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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
University of Mumbai for the Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering


Prof. (Mechanical Engineering department)


HOD (Mechanical engineering department)

Mechanical Engineering Department


Academic Year2021 -2022


This is to certify that the project entitled ‘SOLAR AIR COOLER’ have been
successfully completed by the following students:


Submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the awardof the degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Mechanical Engin-
eering” Dilkap Research Institute Of Engineering & Management Studies Neral
during the Academic Year 2021 -2022

Project Guide

__________________ ___________________
Head of Department Principal

Project Report Approval for B.E.
This Project report entitled SOLAR AIR COOLER by


Is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.










1. Abstract 5

2. Introduction 6

4 Block diagram 20

5 Literature review 21

6 System design 29

7 Motor section 23

8 Conclusion 55

The natural increase or decrease in the temperature of the surroundings

makes human uncomfortable. So for human comfort the invention of air-condi-
tioner, cooler, heater took place. The present cooling and heating methods require
large amount of electricity, which results in excess depletion of Non–renewable
resources. Depending completely on electric source for cooling and heating effect
is risky as there might be a power short circuit which would in return lead to dam-
age of the device. But completely stopping the use of cooling or heating devices is
not feasible.

The room occupants also add heat to room since normal body temperature is
much higher than Room temperature. So there’s need to use such a source which
is abundantly available in nature (here solar energy). Solar energy is never ending
source as long as there’s sun in nature. The effective use of same device for cool-
ing as well as heating is done. This project reviews the solar powered cooler cum
heater at domestic level.

1. Introduction:

This paper reveals the comfort conditions achieved by the device for the human
body. In summer, the hot and humid conditions feel uncomfortable because of
hot weather and heavy humidity. So it is necessary to maintain thermal
comfort conditions. Thermal comfort is determined by the room’s temperature,
humidity and air speed. Radiant heat gained (hot surfaces) or radiant heat loss
(cold surfaces) are also important factors for thermal comfort. Relative hu-
midity (RH) is a measure of the moisture in the air, compared to the potential sat-
uration level. Warmer air can hold more moisture.

When you approach 100% humidity, the air moisture condenses – this is called
the dew point. The temperature in a building is based on the outside temperature
and sun loading plus whatever heating or cooling is added by the HVAC or other
heating and cooling sources. Room occupants also add heat to the room since the
normal body temperature is much higher than the room temperature. Need of such
a source which is abundantly available in nature, which does not impose any
bad effects on earth[1]. That is the emissions of Chloral-Fluor-Carbon into
atmosphere leads to depletion of ozone layer. There is only one thing
which can come up with these all problems solution is solar energy.

 History of Solar Energy
 1767, First Solar Collector

In the year 1767 a Swiss scientist named Horace-Benedict de Saussure created the
first solar collector – an insulated box covered with three layers of glass to absorb
heat energy.

Saussure’s box became widely known as the first solar oven, reaching temperat-
ures of 230 degrees Fahrenheit.

 1839, Photovoltaic Effect Defined

In 1839 a major milestone in the evolution of solar energy happened with the de-
fining of the photovoltaic effect. A French scientist by the name Edmond
Becquerel discovered this using two electrodes placed in an electrolyte. After ex-
posing it to the light, electricity increased.

 1873, Photo Conductivity of Selenium

In 1873, Willoughby Smith discovered photoconductivity of a material known as

selenium. The discovery was to be further extended in 1876 when the same man
discovered that selenium produces solar energy. Attempts were made to construct
solar cells using selenium. The cell did not work out well but an important lesson
was learned – that solid could convert light into electricity without heat or moving

parts. The discovery laid a strong base for future developments in the history of
solar power.

 1883-1891 Light Discoveries and Solar Cells

During this time several inventions were made that contributed to the evolution of
solar energy use. First in 1893 the first solar cell was introduced. The cell was to
be wrapped with selenium wafers. Later in 1887 there was the discovery of the ul-
traviolet ray capacity to cause a spark jump between two electrodes. This was
done by Heinrich Hertz. Later, in 1891 the first solar heater was created.

 1908, Copper Collector

In 1908 William J. Baileys invented a copper collector which was constructed us-
ing copper coils and boxes. The copper collector was an improvement of the
earlier done collector but the only difference was the use of copper insulation. The
improvements of the invention are being used to manufacture today’s equipments.

 1916, Photoelectric Effect

With Albert Einstein publishing a paper on photoelectric effect in 1905 still there
was no experimental evidence about it. In 1916 a scientist known as Robert Mil-
likan evidenced the photoelectric effect experimentally.

 1947, Solar Popularity in the US

Following the Second World War, solar power equipment started being popular
among many people in the USA. There was a huge demand of solar energy equip-

 1958, Solar Energy In Space

Solar power was used to power space exploration equipment such as satellites and
space stations. This was the first commercial use of solar energy.

 1959-1970, Efficiency of Solar Cells and Cost

During the period between 1959 and 1970 there was major discussion about the
efficiency of solar cells and reduction of costs. Up to that time the efficiency of
the solar cells was only 14% and was not comparable to the high cost of produ-
cing cells. However in the 1970′s, Exxon Corporation designed an efficient solar
panel which was less costly to manufacture. This was a major milestone in the
history of solar energy.

