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Admas University
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
APRIL, 2022

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study.............................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem............................................................................................3
1.3. Basic research question..............................................................................................4
1.4 Objective of the study..................................................................................................4
1.4.1. General objective of the study…………………………………………………………………………………..4
1.4.2 Specific objective………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.5. Significance of the study.............................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of the study.......................................................................................................5
1.7 Limitation of the study................................................................................................5
1.8 Ethical Consideration..................................................................................................5
1.9. Organization of the paper..........................................................................................6
2. LITRATURE REVIEW................................................................................................7
2.1 Definition and Concepts of Training and Development...........................................7
2.2 Benefits of Training and Development......................................................................9
2.2.1 Benefits of Training to Employers……………………………………………………………………………..9
2.2.2 Benefits of Training to Employees……………………………………………………………………………..9
2.3 Objectives of Training...............................................................................................10
2.4 Training Proposal and Planned of Training...........................................................11
Figure 2.1, Steps of drafting a training proposa………………………………………………………………….11
2.5 Methods and Types of Training...............................................................................11
2.5.1. Vestibule training (Adapted to the environment at the place of work)………………….….12
2.5.2 On-the-job training (At the place of work)……………………………………………………….……....12
2.5.3 Off-the-job training (Away from the place of work)………………………………………………….12
2.6. Types of training.......................................................................................................13
2.7. Steps in Training Process.........................................................................................14
2.8 Assessment of training needs....................................................................................14
2.9 Steps in Training Process..........................................................................................14
2.10 Measuring Training Effectiveness..........................................................................15
2.11 Delivery or Implementation of the training program..........................................15
2.12 Evaluation and Post follow up of the training program......................................16
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................18
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................18
3.1. Research Design........................................................................................................18
3.2. Research Approach..................................................................................................18
3.3. Target Population and Sampling units...................................................................18
3.4. Sampling Technique.................................................................................................18
3.5. Sample Size..............................................................................................................19
3.6. Source and Type of Data..........................................................................................20
3.6.1. Primary Source……………………………………………………………………………………………………….20
3.6.2. Secondary data Source……………………………………………………………………………………………20
3.7. Data Collection Methods..........................................................................................20
3.7.1. Questionnaires………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
3.7.2. Interview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21
3.8. Data analysis and presentation................................................................................21
3.9 Reliability and validity of the data gather instrument...........................................21
CHAPTER FOUR...........................................................................................................23
4. Time schedule and Budgeting.....................................................................................23
4.1. Time schedule............................................................................................................23
4.2. Budget Allocations....................................................................................................24
APPENDIX A:.................................................................................................................29
Questioner for staff or employee of custom commission office...................................29
Part one: Concerns about general information of the respondent..............................29
Part One – Information on Training Need Assessment...............................................30
Part three:-The effectiveness of training program.......................................................31
Part Four-Information on Training evaluation............................................................32
Part Five – Information on perception of employees towards the training and
development practice.......................................................................................................32
Interview Question…………………..………………………………………………….33
The study aims to assess training and development practice in custom commission office.
Training and development programs are essential for every organization for its long term
planning that requires careful preparation if they are to be successful and help to achieve its
objectives in time and enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of its workforce.
However, there is problem in the performance of employee and employee lack of motivation
which result in low quality of service in the office of custom commission. This paper will try
to answer question related to training and development practice in custom commission
office.In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher will use mixed approach
with both quantitative and qualitative data. The sample size that will be used by the
researcher is about 52 from the employee. In addition to this, as a source of data the
researcher will use both primary and secondary data. The data entry process will undertake
by Appling Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSSV21) and the data will be present by
using graph, table. Percentile, figure. Finally the study will recommend possible solution for
the identified problem. And the output obtained from this study will be helpful to both
literature and practice.

Key word: training, development, practice, custom, commission.


Training is often looked upon as an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills
of people for a definite purpose. It involves systematic procedures for transferring technical
know-how to the employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific
jobs with proficiency. In other words, the trainees acquire technical knowledge, skills and
problem solving ability by undergoing the training program, (Aguinis 2009).
Development is the growth or realization of a person’s ability, through conscious or
unconscious learning. Development programs usually include elements of planned study and
experience, and are frequently supported by a coaching or counseling facility. This definition
was subsequently broadened from ‘a person’s ability’ to ‘an individual’s or a group’s ability’
thus reflecting the growing concept of organizational learning, (Kushion, 2000).
According to Ivancevich et al (1989), training is a tool to fill the gap and the firms should use
it wisely to improve employee productivity. Effective training is an investment in the human
resources of an organization, with both immediate and long-range returns. Training is a key
element for improved performance; it can increase the level of individual and organizational
competency. Training holds the key to unlock the potential growth and development
opportunities to achieve a competitive edge. Training programs helps in making acquaintance
of employees with more advance technology and attaining robust competencies and skills.
Training facilitates the updating of skills and lead to increase commitment, well – being, and
sense of belongingness, thus directly strengthening the organization’s competitiveness. Hence
the main objective of this study will to assess the training and development practice in
custom commission office.

