers: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​config/

Article from success website on logging best practices: https:/​/​success.


Journalbeat: https:/​/​github.​com/​mheese/​journalbeat

ELK Stack freemium information:

Kibana: https:/​/​www.​elastic.​co/​products/​kibana
Elasticsearch: https:/​/​www.​elastic.​co/​products/​elasticsearch
Logstash: https:/​/​www.​elastic.​co/​products/​logstash
Support info: https:/​/​www.​elastic.​co/​subscriptions
Overview: https:/​/​prometheus.​io/​docs/​introduction/
Exporters: https:/​/​prometheus.​io/​docs/​instrumenting/
JMX exporter: https:/​/​github.​com/​prometheus/​jmx_​exporter
Elton Stoneman's Pluralsight course:
Docker solution brief: https:/​/​success.​docker.​com/​article/
Sysdig resources: https:/​/​sysdig.​com/​resources/​

[ 310 ]
Section 3: In Production with
Docker Enterprise
This section covers how organizations approach Docker adoption at the enterprise level.

The following chapters are included in this section:

Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise

Chapter 9, Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics
Chapter 10, More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise
Chapter 11, Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future
First Application in Production
with Docker Enterprise
Getting your first application ready for production and preparing a production cluster for
its live debut is an important step in the container-adoption process. This is where we see
rookie mistakes damage the reputation of very smart technologists. In one case, without
running High Availability (HA) for non-production, the customer built their first HA
cluster for production, not practicing with the non-production cluster first and did it with
just two managers nodes. Had they started in non-production the failure would have been
much less visible (remember, an even numbers of managers means trouble)! Some key
lessons learned here were to keep your non-production and production cluster
architectures very similar and always try new things in the non-production cluster first.

In this chapter, we will look at important topics related to the security and reliability of the
Docker Enterprise production cluster, but the material in this chapter is only intended to
supplement your current security practices and not to replace them. Please allocate
adequate time for pre-launch security reviews, scans, pen-tests, and audits. In the end, most
organizations find their container platforms not only surpass their current security
standards, but they are also easier to keep secure.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

Design considerations for a production Docker Enterprise platform

Strategies for managing production data
Getting the pilot application production ready
Maintaining and updating your production cluster
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Docker Enterprise production cluster

So far in our Docker Enterprise adoption journey, we have been working with our non-
production Docker Enterprise cluster. Now it's time to build out a Docker Enterprise
production cluster, factoring in everything we have learned from our pilot experience along
with current corporate security standards/polices and the topics covered in this chapter.

Having internally released our pilot application, we have gotten familiar with the many
capabilities and challenges of container-based application deployment and operations. Our
thoughts tend to shift toward topics such as container-based application data management
(backing up or migrating the app data), application updates, Docker software updates, and
host-node OS updates. Now we are going to add a production cluster into this mix. How
will this all work?

High-level cluster flow and concepts

In this section, we want establish an understanding of our software supply chain by
looking at the end-to-end life cycle of an application as it moves into production. This
should help us to visualize the relationship between our non-production and production
clusters. We will start with a sample non-production-to-production cluster flow diagram:

Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production

[ 313 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

On the left side, we see our familiar non-production cluster with our build machine, where
we host a GitLab runner. The process begins when developers push their changes into
source code control; the GitLab runner builds and deploys images into the non-production
cluster with the non-production Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) and Universal Control
Plane (UCP) (shown as step 1 in Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production).
Eventually, the images are tested and make their way through the repository promotion
process to end up in the final non-production DTR organization, called QA.

In Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production, step 2 depicts how the QA

organization's repository (that is,
mirrors images to the production DTR.

Image mirroring
In step 2 of Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production, please notice the line
connecting non-production DTR to the production DTR. This is a DTR mirror link, a DTR
feature used to push (or pull) images between multiple DTRs.

In our case, we move our atsea-web image from the non-production DTR to the staging
repository in the production cluster DTR—
web:v1.1. When using DTR mirrors, we designate a target and trigger, much like a
promotion policy, but instead of just adding the image to another local repository, the
image is pushed to a different (in our case, the production) DTR registry.

[ 314 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

In Figure—Docker Trusted Registry Mirroring, we see how the mirror is configured:

Docker Trusted Registry Mirroring

[ 315 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Mirroring can be accomplished by either pushing images from the source registry or
pulling images from the target registry. In our example, we are pushing from the non-
production DTR, but it requires storing DTR production credentials in our non-production
DTR's mirroring information. Alternatively, we could have logged in to our production
DTR and mirrored a pull from the non-production DTR QA repo. This might be preferred
by some, because you are then storing non-production DTR credentials in the production
DTR, which is more locked down.

One last note on mirroring. The metadata attached to the image, such as the signing
information, is not passed along to the target registry (at this time—that may change).
Therefore, in our preceding example flow, we sign the image with Otto's valid UCP
production key after pushing it to the production DTR.

Image signing
Now back to Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production. We look at step 3,
where Otto (the operations manager) pulls the unsigned atsea-web image from the
production DTR's staging organization repo, and retags the image for production
using docker image tag Then, using this UCP production
cluster signing key, Otto digitally signs the image and pushes the signed image to the
DTR's production organization repository,

Configuring image signing can be a bit tedious. The signer needs to install the notary client,
add the (production) UCP certificate, initialize each of the target DTR repositories, rotate
their snapshot keys, and make sure the appropriate delegation keys are set up for the
signer's DTR users.

For a nice tutorial on image signing with DTR using an automated

deployment GitLab pipeline, check out Andy Clemenko's article: https:/

[ 316 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

UCP production scheduling with Docker Content Trust

Now we examine step 4 back in Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production,
where Otto uses his UCP production client bundle to update the existing production stack's
images using the docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-prod.yml
existing_stack_name command. The latest version of the production docker-stack-
prod.yml file will use the new, signed v1.1 image tags, usually using an environment
variable and a script. At this point, our repository tag is likely to correspond to a source
code system-release tag for the production release, such as v1.1. Later, when you get to a CI
pipeline deployment, you can use GitLab's ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} in the docker-stack-
prod.yml file.

The following code is a sample of a docker-stack-prod.yml file where we use

${CI_COMMIT_TAG} to set the correct image version. This assumes all of the atsea services
images are all tagged and built with the same version tag as atsea-deploy repo.

In the following code block, we show how we use the ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} variable to set
the image version to be deployed:
# atsea-deploy docker-stack-prod.yml
version: "3.7"

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/prod/atsea-db_build:${CI_COMMIT_TAG}
POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres_password
- back-tier
- postgres_password

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/prod/atsea-web_build:${CI_COMMIT_TAG}
- front-tier
- back-tier
- payment

[ 317 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

There are a couple of important things to note in this deployment scenario. First, the
signing key Otto uses is from the production cluster. Each Docker UCP cluster has its own
certificate authority (CA) and subsequently a different set of keys. Therefore, we cannot
use signing keys from the non-production cluster in the production cluster or vice-versa.
This is important because we are using UCP's Docker Content Trust feature to restrict the
scheduling of workloads in the production cluster. We only allow images that were signed
by a member of the production UCP's operations team to which Otto belongs. Therefore,
without Otto's UCP production signature on the image, UCP would not have to deploy it to
the production cluster.

In the following screenshot, we see the UCP Admin Settings dialog with the Docker
Content Trust tab selected:

Universal Control Plane Content Trust Setting

[ 318 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Notice that a member of the ops team must sign the images before deployment. Docker
Content Trust is a great security feature, but it is not always used, at least initially. Luckily,
there is another pragmatic measure in Docker Enterprise to provide some basic protection
against image tampering.

Immutability for DTR repos

While some organizations mature to use Content Trust, some organizations decide not to
use image signing in their production clusters. In this situation, a pragmatic security feature
in DTR is shown in Figure—Docker Trusted Registry Immutability Setting, called tag
immutability, and it is highly recommended for production repositories. It means no one
can push a different manifest using the same tag name as an existing image. Ultimately, this
makes it more difficult for a "bad actor" to inject nefarious binaries using older trusted
image tags. Do note, if image signing had been used here, it would have blocked the
tampered image from being deployed to the production cluster.

The image immutability feature is really just enforcing a general best

practice of not reusing tags, such as the latest tag. When you reuse tags,
you might get a different version of the image with the same tag,
especially in a cluster with lots of nodes and each potentially storing lots
of old versions.
Docker Enterprise's swarm orchestrator avoids this ambiguity by
appending the tag with the unique sha hash of the image. The only way it
will use the cached image is if it's a hashed match. Here is a sample image
name used in UCP:

[ 319 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

The following screenshot shows DTR immutability being turned On:

Docker Trusted Registry Immutability Setting

Finally, back in our cluster diagram we see the camera icon at the top right of
Figure—Software Supply Chain Non-Production to Production. This represents some additional
tools being used in a production environment. In our case, we'll take a quick look at how
the Sysdig Secure platform helps to maintain a secure production environment. We will
talk a little bit more about that later.

Image scanning in production

Image scanning in your production cluster is a very good idea. Docker Enterprise
Advanced has a couple of important scanning features. It updates its vulnerability database
every night and then reviews all image components in DTR for previously unknown
vulnerabilities. In other words, an image can scan as clean on the first scan, but later
vulnerabilities may have been discovered. Docker Enterprise's advanced version of DTR
can alert you to new vulnerabilities as they are discovered in your registry as well as
highlight running services/containers that are running vulnerable images in your
(production) cluster.

[ 320 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

The following screenshot shows the DTR scan results of our atsea-payments service. It
reveals two major vulnerabilities:

Docker Trusted Registry Image Scanning

The following screenshot shows how vulnerabilities are revealed in UCP with our atsea
application stack. We see not only all of the problems, but the payment service shows the
two major vulnerabilities from DTR:

[ 321 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

UCP Services Showing Image Vulnerabilities

In a nutshell, this illustrates a simple, but fairly typical, Docker Enterprise flow for a first
production application. We securely promote images from a non-production cluster to a
production cluster. We suggest a manual deployment method—in this case, Otto handles
it—for the initial production application deployments. Once your team is comfortable with
that approach, it is easy enough to create a production version of your deployment pipeline
using the production UCP client bundle.

Now that we understand the flow, let's talk about setting up the production cluster.

Production cluster considerations

As you move to production, your level of sophistication and understanding will naturally
grow. Therefore, as you discover new options and features in the production phase of your
journey, you should consider first applying them in your non-production cluster. Again,
we need to test as much as possible with our non-production cluster before applying it to
our production environment.

[ 322 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

As you move beyond the pilot, it may be tempting to set up several additional clusters.
After all, we are used to having separate environments for dev, test, QA, staging, and
production. Take the time to configure UCP RBAC with node isolation so you only need
two nodes, non-production and production.

Avoiding cluster sprawl

Back in Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise – an Architectural Overview, we talked about a two-
cluster design (non-production and production), as opposed to having separate dev, test,
QA, staging, and production clusters. Again, this is possible because of the Docker
Enterprise and Kubernetes role-based access control systems, which enforce resource
isolation in Docker Enterprise clusters. Using features such as Docker Enterprise advanced
cluster isolation helps to avoid cluster sprawl and vast numbers of under-utilized servers.

Early on, cloud-native development teams thought it would be easy to spin up and shut
down their clusters. However, they quickly learned that clusters, at least manager and
master nodes, are a lot more like pets than cattle.

The story goes that many of these clusters stuck around longer than expected. However,
the biggest contributors to cluster sprawl appear to be a lack of security and our
understanding of cluster security. Hence, for most organizations, cluster access is an all-or-
nothing proposition. So if you have a certificate/key to access a cluster's master/manager
nodes, you have unlimited privileges. This fine-grained control left teams reluctant to share
their clusters with other teams and hence there were clusters everywhere.

Production-installation considerations
If we are following best practices when setting up our pilot environment, we already have
experience setting up and operating at least three manager nodes for a high availability
configuration. So the point of this section is to build off of our pilot knowledge and
experience, fundamentally repeating what we did with the pilot cluster, but adding some
additional items to our list of important considerations.

[ 323 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

One anti-pattern in moving from the pilot to production phase is deciding not to maintain a
high availability configuration for non-production. It's generally a bad idea. One reason is
you need the ability to practice and/or validate your updates, backups, and recovery
procedures against an identical, non-production cluster. If your clusters lack sufficient
symmetry between the non-production and production clusters (that is, high availability),
you will have two sets of one-off procedures. This is why we strongly recommend keeping
them as similar as possible.

One question we often hear is, Do I really need high availability for my
non-production cluster? The answer is generally yes. The non-production
cluster often becomes busier and larger than the production cluster.
Without high availability, the cluster will have to be brought offline for
any sort of maintenance, including routine updates. This is generally
unacceptable, particularly when you get into continuous integration and
test appointments on your non-production cluster.

Production manager nodes

The first question is: how many manager nodes do you need in production? Three is
usually a good place to start, but you have to keep in mind what that means in terms of
fault-tolerance. For instance, with three manager nodes, your fault-tolerance is just one
manager node. This means we can take one manager out for maintenance and updates
while the other two carry on. However, if something were to happen to one of the two
remaining managers while the third was undergoing maintenance, the managers would
lose quorum (they lack the minimum two votes necessary for a raft consensus group to
make changes to the cluster) and you will be unable to make changes to the cluster. If you
lose quorum, all of your services and containers will continue to run, but you would not be
able to make any changes to the cluster.

The following table is a summary of a cluster's fault-tolerance based on the number of

swarm managers. It is from Docker's docs swarm admin guide (https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/

Number of managers Majority Fault-tolerance

1 1 0
3 2 1
5 3 2
7 4 3
9 5 4

[ 324 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

For many organizations, the three-node configuration is generally acceptable. However,

some enterprises need their production environment to be rock solid and/or to make
frequent changes to their services. In this situation, consider moving to a five-manager
configuration, which allows you to tolerate the loss of two managers. Generally, there's no
need to go beyond five nodes until you're operating at a very large scale.

Node sizing
Without following the prescribed agile adoption model which includes, PoC, pilot, and
production adoption approach, this step can be very intimidating. Imagine if you were
starting your Docker Enterprise adoption by building out a production cluster, without
having the experience of running your first internal pilot application.

We have been in this situation with customers, dealing with their angst when we cannot
use our crystal ball to tell them exactly how much hardware they will need for their cluster.
This is one important reason we strongly recommend monitoring as part of the pilot phase.

When we started implementing our pilot platform, we just took a guess at some middle-of-
the-road hardware specs and started there. The stakes were relatively low and we allowed
ourselves some room to fail as it was a pilot. As we moved to production, we saw our
cluster perform in our environment while running our pilot application and we collected
baseline metrics by using our monitoring platform. The agile adoption process positioned
us well for our first production application deployment!

[ 325 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

In Figure—Sysdig Resource Trends for Pilot Application, we have our cluster performance

Sysdig Resource Trends for Pilot Application

Docker lists the following requirements and recommendations for the Universal Control
Plane (UCP) manager nodes and DTR (worker) nodes:

Minimum UCP requirements:
• 8 GB of RAM for manager nodes Minimum DTR requirements:
• 4 GB of RAM for worker nodes • 16 GB of RAM for nodes running DTR
• 2 vCPUs for manager nodes • 2 vCPUs for nodes running DTR
• 4 GB of free disk space for the /var partition for • 10 GB of free disk space
manager nodes

[ 326 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Recommended production DTR

Recommended production requirements:
• 16 GB of RAM for manager nodes requirements:
• 4 vCPUs for manager nodes • 16 GB of RAM for nodes running DTR
• 25-100 GB of free disk space • 4 vCPUs for nodes running DTR
• 25-100 GB of free disk space

If you are planning on scanning images, consider the DTR recommended

production requirements a minimum. Specifically, to avoid problems with
DTR scanning jobs failing or backing up, you will need at least 16 GB of

Armed with your pilot non-prod cluster metrics and Docker's guidelines for manager and
DTR nodes, you should be able to confidently size your cluster nodes.

Finally, use SSDs if possible for production drives, especially for the
/var/lib/docker/swarm mount point. This is the swarm directory and it stores the
swarm state. We want updates to process with minimal latency.

Setup and installation considerations

Rather than starting from scratch, we can build off of the process we used to create the non-
production cluster. We are not going to repeat that here. However, we are going to talk
about some additional considerations for your production cluster.

Center for Internet Security (CIS) docker benchmarks

After you prepare your nodes and install the Docker Enterprise engine on your cluster
nodes, it would be a good idea to run a CIS benchmark on each of the nodes and review the
results with your security team. CIS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the
promotion of cyber-defence best practices. They provide the framework for developing
tests for specific platforms, such as Docker. In our case, the benchmark was produced by
the Docker community.

[ 327 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

The following code is a sample CIS Docker Benchmark report. Start with the following
Docker command to run the report:
$ docker run -it --net host --pid host --userns host --cap-add
audit_control \
-v /var/lib:/var/lib \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /usr/lib/systemd:/usr/lib/systemd \
-v /etc:/etc --label docker_bench_security \

The first part of the output displays version information and the host configuration report
# --- Summarized for Docker Enterprise Book Listing! ---

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
----- # Docker Bench for Security v1.3.4 /etc:/etc --label
docker_bench_security d #
# Docker, Inc. (c) 2015-
# Checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker
containers in production.
# Inspired by the CIS Docker Community Edition Benchmark v1.1.0.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Initializing Wed Feb 13 14:16:31 UTC 2019

[INFO] 1 - Host Configuration

[WARN] 1.6 - Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories
- /var/lib/docker
[WARN] 1.7 - Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories
- /etc/docker
[WARN] 1.8 - Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories
- docker.service
[WARN] 1.9 - Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories
- docker.socket

[ 328 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Let's take a quick look at a couple of highlights from our CIS benchmark output, starting
with 1 - Host Configuration. There are a variety of informational messages omitted,
but we wanted to point out the 1.6 to 1.9 warnings, related to auditing or specific
directories. We want to make sure that no containers mount these directories and tamper
with their contents. This is something we can easily monitor with tools such as Sysdig
Secure, Aqua Security, or Twistlock. Later in Chapter 9, Important Docker Enterprise
Production Topics, in Production monitoring section, we will take a look at how Sysdig Secure
monitors any write activity to these special directories with a sensitive_mount policy:
[INFO] 2 - Docker daemon configuration

[INFO] 3 - Docker daemon configuration files


[INFO] 4 - Container Images and Build File

[WARN] 4.1 - Ensure a user for the container has been created
[WARN] * Running as root: sysdig-agent
[WARN] * Running as root: gitlab-runner

[INFO] 5 - Container Runtime

[WARN] 5.1 - Ensure AppArmor Profile is Enabled
[WARN] * No AppArmorProfile Found: sysdig-agent
[WARN] * No AppArmorProfile Found: gitlab-runner
[WARN] 5.2 - Ensure SELinux security options are set, if applicable
[WARN] * No SecurityOptions Found: gitlab-runner
[PASS] 5.3 - Ensure Linux Kernel Capabilities are restricted within
[WARN] 5.4 - Ensure privileged containers are not used
[WARN] * Container running in Privileged mode: sysdig-agent

Section 4, Container Images and Build File, refers to the best practice of using non-
root users to run inside of containers. Many official images create non-root users (you can
see this in their Docker file) for binary execution within their container, such as the Postgres
official image Dockerfile:
[INFO] 6 - Docker Security Operations
[INFO] 6.1 - Avoid image sprawl
[INFO] * There are currently: 48 images
[INFO] 6.2 - Avoid container sprawl
[INFO] * There are currently a total of 62 containers, with only 3 of them
currently running

[ 329 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

[INFO] 7 - Docker Swarm Configuration

[WARN] 7.1 - Ensure swarm mode is not Enabled, if not needed
[PASS] 7.2 - Ensure the minimum number of manager nodes have been created
in a swarm
[WARN] 7.3 - Ensure swarm services are binded to a specific host interface
[WARN] 7.4 - Ensure data exchanged between containers are encrypted on
different nodes on the overlay network
[WARN] * Unencrypted overlay network: atsea-web-46141311_front-tier (swarm)
[WARN] * Unencrypted overlay network: ingress (swarm)

The following is an example of how the user is set up for the postgres official base image:
# explicitly set user/group IDs
RUN set -eux; \
groupadd -r postgres --gid=999; \
useradd -r -g postgres --uid=999 --home-dir=/var/lib/postgresql --
shell=/bin/bash postgres; \

In the postgres startup script (, the gosu command is used to

run as the postgres user (same UID) as configured inside of the container.

