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Pulse 1 End-of-year Exam Basic Units 1–9

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle.

Across Down

3 have a _______ 1 l_______

5 g_______ 2 c_______

7 c_______ 4 l_______

8 c_______ 6 s_______

10 b_______ 9 a_______

11 get d_______

12 y_______

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Score __/12

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

lazy football stadium go to bed regularly ICT socks roller-skating send cards

1 Emma likes computers so her favourite subject is ____________.

2 I’ve got tickets for the match on Saturday night. Meet me at the ____________.
3 Thomas never tidies his room. He’s so ____________.
4 ____________ is a sport and also a form of transport!
5 I wear ____________ under my shoes.
6 I ____________ at nine o’clock every night.
7 We ____________ to our relatives at Christmas.
8 Skye exercises ____________. She goes swimming three times a week.
Score __/8

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3 Read the text and circle the correct words.


My name’s Holly. I (1) live / lives in York, in the north of England. I (2) go / goes to a secondary
school near the city centre. I (3) not / don’t walk to school, I go by bus. My favourite subjects
(4) is / are art and music. What about you? Which subjects (5) you like / do you like?

Holly x
Score __/5

4 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Last year we went to Italy for our summer holidays. We (1) ____________ (take) lots of photos and
(2) ______________ (eat) lots of delicious Italian ice cream. We (3) ______________ (have) a
wonderful time. I (4) ______________ (write) postcards to all my friends and (5) ______________
(buy) lots of souvenirs and presents.
Score __/5

5 Circle the correct words.

1 I don’t like football. I sometimes / never watch it on TV.

2 My brother usually plays / is playing tennis at the weekend.
3 Please be quiet. I listen / ’m listening to a really good radio programme.
4 There’s a / an apple in the bowl.
5 You weren’t / didn’t at school yesterday.
6 It’s my birthday next week. I’m going / going to be 14.
7 That boy lives in my street but I don’t know him / her.
8 I visit / ’m visiting my cousins in Ireland next week.
Score __/8

6 Complete the questions with the words in the box.

what who how are do have any when

1 ____________ your favourite singer?

2 ____________ you got any pens?
3 ____________ old is your sister?
4 ____________ you like cycling?
5 ____________ you talking on the phone?
6 Are there ____________ good films on TV?
7 ____________ is your mum’s birthday?
8 ____________ are you doing tonight?
Score __/8

7 Circle the correct words.

1 The teacher is talking. We can / must be quiet.

2 I did really good / well in the test.
3 We not / aren’t going to have our party at the beach.
4 The door is locked. I can’t / mustn’t open it.
Score __/4


8 Read the text and circle the correct words.

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The Tower of London is a very popular monument. Millions of tourists from all over the
world visit this famous building every year. It has got a very interesting history.

William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. He started to build the Tower in
1078 and finished it in 1098. For many years, the Tower was a palace and kings and
queens of England lived there. It was also a prison.

The Tower is next to the river Thames. You can visit it by boat or you can go by bus or
train. There is a café there so you can have a coffee or eat an ice cream after your visit.

There is a big collection of royal treasures in the Tower. This collection includes the Crown
Jewels. One of the jewels is an enormous diamond. It is called the Star of Africa. You can
also see the Beefeaters. They are soldiers and they look after the Crown Jewels.

1 The Tower is / isn’t very popular with tourists.

2 William the Conqueror finished building the Tower in 1078 / 1098.
3 For many years, the Tower was a palace / house.
4 Today, the Tower is a prison / museum.
5 The Tower of London is near the river / a café.
6 You can / can’t visit the Tower by boat.
Score __/12

9 Read the text again complete the sentences.

1 ____________ _____________ ______________ built the Tower of London.

2 In the past, the Tower was a palace. It was also a _____________.
3 There is a big collection of _____________ in the Tower.
4 The Beefeaters are _____________ .
Score __/6


10 Your pen friend from England is coming to visit you next week. Complete your email to him / her.

Hi Cameron,

I’m so glad you’re coming to visit me. We’re going to have a great time!
My house is very comfortable. It has got __________________________________________
You are going to sleep in ______________________________________________________
My town is very nice. There’s a _________________________________________________
We are going to visit _________________________________________________________
We are also going to _________________________________________________________
Score __/10


11 Listen and circle T (true) or F (false).

1 Oscar often goes camping. T/F

2 There was a sports centre at the campsite in Scotland. T/F
3 Ruby wants to go to Scotland. T/F
4 In Dorset, the weather was terrible. T/F
5 The campsite in Devon was by the river. T/F

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Score __/5

12 Listen again and circle the correct words.

Campsite Place Other information

Holiday 1 Sunshine Shores Scotland (1) perfect / terrible weather
Holiday 2 Bailey Farm (2) Dorset / Devon went (3) swimming / surfing a lot
Holiday 3 Meadow View (4) Dorset / Devon (5) walked / cycled to the beach every day
Score __/5

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13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Choose one of the events below.


