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Shirdi Sai Baba School

Submitted by: Uday

Class & section: 10th b
Roll number: 17128746

Teacher name: Mrs. Madhvi

Teacher sign:
Sr. Practical Page Teacher
no. Creating of subtotal in
no. signature
1. open office calc 1-2
Data consolidate in
open office calc
2. 3-4
Goal seek in open
office writer
3. 5
Use the macro reader
and create a simple
macro in open office
4. 6
Working with scenario
5. in open office calc 7
Working with create &
apply style in open
6. 8
office writer
Working with image in
7. open office writer 9

Working of template
in open office writer
8. 10
Working with table of
content in open office
writer 11

Working with mail

10. merge in open office 12-14
ctical-1 creating of subtotal
To know & understand about the “working
with subtotals in open office calc”
Here I have applied subtotal command to calculate the
number of jersey of different size required for players.
1. Select the range of cells with values for which
subtotal function need to be implemented.
2. Click on ‘data’ menu and select ‘subtotal’ option.
(Subtotal dialog box appears on the screen).
3. In ‘group by’ box select the column for which
subtotal is required. Here I have selected ‘jersey
4. In the calculate subtotals for box select the
columns containing the values to subtotal. Here I
have chosen ‘jersey size’.
5. In use function box select the desire function to
calculate the subtotal. Here I have used ‘count’
6. Click on ‘ok’ button.

Fig: 3
I have understood the steps to generate
subtotal in open office calc.
Topic: 2 data consolidate
To know & understand about the “working
with data consolidate in open office calc”.
1. Open the workbook in which the consolidating function is
to be applied.
2. Define the range of cells of selecting the range of cells
and typing a desire name for it in the ‘name box’.
3. Click on ‘data menu’ and select ‘consolidate option’.
(Consolidate dialog box appears on the screen).
4. In the function box choose a desire function that is to be
performed; here I have select ‘sum’ functions.
5. Under ‘source data range’ select the ranges to be
consolidated and click on add button. Do the same for
other ranges.
6. In copy results to ‘box’ select the range where the
consolidated data is to stored and click on ‘add’ button.
 Create a spreadsheet having different worksheets whose
data you want to consolidate, here we will create –
 Consolidated
1. January
2. February
3. March
 The worksheet January, February and march are as
 A2= sr. no.
 B2= expenses
 C2= amount

 A3 to A4
 B3= electricity bill

 B4= staff salary

 B5= transport expenses

 B6= maintenance

 C3 to C7= amount gives in the diagram

 Select the range of cell of consolidate sheet where

you want to have the result of addition of data.
Name the range as data cc.21
 Similarly select the data in January, February and
march and give a rang a name as-
 January 20
 February 21
 March 21
 Place the cursor is consolidated sheet c6 and then
click on data > consolidate option to open the
consolidate dialog box.
 Consolidate dialog box appears click the drop down
but under the level function and select sum.
 Click source data range and select January 20
similarly select February 21 and March 21 and click
add them.
I have understood the steps to consolidate
data in open office calc.
Topic: 3 goal seek
To know & understand about the “working
goal seek in open office calc”.
1. Select the cell which contains ten formulas to
percentage. (Here it is cell B8).
2. Click on ‘tools’ menu and select ‘goal seek’
option (goal seek dialog box appears on the
3. In ‘formula cell’ box the cell address containing
formula is already interect.
4. In ‘target value’ box type the desire target which
is to achieve. (here target value-80)
5. In ‘variables cell’ box select the cell whose value
with respect to the target value, in order to
achieve it. (Here variable. cell-$B$7).
6. Click on ‘ok’ button.
I have understand the steps to work goal
seek in open office calc.
Topic: 4 Use the Macro Reader and Create a
simple Macro
To know & understand the steps about the
“working with ‘macro’ in open office calc”
1. Open a new spreadsheet.
2. Enter numbers into a sheet.
3. Select all A3, which contains the number 3, and
copy the value to the clipboard.
4. Select the range A1:C3.
5. Use Tools > Macros > Record Macro to start the
macro recorder. The record macro dialog is
displayed with a stop recording button.
6. Use Edit > Paste Special to open the paste special
7. Set the operation to multiply and click OK. The cells
are now multiplied by 3.
8. Click stop recording to stop the macro recorder. The basic macros dialog points.
9. Select the current worksheet. For this example, the
current calc worksheet is united 1 existing
worksheet show a library named standard.
I have understood the steps to record a
macro in calc.
Topic: 5 working with scenario
To know & understand about the “working
with ‘what if scenario’ in open office calc.
1. Select the cell that contains the values that will
change between scenarios. To select multiple cells,
hold down the ctrl key & click each cell.
2. Choose tools > scenario.
3. On the create scenario dialog box. I have entered a
name for the new scenario that Cleary identifies the
scenario. This name is displayed in the navigator
add on the title bar of the scenario on the sheet
4. Optionally added some information to the comment
box. This information is displayed in the navigator
when click the scenarios icon and select the desired
5. Optionally select or deselect the option in settings
6. Click ok to close the dialog.
I have understood the steps to work with
Topic: 6 create & apply style in open
office writer
To know & understand about the “creating a
new style from a selection” & to update a style.
1. Open the styles and formatting window to choose the type
of style.
2. Select the item that wants to save as a style.
3. In the styles and formatting window, click on the new style
from selection icon.
4. In the create style dialog, type a name for the new style.
The list shows the names of existing custom styles of the
selected type.
5. Click ok to save the new style.
 Steps to update a style:
1. Open the styles and formatting window.
2. In the document, select the desired has the format to
adopt as a style.
3. In the style and formatting window, select the desired style
that has to be updated (single-click, not double-click), then
long-click on the arrow next to the new style from selection
icon and click on update style.