 1977 Governments Embrace Solar Energy

In 1977 the US government embraced the use of solar energy by launching the
Solar Energy Research Institute. Other governments across the world soon fol-

 1981, Solar Powered Aircraft

In 1981, Paul Macready produced the first solar powered aircraft. The aircraft
used more than 1600 cells, placed on its wings. The aircraft flew from France to

 1982, Solar Powered Cars

In the year 1982 there was the development of the first solar powered cars in Aus-

 1986-1999 Solar Power Plants

Evolution of large scale solar energy plants with advancement being made in each
phase. By the year 1999 the largest plant was developed producing more than 20

 1999, Breakthroughs in Solar Cell Efficiency

The most efficient solar cell was developed, with a photovoltaic efficiency of 36
 2008, Subsidy Reduction in Spain

Due to the global financial crisis in the year 2008, the Spanish government re-
duced subsidies on ongoing solar power production in the country. This had a
negative effect on the industry across the world.

 2010, Evergreen Solar and Solyndra Fail

Two leading solar companies failed. This was due to lack of market for their high
technology produced products

 2012, Record Breaking Solar Plants

The past few years have seen enormous investment in utility-scale solar plants,
with records for the largest frequently being broken. As of 2012, the history’s
largest solar energy plant is the Go mud Solar Park in China, with an installed ca-
pacity of 200 megawatts. This is arguably surpassed by India’s Gujarat Solar

Park, a collection of solar farms scattered around the Gujarat region, boasting a
combined installed capacity of 605 megawatts.

Renewable Energy Sources

Solar Energy

comestotheearthfromthesun.Thisenergy keepsthetemperatureoftheearth
above us1000timesmorepowerthanweneed.Ifwe canuse5%ofthis en-
ergy,itwillbe50 timewhattheworldwillrequire.Electricity canbeproduced-
fromthesolarenergy by photovoltaicsolarcells,whichconvertthesolaren-
ergy directly toelectricity.Themost signif I can’tapplicationsofphotovol-
taic cellinIndiaare theenergyisactionofpumpsetsfor irrigation, Drinking
water supply and rural electrificationcovering street lights, com-
munityTV sets, medical refrigerators and other smallpower load


Windenergy,whichisanindirectsourceofsolarenergy conversion,canbe util-

izedtorunwindmill, whichinturndrives ageera tortoproduceelectri-
city.Windcan alsobe usedtoprovidemechanicalpower suchasforwater
pumping.InIndiagenerally, low speedmillsfor .Thedevelopmentsarebeing
mainlyconcentrated onwaterpumpingwindmillsuitableforoperation-
inawindspeedrangeof8to36km perhour.InIndiahigh windspeedsare obtain-
ableincoastalareasof Saurashtra,western Rajasthan and some parts of
central India. Among the different renewable energy sources, wind en-
ergyiscurrently makingassignificantcontributiontotheinstalled capacity
ofpowergeneration,andisemergingasacompetitive option Indiawithinin-
stalledcapacity of3000MWranksfifthintheworldafterGer-
many,USA,Spainand Denmarkinwindpower

generation.Energy ofwindcanbeeeconomically usedforthe generation

ofelectrical energy

.Biomass andBiogas Energy

The potentialforapplicationofbiomass, asanaltern activesourceofenergyin

Indiais large. We have plenty of agricultural landforestresourcesforproductionof
biomass.Biomass is producedinnaturethrough photos synthesis achievedbysol-
arenergyconversion.As the wordclearly sign fees Biomass means or gainmatter.

Insimplest form, the processof photosynthesis is in the presence of solar radi-

ation. Biomass energy rationprogrammerisbeingimplemented with the main ob-
jective of promoting biomass power generation potential, estimatedat19500MW.

The technologies being promoted include combustion, gasification and cogenera-

tion, Eitherfor powerincaptive orgrid connected modes,or forheat applications.

Tidal Energy

The tidesinthesearethe resulttotheuniversalgravitationaleffect ofheavenly

bodies like sunandmoonontheearth.Duetofluidity ofwatermass,theeffectofthis for-
cebecomeapparentinthemotion ofwater,whichshows periodic is eland fallin
levelswhichisinsynthesis iswiththedailycycleofrisingandsettingofsunand-
moon.This periodic rise andfallofthewaterlevelof seas called tide. The betide
scanbeused toproduceelectricalpower whichisknownas tidal power.Whenthe wa-
ter isabove the mean sea level,itiscalledflood tide andwhenthe levelisbelow the
mean sea level,itis calledebb tide.To hornets’ hetides,a damistobe builtacross-
them outof thebay.

It willhavelargegatesinitandalsolow headyraulicreversiblitterbinsare in-

stalled in it.Thedifferencein water levelisobtainedbet went hewas inandsea.By
usingreversiblewaterturbines, turbines can be runcontinuously, both duringhigh
tide and low tide.

Most of the increase in the area of irrigated land in the world has been
through the increasing use of engine-driven pumps. However, the increasing
price of oil-based fuel has reduced the margin to be gained by farmers from irrig-
ation, since food prices have generally been prevented from rising in line with
energy costs. Despite present short-term fluctuations in oil prices, conventional

Oil-based engine-driven power sources and mains electricity are expected

to continue to increase in the longer term.