Rock concert Football

Ice skating
New local bands Fulham vs Newcastle
Saturday 6pm
Saturday 7pm Saturday 3pm
Winter Sports Centre
Sports Centre Fulham Stadium

b) Now phone Student B and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event. Suggest a time
and a place to meet.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

c) Talk to Student B on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Sunday so you can accept his / her
invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Talk to Student A on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Saturday so you can accept his /
her invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

b) Now choose one of the events below.


Basketball match Theatre performance

Rap music concert
London vs Sheffield Sunday 7pm
Sunday 8pm
Sunday 7.30pm The Globe Theatre
South London Cultural Centre
Indoor stadium

c) Now phone Student A and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event next Sunday.
Suggest a time and a place to meet.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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Pulse 1 End-of-year Exam Standard Units 1–9

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Look at the pictures and write the words.

1 g____________ 2 h____________ 3 c____________ 4 c____________

5 g____________ 6 l____________ 7 b____________ 8 s____________

9 y____________ 10 c____________ 11 a____________ 12 l____________

Score __/12

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Emma likes computers so her favourite subject is I____________.

2 I’ve got tickets for the match on Saturday night. Meet me at the f____________ s ____________.
3 Thomas never tidies his room. He’s so l____________.
4 R____________ is a sport and also a form of transport!
5 I wear s____________ under my shoes.
6 I g____________ t____________ b____________ at nine o’clock every night.
7 We s____________ c____________ to our relatives at Christmas.
8 Skye exercises r____________. She goes swimming three times a week.
Score __/8


3 Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.

be like go live not walk


My name’s Holly. I (1) ____________ in York in the north of England. I (2) ____________ to a
secondary school near the city centre. I (3) ____________ to school, I go by bus. My favourite
subjects (4) ____________ art and music. What about you? Which subjects (5) ____________
you ____________?

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Holly x
Score __/5

4 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

take have write buy eat

Last year we went to Italy for our summer holidays. We (1) ____________lots of photos and (2)
____________lots of delicious Italian ice cream. We (3) ____________a wonderful time. I (4)
____________postcards to all my friends and (5) ____________lots of souvenirs and presents.
Score __/5

5 Read the sentences and circle the correct answers.

1 I don’t like football. I ____ watch it on TV.

a) usually b) sometimes c) never
2 My brother usually _____ tennis at the weekend.
a) play b) plays c) is playing
3 Please be quiet. I ____ to a really good radio programme.
a) listen b) ’m listening c) ’m listen
4 There’s ____ apple my bag.
a) a b) some c) an
5 You ____ at school yesterday.
a) wasn’t b) weren’t c) didn’t
6 It’s my birthday next week. I ____ 14.
a) ’m b)’m going c) ’m going to be
7 That boy lives in my street but I don’t know ____.
a) him b) her c) it
8 I ____ my cousins in Ireland next week.
a) visit b) visiting c) ’m visiting
Score __/8

6 Read the answers and complete the questions.

1 ____________is your favourite singer? My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.

2 ____________you ____________any pets? No, I haven’t got any pets.
3 ____________________ is your sister? She’s 13.
4 ____________you like ____________tennis? No, I like playing football.
5 ____________you talking on the phone? No, I’m not.
6 Are there ____________good films on TV? Yes. There are two good films on TV tonight.
7 ____________you ____________a good summer? Yes, thanks. I had a great summer.
8 ____________are you ____________tonight? I’m going to a party tonight.
Score __/8

7 Circle the correct words.

1 The teacher is talking. We can / must / mustn’t be quiet.

2 I did really good / goodly / well in the test.
3 We not / aren’t / isn’t going to have our party at the beach.
4 The door is locked. I can’t / mustn’t / don’t open it.
Score __/4


8 Read the text and circle T (true) or F (false).

The Tower of London is a very popular monument. Millions of tourists from all over the

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world visit this famous building every year. It has got a very interesting history.

William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. He started to build the Tower in
1078 and finished it in 1098. For many years, the Tower was a palace and kings and
queens of England lived there. It was also a prison. King Henry VIII had six wives and two
of them were prisoners in the Tower! Today the Tower of London is a museum.

The Tower is next to the river Thames. You can visit it by boat or you can go by bus or
train. There is a café there so you can drink a coffee or eat an ice cream after your visit.

