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School Solsona National High School Grade Level 11

Grades 1 to 12 Teacher Johnver F. Curameng Learning Area Personal Development

Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time July 16-21, 2018 Week 7 Quarter 1st
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
I. OBJECTIVES 1.5 to 2
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the whole brain theory, or two hemispheres of the brain: artistic (right-brain dominant) and linear (le
brain dominant)
The learners demonstrate understanding of the concepts about mental health and well-being in middle and late adolescence.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to identify ways to improve learning using both the left and right brain and identify his/her own vulnerabilities and make
on how to stay mentally healthy
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies/Objectives Discuss that understanding the left and right brain may help in improving one’s learning EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1
Explore two types of mind-mapping techniques, each suited to right brain- or left brain-dominant thinking styles EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-h-6.2
Make a plan to improve learning using left and right brain through mind-mapping activities EsP-PD11/12PM-Ih-6.3
Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being in everyday observations about mental health problems during adolescence
Identify his/her own vulnerabilities EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.2
Make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological well-being EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.3
Create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.4
II. CONTENT Cognitive Development Critical Thinking and Some Theories Mental Health Anxiety Disorders
about the Brain-Side Dominance
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Personal Development. 2016.Teacher’s Guide. First Edition pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Personal Development. 2016.Learners Material. First Edition pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portal
A. Before the Lesson Lateral Thinking Puzzles. Ask the students to raise their hands if How many of you have been sick last Recap on last meetings learni
1. Setting the Stage (Drill, Introduce the puzzles, one at they are right-brain dominant or left- year?" Why were you sick? How long
Review and Motivation) a time. Tell students that you brain dominant. were you sick?
can answer only yes or no
2. Explaining what to do (Tell At the end of this module, At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the module, learners At the end of this module, lea
the objectives of the Lesson) learners will be able to: will be able to: will be able to: will be able to:
1. discuss that understanding 1. make a plan to improve learning 1. interpret the concepts of mental 1. discuss and describe the m
the left and right brain using both left and right brain health and psychological well-being health challenges considering
functions may help in development. in everyday observations about positive response to each.
improving one’s learning, 2. encourage critical thinking. mental health problems during 2. identify their own vulnerab
2. explore mind-mapping adolescence, and
techniques suited to right 2. Participate actively in class 3. create a plan to stay menta
brain- or left brain-dominant discussions healthy during adolescence.
thinking styles, and
B. Lesson Proper (All Lecturette on Cognitive Give lecturette on new Research Study Discuss with the class the Reading: Look at the positive characte
teacher’s Activity) Development with the use of on The Brain’s Left and Right Side. Introduce the lesson on Media that are circled. Are there an
Presentation through the Reader: Brainpower: Generate some questions from Motives. similarities across the differen
Modeling, Illustration and Complex Organ Controls Your students. What do they think about this challenges?
Demonstration) Every Thought and Move. new research?
1. Guided Practice (1st What is the brain and how People generally have one of two Activity 1: Fact or Fiction activity Instruct the groups to read th
Assessment) does it work? different ideas about intelligence: paragraph and put the name
• You’re smart or you’re not smart, and mental health challenge at th
that never changes. OR of their chart paper. Using th
• It’s possible to grow your intelligence. content in their paragraph, e
group should create 4 - 5 bull
short sentences that describe
mental health challenge assig
their group. Let the groups kn
that their list should also inclu
some positive aspect related
2. More Practice (2nd How did you learn to talk? To Mind Mapping Activity Decode the ad as they proceed Group presentation.
Assessment) read? To ride a bicycle? To through the worksheet questions.
shoot a basket? Have each group present their ad
back to the large group.
3. Independent Practice What happens inside your Explain the requirement for Portfolio Explain additional Information: 1. One thing they learned tod
brain when you learn Output 11: Make a Mind Map. Strategies for Becoming a Critical about mental health challeng
something new? Viewer of the Media they did not know before this
Read: Self Esteem and Body Esteem began
2.The similarities across the p
characteristics that are circled
C. After the lesson/Closure Because the brain's healthy Some learning tools that help you Good mental health leads to positive People facing mental health
(Summarizing / Generalizing) functioning is essential to utilize both sides of the brain may help self-image and in-turn, satisfying challenges are just like everyb
1. Application living and determines quality you learn more effectively. relationships with friends and others. else in that they want to be a
of life, doctors emphasize and have friends will help peo
protecting the organ from with mental health challenge
injury and chemical abuse. get better and live normal liv
2. Evaluation (3rd Portfolio Output No. 10 Rate the mind map through the use of Portfolio Output No. 12: Media Portfolio Output No. 13: Res
Assessment) Project To-Do rubrics. Influences (How Ads Affected My on Anxiety Disorders or Depr
With your group mates, plan Self-Esteem).
your Grade 11 year-end fun
day following the Project-To-
Do Template. Write this plan
down. Then write a reflection
on how your experience of
planning changed with the
use of the planning tool.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation?
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


SHS Teacher II

Checked by:


Head Teacher III School Principal IV

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