If we are to decrease our dependence on imported oil, we have to find

methods for energizing irrigation pumps that are independent of imported oil or
centralized electricity. Solar radiation as a source of energy is. Of course, the epi-
tome of the clean. sustainable energy technology. except for residues possibly
arising out of the manufacture of solar component (e.g. semiconductors), solar
technology have very low environmental impacts.

The environmental impacts of solar system in operation are very low and
the source is, for us inexhaustible.

The designer should specify components in the following order:

 Choose place and mounting method for modules, select modules.

 Estimate of the electricity Demand.
 Estimate the overall system losses.
 Prepare full list of parts and tools to order.

Small Comparison between Solar PV & Diesel and gasoline pumps:

Components of the System

Photovoltaic panels:
A solar-powered water pumping system is made up of two basic components. The
first component is the power supply consisting of photovoltaic (PV) panels
(Figure.1). The smallest element of a PV panel is the solar cell.

Each solar cell has two or more specially prepared layers of semiconductor
material that produce direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to light. This
DC current is collected by the wiring in the panel. It is then supplied either to a
DC pump, which in turn pumps water whenever the sun shines, or stored in
batteries for later use by the pump. Manufacturers normally rate voltage (volts)
and current (amps) output from PV panels under peak power conditions.

Peak power (watts=volts x amps) is the maximum power available from the
PV panel at 1000 W/m² solar irradiance (amount of sunshine) and a specified
temperature, usually 25 C (77 F).

Typical output from a 60-watt PV panel is shown in Table 2. The amount

of DC current produced by a PV panel is much more sensitive to light intensity
striking the panel than is voltage generated. Roughly speaking, if you halve the
light intensity, you halve the DC current output, but the voltage output is reduced
only slightly.

Working of Solar Air Cooler

First start the pump which sucks water from bottom tank which was
already filled with water. Water goes on stationery pad which are placed on
backside of two side door, through delivery pip .After that, the exhaust fan starts
& sucks the atmospheric air, which is passed through wet pad(jute or grass). In
this process cooling is achieved by direct contact of water particles & moving air
stream. In complete contact process the air would become saturated at WBT of

entering air. In other words sensible heat of air is carried by water in the
form of latent heat, when it is brought intimate contact with water. After
some time air may be sufficiently cooled by evaporative process, which res-
ults in considerable increase of humidity. For better effect add ice cube or
chilled water in bottom tank.

For heating purpose the supply of water is stopped by pump and the heating coil
is in ON condition. As the coil goes on heating the air stream temperature also in-

The convection process is said to occur due to which the hot air comes out.

1.2 Problems Regarding to cooling and heating(Air-condi-

tioner and heater) :

1. Fossil fuels contain radioactive materials, mainly uranium and thorium

which are released into the atmosphere which in return increases the
smog and acidic rain , emission of carbon di oxide.
2. Longer power cuts problem during summer condition in rural areas.
3. High Cost of Cooling and Heating Products.
4. Mechanical Wear and Tear.
5. Unusual motor noises.
6. Water leaks.

FIG 1.2: Production of electricity from different sources

1.2 Solar energy Conversion :

Solar energy conversion requires battery, inverter and charge controller.

Whenever solar light falls on panel it has large amount of photon energy which
is controlled by charge controller. The charge controller charges the battery.
The battery is directly connected to the inverter.

Inverter is needed only when there is use of AC loads type instruments.

2. Problem Definition:
1. The main aim of this project is to design and fabricate an air condition-
ing system working on Peltier Effect and running on solar energy.

2. Basic function of air-cooler to maintain pleasant temperature inside
the workspace by controlling temperature and humidity of the sur-

Today we are dealing various problems in air cooling and heating

1. Extreme weather conditions:

In desert areas where temperature changes during night time as well as
day time the need of air conditioning is more requirement than a lux-
ury. The increase in the relative humidity makes the air too hu-
mid and uncomfortable for human sustainability.

2. Shortage of Electricity
In some areas there is no power supply and longer power cut
problems can ultimately relate to breakdown conditions. The people
can’t use basic devices.

3. Low Refrigerant
The leaks in the refrigerant line results in the low efficiency of
air cooling due to which the temperature of air required is not

4. Condenser problems
Sometimes the condenser gets dirty, sooty which makes it grimy and
result in the interference of heat transfer due to with the whole system
needs to work harder and wears it out faster. This consumes excess
power units.

5. Refrigerants

The working fluid sometimes has negative impact on the environment.
Some contribute to global warming and also result in the depletion of
ozone layer.
3. Objectives :

The specific objectives of our project are as follows

 To develop a simple, cheap and portable cooling and heating system which
does not require much maintenance and can be easily carried wherever neces-
 To find out the system applicability, depending on climate which helps heating
in winter and cooling in summer.
 To minimize investments in the system costs so it can be cost effective.
 To reduce the energy requirement and also use renewable resources to run the
system as maximum energy gets into dehumidifying the air.
 To reduce the use of refrigerants that are harmful and non-eco-friendly.
These refriedrants can contribute to global warming and also result in the de-
pletion of ozone layer.


4. Literature Review :

Adarsh Mohan Dixit, Arjit Raj Sahu (student) (2013),” Water Cooler
Double purpose: To produce hot and cold water simultaneously”. Evaporator
& condenser are used in this simultaneously. Evaporator in the water cooler is not
used when condenser is removed and it is replaced by another exchanger.
Heat is released on the level of condenser is 3 to 4 times the electric power used
by the compressor. Hence in this project they coupled the water cooler to the
water heater in order to rise its temperature to an acceptable threshold.