By setting up and running a non-root user inside of a container, you

mitigate the damage from a breakout attack. A breakout attack is very
rare, but a recent flaw in runc (https:/​/​nvd.​nist.​gov/​vuln/​detail/​CVE-
2019-​5736) reminds us they are real. When a process is able to break out
of the container's isolation it may gain access to the host. This is clearly a
bad situation, but it very bad if the container process was running as root.
If a container process running as root breaks out of isolation, they will
become root on the host and your security will be compromised. On the
other hand, if the breakout process is running as a non-root user and the
non-root user is not set up on the host, the breakout process will have no
privileges. That is the motivation for running as a non-root user inside of a

[ 330 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

There are some topics you're going to want to get your security operations team up to
speed on as soon as possible. Additionally, in the spirit of becoming an informed user, I
would look at evaluating one of the industry-leading container security platforms,
including but not limited to Sysdig Secure, Twistlock, and Aqua Security. Just playing
around with these tools in your non-production cluster will be very enlightening!

Locking down SSH access

One bad habit of early Docker users was freely giving SSH access to Docker nodes. This
was understandable as a lot of early Docker deployments were developer-led initiatives
and subsequently, developers needed remote access to the Docker nodes all the way
through production. However, now you are adopting Docker Enterprise to operationalize
your Docker environments. Therefore, the only folks that should have access through SSH
to the production systems are operators who are responsible for performing maintenance,
such as OS patches and Docker Engine updates. Other than these operators, all other access
should be managed through Docker UCP client bundles to leverage Docker Enterprise's
role-based access control and auditing.

No public access to Docker nodes

During the PoC, we set up our host with a public IP address (if you recall, it was a cloud
setup). This was a practical matter, so we could easily SSH in each node to install and
configure Docker. In our pilot configuration, all external access to the cluster was routed
through a firewall and then an internal load balancer. This included the remote UCP, DTR,
Kubernetes API access, as well as access to any application running in the cluster. Our
sample Docker cluster is also running on its own subnet and controls all access through the
subnet's interface with firewall rules.

[ 331 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Figure—Pilot Platform Infrastructure, provides a review of our pilot platform infrastructure:

Pilot Platform Infrastructure

Notice how all traffic enters the cluster through the LB Node. All external network traffic
resolves to firewall public IPs and is NAT-ed to the LB Nodes' internal IP addresses.
Internal access is handled with split DNS and resolved directly to the LB Nodes' internal IP

Production UCP configuration

As you get started with your production UCP, you can start with a snapshot of your non-
production cluster by leveraging UCP's configuration file feature. You can modify the file
and use it to install UCP in the production cluster.

[ 332 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

This saves you the frustration of clicking through the UCP Web UI. An explanation for all
of the following UCP configuration options can be found here: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/

The following code block shows the process for cURLing a UCP configuration file from a
manager node using a UCP client bundle of certificates:
# cd into the folder where you unzipped a UCP Admin's client bundle

# get the test configuration file from the test UCP using an UCP Admin's
certs and private key files
$ curl --cacert ca.pem --cert cert.pem --key key.pem
toml > ucp-config.toml

Now let's look at the output of the auth section that describes the system access and
authorization parameters:
# List the contents of the ucp-config.toml file
$ cat ucp-config.toml
default_new_user_role = "restrictedcontrol"
backend = "managed"
samlEnabled = false
samlLoginText = ""
lifetime_minutes = 60
renewal_threshold_minutes = 20
per_user_limit = 10
idpMetadataURL = ""
spHost = ""
rootCerts = ""
tlsSkipVerify = false

Here, we see how UCP is integrated with DTR:

host_address = ""
service_id = "8c599992-8996-43b5-b511-f26c94631fea"
ca_bundle = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ...<<SNIP-REMOVED>>... o=\n---
batch_scanning_data_enabled = true

enable_admin_ucp_scheduling = false
default_node_orchestrator = "swarm"

[ 333 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

disable_usageinfo = true
disable_tracking = true
anonymize_tracking = false
cluster_label = ""

Here is the section with the content trust settings:

require_content_trust = false

level = "INFO"

level = ""
support_dump_include_audit_logs = false

auto_refresh = false

controller_port = 443
kube_apiserver_port = 6443
swarm_port = 2376
swarm_strategy = "spread"
kv_timeout = 5000
kv_snapshot_count = 20000
profiling_enabled = false
external_service_lb = "ucp.test.mydomain"
metrics_retention_time = "24h"
metrics_scrape_interval = "1m"
rethinkdb_cache_size = "1GB"
cloud_provider = ""
cni_installer_url = ""
pod_cidr = ""
calico_mtu = "1480"
ipip_mtu = "1480"
unmanaged_cni = false
nodeport_range = "32768-35535"
azure_ip_count = ""
local_volume_collection_mapping = false
manager_kube_reserved_resources = "cpu=250m,memory=2Gi,ephemeral-
worker_kube_reserved_resources = "cpu=50m,memory=300Mi,ephemeral-

[ 334 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

While any of these values could be tweaked, remember we want our clusters to be as
similar as possible. With that in mind, we will walk you through the file and highlight the
items of particular interest as you move to production:
Config Item Description Comments
The role that new users get for their private For your production cluster, you may want to
resource sets. Values are admin, viewonly, default to viewonly. We should not have
default_new_user_role =
scheduler, restrictedcontrol, or users running workloads in their private
fullcontrol. The default is collection (sandbox) on the production
restrictedcontrol. cluster.
You want a small number of users with
access to the production cluster. Consider
The name of the authorization backend to managed, using a UCP built-in user DB.
backend = "managed" use is either managed or ldap. The default This may help avoid LDAP mistakes and the
is managed. Just-In-Time User-Provisioning issue where
revoked LDAP users can still access the
cluster using their UCP Client bundle.
An array of tables that specifies the DTR
[[registries]] array instances that the current UCP instance Skip this at because DTR is not yet installed.
As discussed in the image signing section of
this chapter, setting this to true will only
require_content_trust = Set to true to require images be signed by allow signed images to run in your cluster.
false content trust. The default is false. You will define
the require_signature_from option
to designate who has to sign the images.
This is often a request to production when
compliance is involved. If used, consider
sending a custom driver for the UCP
[audit_log_configuration] Configures audit-logging options for UCP controller logs to sent to the remote, secure
section components. server. If you don't ship them, make sure the
standard logs are rotated and truncated as
they will get large. Every HTTP action gets
audit logged!
If you are not using a central log scheme for
Configures the logging options for UCP your Docker Engine, you may want to send
log_configuration table
components. logs for the UCP component to a remote
location by configuring this section.
Set to true to allow admins to schedule on
enable_admin_ucp_scheduling We do not want workloads on the production
containers on manager nodes. The default is
= false manager or masters.
We typically disable these for production
[tracking_configuration] Specifies the analytics data that UCP collects.

It is a really good idea to use third-party client certificates from a trusted authority for UCP
and DTR. This will get us away from using no TLS or untrusted settings. After you install
your Doctor Trusted Registry in the production cluster make sure that you go to the UCP
scheduling settings and disallow workloads on the DTR servers to avoid resource
contention. This is especially important if you're running DTR image scanning.

[ 335 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Production DTR configuration

We've discussed a number of points related to the DTR's production configuration. A
typical production deployment would include three DTR replicas for high availability, the
use of a third-party certificate from a trusted certificate authority, and the repositories
would have tag immutability enabled. Finally, the three DTR replicas would be tied to the
production cluster and running within the production cluster. I bring this up because we
often are asked about sharing one DTR across both clusters.

You could attempt to share your non-production DTR between the non-production and
production clusters (or vice versa), but we strongly suggest you do not share even an HA
DTR between clusters. While it looks possible in theory, there is a fair amount of cohesion
when it comes to the UCP orchestrator pulling images to cluster nodes. You don't want to
log in to DTR from every cluster node as admin to pull images. It is therefore both ill-
advised and unsupported. Not to mention you want to be able to test updates on your non-
production cluster before moving to production.

Data management
One of the most challenging topics related to deploying containerized applications is data
management. There are various approaches to managing container volumes in a clustered
environment. Some designs are simple and straightforward, but lack flexibility. Other
designs are highly sophisticated, but have lots of moving parts to align. Most of the time
the answer is somewhere in the middle.

Host volume mounts

One simple and straightforward approach to handling container data persistence in a
cluster is with a host-mounted volume. In a nutshell, the orchestrator randomly schedules
the container to run on node A in your cluster. When a container runs, it mounts a specified
directory on node A's filesystem and writes its data. Very simple, but what if the
orchestrator redeploys the container to a different node next time it runs? When the new
container starts on node B, it will find an empty volume because its data is still back on
node A, where it ran last time. Luckily, there is a way to make this work.

Both Swarm and Kubernetes have mechanisms that constrain or persuade the orchestrator's
placement of containers on cluster nodes. They label nodes in the cluster and then instruct
the orchestrator to match those labels when scheduling the containers in the cluster.

[ 336 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

In the following code block, we add a label to worker

#3 in our production cluster:
$ docker node update --label-add prod-

We show the stack file for deploying our application to worker #3 using the label as a deployment constraint. Notice the deploy:
placement: constraints: section and how we added it to both our wiki service and
the postgres database. This ensures the database is always running on the same node and
can find its data. We placed the wiki on the same node for a couple of reasons. The first
reason is low network latency, because they're on the same node and the traffic never
leaves the host interface. The second reason is the Wiki application also needs to mount the
host filesystem to save documents stores for users.

The following code block shows the Docker stack YAML file for deploying wiki and
the postgres stack to production node#3:
version: '3.5'

- /var/local/atlassian-
- 8080:8080
- wiki_net

- /var/local/wiki-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- /var/local/wiki-init-data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
- wiki_net

[ 337 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8


Keep in mind that the host mount point can be either a folder in the host filesystem or it can
be a mounted device on the host. This means we could have our container data stored in a
mounted (possibly portable) block storage device or any sort of network storage that uses a
host mount point as its interface. Yes, this means you can host mount an NFS, NAS, SAN,
or iSCSI file/block device.

Please note, if you host mount NFS the standard way, where you map your local mount
point into a specific folder on the NFS host at mount time, you will need separate mounts
for each isolated NFS folder and that's a bit clunky. So, in the next section, we will talk
about a more flexible approach to leveraging NFS using a Docker volume plugin.

Docker NFS volume plugin

The next approach is taking advantage of a cluster-based filesystem, in this case NFS. This
is a very popular option for on-premises implementations where you have full control over
the network. For cloud implementations where your noisy neighbors may cause network
latency, you should consider an alternative solution designed for a cloud platform. We'll
talk about some options in the next section, Other volume storage solutions.

In order to use the NFS volume plug-in from Docker, you will have to have the NFS client
software set up on each Docker node.

The following code block shows an example of installing the NFS client software using the
nfs-utils package on Centos:7.5:


#* NFS client Setup - just add nfs-utils *
sudo yum install -y nfs-utils

After the client is installed on each node, you can test it. It's a pretty simple process where
you create a Docker volume, mount the volume with a test container, and create a test-

[ 338 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Please notice the --opt parameters we use when we create the volume with the local
driver. We set the driver type to nfs, provide the address of the remote NFS server, and
map the volume into a spot on the NFS filesystem. With this approach, we do not need
anyone to configure the NFS host mount point ahead of time. Instead, we use the Docker
API to create the volume, use the volume, mount the volume, and remove the volume.

In the following code block, we use the Docker NFS volume driver to write a file to NFS
from inside of a container on node A:
## SSH to worker node A ##
#* Test NFS client with Docker Volume access*
$ docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=nfs \
--opt,rw \
--opt device=:/var/nfsshare/apps \

# Create test-file.txt on NFS drive

docker run -it --rm -v apps:/apps centos:7 touch /apps/test-file.txt

# List file on apps volume from inside a cento:7 container

docker run -it --rm -v apps:/apps centos:7 ls /apps

# Clean up your volume

$ docker volume rm apps

In this code block, we use the Docker NFS volume driver to read a file to NFS from inside
of a container on node B:
## SSH to worker node B ##
## Remember to install nfs-utils on this node
$ sudo yum install -y nfs-utils

$ docker volume create --driver local \

--opt type=nfs \
--opt,rw \
--opt device=:/var/nfsshare/apps \

# List file on apps volume from inside a cento:7 container

$ docker run -it --rm -v apps:/apps centos:7 ls /apps
$ docker volume rm apps

[ 339 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Once you have NFS working and verified on all of your cluster nodes, it is time to move on
to the next step of getting your deployment ready to take advantage of the Docker NFS

The key to making the volume plug-in work in your YAML stack file is in the volumes
section at the bottom. Here is an excerpt from a file using NFS volume mounts with Docker

In the following code block, you can see how the AR test parameters translate into an actual
volume driver configuration:
driver: local
type: nfs
device: ":/var/nfsshare/apps/wiki/db-init"
driver: local
type: nfs
device: ":/var/nfsshare/apps/wiki/db-data"

Be sure to test all the applications that are using the NFS connection. Not so much for
Docker-related issues, but to discover any NFS related. For instance, in the preceding code
block, I had two NFS volumes defined: one for the Wiki service file storage and another for
the postgres data files. The postgres database worked just fine, but the Confluence Wiki
application encountered a file-sharing issue due to NFS file-locking incompatibility. I
tracked it down to "Cannot resolve reference to bean 'luceneConnection'".

If you recall, this Wiki application was my lift and shift application from the beginning of
the Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application, The sample pilot Wiki
application section. As such, the point was to not change any code, just containerize it and
deploy it. Therefore, we can go back to putting a label on a node and using the deployment
constraint on the Wiki service, but perhaps allow the database to use NFS if that seems
helpful. However, since losing the node means the Wiki container will completely fail
anyway, you might as well just pin both the database and the Wiki to the same node as we
did earlier in Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application. Then of
course you enjoy lower latency for being on the same node.

[ 340 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Going back to an earlier point about making sure that the non-production and production
clusters are as similar as possible, NFS is a good example of something you want in both
clusters so you may test applications thoroughly before moving them into production.

Other volume storage solutions

If you are hosting a Docker Enterprise cluster in the cloud, you may have already
discovered other volume storage plugins. These plugins are part of the docker4x (as in,
Docker Engine-Community for Azure and Docker for AWS) ecosystem and can be installed
in your cloud environment by following Docker Certified Infrastructure. In Chapter 9,
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics, we will explore AWS and Azure installs with
Docker Enterprise.

Cloudstore is a powerful plugin that allows you to access cloud-native resources for the
Docker API. For instance, on AWS, you can specify an elastic block store (EBS) backed
volume for the container to mount. If the workload migrates to a different node, AWS will
move this volume and attach it to the new instance. If you're crossing availability zones,
AWS will copy the contents you have in your EBS volume into a new volume in the new
AZ and mount it into the instance where your container is running. While this approach
may seem a little clumsy, it does have its advantages as you can specify very high
performance EBS IOPS volumes to meet the needs of some demanding applications.

Another way to implement cloud storage on AWS is in a shared mode where the volume is
backed by elastic file storage (EFS). In this case you can have multiple containers sharing
the same back end file system. Certainly very flexible and convenient, but it may not have
the performance your application requires.

In addition to the cloud provider storage plugins, there are about 20 Docker-certified
plugins from various storage vendors. Some of these have free back end implementations,
but many of them are designed to integrate with the storage solutions the vendors provide.
This includes a lot of on-premises vendors such as VMware, NetApp, and Nutanix.

Backing up data
Obviously, backing up data is critical for any production environment. In our Docker
Enterprise discussion, we will talk about three areas for backup—UCP, DTR, and
application data.

[ 341 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Consult the most recent documentation from Docker regarding backups, but if you are
running UCP 3.1.0 - 3.1.2 you must run the following script prior to running the UCF you
back up! There is a clean-up job you should have as a part of a cron tab to regularly clean
up ucp-kubelet mounts.

The following code block show Docker's pre-backup clean-up script:

SHM_MOUNT=$(grep -m1 '^tmpfs./dev/shm' /proc/mounts)
while [ $(grep -cm2 '^tmpfs./dev/shm' /proc/mounts) -gt 1 ]; do
sudo umount /dev/shm
grep -q '^tmpfs./dev/shm' /proc/mounts || sudo mount "${SHM_MOUNT}"

UCP backup needs to be run from the manager nodes. An operator or an operator using a
script needs to log in to the UCP nodes and perform the following:

1. Stop the Docker service using the following command:

$ sudo service docker stop

2. Back up the /var/lib/docker/swarm to a safe location

3. Restart the Daemon ($ sudo service docker start) and wait for the node to
4. Back up UCP (described in the following section)

Backing up UCP
After the Docker service restarts and the UCP node returns to health, the backup is started
by running the following command, noting the TAR file that is created. Do not leave it on
/tmp. Specify an alternate safe directory or immediately scp the file to a remote backup

The UCP backup command is shown in the following code block:

## SSH Into each manager node.
UCPID=$(docker run --rm -i --name ucp -v
/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp id)

# Create a backup, encrypt it, and temporarily store it on /tmp/backup.tar

docker container run \
--security-opt label=disable \
--log-driver none --rm \
--interactive \
--name ucp \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

[ 342 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

docker/ucp:3.1.2 backup \
--id $UCPID \
--passphrase "secret" > /tmp/backup.tar

# Decrypt the backup and list its contents

$ gpg --decrypt /tmp/backup.tar | tar --list

Please note the --security-opt label=disable parameter is for SELinux. To verify

run the cat /etc/docker/daemon.json and look for "selinux-enabled":"true" in
the output. Also, the passphrase is set to "secret". You probably want to adjust that as

When running a UCP backup, please note that all of the UCP containers are stopped in
order to capture a reliable backup snapshot. This means the UCP being backed up will stop
running temporarily. If you are in a high-availability configuration, the cluster should
continue running normally. For this reason, it is generally a good idea to back up during
periods of low activity and, of course, only back up one node at a time. Also, because the
UCP containers need to start running again after the backup is complete, always give the
manager nodes a few minutes to recover. Verify the node is healthy (the UCP dashboard is
a good place to verify this) before proceeding to back up the next node.

Backing up DTR
Unlike the UCP backup, DTR backups can be done remotely using the UCP admin's client
bundle. This method is very simple and causes minimal disruption. Please note this backup
includes your DTR's metadata about the organization, teams and repos, but it does not
include the actual binary image layers. Those are stored by the backup filesystem that you
set up when you installed DTR. For on-premises implementations, the DTR backup is
probably NFS and that is where the blobs are stored for the images.

Here is Docker's office list of what is backed up during a DTR backup:

Data Backed up Description

Configurations Yes DTR settings
Repository metadata Yes Metadata such as image architecture and size
Access control to repos and
Yes Data about who has access to which images
Notary data Yes Signatures and digests for images that are signed
Scan results Yes Information about vulnerabilities in your images
Certificates and keys Yes TLS certificates and keys used by DTR
Needs to be backed up separately; depends on DTR
Image content No

[ 343 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Data Backed up Description

Users, orgs, teams No Creates a UCP backup to back up this data
Vulnerability database No Can be re-downloaded after a restore

The following code block is a script to run the Docker DTR backup from a UCP admin
client bundle and store them in the dtr-backup-files subdirectory. Start with this
simple sample to get running, but do be careful as this script has an admin password
embedded within the parameters:

#get current ucp certificate

curl -4k >

# list docker replicas

dtr_replicas=($(docker container ls --format "{{.Names}}" | grep dtr-
registry | awk -F- '{print $NF}'))

for i in "${dtr_replicas[@]}"
do :
echo "backing up:$i"
docker run --log-driver none -i --rm \
docker/dtr:2.6.0 backup \
--ucp-url \
--ucp-ca "$(cat" \
--ucp-username admin \
--ucp-password XXXXX \
--existing-replica-id $i > ./dtr-backup-files/backup-$i-metadata.tar
echo -e "backup complete\n\n"

These scripts take a few minutes to run.

Backing up application data

This section is basically a placeholder to remind you to back up your application data.
Containers do not automatically back themselves up, and hopefully you have learned to
not store data that you care about inside of your containers. Therefore, you should be using
Docker volumes to store your data on the host filesystem or with NFS. So if you are doing a
simple host mount, you are going to have to copy the data from the worker node to a
central, safe, and secure place. When live backups are an option, consider using rsync to
synchronize the files to a remote location.

[ 344 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Updates can be found at https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/​admin/​install/​upgrade/​.

Applying OS and Docker updates

Here are some general procedures for updating your cluster. The example are geared
toward centOS, but ideas can easily be applied to most cluster configurations and minor
updates. If you are working through a larger upgrade process, you obviously want to set
aside a maintenance window and start with your non-production cluster. After you
upgrade your non-production cluster, please perform thorough testing before proceeding
to do any upgrades on the production cluster.

OS and Docker Enterprise Engine updates

First, make sure that your cluster is in a steady and healthy state. This means no major
changes to the cluster nodes or configuration just prior to your update. Do not add, remove,
promote, or demote nodes. Also, do not adjust UCP or DTR settings just before updates as
any of these changes can take several minutes to complete and we do not want to start an
update before it is completely propagated and the cluster is stabilized.

The strategy here is to make sure that all of the Docker Engines are the latest version prior
to making updates to the UCP and DTR software, as they are expecting the latest version of
the Docker Engine.