1.1 Background of the study

The survival of any organization depends on the quality of human resources. Without
properly educated or trained human resources, talking about development is worthless.
Thus organizations should develop and train their employees in order to increase
productivity and its efficiency. In Private, governmental, or non-governmental
organizations, human resource capacity building is unquestionably very important. Training
and development play a key role in equipping the employees with the necessary skills,

knowledge, and attitude. (Noe, Hollenbeck & Wright, 2011).
Training and development enhance the organization’s strategic goals and objectives
including organizational culture and ensuring health and safety. Regarding the benefits of
training and development for the organization, Anderson (2000) states the following:
Training and development are best seen as an incentive that can enhance organizational
commitment, team effort, customer relations, etc. However, on the purely individual level
without encouraging upon an organizational impact, innate incentives can be realized
through training (Anderson, 2000:22).cited Mengestu. June 2014).
Moreover, training and development programs are essential for every organization for its
long term planning that requires careful preparation if they are to be successful and help to
achieve its objectives in time and enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of its
workforce. Training not only develops the capabilities of the employee but sharpen their
thinking ability and creativity in order to take better decision in time and in a more
productive manner (David, 2006).
Employees are considered as the key determinants of the success of an organization that
shall have different trainings and development so as to cope up with the fast-changing
business world. As pointed out by Kossen.S (1991) skill and knowledge can easily become
out of date in the same way as machines or technology.
Every government and non-government organization is required to develop the capacity and
potential of all its employees irrespective of their status by providing training and
development. The fundamental aim of training and development is to enhance resource
capability in accordance with the belief that the human capital of an organization is a major
source of competitive advantage (Wright and Geroy, 2001).
If you give general information on training and development experience of the Ethiopia, it
would be fine.
Custom commission is one of the federal government institution in Ethiopia established
under proclamation No-/2010 which is responsible for the administration of Customs law
and the collection of import and export duties and taxes and which also has responsibility
for the application of other laws and regulations relating, inter alia, to the importation,
transit and exportation of goods.” How many employees do have the office?
To effectively achieve this responsibility, custom commission focuses on the motivation of
the employees to have skills, knowledge, attitudes, and talents to serve the customer as they
needed. The institution takes initiative to give training and development for its employees
as strategic manner since its establishment.

What motivated you to study the proem and to make customs office your area? What is
the purpose of the study?
Write the purpose of the research and what initiated you tconduct this research
On the basis of the above background, this thesis will assess the practice of training and
development practice in the office of custom commission.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The success of an organization in achieving its objective and fulfilling its mission is highly
dependent up on its employees. Employees are the key and vital assets of an organization.
Effective training and development programs are important for the success of the

Training and development make employees capable in improving their performance through
updating knowledge, skills, or attitudes. In a broad sense, it includes experiences intended to
meet essential job requirements, update skills, prepare people for career development, rectify
knowledge or skill deficiencies, and evoke new insights or even create new knowledge. It is
thus an important tool for changing individuals by giving them new knowledge and skills.
The presence of non value adding activities and people in the value chain affects quality,
cost, speed, efficiency and effectiveness of the product /service that the organization
provides. This affects customer satisfaction, image and interest. So therefore in order to
achieve its objective every organization needs to update the skills that the employees need to
perform their jobs, thus training and development given much weight and many
organizations used it in their respective area, (Dessler, 1997).

The training function needs to help the organization develop a strong training culture, which
positions training and development as an important resource to the organization (Antony,

To design effective training, the organization also needs to ensure that it has the relevant
subject matter expertise and also needs to ensure that it has the necessary skills. This include
training analysis skills, being able to determine the most effective project type of model
which emphasize for training design skills and knowing how to evaluate training results and
outcome (Williams, 2004).

By considering the above statement, Custom commission is one of the federal government
institution in Ethiopia established under proclamation No-/2010 which is responsible for the

administration of Customs law and the collection of import and export duties and taxes and
which also has responsibility for the application of other laws and regulations relating, inter
alia, to the importation, transit and exportation of goods.”

To effectively achieve this responsibility, custom commission focuses on the motivation of

the employees to have skills, knowledge, attitudes and talents to serve the customer as they
needed. The institution takes initiative to give training and development for its employees as
strategic manner since its establishment.

However, there are practical problems on the performance of employee’s and employee lack
of motivation which result in low the quality of service they render.This problem in turn lead
to in effective custom administration and have an impact for the country to achieve
development. This is the problem that needed to be studied.

So the researche will focuse on whether the training given by custom commission enhance
the performance of employees’ and increase motivation and confidence in delivering service.

1.3. Basic research question

 How does Custom commission conduct training needs assessment?
 How the custom commission offices are effective in their Do the training and development
programs arranged by the office improve employees satisfaction?
 How do employees perceive the impact of training and development program on their
 How does Custom commission conduct a training and development program evaluation?