During cool weathercondition the water cannot be heated sufficiently.

Hence we recourse to electric supplement but it also cannot satisfy 90% of our an-
nual needs. In this device the outgoing gas from the compressor will transfer its
heat to the water of cumulus to a place that doesn’t have ambient air.

Then the hot gas goes towards the pressure reducer which is followed by an
evaporator and at the end it returns to the compressor to start a new cycle.
From this project the refrigeration COP is 3 and the thermal COP is 4 so
they deduce that the total COP of the system is 7.They concluded that
adding the regenerator of heat on the level of condenser and evaporator
will result in increased performance. [5]

Akhilesh Yadav, RajatKumarBachan, DattaprasadTendolkar, SankeshTorashkar

(2018),”Design & Fabrication of 360 Cooler cum Heater “As we are in need of
heating and cooling simultaneously inmany of the rural area in India. This paper
helps us to understand the process of evaporative cooling. In this they have
created a 360o simple evaporative air cooler in which cooling is achieved by dir-
ect contact between the water particles and air stream. In which the minimum out-
door temperature required for successful 360o evaporative cooling is about 35o C

even lower than that. The 360o evaporative cooler depends on the outdoor tem-
perature as well as relative humidity, dry bulb temperature and low wet bulb tem-

perature. This can’t be used where relative humidity is high. This system doesn’t
dehumidify the air but on contrary further humidify air. The working of this sys-
tem can be explained as followed:

Initially we start the pump which sucks the water from the bottom tank then this
water is then passed on the stationary pads/grass of the two side door through

various delivery pipes. Now due to capillary action this water is passed to the
neighboring grass/pads.

Now we turn on the exhaust fan which is a centrifugal fan which sucks the air
from these wet pads/grass and throws on the opposite side due to which there
is a convective heat transfer between air and water and thus temperature of
the air which is thrown by the centrifugal fan is reduced. Hence in this or -
der by direct contact between the air and water particle cooling is achieved.[2]

Vijay Kumar Kalwa, R Prakash , 2012, “Design & development of solar

power air cooler”. This research paper gives the information about the
problems faced by the excess usage of the non-renewable resources. Room
occupants also add the heat to the room since the normal body temperature
is much higher than the room temperature. Hence the solution to the prob-
lem can be solved by the requirement of the sources which are abundantly
available in nature that’s Solar Energy.

They provided information, Calculations, Analysis on Solar Energy
conversion. Components Used are:

• Solar Panel

• Battery

• Charge Controller

• Inverter

• Blower

• Ceramics Slabs

The converted Energy is used to run the Centrifugal Fan. Blower is surrounded by
cooling pads through which continuous water supply is provided. When Blower is
switched ON it sucks atmospheric air into cabin through cooling pads, so that the
cooling effect is introduced into the room. They selected Solar panel of 40W &
Battery of 40Ah. [1]

Maneesh Bhardwaj (2012), “Solar Air Cooling”, They stated the major disadvant-
ages of the solar cooler that is ; High cost of manufacturing , low conversion effi-
ciencies & need for continual streams of photons to produce power. The peak out-
put from solar panel can be obtained during Noon hours. [4] S.A.Abdalla, Kamal
N. (2016), “A radiant air-conditioning system using solar driven liquid de-
siccant evaporative water cooler”. They described that the solar driven li -
quid “desiccant” evaporative cooling system & method used for investigat-
ing it’s performance is providing cold water for radiant air-conditioning
system in Khartoum. For more than decades, Air-conditioning is considered
as the reliable & efficient source due the popularity gained by the Vapour

Machines. But the air-conditioners produces harmful effects on the ozone
layer due to presence of Halogenated Hydrocarbons. In liquid Desiccant
Evaporative Cooling process, air is used, dehumidified by desiccant solution
to cool water by direct evaporative cooling.

It’s considered to be modified version of the direct evaporative cooling that

can cater for different climatic conditions. They concluded that the system
is environmental friendly as it requires low high grade input & improves
indoor air quality substantially in energy efficient manner radiant air- condi-

[3]R.Sai.Lavanya, Dr. B.S.R.Murthy (2008), “Design of solar using aqua-ammo-

nia absorption refrigeration system”, The system invented here works on Am-
monia Absorption System which provides refrigeration effect by using two
fluids & some quantity of heat input, rather than electrical input as in more
familiar vapor compression cycle.

In Absorption system, Secondary fluid is used to circulate refrigerant be-

cause temperature requirement for cycle falls into low to moderate temperat-
ure range.

Usage of Absorbent depends on the temperature:

Above 32O F - Lithium Bromide as absorbent & water as refrigerant.

 Below 32O F – Ammonium as refrigerant & water as absorbent.

5. Methodology :

This project mainly consists of two sections: i. Solar Energy Conversion ii.
Cool air generated by Axial Flow fan

i. Solar Energy Conversion:

Solar energy conversion is done by using battery, inverter and charge controller.
As sun light falls on solar panel, which converts into electrical energy by photo-
electric effect. This electrical energy stored in battery in the form of chemical en-

Charge controller is employed in between solar panel and battery which prevents
overcharging Figure 2: Solar energy conversion process and may protect
against overvoltage, which can reduce battery performance or lifespan, and
may pose a safety risk. The stored energy directly can use for DC loads or else
need to be converted AC (alternate current) by the help of inverter.

