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Information And Technology In Business



Submitted To: Submitted By:

Name: Ayush Pathania

Professor /Asst. Professor Class: BBA 1ST Year M1 Batch
Enrolment no:

S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

1 Create a Document containing text that should be properly aligned 10

with proper format. Use the “Replace All” option in Find and
Replace to replace each instance of some word. Save and Protect
your document.

2 List down different components of computer along with their

functionality & then sort its sequence & apply at least 5 different

3 Create a document containing computers basic including

advantages, disadvantages using header, footer, indentation etc.

4 Create an invitation card for the fresher’s party using the clip art
facility of MS-Word

5 Create the Block diagram of Computer using drawing facility of MS


6 Insert a 7-column, 6-row table to create a calendar for the current


a. Enter the names of the days of the week in the first row of
the table.
b. Centre the day names horizontally and vertically.
c. Change the font and font size as desired.
d. Insert a row at the top of the table.
e. Merge the cells in the row and enter the current month
and year using a large font size.
f. Shade the row.
g. Enter and right-align the dates for the month in the
appropriate cells of the table.
h. Change the outside border to a more decorative border.
Identify two important dates in the calendar and shade
7 Create a table in MS-Word with the following entries S.No, PID,
PName, Price per Unit, No of Units and Total Cost and apply the
following operations on it

1) Calculate the Product in Total Cost Column.

2) Calculate the total cost of all the products.
3) Count the no of items (apply function on PID).
4) Find the minimum price per unit.
5) Find the maximum No of units.
8 Create a 5-page document containing pages like Introduction to
Computers, Block Diagram, Applications, Input-Output Devices and
Assignments done. Use hyperlinks. Insert Bookmarks.
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

9 Write 10 mathematics equations.

10 Create the resume using the resume Template facility and write
down the steps for the same

11 Make a table of contents for the 5 page Document created in

Assignment 8

12 Send the Fresher’s Party Invitation Card created above to 5

different People using Mail Merge. Write steps corresponding to it

13 Count the number of characters (with & without space), word,

pages, paragraph, and lines using word count facility of M.S. Word

14 Create a macro using Keyboard .Write steps of the same

15 Check the spelling and grammar in an existing document and it

should be properly aligned with proper format

16 What is computer? List its advantages and disadvantages and apply

the following:

a. Bullets on Advantages
b. Numbering on Disadvantages
c. Shade the definition of Computer and Highlight the word
d. Format the definition to Cambria Font Style and 14 Size
e. Apply Format Painter on Advantages to make it same as
f. Clear the formatting of Definition
g. Increase the space between lines and make line spacing
h. Increase the space between characters and make it 2 pts.
i. Strike through the first disadvantage.
j. Change the cases as follows:
1. Heading of Definition-Uppercase
2. Heading of Advantages- Lowercase
3. Heading of Disadvantages- Toggle Case
4. Definition- Sentence Case
5. Advantages- Capitalize each word
k. Double Underline all the Headings
l. Display Hidden Characters
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

17 Create a document containing brief introduction of IITM, Vision,

Mission and Courses Offered and perform the following:

i. Insert a Cover Page

j. Insert Page Break before Vision, Mission and Courses
k. Drop Cap First Letter of all the Explanations.
l. Insert Date and Time at the starting of the Document.
m. Set margins of all sides to 1.25 each.
n. Arrange the document in both orientations.
o. Divide the courses offered in 2 Columns.
p. Insert Line Numbers.
q. Insert a Foot note for IIT at first page
r. Insert an end note for address on first Page
18 Perform the following:

a. Find the meaning of word ’Computer’ in MS Word

b. Find the Synonym for word ‘Organization’
c. Translate the word ‘Organization’ in Hindi
d. Add Comment to the time for Birthday party
e. Implement Track Changes in Birthday party invitation.
f. Show the changes done above in balloons.
g. Show the use of Arrange All by opening multiple
h. Split your current Working window in two parts
i. Switch to another document by using Switch Windows
19 Create a spreadsheet of the purchases made by a customer in a
super mart having the following fields:

● Product ID
● Product Name
● Product type(food, clothes, toys etc)
● Quantity
● Price per unit
Note: All the field names should be bold and underlined. Also
Insert Borders to the spreadsheet.

For the spreadsheet created above, find the total bill,

using the auto sum facility of Ms Excel.
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

20 Create a spreadsheet having fields: as Roll No, Student Name,

Subject1, Subject 2, Subject 3,Subject 4, Subject 5 . Now design a
student performance report using Conditional formatting in M.S.
Excel the following specifications:

• Greater than
• Less than
• Equal to
• Between
• Data bar
• Color Scales
Also perform wrap text on Name, orientation on all the
headings and merge cells operation.