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective of the study

The main objective of the study is to evaluate assess training and development practice of the
custom commission office.

1.4.2 Specific objective

1. To assess how training needs assessment has been conducted by the custom
2. To assess the effectiveness of traninig and development practice of the
custom commission.
3. To understand perception of employees about training and development.

4. To examine the evaluation system of training and development program
conducted by the custom commission.
5. To assess the satisfaction status of employees with previous training and
developments activities of the office>

1.5. Significance of the study

 This study is expect to give new insight and information to others researchers
who want to make further investigation in this area and may be used as a
stepping stone.
 It gives some information about the training and development practice in custom
 This study will help to improve the training quality of a custom commission
and generally the study will provide significant information for the policy
makers regarding training and development.
 This assessment supports custom commission to identify the main success and/
failure factors of effective training.
 It can have general contribution on the improvement training practices.
 It provides possible recommendations to the custom commission and this might
take as input for further improvement on the area.
 Indicate which institutions and group of people would benefit from this study
and how

1.6. Scope of the study

This research will be done on employees of the Custom commission of the head office. Since
there are a lot of branches under custom commission and due to geographical restriction it’s
difficult to address its employee. So, this research will focuse only on Custom commission of
the head office. Conceptually, the study will focus on training and development practice.
Time wise, the research will be conducted from the last April to June.

1.7 Limitation of the study

The research work will requires the allocation of sufficient amount of time, financial and
human resources .However, to come up with this limitation, the researcher will employ
capable data collectors and the researcher will exert his at most effort to go according to the
time table and the researcher will manage the money he will allocate. Limited responsiveness
by employee and limited access to sufficient data (the suspicion that the respondents might

not give what is in their office or heart because they may suspect that they will face problems
from the government or from their colleagues). To overcome these negative expectations, the
researcher will make clear that this study will be conducted for academic purpose the
respondent’s anonymity will not be disclosed and their names will be kept confidential.

1.8 Ethical Consideration

In this study, the necessary ethical rules including voluntary participation; the right to
privacy; freedom; and anonymity and confidentiality will be considered. Moreover, ethical
conduct of the research such as respecting human rights, human dignity and morality of
individuals and the whole respondents with kindness approach will also be considered. Over
all activities, legality and legal procedures will be applied by the researcher.

1.9. Organization of the paper

The paper will have five chapters. chapter one will include introduction, background of the
study, statement of the Problem, objectives of the Study, significance of the Study, scope of
the Study, limitation of the study, and description of the study area. Then, chapter two will
include review of the related literature with the study. Then, research design and
methodology will be included in chapter three. Chapter four will include data Presentation
and analysis. Lastly, conclusion and recommendation that the revenue Office will better
follow will be included under chapter five.



2.1 Definition and Concepts of Training and Development

In the world, changing of business environment is a continues process old
technology is being replaced by new and modern one and it is happening very
faster than it was before, these new environment require adaptation with the new
processes, procedures, technologies, and system (SohelRana, 2015). Because
increase computations in the local and global arena, it leads to consumer demand
for better quality products or services technological advances and the changes in
the business environment have created the need for organizations to continuously
provide their employees with certain skills, knowledge and abilities in order to
maintain market competitiveness and business survival. (Porkodi. S & UzmaJahan,
2015) Therefore, human resources of an organization need to develop skills,
knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and proficiencies to adapt with the new processes,
procedures, technologies, and systems. (SohelRana, 2015)

An organization to achieve their need and overall objectives provides training

and development to employees, Training is a learning process that is organized in
a systematic way to equip an employee with the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to carry out his tasks and to improve his current work performance.
(KhulidaKirana, 2009, P.84) Training is often looked upon as an organized
activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a definite purpose. It
involves systematic procedures for transferring technical know-how to the
employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with
proficiency. In other words, the trainees acquire technical knowledge, skills and
problem solving ability by undergoing the training program. (Tejinder Sharma,
2005, Armstrong, 2006, P.576). However training and development are the ways
of providing supports that would improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
employees through teaching them the best ways to perform their individual and/or
team responsibilities as well. (SohelRana, 2015)

According to Nadler (1985) cited on (KhulidaKirana, 2009, P. 84) training
given to the employee must be related to his current job and this activity carried
out according to a pre- determined plan and that must include employee
participation, Training is not the solution to every problem (Carole Pageau, 2003,
P. 86) but the goal of training is for employees to master the knowledge, skill, and
behaviors emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day
activities. For a company to gain a competitive advantage, its training has to
involve more than just basic skill development. (Raymond A. Noe, 2010).
However training constitutes a series of planned learning activities. It focuses on
the acquisition of knowledge conducive to helping individuals adapt to their socio-
professional environments. It contributes to the attainment of the organization’s
objectives for efficiency. Training is the response to an organizational and
professional need, and generally focuses on the specific objectives of a given
group of employees. (Carole Pageau, 2003, P.86)