When you visit the Tower, you can see a big collection of royal treasures. This collection
includes the Crown Jewels. One of the jewels is an enormous diamond. It’s called the Star
of Africa. You can also see Beefeaters. They are soldiers with strange red and black hats.
They look after the Crown Jewels and the famous ravens (big black birds) in the Tower

1 The Tower is very popular with tourists. T/F

2 Today the Tower is a prison. T/F
3 Henry VIII had six wives. T/F
4 The Tower of London is near the river. T/F
5 You can’t visit the Tower by boat. T/F
Score __/14

9 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Who built the Tower of London?

2 How long did it take to build it?
3 Who were prisoners in the Tower of London?
4 What is the Tower of London today?
5 What is the Star of Africa?
Score __/6


10 A pen friend from another country is going to visit you. Answer the questions from his / her
email. Write full sentences.

1 What is your house like?


2 Where am I going to sleep?


3 What is your town like?



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4 What places are we going to visit?


5 What other things are we going to do?


Score __/10


11 Listen and circle the correct answers.

1 Oscar went camping ____ last year.

a) twice b) three times
2 There were lots of ____ at the campsite in Scotland.
a) facilities b) sunny days
3 Ruby thinks Scotland is too ___.
a) far away b) expensive
4 In Dorset, the weather was
a) perfect b) terrible
5 Oscar and his brother ____ in the evening.
a) sang songs b) went swimming
6 The campsite in Devon was by the ____.
a) beach b) river
Score __/6

12 Listen again and answer the questions. Write full sentences.

1 When did Oscar go camping in Scotland?

2 What did Oscar do on the holiday in Scotland?
3 How long was Oscar in Dorset for?
4 What facilities were there at the campsite in Devon?
Score __/4

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13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Choose one of the events below.


Rock concert Football

Ice skating
New local bands Fulham vs Newcastle
Saturday 6pm
Saturday 7pm Saturday 3pm
Winter Sports Centre
Sports Centre Fulham Stadium

b) Now phone Student B and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event. Suggest a time
and a place to meet.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

c) Talk to Student B on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Sunday so you can accept his /
her invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Talk to Student A on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Saturday so you can accept his /
her invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

b) Now choose one of the events below.


Basketball match Theatre performance

Rap music concert
London vs Sheffield Sunday 7pm
Sunday 8pm
Sunday 7.30pm The Globe Theatre
South London Cultural Centre
Indoor stadium

c) Now phone Student A and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event next Sunday.
Suggest a time and a place to meet.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2014

Pulse 1 End-of-year Exam Extra Units 1–9

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Read the definitions and write the words.

1 These are what you have around your mouth. ____________

2 You can take this on holiday and stay in it. You pull it with a car. ____________
3 This is made of milk. Sometimes it is fruit flavoured. ____________
4 This is an instrument with strings and a long neck. ____________
5 People often do this in the morning to get clean ____________ ____________
6 This is a building with a bright light to guide ships at night. ____________
7 This is a group of people who sing together. ____________
8 You do this when you put your clothes on. ____________ ____________
9 You answer questions in this type of computer game. ____________
10 This often has lettuce and tomatoes in it. ____________
11 These are above your eyes. ____________
12 You can watch this to find out about singers and bands. ____________ ____________
Score __/12

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Emma likes computers so her favourite subject is ____________.

2 I’ve got tickets for the match on Saturday night. It’s at the big ____________ ____________.
3 Tomas never tidies his room. He’s so ____________.
4 My brother sometimes goes ____________-____________ in the park. He loves his new skates.
5 I wear ____________ under my shoes.
6 I ____________ ____________ ____________ at nine o’clock every night.
7 We ____________ ____________ to our relatives at Christmas. I like writing to them.
8 Skye exercises ____________. She goes swimming three times a week.
Score __/8


3 Complete the letter with the correct form of suitable verbs. Use the present simple.


My name’s Holly. I (1) ____________ in York in the north of England. I (2) ____________to a
secondary school near the city centre. I (3) ____________ to school, I go by bus. My favourite
subjects (4) ____________ art and music. What about you? Which subjects (5) ____________
you ____________?