I have understood the steps to creating a new
style from a selection and update an existing style.
pic: 7 working with image in open
office writer
To know & understand about the steps to
create drawing objects
1. Open the writer application.
2. Click on ‘view’ menu and select ‘toolbar’ option.
(Fig: 1)
3. Select ‘drawing’ option from the sub menu that
4. Select the desires object that you want to draw,
(here we have selected rectangle object).
5. The arrow turns into a cross head pointer.
6. Click and drag in the desire area where you want to
display your object. (fig: 2)
7. Press ‘enter key’ the drawing object will be created.
I have understood the steps to insert drawing
tools bar & drawing objects in writer.
Topic: 8 working with template in open
office writer
To know & understand about the “working with
templates in open office writer”
1. Open ‘open office writer.’
2. Click on the ‘file’ drop down menu.
3. Find and click on ‘new’ button.
4. Select the option ‘templates and document’.
5. Click on desired templates.
6. If we don’t see any templates we like, we can click
on get on more templates online. ‘option’
7. In the search box, type resume or CV.
8. Double click on the required template.
9. Replace the placeholder text with the required
10. Choose file button.
11. Click on ‘save’ button from the menu to save the
Conclusion: I have understood how to create a
CV/resume with the help of template in writer.
Topic: 9 working with table of contents
in open office writer
To know & understand about the “working with
table contents in open office writer”
1. Suppose I have created a document that contains
different paragraph styles for different heading
levels (such as chapter and section headings):
heading 1, heading 2, and heading 3. These are
what will appear in table of contents. One can use
only the first three levels in the table of contents.
2. Place the cursor where want the table of content to
be inserted.
3. Select Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and
4. Change nothing in the insert index/table dialog.
5. I have written style in document in title & changed
the background color to cyan.
6. Click ‘ok’.
I have understood the steps to create table of
content in open office writer.
Topic: 10 working with mail merge in
open office writer
To know & understand about the “working
with mail merge in open office writer”
1. Type a letter inviting for friends to a party you is
hosting. Your letter will as a form letter save your
letter as ‘mail merge’ letter.
Ans. To write a letter-
Open ‘open office writer’
Click on ‘new document’
2. Format the letter as left aligned (black letter with
Ans. Click on format menu, select page option click on
page tab from page style dialogue box, set left margin
to inch, from margin left option click ok.
3. Create data source named “friends” with first name,
last name. Address 1, address 2, city, pin code and
Ans Click on tool menu and select mail merge lizard
4. Make sure address is listed at the top of the
 Select starting document.
 Select document type
Select desired type of document then click on next.
 Insert address block
Click on ‘select address list’ button to select the
desire address. Create a new data base.
 It will open ‘new address list’
Enter the particular of represents
After entering the details of one recipient click on
enter new record. Click on ok button
 Create salutation
Add desired salutation mark from the drop down list.
Then click on next.
 Adjust layout
Adjust the layout and click on ‘next’
 Edit document
 Personalize document
Click on ‘edit’ individual document button to
personalize and modify the content of a particular
After editing click to open the previous window click
on next.
 Select the desired option. Select the desired printer.
Click on finish button.
 Address label
1. Click on file menu and then select new option.
Click on the label option from the sub menu.
2. On the ‘label’ tag page, select the format of the
label sheets use want to print on sheet option.
3. Choose the database and table to get the data.
4. Select the database field of which we want to
print the contents. Click the button that shows a
lift arrow to insert the database field into label
‘text’ bar.
5. Continue to select and insert database fields if we
want more fields on every label.
6. Enable synchronize contents on the option tab.
I have understood the steps to create
multiple letters through mail merge.

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