Development is an unfolding process that enables people to progress from a

present state of understanding and capability to a future state in which higher-level
skills, knowledge and competencies are required. It takes the form of learning
activities that prepare people to exercise wider or increased responsibilities.
(Michael Armstrong, 2006, P. 570), according to Khulida (2005) it is not related to
his current or future job. There are organizations and individuals that would like to
see improvement, be it related to life or the organization of the individual
concerned (Khulida Kirana, 2009, P. 84). Development refers to the growth of
an individual in all respects. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

Generally firms that operate in the global arena confront a number of special
problems related to the training and development of their global workforces and
managers (Dennis R and Randall S, 2003, P. 261). Therefore training and
development are important to obtain or transfer KSA (knowledge, skills and
abilities), both employer and employees are benefits from this by reducing the
current and future challenges of a business, to improve the business horizon and
customer’s service and expanding individual, group and organizational
effectiveness (AbdusSattarNiazi, 2011). According to Tejinder Sharma, (2005)
demonstrate the need of training and development, it is important not only from
the point of view of the organization, but also for the employees. It gives them

greater job security and an opportunity for career advancement. However the need
for training can arise because of the following reasons changing technology,
demanding customers, thrust on Productivity, improved motivation, accuracy of
output and better management.

2.2 Benefits of Training and Development

Training and development has multiple benefits for employees and the company, if
carefully planned and properly implemented. Clear understanding of policies, job
functions, goals and company philosophy lead to increased motivation, morale and
productivity for employees, and higher profits for your business. Training is a
means to a specific end, so keeping goals in mind

during the development and implementation stages of the training program will
assist in creating a clearly defined and effective program. (Porkodi S
&UzmaJahan, 2015).

The benefits of training are improves morale of employees, Training helps the
employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied, improve
organizational success and reduce employee turnover, well trained employees
reduce the occurrence of accident in job and they become more eligible for
promotion, an asset for the organization, improves efficiency and productivity,
there is less wastage of time, money and resources. (James Watta and Daniel M,

2.2.1 Benefits of Training to Employers

The employers invest in training because they reap several benefits out of the
exercise it includes faster learning of new skills, increased productivity,
standardization of procedures, and lesser need for supervision, Economy of
operations, higher morale and Managerial Development. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

2.2.2 Benefits of Training to Employees

The employees are the ultimate link in an organization, which carry out the
operations. Training can help them in several ways, as mentioned some are
Increasing Confidence, New Skills, and Career advancement, higher Earnings,
Resilience to change, and Increased Safety. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005).

Generally training programs provide multiple benefits for employees and the
company, but only if they are carefully planned and properly implemented.
(Porkodi S &UzmaJahan, 2015) and it has several possible roles. First, it is a way
to create a supply of talent within the organization, second, training can be an
important and useful tool for equipping individuals with the knowledge, and third,
training can help an organization that is moving toward implementation of a new
strategy in a changing environment. Skills and attitudes they need to implement
organizational strategy. Fourth, training is a potential tool for giving individuals
the skills they need to think strategically (William J and H.C.Kazanas, 2003, P.
354-355). An employee who is knowledgeable, skillful and capable will be able to
improve the productivity and performance of the organization (KhulidaKirana, 2009, P. 90). However according to KhulidaKirana et.a(2009, P. 90)
training and development has an advantage employees to motivating and to work

2.3 Objectives of Training

The primary aim of training is to help the organization achieve its purpose by
adding value to its key resource the people it employs , depends on different
factors, the nature of the organization, the desire and current level of skill has a
great contribution to make difficult to generalization. According to Tejinder
Sharma, (2005) training has the following objectives.

1. To increase the knowledge of workers in doing specific jobs.

2. To systematically impart new skills to the human resources so that they learn quickly.

3. To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers,
supervisor and the organization.
4. To improve the overall performance of the organization.

5. To make the employees handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently

and thus to check wastage of time and resources.
6. To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to employees.

7. To prepare employees for higher jobs by developing advanced skills in

them. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)
Especially in banking sector training for employees has different objectives in

order to satisfy consumers from all walks of life, P. Akilandeswari and
Jayalakshmi, (2014) study demonstrates banks need to have efficient manpower
which can be possible by offering them quality training, training program should
keep pace with changing times it must be unconventional. Training changes mental
and social outlook of employees, Customers and their needs can be identified, and
they are satisfied accordingly.

2.4 Training Proposal and Planned of Training

Training is desire high cost and it should be taken in drafting training proposal, the
following steps should be taken into consideration drafting a training proposal.
(Chris Obisi, 2011).

