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The Lord’s Wisdom Academy of

Caloocan Inc.
1162 Santol St. Corner Guyabano St. Area D., Brgy.178 Camarin, Caloocan City
Elementary Department
Second Quarter Examination in English 6 (Language)
Name: _______________________________Grade & Section: ____________Score: ____________
Teacher: _____________________________Date: __________________Parents Signature: ______

I. Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line.

____1. Which sentence is in “past perfect tense”?

A. Mary sung a song. C. Mary will sing a song.
B. Mary had sung a song. D. Mary sings a song.
____2. On the given sentence, which is NOT in active voice?
A. The door was locked. C. BTS sang their latest song.
B. Bigbang will perform in MOA Arena. D. Mark paid the bill.
____3. What is the change that adjective undergoes to express different degrees of quality, quantity,
or value?
A. Noun B. Comparison C. Verb D. Adjective
____4. Which sentence is in the simple future tense?
A. Myka has announced her score. C. Myka shall announce her score.
B. Myka must announce her score. D. Myka had announced her score.
____5. What degree of an adjective is used when two nouns or pronouns are being compared?
A. comparative B. positive C. negative D. superlative
____6. Which sentence consists of a two-word verb?
A. I have lost the love of my life. C. Surri felt cold in her feet.
B. Suga wins the prize. D. Lany dances gracefully.
____7. Which sentence consists of an article?
A. A dog is barking at the beautiful woman.
B. Mikey sings loudly.
C. Claudine shocks everyone about her showbiz retirement.
D. Students are busy answering their books.
____8. What is a type of verb that gives an action?
A. auxiliary verb C. principal verb
B. irregular verb D. regular verb
____9. Which of the following sentence is in active voice?
I. Martha has submitted her task on time.
II. Steph Curry shoots the ball from the other side of the court.
III. Hamburgers are being eaten by my classmates who attended my party.
IV. A movie is watched by the boys.
A. I & II B. III & IV C. I & IV D. II & III
____10. Which sentence has the correct use of degree of comparison?
I. Jane is better in dancing from the rest of the students.
II. James is fastest than Amber in eating the vegetables.
III. “Acker” is one the most unique or rarest last name in the world.
IV. Kathryn Bernardo is more famous than Lisa Soberano.
A. I & III B. II & IV C. I & II D. III & IV

II. Transform the following active voice into passive voice or vice versa.
1. William repairs the cars.  ________________________________________________________
2. I have finished my assignment.  __________________________________________________
3. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming.  ______________________________________________
4. Marco is preparing the food for Christmas.  __________________________________________
5. Mr. Kennedy sorted out the vegetables.  ____________________________________________

III. Box the verb used in each sentence.

1. Mark experienced one of the most exciting adventures in his life.
2. Karlyn will follow everything Seulgi does during her skincare routine.
3. The children pray for the health and safety of their families.
4. Boy scouts will join the jamboree this coming Oct. 22, 2020 at Mount Makiling.
5. Have you ever wondered about the life outside the busy streets of Tondo?
IV. Identify if the underlined word is in P for present tense, PA for past tense, or PP for past

____1. The egg was frozen by my mother.

____2. Aly cooks a delicious meal every morning for the children.
____3. The pupils chose the most popular teacher during the contest of Hype Teacher.
____4. Myrtle and Yuri blow the candle for their birthday cake.
____5. Carlo draws a rough draft of the scenario at night in Davao City.
The Lord’s Wisdom Academy of
Caloocan Inc.
1162 Santol St. Corner Guyabano St. Area D., Brgy.178 Camarin, Caloocan City
Elementary Department
Second Quarter Examination in English 6 (Reading)
Name: _______________________________Grade & Section: ____________Score: ____________
Teacher: _____________________________Date: __________________Parents Signature: ______

