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Lesson Plan

Topic: Heat
Class: VII
Date: 16-12-2021

# General Objectives:
1. To develop the interest of student in learning Science.
2. To develop the abilities of imagination, reasoning and observation.
3. To develop the scientific attitude, scientific interest in students.
4. To develop understanding about the reality and apply them in real life
5. To enable them to get knowledge content in the lesson

1. To understand how heat is transferred
2. Student will be able to understand about the process of convection
3. Student will be able to understand about the process of conductors
4. Students will be able to know the different types of breeze flow
5. Students will able to know about kinds of clothes in different seasons

# Previous knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with temperature, measure of
temperature, thermometers, heat, hot object, cold object, etc…

# Introduction:
Teacher’s Question Student’s Answer
1. How can you say that an By touching them, by measuring its
object is cold or hot temperature
2. Which device is used to Thermometer
measure temperature?
3. How small flame able to By transfer of heat
heat whole utensil?

# Presentation:
Teaching Teacher’s Action Student’s Blackboard Work
Points Action
Introductio You might have observed Students will
n that a frying pan becomes be able to
hot when kept on a flame. It know about
is because the heat passes the topic
from the flame to the
utensil. When the pan is
removed from the fire, it
slowly cools down. Why does
it cool down? The heat is
transferred from the pan to
its surroundings.
Conduction ACTIVITY

Take a rod or flat strip of a

metal, say or iron or
aluminium. Fix a few small
wax pieces on the rod. These
pieces should be at nearly
equal distances. Clamp the
rod to a stand. If you do not
find a stand, you can put one
end off the rod in between
bricks. Now heat the other
end, what happens next?
Conductors Do all substances conduct
and heat easily? You must have
Insulators observed that the metallic
pan fir cookin

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