21 Create a record of ten students consisting of, name, course

and marks in two subjects(M1,M2),total and percentage and
perform the following operations:

• Sort the records in ascending order of marks M1

• Sort the record according to descending order of
• Round off percentage to one decimal place
• Convert the percentage in text
• Apply filter on course field
22 Create a spreadsheet for Student Performance Report of 2 students
containing date of exam, day of Exam, Subject and Marks

● Fill Date and day using Fill Series Facility.

Also create the Column Chart for above and apply:

• Chart title
• Axis
• Fill Color
• Border color
• Shape effects
• Size
23 Draw the Line Chart and Pie Chart for the sales report of the ABC
Pvt. Ltd of 5 Products for last 3 years in M.S. Excel and explore the
following properties :

● Legend
● Data Label
● Axes
● Gridlines
24 Create the Pivot Chart for the sales of Computer Hardware of KCL
Pvt. Ltd for 3 Years.
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

25 Create a Bar graph for 5 states for 3 years depicting the literacy
rate. For the graph created above perform the following

• Switch Row/column,
• Change it to column chart

26 Create the student grade (Roll No, Name, Percentage), Assign

Grades (A (>90), B(>75), C(>50) & D) using IF and IF Else condition
in M.S. Excel.

● Now using the conditional formatting fill the A

grade as -pink, B grade as blue, C grade as yellow
and D grade as Red.
● Also Split the roll No in 4 parts (Roll No, Batch,
course, year) and Name in 2 parts (First and Last
Name) and remove duplicate course

27 Create a record of Bank consisting of the following columns:

• Customer id
• Customer Name
• Principle Deposited
• Rate of Interest
• Time
Now for the above table

(i) Find the interest earned by each customer. Each

customer must earn minimum interest of
Rs5000, by changing the value of time period for
which money must be deposited
(ii) Change the minimum interest to Rs 10000 by
changing the value of Principle.
(iii) Apply Freeze Panes
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

28 Create a record of BBA(1ST Sem) consisting of the following fields:

• Name
• Date of birth
• Age
• Marks
• Remarks
For the above record, apply data validation.

For the records above, protect your worksheet by providing


• Hide/unhide cells.
• Allow users to select columns
• Allow users to sort cells
• Don’t allow users to delete cells
• Don’t allow users to format cells.

29 Create a record of 25 students having fields: Enrolment no,

Name, Age and Aggregate Marks. Now perform the

Sort the details of student on the basis of name.

Filter all the students where age is > 20.

Filter all students where name begins with ‘a’.

30 Perform and analyse the following mathematical


Sum Abs cos subtotal

Product mod tan

Round power floor

Roundup square root ceiling

Trunk sin roman

31 Perform and analyse the following text functions:

left replace text

right find replace

mid concatenate search

upper proper exact

lower trim clean

S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

32 Perform and analyse the following Date and Time functions:

date now

day second

hour year

minute workday

month week number

33 Perform and analyse the following Financial functions:






34 Perform and analyse the following Statistical functions:


Count, Count if





35 Create a sheet of coffee shop depicting its sales. For this sheet:

a. Maintain 3 different scenarios as Worst, Ideal minimum.

b. Create a summary sheet.
36 Create a presentation on Types of Memory and Apply the following

a) Insert a blank slide and draw memory classification using

Organization Chart
b) Compare RAM & ROM using Comparison Layout
c) Insert hyperlinks on the types of Memory that opens new
slides for it.
S.No Name of Practical Page No. Remarks

37 Create a presentation on types of Operating Systems and apply the


a) Apply any one theme

b) Apply the animation effects
c) Change transition speed to slow.
d) Apply automatic time duration to all Slides
38 Create a presentation on Components of Computer System and
perform the following:

a) Apply Rehearse Timing

b) Apply the different slide show options
c) Protect the presentation to restrict unauthorized access.
39 Create a presentation showing use of Photo Album

40 Create a presentation to show the use of Motion Path by moving

any object

AIM: Create a document containing text that should be properly aligned with proper format.
Use the “Replace All” option in Find and Replace to replace each instance of some word.
Save and Protect your document.
Steps To Create Word Document:

1) Create Document
2) Go to home tab
3) Select “Find and Replace” option
4) Write the word in “Find what” and “Replace with”
5) Click the “Replace All” option
6) Then click on “File” option and then click “Save As”
7) Then click on “Tools” and select “General Options”
8) Enter “Password to open” and “Password to modify”
9) Then click “Ok”

Aim: List down different components of computer along with their functionality and then
sort its sequence and apply at least 5 different styles.

