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Designer: Tyler ‘Walrock’ Reed Special Thanks: The Discord of Many Things, /r/unearthedar-
DM’s Guild: cana, /r/dndnext, /u/skybug12, /u/Smyris, and all our backers
Patreon: on Patreon!
Twitter: @WalrockHomebrew
Blog: Legal: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
Illustrators via Adobe Stock License: Bernardojbp, Gekata1989, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
Ekaterina Glazkova, Iulia Kovalova, Tithi Luadthong, Viktoria their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in
Manuilova, Marina, Mollicart, Anna Nenasheva, info@ the USA and other countries., Saphatthachat, Kate Vigdis, Zhenliu

Illustrators via DM’s Guild Licence: David Michael Beck, Ed This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast
Cox, Stephen Crowe, Michael Dutton, Wayne England, Tomas and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under
Giorello, Rebecca Guay, Fred Hopper, Doug Kovacs, David the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Martin, Mats Minnigan, Jim Nelson, Steve Prescott, Anne

Stokes, Joel Thomas, Eva Widermann Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All
Illustrators via Individual Licence: Daniele Ariuolo, Gary Dupuis, rights reserved. Some artwork copyright Kii W -
Forrest Imel, Vagelio Kaliva, Matt Morrow, David Revoy, com/kiichan - used with permission. Some artwork © 2015 Vage-
Dean Spencer lio Kaliva, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Illustrators via Public Domain: Boris Kustodiev
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Walrock
Homebrew and published under the Community Content Agree-
ment for Dungeon Masters Guild.


Matt Morrow illustrates a bustling halfling market, complete with

produce stands and a local entertainer. Merchants bring wares
from miles around to this cozy forest glade, to trade with locals
and visiting adventurers alike.

V ersion 1.2
Disclaimer: When making a purchase, always read the fine print. Like you’re doing now! Good on you. Since you took the time to look, you should be aware that all sales are final, and any curses that may or may not
accompany certain magic items are considered a complimentary addition to your purchase. After buying an ominous magical item, fully expect the merchant to have vanished on second glance, taking their stall and wares
along with them to some uncertain outer plane. Feel free to interpret such occurrences as dire portents; or don’t! It’s your money, after all, and the customer is always right.
Traders & Merchants...................... 4 High Fashion........................................22
Merchant Characteristics...................5 Jewelry and Gems...............................24
Gimmick.............................................5 Knick-Knacks.......................................26
Merchants & Merchandise............ 6 Leatherworking...................................28
Legendary Merchants......................6 Mechanical Contraptions..................30
Merchant Quality..............................6 Medium and Heavy Armor................32
Buying and Selling...............................7 Potions, Poisons, and Herbs............34
Selling to Merchants........................7 Religious Idols and Blessings...........36
Bartering............................................7 Songs and Instruments.....................38

Haggling.............................................7 Spell Scrolls and Tomes....................40
Magic Items.......................................7 Tattoos...................................................42
Goods and Services.............................7 Thieving Supplies...............................44
Availability..........................................7 Tools.......................................................46
Quantities...........................................8 Vehicles and Transportation.............48

Merchants and Spells......................8 Weapons................................................50
Variant Merchants................................8 Witchcraft.............................................52
Reoccurring Merchants......................8 Legendary Merchants................... 54
Items and Sources...............................8 Astral Traveler......................................54
Merchant Inventories.................... 10 Enchantments......................................56
D ean S pencer

Alcohol and Refreshment..................10 Fey Bargains........................................58

Animals.................................................12 Magic Items..........................................60
Books and Maps..................................14 Magical Creatures...............................62
Flowers and Seeds.............................16 Necromancy.........................................64
Food and Animal Products...............18
Furniture and Interior Decor............20 e
Needful Things....................................66
Traders & Merchants

ith a filled keg over each arm, a male holes. No buyers today - but tomorrow, who knows?
dwarf trudges away from the snowy peaks of Though few of their ilk consider it, adventurers are
his homeland, a similarly-laden mule follow- far from being the only individuals enterprising and
ing in his footsteps. Though the dwarf knows foolhardy enough to journey the wider world in search
the closest town is weeks away, he has full of fortune and glory. Merchants travel far and wide,
confidence in the quality of his wares. Smelling profits often finding themselves at bustling hubs of business,
on the wind, he ventures ever forward, seeking riches such as port towns, trade hubs, and the more mercantile
and glory for his clan. strongholds that pepper the disparate reaches of the
In the midst of a bustling market, a mousy female world. Each merchant has their own motivations for

halfling with round, thick glasses scribbles away and methods of pursuing free enterprise, and for every
within a tome. Beside her lies a pile of her completed merchant just trying to get by, there’s at least one more
works, finely bound, proclaiming their titles in bold with fervent dreams of someday, somehow, making it big
lettering. Concerned only with her writing, the halfling and retiring to comfort and fortune.
pays no heed to attracting customers, trusting that Included here are sample merchant inventories for

her books and reputation will be more than enough to the merchants that traverse the worlds of Dungeons &
entice passersby. Dragons. This supplement is designed to work with the
Set against the edge of an alleyway, a male kobold clad Fortresses, Temples, & Strongholds option available

M att M orrow
only in a burlap sack waves his arms and chitters franti- from Walrock Homebrew on the DM’s Guild, though
cally, attempting to attract buyers. The kobold eventually these merchants can function equally well when found
gives up, sighing, glancing over towards his nearby pile throughout the wider world.
of identical burlap sacks, complete with arm and head


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