UCP manager nodes

Perform these steps on each UCP manager node:

1. Stop Docker Engine using $ sudo service docker stop.

2. Upgrade the OS and Engine with $ sudo yum update -y.
3. Reboot if required using $ sudu reboot, or start Docker Engine using $ sudo
service docker start.

4. From a UCP manager node, use $ sudo docker node ls to verify the node is
ready and healthy.

[ 345 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

After the node is back and healthy, move on to the next manager. Once all the managers
have been upgraded, proceed to the DTR servers.

Worker nodes
Perform these steps on each of the cluster's worker nodes:

1. From a UCP manager node, use $ sudo docker node update --

availability drain {name of node to update}.
2. On the node to be updated, stop the Docker Engine using $ sudo service
docker stop.
3. Upgrade the OS and Engine with $ sudo yum update -y.
4. Reboot if required using $ sudu reboot, or start Docker Engine using $ sudo
service docker start.
5. From a manager node, use $ sudo docker node update --availability
active {name of node just updated}.
6. From a UCP manager node, use $ sudo docker node ls, then wait for the
node to be ready and healthy.

Upgrading the UCP software

After the OS and Engine updates are completed on all nodes, log in to UCP Admin
Settings | Upgrade and look for available upgrades. If the upgrade is available, proceed.

[ 346 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Here, the UCP setting | Update screen shows that the UCP is the latest version:

UCP Upgrade Screen

Upgrading the DTR software

With UCP updated, log in to DTR and see whether there are any updates pending. The
following screenshot shows we need to update our DTR software:

[ 347 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Docker Trusted Registry System General Settings

Navigate to https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​dtr/​admin/​upgrade/​. This process allows us to

pull the latest DTR container and run the upgrade command. The upgrade command will
update all of the replicas in the cluster. Please be aware that this process takes about 10-20

[ 348 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

In this chapter, we walked you through the high-level flow on the software supply chain,
from CI's initial build all way to the image-running production. We covered some
important key topics as we walked through the pipeline. Then we started building the
production platform.

Building upon what we learned in the pilot about the Docker Enterprise installation and
configuration, we discussed some additional factors to consider for your production
environment. Finally, we talked about data management and maintenance for your Docker
Enterprise clusters. Remember, you want to start with your non-production cluster to test
out all of the new changes prior to updating your production systems.

This should be enough to get started with your first application in production. However,
we still have a few important topics to cover related to deploying the application and
operating the Docker Enterprise platform.

In Chapter 9, Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics, we will dive deeper into the
Docker Enterprise concepts related to running multiple applications in production.

1. What are the main differences between your non-production and production
2. Why should you not run as root inside of a container?
3. How can you get to your cluster if it is behind a firewall?

Further reading
Check out the following resources for more information on the topics covered in this

Docker Enterprise Reference Architectures:

Running Docker Enterprise at Scale:

[ 349 ]
First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise Chapter 8

Swarm Cluster Admin:

Docker UCP Backup, Restore, and Recovery:
Fixing an Unhealthy DTR Replica:
Using Cloudstor on AWS:
Using Cloudstore in Azure:
Docker Enterprise Backup and Restore Best Practices Article:

[ 350 ]
Important Docker Enterprise
Production Topics
While we covered some of the bare essentials for getting our first application into
production with Docker Enterprise
in Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise, there are still many
important concepts related to running multiple production applications on a shared, stable
Docker Enterprise platform. It is not possible to cover every production deployment
scenario, but this chapter's topics will be important when deploying multiple production
applications to your production cluster.

In Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise, we talked about getting
the first application into production, but as you deploy subsequent applications, how can
you make sure the applications have sufficient resources? How do you know that dead
containers won't be used to serve incoming ones? What if there is a problem when we
update an application service? In this chapter, we will answer these questions and many

In this chapter, the following topics will be covered:

Exploring some important features of orchestrators used in production

Understanding simple blue/green application deployments
Production monitoring
Getting help from the experts at Docker
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Working with orchestrators in production

Over the last several years, both the Swarm and Kubernetes communities have continued to
add important features to improve application performance, scalability, and reliability.
Orchestrators play a key role in maintaining application health, managing resources, and
ensuring that applications are in their desired state.

As we start deploying to production, we need to cover several important topics related to

how container orchestrators interact with running applications. In this section, we will
explore how to configure our Docker Enterprise orchestrators to support application health
and cluster efficiency.

Health checks
One key feature of a container orchestrator is making sure our applications are in their
desired state, as specified when the workload is scheduled. For example, if my application
deployment file or API call specifies that five instances of an NGINX web server are to be
running at all times, it is up to the orchestrator to make sure that happens.

Both Swarm and Kubernetes monitor the status of their scheduled containers or pods to
make sure they are up and running by constantly comparing the current state with the
desired state within the cluster. If there is a discrepancy, the orchestrator schedules a
compensating action to achieve the desired state. However, in order for this to happen, the
container's health needs to be observed by the orchestrator. Therefore, we need to
instrument our container with health checks for the orchestrator to call.

Health checks are a special bit of code provided by the container creator. The health check
code is periodically run by the Docker Engine inside the container and it reports the health
status to the orchestrator. If the health check fails, the orchestrator subsequently removes
the unhealthy container and creates a new one in its place.

Often, these checks are based on a cURL command, which is OK in some circumstances, but
has some drawbacks (see Elton Stoneman's post in this topic: https:/​/​blog.​sixeyed.​com/
docker-​healthchecks-​why-​not-​to-​use-​curl-​or-​iwr/​). It is usually a better idea to build a
custom health check endpoint or leverage something such as Spring Boot's Actuator sub-

[ 352 ]
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Adding Spring Boot's Actuator to your Java applications gives you out-of-the-box API
endpoint implementations for probing and managing your application over HTTP. The
built-in endpoints allow a query for a wide variety of information about the status of your
application, but most important for our conversation is the /health endpoint. The
/health endpoint returns the HTTP 200 status code when the application is healthy.
Additionally, /health can be customized, allowing developers to define their own specific
criteria for the /health response.

In some cases, we have seen this used in creative ways. In one scenario, to compensate for a
memory leak in a third-party code library, the health check was configured to respond with
an unhealthy response when the memory usage reached a predefined threshold. In this
situation, when memory hit the predefined limit, the endpoint returned a failed health
check, causing the orchestrator to kill the old, bloated container and start a new, clean

Ephemeral containers and orchestration

Because orchestrators start and stop containers on a regular basis, the concept of an
ephemeral container becomes important. There are two key aspects with ephemeral

They are stateless

They have relatively fast startup and shutdown times

By stateless, we mean all requests are only dependent on information that is included in the
request (parameters or fields) and not on any previous interactions with a service.
Therefore, a request with the same parameters or fields will always yield the same final
state of the service. This is sometimes called being idempotent. Statelessness makes
horizontal scaling possible and for orchestrators it means multiple containers can safely run
behind a single service with requests load-balanced across the group of backing containers.
If one of these containers stops working, the orchestrator removes it from the load balancer,
kills it, and starts another. During this process, service requests are directed to alternate
containers by the service's load balancer.

The other aspect of ephemeral containers is fast startup and shutdown times to avoid long
gaps between the container's PID 1 starting and the container passing its health check and
being ready to serve traffic. During this time period, the container is not available to callers,
but occupies a task slot, meaning one of your service container instances is out of service
during startup.

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Application startup and health checks

By default, both Swarm and Kubernetes provide very simple health check mechanisms
when a custom health check is not defined. In this default case, both orchestrators simply
use PID 1's status as an indicator of container health. Subsequently, the orchestrators
assume if PID 1 is running, the container is ready for traffic. However, there are many
situations where this behavior is unacceptable. In other words, we need the orchestrator to
withhold traffic from our new container until it is completely started and ready to process
requests. To accomplish this, both orchestrators leverage custom health checks.

The custom health check principle is pretty straightforward. The orchestrator starts a new
container and waits for it to pass the health check before adding it into the service's load
balancer to serve requests. In Figure 1, you can see a Swarm service is started with three

Figure 1: Docker Swarm in the process of replacing an unhealthy container

As you can see, one of the replicas, container 1, fails its health check. Then, the orchestrator
retries the prescribed amount of times and eventually kills container 1. Please note, during
this failure time window (the container is not responding, but orchestrator is waiting for
health check to time out—maybe 3 tries that are 10 seconds apart), the caller may get a
connection to the dead container. This is why we stressed defensive programming
principles for distributed services in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI
Pipeline, in Defensive coding section.

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While the new container is starting up, Swarm will wait for the duration specified in the --
start-period parameter (the default is 0) before it starts running health checks. So, for a
longer startup application, you would want to override the default to something
appropriate, perhaps 60 or 90 seconds. Imagine, however, that a new release of your service
has a longer startup time. It is very possible that the --start-period will elapse and the
health checks will fail before the application starts. In fact, the orchestrator will kill it before
it ever becomes healthy, and it will try to start another one. This leaves you in a continuous
restart loop and no container running for your service. While this is easy to fix by extending
the --start-period parameter, Kubernetes provides a more elegant solution for the

Kubernetes provides two types of health checks: a liveliness probe and a readiness probe.
The liveliness probe is used to determine whether the application is running, while the
readiness probe determines whether the service is ready to serve traffic. As you can see, this
can be very useful during a long-running startup process where we have some middle
ground between healthy and unhealthy. Not until the pods liveliness probe fails, will the
orchestrator replace the pod. Additionally, you get the benefit where the service's load
balancer can quickly remove a container from its backend pool as soon as the readiness
profiles. There are two interesting failure conditions in Kubernetes: when a readiness probe
has failed, stop traffic flow from the service, and if Nto the liveliness probe has failed, the
pod is unhealthy and needs to be replaced.

Kubernetes allows us to define health checks in a few different ways. A command-style

probe, such as we saw with Docker's health checks, where the command is executed inside
of the container and an exit code of 0 indicates a healthy container. The second type is an
HTTP probe, where Kubernetes pings you applications on the unspecified port/path and
looks for a 2xx or 3xx response code to indicate a healthy container. The third type of probe
is a TCP probe that attempts to make a TCP connection on a specified port and if the
connection is made, Kubernetes assumes a healthy container.

In Chapter 10, More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise, we will work through a
Kubernetes example application that includes a health check, but now let's look at a Swarm
health check example.

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Swarm service health check for AtSea-web

Docker allows a health check to be defined in the Dockerfile or the Swarm stack YAML
file. When we add HEALTHCHECK to a Dockerfile, the check adds a simple health indicator
to standalone containers (the $ docker run command) or as a Swarm service (the $
docker service create command). While running a heath check on a standalone
container does not take any corrective action automatically, it does reports the status of the
health check when you list your containers using the $ docker container ls command.

The following code block shows how a standalone container run from an image with a
healthcheck directive showing a health status:

$ docker container ls
f90e97819351 hc-db:test "docker-entrypoint.s…" 30 seconds ago Up 29 seconds

You could go to the trouble of writing a script that monitors Docker Engine events to restart
unhealthy standalone containers, but that is what Swarm already does for us! Therefore, we
will focus our attention on a Swarm example using the AtSea-web application we built in
Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline.

For our example, we could put the healthcheck command inside either the Dockerfile or
our docker-stack-cluster.yml file. Since we are likely to specify custom health check
parameters in the docker-stack-cluster.yml file anyway, we will just put it there.
Otherwise, we end up having health check-specific information spread across both the
Docker file and the docker-stack-cluster.yml file, which seems both unnecessary and

So, while we are not adding the health check directive, healthcheck, to our Dockerfile, we
do need to update the Dockerfile with the appropriate dependencies to support a cURL
healthcheck command. In our case, this requires installing the apk curl package on our
Alpine JDK base image. Remember, this is a multistage build file and we only need to
install our curl package in the final stage as it will be the base for our service container.

The following Dockerfile code block shows how we are using the apk package manager to
install the curl package to support our cURL-based health check:
FROM node:latest AS jsbuild
WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app
COPY react-app .
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

FROM maven:latest AS mavenbuild

WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea
COPY pom.xml .
RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml
COPY . .
RUN mvn -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml package -DskipTests

FROM java:8-jdk-alpine
RUN apk --update add curl
RUN adduser -Dh /home/gordon gordon
WORKDIR /static
COPY --from=jsbuild /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app/build/ .
COPY --from=mavenbuild /usr/src/atsea/target/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
CMD [""]

Now, we have to add the healthcheck section to our appserver service in our stack file,
as shown in the following code block:
image: ${DTR_SERVER}/${STACK_ENV}/atsea-web_build:RC-${STACK_ENV}
- front-tier
- back-tier
- payment
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 3
start_period: 40s
replicas: 2
parallelism: 2
failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
labels: at-sea-${STACK_ENV} ${STACK}_front-tier 8080

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- postgres_password

Not only did we provide the test: ["CMD"... using the curl we specified, we also
included some additional parameters to define how the checks are run and to determine
what constitutes a failure. The first parameter is the interval, which specifies the time
between checks. The second is the timeout parameter, which indicates how long the test
should wait for a response. The retries parameter specifies how many times to retry the test
before failing. The start_period parameter, as we discussed in the Application startup
and heath checks section of this chapter, is how long the orchestrator will wait before
running the first health check at startup.

Passing signals into containers

There are some important semantics related to the CMD when building your images with a
Dockerfile and running them with an orchestrator. When people get started with Docker,
they generally gloss over the concept of the shell versus exec forms of CMD. Often, they
just think of it as a JSON versus command-line style of formatting. In fact, there are several
other differences that are important, but for our conversation with orchestration, we need
to talk about signal forwarding.

The Docker docs talk about the main CMD forms, as follows:

CMD ["executable","param1","param2"] ( the exec form; this is the

preferred form)
The param1 param2 CMD command (shell form)

The first and preferred form is the exec form; as the commands process is not wrapped
inside a shell process and subsequently all signals are forwarded to any child processes.
This is important because if an orchestrator issues a SIGTERM signal to a container, you will
want your processes to receive the signal and have the opportunity to respond with an
orderly shutdown. If, however, you are using the shell form, the signal will not be
forwarded past the shell to the child processes. This can be problematic if you are running
an style script that needs a shell, such as bash, to run and you want the
commands, such as Java, to get signals from the host. Fortunately, there's a well-know
workaround for this, using something called tini. In fact, Docker uses tini.

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If you run into any issues related to signals not getting past the shell or zombie processes in
the shell, look at using tini. I would suggest starting with this article: https:/​/​github.​com/

Managed and unmanaged cluster resources

Most examples of running applications in a cluster do not include any information about
resource needs or limits for the application's workload. Without information about resource
needs and limits for the workload, the orchestrator is unable to effectively manage cluster
resources. This unmanaged approach leaves cluster operators to rely heavily on their
monitoring infrastructure to avoid resource starvation by dynamically scaling their cluster
up and down as required.

In a cloud-native environment of boundless elastic resources, an unmanaged approach may

be workable, but it is both expensive and wrought with potential application performance
inconsistencies. So, we recommend limiting the use of unmanaged clusters to non-
production environments—even for cloud platforms. Furthermore, with unmanaged non-
production clusters, seriously consider using Docker Enterprise Advanced Edition's
collections to manage node-level isolation to reduce resource starvation situations for
performance testing and user acceptance environments in the non-production cluster.

We strongly recommended that you take a managed approach to resource management in

your production clusters, as discussed in the next section.

Orchestrators and resource management

In Chapter 8, First Application in Production with Docker Enterprise, we discussed the concept
of scheduling preferences and constraints for Swarm scheduling. When we need our data-
related services to consistently run on the same nodes where their data volumes resided,
we used node labels in conjunction with deployment constraints to tell Swarm where to
place the data-related services. Now, we're going to talk about another orchestrator
scheduling topic and learn more about how Swarm and Kubernetes manage available

Both Swarm and Kubernetes keep track of the resources reserved (requested in Kubernetes)
by containers as they are scheduled on each node (additionally, Kubernetes keeps track of
the entire namespaces/cluster to manage quotas). Essentially, when a container is scheduled
on a node, the orchestrator reduces its record for that node's available capacity by the
amount reserved/requested for the deployed containers.

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Let's talk through a simple example. In our example, we have three worker nodes: node A,
node B, and node C. Each node has 16 GB of memory and four CPU cores. Now, the
orchestrator has placed three containers on node A and each container reserved/requested 3
GB of memory and 0.5 CPU cores. Through simple math, the orchestrator knows that 7
GB (16 GB - 3 GB x 3) of memory and 2.5 CPU cores (4 cores - 0.5 x 3) remain available on
node A. If the next scheduling requests exceeds 7 GB or 2.5 CPUs, the orchestrator will have
to find a different node. If no other nodes have the capacity, the scheduler will log an error
indicating there are no suitable nodes to satisfy the scheduling request.

Container reservations, requests, and limits

To accomplish resource management, orchestrators rely on two concepts: reservations
(called requests in Kubernetes) and limits. Essentially, the orchestrator uses the resource
reservations (called requests) for its internal accounting system to keep track of available
node resources. Limits are used to enforce the amount of resources a container is allowed to
consume when running. The best practice is to set your reservations equal to your limits to
avoid potentially over-scheduling a cluster node.

How can a node be over-scheduled in a managed resource model? Here is an example. Our
nodes each have 16 GB of memory. The orchestrator schedules four containers where each
container requires 2 GB of memory and sets a limit at 3 GB of memory. This makes sense to
us because we require a 2 GB minimum to run our container properly, but it could go up to
3 GB of memory at peak times. However, keep in mind the orchestrator is planning on 2 GB
of consumption for each. Therefore, the orchestrator schedules all four containers on the
same node. As soon as the container averages more than 2 GB of memory usage, you get an
over-scheduled, resource-starved cluster node. However, if we had set our limit and a
reservation to be equal, we would have avoided over-scheduling, but then we may get an
error of under-utilization. However, in a production environment, it is much better to have
resources under-utilized than to have applications deprived of resources!

There's a significant difference between how the limits on CPU and

memory are handled. CPU limits throttle a container's CPU utilization,
allowing it to continue running at the CPU limit specified. Memory limits,
on the other hand, will trigger an Out-of-memory Exception (OOME) in
the container and shut the container down. This is important to
understand. To avoid unexpected container restarts, pick your memory
limits carefully, especially in a production environment!

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Now that we've described the concepts of the managed and unmanaged cluster
approaches, let's look at how to use the managed approach.

Setting CPU and memory reservations

For a Swarm example, we will go back to our AtSea custom web application deployment
and add a reservation and limit to the appserver service. The appserver service is
running a spring boot application in a Java 8 environment. So, we have a couple of things to
contend with in this situation. The first is related to a version of Java prior to Java 10, where
the JVM disregarded the container's cgroup memory restrictions. As a result, the JVM
behaved as though all of the host's memory was available to the JVM, instead of what was
allocated to the container through cgroup. This would usually cause the JVM to allocate
memory beyond the container limit and to cause the container to fail with an OOME. So to
work around this, we added the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to the following code
block to set the maximum memory for the JVM to 1 GB with the -Xmx1G flag.

Now, let's take a look at deploying our appserver service with some sensible limit
# atsea-deploy docker-stack-cluster.yml
version: "3.7"

image: ${DTR_SERVER}/${STACK_ENV}/atsea-web_build:RC-${STACK_ENV}
JAVA_OPTS: -Xms512M -Xmx1G
- front-tier
- back-tier
- payment
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 3
start_period: 40s
cpus: '1'
memory: 1.5G
cpus: '1'

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memory: 1.5G
replicas: 2
parallelism: 1
failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
labels: at-sea-${STACK_ENV} ${STACK}_front-tier 8080
- postgres_password

In the previous code block, notice the resources section under deployment. Here, we can
find where the resource limits and reservations are set. We set the reservations and limits
the same as in our previous strategy. The CPUs are set to one core and the memory is set to
1.5 GB.

Because we created a CI pipeline to deploy this application, all we need to do is change the
docker-stack-cluster.yml file, commit it, and push it to GitLab. Finally, we trigger the
build with our curl GitLab command:
curl -X POST -F token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-F "ref=master" -F

Now we can head over to the, under Swarm | Services, and click on atsea-deployer-
test_appserver to watch the status of our deployment. In Figure 2, you can see the
service information in the Universal Control Plane(UCP) web UI:

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Figure 2: Service information in the UCP web UI

When we look at the service status previously in the UCP, we see the green button
indicating the service is healthy for two out of two replicas. Then, if we scroll down, we will
see the limits and reservations exactly how they were specified in the stack deployment file.

Another way to look at the service to verify the reservations would be to use the UCP client
bundle, as shown in the following code block in the abbreviated output from the service
inspect command:

$ docker service inspect atsea-deployer-test_appserver

"ID": "vqqoaglk897x0pewagj11rwyz",
"Version": {
"Index": 640839
"Resources": {

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

"Limits": {
"NanoCPUs": 1000000000,
"MemoryBytes": 1610612736
"Reservations": {
"NanoCPUs": 1000000000,
"MemoryBytes": 1610612736

Now, let's take a look at applying the same principles to a Kubernetes pod. In this case, we
are just using a trivial nginx example, and we limit the memory to 128 MB and the CPU to
250 millicores (1/4 of a core).

