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Câu 1:


It’s a strange sensation. A new place that seems familiar or an event that you’re sure
has happened before. How many of us have had this experience? Apparently over
70%. It’s called déjà vu and according to the experts it’s not something new but has
been happening to people for hundreds of years!

So, what explanations are there for this strange feeling that is both confusing and
uncomfortable? Some scientists think it is related to dreams and memory. It appears
that although the majority of us cannot recall our dreams, we actually store the
memory of dreams in our long term memory. This deep memory can come back
sometimes when we are in a similar situation and makes us think that we have done
this before.
However, as usual, not all experts agree. Those who believe in reincarnation – the
idea that we have all lived before – say that these feelings are fragments of memories
from previous lives. But, whatever the reason for déjà vu, one thing it does show is
how complicated and amazing our brains are and that we are a long way from
understanding completely how the brain, and in particular, how our memories work.

Are the sentences true or false?

1. Déjà vu is the feeling that something familiar is unfamiliar. _______

2. People have been experiencing déjà vu for the last hundred years. _______

3. Some people think that déjà vu is related to dreams we can’t remember. _______

4. Some people think that this is not our first or only life. _______

5. Soon we shall understand how our brains work. _______

Trả lời:
1. false 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. false
Câu 2:

Imagine you have seen an advertisement for your dream job. Write a formal letter
applying for the job. Include the following information:

• the job you are applying for and where you saw the advert
• why you are right for the job

• your qualifications and/or relevant experience

• your personal qualities

• your availability for an interview

Trả lời:
Dear Mr. Duong, I wish to apply for the position of Product Marketing Manager as
advertised in BigC supermarket (Trung Nguyen Coffee- Sunday, December 27, 2020-
with reference number J2708). I graduated Bachelor of Arts in Literature from the Hue
University of Education with a Grade point average of 9.8 in 1992. In 1998, I
successfully finished my Master of Arts from the Ho Chi Minh University of Education.
In 2001, I chose to take a new path in my life, I took a Bachelor of Marketing at Ho Chi
Minh University of Economics and then graduated with a GPA of 9.5 in 2004. Since I
graduated, I've been working for several companies such as Kinh Do, Kymdan and
PNJ as a sales manager and marketing specialist. Until now, I have 15 years of
marketing experience. I will bring to any job a strong work ethic and desire to succeed,
a willingness to cooperate with others, and a need to produce quality work. As a result
of learning and working through years in industry-relevant jobs, I will be more than
adequately the requirements of the Product Marketing Manager position at Trung
Nguyen Coffee Group. Thank you for considering my application. I hereby enclosed a
copy of my academic records and my resume. I would be happy to do an interview and
I am available any weekdays at anytime. My phone number is 0963-463-890-Mrs Nhan
Best Regards Mai Nhan
Câu 3:

I (1) was walking / walked home from school yesterday when I suddenly
(2) was hearing / heard this really loud noise. It (3) was sounding / sounded like an
aeroplane! I (4) was passing / passed a wall at the time so I (5) was looking / looked
over. In the middle of the field I (6) saw / was seeing a huge, round object – just like a
UFO! It (7) was making / made the strange sound and lights (8) were shining / shone
all round it. Then I (9) was realising / realised that the lights were cameras! Some
people (10) were making / made a film!
Trả lời:
1. was walking 2. heard 3. sounded 4. was passing 5. looked 6. saw 7. made 8. were
shining 9. realised 10. were making


This summer bring your children to the Science Museum! They’re welcome any
time of the year but this summer we’re offering them something very special.
We’re holding an extraordinary exhibition aimed particularly at the under-
fourteens. It will be packed full of incredible things which will surprise, amaze and
entertain young minds. Older minds will find a lot to occupy them too!
Just one of the many treats in store will be the Robot Hall. Here you’ll find the
very latest in robotic designs, ranging from the tiny to the enormous. Kids can
programme a robot to perform different functions and compete with other robots
doing the same task.
Another amazing feature of this exhibition is a link-up to a real space shuttle. On
certain days children will be able to talk directly to an astronaut in space. What a
conversation that could be! In addition to this both parents and children will be
able to experience weightlessness in our special gravity-free room and see what it
really feels like to be an astronaut!
These are only a couple of the attractions and there will be much, much more! So
come along with your children to the Science Museum Summer Exhibition!

Choose the best answers.

1. This text is
A. from a guidebook.
B. an article.
C. an advertisement.

2. The exhibition is
A. for children only.
B. for adults and children.
C. for people over fourteen.

3. Children will be able to

A. see different types of robots.
B. make a robot.
C. watch programmes about robots.

4. An astronaut will
A. be at the exhibition on some days.
B. talk to the children on some days.
C. give a talk on space on some days.

5. There will be a room

A. which is identical to a space shuttle.
B. where you can have the experience of being in space.
C. where you can learn about gravity.

Phần trả lời:

1. C. an advertisement.
2. B. for adults and children.
3. A. see different types of robots.
4. B. talk to the children on some days.
5. B. where you can have the experience of being in space.


Imagine you have just been to the Science Museum Summer Exhibition. Write a
letter to a friend and tell him/her about your day. Include the following

•what the museum was like

•what you saw
•what you did

Phần trả lời:

Dear Minh,

I recently visited the Summer Science Museum Exhibition and it was really fun! I have seen so many
interesting things that I would love to see again. I went with one of my close friends, and we spent quite
a long time getting ready. When we left the weather was really nice and it was really sunny. We went to
the museum, and it was really big. It's really easy to get lost in, but we keep it together. First of all we
look at all the scientific things, dry as many different things and chemical experiments. We had lunch at
the museum, in a special hall. There were so many people, and it was fun! Then we went to the cinema
and watched a science movie about planets and the universe. It is very interesting. I would love to go
there again! Maybe you can come to me?



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