Cool air generation by Axial Flow fan The converted energy is used to run the
Axial Flow fan.

This fan covered with cooling pads, through which water is passed at a specific
rate. As the fan sucks the hot air through cooling pads, heat transfer occur
between air and water thus generated cool air enters into the room.

Methodology of working process

Study of different Research papers

Framing of project setup (Line diagram of the Model)

Dimensioning of frame, Specification of the

Component for setting up a conceptual model

AssemblingOf different components

Results & disscusion about the error in the

conceptual model

Fig. 5 Flow Chart For Working Process


I.1 Material Selection

The proper selection of material for the different part of a machine is the main ob-
jective. In the fabrication of machine. For a design engineer it is must that he be
familiar with the effect, which the manufacturing process and heat treatment have

on the properties of materials. The Choice of material for engineering purposes

depends upon the following factors:
1. Availability of the materials.
2. Suitability of materials for the working condition in service.
3. The cost of materials.
4. Physical and chemical properties of material.
5. Mechanical properties of material.
The mechanical properties of the metals are those, which are associated with the
ability of the material to resist mechanical forces and load. We shall now discuss
these properties as follows:
A. Strength B. Elasticity
C. Stress D. Plasticity
E. Stress F. Ductility
G. Brittleness H. Malleability
I. Toughness J. Resilience
When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high temperature for long period
Of time, it will undergo a slow and permanent deformation called creep. This
property is considered in designing internal combustion engines, boilers and tur-
It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide verity of meanings. It
embraces many different properties such as resistance to wear scratching, deform-

ation and mach inability etc. It also means the ability of the metal to cut another
metal. The
hardness is usually expressed in numbers, which are dependent on the method of
making the test.
The hardness of a metal may be determined by the following test.

1. Brinell hardness test

2. Rockwell hardness test

3. Vickers hardness (also called diamond pyramid) test and
4. Share scaler o scope.
In engineering practice, the machine parts are subjected to various
forces, which may be due to either one or more of the following.
1. Energy transmitted
2. Weight of machine
3. Fictional resistance
4. Inertia of reciprocating parts
5. Change of temperature
6. Lack of balance of moving parts
The selection of the materials depends upon the various types of stresses that are
set up during operation.
The material selected should with stand it. Another criterion for selection of metal
depends upon the type of load because a machine part resist load more easily than
a live load and live load more easily than a shock load.
Selection of the material depends upon factor of safety, which in turn depends
upon the following factors.
1. Reliabilities of properties

2. Reliability of applied load

3. The certainty as to exact mode of failure

4. The extent of simplifying assumptions
5. The extent of localized
6. The extent of initial stresses set up during manufacturing
7. The extent loss of life if failure occurs
8. The extent of loss of property if failure occurs


In system design wemainlyconcentrated on thefollowingparameters:-

1) Systemselection based onphysical constraints

Whileselectingany machineitmustbecheckedwhetheritisgoingtobeusedina
large-scaleindustry orasmall-scale industry. Inourcaseitistobeusedby asmall-
scaleindustry. So spaces majorconstrain. Theystemistobevery compacts that
it can be adjusted tocornerofa room.

Themechanicaldesignhas directorswiththe systemdesign. Hencetheforemost

jobis to control thephysicalparameters, so that thedistinctions obtained after
mechanical designcan bewell fitted into that.

2) ArrangementofVarious Components:

Keepingintoviewthespacerestrictionsthecomponentsshouldbelaid suchthat
theireasy removalorservicingispossible. Moreoverevery component should be eas-
ily seen none should be hidden Every possible spaceisutilized in component ar-

3) Components of System:

Asalready statedthesystemshouldbecompactenoughsothatitcanbe a Com-
mon date data corner of aroom All the moving part should be well closed & com-
pact. A compact system desingivesa high weighted structure hitch is desired.

4) ManMachineInteraction:

Thefriendlines ofamachinewiththeoperatorthatisoperating isanimportant

criterionofdesign.Itistheapplicationofanatomicall& psychologicalprinciplesto
solveproblemsari singfromMan–Machinerelationship.

5)Chances ofFailure

Thelossesincurred by ownerincaseofany failureareimportantcriteriaof

design.Factorsafety whiledoingmechanicaldesigniskepthighsothatthere are
lesschancesof failure. Moreover periodic maintenance isrequiredtokeep unit

6)Servicing Facility

Thelayoutofcomponentsshouldbesuchthateasy servicingispossible. Espe-

cially thosecomponentswhichrequirefrequentsservicingcanbeeasily disassembled.


Arrangementshouldbeprovidedtoexpandthe scope of workinfuture. Such as-

tocoverthe machinemotoroperated;thesystemcanbeeasily configured torequire-


For ease andcomfortofoperator the heightomachine shouldbe properly decidedso-

thathemay notget tiredduringoperation.

The totalweightdependsupontheselectionof materialcomponentsaswellas
thedimensionofcomponents. Ahigherweightedmachineisdifficultin transporta-
tion& incaseofmajorbreakdown;itisdifficultto takeitto workshop becauseofmore-

This section describes certain items that must be calculated to find the optimum
motor for a particular application. Selection procedures and examples are given.

