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Good morning everyone, today we are doing a role play on Akbar and Birbal: list of fools.
Akbar and narrator 5 –Charvi N
Birbal and narrator 6–Manyashree
Ramu and narrator 1 –Anupama
Person2 and narrator 2 –Diya
Person3 and narrator 3 –Kavin Yalini
Yakub and narrator 4 -Ishana
Narrator 1 - Emperor Akbar sometimes comes up with such desires which people would be
surprised to hear. This happened once when Emperor Akbar handed over a task to Birbal. Akbar
asked Birbal to make a list of 6 most foolish people in his kingdom. So let us know about this
Narrator 2 - One day Emperor Akbar was sitting in his court.
Akbar - “I am truly fortunate that we have so many intelligent and promising people. It should be
so because to run the country there is a need of intelligent and promising people. But till date we
have not known who are the most foolish people in our country. I want to know about those
people. That is why I want someone to find these people. “
Narrator 2 - Emperor Akbar wondered if Birbal could do it.
Akbar - “Birbal, will you be able to do this work?”
Birbal - “Yes Huzur, I can do this work but what will I have to do? Can you tell me in depth?” 
Akbar - You must make a list of six fools in our country. Find out these people. I give you one
Birbal - “I understand, but it won’t take me one month to find them. Jahanpnah, I can do it very
Narrator 2 - Saying this, Birbal left the court.
Narrator 3 - He took his horse and rode out of the palace. While he was on the way, a question
was repeatedly arising in his mind, from where would he find out about the six fools?
Narrator 4 - When he was thinking about it, a man sitting on a donkey came towards him and a
bunch of grass was placed on his head. Seeing this, Birbal spoke with him.
Birbal - “Wait. Just come here. What is your name?”
Ramu - “My name is Ramu. I belong to this place.”
Birbal - “Well, why are you keeping this bunch of grass on your head? You can even put it on
the donkey.”
Ramu - “Yes Hazur, I can keep it but I don’t want to put any more burden on it. That’s why I put
it on my head and sat on it.”
Narrator 2 - Hearing this Birbal was laughing. He thought that Ramu was such a foolish man.
Narrator 3 - Birbal understood that Ramu is his first fool for his list. He had found the first stupid
man. Then Birbal said to Ramu,
Birbal - “You seem like a good man. You care so much about animals and for that I will ask for a
reward for you from Emperor Akbar. You will come with me.”
Narrator 4 - Ramu was overjoyed to hear about the reward and he followed Birbal. Then, both
started going forward, after some time they found two men who were fighting between
Birbal - “Stop. Stop. Both of you stop. Why are you fighting?”
2nd person - “He is saying that his lion will eat my cow and I will not let him do it.”
3rd person - “I will order my lion to eat his cow.”
Narrator 1 - Hearing this, Birbal asked both a question,
Birbal - “Okay. But where is the lion and the cow?”
3rd and 2nd fool together- “God is going to give us a cow and a lion as a boon.”
Narrator 3 - In such a situation, Birbal had understood that he had got two more fools. Then he
said to both,
Birbal - “I am happy with both of you trusting God so much. Come with me I will reward you
with Emperor Akbar.”
Narrator 2 - After that, all three men walked behind Birbal.
Narrator 1 - It was late in the night, so Birbal stopped them in his house and told them,
Birbal - “Today, we are late for court and it is night. We cannot meet Emperor Akbar now. That
is why we will have to meet him tomorrow. Rest here all of you. Tomorrow we will go to him.” 
Narrator 2 - Saying this, Birbal left and started walking in the garden. Then he found a person
whose name was Yakub. He was looking for something in the bushes. Birbal asked him,
Birbal - “What are you doing here?”
Yakub - “Looking for my lost ring, Huzur.”
Birbal - “Well, that’s the case. Just tell me where your ring was lost.”
Yakub - “Do you see a big tree on the far side? My ring was lost under that tree. But there is
darkness there, that is why I am finding my ring here, in the light.”
Narrator 2 - Hearing this, Birbal finds his fourth stupid man. He said to the person,
Birbal - “Don’t you worry. I will ask Emperor Akbar to get you a new ring.”
Narrator 4 - The person was incredibly happy to hear this and went with Birbal. As soon as the
sun rose next day, they all went to the court with Birbal.
Narrator 3 - Birbal said to the emperor,
Birbal -  “Jahanpnah, I have found those foolish people.”
Akbar - “Good, so soon! So, tell me, why they are they the most foolish people?” 
Narrator 6 - Birbal narrated the incident that happened to him. After hearing the stories of Birbal,
Emperor Akbar agreed that all four are foolish.
Narrator 2 - But Emperor Akbar had asked to make a list of 6 people. There were only 4 people.
In such a situation, the king asked Birbal, 
Akbar - “Birbal, I had asked you to make a list of 6 people. But here, there are only four people.
Where are the other two?”
Birbal - “Six fools are present here, Huzur. Four are standing here and the fifth fool is me who
went out to find these fools.”
Narrator 4 - Hearing this, the king started laughing and then he asked,
Akbar - “Well and who is the sixth man?”
Birbal - “Sorry to say this Huzur, that sixth fool is you who ordered me to do this!”
Narrator 5 - On hearing this from Birbal, Emperor Akbar started laughing loudly.
Narrator 6 – Seeing this, all the people present in the court started laughing.

MORAL: Every difficult task can be made easy with mind and
cleverness, but one should not waste precious time in such tasks, which
have no meaning.

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