Holly x
Score __/5

4 Complete the text with the correct form of suitable verbs. Use the past simple.

Last year we went to Italy for our summer holidays. We (1) ____________ lots of photos and (2)
____________ lots of delicious Italian ice cream. We (3) ____________ a wonderful time. I (4)
____________ postcards to all my friends, I did this at the beach! And I (5) ____________ lots of
souvenirs and presents.
Score __/5

5 Complete the text with the correct words.

1 I don’t like football. I n____________ watch it on TV. My brother loves it; he always watches the
games on Sundays.

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2 My sister usually p____________ tennis at the weekend. She’s very good!
3 Please be quiet. I‘m____________ to a really good radio programme.
4 There’s a____________ apple my bag.
5 You w____________ at school yesterday. Where were you?
6 It’s my birthday next week. I‘m____________ 14.
7 That boy lives in my street but I don’t know h____________.
8 I‘m v____________my cousins in Ireland next week. A short visit, only for one week.
Score __/8

6 Read the answers and write the questions.

1 ____________________________________________________________?
My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
2 ____________________________________________________________?
No, I haven’t got any pets.
3 ____________________________________________________________?
My sister is 13.
4 ____________________________________________________________?
Yes, I like playing football.
5 ____________________________________________________________?
Yes, I’m talking on the phone.
6 ____________________________________________________________?
Yes, there are two good films on TV tonight.
7 ____________________________________________________________?
Yes, thanks. I had a great summer.
8 ____________________________________________________________?
I’m going to a party tonight.
Score __/8

7 Correct the sentences.

1 We can be quiet when the teacher is talking. X

2 I did really good in the test. X
3 We not going to have our party at the beach. X
4 The door is locked so I can open it. X
Score __/4


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

The Tower of London is a very popular monument. Millions of tourists from all over the
world visit this famous building every year. It has got a very interesting history.

William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. He started to build the Tower in
1078 and finished it in 1098. For many years, the Tower was a palace and kings and
queens of England lived there. The Tower was also a prison. King Henry VIII had six
wives and two of them were prisoners here! Today the Tower of London is a museum.

The Tower is next to the river Thames. You can visit it by boat or you can go by bus or
train. There is a café there so you can drink a coffee or eat an ice cream after your visit.
There are also five gift shops!

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When you visit the Tower, you can see a big collection of royal treasures. This collection
includes the Crown Jewels. One of the jewels is an enormous diamond. It’s called the Star
of Africa. You can also see Beefeaters. They are soldiers with strange red and black hats.
They look after the Crown Jewels and the famous ravens (big black birds) in the Tower
gardens. They also take groups of people on tours around the palace.

1 William the Conqueror became king of England in ____.

a) 1078 b) 1066 c) 1098
2 Today, the Tower of London is a ____
a) museum b) palace c) prison
3 Henry VIII had ____ wives.
a) two b) six c) eight
4 The Tower is next to the ____.
a) River Thames b) café c) shops.
5 Beefeaters are ____
a) soldiers b) prisoners c) birds
Score __/10

9 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write full sentences.

1 What was the Tower of London originally?

2 What other purpose did the Tower have?
3 What facilities does the castle have for its visitors?
4 What can you see at the Tower?
5 Who can take you on a tour?
Score __/10


10 A pen friend from another country is going to visit you. Write an email to him / her about your
plans for the visit. Write about 80 words. Include the following information:

- a short description of your house

- a short description of your town

- details of the people your pen friend is going to meet

- details of the places you are going to visit

- details of other things you are going to do







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Score __/10


11 Listen and circle the correct answers.

1 Oscar went camping ____ last year.

a) once b) twice c) three times
2 There were lots of ____ at the campsite in Scotland.
a) facilities b) sunny days c) people
3 Ruby thinks Scotland is too ___.
a) far away b) expensive c) rainy
4 In Dorset, the weather was
a) OK b) perfect c) terrible
5 Oscar was in Dorset for ____.
a) two days b) a week c) two weeks
6 The campsite in Devon was by ____.
a) the beach b) a river c) a cycle path
Score __/6

12 Listen again and answer the questions. Write full sentences.

1 What was the name of the campsite in Scotland?

2 What did Oscar and his brother do in the evening in Dorset?
3 What was the third campsite like?
4 Why was the campsite in Devon Oscar’s favourite?
Score __/4

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13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Choose one of the events below.


Rock concert Football

Ice skating
New local bands Fulham vs Newcastle
Saturday 6pm
Saturday 7pm Saturday 3pm
Winter Sports Centre
Sports Centre Fulham Stadium

b) Now phone Student B and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event. Suggest a time
and a place to meet.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

c) Talk to Student B on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Sunday so you can accept his /
her invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2014


13 Work in pairs and make arrangements.


a) Talk to Student A on the phone. You aren’t doing anything on Saturday so you can accept his /
her invitation. Find out about the event and complete the table below.

Student A
Meeting time
Meeting place

b) Now choose one of the events below.


Basketball match Theatre performance

Rap music concert
London vs Sheffield Sunday 7pm
Sunday 8pm
Sunday 7.30pm The Globe Theatre
South London Cultural Centre
Indoor stadium

c) Now phone Student A and invite him / her to go with you to your chosen event next Sunday.
Suggest a time and a place to meet.

Student B
Meeting time
Meeting place
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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