Figure 01 Motor Selection Flow Chart

● First, determine certain features of the design, such as drive mechanism, rough

dimensions, distances moved, and positioning period.

● Confirm the required specifications for the drive system and equipment (stop
accuracy, position holding, speed range, operating voltage, resolution, durability,

● Calculate the value for load torque, load inertia, speed, etc. at the motor drive
shaft of the mechanism. Refer to page 3 for calculating the speed, load torque
and load inertia for various mechanisms.

● Select a motor type from AC Motors, Brushless DC Motors or Stepping Mo-

tors based on the required specifications.

● Make a final determination of the motor after confirming that the specifications
of the selected motor/gearhead satisfy all of the requirements (mechanical
strength, acceleration time, acceleration torque etc.).

7.4 Design of Frame

The Frame fabricated for our project which is made up of M.S.It is welded ac-
cordingly for arrangement of the system components. The Frame along with di-
mension is shown in figure below:

Frame Specification:

 Size of Frame: 1000 x 350 mm

 Material of Frame: Mild Steel
 Unloaded Weight of Frame: 2.65 kg o
 Loaded weight of frame: 9.7 kg

3.2 Force Calculation

By lever principal: 32 × 1.9 = 8 x A 60.8 ÷ 8 = A

A = 7.6 kg A = 74.556 N.

Applying Pascals law:

i.e., “Pressure exerted on a confined liquid is transmitted undiminished in all dir-

ections and acts at right angles with equal force on all areas of the container”.


P = 74.556 † [(π/4) × (12.7)2]

P = 0.588 N/mm2

Cantilever Beams are members that are supported from a single point only; typic-
ally with a Fixed Support. In order to ensure the structure is static, the support
must be fixed; meaning it is able to support forces and moments in all directions.

Sample Cantilever Beam equations can be calculated from the following formu-
lae, where:

Bending stress formula

σ= Where , σ = bending stress

M = bending moment (which is calculated by multiplying a force by the distance
between the point of interest and the force), 

y= The distance from the neutral axis

I=Moment of inertia.

1.Cantilever Beams at square section

Fig.Cantilever Beams at square section

 Load(W) = 250N
 Member Length(L) =300 mm
 Thickness(T) = 1.5 mm
 The distance from the neutral axis (y) =12.5 mm
 Width (B) = 25 mm
 Depth (D) = 25 mm

For Circular hollow section

25∗25 3 22.5∗22.53
I= −
12 12

I =390625−256289.0625


Y=12.5 mm

MA -250*300 =0

MA= 75000



σ =82.09 N/mm2

Working Model of the Project:

This concept is driven by solar energy. Components involvedin this concept

are solar panel, battery, charge controller, battery, inverter, blower, ceramic
slabs and cooling pads. Solar panel is employed to convert sun light into electrical
energy by means of photovoltaic effect. The generated electrical energy is sup-
plied to the battery for storage purpose through charge controller which pre-
vents from power fluctuations. As AC blower is used for cooler, so need to
convert DC load from the battery to AC load by the help of inverter. Inverter con-
verts DC load to AC. Load, now AC power can be supplied to the blower. This
blower is surrounded by cooling pads through which continuous water supply is

When the blower is switched ON, blower sucks atmospheric air into the
cabin through the cooling pads, mean time heat transfer occur between water and
air, so the cool air enters into the room thus providing required thermal comfort


The main components of the solar powered grass cutter are,

1. Solar panels

Photovoltaic solar panels absorb sunlight as a source of energy to generate electri-

city. A photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged, connected assembly of typically
6x10 photovoltaic solar cells. Photovoltaic modules constitute the photovoltaic ar-
ray of a photovoltaic system that generates and supplies solar electricity in com-
mercial and residential applications.

The most common application of solar energy collection outside agriculture
is solar water heating systems.

Theory and construction

Photovoltaic modules use light energy (photons) from the Sun to generate electri-
city through the photovoltaic effect. The majority of modules use wafer-
based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells. The structural (load carrying)
member of a module can either be the top layer or the back layer. Cells must also
be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. Most modules are rigid, but
semi-flexible ones based on thin-film cells are also available. The cells must be
connected electrically in series, one to another.

A PV junction box is attached to the back of the solar panel and it is its output in-
terface.Externally, most of photovoltaic modules use MC4 connector’s type to fa-
cilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. Also, USB power
interface can be used.

Module electrical connections are made in series to achieve a desired output

voltage or in parallel to provide a desired current capability (amperes). The con-
ducting wires that take the current off the modules may contain silver, copper or
other non-magnetic conductive transition metals. Bypass diodes may be incorpor-
ated or used externally, in case of partial module shading, to maximize the output
of module sections still illuminated.

Some special solar PV modules include concentrators in which light is focused

by lenses or mirrors onto smaller cells. This enables the use of cells with a high
cost per unit area (such as gallium arsenide) in a cost-effective way.

Solar panels also use metal frames consisting of racking components, brackets, re-
flector shapes, and troughs to better support the panel structure.

The lead–acid battery was invented in 1859 by French physicist Gaston
Planté and is the oldest type of rechargeable battery. Despite having a very low
energy-to-weight ratio and a low energy-to-volume ratio, its ability to supply
high surge currents means that the cells have a relatively large power-to-weight

These features, along with their low cost, make them attractive for use in motor
vehicles to provide the high current required by automobile starter motors.