Figure 2.1, Steps of drafting a training proposal

Identifying Training needs
Developing a theme for the training program.
Drafting a
training proposal • Introducing the theme

Objectives of the training program has to be identified

Content of the training
Drafting a
training proposal
Benefits to participants and the organization

Resource persons
Drafting a
training proposal • Cost

Training method
Drafting a
training proposal • Target group and Feedback, Monitoring and follow-up
Source, Chris Obisi, 2011

2.5 Methods and Types of Training

There are many methods of training employees in organization. The range of

training methods used has been expanded by the application of technology in its
“hard” (for example through computing technology) and “soft” (for example

through instructional design) approaches (Sadler-smith et al, 2000) cited on (Henry
Ongori, and Jennifer Ch, 2011). These different training methods are suitable for
different categories of people in the organization. There can be several categories
of personnel in an organization, e.g. Managerial and non-managerial, technical,
administrative, skilled, unskilled, senior, junior etc. Each organization has to
choose the methods and techniques of training which are relevant for its training
needs and it classified in to the following categories. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

2.5.1. Vestibule training (Adapted to the environment at the place of work)

Vestibule Training Vestibule means a cabin and the term ‘vestibule training’ is
used to designate training in a cabin (or a classroom) for semi-skilled jobs. It is
more suitable where a large number of employees have be trained at the same
time for the same kind of work. Where this method is used, there should be well-
qualified instructors in charge of training program. Here the emphasis tends to be
on learning rather than production. It is frequently used to train clerks, machine
operators, typists, etc. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

2.5.2 On-the-job training (At the place of work)

On the job training methods are those which are given to the employees within the everyday
working of a concern. It is a simple and cost-effective training method. The in proficient as
well as semi- proficient employees can be well trained by using such training method. (James
Watta and Daniel M, 2014) The employees are trained in actual working scenario, the motto
of such training is “learning by doing.” And there are three methods of on-the-job training
Coaching, Understudy and Position Rotation. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

2.5.3 Off-the-job training (Away from the place of work)

Off-the-job training methods are classroom training approaches are conducted

outside of the normal work setting. In this sense, a classroom can be any training
space set away from the work site, such as the organization cafeteria or meeting
room (Sims,2006) cited on (Henry Ongori, and Jennifer Ch, 2011). Off-the-job
training methods require the worker to undergo training for a specific period away
from the work-place. These methods are concerned with both knowledge and skills
in doing certain jobs. The workers are free of tension of work while they are
learning. There are several off-the-job methods of training and development

Special Lecture-cum- Discussion, Conference, Case Study, Sensitivity training,
Special projects and Committee assignments. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005). It is
generally used in case of new employees such method is costly and is effective if
and only if large number of employees have to be trained within a short time
period. (James Watta and Daniel, 2014)

2.6. Types of training

Training can be classified into many types and it depending upon several bases.
Some of the important types of training program are as follows 1.Orientation or
Induction training, 2. Job training, 3.Apprenticeship training 4.Internship training
5.Refresher training, 6.Training for promotion. . (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

This type of training programs or events can be concerned with any of the
following manual skills, including modern apprenticeships, IT skills, team leader
or supervisory training management training, interpersonal skills, eg leadership,
team-building, group dynamics, neuro- linguistic programming, and personal
skills, eg assertiveness, coaching, communicating, time management, Training in
organizational procedures or practices, eg induction, health and safety,
performance management, equal opportunity or managing diversity policy and
practice (Michael Armstrong, 2009, P. 678)

4.7. Steps in Training Process

In order to ensure that employees are equipped with the right kind of skills,
knowledge and abilities to perform their assigned tasks, training and development
plays its crucial role towards the growth and success of business and to meet
current and future business demands, it process has a strategic role and can be
divided into four phases (AbdusSattar, 2011, KhulidaKir., 2009, P. 90)

4.8 Assessment of training needs

The purpose of a training needs assessment is to identify performance

requirements or needs within an organization in order to help direct resources to
the areas of greatest need, those that closely relate to fulfilling the
organizational goals and objectives, improving productivity and providing
quality products and services.”(Janice A.Miller, SPHR and Diana, Osinski,
Reviewed July 2002.)Cited on (P. Akilandeswari and Jayalakshmi, 2014), Needs

should only be systematically identified when the cause of a performance problem
is lack of knowledge, skill, or appropriate attitude. (William J and H.C.Kazanas,
2003, P. 358)
This initial phase in the training cycle serves to identify the personnel
competencies or behaviors and a training requirement is defined as the difference
between “what is” and “what should be in the way of observing and listening,
Individual interview, Discussion group and Performance evaluation (Carole
Pageau, 2003, P. 87)

4.9 Steps in Training Process See 4.7 what is the difference?

Training programs consists of five steps. The first, or need analysis step,
identifies the specific job performance skills needed, analyzes the skills and
needs of the prospective trainees, and develops specific, measurable knowledge
and performance objectives. In the second step, instructional design, you
decide on compile and produce the training program content, including work
books exercises and activities; here, you will probably use techniques like on
the job training, computer assessing learning. There may be third, validating
step in which the bugs are worked out of the training program by presenting it
to a small representative audience. The fourth step is to implement the
program, by actually training the target employee group. Fifth is an evaluation
and follow up step, in which management asses the program’s success or
failure. Most employers probably do not (and need not) create their own
training materials, since many materials are available on and off line, (Dessler,