The following code block shows the sample kube-limits.yaml file used to launch our
test pods with requests and limits:
# kube-limits.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: frontend
- name: proxy
image: nginx:1.14-alpine
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "250m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "250m"

In the following code block, we use kubectl from our UCP client bundle to deploy the
frontend pods with limits and requests. After the pods deploy, we again use kubectl to
look at our new pod deployment. We have highlighted the limits and requests section in
the following output:
$ kubectl apply -f kube-limits.yaml
pod/frontend created

$ kubectl describe pod frontend

Name: frontend
Namespace: default
Priority: 0

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PriorityClassName: <none>
Start Time: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 00:12:43 -0600
cpu: 250m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 128Mi

As you can see, the mechanism for deploying reservations, requests, and limits is very
simple. The challenging part is figuring out what numbers to provide as parameters for the
limits/reservations. Again, this is where your monitoring tools will come in handy,
especially with Java applications.

Figure 3 shows a metrics screen from the Sysdig monitor for the newly deployed

Figure 3: Metrics screen

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At the end of the day, many cloud-native DevOps teams are comfortable with the dynamic
nature and technical complexity of scaling unmanaged resources in their cluster. More
traditional IT operations teams find the deterministic nature of using reservations,
requests, and limits to manage resources essential in their production environments.

Production ingress
When it comes to production ingress, we find ourselves facing the same dynamic
versus deterministic decisions. On the one hand, we enjoy the dynamic nature of various
tools for layer 7 routing, as we have shown previously in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a
Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, when we used labels with UCP's Interlock 2 and configuration
of our reverse proxy server (usually NGINX these days) is automatically configured by
simply deploying your service to the cluster. Unfortunately, this approach requires a lot of
moving parts, which is not a good thing in a production environment where simplicity and
securities reign supreme. Both Swarm and Kubernetes give you a few models for deploying
applications, including dynamic routing (layer 7), simple port-based routing (layer 4 IPVS),
and static host deployments.

Ingress model overview

In these three sections, we will give a brief overview of each of the ingress models. Then,
we will go into some specific implementation details of the most common approaches. At
one end of the spectrum, we have very dynamic models with lots of moving parts, and at
the other end, we have deterministic models that require more manual configuration and
are potentially more brittle.

Layer 7 dynamic routing

For layer 7, we have UCP's Interlock 2, the Kubernetes ingress controller and other great
similar layer 7 services such as Traefik. These technologies monitor the orchestrator's
events, keying off of labels, and adjust the reverse proxy servers' configuration dynamically
when services are deployed. Layer 7 reverse proxy wrappers are very cool in the sense that
can send all of my ingress traffic through the layer 7 controller and the requests end up in
the right place. It's very cool when it works reliably. However, we have seen a variety of
issues related to networking (phantom networks) and security (port blocking) where these
controllers may not be 100% reliable, or convergence times (the time it takes for the changes
to propagate) are too long.

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To illustrate this feature, we've used Interlock 2 in our Swarm AtSea application's
appserver service configuration throughout this book. However, while Interlock 2 might be
an option for our single production application in Chapter 8, First Application in Production
with Docker Enterprise, we are still not sold on its stability for higher scaling

With both Swarm and Kubernetes, you can also deploy your own reverse proxy servers
using NGINX and implement your own ingress scheme. The trick with the custom
approach is to update the configurations dynamically and deal with possible service
disruptions during controller updates. The Kubernetes community is pushing the
technology envelope with some advanced, mergeable ingress models (https:/​/​github.
but unfortunately these more complex ingress schemes are out of the scope of this book.

Layer 4 simple port-based routing

Both Swarm and Kubernetes provide a simple, port-based, cluster-wide routing mechanism
that is both efficient and reliable. With this model, you essentially point your external load
balancers into the cluster using a specific port number (a unique port for each exposed
service) with an IP or DNS name belonging to any node in the cluster. The layer 4 routing
captures the request from any node's network adapter on the specific port number and
forwards it to the correct cluster service with load balancing using IPVS. This is a good
balance between managed ingress and dynamic workload placement, because the
orchestrator transparently handles the specific details of the container and pod placement.

We will see some examples of these later in section Key concepts of blue/green
deployments when we look at blue/green deployments section.

Static host deployments

The static host deployment model is the old-school approach to deployments. This is
generally how we deployed our first production websites. This model is highly
deterministic and subsequently takes very little advantage of our container platform
features. For many organizations that are just getting started with production containers at
scale, they will often start here. While that is completely understandable, be careful about
applying old models to new container technology platforms. You could end up with much
of the risk and none of the benefits of containers if you're not careful.

In a static host model, your services are deployed to a specific host using a label (as we did
for our Wiki PoCP application), and the service's ingress port is mapped directly from the
host's adapter (usually on an ephemeral port to avoid port conflicts) to the service.

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Once the service is deployed to the server and the port is mapped, you configure the
application load balancer with that host node's IP address or DNS name + ephemeral port
number. In this configuration, you update your load balancer with information for each
node hosting the service. Again, this is very deterministic and the network path is very
efficient (no IPVS hops on the way in and out), but certainly more cumbersome and brittle.

Key concepts of blue/green deployments

If you are concerned about downtime while making updates to your running production
applications, you are not alone. That is why the blue/green deployment model has become
popular. With a blue/green deployment, you are able to stand up the new version of the
application, and verify it is ready and working before directing external traffic to the

Earlier in Chapter 3, Getting Started – Docker Enterprise Proof of Concept, we talked about
concept of rolling out a stack of new services into production with Swarm, but we did not
discuss the options for migrating application updates. In this section, I want to explore a
very simple model that will work for your early production applications. We will illustrate
it with both Swarm and Kubernetes.

Blue/green deployments with Swarm

First, we will talk about the Swarm blue/green deployment, where we will use a load
balancer in conjunction with two versions of a Docker service. The load balancers could be
external to our cluster or actually running in a container within our cluster. For the sake of
our discussion, let's say it's an external application load balancer that's sitting in front of our

Figure 4 shows how the process works for Swarm:

Figure 4: The Swarm blue/green migration process

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Prior to the update, only items in green are present. Traffic is coming to the load balancer
and being forwarded over port 8080 to the web-app-v1 service. When it's time to release a
new version of our web app, we deploy the web-app-v2 service to the cluster. When the
new service is up and ready for traffic, we reconfigure the load balancer to direct traffic
on 8081. This effectively cuts off traffic to the old version and redirects it to the new

If there's a problem with the new version of our application, we can reverse the process and
send traffic back to the old version. However, once we are convinced the new version is
working properly, we can spin down version 1 and remove it from the cluster.

Kubernetes blue/green deployment

Now, we can take a look at the Kubernetes blue/green deployment process. Notice for the
Kubernetes process that we do not use an external load balancer; it is all handled with
Kubernetes resources within the cluster:

Figure 5: Kubernetes blue/green deployment process

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On the left, we see a Kubernetes NodePort service, again showing the green configuration
for version 1. Version 1 of the service is bound to the green pod on the right using selector
matching pods with the web-app-v1 app. When it's time for the upgrade, we deploy web-
app-v2 the pod(s). Then, we update the selector in the Kubernetes web-app service to
match version 2 of the web app: web-app-v2. We apply the change to the web-app service
and traffic now flows to web app V2.

We will talk about how this could be accomplished in the Layer 4 routing in production

Layer 7 routing in production

As mentioned in our Ingress model overview section, the use of layer 7 routing in
production, at least right now, feels risky. If you are exploring the use of layer 7 routing in
your production environment, we strongly recommend thorough testing through many
application deployments, updates, and rollbacks. When using Interlock 2, make sure that
you follow the instructions for Interlock 2's production deployment (https:/​/​docs.
docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/​interlock/​deploy/​production/​) and verify that all networks are
being cleaned up properly after un-deploying unused application stacks from the cluster.

Another appealing feature with layer 7 routing is the ability to terminate SSL certificates
using the layer 7 reverse proxy server. This is really cool and could make life really easy.
Because of the additional complexity this adds to the automatic reverse-proxy
reconfiguration process, make sure you thoroughly test this in your production

Also, if you're interested in layer 7 routing without some of the overlay networking
requirements, you can use a host mode deployment of Interlock 2. Keep in mind that when
you shift to host mode, you are directly accessing host ports where the Interlock
components are deployed. Therefore, if you have firewalling enabled on your cluster
nodes (we recommend that you do), you will have to open up a port range for the
ephemeral ports used for proper operation. The need to open firewall ports for a range of
ephemeral host ports within the cluster may be a showstopper for many security

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I created some step-by-step instructions to update the ucp-interlock service to use host
mode. Please note you will need the following:

1. Ephemeral ports opened

2. A UCP Admin Settings | Scheduler check in the box to Allow administrators to
deploy containers on UCP managers or nodes running Docker Trusted

Here are my instructions: https:/​/​github.​com/​PacktPublishing/​Mastering-​Docker-


Layer 4 routing in production

Layer 4 routing is a very common model that is used across production and non-
production environments. It provides an excellent balance between control and flexibility.
You can control the flow of your traffic into the cluster, while having the flexibility to
change the service implementations details, such as where containers are running and how
they're connected.

The final implementation of our AtSea application for production has been updated to use
a layer 4 model. In Figure 6, we see a high-level diagram of the AtSea application's

Figure 6: AtSea application configuration

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Requests enter the site with the application's public URL,,
where our wildcard (* DNS a record) brings them to the firewall. The
request passes through the firewall using Network Address Translation NAT
( >>, where it is picked up by the
load balancer. The load balancer's frontend terminates the TLS connection, using the
* wildcard certificate.

The .pem file used to secure the site is located in

/usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ and is composed of the following
three sections:

Server certificate
Intermediate CA certificate
Private key

When you access the site, you should see the secure site indicator in your browser, as
shown in Figure 7:

Figure 7: Secure site indicator

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This looks good so far, but I have been fooled by this before, where the browser shows a
secure icon, but I still get x.509 certificate errors. To be sure, use an SSL checker such
as https:/​/​ssltools.​digicert.​com/​checker/​views/​checkInstallation.​jsp or https:/​/
www.​sslshopper.​com/​ (the output is in Figure 8) to verify the certificate is completely

Validate your third-party certificates, even if the browser lock looks good.
Certificate validation is especially important when you install third-party
client certificates for DTR and UCP as well, because the Docker CLI is
very fussy about how the certificate chains.

When you check your certificate, it should look same as Figure 8:

Figure 8:

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Now, we can direct our attention to the backend of our pool. Since our TLS connection was
terminated in the frontend, the rest of our path is unencrypted within our network. This
will not be acceptable for many organizations. In cases where it is not, consider terminating
TLS inside your containers. Alternatively, you can terminate in the frontend with an
external certificate, and re-encrypt it with an internal certificate from the load balancer to
the container to find the service. With this sort of scheme, the key for the internal certificate
can be used to monitor traffic inside the network, but the internal certificate is of no use
outside of the data center.

From the backend, the traffic flows to the appserver service on port 8043. IPVS is
listening on port 8043 and load balances the request to and on the ingress network. Let's look at how we configure this with

In the following code block, you can see a partial stack file (only the appserver service is
shown) to demonstrate how simple this is with Swarm:
# atsea-deploy docker-stack-cluster.yml
version: "3.7"

JAVA_OPTS: -Xms512M -Xmx1G
- 8043:8080
- back-tier-app
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 3
start_period: 40s
cpus: '1'
memory: 1.5G
cpus: '1'
memory: 1.5G
replicas: 2
parallelism: 1

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

failure_action: rollback
condition: on-failure
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
- postgres_password


file: ./secrets/test/postgres_password
file: ./secrets/test/payment_token

All we have to do is specify the port mapping of 8043 as the external port and 8080 as the
internal container port. By default, Docker uses this VIP to load balance between instance
replicas and publishes port 8034 on the ingress network. These ports can be TCP or UDP,
but TCP is the default. As a side note, Docker's default overlay network driver does not
support multi-cast, but the Weave Net V2 plugin (https:/​/​www.​weave.​works/​docs/​net/
latest/​install/​plugin/​plugin-​v2/​) does and it supports Swarm. Also, notice we
removed the labels required to engage the Interlock 2 ingress controller.

For our Atsea pilot application in Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline,
we used labels to indicate our Interlock 2 ingress network name, the internal container port
and SSL certificate information for termination at the Interlock 2 reverse proxy server. This
was an interesting idea, but we were not comfortable with it for our solution
implementation. Now, since we terminated upstream at our application load balancer, we
no longer need the certificate information with the appserver service.

Docker service updates

When the time comes to update your application, there are a few common approaches. The
first is a simple Docker service update, the second is a blue/green deployment, and the
third is a canary deployment.

The simple Docker service update is a relatively straightforward approach to updating

your service with the Docker API's service update command. You can do this on a
service-by-service basis from the command line or a script, but the best way is to use the
Docker stack file to apply the updates.

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

The updated Docker stack file may include changes to Docker image versions or service
deployment parameters. You simply update the stack file and apply them with the docker
stack deploy command using the current service name, just like when you started the
application. When you run the deploy command the second time, it compares the desired
state in the new stack file with the state of the running stack. From there, it applies updates,
based on the updated configuration for each service.

In the previous stack file, look at how the appserver service specifies an update_config
section with two parameters to override the defaults. The first one is parallelism and it
defines how many containers will be updated at a time; in our case we want to update one
at a time. The default is to update all containers at once which can be disruptive and the
reason most people want rolling updates. The next parameter is the failure action, it
describes what the orchestrator should do if a service fails during the update. In our case,
we set it to roll back to the previous version.

Layer 4 blue/green deployment

When we are ready to deploy a new version of our application to the cluster, we can use
layer 4 routing with your load balancer to perform a blue/green deployment. First, stand up
your new service on a new port number and then move the load balance to point to the
new port. For further clarity, let's walk through an example.

Earlier in section Layer 4 routing in production, we rolled out the first version of our
appserver on port 8043 using docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-
cluster.yml atseaV1. Then, we configured our load balancer's backend servers to point
to our Swarm nodes using the appserver 8043 port and the application was running fine,
but a bug was discovered. The development team fixed the bug and ran the changes
through the pipeline to create a new version of the image in the prod DTR,

The following code block shows how we updated our docker-stack-cluster.yml file to
reflect the new image name and new port number:
# atsea-deploy docker-stack-cluster.yml
version: "3.7"

JAVA_OPTS: -Xms512M -Xmx1G
- 8044:8080

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Now, it is time to stand up the new atseaV2 stack next to the old atseaV1 stack. We use $
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-cluster.yml atseaV2 and wait for the
service to converge.

Then, to smoke test the new stack, we run $ curl -v to see the unformatted stream of HTML, as
shown in the following code block:
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta
name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><title>Atsea
Shop</title><link href="/static/css/main.d25422c6.css"
x:hidden}</style><div id="root"></div><link rel="stylesheet"

It responded as expected! Now, let's migrate the rest of the traffic to the new version of the
service. We head to our load balancer's backend server pool, replace the existing 8043 port
entries with the new service port number, 8044, and reload the load balancer to cut over
the new service.

The following code block shows the changes required to redirect traffic to a new
application stack on port 8044:
backend atsea_app_upstream_servers
mode http
balance roundrobin
server atseaServer01 ntc-wrk-1:8044
server atseaServer02 ntc-wrk-2:8044
server atseaServer03 ntc-wrk-3:8044
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

Check the logs and check your monitoring console to make sure everything looks good.
Remember, the old stack is still there if you want to roll back.

Finally, do not forget to clean up the old stack! When you feel good about the new stack
and you are sure you will not need to roll back, remove the old stack with $ docker
stack rm atseaV1.

[ 377 ]
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Layer 4 canary deployment

Okay, perhaps you are a little concerned about a full cut-over from blue to green. Instead,
you would like to send just a little traffic to the new application stack to see how it goes.
This is called a canary deployment and it's a great way to see how the new stack will
respond to traffic. With most load balancers, this is pretty easy to accomplish.

We reconfigure our load balancer to do the following:

Add the new server, atseaCanaryServer01

Add weighting to the backend pool servers to effectively create a canary

The following code block shows a canary deployment with 10% of the traffic going to the
new application stack on port 8044:
backend atsea_app_upstream_servers
mode http
balance roundrobin
server atseaServer01 ntc-wrk-1:8043 weight 15
server atseaServer02 ntc-wrk-2:8043 weight 15
server atseaServer03 ntc-wrk-3:8043 weight 15
server atseaCanaryServer01 ntc-wrk-3:8044 weight 5
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

Production monitoring
In Chapter 7, Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform Monitoring and Logging, we introduced logging
and monitoring tools to serve several key purposes. First of all, this was to help us better
understand what was happening in the cluster with respect to resources such as processor,
disk, and networking across the cluster. We wanted to quickly identify and diagnose
otherwise difficult-to-find problems. We also wanted to keep a close eye on the health of
our pilot application. Finally, understanding resource consumption across our non-
production cluster over a reasonable amount of time gives us some confidence in sizing
nodes when building out our production cluster.

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Now, as we move into production, we need to keep a keen eye on the health of our
applications and the cluster, but we also need to pay close attention to security and
compliance. To this end, I want to take a quick look at some of the things you should expect
in production-level monitoring with policy management. Again, I'll be leaning on the tools
from Sysdig, this time their secure product.

I do not want to turn this into a Sysdig tool brochure or infomercial. Rather, we would just
like to show a couple of examples regarding container-based policies and compliance.

In the following example, I have enabled one of Sysdig's built-in policies, which detects
when someone has executed a Terminal shell process inside of a container. This is often
regarded as a serious threat. With this policy in place, we can be alerted whatever anyone
executes a Terminal shell in a container and furthermore, we can stop or pause the
container where the intrusion is taking place. Even if we allow the container to continue
running, we can capture everything that's happening on that node and in that container
when the event occurs:

Figure 9: Terminal shell in container

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

Then, we can take a look at the commands they ran inside of the container. In Figure 10, you
can see they executed the shell and an LS command inside the shell:

Figure 10: Execution of ls command

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Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

We can also show a timeline from the capture that occurred when the event was triggered.
We can see a wide variety of activities before and after the event, down measure in
milliseconds, as shown in Figure 11:

Figure 11: Overview of the timeline

You can adjust the timeline at the bottom of the screen to narrow down the events that
occurred within that window. All of the boxes on the screen allow you to drill into the
details behind them.

[ 381 ]
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

In addition to event tracking and policies, I added a CIS Docker benchmark test as a
compliance tool. Not only does it show you whether you passed or failed a test, it shows
trends over time. Since you'll never have a perfect score, it is helpful to know how you are
trending against your baseline in terms of tests that have been passed or failed:

Figure 12: Docker node compliance

Again, this is not to show off or endorse any particular tool. We present this only to raise
awareness regarding the capabilities of container-based production monitoring tools.

In this chapter, we introduced another round of concepts, techniques, and tools for moving
you closer to your production Docker Enterprise environment. We attempted to give some
practical advice regarding production architecture and deployment models. Again, this is
not a comprehensive or complete list by any means, as there are so many variables within
each industry, business, and regulatory realm. However, it should be helpful in moving
you toward a successful production environment.

[ 382 ]
Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics Chapter 9

In Chapter 10, More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise, we are going to take a closer look
at running Kubernetes applications under a Docker Enterprise cluster.

1. What do you mean by health checks in Docker EE ?
2. Which are the three production ingress models ?
3. How does the blue / green deployment help ?

Further reading
Check out the following resources for more information on the topics covered in this

Health check in Dockerfile:

Health check in the compose file:
Tini discussion—signals and zombies in Docker containers:
Limiting container resources:
Docker Enterprise at scale article:
Kubernetes best practice videos:
Docker Enterprise ingress article:

[ 383 ]
More on Kubernetes with
Docker Enterprise
So far in this book, we have focused on Swarm for our orchestration. That was intentional,
because it is generally much easier to get started with Swarm, and since Docker Enterprise
supports both orchestrators, you can use either or both. In this chapter, we turn our
attention to using Kubernetes on the Docker Enterprise platform. With its popularity and
rich ecosystem, Kubernetes deployments will likely grow and represent a significant
portion of your applications. After getting our first application into production with
Swarm, it's time to circle back and take a look at running Kubernetes applications on your
Docker infrastructure. In this chapter, we will introduce Kubernetes and walk through
examples of deploying applications with it.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes features and integrations

Understanding how to leverage Docker Desktop with Docker Enterprise for an
end-to-end Kubernetes experience
Core third-party Kubernetes tools with Docker Enterprise
Using Kubernetes persistent volumes and the layer-7 ingress controller

Overview of Docker Enterprise with

Kubernetes is integrated into the Docker Enterprise platform. It is installed by default and
is becoming an increasingly important part of Docker Enterprise's own tooling. For
instance, Docker Enterprise 2.1 relies on Kubernetes to deploy Prometheus metrics. I
strongly suspect Docker's dependence on Kubernetes will continue to increase with their
Enterprise platform.
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

From a strategic point of view, this is very important, especially if you are considering
Docker Enterprise, but wondering about Docker's long-term commitment to Kubernetes.
The answer is pretty clear: Docker does not just support Kubernetes; it relies on it as a part
of its Enterprise solution—that is commitment!