Steps For Creating The Document:

1) Open MS Word

2) Type The Content

3) Implement Different Styles


Aim: Create a document containing computers basic including advantages, disadvantages

using header, footer etc.
Steps to Create Document:-

1. Create a Word Document

2. Click on Insert tab

3. Click on ‘Header’ to create a header

4. Click on ‘Footer’ to create a footer


AIM: Create An Invitation Card For The Fresher’s Party Using The Clip Art Facility Of MS-

Steps how to create:-

1. Create a Word document

2. Click on insert tab

3. Click on ‘word art’ to apply an art to your Heading

4. Click on ‘page color’ to apply color on the page

5. The click on ‘page border’ to apply border to your document

6. From the insert option select shape of your choice to make your card attractive

7. Write VENUE, DATE & TIME.


AIM:- Create the Block diagram of Computer using drawing facility of MS Word.

AIM:- Insert a 7-column, 6-row table to create a calendar for the current month.

 Enter the names of the days of the week in the first row of the table.

 Centre the day names horizontally and vertically.

 Change the font and font size as desired.

 Insert a row at the top of the table.

 Merge the cells in the row and enter the current month and year using a large font

 Shade the row.

 Enter and right-align the dates for the month in the appropriate cells of the table.

 Change the outside border to a more decorative border. Identify two important dates
in the calendar and shade them.

1. Create A Word Document

2. Click on insert tab

3. Then click on ‘table’

4. A Dialogue box will appear

5. Select the number of rows and columns to create a table

6. Add dates & days to the columns

7. Add an additional column at the top and merge it to write the month and year.

8. Shade the row.

9. Enter and right align the dates for the month in the appropriate cells of the table.

10. Change the outside border. Identify two important dates in the calendar and shade

AIM:- Create a table in MS-Word with the following entries S.No, PID, PName, Price per
Unit, No of Units and Total Cost and apply the following operations on it

1. Calculate the Product in Total Cost Column.

2. Calculate the total cost of all the products.
3. Count the no of items (apply function on PID).
4. Find the minimum price per unit.
5. Find the maximum No of units.

 Go to ‘insert’ tab. Click on table option to create a table.

 Put the data on the table.
 Then go on ‘layout’ tab.
 Click on formulae and then find out minimum in P1 and P3.
 Then find out maximum in P2 & P5.
 Now find the sum of total cost obtained.
 Now in layout tab click on convert to text option.
 Select tab and press okay.

AIM:- Create a 5-page document containing pages like Introduction to Computers, Block
Diagram, Applications, Input-Output Devices and Assignments done. Use hyperlinks. Insert

 Open word document

 Create five word document

 Create an additional word document for hyperlink

 Select the content

 Open insert tab

 Click on hyperlink

 Select those word documents one by one to create hyperlink.

 Create a new word document.

 Go to ‘insert’ tab. Click on bookmark option.

 Select the page or text you want to bookmark. Then click ‘add’.

AIM:- Write 10 mathematics equations.
Steps to create equations:-
 Create a word document.
 Go to Insert tab.
 Click on ‘equation’ option to create equations.

AIM:- Create the resume using the resume Template facility and write down the steps for the

 Select file tab and click on new.

 Insert a new resume from resume and sample templates option.


AIM:- Make a table of contents for the 5 page Document created in Assignment 8.

 Select Reference Tab and Click on Table Of Content Option.


AIM:- Send the Fresher’s Party Invitation Card created above to 5 different People using
Mail Merge. Write steps corresponding to it.

 Go to ‘mailings’ tab.

 Click on select recipients. Then type new list.

 Then after typing the contents of the new list, click on insert merge field.

 After that merge it to a new document.


AIM:- Count the number of characters (with & without space), word, pages, paragraph, and
lines using word count facility of M.S. Word.

 Create a document on MS word.

 Then click on reviews tab.

 Go to “word count”

 Check the number of characters, words, pages, paragraphs and lines.


AIM:- Create a macro using Keyboard .Write steps of the same.


 Go to view tab.

 On ‘macros’ option.

 Click ‘record macro’.

 Enter ‘macro name’ then click on ‘keyboard’ option.

 Click ok.

 Assign the shortcut key.

 Write the content.

 Then go to macros and click on stop recording.

 Use the shortcut key to apply the macro.


AIM:- Check the spelling and grammar in an existing document and it should be properly
aligned with proper format
 Create a document on MS word.

 Then click on reviews tab.