2.10 Measuring Training Effectiveness

Trainings can be measured with different criteria or requirements of
evaluation. But the ultimate goal of training should be achieving the
planned objectives of the trainings. So, evaluating training requires
setting of objectives to be achieved at the end of the training session.
A paper analyzed the training effectiveness by Kunche. A,Puli. R,
Guniganti. S, Puli.D (2011), stated as the five main purposes of
evaluating trainings is:
Feedback – it helps in giving feedback to the trainees by defining the

objectives and linking it to their learning out comes and performance.
Research- it helps in finding out the relationship between acquired
knowledge, transfer of knowledge at the work place, and training.
Control program – it helps in controlling the training program because
if the training is not effective then it can be dealt with accordingly with
some advancement.
Power game- At times, the top management (higher authoritative
employees) uses the evaluative data to manipulate it for their own

Intervention – it helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are

matched with the expectedoutcomes.

2.11Delivery or Implementation of the training program

There are a large number of training delivery methods available at the disposal of
the trainer. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005) the choice of delivery method depends to
some extent on instructor preferences, it is clear that some delivery methods are
more appropriate than others for particular kinds of learning. (William J and
H.C.Kazanas, 2003, P. 364-365) throughout the training activity, the instructor
should use animation techniques that encourage participation and foster an
understanding of the concepts covered. Presentation, Demonstration, Discussion,
Role play Lecture, Tutorial, Case Study, Critical Incident, Role Play, Game,
Simulation, Buzz Group and Task training. (Carole Pageau, 2003, P. 88) the
responsibility of delivery may be entrusted to several individuals. In addition, it is
important to have the necessary materials on hand, such as an overhead projector,
computer, white board, pencils or flip-chart to ensure the success of training
activities. (Carole Pageau, 2003, P. 90)

2.12 Evaluation and Post follow up of the training program

Evaluation of training is important to know whether a training program has been

worthwhile or a waste of time. If the training has not been worthwhile, then it can
be amended (Carole Pageau, 2003, P. 91). However evaluation of training would
provide useful information about the effectiveness of training as well as about the

design of future training program. It will enable an organization to monitor the
training program and also to modify its future program of training. The evaluation
of training also provides useful data on the basis of which relevance of training and
its integration with other functions of human resource management can be
examined. (Tejinder Sharma, 2005)

Several approaches are used to evaluate training program in organization, but

According to Henry (2011) there is no one best way of evaluation it involves the
comparison of statistical indicators of performance before and after training took
place. The measurement indicators include sales volume and revenue, levels of
customer complaints, quality and quantity variables in cost reduction, productivity
ratios, cost ratios in terms of stock level and debt collection periods and industrial
relations labor turnover rates, absenteeism, grievances (Thomas, 1992). Cited on
(Henry Ongori, and Jennifer Ch, 2011)

Post-training evaluation can be understood in terms of Immediate, short-term and

long-term effects of training. It is most common to measure the immediate effects
of training. The common techniques for the same are Post-course assessments and
tests, management briefing and debriefing, questionnaires, appraisals, surveys,
repertory grids, observation etc (Tejinder Sharma, 2005). More specifically
according to Carole Pageau, (2003, P. 91) the training evaluation can answer the
following questions, did the participants appreciate the training? Did the
participants acquire new knowledge? Are the participants applying the new
techniques or methods to their work situations? And what impact has the training
had on the company’s performance? (Carole Pageau, 2003, P. 91)


This chapter deals about the overall research methodology which will be used by the
researcher in order to conduct this research. This includes: the research design, research
approach, sample design, a source of data, data collection instrument and finally methods of
data analysis and presentation.

3.1. Research Design

This research will apply descriptive type of research. Because the main aim of this study is to
assess training and development practice in custom commission.

3.2. Research Approach

In order to understand the research problem from different perspective, the researcher will
use mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative data. The basic reason why the researcher
chooses this approach is that mixing quantitative and qualitative data will permit a complete
utilization of data than doing in a separate quantitative and qualitative data collection. In
addition to this mixing qualitative and quantitative data in a study helps the researcher to
triangulate the obtained information through both methods of data analysis (Creswell, 2009).
This implies that this approach is convenient to offset the potential gapes that might appear
either in quantitative or in qualitative data.

The quantitative approach will be used to answer the research questions which are crucial for
the study by using structured open and closed ended questioner , then the qualitative
approach will be used in order to answer the why and how questions by using in-depth

3.3. Target Population and Sampling units

This research will concern about all employees at custom commission head office who works
at different department. Thus this research as a target population will cover the entire contain
emlployee in the office. How many are they?