Since we talked about the Docker Enterprise architecture in Chapter 2, Docker Enterprise –
an Architectural Overview, we will jump right into the Kubernetes highlights. Figure 1 shows
Docker Enterprise's architecture, with the Kubernetes components in green:

Figure 1: Docker Enterprise 2 Architecture-Copyright © 2019 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved.

In Figure 1, we can see how Kubernetes is actually integrated directly into the orchestration
fabric of Docker Enterprise. It is not a bolt-on module. Looking at the items in green, we
have the Kubernetes API deployed on the master node that piggybacks its UCP/Swarm
managers. So, if we have three UCP managers, we will have three Kubernetes masters. The
Kubernetes API is accessed with the same UCP client bundle as the Docker/UCP API. It is
seamless. When using a remote client bundle, you can use the docker and kubectl
commands to manage the remote EE cluster's Swarm or Kubernetes resources. However,
you do need to have port 6443 rerouted to your manager nodes to make this work.

Next, we will look at the green CNI box.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

CNI networking
By default, Docker ships with Kubernetes v1.11.5 and installs Calico v3.5. Furthermore,
Docker has chosen to implement Calico's BGP/IP-in-IP networking implementation in an
effort to insulate the platform from the underlying network details. In most cases where
you have control of the network, this is really helpful. However, when you are at the mercy
of a cloud provider's policy (cloud providers make these policies for good reasons, of
course), the default CNI plugin configuration might not work at all. For example: Azure
does not allow IP-in-IP traffic on their network, and therefore the Docker Enterprise default
CNI plugin is not an option. For this reason, Docker gives you a choice of CNI plugins with
managed/unmanaged networks. In fact, Docker makes it very easy to swap out CNI

All CNI plugins must adhere to the following:

All containers can communicate with all other containers without NAT.
All nodes can communicate with all containers (and vice-versa) without NAT.
The IP that a container sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as.

Let's see how we can configure Docker Enterprise's CNI plugins.

Docker Enterprise install – Kubernetes

Docker provides several options related to Kubernetes networking, including which CNI
provider to use. In fact, there are several important options to consider when using
Kubernetes at scale. The following table contains a list of Kubernetes-related install options:

Option Description
--kube-apiserver-port Port for the Kubernetes API server (default: 6443).
A URL pointing to a Kubernetes YAML file to be used as an installer for the
--cni-installer-url CNI plugin of the cluster. If specified, the default CNI plugin is not installed.
If the URL uses the HTTPS scheme, no certificate verification is performed.
The Kubernetes cluster IP pool for the pods to allocate IPs from (default:
The default value of false indicates that Kubernetes networking is
managed by UCP with its default managed CNI plugin, Calico. When set to
true, UCP does not deploy or manage the life cycle of the default CNI
plugin—the CNI plugin is deployed and managed independently of UCP.
Note that when unmanaged-cni=true, networking in the cluster will
not function for Kubernetes, until a CNI plugin is deployed.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

The kube-apiserver-port and pod-cidr must be considered when designing the initial
network implementation for your Docker Enterprise install. The CNI-related parameters
are more advanced decisions related to your platform (that is, Cloud or on-premises) and
you will need to gain experience with your applications at higher scale before making CNI
decisions for high-scale production environments. So, for a pilot or early production cluster
under lighter workloads, most of these options should work well.

CNI providers offer a Kubernetes YAML file for setup, and the following code block shows
a truncated file provided by Weaveworks:
apiVersion: v1
kind: List
- apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: weave-net
annotations: |-
"original-request": {
"url": "/k8s/net?k8s-<...>",
"date": "Sat Feb 23 2019 17:51:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)"
"email-address": "[email protected]"
name: weave-net
namespace: kube-system

This format should look very familiar to Kubernetes users. A link (saved as CNI_URL) to
this file is actually included in the following UCP install commands.

Now, to actually apply this file to a UCP install, you can use these commands:
#Set CNI_URL to Weave's Kubernetes YAML file.

[ 387 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10


$ docker container run --rm -it --name ucp \

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker/ucp:3.1.2 install \
--host-address <node-ip-address> \
--cni-installer-url ${CNI_URL} \
--unmanaged-cni <true|false> \

It is worth noting that you can reconfigure Calico to not use IP-in-IP and instead only use
Calico's policies and rely on the underlying network. Make sure that Kubernetes will
function properly without it. For example: make sure you can get routable IP addresses for
pods. Just be aware of the underlying network's possible limitations, such as the number of
pods per node.

Advanced Kubernetes networking philosophy

When it comes to container-based networking, there are two competing and primary
concerns. The first is reachability, where pods/containers can communicate freely across the
cluster and things just work! The second, and opposing, concern is policy enforcement,
where we need to manage and control the traffic between pods/containers.

Not too long ago, this was not very difficult, because we relied purely on perimeter
security. We would lock down the perimeter of our network and let everything flow freely
inside. However, in today's world, we have to be just as vigilant about attacks from within
our own network. Therefore, both encryption and policy management become very
important, especially in the Kubernetes world, where, by design, everything is running in a
flat-network space.

For key insights in this section, I want to thank Christopher Liljenstolpe,

evangelist for the Calico project and founder and CTO of Calico's
premium product company, Tigera.

There is a lot going on in this space, especially since Kubernetes entered the Enterprise

[ 388 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Coexistence – Swarm and Kube

Another interesting observation when looking at the architecture of Docker Enterprise is
the coexistence. Both Swarm and Kubernetes are in the same cluster. Many people think of
this as an either/or situation, when in reality you can leverage them running side by side in
the same cluster.

Swarm and Kubernetes will run quite happily on the same node;
however, their respective schedule's resource management has no
awareness of the other scheduler's resource commitments. Therefore, you
could easily end up with an over-scheduled situation, even if you were
using Swarm reservations at Kubernetes' request. Therefore, do not use
mixed node, Swarm and Kubernetes for worker nodes in a production

One of the most difficult things is dealing with very different networking philosophies, as
Swarm and Kubernetes are so different in this respect. Essentially, every Swarm stack has
its own isolated network, and potentially additional networks for additional isolation. From
a shift-left perspective, where developers can use software-defined networks to architect
their multi-service application's interactions, this is a great thing. However, this requires
extremely ephemeral networking, where an IP address's life cycle may be measured in
minutes instead of years and may be recycled often on a given day.

In Kubernetes, all resource run on the same network. This is one of the key features of CNI
plugins, especially the premium ones, such as Tigera, with a sophisticated multi-layer
policy management. This kind of policy as code technology is becoming a standard
for modern infrastructure and must be considered when designing a Docker Enterprise
Kubernetes network.

Docker Enterprise Kubernetes role-based access

Back in Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application, we introduced
the concept of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Docker Enterprise. Our earlier
discussion was limited to locking down Swarm-related resources using a construct called
collections. Let's revisit a similar scenario in Figure 2, where we have added a test
namespace. Figure 2 represents how we can apply the exact same subject, role, and resource
RBAC model to Kubernetes assets, using namespace instead of collections as the target
resource groupings:

[ 389 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Figure 2: Docker Enterprise RBAC with Kubernetes

As we look at the diagram, on the left, we have an LDAP server integrated with our teams
and users. We went into some detail regarding the configuration of UCP with LDAP
integration in Chapter 5, Prepare and Deploy a Docker Enterprise Pilot Application. I only
revisit it here to reinforce the fact that Docker Enterprise ties a centralized security system
into Kubernetes RBAC.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

To support Kubernetes, the role attributes need to reflect the structure of the Kubernetes
environment. In fact, Docker uses native Kubernetes RBAC (Roles and ClusterRoles) in
Docker Enterprise. So, when defining the Kubernetes role for Docker Enterprise, you can
actually use a standard Kubernetes YAML format. Once applied to the Docker Enterprise
Kubernetes cluster, they appear as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3: Universal Control Plane ClusterRole

In addition to user access to collection or namespace resources, we can also tie a namespace
to a node restriction (through a collection). This means, you can restrict a Kubernetes
namespace to only run on specified nodes. This can be useful for staging namespaces where
unredacted data might be used for final testing. Node isolation is part of the Docker
Enterprise Advanced feature set.

Alternatively, we could introduce additional clusters for isolation, but that takes us back to
underutilized resources and a phenomenon we call cluster sprawl. Generally, you are better
served by thinking through your security model and using it to manage a smaller number
of large clusters.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Kubernetes persistent volume management

In our experience, persistent volume management in the Docker Enterprise world is pretty
much native Kubernetes. Generally, you would like to have some sort of persistent volume
auto-provisioning service to handle the management of common storage resources across
the cluster, such as NFS.

Plese read the Kubernetes docs for a better understanding of the

Kubernetes persistent volume life cycle: https:/​/​kubernetes.​io/​docs/

There are of course some very simple methods, such as using an NFS type volume directly
from a pod/container, where, when a pod is deployed, the pod's container essentially
performs a Docker host volume mount with a local, node-based NFS driver. While the end
result is the same (multiple pods sharing the same filesystem mount point regardless of
where they're deployed), it can be difficult to control (bypassing RBAC-controlled
resources, for example) and centrally manage usage. Later in section Kubernetes persistent
volumes with an existing NFS server we will walk through an example of an existing NFS
server to auto-provision Kubernetes persistent volumes based on persistent volume claims.

Docker Desktop to Docker Enterprise

In Chapter 6, Design and Pilot a Docker Enterprise CI Pipeline, we spent time building our
AtSea custom Java application. It only seems appropriate now to use the same images and
redeploy them as a Kubernetes application. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to build
and test a Kubernetes application on a developer desktop (without Minikube!), and apply it
to our Kubernetes cluster running on Docker Enterprise.

In this section, we are going to convert our AtSea Swarm application into a Kubernetes
application and deploy it to our pilot cluster, alongside the Swarm version of the
application that is still running. Furthermore, we will actually perform a blue/green
deployment, where we perform a live migration from the Swarm application to the
Kubernetes application.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Docker Desktop – Converting AtSea to

Earlier in the book, we used Docker Desktop to build and test images on the local
development machine using Swarm to simulate the stack running the same way it would
be in production. So, we are going to do the exact same thing, but this time with
Kubernetes. Also, there's no need to rebuild our images, as we already have those.

Our approach here, much like the first time when we built the application, is from the
bottom to the top. Figure 4 shows how we set up our local development:

Figure 4: Atsea application in Kubernetes

We will start with the database container, create a pod deployment, and inject both
ConfigMap and Secret properties into the database container's environment variables.
This is exactly where the database container expects to find them, as it is identical to the
Swarm application's use of environment variables. Then, we will create a database
ClusterIP service (only visible within the cluster) as a durable endpoint to connect to the

[ 393 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Please note that the ClusterIP service has the same database as the Swarm application's
database service. This allows the web app to reference the same DNS name for the
database. Hence, we will make no code changes to any of our images.

Next, we create a deployment for the atsea_app container and inject the postgres-
password from our Kubernetes secret into a local volume mount, where again the
application is expecting to find the secret—in the same location where the Swarm
application injected the secret. Then, we add the NodePort service to the front of our AtSea
web_app pods. The NodePort service use IPVS to publish a port on all non-master nodes in
the cluster. This way, the AtSea application load balancer can direct traffic to any non-
manager node in the cluster on port 3233, and the AtSea web app NodePort service will
forward the request to the web app pod(s).

You can find the code examples for the section in the GitHub repository: https:/​/​github.

Setting up Docker Desktop with Kubernetes

Let's start by making sure that your Docker Desktop environment is correctly configured to
run Kubernetes on your workstation or laptop. If you have Docker Desktop installed, there
is no longer any need (that I know of) to use Minikube. To do that, right-click on the well in
your system tray and select Settings, as shown in Figure 5:

Figure 5: Docker Desktop Context menu

[ 394 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Then click on the Kubernetes tab on the left side of the dialogue, as shown in Figure 6.
Make sure the Enable Kubernetes box is checked; after checking it, wait for Kubernetes to
start and the dot at the bottom left of the dialogue to turn green:

Figure 6: Enable Kubernetes

Once Kubernetes is running, close the dialog, open a PowerShell or Bash shell, and run the
following $ kubectl get nodes command. It looks pretty much the same for either Bash
or PowerShell, as you can see, but, in either case, you should see docker-for-desktop
Ready master 40d v1.10.11:

# Windows Powershell
PS > kubectl get nodes
docker-for-desktop Ready master 40d v1.10.11

# Bash Shell
@xps-bash$ kubectl get nodes
docker-for-desktop Ready master 40d v1.10.11

[ 395 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

As a side note, Kubernetes in the Desktop version is a little bit old. Surprisingly, it's older
than the EE Kubernetes version of 1.11.5. I point this out because you could run into a
situation where things behave differently on your Desktop than they do on the cluster. This
is also true for versions of Docker.

You are all set!

Configuring an application with Kubernetes

Let's get started by creating a namespace for our application. We are going to put all of our
Kubernetes resources into the atsea-test namespace. This makes it very easy to isolate
and clean up our local machine when we have finished. We can see the YAML file we will
use to create the namespace:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: atsea-test

Then we use the Kubernetes command-line tool, $ kubectl, to declaratively apply

resources in our create-app-namespace.yaml file to the cluster. The result is a new
namespace on our local Kubernetes desktop cluster:
$ kubectl apply -f create-app-namespace.yaml
namespace/atsea-test created

Now we can walk through the ConfigMap file. ConfigMaps are used to store configuration
information separately from other deployment artifacts. This allows you to swap out files
based on your target—different configs between the dev, test, and qa environments. In
the following data section, we store the data key-value pairs we are going to use when
deploying our application. The metadata section stores the config's name and also the
namespace where ConfigMap will be stored. In the Swarm version of our application, we
stored these literal values in our stack file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
db: atsea
user: gordonuser
name: dbconfig
namespace: atsea-test

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Now we need to apply our configmap to the cluster and we can use $ kubectl get
configmap to verify the cluster state:

$ kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml

configmap/dbconfig created

# Verify the configmap..

$ kubectl get configmap dbconfig -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
db: atsea
user: gordonuser
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: "2019-02-22T17:32:14Z"
name: dbconfig
namespace: default

ConfigMap provides a very nice separation of the deployment values from the
configuration. For the record, Swarm also has configs that could be used in a similar, but
less sophisticated, way. Therefore, this is not a feature difference, but instead a small design
upgrade made during the conversion to Kubernetes. The same is true for the
following Secret YAML:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: atsea-postgres-password
namespace: atsea-test
type: Opaque
postgres_password: "gordonpass"

Here, we can see where postgres_password is saved as a Secret.

Be very careful when using Kubernetes' secrets, as they are not encrypted,
and only base64 encoded! Consider using a third-party product, such as
hashicorp vault, to secure your passwords, certificates, and other secrets.
From the following code block, you can see how easily it can be retrieved
and then decoded.

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More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Finally, we apply our secret to the cluster and then review it. By default, Kubernetes' secrets
are not encrypted, just base64 encoded. This is why many Kubernetes users use a vault of
some sort in place of, or in conjunction with, Kubernetes' secrets:
$ kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
secret/atsea-postgres-password created

# Verify password
$ kubectl get secret atsea-postgres-password -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
password: Z29yZG9ucGFzcw==
kind: Secret
name: atsea-postgres-password
namespace: default

# Look at password - scary! It is just base64 encoded!

$ echo 'Z29yZG9ucGFzcw==' | base64 --decode

Now let's move to database deployment to see how we use the ConfigMap and secret.

Converting and testing the DB

Let's start by looking at the first section of our database pod deployment file:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: atsea-database
namespace: atsea-test
run: atsea-database
replicas: 1
run: atsea-database

The first section of the file is the deployment section. It lets us describe how we want our
pod set rolled out and how many we want to stay running (replica set). In our case, we
have replicas set to 1, because this a database and it is stateful.

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In the following code block, we will take a look at the container specification to see how the
ConfigMap and secret are used:

- name: database
- containerPort: 5432
name: dbconfig
key: user
name: dbconfig
key: db
name: atsea-postgres-password
key: postgres_password

Finally, in the last section of the database pod deployment file, we added resource
management to our database server container:
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
- name: regcred

We have limited the database to one CPU and 1 gig of RAM. Notice that we set the request
to the same level. As discussed in Chapter 9, Important Docker Enterprise Production Topics,
this is definitely a best practice for both Swarm and Kubernetes scheduling.

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Finally, at the bottom of the file, notice the imagePullSecrets section; there's one item
called regcred. You may need to use this if you have an imagepullbackoff error while
deploying your pods. All the great examples you are pulling public images that require no
Authentication. However, our Kubernetes cluster and our local desktop Kubernetes need to
pull private images from our private DTR.

So, to make this work, we need to create a secret called regcred:

$ kubectl create secret -n atsea-test docker-registry regcred --docker- --docker-username=admin --docker-password=xxxxxxxxx
[email protected]

Now we can deploy our database pod:

$ kubectl apply -f db-pod.yaml
deployment.apps/atsea-database created

# Check Pod
$ kubectl get pods
atsea-database-6bf74cbc4b-7n5d7 1/1 Running 0 25s

We can see that the database pod is running.

Creating the DB ClusterIP

Now we will put the ClusterIP service in front of our database. While we could have the
application connect directly to the pod, that does not protect us from the pods being
replaced by the orchestrator. Instead, we use a ClusterIP service in a durable endpoint for
our application to make database requests. This way, if the pod goes away and is replaced,
the web apps, endpoint remains the same.

Also note the ClusterIP service is only reachable from within the cluster. Since we are not
exposing the database outside of the cluster, this is a good choice for security reasons.

The following code block shows the deployment file for the database cluster IP service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: database
namespace: atsea-test
run: atsea-database

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type: ClusterIP
- port: 5432
targetPort: 5432
protocol: TCP
name: http
run: atsea-database

First, we see the name of the service, which is important for DNS purposes. This is the DNS
name the web application will use to access the database. The ports section shows what
port the service is accessed on and what port maps to the inside of the database
container. Finally, the selector is what is used to bind this service to the database pod. If
you look back metadata: > labels: section of the database pod deployment file, you
will see a label run: atsea-database.

Now we have to apply our database service to the cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f db-service.yaml
service/database created

$ kubectl describe svc/database

Name: database
Namespace: default
Labels: run=atsea-database
Type: ClusterIP
Port: http 5432/TCP
TargetPort: 5432/TCP

First, we apply the changes our changes made to the cluster, adding the database service.
After the deployment of the database service, it is a good idea to make sure the service is
bound to our database pod. Seeing the endpoints with an IP address and port number is a
really good sign. Otherwise, the Endpoints would empty, indicating it was unable to use a
selector to bind to the pod(s).

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Converting the web app

Next, we will get started on converting the web application. In the following code block, we
have the first section of the web application deployment file:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: atsea-web
namespace: atsea-test
run: atsea-web
replicas: 1
run: atsea-web

The previous snippet describes the deployment and replica set specifications. Other than
some name changes, it's very similar to Converting and testing the DB section. In the
following code block, we see the container specification for the AtSea web application:
- name: atsea-web
- containerPort: 8080
- name: secret
mountPath: "/run/secrets"
subPath: postgres_password
readOnly: true
cpu: "1"
memory: 1.5Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 1.5Gi
value: -Xms512M -Xmx1G
- name: secret

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defaultMode: 0666
secretName: atsea-postgres-password
- name: regcred

The web application handles secret a little differently. You might recognize the
/run/secrets directory from our Swarm implementation. That is the default directory
where Docker Swarm places secrets. To emulate that behavior with Kubernetes, we
mounted the path into the container at the same location. Then, in the last section, we create
the volume and inject the secret into the volume.

Again, we created a resources section to specify limits and requests. In this case, we are
throttling the container at one CPU and putting a limit of 1.5 gigs of memory. Remember, if
the container attempts to surpass the memory limit, the Docker Engine will be able to kill
the container with an out-of-memory exception. The request is telling Kubernetes the
amount of resources the container will consume on the node where the container is
deployed, helping the Kubernetes orchestrator keep track of the available remaining
resources on each node.

One last reminder about Java applications running in containers: Before version 10 of Java,
you need to define the maximum amount of memory (Xmx) as a parameter or environment
variable to the JVM. Without this, the Java container will attempt to take the majority of
available resources on the entire node, not respecting any limits set for the container. In this
situation, you are likely to encounter an out-of-memory exception if a limit is used without
the JVM parameter. In our example, we use both the limit and the JVM Xmx parameter.