As they are inexpensive compared to newer technologies, lead–acid batteries are

widely used even when surge current is not important and other designs could
provide higher energy densities. In 1999 lead–acid battery sales accounted for 40–
45% of the value from batteries sold worldwide excluding China and Russia, and
a manufacturing market value of about $15 billion. [8] Large-format lead–acid
designs are widely used for storage in backup power supplies in cell phone
towers, high-availability settings like hospitals, and stand-alone power systems.
For these roles, modified versions of the standard cell may be used to improve
storage times and reduce maintenance requirements. Gel-cells and absorbed
glass-mat batteries are common in these roles, collectively known as VRLA
(valve-regulated lead–acid) batteries.

The electrical energy produced by a discharging lead–acid battery can be attrib-

uted to the energy released when the strong chemical bonds of water (H2O) mo-
lecules are formed from H+ ions of the acid and O2- ions of PbO2.[9] Conversely,

during charging the battery acts as a water-splitting device, and in the charged
state the chemical energy of the battery is mostly stored in the acid.

In the discharged state both the positive and negative plates become lead(II)
sulfate (PbSOand the electrolyte loses much of its dissolved sulfuric acid and be-
comes primarily water. The discharge process is driven by the pronounced reduc-
tion in energy when 2 H+(aq) (hydrated protons) of the acid react with O 2- ions
of PbO2 to form the strong O-H bonds in H2O (ca. -880 kJ per 18 g of water).
 This highly exergonic process also compensates for the energetically unfavor-
able formation of Pb2+(aq) ions or lead sulfate (PbSO
4 (s)).[9]

Negative plate reaction

Pb(s) + HSO−
4 (aq) → PbSO
4 (s) + H+
(aq) + 2e− The release of two conducting electrons gives the lead electrode
a negative charge

As electrons accumulate they create an electric field which attracts hydrogen ions
and repels sulfate ions, leading to a double-layer near the surface. The hydrogen
ions screen the charged electrode from the solution which limits further reaction
unless charge is allowed to flow out of electrode.

Positive plate reaction
2 (s) + HSO−
4 (aq) + 3H+
(aq) + 2e− → PbSO
4 (s) + 2H
2 O(l)

taking advantage of the metallic conductivity of PbO

2. The total reaction can be written as

Pb(s) + PbO
2 (s) + 2H
2 SO
4 (aq) → 2PbSO
4 (s) + 2H

2 O(l)   = 2.05 V

The net energy released per mol (207 g) of Pb(s) converted to PbSO
4 (s), or per 36 g of water formed, is ca. 400 kJ. The sum of the molecular masses
of the reactants is 642.6 g/mol, so theoretically a cell can produce two faradays of
charge (192,971 coulombs) from 642.6 g of reactants, or 83.4 ampere-hours per
kilogram (or 13.9 ampere-hours per kilogram for a 12-volt battery). For a 2 volts
cell, this comes to 167 watt-hours per kilogram of reactants, but a lead–acid cell
in practice gives only 30–40 watt-hours per kilogram of battery, due to the mass
of the water and other constituent parts.

High speed DC Motor Type – 12 volt geared DC motor:

DC motor is any of a category of electrical machines that converts electricity

wattage into mechanical power. The foremost common varieties have confidence
the forces made by magnetic fields.

Metal frame


Grinding isan abraisemachining processthat usesa grindingwheel as the cut-

Awidevarietyofmachines areused forgrinding:

 Hand-crankedknife-sharpeningstones(grindstones)

 Handheldpowertools suchasangle grinders and diegrindoers.

 Variouskindsofaxpensive industrial machinetoolscalledgrindingmachines

 Benchgrinders

Grinding practiceisallergen diverse is of manufacturing and toolmaking.

It can produce very fine finishes and very accurate dimensions; yet in
massproduction contexts it can also rough out large volumes of metal quite
rapidly. It is useally better suited to other machining gofvery hard materials
than is “regular” machining (that is, cutting larger chips with cutting tools
such as tool bits or millingcutters), anduntil recent decades it was the only
practical way to machine suchmaterials as hardened steels. Compared to "reg-
ular" machining, It is usually better suited to taking very shallow cuts such as
reducing as shaft’s diameter by half a thousandthsof an inch or 12.7pm.


Grinding is a subset of cutting, as grinding is a true metal-cutting process. Each

grain of abrasive functions as a microscopic single-point cutting edge (although
of high negative rake angle), and shears a tiny chip that is analogous to what

Would conventionally be called cut” chip (turning, Milling, dring, tapping, etc).

However, among people who work in the machining fields, the term cutting is
oftenundertoodtorefertothemacroscopiccuttingoperations,and grinding isoften-
mentally categorized as a "separate" process. This is why the terms are usually
usedseparatelyin shop-floor practice.Lappingand sandingaresubsets of grinding.

Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually-
metals or thermo plastics. By causing fusion, which is inct from lower temperat-
ure matal joining techniques such as brazing and soldering. Which don’t melt
the base metal. In additionto melting the base metal, a filler material istypically
addedtothejointtoformApollofmoltenmaterial(theweldpool)thatcools to form a
joint that, based on weld configuration (butt, full penetration, fillet,etc.), can be
stronger than the base material (parent metal). Pressure may also be usedin con-
junction with heat, or by itself, to produce a weld. Welding also requires a form
of shield to protect the filler metal so melted metals from being contaminated do


Althoughless moon, therealso solid state welding process such as friction weld-
ing in which the base metal done not melt.

Someofthebest known weldingmethods include:

 Oxy-fuel welding – also known as oxyacetylene welding or oxy welding,uses

fuelgases andoxygen toweld andcut metals.
 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) – also known as "stick welding" or "elec-
tricwelding", uses an electrode that is coated in flux to protect the weld puddle.
Theelectrode holder holdsthe electrode asitslowly melt’saway. Slag protects-
theweldpuddlefrom atmorphemiccontamination.
 GasTungstonerwelding (GTAW)–alsoknownasTIG(tungsten,inertgas),uses a
non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area ispro
Tested from atmospheric contamination by an in ethic eliding gas such as argon
or he Liam.
 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) – commonly termed MIG (metal, inert gas),
usesa wire feeding gun that feeds wire at an adjustable speed and flows an ar-
gon-based shielding gas or a mix of argon and carbon dioxide (CO2) over the
weldpuddleto protect it fromatmosphericcontamination.
 Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) – almost identical to MIG welding except it
usesa special tubular wire filled with flux; it can be used with or without shield-
ing gas,dependingon the filler.

 Submerged arc welding (SAW) – uses an automatically fed consumable elec-
trodeand a blanket of granular fusible flux. The molten weld and the arc zone
areprotected from atmospheric contamination by being "submerged" under the
flux blanket.
 Electros log welding(ESW)- a highly productive, single as welding process for
thicker materials between 1 inch (25 mm) and 12 inches (300 mm) in a vertical
or close to vertical position.
 Electric resistance welding (ERW) – a welding process that produces coales-
cenceof lyingsurfaceswhereheattoformtheweldsgenerated by theelectrical res-
istance of the material. In general, an efficient method, but limited to relativ-

Many different energy sources can be used for welding, including a gas flame,
anelectricarc,a laser, an electron beam, Friction, and ultrasound. While of tenant
industrial process, welding may be per formalin any differentness
cluding in open air under water, and in outer space. Welding is hazard do us un-
der taking and pre cautions are required to avoid burns, electric shock, vision
damage, inhalation of poisonous gases and fumes, and exposure to intense ultra
viol eradiation.


Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut a hole of circular cross-
section in solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often
multi-point. The bit is pressed against the work-piece and rotated at rates from
hundreds tothousands of revolutions per minute. This forces the cutting edge

Against the work-piece,cuttingoff chips from thehole as it is drilled.

In rock drilling, the hole is usually not made through a circular cutting mo-
tion, thoughthe bit is usually rotated. Instead, the hole is usually made by
hammering a drill bitintotheholewithquicklyrepeatedshortmovements


1. Low cost.
2. Improves parking experience in hills.
3. Very compact.
4. Emergency stop and start is possible.
5. Sensing can be easily done using sensors.
6. Reduces the manual interaction.



1. Solar panel watt 1250

2. Battery 12 volt 8 amp 180

3. High Speed dc Motor 450

4. Fan 110

6. Heat sink 350

7. Wiring 125


In this overview, we built up a Green AC working effect.

The prepared model of solar cell driven cooling system was designed and
tested experimentally. The following valuable information regarding an envir-
onmental friendly cooling device is obtained.

1. This air conditioning unit does not produce any harmful green house and
ozone depleting gasses.
2. It uses solar energy as a power source so it does not need conventional elec-
tricity which is produced from polluting thermal power plants.
3. This system is compact as compared to conventional air conditioning sys-
4. This system is free from bulky components like condenser and evap-
orator as this air condition unit does not run on conventional thermody-
namic cycles.
5. Noiseless operation and can be used as both winter and summer air condi-
tioning unit
6. Conclusions: We would conclude that, The Solar Air Cooler Cum Heater is
a model of minimum investment providing both heating andcooling effect as
required. The easy displacement of the model can be achieved. The use of
renewable resources like solar energy helps in maintaining eco-friendly at-

7. References :

[1] Vijay Kumar Kalwa, R Prakash, 2012, “Design and development of solar
power air cooler”, International Journal of Science and research (IJSR), ISSN:

[2] Akhilesh Yadav, RajatKumarBachan, DattaprasadTendolkar, SankeshTorstar,

“Design and fabrication of 360 cooler cum Heater’’, International Research Journal
of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2018.

[3] S. A. ABDALLA, KAMAL N. ABDALLA “A radiant air-conditioning system

using solar driven liquid desiccant evaporative water cooler.” (Journal of Engineer-
ing Science and research-2016).

[4] Maneesh Bhardwaj, “SOLAR AIR COOLING”, International Research Journal

of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2012.

[5] Adarsh Mohan Dixit, Arjit Raj Sahu Students, Malwa Institute of Technology
Indore, “Water cooler double purpose: to produce cold and hot water simultan-
eously.”(IJEH-International Journalof Engineering and Humanities.)

[6] R Sai Lavanya, Dr.B.S.R.Murthy, “DESIGN OF SOLAR WATER COOLER


ternational journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies).


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