3.4. Sampling Technique

In order to select a sample from employee the researcher will follow probable sampling
technique. Since, probability sampling is best when our population is large. From probable

sampling technique, systematic random sampling method will be used. The reason why to use
this method is because of its simplicity, i.e. systematic samples are relatively easy to
construct, execute, compare and understand.

Employees do have different professions, at different levels, and this determine the need for
and the awareness of training and development. Do you think systematic sampling will give
equal chance for such variable constituents? For example IT people may need frequent and
high level training as technology changes fast, probably an economist may not have similar
need. Consider your problem more pragmatically.

3.5. Sample Size

Based on data that obtained from custom commission,the total number of employee in the
commission is about 200. For the purpose of determining the required sample for this study,
the formula developed by J Carvalho (1984,) was used specific sample standard based on
population number.

Table 1: J Carvalho’s Sample Size Determination

Population Sample Size

Low Medium High
50-90 5 13 20
91-150 8 20 32
151-280 13 32 50
281-500 20 50 80
501-1,200 32 80 125
1,201-3,200 50 125 200
3,201-10,000 80 200 315
10,001-35,000 125 315 500
35,001-150,000 200 500 800
Source: J Carvalho 1984

By understanding the above, the total population of the study area is 200 and if the total
number of the population is assumed to 151-280, the researcher can use for low size of
sampling 13, medium 32, and for high 50 as J Carvalho indicated in the above table. After the

sample size was determined respondents will select by systematic random sampling from the
list of custom commission employee. Which one is your sample size, The low, medium or
high? So data gathering activities will be conducted by systematic random sampling by
determining the ‘N’ respondent using the following formula.

N=A/B means N= every Nth of the employee

A= total sample frame

B=sample size

Therefore N=200/50=4 means every 4th of the employee will be selected by systematic
random sampling.
In addition to the above employee, interview will also be conducted with both HRM and
communication department director.

Table 2 sample size

Research techinique Population Sample size method

Questionair 200 50 By using systematic
random sampling
Interview 1 human resourse 1
1 communication 1

Total 202 52

3.6. Source and Type of Data

To conduct a reliable and accurate study, it is advisable to use primary and secondary data
source (Kothari, 2004). In line to this in order to achieve the objective of this study, the
researcher will use both primary and secondary data source.

3.6.1. Primary Source
The primary data will be collected by using questionnaires and interview. The self-
administered questionnaires will be used to get detail information from sample employee of
custom commission.The questionnaire consisted both closed and open-ended questions.

3.6.2. Secondary data Source

Secondary data will be collected from different sources such as annual reports, HRM laws
and other government documents which are relevant to study.

3.7. Data Collection Methods

This study will use two types of data collection methods: questioner and interview.

3.7.1. Questionnaires
Questionnaires will be conducted with employee. This data collection technique allows the
researcher to gather quantitative and qualitative data from the employee. The Questionnaire
will have both open and closed ended question. The reasons for using both open and closed
ended questionnaire is to increase the response rate and to gate relevant data for the study.

3.7.2. Interview
The interview will be conducted with the HRM department director and communication
department director of custom commission. Using these methods will allow the researcher to
gate an accurate data because there is high response rate and more and in-depth information
can be obtained. The structure of the interview will be a type of structure interview,
specifically; face to face interview will be applied.

3.8. Data analysis and presentation

This research study will be analyzed in descriptive way in order to provide comprehensible
considerate about the situation .Thus the quantitative data collected from close ended
questionnaire will be presented using percentile, graph, pie chart, figure and table based on
the response of respondents .Data collected from open ended questionnaire and interview will
be presented through presenting and describing the situations. The process of data
coding ,data editing ,data classification ,and data analysis procedure will be carried out by
using computer Microsoft excel and SPSS version 21 software .

3.9 Reliability and validity of the data gather instrument

Reliability and validity test are other important in standardizing the proposed measurement
scale and in demonstrating weather it truly measure what it is supposed to measure (Leedey

and Ormond, 2013; Creswell, 2009).Thus a serious of step will be undertaken to check the
validity and reliability of both the quantitative data and the accuracy of qualitative finding
which will be an important in the data analysis of various research methods that need to be

Accordingly, the content validity will be checked by ensuring that the data collection
instruments designed very carefully to include all the necessary question related to answer the
problem statement. To test reliability, the researcher will ensures that ambiguity in the
wording of the question is removed as this is one factor known to affect reliability (Neumann,

To make the research valid and reliable questioner will be distributed to employee carefully
through systematic random sampling method. In addition to this, to obtain reliable data,
interview will be conducted with HRM department director and communication department
director of the custom commission and thier response will be included in the study. Besides,
secondary data will be gathered from annual report and other document related to the study.
On the other hand, SPSS soft ware will be used to minimize errors. Therefore, the above
listed emphasis will be given and the data gathered will be triangulated to make the research
more reliable.


4. Time schedule and Budgeting

4.1. Time schedule

This section of the study contains time allocation of each activity in the research
workduringProposal preparation, data collection, and analysis.