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. What figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind,
using the words “like” or “as”?
A. onomatopoeia B. irony C. simile D. metaphor
2. What do you call to the body of myths especially those relating to people’s gods and heroes and to
their origins?
A. Biography B. Mythology C Fable D. Drama
3. Who is the best known fabulist and became the great father of fables?
A. Aesop B. Aristotle C. Aeschylus D. Herodotus
4. Which sentence compares more than two persons or things?
A. You are richer than me.
B. Delicious meals are made here.
C. I was always the tallest boy in the class.
D. Paul gets a high mark in Chemistry.
5. Which tense of the verb expresses an action that has not yet happened?
A. Present B. Past C. Future D. Positive
6. Which are the statements that talk about the past?
I The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521.
II Ms. Universe 2021 will be the 70th Ms. Universe pageant.
III Marian Rivera brings iconic dance moves to Ms. Universe 2021 prelims.
IV Luneta Park was built as a tribute to our greatest hero, Dr. Jose Rizal.
A. I & IV B. I & II C. II & III D. I, II, & III
7. What stands for great displeasure, intense emotional outburst, or unfair or shameful wrath?
A. anger B. avarice C. greed D. lust
8. Where is the dwelling place of the Greek gods and goddesses?
A. Mt. Everest B. Mt. Krakatoa C. Mt. Olympus D. Mt. Pinatubo
9. “Marlene drank a glass of milk last night”. What is the present tense of the underlined verb?
A. drink B. wink C. sink D. swing
10. Which sentences are written in the active voice?
A. Joshua painted the porch. C. The cat was chasing the cricket.
B. The chef cooked the chicken. D. All of these

For numbers 11-15

Once upon a time lived on a cloud that was grown up over a very beautiful country. One day,
she saw another much bigger cloud and she felt so much envy, then the cloud decided that in order to
get bigger and grow more, her water would never abandon her, and will never start raining again.
Indeed, the cloud grew up, while the country was getting dried. First, rivers dried up, then
people, animals, plants, and finally, the whole country became a desert. The cloud did not care much,
but she also did not realize that by being over a desert there was no place where she could obtain new
water to keep growing. So slowly, the cloud began to lose size, and was unable to do anything to stop it.
The cloud then realized her mistake, and that her greed and selfishness were the cause of her
vanishing; but just before evaporating, when she was just a sight of cotton, there started blowing a
gentle breeze. The cloud was so small and weighed so little that the wind took her far away, to a
faraway beautiful country, where once again she recovered her original size.
Having learned this lesson, our cloud remained small and modest, but she became so generous
when raining, that her new country became even greener, giving away to all people there the most
beautiful rainbow in the world.

11. Who is the main character of the story?

A. The cloud B. The water C. The wind D. The desert
12. What did the cloud felt on bigger cloud?
A. angry B. proud C. envy D. cruel
13. Which of the following first dried up?
A. animals B. people C. plants D. rivers
14. What mistake did the cloud realized?
A. her lousiness & badness C. her greediness & selfishness
B. her cheerfulness & brightness D. her tardiness & laziness
15. What lesson did the cloud learned?
A. be jolly B. be generous C. be proud D. be hard-headed

II. Write S if the sentence is simile, M if it is metaphor, and O for onomatopoeia.

___1. Cinderella’s cheek is as red as an apple.
___2. The orchestra with a trumpet blares so loud when they are on the stage.
___3. The princess considered him knight and shining armor.
___4. Usain Bolt runs like a cheetah.
___5. In the movie, “The Purge” the people are scared when they hear the siren wails.

III. Choose from the cloud the capital sins committed in each act.

Sloth Avarice
Greed Anger
Proud Lust

__________1. Each member of the family woke up early because it is cleaning day but you prefer to
remain in bed.
__________2. You became the richest person in the city, and yet you want to become the richest
man than anyone else.
__________3. You and your brother is supposed to share the food gave by your father. You
happened to be the first one to eat and ate all the food because your brother is not
__________4. Your friend bullied you. For few days and weeks, you still feel the hate towards him.
__________5. You mistakenly pointed out a suspect which he did not committed. But because of
your arrogance and being proud, you still stand firm with your accusations.

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