Creating the webapp NodePort

Now we need to expose the web application with a service outside the cluster, allowing our
application load balancer to reach the web application. To accomplish this, we use a
different kind of service, a NodePort service. The following code block shows the specs for
our web application's NodePort service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: atsea-webapp
namespace: atsea-test
run: atsea-web
type: NodePort
- port: 8080

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nodePort: 32666
run: atsea-web

Again, we see a set of ports specified. Port 8080 inside the cluster, and port 32666 is the
access port from outside the cluster. As a result, we can send a request from our desktop
browser to port 32666, using the localhost and a web application when we receive the

Later, when we deploy to the Kubernetes cluster running on Docker Enterprise, there will
be two differences. The first difference is the port number for nodePort, as the default
ephemeral port range for Kubernetes on Docker Enterprise is 32768 to 35535. We will use
port 33333 when deploying to the cluster. The second difference is rather than pointing a
browser at the NodePort service, we will instead send traffic our application load balancer.

Finally, we need to start a webapp pod and the NodePort service, using the commands in
the following code block. Again, we want to make sure that the services are started
properly. We see both services and their port address:
$ kubectl apply -f webapp-pod.yaml
deployment.apps/atsea-web created

$ kubectl apply -f webapp-service.yaml

service/atsea-webapp created

$ kubectl get svc

atsea-webapp NodePort <none> 8080:32666/TCP 29s
database ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 1m

Our application is now running on Kubernetes!

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Testing locally
To verify that the application is working, we are now ready the use our browser to connect
to, add items to the register, and check out:

Figure 7: Atsea Kubernetes local test success

Docker Enterprise for a pilot release of AtSea

Now that we have prepared the Kubernetes version of our AtSea application, we can
prepare to deploy it to our Docker Enterprise Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, we want to
demonstrate the ability to isolate our atsea-test namespace with Docker RBAC and

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First, we will create our atsea-test namespace. Then, we will create a non-administrative
user, mpanthofer, and using a Docker RBAC grant, we will allow mpanthofer to have
administrative rights only within the atsea-test namespace. Now we are all set to deploy
our application using the mpanthofer user account and client bundle.

Setting up Docker RBAC for the atsea-test namespace

After logging into the universal control plane as the administrator, navigate to the
namespaces menu. From there, click on the Create button in the upper-right corner, as
shown in Figure 8:

Figure 8: UCP Kubernetes namespaces

In Figure 9, we see the Kubernetes object-creation dialogue in the UCP web interface. Here,
we can paste the code we used to create the atsea-test namespace on our desktop. Then
we click on Create:

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Figure 9: UCP Add Kubernetes namespace

We can see the atsea-test namespace has been created in Figure 10:

Figure 10: New atsea-test Kubernetes namespace

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Figure 11 shows how we create the non-admin user account for mpanthofer from the
Access Control | Users | Create dialog:

Figure 11: Create non-admin UCP user

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Finally, we add assign this user admin access to just the atsea-test namespace, as shown
in Figure 12:

Figure 12: Bind mpanthofer as admin to atsea-test

We now create a client bundle for the mpanthofer (no-admin) account from UCP, and
download it to a local machine. We unzip the files and $ source to connect to the
cluster. Then, we run a quick test. First, we try to list the resources from the default
namespace, where we did not grant any access rights. We are denied with a long list of
forbidden warnings. Now let's try the same thing against our empty at sea namespace. As
you can see in Figure 13, it behaves as expected:

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Figure 13: Test permissions of mpanthofer

Now let's deploy our application with the mpanthofer no-admin account.

Blue/green deployment of AtSea to the Docker

Enterprise Kubernetes cluster
First, we are going to have to add a regcred secret to our new namespace so the
Kubernetes orchestrator can access our private registry:
$ kubectl create secret -n atsea-test docker-registry regcred --docker- --docker-username=admin --docker-password=xxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
secret/regcred created

Now we will run through the rest of our deployment commands, using the command-line
bundle to target our Docker Enterprise cluster, using our mpanthofer account:
$ kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
configmap/dbconfig created

$ kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

secret/atsea-postgres-password created

$ kubectl apply -f db-pod.yaml

deployment.apps/atsea-database created

$ kubectl apply -f db-service.yaml

service/database created

$ kubectl apply -f webapp-pod.yaml

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deployment.apps/atsea-web created

$ kubectl apply -f webapp-service.yaml

service/atsea-webapp created

Now we need to check our deployment:

$ kubectl -n atsea-test get all
pod/atsea-database-66848b4897-2jn5s 1/1 Running 0 3m
pod/atsea-web-59774bc8c9-6trcl 1/1 Running 0 3m


service/atsea-webapp NodePort <none> 8080:33333/TCP 2m
service/database ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 3m


deployment.apps/atsea-database 1 1 1 1 3m
deployment.apps/atsea-web 1 1 1 1 3m


replicaset.apps/atsea-database-66848b4897 1 1 1 3m
replicaset.apps/atsea-web-59774bc8c9 1 1 1 3m

It appears that everything is up and running correctly.

Smoke-testing the AtSea Kubernetes application

I will log into the load-balancer node and run a quick cURL test against one of the worker
nodes using port 33333. If it checks out, I'll head over to the load balancer and start
directing traffic to the new implementation:
$ curl -v
* About to connect() to port 33333 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 33333 (#0)
> GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: 0

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< X-Frame-Options: DENY

< Last-Modified: Tue, 05 Feb 2019 00:07:40 GMT
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 462
< Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2019 07:16:45 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta
name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><title>Atsea
Shop</title><link href="/static/css/main.d25422c6.css"
x:hidden}</style><div id="root"></div><link rel="stylesheet"

The curl command succeeded as we hoped. You can tell by the HTML at the bottom of the
code block.

Configuring the load balancer for blue/green

Let's reconfigure the backend of our load balancer to start sharing the load between the
new implementation and our old Swarm implementation, which is still running in our

Here's what the load balancer's backend profile looks like now:
backend atsea_app_upstream_servers_8043
mode http
balance roundrobin
server atseaServer01 ntc-wrk-1:33333
server atseaServer02 ntc-wrk-2:8043
server atseaServer03 ntc-wrk-3:8043
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

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Before we restart the load balancer, we take a screenshot of our AtSea Swarm application's
page, zooming in on the upper-right corner to show where it lists the IP address, from
Swarm's address pool:

Figure 14: Zoomed view of Atsea on Swarm

Now we restart the load balancer, refresh the page a couple of times, and get the AtSea
Kubernetes application's page:

Figure 15: Zoomed view of AtSea on Kubernetes

Both applications are running, and the new application appears to be running well. Now
we will direct all traffic to the Atsea Kubernetes application and remove Atsea Swarm. Our
Kubernetes conversion project is complete and deployed!

Third-party Docker Enterprise Kubernetes

The Kubernetes ecosystem has exploded with all kinds of extensions and integrations, and
it seems as if we are just getting started. However, one thing you might run into are some
slight issues with the installation process of third-party Kubernetes-based tools that run on
Docker Enterprise. These issues are usually minor and have to do with how Docker
decided to install and configure its version of Kubernetes.

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Helm charts on Docker Enterprise Kubernetes

One really popular tool in the Kubernetes community for softer distribution is Helm charts.
Often called the Kubernetes package manager, Helm makes application installation and
maintenance with a Kubernetes cluster pretty simple. There are Helm charts for just about
every popular software package. You can find more here: https:/​/​hub.​helm.​sh/​. While I
am fairly new to Helm charts, I wanted to share some tweaks to get you started, using Help
with Docker Enterprise.

Let's walk through setting up Helm with Docker Enterprise. It turns out there are just a
couple of pieces missing from the Docker deployment of Kubernetes that are normally part
of the Kubernetes standard distribution. First, we are missing a rolebinding and
clusterrolebonding which need to be added before installing Helm:

$ kubectl create rolebinding default-view --clusterrole=view --

serviceaccount=kube-system:default --namespace=kube-system

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --

clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

Then, we need to create a ServiceAccount for tiller (Helm's remote agent that lives
inside your cluster). Finally, we need to bind the tiller service account to the cluster-
admin role, as shown in the following code block (you can find the code at https:/​/

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: tiller
namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: tiller
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: tiller
namespace: kube-system

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Apply the tiller service account and clusterrolebinding with the $ kubectl
create -f rbac-config.yaml command.

Now we need to grab the install script, set the permission on the script, and run it. When
you have finished, initialize Helm and do not forget the service account option:
$ curl >

$ chmod 700

$ ./

$ helm init --service-account tiller

Helm should be ready to go! If you're following along, make sure you leave Helm running,
as we will use it to install our NFS Client persistent volume provisioner and our NGINX
ingress controller.

GitLab and Docker Enterprise Kubernetes

We love GitLab! However, there are a couple of issues that led me away from using its
Kubernetes integration to our Kubernetes cluster. The GitLab integration appears to be set
up primarily to work with GCP out of the box, but we were able to integrate using our UCP
Client bundle certificate access to our on-premises Docker Enterprise Kubernetes cluster.

I could not get the GitLabs Kubernetes application integration to install on our cluster (not
that I would want to use that, since we already installed helm/tiller in Helm charts on Docker
Enterprise Kubernetes section). When I looked at installing the Kubernetes version of the
gitlab-runner, using Helm, out of security and stability concerns, I aborted the plan.
From what I read in the GitLab docs, the current implementation requires privileged mode
for running Docker in Docker. We are not comfortable running Docker in Docker
using privileged mode because of security issues and potential filesystem corruption.

Currently, we are very happy with our stand-alone GitLab-runner box, using Docker on
Docker to mount the Docker socket and avoiding privileged mode issues.

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Kubernetes persistent volumes with an existing

NFS server
Earlier in the chapter, we discussed persistent volumes with Kubernetes. We presented a
simple, alternative approach of using an NFS volume mount within each pod. Therefore,
the solution presented in this section uses a more sophisticated volume auto-provisioner for
a centralized, managed approach.

The first challenge here was trying to find something that was built to work with an
existing NFS server. Many of the solutions out there, particularly the cloud-based ones, are
designed to integrate with Cloud filesystems and present Kubernetes persistent volume as
requested. That's cool, but we wanted a solution to work with an existing NFS server. It
turns out this is called an NFS client.

You can find the files I used for my setup here: https:/​/​github.​com/

Attaching your UCP Kube cluster to an existing on-

premises NFS server
We use use our new installation of Helm to help us install our NFS provisioner for
Kubernetes. The provisioner dynamically creates persistent volumes when a persistent
volume claim is made.

Our setup is based on the following and requires an existing NFS server to work: https:/​/

If you do not have an NFS server and want to auto-provision cloud resources from your
Kubernetes cluster, there is another chart for that. We do not cover it in the book, but you
might want to check it out: https:/​/​github.​com/​helm/​charts/​tree/​master/​stable/​nfs-

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The setup
Be sure to use your own nfs.server and set nfs.path by replacing the {sample
values} in the helm install command:

$ helm install --name my-release --set nfs.server={} --set

nfs.path={/var/nfsshare/apps} stable/nfs-client-provisioner

$ kubectl apply -f nfs-pvc.yaml

$ kubectl get pvc

nfs-claim Bound pvc-eb937812-3767-11e9-88f4-0242ac110007 1Mi RWX nfs-client

Let's take a look at UCP's Kubernetes storage list:

Figure 16: UCP Kubernetes storage and volumes

Here, we see the three items that were created. nfs-client was created by the Helm chart.
Then, we made an NFS persistent volume claim, which generated the actual persistent
volume, where our data resides and is backed by the NFS filesystem.

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Let's take a look at the PVC in the following code block:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: nfs-claim
annotations: "nfs-client"
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Mi

Let's look at a few items inside our persistent volume claim class. The first one is of course
the name—you'll see why that's important in a minute. II is the storage class. This needs to
point to the storage class that we installed, nfs-client. In the last item is the request,
which of course reduces the amount of available resources by this amount.

Now we can take a look at actually using our freshly-minted persistent volume. Here's the
test we are going to use verify that are NFS is functioning properly:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: test-pod
- name: test-pod
- "/bin/sh"
- "-c"
- "touch /mnt/SUCCESS && exit 0 || exit 1"
- name: nfs-pvc
mountPath: "/mnt"
restartPolicy: "Never"
- name: nfs-pvc
claimName: nfs-claim

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The first thing to note is the actual command that runs inside the pod. If this actually
works, I would expect to see a file called SUCCESS on the NFS server's export. The
important part related to the persistent volume is at the bottom of the test file in the
previous code block. Here, we see how it uses the persistent volume claim's name. So,
nowhere do we actually use the auto-generated persistent volume's name. Rather, we just
refer to it by the claimName.

Now we will run our test pod and see what happens:
$ kubectl apply -f test-nfs.yaml

$ kubectl get pods

my-release-nfs-client-provisioner-bb77bb766-rhz6x 1/1 Running 0 21h
test-pod 0/1 Completed 0 20h

Here, we can see that the test pod ran and completed. So all that's left is to go over to our
NFS server and see whether our SUCCESS directory appeared:
[/var/nfsshare/apps]# tree -L 2
├── default-nfs-claim-pvc-eb937812-3767-11e9-88f4-0242ac110007

It's interesting to see what happened here. Under our export directory, a new directory
was created with the name for the persistent volume claim and ID. Beneath that is the
SUCCESS file. We can see how it works by injecting an intermediate directory with the
PVC's name.

Ingress controller
In this section, we will talk about using the NGINX ingress controller with Docker
Enterprise Kubernetes. For this section, I have set up the following environment:

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Figure 17: Ingress controller desktop test configuration

Since our cluster is behind a firewall, we will use an SSH tunnel to pass through our app
load balancer to access cluster nodes. From there, our request passes to the nginx-
ingress-controller where it uses ingress rules to determine the routing for the request
based on the host name in the header. In our case, we have created a rule to pass requests
with a host name header of ingress-app. to the docker-
demo-service, which are then passed on to the docker-demo pod—very cool!

Installing the NGINX ingress controller

For the implementation of our Kubernetes ingress controller, we will again rely on Helm.
We start by installing the NGINX ingress controller chart (stable/nginx-ingress), as
shown in the following code block:
$ helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name my-nginx --set rbac.create=true
<... You will see the initial status after the install here ...>

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You will see the initial status after the install, but you need to wait about five minutes for
help to complete the deployment. You can use the UCP web UI to validate that the pod is

Figure 18

We can also use Helm to check the status after waiting five minutes, as shown in the
following code block:
$ helm status my-nginx
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Feb 24 04:34:34 2019
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1beta1/ClusterRole
my-nginx-nginx-ingress 6h28m

==> v1beta1/ClusterRoleBinding
my-nginx-nginx-ingress 6h28m

==> v1beta1/Role
my-nginx-nginx-ingress 6h28m

==> v1beta1/RoleBinding
my-nginx-nginx-ingress 6h28m

==> v1/ConfigMap
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller 1 6h28m

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In the previous block, we see how the Helm installed the Kubernetes RBAC properties as
well as the ConfigMap. Next, we can see how the deployment and service relates resources
in the following block:
==> v1/Service
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller LoadBalancer <pending>
80:33394/TCP,443:34275/TCP 6h28m
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-default-backend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP

==> v1beta1/Deployment
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller 1 1 1 1 6h28m
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-default-backend 1 1 1 1 6h28m

==> v1/Pod(related)
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller-5655d75c9c-9r5h5 1/1 Running 0 6h28m
my-nginx-nginx-ingress-default-backend-898d5489b-t5m7x 1/1 Running 0 6h28m

==> v1/ServiceAccount
my-nginx-nginx-ingress 1 6h28m

We can see how Helm deployed the my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller service as

the LoadBalancer type (that is what it is doing, after all), and my-nginx-nginx-
ingress-default-backend of the ClusterIP type. We use bolding to indicate the
abbreviated names used in Figure 17. This will make it easier to match up this
previous output with Figure 17.

Please notice the following pending state:

my-nginx-nginx-ingress-controller LoadBalancer <pending>
80:33394/TCP,443:34275/TCP 6h28m

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For our setup, this is perfectly fine, because we are not expecting our load balancer to
automatically wire itself up with this endpoint. Instead, it will do that manually. Since we
use a wildcard DNS scheme, we just need to do this once. The automatic LoadBalancer
wiring is generally implemented by cloud providers as part of their Kubernetes integration.

Now we can test the set up.

Using the Docker demo application to test our ingress

As shown in Figure 17, we are going to use a special application to test our ingress
setup. We found the application on Docker's website in an article about configuring layer-7
routing with Docker Enterprise Kubernetes. While there are some issues with the setup files
in this article, we really liked the test application. So, in the end, we opted to use the Helm
Chart installation for our NGINX ingress controller and use the Dockers cool sample
application to test it.

Here is a link to the Docker documentation page: https:/​/​docs.​docker.​com/​ee/​ucp/

kubernetes/​layer-​7-​routing/​. Use the test application, but be careful with the
installation, as it may not work properly (port conflict in the configuration file).

To get our test ready, we start by deploying the dockerdemo pods a ClusterIP service as
its frontend.

Installing the dockerdemo application and docker-demo-svc

In the following code block, we show the deployment file for the dockerdemo application:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
namespace: default
name: docker-demo-svc
app: dockerdemo
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment

[ 423 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

namespace: default
name: dockerdemo-deploy
app: dockerdemo
app: dockerdemo
type: Recreate
app: dockerdemo
- image: ehazlett/docker-demo
name: docker-demo-container
- name: app
value: dockerdemo
- containerPort: 8080

In the Service definition at the top of the file, there is no type declared for the service. By
default, Kubernetes will create a ClusterIP type of service. Everything else in the file
appears to be very straightforward—some pod(s) bound to a cluster IP service for

Now we need you to deploy the pods and the service defined in the file by using the
following command:
$ kubectl apply -f ingress-test-app.yaml
service/docker-demo-svc created

We see our dockerdemo application is created. You can use $ kubectl get all to verify
the status.

Configuring ingress rules to dockerdemo

Now we will take a look at the configuration file used to set the ingress rules, as shown
in Figure 17:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress

[ 424 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

name: dockerdemo-ingress
namespace: default
annotations: "nginx"
- host:
- path: /
serviceName: docker-demo-svc
servicePort: 8080

The most important setting for us is under the rules: -host: property, where we set the
hostname for this rule. When the rule is applied, the ingress controller will look at the
incoming request header's hostnames to see whether they match any of the rules. If they do,
the controller passes it through to the backend, using serviceName and servicePort. In
our case, serviceName will resolve to the ClusterIP service we deployed with our
dockerdemo application.

Now we can apply the rule to the cluster and verify it:
$ kubectl apply -f ingress-test-conf.yaml
ingress.extensions/dockerdemo-ingress created

$ kubectl get ingress

dockerdemo-ingress 80 3h

Great! Now we have our ingress controller configured to route traffic to our dockerdemo
application. Now we need to see whether it works.

Testing the ingress controller flow

From a node in our infrastructure, I used the app load-balancer node—where we can access
our cluster node adapters—so we can run a special curl command to see whether our
ingress is working properly and our request will make into the dockerdemo pod:
$ curl -H "Host:"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

[ 425 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
<meta name="author" content="Evan Hazlett">
<meta name="description" content="Docker Demo">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script src="static/dist/semantic.min.js"></script>

Notice the used in the curl command. The IP can be any
non-master node in the cluster because the ingress-controller is a NodePort service. I
chose the IP address of my first worker nodes in the cluster. Secondly, notice the port
address that corresponds to our ingress controller. Finally, we have the -H "Host:" parameter, which is used to add the host to the request
header, allowing the ingress controller to match the host header and fire a docker-demo-
svc backend rule.

As you can see from the cURL response, it worked perfectly!

I also took this a step further. On my developer laptop, I created a record in my Hosts file
for our test domain, as follows:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

[ 426 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Then, I used putty to create an SSH tunnel through my load-balancer node. This is what the
putty setup looks like:

Figure 19: Set up putty tunnel to load balancer

Then, for my developer workstation, I opened my browser using ingress- to see the following screen:

[ 427 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Figure 20: Ingress controller test

That's it! Our ingress controller is up and running.

[ 428 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

In this chapter, we saw our Docker Enterprise's Kubernetes features in action. We
witnessed the coexistence of Swarm and Kubernetes, as we performed a canary +
blue/green deployment from our AtSea Swarm application stack to our AtSea Kubernetes
application. We integrated Docker Enterprise RBAC into our AtSea Kubernetes

Finally, we saw how off-the-shelf Kubernetes extensions perform with our Docker
Enterprise cluster. We were able to demonstrate the use of Helm Charts with tiller in our
Kubernetes cluster by installing an NFS volume provisioner and an NGINX ingress

1. Can I run Swarm and Kubernetes together in the same cluster?
2. What does Kubernetes provide for default networking?
3. How can I run Kubernetes locally on my desktop?
4. What is the difference between a ClusterIP and NodePort service in
Kubernetes? Which one is the default?
5. Can you run Helm/Tiller on Docker Enterprise additions Kubernetes?
6. What is the best way to implement access to an external NFS server in a
Kubernetes cluster?
7. What is a handy way to implement your own Kubernetes load balancer?