NO. Activities Time of research activities

March April may june july Aug septe
(2022) (2022) (2022) (2022) (2022) (2022) (2022)

1 Proposal preparation
2 Proposal approval by
3 Preparation of
questionnaires and
4 Data collection
5 Data processing analysis
and interpretation
6 Submission of the draft
thesis to the supervisor
7 Final submission of the

8 Open thesis defense

N.B: This schedule is a tentative schedule

4.2. Budget Allocations

The amount of budget needed to undertake this research based on estimation price as follows.

S.N Items Quantity Amount Remark

1 Internet Cost, Paper& printing Lump


2 Binding documents /proposal and main Lumps


3 Transport cost during Data collection Lumps 2000

4 Miscellaneous expense Lumps 1000

6 Total cost 5200


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Admas University

Department of Business administration –masters program

Questioner for staff or employee of custom commission office

Dear participant,

This questioner has been prepared by Business administration graduate student of Admas
University to conduct a study for the partial fulfillment of master degree entitled with
“assessment of training and development practice in custom commission office”. The main
objective of this study is to assess training and development practice in custom commission
office. The finding of this study will help the office to use as an input for improving training
and development practice.

In connection with confidentiality, the researcher want to underline that the collected data
will not be disclosed to anybody expect for this study. It is unnecessary to mention your name
and your position. Therefore, I respectfully request your kind collaboration in answering the
question because it is crucial for the achievement of the study objective.

Thank you in advance for your Cooperation!

For further information, please contact the researcher

Beza Murad

Cell Phone 0945926867

E.mail…… [email protected]

Part one: Concerns about general information of the respondent

Instruction: for each of the following question, give your response by putting a tick mark (√)
in the appropriate box or filling the blank space provided.

1, Sex: 1. Male 2. Female

2, Age

1. 20-30 years 2. 31-40 years 3. 41-50 years 4.above 50

3, Educational level
1. 12 complete and above .2.diploma 4.master

4, what is your level of work experience in the revenue office?

a, less than 1 year b ,from 1 -3 year c, from 4-8 year d, from 9-12 year e, above

5, your current position……………………….

6, for how many years you were in this position………………

Part One – Information on Training Need Assessment

1. Does your organization conduct need assessment before

conducting training?
a, yes b. no

2. If your answer to q1 is yes, which methods are used to determine training needs?
Direct observation of immediate supervisor

Performance appraisal result of employees

Group interview with managers and supervisors


To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding training need

1= Strongly Disagree2= Disagree 3= Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1 Officeconduct formal Training Need Assessment properly.

2 Training programs are designed and developed based on the

analysis of employee’s skill, knowledge and attitude gaps.

3 The Training needs analysis methods of the office enable to

clearly identify the required training that employees’ need to
perform their job.

Part two:-Perception of employees about training and


Mark your response at the appropriate place that you perceive right.

Strongly agree agree undecided disagree strongly disagree

Statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

I am satisfied with the training program of the
The training program is related with your job
Employs are committed for their work and for the
office because of the good training practice of the

I get additional skill from the
This training program benefit me as i expects

Part three:-The effectiveness of training program

Statement Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly
Agree disagree
Training content are clear, simple
,and understandable
Training program include practical exercise of the
The training program include different
way of learning
Training content consider the ability and interest of
the trainees

Part Four-Information on Training evaluation

1. Does your organization evaluate the training program

a. yes b. no
1= Strongly Disagree2= Disagree 3= Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 The office tests the trainees before and after the program.

2 The office asks the trainees through questioners and

interviews at the end of the training program.

3 The outcome of the training evaluated each time.
4 The office Looks the performance appraisal report to

evaluate the training.

Part Five – Information on perception of employees towards the training and
development practice
Listed below are statements that represent your perceptions towards the training
practice of your organization and changes in your performance after attending

1= Strongly Disagree2= Disagree 3= Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1 The training provided by the office helped me to perform my

work effectively and efficiently.

2 Training programs improved my skills, knowledge and

attitude which increase my performance on the job.

3 Training increases employee confidence when performing

work related task after training.

4 Training and development reduce the stress of the employees
5 I realized change on my performance after taking any form of

training in my office
6 I have enough training that enables me to do my job as

7 There is an effective training and development practice in my


If you have any comment…………………………………………

Interview Questions
Admas niversity Graduate Studies

Department Of business Administration Interview Questions

This interview has been designed to seek information purely for academic purposes. The
main purpose of the study is to conduct a thesis on the topic: “Assessment of Training and
development Practice in the Custm commission of Ethiopia head office. Thus, as Human
Resource Development director of the office.It is hoped that the success of the study depends
on the information you provide.

Thank You

1. Do you think that there is an effective training practice in your office?
If no why?

2. How is training evaluated in your organization?
3. How does your organization assess and prioritize the training needs of employees’?
4. Please describe your comments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the office
training and development practices




If you have any additional comment, please write



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