 Go to “spelling &grammar” to correct the spelling mistakes and grammatical


What is computer? List its advantages and disadvantages and apply the following:
1. Bullets on Advantages
2. Numbering on Disadvantages
3. Shade the definition of Computer and Highlight the word Computer
4. Format the definition to Cambria Font Style and 14 Size
5. Apply Format Painter on Advantages to make it same as definition
6. Clear the formatting of Definition
7. Increase the space between lines and make line spacing 1.5.
8. Increase the space between characters and make it 2 pts.
9. Strike through the first disadvantage.
10. Change the cases as follows:

1. Heading of Definition-Uppercase
2. Heading of Advantages- Lowercase
3. Heading of Disadvantages- Toggle Case
4. Definition- Sentence Case
5. Advantages- Capitalize each word

1. Double Underline all the Headings

2. Display Hidden Characters

Check the spelling and grammar in an existing document and it should be properly aligned
with proper format.

 Go to ‘home’ tab.
 Click on bullets option. Apply bullets on advantages.
 Then click on numbering option and apply on disadvantages.
 Use the shade option and shade the definition of computer and highlight the word
 Change the font to ‘Cambria’ and font size to 14.
 Apply format painter on advantages.
 Change the line spacing to 1.5.
 Increase the space between characters and make it 2pts.
 Strike through the first disadvantages.
 Apply cases like uppercase, lowercase, toggle case, sentence case etc.
 Double underline all the headings.
 Display hidden characters.


 Go to insert option.
 Select cover page option.
 Choose insert and select drop cap option.
 Choose insert and select date and time.
 Choose page layout and select margins.
 Choose page layout and select orientation.
 Choose page layout and select columns.
 Choose page references then select footnote after that endnote.

AIM: Perform the following:

 Find the meaning of word ’Computer’ in MS Word Dictionary

 Find the Synonym for word ‘Organization’

 Translate the word ‘Organization’ in Hindi

 Add Comment to the time for Birthday party invitation.

 Implement Track Changes in Birthday party invitation.

 Show the changes done above in balloons.

 Show the use of Arrange All by opening multiple Windows

 Split your current Working window in two parts

 Switch to another document by using Switch Windows


 Go to ‘review’ tab. Click on research.

 Find the meaning of word ‘computer’ in MS word dictionary.
 Find the synonym of word ‘organization’.
 Translate the word ‘organization’ in Hindi.
 Click on new comment option.
 Add comment to the time for Birthday party invitation.
 Click on track changes option then Implement track changes in Birthday
Party invitation.
 Click on the balloons option and show the changes done above in
 Show the use of Arrange All by opening multiple windows.
 Split your current Working window in two parts.
 Switch to another document by using Switch Windows.


AIM: Create a presentation on Types of Memory  and Apply the following

1. Insert a blank slide and draw memory classification using Organization Chart
2. Compare RAM & ROM using Comparison Layout
3. Insert hyperlinks on the types of Memory that opens new slides for it.

 Open PowerPoint presentation.

 Go to ‘insert’ tab.

 Click on smart art option then select pyramid shape.

 Go to ‘design’ tab click on text pane option and then add text.

 Write types of memory.


AIM: Create a presentation on types of Operating Systems and apply the following:

 Apply any one theme

 Apply the animation effects

 Change transition speed to slow.

 Apply automatic time duration to all Slides


AIM: Create a presentation on Components of Computer System and perform the


1. Apply Rehearse Timing

2. Apply the different slide show options 
3. Protect the presentation to restrict unauthorized access.

 Click on ‘slideshow’ tab. Then click on rehearse timings.

 Then click on the current slide option.

 Then the custom slide option.

 Then click on save as option.

 Then click on ‘tools’ option. Then general options.

 Then decide password then press ‘ok’.


AIM: Create a presentation showing use of Photo Album 


 Go to ‘insert’ tab.

 Then click on ‘photo album’ option then on new photo album.

 The add photos and click create.


AIM: Create a presentation to show the use of Motion Path by moving any object

 Go to Animation Tab.

 Select motion path

 Select the path on which you want your image to move.

 Press F5 to play the presentation.


AIM: Create a spreadsheet of the purchases made by a customer in a super mart having the
following fields:
 Product ID

 Product Name
 Product type(food, clothes, toys etc)
 Quantity 
 Price per unit

Note: All the field names should be bold and underlined. Also Insert Borders to the

For the spreadsheet created above, find the total bill, using the auto sum facility of Ms Excel.
Make a table consisting of, Product ID, Product Name, Product type, Quantity, Price per

 Make all the field names bold.

 Insert borders on the table.

 Put the formulae to find the total bill.



Create a spreadsheet  having fields: as Roll No, Student Name, Subject1, Subject 2, Subject
3,Subject 4, Subject 5 . Now design a student performance report using Conditional
formatting in M.S. Excel  the following specifications:
 Greater than
 Less than
 Equal to
 Between
 Data bar
 Color Scales

Also perform wrap text on Name, orientation on all the headings and merge cells operation.



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