Further reading
Check out the following resources for more information on the topics covered in this

Information on the Docker CNI plugin installation and configuration:

Project Calico:

[ 429 ]
More on Kubernetes with Docker Enterprise Chapter 10

Docker Enterprise RBAC tutorial:

Helm chart for installing the NGINX ingress controller:
Docs for Kubernetes ingress:
Docker Enterprise layer-7 routing for Kubernetes (the Docker demo is cool, but
the install scripts might need some tweaking):
Docker article on Kubernetes network encryption:

[ 430 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise
Platform into the Future
Containers are a core-enabling technology for microservices, serverless, ML/AI, streaming,
blockchain, and IoT, but they are also playing a key role in reducing the operational and
support costs of traditional applications on Windows and Linux platforms. That said, it
appears that containers will impact any organization that hosts web-based APIs, and
service/headless applications. So, whether you are an old line business reinventing yourself
or a cutting edge technology company, containers are most likely in your future. So, what's
your container strategy?

I used to talk about container-first strategies, but I am reminded of Peter Drucker's famous

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

In my experience, there is a lot of truth in these words. So, maybe you should consider
adding a container-first culture to your company's lunch menu, because container adoption
is likely to be more of a culture thing than a strategy thing. So, in this closing chapter, we
will share some final thoughts on container-first cultures and where they can take you your
company with Docker Enterprise.

The following topics will be covered in this closing chapter:

Understanding and supporting a container culture

How the Docker Enterprise PoC, pilot, and production adoption support a
container-first culture
A glimpse into the future of a container-first enterprise
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Container-first culture
First, let's define what we mean by a container-first culture. In a container-first culture,
containers are the default platform for any, and all, software implementations. Whether the
software comes from a vendor or is developed by an in-house team, the default delivery
channel is containers. So. unless there's a really good reason to do so, containers are always
used. Furthermore, when container-first is done right, you should not care where your
containers are deployed, be it in the cloud or on-premises.

Life before a container-first culture

Before the container-first culture, it would take several days to provision a new test server.
Our infrastructure team would need to understand exactly what SQL Server versions of
each piece of software were and how to install them. For example, a typical .NET
application deployment would first require the installation of SQL Server, being very
careful to choose the correct version. Then, we have to make sure that the correct version of
the .NET framework is installed. Finally, we would need to install the appropriate version
of IIS. After this was all complete, we could install our application and hope that all of the
versions match up and there are no missing pieces. Unfortunately, a lot of things to go
wrong, as they often do.

When infrastructure teams ran into deployment problems, they would go back to the
developer with the problem, and the developer would show them how it runs perfectly on
their machine. This situation is sometimes referred to as the it works on my
machine syndrome.

Because of the complex application deployment cycle, we were only able to release
software on a quarterly release cycle, and the releases very rarely rolled out smoothly.

Life after a container-first culture

After adopting a container-first culture, the picture changes considerably. Applications are
packaged into container images and pushed to a central image registry called the Docker
Trusted Registry (DTR). Rather than having the infrastructure team create an entirely new
test server, the DevOps team can simply pull the latest application images down from a
centralized DTR and deploy them to any server where Docker is installed. If an additional
server is required, the infrastructure team only needs to install Docker. Subsequently, a
new software released can be deployed to any test box in a matter of minutes and in most
cases the continuous integration system actually deploys the test application as a byproduct
of its standard pipeline process.

[ 432 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Subsequently, because the software is decoupled and isolated from the server using
containers, applications can run on the same server alongside older versions of the same
application; there are no more monolithic deployments. This flexibility means application
teams are able to deploy their containers on their own schedule, which in some cases is a
daily release cycle.

Container-first culture for developers

Developers love containers. It gives them the ability to run anything they want on other
development workstations without installing anything. Containers give us the ability to
experiment with cutting-edge technology, such as machine learning, serverless computing,
NoSQL databases, and a variety of different no Node.js applications running on different
versions without interfering with our development environment.

In addition to experimenting, we can try out the latest technology on our development
workstations, and perform integration testing on our local desktops. This used to be
confined to two specially provisioned test machines. Finally, container technology allows
developers to make a shift to the left. Not only can developers use containers for a variety
of new testing scenarios, including integration testing, but they can also implement policy
insecurities as code to test other local development machines.

Container-first for DevOps

In a container-first world, DevOps is a different game. Since containers wrap up the
application code and all of its dependencies in one bundle, you are working with complete
deployable units and no longer dealing with a bunch of small moving parts. This reduces
complexity and increases reliability.

Also, in the world in DevOps, container-first will also benefit from the just Docker
principle, as you now use Docker to handle your builds, your test deploys, and binary code
management. Since you're building in a Docker environment, you can stand up the entire
multi-service application as a part of your build pipeline for end-to-end testing prior to
pushing your image to the central image repository. Finally, to make sure the entire
software supply chain is secure, you can sign images as a part of your build and approval

[ 433 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Container first for operations

In a container first-world, operations teams also benefit from just Docker; well, to be
completely accurate, just Docker for Windows and just Docker for Linux. In other words,
we can take all of our Windows workloads, regardless of framework versions and IIS
versions, and run them side-by-side on the same machines. The same goes for Linux, where
we can have Ubuntu, Alpine, and CentOS instances running on the same Docker Linux

So, there are a lot of benefits, but what are some of the things that get in the way
overachieving a productive container-first culture?

Container-first adoption challenges

Because containers improve software development, DevOps, operations, and security, the
impact of container adoption is significant and potentially daunting. However, because
containers come from the open source software community, the barrier to trying container
technology is very low. Subsequently, container experimentation will occur organically in
pockets throughout the entire organization, whether you want it to or not. Additionally, the
information from this organic adoption will come from different sources, where some will
be more reliable and current than others.

The cloudy path to organic adoption

Chances are you've heard much more about cloud first than you have about container-first.
That leads us to the next challenge with container adoption. Organic adoption through an
enterprise's cloud partner appears to make container adoption as easy as dropping an item
from your cloud service catalog into your shopping cart. While there's nothing inherently
wrong with the cloud providers' implementation of containers (there is usually Docker in
there somewhere), it's sort of like buying all of your bottled water from the Domino's
delivery guy. It doesn't take long for people to think you have to order a pizza to get a
bottle of water. Have heard teams say, my application isn't running in the cloud, so I can't use
containers? I wonder if they like pizza?

[ 434 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Sadly, many organizations believe the only reasonable way to adopt container technology
is in the cloud and to let your cloud provider handle the details. However, like any
enterprise technology platform, the details are important! Once you get past the hello world
application, you discover the container-related services are not what you thought they
would be. For example, you can expect to encounter older versions of both Docker and
Kubernetes, do-it-yourself raw networks, limitations on how many container or pods you
can run per node, and the inability to extend the Kubernetes platform to meet your
needs. However, it is easy to get started and easy to integrate the cloud provider's services
with your container platform. This is all great, unless you have to move your workload
from that provider.

Finally, moving to the cloud first requires that all of your teams invest in learning the
specifics of the cloud provider's platform in order to build solutions for it. These skills are
becoming increasingly hard to find, and there is a substantial learning curve. On the other
hand, if you start with container-first, the prevalent skillset will be the Docker and
Kubernetes APIs that you can deploy on any cloud platform or in your own data center.
You only need hardcore cloud infrastructure skills to deploy your container platform (also
known as just Docker). And if you decide to move your workload somewhere else, only
this small platform team is impacted in the rest of your development and the DevOps team
continues to interact with the Docker and Kubernetes APIs.

Please don't get me wrong here; the cloud is awesome and I continue to be impressed by
the technology the cloud providers are delivering at scale. They have a business to run by
providing value-added services and many of the popular services these days are related to
containers. Just understand that there's more to containers than just the cloud, and the
benefits of containers begin at the developer's desktop.

Trying to move everyone in the same direction

These days, anyone who reads an internet article or works through some demo code in a
blog post feels like an expert. In a way, that's good. It's a great way to learn and gain
confidence as a individual, but as an organization, you need to develop a container culture
through your own experiences and informed decisions. That requires a collaborative
learning environment supported by a common set of tools.

[ 435 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Container-first target application areas

What are the key areas to invest in when adopting a container-first culture, and what are
the typical objectives?

The first area is new application development and is likely the most challenging area
because of the potential skills gap between your current staff and what is required to design
and build distributed container-based applications. Quite often, this is where you bring in
some fresh talent as either full-time employees, which is often preferable, or experienced
consultants. The objective for the new applications development area is to forge and
validate future application patterns, such as microservices, and streaming technologies,
such as Kafka.

The next area is legacy applications that are no longer being actively developed. The
strategy here is to containerize the applications without changing code if possible. Once
containerized, these applications are easily maintained and migrated because all of their
fussy dependencies have been rolled up inside of the container with the application itself.
This is how many organizations are dealing with Windows 2003 and 2008 applications as
the vendor support closes.

The last application area is modernizing traditional web applications and APIs. These are
applications that run on older .NET and Java platforms but are still actively modified and
maintained. The goal here is to start off much like the legacy applications by containerizing
them. From there, you take a look at which code is frequently modified and isolated from
the rest of the code and factor out some of the components into separate containers. This
reduces the amount of testing required when making those typical modifications.

Considerations for building a container culture

First of all, keep in mind the scope of the transition to state-of-the art containers. For many
organizations, there is a lot to learn about this new world and, as we already mentioned,
skill gaps can be wide, including modern, Git-based source code control; pipeline as code;
distributed application design; and of course, Docker, overlay networking, cluster storage,
and container orchestration, such as Swarm and Kubernetes.

[ 436 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Keeping it simple in the beginning

Keep in mind that not everybody is Google or Netflix, nor do you need to be. Especially
when you are starting down the container path, keep it as simple as possible. For instance,
consider starting with Docker's Swarm orchestrator and then move to Kubernetes when
you need it. All the cool kids will tell you that Kubernetes is the only way to go and that
Swarm is dead, but I assure you Swarm is alive and well and it is baked right into the
Docker engine. Remember, these orchestrators are not mutually exclusive, and in fact, most
people run Kubernetes on top of Docker engines where Swarm is already included. Giving
your team a choice in choosing the right tool along their learning path will become
important, and this is a key feature of the Docker Enterprise, as it supports both Swarm and
Kubernetes out of the box.

Recognizing enthusiastic learners and committed

Any cultural transformation requires leadership to emerge from the rank-and-file
developers, DevOps, and operations teams. Leading this transformation is not a 9-to-5 job
and requires both commitment and dedication to improving your organization's software
platform. These are the people who stay late at night and work on problems over the
weekend in an effort to make your container-based platform succeed. These leaders are
always trying to find a way to say yes and they are backing it up with heroic attempts to
solve the problem in the best possible way. Given the right climate, these players will
emerge and need to be recognized if you are going to succeed.

Establishing a learning culture

Learning new technologies is a lot of fun, but putting them to work in a real situation will
involve some mistakes. Are you going to punish people for these mistakes? Are you going
to reward them for making mistakes? Or are you going to reward them for learning quickly
by embracing a fail-fast mindset within your organization? This is an environment where
you are honest and transparent about the success and failures within each sprint or
development cycle.

[ 437 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

In addition to the usual code reviews and possibly even pair programming, as team
members get started, is formalized collaboration and sharing. Looking at ways to promote
internal and external presentations or lightning talks on very specific technology topics
related to your team development efforts can be a great growth opportunity. This naturally
helps developers, DevOps, and operations team members to gain recognition, while forcing
them to think through problems with a high level of detail. It's one thing to give someone a
fancy demo, but it is entirely another thing to show them your code and talk them through
the process of how you made it work.

The last areas I will cover as a part of the learning culture are tools and training. Make sure
the teams have the tools they need to be successful, starting with Docker Desktop for Mac
and Windows. Docker recently announced Docker Desktop Enterprise, which will follow
more traditional enterprise software distribution models, also allowing administrators to
lockdown the networking and proxy settings. Docker Desktop is really all you need for
local container-base development, as it includes the latest Community Edition Docker
Engine with both Swarm and Kubernetes support built in. All you need to do is check the
Enable Kubernetes box to install and start a local single-node Kubernetes cluster on your
your development machine for testing. This is much easier than the traditional Minikube
setup (and maintenance).

Another great learning tool is the hackathons in science projects with a sandbox of some
sort. This is another great feature of the Docker Enterprise, where you can provide the
development team with UCP client bundles to access an isolated sandbox on the Enterprise
non-production cluster. This is usually accomplished using a combination of collections
and namespaces for Kubernetes resources. Again, the nice part is that there's really nothing
to install; it's just a matter of allocating space on a shared, managed cluster.

On the training front, I strongly recommend that everyone involved with the container
initiatives attends the authentic Docker, Inc. Fundamentals class. This class covers an
amazing amount of ground in 2 days, including both Swarm and Kubernetes. It is a lot to
absorb, but even developers with Docker experience get a lot out of the class. Furthermore,
I suggest looking into an on-site version of the class so the instructor can tailor the
discussions toward your specific challenges. Additionally, Docker offers advanced classes
for developers, operations, and security, but they all have the prerequisite of the Docker
Fundamentals class.

[ 438 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Docker Enterprise managed clusters

We have spent most of this book talking about the Docker Enterprise's various features,
with a lot of detail and examples, but where does Docker Enterprise fit in to support a
container-first culture? We can describe Docker Enterprise's contribution to a container-first
culture along three lines:

Consistent access

Consistent access means you can get to the container cluster resources for integration
testing or support purposes using the same mechanism, whether your cluster is running
on-premises or on the cloud. Docker gives you two means of accessing the cluster. The first
way is to access the cluster using the Universal Control Plane's web UI and logging in with
your role-based access control credentials. The second way is to use the Universal Control
Plane(UCP) client bundle, as we've discussed in the book. So, if a developer launches a
container in the dev collection of the cluster, they can use either the web UI or their local
terminal to show to access the container in the cluster.

Secure access means seamless RBAC for Docker Enterprise and Kubernetes resources, and,
additionally, the BRAC system integrated into an Enterprise security system, such as Active
Directory, LDAP, or SAML 2.0 single sign-on solution. Therefore, centralized control over
Enterprise resource access systems is maintained and synchronized with your Docker.
Additionally, all of your Enterprise images are stored in a private secure registry using

Efficiency refers to the Docker Enterprise's ability to isolate resources within a cluster. This
allows you to essentially have two clusters, as described earlier in the book. One is your
non-production cluster that may contain isolated dev, test, QA, training and sandbox
environments, and the production cluster we're staging and final production. Docker
Enterprise's RBAC and isolation for both Swarm and Kubernetes is a great defense against
cluster sprawl we see so often in cloud environments, which can lead to significant
deficiencies and massive monthly bills.

[ 439 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Agile adoption for containers and beyond

Throughout this book, we have talked about the agile approach to adopting the Docker
Enterprise. The approach starts with a proof-of-concept (PoC) as a means of learning what
we don't know, before attempting to make decisions we aren't prepared to make. We limit
these PoC efforts to short 2-or-3 week efforts with stated objectives and measurable key
results. Next, we use Docker Enterprise to deliver an internal release. Then, we move the
internal release to production on a Docker Enterprise platform.

Agile Docker Enterprise adoption and container-

The agile Docker Enterprise adoption approach discussed throughout this book
intentionally supports the development of a container-first culture in the following ways.
First, we structure learning through the process of doing, particularly in the early stages.
Starting with the proof of concept, we focus on learning and gaining real experience with
Docker Enterprise. Then we encourage honest feedback and factor it into the planning for
the pilot phase of the project. In the short PoC window, we allow ourselves to try things
and fail in an effort to figure out the very best way to implement the platform.

Building your future on the platform

Once you have established the container-first culture with the Docker Enterprise, you are in
a great position to tackle almost all of the emerging technologies, as most of them thrive in
a container environment. Machine learning, blockchain, serverless, and IoT all work better
in containers.

The following diagram illustrates how Docker Enterprise's managed clusters provide a
great foundation for emerging technology adoption:

Figure 1: Managed clusters supporting emerging technology

[ 440 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Finally, the very same approach we used for adopting the Docker Enterprise and
supporting our container-first culture can also be applied to emerging technologies, starting
with PoC, then pilot, then production. Furthermore, they can all be run on your Docker
Enterprise cluster.

Serverless and containers

Serverless computing is getting a lot attention these days. The concept of saying here's my
function, deploy it somewhere and give me an endpoint is very appealing. Furthermore,
you will hear two kinds of debate, should I be all in with containers, or all in with
serverless? Hopefully by now we have learned enough to know we probably need both. If
you have adopted a container first culture with Docker Enterprise, you are in good shape
because serverless is generally implemented using containers. Therefore, there are lots of
container based serverless frameworks you can deploy to your Docker Enterprise cluster.

One of the more popular frameworks we hear about is OpenFaaS® (Functions as a Service).
This framework builds serverless functions using Docker and Kubernetes. They have
packaged both Swarm stack and Kubernetes deployments.

You can find them here:


I found a great overview of serverless and containers which was from Winder Research and Development Ltd
and you can read it here: https:/​/​winderresearch.​com/​a-​comparison-​of-​serverless-
So, before you get yourself locked into a particular vendors serverless infrastructure, you
might want to check out what you can do with your own Doctor Enterprise cluster first.

[ 441 ]
Taking the Docker Enterprise Platform into the Future Chapter 11

Containers are literally changing the world of software development and deployment.
Building an effective container-first culture will play a key role in the success of your
software organization in the future. While a cloud-first approach is the popular norm for
most IT organizations, the container-first approach is picking up steam because of the
cloud's portable nature and concerns over cloud vendor lock-in.

We believe the Docker Enterprise will become the platform of choice for informed
enterprise buyers in the years to come. With its ability to support both Swarm and
Kubernetes, it gives organizations a lot of options for starting and growing their container
expertise and scale. Furthermore, container platforms are becoming foundational to most
emerging technologies, including serverless, machine learning, blockchain, streaming, and

Further reading
Article: Where containers, cloud, blockchain, and AI are headed in 2019:
Article: Serverless frameworks on Kubernetes:

[ 442 ]

Chapter 1: Making the Case for Docker

1. Container foundations reach back to 2000, but Linux containers (lxc) were
released in 2008 and Docker, Inc. packaged up the container ecosystem, making
them user-friendly in 2013.
2. In 2013, they started to create tools of mass innovation. They are behind Docker
Engine-Community, which is free, and Docker Enterprise, and commercially-
support Docker with enterprise tooling.
3. Docker Engine-Community is community-based and has a community support
model. It's used for non-production development and by small, highly technical
teams. Docker Enterprise is a commercially-supported, subscription-based
product with enterprise-class support and SLAs, as well as Universal Control
Plane (UCP) and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR).
4. Docker provides the engine that runs most containers, including must
Kubernetes applications. Kubernetes in an orchestrator used to manage
collections of containers across multiple container hosts. Docker has its own
orchestrator, Docker Swarm, that is built into the Docker Engine.
5. Generally, Docker's Swarm.
6. Docker is the engine for most Kubernetes deployments, but Docker Enterprise 2
Standard and Advanced tiers come with Kubernetes installed.
7. It forces a shift left, where it is accountable for wiring up applications and
scripting the deployment configuration (as a .yaml file in the source code
8. Cloud administration is focused at the container's platform level and not the
application level.

Chapter 2: Docker Enterprise – an

Architectural Overview
1. Enterprise container platforms.
2. Gives developers the ability to build, test (locally on development workstations,
as well as on a remote development cluster), and deploy secure multi-container
applications at will:

Provides an efficient, secure, developer-managed CI pipeline

Allows the operators (DevOps, TechOps, and SecOps) the ability to
efficiently secure, manage, monitor, and scale multiple
environments for development, test, QA, and production
Supports compliance requirements at the platform level – not just
at the application level

3. The risks of going all-in with a cloud provider's container platform are as

Being held back by older versions of Docker and Kubernetes

Expensive, complex cluster sprawl
Lock-in making it difficult to migrate to another cloud provider or

4. Docker Engine-Community is free. Docker Enterprise is sold as a subscription

5. 10 nodes for a basic Docker Enterprise HA-Cluster.
6. Shifting left generally means empowering developers to engage in more
downstream activities, such as testing and integration.

[ 444 ]

Chapter 3: Getting Started – Docker

Enterprise Proof of Concept
1. A four-node setup is highly recommended for PoCs to demonstrate UCP, DTR,
and multiple worker nodes.
2. The PoC application shortlist defines a backlog of possible applications to
containerize during your PoC. It is generally a good idea to have at least three or
four applications identified. That way, if you run into an obstacle with one
application, you can just move on to the next. The point here is to get an
application into a container and deploy it to the PoC cluster. As a rule of thumb,
if it is taking longer than two days to containerize the PoC application, it is time
to move on to the next application on your shortlist.
3. Here are the four parts of a fully-qualified Docker image name:
A the registry URL (that is,
Username or organization namespace (that
The repository name (that is,
A tag (that is,

4. Follow these two steps:

1. Retag the image as docker image tag my-db-image:latest
2. Push the image as docker image push dtr.mydomain/dev/db-

Chapter 4: Prepare the Docker Enterprise

Pilot Cluster
1. Here are the differences between the Docker0 default network and the custom
bridge network:

The default network does not provide DNS

Customer networks provide DNS using the container's explicit
name (using the --name parameter)

[ 445 ]

2. Yes, if you are running in Swarm mode. Create two Swarm services and connect
them to the same overlay network.
3. Here are two recommended ways for a cluster user (such as a developer,
DevOps, or system administrator) to access the cluster:

UCP web UI
UCL client bundle

4. The UCP Controller runs on the (Swarm) manager nodes.

5. Clock skew causes problems when validating a certificate-based connection. UCP

uses certificates to secure the cluster communications and it does not take too
much for the difference in clocks to drift outside of a certificate's validity

Chapter 5: Prepare and Deploy a Docker

Enterprise Pilot Application
1. Here are the responsibilities of the pilot coordinator:

Schedule training for the pilot team

Document pilot project objectives and measurable key results
Establish a schedule and timeline for pilot project
Lead the pilot kickoff meeting

2. No. You can use the UCP's configuration file, ucp-config.toml.

3. Some basic refactoring during a pilot is expected. However, begin with a

containerized version of the current system, and then start your refactoring so
you have a fallback. Also, it is usually easier to refactor and test containerized

4. Yes, during our PoC, it was OK to use self-signed certificates generated by the
Universal Control Plane. However, as we move into the pilot phase, it's a good
time to introduce third-party certificates issued from a trusted source.

5. Usually on a host or NFS volume. If you do use NFS, be sure to thoroughly test
your application's compatibility with NFS.

[ 446 ]

Chapter 6: Design and Pilot a Docker

Enterprise CI Pipeline
1. You don't have to install any special development tools locally or adjust the
version of tools already installed. You only need Docker running on their
workstation. Also, full stack testing on the developer's workstation requires
fewer resource, is easier to set up, and catches bugs earlier.
2. We have multiple docker-compose files for the following uses:

A makefile for building all of the image with one command

Launching a local development and debugging stack
Launching a local test stack
Deploying our stack to the cluster

3. The Docker Enterprise integrates with a CI system:

The build pipeline pushes images to the Docker Trusted Registry

When running end-to-end tests, images are pulled from the Docker
Trusted Registry
During deployment, the build pipeline deploys to UCP using a
client bundle

4. The life cycle for secrets in our build pipeline:

1. The secrets are pulled from a secure location
2. The secrets are injected into the cluster at deploy-time
3. The services read the unencrypted secrets from inside their container

Chapter 7: Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform

Monitoring and Logging
1. /etc/docker/daemon.json
2. Not for production, as it an experimental feature
3. Prometheus

[ 447 ]

Chapter 8: First Application in Production

with Docker Enterprise
1. Here are the differences between your non-production and production DTRs:
Repository immutability
Image signing
2. If there's a breakout attack, the container user will map to the host user. If that
user is root, they have full access and control of the host.
3. Get to your cluster if it is behind a firewall:
The UCP Client bundle for Swarm access
UCP and DTR Web UIs
A Jump or Bastion host

Chapter 9: Important Docker Enterprise

Production Topics
1. Health checks are a special bit of code provided by the container's creator. The
health check code is periodically run by the Docker Engine inside the container
and it reports the health status to the orchestrator. If the health check fails, the
orchestrator removes the unhealthy container and creates a new one in its place.
2. Layer 7 dynamic routing, layer 4 simple port-based routing, and static host
deployments. Layer 4 port-based routing and static host deployments are the
most reliable and deterministic, making them the best choice for production
implementations at this time. Layer 7 is very powerful, but has lots of moving
parts and should be used with caution in production environments until you're
very comfortable with its operation at scale.
3. With a blue/green deployment, you are able to stand up the new version of the
application and verify it is ready and working, before directing external traffic to
the application.

[ 448 ]

Chapter 10: More on Kubernetes with

Docker Enterprise
1. Yes. However, in a production environment, you should designate the worker
nodes as either Swarm or Kubernetes and not as mixed mode.
2. Kubernetes itself does not have a network. You need to use a Container
Networking Interface (CNI) from a provider and install it yourself. The Docker
Enterprise Kubernetes platform automatically installs Calico as its default CNI
provider. There is an installation parameter with Packer Enterprise Edition if
you'd like to install a different CNI network plugin.
3. Simply install Docker Desktop and enable Kubernetes. There is no need to install
any other software to run the Kubernetes applications locally.
4. A cluster IP service is only reachable from inside the cluster, whereas
a NodePort service, such as a Swarm service with VIP layer 4 routing, can be
reached from outside the cluster through the published port number on any
(worker) node's interface. ClusterIP is the default.
5. Yes, it works great, but there are a couple of minor RBAC configuration settings
they will need to apply before installing Helm.
6. The best way is to integrate with Kubernetes' persistent volume-management
system; all storage requests are handled the same way and using the same
storage constructs. This requires a nfs-client storage provisioner.
7. Use the Kuberntes NGINX Ingress controller with wildcard DNS.

[ 449 ]
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Work with Docker images and containers
Container networking and data sharing
Docker APIs and language bindings
Various PaaS solutions for Docker
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Container security
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server to process logic
Add resilience to your services by learning how to horizontally scale with a few
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[ 451 ]
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[ 452 ]

network infrastructure, implementing 134

A blue/green deployment 376
Agile adoption Build Machine 246
for containers and beyond 440
Agile Docker Enterprise adoption C
and container first 440
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) 230
future, building 440
certificates, Docker Enterprise
Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
external client certificates 128
(Amazon EKS) 18
internal cluster certificates 128
application layer, Docker Enterprise operation
CI pipeline deployment, to Docker Enterprise
about 267
cluster, interacting 44
deployment pipeline file 268, 270, 272
architecture-related benefits, Docker Enterprise
Docker Swarm resource scoping 274
choice, benefits 34, 35
pipeline, triggering manually 276, 278
computational efficiency benefits 34
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 9, 16
container-first benefits 36
cloud vendor-based container platforms
Docker support benefits 34
about 29
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) benefits 35
cons 29
rapid innovation 35
pros 29
Universal Control Plane (UCP) benefits 35
reference 13
cluster, interacting 46
cluster nodes, Docker Enterprise pilot platform
AtSea application
additional DTR replicas, adding 155, 156
services, building 256
cluster-based storage considerations 140
structure 226, 227
Docker Enterprise engine, installing on each
testing 225
cluster node 144, 145, 147
Docker Enterprise engine, installing on nodes
B 143
bare metal cluster network setup example Docker Enterprise pilot bare metal 141
about 131 DTR, installing 153, 155
certificate structure and termination plan, final configuration, of load balancers 156
defining 132 first manager node, installing 148, 150
domain name, defining 132 initial DTR 1 and worker 1 nodes, joining 151,
hostname structure, defining 132 152
load balancer configuration design 136, 138 network adapters considerations 139
load balancer setup 135 network timing and node synchronization 141
network infrastructure, designing 133 NFS server node, setting up 147
node sizing consideration 139 same direction, moving in 435
preparing 139 container-first target application areas 436
cluster-based container networking container-first
about 118, 119, 120 about 20
Kubernetes DNS 120 using, as cloud adoption strategy 21
management and control planes 122, 123 containerization process, sample pilot wiki
service discovery 121 application
Swarm 120 about 185
components, Docker Enterprise 2 collect and document application assets 185,
exploring 51, 52 186
components, Docker Enterprise operation images, pushing 201
architecture postgres DB, containerizing 187, 188
Docker Enterprise Engine 38 postgres DB, testing 190, 191
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) 38 Containers as a Service (CaaS) 214
Swarm mode 36, 37 containers
Universal Control Plane (UCP) 38 about 8
components, PoC application application deployment 9, 11
containerizing 86 application development 9, 11
database, containerizing 86, 87, 88, 89, 91 application modernization 22
testing 86 compliance 22
Webforms application, containerizing 91, 94, 95, DevOps support 22
96 microservices support 22
considerations, storage 42 popularity 11
Container Network Model (CNM) 113 strategic impact 20
Container Networking Interface (CNI) plugin 119 workloads, migrating back from public cloud 21
container platform categories continuous integration (CI) pipeline 212
cloud vendor-based container platforms 29 custom app
extensible technologies 30 building, with CI pipeline 244
OS platform vendor stacks 28 deploying with CI pipeline 244
virtualization vendor container platforms 27 deploying, to Docker Enterprise cluster 238,
container-culture, building 239, 240
committed adopters 437
considerations 436 D
enthusiastic learners, recognizing 437 data management
keeping it simple 437 about 336
learning culture, establishing 437 application data, backing up 344
container-first culture data, backing up 341, 342
about 432 Docker NFS volume plugin 338, 340, 341
cloudy path, to organic adoption 434 DTR software, upgrading 347, 348
container-first adoption challenges 434 DTR, backing up 343
for developers 433 host volume mounts 336, 337
for DevOps 433 OS and Docker Enterprise Engine Updates 345
for operations 434 OS and Docker updates, applying 345
life after 432 UCP manager nodes 345, 346
life before 432 UCP software, upgrading 346, 347

[ 454 ]
UCP, backing up 342 Gitlab and Docker EE Kubernetes 415
volume storage solutions 341 Helm charts 414, 415
worker nodes 346 Ingress controller 419
DB ClusterIP persistent volumes, with existing NFS server 416
creating 400 setting up 417, 418, 419
defensive programming 198 third-party 413
deployment process, sample pilot wiki application UCP Kube cluster, attaching to existing on-
about 201 premises NFS server 416
application flow 202 Docker EE, for pilot release of AtSea Kubernetes
deployment architecture 203, 204 about 405
pilot application strategy 202 blue/green deployment of AtSea to Docker EE
Dev 19 Kubernetes cluster 410
Dev workstation load balancer, for blue/green deployment 412,
PoC application, containerizing 83, 84 413
PoC application, testing 83, 84 setting up 406, 407, 409, 410
DevOps 19, 20 smoke-testing 411
distributed applications Docker EE, with Kubernetes
about 216 about 384, 385
key principles, for container application design advanced Kubernetes networking philosophy
216 388
DNS Round Robin (DNSRR) 105 CNI networking 386
Docker Application Converter (DAC) 84 Docker EE install 386
Docker Community Edition (Docker CE) Kubernetes persistent volume management 392
about 9, 12, 13 role-based access control 389, 391
edge channel 12 Swarm and Kube, coexistence 389
features 14 Docker Enterprise CLI bundle
key capabilities 13 about 102, 103
nightly channel 12 Bash, using with Docker API 103
running, on AWS 13 PowerShell, using with Docker APIo get CLI
running, on Azure 13 bundle 104
stable channel 12 Docker Enterprise cluster architecture
Docker Content Trust 317 simple view 48, 49, 50, 51
Docker Desktop, to Docker EE Kubernetes Docker Enterprise cluster plumbing
about 392 about 113
application, configuring 396, 398 cluster-based container networking 118
AtSea, converting to Kubernetes 393, 394 Docker Enterprise pilot network implementation
DB ClusterIP, creating 400 124
DB, converting 398, 399 Docker single-node networking 113
DB, testing 398, 399, 400 No Domain Name System (DNS), for Docker0
setting up 394, 396 default network 116, 117
testing locally 405 Docker Enterprise cluster
web app, converting 402 PoC application, deploying to 101, 104, 107
webapp NodePort, creating 403 Docker Enterprise Edition
Docker EE 2.0 23 features 14
Docker EE Kubernetes integrations support 14
Docker Enterprise Engine

[ 455 ]
about 38 cluster sprawl, avoiding 323
installing, on nodes 61, 63, 64 node, sizing 325
Docker Enterprise managed clusters 439 production cluster, considerations 324
Docker Enterprise operation architecture production manager nodes 324
application layer 44 production-installation, considerations 323
infrastructure 38, 39, 40 Docker Enterprise production cluster, setup and
infrastructure layer 41 install considerations
layers 38, 40 about 327
platform 38, 40 Center for Internet Security (CIS) docker
platform layer 43 benchmarks 327, 328, 330
Docker Enterprise pilot bare metal Docker nodes, no public access 331, 332
overview 141 Production DTR configuration 336
Docker Enterprise pilot network implementation Production UCP configuration 332, 333, 335
about 124 SSH access, locking down 331
bare metal cluster network setup example 131 Docker Enterprise production cluster
certificate termination 130 about 313
certificates 128 high-level cluster flow and concepts 313
DNS 128 Docker Enterprise RBAC system
end users, of Docker Enterprise-hosted collection, for pilot team 178
applications 126, 127 organizations, setting up 175
highly available cluster 127 team member sync, LDAP used 176, 178
hostnames, for Docker cluster nodes 131 teams, setting up 175
internal cluster users 124 working with 171, 173
Docker Enterprise pilot platform Docker Enterprise reference architecture 46, 47
about 138 Docker Enterprise
cluster nodes, preparing 139 30-day trial license, obtaining 61, 62
Docker Enterprise platform, for PoC step alarm, setting up 305, 306, 307, 308
Docker Enterprise Engine, installing on nodes 61 architectural overview 25
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR), installing 77, 78 architecture-related benefits 33
Docker's Universal Control Plane, installing 70, economics 32
71 features 32
four-node cluster, preparing 58 key components 32
PoC, configuring 79 monitoring 292
RBAC, configuring 79 operational architecture 36
trial license, uploading 72 pilot application development, with 213
UCP web interface, logging to 72 pilot Sysdig architecture 302
Windows 2016 Docker engine, installing 68, 69 storebit URL, obtaining 61, 62
work nodes, adding to UCP cluster 72 Sysdig agents, installing 302, 303
Docker Enterprise platform Sysdig, commercial example 300, 301
preparing, for PoC step 58 UCP and Prometheus 293
Docker Enterprise PoC cross-functional team Wiki pilot dashboard 303, 304, 305
assembling 56, 57, 58 with Prometheus + Grafana 294, 295, 296, 298,
Docker Enterprise production cluster, 299
considerations Docker in Docker (DinD) 70
about 322, 323 Docker single-node networking

[ 456 ]
about 113, 115 GitLab Runner, adding to build machine 248,
container network troubleshooting 113 250, 252
Docker tools, for local development 225
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) H
abolut 15 HAProxy start script 135
about 32, 35, 38, 214 Helm charts 414
installing 77 high availability (HA) 33
Docker-based applications high-level cluster flow, Docker Enterprise
production platforms 26 production cluster
docker-compose DTR repos, immutability 319, 320
using, as Makefile 227, 229 image mirroring 314, 316
Docker image scanning, in production 320, 321
history 8, 9 image signing 316
DTR pilot settings UCP production scheduling, with Docker Content
accessing 180, 181, 183 Trust 317, 318, 319
DTR repos 319
DTR software I
upgrading 347
Image2Docker 84
DTR System's Garbage Collection UI tab 184
infrastructure layer, Docker Enterprise operation
E computational nodes 41, 42
economics, Docker Enterprise Edition network 41, 43
direct cost 32, 33 nodes 41, 43
pricing illustration 33 operational network 41
End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) 88 storage 41, 42, 43
enterprise container adoption Ingress controller, Docker EE Kubernetes
sample principles and practices 7 integrations
extensible technologies Docker demo application, using to test 423
about 30 dockerdemo application, installing 423
cons 31 flow, testing 425, 427
pros 30 ingress rules, configuring to dockerdemo 424
NGINX ingress controller, installing 420, 421,
F 423
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) ingress model
22 about 366
four-node cluster blue/green deployments with Swarm 368, 369
preparing 58 blue/green deployments, key concepts 368
setting 59 Docker service updates 375
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 126 Kubernetes blue/green deployment 369
Layer 4 blue/green deployment 376
G Layer 4 Canary deployment 378
GitLab connection, with Docker Enterprise Layer 4 routing, in production 371, 375
developing 247 Layer 4 simple port-based routing 367
DTR CI integration 253, 255, 256 Layer 7 dynamic routing 366
GitLab connection, with Docker Enterprise 253 Layer 7 routing, in production 370

[ 457 ]
overview 366 about 352
static host deployments 367 and resource management 359
application startups and health checks 354
K cluster resources, managed 359
key principles, container application design cluster resources, unmanaged 359
about 216 container reservations 360
centralized logging 224 CPU, setting 361, 366
defensive coding 222, 223 Ephemeral containers and orchestration 353
Docker Enterprise layer 7 routing 221 Health checks 352
Docker Swarm services 216, 217, 218, 219 limits 360
secrets 224, 225 memory reservations 361, 366
Swarm service networks and routing mesh 219, requests 360
220 signals, passing into containers 358
Kubernetes Swarm service health check, for AtSea-web 356,
about 15 358
IaaS provider 18 OS platform vendor stacks
moving, to mainstream 18 about 28
PaaS provider 18 cons 28
Swarm 17, 18 pros 28
Swarm orchestration 16
L PaaS provider 19
Layer 4 routing 371 pilot application development, with Docker
layer 7 routing Enterprise
about 370 Docker Containers as a Service (CaaS) 214,
with Docker Enterprise 241, 243 215
Linux Containers (LXC) 9 Docker, used for developer on-boarding 213
Linux worker nodes Docker, used for improving software development
joining, to UCP cluster 73, 74 cycles 213
local Swarm testing pilot application
final steps 234, 235, 237, 238 planning for 160, 161
mock layer 7 routing service, creating for 230 Pilot Docker Enterprise Platform
about 282
M centralized logging 285, 286
Default Docker Engine logs 282, 283, 284
manager nodes 43
Docker, checking 290
mock layer 7 routing service
ELK Stack, publish approach 286, 287
creating, for local Swarm testing 231, 232, 233
Prometheus setup 289, 290
My-2-tier network 40
Prometheus, on Docker 290
Prometheus, polling approach 288
O platform layer, Docker Enterprise operation
Open Container Initiative (OCI) 9 architecture
operations 20 about 43, 44
orchestrators 15 DTR 43
orchestrators, Docker Enterprise Production Universal Control Plane (UCP) 43, 44

[ 458 ]
PoC application deployment, to Docker Enterprise overlapping key activities 163
cluster RBAC, in Docker Enterprise 171, 173
Docker Enterprise CLI bundle 102, 103 UCP pilot settings, configuring 164, 165, 167,
PoC application 169, 171
about 80 sample pilot wiki application
containerizing, on Dev workstation 83, 84 about 184
deploying, to Docker Enterprise cluster 101, containerizing 185, 192, 194
104, 107 deploying 205, 207, 208, 209
deployment files, creating 97, 98 deploying, to pilot cluster 201
deployment files, testing 97, 98 testing 194, 196, 198, 200
Docker, installing on local workstation 82 Service Level Agreements (SLAs) 14
documentation, reviewing 85, 86 services, AtSea application
images, pushing 98, 99, 100, 101 build, for atsea-web image 263, 264
selecting 80, 81 building 257
testing, on Dev workstation 83, 84 End to End test, for atsea-web image 264
updating 108, 109 push pipeline, for atsea-web image 266
PoC DTR simple build and push pipeline, for atsea-db
connecting to 99 image 257, 259, 261
PoC environment simple build and push pipeline, for atsea-payment
overview 59, 60, 61 image 262
PoC step Setup and installation considerations
Docker Enterprise platform, preparing for 58 node, sizing 327
production platforms, Docker Enterprise Subject Alternative Names (SANs) 129
landscape of emerging container platforms 27 Swarm orchestration 16
production Swarm service health chec 356
monitoring 378, 382
Professional Services (PS) team 56 T
Proof of Concept (PoC) project 55 tc7-app 215
tc8-app 215
R tiers, Docker EE
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and advanced tier 15
Informed (RACI) 160 basic tier 15
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 51, 164 standard tier 15
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 128
sample application U
building, with Compose and Swarm 230 Ubuntu Docker engine
running, with Compose and Swarm 230 installing 65, 66, 67
sample CI pipeline overview 244 UCP Client bundle 72
about 246 UCP cluster
sample pilot planning Linux worker nodes, joining to 73, 74
core team 162 Windows server 2016 worker node, joining to 75,
DTR pilot settings 180 76
execution 162 worker nodes, joining to 74
objectives 162 UCP layer 7 routing settings 166

[ 459 ]
UCP manager node 153 about 27
UCP Prometheus metrics 293 cons 27
Universal Control Plane (UCP) pros 27
about 15, 35, 38, 48, 221
backing up 342 W
software, upgrading 346 webapp NodePort
creating 403
V wildcard certificates 129
virtual IP (VIP) service endpoint 217 Windows server 2016 worker node
Virtual Machines (VMs) 112 joining, to UCP cluster 75, 76
virtualization vendor container platforms worker nodes
joining, UCP cluster 74

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